Worried about farm program direction » PAGE 3
Grasscutters a new food and income option » PAGE 4
Witness claims shooting pigs unnecessary Some shot several times By Shannon Vanraes CO-OPERATOR STAFF
rovincial workers took a full day to shoot 1,300 hogs in a barn that is now under investigation for inhumane treatment of its animals, according to a former employee who claims to have witnessed the event. The weanlings were shot using 22-calibre rifles and some were shot “three or four times” before dying, said the man, who requested anonymity saying he fears being charged with interfering with the province’s investigation. He said he tried to film
Doug Martin is depopulating his hog barn near East St. Paul. PHOTO: SHANNON VANRAES
See PIGS SHOT on page 6 »
Latest feed crisis may be too much for battered hog sector U.S. drought has sent feed prices sky high just when hog producers were eyeing a return to profitability By Shannon Vanraes
Publication Mail Agreement 40069240
t’s been a gut-wrenching decision, but Doug Martin is shipping off his sows and depopulating his East Selkirk hog barn. “It’s very difficult,” said Martin. “We’re going to lose money depopulating, but I would lose more money by staying in business.” Martin’s family has been in the hog business for 75 years, but like most hog producers in the province, his 1,200sow operation is facing tough times.
Currently, he’s losing more than $30 per weanling. Skyrocketing feed prices have hit the hog sector — still recovering from a 2009 H1N1 swine flu scare, effects of U.S. country-oforigin labelling laws and a strengthening Canadian loonie — with another wave of losses. And there is no end in sight. “It’s a bad situation, especially for the weanling producers,” said Martin. “There’s just no market and no hope, there are a lot of iso-weanlings selling for a dollar profit or just being given away.” Many producers in the province sell their weanlings to American finisher oper-
ations who often buy feed and livestock using credit. But with negative margins predicted for future contracts, credit is hard to come by. The plight of Manitoba’s hog producers was thrust into the limelight recently, following the euthanization of 1,300 weanlings by provincial authorities. But industry representatives caution against linking hard financial times to possible animal welfare cases. “People have said this is about economics,” said Andrew Dickson, general See HOGS on page 6 »
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
FROM the food file
LIVESTOCK Choking off disease spread
Will starving yourself help you live longer? Maybe not
Manitoba resort a natural break
Monkeys on calorie-restricted diets had healthier hearts and immune systems, but they didn’t live longer
By Sharon Begley new york / reuters
Cure for high prices? Soaring prices threaten organic sales
FEATURE Twitter and Tweet Social media feeds grain market jitters
CROSSROADS Leadership and commerce Co-ops continue to make a difference
4 5 9 10
Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets
Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku
h e l o n g e v i t y d i e t’s premise is seductively simple: cutting your calorie intake well below your usual diet will add years to your life. But new research shows the extreme, emaciating diet doesn’t increase lifespan in rhesus monkeys, the closest human relatives to try it in a rigorous, long-running study. While caveats remain, outside experts regarded the findings as definitive, particularly when combined with those from a similar study. “If there’s a way to manipulate the human diet to let us live longer, we haven’t figured it out yet and it may not exist,” said biologist Steven Austad of the University of Texas Health Science Center, who wrote an analysis of the study in Nature. Since 1934, research has shown that lab rats, mice, yeast, fruit flies and round worms fed 10 per cent to 40 per cent fewer calories than their free-eating peers lived some 30 per cent longer. In some studies, they lived twice as long. Such findings spawned a
growing community of believers who seek better health and longer life in calorie-restricted diets. The new study suggests a surprising disconnect between health and lifespan. It found most of the 57 calorie-restricted monkeys had healthier hearts and immune systems and lower rates of diabetes, cancer or other ills than the 64 control monkeys. But there was no longevity payoff. “You can argue that the calorie-restricted animals are healthier,” said Austad. “They have better cholesterol profiles, less muscle loss, less disease. But it didn’t translate into greater longevity. What we learn from this is you can unlink health and longevity.” While initial results were promising, the study found the oldest animals in each group had the same incidence of tumours, heart disease and general deterioration. Moreover, it found health markers were often worse in monkeys that began calorie restriction as young adults than older ones, the opposite of what scientists expected. And more of the animals that started calorie
Americans have the highest per capita daily consumption in the world, eating 3,770 calories a day, more than a Canadian at 3,590 calories or an Indian at 2,440, according to data from the UN Food and Agricultural Organization. But does a calorie-restricted diet mean you live longer? photo: REUTERS/ Carlos Barria (UNITED STATES)
restriction when young died of causes unrelated to aging than did their free-eating peers. “There may be something about calorie restriction that makes animals more susceptible to death from other causes,” said Austad. Many of the study’s calorierestricted monkeys died of causes unrelated to aging, such as anesthesia used in some experiments and gastrointestinal bloat.
11 16 26 30
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
KAP worries about less income support under Growing Forward 2 Will a new federal-provincial emphasis on research and innovation mean fewer dollars for direct farm income support? By Allan Dawson
if AgriStability funding will be cut, but added “(t)here is definitely a keen interest to developing new markets that will provide financial support for various commodities.” Innovation could also result in more processing of raw farm products, bolstering the Canadian economy, he said. Crop insurance will continue to cover farmers against crop failures and be backstopped by AgriRecovery, he said.
co-operator staff
oug Chorney fears t h e f e d e r a l - p r ov i n cial AgriStability farm income support program will get less funding under the new Growing Forward 2 agreement Canada’s agriculture ministers are to draft when they meet in Whitehorse Sept. 14 to 16. The president of the Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) said he would raise his concerns with Manitoba A g r i c u l t u re M i n i s t e r Ro n Kostyshyn at meeting with provincial farm groups Sept. 4. “I don’t want to see us throw away valuable BRM (Business Risk Management) tools that have proven that they’ve helped producers in the past,” Chorney, who farms at East Selkirk, said in an interview Aug. 30. The federal budget this spring included a 10 per cent cut in agricultural spending. Farm income support will continue under the new agreement, Kostyshyn said in an interview. “It’s s a f e t o s a y t h a t i t (AgriStability) will be there,” he said. “There have been discussions, but nothing concrete has developed out of that.”
Soon to expire
The current five-year Growing Forward agreement, which formalizes a long list of agricultural support programs from science and innovation and market development to food safety and co-operative development, expires March 31, 2013. Chorney and other farm leaders affiliated with the Canadian Federation of Agriculture will also meet in Whitehorse in an effort to influence the new agreement. But Chorney sus-
Private insurance
Ron Kostyshyn
pects much of the deal is already decided. Business Risk Management programs — AgriInvest, AgriStability, AgriInsurance and AgriRecovery — account for 84 per cent of the money spent under Growing Forward 1. It amounts to about $2 billion a year for a total of $10 billion since 2007, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada officials said during a briefing last week. A c c o r d i n g t o C h o r n e y, Agriculture Minister Gerr y Ritz has told other farm leaders AgriStability — a program designed to pay farmers when their reference margins fall to 85 per cent or lower — will get less money. There has also been speculation payouts won’t be triggered unless margins drop 30 per cent instead of the current 15. If farmers find the revised program isn’t useful, fewer will participate and that could lead to it being scrapped altogether, Chorney said.
Doug Chorney
“I don’t want to see us throw away valuable BRM (Business Risk Management) tools that have proven that they’ve helped producers in the past.” Doug Chorney
There’s also talk government spending will shift to research and innovation. Grain prices are good, but Manitoba’s hog industry is on the verge of collapse due to high feed costs and low pig prices, Chorney said. “Ju s t b e c a u s e yo u h a v e never had an engine blow up, you should still change the oil and do regular maintenance,”
G20 watching U.S. crop report
Gerry Ritz
Chorney said. “When things are going badly that’s when you count on having these (support programs) in place.”
Farm programs facing change
Farming has changed and so must farm programs, but governments will continue to support agriculture, Ritz said in an email last week. “Let’s be clear — industry and governments agree that programs must be in place to help farmers in cases of significant drops in income and disaster situations,” he wrote. “Our goal is to ensure all government programs contribute to economic growth by paying particular attention to investing in innovation, market access and regulatory reform that supports sector sustainability and adaptability.” Ritz often says he wants to help farmers earn their money from the market not the mailbox. Kostyshyn declined to say
“ We m i g h t e v e n l i k e t o encourage private insurance companies if it’s feasible,” Kostyshyn said, especially in areas such as forage, where farmer participation is low or to lock in livestock prices. Ritz also supports that idea. A new agreement requires the support of two-thirds of Canadian provinces accounting for 50 per cent of production in that sector. If a majority of ministers agree, they’ll sign a memorandum of understanding in Whitehorse and then work out the details later, Kostyshyn said. The National Farmers Union wants income support programs aimed at family farmers. The maximum AgriStability payment should be reduced to $300,000 per farm from $3 million, it says. The NFU also says corporations shouldn’t be allowed to subdivide operations to maximize program payouts. “Agriculture is different now,” Chorney said. “We have to face the reality that different business models are necessary and that’s not a bad thing. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with big companies being part of agriculture.”
January 15 - 17, 2013 Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB
Officials are considering whether to trigger the Rapid Response Forum By Sybille de La Hamaide paris / reuters
G20 nations taking stock of the third global food price surge in four years will wait for September’s crop report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture before deciding whether to take joint action on the issue, France’s farm minister said on Aug. 28. Senior officials held a conference call Aug. 27 on rising prices after drought in the United states and poor crops from Russia and the Black Sea breadbasket stirred new fears about food supply and inflation. “There will be a communication at the end of September. I will wait for the results given by the United States around Sept. 12 on the latest estimates for corn supplies,” French Agriculture and Food Minister Stephane Le Foll told BFM TV.
“The current market situation is thus worrying.”
The decision to wait for the USDA report was taken at a conference call between senior officials of France, the United States and G20 presid e n t Me x i c o o n Mo n d a y. Re p re s e n t a t i v e s f r o m t h e Un i t ed Na t i o n’s Fo o d an d Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Bank, the OECD and the International Food and Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) were also on the call. “The current market situation is thus worrying,” the French said in a statement, immediately adding however
that “no threat is hanging over world food security.” If G20 leaders decide the situation needed international inter vention, France could trigger an emergency meeting of the so-called Rapid Response Forum created by the G20 last year to deal with surging world prices. How e v e r, i t s m a i n t o o l would be limited to talks to avoid unilateral trade restrictions by large producing countries that could lead to surge in prices, such as the one seen after Russia banned exports after a drought slashed its crops in 2010. Le Foll also blamed speculation for the surge in prices and reiterated calls for taxes on financial transactions. “There have been transfers, speculators leaving other markets to come to food markets. We need to stop this,” he said on BFM TV.
Manitoba Ag Days welcomes entries for
‘INVENTOR’S SHOWCASE’ Inventor’s Showcase is held every year at Manitoba Ag Days to encourage individuals and companies to develop products that will assist farmers in achieving greater efficiency in their farming operations You get a special rate on exhibit space. Go to www.agdays.com for complete guidelines and enter on-line
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES IS FRIDAY, SEPTMBER 28th, 2012 For more information: Email: coordinator@agdays.com or phone 204-866-4400
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Don’t go there
he Manitoba Pork Council got it right last week when officials emphasized the deteriorating financial conditions facing hog producers is a separate issue from an incident in which 1,300 piglets found in a western Manitoba barn had to be euthanized. In the absence of detail about what actually went down in that barn, some in the farming community were quick to call it a Laura Rance “sign of the times,” pointing out that feed Editor costs are soaring and many pork producers are suffering hard times. What we do know is that the provincial vet’s office and RCMP were alerted to a situation in which hogs were being given inappropriate care. When they attended the site, the decision was made to immediately euthanize 1,300 animals. Sources say the job was done using .22-calibre rifles and it took eight hours. An investigation under the Animal Care Act is continuing. Some seized the opportunity to draw attention to the difficulties facing pork producers. The commentary to the public was rich with references to the hard times befalling the sector as a result of the U.S. drought and its effect on feed costs. Some even expressed sympathy for the producer. The public was told weanlings are not only worthless, they have suddenly become a liability that can’t be given away. Producers are facing losses of up to $52 per pig at a time when many were hoping to crawl back into profitable times. There is no denying these are desperate and heartbreaking times for those in the hog business, many of whom are still struggling to recover from the 2008-09 crisis. Our sympathies go out to those forced to depopulate their barns and leave the business under these circumstances. But we must also be blunt. In the context of this incident, none of that When incidents like matters. It is no excuse. It this one are linked to shouldn’t be a reason. The public doesn’t care. economic conditions What registers with the in the industry, it public is that hundreds sends a different of living, breathing creamessage to the tures died a horrible death because a human failed to non-farming public, provide. which is already We know the industry skeptical of accepted generally doesn’t condone this treatment. We all know industry practices producers who would go such as sow stalls. without themselves rather than fail to properly care for their animals. But when incidents like this one are linked to economic conditions in the industry, it sends a different message to the non-farming public, which is already skeptical of accepted industry practices such as sow stalls. Is allowing worthless pigs to starve another one of those practices? We don’t think it is and it was heartening to hear the industry leadership emphatically assert that to the general public. Even when hard times are used as a backdrop to why these kinds of abusive circumstances can unfold, it sends a message to the public that only perpetuates the negative perceptions haunting this industry. Comments flowing into mainstream media websites once this story broke were quick to condemn the whole industry for its perceived lack of respect for animals. Droughts happen. Feed prices rise and fall. Export markets come and go. Hog industry leaders need to challenge the perceptions both within the sector and outside of it that pigs are simply something to be composted if prices take a downturn. It is fair however, to ask consumers to consider whether in their pursuit of cheap bacon they are passively condoning a system that can send producers from profit to financial purgatory in the blink of an eye. It’s important for hog producers to remember that while some non-farmers react to a story like this one by vowing to never buy pork again, the vast majority of consumers out there would prefer to remain customers. Surveys increasingly suggest they are prepared to pay what it costs to get a product they feel good about. They can’t feel good about an industry structured to have no resilience to market downturns, or in which animal cruelty is justified on economic terms. Decisions must be made long before the bills don’t get paid and the feed trucks stop rolling up the driveway. With the industry on its knees looking for assistance for the second time within five years, it needs to come up with a proposition that is based on a business model the public wants to support through thick and thin. It starts by reinforcing that there is no justification, rationalization, reason or excuse for failing to provide for the animals in its care. laura@fbcpublishing.com
Grasscutters that provide food, not manicured lawns By Daryll E. Ray and Harwood D. Schaffer
t goes without saying that the U.S. drought is creating extremely serious problems for crop farmers, livestock producers, ethanol producers and other demanders of grain. The economic consequences are likely to be horrendous. But a reduction in grain supply does not spell famine in this country. This is a luxury that does not describe a lot of other countries — the availability of grain can mean the difference between living and starving to death. But what if there was an efficient, relatively quick way to convert grasses to a highprotein and nutrition-laden food? For us, none tops what we saw on the cover of the August 2012 issue of World Ark, the magazine of Heifer International: “Rodents of unusual size.” In this case we are talking about a fairly large rodent called a grasscutter that is in the process of being domesticated from wild stock. Grasscutters are found in grassy areas in sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the bush meats that are an important low-fat source of protein, calcium, and phosphorus. While the grasscutter is plentiful in the wild, the process of hunting it has serious environmental consequences. Hunting parties often set fire to grassy areas in order to force the grasscutters out into the open where they can be captured. In doing so, they destroy the habitat of other animals and kill trees and shrubs, resulting in a degraded environment. The challenge faced by Heifer International and other groups was to find a way to establish a population of grasscutters that would thrive and reproduce in captivity. According to research-
ers, in Benin, losses among captive grasscutters amounted to nearly 80 per cent. Beginning in the 1970s, this death rate and high startup costs had stymied Heifer International’s introduction of the domestic production of grasscutters into Ghana. By 1999, they decided to revisit the issue and discovered that farmers in Benin, with the help of a German development organization, were having success with the domestic production of grasscutters. Heifer International purchased their initial stock from grasscutter farmers in Benin. Today, the grasscutter program in Ghana is very successful as current farmers train future farmers and sell them breeding stock. One of the advantages of grasscutters over more conventional animals is that they are well adapted to the local climate, are resistant to many diseases, and can be raised by people with small farming plots. They can even be raised on rooftops in peri-urban areas. Grasscutters thrive on grass and a wide variety of other inexpensive vegetal products. With some planning farmers can have a steady supply of animals to sell to their customers, providing a stable source of income that can lift families out of poverty and malnutrition. As West Africans emigrate to other places around the globe, some farmers are beginning to envision a robust export market for the meat that they produce. Daryll E. Ray holds the Blasingame Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Policy, Institute of Agriculture, University of Tennessee, and is the director of UT’s Agricultural Policy Analysis Center (APAC). Harwood D. Schaffer is a tesearch sssistant professor at APAC. (865) 974-7407; Fax: (865) 974-7298; dray@utk.edu and hdschaffer@utk.edu; http://www.agpolicy.org.
Rabbit-sized rodents also called bush rats or grasscutters, have long been enjoyed as delicacies in Ivory Coast and nearby countries. Now they are being raised in captivity. PHOTO: REUTERS
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Producers can help shape public perception If a story is repeated often enough it becomes the “truth” for most people By Cam Dahl
was on a plane to Calgary earlier this year and I could not help but overhear the conversation occurring in the seats behind me. A Manitoban was expounding on problems with Lake Winnipeg to a visitor from the United States — and blaming agriculture. According to the gentleman, Lake Winnipeg is experiencing algae blooms and pollution problems because of all of the chemicals from agriculture and because animal waste is being dumped directly into the lake. This demonstrates the power of propaganda. If a story is repeated often enough it becomes the “truth” for most people. Governments and media have repeatedly targeted agriculture as the source of problems with Lake Winnipeg. This has happened often enough that the story has become fact for the average person on the street. The truth is, agriculture is not the cause of the problems in Lake Winnipeg. It is not even a major source of algae blooms. Chemicals and animal waste are certainly not being dumped into our water by modern agriculture. For example, scientific research from the University of Manitoba has demonstrated that a small portion of the nutrients flowing into Lake Winnipeg can be traced back to livestock production; the majority of the nutrients come from other sources. The perception that agriculture is destroying the natural landscape, which was conveyed by the man on the plane, is simply wrong. But how does agriculture change public opinion? This is a critical question for our industry because public opinion does matter. I am concerned that we are seeing more environmental and health regulations based on perception and public opinion rather than being grounded in sound science. The distorted view of agriculture held by the man on the plane has already been translated into legislation and regulations that target our industry
photo: daniel winters
and limit the economic growth of rural Manitoba. If we as agricultural producers do not address this issue directly, there will be more restrictions to come. We are not going to win the debate by simply telling our non-farming neighbours and urban cousins that they are wrong. We need to tell them a different story. It is time that agriculture starts talking (shouting might be better) about the good things modern agriculture does to enhance the environment we all live in. For example, beef production in Canada delivers many environmental benefits to society. Pastures have the unique ability to encourage grassland preservation while maintaining economic productivity. Pastures are widely sought by various species of wildlife. This is shown by work done on the 930,000 hectares of grasslands that are preserved in the community pasture program in Manitoba. These pastures alone provide a home to 33 different species at risk. Anecdotal evidence shows that the biodiversity found on well-managed pastures exceeds that found on land set aside as nature preserves which is not grazed. Beef producers in this province are also actively conserving Manitoba’s wetlands.
Beef producers in Manitoba are actively funding scientific research aimed at improving the environmental sustainability of our industry. The millions of dollars that Canadian producers have contributed to research have led to improved production practices that are increasing the efficiency of our industry while enhancing the protection of our water and air quality. These are the stories that the guy on the plane needs to hear. And it is our job to tell him. We need to tell our story. The real story. The fact is, farmers and ranchers are the original stewards of the land and water but the majority of Manitobans have no connection to our industry and they don’t know that. We need to demonstrate our commitment through the editorial pages of newspapers, YouTube and the other tools of modern communication. If we do not speak out, urban Canada will only hear the “misinformation.” We will all find ourselves hearing inaccurate stories about the impact of our industry on the province and we will face misguided regulations aimed at correcting nonexistent problems. Cam Dahl is general manager of Manitoba Beef Producers
The other side of high commodity prices The rising cost of food underscores the need for living wages and affordable housing By Brendan Mierau
ood prices are expected to rise in North America as increasing corn and soybean prices drive up the cost of everything from raw ingredients to processed foods and meat products. Some current predictions for the United States suggest possible increases four to five per cent on average. However, the ultimate impact is still uncertain and could yet be influenced by other factors, such as crops in other locations around the globe. Resulting price increases likely won’t hit actual grocery stores for several months as commodity prices take time to trickle down to consumers. Here in Canada, the impact on food costs is uncertain but it has been predicted that we can expect increases between 2.5-3.5 per cent this year, and three to four per cent in 2013. Average Canadians will be spending more of their income on food. Lower-income Canadians will be hit the hardest. Families receiving Employment and Income Assistance (EIA), the working poor, and seniors with fixed incomes already spend a larger percentage of their income on food than other Canadians. According to Winnipeg Harvest, families on EIA and families with two members
working full-time minimum-wage jobs do not have an adequate income to provide necessities in Winnipeg (Harvest Acceptable Living Level report). Families receiving EIA routinely dip into their food budgets to pay their rent because provincial shelter allowances have not kept pace with market costs. A 2009 study by CCPA titled “The view from here: How a living wage can reduce poverty in Manitoba” showed each wage earner in a two-wage family of four would need to earn $13.44 per hour to ensure basic needs are met. This rate will continue to increase as food costs rise, further growing the gap between the current minimum wage of $10 and a living wage. Given the difficult challenges that low-income Manitobans already have when it comes to budgeting for food and shelter, projected increases in food costs will further increase the growing problem of food insecurity. Food insecurity creates stress, has negative implications for mental and physical health, resulting in greater health-care costs. Because of these far-reaching effects on communities, a multi-level community response is needed. The Manitoba government can respond by continuing to increase the
minimum hourly wage as it has regularly for the past 10 years. A 25-cent increase is scheduled for October 2012 which will bring the rate to $10.25. Future increases should reflect the increasing cost of food prices. The community can respond by supporting businesses that pay a living wage. Because so many households use their food budgets to meet their housing needs, an increase in EIA rental allowance would go a long way to improve food insecurity by lessening the need for families to divert significant portions of their food budget toward rent. The EIA allowance has only marginally increased since 1992, remaining far below what is required to meet skyrocketing rents.
Affordable housing
The fact that families with two members working full-time minimumwage jobs do not have an adequate income to provide necessities including food and shelter points not only to a need for increased wages, but also to a need for more affordable housing. It is nearly impossible for low-income families to purchase a home and with a rental vacancy rate under one per cent, it is increasingly difficult to find a decent home to rent.
Families receiving EIA routinely dip into their food budgets to pay their rent because provincial shelter allowances have not kept pace with market costs.
Food insecurity is a problem that will likely worsen in the near future. Without quick attention to these issues, upcoming food price inflation will hurt many Manitoba families directly and will have broad implications for the rest of us. The price of food is the result of complex global environmental and economic factors that are beyond our control. Tackling local factors such as wages and housing will be the best ways to alleviate the impacts that rising food prices will have. Brendan Mierau is a social work student and an intern with Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives — Manitoba this summer.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
FROM PAGE ONE HOGS Continued from page 1
PIGS SHOT Continued from page 1
manager of the Manitoba Pork Council. “But there is no economic value in abusing an animal... this is outside the economic realm.” Still, the economics are harsh at the moment. “We’re hoping there will be some opportunities for government to use business riskmanagement tools to help producers deal with some of the challenges they’re facing,” said Doug Chorney, president of Keystone Agricultural Producers. A cash infusion, should one be available, would need to be administered by industry, he added. A federal task force is currently working with industry on how to deal with the issue of sky-high feed costs, while Manitoba Pork will also meet with Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn in the coming weeks to discuss the matter. The U.S. drought has sent grain prices soaring and with American corn ending stocks poised to fall to their lowest level since 1996. It’s feared feed costs will remain high for a long time. The pork industry has weathered storms in the past, but a turning point may be at hand, said Chorney. “They have been very resilient, but there is only so far that an individual can go, and when you are looking at losing your farm, and your family home and your livelihood in one fell swoop... it’s pretty daunting for anyone,” he said. “Right now there is still an industry left, but in a few months there may not be one to save.” According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the price of pork in Manitoba is 8.8 per cent lower this August than it was last year, coming in at an estimated $164 per 100 kilograms. Other provinces have seen prices drop by as much as 14.8 per cent over the same period. And as producers send more animals to slaughter to lessen feed costs, the price is expected to drop more, before it picks up again, said Dickson.
the shooting with his cellphone and was told to delete the video, or he would face criminal charges. The man said he has worked in the hog industry for decades and has seen animals euthanized in the past, but never encountered anything like this. The young pigs were herded a few at a time into a hastily constructed plastic pen and a rifleman fired from at least 20 feet away. Dead pigs remained on the property for several days before being removed. “I couldn’t sleep for two days, I had that embedded in my brain,” said the witness. The operation was conducted under the direction of Manitoba’s Chief Veterinarian’s Office after it received a tip on Aug. 24 about inappropriate treatment of hogs at a barn near Austin. A statement from the province says officials at the scene determined the 1,300 piglets were in “severe distress.” A spokeswoman for Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives would not comment on the witness’s account other than to say
“There are a lot of iso-weanlings selling for a dollar profit or just being given away.” DOUG MARTIN
Only two months ago industry insiders expected the price of corn to drop to about $5 a bushel this fall, but with continued drought in the U.S. prices have increased to nearly $9 per bushel. But when feed prices do drop, or demand for weanlings returns, Dickson said it will be hard for those who have depopulated to get back in the game fast enough to capitalize on the initial increase. Martin said he hopes to repopulate his barn and get back into business following next year’s corn harvest, but much remains to be seen. “ We want to continue in the business... so we’ll wait and see if things improve,” he said.
the animals were “humanely euthanized.” Requests for an interview with the province’s Chief Veterinary Officer were declined. “When you shoot a weanling three or four times, don’t you think it’s suffering?” said the former employee of the barn. “It would have been better for them to have simply taken a hammer and whacked them in the head.” The man also contends the animals had not been maltreated prior to the province’s intervention. “They were fine,” he said. “Maybe conditions weren’t perfect, but we did the best we could with what we had.” He said the piglets were being fed, but that sows had been shipped out the day prior to provincial officials descending on the barn. An effort was underway to move the young pigs to a new location. “They were being taken off the yard, that was the intent, they were supposed to be taken off the yard and go to another place.” The barn was operated by brothers Bernie and Menno
Dead pigs overflow a container at the site.
Bergen, who had been ordered to vacate the property. A spokesman for HP Farm Equipment Ltd., which owns the property, said the Bergens had been in arrears for monies owed to the company for six years. Andrew Dickson, general manager of the Manitoba Pork Council said his organization heard about the situation and referred it to the Chief Vet’s Office. In an earlier interview, Dickson said he couldn’t comment on this particular incident but noted high feed prices this summer have resulted in situations in which troubled hog producers have asked another farmer to take them in and feed them until they could be marketed. “And that has happened a number of times this summer because prices on weanlings dropped to almost nothing in July and August,” Dickson said. Dickson also stressed the incident is an animal welfare issue that should not be tied to the ongoing crisis. shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com
BRIEFS PARDON ME! DEMOCRACY IS NOT FREE. • No slaughter plants = BSE • No hog marketing board = Corporate barns • No single desk (CWB) = What do you think will happen? • Our class action lawsuit is moving forward. Registration, certification and legal proceedings are underway. Estimated time frame: 16–22 months. • Support the FCWB and be part of the solution.
Brazilian ethanol exports to U.S. surge SERTAOZINHO, BRAZIL / REUTERS / Exports of Brazilian ethanol to the U.S. market are likely to grow, says sugar and ethanol analyst Datagro. Brazilian exports of ethanol surged in July to 410 million litres, most of it going to the United States. In previous months, exports were between 140 million and 64 million litres a month. “This particular increase in July is a seasonal phenomenon,” said Datagro president Plinio Nastari. Falling yields from Brazil’s cane crop has actually lowered ethanol output and driven up prices, but the U.S. drought is pushing up exports, Nastari said.
British cow makes like kitty and gets stuck in a tree Time to invest in your business is now. Donate generously.
LONDON / REUTERS / A cow had to be rescued by fire services in northern England after it tumbled down a 30-metre river embankment and got stuck in a tree. The animal was sedated by a vet before being winched out of the tree by firemen using specialist equipment.
“(Fire crews) had to wear body armour in case a stray hoof lashed out at them,” said a spokesman for Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service. “The vet checked the cow over and it seemed reasonably happy and relatively unscathed.”
Tax relief for Ontario drought victims WINNIPEG / REUTERS / The Canadian government said it will allow some livestock producers to defer income tax on the sale of breeding animals for one year, as the eastern provinces of Ontario and Quebec cope with drought. Hot, dry weather this summer drastically reduced feed supplies for some Canadian farmers, forcing them to liquidate herds. The tax deferral allows farmers to redirect money toward replenishing next year’s breeding stock, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said. Farmers in drought-stricken areas will be allowed to defer taxes on 30 per cent of income from net sales, if they have reduced their breeding herds by at least 15 per cent. Farmers whose herds have been reduced by more than 30 per cent can defer 90 per cent of income from net sales.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Clock ticking on Farm Bill impasse
The best season for riding
Political deadlock hurting both livestock producers and grain growers By Carey Gillam and Charles Abbott kansas city/washington / reuters
ongress needs to pass a new Farm Bill fast or risk putting U.S. farmers in financial jeopardy, say farming experts. With the current package of Farm Bill programs due to expire Sept. 30, the chorus of voices from the countryside demanding action by lawmakers is growing louder — although few expect a new bill can be completed by month’s end. “We are pushing Congress to get it done in September,” said Dana Peterson, chief executive officer of the National Association of Wheat Growers. “But the likelihood of that is pretty slim. The likelihood before the election (in November) is pretty slim.” About 40 farm- and agriculture-related organizations — from corn and soybean farmers to sheep and sugar producers — have formed a group called Farm Bill Now to push for swift passage of new legislation. “It really matters. It’s not just important to the people who work the land, it’s important to everybody who buys food in the grocery store,” said Pam Johnson, who grows corn and soybeans with her husband in north-central Iowa.
Selling off herds
One of the most immediate needs is assistance for livestock ranchers, industry experts said. Drought has burned up pastures normally used for grazing cattle, forcing ranchers to pay for pricey hay and supplemental feed. With livestock feed assistance already expired, many ranchers have started liquidating herds as a result. “Cattle are being sold daily, hay prices have skyrocketed because there is so little of it,” said Mike Martin of the Kansas Farm Bureau. Bankers who make loans to farmers for seed, equipment, fertilizer and herbicides are also worried that a lack of action by Congress will roil agricultural production. Lenders generally want farmers to present risk management plans before they are extended credit, and crop insurance is a key risk management tool. “Lenders are less likely to take a chance on a farmer with more risk,” said Bob Frazee, C E O o f Mi d At l a n t i c Fa r m Credit. “The lack of a Farm Bill could hurt their chances to get a loan.” If there is no agreement on a Farm Bill next month, the most likely step would be for Congress to pass a shortterm extension of current law, a common step used in the past. The latest proposal would save $35 billion over 10 years, b u t Te a Pa r t y- i n f l u e n c e d Republicans want larger cuts while Democrats object to that bill’s $16 billion in cuts for food stamps.
Lynda Nelson takes a Saturday afternoon ride, just east of Portage la Prairie, near the Trans-Canada Highway. Photo: Shannon VanRaes
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Hog market gets slaughtered as prices fall Many producers will be unable or unwilling to ride out the storm David Drozd Market Outlook
ast month I talked about the record-high price of corn and soybeans. As much as this is exciting news to grain producers, especially those fortunate to have a crop, this has been devastating for hog producers. Near-record-high feed costs and a slowing economy are forcing hog producers in China to sell their herds. Liquidation is also occurring in North America, as producers decide to get out of the business and preserve their equity. With barns aging, many producers are simply retiring. Animals shipped are heavier than normal and the trade anticipates this may lead to a backlog of heavy animals to still come to market. The Labour Day long weekend signals an end to the summer barbecue season, and demand traditionally slows. There will be better hog prices in the future, once the exodus is over, but the daunting question for many hog producers remains, “Can I afford to ride out the storm?” This is a difficult question to answer and it is one that each hog producer must determine for themselves. This creates a great deal of stress on the owner-operators. After all, this
is their livelihood, with many operations having been passed down from one generation to the next. It dismays me to hear about the rare and unfortunate incidents in which some of these decent law-abiding folks are treated like criminals for failing to look after their animals. It is unfortunate there isn’t a little more compassion for their plight. Having grown up on the farm, co-managed a successful family farm operation for 17 years, and having worked in the agricultural community all my life, I have seen what financial stress can do to our rural neighbours. This is in part the reason I founded Ag-Chieve Corporation 10 years ago — to ease farmers’ stress as it relates to their risk management and marketing strategies. For example, I’ve illustrated in the accompanying chart the two-day reversal (sell signal) that developed on July 31, 2012. Hog producers who realized the price was about to drop could take action to minimize their exposure to price risk before prices plunged another $10 per hundredweight through August. The two-day reversal is just one of numerous chart patterns that signal an abrupt change in trend. When these reversal patterns occur at a new high for a move or at an area of resistance, they take on a greater degree of prominence. This particular two-day
reversal occurred as prices approached an area of resistance between $83 and $84, which was the high in June and July. When the minor rally (bounce) failed to exceed $83, the downtrend resumed.
Two-day reversal
On the first day, the market advances to a new high for the move and settles near the high of the day. On the second day, prices open unchanged to slightly higher but cannot make additional upside progress. Quantity selling quickly appears early in the day to stall the advance and prices begin to erode. By day’s end, the market drops to around the preceding
day’s low and settles at or near that level.
Market psychology
The two-day reversal is a 180-degree turn in sentiment. On the first day the longs are comfortable and confident. The market’s performance provides encouragement and the expectation for greater profits. The second day’s activity is a complete turnaround from the preceding day and shakes the confidence of many who are still long the market. The immediate outlook for prices is abruptly put in question. Longs respond to weakening prices by exiting the market. By studying the ebb and flow
of the market and by watching for reversal patterns, technical analysis can prove to be a useful tool for hog producers when it comes to locking in prices before the market turns down. Send your questions or comments about this article and chart to info@ag-chieve.ca. David Drozd is president and senior market analyst for Winnipeg-based Ag-Chieve Corporation. The opinions expressed are those of the writer and are solely intended to assist readers with a better understanding of technical analysis. Visit Ag-Chieve online at www. ag-chieve.ca for information about grainmarketing advisory services, or call us toll free at 1-888-274-3138 for a free consultation.
UN experts say more extreme weather on the way Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through StewardshipSM (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of BiotechnologyDerived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through StewardshipSM is a service mark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® agricultural herbicides. Roundup® agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn is a combination of four separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron®, Acceleron and Design®, DEKALB®, DEKALB and Design®, Genuity®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Roundup®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, RIB Complete and Design™, RIB Complete™, SmartStax®, SmartStax and Design®, VT Double PRO™, VT Triple PRO™ and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Respect the Refuge and Design is a registered trademark of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Used under license. (3701-MON-E-12)
Manitoba Co-operator 1 x 84 li B/W
FESTIVALS Contact us with your event, dates, location and contact info at news@fbcpublishing. com. Sept. 7-9: Double B Rodeo and Fair, Beausejour. Call 204-2050723 or email doublebrodeo@ highspeedcrow.ca. Sept. 14-16: Harvest Moon Festival, Clearwater. Visit http://hmf-temp.nostripes.com. Sept. 15-16: Russell High School Rodeo. Call 204-7734743 or email lwitty@mts.net. Sept. 22-23: Brokenhead Ag High School Rodeo. Call 204-755-2924 or email doublebrodeo@ highspeedcrow.ca. Oct. 6: Roland Pumpkin Fair. Call 204-343-2314 or email artccam@gmail.com. Nov. 1-4: Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon. For more info call 204-726-3590 or visit brandonfairs.com.
By Alister Doyle oslo / reuters
limate change could disrupt food supplies from fields to the supermarkets, raising the risk of more price spikes, according to food security experts working on a review of global warming for the UN. “There is a whole chain that is also going to be affected by climate change,” said John Porter of the University of Copenhagen. After harvest, floods could wash away roads or bridges, for instance, between fields and factories processing the crop. Or warehouses storing food could be damaged by more powerful storms. Such factors are likely to hit poor nations hardest. “There are reasons to expect more frequent (price) spikes, given that it will be more common to see conditions that are considered extreme,” said David Lobell, an assistant professor at Stanford University in California. However, other factors could dampen rises, “including responses such as raising grain storage or changing trade policies,” he added. “It’s a distributional problem — there is enough food in the world, but the distribution doesn’t work,” said Bruce McCarl, a professor at Texas A&M University. A UN report on climate extremes in March said it was “virtually certain” that days with extreme heat would increase. Among other findings, it said it was likely that downpours would increase as a percentage of total rainfall. Scientists are traditionally wary of linking individual extremes such as the U.S. drought to climate change as weather events from heat waves to dust storms have happened throughout history. But James Hansen, director of the NASA God-
A woman wades through a flooded street caused by typhoon Kai Tak in Hanoi Aug. 18. Scientists predict extreme weather resulting from climate change could disrupt food supply chains. photo: REUTERS/Kham
dard Institute for Space Studies, expressed “a high degree of confidence” last month that the European heat wave of 2003, the Russian heat wave of 2010 and the Texas and Oklahoma droughts of 2011 were “a consequence of climate change” because they were so extreme. His conclusion was challenged as too definite, even by some experts who say risks of such events are rising with greenhouse gas emissions, led by China and the United States. On the positive side for food output, a slight rise in temperatures is likely to help plant growth overall. But long-term net benefits are doubtful, especially because UN studies say rising greenhouse gas emissions are on track to push temperatures up by more than 2 C above preindustrial times — a level set by 200 nations as a threshold for dangerous change. Temperatures have already risen by almost one degree.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublish ing.com or call 204-944-5762. Sept. 13: MAFRI beef meeting (market outlook, humane transport of animals, nutrition), 7-10 p.m., Grunthal Auction Mart. For more info call MAFRI in Vita at 204-425-5050. Sept. 29-30: Manitoba Plowing Association provincial match, two miles west of Kemnay, 1.5 miles north of Highway 1. For more info email mb.plowing@hotmail.ca or call 204-534-6451. Oct. 4-6: Canadian Plowing Championships, two miles west of Kemnay, 1.5 miles north of Highway 1. For more info email mb.plowing@hotmail.ca or call 204-534-6451. Oct. 17-18: Canadian Swine Health Forum, location TBA, Winnipeg. For more info visit www.swinehealth.ca. Oct. 23-24: International Wolf and Carnivore Conference, Riverlodge Place, Thompson. For more info visit www.thomp sonspiritway.ca.
George Hutlet, of Cypress River, at nearly 83 years old, is harvesting his 68th crop. George helped his father harvest for the first time at age 14 with a team of horses. PHOTO: SUZANNE PADDOCK
Oct. 30: Harvest Gala fundraiser benefiting Red River Exhibition Association scholarships and Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame, Viscount Gort Hotel, 1670 Portage Ave., Winnipeg. For tickets call 204888-6990. Oct. 30: Manitoba Turkey Producers semi-annual meeting, Victoria Inn, 1808 Wellington Ave., Winnipeg. For more info call 204-489-4635.
Ready to go to line. n o t e mark
Nov. 2-3: Organic Connections conference and trade show, Conexus Arts Centre, 200 Lakeshore Dr., Regina. For more info call 306-543-8732 or email info@organicconnections.ca. Nov. 7: Manitoba Pork Council fall producer meeting, location and time TBA, Portage la Prairie. Nov. 8: Manitoba Pork Council fall producer meeting, location and time TBA, Niverville. Nov. 9: Fields on Wheels Conference: Agribusiness Logistics in Turbulent Times, Radisson Hotel, 288 Portage Ave., Winnipeg. For more info call 204-474-9097 or visit http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/ management/ti.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6 2012
LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg
August 24, 2012
Cattle market volume picks up as summer winds down
Steers & Heifers 95.00 - 106.00 D1, 2 Cows 70.00 - 75.00 D3 Cows 64.00 - 75.00 Bulls 80.00 - 88.25 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 110.00 - 126.00 (801-900 lbs.) 120.00 - 133.00 (701-800 lbs.) 120.00 - 140.00 (601-700 lbs.) 125.00 - 145.00 (501-600 lbs.) 130.00 - 150.00 (401-500 lbs.) 135.00 - 157.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 95.00 - 114.00 (801-900 lbs.) 100.00 - 118.00 (701-800 lbs.) 105.00 - 125.00 (601-700 lbs.) 110.00 - 133.00 (501-600 lbs.) 115.00 - 135.00 (401-500 lbs.) 115.00 - 135.00
Alberta South $ 110.00 - 111.00 109.60 - 112.25 73.00 - 85.00 65.00 - 76.00 92.75 - 92.75 $ 118.00 - 129.00 120.00 - 138.00 128.00 - 144.00 135.00 - 149.00 140.00 - 155.00 145.00 - 163.00 $ — 115.00 - 125.00 120.00 - 134.00 128.00 - 139.00 — —
($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)
(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)
Futures (August 24, 2012) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change August 2012 120.32 -0.53 October 2012 124.92 -0.63 December 2012 128.40 0.33 February 2013 132.25 0.80 April 2013 136.05 0.95 June 2013 133.05 1.18 Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.
Feeder Cattle August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 January 2013 March 2013
The cattle auction game is set to begin Terryn Shiells CNSC
Ontario $ 105.25 - 117.95 102.02 - 116.53 56.67 - 75.24 56.67 - 75.24 75.52 - 87.32 $ 120.30 - 140.09 123.19 - 140.03 108.26 - 137.86 123.64 - 152.82 123.44 - 159.28 130.10 - 168.62 $ 109.26 - 117.77 119.43 - 128.79 116.21 - 132.79 119.13 - 134.59 115.31 - 139.75 122.38 - 146.81
Close 141.27 143.47 144.82 145.92 148.40 151.35
Change 0.95 0.60 0.70 0.65 0.90 0.85
Cattle Grades (Canada)
Week Ending August 18, 2012 54,217 12,057 42,160 NA 643,000
Previous Year 57,751 14,875 42,876 NA 669,000
Week Ending August 18, 2012 343 22,621 23,030 1,570 1,104 4,470 469
Prime AAA AA A B D E
Previous Year 245 22,997 22,897 1,903 933 3,434 413
Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture
(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)
Current Week 173.00E 159.00E 159.01 165.36
Futures (August 24, 2012) in U.S. Hogs October 2012 December 2012 February 2013 April 2013 May 2013
Last Week 179.04 163.78 164.35 170.78
Close 72.57 70.60 78.25 86.70 95.70
Last Year (Index 100) 192.22 177.13 182.73 191.05
Change -3.05 -2.30 -2.25 -1.50 -0.52
Sheep and Lambs Winnipeg Next Sale is Sept. 6
Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230
Turkeys Minimum prices as of August 26, 2012 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.055 Undergrade .............................. $1.965 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.045 Undergrade .............................. $1.945 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.045 Undergrade .............................. $1.945 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $2.005 Undergrade............................... $1.920 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.
ctivity was picking up steam at Manitoba’s cattle auction yards during the week ended Aug. 31, as a slew of yearling cattle came on to the market at some yards, industry officials said. Heartland Livestock Services Ltd. in Virden saw over 1,200 cattle come to auction during the week, while its sister in Brandon saw over 350, up from only 150 the week prior. While some cattle auction marts across the province saw a significant increase in volume during the week, others were still gaining momentum after being closed for the majority of the summer. It’s the time of year for producers to get back into the cattle auction game, and to start sending yearling cattle back into the ring, Robin Hill, manager of Heartland Livestock Sales Ltd. in Virden said. Hill said producers in Manitoba usually start to send their yearling off grass to the sale yards between August 15 and September 15. Some producers also started to send more cattle into the sales during the week ended Friday because hot, dry weather has caused a lot of pastures to dry up, Hill said. Prices on the yearling side of the market ranged from C$1 to C$2 per 100 pounds higher than during the previous week, Hill said. “I think the large volume of cattle we had at the sale this week and the short supply of yearlings out there helped to push prices higher,” Hill said. Hill said some buyers may have been forced to raise their bids this week because in previous weeks they had been lowering their bids to accommodate high feed costs. The demand for the yearling cattle was coming from both east and west, Hill said. But, he didn’t see any cattle heading south to the U.S. during the week.
Strength in the Canadian dollar, as it remained above parity with its U.S. counterpart for most of the week, probably deterred some U.S. buyers from buying Manitoba cattle, Hill said. The stronger Canadian dollar makes buying Canadian cattle more expensive for U.S. buyers. Hill said high feed prices in Canada are still a big concern for Manitoba producers, and will be throughout the entire fall season. “We’re definitely going to see feed costs that are quite a bit higher this year,” Hill said. “So we’re going to see that prices for the calves are not going to be as strong as they were last fall.” Hill expects the calf run in Manitoba to start about 10 days earlier than it normally does this year. He said the calf run usually starts around the third week of September. “In our area, we are probably 70 to 75 per cent done harvesting field crops. By next week, it will be easy to leave it behind,” said Hill. “So, I am thinking the calf run is going to start 10 days earlier.” Volume and prices on the slaughter side of the market were fully steady during the week. Heartland Livestock Services in Virden saw about 150 cattle for sale, which was comparable to the number from the previous week, Hill said. He said after Labour Day (September 3, 2012), demand usually starts to drop off on the slaughter market because barbecue season is getting close to its end. And, prices generally drop off a little bit as well. Hill is not sure how much prices will drop off, but said there is a possibility that prices could stay fairly strong even with the seasonal decline in demand. “The supply of slaughter cattle has been strong all through the summer. So, as long as we don’t get oodles and oodles of cattle coming up for sale, prices will maybe stay good,” he said. Terryn Shiells writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
Other Market Prices $/cwt Ewes Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)
$1 Cdn: $ 1.008 U.S. $1 U.S: $0.9920 Cdn.
(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle
Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers
EXCHANGES: August 24 2012
Numbers below are reprinted from April 5 issue.
Toronto 66.74 - 99.41 118.79 - 135.72 130.01 - 144.68 133.29 - 149.95 139.14 - 211.57 —
SunGold Specialty Meats 40.00 - 60.00
Herds are liquidating and hogs are heavier
Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15
Goats Kids Billys Mature
Winnipeg ($/cwt) — — —
<1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+
By Theopolis Waters chicago / reuters
U.S. hog futures posted their biggest monthly loss in a decade in August as record-high feed costs caused by the worst drought in 56 years forced herd liquidation. The surge in pork supply was exacerbated by hogs
gaining more weight on cooler weather, which helps to raise the conversion of feed into body weight, analysts said. Hog slaughter in August was expected to be the highest for that month and the highest since December 2011, according to the Denver, Coloradobased Livestock Marketing Information Center. The surge in pork supply comes even as grocers cut back on purchases of pork after bulking up for Labour Day on Sept. 3, and while meat-packing companies slow purchases of hogs. Packers were expected
to process 2.282 million hogs last week, up 17,000 from the previous week and 146,000 more than for the same period a year ago, based on U.S. Department of Agriculture data. The average price of hogs in the most-watched Iowa/ southern Minnesota market slid four straight days to $72.93 cents per cwt Aug. 30 after starting the month at $91.49, according to USDA. And government weekly average weight data showed hogs in the Iowa/southern Minnesota market last week at 268.6 lbs., which was 5.1 lbs. higher than during the same period last year.
Toronto ($/cwt) 74.92 - 209.29 — 104.42 - 207.46
Horses Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —
U.S. hogs see biggest monthly loss in 10 years
Toronto ($/cwt) 17.41 - 40.00 24.41 - 45.71
Looking for results? Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 14
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Numbers below are reprinted from August 30 issue.
Export and International Prices
Lower-than-expected canola yields push prices higher It is unusual for soybeans to trade at a premium to canola Dwayne Klassen CNSC
nly small gains were experienced by canola contracts on the ICE Futures Canada platform during the week ended Aug. 30, (shortened because of deadlines associated with the Labour Day holiday weekend) although values did push towards highs not seen in some time. Talk of lower-than-expected yields as the canola harvest advances across the Canadian Prairies provided some of the upward momentum as did the continued push to new all-time highs in CBOT soybean futures. A jump in demand from domestic processors helped to generate support for canola as did a slowdown in the level of farmer deliveries into the cash pipeline. The dropoff in farmer movement was seen coming at a bad time, especially when the commercial elevator system is preparing to move large levels of canola to the West Coast of Canada in order to meet record export commitments over the next three months or so. Any drop-off in farmer sales should in turn translate into some upward price movement in the cash pipeline until these commitments have been filled. There has also been a lot of talk of how canola is lagging the rally seen in CBOT soybeans, and in fact some feel the spread between the two, once the currency exchange between the two is removed, has widened to such a point, that canola is almost at a near-record discount rate to soybeans in the U.S.
For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “ICE Futures Canada updates” at www.manitobacooperator.ca.
Normally canola trades at a premium to soybeans. Some have calculated canola’s discount to soybeans in the US$3.18a-bushel range, and are of the belief that before the dust settles, the spread will widen to the US$3.50- or even US$4-perbushel area. Right now the key to the strong premium soybeans have over canola is tied to the meal. There are few substitutes for soybean meal in the feed system, with the crush of the soybean providing a higher meal content than oil. With canola the opposite holds true. However, with canola trading at such a discount, international end-users are expected to take notice, which in turn should attract even more attention to the commodity and help narrow that spread to some degree. These end-users will be looking to canola for the oil content, with meal not the issue. The Sept. 7 stocks in all positions report from Statistics Canada will also be a factor in which market participants, who trade canola, will be watching closely. The milling wheat contract on the ICE Canada platform continued to see action during the reporting period with commercials again the main participants. Some realigning of the October-December spreads was evident.
No actual trades were reported in the dur um and barley contracts. In fact, the new barley contract has not seen any actual trades since the beginning of August. Soybean futures at the CBOT pushed to new highs during the week with the strength continuing to be influenced by the fact that supplies of the commodity in the U.S. and across the globe are in short supply. News during the reporting period that U.S. soybean yields will be lower than anticipated, also added to the upward momentum. The steady rise in soybean futures also reflected the strong demand that is coming from the export and domestic sectors, despite the record-high prices. China and Taiwan appear to desperately need soybeans and are paying up at these values in order to secure supplies. However, there have been some suggestions that China will likely end up cancelling some of these purchases sometime before Christmas when alternative soybean supplies become available. The domestic crush pace in the U.S. also does not appear to be slowing down, with these processors trying to lock up enough stocks in order to meet the meal demand component. The taking of profits and the need to undergo downward corrections prevented CBOT soybeans from making a straight line to higher price territory. Sentiment that some of the precipitation from Hurricane Isaac, lately reduced to a tropical storm, would benefit some late-seeded soybeans or the double-seeded soybean crops, further limited some of the price strength. Corn futures on the CBOT again moved to both sides of the plus/ minus line during the reporting period. The commodity was left mostly to the mercy of the price movement in both wheat and soybeans, although the tight supply situation did keep a firm floor under values. Demand for U.S. corn from the domestic and export sectors continues to be non-existent, which in turn restricted the upward price action. There continues to be all kinds of stories about the U.S. livestock industry turning to Western Canada in order to fill feed requirements. With the price of U.S. corn these days, they are finding it cheaper, even with the transportation cost factored in, to bring in the Canadian feed. The inquiries from the U.S. are just not confined to a Canadian province, but have been reported in all three. Wheat futures on the CBOT, MGEX and KCBT experienced a push to the upside during the latest week, with some of that upward price action linked to values correcting after a series of declines. Some of the upward price action in U.S. wheat values also came from speculation that the Russian government would suspend its wheat export program on Aug. 31 at a special meeting. The suspension of that country’s exports was linked to the production problems with its wheat crop. The rumours in turn sparked a rally in wheat values, as wheat importers would then have to turn to the U.S. to fill needs. However, being true to form, the meeting on Aug. 31 came and went, with the Russian government deciding there was no need to curtail its wheat export program. The advances in U.S. wheat values in turn were promptly reversed. The arrival of much-needed precipitation in the U.S. winter Wheat Belt further restricted the upside in wheat futures. The rain was timely, coming just ahead of the planting of the U.S. winter wheat crop. Dwayne Klassen writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
Last Week
All prices close of business August 23, 2012
Week Ago
Year Ago
Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Coarse Grains US corn Gulf ($US)
US barley (PNW) ($US)
Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Oilseeds Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne) Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)
Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business August 24, 2012 Western barley
Last Week
Week Ago
October 2012
December 2012
March 2013
Last Week
Week Ago
November 2012
January 2013
March 2013
Special Crops Report for August 27, 2012 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market
Spot Market
Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)
Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)
Large Green 15/64
21.00 - 23.50
Laird No. 1
20.00 - 23.50
Oil Sunflower Seed
Eston No. 2
20.00 - 22.00
Desi Chickpeas
21.00 - 24.00 — 24.20 - 25.50
Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)
Green No. 1
9.50 - 10.50
Fababeans, large
Medium Yellow No. 1
8.50 - 9.00
Feed beans
Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans
Feed Pea (Rail)
No. 1 Great Northern
Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)
No. 1 Cranberry Beans
Yellow No. 1
34.75 - 36.75
No. 1 Light Red Kidney
Brown No. 1
30.20 - 31.75
No. 1 Dark Red Kidney
Oriental No. 1
24.75 - 26.75
No. 1 Black Beans
No. 1 Pinto Beans
4.80 - 5.00
Source: Stat Publishing SUNFLOWERS
No. 1 Small Red
No. 1 Pink
Fargo, ND
Goodlands, KS
Report for August 24, 2012 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed) Confection Source: National Sunflower Association
Legumex Walker to acquire Keystone Grain Ltd. Legumex Walker Inc. has entered into a letter of intent to buy Keystone Grain Ltd.,Canada’s largest processor and marketer of sunflowers and sunflower products. Pending the completion of the acquisition, the two companies have agreed to coordinate the sourcing of feedstock and selling of products. “Keystone is a highly strategic addition to our U.S.-based sunflower processing assets and significantly enhances our ability to service the growing demand for sunflower and flax products in the bakery ingredients market,” said Joel Horn, president and chief executive officer, Legumex Walker. Keystone’s assets include a sunflower processing facility
and a flax processing facility in Winkler and a bird food processing facility in Winnipeg with a combined capacity of 62,000 metric tonnes annually. Keystone processes and markets a variety of food-grade products, primarily focusing on sunflower and flax products, including bakery sunflower kernels and confectionary sunflower kernels and several varieties of both milled and nonmilled flax. Keystone also processes and markets custom private label bird food products and retail wild bird food products, and packs wild bird food products under the Emerald Farms label for the retail market, including several large North American big box retailers.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Android friendly. The Manitoba Co-operator mobile app is available for Android mobile phones. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc
h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G
Moose-country station records livestock-country movements
West Hawk Lake, Manitoba is the sole zone reporting point in the country because of its ideal location By Sheri Monk fbc staff / pincher creek
he tree-covered resort area at West Hawk Lake on the edge of the Canadian Shield on the Manitoba-Ontario border doesn’t look much like livestock country, but it’s a key location in the event of an animal disease outbreak in North America. It owes that designation to an industry wake-up call after the European foot-and-mouth outbreak in 2001. “It caused people to stop and think about what we could do here in Canada to control or reduce our risk, and the longterm impact of a foreign animal disease outbreak,” said Betty Green, a Manitoba cattle producer and chair of Zone Canada, so named after an initiative to designate Canadian livestock movement zones. “We started talking about some of the mitigation strategies that we could undertake, both in terms of training producers and preparing as a country for an outbreak and of course, zoning became one of those initiatives,” said Green. Zoning is a containment tool allowing a nation to track animal movement in an organized way as it is being transported from one place to another. The data is collected and stored, and accessed only in the event of a disease outbreak. Zoning requires a checkpoint where all livestock movement can be easily reported without slowing commerce. Natural choke points were sought and West Hawk Lake was the first selected because of its relative isolation. West Hawk Lake is on the Trans-Canada Highway and is the only connection for vehicles crossing between Eastern and Western Canada. In addition to the highway, there are two nearby railways bridging the nation.
Livestock trucks moving east out of the Prairies must check in a station at the edge of the Canadian Shield. ©thinkstock
The reporting site is similar to a weigh station. In order to cross through, each load requires a permit and to obtain that permit, three pieces of information must be collected — the sender of the animals, the receiver and the means of transportation, including the licence plate. “And then of course we’ll also add what animals were moved and if possible, individual identification numbers, so the RFID tags in the case of cattle,” said Green.
“The minute they have determined where those animals moved to, they would be isolated and tested to see if in fact the disease had spread…”
West Hawk Lake Control Site
Betty Green Zone Canada committee chair
Still need paper trail
Traceability measures slowly being introduced to the livestock sector will speed the process in the future, but at least for now, a paper trail is still an inevitability. “We started out by saying this should be an electronic permit that’s remitted to the site in advance of the load arriving. That doesn’t always work, that’s one thing we learned. We added the flexibility to allow producers to send that permit in paper form, by fax, by email or by phone call if necessary, so that we get all the pieces of information required,” Green said.
In the event of an outbreak, the CFIA immediately assumes responsibility, and will access the database to determine whether any animals from the infected area have been moved through the zone during the incubation or exposure period. “The minute they have determined where those animals moved to, they would be isolated and tested to see if in fact the disease had spread and there are records of which trucks were used so they can isolate those and contain the disease much
quicker,” Green said. That ability, so long as the zoning protocols meet the World Organization for Animal Health guidelines, can prevent borders from closing as it demonstrates outbreak containment and management. The reporting site is up and running, but it is not currently mandatory. The first 18 months of operation are currently being analyzed by different government agencies. Green is optimistic the project will become permanent. “They are assessing the accu-
racy of our information and as we’re doing our work, the CFIA is working with the USDA on having them recognize our capability to zone. So there are pieces underway at different levels,” Green said. Other reporting sites across the country at strategic points will likely be added as the initiative matures. Before zone reporting becomes mandatory, regulatory changes will have to be made by the federal government. More information on the project can be found at www.zonecanada.ca.
U.S. poultry producer cuts production Consumer prices are expected to rise reuters Sanderson Farms Inc. posted a higher-than-expected quarterly profit, buoyed by increased prices for chicken wings and other products, and the U.S. poultry company said it would further reduce production to protect earnings from rising feed costs. The worst U.S. drought in more than half a century has sent the cost of corn and other animal feed soaring, and the news from Sanderson illustrates how that will translate into higher food prices for consumers. Sanderson shares were up more than
eight per cent Aug. 28 as the company posted higher-than-expected quarterly earnings and said it began trimming production by two per cent earlier this month. That is in addition to a four per cent production cut put in place in January, executives said on a conference call with analysts. Lowering production helps support retail prices by limiting supply. “With considerable uncertainty and a high degree of fear now priced into the market for corn and soybean meal,” Sanderson is not locking in long-term
prices for grain, chairman and chief executive Joe Sanderson said on the call. Executives said volatile external factors included feed grain costs, market prices for poultry and the overall health of the economy. Jumbo wing prices averaged $1.59 per pound during the fiscal third quarter ended July 31, more than doubling from a year earlier. Boneless breast prices also rose, but at a significantly lower rate due to sluggish food-service demand.
Sanderson Farms CEO Joe Sanderson
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Scratches — several names, several causes Once the horse is placed in a favourable environment a variety of treatments can be undertaken Carol Shwetz, DVM Horse Health
cratches, greasy heel, mud fever, mud rash, or equine pastern dermatitis are all various names for a skin condition that occurs on the backside of a horse’s pastern. The area of skin on the underside of the pastern becomes inflammed and ulcerated, oozing and weeping to form scabs and crusts. The thick, crusty, black scabs often coalesce in a linear fashion across the back of the pastern region resulting in the name “scratches.” As the lesion progresses, crusty, black scabs become generalized across the back of the pastern, occasionally including the bulbs of the heel and/or fetlock. If left untreated lameness may occur. This location is particularly tender, continually flexing as a horse moves. Horses with white feet seem to be more prone to scratches as unpigmented skin is more sensitive to environmental agents than skin of a darker colour. Scratches has many contributing factors and generally investigation is necessary to uncover the actual problem that initiated the skin condition. Fungi and bacteria bear the brunt of the blame, yet that an infection exists is only partially true. Often underlying causes occur first, weakening the immune system, and so creating an opportunity for the existence of fungi and bacteria to take hold. We a k i m m u n e s y s t e m s , overactive immune systems, photosensitivities, allergies, poor or improper nutrition, dietary intolerances,
Weak immune systems, overactive immune systems, photosensitivities, allergies, poor or improper nutrition, dietary intolerances, overburdened livers and even copper deficiencies can predispose a horse to scratches.
ov e r b u r d e n e d l i v e r s a n d even copper deficiencies can predispose a horse to scratches. Since the skin only has a limited number of ways to express irritation it means that a myriad of conditions can present themselves as scratches. Horses living in unrelenting wet or muddy conditions are especially vulnerable to the development of scratches. The incidence of scratches also increases during July and August when morning dews are heavy. Dampness softens the delicate pastern skin, weakening skin barriers. In addition a fungus found on mature clovers favours these environmental conditions, exposing the horse to a greaterthan-normal fungal burden.
Due diligence is often required to uncover the underlying conditions that contribute to and masquerade as scratches. Some cases are simple and respond to good hygiene. Removal of the horse to a clean, dry area brings relief to the sensitive skin. Additionally, it is advisable to remove affected horses from pastures laden with clovers and alfalfa as some horses can develop scratches from a dietary sensitivity to such legumes. Clinically this sensitivity can appear as scratches. Once the horse is placed in a
AMSTERDAM / REUTERS Israel’s leading rabbi has warned Dutch populist politician Geert Wilders that his party’s support for a ban of ritual slaughter of animals in the Netherlands is “anti-Semitic” and could drive away the country’s Jewish community. Wilders rose to prominence in the Netherlands denouncing the growing influence of Islam in the West, calling for a ban against Muslim immigrants, a halt to construction of mosques, and a ban on Muslim face veils. Some of his most outspoken supporters are in the conservative, pro-Israeli movement in the U.S. Wilders calls himself Israel’s “greatest friend” and has proposed creating a national Dutch holiday to commemorate the victims of the Auschwitz concentration camp. But his call for a ban on ritual slaughter prompted strong criticism from Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger.
As the lesion progresses, crusty, black scabs become generalized across the back of the pastern, occasionally including the bulbs of the heel and/or fetlock.
toms may continue to reappear until the underlying problem is addressed. Si n c e b a n d a g e s h o l d i n dampness it is best to minimize their use. Once the affected area is clean, creams used to treat diaper rash in babies can be
applied to the affected skin to form an effective soothing barrier from dampness until the horse fully heals. Carol Shwetz is a veterinarian specializing in equine practice at Westlock, Alberta.
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Call for ritual slaughter ban slammed
favourable environment a variety of treatments can be undertaken to care for the skin lesion itself. Salves and ointments containing antibiotics, antifungals, carrying agents such as DMSO, and anti-inflammatories can be used as medications. Another equally effective method is to apply a poultice bandage to the area, drawing out inflammation and toxins. Although it is tempting to clean the affected area of scurf and scabs, it can be very painful for the horse. A soothing poultice bandage will soften the crusty debris, allowing for a thorough cleansing of the affected area once the bandage is removed. While medicated salves and ointments can effectively treat the affected region it is helpful to remember that symp-
“It is obvious that one cannot be at the same time a friend of Israel and the Jewish people and on the other hand support an anti-Jewish law,” Metzger wrote.
Cargill to open $250-million poultry plant in China PHUKET, THAILAND / REUTERS / Cargill is building one of China’s biggest broiler production facilities and expects to start raising and processing 65 million birds annually starting next summer. The $250-million integrated chicken broiler facility in Anhui province includes a feed mill, farms, hatchery and processing plants. China’s poultry industry is rapidly expanding with annual growth at five to six per cent, and experts say the country wants to modernize the sector the way it has in pork over the past two decades. China now accounts for half of the world’s pork production and consumption.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Protect horses from West Nile virus The U.S. reports an uptick in veterinary cases of the disease NDSU Extension
orse owners need to move, if they haven’t already, to protect their animals from the West Nile virus, U.S. equine specialist Carrie Hammer advises. Numerous states are reporting an increase in the number of equine West Nile virus cases this year, North Dakota State University said in an extension release last week. The U.S. Geological Survey’s disease map reports 157 cases in 31 states, as of Aug 28. In contrast, only 119 cases were reported in all of 2011. Louisiana is the leading state so far with 26 reported positive cases; North Dakota ranks fourth, with 10 cases. Minnesota is tied for sixth with eight cases. As of Aug. 18, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has logged four cases of West Nile in horses this year: one in Manitoba, one in Quebec and two in Saskatchewan. “Horses become infected with the West Nile virus after being bitten by a mosquito,” said Hammer, an associate professor of equine studies with NDSU in Fargo. “The virus is not contagious from horse to horse or from horse to humans.” The virus affects the horse’s brain and spinal cord; thus, depending on the area affected, clinical signs can var y in range and sever ity. Some of the more common clinical signs include inco-ordination (especially of the hind limbs), muscle twitching, depression or heightened sensitivity, stumbling, toe dragging, inability to get up and death. “Unfortunately, approximately 30 per cent of horses that show severe
clinical signs will die,” Hammer said. “Many horses that survive the initial illness will have residual effects, such as an altered gait or behaviour, for months.” No specific treatment is available for horses affected with the virus. Treatment will depend on clinical signs and focuses on controlling pain and reducing inflammation. Owners should consult with their veterinarian immediately if they suspect their horse may have the virus. Prompt and early treatment often can minimize the severity of the disease. The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) lists the following guidelines to help protect your horse against the West Nile virus: • Vaccinate your horse. The AAEP vaccination guidelines are available at http://www.aaep.org/wnv.htm. Horse owners should talk with their veterinarian to ensure their animals are vaccinated properly against the virus. • E l i m i n a t e m o s q u i t o - b re e d i n g sites (old tires and other containers that hold standing water). • Use larvicides when eliminating certain mosquito-breeding sites is not possible. Be sure to consult with your local extension agent or mosquito control authority before taking this action. • Clean water troughs at least monthly. • Keep your horse indoors during peak mosquito activity periods (dusk to dawn) if possible. • Install fans over horses (mosquitos have trouble flying against the wind). • Avoid turning on lights in the barn during the evening.
• Use insect repellants and/or fly sheets and masks that are designed to repel mosquitos. “Many horse owners have stopped vaccinating against the West Nile virus because the number of cases has been low in recent years,” Hammer said. “This year is a reminder that the virus is still here and should not be forgotten.”
“Many horses that survive the initial illness will have residual effects for months.” carrie hammer
Youth Roundup the biggest ever
The annual Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup Aug. 3 to 5 was the largest ever, with young beef producers participating. In addition to showing cattle, the youth attended several workshops and competed in a steak cook-off. Supplied photo
Feeder Steers No. on offer Over 1,000 lbs.
Ste. Rose
D1-D2 Cows
D3-D5 Cows
55.00 and up
Age Verified
Good Bulls
Feeder heifers 900-1,000 lbs.
Slaughter Market No. on offer
Butcher Steers
Butcher Heifers
Feeder Cows
Fleshy Export Cows
Lean Export Cows
* includes slaughter market
(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
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©2012 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Weather now for next week.
Get the Manitoba Co-operator mobile app and get local or national forecast info. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc
Global warming or climate change? Above-average years have outnumbered below-average years by over two to one
Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor
know last issue I mentioned that we’d discuss the fall weather outlook in this issue, but because of an upcoming family camping trip and a change in deadlines due to the long weekend, I’ll have to push that article back a week. Instead, I’m going to attempt to answer a number of questions that were asked of me in a recent letter I received. Over the last year or so, I have received several letters and emails that have asked or brought up similar questions, and over time, I have attempted to answer them, but usually in an indirect way. This time I am going to try to face the questions head on. The main question I receive is about global warming or climate change. Personally, the climate is always changing. Most of us just happened to grow up during a period when the climate, at least across North America, was unusually stable. This gave most of us the idea that the climate does not change and should remain the same. I think I should pause here to point out that the term “climate” is used to describe the general weather one would expect to experience in a given area. Weather is what we experience on a day-today basis. Sum up all the weather over a long period of time and we get the climate of the area. So, when we talk about climate change, we are discussing how the long-term weather in a particular area is changing. Now, several people have pointed out that climate change and global warming seemed to have taken on the same meaning. I think the reason for this is that globa l l y, t h e g e n e r a l w e a t h e r pattern has been for warmerthan-average conditions. The globe, as a whole, is warming up, and hence the term global warming. This is when the discussion about global warming or climate change seems to get off track. The key word in this discussion is “global,” not North American, not Canadian, not Manitoban, not the Interlake etc. As I pointed out in the last few issues, weather in a particular region can be wet-dry, warm-cold depending on how the patterns of
long wave troughs and ridges set up across the planet. I have also tried to point out that while we have these long w a v e t r o u g h s a n d r i d g e s, which tend to control the weather over periods of weeks to months, we also have smaller troughs and ridges that ride along the long wave pattern and this is what gives us our day-to-day weather. In our region, we can be experiencing hot, dry weather, while only a few hundred km away it might be cool and wet. It all depends on how the troughs and ridges are set up. When we talk about global warming, we need to look at the whole planet, not just our local area. A number of people have pointed out that we here in Manitoba experienced the coldest growing season in recorded history back in 2004, when we were stuck under a trough all summer. Yet these same people seem to ignore that we have now g o n e t h ro u g h a 1 2 - m o n t h period that is the warmest on record. Four months of cold versus 12+ months of nearrecord heat. I looked back at the last 12 years of data for southern Manitoba and found that if we look at yearly temp e r a t u r e s , a b ov e - a v e r a g e years have outnumbered below-average years by over two to one. No one ever said that global warming would mean that we would see above-average temperatures every year and every season. If you have kept up with my articles you would know that this is not true. Last week, I pointed out that the Arctic sea ice was at or near a record low, well as I write this, it was officially declared that on Aug. 27 the ice coverage fell to 4.10 million square kms (breaking its previous lowest amount recorded in 2007). Including this year, the six lowest ice extents in the satellite record have occurred in the last six years (2007 to 2012). Several people have repeatedly pointed out that these values are only based on satellite data that dates from 1979 to the present — so how do we know these low values haven’t been seen before? As I have pointed out in the past, ship records of Arctic sea ice are very reliable and they kept hourly logs of sea ice. So that, combined with observations from the Inuit, tell us that the current ice conditions have never been seen before, either in person, in legend or in shipping records.
Fi n a l l y, a s f o r f o re c a s t s a b o u t h ow t h i s s e a s o n o r that season will be warmer or colder than the record, and then the forecast is wrong or the forecaster changes their mind — all I can say is… holy cow! Every month I routinely point out that forec a s t s b e yo n d 1 5 d a y s a re pretty much guesswork.
Believe it or not, no matter what computer you have or what divine formula was given to you, long-range forecasting is pretty much a crapshoot. If it wasn’t, then there would be some really wealthy weather people out there! I k n ow I d i d n’t a n s w e r everything in the letters I’ve received, but I hope this helps to clear up a few issues. If not,
please feel free to email or write me with your questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at daniel@bezte.ca.
2 Month ( 60 Days) Percent of Average Precipitation (Prairie Region) June 22, 2012 to August 20, 2012
< 40% 40 - 60% 60 - 85% 85 - 115% 115 - 150% 150 - 200% > 200% Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers
Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2012 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.
Created: 08/21/12 www.agr.gc.ca/drought
This issue’s map shows the total amount of precipitation that fell across the Prairies during the 60-day period ending on August 20. From the map you can see that the north-central Prairies have seen above-average amounts of rain while southern regions and the far northwest have seen below-average amounts.
When we talk about global warming, we need to look at the whole planet, not just our local area. The view to the east from the Manitoba escarpment last week.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6
Brokers warn farmers holding out for even higher prices that they may miss the boat By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF
rices for organic grains prices may be too good and could end up pushing the organic industry over a cliff like they did in 2008-09, some buyers fear. “I’m concerned that these prices are getting too high,” said Roger Rivest, a Tilbury, Ont.-based buyer for Keystone Grain in Winkler. “We’re getting a lot of resistance from feed companies and buyers.” Driven by the U.S. drought, oldcrop organic corn has reached $14 per bushel, and feed soybeans at $23 to $24. That’s reminiscent of three years ago, when some feed companies bought $14 corn and ended up selling it for $8 when organic livestock feeders, faced with the prospects of negative margins, simply shifted back into the conventional market. “Then the whole system collapsed. I’m afraid we’re getting close to that again,” said Rivest. Corn supplies this year are likely to be an issue, and the livestock industry is likely to reach for relatively cheaper barley and then wheat as substitutes. However, talk of drought in Ontario may have been overstated with some areas reporting bumper crops. Crops east of Toronto were hardest hit, but Quebec has seen an average year, he
said. Melissa Gardner, an Ann Arbor, Mich.-based buyer for California company New Organics, said some farmers are holding out for even better prices. One crafty Amish farmer in Iowa with 800 bushels of organic corn in his bin recently turned down her offer. “He’s like, ‘I’ve got room to store it. I’m not in a hurry to sell it,’” she said. “But he turned down $17 a bushel.” Hoarding too long can sometimes backfire, she said. Farmers expecting a return to the eye-popping prices of 2008, when wheat hit $30 a bushel, may be disappointed. “I had a farmer the other day tell me that he had 2005 peas for sale. Seriously, those are seven years old. I don’t want them,” said Gardner. The gap between buyers and sellers seems especially wide this year, she said. One customer sought peas for $9 a bushel at a time when farmers are looking for $15 to $16, she said. “When they told me the price they were looking for I kind of laughed at them,” she said. On the other hand, farmers seeking $14 to $15 a bushel for hard red spring wheat at the farm gate are finding customers in short supply. South of the border, she said, corn, soybeans and edible beans are in
short supply, but wheat, barley, and oats seem fairly abundant, depending on the region. Bin-run barley is fetching $10 a bushel, and oats $5.50 in Canada, but U.S. farmers seem to be aiming for $8 oats. Brown flax is trading for $23 to $24 a bushel, and golden, $28 to $29 on a clean weight basis. Strong prices for feed grains has also driven millet up to $10 a bushel, she added. Prices for organic feed grains have “gone crazy,” but many farmers are waiting for the spread between the organic premium and conventional grains to widen, said Laura Telford, an organic business development specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives. “They’d like to see it at at least 20 per cent, and it’s not there yet for wheat,” she said. The small size of the organic feed grain sector and lost production due to drought in the Midwest has some producers of organic meats south of the border showing signs of panic, she added. “We are getting lots of calls here in Manitoba from all sorts of places that would normally source organic feed grains from the U.S. Midwest,” said Telford. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com
The Pantel family near Baldur, wrapping it up for the season.
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Prairie farmers are expected to seed more winter wheat this fall. “I’m fully expecting to see winter wheat area on the Canadian Prairies surpass the year-ago level,” said Jake Davidson, director of Winter Cereals Canada. Seeding is already underway in some parts of Manitoba, particularly in central and southern areas. “Normally, winter wheat is planted on harvest canola, and the harvest of that crop was completed early in those areas this year,” Davidson said. Farmers are likely encouraged by the high quality and protein levels and above-average yields of this year’s winter wheat crop, he said. “There were instances in which yields hit over 100 bushels an acre and protein content was in the 13 per cent range,” Davidson said. “With those kind of results, the neighbours of those farmers are taking a great interest in growing the crop.” Demand for winter wheat seed has been strong so far, buoyed by strong wheat prices. Last fall, western Canadian farmers seeded 1.24 million acres of winter wheat, with record acreage (593,906 acres) in Manitoba. The province’s 10-year average is 265,000 acres.
Improve feed efficiency by • • • •
Winter wheat area expected to rise
*Source: Independent feeding trial conducted at the Lethbridge Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Lethbridge, Alberta (2009-2010).
Organic feed grain prices may have soared too high
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Shape Foods in better shape
Sales of bulk oil and meal to food ingredient manufacturers has reversed flax plant’s sagging fortunes By Daniel Winters
“Now we are literally shipping worldwide.”
co-operator staff
hape Foods has paid off the $114,000 it owed the City of Brandon for its 2010 tax bill, staving off a possible forced sale of the facility in October. “Ever y new company has some growing pains, and I wouldn’t have accepted this job if I didn’t see an exciting future for the company and its products,” said Taras Sokolyk, who has been the flax-milling operation’s CEO for five months. Fears that the operation that occupies a 50-acre site on Brandon’s east side was on the skids again surfaced with a report in the Brandon Sun earlier this summer that it was behind in its taxes to the tune of $266,000 for 2010 and 2011. Sokolyk, who up until
Taras Sokolyk
recently was CEO of Canad Inns and Gary Filmon’s chief of staff in the mid-1990s, said that the operation is crushing flax at around 40 per cent of its built-in capacity, and currently employs 30 workers, down from 60 when it first opened in 2007. He credits the firm’s recovery to a shift in its product line and marketing strategy. Instead of trying to put onelitre bottles of heart-healthy flax oil on North American supermarket shelves, it has had better luck selling 1,000litre containers of oil and 750-
spent upgrading the plant’s hala l , k o s h e r, a n d H ACC P accreditations – all the things that open doors to various markets, he added. Shape Foods, built in 2006 at a cost of $30 million, went into voluntary receivership a couple of years later. The plant was built with $9 million in loans, of which $4.5 million was extended by the local Vanguard Credit Union and $4.1 million from the provincial government under the Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program. In 2009, it was bought for $5.1 million by a group of investors including former MLA Jim Downey. In other flax news, a decision has still not been made by an Ireland-based multinational on whether to rebuild the flax-milling plant in Angusville that was destroyed by a fire earlier this spring.
kg bulk totes as ingredients for food ingredient manufacturers and processors. “Now we are literally shipping worldwide,” he said. He’s a l s o e xc i t e d by t h e opportunities that may come with new studies that are coming out that show flax’s omega-3 oil content helps in alleviating the symptoms of hypertension. “Taking two teaspoons a day can drop hypertension and high blood pressure by 15 per cent in addition to whatever medication they are taking,” said Sokolyk. Initially pitched as a health food supplement, flax’s future seems to be headed more towards its use as a nutritious food additive, he said, adding that he’s been in talks with a customer who hopes to create a “healthy” flax oil-fortified chocolate ice cream. The past year has been
U.S. farmers to cut corn plantings in favour of soybeans
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“Glanbia continues to look at all options. The company is committed to being a major player in the flax industry,” said Jack Kissane, a spokesman for Glanbia, based in Kilkenny, Ireland. In response to an email query, Kissane wrote that no part of the plant is operational following the fire that broke out in a pasteurization vat on March 13. “We are operating a sales and administration out of the residential house that remains on the property and was converted to an office centre,” he wrote, adding that 18 employees now work out of this office. The flax plant in the RM of Silver Creek formerly owned by Glen and Linda Pizzey employed 58 workers prior to the fire.
} Set your local weather } Set news subjects relevant to your farm } Set notices on the futures contract prices of your choice
chicago / reuters / U.S. farmers plan to cut their corn plantings in 2013 to 93.06 million acres and boost their soybean seedings, according to a survey by Farm Futures Magazine. The survey of around 1,800 farmers pegged next year’s soybean plantings at 78.05 million acres. “Ironically, this shift from corn to soybeans mirrors a similar shift taking place in South America as well, casting doubts on the world’s ability to rebuild tight global feed grain stocks without a significant shift in global weather patterns to boost yields in 2013,” Farm Futures market analyst Arlan Suderman said in a statement. U.S. wheat acreage was forecast at 57.05 million, largely due to expectations for increased seedings of soft red winter wheat in the eastern Midwest and South. “These results tell us that growers would like to get their rotations back in balance after pushing corn in recent years,” said Bryce Knorr, senior editor at Farm Futures.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Prairie Soils and Crops website gets an upload
Research studies to add to farmers’ winter reading list By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF
Farmers in many areas are baling sloughs to make up for forages shortages caused by drought.
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or hammock-swinging city folk, there’s the summer reading list. But for farmers, it’s the long winter months that are best spent curled up with a good book near the wood stove. For agriculture-related additions to the off-season reading list, Guy Lafond, a research scientist at AAFC Indian Head, has recently uploaded a fifth volume to the Prairie Soils and Crops website. This edition’s theme is composed of the summar ized results of all current long-term studies in Western Canada, which includes crop rotations, soil erosion, the effects of various manure treatments, pesticide trials and more. “We put out a volume every year on different themes. We’re currently on No. 5, and working on No. 6,” said Lafond, who hopes that more farmers will make use of the educational resource available for free or online or as a .pdf download that can be read on a tablet computer or printed out. The goal of the website is to provide a wide range of general information on Prairie agriculture research. While last year’s theme was based on research into insect infestations and plant disease threats in general, farmers who find themselves driven to insomnia by an acute outbreak of pests or pestilence may gain insights — and relief — by delving into the literature. The website takes a Reader’s Digest condensed books approach, offering up the latest and best information. Each article is introduced with a Cole’s Notes-style summary, which can then be followed up via another link that serves up more information. “If you’re in lygus bug or fusarium season, you can just read the articles to find out a little bit more about it,” said Lafond. “We’re trying to create a forum for bringing research information to the masses.” Volume five provides the first update on long-term crop rotation information since the last bulletin was published in 1990. To make the volume as thorough as possible, all the old crop rotation bulletins going back to 1928 were also added. For academics researching specific topics, a bibliography of scientific publications is available on the website as well as a searchable database. It’s not all about grain farming. Ranchers might be interested to know about research into reestablishing native grassland, or what happens when manure is applied at various rates up to 180 tonnes per acre on the same land for 25 years.
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Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2012 Monsanto Canada, Inc.
daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com 10607G-VIT-VT500G_GrainNews_MBcoop_ABFE_8.125x10.indd 1
30/08/12 2:16 PM
Input suppliers not seriously affected by drought reuters / The U.S. drought won’t seriously harm the prospects of fertilizer, seed, and agricultural chemical producers, according to Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services. The most widespread U.S. drought since the 1950s will hurt their bottom line but “all three sectors can withstand the effects of a one-year drought,” the company said. “Although this situation is still unfolding, we believe the drought will not affect credit quality sufficiently to result in rating changes,” Standard & Poor states in a recently released report.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
Tweeted bad news sends markets higher ProFarmer editor sees number of Twitter followers jump
Yields plunge in drought-hit Russia moscow / reuters / Drought-hit Russian grain quality has fallen sharply, with yields from the key global wheat supplier’s current harvest down 27 per cent compared to last year. The impact of Russia’s weather-ravaged harvest is being felt on international markets with some estimating this year’s wheat harvest could fall below 2010 levels, which prompted the country to stop grain exports for nearly a year. The government’s official grain harvest forecast still stands at 75 million tonnes — down from last year’s 94 million tonnes — with exportable surplus estimated at 12 million tonnes.
Trait Stewardship Responsibilities
Notice to Farmers
Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license.
U.S. President Barack Obama tours the McIntosh family farm to view drought-ridden fields of corn with the owners while in Missouri Valley, Iowa, Aug. 13, 2012. Tweets from the recent ProFarmer MidWest Crop Tour moved the market. photo: REUTERS/Larry Downing By Tom Polansek and Michael Hirtzer reuters
hen U.S. grain markets suddenly began moving higher last month, traders pointed to tweets from an annual crop tour that detailed the damage, both in words and pictures, of the worst drought to hit the United States in 56 years. Tweets from the southeast corner of South Dakota, where few traders ever venture, were particularly telling. The drought, which has devastated corn and soybeans in the Midwest Farm Belt, was not thought to have caused as much damage there. Tour participants used Twitter to tell their followers how wrong they were. When the tweets began flying under the category #pftour12, traders began taking positions in the futures markets at the Chicago Board of Trade in a way not seen before in the 20-year history of the ProFarmer Midwest Crop Tour, which gives industry players a chance to see crop conditions first hand. “Lots of missing ears, and the ones we found were tiny!” shouted a tweet from Lincoln County in far-southeast South Dakota that was published on the Twitter account of AgWeb. com, the online home of ProFarmer, an agricultural advisory firm. The tweet linked to a photo showing stunted corn ears that were missing kernels,
a sight so unusual that it prompted a follower to reply asking whether there was a nuclear reactor nearby. Country Hedging, a brokerage, had one employee tweeting on each of the crop tour’s eastern and western legs to keep clients informed as the tour travelled through seven states to inspect fields. The company felt the tour “would be extremely important because of the situation the crop was under and that the world would be watching much more closely,” said Lonnie Wells, an associate for Russell Consulting Group and longtime financial adviser who tweeted for the first time on the tour. Country Hedging owns Russell. “I think people are dying to have some boots on the ground,” Wells told Reuters on the tour last week. “People can follow along almost like they were in the car with you,” he said, referring to the way tour participants ride in cars from field to field to inspect corn and soybeans.
Tour attracts new followers
Indeed, the number of people following tweets from the tour was higher than ever this year, participants said. ProFarmer also registered a record number of physical participants. ProFar mer editor Chip Flory’s following on Twitter increased to more than 2,400 on Aug. 21 from 2,165 on Aug. 20, when the tour began,
“Some of the newer users on Twitter may be looking at the crop tour as their first opportunity to put something meaningful out there.” Chip Flory
ProFarmer editor
because he was tweeting from the fields. Flory, who tweets under the handle @ChipFlory, marvelled on the social media site about the early start to the corn harvest in Nebraska and noted how non-irrigated fields were much worse off than irrigated fields. He said he tweeted to share information from the road and publicize the tour. “Some of the newer users on Twitter may be looking at the crop tour as their first opportunity to put something meaningful out there,” he said. Still, Flory worries about impacting grain prices with his tweets. Outside of the crop tour, he limits his tweets during active trading hours. Many users approach Twitter cautiously because they do not always know the true identity of the author of the tweets they are reading. Still, the tour’s findings whipsawed markets as various tweets from crop scouts either topped or fell short of trade expectations.
“A whole lot of ugly”
Well-known grain analyst Doug Jackson of brokerage
INTL FCStone emailed clients a daily roundup of tourrelated tweets that kept them abreast of the running conversation online. Brian Grete, a senior market analyst for ProFarmer, m a i n t a i n e d a s t re a m o f commentary online. Passing a cornfield in Blackford County in eastern Indiana, he tweeted it was “a whole lot of ugly — three feet tall and lacking ears.” Peter Meyer, senior director of agricultural commodities for PIRA, tweeted from the tour that “Indiana a mess.” Later, he told his more than 1,300 Twitter followers that he spoke to a farmer in central Illinois who said “all his corn has blown over. The entire farm.” “Some of the run-up in the markets this (last) week has been because of that information, maybe not exclusively because of Twitter, but information from the tour in general,” said Jason Holthaus, a market analyst for Country Hedging who was not on the tour. “Traders are getting information faster,” he said.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
CGC offers free Harvest Sample Program Sample kits must be requested by Oct. 15
ermany’s Commerzbank has removed agricultural products from a commodity index fund after charges that speculation has pushed up food prices and fuelled unrest in some poor countries. At least two other German banks are restricting investments in agriculture. However, most banks and fund managers argue price jumps have been due to heavy demand and shortages. “Commerzbank is reacting to the debate about a series of studies which show that investment in this type of commodity fund pushes food prices upwards and so contributes to the hunger crisis in many parts of the world,” said German lobby group Foodwatch. “More and more investors are sensitive to banks’ exposure to agriculture — in the last 12 months there’s been lots of discussion about ethical investment,” said David Bicchetti of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. The U.S. drought, the worst to hit the Midwest in 56 years, pushed up corn prices by almost 23 per cent in July. “The poor U.S. harvest but also outside speculation have played a role in the price rises,” said Foodwatch spokesman Martin Ruecker. U.S. investors have plowed some $200 billion into commodity futures markets over the past decade or so.
CGC chief commissioner
• Oil, protein and chlorophyll content for canola. • Oil and protein content and iodine value for flaxseed. • Oil and protein for mustard seed and soybeans. The CGC says the harvest samples help test the quality of the annual crop, assisting with the marketing of Canadian grain as well as contributing to important scientific research into grading issues and finding new uses and markets. For information and to receive a sample kit visit the CGC website at www.grainscanada.gc.ca.
Producers receive a free grade, and the CGC receives important information on this year’s crop.
Frankfurt / London / Reuters
German bank halts index investment in food commodities
“Our Harvest Sample Program is a voluntary program that gives producers important information about their grain.”
he Canadian Grain Commission is again offering Harvest Sample Program, which provides producers with free unofficial grade and quality information on samples submitted by Nov. 1. “Our Harvest Sample Program is a voluntary program that gives producers important information about their grain. It also helps promote the sale of Canadian grain by providing customers with scientific information about the quality of this year’s harvest,” CGC chief commissioner Elwin Hermanson said in a release. Free sample kits must be requested by Oct. 15. They include postage-paid envelopes and instructions for sending in the sample. Producers who send samples are also eligible to win prizes, and the earlier they send samples, the greater the chances of winning. The sample information includes: • Protein content on cereal grains and pulses.
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The Manitoba Co-Operator | September 6, 2012
A powerful force in Canada’s economy and communities The numbers are big — $330 billion in assets and 18 million members — but co-ops’ contributions go beyond economics By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff
imes have changed since the first co-ops formed in Canada, but they remain vitally important — as much for their development of leaders as for their provision of goods and services, the head of Federated Co-operatives Ltd. says. “By developing the leadership potential and capacity of people, cooperatives build community capacity,” Glen Tully told a parliamentary standing committee on co-operatives recently. “This capacity then strengthens the community. Whether it’s the local rink committee, the health district, or local government, co-ops build community capacity that allows communities to thrive and succeed,” said Tully, who became involved when he joined the board of the Marquette Co-op, one of the co-ops that make up FCL. Providing everything from fuel to financial services, and increasingly active in areas such as health and elder care, the country’s 9,000 co-operatives hold a combined $330 billion in assets and serve 18 million members. FCL is the country’s largest nonfinancial co-operative, supplying food, hardware, lumber, seed, feed and crop protection products, pharmaceuticals and even wine to 235 member retail co-ops across Western Canada. Tully pointed to FCL’s Consumers’ Co-operative Refineries Ltd., as an example of its innovative culture. The refinery, one of the largest on the Prairies, began in 1935 because farmers needed plentiful and consistent fuel supplies as agriculture mechanized. “It was brilliant, actually,” said Tully. And although grain co-ops have disappeared in Western Canada, studies show the survival rate of co-ops has been higher than that of traditional businesses.
tion. It’s a similar story for the Caisse Financial Group, which has 26 locations and is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the opening of its first caisse in St. Malo in 1937. Other prominent players in Manitoba include several large producer co-ops, including Granny’s Poultry, one of the largest poultry coops in Canada, the Red River Co-op in Winnipeg, and retail co-operatives such as Arctic Co-operatives and TruServ. Manitoba is also home to a great diversity of other types of co-operatives, noted Adler. These include 31 water supply co-ops, nearly 50 child-care co-ops, the same number
of housing co-ops and a growing number of recreational co-ops.
The world has changed since the co-op movement began. “Competition, competition, competition,” is how Tully sums up the biggest challenge facing a large enterprise like FCL. Co-ops always begin as community-based organizations and place their emphasis on reinvestment of their dollars in local economies, he said. But community is being redefined in today’s plugged-in, mobile and affluent world. People who might have supported
Critical role
Co-operatives play a critical role across the entire country, says Monica Adler, a University of Winnipeg professor who teaches co-op development and management. “They’ve helped maintain many services in small towns, and where there are services, people stay,” she said. Credit Unions are a case in point. One in three Canadians belong to a credit union and Manitoba has 190 credit union locations — twice as many as any other financial institution in the province. In 67 of the 117 communities where they operate, they’re the only financial institu-
“By developing the leadership potential and capacity of people, co-operatives build community capacity.” Glen Tully
president, Federated Co-operatives Ltd.
a local co-op in the past, now drive farther or shop online. “That sense of community has changed,” said Tully. “It used to be how far you could ride your horse in half a day. Now your community is larger and the competition is different.” But Tully also sees a bright future for the co-operative business model, because its emphasis on locality and social responsibility jive with current consumer expectations. What’s coming, says Tully, is another wave of co-ops that will meet a diverse range of social needs. “In my mind the next phase of growth in the co-op movement will be more on the social co-operatives,” he said. “It will be in health care, day care, elder care, funeral services, and those types of co-operatives.” Expect also to see a rise in service co-operatives, such as those providing power from wind, ethanol and electrical generation, he added.
Local focus
The co-op model has been seeing a resurgence in recent times within the local food movement, too. More than 200 co-operatives across Canada have emerged in the production, marketing, retailing, processing and distribution of locally produced foods and products. Meanwhile, co-operative organizations are putting increased effort into helping tomorrow’s entrepreneurs learn about the co-op model for doing business. More education about the co-op model is needed, said Adler, adding that University of Winnipeg’s business school is just one of two in the country offering courses in co-op development and management. “I think we could have thousands more (co-operatives),” said Adler. “The reason we don’t is lack of education.” As part of the International Year of Co-operatives, two dozen co-operatives will celebrate Co-op Day/Fête Coop with a “Co-op Village” at The Forks in Winnipeg on Sept. 16. The village will feature interactive displays and show visitors how bookstores, artists’ groups, and even restaurants can be run as co-operatives, said Diane Bilodeau, vice-president of marketing and strategy vice-president with Caisse Financial Group. You may even discover you’ve been doing business with a co-op without knowing it, said Bilodeau. “There’s such a range of diversity of co-ops here.” More info about Co-op Day can be found at www.caisse.biz. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-Operator | September 6, 2012
Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
Livening up lunches
Pizza Bread You can turn this tasty loaf into pizza muffins too. 1/2 c. sun-dried tomatoes 2-1/4 c. all-purpose flour 1/2 c. light Parmesan cheese 1 tbsp. granulated sugar 1/2 c. ground flaxseed 1 tbsp. baking powder 2 tsp. oregano leaves 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. black pepper 1-1/4 c. skim milk 2 tbsp. canola oil 1 egg 1 small tomato, diced 1/4 c. diced green pepper 1/3 c. shredded mozzarella cheese
Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap
aper or cloth, plastic or metal, this is the week tens of thousands of lunch kits return to duty, as kids board school buses and holidayers head back to work. Lunch kits and routine are kind of linked in our minds, I think, which doesn’t tend to spur much creativity when packing one. The term “food boredom” must surely have come from staring down the same old sandwich, cookie, fruit combo day after day. Life speeds up in September, with new commitments and new schedules. With everyone about to get going in all directions, here’s a few “portable” recipes for a good start to lunch kit season.
Mini Stuffed Pitas These bite-sized pizza-flavoured pitas are another great way to pack (sneak) in the veggies and they taste great cold too. 1-1/3 c. diced vegetables (zucchini, bell peppers, broccoli, celery, mushrooms, green beans, etc.) 1 c. shredded Canadian mozzarella 1/4 c. pizza sauce or tomato sauce 12 mini pitas (whole wheat or white), halved
Preheat oven to 350 F. In a medium bowl, combine vegetables, Canadian mozzarella and pizza sauce. With a small spoon, stuff filling into pockets of pita halves. Place on non-stick baking sheet and bake for eight to 10 minutes or until pitas are toasted and cheese is bubbling. Prep. time: 12 minutes Cooking time: 8 - 10 minutes Yields: 12 mini pitas TIP: Leftover cooked, diced chicken or lean ham
and pineapple make for tasty variations. Kids can help mix the ingredients and stuff the pitas. Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada www.dairygoodness.ca
Think food safety Do you think about food safety when you’re packing your kid’s lunches? Well, you should. When it comes to food safety, here’s a few basic rules: Always keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. When it comes to keeping cold foods cold, use frozen freezer packs or insulated bags. You can also freeze your child’s juice box the night before, add it to their lunch, and by lunchtime it will be thawed out — and the bonus will be a nice, cool, yummy drink for their lunch. When it comes to keeping foods hot, the best bet is an insulated thermos. You can also use insulated lunch bags or boxes. Always remember to wash your hands before and after food preparation. And the best rule when it comes to questionable foods: when in doubt throw it out! Source: Public Health Agency of Canada
Recipe Swap… I’m always happy to hear from readers with your recipes and suggestions for columns! Write to:
Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO Or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
Tutti-Fruitti Cookies The ultimate in soft cookies. 1/3 c. shortening 1 c. lightly packed brown sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 1-1/4 c. all-purpose flour 1 c. ground flaxseed 1 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 tsp. ground cloves 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 c. oatmeal 1 c. raisins 1/2 c. citron peel or candied fruit, chopped 1/2 c. chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350 F. In a bowl, beat together the shortening, sugar, eggs and vanilla. In a separate bowl, combine flour, ground flax, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Gradually stir into liquid mixture. Stir in oatmeal, raisins, peel and pecans. Mix until combined. Form into one-inch balls. Place on a greased cookie sheet, leaving 2 inches between cookies. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden. Remove from sheet and cool.
Cover sun-dried tomatoes with boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes or until softened. Drain and dice. Preheat oven to 350 F. In a bowl, combine sun-dried tomatoes, flour, Parmesan cheese, sugar, ground flax, baking powder, oregano, salt and pepper. In a separate bowl, whisk together milk, oil and egg. Pour liquid into dry ingredients. Stir just until dry ingredients are moistened. Pour into a well-greased 8.5x4.5-inch loaf pan. * Sprinkle tomatoes, green pepper and mozzarella cheese on top of batter. Bake 55 to 60 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in centre comes out clean. *To make muffins, increase milk to 1-1/2 cups and decrease flour to 2 cups. Bake muffins for 25 minutes. Yield: 1 loaf (20 slices) or 12 muffins Source: Flax Family Favourites www.flaxcouncil.ca
Flax Chocolate Chip Muffins 1-1/4 c. all-purpose flour 1/2 c. sifted milled flax 1/2 c. chocolate chips 1/3 c. white sugar 1/4 c. cocoa 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1 c. skim milk 2 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla
Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine flour, milled flax, chocolate chips, sugar, cocoa, baking powder and salt. Mix well. In a separate bowl, mix skim milk, oil and vanilla. Beat egg slightly and add to liquid mixture; mix well. Add dry ingredients to liquid; gently stir until dry ingredients are thoroughly moistened. Spray muffin tin with nonstick vegetable spray. Fill each muffin cup with 1/4 cup of batter. Bake for 20 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven. Cool on wire rack for 5 minutes. Remove from tin and cool to room temperature. Yield: 12 muffins Source: Flax Quick Snacks www.flaxcouncil.ca
Yield: 60 cookies Source: Flax Family Favourites www.flaxcouncil.ca ©THINKSTOCK
The Manitoba Co-Operator | September 6, 2012
’ve decided I’m not going to ever get married.” Jennifer Jackson seated herself in her usual chair and set her glass of milk down on the dining room table in front of her. Her parents, Andrew and Rose, who were already seated at the table, glanced up from their respective sections of the newspaper but did not otherwise respond. “Not that anyone cares,” Jennifer added. Andrew folded his newspaper and laid it down beside his coffee cup. He ran his fingers through his hair and leaned back in his chair. “It’s not that we don’t care,” he said. “We just don’t want to get our hopes up.” Jennifer scowled at her glass of milk. “So you don’t want me to get married?” she said. Andrew shrugged. “We’ve got nothing against marriage,” he said. “It’s weddings we’re not so keen on.” “Why?” Jennifer sounded confused. “Brady and Amanda’s wedding last weekend was so beautiful! Didn’t you like it?” “It was great,” said Andrew. “It was probably the nicest wedding we’ve ever been a part of. So now we’ve done that, we don’t really need to do it again.” Rose looked up from her paper. “Speak for yourself honey,” she said. “Personally, I would love to do it again.” Andrew looked surprised. “That’s not what you said on Sunday morning, the day after,” he said. “Of course not,” said Rose. “I had a headache. I was woozy. I was exhausted. And you were being annoying and unsympathetic. Once I took some Advil and had a good night’s sleep and stopped feeling woozy, I changed my mind. Even though you were still being annoying.” “If you wait for me to stop being annoying you’ll never change your mind about anything,” said Andrew. “I’m not surprised you were feeling woozy Mom,” said Jennifer. “You weren’t exactly going easy on the champagne.” “Well, I like champagne,” said Rose. “What can I say? And that right there is a good reason to have another wedding.” Jennifer sighed. “Well OK then. I’ll change my mind. I will get married just so that my mother has an excuse to get tipsy on champagne. Whoopee.” “Ah my darling,” said Andrew. “We’re not
taking you seriously are we? Tell me what has brought on this determination of yours to remain single?” “Honestly?” said Jennifer. “Except for you and Randy and sometimes Brady, every guy I know is an idiot.” Andrew raised an eyebrow. “Every one?” he said. “Even Esteban?” “Esteban? Dad, that’s not even close! His name is Fernando, and yeah he’s the biggest idiot of all.” Jennifer heaved another sigh. “If he wasn’t, he
wouldn’t have gone back to Argentina and left me here.” “You have a point there,” said Andrew. “I certainly wouldn’t move to Argentina and leave you here. Not till February anyway.” “February?” said Jennifer. “In February you turn 18 and I can move wherever I want,” said Andrew. “Hawaii, here I come.” “Gee thanks Dad,” said Jennifer. “Let me just revise my earlier statement a little. Except for Randy and sometimes Brady, every guy I know is an idiot.” “Someday my dear,” said Rose, “you will see a stranger somewhere, and your eyes will meet across a crowded room, and somehow you’ll know that he’s the guy you could spend the rest of your life with and nothing can stop it from happening. Not even the fact that he’s an idiot.” Jennifer made a face. “That sounds horrible,” she said. “Sounds to me like the storyline from a bad Broadway musical,” said Andrew. “Have you been watching ‘South Pacific’ again honey?” he said to Rose. “It was on TV,” said Rose. “I just watched the ending,” she added defensively. “Well darling,” said Andrew, “between your fondness for champagne and your unfortunate taste in TV shows, your marriage advice to your daughter is somewhat suspect, to say the least.” Rose pondered that for a moment. “Yes it is,” she said. “It’s very bad advice. Don’t take it Jenn.” “I wasn’t planning to,” said Jennifer. “Good,” said Rose. “If you don’t want to get married sweetheart, then you shouldn’t get married. Andrew can just buy me champagne every so often for no reason. But you will probably change your mind one day about getting married.” “I have my own reasons for buying you champagne every so often, Rose darling,” said Andrew. “And Jennifer, your mother is probably right about you changing your mind. In 10 years all those idiots you know will be grown up, and who knows, one of them might turn out to be just like me.” “Like you?” said Jennifer. “Like me,” said Andrew. “Not perfect, but having only the most charming flaws.” He looked over at Rose to gauge her expression. “And,” he added, “the most exceptional taste in women.”
Skipping breakfast not a good idea Eating a protein-rich meal can have a positive effect on the rest of your day By Julie Garden-Robinson NDSU EXTENSION SERVICE
“Mom, I don’t eat breakfast anymore,” my teenage daughter told me one day last month. “Is that right?” I said. Actually, I was not overly concerned at this summertime reply considering that she had been getting up later than usual. She ate when she arose, so her breakfast was really brunch. However, with back-to-school time, I will check in with her in the morning to be sure she fuels up before leaving or takes her breakfast on the go. Unfortunately, 60 per cent of teenagers regularly skip breakfast, which can affect learning and food intake for the rest of the day. Researchers at the University of Missouri studied a group of breakfast-skipping teenagers for three weeks. Some teens continued to skip breakfast while the other two groups ate breakfast meals containing 500 calories. One group consumed a higher amount of protein than the other.
Making use of surveys and brain scans, the researchers studied how breakfast helps manage appetite and food intake. According to their results, either of the protein-containing breakfast meals was effective in reducing hunger throughout the morning, but the meal with more protein (yogurt and waffles) left the students less hungry throughout the day. The brain scans showed that breakfast
intake led to activation of the areas of the brain associated with appetite management. Fuel your body and brain with nourishing food in the morning. Plan ahead with these breakfast tips: • Aim for variety. Choose foods from three or four different food groups, such as a grain, protein, fruit and milk, for breakfast. • Have some protein. Some researchers have shown that
people who eat a protein-containing breakfast performed better on tests involving thinking and concentration. For example, having a glass of milk, container of yogurt, a piece of cheese, peanut butter on your toast or a hard-cooked egg would add protein. Choose cereal wisely. When shopping, look high on the shelves instead of at eye level or lower, where the kids’ cereals often are placed. Read the labels carefully and compare fibre, sugar content, vitamins and minerals. Choose whole grain cereals and breads. To select whole grain foods, check the first couple of items on the ingredient list. For example, look for oatmeal, whole wheat or whole grain. Look for a health claim on the package. To save time, set the table before going to bed. Put the cereal box(es), bowls, spoons and glasses on the table. If you want a heartier breakfast, such as pancakes or fresh muffins, measure out the dry
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• •
ingredients in a bowl the night before. Mix the wet ingredients (eggs, milk, etc.) and store in the refrigerator. Add the wet ingredients in the morning. Make extra muffins and freeze them. Warm them in the microwave oven. Make a breakfast casserole the evening before and refrigerate. Pop it in the oven in the morning. Do you have a minute? Wrap some cheese in a whole wheat tortilla, microwave 20 seconds. Serve with a cup of 100 per cent fruit or vegetable juice. Use a blender to make a smoothie with yogurt, fruit juice and fruit. Try peanut butter and banana sandwiches or leftover pizza and milk or 100 per cent fruit juice.
Julie Garden-Robinson, PhD, R.D., L.R.D., is a North Dakota State University Extension Service food and nutrition specialist and professor in the department of health, nutrition and exercise sciences.
The Manitoba Co-Operator | September 6, 2012
More questions from readers Cooking for a crowd? Trying to clean small appliances? Read on to learn how water and drop in pasta for one minute. Drain, toss with olive oil and serve.
Reena Nerbas Household Solutions Dear Reena, I am cooking supper for 60 people next week. I would like to know how much romaine lettuce to purchase for caesar salad, how much garlic bread should I purchase and what quantity of spaghetti noodles should I buy? How can I cook this large amount of spaghetti without the noodles sticking together? Thanks, Stephanie Dear Stephanie, You will need between six and eight heads of romaine lettuce depending on the size of the heads. One head of romaine typically feeds eight people. I would buy four garlic bread loaves and cut them into 12 slices per loaf. Each slice is really two pieces because the top and bottom separate. When I used to cook for 60 college students, we would go through only three loaves of bread so it’s up to you if you want to buy the extra loaf, but I think you will have leftovers. One pound of uncooked spaghetti equals four servings. So if you divide 60 by four you will need to buy 15 pounds of uncooked spaghetti. To prevent this large quantity of pasta from sticking together, the key is to cook with several large pots so that the noodles have lots of room to swim. Place spaghetti into a deep pot of boiling, salted water. After adding spaghetti, do not cover, return the water to a rolling boil. Boil for two minutes then cover with a lid. Remove from heat and let rest for five minutes. Drain pasta and rinse with hot water to wash off starch. You can even make your noodles a day in advance. Right before serving, heat
Dear Reena, I have a sports sweatshirt that has huge numbers ironed onto the back of it. Through time, the numbers have started coming off, and although I have tried to peel the rest off, and even heated them with an iron, they are not coming off. I was wondering if you have any solutions to help get the rest of them and the clear film under them off. Would you know of something I could soak it in to loosen it, or is there nothing that can be done? I hope you have a solution for me, short of destroying the shirt. Thank you, Donna Dear Donna, Your chances are not great for removing the numbers. Heat is your best solution; peel a corner of the number and heat with a hair dryer to loosen glue. Unfortunately, even if the glue releases and the numbers peel off, they will still be visible because the area with the numbers will be darker than the rest of the jersey.
After a thorough cleaning, the outside of stainless steel appliances can be wiped with a soft cloth and a bit of olive oil. ©THINKSTOCK
Hi Reena, Please tell me how I can clean and put the sparkle back to a stainless steel toaster and electric water kettle. I clean with water and buff with a dry cloth but there are still marks left on both which I would like to get rid of so that the small appliances sparkle on my countertop. Thank you, Karen
cleaned the exterior of your kettle and toaster, wipe the surfaces with a soft cloth and small amount of olive oil. You can use baby oil, cooking oil or mineral oil but I prefer to use olive oil because I find that it seeps into the metal and does not attract dirt, dust and grime.
Dear Karen, Sounds like you are doing everything right to clean the outside of your appliances. What you need now is the finishing touch. After you have thoroughly
· Peppers with three bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. · Peppers with four bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.
Don’t forget the garlic
Fabulous tips of the week:
· Save leftover bell peppers, slice into strips or dice (whichever you prefer), seal in a freezer bag and freeze. I enjoy your questions and tips, keep them coming! Check out my new website: www.reena.ca. Reena is a popular presenter and author of the national bestselling series, Household Solutions 1 with Substitutions, Household Solutions 2 with Kitchen Secrets and Household Solutions 3 with Green Alternatives. If you would like Reena to visit your area and present a workshop, please call (204) 320-2757.
Reader’s Photo
Skunks out for a stroll.
National Garden Bureau
Plant garlic in the fall if you want to harvest in 2013. Garlic loves welldrained soil in a sunny spot with plenty of organic matter. As basic as it sounds, make sure you plant with the root side down and the pointed end up. Trimming the tops of hardneck garlic (known as garlic scapes) as it grows seems to be a matter of personal preference. Just try it with some to see which you prefer. If you
trim the garlic scapes, remember that these are edible. If not, just let them keep growing until you harvest, when the garlic leaves turn brown. When ready to harvest, discontinue watering then check the bulb size and wrapper quality. Wait too long and the protective wrapper will start to disintegrate. Dig too early and the bulb will be immature. Founded in 1920, the National Garden Bureau is a non-profit organization.
Welcome to Country Crossroads If you have any stories, ideas, photos or a comment on what you’d like to see on these pages, send it to: Country Crossroads, 1666 Dublin Ave., Wpg., Man. R3H 0H1, Phone 1-800-782-0794, fax 204-944-5562, email susan@fbcpublishing.com. I’d love to hear from you. Please remember we can no longer return material, articles, poems or pictures. — Sue
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
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GUN & MILITARIA SHOW Sunova Centre West St Paul Rec Centre 48 Holland Rd Located North of the North Perimeter Hwy between McPhillips & Main St off Kapelus Rd WINNIPEG, MB. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2012 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Adults $4.00 – Women free Children under 12 accompanied by an adult free There will be dealers from Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Show Sponsored by the MCC of C
ANTIQUES ANTIQUES Antiques For Sale 1 COMPLETE SET OF mule harness w/cable tugs attached; 1 complete set of parade harness w/Breechen; neck yokes & eaveners; buggy poles; brass bells; scotch tops; ivory spread rings; several large leather halters, good condition. (204)242-2809 Box 592 Manitou, MB R0G 1G0. RED BARN ANTIQUE SALE Sept 24th 3:00pm-7:00pm, Sept 25th to Sept 29th 11:00am-5:00pm. Hwy 59 South to Grande Pointe. www.theredbarnantiques.blogspot.com
AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland AUCTION SALE FOR KEITH & KATHY ARTHUR Sat., Sept 22nd 12:00pm 1-mi West of Gladstone, MB on Hwy 16 till yard #66028. Yardman 20-HP 46-in. cut Riding Lawn Tractor; 5.5-HP Garden Tiller; 38-in. Lawn Sweep; Elect Garden Tiller; 2000 Polaris Sportsman 500 4x4, 4 Wheeler; independent shaft drive; 18-ft. Camper; 14-ft. alum & Trailer; 14-ft. Fibre Glass Boat; 55-HP older Merc out board eng; 18-HP Evinrude outboard eng; Minn Kota 40-lb thrust foot control trolling motor; 4, 8x8in. Trailer Tires; Equip & Shop Tools: Milestone Potatoe Seed Cutter; 36-in. Potatoe Grader; 8x17ft. Cattle Rack for Trailer; A150C JD DSL construction Heater; Power Hacksaw; 6-in. Bench Grinder; 1, 500-gal Fuel Tanks & Stand; 1, 500-gal fuel tank (2 comp); 2, 300-gal Fuel Tanks & Stands; Air Compressor; elect Simoniz Pressure Washer; 8-in. Bench Vice; Acetylene welder & Cart; Piston Pressure pump; elect Pressure Pump; Engine Stand; 12V Power Inverter; elect Power Tools; Tool Boxes; Pipe Wrenches; Wrenches; Socket Sets; Hyd Jacks; Hyd Cyl; Bolt Bins; Pintol Hitches; assort of Conveyor Belting; Shaft RPM Gauge; Poulon Chain Saw; Port elect Panel Breaker Boxes; Barrels; Western Saddle (10 yr old); elect Shop Heater; Plastic wheel Barrow; Household: Cress model #FX-23P elect Ceramic Kiln; Pet Supplies; Pet Carriers; Garden Tools. More household than listed. Antiques & Collectibles: farm style Baker MFG Co Wind Mill; 2, 5-gal Cream Cans; 4-gal Red Wing Crock. Plus misc. Website www.nickelauctions.com Terms Cash or Cheque w I.D. lunch served Subject to additions & deletions Not responsible for any errors in description. GST & PST will be charged where applicable Owners & auction company are not responsible for any accidents on sale site. Sale conducted by Nickel Auctions Ltd Dave Nickel & Marv Buhler Auctioneers Ph (204)637-3393 cell (204)856-6900.
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman EVENING HOUSEHOLD AUCTION FOR PETER & SUSIE THIESSEN Thurs., Sept 13th 6:00pm In the Austin Skating Rink. Terms Cash or Cheque Lunch served. Steel clad 12x16-ft. Garden Shed; 4.5-HP Lawn mower (like new); 5.5-HP x22-in. Yardmachine Snow Blower; Noma elect Snow Shovel; Fridge & Stove; All Fridge; 2, 12-ft. Deep Freezes; Washer & Dryer; Couch /Love seat & Chair; 4 pc Bed room suite w/Armoire; Kitchen Table w/4 Chairs; Kitchen Table; Hide-a-Bed; Hospital Bed; Dresser; Reclining Love seat; Recliner; Picture Frames; like new Dehumidifier; Noodle machine; Kneading bowl; Kerosene Heater; Butter form; 45 cup Coffee Maker; Shop Tools: 10-in. table Saw w/1.5-HP elect motor; 10-in. saw Blades; 12-in. Planer; 220 elect Shop Heater; 26-ft. ext ladder; Wheel Barrow; Garden Tools; Car top Carrier; Tarps; Base Board Heaters; elect Weed Eater; misc. Website www.nickelauctions.com Subject to additions & deletions Not responsible for any errors in description GST & PST will be charged where applicable All Sales Final. Owners & auction company are not responsible for any accidents on sale site. Sale conducted by Nickel Auctions Ltd Dave Nickel & Marv Buhler Auctioneers Ph (204)637-3393 cell (204)856-6900.
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Estate & Moving Auction Wed., Sept 12th 4:00pm Stonewall, MB. #12 Patterson Dr. Rec & Yard; Tools & Misc; Antiques; Adv & Collectibles; Household; Many More Items. Consignments Welcomed! Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com
AUCTION DISTRICTS Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.
The Pas
Birch River
Swan River Minitonas Durban
Gilbert Plains
Fisher Branch
Ste. Rose du Lac Russell
Riverton Eriksdale
Rapid City
Reston Melita
Pilot Mound Crystal City
Elm Creek
Ste. Anne
Lac du Bonnet
Stonewall Selkirk
Portage Carberry
Erickson Minnedosa
Lundar Gimli
Shoal Lake
St. Pierre
Morris Winkler Morden
Red River
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Acreage /Auction Sale Roy & Dorothy Fox Sun., Sept 16th 11:00am Inwood, MB. 5-mi North on Hwy #17 then East 1/4-mi on Sandridge Rd. Auction Note: Everything Sells to the Highest Bidder! Contact: (204)278-3311 or (204)339-0806. Tractors: JD AR Styled hyd 540 PTO w/New Idea FEL; Ford 8N gas 3PH 540 PTO New Rear Rubber; 2) Ferguson TE20 gas 3ph 540 PTO; 1) Rebuilt Engine Equip: Trailer Styled gas Wisc hyd Wood Splitter; 3PH 7-ft. Cult; 3PH Ferguson Side Del Rake; 2) 3PH 2B Plows; 3PH HM Breaking Plows; 3PH V Style Snowblower; JD 14T Square Baler; JD #5 7-ft. Sickle Mower; 3 Sec Diamond Harrows; Saw Mandrel; Bumper Hitch Tandem 14-ft. Tandem Flat Deck; Truck Box Utility Trailer; Cord Wood Trailer 3/4-Ton Chassis Yard: Craftsman 13.5-HP 38-in. R Mower; Yardman 8-HP R Mower; Craftsman 5-HP Roto Tiller; Craftsman 32cc 9-in. Roto Tiller; Viking 5-HP 24-in. Snow Blower; 2 gas Push Mowers; 2 Elec Push Mowers; Elec Chain Saw; Propone BBQ; Picnic Table; Patio Table & Chairs; Hand Yard Tools; Post Malt; Fencing Bar; Axes; Tools: Port Air Comp; Welder; 2) Acetylene Torches; 2) Table Saw; Sliding Mitre Saw; Poulan 38cc Chain Saw; Battery Charger; Bench Grinder; Many Power Tools; Angle Grinder; Cir Saw; Jig Saw; Router; 1/2 Drills; Many Hand Tools; Wrenches; Socket Sets; Tap & Die Set; Easy Outs; Pipe Wrenches; Crescent Wrenches; Files; Punches; Chisels; Welding Clamps; C Clamps; Jackal; Hyd Jack; Floor Jack; Vise; Workmate; Tool Boxes; Drill Bits; Drill Bit Sharpeners; Misc: 81 Ford 1/2-Ton, NR; Ferguson Parts; 3PH Draw Bar; Belt Pulley; Oils; Lubs; Tow Bar; Auto Tires; Chain Ratchet; Load Binders; Chains & Hooks; Come Along; Safety Harness; Al Step & Ext Ladders; Home Repair Items; Lumber; Nails; Bolts; Cinder Blocks; Welding Table & Vise; Tiger Torche; Elec Motors; HD Elec Cords; Wood Heater; 2) Construction Heaters; Some Household; TV Microwave; Antique Trucks & Equip: 2) 1952 Chev Step Side 1/2-Ton; 8-ft. Hse Cult on Steel; Saulky Plow; 4) Single Walking Plows 1) JD; Single 8-ft. Disc; Hse Dump Rake; 2) Scufflers; 2) Hand Corn Planters; Sithe; Hay Knife; 10) Steel Wheels; Champion Forge; Post Drill; Leg Vise; Thresher Scale; Many Old Tools; Wrenches; Saw Vise; Saws; Drills; Spoke Shaver; Double Axe; Log Roller; Brush Knife; 3) Push Reel Mowers; Sad Irons; 5) Drop Side Toasters; Crocks; 3, 4, 5-gal; Bicycle License Plate; BA Oil Can; Coal Scuttle Pail; 3 Cream Cans; Barn Lantern; Hse Eveners; Neck Yolks Guns: Remington, Model 878, SA, Cal 12 ga; Ranger, SS Cal 12 ga; 303 British, BA w/Scope; Savage, LA, Cal 243 win, w/adj Scope. Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com
MEYERS AUCTION RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, Household & Industrial Equipment. 10:00am Sat. Sept 15, 2012. Southport, MB. Directions: S of Portage on Highway 240 to Southport, MB - Signs & Flags will be posted. Viewing Auction Day Only. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: Moyer Diebel Model #401HT-70 M3 Commercial Undercounter Dishwasher; True Stainless Steel Model T-35F 2 Dr Freezer; Foster 2 Dr Commercial Cooler; General Model RSL40GC Sliding Glass 2 Dr Cooler; Vollrath Model 3855 Refrigerated 5-ft Salad Bar; 6-ft x 30-in Maple Top Food Prep Table; Vollrath Model 38003 ServeWell 4-ft Steam Table; Hussman 8-ft Display Cooler; “L” Shaped Serving Line, approx 14-ft x 9-ft; Garland 2 Basket Elect. Deep Fryer; Garland 36-in Elect. Grill; Garland 24-ft Elect. Char Broiler; SS 7-ft Exhaust Hood w/Range Guard Fire Suppression System; 60-in Double Well SS Sink w/Drip Tray; 50-in single Well SS Sink w/Drip Tray; 72-in SS Table w/Sink; 36x30 SS Prep Table; Quest 30x30 SS Prep Table; 38x21 SS Mobile Serving Cart; 29x16 SS Side Table; 60x26 SS Prep Table; (11) 4-ft x 30-in Restaurant Tables; Booth Seating; (2) Bunn 12 Cup Pourover Coffee Brewer; Bunn Hot Water Dispenser; SS Hot Well Trays; TEC Electronic Cash Register - MA-516-100 Series; 100 & 50 Cup Coffee Makers; SS Teapots; Salt, Pepper, Sugar & Napkin Holders; Chaffing Dishes; Salad Spinner; 25+ Chrome Frame Stacking Chairs; Smart Stock Cutlery Dispensers; B&D Food Processor; Wire Chrome Display Rack; Wood Rolling Storage Rack; Booster Seats. OFFICE FURNITURE: Speakers’ Podium; 4 drw Legal File Cabinet; Sentry Safe; Office Desk; (2) Office Chairs. HOUSEHOLD: Woods 17.7 c.f. Frost Free Freezer; Kenmore Chest Freezer; (3) 30-in Stoves; Washing Machines; Clothes Dryers; Built in Dishwashers; (2) Sanyo 33-in TVs; Nite Tables; Coffee & End Table Sets; Granite Topped Table; Dining Room Tables & Chairs; Silk Plants; Framed Prints including: “Passing Through” by Jim Hansel; Buffets; Leather & Upholstered Sofa & Love Seat Sets; Student Desks; (4) Double Box Spring & Mattress Sets; Assorted Dishes, Mixing Bowls, Etc.; Panasonic Bookshelf Stereo. INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT: Magikist Car Wash Style Industrial Vacuum; Battery Boosting Cart w/Charger, Battery & Cables; (2) Vacuum Pumps - Robinair VacuMaster High Performance; 3 Canisters Refrigerant; AKMATIC 1250MP Microprocessor Controlled CV-DC Arc Welding Power Source / Wire Feeder. Meyers Auctions & Appraisals, Arden, MB. Bradley Meyers Auctioneer.Phone:(204)368-2333 or (204)476-6262 cell. Detailed List&Pictures at meyersauctions.com.
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433
Neil & lAurA FuNK FArm AuctioN
DirectionS: 3 mileS weSt of elm creek on # 2 anD 3/4 mile South SAturdAy, octoBer 6 At 11 Am tractors: • Case 830 Diesel. Cab, 8 speed, Standard axle , power steering • IHC Model 706 diesel standard axle, with cancade Front end loader • IHC Model W 450 ,Diesel standard axle, , Joy Rider seat , Hydraulic ,pto ‘ • IHC Model 300 gas utility pto and IH Fast hitch sells with mounted V Type snow blower Cockshutt model 30 gas, wide front standard axle, engine has been overhauled • Craftsman 12 hp tractor with mower • Hesston model 5500 large round baler , used in 2012 • New Holland • John Deere Ground drive manure spreader, could be used with horses, Driver seat, workable unit. Replacing wood walls and floor could make this an rare one • Tyler one ton fertilizer spreader See our website www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Bill Klassen Auctioneers bill@billklassen.com
Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433
RetiRement off the fARm Auction
foR ted & cARolee StoRy miAmi, mAnitoBA DirectionS: 3¼ mileS north of miami on 332
Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433
FArmlAnd For sAle
280 acreS more or leSS South ½ off 5-3-7 W in rm of Pembina ½ mile South of Jct 3 and 31 hWyS darlingford mb sells At Auction mondAy, septemBer 24 At 10 Am at Hitchin post restaurant, Darlingford MB. Terms 10 % non Refundable on Auction site Payable to Gilmour law office , balance within 30 days at Closing See our website www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Bill Klassen Auctioneers bill@billklassen.com
Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800-782-0794 today!
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland
SAtuRdAy, SeptemBeR 22, 10 Am • HC model 706 Diesel standard axle tractor with allied loader • Cub Cadet 1065 Riding tractor w/ 42’’ mower • Massey Harris 4 x 14 older power lift plow • Westfield 7 ‘’ x 36; auger w/ motor• 13 @ 3’ Diamond harrow sections • COLLECTABLES AND PLENTY OF ‘EM • Muzzle loader single barrel shot gun nice condition • US Army saddle , lauching cavesson Training device •Army helmits • Army horse Birdle and saddle • Barrel Racing barrels and poles • Harness, neck yokes single trees. Hames, brushes etc. • Gaurlay upright Piano Toronto Canada • Side board cupboard • Freezer •Side board with mirror • Wooden Kitchen table • Parlour table See our website www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Bill Klassen Auctioneers bill@billklassen.com
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Auction Sale Joe Yvon Sat., Sept 15th 10:00am St. Labre, MB. South Side of Village 1/8-mi South of Church approx 40 min East of Steinbach. Auction Note: Joe is moving so Everything Sells to the Highest Bidder! Contact: (204)429-2146. Crawler & Tractor: JD 450 DSL Power Shift Crawler PTO w/8-ft. Angle Dozer S#SF3M; Case 930 Cab 540 PTO Dual Hyd Sold w/Ezeeon FEL; Ford 9N 3PH PTO; Equip: Ezeeon 12-ft. HD Breaking Disc; Taylor Mfg 16-ft. Tandem Disc; Delgeman PTO Hyd Stone Picker; MEL Cam 410 Hyd Stone Picker; 3) Yard 8-ft.W Scraper; 2) Vers Cult; 1) 18-ft.; 1) 22-ft.; Int 45 18-ft. Cult; Single 6-ft. Notched Blade Breaking Disc; Graham 8-ft. Chisel Plow; Case 10-ft. Chisel Plow; Cockshutt 240 12-ft. Deep Tiller; 15-ft. Crowfoot Packer; 13 Sec Hang Up Diamond Harrows; Farm King 3 PH 72-in. Finishing Mower; Trailer 6-ft. HD Rotary Mower; Pony Cart Spring Tine Harrows; Vers Sprayer; Vehicle & Trailer: 64 GMC 900 w/14-ft. B&H; 45-ft. Freight Tandem Semi Trailer (Storage); Car Dolly; 11-ft. Tandem Hyd Tilt Trailer; 1,000-gal 4 Wheel Water Trailer; 12-ft. Metal Box 4 Wheel Trailer; 2 Older HD 2 Wheel Trailers 1) used for crawler; 80 Dodge 1/2-Ton nr; 76 Dodge 200 Ext Cab nr; Saw Mill, Misc & Bldings: 24x28-ft. Wood Framed Garage Wired 10-ft. Walls; Started Project Band Saw Mill 22-ft. Rail Saw Mandrel Blades; Jari 24-in. 5-HP Sickle Mower; Yard Roto Tiller Attachment; Gas Water Pump; 2) 300-gal Fuel Tanks & Stands; Fuel Hose; Hyd Cyl, Controls, Hyd Hose; Labronics Hyd Tester; 3PH Draw Bar; Manure Tines; Electric Livestock Clipper; Welding Material; I Beam; Channel; Pipe; Lge Amt Scrap; Combines & 4 Vehicles; Over 10 Implements; Many Scrap Piles; Mesh Screens; Galv Tin; Page Wire; Some Lumber; Elec Motors- up to 10-HP; Elec Wire; Submergible Water Pump; Ladders; Wheel Dolly; Measuring Wheel; Freight Load Jacks; Load Strapping; Chains & Hooks; Clevices Load Binders; Fifth Wheel Plate; Al Saddle Tank; Auto Tires; Road Flares; Airline Filter Regulators; Tiger Torch; Tools: Hobbart 400Amp 6 Cyl gas Port Welder; Metal Band Saw; 50-Ton hyd Press; 10-Ton hyd Power Pack; Air Comp; 3) Gas Chain Saws; Elec Chain Saw; Power Tools; 2) Air Jack Hammers; Air Tools; Pipe Vise & Threader; Hand Tools; Wrenches up to 2-in.; Socket Sets up to 3/4in.; Lge Amt of Hand Tools; Tap & Die Set; Ratchet Blding Jack; Jackal; Hyd Jack; Gear Pullers; Pry Bar Set; Grease Guns; Chain Ratchet; Come Along; Vise & Welding Table; Clamps; Lge Amt of Shop Supplies; Bolts; Nuts; Tool Cabinets; Hand Yard Tools; Antiques: Cockshutt Breaking Plow; Light JD 10-ft. Double Disc; 3) M Moline One-Way; 1) 8-ft.; 2) 6-ft.; Horse Dump Rake; Steel Wheels; Endless Belt; Fanning Mill; Hand Cream Separator; Cream Cans; Lantern; Leg Vise; Hay Knife; Blow Torche; Oil Cans; Military Ammo Boxes. Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com Farm, Welding Shop & Household Auction JOAN & TOM WOOD Saturday, September 15th, 2012 10:00am Elm Creek, MB Featuring: JD 3020 Powershift w/Loader & Fork Farmall H narrow front IH LB stationary engine Farmall A w/belly mount mower 1936 Case Model L on steel wheels Lincoln Mobile Welder 305 amp & Much More! www.gauthierauctions.com Gilbert Gauthier Auctions (204)379-2826
Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794.
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River AUCTION SALE for Cam & Betty Calder & Merv & Brenda Mihaychuk on Sat., Sept. 15th, 11:00am held at Carlowrie, MB. Located from Hwy #59 at St Malo, go Hwy #218 S, 7.6-kms to Carloweie to yard #21125. JD 420 Crawler/Dozer, gas, running; approx 1953, Model A Car, runs, needs some work; approx 1930, JD 3140 Tractor, 3-PTH, hi-low shuttle shift; JD 9350 20-ft. Press Drill; MF 510 Combine, gas, shedded, used last year; 12-ft. Deep Tiller; IHC 24 Run Disc Drill; Rock Picker; Creep Feeder; Lewis Cattle Oiler; Farm King Auger 7/41 PTO; Westeel Bins 1, 2,900-bus; 3, 1,650;bus. To View Call (204)427-2703. Lincoln AC225 Welder; Air Compressor; Construction Heater; Jacks; Carpenter & Drywall Tools. Misc Shop Items. Household: Bdrm set; Spin Washer; Entertainment centre; 28-in. Colored TV; Computer Desks; Dishes; Plus More. Antique: Crocks; Clock; Cream Cans; Booker Stove; Radio’s & Tubes, More. Partial ad. www.harderauctions.ca In case of rain, auction will be held inside shed. Owners: Calder (204)427-2781; Mihaychuk (204)427-2703; Harder Auctions, W. “Butch” Harder (204)746-8005; Howard Brown (204)746-8284. MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD. Huge Auction Sale Jim Gregory Sat., Sept 8th, 9:30am Sandilands, Mb- #27 - 11th Street. This is a partial listing! Things are Stacked to the Roof in the Sheds. Contact: (204)429-2216. Yard Modern & Vintage: JD 56 R Mower; JD 60 R Mower; Case 155 hyd w. Frt Mt Snowblower; Case 195 w/Case FEL; MF 24ft R Mower; Gilson S12 w/Dozer & Removable; 7) MORE R Mowers; Trailer gas Wood Splitter; Simplicity Walk Behind w/Sickle Plow, Scuffer Attach; 3) Toro Snowblower; 2) Roto Tillers. Tools “Lager’ Model 200 24” Metal Lathe; 2) Power Metal Band Saw; Scroll Saw; Lincoln Mig Welder; Arbor Press; 2) Floor Model Drill Press; HD Hyd Press; Accetylene Torches; Upright Air Comp; Port Air Comp; New 8HP 5000 watt Generator; Onan Gas Generator on Trailer; Radial Arm Saw; Wood Band Saw; Metal Band Saw; Portable Cable Plate Jointer; Foley Model 200 Grinder; Shop Crane; Pedestal Tire Changer; Magnetic Drill; Many Power Tools; Specialty Tools; Air Tools; Lge Amt Hand Tools; 3/4 Drive Socket; Gear Pullers; Tap & Die Set; Micrometer; Milling Bits; Reamers; Sand Blaster. Misc: 6) Convair Engines; Boat Seats; Ice Auger; Key Cutting Machine; Techumesh; B&S Engines; Lge Amt Shop Supplies; Welding Material; New Oils & Lubs; Over 6 Cords Stove Length Firewood. Antiques: Fairbanks Model Z Stationary Engine; Int 3-5 HP Double Fly Wheel Stationary Engine; MH Hse Sickle Mower; 4) Older Snowmobiles; 3 Wheel Pedal Bike; 53 Old Steering Wheel; Ignition Cabinet; License Plates; Oil Cans; Snow Shoes; Train Sets; Wood Telephone; 1957 Motion Lamp. GUNS: 177 Cal Pellet Gun; Cooey Model 82 22 Cal S/A. Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com
S & E Puchailo Logging Ltd. Grandview, MB
UNRESERVED FORESTRY & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: CRAWLER TRACTOR • CAT D8K • KOMATSU D65E • MOTORGRADER • CHAMPION 740 • CHAMPION 740A • HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR • 1997 KOMATSU PC200LC • KOMATSU PC200LC • SKIDDER • 2003 TIMBERJACK 660D • 1999 TIMBERJACK 660 • 1995 TIMBERJACK 560 • 1995 TIMBERJACK 560 • DELIMBER • 1995 KOMATSU PC200 • 1992 KOMATSU PC200LC • 1990 HITACHI EX200LC • SLASHER • 2003 TIMRICK 2750 • Bush Tag-Along Slasher • TIMRICK Portable Slasher • FELLER BUNCHER • 1994 TIMBERJACK 618 • 2003 608S • LOG LOADER • 2003 KOMATSU PC20LC7 • TRUCK TRACTOR • 2006 WESTERN STAR • 2006 WESTERN STAR • 2001 WESTERN STAR • 2000 WESTERN STAR • 1996 KENWORTH T800 • 1986 FREIGHTLINER • TRAILERS • T/A 45 Ft. Flat Deck • 30 Ft. S/A Dry Van • WILLOCK 40 Ton Jeep • ASPEN Tri-Axle • LOG TRAILER • 1999 DOEPKER Reverse Super B • 1995 DOEPKER Super B • Shop Built Super B • 1996 DOEPKER Super B • 1994 DOEPKER Super B • 1995 SUPERIOR T/A (Rear Trailer of Super B) • 1995 SUPERIOR Tri-Axle • ATTACHMENTS • Prentice Tree-Length Log Grapple • Log Heel & Clam • Hyd. Excavator Ripper Tooth • Quick Attach Delimber • ROTOBEC Log Clam • GEN SET • DEUTZ • CAMP EQUIP • ATCO 8x24 Ft. T/A • 10x30 Ft. T/A Self-Contained • 12x40 Bumper Hitch Unit, Self-Contained • MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS • Log Straightener • 16 Ft. Mull Board • Scare Fry & Blades • Asst’d Truck Tires • Asst’d Propane Basket Heaters • UNUSED, Undercarriage • Asst’d Bunks for Trailers • TWO, UNUSED, 35.5x32 Firestone Forestry Special Tires w/ Timberjack Rims • Asst’d Used Skidder Rims & Tires
For More Information or a Complete Listing, Call or View our Website Today!!
1-800-667-2075 SK PL # 915407 • AB PL # 180827
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
Farm, Welding Shop & Household Auction
PRICE TO CLEAR!! 75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from. B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.2
Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.2
Saturday, September 15, 2012 10 am, Elm Creek MB Featuring: * JD 3020 Powershift with Loader & Fork * Farmall H narrow front IH LB stationary engine * Farmall A with belly mount mower * 1936 Case Model L on steel wheels * Licoln Mobile Welder 305 amp & much more
www.gauthierauctions.com GILBERT GAUTHIER AUCTIONS 204-379-2826 AUCTION SALES Auctions Various MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Mobile Home & Yard Auction for Bernice & Jake Martens Tues., Sept 4th in Morden; Antique Auction for Nancy & Bill Crocker Sat., Sept 8th in Rathwell; Farm & Welding Shop Auction for Joan & Tom Woods Sat., Sept 15th in Elm Creek; Antique & Farm Auction for Margaret & Price Jones Thurs., Sept 20th in Carman; Farm & Horse Equipment Auction for Muriel & Barry McNaughton Sat., Sept 22nd in Oakville; Antique & Household Auction for Beth & Russ Delorme Sat., Sept 29th in Portage. Details on Website: www.gauthierauctions.com Gilbert Gauthier Auctions (204)379-2826.
AUTO & TRANSPORT AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts FOR SALE: (BULL BAR / Moose catchers) for 2010-2012 Volvo truck, also 1 for a 95 Freight liner. We are selling them cheap! Can Deliver. Phone:(204)868-5040. REMANUFACTURED DSL ENGINES: GM 6.5L $4,750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L $4950 installed; GM Duramax/Ford 6.0L, $8,500 installed; new 6.5L engines $6500; 24V 5.9L Cummins, $7,500 installed; other new/used & reman. engines available. Thickett Engine Rebuilding, 204-532-2187, Binscarth. 8:00am-5:30pm Mon.-Fri.
AUTO & TRANSPORT Trucks 1993 F250 EXTENDED CAB, 7.3 engine, auto trans, would make good service truck; 1975 GMC grain truck, 8x16 box & hoist, safetied. Phone Alfred (204)745-2784. 2001 FREIGHTLINER 120, C15Cat, 13-spd, good cond, $12,500 OBO; 1996 30-ft high-boy, $4200 OBO. Will do custom hauling in MB w/32-ft gooseneck trailer. Phone:(204)252-2266 or (204)871-1185. 2005 GMC SIERRA 2500 4x4, 180,000-km, NEW paint, mag wheels, front end, steering box, axle seals & brakes, camo seat covers, NEWer motor 80,000-km, $10,000. Phone:(204)338-7532. FOR SALE DUE TO quit farming: 1989 Freightliner FL112 semi truck, 3406 Cat, 13-spd trans, air ride suspension & air ride cab, sleeper, very good Michelin rubber, Diff lock, very clean truck good for farm or the oil patch. $13,900; Price negotiable, for more information contact Claude (204)744-2501 home or (204)825-0001 cell.
AUTO & TRANSPORT Semi Trucks & Trailers JOURNEYMAN TRUCK TRANSPORT MECHANIC w/service truck is available for work on highway trucks & trailers at your location. Quality work & fair pricing. Estimators are available for jobs if required. Knapper’s Mechanical @ (204)461-0512 or email knappersmechanical@hotmail.com
AUTO & TRANSPORT Vehicles Various OVER 200 VEHICLES LOTS OF DIESELS www.thoens.com Chrysler Dodge (800)667-4414 Wynyard, Sk.
Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.2 Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Swathers
FARM MACHINERY Combine – John Deere
Two 19’ Bins - 4700 bushels per bin Four 21’ Bins - 5900 bushels per bin (with .094 aeration floors).
2007 MACDON 9250 W/1998 30-ft. 972 header DSA, PU reel, $45,000. (204)636-2448 1990 WESTWARD 3000 30-FT. PT swather, 160-acs on new guards & knife, Haukaas hitch spring, not used for 7 yrs, shedded, $4,500 OBO. (204)546-2021, cell (204)638-2513, Grandview, MB.
930 FLEX HEAD, 2 available, 1 w/carry air reel. Also have Header trailers, 30-ft & 36-ft in stock. Phone:(204)746-6605 or (204)325-2496.
Located in the Oakville area come and get ‘em! Contact Dave, Blaine or Ron at Wall Grain at 204-269-7616 for more information.
2009 M-150 MACDON SWATHER D-60-S, fully loaded, 35-ft. header, 1,100-hrs, $110,000. Phone (204)522-5428, Deloraine, MB.
25-FT. MACDON PT SWATHER, PU reel, nice shape, $4,000. Call (204)873-2487.
ST. LAZARE, MB. 1-800-510-3303
ESTATE SALE:1984 4400, HYDRO, 22-ft header w/batreel, big rubber, sliding table, asking $4,100; 1982 20-ft 400 Vers. hydro, asking $1,450 OBO; 1981 20-ft batreel 400 Vers. hydro, sliding table, asking $1,100. Phone:(204)728-1861 or (204)724-9497.
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various
10X40-FT HEAVY DUTY HAY wagon, hauls 20 round or square bales, 10.00-20 tires, built from new steel, $4800, delivered. Phone:(204)325-6650.
472 BRENT GRAINCART 500-BU, in excellent shape, $11,900; 400-Bu UFT graincart, $6500. Phone:(204)529-2046 or (204)529-2091.
1997 AGCO/GLEANER MODEL 530, flex head, PU reel, poly, $13,000. Phone Rob (204)735-2852 or (204)981-0885, Starbuck.
2002 NEW IDEA 4865 softcore round baler, new floor belt , $8,000; IH 4000 swather, needs wobblebots, $1,000. Phone:(204)834-2875.
NEW SUKUP GRAIN DRYERS On hand & ready for immediate delivery. Propane/NG, canola screens, 1 or 3 phase. Also some used dryers available. Call for more info (204)998-9915
FORAGE EQUIPMENT, 5830 JD forage harvester w/PU & corn head, plus $50,000 of new parts; 2 tandem Mac silage trucks w/side dump boxes. Phone:(204)352-4306.
NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
REBUILT ROLLERS FOR CASE-IH 3650 5x6 softcore round baler, will fit other makes. Drive $510, Idler $260. Prices include core exchange. Phone (204)389-4038 or (204)642-3205.
CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.
FARM CHEMICAL SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our assistance the majority of our clients have received compensation previously denied. Back-Track Investigations investigates, documents your loss and assists in settling your claim. Licensed Agrologist on Staff. For more information Please call 1-866-882-4779
CONTRACTING CONTRACTING Custom Harvest WILL DO CUSTOM HARVESTING: Peas, cereals, canola, & soybeans. Flex heads, straight heads & PU headers. Professional operation fully insured. Phone:(204)371-9435 or (701)520-4036.
CONTRACTING Custom Work CT CONTRUCTION LTD, FIELD Drainage w/Laser, Dugouts, Lagoons, Fence Brushing/Land Clearing, Demolition, Driveways, Septic Tanks/Fields, Cartage, Gravel & Fill Strippings. Terry (204)268-5361. Clint (204)205-2031. ctconstruction160@gmail.com www.ctconstructionmb.com
24’ Continuous Flow NECO Grain Dryer with 25 HP fan and gen set (needs some work).
Includes 8 x 3700 bushel bins with canola floors and unload augers with u-trough auger on top of bins. Contact Dave, Blaine or Ron at Wall Grain at 204-269-7616 for more information.
$36,000 OBO
EARTH SCRAPER FOR SALE, Letourneau-M scraper, 6 yard stock capacity, VGC, Jack Fehr hyd. conversion w/sequencing valve, $7,900 OBO. Phone:(204)427-2261.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Various 1964 CASE 600 SELF-PROPELLED, w/straight cut & PU attachments, add-on cab, always shedded, used for avg 30-acres per year on small holding, in working order when last used 3-yrs ago. Gas engine in good shape, uses no oil, original paint still looks good, for antique collector or small holding. $1000 OBO. Phone:(807)223-7833. JD 220 FLEX HEADER, new knife & guards, large auger, JD PU reel, poly skids, field ready, $3850 OBO; 18-ft U-2 PU reel, $850 OBO. Phone:(204)467-8750. SALVAGE YOUR WIND BLOWN CANOLA JD 222 header w/20-ft. Sund PU, $11,900; Universal head w/22-ft. Sund PU, $14,900. Phone (204)324-6298, Altona.
COMBINE WORLD located 20 min. E of Saskatoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. 1-800-667-4515 www.combineworld.com
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Case/IH 1984 IH 1480 COMBINE, specialty rotor, airfoil sieve, Loewen concaves, $20,000 work order, shedded, excellent cond, asking $9500. Phone: (204)529-2046 or (204)529-2091. 1986 CASE IH 1680 3,500-hrs, Hopper top, excellor kit, rock trap, newer PU belts, well maintained, retired & moving must sell, $14,000 OBO. (204)523-7469 (204)534-8115. 1989 CIH 1680 COMBINE 3,600-hrs, w/PU & 25-ft. straight cut header w/PU reel, $18,500. (204)476-2445, Neepawa. 2005 CASE IH 8010 combine, 4-WD, front tire size is 1250-45-32, means they are 45-in wide, rear tires 28L-26, means 28-in wide. Apparently will go as far as a track machine. 4-Spd, hyd trans, straw chopper & spreaders, pro-600 monitor, bin extentions w/205230-ft dripper header, $165,000. hone:(204)871-0925.
Precision Seeding
here Seedbed Preparation Simplified.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Ford/New Holland
2007 621D CASE WHEEL loader, 3 yd bucket, ride control, VGC. Call (204)447-0184. CASE 450 CRAWLER DOZER, 6-way blade, $17,500. Cat 931 crawler loader, Powershift trans, pedal steer, good undercarriage, $13,500. www.waltersequipment.com Phone (204)525-4521.
JD 224 FLEX NEW poly, metal finger PU reel, GC, $4800; 20-ft JD 100 Flex header, fits 20 series combine, poly, PU reel, GC, $800. Phone:(204)635-2600, Stead.
2008 CASE-IH 2588 combine w/2015 PU, 476 sep hrs, 594 engine hrs, Pro 600 monitor, y/m, rice tires, hopper topper, shedded, heavy soil machine, $184,000 open to offers. (204)735-2886, (204)981-5366.
FORD NH 1998 TR96 971 header, 2,276 engine hours 1,875 separator hours, good shape, Elmers 25-ft header trailer, $1,500. Phone:(204)745-3773 or (204)745-6321. FOR SALE: 1979 NH TR70, Ford 6, 2500-hrs, lots of new parts, always shedded, field ready, VGC, $2500. Phone:(306)452-3582, or (306)452-7015, Redvers, SK.
HYD PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40-YDS caterpillar A.C./LePlant, LeTourneau, etc. PT & direct mount available. Bucyrus Erie, 20-yds, cable, $5000. PT motor grater $14,900; tires available. Phone: (204)822-3797. Morden, MB.
80-FT. BUCKET ELEVATING LEG w/3 phase 10-HP electric motor. Phone (204)886-3304.
TR-96 NH COMBINE, 1,890 separating hours, new concaves & rebuilt straw chopper, w/chaff spreader & rice tires. Asking $27,000; 971 NH 24-ft straight cut header, for parts, needs new wobble box. MacDon NH TR adapter, to fit 972 MacDon headers, $5,500 OBO. Phone:(204)488-5030 or (204)782-2846.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Gleaner
224 JD STRAIGHT CUT flex header, bat reel, fits 7720, $1,800. (204)476-2445, Neepawa.
Tired of shovelling out your bins, unhealthy dust and awkward augers? Walinga manufactures a complete line of grain vacs to suit your every need. With no filters to plug and less damage done to your product than an auger, you’re sure to find the right system to suit you. Call now for a free demonstration or trade in your old vac towards a new
1, 30-FT. FLEX HEADER; 1, 30-ft. straight cut header; both w/PU reel used on R72. Phone (204)745-3773 or (204)745-7654.
224 JD STRAIGHT CUT header, bat reel, crop lifters, PTO shaft drives, for 50 series combine, could be changed back for 7720, $1,750. (204)476-2445, Neepawa.
BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662. CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests binmovers@hotmail.com Sukup Grain Bins - Heavy Duty, hopper or flat bottom, setup available, good pricing. Call for more info. (204) 998-9915
Walinga agri-Vac! Fergus, On: (519) 787-8227 carman, MB: (204) 745-2951 Davidson, SK: (306) 567-3031
1986 WALINGA AGRA VAC for Phone:(204)488-5030 or (204)782-2846.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – John Deere 08 JD 635 HYRDA FLEX w/crary air bar, excellent condition, asking $33,900; 4 wheel trailer avail $2,900. Phone (204)324-6298, Altona. 1980 8820 COMBINE, 2-SPD cyl drive, good condition, $13,000; 2-224 rigid heads w/pickup reels, $3000 each. Phone: cell (204)362-2316, or (204)822-3189. 1983 JD 7720 COMBINE 3,200-hrs, big rubber, big back axle, Hopper cover, 2-SPD cyl, header reverser, shedded, $12,500. (204)476-2445, Neepawa. 1986 8820 TITAN 2 combine, in good condition, 3500-hrs, $14,500. Phone:(204)278-3261.
2000 PREMIER 2940 SWATHER, 2825-hrs, 30-ft 3 way canvas, PU reel, heater, A/C, Vern swath puller. Phone:(204)776-2047 cell (204)534-7458, Minto MB.
2010 M-150 MACDON SWATHER D-60-S, fully loaded, 35-ft. header, 1,100-hrs, $115,000. Phone (204)522-5428, Deloraine, MB.
AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: www.postframebuilding.com
1998 PREMIER 1900 PULL-TYPE swather, auto fold & transport, pick-up reel, Keer-Sheer, always shedded, very low acres. Phone:(204)325-2416.
9600 JD 1994 2,665 sep hrs, 914 PU, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, 100-hrs on new bars & concave, yield & moisture, shedded, one owner, $57,000 OBO. (204)546-2021, cell (204)638-2513, Grandview, MB.
1987 7720 TITAN II standard W/2700 original hrs, excellent shape, always shedded. Phone:(204)859-2376, Rossburn.
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Baling
1991 JD 9600 914 PU, Sunnybrook cyl, long auger, new 30.5 R32 tires, 3370 sep hours, well maintained, very nice condition. Phone:(204)526-7805, Cypress River.
2002 HESTON 856 ROUND baler, megawide pickup, short crop kit, fully auto, moisture readout, shedded & field ready. $10,000 OBO. Phone:(204)325-1383 or (204)362-4874.
1997 JD 9600, 4X4, 2,100 thresher hours, loaded w/options, comes w/930 flex header, very good machine; JD 8970 tractor, 710x38 tires @ 90%, excellent tractor. Best Offers. Phone:(204)766-2643.
535 JD BALER W/MONITOR & kicker, $6500. Phone:(204)345-8532 evenings.
1998 JOHN DEERE 9610 maximizer, 914 PU chaff spreader, auto-height control, double-knife chopper, rice tires, 1980 separating hrs, VGC, asking $81,500 OBO. Phone Murray (204)372-6051.
FOR SALE: HIGH-LINER MODEL 1400 bale picker, hauls 14 bales, w/new tires. Phone:(204)836-2523. IHC 3650 ROUND BALER, working condition, wide belts in good condition, $1,500 OBO. Phone (204)748-2166 Virden, MB. NH BR7090 2009 BALER, endless belts, wide PU, auto-wrap, big tires, always shedded, less than 7000 bales, used 3 seasons. Phone:(204)388-4975. ROUND BALERS IN STOCK. JD 535; NH 648, 650, 664, 688 BR; 780-NI 4565 soft core 5x6. Call Gary at (204)326-7000 or go to www.reimerfarmequipment.com
2000 JD 9650W 150-HRS since Performax service at which time new Sunny Brook rasp bars, concave, clean grain chain, sprockets & bearings & Redekop MAV chopper rotor were install, complete invoice $20,000, 2,300 sep hrs, 914 PU, chaff spreader, hopper topper, auto height sensing, recent new feeder chain, batteries, HID lights $107,500; 2003 930F header, PU reel, new knife & guards w/Crary Air System, excellent for beans or down crops, 50 series hook up w/header trailer, $24,500; Firestone 24.5x32 rice tires on 9000 series rims, excellent condition, $3,000. (204)347-5244 leave msg.
Combine ACCessories FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories
AGCO GLEANER 30-FT HEADER, new reel bats; AGCO Gleaner 27-ft header both in good condition & fit N&R series combine. (204)867-0043, Minnedosa, MB. FLEX PLATFORMS IN STOCK. All makes, models, sizes. Have over 30 in stock at most times. 94 JD 925 good poly, PU teeth, new sickle $5,950; 97 JD 930 new poly, PU fingers, sickle $11,900; 98 JD 930 new poly, sickle, PU fingers, full finger auger $13,500; 97 JD 930 good poly, PU teeth, auger, air reel $13,900; 01 JD 930 new poly, PU teeth, sickle, full finger auger $16,900; 03 930 good poly, PU teeth, new sickle, full finger auger $15,900; 07 JD 630 like new, reduced to $24,900; 06 JD 635 AWS air bar, real nice head $24,900; 96-’04 CIH 1020 25-30 ft. models in stock w/ or w/o air reel; 07 CIH 2020 35-ft., good teeth, auger, poly, ready to go $22,900; 09 CIH 2020 35-ft. like new, paint still on auger $24,900. We deliver anywhere in Western Canada, right to your farm. Call Gary at (204)326-7000 or www.reimerfarmequipment.com FOR SALE: 1083 8-ROW 30-in. Case corn head, $8,000 OBO; Case 30-ft. Model 1010 straight cut header, $4,500 OBO; 30-ft. JD 930 straight cut header, $3,500 OBO. Phone (204)745-8334 or (204)745-8381, Carman, MB. JD 843 CORNHEAD, oil bath, low tin, recent overhaul, field ready, $8,500. Call (204)324-9300 or (204)324-7622.
HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 charles@arcfab.ca www.arcfab.ca
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
FARM MACHINERY Irrigation Equipment ROTARY DITCHER AVAILABLE TODAY in all sizes, 30-in, 42-in, 60-in & 72-in, works in all soil cond. wet or dry, spreads soil evenly, no piles. Fast & efficient, call Gilbert (204)436-2469, Fannystelle.
Tillage & Seeding FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Air Drills
FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories
CASE IH/CONCORD ATX5010, 10-IN, 50-ft, excellent condition, w/Case IH/2300 tank, 3 1/2-in Dutch openers, lots of maintenance done. $34,900. Phone:(204)391-1011 or Email: pro_terra@hotmail.com
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Tillage
1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. www.harvestsalvage.ca New, Used & Re-man. Parts
Tractors Combines Swathers
1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts”
www.fyfeparts.com The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444
26-FT FLEXI-COIL DEEP TILLER complete w/mounted harrows, anhydrous tank hitch & anhydrous control valve. Very Good Condition, $3500. Phone:(204)428-3625. 31-FT CO-OP DEEP TILLER; front fenders for JD MFWD tractor. Phone (204)386-2412, Plumas, MB. 59-FT JD 1650 CHISEL plow w/Degelman 3 row harrows & rear hitch, $20,000 OBO; 60-ft Delmar heavy harrows w/new tines, excellent condition, $25,000. (204)867-0043, Minnedosa, MB.
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various 24 ANHYDROUS POD W/HYD shut-off, 24 anhydrous Dutch knives. Phone:(204)386-2507. AIR SEEDERS AFTER SEASON Sale. Under $25,000 Ezee On 30-ft. 5500/2175 tank w/harrows, packers; Under $15,000 Ezee On 24-ft. 5500/2175 tank w/harrows; Under $9,000 Flexi Coil 1110/CCIL 23-ft. Cultivator. Call Gary at (204)326-7000 or go to www.reimerfarmequipment.com
TracTors FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Allis/Deutz 1987 DUETZ 7085 FWA, open-station, 85-HP, 5,900-hrs, Allied 794 FEL $17,000. (204)525-4521 www.waltersequipment.com WD45 AC TRACTOR. PHONE:(204)386-2507
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Case/IH FOR SALE: 2290 CASE 1982 3,300 original hours, very good shape. Phone:(204)768-9090. FOR SALE: CASE IH MODEL 1494 tractor mechanical front wheel assist 75 PTO HP w/model 74L FEL 3-PTH 500-1000 PTO, cab, air, 12 Forward 4 Reverse, Trans, 4 cyl DSL engine w/3,007-hrs, $25,000. Phone (204)633-3205, Winnipeg, MB.
NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere
NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts
STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443 Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: farmparts.ca E-mail: roy@farmparts.ca FARM MACHINERY Salvage FARM MACHINERY FOR PARTS: COMBINES IHC 1682, 1482, 1480, 1460, 915, 914, 715, 403, 402, 150, MF 860, 760, 850, 751, 750, 550, 510, 410, 405; JD 7701, 7700,6601, 6600, 630, 96, 65; WHITE 8900, 8800, 8600, 8650, 7800, 5542, 545, 542, 431; NH TR95, TR85, TR70, 1500, 990, 980; Coop 9600, 960; Gleaner L2, N6, F, C2; VERS 2000, 42; Case 1600, 1060; FORD 642 BELARUS 1500 Don; SWATHERS VERS 4400, 400, 330, 103, 10; IHC 4000, 230, 210, 175, 201, 75; COOP 550, 500, 601; MF 655, 36, 35; JD 800, 290; NH 1090; WHITE 6200; COCKSHUTT 503 HESSTON 300. We also have parts for tractors, square & round balers, press drills, cultivators, sprayers, haybines, & misc machinery. We handle new & rebuilt parts for tractors & combines. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727, toll free 1-877-858-2728. GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. PARTING 1985 IH 1480, no motor, lawn augur, good sieves, also 2 top sieves for an IH 2188. Phone:(204)546-2508.
FARM MACHINERY Silage Equipment
Harvestore Silo 80 x 20 This Silo is in great shape, was built in 1988, was only used for 5 years at most, it’s in immaculate shape, comes w/ unloader & feeder(they may need a bit of work). Offers, you will have to deal with the disassembling & moving. Located 40min. south of Winnipeg in St-Malo, MB. Jean-Luc (204) 226-7783 or (403) 363-3483 email- saddleup403@hotmail.com
We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Cooperator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794. Looking for a hand around the farm? Place a help wanted ad in the classifieds. Call 1-800-782-0794.
2008 JD 5225 TRACTOR w/542 Loader, MFWD, 3-PTH, CAH, Radio, Joystick, 200-hrs., $47,900. Call Gary (204)326-7000 Steinbach, MB. www.reimerfarmequipment.com 4450 & 4650 MFWA, JD loader 158, 148 & 740. 4240 w/3-PTH & 148 loader; 5300 Mfwa w/540 loader; Ezee-On loader/bale fork. Phone: (204)828-3460. FOR SALE: 7810 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3-pt, new tires, low hrs; 7710 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3-pt, new tires, low hrs; 4455 MFWD, 3-pt, 15-SPD, w/280 FEL; 4450 MFWD, 15-SPD, 3 pt; 4450 3-pt, 3 hyd’s, 15-SPD, fact duals; 4250 MFWD, 3-pt, 15-SPD; 2755 MFWD, 3-pt, w/245 FEL; 2555 MFWD, 3-pt w/245 FEL. All tractors can be sold w/new or used loaders. MITCH’S TRACTOR SALES LTD Phone: (204)828-3628, shop or (204)750-2459, cell. Roseisle. JD 7320 MFWD, Power Quad, 3-pt., 741 Loader, 7ft. bucket, grapple, 6,500-hrs $69,900; JD 8560 18.4x38 duals, 7,500-hrs, $37,900; 08 JD 5225 w/542 loader, MFWD, 3-PTH, CAH, Radio, Joystick, 200-hrs, like new, $47,900. JD 2140 2WD, 3-pt., 245 Loader, 7-ft. bucket, 7,500-hrs $16,900; Call Gary at (204)326-7000 or www.reimerfarmequipment.com
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Massey Ferguson 06MF 573MFWD 72-HP W/CAB, air, heat, 3-PTH, 8-spd, hi-low, forward & reverse w/MFN70 quick attach loader, excellent cond w/1425-hrs. Will take trades, asking $37,900. Phone:(204)746-6605 or (204)325-2496.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Versatile 1981 VERSATILE 875, VG 20.8 radial tires, 7200-hrs, $24,500; 1984 Versatile 945, good tires, replaced 855 Cummins 365-horse, Atom Jet kit, $28,500. Both tractors in very good working order. Phone Reg Loewen (204)763-4746, Brandon. FOR SALE: 1988 846 Vers 4WD, 5,500-hrs, VGC. Call (204)268-5615, Beasejour.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
2005 PETERBILT # 386 w/CAT C15, warranty & saftied, 593-mi, A1, Peter Trucks:(204)487-1347. Winnipeg, MB.
Factory Direct Outlet
20-FT 620 MS TANDEM disc w/dual axels; 18.5 IH cultivator w/harrows; 775 18-ft swather w/MacDon hay header; 24-ft JD C20 cultivator; Gehl 120 mix mill w/power bale feeder; quarter turn bale shoot. Phone:(204)386-2507. 45-FT WILLRICH CULTIVATOR; CUMMINGS 240bp skid mount clutch&trans; 860 MF PU & 20-ft grain; D7G Cat dozer, tilt & ripper, (306)236-8023. BALERS JD 535, $5,900; JD 530, $3,500; JD 510, $1,500; JD 336, $3,000; Vermeer Hyd rake, $7,000; 12 wheel rake, $6,000; 10-ft. Landlevellers, $2,150; 12-ft. $2,450; Dics Hutch 25-ft. Rock Cushion, $9,500; JD 230, $3,000; Bushog 21-ft., $7,500; JD Dot 16-ft., $4,000; DMI Ripper 5 Shank, $10,900; 7 Shank, $11,900; Valmar 240 Applicator, $1,000; Woods 15-ft. Batwing Mower HD, $7,000; Woods 10-ft., $4,500; Used Fertilizer Spreaders 4-9T. Phone (204)857-84043 FOR SALE: 1978 1630 JD 145 loader, always shedded; could be sold separate 7-ft. snowblower; 5-ft. rotary brush mower, $13,500. (204)471-0571 FOR SALE: 2001 CUSTOM built 32 x 8.5 flat deck, gooseneck, triple axle checker plate floor, full hydraulic side tilt. View pictures at www.buyandsellfarmmachinery.com Shellmouth, MB (204)564-2540 FOR SALE 25-FT CO-OP 204 deep tiller w/mounted harrows; 36-ft anhydrous applicator on Morris cultivator frame w/mounted harrows; 54-ft Morris harrows; 68-ft modernized Great Northern sprayer. Wilmot Milne (204)385-2486 or cell (204)212-0531, Gladstone. FOR SALE: GRAIN CARTS LARGE SELECTION 450-1050 bu hyd & PTO drive. J&M 875-bu., $20,000; EZ 475, $7,900; Brent 670, $12,500; New 400-bu. gravity wagons, $6,700; 600-bu., $12,000; Used gravity wagons 250-750 bu.; Grain Screeners Kwik Kleen 5 tube, $4,500; 7 Tube $6,500; Hutch 1500, $1,750; Sioux Screener w/Auger, $2,500; Westfield 10x70 Auger, $2,900; REM 552 Grain Vac, $3,500; Brandt $4,500-$7,500. Phone (204)857-8403. FOR SALE: LEWIS CATTLE Oiler double wick, grain troughs, coral panels, calf gates, calf pen, cattle trailer, flat deck trailer complete, 851 NH baler, 853 NH baler. Call Ben:(204)444-2997 or (204)485-2044 for all prices. Many other items for sale. FORSBERG MODEL 14 GRAVITY table seed cleaner, $10,000; NH bale wagon 1033, $4000; Morris press drill 30-ft w/Valmar, $4000 OBO. Phone:(204)471-3418. HAYBINES: GEHL 2270, $3900; NH 116, $3000; JD 1209, $3000; NH 144 Swath Turner, $3000; Hay Conditioners $800 up; NH 9-ft mower 2200; IH 9-ft $1650; GEHL 12 wheel rake, $6000; Rotary mowers. JD #1518, $8500; Woods 20-ft batwing, $7500; 10-ft batwing, $3500; 6-ft pull type, $1600; JD 5-ft pull type, $1000; Woods ditchbank 3-PTH, $1500; 6-ft finishing mower, $1000; Woods 6-ft 3-PTH, $750; Bush hog 9-ft disc mower, $2000. Phone: (204)857-8403. HEAVY DUTY BOX SCRAPERS, built with 5/8 steel, 2 hyd. cyl, 1 for lift & 1 for angle, 10-ft. $3,950. 12ft & 14ft superduty for larger tractors also available. All Sizes Available. (204)746-6605 or (204)325-2496. JD 1995 790 ELC TRACKHOE, low hrs; Komatsu WA 320-1 3yd loader; JD 3830 16ft hay header; 3830 w/16ft header and 21ft grain header; UH 122 trackhoe; (306)236-8023 JD 925 FLEX HEADER, $6500; 930, $2500; Case IH 25-ft flex, $6000; Case IH 30-ft rigid, $5000; IH 820 flex $2000; Case IH #1015 PU, $3000; #810 PU, $1000; Summers 72-ft heavy harrow, $14,000; Phoenix #17-#14 harrows; 6 yard scraper, $5000; JD 12YD, $12,000; 4 YD, $4500; Manure spreaders. Meyers #550 horse/poultry manure spreader, $11,900; New Idea 3634, $4000; HS 400-bu, $3000; GEHL scavenger, $3900. Phone:(204)857-8403. JD 930 FLEX HEAD, good working condition, $9500; 855 NH round baler, $1700; Wanted for JD 1600 or 1610 deep tiller, complete shank assembly. Phone:(204)373-2502, leave msg. MACDON 30-FT SELF-PROPELLED SWATHER, 480 cutting hours, PU reel, in excellent cond; 60-ft Flexi-Coil cultivator, comes w/4 bar harrows & air kit, in VGC. Phone:(204)522-8640. MCKEE #400 MANURE SPREADER w/Tandem axle & dual wheels $8,500. 48-ft Ezee-On tandem disc, equipped with double bearing w/7-yr warranty, $37,500. Above equip in good condition. Phone:(204)746-8851, Morris. MOVING, MUST SELL! 1086 IH tractor T/A has been done. Lots of other work too; 3000-gal manure wagon w/injectors; Houle lagoon pump, ready to go, 42-ft; Large pig transfer trailer. Call Les (204)529-2164 or (204)825-0128, Cartwright. NEW HEAVY DUTY 1250-GAL Equinox LR177 Yellow tank, retails at $874, special $536; New Equinox LR177 1250-gal black tank, 3 left must sell $425 special; Used 1 FarmKing 6-ft Mechanical swath roller, $625 OBO; New 16-ft Beavertail tandem trailer w/3500-lb axles w/2-in ball, special $2890 OBO; Used 1998 Ford XL 4x4, 143,720-kms, V6 4.2 engine. Cell (204)823-1559 or (204)822-1354. This is our close-out sale.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted
STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.
91 OR 93 MCCORMICK Deering IHC combine, parts or whole combine. Phone:(204)737-2275 between 6 & 7 p.m.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various 1985 CASE 4490 4WD, 175-HP, 5,245-hrs, 20.8x34 duals, 4 hyd w/return line, 1000 PTO, PTH, A/C, $16,000; 1979 IHC 1586, 160-HP, 5,974-hrs, 20.8x38 duals, 3 SCV, 1000 PTO, front weights, A/C, $14,000. (204)744-2521, St Leon.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous 1972 FORD 1/2-TON TORINA w/cap Intl drill w/end wheel; farm hand stacker w/hay baskets, steel tines; Massey 44 for parts; gooseneck hay trailer. (204)834-3034. 1990 28-FT. IHC HOE drill built in transport, has new toews folding markers, asking $1,750; AC cultivator w/anhydrous applicator NH3 35-ft., asking $850; 115 Melrose Spray Coup w/foam marker system, asking $2,500 OBO. Wanted to Buy good used Dropdeck Trailer at reasonable price. Phone (204)728-1861 or (204)720-3800.
TRACTOR TIRE CHAINS TO fit 16.9 x 30 tires. Phone (204)243-2721 before 8:00 pm.
SELLING FAST - BOOK NOW Don’t be disappointed!
DELUXE WOOD & WATER OUTDOOR FURNACES CSA APPROVED Now available North American wide at prices never seen before
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Friesen Built Inc. 1-866-388-4004
IRON & STEEL FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440. FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.
FEEDER/SLAUGHTER SALES Every Friday 9AM Special Yearling Sale September 7 Receiving open until 10PM Thursdays NEXT SHEEP & GOAT SALE Wednesday, September 5 Gates Open Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM Starting in September our Sheep and Goat sales will be the 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month For more information call: 204-694-8328 or Jim Christie 204-771-0753
www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122
GRUNTHAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION MART. LTD. GRUNTHAL, MB. Agent for T.E.A.M. Marketing Regular cattle sales every Tuesday @ 9 am
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford 1 QUALITY PB YEARLING horned bull, from a heavy milking Polled cow, no papers; 1, 4 yr old PB Herdsire, no papers from 9 yr old Grand Champion Polled Bull from Lacombe, AB. (204)436-2284, (204)745-7894.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin TRIPLE R LIMOUSIN, HAS bulls for sale for Fall breeding. Also pick out your 2013 Herdsire now. Take delivery next Spring. Red or Black 40+ to pick from. Plus bred Heifers & 4H projects, steers & heifers. Your source for quality Limousin genetics. Call Art (204)685-2628 or (204)856-3440.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various 200 RED SIMMENTAL CROSS cows, w/or w/o calves, bred to Red & Black Simmental; 40 cross bred heifers, bred Black Angus. Phone:(204)352-4306. KEYSTONE CLASSIC SALE 50 HEAD on Offer Fresh Milkers Bred Heifers Deep Pedigrees October 13th, 2012 following the dairy show at the Keystone Center in the Canada Room Please Contact Neale Hockley for info or consignments (204)724-4682.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted WANTED: ALL CLASSES OF feeder cattle, yearlings & calves. Dealer Licence# 1353. Also wanted, light feed grains: wheat, barley & oats. Phone:(204)325-2416. Manitou, MB.
TIRED OF THE HIGH COST OF MARKETING YOUR CALVES?? 300-700 LBS. Steers & Heifers Rob: 528-3254, 724-3400 Ben: 721-3400 800-1000 LBS. Steers & Heifers Don: 528-3477, 729-7240
Contact: D.J. (Don) MacDonald Livestock Ltd. License #1110
Mondays, September 10th & September 24th Sheep and Goat sale with small animals @ 12 Noon
LIVESTOCK Sheep For Sale
Please Note: Receiving will be open till 8 pm Fri. evening and re-open at 7 am Sat. morning
Livestock Handling Equipment for info regarding products or pricing, please call our office. We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc) For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519
www.grunthallivestock.com MB. Livestock Dealer #1111
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Red Angus 2) 2 Ω YR old Bulls proven & records, 1- 1 Ω tested, ready to go. Call Don (204)422-5216. COMPLETE RED ANGUS FEMALE dispersal by private treaty: 45 cows, bred heifers & heifer calves, many are from AI sires, most calves are sired by “detour” & bred females are bred the same way. Red Rose Angus, Brian McCarthy Phone: (306)435-3590 or (306)435-7527. Email: bmccarthy@rfnow.com. HERD DISPERSAL 65 RED Angus cows & heifers, bred Red Angus for Apr 1st, will pasture till Fall. Ed Cavers (204)825-2456 (204)825-8097, Pilot Mound.
The Icynene Insulation System®
REGISTERED PB RED ANGUS bulls, 15-17 months old & some w/low birth weights. Phone: Ren-Ele Red Angus, (204)526-2424, Bruxelles.
• Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais
nutrition digestion prevention
Saturday, September 8th Fall Horse and Tack Sale 10am tack / 1pm horses
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais
MARTENS CHAROLAIS 2-YR OLD & yearling bulls, sired by Specialist, (consistent thickness) Dateline for calving ease & performance. Red-Mist (Red factor). Nobleman 3-yr old bull. For beef bulls Martens Charolais. Phone:(204)534-8370. Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.
300 EWES & 40 Red Layers hatched out Apr, $10 each. Phone (204)646-2157.
Horses LIVESTOCK Horse Auctions MJ QUARTER HORSES partial Dispersal Sale at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moosejaw, SK. Sunday, Sept 30, 2012 @1pm. Selling 25 Brood Mares, 33 Weanlings, Stallion & 17 ylgs. & 2-yr old Geldings & Fillies. “Home of the Working Horse Captial” Jim/Marguerite Lussier. Ste Rose Du Lac, MB. (204)447-2328. Catalogue online mjquartersandpaints.com MPHB LOUD & PROUD ANNUAL Production sale, Sept. 15, 2012 Pierson, MB. Entry deadline Aug 15th. Preview 11 DST, sale 1PM DST. To consign call Karen (204)634-2375. www.mbpainthorsebreeders.com
LIVESTOCK Horses – Donkeys 1- MAMMOTH 7 Ω-YR old Jack, 1- Ω Mammoth, Ω standard, 2 Ω-yr old Jack, 1 spring born ΩxΩ Jack. The 2 older are gentle, good w/cattle & halter broken. Call Don (204)422-5216.
Swine LIVESTOCK Swine For Sale LARGE BLACKS, BOARS, SOWS, gilts, weanlings. Call Neal (204)526-7869.
LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted
P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
save! Renew early and
LIVESTOCK Livestock Services & Vet Supplies
Specialty LIVESTOCK Specialty – Goats
The following dealer and agent have applied for a licence under the Livestock Dealers and Agents Licencing regulation, which comes under the Livestock and Livestock Products Act. (C.C.S.M. c. L170)
2 OPEN CROSS-BRED BOER Nannies & 2 Kids from Kiko buck, $150 ea or $500 for all 4. Call (204)981-0055.
LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment FOR SALE: 195 NH manure Phone:(204)739-3120, evenings.
LIVESTOCK DEALER LICENCE Myron Tatarniuk, Yorkton SK Jameson, Gilroy & B&L Livestock Ltd.
HAY BUSTER BIG BITE H1000, new v-belts last year, 2/3 good sides of hammers left. For more info Phone:(204)868-5040.
KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.
Call Ken 204-794-8383 #2 Mountain View Rd Winnipeg, MB
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE WESTFIELD MK 10X71 GRAIN auger, VGC, $3700 OBO; Chaff spreader fits 7720 combine 8020 & 9600, $700 OBO. Phone:(204)746-8721.
WANTED: METAL SELF-FEEDER on wheels. Minimum 250-bu capacity. Phone:(204)828-3483 or (204)745-7168.
Trux-N-Parts Salvage Inc. MUSICAL FLUTE $189; CLARINET $250; Digital piano $599; Violins $69.95-$1295; Mandolins $195-$599; Student guitars $59.95-$199; Amps $59.95-$1200; Harmonicas $8.98-$180; Music stand $15; Mic stand $25; Music books 20% off; Q-chord $350; Drums $349. Hildebrand Music, Portage La Prairie Mall. (204)857-3172.
LIVESTOCK Livestock Services & Vet Supplies The following dealers and agents have had their licence suspended and/or cancelled under Section 15 of the Livestock Dealers and Agents Licensing regulation, which comes Under the Livestock and Livestock Products Act. (C.C.S.M. c. L170)
A great way to Buy and Sell without the ef for t.
ORGANIC Organic – Grains R.W. Organic Ltd. Currently Buying all grades of wheat, durum, rye, barley & peas. Immediate pickup. Offering fall contracts. Mossbank, SK. (306)354-2660
Pat Houde, Calgary, AB Bouvry Exports Calgary Ltd.
Call, email or mail us today!
Email: subscription@fbcpublishing.com M S E R : 12345 2010/ 12 P UB John Smith Company Name 123 E x a m p l e S t . Town, Province, POSTAL CODE
1000 Litre Plastic Caged Storage Tanks $74.50 ea.
Tim Robbins, McCreary MB Bouvry Export Calgary Ltd.
PORTABLE WINDBREAKS, CALF SHELTERS, free standing rod & pipe panels, fence line & field silage bunks. Also sell Speed-Rite & 7L Livestock fence equipment, drill pipe & sucker rod. Phone (204)827-2104 or (204)827-2551, Glenboro.
Renew your subscription to the Manitoba Co-operator for 2 years BEFORE we mail your renewal notice, and we'll extend your subscription by 2 additional months. That's 26 months for the price of 24. OR - Renew for one year and receive 13 months for the price of 12!
Your expiry date is located on your publication's mailing label.
LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment
Check OTR-Recycling.com for more information
Research proves that providing clean water for your calves can add 20 per cent or more to your weaning weights.
The UGLY water troughs
HI: I AM A mid 50’s single white male. 6-ft, 185lbs. I’m looking for a single lady who likes to dance, travel & have quiet times in the country. Reply to Ad# 1020, c/o MB Co-operator, Box 9800, Station Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K7 I AM A SINGLE white male, 5’8” 155-lbs w/good sense of humour, financially secure, honest, trustworthy. Looking for Filipino lady between 50-60 yrs of age to love & be loved by. Reply to Ad# 1019, c/o MB Co-operator, Box 9800, Station Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K7
They're still UGLY They're still TOUGH They're still the best value on the market.
LOOKING, HOPING? ...For a best friend, a romantic happy relationship. CANDLELIGHT MATCHMAKERS can help make it all happen! Confidential, Photos & Profiles to selected matches. Affordable, local, 2 recent summer Weddings! Serving MB, SK, NW Ontario. Call/Write for info: Box 212, Roland, MB, R0G 1T0, (204)343-2475.
PETS 800 gallon trough
for pastures and feedlots made from mining tires
LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment
Beauty fades… ugly lasts forever! • costs less & lasts longer • virtually indestructible • guaranteed not to leak • 200-800 gallon capacity
PB BLUE & RED Heeler puppies for sale, excellent farm & cattle dogs. Call (204)447-2756 or (204)447-0184.
Call a dealer near you today for more information ARBORG CO-OP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-376-5201 CO-OP FEEDS, BRANDON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-727-0571 7-L RANCH, LAKELAND, MB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-445-2102 GILBERT PLAINS CO-OP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-548-2099 TWIN VALLEY CO-OP, MINIOTA, MB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204-567-3664
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STE. ROSE DU LAC CO-OP, STE. ROSE DU LAC, MB . . . PEMBINA CO-OP, GLENBORO, MB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MCGREGOR CO-OP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NORTHFORK RANCH (CARTWRIGHT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
204-447-2545 204-827-2228 204-685-2033 204-529-2881
REAL ESTATE Vacation Property DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME, Weslaco Texas, gated community, pics. avail. rwheh@hotmail.com Go public with an ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds. Phone 1-800-782-0794. Do you want to target Manitoba farmers? Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator. Manitoba’s best-read farm publication.
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If you're not the owner/operator of a farm are you: q In agri-business (bank, elevator, ag supplies etc.) q Other total farm size (including rented land)_______________ Year of birth________ q I’m farming or ranching q I own a farm or ranch but i'm not involved in it's operations or management
My Main crops are: No. of acres 1. Wheat ____________ 2. Barley ____________ 3. Oats ____________ 4. Canola ____________ 5. Flax ____________ 6. Durum ____________ 7. Rye ____________ 8. Peas ____________ 9. Chick Peas ____________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 1. Registered Beef ____________ 2. Commercial Cow ____________ 3. Fed Cattle (sold yearly) ____________ 4. Hog Weaners (sold yearly) __________
My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
REAL ESTATE Land For Sale THE FOLLOWING PRIVATE LAND (SW NOTRE DAME USED 13-22-16W) is being offered for sale. TheOIL following crown lands been approved by Manitoba Agri&have FILTER DEPOT culture, Food & Rural Initiatives for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands • Buy Used Oil • Buy Batteries are part of the unit •held by Collin Gamache of • Collect Usedranch Filters Collect Oil Containers Laurier. If you wish to purchase the private land & Southern Western apply for the Unit and Transfer contactManitoba the Lessee or agent at GilbertTel: & Colleen Soucy of Laurier Manito204-248-2110 ba (204)447-4652. If you wish to comment on or object to this Unit Transfer write director, MAFRI, agricultural crown land, PO Box 1286 Minnedosa MB, R0J 1E0 or email Robert.fleming@gov.mb.ca
Trusted. Innovative. Professional. MLS #1118851, Winnipegosis, Manitoba, $349,000 - This is a very productive ranching operation, including 929.84 acres of deeded land, a 1200 sq. ft. house, a 2880 sq. ft. pole machine shed and several outbuildings, grain bins, and corrals, bordering Lake Winnipegosis. There are also 4 quarters of Crown Land approval. Also available is a second spacious modern house outbuildings, a yard site on 113.3 acres of lake front property connected to the parcel. For more information about this listing, please contact
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba FARM SPECIALIST: COUNT ON GRANT TWEED, informed, professional assistance for sellers & buyers. www.granttweed.com Call (204)761-6884 anytime. Service with integrity. ORGANIC FARMLAND W/HOUSE. BEAUTIFUL treed large front yard, 1320-sq-ft house w/attached garage. Farm yard has 2 sheds & 7 granaries, includes all farm equipment, always shedded, hay, grasses, forage, cereals, oil seeds as produced. 240-acres owned, w/rental property is 500-acre operation, all land is certified organic. Call Norm, cell (204)990-8752 or home (204)755-3333.
REAL ESTATE Land For Sale 229.65-ACS OR THEREABOUTS BEING part of South Half 26-9-23W (Griswold area) w/approx 210+ acs cult being suitable for crop or forage production. Older yard with M/C shed, Barn & 5 steel grain bins. For details, Call Maurice Torr, Century 21 Westman.com, Brandon (204)725-0555. THE FOLLOWING PRIVATE LAND (NE + SE-32-21-06W, NW 28-21-06W, NE 20-21-06W) is being offered for sale. The following crown lands have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture Food & Rural Initiatives for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the ranch unit held by Allen M. Lamb of Eriksdale, MB. If you wish to purchase the private land & apply for the unit transfer, contact the lessee at PO Box 248 Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0, or Phone: (204)739-3082. If you wish to comment on or object to this unit transfer write: Director, MAFRI Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 or email RobertFleming@gov.mb.ca
We BUY used oil & filters Collection of plastic oil jugs Glycol recovery services Specialized waste removal Winter & Summer windshield washer fluid Peak Performance anti-freeze ( available in bulk or drums )
Ernie Tucker (204) 447-7192
Andrew Agencies Ltd. 126 Main St. N., Russell, MB
PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Wheat WINTER WHEAT, CERTIFIED FALCON sunrise new generation ptarmigan. For Secan members only foundation & registered flourish. For more information call Fraser Seeds (204)776-2047 or cells (204)534-7458 (204)534-7722, Minto MB.
FOR SALE: CERTI FALCON winter wheat. Call Elias Seeds:(204)745-3301. Carman, MB.
FOR SALE: CERTIFIED FALCON Winter Wheat. Phone James Farms Ltd, (204)222-8785 or Toll Free 1-866-283-8785.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles BRAND NEW ATVS, DIRTBIKES & go-carts; 110cc $699; 125cc $899; 150cc $1,375; 250cc $1575; 300cc $2495; W/6 mth warranty. Phone:(204)727-1712.
Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd. Certified Seed Available
Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers
Hazlet Fall Rye Falcon Winter Wheat
37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email: vscltd@mts.net
Call 1-866-526-2145, or e-mail sales@zeghersseed.com to place your order, or for more information.
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REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted REQUIRE FARMS FOR LOCAL & European buyers grain land with or without bldgs, sheep farms, cattle ranches, suburban properties, or just open land, acreages, houses, cottages. Call Harold (204)253-7373 Delta R.E. www.manitobafarms.ca
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PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various
Did you know that your MILLET, CANARY SEED, FLAXSEED, MUSTARD, DAMAGED CANOLA, & FALL RYE could be destined for export markets?
Proud Supporter of Manitoba Businesses & Municipalities
REAL ESTATE Motels & Hotels
WINTER CEREALS: CERTIFIED FALCON & Buteo Winter Wheat. General purpose Winter Wheat & Fall Rye also avail. Wheat City Seeds Ltd (204)727-3337 Brandon, MB. Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794.
Be sure to drop by, or call us to find out more about marketing options for your old & new crop production ... of all grains!
SEED / FEED / GRAIN SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain JAMES FARMS LTD: good quality feed oats for sale. Phone (204)222-8785 or 1-866-283-8785
Box 144, Medora, MB. R0M 1K0 Ph: 204-665-2384
Also Buying Brown & Yellow Flax & Field Peas Farm Pickup Available CGC Licensed and Bonded Call Cal Vandaele the “Rye Guy” Today!
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Toll Free: 888-974-7246 SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Straw 200 FIRST CUT ALFALFA 5x6 soft core round bales, 80 bales 5x6 soft core alfalfa grass, round&small square oat straw bales, small square alfalfa bales. Phone: (204)265-3143 or (204)479-0116. 2012 CROP MILLET STRAW, excellent feed quality at a cheap price. Phone:(204)325-1383 or (204)362-4874. 5X6 ROUND & 3X3X8 square wheat straw, good, solid, dry bales. Phone:(204)325-1383 or (204)362-4874. FOR SALE APPROX 250 oat-straw bales, net wrapped w/some green, Will load. Phone:(204)837-9750 or (204)799-8130. FOR SALE: ORGANIC FLAX Straw to bale. Phone (204)966-3489. WANTED: DAIRY QUALITY hay HAY, will pick up. Phone:(204)746-5095.
Hay Tarps All Tie Downs Included
10 Available Sizes
Call Mark @ Haybusters:
(800) 371-7928 haybusters.com Dealer inquiries welcome
SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Feed Wanted WANTED: DAIRY, BEEF, GRASS & Straw bales in large square bales. Phone Mark 1-800-371-7928, Winnipeg.
WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328
HEATED & GREEN CANOLA • Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed “ON FARM PICK UP”
We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Cooperator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.
We are buyers of farm grains.
• Vomi wheat • Vomi barley • Feed wheat • Feed barley • Feed oats • Corn • Screenings • Peas • Light Weight Barley You can deliver or we can arrange for farm pickup. Winnipeg 233-8418 Brandon 728-0231 Grunthal 434-6881 “Ask for grain buyer.”
Contact Denis or Ben for pricing ~ 204-325-9555
NOW BUYING Confection and Oil Sunflowers, Brown & Yellow Flax and Red & White Millet Licensed & Bonded P.O. Box 1236 129 Manitoba Rd. Winkler, MB. R6W 4B3
FARMERS, RANCHERS, SEED PROCESSORS BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 6, 2012
CAREERS Professional
CAREERS Professional
Providence Grain Solutions is a successful, dynamic, and innovative locally owned grain and crop input company.
New 30.5L-32 16 ply, $2195; 20.8-38 12 ply $866; 18.4-38 12 ply; $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply $588. Factory direct. More sizes available new and used. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com
TRAILERS Livestock Trailers EXISS ALUMINUM LIVESTOCK TRAILERS. NEW STOCK. 10-yr Warranty. Prices starting at $15,100. Leasing available. Available at Sokal Industries Ltd. Phone: (204)334-6596 e-mail: sokalind@mymts.net
TRAILERS Trailers Miscellaneous BRANDON TRAILER SALES “You will like our prices!” “It’s that Simple!” “Let’s compare quality & price!” “Certainly worth the call!” Phone (204)724-4529. Dealer #4383 FOR SALE: HAY TRAILER, 52-ft, built new in 2003, strong frame. Phone:(204)768-9090. FOR SALE: HEAVY DUTY gooseneck flat deck trailer w/beaver tails. Wooden deck length is 22-ft w/4-ft beaver tails making 26-ft usable space. 2, 7000-lb axles. Made by Moulson’s Welding. Phone (204)842-5386.
CAREERS CAREERS Help Wanted HELP WANTED: WE HAVE a position available on our dairy farm near Haywood for someone who enjoys working with dairy cattle. Duties will mainly include feeding & doing other barn work. Competitive wages. If interested, please call (204)379-2640 or (204)745-7864. JODALE PERRY CORP. IS currently accepting applications from energetic & qualified individuals to join our Morden team for the following full time position: Materials Manager. The Materials Manager is responsible to oversee the Materials & Inventory Control process as well as the Purchasing & Logistics Departments. This position is critical to the organization in ensuring forecasting & on time delivery of quality goods for use within JDP products. The Materials Manager directs the activities of all personnel related to the above departments. The ideal candidate will have 3-yrs experience in disciplines related to Materials & Inventory control, Purchasing and Logistics. Duties include: This position is a member of the JDP management team; Ability to source, quote and provide quality purchased product for manufacturing of JDP Product; Act as a Liaison with external suppliers to ensure quality & accurately specified goods are received in a timely fashion; Manage & maintain adequate stock levels of product to ensure cost efficiency & minimal negative impact to JDP production & or customer experience; Provide assessments of cost of goods vs. manufacturing of product internally; Candidate should have solid computer skills to measure & manage inventory control systems (MRP/ERP) & databases / spreadsheets such as Excel etc.; Responsible to provide methods of continuous improvement in all critical tasks associated with position; Work closely with all affiliated departments to ensure quality & accuracy of purchased products; Oversee activities within Packaging & Shipping department for shipment of products to customers in accordance with delivery commitments; Provide Leadership to department staff to meet all department and corporate objectives; Ability to problemsolving & bring issues to resolution; Must be highly motivated and provide mature leadership to Materials Team. Candidate must be responsible to promote Safety & Health initiatives within the Materials Team; Excellent Communication skills; Ability to be flexible in the work environment & address other duties as assigned; Salary will be negotiated based on experience & will be reviewed during the interview process. For more information regarding Jodale Perry Corp., visit our website at: www.jodaleperry.com. Please forward your resume along with references in confidence to: Jodale Perry Corp. 300 Route 100 Morden, MB. R6M 1X7. Fax:(204)822-9111. Email: darmstrong@jodaleperry.com We invite applications from all interested parties however only Candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. All Internal Applicants will be interviewed. Posting Date is August 21st, 2012. Closing Date is September 12th, at 5:00pm.
Senior Crop Input Manager Providence Grain Solutions requires a highly motivated, reliable, dependable, detail oriented individual to join our team. Managing three separate crop input centres, as the Senior Crop Input Manager you will be responsible for marketing seed, fertilizer and crop protection products to new and existing customers in trading areas; provide agronomic advice; manage product inventories; ensure proper handling and storage of crop input products; and manage the financial and the facility aspects for the crop input business by identifying grain merchandise and crop input opportunities to maximize profitability while maintaining strong customer relationships. The ideal candidate will have a Degree/Diploma in Agriculture/Business and/ or a minimum of 5-10 years of crop input experience in an agricultural related role. A Certified Crop Advisor designation is considered an asset. Candidates will have excellent communication, interpersonal and organizational skills along with a working knowledge of Microsoft applications. Required: • Strong leadership and organizational skills • Strong communication and listening skills • Ability to influence decision-making • Excellent interpersonal skills • Ability to work effectively within a team • Proven problem-solving and decision-making skills • Customer service including creating value for the customer. • Marketing and merchandising knowledge • Crop inputs (fertilizer, e.g.) and general agronomic knowledge Providence Grain Solutions provides an excellent compensation package consisting of a competitive salary, benefits, bonus and training and career development opportunities. Please forward all resumes to: Providence Grain Solutions #168 11870 - 88 Avenue Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta T8L 0K1 Fax: 780-997-0217 • email: sozirney@providencegrain.ca • www.providencegrain.ca We thank all applicants for your interest however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794.
Do you want to target Manitoba farmers? Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator. Manitoba’s best-read farm publication.
CAREERS Sales / Marketing
Interested in Delivering Innovative Solutions to Modern Livestock Producers Producers
EAST-MAN FEEDS is currently seeking a self-motivated, customer service orientated professional to immediately fill the role of
Sales Consultant for our Brandon Territory
East-Man Feeds is a progressive, independently owned Feed Manufacturer providing Western Canada, and the international market, with innovative products, quality service and reliability for over 40 years. Reporting to the Regional Sales Representative, at our office in Brandon, you will be joining a passionate and growing sales team and work in a fun and dynamic environment. Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: • Sales and service of current East-Man Feeds customers in the Western Manitoba Territory • Develop business with existing and non-East-Man Feeds customers • Develop business plan to insure growth of revenue and profits for your territory • Travel throughout the area to build, promote, and maintain positive customer relations. If you possess the following then we want to hear from you: • Post-secondary degree or diploma prefered • Previous sales experience and knowledge of the feed and livestock industry • Excellent communication skills • High degree of computer literacy required • Self-motivated and disciplined • Previous experience with livestock is an asset. Travel is required, a valid passport, a valid driver’s license and vehicle are required. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply with detailed resume and cover letter. Please forward resume to:
Attention: Tyson Birmingham 340 Park Avenue E. Brandon, MB. R7A 7A7 e-mail: tyson.birmingham@eastmanfeeds.com phone: (204) 724.2004 fax: (204) 725.1197 www.eastmanfeeds.com
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Find it fast at 1-800-782-0794
CAREERS Sales / Marketing