More shattering with new varieties » PG 17
Restaurants can’t lock in prices » PG 35
FEBRUARY 14, 2013
‘Doubt grenades’ lethal to beef industry’s fortunes
Canada-EU talks hit a stalemate Differences over market access for farm products remain
Panel discussion addresses need to end the livestock industry’s bunker mentality
By David Ljunggren OTTAWA / REUTERS
anada and the European Un i o n f a i l e d t o s e t tle their differences on a proposed free trade deal this week at top-level talks to hammer out an agreement that is already well behind schedule. Canadian Trade Minister E d F a s t a n d E U Tr a d e Commissioner Karel De Gucht spent Feb. 6 and 7 in Ottawa discussing contentious issues including agricultural exports, See EU TALKS on page 6 »
Ryder Lee (l to r) of NFACC, Dr. Jim Clark of CFIA, Dr. Joe Stookey of the Unversity of Saskatchewan and Scott Entz, vice-president at Cargill, discuss animal welfare trends at the MBP annual meeting last week. PHOTO: DANIEL WINTERS By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF / BRANDON
Publication Mail Agreement 40069240
ith everything from multimillion-dollar budgets and legions of fanatical supporters, animal activists have a lot of tools at their disposal for turning the public off of beef. But by far the most potent weapon in their arsenal of clandestine YouTube videos and Twitter tweets is what Ryder Lee calls the “doubt grenade.” Instead of hurling shards of white-hot metal in every direction, this kind of ordnance can
inflict lasting damage by casting suspicion from every angle. “If we get doubt grenades going off on consumers, they are going to buy something else, pork or chicken or maybe not meat at all,” said Lee, manager of federal-provincial relations for the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and a member of the National Farm Animal Care Council. Lee was part of a panel discussing animal welfare issues at the Manitoba Beef Producers annual meeting here last week. “If it goes off at the retail level, they are going to start telling us
what we have to do different. If that grenade goes off at government, they are going to make us change with legislation and regulation.” The “pink slime” debacle is one example of the carnage that can turn a once-thriving industry — the lean finely textured beef-processing sector — into an instant casualty. Most ranchers would prefer to “keep their heads down and ranch,” said Lee, but NFACC is trying to head off future fiascos and “retain our social licence to keep raising cattle” via its updated Beef Code of Practice,
the draft version of which is open to online comment until March 8. “It’s a little dusty,” said Lee. “It was done in 1991, so it’s time to renew it.” Dr. Joe Stookey, an animal behaviourist from University of Saskatchewan, observed that people on both sides of the issue are naturally inclined to think that their own viewpoint is “right” and those with opposing views are either “less enlightened,” or “naive, fanatical or crazy.” See BEEF INDUSTRY on page 6 »
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Did you know?
Good news for beef-loving male boomers
Facts aren’t enough Pork producers need to justify ethics
Recommended beef portion size may be too small
Quick-dry sunnies More shattering with new varieties
FEATURE Life after the monopoly Changes anti-climatic so far
CROSSROADS Silence isn’t golden Farm succession needs to be discussed openly
4 5 10 11
Editorials Comments Livestock Markets Grain Markets
ood news for middle-aged male beef eaters — you may be able to double your serving of beef — to six ounces, that is. And you should probably be lifting weights first. T h e E x e r c i s e Me t a b o l i s m Research Group at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont. conducted a study on ways to counteract age-related muscle loss. Thirty-five middle-aged men averaging 59 years old participated in a study that found that eating a six-ounce serving of 85 per cent lean ground beef resulted in significant improvements in the rate of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) following exercise. The investigators measured MPS, which is essential to the body’s ongoing growth, repair and maintenance of skeletal muscle, in men who did and did not lift w e i g h t s . They determined that the quantity of beef needed for optimal MPS for this age group is double the current recommended serving size of meat. “Canada’s Food Guide now suggests that consuming about three ounces of meat per serving is adequate to provide protein at the recommended level,” senior author Dr. Stuart Phillips said in a release. “However,
But only one, and you have to go to the gym first. photo: thinkstock
our work shows that the quantity of beef needed to maximize the renewal of new muscle proteins was at least six ounces in middle-aged men. Our findings have clear ramifications for the current recommendations regarding protein to prevent muscle loss in aging.” The research was published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
What’s Up Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku
14 16 26 30
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Canada wins high praise for its contribution to food security Canada has pledged stable, long-term funding through the newly ratified Food Assistance Convention By Dave Bedard and Laura Rance co-operator staff
anada has won high praise from a senior official with the UN’s World Food Program for becoming one of the first countries to make its minimum nine-figure annual pledge up front as it formally adopts a new international treaty. “Canada is one of the strongest supporters of the World Food Program,” said Pedro Medrano Rojas, acting assistant executive director, partnership and governance services of the WFP, in an interview Feb. 6. Rojas, in Winnipeg to meet with non-government organizations, said Canada deserves credit for taking a leadership role in negotiating the new convention, which marks a significant shift in the focus and management of food assistance offered to those who face hunger due to environmental, economic or political crisis. “In the past, food aid was a function of surplus,” Rojas said, noting countries supported the WFP as a means of reducing market-depressing stocks while helping to feed those in need. The first food aid convention evolved to regulate that distribution in order to minimize disruption to markets, he said. “Today, I think we have moved from food aid to food assistance; food aid is one of the elements, but not the only one,” Rojas said. The WFP strives today to intervene before famine strikes and to pursue developments that treat the elimination of hunger as an investment in human capacity, rather than a cost.
Untied aid
Rojas said the move away from emergency funding in a crisis and so-called “tied aid,” in which countries’ support came in the form of commodities purchased
from the donor countries is an important step forward. Canada moved to untie its aid in 2008 and now commits a minimum of $250 million annually in cash. This allows much greater flexibility in how food is acquired. It also allows the WFP to plan ahead. Now, 86 per cent of WFP food purchases come from developing countries, a change that has helped reduce the lead time for distributing food in a crisis by 62 days and saved $40 million in procurement costs. “That’s the equivalent of feeding 250,000 people for a year,” said Mary-Ellen McGroarty, the WFP’s deputy director of procurement. T h e Fo o d A s s i s t a n c e Convention, ratified so far by Canada, the U.S., the European Union, Denmark, Japan and Switzerland as its founding members, came into force Jan. 1 and requires member countries to pledge a “minimum annual level of quality food assistance” to developing countries. The treaty, according to Julian Fantino, Canada’s minister for international cooperation, will give the United Nations’ World Food Program “the knowledge and certainty they need for long-term planning and purchasing, making them more flexible and efficient in what they buy and where they buy it.” In Canada’s case, the minimum commitment announced Feb. 5 will be $250 million per year in food assistance “promising to help make delivery of food more efficient,” the government said. The guaranteed commitments in the treaty “can pay dividends for food suppliers, such as Canadian farmers and processors, as well,” Fantino said in a speech Feb. 5 to the Saskatchewan Global Food
A delegation of Ambassadors of European Union to Sudan visits a women’s development program centre funded by World Food Program (WFP) at Shagra village in North Darfur in October 2012. According to UNAMID, fuel-efficient stoves made out of mud reduce firewood consumption by 30 per cent and the number of times needed to collect firewood. Photo: REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah
Security Forum meeting in Saskatoon. “With the quality and consistency of Canadian products, Canadian farmers and processors would be able to compete and succeed as the supplier of choice for food assistance buyers.” The new and legally binding treaty’s features include “new forms of food assistance to protect and improve access to food for those most in need,” the government said in a release. For example, it includes the use of cash and vouchers to allow people to buy what they need in local markets, as well as the provision of seeds and tools to help “restart livelihoods” following emergencies. The treaty also endorses “nutritional interventions,”
which the government said are meant to help “particularly vulnerable groups, such as children and mothers, get the right food they need at the right time.”
“We are pleased that the government has taken this important step, and for making a significant minimum commitment to provide food assistance for those who don’t have enough to eat,” Canadian Foodgrains Bank executive director Jim Cornelius said in a separate release. The food grains bank, he added, is “hopeful that Canada will continue to provide more than the minimum — as they have done in the past.” The treaty’s supports are based on current estimates that about 900 million children,
women and men “do not have enough nutritious food to eat due to extreme poverty, natural disasters and conflicts, resulting in 50 million children under the age of five suffering from acute malnutrition,” the government said. The food grains bank, a partnership of Canadian churchbased agencies, said the treaty will allow it to use funds from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to “address food-insecure situations in new ways” and to use government funds for nutritional interventions. The first session of the Food Assistance Committee, which includes representatives from all parties to the treaty, is to be held later this month, the government said.
Municipalities object to amalgamation decree
Association of Manitoba Municipalities head says amalgamation is a complex process that can’t be rushed By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff
he province has told municipalities to get on with amalgamation, rejecting their plea for more time for orderly planning. “It’s an expedited proc ess,” said Doug Dobrowolski, president of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities. “We’re very concerned that the public is not going to have an opportunity to voice their concern here.” But that argument didn’t sway Premier Greg Selinger and Ron Lemieux, the minister responsible for local government, who told Dobrowolski that revised boundaries must be in place for the October 2014 municipal elections. “In reality, we have a year and a half to do this,” said Dobrowolski, noting campaign
financing rules require everything to be in place by June 2014. But officials from many rural municipalities have said that isn’t enough time to hold public meetings, meet with other councils and do all the required administrative work — which includes merging assets and debts, as well as reviewing or reworking service agreements. Mi s t a k e s w i l l b e c o s t l y, Dobrowolski warned. “This will have an effect on ratepayers and an effect on taxation,” he said. “We want to make sure everything is done right, not, ‘Hurry up and get this done.’” The province has decided to enforce a rule in the Municipal Act, which states municipalities must have at least 1,000 permanent residents. There are 92 of the province’s 196 municipalities which don’t meet that standard.
“In reality, we have a year and a half to do this.” Doug Dobrowolski Association of Manitoba Municipalities president
While his association isn’t opposed to amalgamation, the decree is ruffling a lot of feathers, Dobrowolski said. “We’ve got the full gamut here,” he said. “There’s a certain percentage that are going to say ‘over my dead body’ type of thing. There’s some saying, ‘If we had more time, yes, we’ll probably do it.’ And there’s some that are going to go (forward with amalgamating) right away.” Municipalities with less than 1,000 residents were sent let-
ters asking them to amalgamate with neighbouring ones, and given until Jan. 31 to declare their intentions. The provincial government says it will help with the process, offering councils and their staff guidebooks on how to proceed, hosting special meetings, and providing “amalgamation teams” of provincial support staff to help in the process. In a recent CBC interview, Lemieux said he fully expected that “some will dig the heels in early.” “To me this is just the beginning,” he said. “I’m asking that people give this amalgamation opportunity a chance.” But critics argue the province should have consulted, instead of issuing orders. “It should be left up to the grassroots to decide, not to the provincial government,” said
Brent Fortune, reeve of the RM of Blanshard. “There probably is a place for amalgamation, but it is being forced upon us and that’s what we’re against.” Fortune said he met with officials from seven RMs (Harrison, M i n o t a , D a l y, H a m i o t a , Strathclair, Woodworth, and Saskatchewan) plus the towns of Rapid City and Hamiota in mid-January and none are considering amalgamation at this time, he said. “We can’t see any benefits in it,” he said. But Fortune said he’ll attend upcoming seminars this month to learn more about the process. “You can’t put your head in the sand,” he said. “You’ve got to know about all the pros and cons, and be gathering all the information you can.” lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Sequence and intervals
sk a room full of agronomists what’s significant about the year 1993 and the word “fusarium” ripples through the crowd. It was a memorable year. Much of the wheat in Manitoba, particularly in the Red River Valley, was contaminated with fusarium head blight disease, which affects yields but also creates toxins that can affect human and animal health. The disease Laura Rance is now endemic on the Prairies, although Editor much more is known about how to control its effects through fungicides, cultural practices and screening. Another significant year is 2003, which will be remembered as the year clubroot first surfaced in an Alberta county. In 2012, it was found for the first time in Saskatchewan. Blackleg became endemic to the canola-growing regions of the Prairies in the mid-1970s, forcing a quick search for varieties that offered genetic resistance. And 1988 was when the industry first acknowledged herbicide-resistant weeds were a reality, that has only worsened with time. Extension agronomists are already asking whether 2013 will be the year marking the official arrival of soybean cyst nematode in Manitoba. These dates of dubious distinction in the Prairies’ agronomic history now number in the dozens. But they are all linked by a common thread. “Weeds and disease are Mother Nature’s way of adding diversity to a system that lacks it,” says Dwayne Beck, manager of the Dakota Lakes Research Farm affiliated with South Dakota State University and a leading proponent of no-till farming. Beck was in Winnipeg recently to discuss the role crop rotation plays in managing agricultural ecosystems at the Manitoba Agronomists Conference. He offers an alternative view, but it’s one that’s working on a commercial-scale farm. He stresses farmers need to better manage both the sequence and interval of their rotations if they want to build a resilient cropping system that doesn’t require the heavy use of pest control products. “Remember those two words, sequence and interval,” he told his audience. “The goal is to be inconsistent.” Beck isn’t a fan of organic agriculture; he likes to keep his options open. That said, he’s consciously backing away from what he calls the escalating “arm’s race” between farmers and pests. “We have not used a grass control herbicide in wheat since the 1980s and we do not have wild oats and cheat grass and goat grass that my neighbours have,” he says. If you think about it, nature is balanced by inconsistency. Spring never comes on exactly the same day every year; when that first frost will hit is anybody’s guess. Humans, on the other hand, prefer routine. Farmers’ crop rotations typically rotate between three or four crops in the same sequence, cycle after cycle. It may be diverse but in a predictable way. It’s only a matter of time before nature figures out human routines and responds. “If you have a problem weed or disease or something, Mother Nature is an opportunist. If you’ve got a problem you’ve created an opportunity,” he said. He cited corn rootworm in the U.S. as an example. “The normal habit of corn rootworm is the beetles feed on the silks; the females drop down and lay their eggs at the base of the corn plant and if you plant corn there the next year, the babies eat the roots,” Beck says. So, farmers went to a corn-bean rotation. In the western Corn Belt, the rootworm eggs now hatch out every two years. In the eastern Corn Belt, the female flies to the soybean field to lay her eggs. “The first case is because the interval is only two years; the other case is because the corn always follows the soybeans.” Beck’s approach to crop sequencing would be considered heresy in some agronomic circles. He frequently grows the same crop back to back for two years. But then he doesn’t come back to that crop for several years. The so-called “stacked rotation” offers an added benefit of improving soil bacteria needed for inoculating soybeans, but it also gives the farmer more flexibility in keeping disease pressure to a minimum and controlling weed or pest resistance. “You have a clean system and you come back and go boom, boom and Mother Nature sees what you are up to and then you switch to something else,” he says. “It makes a lot of sense. You knock your disease pressure down to really low levels. Plus, it keeps pest populations diverse and confused because of diversity in sequence and interval.” The beauty and the beast of it though, is that it’s unique to each farm and it’s constantly changing. “Whenever I get asked what rotation should I use, I ask, who chose your wife? I can tell you a lot of things that are important, but I can’t choose the rotation for you.” laura@fbcpublishing.com
Purging the spurge in Manitoba The RM of Stanley sees results with biological predators By Jonathan Kornelsen
ost farmers are well aware of leafy spurge. This invasive perennial plant was accidentally introduced to North America in the early 1800s. Today, according to the 2010 leafy spurge Economic Impact Assessment (www.leafyspurge.ca) this invasive plant costs the Manitoba economy over $40 million a year with over 1.2 million acres infested. The Stanley Soil Management Association has been working hard to manage this invasive plant using biological controls, and they are seeing some fantastic results. But first, why is leafy spurge such a problem plant? Part of what makes invasive plants so invasive is the fact that unlike native vegetation they lack natural predators. That means their growth goes unchecked while native plants are consumed by insects and livestock. On top of this, leafy spurge reproduces at a rapid rate, producing hundreds of seeds per plant and sprouting new plants from its extensive root system. These roots are good at storing nutrients and that allows it to bounce back easily after experiencing harsh conditions. Leafy spurge forms dense stands and is not grazed by most livestock or wildlife. This plant is proficient at taking over a landscape and it needs to be controlled. One way it can be controlled is through the use of insect biological controls. Biological control involves the intentional use of the invasive plant’s natural enemies to suppress
its population. Insects from Europe, which feed only on leafy spurge, have been brought to Manitoba and are effective at weakening and limiting the spread of leafy spurge. The most effective control agents in Manitoba have been multiple species of flea beetle (Aphthona). These little insects are capable of causing substantial damage to leafy spurge. The adults feed on the leaves during the spring and summer. In late August, the larvae emerge from their eggs and burrow below ground to feed on its roots. This stresses the plant and often infested plants won’t flower the year after larval infestation. Stanley Soil Management Association (SSMA) has been using these flea beetles in the RM of Stanley since 1997. There have been over 200 release sites across the RM with 14 sites being monitored for effectiveness over the last five years. Overall, they have seen a 90 per cent reduction in the leafy spurge population with one patch being completely eliminated in a five-year period. With the proper soil conditions, these biological controls can be effective but still take an effort to collect, release and monitor. It is important to take an integrated management approach when dealing with leafy spurge. This means using the most appropriate and available chemical, physical and biological techniques in combination. And as always, prevention is vital. To limit the spread, make sure to check vehicles, livestock forage and seed stock for leafy spurge seeds and plants. Report the presence of leafy spurge to the Invasive Species Council of Manitoba (www. invasivespeciesmanitoba.com). Jonathan Kornelsen is a technician with the Invasive Species Management Council of Manitoba (ISCM)
February 1965
his advertisement from the Feb. 25, 1965 issue is a reminder of one of the many former agricultural chemical companies that have disappeared or merged into a larger organization. Chipman Chemicals offered Abol for wireworm control, Mergamma for control of wireworms and seed-borne diseases, Agrosol for seedborne diseases and Gammasan for seed-borne disease and flea beetle control in rapeseed and mustard. Elsewhere in the issue, federal Agriculture Minister Harry Hays announced licensing of four new varieties — Manitou wheat, Harmon oats, Conquest barley and Noralta flax. In the House of Commons, Conservative opposition critics scolded Trade and Wheat Board Minister Mitchell Sharp for not preventing a recent cut in board selling prices. Bob Douglas, who passed away last fall, had been appointed the first executive secretary of the Manitoba Farm Bureau. Editor Quincy Martinson mused about how fortunate future farmers would be in having productive and satisfying work, given that automation appeared to be taking over other jobs. He quoted an economist’s prediction that in the next 25 years, two per cent of the U.S. population would be able to produce all the goods the other 98 per cent could consume. “In this environment, what then is this great mass of humanity to do in their lifetime? With few workers to represent, what does the member of Parliament do? Can democracy survive in a world of computers and machines where man has no economic function?”
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Reflections on the new age of grain marketing
Now there are a few months under our belts, just how accurate were those horror stories about grain marketing post-CWB monopoly? By Les McEwan
Do I think the funds are coming back into the market? Absolutely, but that being said, I am 70 per cent sold, so I am not betting the farm on it.
uch has been written about how farmers will market their grains in the postsingle-desk world. Horror stories abound about how the grain companies won’t take the CWB contracts until they have filled their own, pools won’t reflect fair market prices, and farmers won’t have the expertise to market in the new climate. Now that we have a few months’ experience under our belts, just how accurate were those stories? In my own case, the changes have been a little anti-climatic. We operate on a four-year rotation, and half of my acreage has been in offboard crops anyway, so playing in the open market really isn’t new territory. What I do see different this year is the amount of influence outside forces are having on the trade but that could be said for all markets, not just grains. Our wheat sales in recent years have been a combination of pooling and fixed price contracts, and we’ve been very happy with the returns we’ve been able to extract through our board sales. Unfortunately fixed price contracts were one of the first fatalities at the new CWB, so we have replaced those with occasional private contracts. Have we stayed in the pools? Absolutely, and it has more to do with marketing strategy than allegiance. Many producers have been so caught up in the CWB debate in the last two years that emotions have gotten ahead of manage ment decisions. When all the arguing subsides and the dust settles, the CWB has historically returned above-average prices to its producers. Point blank, the CWB has been an effective marketer, and if it can continue to do that in the current atmosphere, pooling is still a viable option. Did the far mer who sold his entire crop in last fall’s market at $9.25 per bushel do better than the pool? Probably, but like most farmers, I haven’t been in the habit of selling the year’s production at harvest. By participating in the Harvest Pool I have at least captured a portion of that market. By keeping
photo: thinkstock
50 to 70 per cent of production in the pool, I know that I am going to receive an above-average price for that portion of the crop, and with this year’s prices, costs are more than covered. The remaining bushels allow me to play with shortterm spikes in the market and allow me to capture extra profits should they occur. Of course the big disclaimer in that paragraph is “if they should occur,” which takes us back to what analysts refer to as the “black swans” circling over our heads. Weather issues, inaccuracies in stocks reporting, unstable money markets, unstable governments, and buyer reluctance are all weighing heavy on the minds of the speculative funds, and we need those funds to be actively participating if the market is going to climb above nearby levels. Do I think the funds are coming back into the market? Absolutely, but that being said, I am 70 per cent sold, so I am not betting the farm on it. Analysts tell us that there are still big stocks of unpriced wheat in the countryside. Farmers holding out for the top dollar in the market is understandable, but hanging on to grain because they were afraid $9.25 wasn’t the top isn’t market-
We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to: Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: news@fbcpublishing.com (subject: To the editor)
ing. That’s gambling. And if you are gambling with 100 per cent of your production, you need to ask yourself if that’s really the best marketing plan. Many producers seem to think we are looking at another 2008 and it’s only a matter of time before the price goes through the ceiling. Personally, I hope they are right, and I do think there will be some serious weather scares in the market before the year is out. But the situation is different than it was in 2008. That year, American farmers were mostly sold out before wheat went over $7 per bushel and the CWB was incrementally selling through the price increases. When speculators took the market over $20, those stocks had clearly been sold off. This year there is a perception that Canadian farmers are still holding on to significant supplies of highquality milling wheat. In 2008, the Nor th Amer ican economy was also more robust, and buyers were prepared to bid h i g h e r. In s h o r t , t h e s p e c u l a tors could take the market higher because there was very little actual grain changing hands. That will be very different if Canadian farmers are holding stocks, and buyers are unwilling to purchase at higher
Standing up for farmers? The Harper government has been using the phrase “Standing up for farmers” when it makes agricultural announcements. But I think “sticking it to farmers” is more realistic. A case in point is the firing of Adrian Measner CEO of the farmer-controlled Canadian Wheat Board in 2006. Although farmers paid for Mr. Measner’s salary, the Conservatives fired him because he did not toe the Harper line on destroying the single desk. Not only did farmers have to pay for the severance of Mr. Measner but they also had to pay to search for a replacement and hire a new CEO at several times the annual salary of Mr. Measner. So although the Conservatives directly cost
prices. In the end, I am still bullish on short spikes, but I don’t recommend holding out for $26. Was it difficult to deliver against CWB contracts? Not at all. When the new tax year rolled around and I wanted to deliver, I called up the local elevator and started hauling. Quite frankly, even as a board supporter I can’t say that I miss delivery quotas or contracts. They were originally put in place to give farmers equal access to the elevator system, but in reality deliveries were limited by rail movement and elevator space anyway. The elimination of local line elevators and branch lines has made the concept of equal delivery obsolete, and I have to say it was very nice to be able to deliver an entire contract in one run. Can pooled sales survive in this market? That will depend on the attitudes of the people who support it. Has losing 75 per cent of its staff slowed down the CWB’s final payments? Absolutely, but we have to get beyond the fear and mistrust a nd s ta r t m ak in g ma na gem en t decisions based on returns. I don’t understand the hatred and fear-mongering that has gone on with every move the board has made. The recent agreement to work with FNA to source field staff is an indication that this agency is prepared to keep sales up, and keep rural contacts despite the number of people they have lost. With the degree of foreign takeover we are seeing within the grain and rail sectors, the CWB may soon be the only Canadian-owned entity we have to work with. Les McEwan farms near Altamont.
farmers millions of dollars, they have not had the decency to return the farmers’ money they wasted because of their ideology. At one point they claimed they would return the money to the pool accounts. However, that initiative vanished and the farmerelected directors initiated a court action to recover that money on farmers’ behalf. Farmers need to ask the present CEO if he is still pursuing that court case or have the governmentappointed directors, his present masters, told him to abandon that case, be a good lap dog and wait for his next order from Minister Ritz? Kyle Korneychuk Former CWB elected director Pelly, Sask.
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
FROM PAGE ONE BEEF INDUSTRY Continued from page 1
In the case of urbanites especially, perception tends to follow cataclysmic shifts due to cases of “public outrage.” For the ranching community, a shift has occurred more gradually.
Changing views
“Tough questions” from over 80 students a year over two decades has caused Stookey — who comes from a typical farming background — to shift in his own stance on issues such as dehorning. “Has our view shifted over time, or are we locked in?” asked Stookey. Dr. Jim Clark of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said animal transport regulations are the current lightning rod for change. Of the 18 petitions received by Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz’s office since 2009, 11 were aimed at transport rules, and in 2012, over 900 letters on the same topic filled his mailbox. That, and new OIE standards, are driving a modernization of the transport regulations that have remained unchanged since the 1970s. For example, Clark noted that Canada’s rules governing the time animals in transport can go without water are among the most lax among the country’s international trading partners. In New Zealand, the maximum time they can go without water is 12 hours, in the European Union it’s eight hours, and 28 hours in the United States. “A lot of this has to do with geography, but in Canada it’s 52 hours and can be extended to 57 hours,” said Clark, adding that the maximum time without feed in transit is 81 hours. Regulatory amendments gov-
erning those issues have been underway since 2006, and a draft based on “outcomes” is ready to be released that would redefine overcrowding as well as give CFIA staff the power to euthanize injured or downer livestock. “We’re not on the same page as some of our major trading partners and society in general,” said Clark. “This could become a trade barrier. The time to update our regulations is now.”
Video auditing
Scott Entz, vice-president of Cargill Meat Solutions in High River, Alta., said that animal handling now is very different than it was when he started three decades ago. Pe o p l e f o r t h e E t h i c a l Treatment of Animals (PETA), and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), with annual budgets of $25 million and $100 million respectively, are going after consumers with lurid, attention-getting campaigns such as renaming retailers such as Burger King “Murder King.”
“These folks don’t lack for resources,” said Entz. Cargill’s strategy is to take away all opportunities for making the industry look bad, such as the “game-changing” Hallmark/Westland hidden “downer cow” video scandal of 2008 that led to a recall of 143 million pounds of beef. To prevent giving the enemy any “doubt bomb” ammunition, Cargill has installed a 15-camera, third-party-operated, 24/7 video auditing system on key aspects of its slaughter line. Any deviation from a set list of criteria sets off a chain reaction of instant notifications to management on the situation, he said. Cargill recently invited a film crew from the “Oprah Winfrey Show” to tour a plant, and the “risky venture” ended up communicating a positive message. “At the end of the day, it hopefully helped out not only us but the whole industry,” said Entz. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com
Tables turned on proponents of veganism The beef industry’s potential for showing its positive animal welfare aspects is often overlooked, said former National Farmers Union director and rancher Fred Tait following the animal welfare panel at the Manitoba Beef Producers annual meeting last week. Tait was recently invited to a posh vegan dinner at a Toronto hotel by the Brenda Bronfman-founded Animal Alliance of Canada. He recalled how his hosts had pilloried him for his pro-hunting and farming
stance. Desperate to turn the tables amid an unrelenting onslaught of verbal jabs and provocations, Tait finally expressed his personal “discomfort” with the fact that natural habitats for myriad wild creatures had been diverted and destroyed by human activity to create cultivated land for growing the meal’s raw materials. “It went deadly silent,” said Tait. “Then one of the main proponents for non-consumptive use of animals said, ‘You’re right. I never thought of that.’”
EU TALKS Continued from page 1
intellectual proper ty and public procurement. The EU indicated Canadian demands for increased access for its agricultural products were one of the major obstacles. “There are still a number of important gaps to be bridged before an agreement is reached,” EU trade spokesman John Clancy said in an email Feb. 8. “Quality and substance of the negotiations remain paramount over speed. On agricultural issues, we are now in a more realistic zone, but we are still not there yet.” The EU remains opposed to increasing quotas of imported beef and pork from Canada, while Ottawa does not want to allow increased imports of EU dairy products, eggs and poultry. Adding to the pressure on Ot t a w a , Eu r o p e a n Un i o n leaders agreed Feb. 8 to push for a free trade pact with the United States — a market 10 times the size of Canada’s. Ta l k s o n a n a g re e m e n t started in 2009 and were supposed to have wrapped up by the end of 2011, a date that was later pushed back to the end of 2012. An agreement would be the EU’s first with a country from the G7 club of major economies and could be worth roughly $28 billion from extra economic activity. Canada, which says free trade with the EU would boost bilateral trade by 20 per cent, wants to diversify its trade away from the United States, which takes 75 per cent of all Canadian exports. The EU takes just over 10 per cent.
A spokesman for Fast said “f u r t h e r i m p o r t a n t w o r k remains to be done, and the process of negotiations is continuing.” He declined to say whether the two sides had set a deadline for the talks to conclude. One source close to the talks told Reuters that “setback is too strong a word” for the meeting, noting what he said was both sides’ determination to achieve a deal. Canadian meat producers want an end to high EU import tariffs they say have effectively shut Canada out of a European market that consumes eight million tonnes of beef products a year. T h e p ro d u c e r s w i l l n o t reveal how much beef they would like to export, saying only that “it will be big.” One industr y source this week told Reuters “the Eu ro p e a n s c a n’t p o s s i b l y give the amount of beef the Canadians are asking for.” The Europeans want Canada to extend patent protection for major pharmaceutical companies, accept more EU dairy products and open up internal procurement markets. The Canada Europe Ro u n d t a b l e f o r B u s i n e s s trade lobby this week urged negotiators to wrap up a deal soon, noting any agreement would have to be voted on by the European Parliament, which is due to hold elections in April 2014. If legislators do not deal with the treaty in time, it would be handled by the next Parliament, meaning ratification could be delayed by 18 months, the group added.
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These youngsters were huddling together for warmth after their arrival last month. photo: luc gamache
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Independent panel named to review XL Foods recall Veterinary health officer, food safety exec to probe E. coli outbreak Staff
he federal government has named its panel for an independent review of last fall’s massive E. colirelated beef recall at Alberta’s XL Foods. The government on Friday named Dr. Ron Lewis, British Columbia’s former chief veterinary officer, to chair a threemember panel for “a review of events and circumstances related to the XL Foods Inc. E. coli 0157:H7 investigation and recall.” The panel’s final report and any resulting recommendations “will be made public once completed,” the government said. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency pulled the federal operating licence from XL’s plant at Brooks, Alta. on Sept. 27 last year upon findings that some beef shipped from the plant
was contaminated with 0157:H7 bacteria that sickened at least 18 people in Canada. XL in mid-October signed a management services agreement with the U.S. arm of Brazil’s JBS, the world’s biggest meat packer, to run the Brooks plant. JBS in January exercised its option to buy the plant and other XL beef assets in Alberta and the U.S. for US$100 million. The Brooks plant on Jan. 14 resumed slaughter and processing operations under normal CFIA oversight, the government said, noting samples have “consistently” not detected 0157:H7 and all outstanding corrective action requests are addressed. “As our government committed, there will be an independent review that will be made public,” federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said in a statement. “We look forward to receiving the pan-
el’s report so that we may review its recommendations.” The independent panel, the government said, is tasked with making recommendations “within the existing resources” of the CFIA to “strengthen prevention strategies and regulatory oversight.” Specifically, the panel is to examine “events, circumstances, and factors” that contributed to the E. coli outbreak, including preventive control programs, inspection policies and protocols and information exchanges between CFIA and “food safety system partners” such as XL and foreign food safety and health regulators. The panel is also to consider whether CFIA or XL could “reasonably have detected the contamination prior to beef products entering into distribution and commerce.”
Lewis, the panel chair, was British Columbia’s CVO from 1999 to 2009 and now chairs the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association’s editorial committee, which oversees the content of the Canadian Veterinary Journal and Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. His panel also includes Dr. Andre Corriveau, the Northwest Territories’ chief public health officer, an adjunct professor in medicine at the University of Calgary and a clinical professor at the University of Alberta’s School of Public Health. The third panellist is Dr. Ronald Usborne, the retired vice-president of quality assurance and food safety for beef patty processor Caravelle Foods, which operates in Alberta and Ontario and was taken over by Cargill in 2004. Usborne has also taught students at the University of Guelph.
Canola award of excellence STAFF / The Manitoba Canola Growers Association has awarded honoured Dugald farmer Ken Edie the 2013 Manitoba Canola Growers Award of Excellence. Edie was the first president of the association back in 1970, when the association went by the Manitoba Rapeseed Growers Association. During his farming career, he served the Manitoba canola and agriculture industry as chairman of the Canola Council of Canada; where he also went on to hold various other positions and is an honorary life member. He served and made an impact as vicepresident of the Manitoba Pool Elevators and vicechair of Prairie Pools Inc. The presentation was made last month.
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Stocks tight, but new crop cereal prospects excellent
ROME / REUTERS / Global cereals crops are expected to be excellent in 2013 unless weather turns very bad, but stocks are tight and climate-related shocks could cause prices to spike up violently, a senior economist at the UN’s food agency said on Thursday. “We should be expecting excellent crops in 2013 which could weigh heavily on prices,” said Abdolreza Abbassian, a senior economist at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). “But the weather could turn negative, and because we are in a tight situation, prices could react violently and rise,” he said.
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1/18/13 12:41 PM
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg
February 8, 2013
Good demand lifts feeder cattle at lighter weights
Steers & Heifers — D1, 2 Cows 60.00 - 66.00 D3 Cows 52.00 - 58.00 Bulls 75.00 - 83.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 100.00 - 125.00 (801-900 lbs.) 116.00 - 128.00 (701-800 lbs.) 120.00 - 134.00 (601-700 lbs.) 125.00 - 137.00 (501-600 lbs.) 135.00 - 154.00 (401-500 lbs.) 145.00 - 160.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 100.00 - 114.00 (801-900 lbs.) 107.00 - 117.00 (701-800 lbs.) 110.00 - 122.00 (601-700 lbs.) 115.00 - 127.00 (501-600 lbs.) 120.00 - 139.50 (401-500 lbs.) 128.00 - 150.00
Alberta South $ 115.50 - 116.75 116.50 - 116.50 68.00 - 78.00 60.00 - 70.00 — $ 120.00 - 131.00 124.00 - 136.00 130.00 - 140.00 135.00 - 151.00 147.00 - 168.00 160.00 - 185.00 $ 110.00 - 121.00 116.00 - 127.00 118.00 - 130.00 125.00 - 139.00 131.00 - 149.00 138.00 - 164.00
($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)
(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)
Futures (February 8, 2013) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change February 2013 127.55 -0.08 April 2013 131.52 -1.28 June 2013 127.02 -1.28 August 2013 127.60 -1.73 October 2013 131.90 -1.45 December 2013 133.30 -1.03 Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.
Feeder Cattle March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013
The loonie spurred U.S. demand; eastern interest slowed Terryn Shiells
Ontario $ 95.68 - 128.97 113.36 - 128.10 56.28 - 76.20 56.28 - 76.20 76.68 - 91.55 $ 122.47 - 137.84 111.12 - 134.99 124.36 - 142.71 121.36 - 149.52 127.78 - 167.22 127.79 - 174.14 $ 110.46 - 119.89 107.14 - 123.65 102.91 - 127.19 117.75 - 136.19 119.54 - 147.67 116.99 - 152.30
Close 147.20 150.57 152.85 158.95 160.45 161.15
Change -2.35 -2.01 -2.18 -1.30 -1.20 -1.40
Cattle Grades (Canada)
Week Ending February 2, 2013 50,140 10,175 39,965 NA 621,000
Previous Year 56,175 14,015 42,160 NA 591,000
Week Ending February 2, 2013 549 21,976 15,766 500 680 9,884 10
Prime AAA AA A B D E
Previous Year 384 21,989 20,262 822 733 8,624 197
Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture
(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)
Current Week 173.00 E 160.00 E 162.39 165.91
Futures (February 8, 2013) in U.S. Hogs February 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013
Last Week 171.51 159.00 160.33 165.55
Close 86.97 86.52 93.45 94.60 94.40
Last Year (Index 100) 173.49 159.29 159.15 164.20
Change -0.63 -2.83 -2.93 -3.50 -3.68
Other Market Prices Winnipeg 70.00 - 78.00 100.00 - 105.00 105.00 - 110.00 110.00 - 120.00 110.00 - 120.00 —
Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230
Turkeys Minimum prices as of February 10, 2013 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.025 Undergrade .............................. $1.935 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.015 Undergrade .............................. $1.915 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.015 Undergrade .............................. $1.915 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.975 Undergrade............................... $1.890 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.
eeder cattle prices were mostly stronger during the week ended Feb. 8 at auction yards across Manitoba, with the exception of heifers that weighed more than 650 pounds. There are more heifers around over 650 lbs. in the province, but Allan Munroe at Killarney Auction Mart isn’t sure that’s why their prices weren’t as strong this week. “Some of them maybe were showing a little more flesh,” he said, which could have had buyers bidding a little bit lower than for the lighter cattle. Lighter classes of cattle on the feeder side of the market were strong during the week due to good demand. “We saw our highs get higher this week on most classes; our averages stayed very similar but we didn’t have the same quality we did the week before,” said Munroe. Demand for the feeder cattle was coming mostly from the West, and U.S. demand also started to pick up during the week because of some weakness in the Canadian dollar. The loonie was slightly above par with the U.S. dollar for most of the week, but dropped below parity on Feb. 8. Munroe said eastern demand for Manitoba cattle dropped off during the week due to some logistical transportation issues. “There’s not as much freight coming from Ontario to Winnipeg right now, so they’re having a challenge getting trucks.” Munroe wasn’t sure if there were any local buyers in the game during the week. He said he didn’t see any local guys bidding for themselves at the auction in Killarney, but they could’ve had order buyers bidding for them. Prices on the slaughter side of the market were steady compared to the week prior, but fewer cattle came up for sale during the Feb. 4-8 time period in Manitoba.
“There’s not as much freight coming from Ontario to Winnipeg right now, so they’re having a challenge getting trucks.” allan munroe
Killarney Auction Mart
A lot of slaughter cattle came on to the market in January, Munroe said, and markets are starting to slow down in volume now. However, he said, there will still be some spikes every once in a while in the coming weeks. Some producers may be looking at losing money at calving time, which would prompt them to get some cattle out as soon as possible due to a shortage of hay, he said. Volume on the feeder side of the market was steady during the week, and Manitoba’s auction yards should continue to be fairly busy until early March. “We’re going to see pretty steady flow of cattle for the next month anyway, I would think, and it’s hard to know after that,” Munroe said. There should be more cattle coming up for sale in coming weeks because feed prices are high, and there are shortages of feed and hay in the province. “As guys’ feed bins get lower they’ll sell the cattle instead of buying feed, and it’s kind of getting right close to calving, too,” Munroe said. Some producers, however, might hold off come springtime and wait for stronger prices. “Some of the guys with the lighter-weight calves are holding off in hopes that they’ll see those grass cattle perk up a little bit. “Whether they do or they don’t, I don’t know, but hopefully there will be a few more people looking” for lighter-weight calves, he said. Terryn Shiells writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)
$1 Cdn: $ .9980 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.0020 Cdn.
(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle
Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers
EXCHANGES: February 8, 2013
Toronto 69.47 - 98.04 122.47 - 133.45 128.99 - 146.26 133.29 - 155.15 149.34 - 203.50 —
SunGold Specialty Meats 40.00 - 60.00
Feed and hay costs need to come down to encourage herd expansion
Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15
Goats Kids Billys Mature
Winnipeg (100/head) 70.00 - 85.00 — —
Toronto ($/cwt) 60.00 - 207.50 — 81.36 - 206.36
Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+
Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —
Record-high cattle, beef prices seen in 2013
Toronto ($/cwt) 24.64 - 48.80 32.47 - 55.87
Reuters / U.S. cattle and beef prices should set more record highs this year as the worst drought in half a century, which wilted pastures and drove up feed costs, forced producers to trim the nation’s herd to the smallest since 1952, according to industry marketing and analytics firm CattleFax. Prices for fed cattle could average $126 per cwt, up $3 from last year, which would be a fourth consecutive yearly increase, Cattlefax CEO Randy Blach said during a Feb. 8 session at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association annual meeting. “We’ll see record-high fed-cattle prices at some point here in the spring where we’ll
see the market top the $130 level of last year,” said Blach. That forecast is based on more declines in cattle herd due to the drought in the southwestern United States, a seasonal decline in slaughter-ready cattle during the spring and stronger beef exports. Shoppers can expect record-high beef prices in 2013, with the retail price seen on average at $4.85 per lb., up four per cent from 2012, said Blach. Retail prices hit a record high of $5.15 per lb. in November before easing to $5.11 last month, according to USDA. If beef prices are to come down, feed and hay costs will have to decline to encourage producers to expand. “We’ve got to see expansion of the herd. If we were to start expanding tomorrow, we’re 30 months down the road before we can really impact production. So, prices are going to stay elevated for quite some time until we can respond to Mother Nature’s signal to regrow the herd,” said Blach.
Looking for results? Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 36
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices
Last Week
All prices close of business February 7, 2013
Canola exports, domestic crush must slow down Given the tightening stocks, end-users have no choice Phil Franz-Warkentin CNSC
ld-crop canola futures climbed higher at ICE Futures Canada during the week ended Feb. 8, hitting levels not seen since mid-September before running into profit-taking resistance to the upside. Dwindling stocks in Western Canada are the primary driver in the market, but canola is still only one oilseed among many in the broader market and looming South American soybean harvests have the potential to keep a lid on further advances. Statistics Canada’s count of total Canadian canola stocks as of Dec. 31, 2012 came in at only 7.371 million tonnes, which compares with 9.646 million tonnes at the same time the previous year. The fact that supplies on Dec. 31 were over two million tonnes tighter than at the same point the previous year highlighted the need to ration demand going forward. In the crop year to date, Canada has exported about 4.2 million tonnes of canola, according to the Canadian Grain Commission, and crushed 3.7 million tonnes domestically, according to the Canadian Oilseed Processors Association. Maintaining the current pace of usage would require two million extra tonnes of canola that just aren’t there this year. As a result, exports and the crush have no choice but to slow down. In the short term, the scramble to meet commitments and secure supplies while they’re still available can be expected to keep canola prices well supported. However, it’s not all up up and away; there comes a point when no premium will be able to buy the product, because it’s just not there. There also comes a point where buyers stop paying up, because it’s no longer profitable. Where that point is with canola won’t be known until we get there, but it will come.
Second guessing
In the U.S., activity for most of the week centred on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s monthly supply/demand report, with the prereport positioning and post-report second guessing accounting for a fair chunk of the trade. Soybeans, corn and wheat were all lower overall, with only the oats market seeing any strength on the back of Canada’s tightening supply situation. USDA’s report was finally released Friday morning, and didn’t fail to disappoint in providing a little excitement. The initial takeaway
For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “ICE Futures Canada updates” at www.manitobacooperator.ca.
Week Ago
Year Ago
Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Coarse Grains US corn Gulf ($US)
US barley (PNW) ($US)
Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne) Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)
Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business February 8, 2013
was bearish for soybeans, bullish for wheat, and relatively neutral for corn. After holding steady for most of the week, soybeans dropped sharply on Friday after the release of USDA’s monthly report. Recent export demand from China had average trade guesses ahead of the report forecasting tighter U.S. soybean ending stocks, which was the case. However, world supplies were raised higher, with combined production out of Brazil and Argentina now forecast to increase by 28 per cent from last year. World soybean production for the year was pegged at a record 269.5 million tonnes, lessening any nearby supply concerns. For wheat, U.S. carry-over at the end of the current crop year was projected at only 691 million bushels, which was down by 25 million bushels from USDA’s January estimate. Cheaper prices relative to corn in some cases were said to be diverting more U.S. wheat into the livestock sector. Wheat prices were still down for the most part during the week, as improving weather conditions across the U.S. Plains helped alleviate the drought concerns that continue to prop up values. Chicago corn futures trended lower all week given a lack of demand from both exporters and the domestic ethanol sector. The USDA stocks report confirmed that poor demand, with U.S. corn ending stocks now forecast to be five per cent larger than they were in January, at 632 million bushels. World corn ending stocks were also up by about two million tonnes from the last estimate. With the stocks report out of the way, South American weather reports could be major market movers. Soybean and corn harvests will progress in Brazil and Argentina over the next couple of months, and any weather conditions deemed detrimental to crop development or harvest progress will be deemed bullish for the futures. On the other side, if the weather is good for the crops, prices will inevitably come under pressure.
Last Week
Week Ago
March 2013
May 2013
July 2013
Last Week
Week Ago
March 2013
May 2013
July 2013
Special Crops Report for February 11, 2013 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market
Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)
Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)
Large Green 15/64
19.25 - 21.00
Laird No. 1
18.25 - 21.00
Oil Sunflower Seed
Eston No. 2
19.00 - 21.75
Desi Chickpeas
25.25 - 28.00 — 27.00 - 28.75
Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)
Green No. 1
Fababeans, large
Feed beans
Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans
Feed Pea (Rail)
No. 1 Great Northern
Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)
No. 1 Cranberry Beans
Yellow No. 1
38.70 - 40.75
No. 1 Light Red Kidney
Brown No. 1
34.75 - 36.75
No. 1 Dark Red Kidney
Oriental No. 1
26.40 - 27.75
No. 1 Black Beans
No. 1 Pinto Beans
No. 1 Small Red
Medium Yellow No. 1
15.30 - 16.50 8.15 - 9.00
5.00 - 9.00
Source: Stat Publishing SUNFLOWERS
No. 1 Pink
Fargo, ND
Goodlands, KS
32.00* Call for details
Report for February 8, 2013 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed)
Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
Spot Market
Confection Source: National Sunflower Association
U.S. winter wheat can recover despite harsh winter Previous crops in poor condition have come around after good rainfall By Mark Weinraub Reuters
he drought gripping the U.S. Plains has not killed prospects for a large harvest of winter wheat, and some rain could quickly turn things around, analysts and agronomists said. “Just because we go into dormancy lacking rain, not looking too hot, it does not ensure that we are going to have a bad crop,” Linn
Group analyst Jerrod Kitt said on a panel discussion. “There is still a lot of time to really improve that situation. The hard red winter wheat crop prospects are hurting but they are not set in stone.” The latest crop conditions report from Kansas, which produces about one-fourth of U.S. winter wheat, show that good to excellent ratings deteriorated to 20 per cent by the end of January, down four
percentage points from the end of December. Conditions in Nebraska, another hard red winter wheat-growing area, fell to eight per cent good to excellent by the end of January from 14 per cent a month earlier. Not all states provide crop conditions updates during the winter. The Kansas crop has shown remarkable resiliency in past years. In 2003, hard red winter wheat ratings were just
33 per cent good to excellent at the end of January, the third-lowest January rating of the last 11 years. Good-toexcellent ratings rebounded to 52 per cent by the start of May and final yields that year were 48 bushels per acre, the state’s second-highest on record. But without rain, the crop will suffer throughout the spring and limit the size of har vest. In 2011, Kansas wheat was rated 27 per cent
good to excellent, a rating that fell to 21 per cent by the beginning of May. Final yields were just 35 bushels per acre that year, 22 per cent lower than in 2010. “Wheat is quite pliable in that it can be hurting one week and then the next week is fine,” said Jim Shroyer, extension crops specialist at Kansas State University. “It cannot do that all the way through the year. There comes a day of reckoning.”
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
High demand for Manitoba sheep and heavy lambs
Manitobans honoured by Man-Dak
The numbers delivered to the Feb. 6 sale were lower but the bidding was fierce By Mark Elliot
January 23, 2013
n February 6, 2013 the Winnipeg Livestock Auction had 177 sheep and goats delivered for the Feb. 6 sale. All categories were limited, but numbers were high enough to draw some aggressive bidding. The higher quality of wool and hair ewes were in the price range from $0.71 to $0.85 per pound. Some lower-quality ewes created some interesting bidding, with a price range from $0.40 to $0.60 per pound. A group of 10 176-pound Dorper-cross ewes entered the arena. Similar to the last sale, there were only a few producers wanting to increase their present herds, as these Dorper-cross ewes are to be lambing in March. Each of these ewes brought $92.50. The demand on the lighterweight rams was indicated by the higher bidding from the buyers. A group of two 200-lb. rams, a Dorper-cross and a Rideaucross brought $166 ($0.83 per pound). A 205-pound Rideau-cross ram brought $172.20 ($0.84 per pound). A 280-pound Rideaucross ram brought $170.80 ($0.61 per pound). A 270-pound Rideau-cross ram brought $162 ($0.60 per pound). The demand for the heavyweight lambs did not follow
$102 - $134.75
$98.67 - $129.50
$63.50 - $88.56 LAMBS (LBS.) 110+
$140.28 - $142.80
95 - 110
$102.82 - $114.48
$94.05 - $109.14
80 - 94
$76.50 - $96.46
$97.11 - $101.20
$81.90 / $81
$87.12 - $92.25 (72 / 75 lbs.)
$64.96 / $71.92
$59.36 / $62.72 (53 / 56 lbs.)
75-pound range were lower than the last sale. The group of 16 70-pound Cheviot-cross lambs brought $81.90 ($1.17 per pound). The 75-pound Cheviotcross lamb brought $81 ($1.08 per pound). Three 67-pound Rideau-cross lambs brought $83.75 ($1.25 per pound). Nine 58-pound Dorper-cross lambs brought $64.96 ($1.12 per pound). Then a 58-pound Dorset-cross and a Katahdin-cross lamb brought $71.92 ($1.24 per pound).
The bucks dominated the goat classifications, however, there was a wide price range between the various bucks. A 140-pound Saanen-cross buck brought $92.50 ($0.66 per pound). An impressive grey Cashmere buck brought $95 ($0.73 per pound). A 100-pound Alpine-cross buck brought $145 ($1.45 per pound). Two 25-pound Alpine-goat kids brought $35 ($1.40 per pound). The Ontario Stockyard Report has shown that for the past couple sales, the prices for sheep and heavy lambs have dropped. However, this last sale reports the various classifications of sheep and goats have remained steady. No strong demand for new-crop lambs at this time.
Under 80 70 / 75
the Ontario trend, as the Manitoba buyers maintained strong prices. The 140-pound Suffolkcross lamb brought $142.80 ($1.02 per pound). The group of 167-pound lambs brought $140.28 ($0.84 per pound). The market lambs slightly increased in the prices. The wool lambs dominated this classification. The price ranged from $1 to $1.06 for the lambs in the weight range from 110 to 97 pounds. The demand for feeder lambs was lower for this sale. The hair lambs dominated this classification. The price ranged from $0.90 to $1.06 for the weight range from 85 to 91 pounds. There were fewer lightweight lambs delivered but the demand was lower as well. So the prices of the lambs in the 70- and
In the classification of goats there were two 60-pound Pygmy-cross does for this sale. B:10.25” These does brought $55 ($0.92 per pound). T:10.25”
STAFF / Two Manitobans were recipients of awards at the recent Manitoba North Dakota Zero Tillage Association in Bismarck, South Dakota. John Heard, a soil fertility specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives received the nonfarmer-of-the year award for his work over the past 20 years in helping farmers understand the agronomy related to soil fertility in various cropping systems. “His enthusiasm for agriculture and his incredible knowledge make him one of the best ag extension people in the country,” the citation says. Longtime Waskadaarea farmer Bill McKinney received the farmer-of-theyear award as one of the first farms in the province to attempt zero tillage, adopt single-pass seeding and incorporate legumes into an annual cropping rotation. “Bill is always thirsting for new ideas and information and has been a strong supporter and early adopter of many new ideas in agriculture,” the citation says. “Bill was never the first person to leave a farm meeting or a field day as he always wanted to stay till the end in case he missed anything.”
By 2050, there will be 9,000,000,000 hungry people and less farmland than there’s ever been. On August 19–25, 2013, the world’s youth will gather at the global 4-H Youth Ag-Summit to advance solutions to this growing crisis of agricultural sustainability.
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Come to the table. Your perspective could change the course of history.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
FCC accused of overstepping its mandate C.D. Howe Institute says FCC supplying excessive credit to the farm sector By Ron Friesen CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR
new report by a leading public policy think-tank accuses Farm Credit Canada and other federal financial Crown corporations of “mission creep” by offering services far beyond their original mandates. The report by the C.D. Howe Institute recommends their authority “should be clearly circumscribed and even rolled back” so private lenders can do more to serve Canadian borrowers. The report, issued Feb. 6, focuses on three agencies: Farm Credit Canada, the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada. It reserves its strongest criticism for FCC, which ranks second only to chartered banks in the amount lent to Canadian farmers. The report by authors Philippe Bergevin and Finn Poschmann accuses FCC of inflating farm debt. It argues that, by offering a wide range of financial services, FCC “increases market risks and
seems to be supplying excessive credit to the farm sector.” Because the federal government backstops Crown corporations, FCC’s operations “pose risks to taxpayers and the overall economy — and… these risks seem to have grown in recent years,” the report says. “In particular, the FCC has grown alongside a rise in the level of farm indebtedness and a bidding-up in farm asset values, including supply-managed farm quotas.” The report notes FCC’s share of the national farm debt 20 years ago was less than 15 per cent. In 2011, it was 29 per cent, compared to 36 per cent for chartered banks and 16 per cent for credit unions. The report suggests FCC is an unfair competitor because its capital is provided partly by government. It “does not face the regulatory capital requirements as financial institutions and… it does not pay corporate income tax.” The report says FCC loans tend to have long amortization periods and higher loan-to-value ratios. The agency also lends extensively
to supply management producers who want to buy quota. These practices “raise concerns about the impact of its lending criteria on the level of debt farmers take on” and could “encourage excessive debt buildup or inflate farm asset values.”
Exceeded original mandate
Bergevin and Poschmann say financial Crown corporations were originally supposed to complement the private sector by filling in credit market gaps left by other lenders. Since then, however, their activity has grown far beyond their intended role. As a result, they pose risks to taxpayers and the economy, and should be curtailed because “they have no clear public policy rationale” and “the private sector tends to be better than the government at running a business.” The repor t recommends Crown financial corporations should be regulated by the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, as private lending institutions are. Remi Lemoine, FCC’s chief operating officer, said the agency
“They want us to be a lender of last resort, much like we were in the early ’80s.” REMI LEMOINE FCC
was never intended to only complement farm lending in Canada, as the report claims. “When they use the word complementary, what I read in that is they want us to be a lender of last resort, much like we were in the early ’80s,” said Lemoine, speaking by phone from FCC’s head office in Regina. “The result of that was that FCC almost went broke and taxpayers had to bail it out at that time.” FCC in the early 1990s was so saddled with bad debts that Ottawa bailed it out and gave it a new mandate with strict instructions to become self-sustaining. Legislative amendments in 1993 and 2001 allowed FCC to provide a broader range of financial and business management services.
Lemoine said FCC today is financially sound with a $25-billion portfolio and only $125 million in payment arrears, its lowest rate ever. FCC is such a major farm lender partly because agriculture makes up no more than two per cent of chartered banks’ portfolios, said Lemoine. He said FCC’s portfolio is made up mostly of mortgage lending and includes very little in operating loans. Lemoine said FCC and the other corporations are audited by the federal auditor general, which is “the gold standard” in the industry. The auditor general also does an annual review of their financial statements and conducts a regulator y review every five years.
Notice of Hearing and Pre-Hearing Conference APPLICANT:
APPLICATION: 2013/14 General Rate Application (GRA) for approval of rates charged for service to natural gas customers.
Approval to vary Order 95/00, Directive 8 to eliminate the requirement for Centra to submit a feasibility test to the Board for approval prior to commencement and construction of future expansions greater than 500 metres in the Rural Municipalities of Woodlands and Bifrost;
Approval of changes to the Terms & Conditions of Service, including updated Activity Rates for chargeable services, changes to Centra’s Customer Equipment Problem Program for Small General Service customers, and the introduction of new charges to recover costs related to third party damages to utility plant, to take effect upon Order of the Board;
Final approval of all interim rate Orders issued by the Board to date as well as subsequent to the filing of the Application and prior to conclusion of this proceeding. All such interim Orders can be viewed at the Board’s website.
Centra has applied to The Public Utilities Board (Board), for an Order pursuant to The Public Utilities Board Act, for the following: 1.
Approval of an approximate 2.0% general revenue increase effective August 1, 2013, sufficient to generate additional revenue of $6 million and projected net income of $5 million in 2013/14;
Approval of adjustments to rates to reflect changes in forecast non-Primary Gas costs, to be effective August 1, 2013; and
Approval of Supplemental Gas, Transportation (to Centra), Distribution (to Customers) Sales and Transportation rates, Basic Monthly Charges, the Primary Gas Overhead rate and the Fixed Rate Primary Gas Service (FRPGS) Program Cost Rate, effective August 1, 2013.
Centra has filed material with the Board to support its proposed Revenue Requirement. Centra plans to file additional material with respect to its Customer and Volume Forecast, Rate Base/Rate of Return, Cost of Gas and Gas Cost Deferral Account balances, Cost Allocation and Rate Design, proposed changes to its Terms & Conditions of Service, and responses to prior directives of the Board, in February 2013. It is Centra’s intention to update the Application with updated forward market prices prior to the public hearing. The Board will publish a subsequent Notice indicating the approximate bill impacts for the August 1, 2013 rate change, by customer class, once this information is available. As part of this Application, Centra is also requesting the following: 1.
Final approval of gas costs for the period of November 1, 2010 to October 31, 2012;
Final approval of the disposition through rate riders of the various non-Primary Gas Purchased Gas Variance Accounts (PGVA), and other gas cost deferral account balances as at October 31, 2012;
Five days notice required.
Wheelchair access is available.
Approval of a change to the rate setting methodology for FRPGS to self-insure the volumetric and market price risk for each subsequent offering;
PARTICULARS OF FILING: Full particulars of this Application can be obtained by interested parties from: Centra Gas Manitoba Inc. Attention: Ms. M. D. Boyd 22nd Floor – 360 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3C 0G8 Telephone: 204-360-3468 (collect calls accepted) Email: mboyd@hydro.mb.ca The Public Utilities Board Attention: Mr. H. M. Singh 400-330 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3C 0C4 Telephone: 204-945-2638 (Toll free) 1-866-854-3698 Email: publicutilities@gov.mb.ca
PRE-HEARING & ISSUES CONFERENCE: The Board will convene a Pre-Hearing Conference (PHC) on March 1, 2013, at 9:00 a.m., in its Hearing Room located on the 4th Floor, 330 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Those seeking Intervener status should notify the Board of their intention by applying to the Board Secretary before February 27, 2013. Interveners may be entitled to financial assistance, and the Board’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (Rules) provide the related guidelines, which can be seen at the Board’s website at www.pub.gov.mb.ca, or obtained on request to the Board by either emailing (publicutilities@ gov.mb.ca), writing or calling the Board Secretary (204945-2638 or 1-866-854-3698, toll free). Parties wishing to submit written comments or to make a presentation during the public review process should also contact the Board Secretary. The purpose of the PHC is, among other things, to identify interveners and their reasons for intervention, to provide an opportunity for intervenors to cooperate and avoid duplication of interventions, and to finalize a timetable for the orderly exchange of evidence and information, including the public hearing dates. Parties wishing to address the PHC in French are required to notify the Board’s Secretary in advance of the PHC and no later than February 28, 2013.
VARIATION: Upon any application to it, the Board may make an Order granting the whole or part only of the Application, or may grant such further or other relief in addition to or in substitution for that applied for, as fully and in all respects as if the application had been for such partial or further or other relief. DATED this 5th day of February, 2013. H. M. Singh Board Secretary and Executive Director The Public Utilities Board
An electronic version of the Application is located at: http://www.hydro.mb.ca/regulatory_affairs/gas/gra_2013/ index.shtml
400 – 330 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0C4 www.pub.gov.mb.ca
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
equine bookends
Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublish ing.com or call 204-944-5762. Feb. 19: CWB farmer meeting, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Grandview Hall, Grandview. For more info or to register call 204-756-5000. Feb. 19: H@ms Marketing Services’ Manitoba West and H.B. Marketing joint annual district meeting, 1:30 p.m., Glesby Centre, 11 Second St. NE, Portage la Prairie. For more info call 1-800899-7675. Feb. 22: H@ms Marketing Services’ Manitoba East annual district meeting, noon, Smitty’s Restaurant, Steinbach. Lunch included. For more info call 1-800899-7675. Feb. 23: Manitoba Outstanding Young Farmers (OYF) annual banquet, 6 p.m., Elkhorn Resort, Onanole. For more info call 204-448-2162 or visit www.oyfcanada.com.
Horses need good-quality hay in winter. See page 15. photo: jeannette greaves
Feb. 25-26: Wild Oats Grainworld ag outlook conference, Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Place. For more info visit wildoatsgrainworld. com or call 1-800-567-5671.
Feb. 26: Deerwood Soil and Water Management Association annual meeting, Community Hall, Miami. For more info call Les McEwan at 204-744-2344. Feb. 26-28: Canadian Federation of Agriculture annual general meeting, Delta Ottawa City Centre, 101 Lyon St., Ottawa. For more info call 613-236-3633 or visit http:// cfa-fca.ca. Feb. 28: H@ms Marketing Services’ Heartland Marketing annual district meeting, 1:30 p.m., Community Hall, Starbuck. For more info call 1-800-899-7675. March 1-2: Growing Local Conference, Marlborough Hotel, 331 Smith St., Winnipeg. For more info visit www.foodmattersmani toba.ca or call 1-800-731-2638. March 1-2: Manitoba Sheep Association workshops and annual general meeting, 900-1 Research Rd., Monsanto office, Smart Park, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. To register (deadline Feb. 25) call 204-421-9434 or email mb@mbsheep.ca.
It’s rare to find a herbicide you can count on for long-lasting stopping power that’s also safe on wheat. The advanced
March 2: Manitoba Organic Alliance forum and AGM, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Riverbank Centre, 1-545 Conservation Dr., Brandon. Call Jacqueline at 204-239-3362 to register for lunch.
safener technology in EVEREST® 2.0 makes it super selective for best-in-class crop safety. Safe on wheat, it’s also relentless on weeds, giving you Flush-after-flush ™ control of green foxtail,
March 5-6: Soils and Crops 2013 conference, Prairieland Park, Saskatoon. For more info visit www.usask.ca/soilsncrops.
wild oats and other resistant weeds. And a wide window for application means you can apply at your earliest convenience.
March 6: Manitoba Special Crops Production Day, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Victoria Inn, 3550 Victoria Ave., Brandon. For more info call 204-745-6661. March 8-9: Direct Farm Marketing Conference, Parkland Recreational Complex, Dauphin. For more info call 204-867-6572 or visit www.directfarmmarketing.com.
Follow us on Facebook. Always read and follow label directions. EVEREST and the EVEREST 2.0 logo are registered trademarks of Arysta LifeScience North America, LLC. “Flush after flush” is a trademark of Arysta LifeScience North America, LLC. Arysta LifeScience and the Arysta LifeScience logo are registered trademarks of Arysta LifeScience Corporation. ©2013 Arysta LifeScience North America, LLC. ESTC-209
March 28: Prairie Improvement Network (Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council) annual general meeting, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Canad Inns, 2401 Saskatchewan Ave., Portage la Prairie. For more info or to register (deadline March 22), call 1-800-216-9767 or email ejohnson@prairienetwork.ca. June 16-19: BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, Palais des congres de Montreal, 1001 place Jean-Paul-Riopelle. For more info visit www.bio.org or call 202962-9200.
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Feed horses properly in winter Good-quality hay and lots of it, helps horses stay warm when it’s cold “O w n e r s c a n s u p p l y a l l the poor-quality hay they want and a horse still will lose weight in rough winter conditions,” Hammer says. “Poor-quality hay just doesn’t provide the energy and nutrients a horse needs to survive during a harsh, cold winter.” Finally, don’t forget to provide water in the winter. An average adult horse will drink five to 10 gallons of water per day. Access to clean water is essential to the horse’s health and well-being. During the winter months, horses consume large amounts of dry forage, and reduced water intake will increase the chances of horses suffering from impaction and colic. Feed intake also is closely related to water intake. If water supplies are limited, feed intake can be reduced, which further puts the horse at a disadvantage in maintaining health and weight during the winter.
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AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; HEAT, KIXOR and the unique KIXOR symbol are registered trade-marks of BASF SE; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. © 2012 BASF Canada Inc.
inter is in full force, and horse owners need to make sure they feed their animals appropriately for the condit i o n s, a c c o rd i n g t o No r t h Dakota State University Extension Service equine specialist Carrie Hammer. Feeding good-quality hay in sufficient amounts is one of the best ways to help horses keep warm. Feed digestion produces heat, with the digestion of high-fibre feeds such as hay releasing the greatest amount of heat. High-fibre feeds produce more heat during digestion than low-fibre feeds. Thus, more heat will be produced through the digestion of hay than low-fibre grains such as corn and barley. Although oats are a lowfibre grain, they will produce more heat during digestion than other grains due to their fibrous outer hull. Providing a sufficient amount of feed is extremely important during the winter because grazing usually is not an option. In general, a mature horse should be fed approximately two per cent of its body weight per day in total feed. The requirement is higher (up to three per cent) for lactating mares. “Owners should plan on feeding two pounds of good-quality grass hay per 100 pounds of body weight for the average horse,” Hammer says. However, the general recommendations of feeding two per cent of body weight do not account for hay waste or extremely cold weather conditions. Feeding hay in a feeder will result in less waste than not using a feeder. Although many different types of bale feeders are available, using a feeder can reduce waste to less than 20 per cent. If owners assume 20 per cent of the hay will be wasted, an average 454-kg horse would require 11 kg of hay per day (nine kgs to meet the recommendations plus an additional two kg to account for waste). C o l d t e m p e r a t u re s a l s o change the daily feeding requirement. The lower critical temperature for horses with a heavy winter coat during dry, calm weather is -1.1 C (30 F). For each 7 C below 0 C, horses require an additional intake of approximately two pounds of feed per day. A 16 to 20-km/h wind will require horses to consume an additional two to four kgs of hay to meet their increased energy requirements. When a horse without shelter becomes wet and encounters wind, it must consume an additional four to six kg of hay. “Considering that a 454-kg horse consumes nine kg of hay daily to maintain body weight in ideal weather conditions, consuming an additional four to nine pounds or more becomes impossible for many horses,” Hammer says. “Therefore, in extreme conditions, hay alone is usually insufficient to supply the energy demands for a horse to maintain its body weight, and some type of additional grain source is justified.”
Meeting the daily dietary needs is even more difficult if the quality of hay is poor. Most mature horses are idle or see occasional use during the winter and can be fed good- or average-quality hay (think moderately green with a moderate amount of leaves, slightly stemmy). Above-average hay (mostly green, good amount of leaves, few large stems) should be fed to young, g r ow i n g h o r s e s ; p re g n a n t mares in the last two months of gestation; and lactating mares. Poor-quality (brown, few leaves, large amount of coarse stems) and mouldy hay should not be fed, regardless of the physiologic state of the horse. Investing in the best-quality hay possible usually will save money in the long run because less feed is required to meet the horse’s nutrient requirements and the palatability is higher, resulting in less waste.
Always read and follow label directions.
NDSU release
For the
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Publication: Manitoba Co-op Page Position: JRPG
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Mobile? Take Manitoba Co-operator with you on your smartphone! Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc
I F I T T H U N D E R S O N A L L F O O L’ S D A Y , I T B R I N G S G O O D C R O P S O F C O R N A N D H A Y .
Fairly mild with a chance of snow Issued: Monday, February 11, 2013 · Covering: February 13 – February 21, 2013 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor
he weather over much of North America played out a little differently than expected last week as two major storm systems “took control” of the weather. The first system was the incredibly strong nor’easter that hit much of the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada last weekend. The second system was the strong Colorado low that missed us to the south. Both of these systems ended up changing the overall weather pattern, making last week’s forecast for our region a little unreliable. It looks like things will quiet down a little for this forecast period. The weather models show an area of low pressure sliding out of the northwest during the middle of this week. Much like the past three or four systems, it will likely bring a few centimetres of snow late Wednesday and possibly into Thursday morning. Behind this system colder
air will try to move in, but the coldest air looks to stay to our north and east. Typical winter weather will be over the region to start the weekend, with mainly sunny skies and high temperatures around the -16 C mark. Another area of low pressure is forecast to drop southeastward late in the weekend and depending on the track of this system, either southern or central regions could see another few centimetres of snow. Once again it doesn’t look as if any really cold air will move in behind this system. Monday will be the coldest day, but by the middle of the week, temperatures should moderate, with high temperatures expected to be in the -12 C range. Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, -18 to -3 C; lows, -30 to -12 C. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at daniel@bezte.ca.
Precipitation Compared to Historical Distribution (Prairie Region) November 1, 2012 to February 7, 2013
Record Dry Extremely Low (0-10) Very Low (10-20) Low (20-40) Mid-Range (40-60) High (60-80) Very High (80-90) Extremely High (90-100) Record Wet Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers
Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2013 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.
Created: 02/08/13 www.agr.gc.ca/drought
This issue’s map shows the total amount of precipitation that has fallen across the Prairies so far this winter compared to historical amounts. I know it’s a little early, but with the high to record-high amounts of snow over western Manitoba and much of eastern Saskatchewan, flooding could become an issue in these areas this spring. Elsewhere, with the exception of southern Alberta, precipitation amounts are right around the historical average. Combine that with the dry conditions in most places entering the winter, and spring flooding isn’t much of a worry at this time.
A possible trend in winter melt days? As far south as it is, Winnipeg sees fewer melting days during the winter By Daniel Bezte CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR
have received a fair number of emails over the last while asking if we are seeing more melting during the winter than we used to see. These types of questions interest me as they will often have two possible answers. The first answer could be that yes, we are seeing more melting, but more often than not it has to do with people’s short-term memory. That is, people tend to remember details about the recent past but forget these details when dealing with longer periods. For example, after a couple of warm winters, our minds all of a sudden remember that the last few winters have been warm and you have a hard time remembering when we last had a cold winter. On the other side of the coin are the “old-timers,” for lack of a better term, who seem to remember every warm or cold day we have ever had — at least until you call them on it! Either way, it is interesting how our weather memory works. To try and figure out whether we have seen an increase in the amount of melting occurring during the Prairie winter, I figured the easiest way would be to count the number of days that go above 0 C each winter. I defined winter as the period from Dec. 1 through to the end of February. For this study I chose three different stations from across the Prairies that
TABLE 1 Comparison of the number of melt days between the first and last 30 years of data. Statistic
Difference 56.8 per cent increase REGINA Min.
Difference 30.3 per cent increase EDMONTON Min.
Difference 24.4 per cent increase
all had reliable climate records going back until at least 1939. For Manitoba I chose Winnipeg; in Saskatchewan, Regina; and in Alberta, Edmonton. For Alberta I figured Calgary’s data would be too muddled up with chinook winds to give a good representation of any possible increase or decrease in the number of winter melt days. To calculate the number of winter melt days I simply counted the
number of days that went above 0 C for each month of the winter and added them up. The easiest way to look at this data is to graph it out. The first things that jump out are how variable the data is and how many more melting days western regions see compared to eastern regions. Even though Winnipeg is a fair bit farther south than Edmonton and even Regina, Winnipeg sees notably fewer melting days during the winter. Overall, it is not surprising that all three stations follow a very similar pattern, since the overall weather patterns that cover this area are fairly large in nature. Look-
ing at the graphs it is difficult to say there’s any overall upward trend, although if you look at the area under the line, you could say there does appear to be an increase in the number of melt days beginning in the 1970s. I decided to look at some summary statistics of the data to see if that might tell us a little more. Statistically speaking, 30 years of data is considered a reasonable number, so I compared the first 30 years of data (193968) with the final 30 years of data (1982-2011) for each of our stations, as seen in the table here. Based on this comparison it does look as though there’s been
an increase in the number of melt days in recent years compared to the historical data, with the greatest increase occurring in the Winnipeg region. Overall, between 1982 and 2011, Winnipeg experienced about 55 per cent more melt days when compared to data collected between 1939 and 1968! Regina saw about a 30 per cent increase and Edmonton a 24 per cent increase. For you math geeks out there, these differences were statistically significant for Winnipeg and Edmonton, but were not significant for Regina. Maybe those “old-timers” are on to something!
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
CROPS Harvest losses bedevil sunflower growers Sunflowers pose challenges during harvest as drier conditions lead to increased shatter and seed loss By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF
rier temperatures can help once sunflower seeds are in the bin, but are a challenge when they’re still in the fields. “It’s getting to be more of an issue every year,” Bud Pittenger told producers during the annual Special Crops Symposium in Winnipeg. “The sunflowers are dr ying down so much faster nowadays … there is a lot of header loss at the combine.” Lower U.S. production has pushed up prices, increasing the incentive to reduce harvest losses, said Pittenger. “One thing you can do, is to try and combine them a little on the wetter side,” said the veteran sunflower grower. “With higher moisture content you get less shatter.” That trick helps in another way, too, said Marcel Vallotton, who farms southeast of Brandon. “I usually do them a little wetter anyways because of the birds,” he
said. “If I can, I try to get to them before the birds do.” Devin Toews uses a regular header with pans attached to reduce losses, but it’s not always the perfect fit for his 600 acres of confection sunflowers. “It’s an issue, whether it’s feeding problems, or losses, there are always issues when it comes to harvesting,” said the Portage la Prairie-area farmer. “Every year is a little different, the last couple of years have been a little tougher.” Using a regular all-crop header with pans is more affordable than the alternative — investing in a specialized sunflower header for his combine, he said. Harvest losses can range from six to 30 per cent, said Pittenger, who works for Sheyenne Tooling & Manufacturing, which makes sunflower headers. Investing in specialized equipment is “a balancing act” that requires each producer to look at their operation and decide what course of action is best for them. Harvesting seeds when their
Roundup Ready ® is a registered trademark used under license from Monsanto Company. Pioneer ® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. The DuPont Oval Logo is a registered trademark of DuPont. ®, TM, SM Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. © 2013, PHL.
“It’s an issue, whether it’s feeding problems, or losses, there are always issues when it comes to harvesting.” DEVIN TOEWS PHOTO: JEANNETTE GREAVES
Bud Pittenger speaks to producers during the annual Special Crops Symposium in Winnipeg. PHOTO: SHANNON VANRAES
Soybeans for Maximum Yield
moisture content is higher also has associated costs, said producers at the symposium. After harvesting his 500 to 600 acres of confection sunflowers each year, Vallotton uses a dryer to avoid excess moisture in the bin and prevent spoilage. No matter how dry seeds are at harvest, you still want to take care during the storage period, said Luke Remillard. “This fall was an exceptional fall, most of the crop went in dry to overdry,” he said. “But it never hurts to take a look now and then, or pull a load or turn it. But so far so good.” He said sunflower farmers also need to exercise caution in the spring.
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“Take that cold air out of there and bring them back to a sort of normal outside temperature,” he advised. Buyers of confection sunflowers are very particular about the presence of fungus and spoilage issues, said Remillard. Despite the challenges of growing sunflowers, yields have been high this year, with 2012 growing conditions benefiting the crop. “Sunflowers thrive in the dry, w a r m we a t h e r,” s a i d To e w s. “We’ve really done well with them in the dry years for sure. They tap down and they don’t wilt up like corn, canola or wheat. They’re green all year.” shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Latest StatsCan stocks report puts last year’s canola season into perspective The industry was expecting to see higher, rather than lower wheat stocks By Rod Nickel
anadian canola supplies dropped to a six-year low as of Dec. 31, highlighting a disappointing crop and strong demand for oilseeds, while wheat stocks were surprisingly lower, according to a Statistics Canada report Feb. 5 Canola supplies on farms and in commercial storage plunged 24 per cent to 7.37 million tonnes, while all-wheat stocks eased 0.7 per cent to 20.69 million tonnes. StatsCan’s canola and allwheat estimates fell within a range of trade guesses, however the industry was on average expecting to see higher, not lower year-over-year wheat stocks. The sharp drop in canola supplies would appear t o d e b u n k s o m e industr y thoughts that last year’s disappointing harvest was actually larger than StatsCan’s official numbers showed, said Chuck Penner, analyst at LeftField Commodity Research. “Maybe that tightness in the canola market is real, so that will keep basis levels and (price) spreads very narrow,” he said. ICE Canada March canola futures were up modestly in early trading, shrugging off spillover pressure from weaker soybeans.
Statistics Canada estimates Dec. 31 stocks.
Graphic Source / Statistics Canada, trade REUTERS
Canada is the world’s biggest canola producer and exporter, and usually the third- or fourthlargest wheat exporter. With tight canola supplies, handlers and crushers are currently paying farmers between $10 and $30 per tonne over the nearby futures price, said Wayne Palmer, senior market analyst for Agri-Trend Marketing. Even so, farmers are likely to plant this spring less of the yellow-flowering crop, which mainly produces vegetable oil, because of frustration over last year’s harvest and larger profit margins on wheat, Palmer said
on a conference call hosted by Minneapolis Grain Exchange. W h e a t s t o c k s we re a l s o drained by strong demand for domestic livestock feed, Penner said. Oat stocks fell 20 per cent to 1.87 million tonnes, while barley supplies dropped seven per cent to 5.09 million tonnes. Stocks of both crops were well below expectations. The skimpy oat supplies were due in part to higher use of oats as feed on farms and point to tighter stocks at the end of the 2012-13 crop-marketing year on July 31, said analyst Randy Strychar of Oatinformation.com.
Western provinces harmonize trucking rules New standards will cut hauling costs across Western Canada Manitoba government release
ruckers travelling across the four western provinces will face consistent operating rules when using trailer units, which will lower hauling costs and increase efficiency within the industry, Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Steve Ashton announced Feb. 8. “This agreement will benefit our trucking industry because it means big trucks travelling to and from Manitoba will have more consistent requirements including those for weights and dimensions,” said Ashton. “We worked with the other provinces and four western trucking associations on this harmonization, which will help trucking firms, industries, farmers and Manitoba’s economy by lowering hauling costs. We will continue to work with these groups to further harmonize trucking regulations.” Commercial truck-trailer combination units, called long combination vehicles (LCVs), have been operating on highways across Western Canada for about 30 years. However, trucking firms have faced different operating rules in the four western provinces. A memorandum of understanding signed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia creates uniform standards that ensure road safety for all
“We are very pleased with this announcement as it will allow many firms, including ours, to operate LCVs more efficiently while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.” DON STREUBER,
president of Bison Transport Ltd.
motorists and protects highway infrastructure, the minister said. The memorandum of understanding harmonizes rules on weights and dimensions of LCVs, driver qualifications and training, maximum speeds, and hours of operation. “We are very pleased with this announcement as it will allow many firms, including ours, to operate LCVs more efficiently while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions,” said Don Streuber, president of Bison Transport Ltd. The City of Winnipeg and the City of Brandon were also involved in the creation of the new rules, said Ashton. Updated information on Manitoba’s trucking policies is available at www.gov. mb.ca/mit/divisions.html.
Proxy battle looms for May in Agrium-Jana standoff February 25 & 26, 2013 The Fairmont Winnipeg
Grainworld, the annual Canadian ag outlook conference, is returning to Winnipeg • Base you spring planting decisions on good information on the markets for the crops we grow on the prairies. • Outlooks for each of our various crops are given by traders in that commodity. • The right planting mix will benefit you as well as the entire industry.
For the agenda, and to register online: www.wildoatsgrainworld.com or call 1-204-942-1459
Jana has nominated five candidates to Agrium’s 11-member board By Rod Nickel REUTERS
anadian fertilizer company Agrium Inc. has f a i l e d t o p r ov e t h a t it should keep its two main divisions together, and also needs to cut costs and use capital more effectively, activist shareholder Jana Partners said Feb. 7. Jana, the largest Agr ium investor with six per cent of shares, was rebutting a presentation the company made to sell-side analysts on Jan. 28. “ N o t h i n g i n A g r i u m’s responses refutes the overall picture of a company that has historically been undervalued and underperformed its peer-weighted average, and that can unlock that value by addressing fundamental issues with the help of our highly qualified nominees,” said Jana managing partner Barry Rosenstein.
Agrium could not immediately be reached for comment. Jana has nominated five c a n d i d a t e s t o A g r i u m’s 11-member board, setting up a proxy battle at the company’s annual meeting in May or potentially sooner. The New York hedge fund wants Agrium to spin off its farm retail division, the large s t i n t h e Un i t e d St a t e s , which sells seed, fertilizer and chemicals to farmers. Jana argues that the retail arm is undervalued within an integrated structure with Agrium’s wholesale division that mines potash and phosphate and makes nitrogen fertilizer. Agrium has said that keeping retail and wholesale operations within one company produces synergies. The retail stores’ direct contact with farmers, for example, helps its wholesale side make decisions on fertilizer production.
Your online source for the latest in ag news and information.
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
oat-burning time on a cold day
Farmers need to take on sustainability issues By Alex Binkley co-operator contributor / ottawa
Horses enjoy their oats on a cold day without any wind, south of Deloraine. Photo: Sharlene Bennie
Compare the soybean yield advantage with Hyland 2012 MPGA* Pulse Variety Evaluation – 1 Year Average Yield 63.0 61.0 SAMPSA R2
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he push for green certification isn’t g o i n g a w a y, b u t there can be an upside for farmers, say two experts with Agriculture and AgriFood Canada. There’s no doubt the proliferation of sustainability standards are confusing and time consuming for farmers, especially as they employ different auditing systems, said Greg Meredith, assistant deputy minister in the Strategic Policy branch. But standards designed to assure consumers that farmers are caring for their soil and water can also be used to lower production costs, he said. “You get both lower costs and better environmental performance through lower pesticide residues and run-off,” he said. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental sustainability of farms, agreed Gilles Saindon, associate assistant deputy minister in the Science and Technology branch. He pointed to the development of livestock codes of practice, noting livestock groups have been in the forefront of their development and tried to develop best practices in ways that help the bottom line. The same approach can be used for making sustainability standards work for farmers, said Saindon, praising the Canadian Horticultural Council for taking a leadership role in dealing with sustainability issues The Growing Forward 2 program that starts up in April contains provisions to help develop farm sustainability programs, he added. Governments and producer groups should conduct ongoing consultations on the sustainability standards “because their complexity puts them beyond the capacity of individual farmers to deal with,” he said. While meeting the differing domestic and international standards is difficult, “it’s important for farmers to demonstrate that they can do it,” he said. His department is ready to help, he said. “We can help deliver the solid, scientific-, evidence-based information on good practices farmers should be employing.” As well, Growing Forward 2 will have funds for developing sustainable practices, to assist development of new products or technologies, and to access international markets, he added.
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BREAKING THE YIELD BARRIER HylandTM and the Hyland Seeds logo are trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Roundup Ready 2 Yield® is a trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2012 Monsanto Canada, Inc. 20282-01
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Paraguay soy farmers ask courts to halt Monsanto royalties Growers want the courts to match a Brazilian ruling where a state court ordered Monsanto to stop charging asuncion / reuters
group of Paraguayan farmers asked the courts Feb. 5 to stop U.S. biotech company Monsanto from charging royalties for use of its genetically modified soybeans in the world’s No. 4 exporter. The farmers say royalty payments should be halted because the company charges growers about $40 million per year to use its Roundup Ready soy even though its patent on the seeds has expired. They were inspired by a similar case in neighbouring Brazil where a state court ordered Monsanto to stop charging for use of the seed technology. “There are 34 farmers who are making this presentation initially but there are hundreds more who agree with it,” said Regis Mereles,
A view of the of soybean plants in Yguazu 350 km (217 miles) east of Asuncion. Growers in Paraguay, the world’s No. 4 exporter of soybeans have asked the courts to stop Monsanto from collecting royalties on an expired patent. Photo: REUTERS/Jose Espinola
head of the Soy Producers’ Association. “The association has proposed ceasing payments without any
prejudice to other negotiations on different strains,” he said, referring to the new soybean technology, known as Intacta RR2 Pro.
Unlike Roundup Ready 1 technology, Intacta RR2 Pro offers protection against caterpillars. A Monsanto spokesman in
Paraguay, where the company receives $4 per tonne of soybeans, declined to comment on the farmers’ legal action. The company has defended an agreement signed with farming associations in 2004 that established payments for the use of its seed technology, which is present in about 95 per cent of the beans produced in the South American country. It says the deal was meant to apply until 2014 and argues that its royalty rights remain in place for as long as there are valid patents on the technology anywhere in the world. Paraguay trails far behind neighbouring Brazil and Argentina as a soy exporter, but production is growing steadily and farmers are expected to gather a record crop of 8.4 million tonnes this season thanks to favourable weather.
Grasshoppers not expected to be a major concern in 2013
By Phil Franz-Warkentin commodity news service canada
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1/22/13 3:18 PM
There’s a relatively low risk of grasshoppers across most of the Prairies this year, according to provincial forecasts. The forecasts are based on counts of adult grasshoppers in the summer of 2012, weather data, and recent population trends. For now, those trends aren’t favourable for the voracious pests. Most of Manitoba had very light grasshopper populations when the surveys were taken in 2012, and shouldn’t be a major problem unless weather conditions in the spring and early summer, when grasshoppers are hatching and developing, become very favourable. In Alberta, the south, north-central and Peace regions all had low populations last year, but there are still a few high-risk areas scattered throughout the province. Most of Saskatchewan is rated low risk, although some west-central and southwestern portions of the province may see higher numbers. Farmers are encouraged to monitor fields and roadsides early in the season for any signs of grasshopper activity. Lentil and flaxseed crops are deemed especially vulnerable to grasshopper feeding.
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Lack of biodiversity leaves ecosystems vulnerable A study of long-standing pasture grasslands on southern Vancouver Island showed more diverse plots resisted woody plant invasions University of Guelph release
Produced by: SeCan Product/Campaign Name: SeCan Wheat Date Produced: January 2013
Ad Number: SEC-WHEMB13_MC Publication: Manitoba Cooperator Trim -8.125” x 10 (4 col x 140)
ou don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s collapsed.” That’s how University of Guelph integrative biologists might recast a line from an iconic folk tune for their new research paper warning about the perils of ecosystem breakdown. Their research, published Feb. 5 as the cover story in Nature, suggests farmers and resource managers should not rely on seemingly stable, but vulnerable single-crop monocultures. Instead they should encourage more kinds of plants in fields and woods as a buffer against sudden ecosystem disturbance. Based on a 10-year study, their paper also lends scientific weight to esthetic and moral arguments for maintaining species biodiversity. The study was written by professors Andrew MacDougall and Kevin McCann, graduate student Gabriel Gellner and Roy Turkington, a botany professor and member of the Biodiversity Research Centre at the University of British Columbia. Their research confirms that having lots of species in an area helps ecosystems avoid irreversible collapse after human disturbances such as climate change or pest invasion. “Species are more important than we think,” said MacDougall. “We need to protect biodiversity.” Unlike other scientists usually relying on short-term, artificial study plots, the researchers studied long-standing pasture grasslands on southern Vancouver Island for 10 years. The 10-hectare site owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada consists of oak savannah where fires have been suppressed for about 150 years. The team selectively burned plots to compare areas of mostly grasses with areas of mixed grasses and diverse native plants. They found that seemingly stable grassland plots collapsed in one growing season and were subsequently invaded by trees. More diverse sites resisted woody plant invasion. Diversity also affected fire itself. More diverse areas had less persistent ground litter, making high-intensity fires less likely to recur than in single-species grasslands with more litter serving as fuel. MacDougall said the study supports resource management strategies that increase biodiversity on land and in aquatic ecosystems. A monoculture stand of trees or crops might appear stable and productive, for example — but it’s an ecosystem that is more vulnerable to collapse, he said, adding that this study helps explain why species diversity matters. McCann, who studies food webs and ecosystem stability, said
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“Species are more important than we think. We need to protect biodiversity.”
Andrew MacDougall
many ecosystems are at a “tipping point,” including grasslands that may easily become either woodlands or deserts. “They’re a really productive ecosystem that produces year in and year out and seems stable and then suddenly a major perturbation happens, and all of that biodiversity that was lost earlier is important now,” said McCann. MacDougall has studied the Vancouver Island site since 2000. Researchers say farmers should encourage more kinds of plants in a field as a buffer against sudden ecosystem European settlers planted grass- 1:38 PM Page 1 SEC-WHEMB13_MC.qxd 1/21/13 disturbance. photo: thinkstock lands there in the mid-1800s.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Washington demands better food safety practices About one in six Americans suffers from a foodborne illness each year By Carey Gillam reuters
.S. regulators say proposed new food safety rules will make food processors and farms more accountable for reducing foodborne illnesses that kill or sicken thousands of Americans annually. “These proposed regulations are a sign of progress,” said Caroline Smith DeWaal, food safety director at the Center for Science in the Public Interest and a critic of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. “The new law should transform the FDA from an agency that tracks down outbreaks after the fact to an agency focused on preventing food contamination in the first place.” Roughly one in six Americans suffers from a foodborne illness each year, and about 3,000 die. The usual culprits are salmonella, E. coli and listeria. Food sickness has been linked
to lettuce, cantaloupe, spinach, peppers and peanuts. Under the new rules, makers of food to be sold in the U.S., whether produced at a foreign- or domestic-based facility, would have to develop a formal plan for preventing their products from causing foodborne illness. They would also need to have plans for correcting any problems that arise. Companies will be required to document their plans and keep records to verify that they are preventing problems. Inspectors will be able to audit the program to enforce safety standards, which should “dramatically” improve the effectiveness of inspections, the FDA said. A second rule proposes safety standard requirements for farms that produce and harvest fruits and vegetables. Farms would be required to meet national standards for the quality of water applied to their crops, as water is often a pathway for pathogens.
Zimbabwe promises not to seize any more foreignowned farms
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Food output has dropped since seizures began harare / reuters
imbabwe’s government says it will not seize any more foreign-owned farms after losing multimillion-dollar compensation claims under a treaty aimed at protecting overseas investments. President Robert Mugabe started giving white-owned farms to landless blacks over a decade ago, a policy that had the unintended result of devastating food output in a country that had been a regional breadbasket. An estimated 4,000 farmers were thrown off their land without compensation and, while efforts to get legal redress in Zimbabwe failed, some have successfully sued for compensation in international courts. The change was prompted by lawsuits brought by foreign investors at the Washingtonbased International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, including a $34-million settlement won by a group of 40 Dutch farmers. But critics noted the government is continuing its policy of driving white farmers off their land.
Bundled spinach sits in a cooler at a wholesale farmers’ market in Washington. New food safety rules aim to curb foodborne illness. photo: REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
U.S. seen growing one of the smallest cotton crops in decades Volatile prices may have hurt farmers’ appetite for the fibre crop By Josephine Mason san antonio / reuters
.S. farmers will plant one of the smallest cotton crops in two decades in 2013 as the fibre loses a battle for acreage to the more buoyant grains market, according to a Thomson Reuters poll. Ahead of the Beltwide Cotton conference here this week, an informal survey of market participants showed that American farmers are expected to sow 10.36 million acres of cotton in the spring, down 16 per cent from 12.36 million in 2012. Another double-digit percentage drop this year would take acreage to its third lowest since 1987, behind 2008 and 2009, according to U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture archives. It would also be nine per cent below the fiveyear average and more than a fifth under the average of the past 10 years. Fluctuations are not uncommon from one year to the next as farmers gravitate to the most profitable crops. But the alarming speed and rate at which farmers may shift out of cotton are likely to underscore some concerns that the wild price swings of the past four years may have done longterm damage to growers’ appetite for fibres. While prices have stabilized since 2011, farmers may still be “disenchanted” after struggling to sell their crops amid fluctuating prices and record volatility, said Sharon Johnson, cotton specialist at Knight Capital.
A picker harvests cotton for Baxley & Baxley Farms on a field in Minturn, South Carolina. photo: REUTERS/Randall Hill
Glencore director questions cornbased biofuel It is a factor in higher prices dubai / reuters / A director of commodity trading giant Glencore is questioning the conversion of corn into ethanol biofuel, saying it can contribute to higher prices. Critics of using foodstuffs to make fuel say the process can drive up food prices by reducing available supplies, hitting the world’s poorest people hardest. Responding to a question in a panel discussion at the Kingsman Dubai sugar conference, Chris Mahoney, director of agricultural products at Glencore, said: “Ethanol production from grains and from edible oil is questionable.” He added, “It has been a factor in creating a higher-price environment.” Sunny Verghese, CEO of commodity merchant Olam International Ltd., which trades a range of agricultural commodities, was more critical of the use of corn to make ethanol. “It is inappropriate. It does not make sense to that At DuPont Qualicon, we develop fast, accurate food quality testingfood that At DuPont Qualicon, we develop fast, accurate quality testing convert corn to ethanol,” Verghese told delegates. addresses a broad range of challenges—including contaminants and addresses a broad range of challenges—including contaminants and “But it makes sense spoilage. Our innovative, DNA-based tests help producers,tests processors and sugar spoilage. Our innovative, DNA-based help processors to producers, convert cane to and ethanol.” packers worldwide packers get theirworldwide products to quickly and confidently, getmarket their products to market quickly and confidently, Later Verghese told Reuters: “I don’t believe helping to ensure the safetytoofensure the foods enjoy every day. helping the people safety of the foods people enjoy every day. that converting corn into ethanol helps the food complex. I don’t think, given the input-output usage efficiency, it makes a lot of sense to do this.” He did not elaborate.
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Europe removes agriculture barriers to U.S. trade talks
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
pretty picture if you’re not a hydro worker
The overture is meant to generate confidence in upcoming EU-U.S. trade talks By Robin Emmott brussels / reuters
h e E u r o p e a n Un i o n dropped its ban on some U.S. meat imports Feb. 4 in a gesture aimed at starting talks on a free trade pact that would encompass about half the world’s economic output. Brussels and Washington want to deepen a relationship that accounts for a third of global trade, and ending the EU import ban on live pigs and beef washed in lactic acid is meant to show the Europeans are serious about a deal. The ban will be lifted from Feb. 25, dropping European objections that were based on differing hygiene and husbandry methods in meat production. U.S. farmers have long regarded these concerns as unscientific. The EU may also consider easing restrictions on imports of U.S. animal fat, known as tallow, used in biofuels. “The United States had certain preconditions for talks to start. We want to show them that Europe can deliver,” said a senior EU diplomat involved in preparing for negotiations. EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht was to travel to Washington Feb. 5 to put the finishing touches to a joint EU-U.S. report that is expected to recommend going ahead with free trade negotiations. De Gucht told Reuters last month these will be “difficult negotiations.” However, Europe and the United States both seek an economic boost after meagre growth since the global crisis of 2008-09. Import tariffs between the European Union and the United States are already low, and the real benefit would come from increased access to each other’s markets, as well as common regulations that would remove the high costs that smaller companies face if they want to export beyond their borders. German Chancellor Angela Merkel told U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden last week in Berlin that she saw “positive signs” in the push for talks. A deal could increase Europe’s economic output by 65 billion euros ($88 billion) a year, a 0.5 per cent rise in the EU’s gross domestic product, the European Commission calculates. However, Washington is worried about getting caught up in endless negotiations with the 27-nation bloc. No date has yet been set for the release of the joint EU-U.S. report on the viability of trade talks, initially expected by the end of last year, generating some concern among European and U.S. companies who support the deal.
Recent foggy weather has made Manitoba like a winter wonderland, but the frost that has gathered on the hydro wires has caused a few problems for the hydro crews. photo: Sharlene Bennie
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
U.S. farm loans by private banks jump in late 2012 Farmers borrowed at low interest rates to buy livestock feed, machinery and prepay inputs for 2013 chicago / reuters
arm lending by U.S. commercial banks soared during the fourth quarter of 2012 as farmers borrowed at low interest rates to buy costly livestock feed, new machinery, and fuel for harvest as well as to prepay for seed and fertilizer for the 2013 crop season, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City said Jan. 30. Bankers reported a spike in farm machinery and equipment loans during the quarter as farmers purchased the bigticket items before potential adverse changes in U.S. tax laws in 2013. Record crop and range-
land prices in many areas of the Corn Belt and Plains added collateral to farmer balance sheets, at a time when interest rates were at or near record lows as the Fed manages the U.S. economic recovery. “Total volumes for non-real estate farm loans rose at the fastest pace in three years during the quarter as commercial banks made more loans at higher average amounts,” the Fed said in its agricultural finance data book based on a November national survey of 250 ag bankers. Demand for loans was strong among livestock producers as they struggled with soaring
grain and hay prices, which soared amid the worst summer drought in the United States in more than 50 years. Rising fertilizer and seed prices enticed many grain producers to buy 2013 supplies now rather than wait. “Loan volumes for feeder livestock rose further as prices for feeder livestock remained high due to short supplies resulting from past herd liquidations,” the survey said. The uncertainty of government tax policy for 2013 amid the contentious budget negotiations over the year-end “fiscal cliff” also spurred grain farmers, who benefited from mas-
sive crop insurance payments that buoyed their finances, to make capital spending purchases rather than risk loss of tax breaks in 2013. “Tax provisions allowing accelerated depreciation on qualifying farm asset purchases such as machinery, equipment, and special-use or single-purpose agribusiness buildings, including grain bins, drying systems, and livestock barns, were set to expire at the close of 2012,” the Fed survey said. “Producers taking advantage of the tax incentive helped to more than double the volume of farm machinery and equipment loans compared with last year.”
Despite soaring land prices, commercial bankers reported an upward spike in farm real estate loans heading into the fourth quarter as farmers worried about potential wild cards in tax policy in Washington. Sellers became more willing and buyers snapped up land. “Elevated farmland prices and potential changes in tax policies motivated more landowners to sell before the end of the year,” the Fed survey said. “As a result, most agricultural bankers expected gains in farmland values to moderate during the next year and level off at record-high levels,” the Fed added.
French farmers protest rules limiting nitrate pollution By Gus Trompiz paris / reuters
Why do crops keep coming back for more? Because they can.
ESN ® SMART NITROGEN ® feeds your crops throughout the growing season. And timely N-feeding helps increase yield and improve crop quality. Get the facts from your retailer, or visit SmartNitrogen.com/mc.
12-12-13 4:06 PM
French farmers are protesting what they see as burdensome environmental regulations linked to European Union targets on water quality. Environmental rules have become a major grievance in recent years for French farmers, who blame such measures for eroding their competitiveness. Last month’s protests, including a pre-dawn street blockade near the Farm Ministry in Paris, were triggered by new steps taken by the government to resolve a long-running dispute with the EU’s executive over France’s failure to meet water quality targets under a directive on nitrates dating back to 1991. The regulations will “lead to the ruin of livestock and grain farmers,” said Christophe Derycke, head of a farm union in Seine-et-Marne area east of Paris. Farmers from the Paris region, who are known for their eye-catching actions in the capital, blocked an avenue close to the Agriculture Ministry and other government buildings for over an hour, scattering straw and calling for the agriculture minister to resign. The government said it is obliged to comply with the EU’s requirements in order to avoid financial penalties for non-compliance with the nitrates directive.
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
AUCTION DISTRICTS Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.
The Pas
Swan River Minitonas Durban
Gilbert Plains
Fisher Branch
Ste. Rose du Lac
Elm Creek
Ste. Anne
Pilot Mound
St. Pierre
Crystal City
SELLING NEVIN SEEDS, a well established bird seed company, included in sale are all bagging & packaging equip, bins, etc. as well as business contacts. Reason for selling: semi-retiring. Phone:(204)763-4470 or (204)761-3931.
BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
Lac du Bonnet
2007 GMC CLSC CREW DSL 4x4, cloth seats, 6.6 box, one owner, $19,900; 2006 F350 Diesel Crew Lariat, 6.6 box, leather seats, extended warranty included, $15,900. Trades considered. Financing available. Free delivery to Manitoba, Sask & NW/Ontario. Call Anytime (204)895-8547 Glenn.
Stonewall Selkirk
Portage Carberry
Erickson Minnedosa
Rapid City
STEEL SERVICE TOOLBOX FOR 1/2, 3/4 or 1-ton truck, 6-compartment, 79-in wide, 8-ft long, front of box to middle of axle 58-59-in, good shape, $1000 OBO. Phone:(204)669-9626.
Riverton Eriksdale
Shoal Lake
AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts
1980 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL, 2-DR, 352 motor, could be easily restored. $1,000 OBO Phone: (204)669-9626
Birch River
Morris Winkler Morden
Red River
FOR SALE: 04 CHEVY 2500 4x4, 4-dr, gas, new safety, new steer tires, flat deck w/tool boxes, $8500. Phone:(204)871-0925.
AUTO & TRANSPORT Vehicles Various
OVER 200 VEHICLES LOTS OF DIESELS www.thoens.com Chrysler Dodge (800)667-4414 Wynyard, Sk.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit:
BUILDINGS CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.
PRICE TO CLEAR!! 75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from.
Paterson Global Foods Inc.
B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.
Arborg - 204-376-5073
Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.2
Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.2
precisionpac.ca AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
FARM CHEMICAL SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our assistance the majority of our clients have received compensation previously denied. Back-Track Investigations investigates, documents your loss and assists in settling your claim. Licensed Agrologist on Staff. For more information Please call 1-866-882-4779
Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW
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AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Westman Aerial Spray Ltd.
Brandon - 204-763-8998
Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.PHONE: (204) 727-2001 FAX: (204) 729-9912 www.fraserauction.com EMAIL: office@fraserauction.com Auctioneer: Scott Campbell
SUKUP GRAIN BINS Flatbottom or hopper, heavy duty, setup crews available, winter pricing now in effect. Call for more info Vince (204)998-9915
SPECIAL OFFER Can-Seed Equipment Ltd. has received some Buhler Sortex Demo machines and we are able to pass this unique sale onto you.
We have a Z+1BL, Z+1B and a Z+1VL available for $65,000 to $93,500 these full colour optical sorters come with 1 year warranty. Call Can-Seed Equipment Ltd today at 1-800-644-8397 for more details on these great deals!
www.canseedequip.com FARM MACHINERY Grain Dryers NEW SUKUP GRAIN DRYERS w/Canola screens, LP/ NG, 1PH/3PH, Various sizes, Winter pricing now in effect. Call for more info Vince (204)998-9915 NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
loader, 4 in 1 bucket. For parts: HD16B,16A,14; Manual Chain Hoist: *1 ton x 8’ lift - steel CM 35 *1 ton x 12’ lift - steel CM 10 *2 ton x 10’ lift - steel CM 9 *2 ton x 10’ lift - aluminum CM New rails for a 16A, pins & bushings supplied & in2 *2 ton x 20’ lift - aluminum CM 8 *5 ton x 30’ lift - steel CM 1 *10 ton x 30’ lift - aluminum CM 1 Electric Chain Hoist: *1/2 ton x 15’ lift stalled for most makes of Crawler tractors & backaluminum KITO 1 *1/2 ton x 30’ lift - aluminum KITO 1 Lever Chain Puller: *3/4 ton x 5’ lift - steel KITO 10 *1.5 ton x 5’ lift - steel CM 5 *1.5 93 (28328) PPAC Classified 2013 4 hoes. Call RonMB.indd (866)590-6458, (204)242-2204. ton x 5’ lift - aluminum CM 1 *3 ton x 5’ lift - steel CM 4 *3 ton x 5’ lift - aluminum CM 1 *6 ton x 30’ lift - aluminum CM 2 Wire Rope Pullers: *3 ton x 25’ lift - aluminum 1 *3/4 ton x 66’ - aluminum Westward 15 Gantry Cranes: *2200 lbs X 7’6”-12’ 4 Hilti: *DD ED-1 (with water CATERPILLAR D6B SER#1134, standard shift w/Johnson bar, hydraulic angle dozer, good underPump) 1 Gang Box: *Large 21 *Small 6 Enerpac Jack: *50 ton double pull Enerpac 1 *50 ton RSM300 1 *10 ton RC102 5 *30 ton RCS302 carriage, pup start, tractor in good shape, ready to 2 *15 ton RC15A 2 *30 ton RCH302 1Enerpac Hand Pump: *2 speed 2 stage ENPP142 8 Electric Threading Machine: *535 Rigid Rigid 1 work, $13,000 OBO. Phone:(204)669-9626. Equipment Mover: *40 ton 4 roller Delux kit with case Hillman 2 *30 ton x 4 total weight capacity 120 ton Hillman 1 Transformer: *575 to 208 volt step down with 10 - 110 volt plugs & 6 - 208 plugs with 100’ power cable with 575 plug (Simplot Portage) 1 208 Electrical Cords: LINKBELT LS98 CRAWLER CRANE 50-ft. boom, CAT D318 motor, long under carriage c/w all rig*208 Electrical Cords 100’ each with plugs 12 208 Electrical Cable: *208 Electrical Cable 4-wire (on spool) 700’ Angle Grinder: *5” Makita ging including 3-yd Sauerman bucket for dredging 9000 5B Makita 40 *7” Dewalt Dewalt 2 *6” Makita Makita 1 Portable Band Saw: *Makita MKT2107FK 1Heavy Duty 12 Point offset Striking gravel machine, ready to go to work, $20,000 OBO. Wrenches (slug wrench) in Steel Box: *1 1/16” Proto 2 *1 1/8” Proto 1 *1 1/4” Proto 1 *1 5/16” Proto 1 *1 7/16” Proto 1 *1 1/2” Proto 3 *1 Phone:(204)669-9626. 5/8” Proto 2 *1 11/16” Proto 2 *1 3/4” Proto 1 *1 13/16” Proto 1 *1 7/8” Proto 2 *2” Proto 3 *2 1/8” Proto 1 *2 3/16” Proto 2 *2 1/4” Proto 1 *2 5/16” Proto 1 *2 3/8” Proto 2 *2 1/2” Proto 1 *2 9/16” Proto 2 *2 5/8” Proto 1 *2 3/4” Proto 1 *2 15/16” Proto 1 *3” Proto 1 *3 1/8” Proto FARM MACHINERY 1 *3 3/8” Proto 1 1” Drive Impact Socket Set in Steel Box: *1” Proto 1 *1 1/16” Proto 1 *1 1/8” Proto 1 *1 3/16” Proto 1 *1 1/4” Proto 1 *1 5/16” Proto 1 *1 3/8” Proto 1 *1 7/16” Proto 1 *1 1/2” Proto 1 *1 5/8” Proto 1 *1 11/16” Proto 1 *1 3/4” Proto 1 *1 13/16” Proto 1 *1 7/8” FARM MACHINERY Proto 1 *2” Proto 1 *2 1/16” Proto 1 *2 1/8” Proto 1 *2 3/16” Proto 1 *2 1/4” Proto 1 *2 5/16” Proto 1 *2 3/8” Proto 1 *2 7/16” Proto 1 *2 1/2” Fertilizer Equipment Proto 1 *2 5/8” Proto 1 *2 11/16” Proto 1 *2 3/4” Proto 1 *2 13/16” Proto 1 *2 7/8” Proto 1 *3” Proto 1 Universal Joint: *1” Drive Impact Proto 1 1” Drive Impact Extensions: *7” Proto 1 3/4” Drive Impact Socket Set in Steel Box: 1*” Proto 1 *1 1/16” Proto 1 *1 1/8” Proto 1 *1 3/16” Proto 1 *1 1/4” Proto 1 *1 5/16” Proto 1 *1 3/8” Proto 1 *1 7/16” Proto 1 *1 1/2” Proto FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4-9 TONNE, Large 1 Universal Joint: *3/4” Drive Impact Proto 1 3/4” Drive Impact Extensions: *7” Proto 1 3/4” Drive Impact Adapters: *3/4” F x 1” M Proto 2Structural Wrench: *1 7/16” Proto 1 Selection, $2,000 up; 10T Tender, $2,500; Vicon *1 1/2” Proto 1 *1 5/8” Proto 1 *2” Proto 1Air Impact Wrench: *1” Extreme Duty CP CNPCP7775 2 *3/4” Extreme Duty CP CNPCP772H 3 *1/2” Extreme Duty CP CNPCP7750 4 Torque 3-pt Spreader, $350; Valmar 240 Applicator, Multiplier 3/4” to 1”: *Input rating - 200 ft-lb rate output 1000 ft-lb James Morton JM1000 1 Needle Scalers: *Lever 17”/Piston stroke 1 1/8 CP CNPCP9356NS 2 Air Grinder: *CP 1 Die $1,000; B-Line Trail Type 50-ft., $2,000. Phone Grinder: *1/4” diameter with air whips CP CNPCP860 8 *Ratchet: *3/4” 4 *1” 1Combination Wrenches – Standard: *1/4” 2 *3/8” 4 *1/2” 6 *9/16” 4 *5/8” 19 *11/16” 4 *3/4” 5 *13/16” (204)857-8403. 3 *7/8” 3 *15/16” 24 *1” 10 *1 1/16” 3 *1 1/8” 21 *1 1/4” 11 *1 5/16” 2 *1 3/8” 12 *1 1/2” 5 *1 5/8” 16 *1 13/16” 3 *1 7/8” 5 *2” 8 *2 1/16” 3 *2 3/8” 1 *2 1/2” 1 *2 5/8” 1Combination FARM MACHINERY Wrenches – Metric: *7mm 7 *8mm 4 *10mm 13 *12mm 11 *13mm 15 *14mm 7 *15mm 4 *17mm 14 *18mm 6 *19mm 15 *21mm 3 *22mm 5 *24mm 16 *26mm 6 *27mm 7 *30mm Grain Augers 4 *32mm 7 *36mm 2 *41mm 4 *46mm 3 *50mm 5 *55mm 3 *60mm 4Pipe Wrenches: *24” Rigid 6 *36” Rigid 1 *48” Rigid 1 *18” Rester 3 *24” Rester 2 Selection of Precision tooling: *Inside/outside micrometersDepth guages Large selection Plasma Cutter: *Powermax 1900 Hypertherm 1900 1 Precision Tools: *Electronic Digital Theodolite incl Tripod SOKKIA DT5 1 *First-order Precision Level incl Tripod SOKKIA PL1S 1 *Automatic Level incl Tripod SOKKIA C31 1 *Outside Micrometers (11) from 1” to 12” CHUAN 1 *Outside Micrometers (6) from 1” to 6” 1Hydraulic Bottle Jacks: *2 ton 1 *8 ton 1 *12 ton 8 *22 ton 2 *50 ton 1 Body Harness: *Universal size 59 Lanyards: *Shock Absorbing 48 4-Wheel Steel Carts: *5 ton each 4 4-Wheel Steel Carts: *1.5 ton each 4 Steel Wire Rope Slings: *3/8” to 2” Lot 1 Pipe Cutters: *1/8” to 2” Rigid 2 *3/4” to 2” 1 *1” to 3” 1 *2 1/2” to 4” 1 Ratchet Pipe Reamers: *Rigid 1 *Mueller 2 Pipe Plugs: *2” 2 Lever Type Tube Benders: *3/16” Rigid 3 *3/8” Rigid 1 *1/2” Rigid 2 *5/8” Rigid 3 *18mm Rigid 1 * Thin Wall Conduit Bender: *1/2” Ideal 1 *1/2” Greenlee 1 *3/4” Greenlee 1 Pipe Stand: *20” to 38” 2500 lb capacity Rigid VJ-98 10 Tristand Top Screw Chain Vise: *1/8” to 6” Rigid 460 2 Ratchet Threader Sets: *3/8” to 1 1/4” Rigid 1362 1 Telescoping Tri-Pod Folding Stands: *44” adjustable pipe stand with V head DSP DVS33102 8 Concrete Bits/Core Bits: *Assorted sizes 56 Rebar Cutters: Assorted sizes 21 Screw Lock Clamps: *2 ton 2 *3 ton 4 Beam Trolly: *1/2 ton 6 Natural Gas Burner: *28 million btu incl gas train & controls (will expand up to 12.5’ ID) used at Tolko, Tembec, herbicides TrusJoist & LP Swan River 1 Hand Operated Hydraulic Tube Bender: *Incl 3/4” to 3” shoes 1 Welder: *250 amp Lincoln 10 Carts: *for 250 amp lincoln Lincoln 3 * Welder: *600 amp - dimension 452 (with remotes) Miller 2Welder - Gas Driven: *400 amp incl trailer lights Miller 1 4 pack Welder Frames: *4 machines/frame incl switch gear (fits 250 Ideal Arc Lincoln) 3 Welder Plugs: *Male 575 35 Welding Cable: *lengths approx 75-100 ft 7200 ft Ground Clamps: *approx whip length 20 ft 30 Electrode Holders: *approx whip length 20 ft 10 Tig Torches: *200 amp DC 150 amp AC 25 ft length with flow meters Fibre-Metal 12 2-way Radios: *4 channel incl mic, chargers & spare batteries Kenwood 17 * Misc Hand Tools (Lot): *Cutting torches, hoses, carts, gauges, sockets, wrenches, torque wrenches, drift pins, electrical cords, stinless shim packs, grout, pipe insulation, light stringers, exhaust hose, lock out locks, gaugers, tugger cable, snatch blocks, magnetic base drills 1 Cylinder Storage Shed: *Capacity - 30 cylinders 1 Cylinder Storage Shed: *Capacity - 40 cylinders 1 Storage Trailers: *8’ x 20’ incl steel shelving 1 *8’ x 16’ incl steel shelving 1 *8’ x 16’ incl wood shelving 1 *8’ x 15’ incl steel shelving 1 *8’ x 16’ safetied Soko 1 Semi Trailer: *28’ Trail Mobile 1 Office Trailer: *10’ x 52’ incl 1 office Atco 1 Office Trailer: *10’ x 48’ incl 1 office Atco 1
CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests binmovers@hotmail.com
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Viterra
Franklin - 204-476-2668
13-02-01 1:34 PM
Tired of shovelling out your bins, unhealthy dust and awkward augers?
Walinga manufactures a complete line of grain vacs to suit your every need. With no filters to plug and less damage done to your product than an auger, you’re sure to find the right system to suit you. Call now for a free demonstration or trade in your old vac towards a new WALINGA AGRI-VACS Fergus, ON: (519) 787-8227 Carman, MB: (204) 745-2951 Davidson, SK: (306) 567-3031
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Baling SELLING A 2003 BALE King 3000, left hand discharge, very good shape, 1 owner. (204)855-2073 evenings. WANTED: NEW HOLLAND BALE wagons. Also, Farmhand or Hoelscher small bale accumulators and forks. JD small square balers. Roeder Implements Seneca, KS 785-336-6103
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various 2009 NH 7090 ROUND baler, wide PU & endless belts, big tires, auto wrap, less than 7,000 bales, shedded. Phone (204)388-4975
Rebuilt Concaves
Rebuild combine table augers Rebuild hydraulic cylinders Roller mills regrooved MFWD housings rebuilt Steel and aluminum welding Machine Shop Service Line boreing and welding
Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd. Eden, MB 204-966-3221 Fax: 204-966-3248
Check out A & I online parts store www.pennosmachining.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Combines FARM MACHINERY Combine – Case/IH FOR SALE: 2005 CASE IH 8010 combine, AWD, 45-32 front tires, means 45-in wide, 28Lx26 rear tires, approx 1950-separator hrs w/spreader & chopper, 30-ft draper header, $150,000; 2008 Case IH 8010, AWD, 45-32 front tires, 28Lx26 rear tires, spreader & chopper, approx 800-separator hrs, w/30-ft flex draper header, $250,000. Phone:(204)871-0925.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – John Deere 1997 JD CTS 2400 sep hrs, green lighted 300-hrs ago, 914 PU, hopper topper, ext auger, HDr height, dial o matic, FCWS chopper, new sieves, Chaffee, run bats, PU belts. $65,000 (204)532-2313, Russell 1997 JD 9600, COMPLETE w/Trelleborg tires, always shedded, field ready, $65,000 OBO. Phone:(204)745-8333. 2-2008 JD 9870 COMBINES for sale. First w/994/696-hrs, 900/65R32 fronts, 18.4R-26 rears. Second combine w/1248/942-hrs, 18.4/38 duals & 18.4/26 rears. Complete w/harvest smart feedrate & Greenstar autotrac. Both come/w small & lrg wire concaves, 615 PU’s, always shedded, VGC. Asking $240,000 each. If interested please call (204)799-7417.
Combine ACCessories FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted
LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions
TRACTORS FOR PARTS: IHC 1486, 1086, 886, 1066, 966, 1256, 656, 844, 806, 706, 660, 650, 560, 460, 624, 606, 504, 434, 340, 275, 240-4, W9, WD6, W6, W4, H, 340, B-414; CASE 4890, 4690, 2096, 2394, 2390, 2290, 2090, 2470, 1370, 1270, 1175, 1070, 970, 870, 1030, 930, 830, 730, 900, 800, 700, 600, 400, DC4, SC; MF 2745, 1805, 1155, 1135, 1105, 1100, 2675, 1500, 1085, 1080, 65, Super 90, 88, 202, 44, 30; JD 8640, 3140, 6400, 5020, 4020, 3020, 4010, 3010, 710; Cockshutt 1900, 1855, 1850, 1800, 1655, 1650, 560, 80, 40, 30; Oliver 66; White 4-150, 2-105; AC 7060, 7045, 7040, 190XT, 190, 170, WF; Deutz DX130, DX85, 100-06, 90-06, 80-05, 70-06; Volvo 800, 650; Universal 651, 640; Ford 7600, 6000, 5000, Super Major, Major; Belarus 5170, 952, 825, 425, MM 602, U, M5; Vers 700, 555, 145, 118; Steiger 210 Wildcat; Hesston 780. Also have parts for combines, swathers, square & round balers, tillage, press drills, & other misc machinery. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727 or toll free 1-877-858-2728 .
1974 JD 4430, CAB w/heater & A/C, new 18.4 x 38 rear tires w/factory duals, 540 & 1000 PTO. 12,500-hrs on tractor, engine was rebuilt at 9,000-hrs. Comes w/148 JD loader, manure bucket, dirt bucket & bale prong. W/joystick control. Asking $24,000. Phone Dave:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298. Cypress River, MB.
WANTED: AC WD-45 DSL; AC D21 Series II w/PTO. Phone (204)326-3812 or (204)346-2453, ask for Ben.
Mar Mac & Guests Annual Bull Sale
FARM MACHINERY Snowblowers, Plows FOR SALE: CAPITAL I one way plow, VGC, ready to plow, currently set up w/wheel loader quick attach brackets, but will remove for greater application, $9,000 OBO. (204)649-2276
Tillage & Seeding FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Air Drills 2000 CONCORD CASE IH 2710 drill, 1100 tank, single chute, new low disturbance sweeps & Richland boots 2012. Phone (204)348-2703 2004 SEEDHAWK 45-FT, 10-IN spacing w/Raven NH3 controller, w/Flexi-coil 2320 tank, well maintained, $39,500 OBO. leonplett@gmail.com (204)364-2354.
HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 charles@arcfab.ca www.arcfab.ca
FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories WISCONSIN MOTOR PARTS FOR VG4D: crank shaft, heads, fly wheel, starter, manifold and carb, $1000 OBO. Phone:(204)669-9626.
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. www.harvestsalvage.ca New, Used & Re-man. Parts
Tractors Combines Swathers
1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts”
www.fyfeparts.com The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444
NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts
CASE IH/CONCORD 4010 AIRDRILL 2000 model, 10-in spacing, 5-plex, edge-on shanks, flat face packers, 2400 tow-between tank, DSL engine fan drive, shedded, low acres, options on hyd. fan drive, openers, mid-row banders, auto-rate NH3, etc. $44,000. Call (204)324-3647.
Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: farmparts.ca E-mail: roy@farmparts.ca Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
FOR SALE: 4955 JD Tractor, front wheel assist, 3-pth, quick hitch. New radial tires all around, including duals. Powershift, front weight. Clean & mechanically sound. Only $46,000. Phone: (204)376-5458 or (204)642-2091.
The Icynene Insulation System®
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: GJ Chemical Co. Ltd. Arnaud - 204-427-2337
precisionpac.ca FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive
FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440. FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various 80 used 4-IN. PAIRED ROW DUTCH openers (bodies & tips) VGC, $80. Phone (204)648-4945. FOR SALE: 33-FT FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, w/1720 TBH air tank, heavy trips, 3/4-in Atom Jet Carbide hoe-tips on 7.2-in spacing, steel press wheels & liquid fert. kit, good cond., side-slide markers also avail. Call (204)867-2087 (204)867-7117, Horner Cattle Co., Minnedosa. JD TANDEM DISC AW model, 20-in. blades, 9-in. spacing, 13-ft. wide, good shape, $2,000 OBO. Phone:(204)669-9626. KIP KELLY GRAVITY CLEANER #300, has 2 decks, powered by 7.5-HP electric motor, $6450; 2) Forever Grain cleaners 36x42-in, powered by 1-HP electric motor, $3450; 1) 36-ft 4x6-in all-steel bucket elevator, $3795. 1) 7-inx45-ft Brandt grain loader, $750. Phone:(306)728-3760 lv msg, Melville SK.
TracTors FARM MACHINERY Tractors – White FOR SALE: 2-105 WHITE tractor, complete new engine & frame 10-hrs ago, rear tires approx 80%, LPTO, the high-low shift, nice tractor, $9500. Phone:(204)871-0925.
1982 CASE IH 5288, 160-hp, cab w/heater & A/C. New 20.8 x 38 rear tires w/factory duals, 1000 PTO. Tractor’s in very nice condition, w/9,300-hrs, engine & trans. just recently rebuilt. Asking $18,000. Phone Dave:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298. Cypress River, MB. 93 CASE 7140 MFD, 20.8x42 rear tires, all new tires & batteries, 710 loader w/bucket & grapple, runs & drives excellent, $45,000 OBO. Call (204)526-7139 or (204)827-2629. SELLING 4490 CASE COMPLETE w/duals/14-ft Degelman dozer 5600-hrs, good working order. (204)855-2073 evenings.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
FOR SALE: 4.5-TON DIAMOND shaped slide-in fertilizer box; 12-row, 30-in S-tine row crop cult.; John Blue NH3 kit w/hitch; 100-g slip tank w/hand pump. Phone:(204)535-2453. GRAVITY WAGONS NEW 400B, $7,100; 600B, $12,000; Used 350B, $2,500 up; Parker 650B, $10,500; Parker 750B, $14,900; Large Selection Grain Carts Brent 620, $10,000; JM 750, $12,500; JM 875, $20,000; Ficklin 700B Hyd Dr., $13,500; Grain Screeners Hutch #1500, $2,200; Hutch #3000, $5,000; HiCap 5-48, $2,500; DMC 54, $5,000; Kwik Kleen 5-7 Tube, $3,500 up; Valmar Applicator, $850; New Hyd Post Auger for Skidsteer, $2,250; Grapple Bucket, $1,600; Pallet Fork, $850. Phone (204)857-8403. JD MODEL 1050 CULTIVATOR, 61.5-ft, $6,000. Phone:(204)386-2775 or Cell:(204)476-6631. Plumas, MB. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGER 7 X 43 w/18-HP Brigg, $900; JD 800 Swather 18-ft head, $900; NH round baler 851, $900; JD #444 corn header, 4 x 36-in row, will fit M.F. combines, $3000; 18-ft M.F. sunflower head, $900; Melroe harrow #403, 60-ft w/cyl, $900; Coil packers 3 x 7-ft, $600; Hay rack, $250. Phone (204)828-3396, Graysville. SKIDSTEERS GEHL #4510 $7,000; NH865 $12,900; Gehl #6625 $12,900; Snowblowers: JD 7ft $1,500, International 7-ft $1,500: Schweiss 8-ft single auger $800; Scrapers Crown 6-yd $5,000; Fieldmaster 4-yd $3,900; New 10-ft Land Levellers $2,250, 12-ft $2,450; 3PH 9-ft blade $900; Used 7ft 3PH blade $600; 11-ft 3PH rotary ditcher $1,250; Woods 6-ft pull-type mower $1,600, JD 5-ft $1,000, NH 9-ft sicle mower $2,200 IH Mirmill $1,500; Henke 36-in rollermill $5,000; 20-in rollermill $2,000. Phone:(204)857-8403
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted WANTED: 250-300-GAL. Phone (204)724-5673.
or view bulls online at www.marmacfarms.net
GRUNTHAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION MART. LTD. Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519
REGULAR CATTLE SALES Saturday, February 16th Bred Cow & Heifer Sale at 10:00 a.m. Monday, February 25th Sheep & Goat Sale with Small Animals at 12:00 Noon Saturday, March 16th Bred Cow & Heifer Sale at 10:00 a.m.
WANTED: SUNFLOWER-MORRIS EXPRESS DISC Airdrill, 40-45-ft in width, in good shape. Phone Days or Evening (204)743-2145 or Cell:(204)526-5298.
80 Lots of thick functional Beefy Red and Black Simmental, Red Angus and Black Angus Bulls. These bulls are selected for feed efficiency, temperament and structural soundness. Bulls are semen tested, and ready to go to work. Only the top end of our bull crop sell.
every TUESDAY at 9 am
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
Guests: Downhill Simmentals Perkin Land & Cattle
Call Mar Mac Farms 2 1/8, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2-in oilfield pipe; 3/4, 7/8, 1in sucker rod; 4.5, 5.5, 7-in., 8 5/8, 9 5/8s casing pipe. (204)252-3413, (204)871-0956.
STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in LIVESTOCK JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or Cattle Auctions cell: 204-871-5170, Austin. FOR SALE: BOURGAULT 3225 aircart, well PPAC main- Classified 2013 MB.indd 3 93 (28328) 13-02-01 1:34 PM FARM MACHINERY tained, always shedded. Asking $15,000. Also looking for Bourgault cart w/3 tanks, 3-m. Tractors – Various Phone:(204)461-0706 or (204)467-5608. 1950 OLIVER 80, DIS-HYDRAULIC; 1986 4x4 FARM MACHINERY Ford truck, new tires; 1986 Dodge van, 318-motor; 1983 Chevy Impala; Suzuki ATV, new tires; Sears Tillage & Seeding – Seeding Every Friday 9AM riding lawn mower. (204)263-5291 7200 JD 12R30 FRONT-FOLD planter, rebuilt 1982 HESTON FIAT 1880 DT w/front wheel assit, 2010, liquid starter kit, $12,000 OBO. Phone Wednesday, February 20 @ 1:00 160-hp, comes w/894 Allied motor w/manure buck(204)526-5017. et, dirt bucket & bale prong. New 20.8 x 38 rear tires, 16.9 x 28 front tires, 70% thread left. 1000 FARM MACHINERY Monday, March 11 PTO, triple hyd., Cab has heater & A/C. In good Tillage & Seeding – Tillage running order w/9,900-hrs. Asking $26,000. Phone Gates Open: Dave:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days WANTED: 54-FT FIELD CULTIVATOR w/mulchMon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM (204)526-5298. ers, in good shape. Phone Days or Evening (204)743-2145 or Cell:(204)526-5298.
March 6, 2013 1:30PM at Mar Mac Farms, Brandon
• Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Air Seeders
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Case/IH STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443
1993 JD MODEL 6300 MFWD, open station, c/w 640 self levelling JD loader, good rubber, excellent condition, $25,000 OBO. Phone (204)967-2157, Kelwood.
WANTED: USED FORAGE BLOWER. Call evening (204)243-2634.
Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM We Will Buy Cattle Direct On Farm For more information call: 204-694-8328 Jim Christie 204-771-0753 Scott Anderson 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg 204-841-0747
www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122
Sales Agent for
We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc) For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call
Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519 MB. Livestock Dealer #1111
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus 150 BRED YEARLING BLACK Angus heifers, AI bred June 11th to Final Answer & half of them to Right Answer. Heifers from SW Sask, to start calving March 24th, call Harry Dalke (204)822-3643, cell (204)362-4101, Morden MB. 60 ANGUS CROSS OLDER bred cows $1000/HD for all, $1200/HD you pick. Phone (204)242-2865 ANDERSON CATTLE CO. Bull Sale Mar. 28th 2013 at Valley Livestock Sales, Minitonas, MB. 30+, 2 yr old Red & Black Angus bulls. (204)734-2073
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Domain Coop Oil Company Ltd.
Domain - 204-736-4321
WANTED: 927 JOHN DEERE flex header w/PU reel (with air?) Fibre glass dividers; Wanted: Harrow packer bar w/P30 packers, approx 60-80-ft. Phone (204)385-2857. 93 (28328) PPAC Classified 2013 MB.indd 7 We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Cooperator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
EDIE CREEK ANGUS has 28 Meaty, Moderate, Maternal, Black & Red Angus bulls for sale. March 16th at Ashern Auction Mart. Easy Calving, Easy Fleshing. Developed as 2 yr olds to breed more cows for more years! Great temperaments, many suitable for heifers. www.ediecreekangus.com (204)232-1620 F BAR & ASSOCIATES ANGUS bulls for sale. Choose from 20, two yr old & yearling Red & Black Angus bulls. Great genetics, easy-handling, semen tested, delivery avail. Call for sales list. Inquiries & visitors are welcome. We are located in Eddystone, about 20-mi East of Ste Rose, or 25-mi West of Lake Manitoba Narrows, just off Hwy 68. Call Allen & Merilyn Staheli (204)448-2124, E-mail amstaheli@inethome.ca FOR SALE: BULLS, we sold the cows, 8 Black & 1 Red Angus. Phone:(204)748-2873 PLAN TO ATTEND TRIPLE V Ranch bull sale on Wed., Mar 13 at 1:00 p.m. at the ranch. On offer are 54 Red & Black Angus 2-yr old bulls. The video sale begins at 1:00 p.m., bulls on display beside the sale barn. View the catalogue at www.vvvranch.com Call Dan:(204)665-2448 or (204)522-0092 or Matt:(204)264-0706. STEWART CATTLE CO. & GUESTS BULL SALE 50 Black Angus bulls & 10 Simm Angus bulls, 12 PB Angus Heifers, February 28th, 2013 at 1:30pm Neepawa Ag-plex, Neepawa, MB. Contact Brent Stewart (204)773-2356 home, (204)773-6392 cell. View catalogue online at www.stewartcattle.com stewartcows@wificountry.ca 13-02-01 1:34 PM
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus
18TH ANNUAL CATTLEMAN’S CONNECTION BULL SALE Fri., Mar. 1st, 2013 1:00pm. Heartland Livestock, Brandon, MB. Selling 75 yearling Black Angus Bulls. For catalogue or more info call Brookmore Angus Jack Hart (204)476-2607 or (204)476-6696 e-mail brookmoreangus@mts.net Sales Management Doug Henderson (403)350-8541 or (403)782-3888. 3 2-YR OLD BLACK Angus bulls w/experience. Also, Yearling Black Angus bulls. Holloway Angus. Souris, Manitoba. Phone: (204)741-0070 or (204)483-3622.
Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!
BLACK CROSS-BRED HERD DISPERSAL 180 Black Angus X Maine-Anjou bred cows, 30 bred heifers. Closed herd, full health program. Calving starts April 1. Ph: Marcel (204)981-6953. BOTANY ANGUS FARM & Leaning Spruce Stock Farm have for sale yearling & 2 yr old Black Angus bulls. Come early, a deposit will hold your purchase until Spring. For more info & prices contact Ryan Shearer (204)824-2151 or (204)761-5232. FOR SALE: POLLED BLACK Angus & Hereford bulls. Good selection of yearlings & 2-yr olds, semen tested & delivery available. Call Don: (204)873-2430.
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus CRANBERRY CREEK ANGUS BULLS for sale on the farm. Bulls are registered, will be semen tested. Choose now, we will deliver at the end of April. Hand fed for longevity, not pushed, these bulls have a great disposition. A.I. sired by Pioneer, Final Answer, Coalition, Mohnen Dynamite, Game Day, natural sires are S Square Tiger & Cranberry Creek Networth. All EPD’s & weights available. For more info please call David & Jeanette Neufeld (204)534-2380, Boissevain. HERD DISPERSAL: 33 BLACK Angus cow calf pairs for sale 16 which were 1st calvers. Cows just finishing calving. Also 8, 2 yr old open heifers & 6, 1 yr old open heifers. If interested please call Jeff (204)612-1734 OSSAWA ANGUS AT MARQUETTE, MB has 2-yr old & yearling bulls for sale. For more information Phone:(204)375-6658. REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS, JAN & Feb born bulls for sale. Hand fed, many half brothers to highest selling heifer calf in last falls Keystone Klassic Sale. Call or E-mail Topview Acres:(204)546-2150 or kltopham@goinet.ca REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS YEARLING bulls for sale, low birth weight, very quiet, no disappointments, EPD’s & delivery available. Also 5-yr old herd sire. Aramaranth (204)843-2287. WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Black Angus bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit:
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin BLACK AND RED POLLED BULLS Quiet, Fertility Tested, Guaranteed. View online @ www.cherwaylimousin.ca or phone (204)736-2878 info@cherwaylimousin.ca TRIPLE R LIMOUSIN, HAS 2013 herdsires for sale. Red & Black yearling & 2 yr olds. 40+ Look for open house in early Apr. Pick from the largest herd of PB Black Limousin in MB. Bred for calving ease or Performance. 2 yrs guaranteed option on bulls. Your source for quality Limousin genetics. Call Art (204)685-2628 or (204)856-3440.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Lowline NOW IS THE TIME to focus on calving ease & feed efficiency while receiving the benefits of the original Aberdeen Angus genes. We are offering for sale Lowline bulls & bred or open heifers. John Frank (204)246-2383 jnfrank@mymts.net, Darlingford, MB.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Maine-Anjou FOR SALE: 2-YR OLD & yearling polled Black Maine-Anjou bulls, low birth weights & good performance. Guaranteed & delivered in spring. Will take hay on trade. (204)523-8408.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental FOR SALE: RED FACTOR yearling Simmental bulls. Call (204)445-2326, Langruth MB. PRAIRIE PARTNERS BULL & FEMALE SALE, MARCH 12/2013. Killarney Auction Mart, 40 low birth weight, Polled power house meat machines. Red, Black, Fullblood Fleckvieh. Also a select group of 20 PB & commercial open hfrs. View bulls online at www. bouchardlivestock.com For info or catalogue call Fraser Redpath (204)529-2560, Gor-don Jones (204)5352273, Brian Bouchard (403)813-7999, Wilf Davis (204)834-2479. For up-dates check our NEW website www.simmentalbreeders.ca
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental
RIVERBANK FARMS HAS YEARLING & Extra Aged Red, Red Blaze Face & Fullblood Simm Bulls for sale. Fully Quaranteed. Select your herdsire now, we will feed, semen test & deliver him when you need him. Bulls have not been clipped or trimmed. Assess them in their natural everyday FORSYTH F BAR RANCH have for sale 35 yearworking clothes. Call Ray Cormier at lings & 10 2-yr old registered Red Angus bulls, bulls (204)736-2608. Save money by buying direct from will be semen tested & delivered. For info contact the farm. Just 5-mi South of Winnipeg. Roy (204)448-2245, Eddystone, MB. 28328) PPAC Classified 2013 MB.indd 6 13-02-01 1:34 PM
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Red Angus
WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Red Angus bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.
40 BRED COWS, bred Gelbveih, calving Mar Apr, 25-30 1st to 2nd time calvers, can feed till March. Your choice, $1,600. Phone (204)388-4975.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Sierens Seed Service
Somerset - 204-744-2883
POLLED RED & BLACK Gelbvieh bulls, yearling, 2-yr old. Semen tested & delivered. Also 10-15 commercial yearling heifers. Call Maple Grove Gelbvieh (204)278-3255. 93 (28328) PPAC Classified 2013 MB.indd 12
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford FOR SALE: POLLED HEREFORD & Black Angus bulls. Good selection of yearlings & 2-yr olds, semen tested & delivery available. Call Don: (204)873-2430.
33rd Bull & Female Sale March 1st 1:00 P.M. Johnstone Auction Mart Moose Jaw, SK
150 BRED HEIFERS. Blacks, Tans, Reds bred to Red Angus heifer bulls. Herd health program, plus pelvic measure & preg checked, start calving March 20. Your choice $1300. Volume Discount. Jim Abbott (204)745-3884 or cell (204)750-1157 Carman, MB.
200 BRED HEIFERS, REDS, Blacks, Tans, full herd health program, bred to Black & Red Angus bulls, to start calving April 1st, 2013. All heifers were sourced out of reputation herds. Phone:(204)325-2416. 25 BRED COWS Angus/ Simm/ Char. Bred to Red Angus & Red Angus/ Simm X Bulls. Bulls out June 25th. Full herd health program, asking $1,250. Phone evenings (204)539-2428, Benito, MB. BRED HEIFERS, 55 BLACK Angus & Baldies, top genetics bred to Black easy calving Simmental Maple Lake Bull. You pick $1500, take all- discount. (204)782-8312, Stonewall. COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL 225 Char X Simm cows. 25 Reds & Blacks, exposed to Char bulls June 25th, young herd. Discount prices on larger lots. Phone (204)732-2481, evenings. FOR SALE: 4 CHAROLAIS cross cows, w/month old calves, $1400; 2 bred cows. Phone:(204)825-8354 or (204)825-2784. FOR SALE: 60 BRED heifers Blacks, Tans, Red. Bred to proven Red Angus bulls, also 30 bred cows Charolais & Reds, herd health program + pelvic measure & preg check. Start calving April 1st 2013. Your choice on heifers $1400, or choice on cows $1300. Stan Armstrong (204)745-7505. FOR SALE: 60 HOME-RAISED Angus cross heifers, bred to Black Angus bulls, to calve late March. Total health program current, performance guarantee. Call (204)867-2087 or (204)867-7117, Horner Cattle Co., Minnedosa. FOR SALE: ANGUS HEREFORD cross heifers, bred for calving ease, fertility & maternal traits, out of purebred cows & bulls. Guilford Hereford Ranch, Call Don (204)873-2430. HERD DISPERSAL OF 40 young cows, Charolais Angus cross & hereford cross bred Charolais, bulls exposed May 18, vac program, & Ivomec, includes 6 bred heifers & 13 second calvers, herd avg. under 5-yrs old. (204)638-8502 or (204)648-5186, Dauphin.
WANTED: ALL CLASSES OF feeder cattle, yearlings & calves. Dealer Licence# 1353. Also wanted, light feed grains: wheat, barley & oats. Phone:(204)325-2416. Manitou, MB.
LIVESTOCK Sheep – Dorper HIGH PERCENTAGE DORPER CROSS ewes, exposed for Apr. or May lambing. Lots of 30 or more, $250/each, your choice. Phone:(204)734-9144. Swan River, MB.
LIVESTOCK Horse Auctions
1000 Litre Plastic Caged Storage Tanks $69.50 ea. Call Ken 204-794-8383 #2 Mountain View Rd Winnipeg, MB
Trux-N-Parts Salvage Inc.
LIVESTOCK Swine For Sale FOR SALE: BERKSHIRE BOARS & gilds, also Tamworth. Delivery available at cost. Call Troy Collingridge (204)750-1493, (204)379-2004, (204)750-2759 or (204)828-3317.
LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted
QUINTAINE 13-02-01 P. 1:34 PM
& SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123
75 BEEF BULLS Red, Black & Fullblood Semen Tested & Guaranteed Free Delivery Plus 40 Open Females Featuring 19 FULLBLOODS Plus 21 Reds & Blacks View Catalogue at: www.LaBatteSimmentals.com
For Catalogues and DVD’s Call Barry: 306-969-4820 or Cell: 306-815-7900
ORGANIC Organic – Certified ORGANIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA CO-OPERATIVE (OPAM). Non-profit member owned organic certification body, certifying producers, processors and brokers since 1988. Phone: (204)567-3745, Miniota, Manitoba. Email: info@opam-mb.com
617 acre farm in Southern Manitoba ready for sheep, cattle or horses. Very tidy yard site with a very nice 1384 sq ft home. Great buildings and grain storage. Call Stacey Hiebert at 204-371-5930
Nice country property on 80 acres of land. Facilities set up for cattle or can be used for sheep or horses. 1692 sq ft house. Call Stacey Hiebert at 204-371-5930
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Shur-Gro Farm Services Ltd.
Killarney - 204-523-5400
precisionpac.ca ORGANIC Organic – Grains
Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, is actively buying Organic Flax from the 2012 crop year.
If interested, please send a 5lbs sample* to the following address: Attn: Sandy Jolicoeur Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. 102 Melville Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 0R1 *Please state the Variety & Quantity for Sale
For more information, please contact Sandy at:
306-975-9251 306-975-1166 sjolicoeur@bioriginal.com
An exceptionally well run dairy farm located in the gorgeous Parkland area surrounding the Assiniboine River. 50.66 kgs of quota daily. Very well sheltered and scenic yard site. Full line of machinery included. Call Sheldon Froese at 204-371-5131
LAND FM 4202
Great opportunity to buy investment land just out of Brandon, MB. Current owner likes to rent back. Parts of this land could potentially be developed into building lots. Call Dolf Feddes at 204-745-0451
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted WANTED: A MIXED FARM in Western MB or Eastern SK. 1/2-2 sections, consider livestock & equipment also. Contact Phil Schwarz (204)842-3491, Box 40 Birtle MB, R0M 0C0. BUYING OR SELLING Hazel Free in MB. You need an Experienced Realtor. Buyers preapproved before showing. Ranches, Grain Land, Pastureland, Hunting, Recreation Land, Dairies, Homes, Farms, Cottages, Suburban & Rural Property. www.manitobafarms.ca Call Harold Delta Real Estate at (204)253-7373. 13-02-01 1:34 PM GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 www.homelifepro.com or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, www.homelifepro.com Home Professional Realty Inc.
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Acreages/Hobby 50-ACRES ON HIGHWAY 16, 2 MILES FROM MINNEDOSA: 20 yr old home w/attached garage, sunroom & carport, garden & mature trees. Also 4000-ft commercial building w/overhead doors, partly lined & insulated. 3500-sq. ft. livestock loose housing w/corrals & drinkers, partly lined & insulated on cement. 900-sq. ft. warm shop w/infloor heat. Plus hay & grain storage. All buildings have running town water, new low maintenance metal & vinyl exteriors & roofs. Land is seeded to hay & fenced. Inquire gibbsc@mymts.net
PERSONAL SHARE YOUR LIFE, as it’s meant to be! Look forward to someone special in 2013. CANDLELIGHT MATCHMAKERS is here to help you. Confidential, Photos & Profiles to selected matches, Affordable, Local. Serving MB, SK, NW Ontario. Call/Write for info: Box 212, Roland, MB, R0G 1T0, (204)343-2475.
ALTERNATIVE POWER BY SUNDOG SOLAR, portable/remote solar water pumping for winter/summer. Call for pricing on solar systems, wind generators, aeration. Carl Driedger, (204)556-2346 or (204)851-0145, Virden.
PB AUSTRALIAN BLUE HEELER pups for sale, parents excellent cattle dogs, have been raising pups for 30 yrs. Phone (204)365-0066 or (204)365-6451.
PORTABLE WINDBREAKS, CALF SHELTERS, free standing rod & pipe panels, fence line & field silage bunks. Also sell Speed-Rite & 7L Livestock fence equipment, drill pipe & sucker rod. Phone (204)827-2104 or (204)827-2551, Glenboro.
FOR SALE BY TENDER 334.62-acres of good pastureland in Riverside Municipality. East half of 32-6-17 good water, fences & corrals, holds 40-50 cow/calf pairs, approx 100-acres could be worked up. Very scenic & would be nice for a house or hunting cabin. Tenders close March 1st. Inquiries phone (204)824-2571, send tenders to E. Chalanchuk Box 20 Nesbitt MB, R0K 1P0.
6 WEEK OLD PB Reg Border Collie pups, 2 female, 4 male, 1 female tri colour rest B&W, 1st vaccines, vet checked, dewormed, micro chips, asking $700. (204)378-2918
KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.
FARM SPECIALIST: COUNT ON GRANT TWEED, informed, professional assistance for sellers & buyers. www.granttweed.com Call (204)761-6884 anytime. Service with integrity.
76 NOTE KEYBOARD, $299; Deluxe Banjo, $699; Lapsteel, $269; Mandolin- Banjo, $499; Drumscymbals, $399; Double Base Drum Paddle, $150; 300W Base Amp, $399. Hildebrand Music, Portage La Prairie Mall (204)857-3172.
LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment
HEAVY BUILT CATTLE FEEDERS/TROUGHS 3/8-in. steel, 500 or 750-gal capacity, 4-ft.x18-ft. size, good for any type of feed or water, lifetime quality, $495 & up. Phone (204)362-0780, Morden.
FARM RANCHLAND TENDER Approx 1,354-ac farm including 1993 House, & outbuildings located in the RM of Ochre River, MB is tendered for sale. Tenders must be received at the office of Johnston & Company, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 551, Dauphin, MB, R7N 2V4, Attn: J.D. DEANS on or before March 22nd, 2013. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. For detailed info Contact Larry Garton (204)648-4541 or view online: www.gartonsauction.com
ROCKING W SPRING HORSE SALE Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Huge Tack Sale: Fri., Apr 19th. Horse Sale: Sat., Apr 20th. Catalogue deadline Mar 1st. (204)325-7237 rockingw@xplornet.com www.rockingw.com 93 (28328) PPAC Classified 2013 MB.indd 8
20, 2012 HEIFER CALVES, 20, 2011 heifers, 10, 2010 heifers. Excellent stock to add to your herd or a great starting package. (204)447-3332, Ste Rose du Lac, MB.
ONE SERVICE AGE POLL Holstein bull. Sired by Forest Lawn P latte P-Red & Hickorymea Overtime P; One 1037 New Holland pull-type bale wagon. Phone (204)836-2030 or (204)526-7531.
FARMLAND FOR SALE: NORTHWEST of Elm Creek SE 21-9-5W 80-acs, West half or SW 22-9-5W 160-acs. Phone Bruce (204)799-7148 shearerld22@gmail.com
LIVESTOCK Specialty – Bison/Buffalo
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Holstein
A great way to Buy and Sell without the ef for t.
2-350 DEL AIR HEAT exchangers, 3-3-in choretime flex augurs, 70-ft each. Phone:(204)535-2453
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Gelbvieh
10 QUALITY ANGUS HEIFERS, calving Feb-Mar, bred to easy calving Red Angus bull, $1350 firm. Phone:(204)728-7308.
HEALTHY HAY (SAINFOIN.EU) SAINFOIN seed for sale. Bloat-free perennial forage. Highly digestible, palatable & nutritious. www.primegrains.com/prime-sainfoin.htm (306)739-2900 jhusband@primegrains.com
WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Polled Charolais bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba
LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted
Glenboro - 204-827-2842
FOR SALE: PUREBRED CHAROLAIS bulls, 1-1/2 yr olds & yearlings, polled, some red factor, some good for heifers, semen tested in spring, guaranteed & delivered, R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney MB. Phone:(204)466-2883, cell (204)724-2811.
LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment
HIGH QUALITY BLACK ANGUS & polled Hereford 2-yr old bulls for sale. Bar H Land & Cattle Co. Phone:(306)743-2840. Langenburg SK.
DEFOORT STOCK FARM HAS an excellent group of registered Charolais bulls for sale by private treaty. Over 40 bulls on offer, 20 of them are Red. Choose your bull early for best selection. All bulls performace tested, semen tested & delivered. Visit us online at www.defoortstockfarm.com Celebrating 33-yrs in Charolais. Call us at (204)743-2109.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various
QUALITY ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL pups, all vet work done, born Jan 15th, asking $500, deposit will hold. Phone:(204)845-2278, (204)556-2417, Elkhorn Mb.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Viterra
Beausejour - 204-268-3497
REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots AGASSIZ HOMES custom builds quality RTM homes! Call us about our 1,408-sq.ft. 2013 spec home. Manitoba New Home Warranty on allPPAC our Classified 2013 MB.indd 2 93 (28328) homes. agassizhomes@gmail.com or (204)371-8985
13-02-01 1:34
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
save! Renew early and
REAL ESTATE Land For Sale 8 QUARTERS OF ADJOINING pasture land in the USED OIL RM NOTRE of Coldwell. 4DAME quarters hay land in RM of St. Laurent, one N of Winnipeg, just E of Hwy 6. & hour FILTER DEPOT Contact Kris:(204)322-5071 after 4:00p.m. or (204)771-8944 on cell. • Buy Used Oil • Buy Batteries
• Collect Used • Collect Oil Containers LARGE, APX.Filters 2,000-AC, HIGH-PRODUCING Newdale clay loam farm, North of Brandon. Southern andsoilWestern Manitoba Phone:(204)856-3140 or Office:(204)885-5500. Tel: 204-248-2110 Royal LaPage Alliance. Buying or Selling? Farm Specialist Henry Kuhl. MOSTLY PASTURE W/SOME OF it can be grain farm land, NW8-13-5, SW8-13-5, NW7-13-5, SE24-13-6 located North of High Bluff, MB. For additional info call (204)857-8108.
3 PARCELS OF PASTURELAND available for rent in RM of Lakeview. Approx 1000-acres in total. Call (204)445-2326, Langruth MB.
Renew your subscription to the Manitoba Co-operator for 2 years BEFORE we mail your renewal notice, and we'll extend your subscription by 2 additional months. That's 26 months for the price of 24. OR - Renew for one year and receive 13 months for the price of 12!
FOR SALE: 1997 26-FT Fifth Wheel, Triple E Topaz. No slides, rear kitchen, A.C. Excellent cond., always shedded, $10,900. Call Denis (204)228-8031.
Call, email or mail us today!
FOR SALE: 1994 TRIPLE E 35-ft. motor home w/43,000-km, fully loaded, $20,000. (204)822-4382
FOR SALE: 1997 27-FT fifth wheel Triple Topaz 275 RKFS full slide loaded. Good condition, must see! Phone Remi:(204)744-2179.
Email: subscription@fbcpublishing.com
BuyUsed Used Oil Oil ••Buy NOTRE •• Buy Buy Batteries Batteries DAME ••Collect CollectUsed Used Filters Filters • Collect Oil Containers • Collect Oil Containers USED • Antifreeze OIL & Southern,Southern Eastern, and Manitoba Western Western FILTER Manitoba DEPOT Tel: 204-248-2110
We BUY used oil & filters
Winter & Summer windshield washer fluid Peak Performance anti-freeze ( available in bulk or drums )
❑ 1 Year: $55.44* ❑ 2 Years $96.00*
❑ 1 Year: $150.00 (US Funds)
*Taxes included
❑ Cheque
❑ Money Order
❑ Visa
SAWMILLS MOBILE DIMENSION 128 SAWMILL, 4-cyl, VW, gas, 3 blades, hyd deck & trailer, asking $18,000. Phone:(204)848-2254
Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800-782-0794 today! 93 (28328) PPAC Classified 2013 MB.indd 10
Old & New Crop Confection & Oil Sunflowers Licensed & Bonded 0% Shrink Farm Pick-Up Available Planting Seed Available Phone (204)747-2904
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Viterra
Toll Free 1-888-835-6351 Deloraine, Manitoba PEDIGREED SEED Specialty – Various
Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, are looking to contract Borage acres for the upcoming 2013 growing season.
Hargrave - 204-748-1126
� �
Great profit potential based on high yields, high prices and low input costs. Attractive oil premiums and free on-farm pick-up. Flexible contracting options available as well. For more information, please contact Bioriginal at:
The only company that collects, 93 (28328) PPAC Classified 2013 MB.indd 9 recycles and re-uses in Manitoba! 888-368-9378 ~ www.envirowestinc.com
Payment Enclosed
Landmark - 204-355-4061
Call For Pricing
Specialized waste removal
U.S. Subscribers
Richardson Pioneer
SANDERS SEED FARM Cert, Reg, FDN Carberry, Domain, Kane, Harvest, Glenn Wheat, Cert Celebration Barley Canterra Canola varieties also. Phone (204)242-4200, Manitou, MB.
Glycol recovery services
Canadian Subscribers
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit:
BLOWOUT COMPLETE WALL-TO-WALL. New & used for all: Snow, MC, ATV, scooters, mopeds, etc. 981 Main St. Winnipeg. Canadian (204)582-4130. Start saving today.
Collection of plastic oil jugs
PUGH SEEDS: CERT AC Barrie, Carberry, Kane, Somerset, HRS Wheat. Souris Oats, Conlon Barley, Sorrel Flax. Phone (204)274-2179 or (204)871-1467, Portage.
Proud Supporter of Manitoba Businesses & Municipalities
Your expiry date is located on your publication's mailing label.
PEDIGREED SEED Oilseed – Various
JAMES FARMS LTD: Carberry & Pasteur Wheat, Tradition Barley, Souris & Summit Oats, Hanley Flax, Various Canola, Sunflower & Soybean seed varieties, Forage seed. Customer processing. Seed treating & delivery available. Early payment discounts. For info (204)222-8785, toll free 1-866-283-8785, Winnipeg.
M S E R : 12345 2010/ 12 P UB John Smith Company Name 123 E x a m p l e S t . Town, Province, POSTAL CODE
DURAND SEEDS: CERT AC Carberry, Harvest wheat; Souris Oats; Conlon Barley; CDC Bethune & Sorrel flax; Mancan & Koma Buckwheat; Canola & Forage seed. (204)248-2268,(204)745-7577, NotreDame, MB.
PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various
PASTURELAND 1/2 SECTION OF SE 10-17-13W & SW 10-17-13W in the Municipality of Lansdowne Ken Oswald (204)386-2223.
PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various
306-229-9976 (cell) 306-975-9271 (office) 1:34crops@bioriginal.com PM
❑ Mastercard
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Box 9800, Stn. Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K7
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Help us make the Manitoba Co-operator an even better read! Please fill in the spaces below that apply to you. Thank you!
If you're not the owner/operator of a farm are you: q In agri-business (bank, elevator, ag supplies etc.) q Other total farm size (including rented land)_______________ Year of birth________ q I’m farming or ranching q I own a farm or ranch but i'm not involved in it's operations or management
My Main crops are: No. of acres 1. Wheat ____________ 2. Barley ____________ 3. Oats ____________ 4. Canola ____________ 5. Flax ____________ 6. Durum ____________ 7. Rye ____________ 8. Peas ____________ 9. Chick Peas ____________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 1. Registered Beef ____________ 2. Commercial Cow ____________ 3. Fed Cattle (sold yearly) ____________ 4. Hog Weaners (sold yearly) __________
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13-02-01 1:34
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
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F/T EMPLOYMENT ON GRAINFARM near Star93 (28328) PPAC Classified 2013 MB.indd 13 in all aspects of grain- 13-02-01 1:34 PM buck, MB. Duties to assist farming including mechanical, welding& trucking. Class 1 license is required or willing to obtain. For more info call PAGE FARMS at (204)735-2373 or (204)981-4234. Round up the cash! Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
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iPhone ready. The Manitoba Co-operator mobile app is available for iPhone mobile phones. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc
Pork producers urged to be open about what happens in their barns Pro-industry advocacy group says consumers have ‘woken up’ and are concerned about modern livestock practices, but willing to listen to farmers’ side of the story
By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff
armers may have a lot of good science in their corner, but facts alone won’t restore public trust in the food system, according to the head of an industry advocacy group. “People are asking ethical questions and we’re giving them sciencebased answers, because we’re not comfortable talking about the ethics,” said Terry Fleck, executive director of the Missouri-based Center for Food Integrity. “We have to justify the actions we’re doing ethically before we can then use our science.” Fleck’s organization, founded in 2007, includes a host of U.S. farm groups, major food processors such as Smithfield and ConAgra, universities, and other players in the farm and food sectors. It also has some Canadian members, such as Braeburn Farms and the Egg Producers of Canada. Research done by the centre has found consumers still trust farmers, but they aren’t sure today’s food production qualifies as agriculture, Fleck told pork producers and processors attending the 2013 Manitoba Swine Seminar in Winnipeg.
“At the end of the day, if you can’t talk about it, maybe we should find another way to do it, because we have to be able to be transparent.” Terry Fleck
Terry Fleck of the Center for Food Integrity (CFI) believes shared values are key when it comes to livestock production. Photo: Shannon VanRaes
“They’ve woken up and said, ‘When did all the animals move inside barns?’” Fleck said. Not surprisingly, they’re upset by videos shot by animal rights groups that disparage livestock practices, he said. Manitoba’s hog sector was recently roiled when an animal rights organization released undercover footage shot in a Puratone weanling facility. Fleck noted 32 such videos have been released in the U.S. since 2006. The best way to combat the negative publicity is to have an ongoing dialogue with non-radicalized animal rights groups and consumers, he said. “No matter how you cut it, the reality is there are more and more questions today in regards to food, in regards to how it is grown, how it’s presented,” said Fleck.
Building public trust requires producers and food processors to show they have the same values and ethics as the consumer. To do that, Fleck advocates “radical transparency” when it comes to farm practices and the reasons behind them. “At the end of the day, if you can’t talk about it, maybe we should find another way to do it, because we have to be able to be transparent,” he said. While a minority advocates an end to industrial farming, Fleck said most people are only uncomfortable with specific practices employed in conventional agriculture. Often those concerns can be addressed through dialogue or by altering those practices to make them more acceptable, he said. Some produc-
ers at the seminar questioned if consumers would be willing to pay more for food if production systems were changed. “Agriculture is where it is today because of the consumer,” said Rick Prejet. “Consumers have to understand, if they want these changes, if they want to keep some producers, keep family farms and small producers... they are going to have to pay.” Fleck acknowledged price is still a major driver for consumers, but said a lot can be done that doesn’t involve large-scale production changes. “It’s not about trying to get the consumer to change their values and beliefs about today’s food system,” he said. “It’s really about helping them understand that... what you’re doing
is probably better aligned with their values and beliefs than what they previously thought.” Maintaining public trust also has production benefits, namely reduced regulation, litigation and legislation, said Fleck. “If you align with consumer ethics and values and expectations, and have some form of self-regulating system, for the most part the consumer will give you social licence,” he said. “And when you have social licence, you have a very flexible system, you have a low-cost system, you can make adjustments and you can make changes, because you have that trust.” shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Kansas company markets flax-fed ground beef A Manhattan, Kansas company has started to market omega-3-enriched ground beef from cattle fed with flax. NBO3 Technologies worked with Jim Drouillard, a Kansas State University professor of animal sciences who has been researching the addition of flax to cattle diets to increase the omega-3 fatty acid content. Omega-3s have been shown to reduce heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure. Fish is the most common recommended source, but fish is not a large part of the U.S. diet, Drouillard said in a K-State release. “Reasons for this include cost, access to fish and personal preference. Americans do, however, like hamburgers. So if we can give people a hamburger that is rich in omega-3s, it’s an alternative form of a product that they already eat and does not require a lifestyle change, which is difficult to make.” Drouillard and his students have studied flax for several of its omega-3 fatty acids that may suppress inflammation and reduce diabetes in cattle. Research showed that omega-3 levels dramatically increased in the cattle as more flaxseed was introduced into their diet. Drouillard said substituting omega-3 fatty acids for saturated fats does not change the ground beef’s flavour. The enriched ground beef is named GreatO Premium Ground Beef and will be available mid-February at select retailers in Buffalo, N.Y., and expand to leading retailers and restaurants nationwide later this year.
Survey shows how calf diseases are treated Western Veterinary College report shows trends among cow-calf producers Roy Lewis, DVM Beef 911
comprehensive survey was completed by Dr. Cheryl Waldner at the Western Veterinary College in Saskatoon looking at the incidence of early calfhood diseases across Western Canada. Surveys were distributed to veterinary clinics across this region and randomly distributed to their clients. Thanks to the participating veterinarians and their clients who responded and answered the questionnaire completely and honestly. This area had not been looked at for some time and with the ever-changing dynamics of the cow-calf sector across Western Canada some interesting results were obtained. I will touch on some of the more significant points which came out of the survey and which should benefit the cow-calf producer. It is no surprise the average number of cows per herd has increased over the years. It is now approximately 200 head, which with greater numbers calving inherently brings with it more problems than with smaller herds. A fairly high percentage — 14 per cent of herds — treated greater than 10 per cent of their calves for scours. Around five per cent of the herds had problems with scours. This illustrates the adage that once you have one case you are likely to have several. The key is to prevent the first case from developing or isolate it and prevent further spread. One of the key components against developing scours is boosting the calves’ immunity through the colostrum. Improving the cow’s colostrum is accomplished through good nutrition and vaccinating, especially for scours. If you are worried that calves did not receive adequate colostrum, it should be supplemented with a good-quality colostrum substitute.
Since there are very good broad-spectrum scours vaccines which have proven beneficial, I was shocked to find how few producers vaccinate. If we include vaccinating in the fall or precalving, only about 40 per cent of producers vaccinate. This to me is quite low which is one reason why many calves are still treated for scours. This is evident to me by the amount of electrolytes clinics sell in the spring. I personally would rather try to prevent than treat. Farmers still regarded diarrhea (whether scours or coccidiosis) as the most important disease they treat in half the herds. Many questions come up every year about coccidiosis at producer meetings.
Colostrum use higher
It is good to see many producers — 70 per cent — conscientiously using colostrum or colostrum supplements when necessary. Now this may have only been in one calf, but it shows me producers are geared up to administer it and have it on hand. The quality of the commercial colostrum sources like Headstart have really improved over the years and the amount of immunoglobulin is indicated on the label. Some producers milk out a heavy-producing cow the first time to have colostrum on hand. It should be mentioned that Headstart is colostrum from dairies that do vaccinate for scours, as maximum protection is paramount. Only a few (1.9 per cent) used homemade recipes, boluses and milk replacers and I would really caution that in these instances producers are not getting the protection they think. There is still much education necessary when it comes to colostrum supplementation but thankfully most producers are getting the message. The effort of providing colostrum supplementation to twin calves or calves on cows with mastitis or little milk may prevent
Since there are very good broad-spectrum scours vaccines which have proven beneficial, I was shocked to find how few producers vaccinate.
the first scours case from developing. We all know that protection through the colostrum is key. A little effort here may save lots of treatment headaches later on in the calving season if a scours outbreak is prevented. Early calving was shown to yield an increased chance of treating for scours, whether from increased stress from cold weather, close proximity to each other or running through a calving barn. Overall the probability increased. Some scours are caused by clostridial organisms so vaccinating with a clostridial vaccine after Jan. 1 greatly decreased the incidence of scours. Also vaccinating with a scours vaccine after Jan. 1 compared to not vaccinating or in the fall lowered the risk of calves dying at less than one month. The colostral immunity will be high to both these vaccines. In our area boostering the cows with blackleg vaccine every year or two is becoming more and more of an accepted practice. It has many benefits some of which we don’t even know the answers to.
Scours treatment
When looking at the drugs used to treat scours we as veterinarians have generally felt electrolytes are the most important thing followed by antibiotics (usually injectable) and anti-inflammatory drugs. The survey indicates the reverse actually happens — producers with scours are three times as likely to just treat with antibiotics, than electrolytes. Most scours occur between three days or older meaning they are most likely viral in origin so the electrolytes will do them more good. Another agreed issue with most veterinarians is because
the gut is compromised, injectable antibiotic drugs get into the bloodstream are more beneficial than boluses which need to be digested and then absorbed. That is happening because the study reported twice as many calves are treated with injectable antibiotics. Again lots of different concoctions are used including homemade electrolyte solutions. Some have merit, others probably don’t. I always like the commercial electrolyte products, which have been balanced and tested. The second-most recognized neonatal problem was pneumonia followed by navel infection, which I think one would expect. The most common things done to calves at birth are still selenium and vitamin A & D shots. The increase in producers calving later and on pasture is why the percentage of these two procedures by farmers is around 40 per cent. Long-acting antibiotics are given at birth in around 15 per cent of the calves probably as a protection against navel infection or pneumonia. This survey should provide a good synopsis on what is going on in the industry and what is accepted practice out in the field. We slowly are getting back to the management levels most of our herds had prior to BSE. I would encourage any of you to take up the management practices recommended by your peers. Here’s to a healthy and prosperous calving season. Roy Lewis is a large-animal veterinarian practising at the Westlock, Alberta Veterinary Centre. His main interests are bovine reproduction and herd health.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
U.S. restaurants face tough order locking in low beef prices Beef prices are up about seven per cent so far this year By Lisa Baertlein reuters
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Leaders of the Pack.
Non Bleed
t is getting harder for restaurant chains to lock in long-term prices for hamburger and other beef cuts as the impact of last summer’s historic drought sends prices higher. Such purchasing contracts help companies predict their food costs over time, and if done well, can save them significant money in times of rising prices. Chili’s Grill & Bar parent Brinker International Inc. was one of the first large operators to signal the trend. “We can’t really contract for ground beef anymore... We can just lock in supply but not price,” Guy Constant, Brinker’s spokesperson said on a conference call with analysts last week. Overall beef prices are up roughly seven per cent so far this year, and hamburger is up as much as 10 per cent, said Adam Werner, co-lead of consulting firm AlixPartners’ restaurant and food service practice. The worst drought in more than 50 years in the U.S. Midwest has pushed up prices for feed corn and led to the smallest cattle supply in more than 60 years. That supply squeeze also comes at a time when Tyson Foods Inc., the largest U.S. meat supplier, already was cutting back on annual fixedprice agreements. On Feb. 1 Tyson reported quarterly profit that topped Wall Street’s view, after strong beef and chicken prices helped offset higher feed costs. The average price per pound for beef sold during the quarter, ended Dec. 29, was up 11.7 per cent from a year earlier, while chicken was up 8.2 per cent, Tyson said.
Restaurants that want to, can lock in long-term prices for hamburger and other beef products, said John Davie, chief executive of Consolidated Concepts, a firm that helps restaurants negotiate purchases. “We can get them, they’re just not very good,” Davie said, referring to pricing terms. M c D o n a l d ’s C o r p. , t h e world’s largest restaurant chain by revenue, declined to comment on its beef supply and pricing saying it such information is “confidential and proprietary.” Wendy’s Co. uses only fresh beef and says it is business as usual at the fast-food hamburger chain. “Wendy’s is still able to lock in prices for its fresh hamSEC-RR2Y-MBLead12J_MC.qxd burger on a quarterly basis,”10/24/12 spokesman Bob Bertini said.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Ste. Rose
Feeder Steers
No. on offer
Over 1,000 lbs.
900-1,000 lbs.
D1-D2 Cows
D3-D5 Cows
50.00 and up
Age Verified
Good Bulls
Butcher Steers
Butcher Heifers
Feeder Cows
Fleshy Export Cows
Lean Export Cows
Feeder heifers
Slaughter Market No. on offer
* includes slaughter market
(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)
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just got smarter. stay up to date on all things ag. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc Get the Manitoba Co-operator mobile app and get the latest ag news as it happens. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc
UTM beef starts to move to Japan U.S. beef from older cattle are being shipped to Japan for the first time in 10 years followingTokyo’s move to ease rules put in place after the outbreak of mad cow dis-
ease in 2003, the leader of an export-based industry group said Feb. 7. Earlier this month Japan said it would allow U.S., Canadian and French beef imports from cattle up to 30 months old beginning on Feb 1.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Wally Smith says supply management benefits both producers and consumers By Alex Binkley CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR / OTTAWA
a n a d a’s 1 2 , 5 0 0 d a i r y farmers should be boasting about supply management and touting its benefits for consumers, says Wally Smith, president of Dairy Farmers of Canada. The B.C. dairyman took shots at supply management critics, economists, and Liberal leadership aspirants “who don’t bother to look beyond the Canadian border to see what deregulation in agriculture causes.” If they did, they would see suffering around the world,” Smith told attendees at his group’s annual policy conference. Dairy farmers in California and parts of the U.S. northeast are struggling to save their farms, while Australian milk producers are protesting prices that don’t cover their cost of production, he said. “In Canada, we are attacked for a system that works so well for farmers, consumers and governments,” he added. “It gets a fair compensation for farmers from the market.” Compare that to the situation faced by Canadian hog farmers, he said. “You never hear the pundits talk about the stress in the pork sector. No, we get blamed for high prices.” Supply management is blamed for stalling free trade deals with Europe and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but anyone familiar with the talks know there other economic issues at stake, he said. Canada and the European officials have been meeting intensively in recent weeks to strike a deal that Ottawa and Brussels can accept. Increased access for French cheese and Canadian beef and pork are among the touchy issues yet to be resolved. Smith said the European talks have highlighted the importance of maintaining high tariffs to protect dairy farmers against heavily subsidized milk and poultry imports. He said Canada has to move faster to shut the door on designer products that exist only to circumvent the tariff rules. Many conference delegates arrived in Ottawa two days before the meeting to lobby government ministers and MPs. Smith noted Prime Minister Stephen Harper twice reiterated his government’s support for supply management in question period on Feb. 5 and said he expects that support to continue. Dairy farmers also need to talk up how their sector was a leader in the development and adoption of a code of practice for humane livestock rearing, Smith said. “We are responding to society’s demands that we take good care of our livestock, produce safe food and protect the environment,” he said.
Needle-free injection urged for swine Manitoba Pork Council and Maple Leaf Foods urge pork producers to switch to needle-less injection system after needle fragments found at Brandon plant By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF
og producers are being urged to consider needle-less injection systems following the discovery of needle fragments at Maple Leaf Foods’ Brandon pork plant. “I think we’re going to look at pushing that technology more and more, because the issue of food safety is very important,” said Mark Fynn, an animal care specialist with the Manitoba Pork Council. In January, needle fragments were picked up by screening devices at the Brandon processing plant, prompting publicity and public concern. Although many safeguards are in place to prevent needle fragments from entering the food supply, Fynn said a move to needle-free injection meth-
ods would eliminate the risk entirely. “The injector shoots a very fine stream of the medication into the pig, with a lot of pressure behind it,” he said, adding the injection site is much smaller than that of a traditional hypodermic needle. However, needle-less injectors are more costly, and require rigorous cleaning. Manufacturers are also working to make the needle-less systems more user friendly, said Fynn. Hopefully, more information on the systems will lead to wider adoption, he said. Those who use traditional needles need to be vigilant, said Robert MacKay of Maple Leaf Foods. There is no excuse for fragments ending up at the processing plant, he said.
“After every injection, you should be checking that the needle is still intact, checking that the needle is not bent, and that the needle is free of burrs,” he told producers at the annual Manitoba Swine Seminar. “Never, under any circumstance, try to straighten a needle — ever.” Using the right-size needle for the right size of pig is also important, he said, adding that if a needle does break off during an injection, Maple Leaf offers its producers a clear incentive not to ship the pig. “We will reimburse you for that pig,” MacKay said. “We do not want the producer to ship the pig to market, we want the producer to euthanize the animal.” He noted that producers do make use of this policy, and that Maple Leaf does make payouts
“Just one incidence of needle fragments in pork can have a pretty devastating effect on our industry.” ROBERT MACKAY
once the appropriate paperwork has been done. “Just one incidence of needle fragments in pork can have a pretty devastating effect on our industry,” he said. “Working together as an industry, we can provide the safest pork products to our customers.” shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com
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Dairy farmers need to push back against critics
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
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West accuses Russia of protectionism over ractopamine The U.S. says actions appear inconsistent with WTO commitments By Melissa Akin moscow / reuters
R Farm owner Lovejoy Tendengu inspects his tobacco crop at Nyamzura Farm in Odzi, about 200 km east of the capital Harare. photo: REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo
Zimbabwe production recovers after land redistribution The country has not recovered its reputation as a breadbasket, but neither has it earned its label as a basket case By Ed Cropley johannesburg / reuters
ore than a decade after the chaotic and violent seizure of white-run farms by allies of President Robert Mugabe, food production in Zimbabwe is returning to 1990s levels as the new owners get to grips with the job, according to a new book. The farm takeovers led by pro-Mugabe independence war veterans from 2000 onwards are widely seen as the catalyst for an economic meltdown that culminated in hyperinflation and an estimated 40 per cent contraction in output over eight years. In his book Zimbabwe Takes Back its Land, however, London School of Economics researcher Joseph Hanlon argues that the seizures — while delivering short-term economic trauma — were a radical form of land redistribution that is starting to bear fruit. Output from farms seized the previous decade has soared, particularly since the hyperinflating Zimbabwe dollar was scrapped in 2009 and prices were based on more stable rand and U.S. dollars.
Takes a generation
Harvests are now nearing the years when the former British colony’s 4,500 white-owned commercial farms towered over the sector, according to Hanlon. “It really does take a genera-
tion for people to dominate a farm. That was true for the white farmers in the 1950s. It was true with the 1980s land reform, and it’s true now. It takes two decades,” Hanlon said. “We’re only halfway down the line, so we’re not claiming Zimbabwe is El Dorado, and we’re not claiming even that you’ve done better than 2000. What we are claiming is you’re getting close to the 1990s average.” To support his view, Hanlon cites government figures that put 2009-10 and 2010-11 harvests of maize, the staple food, at 78 per cent and 86 per cent, respectively, of the 1990s annual average. In those two years, which admittedly enjoyed good rains, the International Monetary Fund says the economy grew at nearly 10 per cent. With the exception of tobacco, the picture for cash crops is even more promising, with the southern African nation producing more cotton, sugar and tea in 2010-11 than in an average year prior to the farm takeovers, according to the figures. Furthermore, of all maize produced, Hanlon says half comes from farms taken over since 2000 by Mugabe war veterans.
Breadbasket or basket case?
With a figure as divisive as Mugabe, who has run the southern African nation since independence in 1980 and
has been accused of crushing opposition by force, it is inevitable that Hanlon’s findings do not meet with universal approval. The Commercial Farmers’ Union (CFU), which represents the 4,000 white farmers who have lost their land in the last 10 years, publishes its own crop figures that put maize production at less than two-thirds of the government tallies. The CFU also points to a United Nations appeal last month for $131 million in aid for nearly 1.7 million people — more than 10 per cent of the population— who are facing hunger this year because of drought. “It’s an absolute joke,” CFU president Charles Taffs said in an interview, dismissing the official figures as “fictitious propaganda” from the Ministry of Agriculture. “It’s a total and utter shambles here. If we were producing the maize the government says we’re producing, why are we every year appealing for food assistance?” Hanlon counters by saying that the perception of Zimbabwe was a regional breadbasket after independence is a “white myth” and that one in three of the new post-2000 farmers are now starting to produce on a significant commercial scale. “There are a set that are in trouble; there are a set that are comfortable; and about a third of them who are really serious farmers,” Hanlon said.
ussia’s move to ban U.S. meat imports worth over $500 million each year, over a feed additive, will help domestic producers withstand an influx of cheap meat after Russia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). Wester n food producers believe protectionism, rather than concern about additives, is its primary purpose. The influx has driven down pork prices in particular and threatens hundreds of millions of dollars of investment in modern pig farms to supply Russian consumers, who are eating more meat as oil-fuelled government spending drives up incomes. Russia’s Veterinary and PhytoSanitary Surveillance Service (VPSS), Rosselkhoznadzor in Russian, has said it will ban imports of U.S. beef, pork and turkey from this month because U.S. producers failed to agree to demands that their exports be certified free of a feed additive, ractopamine. “Import is being restrained by the actions of Rosselkhoznadzor, and that is a stimulating factor for domestic production,” Vladimir Labinov, the head of the livestock department of the Agriculture Ministry, said this week. The United States made its opposition clear. “These actions threaten to undermine our bilateral trade relationship,” Andrea Mead, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Trade Representative’s office, said last week. “They are not consistent with international standards and appear to be inconsistent with Russia’s WTO commitments.” Rosselkhoznadzor said U.S. producers had ample time to comply after warnings were issued early last year, well before Russia joined the WTO, over use of ractopamine, a growth stim-
“These actions threaten to undermine our bilateral trade relationship.” Andrea Mead
spokeswoman for the U.S. Trade Representative’s office
ulant used to produce leaner meat. Brazilian and Canadian producers have promised to comply. Some Russian officials say their country could have made more of the issue of the stimulant. “We put ourselves at a techn i c a l d i s a d va n t a g e,” Ro sselkhoznadzor chief Sergei Dankvert told a meeting chaired by Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov. “We did not say anything, even though we knew about this ractopamine.” The United Nations Codex Alimentarius group has ruled ractopamine in meat was not harmful to human health at low levels, but some countries, such as China, still ban it. A western food industry source said the ractopamine ban was simple protectionism for domestic producers. “It is part of the protectionist measures they are taking against all imports,” the source said, adding the threat to bar other meats as well as pork was done for the sake of consistency. “If you are going to take a decision on ractopamine, you have to be consistent.” It is not the first time Rosselkhoznadzor has faced accusations of protectionism. The European Union complained openly of a “surge in protectionist measures” and lack of commitment to global trade rules last year after Russia banned imports of live animals from the bloc before its formal entry to the WTO.
Employees dress pig carcasses at the “Gvardiya” (Guard) meat-processing factory in the settlement of Shturm, some 150 km (93 miles) north of Russia’s southern city of Stavropol. The U.S. says Russia’s ban on meat imports over ractopamine is aimed at protecting its domestic industry from competition. photo: REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
U.S. country grain elevators favour longer CME hours CME is caught between country grain elevators and large trading firms By Christine Stebbins CHICAGO / REUTERS
he CME Group, the largest U.S. futures market operator, is tinkering with its trading hours to try and please two factions in its oldest constituency: the grain industry. Industry officials said CME is looking for a way to strike a balance between international grain companies that want shorter hours and small, rural grain elevators that like longer trading hours. CME finds itself squeezed by two competing voices. Grain giants like Cargill, ADM, Bunge and Louis Dreyfus, which hedge millions of bushels every day, want shorter hours to save on staffing costs, avoid trading risks from thin volumes outside U.S. daytime hours, and profit on cash market trading. But hundreds of smaller grain handlers known as country elevators like having the exchange open to hedge price risk at odd
hours. These are usually the first point of sale for grain farmers. Earlier this month, CME reversed a policy it put in last May that expanded hours at its Chicago Board of Trade grain market to 21 from 17, saying it would now cut hours. But CME said it was “continuing to vet alternatives with our customer base” and hadn’t made a decision on trading times. CBOT grain markets are now closed just three hours a day from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. CST, a huge contrast to decades of “pit” trading that lasted less than four hours (9:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.). In 1995, an electronic-only night session, open from 6 p.m. to 7:15 a.m. was added to draw business from big grain buyers in Asia and Europe. Volumes on the night session have always been lower than U.S. daytime hours, when cash grain transactions in the world’s largest grower led activity. Nevertheless, CME last May again expanded
hours, saying it needed to stay competitive with new grain contracts listed on CME’s rival, the all-electronic IntercontinentalExchange. ICE grain volumes, however, remain minuscule. The grain trade has stayed at CBOT for the liquidity, and trade patterns show that a narrow few hours of the day still dominate.
Longer hours empower small elevators
CME declined comment, but grain traders said CME is weighing proposals that include cutting hours back to 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and then 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., or a cycle that opens at 6 or 7 p.m. each evening and closes the next day at 1 p.m. (all times CST). “It’s fine with me if they want shorter hours, but at least keep them open between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. so these guys can get their grain hedged and lock in some margins and profits,” said Mike Hall, a futures broker who works with many
Midwest farmer co-ops and country elevators and wrote a letter to the CME this week. “Most commercial grain business takes place between 7 a.m and 4 p.m. With some of the ideas being floated — you’re back to limiting these guys to only four hours to hedge,” Hall said. “It seems to me that the exchange is disenfranchising these people from the whole idea why the Chicago Board of Trade was started, for the producer and handler to transfer his risk.” Hall and others said country elevators, buying grain when CBOT markets are shut, often end up calling the big firms like ADM or Cargill and resell the grain on a fixed or “flat-priced” basis, dodging the risk of unhedged ownership but giving up the chance to profit from holding grain longer. “Along come these longer hours,” Hall said. “They’ve gotten used to them, their margins and profits are a little more stable. And now you’re going to take that away from them?”
Farm group backs U.S. immigration reform
Part of your well-balanced farm business
he largest U.S. farm group is throwing its weight behind a new immigration law reform that would allow undocumented workers already in the country to gain legal status. Delegates at the annual meeting of the six-million-member American Farm Bureau Federation issued the call after U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack asked them to speak up for comprehensive immigration reform. Agriculture has a direct stake in the issue, given its need for a steady and reliable supply of labour to stop certain crops from rotting in the field. “The reality is we’re only going to solve this through comprehensive immigration reform,” said Bob Stallman, the group’s president. Immigration reform became a front-burner issue after overwhelming support from Hispanic voters figured in President Barack Obama’s reelection. The U.S. agricultural industry employs 1.5 million workers annually in temporary or full-time jobs. Many of them, perhaps 500,000 to 900,000 in all, are believed to be undocumented. Despite the high unemployment rate, farmers and ranchers say it is a perennial struggle to find enough workers to perform the back-breaking labour of fruit and vegetable harvesting, or the daily care of livestock.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
U.S. spring crop season jeopardized as drought persists This has been the worst January in the U.S. in at least 13 years By Carey Gillam reuters
he unrelenting drought gripping key farming states in the U.S. Plains shows no signs of abating, and it will take a deluge of snow or rain to restore critical moisture to farmland before spring planting of new crops, a climate expert said Jan. 31. “It’s not a pretty picture,” said climatologist Mark Svoboda of the University of Nebraska’s Drought Mitigation Center. Precipitation in the Plains region has been three to six inches shy of normal levels since October, and some areas are nearly 16 inches short of much-needed moisture over the last nine months, said Svoboda. The drought that last year ranked as the worst in roughly 50 years is still entrenched in the nation’s midsection.
Worst January
This month was considered the worst January in terms of drought over the 13 years that a consortium of federal and state climatology experts have been monitoring drought levels and issuing regular “Drought Monitor” reports, said Svoboda. “The January number is the highest amount of coverage
for the U.S. since we’ve been doing this,” Svoboda said. The Jan. 31 Drought Monitor report showed severe drought still gripping 87.25 per cent of the High Plains, unchanged from the prior week. Fully 100 per cent of the land area in Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and Oklahoma remained engulfed in severe drought or worse, according to the Drought Monitor. Nebraska remained the most drought-stricken state, with 96.28 per cent in extreme drought — the secondworst level of drought — and 77.46 per cent in exceptional drought, considered the most dire. The Plains states are key crop production areas, particularly for hard red winter wheat, an important breadmaking crop. And they are critical areas for cattle and other livestock production. Overall, 57.68 per cent of the contiguous United States was in at least “moderate” drought as of Jan. 29, a slightly worse situation than the previous week’s tally of 57.64 per cent. Exceptional drought expanded slightly to 6.37 per cent, up from 6.36 per cent of the country.
Half the moisture needed
Millions of acres from South Dakota to Oklahoma and west into Wyoming, Colorado and
Farmer Gail Wright is pictured next to a water pump which he says he is likely to shut down because the Ogallala Aquifer no longer provides adequate water near Sublette, Kansas. Drought continues to plague much of the U.S. Photo: REUTERS/Kevin Murphy
New Mexico and east into Missouri and Arkansas, are short more than half of the normal moisture they receive, said Svoboda. The dry conditions have been exacerbated by unseasonably warm conditions in many areas. The U.S. winter
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wheat crop that was planted last fall is struggling for survival now as a result, and will need substantial moisture to emerge in the spring. Corn and soybeans crops, generally planted in April or shortly after, will also need good soil moisture to get the
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plants off to a healthy start before summer sets in. But there are no signs of any significant weather pattern shifts to bring about heavy precipitation, said Svoboda. “Instead of normal, we’d like to see 150 per cent of normal,” he said.
Big players make big bets in beans Reuters / Hedge funds and other big speculators betting on a spike in U.S. soybean prices piled more than $2 billion of fresh money into the market in the week to Feb. 5, only to see a vicious price drop the week’s end. Fund managers had also rushed into corn in the week to Feb. 5 after a price run-up, but that market turned south too, according to the data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Corn attracted nearly $700 million in new bullish bets in the week to Feb. 5, the second-largest amount after soybeans among a total of 22 commodities tracked. Based on Reuters’ chart of soybean prices on the Chicago Board of Trade, the net long position in soybeans held by money managers in the week to Feb. 5 translated to about $10.14 billion — about $2.3 billion higher than in the previous week to Jan. 29.
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
New MBP president looks to tighten the budgetary cinch
Getting their teeth into it
Shrinking cattle herd forcing provincial organization to rethink priorities By Daniel Winters co-operator staff / Brandon
he newly minted president of the Manitoba Beef Producers sees a number of challenges facing the province’s cattle industry in the coming year. Trevor Atchison, a rancher from Pipestone and longtime director, was chosen to replace outgoing president Ray Armbruster at the group’s annual general meeting last week. Chief among his concerns going forward is the continuing decline in the Manitoba cattle herd, which he fears will lead to reduced services as auction marts close and feed dealers move on to greener pastures. “As an association, one of our priorities is how do we keep operating in the way that we are with reduced funds?” said Atchison. Because MBP is supported by checkoff dollars, fewer animals produced and sold crimps the group’s resources. Solutions to the same problem in other jurisdictions have seen local associations encourage more donations in the form of cash and the proceeds from livestock sales, as well as more aggressive pursuit of industry sponsorships to defray the cost of hosting events. “In the end, we may have to look at checkoffs,” said Atchison, who added that any proposed increase would have to be discussed by the board and MBP members. “We don’t want to go there, but we have to keep operating at the level we’re at.” MBP managed to record a surplus in its audited financial statements over the past year by cost-cutting measures such as doing more of its regular board meetings via conference calls, and choosing not to hire a new field representative. Further cuts may come in the form of less travel by executives, staff and directors, as well as reduced sponsorships of events. “Everything is on the table until that budget is finalized,” said Atchison. Although cattle prices have been on an uptrend in recent years, tighter environmental regulations due to arrive in 2013, and repercussions from the flood of 2011 and outstanding compensation claims in some areas will continue to dog the local industry, he added. On the bright side, is the hope that the appointment of a bovine tuberculosis co-ordinator, Dr. Allan Preston, will see progress achieved on that front, said Atchison. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com
These cows were stocking up on calories before the weather turned warmer lat week. photo: gracie crayston
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Worst drought in decades hits Brazil’s northeast It is considered the worst drought in 50 years By Caroline Stauffer sao paulo / reuters
France and other major farming nations thwarted attempts to shift farm spending to growth and jobs
razil’s northeast is suffering its worst drought in decades, threatening hydro-power supplies in an area prone to blackouts and potentially slowing economic growth in one of the country’s emerging agricultural frontiers. Lack of rain has hurt corn and cotton crops, left cattle and goats to starve to death in dry pastures and cut sugar cane production by 30 per cent. Thousands of subsistence farmers have seen their livelihoods wither away in recent months as animal carcasses lie abandoned in some areas that have seen almost no rain in two years. “We are experiencing the worst drought in 50 years, with consequences that could b e c o m p a re d t o a v i o l e n t earthquake,” said Eduardo Salles, agriculture secretary in the northeastern state of Bahia. Low water levels have hydro dams operating at one-third capacity, setting off alarm bells in a country with a history of energy shortages that crimped economic growth as recently as a decade ago. P re s i d e n t D i l m a Ro u s s eff has dismissed talk of an energy crisis, calling the idea of Brazil potentially needing to ration energy “ridiculous.” However, there have been some signs of strain already. In Oc t o b e r, t h e n o r t h e a s t
Farm subsidies still get top share of EU austerity budget By Charlie Dunmore brussels / reuters
F Farmers from the Brazilian northeast carry out a demonstration holding cattle skulls in front of the Planalto Palace in Brasilia. The protesters are demanding the cancellation of their debts and help from the government to alleviate the effects of the drought that rages over the region this year. photo: REUTERS / Ueslei Marcelino
experienced its worst blackout in more than a decade, knocking Bahia state’s important petrochemical industry offline. Even with likely crop losses in the northeast, Brazil still expects an overall record soybean and strong corn harvest this season thanks to sufficient rainfall over the main c e n t re - we s t a n d s o u t h e r n producing areas.
arm subsidies will continue to gobble up the biggest share of the European Union’s budget to 2020, despite a 13 per cent drop in future agricultural spending, under a deal struck by EU leaders Feb. 8. A g r i c u l t u r e ’s b u d g e t supremacy was secured after France and other major farming nations thwarted attempts by Britain and its northern European allies to shift a greater share of EU spending towards new measures to boost growth and jobs. As a result, farm subsidies will consume some 38 per cent of the EU budget for 2014-20, equivalent to 363 billion euros ($485.7 billion) of the 960 billion total, or around 50 billion euros a year. That is still a significant reduction compared with the 417 billion euros earmarked for farming under the current seven-year budget, but supporters of the bloc’s 50-yearold common agricultural policy (CAP) will reflect that the result could have been a lot worse. French President Francois Hollande was quick to claim victory in the negotiations, saying that France had managed to maintain its farm subsidies while other nations saw theirs cut. “The relative share of agricultural spending in the European budget will decrease, but I made sure to preserve the funding destined for our farmers,” he told a news conference at the end of the 24-hour talks.
“The decision will mean a 15 per cent reduction in CAP spending, threatening the employment of 40 million in the agri-food sector and millions more in rural areas.” EU farm lobby Copa-Cogeca
The EU’s farm commissioner, Romanian Dacian Ciolos, said the deal confirmed the importance of Europe’s farm policy for the 50 per cent of EU citizens that live in rural areas. “EU leaders have reiterated their confidence in a modernized CAP and recognized the important contribution of farming and rural areas to the EU economy,” he said in a statement. The only outright dissent came from Europe’s powerful farm lobby, accustomed to seeing its subsidies protected in previous EU budget deals. “The decision will mean a 15 per cent reduction in CAP spending, threatening the employment of 40 million in the agri-food sector and millions more in rural areas,” EU farm lobby Copa-Cogeca said in a statement. In 2011, Ciolos proposed an overhaul of CAP rules to coincide with the new budget period, and some of the main elements of his reform were endorsed by EU leaders as part of the budget deal. Chief among these was a plan to make a third of the direct subsidies paid to farmers conditional on improvements in the environmental performance of agricultural production.
EU leaders also backed plans to share out farm payments more fairly across the bloc to address the disparity between producers in Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands who receive more than 400 euros per hectare on average and those in the Baltic states who get less than 150 euros per hectare. But a proposal to limit subsidy payments to Europe’s wealthiest landowners by capping individual payments at 300,000 euros per year was weakened at the summit, with leaders saying governments should be able to choose whether to impose the limit or not. Provided the budget deal gets the approval it needs from the European Parliament, EU politicians will push ahead to try to finalize the CAP reform during the first half of this year. Even if they meet that ambitious deadline, officials say it will leave too little time to implement the complex changes in direct subsidy payments for the start of the new budget cycle in 2014. As a result, next year’s d i re c t p a y m e n t s w i l l b e based on the existing rules but using the revised lower budget.
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A French farmer shovels feed for his Holstein dairy cows on his farm in northern France. France left last week’s European Union summit having accepted a cut in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) agricultural spending for the next seven years. But cuts weren’t as deep as other countries wanted. photo: REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
‘Fiscal cliff’ fallout could shut down meat packers
Ag secretary says there is no choice but to cut every budget item by a certain percentage By Charles Abbott WASHINGTON / REUTERS
he Obama administration warned Feb. 8 that across-the-board spending cuts set to take effect in March may result in furloughing every U.S. meat and poultry inspector for two weeks, causing the meat industry to shut down. By law, meat packers and processors are not allowed to ship beef, pork, lamb and poultry meat without the Agriculture Department’s inspection seal. The prospect of mass furloughs of meat and food inspectors was part of a broader White House warning about the effects of the potential spending cuts on everyday life. Meatpackers said a shutdown would devastate consumers as well as their industry. President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans still must resolve differences over spending cuts and tax increases, dubbed the “fiscal cliff,” which essentially was delayed by both sides from happening on Jan. 1 and was pushed back until March. “USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service may have to furlough all employees for approximately two weeks,” a White House statement said. An estimated $10 billion in production would be lost during a two-week furlough, said a USDA official, and consumers could see meat shortages and higher prices as a result. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack lamented across-theboard spending cuts during a speech to state agriculture directors. “There is not much we can do when Congress says to cut every line item by a certain per cent,” Vilsack said. He said employee pay accounted for the bulk of spending at the meat-safety agency. USDA spends about $1 billion on meat safety annually and has 8,400 inspectors at 6,290 slaughter and processing plants. The American Meat Institute, a trade group, said the USDA should try to keep meat plants open while meeting targets for cuts, rather than going ahead with a mass furlough. It said the agency could suspend non-essential programs and furlough employees other than inspectors to avoid “inflicting unnecessary hardship” on the meat industry. Chicago livestock traders mostly viewed the White House threat as a budgetary bluff. “Can you imagine the flak?” asked Joseph Ocrant, a trader who said he was skeptical the White House would pull inspectors out of plants for two weeks.
Recent cold weather left no doubt about whether cattle were breathing properly.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Silence isn’t golden if you want the family farm to prosper Farm family coach and succession planner Elaine Froese says families need to get better at navigating their personal relationships and emotions — because their farm business depends on it By Gord Gilmour staff
armers — particularly the male version — have a reputation for keeping their feelings hidden. But anyone who thinks emotions don’t affect business decisions on the farm is just fooling themselves. Just take a look at what’s in the yard, farm family coach and succession planner Elaine Froese said at the recent Manitoba Special Crops Symposium. “I know you’re all emotional beings,” said Froese. “How do I know that? Because you all drive green tractors.” Brand loyalty is just one example of how the heart rules the head, and Froese admits she’s not above it herself — her family’s farm operation near Boissevain features a lot of green paint. Their most recent equipment purchase was another colour, but it took a price that was $30,000 lower than a comparable machine from their favourite equipment maker to overcome the emotional attachment. Nowhere is the unseen hand of unspoken feelings more evident than in succession planning, said Froese, adding she knows families who’ve spent a fortune in legal fees and been left with scarred relationships or estrangement. Which emotion is behind all of this stress and upset, she asked. Greed? Jealousy? Sibling rivalry? All might play a role, Froese said, but the main driver is fear. Fear causes farm families to put off hard discussions, fail to do the necessary paperwork, hide facts from family members, and all sorts of other shenanigans, she said. Using a clicker system to conduct an instant poll, Froese asked audiences to say if they had a current will or not. About 40 per cent said ‘no.’ That’s pretty typical — and there’s a simple reason why people don’t take this simple and necessary step, said Froese. “We think that if we have a will, we’re going to die,” she said. “And if we don’t have a will, we’re golden.” The desire to ignore difficult topics is an all-too-human response and happens time and again in the succession planning process, Froese said. Family members avoid some topics because they fear discussing them will stir up bad feelings. Usually everyone is keenly aware of what’s going on, but the taboo subject is as hard to ignore as a bull in your living room, she said. “I call these the undiscussabulls,” Froese said. “And they need to be talked about.” If not, they can take on a life of their own and resentments build up, creating a powder keg waiting for a spark to set it off. The issues tend to be similar from farm to farm and family to family. “What are we going to do about the girls? What are we going to do about the son in Calgary? How about the son who just came back because you can make money on the farm now?” Froese said. “This is farming’s golden time right now. But what happens when it’s golden? People fight a bit more and a bit more easily, because there’s something at stake.”
A good starting point is recognizing that all family members, on and off the farm, likely want to understand how things sit. Froese boils it down to the ‘three Cs’ — clarity, certainty and the commitment to act. Clarity means keeping others informed about routine matters, but also big ones such as how the daughter-inlaw would be treated if the farming son were to die unexpectedly — an issue that Froese had to deal with when she, her husband, and in-laws were discussing farm succession. “Our facilitator said to my in-laws, ‘What would happen if your son died tomorrow?’ and they said, ‘We’d just take the farm back.’ Can you imagine how I felt hearing that?” But this story isn’t an argument for leaving the unsayable unsaid — the tale had a part B. “I pointed out that when I came to the farm in the 1980s, interest rates were at 19 per cent, I was a home economist working for the Manitoba government, and I brought a pretty healthy savings account with me,” Froese said. “I’d also then spent the next 14 years working on that farm and raising our children there. I told them ‘No, if that happens, I’m staying here and I’m farming tomorrow.’ “And do you know what they said? ‘Oh, OK.’” The key to that discussion was having it, she said. “That was a potentially very difficult conversation, but it went well, and it probably took less than 10 minutes,” Froese said. Another situation involved a farmer and his daughter-in-law. Their farm succession coach encouraged family members to write letters to each other as an exercise on how to better communicate. “The father-in-law wrote a wonderful letter to his daughter-in-law,” Froese said. “He said that his son was happy working in the oilfield service industry, but that he saw his daughter-in-law had the skills to run the farm. Today, she’s running the farm.” Next up is certainty, and that usually means dealing with the older generation’s reluctance to let go. “I always hear things like, ‘I’ve been working on this farm for 20 years and I still don’t own even close to 51 per cent,’” she said. Dad is usually good at giving up tasks involving physical labour, but hesitant to relinquish management decisions, she said. “And you really don’t like giving up the ownership.” The final, and most critical, step is the commitment to act, she said. It includes actually stopping in at the lawyer’s office to get that will drawn up and signed, or setting up a family corporation and putting the transfer in motion. “Talk doesn’t cook rice,” Froese said, gesturing towards the hotel kitchen. “We’re not about to enjoy a great lunch because the chefs planned the menu. We’re going to enjoy lunch because they took the next step and cooked the meal.” gord.gilmour@fbcpublishing.com
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
BITE INTO THIS BARK And more yummy chocolate treats
Chocolate-Orange Pudding Cake Lorraine Stevenson
This is one of those recipes that you don’t need a special occasion to whip up and makes a sweet finish to any meal any time.
Crossroads Recipe Swap
1 (18-oz.) pkg. chocolate cake mix 3 eggs 1/2 c. canola oil 1-1/4 c. water 2 c. cold milk 1-1/4 c. orange juice 2 tbsp. orange zest 2 (4-oz.) pkgs. instant chocolate pudding mix 1/3 c. sugar 3 tbsp. confectioner’s sugar
hese recipes reach your door on Valentine’s Day, so you may already have had a chocolate treat today. But I’m pretty sure your hankering for chocolate isn’t limited to February 14. I’m including a recipe this week which my sister gave to me after we sat down around her coffee table and munched a little too much of it at her house over Christmas. It’s for ‘Chocolate bark,’ a recipe I’ve seen popping up a lot lately. The appeal making this is the simplicity. In no time, with very little effort and just a couple of ingredients you’re done, plus you can make a different version every time you make it too. Other recipes I’ve seen suggest toppings like dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, any kind of nut you like. Enjoy! And as the chocolate bloggers wisely say, “put ‘eat chocolate’ at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you’ll get one thing done.”
Chocolate Bark This recipe from Pat Johnson of Winnipeg Beach takes slightly longer because she has two layers of contrasting white and dark chocolate to freeze. 2 pkgs. dark baker’s chocolate 2 pkgs. white chocolate chips 3 tsp. white cake mix
Line baking sheet with waxed paper. Melt dark chocolate in double boiler. Pour and freeze 20 minutes or until firm. Melt white chocolate. Mix in cake mix. Let sit three minutes till thick. Pour over dark chocolate. Add sprinkles. Freeze. Break into pieces and serve. Accept compliments from the family!
To Make Variations... Use a pound of dark, milk or white chocolate, and chop into smaller bits, heat in the microwave until melted. Then pour it onto a rimmed baking sheet lined with wax paper. Sprinkle on whatever topping you’re using over the surface of the melted chocolate, then freeze. Here are two more terrific chocolate recipes to enjoy.
Espresso Chocolate Turtle Cake Serve this luscious cake with ice cream, then drizzle with caramel or chocolate sauce and additional chopped nuts. Garnish with fresh fruit, if desired. 1 (18-oz.) pkg. dark chocolate cake mix 1 1/3 c. water 1/2 c. canola oil 3 eggs 1 tbsp. instant espresso coffee 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 (14-oz.) bag caramels, papers removed 1/2 c. evaporated milk 1 c. chopped pecans 1 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips Caramel sauce Chocolate sauce Chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350 F. Canola oil spray a 9x13inch pan. In large mixing bowl, combine cake mix, water, canola oil, eggs, espresso coffee powder and cinnamon. Beat at low speed for one minute, scraping bowl continuously. Do not overmix. Pour half of the batter into prepared pan. Bake for 25 minutes. Heat caramels and evaporated milk in medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring frequently, until caramels are melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in chopped pecans. Pour caramel mixture over warm cake in pan. Sprinkle with chocolate chips. Then spread remaining batter over all. Bake 30 minutes longer. Remove from oven and cool for at least 30 minutes. Source: Manitoba Canola Growers, www.canolarecipes.ca
Recipe Swap If you have a recipe or a column suggestion please write to:
Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794 Carman, Man. R0G 0J0 or email Lorraine Stevenson at: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com
Preheat oven 350 F. Combine first four ingredients in large mixing bowl. Beat on medium speed for two minutes. Pour into a canola oil sprayed 9x13-inch baking pan. Pour milk and orange juice into a large bowl. Stir in orange zest. Add pudding mix and sugar and whisk mixture until well blended, about two minutes. Quickly pour evenly over the cake batter. Place pan on a foil-lined baking sheet to catch batter which might bubble over the edge of the cake pan. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes or until tester comes out clean. Cool in pan 20 minutes. Mixture will thicken on standing. Source: Manitoba Canola Growers, www.canolarecipes.ca
Smile and have some chocolate • I have this theory that chocolate slows down the aging process... It may not be true, but do I dare take the chance? • I could give up chocolate, but I’m not a quitter. • Chocolate doesn’t make the world go around, but it certainly makes the ride worthwhile! Source: Find more fun chocolate quotes on the All About Chocolate blog at chocolate-allabout. blogspot.ca
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
ood job clearing the snow off the yard this morning Dad,” said Randy Jackson as he poured himself a cup of coffee in the Jacksons’ kitchen. “Remember when that used to be Brady’s job?” Andrew laughed and set his own cup down on the table. “I try hard not to,” he said, “but some things are hard to forget!” “True enough,” said Randy walking over to the table and taking a chair next to Jennifer who was doing homework of some sort while enjoying a glass of milk and a few oatmeal cookies. “True enough,” said Randy snagging one of his sister’s cookies. “What’s the worst Brady snowclearing incident you can recall?” Andrew pondered that for a second. “It’s a tossup,” he said. “Either the time he dumped a full bucket of snow and gravel on the roof of the car, or the time he tore the bumper off of the half-ton with the loader. Take your pick.” Jennifer looked up from her work. “I vote for the time he shot a hole in the hood of the half-ton,” she said. “And who took one of my cookies?” she added. “Not me,” said Randy chewing noisily. “And shooting a hole in the hood of the half-ton wasn’t a snow-clearing incident so it doesn’t count.” “Oh,” said Jennifer. “Well in that case I vote for the time he ran over the stop sign on the way over to clear the snow at Kendra’s house.” “Ah, now that one I had forgotten,” said Andrew. “Probably because it didn’t involve any damage to my property, just for once.” Randy chuckled. “Who would have thought,” he said, “that a guy who has such a habit of breaking things would end up making a living by fixing things instead?” “It’s ironic,” said Andrew, “but in a good way.” He took a sip of coffee. “So tell me,” he said, changing the subject, “how did everything go while Rose and I were off in Hawaii? You kids got along OK?” Randy and Jennifer looked at each other for a second. “I thought it was awesome,” said Jennifer. “It was like a holiday at home for me!”
Randy nodded. “Yeah, it was kind of,” he agreed. “Allison and Andy Jr. loved having Jenn around all the time which made things really nice for Jackie. Plus it’s so much roomier here.” He paused. “Next year you can go for a month if you want,” he said. “Or for the whole winter,” said Jennifer. Andrew reached over and helped himself to Jennifer’s last cookie. He gave Randy a long look. “Here’s the thing,” he said. “Rose thinks you and Jackie should live here, in the house. She says it only makes sense since you have two kids and we’re down to one.”
“Well I want my own house,” said Jennifer, getting up from the table, “where people won’t keep stealing my cookies.” She picked up her plate and headed over to the cookie jar. “So what’s the plan?” said Randy. “Mom wants to trade houses?” Andrew shook his head. “Mom wants to move to town,” he said. “Into a smaller house with a smaller yard and more amenities close at hand.” Jennifer looked aghast. “No way!” she said. “I am not moving to town! It’s bad enough I have to go to school there!” “Who said anything about you moving?” said Andrew. Jennifer stopped in mid-stride, a cookie in her hand halfway to her mouth, a look of puzzled surprise on her face. The times, they are a-changin’,” said Andrew. “You’ll be 18 years old, Jenn, and I’ll be 55 and we should maybe quit while we still like each other.” Randy looked nonplussed. “Wow,” he said. “That’s crazy. Two weeks living in the same house for me and Jenn is one thing, but doing it on a permanent basis is quite another. No offence Jenn,” he added. “None taken,” said Jennifer. “I was thinking the same thing.” “If you get on each other’s nerves,” said Andrew, “one of you can stomp off angrily to the trailer. Anyway, this is just an idea. I thought I’d float it out there and see what kind of response I got.” Randy and Jennifer looked at each other. “Maybe we should think about it for a few years,” said Randy. “What do you think Jenn?” “I don’t want to move off the farm,” she said, “so either we live here together or I stay in the house by myself. So there.” Andrew chuckled. “We ain’t leaving tomorrow,” he said. “Could easily be a year or two yet.” “I’ll start packing your stuff,” said Jenn. “After I finish my homework.” Andrew and Randy both laughed. “Looks like you’re right Pops,” said Randy. “The times they are a-changin’!”
Peace Garden Conservatory Will house North America’s largest collection of cacti and succulents By Albert Parsons FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR
rairie winters can seem interminable, particularly to gardeners who long for spring to arrive so that outdoor gardening can commence once more. Some folks have become snowbirds and do experience balmy outdoor weather during the winter months — many able to stroll through desert landscapes designed in the popular “southwest” style. Even if you do not wish to travel south, or are unable to do so, you can still do the same thing — take a leisurely walk through a desert environment and admire hundreds of unique desert plants. You can achieve this goal without having to travel great distances; just to the Canada-U.S. border south of Brandon, Manitoba, making it a perfect small trip. There, at the International Peace Garden, you will discover the wonderful world of their new conservatory, which also has a small restaurant that is open all winter.
Everyone — gardeners particularly — will enjoy viewing interesting and unique plants as the new building houses North America’s largest collection of cacti and succulents, and boasts the world’s largest collection of a particular kind of succulent, the echeveria. T h e Pe a c e G a rd e n j u s t recently acquired this phenomenal collection of over 5,000 cacti and succulents from Minot, North Dakota resident, Don Vitko. The collection was to be moved gradually as construction of the conservatory progressed stage by stage, but Mother Nature had other plans and the entire collection, in danger of being destroyed by 2011 flooding in Minot, was hurriedly transported. Three-quarters of the 5,000 plants were housed temporarily in the annual greenhouses. When the first phase of the new conservatory was complete, over 1,000 of the potted cacti and succulents were put on display. Construction of the remaining stages is underway with the goal
The new conservatory will house over 5,000 cacti and succulents.
of the rest of the collection being moved in this year. The collection ranges from cacti native to North America to an African collection and even some very rare specimens such as one of only three pilocereus keyensis in existence in North America; originating in Florida, it is extinct in the wild. A world-famous collection of Pilocereus cacti, which are pillar
cacti with long hair-like material growing out of their trunks, is also is housed here. Of the 56 known kinds in the world, the Don Vitko collection has 53 of them. Many of the cacti and succulents will start blooming in March, adding even more interest. The plants are all potted and are displayed to maximize the enjoyment of visitors. Wide brick walkways make strolling
through the display easy, even for those with mobility issues. Hours are 10 to 5 p.m. during the winter months. A trip to this wonderful destination will surely motivate you to make another visit when the entire collection is on display later in the year. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
Clean as you go
Usually the hub of the home, the kitchen takes the most wear and tear By Julie Garden-Robinson NDSU Extension Service
admit it. I’m kind of a messy cook, but, in my defence, I can prepare food pretty quickly. But with my dark-coloured countertops, flour, sugar and other light-coloured ingredients show up much too well. Fingerprints magically appear on the stainless steel fridge and splatters of food materialize on the walls of the microwave. Everyone inhabits the kitchen, so I’m not taking full credit for the daily wear and tear that goes on in that room, but I’ve decided to set a kitchen-cleaning goal. I am going to try to clean as I go and encourage my family to do the same. In a kitchen, you have the potential for food safety issues. Bacteria, including salmonella and E. coli, easily can spread from meat to other surfaces such as cutting boards, your hands, utensils and plates. Cross-contamination is a leading cause of foodborne illness.
By definition, cleaning removes food, soil and other visible contaminants from various kitchen surfaces. Sanitizing takes the process one step further and reduces
the number of invisible contaminants, including bacteria and other potential illnesscausing organisms. For example, after cleaning cutting boards in hot,
Heartfelt words
soapy water and rinsing them with plain water, don’t forget to sanitize them. Make a bleach solution in your sink with 1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water. Immerse
the clean cutting board in the solution for a couple of minutes, remove (but don’t rinse again) and allow to air-dry. Cleaners may be abrasive or non-abrasive. Abrasive cleaners help remove burned-on or dried food particles, but they may scratch or otherwise damage kitchen surfaces, including countertops and appliances, permanently. Non-abrasive cleaners are best used on satin or high-gloss finishes. Always read and follow the directions and precautions on all types of cleaners. You also can use some common household “kitchen ingredients” as cleaners. Vinegar and water can function as a quick floor cleaner, and baking soda can work as a mild abrasive cleaner. Julie Garden-Robinson, PhD, R.D., L.R.D., is a North Dakota State University Extension Service food and nutrition specialist and professor in the department of health, nutrition and exercise sciences.
Thoughts on Valentine’s Day
Our very special Valentine’s Day project By Sheila Braun Freelance contributor
h y d i d yo u m a r r y Daddy?” my fivey e a r- o l d d a u g h t e r asked. In that frenzied minute, I gave the most unsatisfying response stating, “Because I just did.” The moment those words slipped from my lips, I regretted them. However, as I held her youngest squirming sibling on the change table, I silently promised that someday, she would know why I fell in love with her daddy and why he is still my best friend. The next week I reread saved love letters that my husband and I wrote to each other during our courtship. Then I located my journal from the year of our marriage and read through my wedding day entry. I couldn’t remember our vows so I listened to our wedding cassette tapes and wrote them down, and looked through wedding albums. As I enjoyed these recollections, the answer to my daughter’s question was obvious but not in an organized, tangible form, so my husband and I decided to write a short book, Love Song, which we dedicated to our children and future grandchildren. We began the book by describing how we found each other. I had been watching planes flying overhead and talking about farming with a friend when she dared me to phone a dairy farmer she had met. I accepted the challenge, left a message
Daughter Teona reads about her parents’ love story.
on his answering machine, and waited to see what would transpire. My husband completed his evening checkup in the barn and returned home at 11
p.m. to hear a chipper voice on his answering machine asking him to go for coffee. We continued the book by outlining special dates in our courtship. The sky was not the limit for us as he was a pilot with a night rating who owned his own aircraft so each date was an adventure. We shared parts of our letters in which we clearly state what we loved about each other and what qualities we found admirable. We wanted to show our children that love perseveres even through tough times and included some love letters which reveal, “I love you even through hard times, especially when you cry, when life really sucks, when you feel like quitting and when you are silent. I love you.” The book continues with the wedding dress story, invitation, program, vows, journal entries, and personal faith stories. I was delighted when we had the book printed and could better answer my daughter’s question, “Why did you marry Daddy?” How reassuring for a child to not only hear that her parents love each other but why they love each other. In completing this special Valentine’s project for our children, we pray that someday, they too will find special friends to whom they can say, “Falling in love with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Sheila Braun writes from Landmark, Manitoba
By Addy Oberlin Freelance contributor
he elderly farmer is watching a show where they are restoring old tractors. His eyes have a spark and I can see the love for farming on his face. A number of years ago he moved off the farm but was still able to put in a full day’s work. Now he is housebound, has lost most of his strength and is not able to do the physical work anymore. I came from the city when I married this farmer and knew absolutely nothing about farming. I learned a lot the three years I lived on
the farm, but did not feel that love for the land as my husband did. It was for each of us a second marriage (our first spouses passed away) and even though we were not compatible in many areas our love succeeded, because we knew God and tried to live by His teachings. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 4:26 “not to let the sun go down on your anger.” Do not ever go to sleep angry. This Valentine’s Day let us show in an extraordinary way our love for the special person in our life. Addy Oberlin writes from Swan River, Manitoba
Happy Valentine’s Day from Country Crossroads If you have any stories, ideas, photos or a comment on what you’d like to see on these pages, send it to:
Country Crossroads, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, Man. R3H 0H1, Phone 1-800-782-0794, fax 204-944-5562, Email susan@fbcpublishing.com I’d love to hear from you. Please remember we can no longer return material, articles, poems or pictures. – Sue
The Manitoba Co-operator | February 14, 2013
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What do you do when the risk of disease threatens your livelihood? Like any good specialist, you use serious treatment. With its multiple modes of action, new TWINLINE™ fungicide delivers exceptional leaf-disease control. It also offers something other fungicides don’t—AgCelence™. That means greener leaves, stronger stems and bigger seeds. So you can avoid serious problems and get a serious boost in yield. Visit agsolutions.ca/twinline for more. Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; AgCelence, and TWINLINE are trade-marks of BASF SE; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. TWINLINE should be used in a preventative disease control program. © 2013 BASF Canada Inc.
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