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Demand for top-quality wheat during grain glut
Biosecurity lapses are proving costly By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF
orcine epidemic diarrhea h a s s p re a d to a fifth Manitoba hog barn with devastating effects. “They’re seeing high mortality rates, in the order of 70 to 80 per cent in some cases,” said Andrew Dickson, general manager of the Manitoba Pork Council. “In the feeders barns, they’ve noticed it b e c a u s e i t’s h u r t p r o d u c tion a bit… whereas in the sow barns, they’re noticing mortality.” Some of the affected barns have seen death rates among piglets approaching 100 per
There is good news for quality wheat growers, but not so good news for most other commodities
See PEDV on page 6 »
This year’s crop is smaller than last year’s but it’s still a big crop. Combined with a late harvest and higher-than-usual carry-over from last year, there are more grain bags in use as well as open piles like these oats near Oak Bluff. PHOTO: LAURA RANCE By Meghan Mast Publication Mail Agreement 40069240
rairie farmers who harvested high-quality wheat this year will be among the lucky few able to cash in on a world market sagging under record production, lower quality and a drop in demand from key importers.
“The world has not produced a particularly good crop in terms of quality, so there are some quality premiums in the market,” CWB analyst Bruce Burnett told the final Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural De v e l o p m e n t Cro p Ta l k webinar Oct. 1. “ H i g h - q u a l i t y, h i g h -
protein wheat is looking at prices that are significantly higher than what the futures values are,” he said. For example, he said No. 1 red spring wheat with 15 per cent protein is fetching around $11 per bushel on the cash market in Minneapolis, whereas the Minneapolis contract
is dr ifting below $6 per bushel. And while the prospects of achieving high quality on any remaining unharvested wheat are dropping by the day, Burnett estimated more than half of Canada’s CWRS crop was harvested before See GRAIN GLUT on page 7 »
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A new heritage series » Pg 35
OCTOBER 9, 2014
High mortality in latest PEDv outbreak
PrOfiT frOM MarginS raTHEr THan PaY fOr THEM.