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Impact already being felt after weeks of rain » PAGE 8

Bed planting new to the province » PAGE 17

JUNE 28, 2012


Are you ready to give up your WeedEx?




Manitobans are heavy users of lawn and garden chemicals By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF


Are U.S. varieties higher yielding?

Loosening standards may mean less consistency and unhappy customers


he provincial government wants public input before deciding whether to ban cosmetic pesticide use in Manitoba. Although pesticides used in agriculture — including insecticides, herbicides and fungicides — aren’t included in consultations, a possible ban on cosmetic pesticides would still have repercussions for farmers, said Doug Chorney, president of Keystone Agricultural Producers. “We need to get all the facts on the table,” said Chorney, a forage seed producer. “A lot of people don’t understand the impact a simple thing like a dandelion outbreak can have on a farmer.” Not controlling dandelions in residential areas can lead to greater outbreaks of the weed in crops, and it makes more sense to develop science-based regulations for cosmetic pesticides instead of banning them, he said. Chorney said his organization isn’t opposed to public discussion on the matter, and agrees there may be overuse of pesticides in some urban areas.



ow that they’ve achieved their goal of ending the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers are training their sights on their next target — the Canadian wheat registration system. In a recent advertisement the WCWGA says farmers should have access to higher-yielding varieties to meet the demand for mid-quality or feed/ethanol markets, and calls for more “flexibility” in the system. That will appeal to the farmers hoping to add some of those famously higheryielding U.S. wheats to their shopping basket on their next trip to North Dakota. But are they, as one farmer at a KAP meeting said a few years ago, famous like a Sasquatch? Everyone has heard of them, but no one has ever seen one. A Canadian Grain Commission scientist says if there’s data showing U.S.

varieties outyield Canadian, he hasn’t seen it. Moreover, David Hatcher warns that tinkering with the system could cost farmers. “We need to make informed choices and decisions,” Hatcher told a June 14 webinar organized by the Farm Leadership Council. “The key operative word there is informed.” Hatcher said the current system ensures customers get what they want, giving Canadian farmers an edge in competitive world markets. “We find ourselves in many cases at a freight disadvantage. Our key attribute we bring to the marketplace is our quality, so we do not want to change that.” American wheats can be grown in Western Canada, but if unregistered receive the lowest grade in the class. However, they can be registered if they successfully go through the three-year testing process, Hatcher noted. Glenn, a milling wheat from North Dakota, is one See VARIETIES on page 6 »

“We need to make informed choices and decisions. The key operative word there is informed.” DAVID HATCHER

CGC Grain Research Laboratory

Publication Mail Agreement 40069240

See CHEMICALS on page 6 »



The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


on the lighter side


Who needs water to take a bath?

Pork exports are on the rise But there is less North American demand


South African student develops waterless cleansing By Enos Phosa johannesburg / reuters



Putting potatoes to bed Farmers are trying it – and liking the results


FEATURE Eye on the sky


How tornadoes are formed


ith inspiration from a friend too lazy to take a shower and a few months of research on the Internet, South African university student Ludwick Marishane has won global recognition for an invention that takes the water out of bathing. Marishane, a 22-year-old student at the University of Cape Town invented a product called DryBath, a clear gel applied to skin that does the work of water and soap. The invention, which won Marishane the 2011 Global Student Entrepreneur of the Year Award, has wide applications in Africa and other parts of the developing world where basic hygiene is lacking and hundreds of millions of people do not have regular access to water. The product differs from the anti-bacterial hand washes by eliminating the heavy alcohol smell. It creates an odourless, biodegradable cleansing film with moisturizers. He came up with the idea as a teenager in his poor rural home in the winter when a friend of his said bathing was too much of a bother, made all the worse by a lack of hot water. “He was lazy and he happened to say, ‘why doesn’t somebody invent something that you can just put on your skin and you don’t have to bathe?’” said Marishane. It was his “eureka” moment.

He then used his web-enabled mobile phone to search through Google and Wikipedia in pursuit of a formula. Six months later, he came up with DryBath and obtained a patent. The product is now manufactured commercially with clients including major global airlines for use on long-haul flights and governments for its soldiers in the field. Marishane also sees it helping conserve water in the poorest parts of the world. “DryBath will go a long way in helping communities.”

Oak Lake School a national champ Students are learning about renewable energy

4 5 9 10

Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets


Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku


11 16 26 30

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For Manitoba Farmers Since 1927 1666 Dublin Avenue

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

CWB announces more handling agreements, Japan sale Farmers can now deliver to the wheat board through 120 elevators across the West and more grain companies are expected to participate By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


hings are starting to look u p f o r t h e Canadian Wheat Board. Last week it announced six more grain companies will handle its grain making it practical for farmers across the West to patronize the board, and it announced a big wheat sale to Japan. Until the new handling agreements were announced June 21 at the Farm Progress Show in Regina, some wondered if t h e “n e w ” p o s t - m o n o p o l y board would be dead on arrival Aug. 1. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, who had been trumpeting a “strong and viable wheat board” in an open market, conceded in an interview on CFAM last week the first year will be tough for the board. Grain companies want to secure as much grain as they can directly from farmers, but he said that was normal in business.

Tools to compete

When asked to comment further Ritz said in an email the government is committed to ensuring the board has the tools to compete in an open market

and is sure the CWB will be “a strong and active player in an open grains market...” The new agreements, which include Viterra, Canada’s biggest grain company, along with former deals with Cargill and South West Ter minal, bring the number of elevators handling board grain to 120. Those facilities represent almost half of the West’s grain-handling capacity, but cover the entire region geographically, said Gord Flaten, the board’s vice-president for grain procurement. Agreements were also struck with Mission Terminal, West Central Road and Rail, Delmar Commodities, Linear Grain and Agro Source. It’s expected the agreement with Viterra will continue if Glencore International buys Viterra, board CEO and president Ian White said. The board also expects to get handling agreements with all the other grain companies, including Richardson, Parrish & Heimbecker and Paterson, by month’s end, he added. “CWB is ready to do business with partners who are committed to helping us serve Prairie farmers and their global grain customers,” White said.

“Farmers should now be able to move ahead and sign CWB contracts with confidence.” Flaten also said the wheat board has struck a deal with Japan to supply it with 50 per cent of the Canada Western Red Spring wheat it will buy during the first half of the new crop year. Typically Japan buys a total of 800,000 to one million tonnes of wheat from Canada annually, he said. “That’s definitely good for CWB and the farmers that participate in our pools,” he said. “That’s a good market. “It’s a good deal for the Japanese because they want to make the transition very carefully as well to make sure they’re going to be well supplied.”

Sign up now

To take advantage of sales to Japan and other markets, the board is urging farmers to contract with its pools right away. Traditionally farmers don’t sign up until after harvest, but now the board must compete with other buyers. Before it can do much forward selling it needs to know how much grain it’s getting, Flaten said. “There’s also no risk for a farmer to sign up early to these

“Farmers should now be able to move ahead and sign CWB contracts with confidence.” IAN WHITE

pools,” Flaten told reporters. “We have an Act of God clause that removes any of the risk for farmers... if they have a production problem like hail damage. They can also change their grades and switch to cash contracts.” Farmers who delay might not get into the pools, especially the early pool that ends Jan. 31, White said. Some companies will handle the board’s cash contracts and others won’t. Farmers who sell on a cash basis to the board can negotiate with different companies to handle the grain, Flaten said. The same applies to pooled grain. “That gives (farmers) some market power to negotiate the best deal they can on handling and freight charges,” he said. White said the handling agreements took longer than predicted because they are new and complex, he said. He declined to say how much mar-

Don’t miss the boat

Make sure your grain is on board. With the flexibility of CWB pool contracts, there’s no reason to wait! n n n n

“Act of God” provisions for CWB pools* Choose your delivery points later Adjust your grades for free* Switch to cash contracts for only $3 per tonne*

Pool size may be limited – sign up now. Contact your local CWB Farm Business Representative (check cwb.ca/fbr) or call 1-800-275-4292.

* before fall sign-up deadlines

Prairie strong, worldwide


ket share the board expects to earn. The board will soon announce its initial payments, White said. In the past they’ve been about 65 per cent of the expected final return. But the new CWB hopes to offer a higher initial payment. The government will guarantee the traditional initial and the board will look at ways to cover the rest. Producer cars will be a big part of the board’s new business, Flaten said. “We have a special contract for them and we expect to be able to handle a large number of tonnes through producer cars.” The board won’t rule out s e n d i n g p ro d u c e r c a r s t o Churchill, but it’s unlikely, he said. Timing producer car arrivals and grade fluctuations make producer cars more difficult to handle at smaller ports, Flaten said. allan@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


Being right can feel wrong


here are times in life when you like to be proven wrong, like when you take your wailing newborn to the hospital emergency ward in the middle of the night fearing something is terribly amiss. In that situation, it’s a huge relief to be told you are mistaken. And there are times when any pleasure that comes from being right are hollow and fleeting, like being able to say “I told you Laura Rance so,” after someone close to you has failed to Editor heed your warning about the dire implications of a proposed course of action. It’s in this context that we view the recent developments in grain marketing in Western Canada. The Federal Court of Appeal has ruled against the farmers and former directors who believe the federal government went about ending the Canadian Wheat Board’s single-desk monopoly in the wrong fashion. Morally, they are correct. Promises were made by previous governments and the Harper government has failed to live up to them. However, barring a successful challenge to the Supreme Court of Canada, the courts so far are siding with parliamentary authority to remove the board’s marketing authority without consulting farmers. This newspaper has always taken the position that moving to the open market will place farmers at a competitive disadvantage. But we have also held the view that Parliament has the power to make these changes. So we are now in the awkward position of wishing we were wrong and taking no pleasure in the words “told you.” Even if this case had been successful, it would not have prompted a change of heart, only a delay in the outcome. So, as of August 1, Canadian farmers have their marketing freedom. For the new CWB, it creates the necessity of negotiating with the grain companies that are now its competition for access to the grain-handling system. Contrary to what some predicted, it has been able to announce negotiated agreements with several handlers to date, and it is optimistic for more. It is a significant achievement and it makes it possible for farmers across the Prairies to deliver, if they choose to continue selling through the board. The board’s only negotiating advantages are its potential for providing increased volume to these companies and its long-standing international connections with customers.

Chicken and egg

But its volume will only be there if farmers choose to participate in the voluntary pools. The board can’t sell grain it doesn’t have, yet until a week ago, farmers didn’t know whether the board would be able to take delivery. The board is stressing farmers can sign up for the pools at no risk and they should do so soon. There is an Act of God clause that gives them an out if they suffer a crop failure and they can readily opt out of the pools for cash contracts. What happens if farmers sign up for the pools and the cash market spikes? If farmers pull out of the pool, the board must enter the cash market to source the volume it needs to fill its sales commitments and then arrange for transportation through the same companies it had to outbid to get the stocks. Even with taxpayer backing over the next five years, it’s not a strong business case. International customers now know they can shop around for the same Canadian quality that was once only available through the board. The board was able to announce a sale to Japan last week, but it’s only for half of CWRS wheat it will buy for the first half of the crop year. That implies the Japanese are being astute — hedging their bets and shopping around. It’s clear that those who pushed so hard to get the CWB out of their way, now have their sights set on the Canadian quality system. Based on evidence that is largely anecdotal, they are calling for access to “higher-yielding” American varieties and less emphasis on quality in favour of better yields. Again, maybe we’ll be proven wrong on this, but it is counterintuitive to suggest that medium-quality milling wheat produced in Western Canada is going to have enough of a yield advantage to make it competitive against mediumquality wheats grown in parts of the world where seasons are longer, the soils are naturally more fertile and they are closer to markets. The Canadian Grain Commission has recently gone on the offensive with webinars and seminars explaining how the varietal system works and why its focus on quality works to Canadian farmers’ advantage in export markets. We’d like to be wrong. But even with these recent accomplishments, the notion of a “strong, viable wheat board,” is a mirage that will disappear in about five years. And the pressure to dismantle Canada’s quality reputation is gaining momentum. laura@fbcpublishing.com


July, 1928


he July, 1928 edition of the The Scoop Shovel, which later became the Co-operator, reported on a new building to be built at 423 Main St. in Winnipeg to house the Winnipeg offices of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Pools and their Central Selling Agency. “By having all our offices in the one building, substantial economies can be effected, especially as we have secured very satisfactory agreements with the lessees,” the article said. The building was later purchased by the Canadian Wheat Board, which built an addition in 1963. The connection between the old and new buildings can be seen in the line above the “excellence” banner in the recent photo. Changes in the building or its tenants are expected — in pre-computerization days the CWB had more than 700 employees, but recently it has been around 400, which is expected to drop to 100 or fewer after the end of the single desk on Aug. 1.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


China’s agricultural future: Adopt developed technologies China is a grudging importer of corn and pork, preferring instead to increase domestic production By Daryll E. Ray and Harwood D. Schaffer



s the most populous nation on Earth, China has intermittently been seen as the solution to the problem created by the ability of U.S. farmers to produce more than they can sell at a profitable price. Sometimes the discussion is focused on cotton; at other times it is corn or soybeans. Today, it is pork — on the hoof that is. A recent Reuters article, provides an explanation for the surge in the import of live pigs into China. From 2002 to 2007, China imported a total of 13,000 head of swine, while from 2008-11, live swine imports totalled 39,000 head — 15,000 in 2011 alone. According to Reuters, China is importing breeding swine, “capitalizing on decades of cutting-edge U.S. agricultural research.” Presently, “the focus on livestock genetics also represents an emerging economic bonanza for two of the most powerful American industries: technology and agriculture. Worldwide, the United States exported a record $664 million worth of breeding stock and genetic material like semen.” Depending on the species, the advanced genetics provides farmers worldwide with better daily rates of gain, better feed conversion rates, and larger litters. While this market is lucrative for farmers who specialize in producing breeding sows and supplying semen from productive animals, it has longterm implications for U.S. meat and grain producers. As U.S. per capita consumption of red meat has declined over the last decade, exports of pork have nearly quadrupled, and beef exports have recovered from

We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: news@fbcpublishing.com (subject: To the editor)

Trees disappearing on the Prairies The site of a well-sheltered farmyard is commonplace across the Prairies. However, many of the farm, wildlife and conservation plantings are getting old and will soon need replacing or upgrading. Unfortunately the federal government feels trees are no longer needed by Prairie people. Next spring the last seedlings for the shelterbelts and other conservation plantings will be distributed by the Agroforestry Centre at Indian Head. The centre will shut down its tree production operation by December 2012 after 110 years of service to Western Canada. The Agroforestry Centre will be sold

the BSE event. This increase in exports has provided a bright spot in an otherwise stagnating market.

Limited future

With potential major markets like China purchasing, not animals for slaughter, but animals with all of the best genetics the U.S. has developed, the future potential of that market begins to look somewhat limited as the Chinese begin to gear up to move hog production out of the backyards of millions of farmers and into modern high-production facilities like those used across much of the U.S. A separate Reuters article “China’s voracious appetite spurs farm expansion,” lists 10 firms in China, some with links to the U.S. meat industry, that are gearing up to use the imported genetics to increase their production and slaughter capacity to meet the growing Chinese demand for meat which has increased by 10 per cent over the last five years. These 10 firms represent both producers of hogs and large-scale meat processors. Even if the U.S. can continue to increase its meat exports to China in the near future, this all-out emphasis on domestic production by the Chinese has to put a damper on the potential for U.S. meat exports. And there is no guarantee that with this genetic jump-start from the U.S., the Chinese will not develop their own genetic research teams, reducing the need for imports of this valuable material. The Reuters article points out that all of the chickens and hogs in China will need corn, providing a poten-

as the federal government wishes to save money and “reduce its footprint” in Western Canada and wants landowners to pay for tree seedlings. The bureaucrats in Ottawa seem to forget that the 8,000 landowners who plant trees each year are partners, who pay the shipping, planting and maintenance costs. The tree planters do not see the benefits of their work for five years or more and are not planting just for themselves but for future generations. Within 50 to 60 years many parts of the Prairies will have few trees left as the existing trees die of old age and are not replanted. It’s a sad thought that our children and grandchildren will live to see the Prairies as they were 100 years ago — flat — all because of a decision made without thought or consultation by bureaucrats in Ottawa. Gord Howe Prairie Tree Planters Indian Head, Sask.

Supports Brazilian royalty challenge How refreshing it is to see that somewhere in the world, there are farmers willing to say to Monsanto and others like them, “Get your hands off my throat” (“Monsanto defends Roundup Ready royalties in Brazil,” June 21). As one who has refused to sign technical use agreements of any kind, and have

tial boon for corn and soybean farmers. As Mike Phillips, president of U.S. Livestock Genetics Export in Salem, Ill. is quoted in the first Reuters article, “‘Genetics and nutrition go hand in hand… The more they use our genetics, the more they’re going to need to import corn from the U.S. and elsewhere.’”

“While this market is lucrative for farmers who specialize in producing breeding sows and supplying semen from productive animals, it has long-term implications for U.S. meat and grain producers.”

The usual assumption on the part of U.S. grain producers is that they will be the major beneficiary of such developments. While there may be some benefit to U.S. grain farmers in the increase in Chinese demand and production of meat there is more to the story. Between 2001 and 2011, the increase in the U.S. corn yield was a paltry 6.6 per cent due to weatherrelated yield loss over the last two years. China on the other hand has seen yields increase by 22 per cent over the same period. In addition while total U.S. corn production has increased by 30 per cent over that

found that as a consequence I must either grow canola that must use 25-year-old technology or not grow canola at all, I was delighted to see that farmers in Brazil are challenging Monsanto over saving seed. I have wondered as year after year the big three companies have increased the cost of sowing canola whether there is a point at which Canadian farmers would say “enough.” But even though it can now cost over $50 an acre for seed, a sum that not long ago would have bought the land, let alone the seed, farmers continue to pay up and shut up and pay over $500 a bushel for seed canola. Someone, somewhere is going to put a stop to this piracy. If the Brazilians have the intestinal fortitude to do it, more power to them. John Beckham Winnipeg

Looking for Lyme disease cases It has come to my attention that Lyme disease is a prevalent issue in this province. Over the past legislative session, numerous cases have come to my attention in which testing and treatment plans have proven to be insufficient, leaving patients to suffer. Many patients have been forced to travel outside the province to be properly diagnosed, and with that diagnosis, can be treated. Without

same period, Chinese production has increased by 68 per cent. Clearly the Chinese are going to be grudging importers of corn but, as applicable, eager importers of U.S. corn genetics.

Supplier competition

But competition for supplying Chinese corn demands is not limited to just Chinese farmers. Farmers outside the U.S. and China have increased their production of corn by 46 per cent over the 2001-11 period. At the same time the farmers outside the U.S. and China have seen their corn exports triple. Where their corn exports were once (in 2001) just a third the size of U.S. exports, in 2011 they were 23 per cent higher than U.S. corn exports. As U.S. corn farmers have hustled to meet the demands of a growing domestic corn ethanol market, farmers outside the U.S. and China have gained a dominant position in the export marketplace. The agricultural technology that gave U.S. farmers a competitive advantage for many years is now spreading worldwide. And while the sale of that technology may continue to benefit a small number of farmers and agribusinesses, it also means that most U.S. producers of meat and grain face an increasingly competitive worldwide agricultural marketplace. Daryll E. Ray holds the Blasingame Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Policy, Institute of Agriculture, University of Tennessee, and is the director of UT’s Agricultural Policy Analysis Center (APAC). Harwood D. Schaffer is a research assistant professor at APAC.

early treatment, this disease can mask as other devastating health conditions, and ruin a lifestyle. While I have the utmost confidence in the doctors of this province, I am aware that the infrastructure that this government has to deal with this disease is lacking. The state of Minnesota can diagnose over 1,000 cases a year, while this province can only diagnose 25. We are all aware that deer ticks do not stop at the border and check in, so legitimate questions arise when we see cases in this province that are improperly diagnosed. My office has received dozens of cases where treatment and diagnosis plans have failed. Cases like Mason French of Dominion City, whose mother had to take him to four doctors to receive a proper diagnosis, or Marie Hughes, who after years of fighting the bureaucracy still does not have a proper diagnosis, or Michelle Miller, who has to go on $2,000 IV treatment to curb the symptoms, provide a snapshot into this disease, and the effects it can have on someone. I want to encourage all those affected to contact my office with their story, as I feel that this government needs to hear the importance of this issue, and needs to properly act on it. My office at the Manitoba legislature can be reached at (204) 945-5639, and my constituency office is (204) 324-9901, and I would be happy to talk with you. Cliff Graydon MLA for Emerson


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

FROM PAGE ONE VARIETIES Continued from page 1

example eligible for Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) class.

Yield versus protein

Manitoba crop insurance data shows CWRS yields at 44.8 bushels for the past five years, six bushels or 15 per cent higher than hard red spring yields reported by the North Dakota Wheat Commission. In a 2005 paper, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada determined American wheats, on average, yielded 1.83 bushels an acre or 3.7 per cent more than Canadian wheats based on yields from 1995 to 2004. However, Canadian hard red spring wheats averaged 0.417 per cent higher in protein. “G i v e n t h e w e l l - k n ow n inverse relationship between protein content and yield, the results suggest that the U.S. yield advantage is offset by the Canadian protein advantage,” the paper said.

Canada has tested many American hard red spring milling wheats but often found they had higher gluten strength than Canadian varieties, Hatcher said. “If we start bringing in lines that have such great strength this is going to cause great problems for our customers,” he said. Hatcher said a Malaysian baking company that buys Canadian wheat produces 87,000 loaves of bread an hour. “In that type of operation consistency is key,” he added. “Without quality and consistency you’re limited to only one sale. For us in Canada it is important to have a thriving and growing industry that meets the needs of our producers and our grain industry as a whole.” Hatcher also questioned the need to register more varieties annually, noting in the last three years 12 new cultivars were registered for the CWRS class,

how varieties are registered  New wheats require 24 station-years of data, which takes at least two and usually

three years of testing in co-op trials before being put forward for registration.  The Prairie Grain Development Committee’s wheat, rye and triticale committee

oversees the process.  Three expert committees of 25 members each assess whether a new variety meets

the agronomic, disease and end-use standards of its class. Each committee, made up of experts in their area of assessment, meets separately and votes on whether a new wheat meets the standards.  The three committees then meet, review all the data, and vote by secret ballot on

whether a variety should be recommended for registration. No committee has a veto.

as well as four in the Canada Prairie Spring (CPS) class and five each in the Canada Western Red Winter and Canada Western Amber durum classes. The CPS class offers farmers a 25 per cent yield advantage over CWRS, but the milling and baking quality is lower. (see sidebar)

Cost versus value

Normally a new wheat is field tested for three years before being submitted for registration. Shortening it to two years could result in failing to see a potential weakness in a variety due to certain weather conditions, Hatcher said. The American wheat registration is faster and cheaper because there’s less testing. However, it ends up costing more than Canada’s system because U.S. exporters and endusers must do more testing to ensure quality control, he said. The current system has challenges, Hatcher said. They include running out of testing capacity, which could be solved with additional funding. There’s some confusion about wheat quality control after the wheat board’s mandate changes Aug. 1, Hatcher said. “It is very important that you realize that there’s not going to be any change to who ensures quality,” he said. “The Canadian Grain Commission has always been and will continue to be responsible for grain quality.”

Other classes have yet to live up to yield promise By Allan Dawson co-operator staff

It’s not as if farmers looking for higher wheat yield don’t have options other than CWRS. In fact, Western Canada has nine classes of wheat, including the new General Purpose class for wheats to be fed to livestock or processed to make ethanol. General purpose wheats aren’t assessed for milling quality. However, while winter wheat has been a clear winner in Manitoba, other classes and varieties designed for higher yield have been slow to catch on. Manitoba Canada Prairie Spring (CPS) yields over the past five years have averaged 4.2 bushels an acre or nine per cent better than CWRS, and only one bushel better last year, not enough to offset the price discount. Last year there were just 2,500 acres of CPS harvested here, versus 1.7 million acres of CWRS. CPS wheats grown in Manitoba are more susceptible to disease.

Western Canadian wheat classes Canada Prairie Spring Red. . . . (CPSR) Canada Prairie Spring White. (CPSW) Canada Western Amber durum . . . . . . . . . . . . (CWAD) Canada Western Extra Strong .(CWES) Canada Western Hard White Spring . . . . . . . . . . . (CWHWS)

Canada Western Red Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CWRS) Canada Western Red Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CWRW) Canada Western Soft White Spring . . . . . . . . (CWSWS)


CHEMICALS Continued from page 1

breifs “I think we would welcome better user education and even perhaps licensing users of pesticides in urban areas where there is high population exposure,” said Chorney. According to Statistics Canada, Manitoba households have one of the highest rates of pesticide use in the country at 47 per cent. In 2009, the province referred the issue to the Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development, which recommended a full ban on the sale and use of cosmetic pesticides. Other provinces have already taken that step, including Ontario, but it hasn’t stopped m a n y h o m e ow n e r s , s a i d Chorney. “A lot of people there are still using pesticides, they are refusing to give them up and a sort of black market has been created,” he said. In Portage la Prairie, the city now uses cornmeal gluten on dandelions instead of herbicides. “I don’t think you could find a safer product than this,” said Dave Green, parks manager for the city. “And over the last two years we have noticed a reduction in the number of dandelions.” But the product doesn’t work overnight. Cornmeal gluten, which deprives new plants of moisture, must be applied just as new dandelions are emerging and doesn’t target established taproots. Because it’s 10

U.S. Senate overhauls Farm Bill, but time running out

“A lot of people don’t understand the impact a simple thing like a dandelion outbreak can have on a farmer.” Doug Chorney

per cent nitrogen, the yellow powder also helps grass grow, without adding to phosphorus levels. “Having good healthy turf is another good way to stop weeds,” said Green. T h e m ov e t o c o r n m e a l , which is slightly more expensive, came from public demand, said Green, noting many people used to

complain when 2,4-D was applied. “There is a smell with that, and then people are wondering what chemical it is, what they are breathing,” he said. Manitobans have until October to give their opinion at www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/ envprograms. shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com

washington / reuters / The U.S. Senate has approved sweeping new farm legislation that would cut almost all traditional farm subsidies while expanding a costly crop insurance program. But chances are slim the bill will pass this year. The $498-billion, fiveyear Farm Bill, passed by a 2-to-1 margin, would compensate growers when revenue from a crop falls, rather than prop up prices. That move, along with cuts to conservation funding and food stamps for the poor, would save about $23 billion. But the House, dominated by Tea Party members, wants deeper cuts and there are concerns about the cost of crop insurance — government will pay 60 cents of each $1 in premiums — and demands for limits on payments for large operations. Time is also a factor. The House agriculture committee won’t begin work on its bill until mid-July, just

before a five-week recess. Analysts say it will be difficult for the House to act or for Congress to enact a Farm Bill before the 2008 law expires on Sept. 30.

Ethiopia exchange eyes food aid in expanded trade addis ababa / reuters / Ethiopia’s commodity exchange wants to increase trade in maize and wheat by including some of its imported food aid. “We are currently in discussions with the government about how to take on in a much bigger way maize and wheat trading in the country, including monetization of imported food aid into the country through the exchange,” said Eleni Gabre-Madhin, chief executive of the ECX commodity exchange. Allowing the sale of surplus food aid would raise funds for initiatives such as drilling boreholes for water or improving the country’s electricity supply. Africa’s biggest coffee producer has big plans to boost agricultural output by 2015.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

Appeal Court upholds “marketing freedom” law The Appeal Court upholds the law ending the board’s single desk By Allan Dawson co-operator staff


griculture Minister Gerry Ritz didn’t break the law by introducing legislation to end the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly, the Federal Court of Appeal has ruled. “We are pleased with this decision,” Ritz said in an email. In December, Federal Court Justice Douglas Campbell agreed with the Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board that Ritz breached Section 47.1 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, which states an agriculture minister must first consult with the wheat board’s directors and then get farmers’ approval through a vote before adding or removing crops from the board’s single desk. Federal Appeal Court Justice Robert M. Mainville, writing on behalf of his two colleagues, disagreed. “After carefully considering the legislative history and the context in which Section 47.1 was adopted, I am of the view that none of the arguments advanced by the respondents or the interveners can sustain an interpretation that would preclude the minister from introducing in Parliament legislation which would fundamentally modify the CWB’s mandate or which would lead to the repeal of the CWB Act,” Mainville wrote in a 47-page decision. The ruling was a disappointment, said Stewart Wells, a former wheat board director and chair of Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board. “Section 47.1 was an insurance policy against the reckless and irresponsible actions of some government,” said the Swift Current, Sask. farmer. “Now that farmers need the coverage... the government is saying if you look at the fine print this insurance policy only covers minor changes... not the complete loss of the single desk.” It’s absurd to think a farmer vote is required to add or remove a crop from the wheat board’s mandate, but not if the board’s single desk is being removed completely, said Wells. The court noted the new act does not “restrict the ability of grain producers to associate for the purpose of marketing or pooling their products” — an issue at the heart of a $17-billion class-action lawsuit launched by the Friends group. However, Wells said his group plans to continue that court action. Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association president Kevin Bender welcomed the Appeal Court’s ruling. “Marketing freedom is here and here to stay,” said Bender. allan@fbcpublishing.com

Canadian Grain Commission preparing for its next 100 years Higher fees, outside inspectors, and mandate change in the works, and changes to wheat variety registration may follow By Allan Dawson co-operator staff


a j o r c h a n g e s a re coming to the Canadian Grain Commission. “ We’v e b e e n a r o u n d 1 0 0 y e a r s ,” s a i d C G C chief commissioner Elwin He r m a n s o n . “If we w a n t to be relevant for the next 100 years we have to make some changes to adapt to an industry that’s changing very quickly so we’re... providing the right services at that right cost.” Legislation to significantly increase the commission’s fees effective Aug. 1, 2013 is expected soon, Hermanson said. The federal government is also proposing to make inward grading and inspection at port terminals optional and when requested, carried out by non-CGC staff. The CGC would certify the outside inspectors. Ottawa also wants to change the agency’s mandate from working in the interest of producers, to working in the interests of the grain industry — a change

the National Farmers Union opposes. Some are wondering if grain grading and wheat variety registration should change because the Canadian Wheat Board is losing its sales monopoly.

ticipants including farmers, he said. “Grain grading can change and has changed, and can change at whatever speed the industry wants,” Hermanson said. “We don’t sit in our offices in Winnipeg and say,

“Grain grading can change and has changed and can change at whatever speed the industry wants.”

Elwin Hermanson

“ We’re s u g g e s t i n g j u s t b e c a u s e t h e re’s c h a n g e s don’t throw it out unless it’s not working in the new environment and we don’t see any reason why it can’t work effectively,” Hermanson said. The commission usually follows grading recommendations from the grains standards committee, which represents all industry par-

‘We refuse to change and we’re going to stick with the status quo.’” The wheat variety recommending committee also represents the industry and also includes experts in agronomy, disease and wheat quality. “That has given Canada a good brand and a good reputation,” Hermanson said.

“The concern with a lot of people is can we deal with things quickly enough?” Making sure a new variety is well suited to Western Canada takes at least two or three years of testing, he said. “But other than that, you can move pretty quickly if that’s the right thing to do,” he added. The grain commission plays a vital role in assuring Canadian grains have access to international markets, Hermanson said. The commission’s Certificate Final, which guarantees the grade of Canadian grain loaded on a ship, assists in that. But sometimes customers raise concerns about such things as Ochratoxin A, a toxic mycotoxin that sometimes grows in stored grain, and selenium, an essential chemical element in plants, which can also be harmful in large quantities. The commission also played a major role in dealing with genetically modified Triffid flax when it disrupted flax exports to Europe, Hermanson said. allan@fbcpublishing.com

Notice of Public Hearing and Pre-Hearing Conference Applicant: Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation HEARING: The Public Utilities Board (Board) anticipates holding a public hearing of an application from Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation (MPI) for approval of rates and premiums for compulsory vehicle and driver insurance as of March 1, 2013. The hearing would take place at the Board’s Hearing Room, 4th Floor, 330 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB (commencing at 9:30 a.m.) on September 25, 2012. A Pre-Hearing Conference is to be convened by the Board in its offices at 9:30 a.m. on June 29, 2012. RATE IMPACT: The Corporation is requesting approval for Basic Autopac vehicle and drivers licence rates effective March 1, 2013, which, if approved, would result in no overall change in MPI’s Basic premium revenue (excluding the impact of vehicle upgrades and an increased overall driver and vehicle population). Actual vehicle and driver premiums would vary depending on claim and driving experience, insurance use, territory and vehicle rate group. Full particulars, including the rate impact and application, can be found on the Manitoba Public Insurance website www.mpi.mb.ca.

and Procedure (Rules) provide the related guidelines, which can be seen at the Board’s website www.pub.gov.mb.ca or obtained on request to the Board, by either emailing (publicutilities@gov.mb.ca), writing or calling the Board Secretary (945-2638 or 1-866-854-3698, toll free). Parties wishing to submit a brief or to express comments at the hearing should also contact the Board Secretary. GENERAL INFORMATION: Interested parties should take note that the Board does not have jurisdiction over the MPI lines of business denoted as Extension or SRE, or as to MPI’s Driver and Vehicle Licensing operation. Persons seeking further information as to MPI’s application, or with respect to the Board’s process, and/or wishing to address the public hearing in French should notify the Board Secretary by August 31, 2012. As well, interested parties may examine MPI’s application and supporting materials, either at the offices of the Corporation or on its website, or the Board’s office. DATED this 15th day of June, 2012.

PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE: Those seeking Intervener status should notify the Board of their intention by applying to the Board Secretary before the now scheduled Pre-Hearing Conference of June 29, 2012. Interveners may be entitled to financial assistance, and the Board’s Rules of Practice

Five days notice required.

H. M. Singh Secretary The Public Utilities Board

Wheelchair access is available.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

Floods drain Assiniboine farmers Impact already being felt after weeks of rain sends water gushing over Shellmouth Dam spillway By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF | SHELLMOUTH DAM


udging from the view of water covering a broad, green meadow of seeded cropland on both sides of the Assiniboine River here, the flood of 2012 is already underway. Near the town of Shellmouth, a little farther downstream, tiny canola plants are poking up through the mud of a broad flood plain. In the lower spots, only the tops of fence posts are visible. The flood comes as no surprise for rancher Cliff Trinder, whose riverside hayfields near Millwood have been flooded more than a dozen times since 2005. Even if the interminable showers of the past week were to cease, a flood on the scale of 2010 is already baked into the cake, he said last week. Water levels on Lake of the Prairies hit 1,412.5 feet above sea level last Thursday, up from 1,410 the week before, when two feet of water was flowing over the Shellmouth Dam’s spillway. Data from Water Stewardship showed outflows from the dam had soared to 5,690 cubic feet per second, a sharp increase over the previous week’s 2,040 cfs. Inflows to the reservoir had also jumped to 7,800 cfs from 4,600 cfs the week prior. Trinder says that could mean millions of dollars in damage is coming to the 50,000 acres of highly productive agricultural lands downstream over the coming weeks. “We’re in the mirror image of 2010. They are going to end up losing the whole valley from here to Brandon,” he said last Wednesday afternoon. “Between crop insurance and



“We’re in the mirror image of 2010. They are going to end up losing the whole valley from here to Brandon.” CLIFF TRINDER

special payments, that’s 30 million bucks.” It could have been prevented, he added. A member of the Shellmouth Dam regulation liaison committee, Trinder participated in an April conference call that aims for a “consensus” in setting Shellmouth levels. The farmers downstream sought a lower water level behind Shellmouth, but their concerns were overruled by irrigators and municipal officials, who feared a drought might leave the Assiniboine watershed short of water. “We protested vigorously, but we were told there wasn’t a chance in hell of a flood,” said Trinder.


Last year’s epic flood, which saw his lands adjacent to the river under water well into August, was simply a case of too much water everywhere. It couldn’t have been prevented, he said. But he believes that this year’s deluge, just as in 2010, is the result of mismanagement of the Shellmouth Dam. Two years ago, similar fears that the reservoir would fall too low saw the gates closed for 58 days beginning in April. By May 1, it was full. Then the skies opened up with spring rains, and the flood of 2010 began.

A view of the valley near Shellmouth town, just south of the dam of the same name, shows that the flood of 2012 has already arrived. PHOTO: DANIEL WINTERS

Stan Cochrane, who farms along the Assiniboine near Griswold, where the river is much wider, wasn’t flooded “too badly” in 2010. “But I think it’s going to be higher than 2010,” he said. He, along with Trinder, called for the Shellmouth reservoir levels to be lowered in spring on the same stakeholder conference call, but fears of a water shortage in the 56-km-long reservoir carried the day.

Potatoes more important?

Although the Shellmouth Dam was originally built in 1972 to control flooding on the Assiniboine, Cochrane believes that provincial government officials ruled in favour of the potato industry. “They believe that water conservation is more important

North American Prairie Conference August 6-10 2012 University of Manitoba The place to be for anyone interested in native prairies! Sessions on prairie management, grazing, alternative crops, biofuels, restoration, etc.

Early bird pricing ends July 6, 2012. www.napc2012.org ph: 204-832-0167

5 Keynote presentations, including prairie authors Sharon Butala and Candace Savage. Guided field trips to Manitoba’s best native prairies. Prairie Tradeshow

than flood control,” he said. “Things change, don’t they?” Despite continually bearing the brunt of Shellmouth outflows, Cochrane said that Assiniboine Valley farmers have never been fairly compensated, even though the Shellmouth Dam Act of 2011 has pledged 100 per cent compensation for “man-made flooding” on the watershed. The definition of man-made flooding under the act, he added, is “more water coming out of the reservoir than is going in.” Last year, that happened three times, but because his fields were already under water, the province denied compensation because the damage was already done. “They are going to say the same thing this year. Before they get the dam back under control again, we’re already going to be


FESTIVALS Contact us with your event, dates, location and contact information at news@fbcpublishing.com. June 28-30: Dauphin Agricultural Fair. Call 204-638-4428 or visit www. dauphinagsociety.com.

July 7-8: Carberry Fair and Races. Call 204-834-3772 or email carberryagso ciety@hotmail.com.

June 28-July 1: Dauphin’s Countryfest. Visit www.countryfest.ca or call 1-800-361-7300.

July 7-8: Manitou Fair. Call 204-2423337 or email manitouagsociety@ hotmail.ca.

June 29-30: Killarney Fair. Call 204523-4468 or email killarneyag@live.ca.

July 7-8: Great Western Harness Racing, Glenboro. Call 204-827-2044 or email carolcullen@mymts.net.

June 30: MacGregor/North Norfolk Fair, MacGregor. Call 204-274-2273 or email mcgregorfair@hotmail.com. June 30-July 1: Glenboro Fair. Call Geraldine Kovar at 204-827-2661. June 30-July 1: Manitoba Great Western Harness Racing, 1:30 p.m. each day, Miami. Call 204-435-2288 or email janmoody@mymts.net. July 3-4: Rivers Fair. Call Alice Fast at 204-328-7512. July 4-8: Winnipeg Folk Festival, Birds Hill Provincial Park. Visit www. winnipegfolkfestival.ca or call 204231-0096.

Come celebrate our prairie heritage this summer!

flooded,” he said. “They’ll say, ‘If you get flooded a little more, what difference does that make?’” The provincial spokesperson confirmed that position, citing the fact that inflows this year have exceeded outflows. “In other words, if Shellmouth was not in place, downstream river levels would be much higher,” he said. Trinder said that in the 40-year history of Shellmouth’s 390,000-acre-feet capacity reservoir, the province has never been unable to meet downstream water needs, even in times of “absolute drought.” “They could have prevented this flood with the operation of Shellmouth Dam,” he said. “There’s no question of not enough water; they’ve got too much water.”

July 6: Crystal City/Clearwater Fair. Call 204-873-2661 or email deankb@ mts.net. July 6-8: Montmartre Folk Festival, Montmartre, Sask. Visit www.allfolke dup.ca. July 7-8: Souris/Glenwood Fair. Call 204-483-3386 or email boyddian@ mts.net.

July 7-9: Portagex, the 140th Portage Industrial Exhibition, Portage la Prairie. Call 204-857-3231 or visit www.por tageex.com. July 12-13: Virden Fair. Call 204748-2451 or 204-851-6262 or email circlej@westman.wave.ca. July 12-14: Carman Country Fair. Call 204-745-2226 or visit www.carmanfair.ca. July 12-15: St. Pierre-Jolys Frog Follies and Agricultural Fair. Call 204-2914630 or visit www.frogfollies.com. July 13-15: Deloraine Fair and Harness Racing. Call 204-747-3177 or email mcgeelivestock@goinet.ca. July 13-15: Gilbert Plains/Grandview Fair and Rodeo. Call 204-572-7678 or visit www.gpgvagsociety.mfbiz.com. July 13-15: Triple S Fair and Rodeo, Selkirk. Call 204-485-4854 starting in May, or visit http://selkirkfairandro deo.com.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

Cigi appoints three farmers to its board With farmers paying for part of its funding directly, Cigi says it’s important to get them more involved in governance By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


hree Prairie farmers have been appointed to the Canadian International Grains Institute’s six-member board, just one of many changes to the institute in the wake of the Canadian Wheat Board end of its sales monopoly Aug. 1. Cigi, which teaches customers how to use Canadian crops, was founded in 1972 by the wheat board and federal government. Until April, Cigi relied on the wheat board for much of its funding. That money will now come through a refundable farmer checkoff on the sale of wheat (15 cents a tonne) and barley (three cents a tonne). The federal government will also continue to fund Cigi. Under the old structure Cigi had six directors — two from the wheat board, one from the Canadian Grain Commission, one from Agriculture and Agri-

Food Canada and two from at large. As a single-desk seller and major Cigi funder, it made sense for the wheat board to be represented on Cigi’s board, but now it will be neither. That’s why Cigi sought farmers to sit on its board, Cigi executive director Earl Geddes said in an interview June 20. “Farmers will be funding us directly now, so we felt it was necessary to get more direct farmer involvement in what we do,” he said. Farm groups, the wheat board and current board of directors came up with a list of names to be considered, Geddes said. “We had three meetings to discuss the candidates,” he said. “It was a lot of work.” The new directors are LeRon Torrie of Grassy Lake, Alta., Randy Johner of Midale, Sask. and Jim Wilson of Darlingford, Man. Torrie grows wheat, durum, peas and hybrid canola seed on his 3,000-acre farm. His three

sons are currently taking over the operation. Torrie has served on the board of the St. Mary River Irrigation District, the largest irrigation district in Canada, for 12 years and is currently chairman. He has a BSc in Agricultural Economics from Brigham Young University at Provo, Utah. Johner farms almost 25,000 acres and grows peas, lentils, chickpeas, flax, canola, canary seed, wheat and durum. He has tested new equipment for companies such as Bourgault and Degelman and served on committees with John Deere to develop new equipment. Johner travels regularly to Europe for Agritechnica — the largest farm show in the world. Wilson and his wife Norleen operate a grain farm and a pedigreed seed plant where they produce, process and market cereals, oilseeds and pulse crops. Jim Wilson is a chartered accountant.

He currently sits on the SeCan and Canterra Seeds Ltd. boards. He previously served as a director and chair of Agricore United. Wilson is also past chair of the Canada Grains Council and served on the boards of the Canadian AgriFood Trade Alliance, the Cereal Grains Value Chain Roundtable, and the National Safety Nets Advisory Committee. The three new directors join Cigi board members Murdoch Mackay, a commissioner with the Canadian Grain Commission, Susie Miller of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Henry Van Ankum, a farmer from Ontario. Longtime Cigi director Ward Weisensel has been asked to act in advisory role to ensure a smooth transition, Geddes said. Cigi’s governance, which is set out in an agreement between the wheat board and federal government, remains in place. Geddes said he expects eventually farmer-run wheat or cereal councils will be set up in each Prai-

“Farmers will be funding us directly now, so we felt it was necessary to get more direct farmer involvement in what we do.” EARL GEDDES

rie province, with funding and overseeing Cigi as part of their mandates. Last week at the Farm Progress Show in Regina, Cigi officials, including Geddes, met with Cigifarmer alumni to get feedback on what Cigi’s priorities should be. Cigi has also surveyed farmers for their ideas, Geddes said. The poll revealed many farmers don’t know much about Cigi, he said. allan@fbcpublishing.com

WHAT’S UP Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublish ing.com or call 204-944-5762 July 10: AAFC Cereal Research Centre field day, 1:30 p.m., Portage la Prairie. Theme: “Oats: 2012 and beyond.” For more info call 204983-1460. July 10: Manitoba Forage Seed Association buffet breakfast and summer crop tour, Bridges Golf Course, Starbuck. Registration 8 a.m. For more info call 204-376-3309. July 10: Manitoba Oat Growers Association annual general meeting, Canad Inns, 2401 Saskatchewan Ave. W., Portage la Prairie. For more info call 306-5308545 or email info@poga.ca. July 14: National Farmers Union Region 5 (Manitoba) annual convention, 1-5 p.m., Onanole and District Drop-In Centre, Onanole. For more info call 204-858-2479 or 204-745-3252.

“I’m really excited about what the future is in agriculture as a whole. I think more than ever it’s got to be run with a business plan and a sharp pencil.”

July 22: AAFC Brandon Research Centre’s beef production program field day, Brandon. For more info call 204-578-3601.

– Doug Seland, Alberta

July 23: Ecological and Organic Farming Systems Field Day, Ian Morrison Research Farm, Carman. For more info visit www.umanito ba.ca/outreach/naturalagriculture/ or call 204-474-6077.


July 24-26: Great Plains Windbreak Renovation and Innovation Conference, International Peace Garden south of Boissevain. For more info visit http://www.unl.edu/nac/renova tion.htm, call 402-437-5178 (ext. 4024) or email rstraight@fs.fed.us.

It’s time to tell the real story

July 24-27: International Bison Conference 2012, Loews Hotel le Concorde, 1225 Cours de GeneralDe Montcalm, Quebec City. For more info visit www.bison2012.com.

The story of Canadian agriculture is one of success, promise, challenge and determination. And the greatest storytellers are the 2.2 million Canadians who live it every day.

July 25-26: Provincial Pasture Tour of eastern Manitoba. For more info call Kathy Wintoniw at 204-346-6080 or visit http:// mbforagecouncil.mb.ca/provincialpasture-tour-2/. July 26: AAFC Indian Head research farm’s annual sunflower field day, Indian Head, Sask. For more info call 306-695-5225.

Canadian agriculture is a modern, vibrant and diverse industry, filled with forward-thinking people who love what they do. But for our industry to reach its full potential this has to be better understood by the general public and, most importantly, by our industry itself.

Be proud. Champion our industry.

Share your story, hear others and learn more at AgricultureMoreThanEver.ca 06/12-18723-2E B

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12-06-04 10:23 AM


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


EXCHANGES: June 22, 2012

$1 Cdn: $1.0260 U.S. $1 U.S: $.9746 Cdn.


Cattle Prices Winnipeg

(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle

June 22, 2012

Steers & Heifers — D1, 2 Cows 73.00 - 82.00 D3 Cows 62.00 - 73.00 Bulls 88.00 - 100.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) — (801-900 lbs.) — (701-800 lbs.) 138.00 - 151.00 (601-700 lbs.) 145.00 - 161.00 (501-600 lbs.) 150.00 - 170.00 (401-500 lbs.) — Heifers (901+ lbs.) 115.00 - 124.00 (801-900 lbs.) 118.00 - 126.00 (701-800 lbs.) 125.00 - 137.00 (601-700 lbs.) 130.00 - 145.00 (501-600 lbs.) 142.00 - 152.00 (401-500 lbs.) 145.00 - 164.00 Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers


Alberta South $ 109.00 - 110.75 110.00 - 110.75 75.00 - 88.00 65.00 - 79.00 — $ 125.00 - 138.00 135.00 - 148.00 145.00 - 159.00 154.00 - 173.00 167.00 - 188.00 180.00 - 197.00 $ 113.00 - 128.00 122.00 - 135.00 128.00 - 144.00 136.00 - 153.00 147.00 - 164.00 150.00 - 172.00

($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)

(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)

Futures (June 22, 2012) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change June 2012 116.00 -0.35 August 2012 116.50 -0.52 October 2012 120.87 -0.18 December 2012 124.35 -0.35 February 2013 126.40 -0.35 April 2013 128.40 -0.30 Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.

Feeder Cattle August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 January 2013 March 2013

U.S. buyers may back away as U.S. corn values rise Terryn Shiells CNSC

Ontario $ 111.23 - 122.84 101.90 - 123.21 66.40 - 85.22 66.40 - 85.22 80.95 - 100.73 $ 129.48 - 142.14 140.69 - 155.48 140.35 - 158.46 150.65 - 173.49 137.90 - 186.43 154.76 - 202.70 $ 119.87 - 125.12 130.12 - 137.08 134.43 - 147.43 133.06 - 153.34 139.01 - 162.20 126.44 - 169.36

Close 152.65 154.77 156.07 157.17 156.90 158.00

Change -3.55 -2.73 -2.63 -2.73 -2.32 -2.20

Cattle Grades (Canada)

Week Ending June 16, 2012 56,155 11,408 44,747 — 653,000

Previous Year­ 59,948 14,136 45,812 — 686,000

Week Ending June 16, 2012 617 24,499 21,779 1,313 847 6,146 416

Prime AAA AA A B D E

Previous Year 464 24,842 23,106 2,123 653 3,970 410

Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture

(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) Current Week 192.00E 176.00E 182.75 181.87

MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)

Futures (June 22, 2012) in U.S. Hogs July 2012 August 2012 October 2012 December 2012 February 2013

Last Week 187.37 172.19 172.06 173.07

Close 95.60 92.12 82.00 79.10 81.65

Last Year (Index 100) 184.51 169.89 174.16 171.90

Change 1.08 -0.88 -0.57 -0.65 -0.05

Other Market Prices Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)

Winnipeg Next Sale is July 5

Toronto 66.08 - 107.44 166.43 - 183.11 164.07 - 181.76 161.99 - 185.12 169.54 - 225.93 —

Few market pressures translate to steady prices

SunGold Specialty Meats —


attle auctions across Manitoba saw fully steady prices during the week ended June 22, as the number of cattle for sale was similar to the week prior, an industry official said. “We had a few less head this week — we had 330, and last week we had about 390,” said Scott Anderson, a field representative with Winnipeg Livestock Sales. Prices were steady because there weren’t many factors putting pressure either way on the market, he said. “There’s been no big sudden fluctuation so I think that’s probably the main reason why everything was fairly steady this week,” he said. The summer months aren’t as busy for cattle auction markets in Manitoba, and some shut down over the summer or hold fewer sales. See the schedule here for a list of when markets are holding sales throughout the summer. Note: Ste. Rose Auction Mart was supposed to hold its final sale until the fall on June 21. However, it will hold one more sale on Thursday (June 28) because of the excessive rain that occurred during the week. The market requests that you call ahead to consign your cattle. Please also note that there was no market report for Grunthal Livestock Auction Mart this week. Winnipeg Livestock Sales will hold sales throughout the summer, and Anderson said the market has been better than in previous years. Prices have been good for producers, so they’re more enticed to send their cattle to auction at this time of year. “I think a lot of producers are keeping their herds current because it has been a stronger market than in previous years,” he said. Demand locally has been stronger than in the past, and slaughter cattle are in high demand at this time of the year. “There’s strong demand for slaughter cattle because more hamburger meat is used, and more cheaper cuts because it’s barbecue season,” he said. Prior to the week of June 18-22, there had been a lot of contracting of cattle for delivery

Crop fears trigger limit-up move in CBOT corn

Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230

Turkeys Minimum prices as of July 1, 2012 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.995 Undergrade .............................. $1.905 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.975 Undergrade .............................. $1.875 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.975 Undergrade .............................. $1.875 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.940 Undergrade............................... $1.855 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.


chicago / reuters

Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15

Goats Kids Billys Mature

Winnipeg ($/cwt) — — —

Toronto ($/cwt) 70.00 - 285.00 — 92.46 - 235.58

Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+

Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —

Toronto ($/cwt) 23.18 - 41.70 33.64 - 52.29

Ashern Now closed until August Gladstone Sales June 26 and July 10, then closed until August Grunthal Sales continue every Tuesday throughout the summer Brandon Sales continue throughout the summer Virden Biweekly sales in July and August; next sale July 4 (Note: no butcher sales on Mondays until fall 2012) Killarney Regular biweekly sales throughout the summer Ste. Rose Sale June 28, then closed until fall Taylor (Melita) Closed June 21 to Aug. 21 Winnipeg Sales continue throughout the summer

“It might mean that in September not as many yearling cattle will be for sale.” scott anderson winnipeg livestock sales

during the fall months between Manitoba producers and foreign buyers, mainly in the U.S. Producers were happy to lock in prices as they were strong, and U.S. buyers were more interested because the value of their dollar versus the Canadian dollar was a lot stronger at the time. However, contracting was seemingly slowing down during the week ended June 22, Anderson said. “I think just this past week some of the corn prices came back and got a little stronger and I think that maybe made a few guys back off that were contracting those cattle,” he said. Anderson said most of the cattle that were contracted were yearling cattle, and the action may have an effect on markets come the fall. “It might mean that in September not as many yearling cattle will be for sale because a lot of them are already looked after or sold now,” he said. Terryn Shiells writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.


By Christine Stebbins


Table: Cattle market schedules


.S. corn and soybeans are baking as a scorching dome of heat hovers over the centre of the country, with little relief in sight until the July 1 weekend at the earliest, agricultural meteorologists said June 25. The heat and persistent dryness has become a huge worry for farmers and the grain trade as the U.S. corn crop is beginning to pollinate — the key growth phase that determines yields. Corn is now pollinating in parts of the Mississippi Delta region and the southern

Midwest and this trend will move north through mid-July. Iowa and Illinois alone produce a third of corn and soybeans in the U.S., the world’s top grower and exporter. Grain markets on the Chicago Board of Trade remained on fire June 25 on the weather fears. Currently, a high-pressure ridge is hovering over the Rockies and is expected to push east across the Midwest and Delta later this week through next week, forecasters said. This should bring the hottest days of the season to the Midwest. “Conditions are going to continue to deteriorate over the next 10 days,” said Don Keeney, senior agricultural meteorologist with Cropcast, a widely watched advisory service. “Yields will go down as well.”

Looking for results?  Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 15


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


Rained-out Saskatchewan canola fields support futures Dryness in the U.S. props up soybean and corn values Dwayne Klassen CNSC


anola futures on the ICE Futures Canada trading platform strengthened during the week ended June 22, with gains spurred on by the weather issues in the U.S. Soybean Belt. Fresh Canadian canola export sales to China helped to influence the price advances, as did steady demand from the domestic processing sector. Concern over flooded-out canola acreage in Saskatchewan provided some support, but the upside was later muted by the arrival of warmer and drier conditions on the Prairies. The improved weather was seen as beneficial to the development of the crop. Although there were acres lost to canola because of the excess moisture and flooding, it was indicated that the amount of canola acres seeded will easily make up any area lost to the overly wet conditions. The upside in canola was also slowed by the taking of profits by a variety of market participants. Elevator company hedge selling, tied to producers making room for new-crop supplies, also restricted the price strength in canola.

For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “ICE Futures Canada updates” at www.manitobacooperator.ca.

There continued to be little action in the barley and durum contracts on the ICE Futures Canada platform; however, we did finally see some milling wheat contracts trade at higher price levels. Very little was known about what actually transpired, but it appears that most of the action was commercial related. Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT ) soybean futures posted some significant advances. Most of that buying was related to the absence of precipitation in the main growing regions of the U.S. Soybean Belt. Longer-range weather outlooks, calling for an extended period of hot and dry conditions, also influenced some major upward price action. The dryness issue is occurring during a critical stage of development for U.S. soybeans. Chart-related buying helped amplify the price gains in soybeans, as did continued export demand from China. Chicago corn values also experienced advances with the dry growing conditions sparking the price gains. The tight supplies of old-crop corn added to the strength, but the potential for a smaller new-crop supply base really sparked the upward price move. The upside in corn was capped by the absence of fresh export demand and ideas that the commodity has priced itself out of the feed market, with wheat being the main beneficiary. Wheat futures at the three U.S. exchanges posted some decent to sharp advances during the latest week. A lot of the price strength reflected the upward price push

seen in corn. However, the commodity did manage to find some individual support from the tightening world wheat supply situation. The tight global supply of wheat is being spurred on by continued dry growing conditions in some of the major wheat-producing countries, such as Australia, China and the former Soviet Union. Those concerns, in fact, managed to trigger some fresh export demand for U.S. wheat. Some concerns about the excessive moisture in the northern-tier U.S. spring wheat-growing areas also offered support. The upside in wheat, however, was tempered by the advancing U.S. winter wheat harvest and continued indications of better-than-anticipated yields.

Distractions on deck

While weather will continue to be the dominant force in the North American grain and oilseed sectors in the near term, acreage estimates in Canada and the U.S. will provide some distraction. Statistics Canada is up first, providing an updated planting intentions report on June 27. The report will certainly contain estimates for all the crops, but the amount of canola seeded this spring will likely garner the most attention. The general consensus among industry participants is that canola acreage in Canada will be higher than the government survey showed back in April. In April, StatsCan pegged canola plantings in 2012 at 20.372 million acres, which was significantly above the year-ago level of 18.862 million. Estimates for the June 27 report put Canada’s canola-seeded area in the 21-million- to 22-million-acre range. That kind of acreage will produce an extremely large crop of canola for the industry to work with. In talking to producers, we hear some indicating they haven’t seen such lush and thick fields of canola in quite some time. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, meanwhile, will release its acreage outlook for U.S. crops on June 29. A lot of participants expect the area seeded to soybeans to be well up from earlier ideas. The thinking is that with the U.S. winter wheat harvest already well underway, producers will be able to easily double crop soybeans. However, the problem with that thinking may be the dry conditions that also exist in the areas where producers who harvest their winter wheat early would plant soybeans. Sentiment among some participants is that unless some significant moisture is received in those areas, and soon, the likelihood of farmers taking a chance with double cropping soybeans will be reduced dramatically. This then creates the problem of the USDA report, not taking this development into consideration, which then leaves the soybean-planting estimate too high. Finally, some quick thoughts on durum: global prices for durum have taken a bit of a nosedive as of late, which does not look as promising for Canadian durum values. Much of the weakness to date has been tied to the ongoing durum har vest in Spain, Italy and France. Spain was believed to be the only region in which dryness has reduced the yield potential. Demand for durum from Algeria and Tunisia was seen declining but Morocco was expected to remain a large importer. Dwayne Klassen writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.

Export and International Prices Last Week

Week Ago

Year Ago

CWB export 1CW 13.5 St. Lawrence


US hard winter ord.Gulf ($US)


All prices close of business June 21, 2012 Wheat

EU French soft wheat ($US)


Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




US corn Gulf ($US)




US barley (PNW) ($US)




Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)










Coarse Grains

Oilseeds Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne) Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)

Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business June 21, 2012 Western barley

Last Week

Week Ago

July 2012



October 2012



December 2012




Last Week

Week Ago

July 2012



November 2012



January 2013



CWB Pool Forecasts May PRO 2011-12

April PRO 2011-12

Total Payments 2010-11

No. 1 CWRS 13.5




No. 1 CWRS 12.5




No. 2 CWRS 13.5




No. 1 CWHWS 13.5




No. 1 CPSR




No. 1 CPSW




No. 1 CWRW




No. 1 CWES











Sel CW Two-Row




Sel CW Six-Row





Durum No. 1 CWAD 13.0 Designated Barley

Special Crops Report for June 25, 2012 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market

Spot Market

Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)

Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)

Large Green 15/64

24.00 - 26.00


Laird No. 1

22.50 - 26.00

Oil Sunflower Seed

Eston No. 2

17.00 - 28.75

24.50 - 26.50 —

Desi Chickpeas

26.10 - 27.50

Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)

Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)

Green No. 1

8.50 - 12.00

Fababeans, large

Medium Yellow No. 1

7.50 - 8.30

Feed beans

No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans

Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel) Feed Pea (Rail)

No. 1 Great Northern

Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)

3.50 - 5.50

No. 1 Cranberry Beans

Yellow No. 1

36.75 - 37.75

No. 1 Light Red Kidney

Brown No. 1

30.75 - 32.75

No. 1 Dark Red Kidney

Oriental No. 1

25.75 - 27.75

No. 1 Black Beans

No. 1 Pinto Beans

Source: Stat Publishing SUNFLOWERS

No. 1 Small Red

No. 1 Pink

Fargo, ND

Goodlands, KS



Report for June 22, 2012 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed) Confection Source: National Sunflower Association


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


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h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G



China asks farmers to cut pork supply


Pork exports expected to rise Canadian processors are importing more pork products from the U.S. By Terryn Shiells commodity news service canada


emand for Canadian pork products from South Korea may be slowing down, but the total volume of exports is still expected to remain steady, to slightly higher in calendar year 2012. South Korea imported a lot of Canadian pork products in 2011 following that country’s outbreak of foot-andmouth disease — but it’s not expected to be such a big customer in 2012, said Martin Charron, vice-president of market access and trade development for Canada Pork International. “Their pork production is starting to recover to where it was,” he said. South Korea is also importing more pork products from Canada’s competitors, the U.S. and Europe. “The fact that Europe and the U.S. have negotiated a free trade agreement with South Korea, and Canada has not, means Canadian pork will be more expensive for South Korea,”

Charron said. “Tariffs on European and U.S. pork will be reduced, while tariffs on the Canadian pork remain stable.” Martin Rice, executive director of the Canadian Pork Council, expects that demand from other countries for Canadian pork products will help export numbers stay steady, or even see a slight increase in 2012. “It looks like our exports to Australia are strong, as is the case for South Africa,” he said. “And, exports to the U.S., Japan, Russia, China and Mexico are pretty much running at the same pace as last year.” Rice estimated that Canada will export about 1.175 million tonnes of pork products in 2012, compared to 1.151 million tonnes in 2011. Howe ve r, p o rk p ro d u c t p r i c e s have been experiencing a downward trend because of the slowing export demand from South Korea, Rice said. Expectations were for prices to go up, as sales were stronger in the earlier part of the year.

Canadian pork exports are expected to rise, but prices might soften.  file photo

“The fact that Europe and the U.S. have negotiated a free trade agreement with South Korea, and Canada has not, means Canadian pork will be more expensive for South Korea.” Martin Charron

Canada Pork International


Weak North American demand is also responsible for some of the price softening, he said. “The economic situation, particularly in the U.S., has been a little lacklustre and there’s a lot of economic uncertainty out there for people,” he said. “It’s affecting the psychology of consumers and it doesn’t seem to be very favourable for the meat sector.” Domestic demand is also sliding as Canadian processors are importing more pork products from the U.S., Rice said. Because the U.S. has the ability and volume to supply processors with meat year round, they’re more attracted to importing meat from the U.S. rather than taking a chance on Canadian producers, who don’t always have the volume to fill domestic demand, he said. Canadian producers find it difficult to juggle their domestic and export markets. Canada, he said, exports about 70 per cent of its product now, and doesn’t foresee an increase in production to better service domestic demand. “The economic circumstances do not favour a sustained recovery in our growth or our production,” he said. Current Canadian slaughter production is at about 375,000 pigs a week. This number indicates that there is unused slaughter capacity in Canada, particularly in Alberta, Rice said.

beijing / reuters / China’s pig farmers should cut supply to stabilize pork prices, the country’s top economic planning body said June 25. The price of pork, a staple in the Chinese diet and a key factor in inflation trends snapped a four-month decline recently after tumbling more than a third from last year as Beijing stockpiled frozen meat to stem losses among farmers. Consumer prices have moderated in China this year, but Beijing remains wary of any flare-up in prices pressures. “We suggest pig producers adjust their feeding habits and modestly reduce the number of productive sows to change the situation of pork supply exceeding demand as soon as possible,” the National Development and Reform Commission said in a statement on its website, www.ndrc.gov.cn. The commission said the government would keep a close eye on pork prices to stem losses incurred by pig farmers. But some analysts warned that China’s pork prices may jump in the coming months when a disease outbreak among piglets earlier this year works its way through the supply chain.

U.S. May cattle placements the largest in five years reuters / The placement of young cattle in U.S. feedlots last month grew by a larger-thanexpected 15 per cent for the biggest May placement total in five years, as a lack of rain and dry pastures forced cattle off pastures and into feedyards, USDA and analysts said June 22. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s cattle-on-feed report showed May placements at 2.087 million head — the largest placement total for the month since 2007’s 2.159 million. Analysts polled by Reuters expected a 13 per cent rise in May placements because of the dry weather and poor pastures. Placements are normally large in May as ranchers move young cattle to feedlots from summer grazing programs. This year’s total was increased by more Mexican cattle coming to southwestern U.S. feedlots as a persistent drought also hurt pastures there. Jim Robb, director of the Livestock Marketing Information Center, viewed the overall report as “slightly bearish.” Placements were above-average forecasts but within the range of expectations. “There were quite a few cattle that were scheduled to go to summer grazing, but clearly went to feedlots based on the lightweight placement category being fully 100,000 head above a year ago,” said Robb.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

Pfizer separates animal health unit


The new stand-alone company will be Zoetis


fizer Inc. plans to separate its animal health unit into a stand-alone company, a move Wall Street expected as the largest U.S. drug maker focuses more intently on its core pharmaceuticals business. Pfizer said on Thursday that preparations were underway for a public offering of a minority stake in the new animal health company, which would be called Zoetis. The business, which generated revenue of about $4.2 billion last year, sells medicines, vaccines and other products for livestock and pets. It has more than 9,000 employees and markets products in more than 120 countries. Pfizer said it would provide

details of the proposed IPO in the coming months, when it reports second-quarter earnings. New York-based Pfizer, which agreed in April to sell its baby formula business to Nestlé SA for $11.85 billion, had also been shopping its animal health unit since last year. But chief executive officer Ian Read has said in recent months that any separation of the animal health business would probably be in the form of an IPO, to avoid hefty taxes. ISI Group analyst Mark Schoenebaum valued the animal health unit at about $15 billion, and estimates Pfizer could generate $3 billion in cash proceeds by spinning off 20 per cent of the business through an IPO.

Chorisse keeps a close watch on her two-hour-old baby Lydia.


Dutch upper house rejects ritual slaughter ban


h e Du t c h u p p e r house, the Senate, has rejected a bill that would have banned the ritual slaughter of animals and had been criticized by both Muslim and Jewish groups. The bill, proposed by the small Party for the Animals, stipulates that livestock must be stunned before being slaughtered, contrary to Muslim halal and Jewish kosher laws, which require animals to be conscious. The lower house of parliament passed the bill a year ago, leaving a looph o l e s a y i n g re l i g i o u s groups could continue ritual slaughter if they proved it was no more painful than other methods of slaughter. But the Senate rejected the bill on Tuesday by 51 votes to 21, meaning it cannot become law. Dutch Muslims, mostly of Turkish and Moroccan origin, had complained they felt stigmatized by the measure. European Union regulations require animals to be stunned before slaughter but allow exceptions for ritual slaughter, which the European Court of Human Rights has ruled is a religious right.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

Global dairy companies offer China “safe” alternatives

puppy love

China will soon become the world’s largest dairy market By Lucy Hornby and Jane Lanhee Lee beijing/shanghai / reuters


lobal food and dairy companies are making another round of big bets on China’s fast-growing dairy sector, hoping to position themselves as safe alternatives even after a lethal baby formula scandal burned many of them the first time around. They are lured by a projected 10 per cent annual growth and by Chinese consumers’ willingness to pay a nice premium for foreign brands as they remain wary of local brands’ safety records. Just last week, China’s topselling dairy firm Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co. recalled six months’ worth of one brand of infant formula after government tests found it was tainted with mercury, a heavy metal that can cause neural damage if ingested. As if on cue, DanishSwedish dairy group Arla announced June 15 it would pay 1.7 billion Danish crowns ( $ 2 8 9 m i l l i o n) f or w hat amounts to a six per cent stake in Yili’s main competitor, China Mengniu Dairy Co., a deal that will also enable it to expand the Arla brand in China. “If you have an international brand, then there’s a premium in the market, because food safety is a concern,” said Kevin Bellamy, dairy analyst at Rabobank in the Netherlands.

For some global milk producers, finding new markets is also crucial as they consolidate and expand production faster than their traditional, and mature, milk markets can grow. Milk and formula safety became a deep concern for Chinese parents after the 2008 scandal. At least six babies died and 300,000 became ill from drinking milk formula contaminated with melamine, a chemical used in fertilizer and plastic. Mengniu last year destroyed milk tainted with aflatoxin, a carcinogenic mould found in corn grown in humid climates. China is the world’s largest formula market and is expected to overtake the United States as the largest dairy market by 2020. Leading global food companies are jockeying to make sure they benefit from the rise in demand. Nestlé’s sales in China are about to expand significantly, pending approval by the Commerce Ministry to incorporate the China operations of Pfizer Inc., which would boost its market share in infant formula to 12 per cent. To k e e p u p w i t h t h a t growth, it and other firms are looking to expand their production in China, but are taking pains to guard against quality problems. Foremost in those efforts is the need to control the supply chain for raw milk. Nestlé has already cut its small suppliers from nearly 30,000 to under 12,000, and

plans to rehouse the rest in big dairy bases. This month it broke ground on a 2.4-billionyuan ($377-million) project invested with U.S. dair y and feed co-operative Land O’Lakes and other partners. It will house a training centre and two huge modern dairy farms, one with 2,400 cows, the other with 8,000. “A model where you have small farmers having a few cows is not really sustainable any longer,” Nestlé’s China chief executive Roland Decorvet told Reuters at the groundbreaking in Shuangcheng, near the northeastern city of Harbin. “The farmers are moving into the cities, the system is getting consolidated, so we are moving towards more middle- to large-size farms.” New Zealand dairy co-operative Fonterra, which sells $2 billion a year of imported milk products in China, is also building large dairy bases near Beijing, the milk from which it sells at a premium to other dairies. Another driving force for foreign firms to ramp up their presence in China is a coming surplus of milk in Europe. The expiration in 2015 of national production caps in the European Union is expected to lead to a six per cent jump in European milk production, bringing an additional nine billion litres a year on to the market, said Bellamy of Rabobank.

A cow sticks its head out of a pen as it waits for feed on a 40-hectare farm managed by New Zealand dairy export giant Fonterra Co-operative Group in Yutian County, Hebei Province around 150 km (93 miles) southeast of Beijing. Global dairy companies are making a play as a safe alternative in the growing market for dairy products in China by building large-scale operations and controlling the supply chain. REUTERS/David Gray

Berty checks out the Akbash pups on the Wall’s sheep farm near Poplarfield.  photo: lorna wall


FNA announces MarketPower Assurance program The program guarantees 90 per cent of the value of sale against default By Allan Dawson co-operator staff


armers selling to the feedlot down the road or to a noodle maker in Japan can now insure their sale against default through the new MarketPower Assurance program offered by the Farmers of North America (FNA) and its partners Atradius Credit Insurance, Export Development Canada, and Pangaea Global Risk Management. “It is literally the first time in history that a farmer can directly protect his sales and manage his risk with the same tools that benefited multinational corporations for a long period of time,” said FNA vice-president Terry Drabiuk. “The MarketPower Assurance program will allow... any farmer to put themselves in the position of global traders.” Farmers are already paying for sale insurance when they sell to grain companies as that cost is built into the basis, Drabiuk said. The program is open to all farmers, but FNA members will share in any program profits through the company’s rewards program, he said. The insurance, which will be available for all agricultural products, will cost less than one per cent of the value of the sale, said Douglas Roff, Atradius Credit Insurance’s national sales manager. Atradius Credit Insurance is the world’s second-largest credit insurance company with 160 offices in 40 countries, said Roff. Farmers who purchase insurance are guaranteed 90 per cent of the sales value if the buyer fails to pay, he said. Banks will also loan farmers money against insured sales, said Drabiuk, and that will free up working capital. Until now it has been too expensive and time consuming to offer insurance to individual farmers, Roff said. “Without FNA this program is simply not possible,” he said. “There’s simply no way for the private sector or Export Development Canada to provide reinsurance to cover all the farmers.” Atradius Credit Insurance already has many buyers pre-approved and will add more to its “buyers’ pool” as farmers line up sales, Roff said. Drabiuk said FNA is also considering getting into the brokerage business bringing buyers and sellers together.



The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


Feeder Steers











Jun. 19

Jun. 20


Ste. Rose




Jun. 21

Jun. 21

Jun. 22

No. on offer










Over 1,000 lbs.
















































































Feeder heifers 900-1,000 lbs.






































































Slaughter Market No. on offer










D1-D2 Cows










D3-D5 Cows










Age Verified










Good Bulls










Butcher Steers










Butcher Heifers










Feeder Cows










Fleshy Export Cows










Lean Export Cows










* includes slaughter market

(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


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Pressure ridge may bring July heat wave Issued: Monday, June 25, 2012 · Covering: June 27 – July 4, 2012 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor


he weather models have been bouncing around over the last week, but over the last couple of days they seem to be coming into agreement on the forecast — and that forecast is for good old summer weather. The models show the upper ridge of high pressure, which brought plenty of sunshine and warming temperatures over the weekend and into the first half of this week, breaking down a little bit as a strong area of low pressure develops to our west. Originally the models were bringing this low across southern regions of Manitoba, but they have now come into agreement that this low will track well to our north. This means southern and most of central Manitoba will see more sun than clouds this week, along with high temperatures in the mid- to upper 20s. We could see the odd shower late Wednesday or early Thursday as the low passes by, but other than that it looks pretty dry.

Over the weekend a much broader ridge of high pressure is expected to develop over the central part of North America. This ridge will allow temperatures to increase and we’ll likely see high temperatures for most of the first week of July in the upper 20s to low 30s. There will be the chance for the occasional thundershower during this period as our region will be on the northern fringe of the high. Looking further ahead, the weather models show very summer-like conditions, with plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures, along with the occasional thunderstorm. There are some indications that a significant heat wave could develop late next week and last into the early part of the following week, but confidence in this is not that high at this time. Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, 21 to 30 C; lows, 9 to 16 C. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at daniel@bezte.ca.


2 Month (60 Days) Accumulated Precipitation (Prairie Region) April 20, 2012 to June 18, 2012

29 - 43 mm 43 - 58 mm 58 - 73 mm 73 - 87 mm 87 - 102 mm 102 - 117 mm 117 - 131 mm 131 - 146 mm 146 - 161 mm 161 - 175 mm 175 - 190 mm 190 - 205 mm 205 - 219 mm 219 - 234 mm 234 - 248 mm 248 - 263 mm 263 - 278 mm 278 - 292 mm Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers

Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2012 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.

Created: 06/19/12 www.agr.gc.ca/drought

This map shows an interesting pattern in the total amount of precipitation that has fallen across the agricultural Prairies during the 60-day period ending June 18. There are three precipitation bull’s-eyes: one in western Alberta, one in western and central Saskatchewan, and one in northwestern Manitoba and extreme eastern Saskatchewan.

Starting to understand tornadoes A funnel cloud, by itself, is not considered a tornado as such By Daniel Bezte CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR


his week we’ll continue our look at severe thunderstorms, and specifically, the most deadly part: tornadoes. What are tornadoes and how do they form? A classic definition of a tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground, which may or may not be visible as a funnel cloud. For this rotating column of air to be classified as a tornado, it must touch the ground. As to how tornadoes form, the real answer is, we just don’t know. Tornadoes usually develop from super cell thunderstorms, which are difficult to predict. Even if we were able to accurately predict where and when these thunderstorms would develop, the intense part of the thunderstorm usually only covers an area of a few hundred square kilometres. Within this few hundred square kilometres, the really severe weather may only occur in a small area of maybe 10 to 20 square km. Now, if we look at the size of a tornado, we would find that

they range from as small as about 40 metres to as large as two km across, with the average width being around 100200 metres. This means that, as far as weather phenomena are concerned, tornadoes are very small, which makes them very hard to study first hand. Now, before we try to figure out just how major tornadoes form, let’s first take a look at one of the weakest members of the tornado fam-

is not considered a tornado. While a fair bit of research has been done on tornadoes and the storms that produce them, very little research has been done on cold air funnels; therefore, we know very little about them. In general, cold air funnels form in environments where we would not typically expect severe weather to develop — that is, in hot, muggy, unstable air. Usually, cold air funnels will form when

Cold air funnels form in environments where we would not typically expect severe weather to develop — that is, in hot, muggy, unstable air.

ily, and something we do see more than regular tornadoes across the Prairies: the cold air funnel. All tornadoes develop out of what we refer to as funnel clouds. In strong thunderstorms, these funnels elongate and may eventually touch the ground to become a tornado, but a funnel cloud all by itself

there is a large pool of cold air aloft that is most often associated with an upper-level low — something we have seen a couple of times this spring. These conditions provide two critical ingredients that are believed to be necessary for the development of cold air funnels: instability and vorticity.

If you think back to when we talked about instability in the atmosphere, you’ll remember that warm air will rise and cold air will sink. If the atmosphere is unstable you need either really warm air at the surface or very cold air in the upper atmosphere. This is why there needs to be a pool of cold air aloft for cold air funnels to form, because this provides the first ingredient: instability, or rising air. The second ingredient is vorticity. This simply means “spinning air.” Areas of low pressure are large areas of spinning air, too large to form into a funnel cloud or tornado. But, within this large area of spinning air, smaller regions get “spun up,” creating what meteorologists call a vorticity-rich environment, containing lots of little eddies of spinning air. Now, what scientists believe happens, is that one of these small eddies of spinning air gets caught in an updraft. This updraft then pulls on and elongates the eddy, causing it to contract in width, and, just like figure skaters pulling their arms in during a spin, this causes the rotation to speed up, creating a funnel cloud.

These funnel clouds are generally very weak and short lived and will rarely become strong enough, or last long enough, to touch down. If they do touch down, they can then be referred to as tornadoes, but even then they rarely cause much damage, often comparable to that of a very strong dust devil. In fact, when these cold air funnels do touch down, they are sometimes referred to as land spouts. Since the potential exists for cold air funnels to touch down as tornadoes, Environment Canada has to issue special weather statements to warn the public about them. Since they rarely touch down, and even when they do they rarely cause damage, such statements will usually urge the public to be watchful for these to occur and to take precautions if necessary — meaning you don’t have to go diving for the nearest storm shelter if you do see one of them forming. Next week we’ll take a break from our look at severe summer weather and tornadoes to look back at June’s weather, then have a look ahead to see what July and August might have in store for us.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012


By Gord Gilmour FBC STAFF

On Chad Berry’s farm five rows are planted in the same space that four rows would occupy in a conventional row system.

Part of KPPA’s commitment to improving productivity for the potato sector can be seen in the recent hiring of a staff agronomist, Andrew Ronald, who joined the KPPA after a stint at one of the major processors. One of the opportunities that Ronald is focusing on is looking at the fit for a bedplanting system in the province. He says it’s too early to tell for sure, but senses there might be some opportunities to incorporate it. For example it may let growers get the same plant populations per acre while increasing the linear spacing of the plants within the row, by sneaking an additional row into the bed. In the bed-planting configuration that the Berrys are using, five rows are planted in the same space that four rows would occupy in a conventional row system. “I’m a big believer in the role of plant populations in our production system,” Ronald said. “At the end of the day, we’re simply capturing sunlight and this system should

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let us do that more efficiently spatially within the field.” However, he also stresses that this won’t be a one-size-fits-all solution and that a big part of the challenge is going to be identifying exactly how and where it might work best. For example, he says there may be a fit for some of the varieties that tend to produce oversize potatoes, since the system seems to encourage more evenly sized tubers. There also may be a fit for end uses that require very specific sizes of potatoes — for example seed potatoes, speciality-type potatoes for the table market, seed potatoes or even a smaller-size processing potato for a speciality use. “I certainly think that bed planting will prove to be advantageous for some of these uses,” Ronald said. Back at Glenboro, Chad Berry says he has developed a bit of a feel for the system over the past season, and suspects that it will fit on sandier land, where water conservation is a concern, rather than drain-


“When we went into this we were hoping to increase our water and nitrogen efficiency, get more evenly sized tubers and generally become more efficient.” CHAD BERRY

age being the big issue. He also suspects it will be used on newer varieties like Innovator and Russet Ranger, since the widely grown Russet Burbank variety doesn’t seem to benefit much from it. “I certainly wouldn’t see this taking over the whole farm — not as long as we’re growing Russet Burbank, that’s for sure,” he said. “But I do think there are applications for it, especially with some of the other varieties.”




hile potato growers in other regions have seen bed planting come into fashion over the past few years, it’s very early days here in Manitoba. In fact there’s just one operation in the province using the system, the Berry family, at their Glenboro-area Over and Under the Hill Farms. Chad Berry says this is the second season they’ll be using it, and that roughly 10 per cent of the operation’s potato acres are bed planted. He says the system appears to have a number of advantages, but cautions that it’s definitely a learning process, since local growing conditions are much different than the Pacific Northwest region where more potato acres are being grown in beds. “When we went into this we were hoping to increase our water and nitrogen efficiency, get more evenly sized tubers and generally become more efficient,” Berry said during a recent interview. “I would say we’re seeing about a 10 per cent efficiency gain in water and nitrogen, and we’re saving an operation by not hilling.” Garry Sloik, general manager of the Keystone Potato Producers’ Association (KPPA), says there are compelling reasons for Manitoba growers to look for every efficiency these days, and that’s part of the reason KPPA and the province’s processors are funding some bedplanting trial plots at the CanadaManitoba Crop Diversification Centre in Carberry and at Berry’s farm this summer. “In an era of a par dollar, we have to become as efficient as we possibly can,” Sloik said. “Frankly we need to improve our yields if we want to stay in the business.” To give some sense of the scale of the challenge, the Pacific Northwest region averages yields of about 800 cwt/acre. Manitoba’s 10-year average is about 250 cwt/acre — although Sloik points out that if you take just the last five years, the average climbs to 280 cwt/acre. “We know we need to move in this direction,” Sloik said.

proving ground.


A Manitoba grower is experimenting with potato beds instead


Row cropping potatoes may be headed over the hill

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

Time to put your potatoes to bed Potato hills date back to horse-drawn plow days. A USDA scientist says it’s time for a rethink By Gord Gilmour fbc staff


hose long, arrow-straight rows of carefully hilled potato plants are one of the key features of any potato production region — but in a few years they might be a thing of the past, says a soil scientist from USDA. David Tarkalson, a member of the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service based in Kimberly, Idaho, thinks bed planting shows a lot of promise. The system eschews the traditional hilled rows in favour of a raised bed that contains either five or seven rows, depending on the equipment used to plant them and cover the seed. “They’re not completely flat — there’s some microtopography going on in them,” Tarkalson told the Manitoba Potato Production Days meeting last winter. “There is some hilling to provide closure over the seed, but they’re not as pronounced as a conventional hilled system.” Pioneering a new way of planting and managing potatoes isn’t something to take lightly, he said, but rather is likely to become necessary as the available water resources become more constrained. “We’re looking at a future with less available water,” he said. “We have some producers with limited water for various reasons, and they’re concerned about the future if there’s not enough water, so the question is how to grow with less water, how to conserve water. We’re not looking to increase production, but to save water.” For example, some typical water numbers for Idaho show that farmers can expect three to six inches of precipitation in an average growing year. Frequently key periods of the growing season — July, August and September — are completely rain free. A thriving potato crop needs 30 inches or so to see it through. “We’re very dry,” he said. “There’s no problem with too much water in our profile, we’re trying to preserve it, and beds hold a lot more water than our conventional system.” Besides, the conventional systems grew out of necessities way back in the day which aren’t likely to apply today, Tarkalson said. “Our hill configuration really is a practice from tradition,” he said. “They needed a place for the horse to walk, on 36-inch centres. In wet areas, it’s a great way to get water away from roots. In Idaho

Growing potatoes in beds with the rows only slightly elevated is working well in some soil conditions.  Photos: USDA Agricultural Research Service, Kimberly, Idaho

it worked well because water was applied in the furrow, which is a great place to run water.” Today horses are a thing of the past and almost all the irrigation water in the state is applied with high-intensity sprayer systems. “We’re no longer constrained to stay with the conventional system,” he said.


There’s plenty of research pointing to the merits of this new approach, Tarkalson said. Research has shown that of the two options — five-row beds and seven-row beds — the five-row strategy may work better, when planted with a slightly higher population of around 10 per cent over the usual density. “We grew common cultivars and measured water use and total yield,” he said. “Irrigation was standard applications, as determined by the growers.” On average these five-row bed treatments yielded 25 cwt an acre higher, and used 2.5 less inches of water to do so, a combination that made them much more efficient. Tarkalson said the beds appear to have higher yields because they use nutrients more efficiently and make more efficient use of available sunlight by reducing the open soil in each field. He did, however, caution that results varied by variety planted, and that the most inconsistent variety appeared to be the indus-

try-standard french fry potato, Russet Burbank. It could yield better and use less water — or it could deliver very disappointing results. “If you’re growing Russet Burbank, we don’t know enough yet to tell you what’s going to happen,” he said. “Other varieties we can predict, but we can’t say that for Russet Burbank yet.” Another issue is tuber size — the average tuber size is smaller in the bed. That’s likely related to grower practices in the field, and experimenting with row spacings may enable better control over tuber size. Tarkalson also noted there may be opportunities to target specific markets based on tuber size, such as fingerling potatoes or seed potatoes. How e v e r, m a n y v a r i e t ies planted in beds did a more efficient job of capturing the available sunlight for plant photosynthesis. For example, the five-row bed treatment intercepted 38 per cent more sunlight than the conventional treatment. “It did a better job of turning sunlight into carbohydrate energy,” Tarkalson said. Again, however, the lone outlier was the Russet Burbank, which showed little to no response, which seemed to capture as much sunlight in rows as beds, while the up-and-coming varieties Norkotah and Ranger Russet did intercept more light over the course of the season.

With the exception of Russet Burbank, many varieties planted in beds did a more efficient job of capturing sunlight.

“Something in the growth pattern of Russet Burbank is negating this effect,” Tarkalson said. “At the end of the season there was not a whole lot of difference.”w Growers who have experimented with the technique in Idaho are pleased with it, especially in areas that are water challenged. Tarkalson told the story of one large operation in eastern Idaho who found they were saving between 3.5 and four inches of water a season, with identical yields. “Over the last five years they’ve gone from doing this on 40 acres to 100, then 200, 400 and they’re up to 800 this year,” Tarkalson

said. “They’re very pleased with it.” Will the experiment translate to Manitoba? That all depends on whether growers think the need to save water is important enough, Tarkalson said, and whether they’re typically trying to conserve water or get rid of it. Sandy land might be suited, but heavier clays wouldn’t be. “If you’re trying to get rid of water, shy away from this,” Tarkalson said. “And if you are going to try it, I’d encourage you to follow the pattern we’ve seen — start small, make your big mistakes on a small amount of ground, fine tune it, and then, if it works, expand it.”


New player in deregulated market A Southeast Asian agri-food processor and a U.S. commodity trading firm are pairing up to enter the deregulated Prairie grain and oilseed supply chain. Singapore-based Olam International and Kansas City’s Lansing Trade Group have announced a new 50-50 joint venture, Lansing Olam Canada, to “originate and merchandise Canadian grains and oilseeds.” The two companies said their complementary strengths provide “a strong platform to establish a meaningful

position in the liberalized western Canadian grains marketplace.” Olam ranks among Singapore’s top 40 companies by market capitalization and is already involved in direct sourcing and processing in “most major producing countries” for products including cocoa, coffee, cashews, sesame, rice, cotton and wood. Lansing last year moved over 15 million tonnes of grain, feed and energy products and already owns or leases about 800,000 tonnes’ worth of commodity-handling facilities in the U.S. The two companies didn’t say in their release where Lansing Olam

Canada will set up shop. Lansing maintains offices in Winnipeg and in Chatham, Ont.; Olam has no Canadian desk.

WCE stretches trading day Winnipeg’s commodity exchange for canola, wheat and barley is stretching its trading day by 45 minutes as of June 25. The close of trading and settlement time on all futures and options products at ICE Futures Canada will be 2 p.m. CT.

The closing time until now has been 1:15 p.m. CT, and the settlement window for futures contracts ran from 1:14 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. The settlement window will now be 1:59 p.m. to 2 p.m. The Winnipeg exchange said it’s making the move to line up its close of trading and settlement time with those for grains and oilseeds futures and options contracts traded on other North American futures exchanges. The change affects ICE Futures Canada’s products for canola, barley, durum, milling wheat and western barley. The opening time for all those markets remains the same.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

New fungicide for potatoes Phostrol can be used on a range or crops Staff


ngage Agro has received registration for its fungicide Phostrol for use on potatoes and other horticultural crops, the latest Manitoba Potato News says. Phostrol is an extremely systemic and highly unique phosphite fungicide that has both a direct and indirect effect on harmful oomycete diseases on a broad range of crops. Phostrol is labelled for use in potatoes, tomatoes, head and stem brassica, cucurbits, grapes, leafy greens, strawberries, raspberries, turf and ornamentals for protection against tough oomycete diseases including: late blight, pink rot, downy mildew, pythium and phytophthora root and leather rot.

Weed scientists sound caution on crops grown for biofuel Today’s new energy crop could become tomorrow’s new invasive species Staff


he Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) is warning the biofuel industry to be careful not to introduce new energy crops that turn into invasive weeds. “We don’t yet have sufficient research and risk models to predict the environmental impact of these new crops in the field,” Jacob Barney, PhD, assistant professor of Invasive Plant Ecology at Virginia Tech says in a WSSA release. “In many ways it’s a large-scale experiment, with few regulations or policy guidelines. Voluntary precautions taken by stakeholders are virtually our only line of defence.” The WSSA says a recent report from the U.S. National Wildlife Federation cites several examples of species cultivated for biofuels that have the potential to become harmful invaders. Among them are: • Giant reed (Arundo donax) an invasive weed known for crowding out native plants in fragile riparian areas. • Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), a great threat to America’s wetlands, rivers and lakes. • Cylindro (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii), an algae associated with toxic blooms in the Great Lakes region. • Napier grass (Pennisetum pur-

Reed canary grass, widespread in Western Canada, is considered one of North America’s most invasive wetland species. PHOTO: INDIANA COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL PEST SURVEY

pureum), an invasive plant known as one of the most problematic weeds in the world. One of the most popular biofuels crops is giant miscanthus. It is a fast-growing hybrid that is unable to produce seed, making it less likely to spread unintentionally than other miscanthus species. However, the WSSA says it too can represent a threat if planted in the wrong location and that weed scientists are concerned about a now-abandoned miscanthus farm located in Kentucky, on the flood plain of the Ohio River. B:10.25” washed into Any plant fragments

“Voluntary precautions taken by stakeholders are virtually our only line of defence.” JACOB BARNEY Virginia Tech

the river could travel hundreds of miles, spreading miscanthus well beyond the planted fields, the WSSA said.

Kudzu, originally imported to the southern U.S. to control soil erosion, has become a difficult-to-control weed that smothers trees and wildlife habitats.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

Trees hit hard by cool, wet weather Stress from excess moisture, fungal infections and herbicide drift may be killing shelterbelt trees in some areas By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF


nusually cool, wet spring weather in the southwest has hit many shelterbelt and riverbank trees hard in the southwest corner of the province. “We are seeing trees that are suddenly dying,” said Carole Graham, formerly a MAFRI woodlot forester who has been repositioned in term position as a flood recovery inspector. As the last remaining person in the department with specific tree experience, she has been “inundated with calls” this year from locals who are seeing the effects of two consecutive years of soggy weather and wondering what can be done to save their trees. Graham said the die-offs appear to be caused by a combination of excessive moisture and disease. Excess moisture can lead to fungal blight and other disease outbreaks in many species, first in spruce, then in ash and poplars. Green ash anthracnose is a common killer of shelterbelt trees that has been present in the province for many years. A disease called “ash decline,” which gradually leads to a loss of leaves and deformed branches may be at the root of some of the die-offs, she added. Graham said that shelterbelts are typically planted close together to provide wind protection, but that practice has the unintended consequence of speeding up the spread of disease. Mature shelterbelts composed of mainly older trees are especially vulnerable because they are less resilient in the face of poor growing conditions. Repeated herbicide applications as farmers practised chemfallow on unseeded acres may have pushed some shelterbelts over the edge last summer, too, she added.

Many trees were wiped out by last year’s flood along the Souris River.

“Those stresses have all culminated and we’re starting to see the symptoms this year,” said Graham. Poplars, especially the fastgrowing hybrid varieties, are prone to the leaf disease septoria in overly wet conditions. Bronze leaf disease, which was first spotted near Carman and Treherne, may have spread as far as eastern Saskatchewan, she added. Among indigenous species, canker disease can infect the inner wood of stressed trees and lead to tree death, and trembling aspen may develop rust as the weather heats up in July. High water tables have drowned out willows and poplars in low spots, but overall, the wet weather has been bad for nearly all tree species, said Graham. Fungicides can be used to provide temporary relief from active fungal stresses from mid-May to mid-June for high-value shelterbelts such as those around yard sites, but overall, a return to dry conditions is needed to prevent further losses.


Irene Pines, a forest health biologist with Manitoba Forestry, said that deposits of silt left over from flooding along riverbanks can smother roots of trees and lead to large-scale die-offs. Leaf scorching on the edges, brown spots that enlarge and become blotches, and curling leaves are the telltale signs of green ash anthracnose, a common disease. One year of infection may lead to some branch dieback, but it takes up to five years to kill the tree, said Pines. “Leaf drop doesn’t necessarily mean that the tree is dead. You have to wait until July to see if another flush of leaves comes out,” she said. “It’s the consecutive years of infection that cause problems.” Verticillium and other root rot diseases, as well as lack of oxygen, can lead to wide-scale tree losses in low-lying, flooded areas if the water levels stay unusually high for a period exceeding a couple of months, she added. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com

Many shelterbelts between Deloraine and Melita have been hit hard by a series of cool, wet springs.

Ombudsman reports 29 complaints against municipalities in 2011 By Lorraine Stevenson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


he Manitoba Ombudsman office investigated 29 complaints from the public about actions and decisions of municipal politicians last year, according to its newly released 2011 report. Common themes in the complaints relate to perceived conflicts of interest, councils making decisions “in camera” (behind closed doors), and not giving reasons for decisions, the report said. Councils are always advised to be up front about their decision-making, said Mel Holley, acting Manitoba ombudsman.

People attending council meetings should also be told what matter is being considered by council and what options are available as they make a decision, Holley said. “That way people know and are being told up front that this is the basis for what council is doing,” he said. Of the 29 complaints to the ombudsman regarding decisions of town, village and RM councils, nine were found unsupportable. Two have been resolved, while the remainder are either still under investigation or have been withdrawn. Holley said the number of complaints are trending slightly upward.

“I see complaints that are more fractious, more difficult,” he said. “Municipal government is under more scrutiny.” lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

“I see complaints that are more fractious, more difficult. Municipal government is under more scrutiny.” MEL HOLLEY

Acting Manitoba ombudsman


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

crop report

Drier weather heats up growing conditions Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives – Report for June 25, 2012 Weekly Provincial Summary

•  A return to warm and drier conditions is welcomed by many Manitoba producers. •  All crop types, particularly the warm-season crops of grain corn, sunflowers, edible beans and soybeans are benefiting from the recent change in weather. •  T h e f a v o u ra b l e w e a t h e r conditions are also allowing acres impacted by excess moisture to recover. However, there are portions of fields that are still showing symptoms of excess moisture stress, including yellowing and slowed crop development. •  T h e i m p r o v e d w e a t h e r conditions are also allowing herbicide and fungicide applications to continue. Aerial application is needed in cases where fields remain too wet for ground application. •  H a y i n g o p e r a t i o n s a r e underway in most regions with average to below-average yields and good quality being reported.

Southwest Region

The Southwest Region saw minimal rainfall over the past week. However, there were some isolated events that caused larger rainfall accumulations, high winds and hail. Crops and weeds are advancing rapidly with the heat

and most herbicide spraying needing to be completed this week. Early-seeded cereals are in the heading stage. Fungicide application is occurring in most areas. Early-seeded canola crops are starting to bolt with the majority cabbaging out and covering the ground. Flooding continues in the Assiniboine and Birdtail valleys. Producers have started to cut hay with average to below-average yields reported. Pastures are rated as good and the warm weather will aid in continued growth.

Northwest Region

Late-seeded and less-developed canola and hemp were the most impacted by excess moisture, especially in those soils with poor drainage or those areas that received higher rainfall accumulation. Cereals are predominantly into late stem elongation stage with 15 to 25 per cent of spring wheat acres heading. Approximately 10 to 15 per c e n t o f c a n o l a a c re s a re flowering and over 45 per cent are into rosette stages. Field peas are beginning to bloom. The soybeans crops through Dauphin and Ste. Rose areas are developing well and past the fourth trifoliate stages. Herbicide applications in


l a t e r- s e e d e d c a n o l a a c re s are in progress. Fungicide treatments in winter wheat are complete. Aerial applications also continued. Fungicide applications are beginning on cereals and canola crops. Ha y c ro p s a n d p a s t u re s remain in good condition across most of the region, e xc e p t w h e re h i g h e r ra i n accumulations have occurred. In the south, initial first hay cuts continued sporadically due to rains. Heat is required before haying operations become general. Yield is expected to be average to below average. Dugout water supplies are now full.

Central Region

Rainfall accumulations in the Central Region ranged from five to 30 mm. A few pockets of isolated hail were reported with some causing crop damage. All areas of the region re p o r t s o m e c o n c e r n s o f excess moisture. Some crops have continued to show signs of related stress symptoms. Clear ing skies allowed producers to resume spraying; herbicide applications are now over 95 per cent complete. Fungicide applications continue. Corn continues to recover from the extended cool and rainy conditions and the

earlier frost event. Crop height is considered shorter than normal. Soybeans and edible beans are showing signs of yellowing and iron chlorosis due to e xc e s s m o i s t u re a n d c o o l conditions. Dairy and export hay harvest has started with much of it put up as haylage/silage. The quality on first-cut alfalfa/ grass hay crop is good to fair. Hay crop appears to be average this year with moderate to slow growth; cutting has also been delayed due to poor weather conditions. Most pastures are in good shape. Alfalfa weevil is causing damage in alfalfa. R M o f Pe m b i n a re p o r t s dugouts are 30 to 40 per cent f u l l . S o m e p r o d u c e r s a re exploring alternative water sources.

Eastern Region

Winter wheat and fall r ye crops are either at the milk or early-dough stage. Fungicide applications on fall cereals as well as herbicide applications on all crops are close to complete. Across the region about 70 per cent of the canola has begun flowering and fungicide applications for sclerotinia are proceeding. Flax is in the stem extension growth stage. Sunflowers are in the vegetative stage. Soybeans are in two-


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July & August WINNIPEG GOLDEYES Shaw Park July & August WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS Canad Inns Stadium July 1 CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS Assiniboine Park / The Forks/Osborne Village

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to five-trifoliate leaf stages. Corn is in the V6 to V9 growth stages. In general, the condition of annual crops is rated as good. First-cut haying is proceeding across the region with at least 30 per cent of the crop cut or baled. Overall quality is rated as good. Pa s t u r e c o n d i t i o n s a r e generally rated as fair to good.

Interlake Region

Heavy rain fell on many parts of the Interlake Region in isolated thundershowers. Water is standing in low spots and has resulted in visual crop damage. Fungicide and herbicide application is delayed on some fields and is expected to resume in coming days with sun in the forecast. Cutworm damage on canola and soybean was reported in the Arborg and Fisher Branch areas. Producers should be scouting for zebra caterpillar populations as there has been a report of activity in the Fisher Branch area on alfalfa seed. Forage seed grasses are progressing rapidly producing large volumes of vegetation. Haying resumed late in the week. Pasture conditions have improved greatly although some areas that have received too much rain have water ponding.

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August 2-5 HEART OF THE CONTINENT HORSE SHOW Red River Exhibition Park August 5-18 FOLKLORAMA Various Winnipeg venues August 9-31 RAINBOW STAGE PRESENTS ANNIE Kildonan Park



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The Manitoba Co-Operator | June 28, 2012

COUNTRY CROSSROADS connecting rur a l communities

School powers LED message board with wind turbine Oak Lake Community School turns need for community and school messaging into a teachable moment about renewable energy By Daniel Winters co-operator staff


he new electronic messaging board at Oak Lake Community School is just part of the school’s latest commitment to going green. The sign, which uses energy-saving LED light bulbs, will not only reduce the need to send home paper notices, but is powered by a small wind turbine. That makes it a tool for teaching students about renewable energy, said principal Brenda Masson. “They’re trying to not only learn about the environment and how they can make a difference by looking after this one planet Earth that we all live on, but they are trying also to get their messages out to the community,” said Masson, adding the latest message from students in Grades 6 and 7 is “drive less, walk more.” The sign is the latest in a long series of initiatives over the past three years that earned the school a $3,000 national “Green Schools, Green Futures” award from TreeCanada, an organization that promotes planting of trees in urban environments.

Oak Lake Community School’s new electronic messaging sign is powered by a wind turbine.  photo: Daniel Winters

“They’re trying to not only learn about the environment and how they can make a difference by looking after this one planet Earth that we all live on, but they are trying also to get their messages out to the community.” brenda masson

Oak Lake School principal

The wind turbine was won in a contest organized by Evolve Green, with grants and community donations paying for the sign and installation. It’s part of the school’s “push for paperless” initiative, which also encourages parents to sign up for email messaging. “The community can contact me to get their messages out,” said Masson. The school’s “Environmental Citizenship” project includes lessons and activities integrated into the curriculum ranging from planting and tending to a school garden as well as apple, saskatoon and plum trees in the schoolyard. “We actually have apples on our apple tree this year,” she said. “The kids will get to see where those fruits and vegetables come from.” Tomatoes, peppers and carrots grown in the garden are used to make salsa and served once a month in the breakfast snack program. One issue they face is the fact that the summer break means that someone needs to peri-

odically weed, water and harvest the garden during summer break. Last year, an “EcoWarriors” program, sponsored by Manitoba Youth and Justice, saw students receive an honorarium for helping tend a community flower garden and for activities such as building composting bins. This summer, students will help care for a community vegetable garden to learn how to grow, cook, and preserve food. Schools use a lot of fossil energy, especially in rural areas, said Masson. The big yellow buses, for example, burn oceans of diesel every year bringing kids to and from school. “We’re trying to be a caring school, and eco-education is just one piece of that,” said Masson. “I think kids are becoming more aware that we only have one planet Earth and everybody needs to do their part to take care of it.” daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com

Legal protection for municipal leaders revisited Councillors want same legal protections as MPs and MLAs By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff / sandy lake

Municipal politicians are welcoming a move that could result in them being given a form of parliamentary privilege. After a series of lawsuits against councils, the Association of Manitoba Municipalities recommended in 2009 that mayors, reeves and councillors be protected from being sued from comments they make while in a council

session. The provincial government rejected the idea but has now agreed to review the matter. That’s good news, said Doug Dobrowolski, Association of Manitoba Municipalities president. “AMM believes municipal councillors should be able to carry out their duties without fear of legal actions,” he said. Three councils in Manitoba are currently facing lawsuits. The matter will require extensive

consideration, however. The defence of “absolute privilege” — or freedom to speak in a public assembly — has not been extended to municipallevel government historically because these bodies are not considered, under common law, to be of the same nature as provincial legislatures or Parliament. As well, there is also no verbatim record like Hansard of discussions held at municipal meetings. Dobrowolski said the AMM “welcomes and sees as all positive” a

series of amendments the province has proposed on another matter of governance. The amendments include enacting a code of conduct to which all leaders are held accountable, requirements for public notification and input on capital projects that require borrowing, and expanding existing legislation to reduce the potential for conflict-of-interest situations. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-Operator | June 28, 2012



Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

Sweet treats for the start of summer

Frozen Strawberry Cheesecake You’ll be out in the strawberry patches soon and I’m sure will appreciate a new recipe for a delicious frozen cheesecake, with a fresh strawberry and mint topping. The call for a little pepper is interesting — and optional of course. Crust: 1-1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs 1/4 c. butter, melted 2 tbsp. sugar

Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap

Frozen Cheese Filling: 8 oz. (250 g) Canadian cream cheese, softened 1/2 c. sugar 8 c. strawberry ice cream


ith school now out, these are those first magical days of summer, with so much time and fun stuff ahead — family trips, camping and swimming lessons, maybe going to a wedding. I hope your children enjoy lots of “downtime” during summer holidays. I recall a farm mom once telling me how, on the day school ended, so did everyone’s schedules. She wanted the lazy, hazy days of summer to really be that for her kids, so that meant an extra hour of sleep mornings, their days filled with playing their own made-up games, camping in the yard or building forts, swimming at the local lake, berry picking. If you ask me, that sounds like a pretty nice vacation! Oh, that we could all be (unscheduled, unhurried) kids on summer holiday again! Here’s a couple frozen treats you don’t have to be a kid to enjoy, plus two delicious desserts made from the berries I hope you’ll all be making time to pick in the days ahead.

Frozen Smoothie Pops A smoothie makes a nutritious snack any time. Here’s a frozen version that’s sure to be appreciated during a hot summer afternoon. Triple Berry Smoothie Pops: 1 c. fresh or frozen strawberries 1 c. fresh or frozen blueberries 1 tbsp. sugar or liquid honey 1 c. milk 1/2 c. raspberry-flavoured yogurt Just Peachy Smoothie Pops: 2 c. fresh, canned or frozen peaches or apricots, sliced 2 tbsp. liquid honey or sugar 1 c. milk 1/2 c. peach yogurt or vanilla-flavoured yogurt Banana Pineapple Smoothie Pops: 1 very ripe banana 1 c. frozen or drained canned pineapple chunks 1 to 2 tbsp. (15 to 30 ml) sugar or liquid honey 1 c. milk 1/2 c. vanilla-flavoured yogurt or plain yogurt

In a blender, combine fruit and honey or sugar and milk; purée until smooth. Add yogurt and pulse just until combined. Pour into ice-pop moulds and insert sticks, or pour into 1/3-cup paper cups. If using paper cups, freeze until partially firm then insert sticks, straws or plastic spoons. Freeze until solid, for two to four hours or up to two weeks. Tip: If using paper cups, once the smoothies are

frozen solid, transfer to an airtight container to make sure they don’t get freezer burn. Prep. time: 5 minutes. Freezing time: 2 to 4 hours.Yields: 8 to 12 pops. Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada www.dairygoodness.ca

Fresh Strawberries and Mint Topping: 2 c. fresh strawberries, cubed 1/4 c. fresh mint, chopped 1/4 c. maple syrup Freshly ground pepper to taste   Dairy Farmers of Canada

Frosty Yogurt Shakes Here’s a frosty drink that makes a super-quick summer dessert. Berry Banana Shake: 2 c. milk 1 c. (2 scoops) vanilla frozen yogurt 2 frozen bananas 1 c. fresh or frozen raspberries or blueberries Chocolate Almond Shake: 2 c. chocolate milk 1-1/2 c. (3 scoops) chocolate frozen yogurt 1/2 c. ice cubes 1/2 c. toasted almonds Creamsicle Shake: 2 c. milk 1 c. (2 scoops) vanilla frozen yogurt 1 c. ice cubes 1/3 c. frozen orange juice concentrate, undiluted

In blender, combine milk, frozen yogurt, frozen fruit or ice cubes and flavourings (as called for); purée until smooth. Pour into tall glasses. Tip: If you don’t have frozen yogurt, freeze an equal amount of vanilla-flavoured yogurt in a plastic container, stirring occasionally, for about four hours or until firm. For the Chocolate Almond Shake, add 2 tbsp. chocolate syrup with yogurt. For a smoother texture in the Chocolate Almond Shake, substitute 1/4 cup almond butter for the whole almonds.

Prepare a Creamsicle Shake as Tropical Creamsicle, replacing ice cubes with 1 cup mixed frozen, chopped tropical fruit. Prep. time: 5 minutes. Yields: 2 to 4 servings [1 milk product serving(s) per person]. Healthy Eating Tip: If you think you need eight glasses of water a day, think again! The water our body needs also comes from foods and other beverages. Milk, juice and water, even coffee and teas all count, as do “watery foods” like many fruits and veggies, yogurt and soup. These shakes provide hydration with the added bonus of vitamins, minerals and protein.

Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada www.dairygoodness.ca

Recipe Swap… I’m always happy to hear from readers with your recipes and suggestions for columns! Write to:

Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO Or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

In a large bowl, combine all crust ingredients. Press crust mixture into a springform pan and freeze for 30 minutes. In the bowl of a mixer, beat cream cheese with sugar for two minutes or until sugar is dissolved. Gradually add strawberry ice cream and mix well. Spread filling evenly on the crust. Freeze for three hours. To prepare topping, combine strawberries with maple syrup, mint and pepper in a saucepan. Cook over low heat for five minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Unmould frozen cheesecake and serve in wedges with strawberry mint topping. Prep. time: 20 minutes. Cooking time: 5 minutes. Freezing time: 3 hours, 30 minutes. Yields: 8 to 10 servings. Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada www.dairygoodness.ca

Saskatoon Streusel Nothing says summer like a pail of saskatoons ready to be turned into a delicious steaming pie or other treats. Thanks to Diana May of Moosehorn for sending us this beautiful summer dessert recipe this week. Filling: 4 c. fresh or frozen saskatoons 1 heaping c. sugar 2 tbsp. cornstarch dissolved in 1/2 c. cold water Topping: 1/2 c. flour 3 tbsp. butter or margarine 1/2 c. white sugar Base: 1/2 c. butter or margarine 1/3 c. brown sugar 1/4 c. white sugar 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla 1-1/2 c. flour 1 tsp. baking powder Pinch of salt

Place saskatoons in a heavy saucepan with a little water, add sugar, bring to a boil, add cornstarch and water. Boil stirring frequently until thickened (not too thick). Cool while making base and topping. Topping: Combine topping ingredients, mix to form crumbs, set aside. Base: Cream butter, add sugars. Add egg and vanilla, mix well. Add flour, baking powder and salt, mix well. Place dough into a greased 9x13inch pan, flatten evenly. Spread with cooled filling, sprinkle with topping. Bake in 350 F oven for 30 minutes.


The Manitoba Co-Operator | June 28, 2012



ennifer Jackson shuffled into the kitchen early on Sunday morning, casting a bleary eye at her parents Andrew and Rose who sat at the dining table, each with a cup of coffee and a section of the newspaper in front of them. She opened the cupboard, took out a mug and poured herself a cup of the nolonger-fresh beverage, then shuffled over to the table where she sat down and placed the coffee cup on the table in front of her, and then she heaved a heavy and pointed sigh. Andrew raised an eyebrow and Rose glanced up momentarily from her newspaper but neither of them took the bait. Jennifer sighed again. “I’m depressed,” she announced. Andrew folded his paper and leaned back in his chair. “So it would appear,” he said. Rose went on reading. Andrew took a sip of his coffee. “Depression,” he said, “is caused by an incompatibility in the way you believe things should be and the way they actually are.” Jennifer stared at the table. “That makes me feel sooo much better,” she said. “I like to give an encouraging word whenever it seems called for,” he said. “It’s the least I can do.” Rose looked up at her husband. “And you always try to do the least you can don’t you dear?” she said. “That goes without saying,” said Andrew, then turned his attention back to Jennifer. “Seriously sweetie,” he said, “what is it about the way things are that doesn’t jive with the way you think they should be?” He paused. “I’m guessing this has something to do with Antonio,” he added. “His name is Fernando,” said Jennifer, “as I have told you a hundred times.” She heaved another sigh. “Not that it matters now,” she said. “You might as well call him Guillermo Jones. Two weeks from now no matter what you call him, he won’t answer, because he’ll be back in Argentina. And I’ll probably never see him again.” “Ah, yes,” said Andrew. “Well, we knew this day was coming didn’t we?” “We knew it was coming,” said Jennifer, “but we were living in denial.” Andrew looked over at Rose. “You see?” he said.



“I told you they were very mature for their age. They’re handling it just like grownups!” “But then yesterday Fernando got his airline ticket in the mail,” said Jennifer. “Apparently my denial isn’t strong enough to deal with that.” “I really feel bad for you,” said Andrew. “But don’t worry. By the time you’re my age, it will be.” “Thank you for being so sympathetic,” said Jennifer. “But anyway, I’ve decided my only option is to use my education savings plan money to go visit him in Argentina in August.” There was a brief pause. “Atta girl,” said Andrew. “When denial no

longer works, you can always replace it with ungrounded, hopeless, impossible plans for the future.” “On the other hand,” said Rose, “a trip to Argentina would certainly be educational. You can’t argue that.” Andrew looked at her, askance. “Did you really just say that?” he said. “Yes I did,” said Rose. Andrew crossed his arms. “Geez,” he said. “Don’t go getting her hopes up. We are not sending our teenage daughter to some foreign country to visit a boyfriend she’s only had for six months and we’ve barely even met.” “I could bring him over for lunch,” said Jennifer. “That’s not the point,” said Andrew. “Of course we wouldn’t send her to Argentina,” said Rose. “But who’s to say we couldn’t take her?” Andrew opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. “We can’t go away in August,” he said. “Brady’s getting married. And we have to harvest. Maybe. If it ever stops raining.” “Of course we wouldn’t go in August,” said Rose. “That would be silly. We’ll go in January. January is summertime in Argentina, isn’t it Jennifer? Much warmer than here, right.” “Everywhere is warmer than here in January,” said Andrew, getting up and putting his empty coffee cup in the sink. “That doesn’t mean we’re going there. And I have work to do, so we can continue this conversation when I finish which should be in about…” he paused to look at his watch… “15 years.” Jennifer waited till the door closed behind her father before she turned her suddenly bright eyes towards her mother. “Could we?” she said. “If we wanted to,” said Rose with a smile. “You know that man could never say no to us. But we don’t know yet if we want to.” “We don’t? When will we?” asked Jennifer. “When Pedro’s been gone for a few months,” said Rose. “Then we’ll know. And one other thing, in the interests of your future happiness…” and here she paused. “What?” said Jennifer. “Don’t get your hopes up,” said Rose.

Have fun — stay healthy

As you visit fairs and markets, be aware of food-handling procedures By Barb Galbraith FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR


ummer in Manitoba means plenty of fun outdoor events. From small local fairs to the Red River Ex in Winnipeg, people consume a great deal of food from temporary venues. The tasty offerings vary, but all vendors must meet the criteria set by the local health inspector’s office to protect the public from foodborne illnesses. The majority of food poisoning cases comes from viruses, such as the Noroviruses and Hepatitis A. Bacteria and parasites account for most of the others. Bacteria can infect intestines or they can cause chemical reactions within food, producing toxins that can be deadly to humans. Toxic agents are the least common and usually result from poor food selection or preparation, such as incorrectly identifying wild mushrooms or not washing pesticide residue from produce. It can be difficult to determine where a case of food poisoning has been contracted. Symptoms may appear anywhere from within 30 minutes to 70 days of eating, depending on the contaminant and the individual’s health. Symptoms — lasting from days to weeks — can vary, but commonly include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping and


fever. Most cases are not serious, but the very young, the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions are at the highest risk of severe reactions. The potential for food poisoning is said to be greater in our own homes as the average person is not trained in proper food-handling techniques. Food at our fairs and festivals can be enjoyed due to the efforts of the Manitoba Government’s Public Health Office to ensure rigorous standards are followed. No system is perfect, however, so here are a few things you can do to remain healthy: • Wash your hands before touching your food. Hand sanitizer, even with 99.99 per cent alcohol content, is not a replacement for handwashing. Its germ-killing properties are not effective through grime such as dirt or blood. Not all pathogens come from the other side of the counter. Livestock displays, handrails, doorknobs and numerous other public areas are major sources of contamination. Even your cellphone can harbour bacteria. • Ask before you order if you do not see a permit from the local public health inspector. All food service establishments must display one. To obtain it, a form indicating what they are serving, equipment used to chill, heat and hold over food, sanitation practices, and

where they have obtained food products must be submitted prior to opening. • Ask to have your burger cut in half if you are worried about undercooked meat. This is an especially good idea for young children who might not realize if a hamburger patty is not fully cooked. • Return food to the vendor if it does not taste, smell or look right. Throwing it out will not alert them to a potential problem and others may become ill. • Quietly and politely mention it to a staff member if you see an instance of poor sanitation or food handling (prevention, not confrontation, is the goal). Training and guidelines posted where workers can read them should be available, but people working in temporary settings that are raising funds for local charities are often volunteers. Being vigilant from the perspective of public safety is not often second nature. Public health requirements vary according to the type of vendor. For more information on guidelines for farmers’ markets, special events, mobile units, pushcarts and temporary enterprises that are open for 14 days or less in one location visit https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/pub lichealth/environmentalhealth/protec tion/food.html. Barb Galbraith writes from Oakville, Manitoba


The Manitoba Co-Operator | June 28, 2012


Dauphin volunteers take up the challenge Group sends supplies to Ukraine orphanages and wants to inspire others to do the same By Candy Irwin Freelance contributor


Nicole Yunker of Dauphin is a Boxes of Love volunteer.  PHOTO: CANDY IRWIN

“Their faces never leave you.” Lindsay Rubeniuk

oday in Canada, there are no orphanages. This is not because there are no orphaned, abandoned or “at risk” children, but because we have a social safety net and a belief that children are best taken care of in a family setting whenever possible. Today in Ukraine, there are 275 state-run orphanages, which the statistics say house 103,000 children, but because of poor record-keeping, numbers are more likely closer to 140,000 children. For centuries Ukraine was dominated by Russia and the Soviet Union, until 1991 when Ukrainian citizens voted for independence. Since then the country has struggled to achieve political, economic and social stability, but many of these structures remain dysfunctional or lacking, and orphanages continue to exist. Most of the children do not have “official orphan status” so are unadoptable, and for the ones who do, international adoption is very, very difficult. As awareness of the plight of Ukrainian orphans spreads, religious and community-based organizations from around the world have reached out to help. One such organization is the “Boxes of Love Project” based in Dauphin. The all-volunteer group supports the Baby House, which is an orphanage for 45 children from newborn to age four, and the Internat, which is a facility for 150 youngsters ages five to 16 in the village of Nadvirna. Lindsay Rubeniuk saw the desperate need first hand. “Their faces never leave you,” she said. So, she and her friend Nicole Yunker of Dauphin rolled up their sleeves and got to work! Over the last four years, they and a handful of dedicated volunteers have collected over $25,000 worth of needed supplies for the Baby House. Besides new and gently used clothing, they gather and send hygiene products, disposable diapers, new shoes and glass baby bottles that can be sterilized. Other initiatives have included an ageappropriate Ukrainian library, colourful crib quilts and new carpeting for the Baby House. Because of corruption in Ukraine, safe movement of the donated goods had to be ensured. The Boxes of Love group has built a relationship with Meest

Sounds of Canada Day on the Farm

Shipping, and the Transport Committee lists everything in each box sent which is checked on arrival in Nadvirna. It takes three months for shipments to arrive by sea, so Boxes of Love is now collecting for fall and winter. Yunker phones Boxes of Love volunteers in Ukraine every week to discuss needs so that time and money aren’t wasted. Clothing, hygiene products, school supplies and art supplies are sent for the older children of Internat. A Backpack Project is now underway with the goal being to collect one backpack filled with school supplies and a new pair of runners for each of the 150 children. There’s also a group of knitters who makes hats, sweaters and leg warmers, and donations of yarn are never turned down. Monies for shipping and other needs are raised through the sale of blue and yellow Boxes of Love bracelets and through monetary contributions. Donations of $10 or more are eligible for a charitable tax receipt. The Boxes of Love committee has also started “Learning Our Way Out of Poverty” (LOWOP), an initiative to help Internat students gain skills to assist them in becoming productive citizens and bridging the gap between the ages of 13 until graduation when they will be eligible for free secondary education. The Boxes of Love group would like to inspire others throughout Manitoba and Canada to learn from their experiences and replicate the Boxes of Love, Backpack and LOWOP projects to benefit other Ukrainian orphanages. Is your community up for the challenge? To find out more, contact the Boxes of Love Committee at boxesofloveproject@gmail.com. To donate, make your cheque payable to “Parkland Crossing” and note “Ukraine Orphan Project” on the memo line and send to Parkland Crossing, Box 70, Dauphin, Man., R7N 2T9. To see photos of the Nadvirna Baby House and Internat, go to www.orphansbrightstar.org/orphan ages/nadirna/htm or www.anorphansbrightstar. shutterfly.com/nadvirna. Candy Irwin writes from Lake Audy, Manitoba

Reader’s Photos

PHOTO: alma barkman


rooster crows, awakening us from the undisturbed sleep we enjoy in this peaceful country. A squirrel chatters as it hides away nuts, a reminder of this nation’s granaries and freezers and pantries full of food. A meadowlark sings, a celebration of Canada’s wildlife. A dog barks, a reminder of the much broader circle of protection our police and armed forces provide. Cows softly low, summoning us to both the responsibilities and privileges of work. The wind rustles in the fir trees, whispering of our four distinct seasons. Water splashes into the sink, a small portion of the abundant supply that is ours. A lawn mower buzzes, a reminder of the pride we take in the property that can be ours.

Overhead wires hum, an indication of our reliable utilities. Tires crunch on the gravel driveway as a car pulls out onto a grid of highways that crisscrosses the country. An airplane drones overhead on its way to distant places, soaring along in the pure fresh air of Canada’s skies. The doorbell rings, calling us to welcome friends who live nearby. Men’s voices carry in from the farmyard as they repair machinery together, a sure sign of neighbourly support. A tardy school bus growls along on its way to be parked for the summer holidays, a reminder of the educational opportunities Canada affords our young people. Carefree children laugh, representing the future of our great country. Alma Barkman, Winnipeg

True North strong and free — Happy Canada Day!  PHOTO: CINDY MURRAY

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012 The Manitoba Co-Operator | October 6, 2011


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ADVERTISIng RATES & InfoRMATIon REgulAR ClASSIfIED • Minimum charge — $11.25 per week for first 25 words or less and an additional 45 cents per word for every word over 25. Additional bolding 75 cents per word. GST is extra. $2.50 billing charge is added to billed ads only. • Terms: Payment due upon receipt of invoice. • 10% discount for prepaid ads. If phoning in your ad you must pay with VISA or MasterCard to qualify for discount. • Prepayment Bonus: Prepay for 3 weeks & get a bonus of 2 weeks; bonus weeks run consecutively & cannot be used separately from original ad; additions & changes accepted only during first 3 weeks. • Ask about our Priority Placement. • If you wish to have replies sent to a confidential box number, please add $5.00 per week to your total. Count eight words for your address. Example: Ad XXXX, Manitoba Co-operator, Box 9800, Winnipeg, R3C 3K7. • Your complete name and address must be submitted to our office before publication. (This information will be kept confidential and will not appear in the ad unless requested.) DISplAy ClASSIfIED • Advertising copy deviating in any way from the regular classified style will be considered display and charged at the display rate of $32.20 per column inch ($2.30 per agate line). • Minimum charge $32.20 per week + $5.00 for online per week. • Illustrations and logos are allowed with full border. • Spot color: 25% of ad cost, with a minimum charge of $15.00. • Advertising rates are flat with no discount for frequency of insertion or volume of space used. • Telephone orders accepted • Terms: Payment due upon receipt of invoice. • Price quoted does not include GST. All classified ads are non-commissionable.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012



The Pas

IH COLLECTORS OF WESTERN Canada present our 2012 show at the Western Development Museum in Yorkton SK, August 4th & 5th, 2012. Featuring L, R, S trucks & lettered series tractors. Member meeting & banquet, www.ihc38.com. Derald Marin (306)869-2262.


Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River


AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

other Denis & Rita Robert – and consignors

Aubigny, MB • saturday, june 30, 2012 • 10 am

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433

Birch River

Swan River Minitonas Durban

ANTIQUES Antiques For Sale





1901 EATONS CATALOGUE, SEARS 1923-1900 tins, best offers; 100-yr old baler; 73 Pontiac, 82 Bronco, $1200 ea; 2 horse rubber tired show wagon, $950; Implement wheels; Avon bottles; Motor home, $1850; $1 & $2 dollar bills; 5000 hub caps, car & truck. Selkirk, (204)482-7251. 1956 IHC 1/2-TON; 1952 W4 tractor; 4-ft. Ford roto tiller w/3-PTH. Phone (204)855-2212.

ANTIQUES Antique Equipment 1929 CHEVY 1-TON TRUCK; No 4 & No 5 JD mowers; Railroad Motor cars; Stationary engines 1.5 to 20-HP; 2 to 6 cyl magnetos; 224 Case garden tractor needs hyd pump w/40-in. rototiller & mower deck; 9N Ford tractor; Horse dump rake; 1, 2, 4 Cyl air cooled motors; 1960’s gasoline bowser. Phone (204)757-2091. 1939 JD A row crop tractor, original owner, fully restored to nicer than new condition, new fenders, new tires, $7,000 OBO. (204)822-3616, Morden, MB. e-mail for pics lajanzen@mts.net 720 JD 1964 GAS Engine Tractor, good rubber, no rust, good running condition. Asking $4500. Call Haywood, (204)379-2613 or cell (204)745-8775. EISNERS AUCTION CENTRE, Swan River, Sat., June 30th 9:00am. Selling JD 820 running, 4 seat restored Democrat; 2 seat Doctor Buggy two JD B’s, need restoring. Check eisnerauctions.com Lawrence Eisner Auctions (204)525-2225, Minitonas.

AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland

EISNER AUCTION CENTRE SAT., JUNE 30th 9:00AM SWAN RIVER, MB. Manitoba’s Largest 42nd Annual June Equipment Consignment Sale INCLUDES SEVERAL FARM SALES 100’S OF ITEMS CHECK www.eisnerauctions.com COME EARLY. NEW ITEMS CONSIGNED DAILY. CONSIGN TODAY! PHONE AHEAD EQUIPMENT TAKEN IN SALE WEEK TILL THURSDAY. Pancake Breakfast 7:30-9:00am For Info Call Lawrence Eisner Auctions (204)525-2225 Minitonas.

EISNERS AUCTION CENTRE, Swan River. Sat., June 30th 9:00am Manitoba’s largest 42nd Annual June equipment consignment sale. 100’s of items tractors, trucks, farm, haying, harvest, sporting, antique items, tools, misc., trees & shrubs. Pancake Breakfast 7:30-9:00. Don’t miss this popular sale! Check eisnerauctions.com Lawrence Eisner Auctions (204)525-2225, Minitonas.

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Auction Sale Doris Hamblin (Late Wallace) Sat., July 7th 10:00am Winnipeg Beach, MB. Location: South 4-mi on Hwy #9 then West 1-mi on 225 Hwy then North 1/2-mi on McKenzie Rd #2764. Auction Note: The Acreage is for SALE! Everything Sells to the Highest Bidder! Contact: (204)389-5421 or (204)284-8504. Vintage Car & Tractors: 66 Nash Rambler American 4D Solid Org; 76 Ford 250 351 Auto 56,900-mi w/Cap Solid Cond; Ford 8N 3PH 540 PTO; 1939 M Moline Z Narrow Frt Row Crop; McCormick WD9 DSL Ext hyd 540 PTO Pulley; McCormick W6 Ext Hyd 540 PTO nr; MH Hse Sickle Mower; NH Baler & Stooker Yard & Rec: Yamaha 250cc Quad; Yard Work 10.5-HP 30-in. Snowblower Exc Cond; Murray 11-HP 36-ft. R Mower; 2) Roto Tiller 1) 5-HP Rear Tine; Push Gas Mower; Yard Tiller; Elec Chain Saw; Hand Yard Tools; Bench Tools: Lincoln 225 Welder; Acetylene Torches; Honda Ex 800 Generator; Chain Saw; Port Air Comp; Battery Charger; Bench Grinder; Power Tools; Many Hand Tools; Wrenches; Socket Sets; Al Building Jack; Hyd Jack; Jackal; Vise; Work Mate Misc: Utility Trailer; 3PH Woods 6-ft. Blade; 9) 10-ft. Metal Corral Panels; Metal Rd Bale Feeder; 300-gal Fuel Tank; B&S Engine; Fence Stretcher; Live Trap Household: 8 pc Oak DR Suite; Port Dish Washer; Couch; Hide-a Bed; K Table; 3 pc BR Suite; Desk; Interior 9000 A/C; TV; Stereo; Treadmill; K Items; Medi Equip: Victory 4 Wheel Medi Scooter; 2) Tritan 3 Wheel Medi Scooter; 2) Medi Lift Reclining Chairs; Walker Antiques: 2D China Cabinet; 3 pc BR Suite; Duncan Phyfe Coffee & Table; Singer Treadle Sewing Machine; Rocking Chair; Swing Tub Washer; Chalet Glass; Pedal Bike; Fire Ext; Ammo Box; Washboard; Scythe; Old Tools. Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE Moving & Estate Tues., July 3rd 4:00pm Stonewall, MB. #12 Patterson Dr. Quality Household; Antiques; Yard & Rec; Tools & Misc. Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com

Fisher Branch

Ste. Rose du Lac



Riverton Eriksdale



Shoal Lake




Rapid City Virden














Pilot Mound Crystal City

Elm Creek


Ste. Anne



Lac du Bonnet






Stonewall Selkirk




MULVEY FLEA MARKET, Manitoba’s Largest year-round indoor flea market, weekends 10-5. Collectables, Antiques & More. Lots of great stuff new & old. Fun place to shop. Osborne @ Mulvey Ave. E. Wpg. 204-478-1217. Visa, MasterCard, Interac accepted. Visit us online at www.mulveymarket.ca


Gilbert Plains


St. Pierre


Morris Winkler Morden




Red River

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Auction Sale Vera Schubert Sun., July 8th 11:00am Traverse Bay, MB. Location: Jct 59 Hwy & Hwy 11, 2-mi East then North 2-mi then West on EastLand St #72. Contact: (204)756-2681 Property & Home: Municipality of Alexander Lot #72 EastLand St approx 42-ac; Older Mobile Home w/Addition Approx. 1,128-sq.ft., 3 BR, Well, Holding Tank, Out Bldings; Property Subject to Owner’s Approval, $10,000. Certificate Cheque Sale Day! Along w/Vehicles; Yard; Tools; Antiques; Household. Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Auction Sale Anko & Esther Havedings Thurs., July 5th 4:00pm Argyle, MB. West Side of Town on 322 then 3.25-mi North on Meridion Rd. Auction Note: The Acreage is Sold! Low Hrs & Excellent Cond on Tractor, Baler, Hay Bine. Viewing by Appt: Contact: (204)471-9639. Tractors: 09 Montana P9084C MFWA Cab 3PH 540/750/1000 PTO w/FEL Bucket & Bale Fork, only 828-hrs NEW Cond; Int 1086 Cab Triple hyd 540/1000 18.438 dual 7,574-hrs Equip: 99 Hesston 1340 12-ft. Disc Bine; 2003 NH BR 780 Auto Tie RD Baler, only 3200 Bales; NH 271 Square Baler; 8 Wheel Hay Rake; Rockomatic Stone Picker; JD 20-ft. Single Disc; 3PH 5-ft. Rotary Mower; 2) Allied PTO 7-in. 46-ft. Augers; 4 Wheel Farm Trailer 14-ft. Deck; Livestock Equip & Trailers: 94 Sokal Fifth Wheel 24-ft. Tandem Stock Trailer; 99 Fifth Wheel 20-ft. Tandem Flat Deck w/Ramps; 75) Sheltered RD Bales Mix Tame Hay w/some Alfalfa; 2) Stationery Roller Mills; 7) 11-ft. Metal Hse Bale Feeders; 6) Metal Rd Bale Feeders; 13) 12-ft. Metal Corral Panels; 4) Metal Horse Stalls; Wall Mt Hse Feeders; Water Troughs; 2) Single Driving Harness; 1) For Pony 1) For Horse; 2) Western Saddles; Halters; Lead Shanks; Tack Grooming Equipment; Sheep Medi Equipment; Burdizzos; Tools & Misc: 89 Ford Broncoxl 4x4 NS; Chain Saw; Power Tools; Hand Tools; Shop Supplies; Shop Vac; 3000L Tank on 14-ft. Metal Truck Deck; 5) 200-gal Poly Tank; Poly & Steel 45-gal Barrels; Al Ladders; Fencing Tools; 75) Railway Ties; Treated Posts; Welding Material; Bolt Bin Full; Pedestal Tire Changer; Elec Motors; Roll 14/3 Wire; Building Jacks; Truck Tool Box; 18.4x30 Tractor Tires & Rims; Hyd Hose; Baler Twine; Epsen Salt; 36x60-ft. BioTeck Metal Frame, No Cover Yard: 83 Honda 185 3 Wheeler; Husquavna LGTH 25k54 Hyd w/Bagger 80-hrs; 2) Craftsman Push Gas Mowers; Agri Fab Grass Sweeper; Wheel Barrow; Hand Yard Tools; Picnic Table; Yard Furniture; Patio Furniture & Chairs Household: Deep Freeze; Fridge; 2 Sets Washer & Dryer; Treadmill; Bunk Beds; Entertainment Unit; Various Household; Xmas Items; Antique 5-gal, 8-gal Crocks. Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)8867027 www.mcsherryauction.com MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Auction Sale Abe’s Cylinder Head Clinic Ltd. Wed., July 4th, 4:00pm. Steinbach, MB. Industrial Park (West Lowen Windows) 114 Millwork Dr. Auction Note: After 33 years Abe’s Retiring & he sold the Property. Quality Looked After Tool Sale! Contact: Viewing by Appt Call Business Hours (204)326-4424. Specialty Tools: “Kwik-Way” Model FN Boring Bar; “Van Norman” Model 570 AF Rotary Broach; “Kwik Way” Model 92 Power Stroke Cyl hone; ‘KwikWay” Model 855-5 16-in. stone Refaces w/Accessories & Trevor; “Cardiff” 36-in. Bed 9-ft. Swing Metal Lathe w/Access; “IDL” Model 550 Cyl Drill & Cutter w/Access; “Sioux” Model 2075 Valve Grinder; Valve Seat Grinder w/Access; “Kwik Way’ Model 274 Cabinet Sand Blaster; “Wiseco” hyd Press w/Cyl w/Head Pressure Tester; “Sunnen” Connecting Rod & Wrist Pin Resizer & Access; “Sunnex” Ag-300 Precision Gauge; Crank Polisher; Manual Seat Cutters for JD 2 cyl Engine; Cyl Measurer; “Mac” Model EE6500 Engine Ear Tools: Snap-On Sollus Engine Scanner (updated); “Canbuilt” Opt 540 Prof Headlight & Aimer; “Bear” Model 1418 Brake Drum Lath; “Bear” Model 1469 Rotor Machine; Strut Tamer Model 6985; Ball Joint Kit; Cam Bearing Tool; Ball Joint Tool & Adapter; Hastings Magnetizer; AirLift Coolant Vacuum -Full Line Disconnect Set; Fuel Pressure Inject Set- Fuel Nylon Repair Kit; Ward Astro Clean Power Swing Parts & Washer; 2) Parts Washer; 1,500-lb Elec Pressure Washer; Rinse Booth; Acetylene Torches; 2) Bench Grinders on Stands; Battery Booster Charger; “Willard” 6 & 12 Volt Battery Charger; Battery Load Tester; Various Air, Power & Hand Tools; Snap On Air Drill; Power Grease Gun; Truck Wheel Dolly; Carolina 500-lb Shop Crane; Engine Stand; 2) Shop Port Lift Tables; Trans Jack; Fuel Recovery 28-gal Caddy; Chain Hoist Parts: Rebuilt & Cyl Heads; Cranks; Valve Spring Insert Kits; Reamer Kits; Lge Amt of Repair Manuals; Auto Motive; Tractor; 1940s & Up; “Chilton”; IT Office: Desks; Filing Cabinets; Shelving; Waiting Room Bench; Printer. Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com

RetiRement Auction foR JeAn BilodeAu fARms sAtuRdAy July 14, 11 Am directions: At the Farm from St Agathe across river on 305, than South on 200 at Jct stay on pr 246 approx 6 km, yard #35066 From Aubigny JCT 205 and 246 take PR 246 North 5 miles on West side Harvesting: *2000 Macdon model 2950 swather with25 ft Macdon 972 Draper Header, DSA, pickup reel, , only 977 engine hours power unit, serial #132880-00, 972 header serial #13182600 *1995 John Deere 9600 Combine, w/ 7 belt 914 pickup head,with 388 melroe pickup, two speed cylinder, 30.5 x 32 Rice Tires, RWA, chaff spreader, choper updates, hopper extension, 2274 sep. hours, 2909 engine hrs, serial #660956 *1990 New Holland model TR96 combine, Ford diesel with 971 head with 388 melroe pickup, reverser, chaff spreader, 2544 engine hrs, 2101 sep. hrs, $24.000.00 work order in last few years, serial #530638 *2000.John Deere 930 Flex head, with pickup reel and full width retractable auger fingers, poly snouts, serial #696880 *1999 John Deere model 930 Flex head with pickup reel poly snouts etc. #681685 has 50 series hook up, *Swath master combine pickup, in good condition *1995 New Holland TX66 conventional combine w/pickup head, chaff spreader, 30.5 x 32 Rice tires, yield and moisture monitors, 2000 sep. hrs and 2500 engine hours. This unit consigned by neighbour Remi Sorin 204 746 5918 cell *Case IH model 730 swather *8 ft Farm King swath Roller trucks: *1979 Western Star tandem truck, cat 3106 engine, 13 speed trans, 20 ft grain box roll tarp, 11-22.5 tires, Pintle hook up ready for pup, this unit will be saftied *1978 GMC 6500 Full Tandem V8 5&4 transmission 22ft Box with rolltarp Saftied truck brought in By Larry Hoeppner call him 204 822 4975 *1963 Chev 60 series 3 ton 6 cylinder 4 & 2 14 ft grain box and hoist *Westfield MK 130 x 61 auger, hyd winch *Westfield J208 x 51 pto, W80 x 31 with Honda engine *Moridge 275 grain dryer pto model, partially unassembled, ready for shipment. tillage etc: *IH Model 6200 2 x 12’ press drills, with some form of transport *CCIL Model 204 deep tiller 31 ft with Degalman harrows *Powermatic 70 ft diamond harrows *A few separate diamond sections *Allis, same as Hutchmaster tandem disk 28 ft new front notched blades Heavy duty unit *Sprayer 68 ft Inland with 500 gal, poly tank *Some 2’’ banjo pumps etc. *Labtronics 3 1/2 in cell grain moisture meter *Some misc older vehicles and OR scrap around the yard *John Deere 5 x16’’ hyd, plow *20 ft hang up harrows *20 ft 3 pth, 50 gal sprayer *Victory super 8 pickup very good shedded *31/2’’ labtronics grain moisture tester *17,- 5ft inline diamond harrow sections *6-5ft 3 row mulchers *12 - 9 ft Herman harrow sections *12 - 11L -15SL implement tires on Rims *2 --14.9 x 24 Traction Grip on 8 hole rim *2 - 14.9 x 28 Tractor Tires *Winter cains for 14,9 x 28 tires *Fuel tanks on stands 2- 500 gal 1-300 gal *Roll Tarp assembly for 15 ft box *Leinbach 9’’ 3 pth pto post hole auger *Drill Fill augers *grain tubs augers *50 ft steel tow cables *2 ‘x 8’ stel welding table *50 gal truck slip tank w/ 12 volt pump *1000 gal poly water tank *Hydraulic cylinders various sizes *Pumps gas and electric *Jacks, Bolts, Cultivator shovels, Misc, etc *New 70 westward swather Guards # WP -215 *Aprox 1 hour of small selling before we begin with machinery see photo’s www.billklassen.com owner’s 204-712-6852 Bill Klassen Auctioneers 204-325-4433 cell 6230

1997 john deere 9400

2000 john deere 9750sts

1998 premier 2930 30 ft

rogator 1254 100 ft


from morris, mB, go north on hwy 75 to 205, then 2.4 km (1.5 miles) north, Yard on east side.


1997 John Deere 9400 4WD • 1996 John Deere 6400 MFWD • 1993 John Deere 6300 MFWD • 1998 John Deere 955 MFWD Utility • 2000 John Deere 9750STS • 1994 John Deere 9600 • 2006 John Deere 635F 35 Ft Hydra Flex • 1997 Agco 30 Ft Draper • 1998 Premier 2930 30 Ft Swather • Case IH 730 30 Pull Type Swather • 1998 Peterbilt 379 Sleeper T/A • 1997 Freightliner Classic Sleeper T/A • 1999 Lode Handler 40 Ft T/A Grain Truck • Chevrolet C65 Cheyenne Tag/A Grain Truck • Allis-Chalmers 645 Wheel Loader • Cat 80 18 Cy Pull Scraper • Concord 40 Ft Air Drill • Alloway 3030 8 Row Cultivator • Rogator 1254 100 Ft High Clearance Sprayer • Great Northern 70 Ft Field Sprayer • United Farm Tools 750 Bushel Grain Cart • Hutch Master 18 Ft Offset Disc • 1999 Ford Crown Victoria LX 4 Door Car • 1997 Massey Ferguson 8680 • 1985 Massey Ferguson 865...and much more!

for up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website:


denis robert: 204.882.2188 (h), foR MoRE INfoRMATIoN: 204.746.5688 (c), derobert@gninc.ca paul robert: 204.746.0461

ritchie Bros. territory manager – daryl martin: 306.421.5066 or 800.491.4494

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433

Manure Handling equipMent auction tHursday July 5tH at 6 pM

directions: 10 miles south of Winkler, MB on Highway 32 and 3 East on 243 in Village of Reinland equipment: *Case 455C Diesel Crawler with heavy duty loader, power shift, street tracs, manure bucket and split dirt bucket serial #CBE0004344 *White 2270 Diesel 130 HP Tractor 18.4 x 38 duals, cab, dual pto and hyd, 500 hrs on rebuilt engine including heads *2005 New Holland model 195 manure spreader 1000 pto *2001 Hesston S390 manure spreader 540 pto. *1997 model 275 Hagedorn Hydra spreader, with new plastic side boards and 425 R22 tandem tires presently on 540 pto can be changed to 1000 pto trucks and trailers *1991 Dodge 2500 4x4 ¾ ton with Cummins diesel 5 speed, standard, only 500 km on new clutch , 398000 km, will be safety checked *1984 Chev 4x4 pickup 350 4 barrel, rebuilt 700 R4 automatic transmission and rebuilt NP 208 transfer case, 3 in lift sells as is no safety *1990 Real Industries tandem goose neck stock trailer 18 ft floor, newer planks with rubber mat, one Divider, dual rear door *Goose neck trailer 9000 lb, triple axle, two with brakes 14 ft bed with ramps used to haul crawler etc. *4 new 245 x16 LT tires on new 10 bolt rims *Fifth wheel hitch unit complete ready for your pickup truck *1997 Honda CR 250 Dirt Bike *2007 three 49 cc pocket Rockets mini bikes this is a partial listing please see www.billkassen.com for complete list and photos. owner’s - call after 6 pm 204-325-4581 Bill Klassen auctioneers • 204-325-4433 cell 6230 • bill@billklassen.com

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions


fuchs farms

Preeceville, SK • thursday, july 5, 2012 • 10 am


2005 john deere 9760sts

2008 massey ferguson 9220 30 ft


from Preeceville, sK go 1.6 km (1 mile) south on hwy 47, then 21 km (13 miles) West on grid 755 (hazel grid), 3.2 km (2 miles) south, 3.2 km (2 miles) West, 0.4 km (0.25 miles) south


1978 Versatile 835 4WD • 1976 Case 1270 2WD • Case 1070 2WD • 1966 Case 730 • 2005 John Deere 9760STS • 1982 New Holland 970 24 Ft Rigid Header • Creative Enterprises 24 Ft Header Transport • 2008 Massey Ferguson 9220 30 Ft Swather • 1995 Ford L9000 T/A • 1980 Ford F700 S/A • International 1600 S/A • 1974 Chevrolet Custom 10 • Bourgault 3642 36 Ft Air Seeder • Degelman 42 Ft Cultivator • Morris 50 Ft Heavy Harrows • Flexi-Coil 50 Ft Harrows • Flexi-Coil 45 Ft Harrow Packer • Flexi-Coil 75 40 Ft Packers • 1986 Case IH 3650 Round Baler • New Holland 273 Hayliner Square Baler • Brandt 60 Ft Field Sprayer • 2010 Wheatheart BH851 8 In. x 51 Ft Grain Auger • Craftsman 46 in. Riding Lawn Mower....and much more!

for up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website:


dennis fuchs: 306.547.2850 foR MoRE INfoRMATIoN:

Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!

ritchie Bros. territory manager – dan steen: 306.361.7652 Toll Free: 1.800.491.4494



AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts

1982 CHEVY 1/2-TON, 2WD, motor needs work, after market rims, sunroof, buckets, lots of potential, $1,750 OBO; 1991 GMC Sierra Z71, 4WD, regular cab, runs well, needs tranny, approx 300,000-km, aluminum rims, $1,750 OBO. Phone Bernie (204)825-8558.

REMANUFACTURED DSL ENGINES: GM 6.5L $4,750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L $4950 installed; GM Duramax/Ford 6.0L, $8,500 installed; new 6.5L engines $6500; 24V 5.9L Cummins, $7,500 installed; other new/used & reman. engines available. Thickett Engine Rebuilding, 204-532-2187, Binscarth. 8:00am-5:30pm Mon.-Fri.


It doesn’t get any better than this. Prepay your ad for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! Call today! 1-800782-0794.

2000 FORD 150 SUPER cab, short box, 4x4, red, safetied, $5,000 OBO. Phone (204)955-2209. BULL BARS & BRACKET for a highway tractor, in excellent shape. Phone:(204)868-5040. FOR SALE: BRUSH GUARDS & brackets for vehicles. For more info, Phone:(204)868-5040


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012




2007 Ford F-150 Lariat

FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Baling

FARM MACHINERY Combine – John Deere

VERMEER BALER 605XL, EXCELLENT condition, asking price $17,500. Phone:(204)739-3667. VERMEER 605 J round baler, good condition, always stored inside. Phone:(204)851-5810 or (204)855-3268. Oak Lake, MB.

1982 6620, 222 RIGID Header, 220 Flex Header shedded, one owner, premium condition, 2265 engine hours, $22,500. Phone:(204)771-2169. 1997 John Deere 9600 Anniversary Edition

FARM MACHINERY Hay & Harvesting – Mower Conditioner 2000 NH 1441, Disc, Rubber Rolls, 15-ft., Sale $13,750; NH 415, Disc, Rubber Rolls, 10-ft., As Is, Sale $4,950. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 Steinbach, MB www.reimerfarmequipment.com 2009 NH MODEL H7560 16-ft pull-type disc bine w/Flail conditioners, warranty remaining, shedded, in excellent condition, $27,000. Phone:(204)886-7009 or (204)886-2245, Teulon. FOR SALE: 16-FT. MACDON 5000 haybine, in excellent condition, $6,500 OBO. Phone (204)768-2788, early mornings or evenings. NH 1475 16-FT MOWER conditioner, shedded & in good condition. Phone:(204)655-3391.

Loaded, V-8, Auto, 4WD, Leather Seats, Sunroof, Fac.Tow Pac, New Tires, Excellent Cond. obo (204)895-1229; rboguski@mts.net T800 KENWORTH 15-SPD, BRAND new box, $50,000 OBO. Phone:(204)436-2364 or (204)750-1019.

AUTO & TRANSPORT Semi Trucks & Trailers 1998 KENWORTH T-2000, new steering tires, newer drives, new tranny, clutch, new injector cups, 1.3m km’s, drives great, safetied, 475-HP Cat, 13-SPD, $13,900. Bernie (204)825-8558. 1 SET OF B-TRAINS; 1 Hi-Boy & 1 step, 30-ft. each, will split; 1985 640 Universal tractor, 2WD; 1991 486 round baler, shedded. (204)252-2266 (204)871-1185.



Feedlot Cleaning Business For Sale 3 John Deere Spreaders 3 Massey Tractors Case Crawler Loader Gooseneck Trailer Dodge Diesel Truck

2000 GMC SLE SAVANA 3500, passenger van w/removable seats for cargo, tow hitch, 166,500-kms, VGC, $6,100 OBO. Phone: (204)785-0888, Lockport.


Two Way Radios Tool Box Spare Tires Etc.

Must Sell

$79,000 obo Work Ready

For More Info call Jim @ 204-325-2149 Winkler, MB

BEEKEEPING Bee Equipment 68 WOOD TRAYS, SIZE 40x15, nesting box, 25x42, bee tumbler, black lights. Phone:(204)367-2522.


PRICE TO CLEAR!! 75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from. B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.2

Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.2 Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.


TUBING By the Bundle

1 x 1 x .100 1 ¼ x 1 ¼ x .100 1 ½ x 1 ½ x .100 2 x 2 x .100 13ga x 60 x 120

$0.67/foot $0.87/foot $1.07/foot $1.52/foot $69.95/sheet

Dave @ 204.726.8081 Dave @ 204.797.8561 BUILDINGS AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: www.postframebuilding.com CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069. C.S.A CONSTRUCTION, SPECIALIZING IN concrete, flatwork & foundations. We also postframe & frame buildings. Anywhere in Manitoba. Phone:(204)212-2970 or Email:csapenner11@hotmail.com.

2-2000 HOPPER BINS ON skids, Vidir/Sunrise $12,000 OBO Call St. Jean (204)758-3897. 4-2200-BU HOPPER BINS W/AERATION & fans. 2-2000-bu Westeel hopper bins w/aeration, no fans. 2-1650-bu Westeel bins on wood floors. 2-1600-bu Metal Industries hopper bins. Call for pricing Phone:(204)375-6547.

CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests binmovers@hotmail.com


STORE KING HOPPER BINS: 3-5000-bu skid air; 6-3200-bu skids & 3 air; 6-2400-bu, 2 air; 6-4000bu, air; 5 flat bottom bins, various sizes. 9 Grain guard fans, used very little. Mover available. Phone:(204)658-3537.

We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our assistance the majority of our clients have received compensation previously denied. Back-Track Investigations investigates, documents your loss and assists in settling your claim. Licensed Agrologist on Staff. For more information Please call 1-866-882-4779

WILL DO CUSTOM HARVESTING: Peas, cereals, canola, & soybeans. Flex heads, straight heads & PU headers. Professional operation fully insured. Phone:(204)433-7557 or (701)520-4036.






JG MODULAR AUGER COMPONENTS. Eight sizes up to 12-in diameter. Galvanized tubing. Custom installations our specialty. Performance Feed Works, Wawanesa MB. Phone:toll free 1-866-903-2068.




FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Swathers


BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.

Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW

ST. LAZARE, MB. 1-800-510-3303


CONTRACTING Custom Harvest

CONTRACTING Custom Work ALLAN DAIRY IS TAKING bookings for the 2012 silage season. For more information call (204)371-1367 or (204)371-7302. C & C DIGGING, ditching, dug outs, clean outs, lagoons, demolition, land clearing, disking, heavy disc rentals, manure stockpiling, verticle beater manure spreading, dirt & gravel hauling w/track hoes, long-reach track hoe, bulldozer, loader, trucks, laser & brush cutter. Phone:(204)749-2222 (204)856-3646. GILBRAITH FARM SERVICES is now taking bookings for manure spreading. 4 Vertical Beater spreaders & high hoe loading. Also call us with your acre #’s for the custom silage season! Phone:(204)379-2843 or (204)745-0092. St Claude. Find us on Facebook! PASTURE PIPELINE SYSTEMS, we can do complete instillation of your shallow buried pipeline & water trough systems. Howard Ganske, Cartwright, MB. Phone:(204)529-2464. Email hlganske@xplorenet.com. TWIN VALLEY FEED LOT CLEANING We have 3 Vertical Beater Manure Spreaders Excavator w/7-ft. Extra Large Bucket for Loading & Track Skid Steer. For Fast & Efficient Service Call Ron (204)362-0820.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 2008 BOBCAT T250, 1100-hrs CAH, hiflo hyd. VG tracks, excellent machine. Asking $31,000. Phone:(701)521-0581. CASE W14 WHEEL LOADER, well maintained, $17,500. Case 450 Crawler dozer, 6-way blade, $17,500. Cat 931 crawler loader, Powershift trans, pedal steer, good undercarriage, $13,500. www.waltersequipment.com Phone (204)525-4521.

WESTSTEEL BINS 3- 2000-BUSHEL, 1- 3850, 14450, 2- Belen 2900 Bushel, Oak Bluff. Phone:(204)895-8326 or (204)795-4191.

FARM MACHINERY Grain Dryers NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.


WALINGA GRAIN VACS Tired of shovelling out your bins, unhealthy dust and awkward augers? Walinga manufactures a complete line of grain vacs to suit your every need. With no filters to plug and less damage done to your product than an auger, you’re sure to find the right system to suit you. Call now for a free demonstration or trade in your old vac towards a new

Walinga agri-Vac! Fergus, On: (519) 787-8227 carman, MB: (204) 745-2951 Davidson, SK: (306) 567-3031 FARM MACHINERY Grain Vacuums Grain Vac 1998 REM 1026 Grain Vac, Good Condition $5,000. (204)433-7083

FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Baling 1033 BALE WAGON, Phone:(204)367-2929, Pine Falls.


1999 CASE IH 8220 25-ft. PT swather, PU reel, always shedded, VGC, used very little in last 4 yrs, $6,000 OBO. (204)476-6989, Neepawa. 2002 8152 30-FT MACDON swather w/mounted roller, 1900 engine, bought new, VGC, asking $55,000. Phone:(204)436-2364 or (204)750-1019. FOR SALE: 1996 MASSY 220 25-ft swather, diesel, Shumacher drive, 2330-hrs, U2 PU reel, real good condition, asking $22,000. Phone:(204)825-7427 Mike, (204)825-0132, Charles. MACDON WESTWARD 9250 SWATHER in excellent condition, 25-ft 972 header, always shedded, low hours, canvas & knife very good. Asking $60,000 OBO. 25% non-refundable deposit will hold until on or before Sept 1, 2012. Elm Creek, Jim Phone:(204)745-8007, (204)745-3543 home. Swather 1986 CaseIH 4000, 19.5-ft. draper header, 14.5 hay header, 1 owner, shedded, new gear box, field ready. Call (204)797-2682; danny@rainyday.ca Grande Pointe, MB. $4,000. WESTWARD 9,000 SELF PROPELLED swather, 1,140-hrs, 25-ft, triple delivery, would sell mounted roller for Canola or Flax, always shedded, excellent condition, 21.5Lx16.1 front tires, 9.5L14 rear tires, MacDon 960 header. (204)444-2238.

FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various 1170 HESSTON HAYBINE, 16-FT, 1992, good condition. Call (204)372-8502 or (204)308-0666. 2001 NH 648, Silage Special, Ramps, 4x5, Sale $7,750; 2001 NH 688, Tandem Wheels, Ramps, 5x6, Sale $7,750; 2001 JD 567, Std PU, Monitor, Push Bar, 5x6, Sale $14,750; 1998 NH 664, Autotie, Ramp, 5x6, shows nice, Sale $8,750; 1996 NH 664, Autotie, Ramp, 5x6, Sale $7,750. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 Steinbach, MB www.reimerfarmequipment.com 2002 NH DISC BINE model 1432 serial 661357 price $14,000, ready to go to work. Phone Roland (204)372-6201 Kris (204)308-0256. 2009 JD 946 DISCBINE, flail conditioner, 2-pt hookup, like new, only cut 1000-ac.; 2002 NH 688, excellent shape; 2004 RB56 Challenger baler, wide pickup, mesh wrap, fully auto., 9000 bales;Tonuttie 6-wheel V-rake, no broken teeth, ready to rake; 1999 JD 1600 moco, 14-ft cutter. Phone:(204)371-5478. 892 NH FORAGE HARVESTER, w/hay & 2-row corn head, 12-ft Richardton high-dump, $3500; 595 Allied loader w/quick-tach bucket & bale fork, $3500. Phone:(204)427-2074. FOR SALE: 1 TUBE line model 5500 bale wrapper. Phone (204)347-5761. FOR SALE: 499 12-FT NH Haybine, in VGC, asking $6250; NH 275 Manure spreader, VGC, $2000. Phone:(204)526-7687 or (204)723-2034, Treherne. GEM SILAGE 30-IN. STRETCH rolls, $88; Bunker covers 5.3 cents sq.ft.; Also vinyl hay tarps 16 ounces square yard, $280 each. (204)522-8514. JD 2002 567 MEGA Wide Round baler w/silage kit, 21,611 bales, asking $12,500; JD 2003 567 Mega Wide Round baler w/silage kit, 10,154 bales, asking $17,500; JD 1999 4890 Tractor Unit (motor 1896-hrs) w/890 Hay Header 16-ft (1456-hrs) asking $41,000. Please call (204)656-4989 for details. SELF-LOADING SILAGE WAGON rotary cutter, 30-CU meters, good working order, $18,500 OBO. 2010 MF 10 wheel carted V-rake, as new condition, $4,500 OBO. Phone: (204)373-2162.

1990 NEW IDEA 486, 3 sets of new belts, rebuilt cutters, twine arms & twine holders, 50-60% new bearings. Phone:(204)727-6988. 1998 NH 688 ROUND baler good condition, $10,500; 1033 NH bale stacker, new treated plywood sides, good condition. Call (204)745-3301 or (204)750-8187, Carman, MB. 2000 JD 566 ROUND baler, new belts, 13,500 bales on monitor; 2001 4865 New Idea baler, 7,800 bales on monitor. Phone (204)744-2470 or (204)825-7202. 2001 NH 688, $7000; NH 664 w/net wrap, $6500; NH 664; CIH RBX 562. Phone:(204)636-2448, Erikson, MB. Baler Case IH 8460 Round Baler 540 PTO Makes 5x6 Bale, Shedded - good condition $5,000.00 (204) 665-2479

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433

FOR SALE Sovema 14 wheel rake


204-325-4433 cell 6230

Combines FARM MACHINERY Combine – Case/IH

HYD PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40-YDS caterpillar A.C./LePlant, LeTourneau, etc. PT & direct mount available. Bucyrus Erie, 20-yds, cable, $5000. PT motor grater $14,900; tires available. Phone: (204)822-3797. Morden, MB.

CASE-IH 8575 LARGE SQUARE Baler, GC; Inland 4000 square bale picker, GC; 2004 1475 NH haybine, VGC. Phone:(204)467-5984 leave msg, Stonewall.



HESSTON 565T ROUND BALER, land core, new belts, good condition. $6,500, offers considered. Cell:(204)857-1873 or House:(204)637-2425.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Caterpillar Lexion

JD 1991 535 ROUND baler, nice shape, $9000; Looking for JD 8820 or a 9600 Combine; Phone:(204)638-8415.

2008 36-FT HONEYBEE DRAPER header, Lexion adapter, PU reel, factory transport, 2000 acres, always shedded. Phone:(204)886-3441. 2009 LEXION 595R 760ENG, 550Sep, loaded machine, GPS/mapping. All maint. records. $275,000. Headers available. Phone:(701)521-0581.

NH 644 AUTOWRAP ROUND baler, 1000 PTO, reliable, field ready, 2nd owner, $6,900 OBO. Stuart (204)762-5805, Lundar. NH 853 ROUND BALER, new chain & PU, rebuilt PU last year, $3,500. (204)722-2023

Toll Free:1-877-239-0730 www.mcdiarmid.com/farm

2005 JD 630 FLEX, poly skids, dividers, single point, full finger auger, HHS, stubble lights, 100-ac on green light, nice condition. Phone:(204)723-5000. 2011 JD 9770 COMBINE, Premier cab, 615 PU, small grains concave, Contour Master, 22.5-ft. auger, duals, 55 engine hrs, like new. Phone (204)467-2109, after 8:00pm 930 FLEX HEAD, 2 available, 1 w/carry air reel. Also have Header trailers, 30-ft & 36-ft in stock. Phone:(204)746-6605 or (204)325-2496. 9770sts, 835 sep hrs, 30.5x32 tires chopper, contour $149,900 US. 06 9660sts, 2645 hrs contour 30.5x32, many new parts, $95,400 US. 2011 635f head, $29,000. 2010 612cc chopping corn head 12row 30" $72,400. (507)993-0720 $149,900. JD 222 STRAIGHT CUT header w/Sunflower attachment, asking $3,800. Phone (204)822-3856 or (204)362-0732. JD 843 CORN HEAD 8 rows 30-in., high Tim, oil bath, field ready for fall 2012, asking $8,500 OBO. (204)324-3264.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Various JD 8820 TITAN II, 2-spd cylinder, grain loss monitor. Also 224 straight cut header w/PU reel, excellent cond; Case IH 1480 w/specialty rotor, axceller kit, chopper, chaff spreader, airfoil, Melroe PU, light pkg. Phone:(204)526-7135 or (204)526-7134.

Toll Free: 1.866.733.3567 Call your local Redekop dealer today or visit us online at


Combine ACCessories

We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.


2004 9760 STS LOADED w/PU, big rubber, 1316 separator, asking $139,000; Also 2006 630F w/air bar, excellent condition, $29,000. Phone:(204)436-2364 or (204)750-1019.


1020 IH FLEX-HEAD, 25-FT, new knives & guards 1-yr ago, $7500. Phone:(204)348-2795 or (204)348-2802. 2008 CASE-IH 2588 combine w/2015 PU, 476 sep hrs, 594 engine hrs, Pro 600 monitor, y/m, rice tires, shedded, heavy soil machine, $193,000. (204)735-2886, (204)981-5366.

D6C 310 JD BACKHOE; 945 Liebherr excavator. Phone (204)352-4306.

1997 John Deere 9600 Combine Anniversary Edition, c/w 914 pickup, REM Chaff Spreador, 2681 Separator, 3912 Engine Hours, Extensive Green Light winter 2012. (204)365-0966

NH BALING WAGON MODEL 1033; Heston small square baler model 4600, centre feed, hyd tension, plus silo guard attachment, like new condition. Phone:(204)886-2960, Teulon. NH MODEL 847 ROUND baler, 600 to 800-lb bale, $3500. NH haybine model 179, 9-ft cut, $1800. Phone:(204)785-9036. SILAGE SPECIAL JD COVEREDGE net wrap or twine, 2007 #582(#854) SS w/14 spring loaded serrated knives for dense pack option. Reverser. 4-ft. wide x5-ft. diameter. Shedded & JD inspected. GR (204)534-7843.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories 1997-2002 CIH 1020 Flex Platforms 25-ft., 30-ft., Reconditioned, Sale $9,950-$14,900; 2007 CIH 2020 Flex Platforms, 35-ft. Sale $24,900; 1990-1995 JD 925, 930 Flex Platforms, Steel Pts, Poly Skids, Sale $6,900; 1996-1999 JD 925, 930 Flex Platforms, Poly Pts, Reconditioned, New PU Teeth, Poly Skids, Cutter Bar, Mint, Sale $12,900; 2000-2003 JD 925, 930 Flex Platforms, F.F. Auger, PU Reel, Poly Skids, Sale $13,900-$17,900. 2007 JD 630 Hydra Flex Platforms, Reconditioned, Like New, Sale $28,900; 2004 JD 635 Hydra Flex Platform, Reconditioned, Sale $24,900; Install a JD Flex Platform on your combine any make. We make adapter kits. Delivery anywhere in Western Canada. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 Steinbach, MB www.reimerfarmequipment.com 1998 JD 925 R w/PU reel, new wobble box, always shedded, $8500; 1994 224 JD header w/Lucke sunflower pans, $4500. Phone:(204)325-2468. 1998 MACDON 960 30-FT draper header w/pickup reel, always shedded, excellent shape, Asking $15,500. Phone:(204)534-8402. 230/930 STRAIGHT CUT RIGID headers, starting from $5,750. Phone Bernie (204)825-8558. JD 930 FLEX HEADER, newer wobble box, guard & knife, good poly, $9500; Wanted: Pair of 18.4x26 rice tires. Phone:(204)373-2502, please leave message.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Deutz R50 DEUTX ALLIS, 1304 engine hours, 200 bushel tank, 190-HP air-cooled diesel engine, rake-up PU, $29,500 OBO; Labtronics model 919 moisture metre w/triple beam scale & book, $650. Phone:(204)669-2366.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Ford/New Holland COMBINE FORD NH 1988 TR96, 971 header, 2,276 engine hrs, 1,875 sep hrs, good shape. Phone (204)745-6231

HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 charles@arcfab.ca www.arcfab.ca


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories

FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Air Seeders

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus

USED JD CRAWLER PARTS for 420, 440, 1010, 350B, 350C; 350 JD bucket; 4 cyl reefer engines & electric motors; 1 truck reefer MD2; used KD2 reefer parts & rebuilt compressors; 1956 Chev 1-Ton truck 6 cyl engine. (204)667-0675, (204)227-7333.

1995-1996 5000 57-FT. FLEXICOIL air drill, 2320 tank, 4-in. rubber press, 7.5-in. spacing, new bearings & metering rollers, field ready, asking $36,500 OBO. (204)476-6907

INTL 986 w/2350 Loader 3-pt & duals, NH 195 manure spreader, like new; IH 784 tractor & 2250 loader, 3-pt, 65 hp w/6800-hrs; Aloe quickie 790 loader & grapple w/JD mounts, like new; JD 3600, 2x5 bottom plows w/ coulters; Schulte rock picker; Vermier H baler, excellent older baler; 1996 Green Valley cattle trailer 6 1/2x24-ft. Phone:(204)425-3466.

HAMCO CATTLE CO. HAS for sale registered Red Angus & Black Angus yearling bulls. Good selection. Semen tested, performance data & EPD’s available. Top genetics. Contact Glen, Albert, Larissa Hamilton (204)827-2358 or David Hamilton (204)325-3635.

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. www.harvestsalvage.ca New, Used & Re-man. Parts

Tractors Combines Swathers


1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts”

www.fyfeparts.com The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444

NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts

FLEXI-COIL 33-FT 800 W/1610 plus tank, new 3.5in shovels, new primary hoses, markers. Tank has been sand blasted & painted, new auger, $18,500 OBO. Phone:(204)325-2468.

FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Tillage 41-FT 680 JD chisel plow w/summers 3 row harrows anhydrous kit & hitch. Phone (204)375-6547

FARM MACHINERY Salvage FARM MACHINERY FOR PARTS: COMBINES IHC 1682, 1482, 1480, 1460, 915, 914, 715, 403, 402, 150, MF 860, 760, 850, 751, 750, 550, 510, 410, 405; JD 7701, 7700,6601, 6600, 630, 96, 65; WHITE 8900, 8800, 8600, 8650, 7800, 5542, 545, 542, 431; NH TR95, TR85, TR70, 1500, 990, 980; Coop 9600, 960; Gleaner L2, N6, F, C2; VERS 2000, 42; Case 1600, 1060; FORD 642 BELARUS 1500 Don; SWATHERS VERS 4400, 400, 330, 103, 10; IHC 4000, 230, 210, 175, 201, 75; COOP 550, 500, 601; MF 655, 36, 35; JD 800, 290; NH 1090; WHITE 6200; COCKSHUTT 503 HESSTON 300. We also have parts for tractors, square & round balers, press drills, cultivators, sprayers, haybines, & misc machinery. We handle new & rebuilt parts for tractors & combines. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727, toll free 1-877-858-2728. GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Allis/Deutz

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Case/IH 1990 CASE IH 7140, 198hp, MSWD, 3 remotes, 1000 PTO, 6875-hrs, new rubber, 420/85R28’s & 520/85R42 singles, $39,500 or $45,500 w/JD Starfire auto-steer system. Phone:(204)955-5562. Rosser, MB. 82 4490 CASE, TWO to choose from: One has 6,300-hrs, excellent tires, $9,000. Second has 4,875-hrs, inside tires are 75%, duals are 30%, $11,000. Both work fine. Phone:(204)312-0325.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere 1996 JD 8100, MFWD, 7500-hrs, 3PT quikhitch PTO 4Hyd., 14.9x46 duals & front duals, GPS ready. $60,000. Phone:(701)825-6247. FOR SALE: 7810 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3-pt, new tires, low hrs; 7710 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3-pt, new tires, low hrs; 7710 MFWD, PQ, RHS, 3-pt, v.g rubber, low hrs; 4650 MFWD, 15-SPD; 4455 MFWD, 3-pt, 15-SPD; 4455 MFWD, 15-SPD; 4250 MFWD, 3-pt, 15-SPD; 2950 MFWD, 3-pt, w/260 s/l FEL; 2950 MFWD, 3-pt, w/740 S.L FEL, grapple; 4440 quad, fact duals; 4240 quad, 3-pt; 2755 MFWD, 3-pt, w/245 FEL; 2555 MFWD, 3-pt, w/245 FEL, grapple; 2555 CAH, 3-pt, 4,600 hrs, w/146 FEL; All tractors can be sold w/new or used loaders. BEN PETERS JD TRACTORS LTD (204)828-3628 shop, (204)750-2459 cell. Roseisle, MB.

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433

FOR SALE 1974 John Deere 4430 Diesel tractor with JD 158 loaDer, 12000 one owner hrs

$13,750 204-325-4433 cell 6230

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 4 Wheel Drive 1978 VERS 825 SERIES II 250-HP newer inside drives, batteries, new seat, outback auto, 1,600-hrs on new engine, steer equipped, atom jet kit, $13,750. Bernie (204)825-8558.

Spraying EquipmEnt FARM MACHINERY Sprayers

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various

1996 FLEXICOIL 65 130-FT. 1,000 US gallons, 18.x4-26 tires 10 ply, basic on/off monitor, disc markers, nozzles XR8003 or 11003-50 mesh, rebuilt pump & solenoids & boom cyls, spent $1,200. (204)746-5507 or (204)746-8122, St Jean.

1206 IHC; MINNEAPOLIS G; Minneapolis 670. Phone (204)352-4306.

2000 AG CHEM ROGATOR 854, 4,590-hrs, 800gal SS tank, 2 sets of tires, runs excellent, 60/90-ft. booms, Raven Monitor, $67,900 OBO. Phone Bernie (204)825-8558. 2001 NH SF550 SPRAYER equivalent to Rogator 554, 2,300-hrs, 5.9 Cummins, 660-gal. SS tank, 90ft. booms, pressure washer, chem inductor, EZ steer, EZ boom, mapping. Triple nozzle bodies w/5 & 10-gal tips, 2 sets of tires, 23.1x26 & 9.5R44, excellent condition, $78,000. (204)763-8896, Minnedsoa, MB. 2006 AG CHEM ROGATOR 1074, 2,900-hrs, 1,080-gal SS tank, 60/100-ft. booms, auto steer mapping equipped. Raven 5000 monitor 4 new floaters, 2 new skinny tires, runs excellent, field ready, $139,900. Phone Bernie (204)825-8558. 96-FT. FLEXICOIL SERIES 62 PT sprayer, wind screens, pump only 4 yrs old, 800-gal tank, foam markers, $2,175. Phone Bernie (204)825-8558.

Tillage & Seeding FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Air Drills 1994 JD 787/730 air disc drill, 44-ft., new discs, carbide scrapes, many bearings, shovels, markers, tank is like new, always shedded, field ready, $21,900. Bernie (204)825-8558. CASE IH/CONCORD ATX5010, 10-IN, 50-ft, excellent condition, w/Case IH/2300 tank, 3 1/2-in Dutch openers, lots of maintenance done. $34,900. Phone:(204)391-1011 or Email: pro_terra@hotmail.com WANTED: CASE INTERNATIONAL 6200 double disc press drill or JD 9350 press drill w/seed, fertilizer & grass seed attachments from 16-ft to 28-ft, w/factory transport. Must be in excellent condition. Phone:(807)275-7948. Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794.

NH 1475 14-FT HAYBINE w/2300 header, shedded & field ready, $12,800; New Concept Industries 150-bushel roller mix mill, shedded & excellent shape, $14,500; Used baler belts from BR780 NH baler, good shape, $150 per belt; Complete Xtra wide PU assembly for BR780 NH baler, in good shape, $1200; 4, 900x20 truck tires on rims, ready to go, good for farm use, $80 per tire. Phone:(204)425-3802.

1987 DUETZ 7085 FWA, open-station, 85hp, 5900-hrs, Allied 794 FEL $17,000. (204)525-4521 www.waltersequipment.com

1982 VERS 835, 235-HP, 20.8 tires, 5,100-hrs, air ride seat, outback auto steer equipped, runs excellent, $17,900. Phone Bernie (204)825-8558.

1998 MELROE 4640 SPRAY Coup, 2030-hrs, 25 on rebuilt trans, Trimble 250 GPS, 60-ft, $35,000; 120-ft Flexi-Coil Model 65, $3500. Phone:(204)636-2448.

JD 8430 TRACTOR PTO, runs & looks good, $19,250; NH TV140 tractor w/grapple or manure fork, $60,000; NH TX66 w/Swathmaster PU, $27,500; JD 28-ft. heavy duty tandem discer, $10,500; JD 590 PT swather, excellent condition, $4,000; Sakundiak HD10-2000 PTO auger, asking $3,000. (204)825-4289


STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443 Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: farmparts.ca E-mail: roy@farmparts.ca

JD 4995 16-FT DISCBINE 2009; also Honey Bee 25-ft grain header 47-ft flex coil 800 Deep Tillage; 45-ft Willrich Cultivator; Cummings 240bp skid mount clutch&trans; 860 MF PU & 20-ft grain. (306)236-8023.

1994 JD 6400, CAH, MFWD, PQ w/RH Rev, 3-PTH, JD 640 Ldr, 5,200-hrs, One Owner, Sale $37,750; 2008 NH T6040 Elite, CAH, MFWD, LH Rev, 3-PTH, NH 840 TL Ldr, 2,440-hrs, One Owner, Sale $64,750. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 Steinbach, MB www.reimerfarmequipment.com FOR SALE : 4020 JD 1964, 9000-hrs, 4000 on new piston rings & sleets, has cab. Asking $8000. Phone:(204)353-2499.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous 1049 NH BALE PICKER, has new hyd pump, brakes, king pins, runs well; Case IH 685 tractor, w/cab, air, heater, 2255 CIH loader, 3-PTH, only 1600-hrs. Phone:(204)334-1378. 16-FT MACDON HAYBINE, SHEDDED; 31-ft Coop deep tiller; front fenders for JD MFWD tractor; Lodeking 14-ft Drillfill; NH3 kit w/hyd shutoff. Phone (204)386-2412, Plumas, MB. 1950 FARMALL H W/HYD, mint condition, $1,800; 1954 Chevy 1-Ton dual wheel, engine 3,000-mi, 10-Ton hoist, 7x9 box, good tires, all original, mint condition, $6,000; Cockshut 12-ft. drill & Intl 12-ft. cultivator, both antiques, $50 ea; Melroe Kickback 5x16 plow, $2,000; Big Bee tag along 5-ft. rotary mower, heavy duty gearbox, VGC, $750; MF 15-ft. 360 discer, good cond, $650; 8 wheel weights were on 8630 JD & 11 suitcase weights were on 1570 Case, Offers; 18-ft. U-Haul drill fill 6-in. augers, 440-bus, $600; 70-gal. portable fuel tank w/new hand pump, $250; New tractor dual wheel remover w/hyd jack, $650; Blue Ox tow hitch for motor home like new, cost $1,050, Offers; 2007 Chevy Colorado truck, extended cab, 4 cyl. 2.9L, 45,000-mi., like new, 30 mi/gal., $12,500. (204)758-3897, St. Jean 1980 JD TRACTOR 4440; 1979 JD combine 6620; 1980 GMC 3-ton truck; JD 21-ft Swather; 2 12-ft tandem discers; 7-in 36-ft auger. Phone Gerry (204)736-4296. 1983 1440 IH COMBINE, new Airfoil sieve & feeder IH 230 16-ft swather w/PU reels. Both Items shedded. Phone:(204)546-3220. 1983 MF 860 COMBINE, 9001 belt PU, chopper, chaff spreader, hopper ext, rear traction tires, 6-cyl, standard trans, VGC, always shedded, $6,400; 18ft MF straight cut header w/sunflower attach, VCG, $1,000; JD 444 corn header, 4 x 36-in row, will fit MF combines, VGC, $2,600. Phone:(204)828-3396, Graysville.

Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous 1990 28-FT. IHC HOE drill built in transport, has new toews folding markers, asking $1,750; AC cultivator w/anhydrous applicator NH3 35-ft., asking $850. Phone (204)728-1861 or (204)720-3800. 1996 GREAT DANE 53-FT van trailer for storage, insulated, no leaks; 1996 Doepker 50-ft step deck, triple axle air ride, 22 winches, extendable lights, 2 storage compartments, excellent shape; 1995 Wabash 48-ft flat deck, triple axle, air ride winches; also all types of new goose necks, car haulers, utility & dump trailers available. Phone:(204)425-3518. 1998 FORD XL STANDARD cab 4x4 wheel drive, 4.2 engine 144,000-kms, $4470; 1 new 16-ft beavertail trailer tandem axles $2740 retail, spec $2625. Phone:(204)822-1354. 1 FARM KING 7X31-FT auger, 1 Sakundiak 7x41-ft auger, both 5hp w/electric motors; 1 Haysaver 3-PTH, 2-wheel hay rake, like new; 1 4-row row crop rolling cultivator w/new spiders. Phone:(204)745-2851. 2001 NH TS110 MFWD loader w/joystick, CAHR 3-pt, 4500-hrs, very tight, clean tractor; JD 450 hyd. push manure spreader; 1999 NH 1431 discbine, rubber rolls, well maintained, clean machine; JD 3100, 2x6 bottom plows w/coulters; 1996 Case 8465 baler, excellent condition, only 5000 bales; NH 116 MOCO, 14-ft cutter; Bueler 510 brush mower, 3-pt or trail type, like new. Phone:(204)381-9044. 2003 567 JD ROUND baler w/hyd mega-wide PU, push bar & 1000 PTO, VGC. 6931 bales. $20,000; IHC #10 12-ft end wheel grain drill in good condition. $800. Call:(204)526-2025, Holland MB. 2012 MANDAKO 45-FT LANDROLLER, low acres, like new. $29,000. Phone:(701)825-6247. 41-FT 680 JD chisel plow w/summers 3 row harrows anhydrous kit & hitch. NH 680 manure spreader w/double beater. Phone:(204)375-6547. 960 22-FT NH STRAIGHT header, converted to fit TR75 & TR85, $1000; 203 20-ft Co-op deep tiller, $1500; 3500-gal Wic manure tank, $2000; Irrigation system w/forty 40-ft lengths of 6-in aluminum pipe w/pump & quarter mile of hose on reel, $8000. Phone:(204)371-7374, Landmark. ALLIS 720 TRACTOR W/POWERSHIFT, dual hyd., dual PTO, good condition; 6 wheel Farmhand hay rake; 20-ft bale trailer w/steel frame & new plank deck. Phone:(204)534-6712. BALERS JD 535, $5,900; JD 530, $3,900; JD 510, $1,500; New Idea 485, $3,500; Row Crop Cultivators 4-12R Lilliston 6-8R, priced to sell; Wishek 14ft. dics, $16,000; IH #760, $5,000; IH #770, $8,000; JD 16-ft. $4,000; Rippers DMI 5 shank, $10,900; 7 shank, $12,900; 10-ft. box scraper, $2,150; 12-ft., $2,450; Cattle squeeze, $1,600; Creep Feeder, $1,200; Hesston 2410 Disc 40-ft., $6,000. Phone (204)857-8403. BRENT 876 GRAIN CART w/tarp, 850-bu, excellent condition, $26,900; 2005 Kilbros 1400 grain cart w/tarp, 850-bu, $19,900; Kilbros 575 grain cart, 600-bu, new rubber, $14,900. Can convert all to hyd. (204)746-6605 FORD REVERSIBLE REAR SCOOP, lever trip dump, 3-PTH, $475 OBO; 60-in Ford adjustable angle blade, 3-PTH, $350 OBO; MF 2 furrow plow, 3-PTH, $325 OBO, all in excellent working condition. Phone:(204)269-1056. FOR SALE: 1680 CASE IH combine 1993, Cummins DSL, specialty rotor, long auger, approx 2,850 eng hrs, straw chopper, rock trap, hopper topper. Well maintained & very reliable, always shedded, asking $35,000 OBO. Contact Claude (204)744-2501 home or (204)825-0001 cell. FOR SALE: 22-FT OF Morris 8011 seed-drills; 56-ft field sprayer w/400-gal aluminum tank; Degelman 4 bat stone picker, ground driven; Swath roller; JD umbrella (like new). All are in good shape. Phone: (204)748-1024. FOR SALE: 30-FT. JD straight header knife, will fit on 600 series, like new; 3 large grain concave JD will fit on axle flow, 60 & 70 series combine, like new; 3 chaffers sieve will fit on 8820 JD Titan II combine, sell cheap; Suitcase weight for Summer double disc, approx 2,000-lb; 8-ft. roller packer for Canola & Flax, sell cheap. (204)758-3417, (204)746-5727, St Jean, MB. FOR SALE 3350 BUS. Weststeel Rosco bin, new style door, ready to move, open to offers; 10-ft Farm King swath roller, open to offers. Phone:(204)822-3086. GRAVITY WAGONS: NEW 400-BU., $6,700; 600bu., $12,000; used 250-750-bu., $2,000 & up; Grain Carts 450-1,050-bu. Brent 610, $9,500; Brent 410, $8,500; JM 875, $20,000; Grain Screeners, $200 & up; Kwik Kleen 5 Tube, $4,000; 7 Tube, $6,500; Extra Screens, $150 each; Gehl 14-ft. haybine, $3,900; NH 116 Needs some work, $3,000; 9-ft. NH mower, $2,200; IH #1100, $1,500; Melroe plows 7-18, $3,000; 8-18, $3,000; 8-16, $3,000. Phone (204)857-8403. HEAVY DUTY BOX SCRAPERS, built with 5/8 steel, 2 hyd. cyl for larger tractors, 10-ft. $3,950. 12ft & 14ft superduty also available. All Sizes in Available. (204)746-6605 or (204)325-2496. JD 1995 790 ELC TRACKHOE, low hrs; Komatsu WA 320-1 3yd loader, JD 3830 16ft hay header; UH 122 trackhoe; Cat 631 scraped 24-yd; Bomag 170 PD packer Cummings motor. (306)236-8023

NH DISCBINE 1432, BEHLER 10 Wheel Rake, Mole Hill Leveler, all excellent condition. Shellmouth, MB. Phone:(204)564-2540. www.buyandsellfarmmachinery.com. WANTED: 23.1X26 RIMS W/WO tires to fit JD 1900 commodity cart. Phone (204)825-0257.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted 91 OR 93 MCCORMICK Deering IHC combine, parts or whole combine. Phone:(204)737-2275 between 6 & 7 p.m. WANTED: 6-FT. PRESS DRILL, 3-PTH sprayer. Phone (204)750-4000.


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IRON & STEEL 2 1/8, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2-in oilfield pipe; 3/4, 7/8, 1in sucker rod; 4.5, 5.5, 7-in., 8 5/8, 9 5/8s casing pipe. (204)252-3413, (204)871-0956. FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots, taking Spring bookings. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440. FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.


LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus DRUMHAGGART LTD HAS 2 yearling Reg AI sired Black Angus bulls for sale. One: March/11(81lbs), sire Sitz Upward, Dam Bennet Total/Dateline. Second: April/11(80-lbs), sire Providence, Dam Bennet Total/Bando. Semen tested & breeding soundness examined. $2500 each, firm. Beausejour, John or Corina (204)268-4478. FOR SALE: 15 Black Angus yearling bulls. Phone Holloway Angus (204)741-0070 or (204)483-3622 Souris, MB. FOR SALE: 3 & 4-yr old black angus bulls, quiet, semen tested. Phone:(204)365-0066. Shoal Lake, MB. FOR SALE: 45 YEARLING Black Angus bulls, excellent quality, $2,000-$2,500 & some 2 to 4 yr old bulls. Merlin Scott (204)835-2087, McCreary, MB. FOR SALE: REG YEARLING Black Angus bulls $1,500 each, birth weights 75-85 lbs. Phone (204)428-3625, Portage.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Red Angus 2 YR OLD & yearling Red & Black PB Angus bulls for sale, semen tested. Phone (204)834-2202, Carberry. YEARLING RED ANGUS BULLS for sale, semen tested & guarenteed w/papers, Phone: (204)252-3136 or (204)871-2197 after 5:00 p.m.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais MARTENS CHAROLAIS 2-YR OLD & yearling bulls, sired by Specialist, (consistant thickness) Dateline for calving ease & performance. Red-Mist (Red factor). Nobleman 3-yr old bull. For beef bulls Martens Charolais. Phone:(204)534-8370.




LIVESTOCK Cattle – Gelbvieh POLLED YEARLING GELBVIEH BULLS & also Red Angus Gelbvieh cross bulls. Birthweight from 72-lbs. Phone Wayne at Selin’s Gelbvieh (306)793-4568, Stockholm SK.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford 1 QUALITY YEARLING PB horned bull, no papers, out of a perfect uddered heavy milking Polled cow. Phone Francis Poulsen (204)436-2284 or (204)745-7894, Elm Creek. REG POLLED HEREFORD BULLS, good selection of coming 2 yr olds, naturally developed, quiet, broke to tie, guaranteed, delivery available. Catt Brothers (204)723-2831 Austin, MB.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin FOR SALE: 4-YR OLD polled black limousin bull, quiet, semen tested. Phone:(204)365-0066. Shoal Lake, MB.

FEEDER/SLAUGHTER SALES Every Friday 9AM Receiving open until 11PM Thursdays SUMMER SHEEP & GOAT SALES 1st Thursday of Every Month July 5th 1PM Gates Open Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-11PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM For more information call: 204-694-8328 or Jim Christie 204-771-0753

www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122

GRUNTHAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION MART. LTD. GRUNTHAL, MB. Agent for T.E.A.M. Marketing Regular cattle sales every Tuesday @ 9 am Accepting holstein calves every Tuesday throughout the Summer


Livestock Handling Equipment for info regarding products or pricing, please call our office. We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc) For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519 MB. Livestock Dealer #1111

TRIPLE R LIMOUSIN, OFFERING bulls by private treaty, 30 yearling & 2-yr olds, Limousin & Limousin Angus, black & red, polled, performance or calving ease for heifers, out cross blood lines, your source for quality Limousin genetics. Call Art (204)685-2628 or (204)856-3440.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental CONRAY CATTLE CO-FOR SALE by private treaty, PB Red Simmental yearling bulls, polled thick high performance bulls. Will keep until spring. Semen tested & delivered. Call (204)825-2140 evenings, Connor or Gayle. POLLED 2 YR OLD & yearling, PB & Fullblood Simmental bulls; 10 cow/calf pairs. Acomb Valley Simmentals (204)865-2246, Minnedosa.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Welsh Black POLLED WELSH BLACK BULLS, all ages. Forage raised. For the most efficient crossbred cows you will ever own use Welsh Black. Studer’s at Virden MB. Phone:(204)748-1251.

LIVESTOCK Cattle Various 20 MIXED BRED HEIFERS bred to easy calving reg Hereford bull, start calving 3rd week of July. Phone (204)379-2408, St Claude. 6 OPEN SIMMENTAL Red Angus cross heifers, 1,000-lbs, $1,100 each. Phone (204)825-2799 or (204)825-8340, Pilot Mound.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

save! Renew early and

LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted

LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment

TIRED OF THE HIGH COST OF MARKETING YOUR CALVES?? 300-700 LBS. Steers & Heifers Rob: 528-3254, 724-3400 Ben: 721-3400 800-1000 LBS. Steers & Heifers Don: 528-3477, 729-7240

REAL ESTATE Motels & Hotels

NH 195 400 BUSHEL tandem manure spreader, new floor chains, good shape, $6500; 1580 IHC 380 bushel tandem spreader, good shape $4800; Phone:(204)655-3286 or (204)655-3352, Sifton MB.

NOTICES JOHN HILL OF THE RM of Lawrence intends to sell private land “SE 23-28-16 W, NW 23-28-16 W, NW 35-28-16 W” along w/following crown lands, SE 28-28-16 W, NW 28-28-16 W, NE 28-28-16 W, SW 27-28-16 W, NW 27-28-16 W by unit transfer. If you wish to comment or object to this transfer write Director, MAFRI Agricultural Crown Land, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB, R0J 1E0.


Contact: D.J. (Don) MacDonald Livestock Ltd. License #1110 Horses LIVESTOCK Horse Auctions

I AM A SINGLE white male, 5’8” 155-lbs w/good sense of humour, financially secure, honest, trustworthy. Looking for Asian or Filipino lady between 50-60 yrs of age to share a lifetime relationship. Reply to Ad# 1019, c/o MB Co-operator, Box 9800, Station Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K7 LOOKING, HOPING? ...For a best friend, a romantic happy relationship. CANDLELIGHT MATCHMAKERS can help make it all happen! Confidential, Photos & Profiles to selected matches. Affordable, local, 1 recent & 1 upcoming Wedding! Serving MB, SK, NW Ontario. Call/Write for info: Box 212, Roland, MB, R0G 1T0, (204)343-2475.

Renew your subscription to the Manitoba Co-operator for 2 years BEFORE we mail your renewal notice, and we'll extend your subscription by 2 additional months. That's 26 months for the price of 24. OR - Renew for one year and receive 13 months for the price of 12!

26TH ANNUAL Rocking W Fall Horse Sale. Sept 1st, 2012. Keystone Center Brandon, MB. Catalogue deadline July 15th. For more info (204)325-7237 e-mail rockingw@xplornet.com www.rockingw.com

LIVESTOCK Horses – Quarter Horse

2 BORDER COLLIE FEMALE puppies for sale, father is excellent cattle dog, $150. Phone: (204)685-2376.

REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba

Call, email or mail us today!

REGISTERED QUARTER HORSE PERFORMANCE stallion for sale. Tivio Pep San, sired by Sonny Pep San grullo. 15 hands, EUA tested, 15 years. Asking $1600 Phone:(204)762-5892.

AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS, ready early July, Black tri’s & bi’s, males & females, Hangin’ Tree bloodlines, bred to work stock, pictures available, reasonably priced to farm & ranch homes. (204)859-0064 oli.joslin@gmail.com

EXCELLENT HOBBY FARM OF 158-acres, very nice upgraded 4 level splilt home w/5 bdrms. Beautifully sheltered yard, only 1-mile from pavement, approx 110-acres of cultivated land. Telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 www.farmsofcanada.ca Homelife Home Professional Realty Inc.


Email: subscription@fbcpublishing.com M S E R : 12345 2010/ 12 P UB John Smith Company Name 123 E x a m p l e S t . Town, Province, POSTAL CODE

LIVESTOCK Horses For Sale FREE TO A GOOD home, companion horse. Please call for details. (204)930-6399.



U.S. Subscribers

❑ 1 Year: $49.00* ❑ 2 Years $86.50*

❑ 1 Year: $150.00 (US Funds)

*Taxes included

REAL ESTATE Cottages & Lots 3 BDRM COTTAGE at Lake Manitoba Narrows, fully winterized & furnished, new 24x24-ft. garage, walking distance to lake, lot size 145-ft.x175-ft. For more info call (204)646-4047 or cell (204)280-9180.


Payment Enclosed ❑ Cheque

❑ Money Order

❑ Visa

FOR SALE: APPROX. 150 whole frozen rabbits, suitable for pet food. Average 6-lbs each. Phone Gary:(204)749-2006 or Cell:(204)723-0082.


REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots

LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment

Canadian Subscribers

BLUE HEELER PUPS BORN June 2 2012, mother is Blue Merle & father is Red Heeler. Excellent cattle dogs. Phone:(204)425-7702 or (204)371-5120.

JACK RUSSELL TERRIER PUPS for sale, 1st shots, tails docked & dewormed, 8 to choose from, can see both parents. Call (204)385-2659, Gladstone.

P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123



GREAT PYRENEES PUPPIES for sale, 1 male, 1 female left. Puppies have their first shots & vet check. Parents are working, livestock guardian dogs. Asking $250. Phone:(204)208-0852.

LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted

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HAY BUSTER BIG BITE H1000, new v-belts last year, 2/3 good sides of hammers left. For more info Phone:(204)868-5040.

NEW READY TO MOVE homes. 28x44, 1,232-sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath, $68,000; 30x44, 1,320-sq.ft., 3 bdrm, $75,000; 1,520-sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, $85,000. Marvin Homes Inc. (204)326-1493 or (204)355-8484.

KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.

Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.

FARM SPECIALIST: COUNT ON GRANT TWEED, informed, professional assistance for sellers & buyers. www.granttweed.com Call (204)761-6884 anytime. Service with integrity. GYPSUMVILLE: 2,329-AC RANCH, 1,209-AC C/L Land is all close by. $399,000. Grahamdale: 3,300-ac ranch, 1,360 deeded, mach. included. $715,000. Moosehorn: 3,200-ac, 1,440 deeded, 2 Mdrn homes, self sufficient. Dallas-Red Rose: 2,560-ac, 640-ac grain, 155-ac hay, 871-ac hay & grain, 2,640-ac, 1,680-ac deeded. Fisher Branch: 574 Grain Lovely, 1,950-sqft bungalow. Broadvalley: 1,440-ac, 640-ac deeded, sell w/cattle & machinery. Eriksdale: 160-ac sheep farm, 2 bdrm bungalow, barn, bin, well fenced for sheep. Hodgson,MB: 480-ac buffalo ranch, taxes $60.00, adjoining is a 2,061-ac grain & hay farm. Inwood: 1195-ac ranch all joins handles 175 c/calf pair. Ashern: 160-ac farm w/ a 40 x 240-ft barn excellent cement floor good for sheep. Eriksdale: 630-ac on Hwy 68, $130,000. 800-ac grain land in hay, bungbldgs, 160-ac hay land, 160-ac bush, great hunting property. Dog Lake: 480-ac great hunting & hay land. Oak Bluff: 40-ac bung., barn, great shelter priced to sell. Buying or selling Call your Manitoba Farm Realtor. See www.manitobafarms.ca. Call Harold@Delta Real Estate (204)253-7373. SCENIC MINNEDOSA AREA MIXED farm w/631-acres. House, barns, shop, quonset, cattle sheds, grain storage & more. This is a beautiful property with the Little Saskatchewan River running through. Contact Rick Taylor, Homelife Home Professional Realty, (204)867-7551, email rtaylor@homelife.com or website www.homelifepro.com It doesn’t get any better than this. Prepay your ad for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! Call today! 1-800782-0794.


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My Main crops are: No. of acres 1. Wheat ____________ 2. Barley ____________ 3. Oats ____________ 4. Canola ____________ 5. Flax ____________ 6. Durum ____________ 7. Rye ____________ 8. Peas ____________ 9. Chick Peas ____________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 1. Registered Beef ____________ 2. Commercial Cow ____________ 3. Fed Cattle (sold yearly) ____________ 4. Hog Weaners (sold yearly) __________

My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________

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6 7 3


8 7

2 1 8 5 2 3 6 9

2 7 6 9 9 8 4 9 4 3 4 3 6 8

Last week's answer

7 2 5 1 3 8 6 4 9

9 3 4 2 6 5 7 1 8

8 1 6 4 9 7 5 2 3

2 4 8 3 7 9 1 6 5

6 5 3 8 1 2 9 7 4

1 9 7 6 5 4 8 3 2

3 8 9 7 2 1 4 5 6

4 6 1 5 8 3 2 9 7

5 7 2 9 4 6 3 8 1

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3 7

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es Containers


REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted


GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511, www.farmsofcanada.ca or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, www.homelifepro.com Home Professional Realty Inc.

REAL ESTATE Land For Sale 320-AC ALFALFA GRASS HAY, can be fenced for pasture. St. Laurent. Phone:(204)646-2060 or (204)739-3494. 75.76 ACRES. BEAUTIFUL LARGE yard. Mature shelter belts around yard. Several large buildings wired. Water & hydro. Nice neighbours-me! 10-min NE of Selkirk, Rd 33-80076. $149,000. Call Harry (204)482-7251. LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER 2 quarters of Land located in the RM of Sifton, being part of the SE1/4 & SW1/4’s of 26-9-23W, extending to 229.65-acs or thereabouts w/approx 225-ac cult being suitable for crop or forage production. Older yard with M/c shed & 5 grain bins. Also, the SW1/4 19-9-22W in the RM of Whitehead extending to 156.94-acs w/approx 100-acs cult. Tenders close July 6th 2012, w/tender forms avail from Century 21 Westman.com, 244-10th St, Brandon, MB, R7A 4E8, or call Maurice Torr (204)725-0555. LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER 621.77-ACS of Land located in the RM of Morton, comprising pt of the SE1/4 & SW1/4’s of 21-3-20W, & the NW & SW quarters of 20-3-20W, w/approx 225 cult acs suitable for crop or forage production, w/the balance in hay/pasture. Available as a whole or in parcels. Tenders close July 6th 2012, w/tender forms available from Century 21 Westman.com, 244-10th Street, Brandon, MB, R7A 4E8, or call Maurice Torr at (204)725-0555. NOTICE: GILBERT SOUCY of Laurier, MB intends to sell private land (SW 13-22-16W) quarter to Collin Gamache who intends to acquire the following Crown Lands 80-acs of (NW-16-22-16) quarter by unit transfer. If you wish to comment on or object to this transfer write Director MAFRI Agricultural Crown Lands PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 or e-mail Robert.Fleming@gov.mb.ca

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles BRAND NEW ATVS, DIRTBIKES & go-carts; 110cc $699; 125cc $899; 150cc $1,375; 250cc $1575; 300cc $2495; W/6 mth warranty. Phone:(204)727-1712.

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Motorcycles CANADA’S LARGEST HELMET SELECTION & shields. Trade-ins taken, for new & used parts, etc. For motorcycles, motocross, snowmobiles, scooters, mopeds & much more. CANADIAN, 981 Main St. Winnipeg, R2W 3P6. Phone:(204)582-4130. Parts etc. for most CHINESE MX bikes.



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Specializing in: • Corn, wheat, sunflower, canola, soymeal, soybeans, soy oil, barley, rye, flax, oats (feed & milling) • Agents of the CWB • Licensed & bonded 5 LOCATIONS to serve you!

Head Office - Winkler (888) 974-7246 Jordan Elevator (204) 343-2323 Gladstone Elevator (204) 385-2292 Somerset Elevator (204) 744-2126 Sperling Elevator (204) 626-3261

**SERVICE WITH INTEGRITY** www.delmarcommodities.com

Toll Free: 888-974-7246 SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Straw FOR SALE: 250 LARGE, ROUND hay bales, Alfalfa brome, no rain, good quality, excellent condition. $45/each. Can arrange delivery. Phone:(204)746-5121. FOR SALE: SMALL SQUARE Wheat Straw bales. Phone (204)347-5761.


Glycol recovery services Specialized waste removal Winter & Summer windshield washer fluid Peak Performance anti-freeze ( available in bulk or drums )

• Vomi wheat    • Vomi barley   • Feed wheat    • Feed barley   • Feed oats    • Corn   • Screenings    • Peas   • Light Weight Barley You can deliver or we can arrange for farm pickup. Winnipeg 233-8418 Brandon 728-0231 Grunthal 434-6881 “Ask for grain buyer.”

Contact Denis or Ben for pricing ~ 204-325-9555

NOW BUYING Confection and Oil Sunflowers, Brown & Yellow Flax and Red & White Millet Licensed & Bonded

P.O. Box 1236 129 Manitoba Rd. Winkler, MB. R6W 4B3





Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd. Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers

37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email: vscltd@mts.net

CINCINNATI MILLING MACHINE; Metal lathe; 10ft. Chicago break; large truck/tractor tire changer. Phone (204)352-4306.

TRAILERS Livestock Trailers EXISS ALUMINUM LIVESTOCK TRAILERS. NEW STOCK. 10-yr Warranty. Prices starting at $15,100. Leasing available. Available at Sokal Industries Ltd. Phone: (204)334-6596 e-mail: sokalind@mymts.net

TRAILERS Trailers Miscellaneous 2008 TIMPTE 40-FT x 72-in AG hoppers 24.5 alum outsides, good condition. $28,000. Phone: (701)825-6247. BRANDON TRAILER SALES “You will like our prices!” “It’s that Simple!” “Let’s compare quality & price!” “Certainly worth the call!” Phone (204)724-4529. Dealer #4383

• Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed



FOR SALE BY TENDER: 160-acres of prime farmland; Brookdale area SW 31-12-15 W. Has potato potential & available after the 2012 crop year. Send written tenders to Doug May, Box 1386, Beausejour MB, R0E 0C0 prior to July 29th, 2012. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

CAREERS Help Wanted JODALE PERRY CORP. IS currently accepting aplications from energetic and qualified individuals to join our Morden team for the following full time posi-ion: CAD Specialist. The CAD Specialist is respon-ible for the design process in the development of new products at Jodale Perry. The CAD Specialist reports to the Engineering Manager / EIT. The ideal candidate will have experience and abilities in the following: Diploma in Engineering Design & Drafting Technology; CAD Software proficient; Pro Engineer would be preferred but not required; Competent in Microsoft Office programs such as Excel; Competent in BOM maintenance in electronic database oftware; Manage design responsibilities according to scheduling plan provided by Design Mgr; Develop detailed lists of materials as per design; Provide Engineered Mechanical Dwg. Packages for mfg. purposes; Communicate effectively with production staff & CAD Team; Excellent communication skills; Must be able to work independently and within a team. For more information regarding Jodale Perry Corp. visit our website at: www.jodaleperry.com. Please forward your resume along with references in confidence to: Jodale Perry Corp. 300 Route 100 Morden, MB. R6M 1A8, Fax: (204)822-9111 Email: darmstrong@jodaleperry.com. We appreciate all applicants for their interest, however only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

CAREERS CAREERS Help Wanted DAIRY FARM HAS A herdsperson position avail for a highly motivated individual with a keen interest in working w/dairy cattle, herd health, heat detection & AI breeding. Wage negotiable depending on experience, possible accommodations avail, valid drivers license required, full health & dental package. To apply, e-mail resume to rsbraun@nlis.ca or fax resume to (204)355-9210 or call (204)355-4133 leave msg. DAIRY FARM NEAR LABROQUERIE is looking for a Herdsman to work in a new robotic barn, has to be A.I. experienced, has to enjoy working with cows & electronics. Please call (204)424-5109 or (204)326-0168. MB BASE CUSTOM HARVEST Operation looking for Class 1 truck drivers & combine operators, no experience needed, good driving abstract, working in SW MB & South of Wpg, starting July 20th. Phone (204)433-7557 or (701)520-4036. WRIGHT SPUD FARMS, a large mixed farm at Wellwood, MB has 2 F/T permanent positions available. 1st position being the operation & maintenance of all equip involved in crop production. 2nd position relates to all duties involved in management of cow/calf herd. Modern equip. Good working atmosphere, competitive wages, complete benefit package, housing is avail. For more information phone (204)834-2257 or e-mail wrightspudfarms@hotmail.com

CAREERS Professional



Find it fast at CAREERS Professional

EMployMEnt opportunity Grain market analyst/commentator As part of our expanding coverage of grain and oilseed markets, Farm Business Communications is looking for an analyst/commentator for our AgCanada.com network of websites. Our ideal candidate will have experience as a wheat trader and/or analyst and be able to interpret and explain futures and cash market developments in a way that is clear, timely, useful and interesting for our farm readers. Please email applications to: John Morriss, editorial director, Farm Business Communications john.morriss@fbcpublishing.com We offer a competitive compensation and benefits package. We thank all applicants for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

CAREERS Professional

Full Time, Permanent - Ag Management Solutions Consultant (AMS) - St. Paul, Vermilion, Lloydminster Areas We are recruiting a dynamic individual for an AMS Consultant position for the Lloydminster, Vermilion, and St. Paul areas. Preference will be a candidate that resides in the St. Paul area but not essential.

Box 144, Medora, MB. R0M 1K0 Ph: 204-665-2384


Also Buying Brown & Yellow Flax & Field Peas Farm Pickup Available CGC Licensed and Bonded Call Cal Vandaele the “Rye Guy” Today!

This position encompasses but not limited to: • record keeping of seed-chemical-fertilizer and other inputs on the farm/field; • installation and operation of farm equipment guidance systems; • understanding and instruction of desktop software for the purpose of record keeping which allows producers to analyze yield maps, track seed-chemical-fertilizer rates and set-up prescriptions/programs to automatically apply seed-chemical fertilizer rates on the go; • providing assistance with prescription spraying and seeding applications • variable rate prescription application; • assist producers with yield mapping; • wireless telematics equipment communication between producer and the dealer. He/she will have agriculture experience to provide agronomic solutions, support for sale and use of equipment in various cropping systems, while working with the sales department and producers. As well he/she must: • work with Sales manager to develop/execute AMS marketing plan; • work independently and as part of a sales team; • provide on-site product support and optimization; • have excellent interpersonal and customer service skills; • possess excellent communication skills, written and verbal; • have computer navigation ability with various computer programs; • come with an inner desire to learn detailed product function and operation;

COMMON SEED COMMON SEED Forage ALFALFA, BROME, TIMOTHY, FESCUE, Sweet Clover, Orchard Grass, Pasture & Forage Blends, German Red & Crown Millet, seed. Leonard Friesen (204)685-2376 or (204)871-6856, Austin, MB.

MILLET SEED: Crown, Red & White Proso variety. Golden German & Red Siberian Foxtail variety. Cleaned & bagged. Harder Farm Ltd, Carman, MB. (204)745-0187, ask for Evan.

FEDERATION TIRE: 1100X12, 2000X20, used aircraft. Toll free 1-888-452-3850


WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328

The only company that collects, recycles and re-uses in Manitoba! 888-368-9378 ~ www.envirowestinc.com

CERISE RED PROSO COMMON MILLET seed & Common Crown Millet at $0.40/lb. 90%+ germination, 0% Fusarium Graminearum. Makes great cattle feed, swath grazed, dry or silage bale. Very high in protein. Energy & drought tolerant. Sold in 50-lb bags. $0.16 contracts available for 2012 crop year. 2000+ satisfied producers. 9th Year in Business! Millet King Seeds of Canada Inc. Reynald (204)379-2987 or (204)526-2719 cell & text (204)794-8550. Leave messages, all calls returned. www.milletkingseeds.com

1 FIRESTONE TIRE 30.5X32 12 ply combine tire, tubeless, no cracks, $500. Phone (204)476-6631, Plumas.

Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA

A Season to Grow… Only Days to Pay!

Collection of plastic oil jugs

We are buyers of farm grains.

“Naturally Better!” Soybean Crushing Facility (204) 331-3696

Andy Vanderveen · Brett Vanderveen Jesse Vanderveen

We BUY used oil & filters



RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Motor Homes 2006 TRIPLE E COMMANDER, A3202FB, 70,000-kms, clean, no pets, no smoke, stored indoors, several options, $65,000 firm. Phone:(204)322-5696


JAMES FARMS LTD: good quality feed oats for sale. Phone (204)222-8785 or 1-866-283-8785

REQUIRE LARGE GRAIN & cattle farms, ranches, dairies, chicken farms, hobby farms, suburban properties for our clients coming from other parts of Canada, US and Europe. Call Harold @ Delta Real Estate (204)253-7373. www.manitobafarms.ca.

Proud Supporter of Manitoba Businesses & Municipalities



The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

Formal education in Agriculture, Agriculture Engineering, Ag Business, Crop Specialist or other related discipline and/or farming experience in this area will be preferred but not a requirement. This is an excellent opportunity for an individual wishing to have a long term career and become part of a top notch organization that offers an excellent benefit package, vehicle and other allowances.

We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.

For more information or to send an up-to-date resume along with references contact: Jetstream Personnel Consulting Inc bev@jetstreampersonnel.com as soon as possible. For more information contact 780-875-4275/780-808-5736 or go to our website www.jetstreampersonnel.com We thank all interested candidates for their time and efforts; however only candidates we wish to interview will be contacted. Jetstream Personnel Consulting Inc.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 28, 2012

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