2006 JOHN DEERE 4920
2006 CASE IH MXM120
1965 JOHN DEERE 4020
2010 KIOTI DK90
2006 John Deere 4920 Sprayer, 2088hrs, Nice condition sprayer, boom extended to 102'. auto levellin $146,000
2006 Case IH mxm120 pro Tractor, 1905hrs, 95HP, Excellent cond., full power shift,front weights, paint is faded $49,900
1965 John Deere 4020 Tractor, 10860hrs, 91HP, Good looking row crop tractor with power shift transmission, $11,500
2010 Kioti DK90 Tractor, 462hrs, 78HP, Excellent cond., 2 Remotes, MSL Loader, Clean Unit $39,900
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