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It’s the Prairies’ best kept secret



Trade deal opens doors – but only for some cattle » PG 3

Old soil-applied herbicides recruited for resistance battle » PG 33

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Alberta unplugged, but concerns remain Alberta elevators are nearing 85 per cent of working capacity, and harvest isn’t over yet

OCTOBER 13, 2014

THE BIG THREE — Experts offer their post-harvest advice Whether it’s in the office or the field, there are some jobs that should be at the top of your to-do list BY ALEXIS KIENLEN AND JENNIFER BLAIR



or many producers, this harvest is going to seem to drag on forever. But, of course, it won’t. The combine will be parked, the farm meetings and shows will get underway, Christmas will come and go, and before you know it, you’re in the shed getting the seeding rig ready. So with that in mind, Alberta Farmer reporters Alexis Kienlen and Jennifer Blair asked six experts a simple question: What are the three big things farmers should attend to once harvest is over? Three want you to get in the office and three say there’s important things in the field to be done. You’ve likely heard most of this advice before, but that’s not the point. Rather, it’s that time slips by and some jobs shouldn’t wait.


s harvest starts to wrap up in some areas of the province, producers can expect their grain to move a little quicker than it did following last year’s record harvest. But they’re not out of the woods yet. “Alberta’s starting to fill up again,” Mark Hemmes, president

SEE HARVEST  page 7

A changed landscape

Before you even call the elevator — much less deliver a load — producers should be getting independent testing of their grain samples, our experts said. FILE PHOTO

Tired of excessive Grain handlinG marGins disGuised as “basis”?

Get those grain samples tested, sharpen your pencil, and shop around for marketing options, said Brenda Tjaden Lepp, co-founder of FarmLink Marketing Solutions. “Get samples tested to get quality results,” said Tjaden Lepp. “Wheat quality really matters to the price, to the value, and to the end-use market, and it really can vary a lot.”

BIG THREE  page 6

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* Participation is limited to accredited investors or those that are otherwise exempt. You do not need to be an FNA Member to participate.

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