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SNACKING SKUNKS plague beekeepers » Page 27

An epic legal battle » Page 58

MARCH 14, 2013





Don’t expect quick end to COOL law There’s no sign that the labelling law is going to be overhauled soon By Dwayne Klassen COMMODITY NEWS SERVICE CANADA WITH FILES FROM ALEX BINKLEY


on’t hold your breath in hopes Washington will amend its country-oforigin labelling law (COOL) by the May 23 deadline ordered by the World Trade Organization, says the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. “The U.S. government could still pull a rabbit out of its hat and actually change the COOL regulations, but I don’t think A Filipino beekeeper examines his hive.

See COOL on page 6 »


Manitobans boosting Filipino honey sector A decade ago, there were just 5,000 hives in the entire nation, but now honey production and demand for beekeeping training is soaring By Shannon VanRaes Publication Mail Agreement 40069240



nly a few years ago b e e k e e p i n g w a s n’t even recognized by the Philippine Department of Agriculture. Now it’s having trouble keeping up with demand for training. The change is partly due


to the efforts of a group of Manitoba apiarists who have been visiting the Philippines in recent winters, while also inviting beekeepers from the South Asian nation to Manitoba for the last two summers to learn about beekeeping and honey production. “Ma n i t o b a d o e s p u n c h above its weight when it

comes to beekeeping in the Philippines,” said Peter Veldhuis, who has been working with beekeepers there since 2009. “They couldn’t envision this huge industry that made all this money when we started.” Veldhuis began working with overseas beekeepers nearly a decade ago through

the Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), a Toronto-based volunteer group that works to improve managerial systems, fisheries, agriculture and industry development by sharing the expertise of Canadian professionals. The Philippines is well See HONEY on page 6 »

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


Did you know?


Teeth show origin of European farmers

A sweet, smelly mess Skunks go after the bees, not the honey


CROPS Farmers not acting fast enough But survey shows they know resistance is growing


FEATURE Let them eat cake Wading into the varietal-registration debate



Was Stone Age farming brought or borrowed from the Near East?


armers, look after your teeth. Someone in a few thousand years might be checking them out. That’s what archeologists have been doing to learn more about how farming spread to Stone Age Europe, setting the stage for the rise of western civilization. “One of the big questions i n Eu r o p e a n a rc h e o l o g y has been whether farming was brought or borrowed from the Near East,” says T. Douglas Price, a University of Wisconsin-Madison a r c h e o l o g i s t w h o, w i t h Cardiff University’s Dusan Boric, measured strontium isotopes in the teeth of 153 humans from Neolithic burials in an area known as the Danube Gorges in modern Romania and Serbia. Their report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, draws on isotopic s i g n a t u re s o f s t r o n t i u m found in the tooth enamel of people who died nearly 8,000 years ago, about 6,200 BC. “The evidence from the Danube Gorges shows

photo: thinkstock

clearly that new people came in bringing farming and replaced the ear-

l i e r Me s o l i t h i c h u n t e r gatherers,” says Price in a UW-Madison release.

The game is on in Lowe Farm

4 5 8 10

Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets

Outdoor rink a cool rural Manitoba treat


Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku

11 14 40 46


ONLINE Visit www.manitobacooperator.ca for daily news and features and our digital edition. (Click on “Digital Edition” in the top right corner.) At our sister site, AGCanada.com, you can use the “Search the AGCanada.com Network” function at top right to find recent Co-operator articles. Select “Manitoba Co-operator” in the pull-down menu when running your search.   photo: rosalyn lockie

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Farmers urged to consider forming one, national association

Hungry birds, helping hands

Manitoba producer Danny Penner says there would be less duplication and better use of checkoff dollars By Allan Dawson


Manitoba farmer mounting an effort to create one big commodity association says a splintered voice is not only expensive, it could cost farmers control of their industry. As the number of commodity organizations collecting checkoffs continues to grow, a 5,000acre Manitoban farmer can be paying around $20,000 a year in checkoffs, said Danny Penner, a Halbstadt-area farmer and former president the Manitoba Pulse Growers Association. He says checkoff dollars would be better spent on a larger, more efficient national commodity association. “If we continue on the road we’re on, people are going to see themselves putting too much money into small-picture thinking and they’re going to vote with their dollars and they’re going to take more and more money out,” said Penner. “If we are moving forward and the people spending a lot of money see there is a vision and there is a movement and something is going to come of this, and the dollars they spend are going to have a national or international focus, I think they’ll more likely leave their money in.” Penner, whose father Jack was the first president elected to lead Keystone Agricultural Producers, crafted his proposals after consulting some like-minded farmers, and then emailed them last week to western Canadian commodity groups, the federal and Prairie agriculture ministers, and several reporters. “We are writing to request your support for the creation of a new producer-driven national farm organization that would work to solidify marketing systems for grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops,” the document states. No matter where farmers stood on the Canadian Wheat Board, its mandate change “left a void” the document says. To fill it, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are creating wheat and barley associations. And there are already winter cereal, oat, pulse and canola associations in those provinces. Farmers would be better served by a single national, or at least to start with, western farmer-run, commodity associations, Penner said. Each would send representatives to sit on the board of a single, national farm association, which would also elect farmers, he said. “Then the minister of agriculture could say, ‘I’m going to Winnipeg and I’m going to meet with these guys and I can cover everything in two days rather than travelling all across Canada trying to get fragmented views from each individual organization,’” Penner said. Subcommittees could work on local issues, but the focus would be on the big picture and using economies of scale to deliver more bang for the buck, Penner said.

“If we continue on the road we’re on people are going to see themselves putting too much money into small-picture thinking and they’re going to vote with their dollars and they’re going to take more and more money out.”

Bob Nault was unloading feed for the farm’s goat herd during the March 4 snowstorm when some red polls dropped in for lunch.   Photo: Bonnie Nault

Danny Penner

Several national commodity groups already exist, including the Canada Grains Council and Canola Council of Canada. Meanwhile, work is underway to set up the Cereals Council of Canada. But these groups are dominated by “industry” representatives, Penner said. “We’re looking at something that’s going to be farmer run,” he said. “Industry has a place, but if we allow the life science companies to lead us... ultimately I don’t think that’s in the best interests of farmers and consumers alike.” The Grain Growers of Canada, an umbrella organization for grain commodity groups, could play a role in setting up a new single, national association because it is farmer run, Penner said. “But they would have to take a really large step forward in how they are managed and how they would see themselves growing into this,” he said. Penner said the Canadian Grain Commission could also play a role in getting the association going. Having a national farmerrun association could also take ownership of crop varieties developed by Agriculture and AgriFood Canada after it pulls out of research, Penner said. If farmers don’t organize, those crops will end up owned by private firms, he said. “I’m not calling that the end of the world, but it doesn’t give us any control over what we’re going to be dealing with in 10, 15 or 20 years,” Penner said. Penner’s document doesn’t spell everything out and that’s deliberate, he said. It’s meant to be thought provoking, not prescriptive. So far feedback has been positive, Penner said. “The responses I’d say are 90 per cent on side and 10 per cent skepticism,” he said. “It may not happen from this initiative, but it will happen,” Penner predicted during an interview March 7. “It has to happen and if it doesn’t happen we’re going to be in trouble because we’re going to lose control of our own industry.” See Page 5 for the full text of Penner’s pitch to fellow farmers.


How competitive are Canadian farmers, really? A new study looks at how Canadian farmers stack up internationally Staff / A new project will find out how cost competitive Canadian grain producers are on factors influencing cost of production versus producers in competing countries. The Farmers of North America Strategic Agriculture Institute (FNA-STAG) is leading the work, together with its partners, Farm

Credit Canada (FCC) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The research is aimed at analyzing international cost competitiveness of Canada’s grain producers and facilitating an enhanced understanding of the advantages and disadvantages Canadian grain farmers face on their farms compared to major competitor countries. Representatives of FCC, Grain Growers of Canada, Manitoba Canola Growers Canadian Federation of Agriculture and FNA-STAG board of directors will serve on a project advisory group. Work on the project is expected to be complete by the end of 2013.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


High standards, or regulatory burden?


f you are one of those grain farmers who takes great pride in being a free enterpriser, the next sentence may upset you. You are a member of a collective. Perhaps you don’t have a certificate certifying your involvement in such a pinko outfit, but unless you sell all your grain to one customer who doesn’t buy from anyone else, that’s the reality of your business. If you haul 10 tonnes of wheat to the elevator, John Morriss it is mixed with wheat from neighbourEditorial Director ing farms and eventually with wheat from across the Prairies and becomes part of a huge vessel, perhaps a 70,000-tonne Panamax sailing from Vancouver for Indonesia. That’s a journey of 19,900 nautical miles. So why would the Indonesian miller buy your wheat from that far way when he could get it from Kurmana, Australia (1,775 nautical miles); Vladivostok, Russia (3,306), Odessa, Ukraine (6,402) or Chennai, India (2,100)? Yes, India, in case that last one surprised anyone brought up with tales about the “starving millions” in that country. India is now a major wheat exporter — it has 9.5 million tonnes on the books so far this year. (By the way, India was the world’s largest exporter of beef and rice last year.) Back to that question — why would the world’s major wheat importers such as those in Egypt or Southeast Asia buy Canadian wheat when there are other suppliers more close by? One reason is that they don’t pay the extra freight — you do. Most buyers are paying a landed price. If you’re selling the same product, you have to deduct your price f.o.b. port by the amount of the extra freight to get the business. That’s not the whole story. Many of your competitors in countries mentioned earlier, plus those in the U.S. and Europe, are located much closer to port. Nor do they have the Rocky Mountains to cross in one direction, or a double handle through the St. Lawrence Seaway in the other. Moreover, any of your competitors have at least one of these advantages: more rainfall, a longer growing season, more government support, cheaper land and cheaper labour. This has always been the case. But there’s a new factor at play. With a couple of exceptions, most Canadian wheat is now being sold by the same companies that sell everyone else’s — Glencore, ADM/Toepfer, Cargill, Dreyfus, Marubeni etc. So you’re not just competing to sell to the customer — you’re competing to be the one chosen by one of these companies to sell to the customer. How can Canadian wheat producers survive in this competitive environment? Some are suggesting it is by growing the same product as the competition, even though they have lower costs, higher yields and are closer to market. That’s exactly the subtext of the message that Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz delivered to the Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale when it met last month. He referred to the committee’s work in recommending grain varieties as an “unnecessary regulatory burden.” That’s code for “lowering the standards of Canadian wheat classes so that private breeders can concentrate on yield, not quality.” We can hear the response. “Oh, no. This is to allow more flexibility for those breeding for buyers looking for specific end-use qualities they can’t get in the current grading system.” Nonsense. Other than some minor exceptions, there are no end-use wheat qualities that millers want and can’t find on one of Canada’s eight existing wheat classes. Which takes us back to that 70,000-tonne cargo. If it does what buyers want — and so do the next and the next — then they will choose Canadian. It’s not just about quality, it’s about consistency of quality. That’s the Canadian advantage, but it depends on a common standard — not a regulation, a standard — for the varieties grown by the thousands of farmers whose wheat makes up that cargo. Some grain merchants will not give you this message. We heard a hint of that when a U.S. trader told the Grainworld conference that Canada and the U.S. need to work together to streamline grades to help reduce confusion for international buyers. Confusing for whom? Much of the world’s wheat trade is basis “optional origin” — the buyer sets the specifications and asks for offers. The multinational companies then shop around for the cheapest source. They’re the ones who get confused if the buyer specifies Canadian instead of optional origin. The choice is clear. If farmers want customers to be able to specify Canadian wheat, then they need to stick together and keep the Canadian quality system, especially on CWRS. If not, then they can choose to compete on the basis of cost and yield. We hear there’s some really nice spring wheat coming out of Kazakhstan these days. john.morriss@fbcpublishing.com

Consumer education, not legislation needed There is no scientific basis for banning urban lawn care pesticides By Larry Maguire


n all areas of life, education is the key to success. The same applies to the use of pesticides wherever the application takes place. In Manitoba, there is a lack of education to the general public on the use of urban lawn care products. This could lead to a draconian ban, limiting people’s options to protect their lawns and gardens from the spread of weeds across the province. The NDP has recently said there are “red flags” about the health impacts related to pesticide use. However, it is the NDP that is ignoring scientific evidence by groups such as Health Canada that state pesticide use is safe when application directions are followed. These products have gone through a rigorous regulatory process by Health Canada’s scientists. They review and re-evaluate products of concern. The World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States agree with Health Canada and state that products are safe. That doesn’t seem to be good enough for the NDP. A report from the British Columbia Legislative Assembly, which studied the use of pesticides for a year, revealed a simple conclusion. There is no scientific evidence to justify a ban on pesticides. Governments in Alberta and Saskatchewan have stood firm against a ban as well. Even in Ontario, where the most


restrictive ban was implemented, there are calls to reverse it. But that evidence isn’t good enough for the NDP in Manitoba. Of all the non-agricultural uses of pesticides, only 1.6 per cent of the products sold are used for lawns and gardens. An average city lawn uses 60 ml of chemical to control weeds. The average backyard swimming pool uses 100 litres of pesticides to ensure it is safe for swimming activities. Yet the NDP has not come out against swimming or swimming pools. Using the NDP’s logic, alcohol would need to be banned because of the health risks associated with abuse of the product. Yet alcohol remains a legal product for sale on Manitoba’s shelves. Gambling would have to cease because of the damage caused by overindulgence and gambling addictions. Yet casinos remain open. Instead, the NDP has decided to declare war on lawn care products deemed safe by scientists, Health Canada and other environmental protection agencies. The NDP’s approach to pesticide use makes no sense. It has ignored science and logic. If there are pesticide bans in place elsewhere there should be real data showing the health of those citizens has improved. There has been no measurable improvement in the health of citizens where pesticide bans are in place. It all comes back to education: educating consumers on how to use lawn care products, educating homeowners about the use of the products, and educating governments that bad laws and policies have real consequences. Larry Maguire is the opposition Conservation critic in the Manitoba legislature. He is the MLA for Arthur-Virden.

March 1926


his Nichols & Shepard thresher advertised in the March 1926 issue of our predecessor publication The Scoop Shovel featured “greater convenience, lower power requirements, smoother running and freedom from breakdowns, hot boxes and rebabbitting, never known before.” A report on “The comeback in Russian agriculture” quoted from a speech by D.P. Pavlov, a member of the Russian trade delegation to Canada. He stated that the average Russian farm was only 15 acres, too small for modern machinery, so the government had been “concentrating its energy towards increasing the size of the farms.” The Prairie Pool’s Central Selling Agency had announced an interim payment of $1.20 per bushel for a total of $37 million. A campaign to sign up farmers for another five-year commitment to the pools was well underway, and in Manitoba, 77 captains had sent in lists of canvassers. The Manitoba Pool elevator network so far totalled eight. Readers were invited to tune to CKY Winnipeg on March 22, and sing along with the song “Keep the wheat pool rolling along,” for which lyrics were printed in that issue. Sheet music could be ordered for 35 cents. An advertisement for “Parker’s Marquis,” said to be a selection from Marquis, claimed a yield advantage of another five bushels to 38 bu./ac., and “in eight tests over Manitoba and Minnesota it rusted 37 per cent while common Marquis rusted 75 per cent.”


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


A proposal for reorganization and consolidation of farmer-funded commissions A farm voice splintered along commodity lines is expensive and ineffective By Danny Penner

The following is a letter sent to producer checkoff-funded organizations across Western Canada March 4.



ver the past few months, I have been consulting with other farmers and farm leaders who are passionate like me about farm policy, agriculture and food. The consensus is that the agriculture industry is in need of some leadership enhancements. I would ask that you please forward this letter to your board and raise these ideas for discussion at your next meeting. If you notice any organizations that have been missed on the list, please feel free to forward this email on to them with my apologies. The large and growing number of producer associations in Canada these days makes it tough to put together a complete list. We are writing to request your support for the creation of a new producer-driven national farm organization that would work to solidify marketing systems for grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops. While it is widely agreed that changes in an open market will continue to benefit producers, even those who disagreed with the Canadian Wheat Board’s (CWB) work and policies, we sense that the end of the monopoly has left a void. We invite you as a leader in the sector to take ownership of this initiative and help drive all grain farmers into the best possible future. We feel strongly that managing consumer concerns and industry challenges under one umbrella is necessary to arriving at powerful and cost-effective solutions. The following examples highlight the need today for a broad and cohesive farmer voice in industry discussions. •  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) exiting cereal variety finishing, and making germplasm available to industry and producerrun research organizations. There is mounting frustration with all the existing new checkoffs for the producer-run cereal commissions working to replace the public-sector interests in development of new varieties, and skepticism of the overall economies of a segmented approach.

We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: news@fbcpublishing.com (subject: To the editor)

Anti-amalgamation movement belongs in horse-and-buggy days It’s rather coincidental, but Blaine Pedersen’s over-the-top letter about destroying small communities came out at the same time as this headline: “Canada getting closer to a free

•  Continued market access and consumer resistance issues. Numerous individuals from different organizations have had to deal with essentially the same hindrances with canola, lentils, flax and others, resulting in overlapping efforts. Consumer backlash against conventional food production has made improving science literacy a priority without a formal champion. •  The provincial canola growers’ associations are raising issues of contract fairness with respect to delivery terms, penalties for noncompliance, and grade and dockage assessments between elevators. Fair and consistent standards would improve the ability for markets to function for all crops sold across the Prairies. Efforts to lobby for changes to one crop or in one region are impossible with counter-parties that all operate nationally. •  The expanding size and scope of farms, amidst fast-moving technology, volatile markets and ongoing regulatory changes has brought challenges with respect to education and professional development, as has been recognized repeatedly in AAFC and provincial Growing Forward initiatives. While several small, regional service providers exist, overall, it appears that the gaps in producer engagement of the issues and their implications are widening as efforts are stymied by a lack of long-term resources and priorities. These are just a few areas where there is immediate payoff potential from us tackling these issues through something bigger than existing regional and crop-specific, producerrun organizations. Individual farm cost savings are another important reason for consolidating efforts. A typical 4,000- to 5,000-acre farm could end up paying $4 to $5 per tonne on average, or upwards of $20,000 in total for checkoffs under the current regime. In light of the fact these are significant amounts, we have to ask ourselves, are these funds empowering the farming industry to its full potential? We are proposing that this new organization would somehow be affiliated with the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC), historically the grain industry watchdog, and currently part of a critical review process of long-term industry needs. Producers and government alike need to come

trade agreement with the European Union.” The same day a headline in a Dutch paper read: “European Union has been advocating amalgamating smaller communities to entities of at least 100,000.” Why? Because of duplication of services and cost. Blaine, your comments would have been in their place when we where still in the horse-and-buggy era. I am a Progressive Conservative supporter, but comments such as these make me, and I am sure others, shake their heads. Are we still living with towns, every eight miles, a distance the horse could travel? Are not most people from small towns, villages shopping often in large centres for choice and because of easy mobility? It’s childish for Pedersen to say “NDP embarrassed because small towns are able to balance books and NDP government cannot” or to call it “amalgamation bullying.” Blaine, have you ever considered the duplication of services and the cost

A typical 4,000- to 5,000-acre farm could end up paying $4 to $5 per tonne on average, or upwards of $20,000 in total for checkoffs under the current regime.

to a full understanding of what’s at stake to capitalize on all of the opportunities ahead, and the CGC is already involved in all of the areas producers need to be concerned with long term. Clearly much work remains to scope out and design proper governance and management systems, which is why we hope that you will take the first opportunity to discuss this idea with your board and membership. O n l y b y w o r k i n g t o g e t h e r, c o m b i n i n g resources and leveraging individual successes will this initiative generate the input and direction from key producers such as yourselves that it needs to take shape. We are seeking all of your group’s ideas, and close collaboration with your team in the near future. In closing, we hope you will agree that producers today are facing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a great need to create a new national organization to speak with one voice. The reality is there is no such thing as a ‘wheat farmer’ or a ‘flax farmer,’ etc. Producers across the country may as well think like neighbours since their interests in the marketplaces are essentially identical. If our efforts can gain some traction and stay on course, the outcome of this initiative will be a cutting-edge farm lobby more effective than anything of its kind in the world. It’s important for us to do this for future generations of farmers and consumers alike. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Danny Penner is a Letellier-area mixed grain and oilseed farmer and past-president of the Manitoba Pulse Growers Association. Penner can be reached at pennerfarms@xplornet.com.

thereof for all those small communities remaining on their own? Wouldn’t we be better served with less cost if we would become larger entities? Does it make sense in my case that a 439-inhabitant-community (Statistics Canada 2011) with a government cost of close to $175,000 should not become part of the larger municipality? With an ever-decreasing working population, leaving small towns, villages and municipalities with retirees, does it make sense to hang on to independence, never mind the cost? There are 51 towns in Manitoba, one as small as 239 (Grand Rapids). There are 19 villages, one as small as 183 ( Waskada). There are 117 rural municipalities, one as small as 311 (Lakeview). According to Blaine and the PC Party they all, 187 of them, should continue to exist independently no matter the cost and duplication of services. Is this an attempt to make the PC Party relevant? Bert Nieuwenhuis Somerset, Man.

Labelling rules confusing I am confused about what a label should record. I see a problem if the label says beef when in fact it is horsemeat, but I see the same problems if the label omits the fact that ingredients are genetically modified when in reality the seeds have been changed. Recently, California defeated a bill demanding that genetically modification be listed. I understand pressure from the genetic modifiers caused the bill to be defeated. Perhaps similar pressure in Europe and other places could keep horsemeat off the labels. I do see a difference between corn seed that has been modified and beef that has been modified, but as your cartoon suggests a beef-horse may not be so unusual. When such modification happens, hopefully the labels will be truthful. Barry Hammond Winnipeg, Man.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

FROM PAGE ONE HONEY Continued from page 1

suited to honey production, and has four species of honeybees, including Trigona bees that are stingless, said Veldhuis. But despite a variety of native bees — some of which are disease resistant — the apiarist said there were only 5,000 hives in the country when they began work there. “Dismal numbers really... they weren’t even meeting their own domestic need for honey,” he said, adding the average yield per hive was 19 pounds. But with the assistance of CESO-affiliated apia-

rists who set up more than a dozen satellite centres offering hands-on training and advice, Filipino beekeepers have expanded their hives and increased their yields. Veldhuis said he thinks the program will be developed enough to be handed over to locals in 2014 or 2015, with the knowledge that high-quality, assessable extension service for beekeepers will continue. Filipino beekeepers have some special challenges with predators, notably a bird called the blue-tailed beeeater, said Veldhuis. “I shot 400 shells off and

A man sells dark honey on the street in the Philippines. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED BY PETER VELDHUIS

it didn’t even make a dent in them,” said the beekeeper. Keeping hives underneath the forest canopy is one control tactic — a new concept for the Manitoba contingent. As was the sight of farmers opening their beehives without smoking the bees out first. “The bees there are very gentle, ver y easy to work with,” said Charles Polcyn, who has also travelled to the Philippines and other countries to assist beekeepers through CESO. The Whitemouth-area apiarist said the development of beekeeping overseas can also help improve business opportunities for women, who are often the better beekeepers, said Polcyn. “They have the time and also pay attention to details, sometimes guys don’t pay attention to those details and that’s really important to being a successful beekeeper,” he said. Investing in beehives can also be less risky for a farmer than putting all of his or her money into something like one cow, Veldhuis said. “If you buy one cow and it dies, you have nothing, but if you buy 10 hives and lose, say, four hives, you still have six,” he said. “It’s a really good fit for international development because it doesn’t take a huge amount of investment.” As beekeeping catches on, three new universities have added beekeeping as an extension program and more are interested, Veldhuis said. “Our problem is training people fast enough to meet the demand, and we really are trying to implement a trainthe-trainer approach,” he said. shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com


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*Monsanto Field Scale trials conducted in 2010 and 2011. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. InVigor® and LibertyLink® are registered trademarks of Bayer. © 2012 Monsanto Canada, Inc.

COOL Continued from page 1

it will,” said John Masswohl, the association’s director of government and international relations. The WTO ruling, which found the law discriminatory, was hailed as an important victory for Canadian cattle producers, but American lawmakers have been been preoccupied with issues such as the ‘fiscal cliff,’ he said. “As far as we are concerned, the only way the U.S. government can comply with the WTO ruling is if it removes this legislation,” said Masswohl, noting that no such legislation is currently in the process of being passed. “Essentially the polarized politics in Washington has blocked needed work on that country’s effort to comply with the WTO ruling.” Individuals and groups that like COOL the way it is are arguing a regulatory change is all that’s needed, he said. “However, some of the proposals from these individuals would actually increase the burden of discrimination that already exists on imported livestock to the U.S.,” said Masswohl.


Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz issued a statement March 8 saying the proposed changes will not bring the U.S. into compliance with its WTO obligations. “Our government is extremely disappointed with the proposed regulatory changes put forward by the United States today with respect to country-of-origin labelling,” he said. “The proposed changes will increase the discrimination against exports of cattle and hogs from Canada and increase damages to Canadian industry,” Ritz said. “Our government will consider all options, including retaliatory measures, should the U.S. not achieve compliance by May 23, 2013, as mandated by the WTO.” Trade expert Peter Clark said the U.S. proposal focuses on consumer information on meat cuts while barely acknowledging the WTO ruling in favour of Canada and Mexico. “It doesn’t begin to deal with the discrimination our producers are suffering. The U.S. is just trying to buy time and dodge complying with the WTO decision.” Even if the proposal is given the green light, it couldn’t be implemented by May 23 because of the steps involved in the U.S. rule-making process.


Maaswohl outlined two likely scenarios if the WTO deadline isn’t met. “There is one in which the U.S. government does something that is not good enough to comply with the WTO compliance ruling and the other is that the U.S. government does nothing,” he said. The latter is more likely, he said, which would force Canada and Mexico to go back to the WTO and request authority to slap retaliatory tariffs on U.S. products. That will raise the question of what level of retaliatory tariffs can be charged and on what products. “I think beef and pork would

“Our government is extremely disappointed with the proposed regulatory changes put forward by the United States today with respect to country-of-origin labelling.” GERRY RITZ

have to be part of the process, given that those are the affected items,” Masswohl said. “I think there would also be a good chance of U.S. fruit and vegetables ending up on the list as well as non-agricultural products.” Ottawa could also consider products from states that are home to senators and congressmen most opposed to complying with the WTO ruling. But there are also American groups, including packers grappling with excess capacity, who have been hurt by the labelling law and want it gone, he said. “When you make it more difficult for U.S. packing plants to acquire cattle, it is also more difficult for the U.S. feedlot sector to acquire feeder cattle,” Masswohl said.

Jobs at risk

An analysis commissioned by the cattlemen’s association and prepared by a leading American economist estimated 10,000 jobs would be at risk in the U.S. packing sector if Washington doesn’t comply with the WTO order. “I think the split was about 6,200 jobs on the cattle side, and 3,800 on the pork side,” said Masswohl. “And that is not taking into account, people whose job it is to drive trucks, and all the affiliated services. A third alternative would be for Washington to write a cheque to both Canada and Mexico to cover their losses, something it did with Brazil after losing a cotton dispute, he said. Masswohl said his organization estimates COOL is costing Canadian cattle producers US$639 million a year and hog producers US$500 million annually. But Martin Rice, executive director of the Canadian Pork Council, said the U.S. move would also anger that country’s livestock and meat industry because it will burden them with extra costs through extra record-keeping on the origin of any animals they purchase. “If implemented, this proposal will degrade the competitiveness of the U.S. meat industry and undoubtedly result in the elimination of thousands of American jobs,” he added. It would only change meat-labelling rules and the definition of a retailer. The pork and beef groups have been pushing Ottawa to be ready to retaliate if the U.S. doesn’t comply with the WTO decision by May 23. T h e y s a y Ca n a d a c o u l d impose tariffs on up to $1 billion in annual exports from the United States.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14 2013

Rural tourism association seeks members

Now that’s skiing cross country!

MRTA wants to expand its advocacy and promotion role By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff / Dauphin



Out for a tour on the Bittersweet Ski Trails near Rossendale, Man.   photo: Donna Gamache


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gri-tourism is growing in Manitoba and a new organization hopes it can grow with it. At just over a dozen memb e r s, t h e Ma n i t o b a Ru ra l Tourism Association sees an opportunity to tap into the hundreds of farm hosts now taking part in events like Open Far m Day and the annual Direct Farm Marketing conference, said the new group’s president Jim Irwin. The MRTA emerged just over a year ago after the former Manitoba Country Vacations Association changed its name. Ventures offering farm vacations have become much broader than simply offering accommodations, said Irwin who co-owns Riding Mountain Guest Ranch near the park. “And what we’d like to do is grow the industry,” Irwin said in an interview at last week’s Direct Farm Marketing conference. One of the key benefits of having an organization to represent agri-tourism is the co-operative marketing and advertising a larger group can potentially do, he said. As its membership expands, the MRTA hopes to create a comprehensive online director y of members’ tour ism products and services and the directly to consumer on-farm goods members have to offer. “We’d like to have a totally comprehensive listing of all the existing products in rural Manitoba and theme it around shopping locally, travelling locally and rural Manitoba welcomes you,” he said. A broader-based membership can also advocate more effectively for the needs of agritourism operators, Irwin said. A huge need is for group insurance for these kinds of ventures, he said. Lack of costeffective insurance is prohibitive for startups and a primary operating cost that severely cuts into margins, Irwin said. “It totally inhibits the development of small and supplementary-type income businesses,” he said. “Or you’re working for the insurance company.” The former country vacation group successfully advocated for members on taxation and licensing requirements of agritourism sites. As a broaderbased group they want to continue that advocacy work, Irwin said. Ir win said the growth of agri-tourism has great potential for spurring more rural economic development through small-scale business development. For more information about MRTA membership call (204) 848-7354.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

AgCanada boss says budget cuts won’t affect fusarium head blight research Recently retired plant pathologists Andy Tekauz and Jeannie Gilbert will be replaced, but the positions will be in Morden, not Winnipeg By Allan Dawson co-operator staff

“Both of those positions are ongoing positions. They are not affected by any of the (spending) reductions and our plan would be to restaff both.”


griculture and Agri-Food Canada isn’t easing up in the battle against fusarium head blight, says the director general for the department’s Prairie/Boreal Plain Ecozone. “Fusarium work is a high priority,” said Stephen Morgan Jones. “It is, along with the rust diseases, a very high priority for us.” Jo n e s s a i d t w o re c e n t l y retired fusarium experts from Winnipeg Cereal Research Centre — plant pathologists Andy Tekauz and Jeannie Gilbert — will be replaced. The centre is closing due to budget cuts, with 40 of its staff positions, including plant pathologists and genomics researchers, moving to the Morden Research Station and 20, including the centre’s four wheat and oat breeders, to the Brandon Research and Development Centre. “I would expect we’ll be advertising those (two pathology) positions sometime later on this summer and look for the persons to start up their programs at Morden next spring,” Morgan Jones said. “That’s what our plan is at the moment.” In the meantime, other plant pathologists will continue to work on fusarium, including assessing new varieties of cereal grains for their susceptibility to the fungal disease, he said. “We acknowledge that Jeannie Gilbert and Andy Tekauz

Stephen Morgan Jones

were both important people, but we do have some other pathology support at Winnipeg,” he said. Other federal scientists in Swift Current, Lethbridge and Ottawa also work on fusarium, he noted. The gover nment plans to spend about $10 million upgrading the Morden station to accommodate the additional staff; construct a new greenhouse and seed storage facilities; and upgrade laboratories, Morgan Jones said. The wheat and oat breeders are going to Brandon because growing conditions in that area are more representative of Western Canada than Morden, which is famous for it’s gardenlike microclimate. And since Morden’s climate is ideal for plant diseases, including fusarium and new races of rust, it’s a good place for plant pathologists to work. “We wanted to keep our p a t h o l o g y g ro u p t o g e t h e r because it is really our core

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) is spending a little more than $10 million to upgrade its Morden Research Station (pictured) to accommodate 40 positions being moved there after Winnipeg’s Cereal Research Centre closes due to budget cuts. Twenty positions are moving to AAFC’s Brandon Research and Development Centre.   photo: allan dawson

pathology group for all of Western Canada,” Morgan Jones said. The Winnipeg Cereal Research Centre, founded 90 years ago, gave birth to some of Canada’s best wheat varieties from Katepwa to Kane. But it was a logical place to close when the department was ordered to cut its budget by between five and 10 per cent, Morgan Jones said in an interview last year. “I don’t think it’s a secret... the centre in Winnipeg is a facility that has probably gone 10 years past its useful life,” he said. “There just wasn’t $150

million available to go out and rebuild or replace the structure in Winnipeg.” The closure and other cuts have some farmers worried about Ottawa’s long-term commitment to agricultural research. Wheats developed by federal plant breeders dominate western Canadian production. Morgan Jones has said in the past the department’s vision is to move towards selling new wheat lines to private companies for commercialization in three to five years. “ We b e l i e ve t h e re i s a n opportunity for the private sector... to run that type of work

probably more cost effectively than we can and then we can really put our emphasis on making more crosses and doing what we call the ‘public good stuff’ like keeping rust resistance genes available in our varieties so there is longterm protection in the industry,” he said in a 2012 interview. “I think the fact that we haven’t had a serious outbreak of rust for over 50 years in Western Canada is a tribute to our investment in upstream plant disease work has been effective.” allan@fbcpublishing.com

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By Terryn Shiells Commodity News Service Canada


he Canadian dollar has seen significant declines c o m p a re d t o i t s U . S . counterpart in recent weeks, and isn’t expected to climb back above parity any time soon, according to currency analysts. The Canadian dollar has continued to move further and further below parity with the U.S. dollar, closing at US98.16 cents on Feb. 21. Although the focus has been on recent weakness in the Canadian dollar, its downward slide started in late 2012, Shaun Osborne, chief FX strategist with TD Securities in Toronto, said. “A lot of focus has been on the Canadian dollar’s performance over the past few weeks, but the Canadian dollar’s slide really started late last year,” he said. “And it was only over the Christmas period where we had a bit of consolidation that sort of masked that trend of underperformance.” Most of the Canadian dollar’s

recent decline in value is linked to a change in investor sentiment, as the Bank of Canada switched from a hawkish to a dovish tone in late 2012. “In a nutshell, the weakness in the Canadian dollar is essentially a reflection of the Bank of Canada’s change of policy message, low for even longer, which is a direct result of some pretty sluggish growth numbers that we have seen for Canada since late last year,” Osborne said. “And low inflation numbers as well.” Statistics Canada released Canadian inflation and retail sales data Feb. 22, and both were weak, which pushed the Canadian dollar down below the US98 cents level. Osborne said as long as Canadian economic data continues to be weak, the Canadian dollar should continue to move lower, and he doesn’t expect it to move back above parity any time soon. The Canadian dollar could move down to the US97 cents level, and maybe even a bit beyond that over the next few weeks, Osborne said.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

U.S. processor to rebuild flax plant Grain Millers has hired Prairie flax ‘legends’ Linda and Glenn Pizzey as project consultants By Dave Bedard STAFF


U.S. grain-processing firm plans to set itself up in the Prairie flax ingredients business over the wreck of a previous player’s Manitoba plant, and will bring back the plant’s founding family to help run it. Minnesota-based Grain Millers, Inc. on Thursday announced the launch of SafeFlax, a new line of flaxseed products, to be made at one of its plants in Indiana and at a new site at Angusville, Man., the hometown of the Glanbia Nutritionals flax plant destroyed by fire last spring. Grain Millers also announced March 7 it has hired the Glanbia plant’s original founders, Linda and Glenn Pizzey, to serve as “strategic partners to its industryleading flax team.” The Pizzeys had owned and operated the flax ingredients plant at Angusville, about 330 km

northwest of Winnipeg, under the name Pizzey’s Milling until they sold the company to the U.S. wing of Irish food-processing firm Glanbia in 2007. The Pizzeys are to be involved with “all aspects” of Grain Millers’ existing flax business, including processing, product development and technical services, the Minneapolis-area company said. The SafeFlax product line of flaxseed products is billed as undergoing Grain Millers’ proprietary heat-stabilization and pasteurization treatment, “created specifically to mitigate the risk of contamination while minimizing stress on the flax product, a seed notoriously difficult to process.” “The SafeFlax process allows us to optimize the processing parameters for different products,” Linda Pizzey said in the company’s release. “Without this feature, you might eliminate pathogens, but you won’t adequately maintain the stability of the nat-

ural lipids and other nutritional and functional components in flax.” SafeFlax products are to include SafeBake and SafeBev for the baking, cereal and beverage markets, and will also be used in various other mixes Grain Millers now sells. SafeFlax is to be made both at Angusville and at Grain Millers’ Agricor dry corn-milling plant, which makes cornmeal, grits and corn flour at Marion, Indiana, about 80 km north of Indianapolis. Both sites are expected to be processing flax by May, Grain Millers said.


Grain Millers, which last year also bought the Enreco flax-milling business and plant at Newton, Wisconsin, about 160 km northwest of Madison, said the Angusville and Marion plants will help create “one of the largest foot-

prints of any food flax processor in the world.” “Having three facilities capable of making whole and milled flaxseed products will be a critical benefit to our customers,” Grain Millers president Steve Eilertson said in the company’s release. “It not only ensures our customers will benefit from the most efficient distribution, but also guarantees they will never face the production disruptions that have become commonplace in the flax industry.” Grain Millers’ only other Canadian operation so far is its oat-processing plant at Yorkton, Sask., one of the company’s three North American grain mills, making products such as rolled oats, instant oatmeal and oat bran. Eilertson hailed the Pizzeys as “legends in the flax business,” saying the flax industry “hasn’t made any significant progress since the Pizzeys left” and the

couple’s “passion for flax and their understanding of its nutritional and functional benefits are unmatched.” The company, Eilertson said, is “thrilled to be working with them to reinvigorate the category and put focus toward helping people understand just how powerful a food flax can be.” The company’s “advanced understanding of flax processing was one of the things that interested us most in this partnership,” Linda Pizzey added. Glanbia announced in November it wouldn’t rebuild at Angusville after the March 2012 fire, instead moving its flax operations to a new U.S. cereal ingredientprocessing plant at Sioux Falls, S.D., expected to be open in July this year. The Manitoba fire commissioner’s office ruled the $7-million Angusville fire appeared to be caused by flax meal overheating in a pasteurizing unit.

WHAT’S UP Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublish ing.com or call 204-944-5762. March 25-30: Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, Keystone Centre, Brandon. For more info visit www.brandonfairs.com or call 1-877-729-0001. March 28: Prairie Improvement Network (Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council) annual general meeting, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Canad Inns, 2401 Saskatchewan Ave., Portage la Prairie. For more info or to register (deadline March 22), call 1-800-216-9767 or email ejohnson@prairienetwork.ca.

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April 2-3: Canada Grains Council annual general meeting, Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Place. For more info visit www.canadagrainscouncil. ca.




April 2-4: Hudson Bay Route Association annual general meeting, Parkland Recreation Complex, 200 First Ave. SE, Dauphin. For more info visit www.hbra.ca or call 204-7488345.





April 10: Manitoba Pork Council annual general meeting, Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Place. For more info or to register call 204-237-7447. May 28-June 1: 4-H Canada annual general meeting, Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Place. For more info call 613-234-4448. June 16-19: BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, Palais des congres de Montreal, 1001 place JeanPaul-Riopelle. For more info visit www. bio.org or call 202-962-9200. July 23-24: Dairy Farmers of Canada annual general meeting, Fairmont Royal York, 100 Front St. W., Toronto. For more info call 613-236-9997 or visit www.dairyfarmers.ca.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg

March 8, 2013

Blizzards sock in some cattle auctions, but not all

Steers & Heifers — D1, 2 Cows 65.00 - 73.50 D3 Cows 59.00 - 64.00 Bulls 80.00 - 90.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 95.00 - 120.00 (801-900 lbs.) 115.00 - 126.00 (701-800 lbs.) 120.00 - 139.00 (601-700 lbs.) 130.00 - 148.00 (501-600 lbs.) 140.00 - 156.50 (401-500 lbs.) 145.00 - 163.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) — (801-900 lbs.) 100.00 - 115.00 (701-800 lbs.) 110.00 - 122.00 (601-700 lbs.) 117.00 - 132.00 (501-600 lbs.) 120.00 - 144.00 (401-500 lbs.) 135.00 - 152.00


Alberta South — 112.25 - 115.00 69.00 - 80.00 60.00 - 72.00 — $ 118.00 - 126.00 122.00 - 131.00 128.00 - 140.00 135.00 - 153.00 146.00 - 164.00 153.00 - 175.00 $ 110.00 - 117.00 113.00 - 124.00 117.00 - 130.00 123.00 - 137.00 130.00 - 145.00 135.00 - 156.00

($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)

Futures (March 8, 2013) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change February 2013 128.30 -1.55 April 2013 124.45 -0.50 June 2013 125.25 -0.50 August 2013 129.37 -1.10 October 2013 130.45 -1.45 December 2013 131.25 -1.50 Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.

Feeder Cattle March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013

The moisture outlook has boosted cattle feeders’ optimism Phil Franz-Warkentin

Ontario 94.44 - 124.27 103.93 - 124.39 56.76 - 75.25 56.76 - 75.25 74.35 - 89.05 $ 121.59 - 142.56 124.63 - 134.84 117.68 - 140.75 120.50 - 145.85 126.18 - 159.24 133.21 - 162.60 $ 105.10 - 118.44 111.85 - 122.32 105.19 - 124.01 103.49 - 128.04 107.63 - 138.03 119.60 - 144.34


(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)

Close 140.47 142.62 144.92 151.85 154.05 155.40

Change -1.53 -2.30 -3.13 -3.02 -2.82 -2.40

Cattle Grades (Canada)

Week Ending March 2, 2013 51,105 12,212 38,893 NA 563,000

$1 Cdn: $ .9734 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.0273 Cdn.


(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle

Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers

EXCHANGES: March 8, 2013

Previous Year­ 57,415 14,719 42,696 NA 620,000

Week Ending March 2, 2013 705 25,001 13,971 490 734 9,465 35

Prime AAA AA A B D E

Previous Year 493 26,851 17,330 513 622 8,452 247

Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture

(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)

Futures (March 8, 2013) in U.S. Hogs April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013

Current Week 158.00 E 146.00 E 145.22 150.19

Last Week 160.94 149.17 148.86 157.78

Close 81.80 89.90 92.02 91.97 91.90

Last Year (Index 100) 173.75 158.95 157.48 162.48

Change 0.80 0.60 0.55 0.12 -0.25



lizzard conditions across much of southern Manitoba kept some auction marts closed and some buyers snowed in during the week ended March 8, but the late-winter storm also brought in some renewed optimism for feed supplies going forward. After seeing nearly 10,000 head of cattle move through the various markets across the province the previous week, numbers were more than halved during the reporting period as March came in like a lion. However, the show went on in Killarney despite the fact that many schools were shut down at the time. “Sunday was a good day,” said Allan Munroe of the Killarney Auction Mart, accounting for the animals that were on hand to move the next day. “We didn’t have the quality of cattle this week that we’ve had the past few weeks, but it looks like the market is starting to perk up a little bit.” While spring might still be some time in coming, “we’re certainly getting closer,” and the improving moisture prospects across North America were leading to more optimism from livestock feeders, said Munroe. The likelihood of a large U.S. corn crop should make feeding cattle a more profitable endeavour this year, he said. People who bought cattle last fall “took a bath” over the winter months, with the 650-weight animals that moved for $1.52 per pound in October only bringing in $1.22 now at 850 lbs., said Munroe. However, “you don’t make money with empty pens,” and if U.S. corn values continue to move lower he expected there would be more profits to be made in the livestock sector. Grain analysts have pegged corn prices going forward at anywhere from US$4 to $9 per bushel, and the likely choppiness in

“… you get other sales where (buyers) start chirping at each other, jumping bids, and wanting to own the cattle — and that’s what we were seeing this Monday.” allan munroe

Killarney Auction Mart

the grain market could lead to some uncertainty in cattle as well. Munroe was bracing for a roller-coaster of activity in the futures over the summer “depending on whether a cloud goes by or not. “We’re definitely seeing more aggressive bidding,” he said. “There are some sales where (the buyers) look at each other like, ‘I really don’t want them, but I guess someone has to buy them,’ and you get other sales where they start chirping at each other, jumping bids, and wanting to own the cattle — and that’s what we were seeing this Monday.” Much of the demand was local during the week, with some heading west and only “a handful” moving south across the border. After showing a large demand back in the fall, eastern buyers were not showing consistent demand anymore, Munroe added. Looking ahead, many local buyers didn’t have the feed this year and wanted to wait as long as they could before they came to the market. That demand is starting to pick up, and will be a factor until the grass starts to grow, said Munroe. There were also a fair number of producers that sold off their steers over the winter, but didn’t like the heifer price at the time and kept them aside, said Munroe. Those animals will either be sold in the spring or put out to grass. Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.

Other Market Prices Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)

Winnipeg 70.00 - 78.00 95.00 - 107.00 100.00 - 115.00 110.00 - 120.00 117.00 - 125.00 168.50

Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230

Turkeys Minimum prices as of March 10, 2013 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.025 Undergrade .............................. $1.935 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.005 Undergrade .............................. $1.905 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.005 Undergrade .............................. $1.905 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.975 Undergrade............................... $1.890 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.

Toronto 53.43 - 87.92 111.91 - 140.03 156.17 - 169.54 160.39 - 179.49 175.18 - 232.08 —

SunGold Specialty Meats 40.00 - 60.00

Smithfield board to review advice from big shareholder

Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15

Goats Winnipeg (60/head) Kids 120.00 - 137.50 Billys 200.00 - 265.00 Mature —

Toronto ($/cwt) 42.80 - 229.90 — 56.49 - 184.12

Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+

Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —


Toronto ($/cwt) 18.00 - 36.00 32.29

Continental Grain wants the company divided into three reuters / Smithfield Foods Inc. said March 8 it would review a letter from shareholder Continental Grain Co., which is urging the top U.S. hog producer to consider steps such as splitting into three units and initiating a regular cash dividend. Shares of Smithfield rose 3.3 per cent to $25.50 in pre-market trading. Smithfield said it had received the Continental Grain letter but did not discuss the details.

Continental Grain is among Smithfield’s l a r g e s t s h a re h o l d e r s. C o l l e c t i v e l y, Continental Grain and its affiliates own 8,391,653 shares of Smithfield, or a stake of roughly 6.05 per cent, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Continental Grain sold a number of Smithfield shares in January and this month at an average price of $24.194 per share, the filing showed. “While we have reduced our position, we continue to hold an important stake and are prepared to maintain a significant holding if we see the board and management taking the necessary steps to unlock the value we believe exists in this company,” Continental Grain said in its letter to the board.

Looking for results?  Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 30


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices


Last Week

All prices close of business March 7, 2013

Speculators’ chart-based interest punches up canola USDA’s latest data was bearish for U.S. wheat futures Dwayne Klassen CNSC


upport in the outside oilseed markets allowed canola futures on the ICE Futures Canada platform to push slightly higher during the week ended March 8. Strength in canola earlier in the week was derived from chart-based buying by speculative and commodity fund participants. Steady demand from the domestic and export sectors, combined with concerns about tight supplies, also underpinned values. The upside was capped when the push higher in canola ran into technical resistance. Profit-taking further limited the upside as did steady farmer deliveries of canola into the cash pipeline. Elevator companies, depending on location, were said to be offering pretty decent bids in an effort to entice movement. The upside in canola was also restricted by ideas that the commodity is overpriced in comparison to the other oilseed markets and needed to correct to the downside. The May canola future tried to push through some tough resistance in the $630- to $635-per-tonne region during the week and failed. Support in the contract sits in the $600-$610 area. Technicians anticipate canola will continue to move in a sideways pattern until seeding issues in North America are more in focus. Activity in the milling wheat, durum and barley markets on the ICE platform continued to be non-existent. Some arbitrage pricing by ICE occurred in milling wheat and barley, but no trades were reported. In fact, the little open interest that existed in these futures also has dwindled to almost nothing, especially with the March contracts coming off the board. Old-crop soybean futures at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT ) were able to push to higher ground reacting to concerns about tight supplies and the steady demand from China. The upside in the deferred soybean contracts was much more subdued, especially with the large South American soybean crop in the early stages of harvest. Logistical issues in moving soybeans from Brazilian ports continue, but have slowly been sorting themselves out as they usually do.

Supplies and demands

Activity in soybeans had been on the lighter side during the week, especially ahead of the U.S. Department of A g r i c u l t u re s u p p l y / d e m a n d b a l a n c e sheets scheduled to be released on Friday. Participants were less than impressed with USDA’s decision to leave its U.S. soybean export and domestic usage forecast unchanged. Brazil’s soybean crop was pegged to be extremely large, surpass-

ing the U.S. as the major producer of the crop. USDA did end up trimming its soybean production estimate in Argentina, but the downward adjustment was less than had been anticipated. Brazilian soybean output was pegged at 83.5 million tonnes while Argentina’s was projected at 26.5 million, down fractionally from the 27-million forecast a month ago. With the large soybean harvest seen picking up steam in South America over the next few weeks, there were ideas that CBOT soybean values will have little choice but to slowly erode downward. CBOT corn futures eased slightly, with liquidation ahead of the USDA report and the absence of demand from the expor t and domestic sectors behind the weakness. Improvements in the soil moisture situation in the U.S. Midwest, ahead of spring planting operations, also accounted for some of the bearish sentiment in the commodity. Of the commodities, the USDA report actually had some friendly overtures for corn. The U.S. government agency projected tighter-than-anticipated domestic supplies of U.S. corn, with strong demand from the animal feed sector behind that decision. USDA pegged U.S. corn stockpiles at the end of the current crop year on Aug. 31, at 632 million bushels. This is the smallest level of corn for that time period in 17 years. Drought during the growing season was linked to the tight stocks. There had been pre-report ideas that USDA would have raised corn stocks in the U.S. to 649 million bu. USDA did lower its corn export projection, but that drop was easily offset by the 100-million-bu. jump in animal feed usage to 4.55 billion bushels in the current marketing year. W h e a t f u t u r e s o n t h e C B OT a n d Minneapolis and Kansas City exchanges continued their downward price push during the week, with the absence of demand from the export sector associated with the weakness. The improved soil moisture situation in the U.S. Winter Wheat Belt, as well as in northern U.S. spring wheat regions, contributed to the downward price slide. USDA in its report put U.S. wheat supplies on May 31, the end of the current marketing year, at 716 million bu., which was up from the February forecast of 691 million. The release of these numbers helped to depress U.S. wheat futures. Adding to the bearish sentiment in wheat was USDA’s decision to lower its current wheat export forecast by 25 million bushels. That decline was linked to stronger-than-anticipated foreign competition and larger-than-expected supplies in other wheat-producing nations. USDA pointed out Ukraine and other European countries were stealing business away from the U.S. Dwayne Klassen writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.

For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “ICE Futures Canada updates” at www.manitobacooperator.ca.

Week Ago

Year Ago


Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Coarse Grains US corn Gulf ($US)

US barley (PNW) ($US)

Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne) Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)







Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business March 8, 2013 barley

Last Week

Week Ago

March 2013



May 2013



July 2013




Last Week

Week Ago

March 2013



May 2013



July 2013



Special Crops Report for March 11, 2013 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market

Spot Market

Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)

Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)

Large Green 15/64

21.00 - 22.00


Laird No. 1

20.50 - 21.00

Oil Sunflower Seed

Eston No. 2

19.00 - 20.75

Desi Chickpeas

25.25 - 28.00 — 27.00 - 28.75

Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)

Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)

Green No. 1

Fababeans, large

Feed beans

Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)

No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans

Feed Pea (Rail)

No. 1 Great Northern

Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)

No. 1 Cranberry Beans

Yellow No. 1

38.70 - 40.75

No. 1 Light Red Kidney

Brown No. 1

34.75 - 36.75

No. 1 Dark Red Kidney

Oriental No. 1

27.75 - 28.75

No. 1 Black Beans

No. 1 Pinto Beans

No. 1 Small Red

Medium Yellow No. 1

15.30 - 17.00 8.40 - 9.00

5.00 - 8.10

Source: Stat Publishing SUNFLOWERS

No. 1 Pink

Fargo, ND

Goodlands, KS



32.00* Call for details

Report for March 8, 2013 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed) Confection Source: National Sunflower Association

Farmers locked in acres last fall with fertilizer applications chicago / reuters / Recent declines in U.S. corn futures prices have failed to dent growers’ enthusiasm for planting the feed grain this spring, even though soybean prices have outperformed corn, farmers and analysts said. Crop insurance guarantees, money spent on fertilizer and recent rainy weather in key growing areas have cemented the acreage decisions that farmers made in the fall. The Chicago Board of Trade December corn futures contract, which tracks the crop that will be harvested this fall, shed 7.1 per cent of its value over the first two months of 2013. The only bigger decline was in 2009, when new-crop prices dropped 13.4 per cent in the January-February time frame. Farmers have already prepared most of their corn acreage by applying fertilizer, which is not necessary when planting soybeans.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Student-led organic conference packs in a diverse crowd Taking a ‘systems’ approach builds resilience into a farming operation By Julienne Isaacs CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR / CARMAN


he first step in moving agriculture towards a more sustainable model is for farmers to stop trying to feed the world, the head of the agroecology program in the department of plant science at the University of Manitoba says. “It’s not our job to feed the world — let Africa feed itself. That is a radical viewpoint,” Gary Martens told about 100 academics, students, farmers and homesteaders who met March 9 at the Ian N. Morrison Research Farm to discuss new research, share strategies and exchange ideas on the future o f e c o l o g i c a l a n d o rg a n i c farming in Manitoba. Martens kicked off the daylong conference with a call for “systems thinking” to move away from unsustainable farming practices and transition to a direct-marketing model. Citing an example he heard at the recent MOSES organic farming conference, Martens told the story of an Ontario grower who makes $6,000 per acre selling hulless oats by hand rolling and selling them by the cup at a local farmers’ market. “This is going to be very difficult to do, but I’m saying — let’s do it anyway,” he said. Organized by the class of six graduating students of the agroecology program in collaboration with Martin Entz and the Natural Systems Agriculture program, the conference was organized into four sections — an introduction to agroecological farming systems, followed by sessions on soil health, organic dairy and beef production and weed management. Student organizer Megan Klassen-Wiebe said the conference grew from feedback after a summer field day organized by the university’s plant science department. “Some of the feedback was that they’d be interested in doing something like that during the winter, to allow people time to sit down and chat about these things,” she said.

General approaches

During her session entitled “Changing the way we do

agriculture: exploring biodiversity,” the University of Manitoba’s Joanne ThiessenMartens discussed ways to increase the “profitability, sustainability and resilience” of Canadian cropping systems. “Resilience measures the amount of change a system can undergo and still retain its structure and function, its ability to recover and adapt to stresses and shocks,” explained Thiessen-Martens. “Generally speaking, our systems are highly profitable and productive, but don’t do well in terms of resilience. Is it possible to bring these three together?” Ot h e r s e s s i o n s e x p l o re d ways to enhance nitrogen a va i l a b i l i t y, t h ro u g h b o t h cover-cropping and crop-livestock integration. Jaqueline Huzar Novakowiski, a student at MidWestern State University in Brazil, explained how the use of livestock in cropping systems in Brazil has paid off for farmers. “Dynamic change results when you put an animal in the fields,” she said.

Jaqueline Huzar Novakowiski speaks on system fertilization in Brazilian cropping systems at the Ecological and Organic Farming Conference. PHOTOS: JULIENNE ISAACS

Practical suggestions

Several farmers spoke during the second half of the day, offering their own operations as case studies in what to do — and what to avoid — in successful organic farming. Bragi Simundson, a beef cattle producer from Arborg and a member of the Manitoba Grass Fed Beef Association, discussed methods for keeping grass quality high in finishing cattle, and Caroline Halde, a Quebec dairy farmer and student at the University of Manitoba, gave an overview of the keys to success in transitioning from conventional to organic dairy production. Halde joked that when the family decided to grow organic hemp on their operation near Montreal, they soon realized the crop would be a liability. “Teenagers from the suburbs were coming with big bags and harvesting it, so we lost some production to our neighbours,” she said. Researchers and growers offered suggestions for reducing tillage without the use of glyphosate, strategic use of herbicides and mechanical weed control options.

Participants at the March 9 Ecological and Organic Farming Conference.

“Timing is everything: you have to be innovative, you have to be on time,” said Marvin Wiebe of Kroeker Farms during his talk on controlling weeds in organic vegetable production. “I would like to go to the lake a little more often but one day is all it takes.” A final session summed up the day’s conversations with a brief overview of farm-scale permaculture and its applications around the world. “It’s interesting to see so many people hearing about permaculture and not realizing what it is, but it doesn’t

have to be a niche conversation,” said Carissa de Jong, a small-scale market gardener from Clearwater, Man. “I t h i n k t h e c o n f e re n c e was a big success,” said Entz. “ ( Ba s e d o n ) t h e s i z e a n d enthusiasm and demographics of the crowd — women, men, all age groups — and the richness of the discussion, it was probably one of the best extension events I’ve participated in.” Participant feedback was positive, raising hopes the conference will become an annual event.

“This is going to be very difficult to do, but I’m saying — let’s do it anyway.”


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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

No deal on national chicken allocation, deadline to revoke letter passes Alberta Chicken Producers, Chicken Farmers of Canada representatives say they haven’t given up on getting an agreement By Victoria Paterson STAFF / RED DEER


he Feb. 22 deadline has come and gone for Alberta Chicken Producers to withdraw its letter of intent to pull out of the national chicken supply management system without a new agreement being struck. “We came as close as we could,” Chicken Farmers of Canada David Janzen said at the Alberta Chicken Producers’ annual general meeting Feb. 26. “In the end, we couldn’t reach an agreement.” Alberta wants additional allocation in order to reflect the province’s population increase, but despite years of negotiations — including more talks in early February — the issue couldn’t be resolved. Reps from provincial organizations “gave it their best shot,” said Janzen, adding it’s time to take a break before heading back to the negotiating table.

“I want to make it crystal clear that CFC is absolutely committed to achieving a solution acceptable to all 10 provinces,” he said. “This is not simply an Alberta issue… this is about all 10 provinces agreeing.” Alberta has more than 11 per cent of the population but just 9.15 per cent of chicken production — the gap is equivalent to 16 million kilograms of chicken a year. Janzen had earlier reminded the crowd about the current negative press supply management has been receiving. “The problem with internal bickering is it strips us of our credibility,” he said. David Hyink, vice-chair of Alberta Chicken Producers and the group’s alternate director to the national body, described the final meeting in Ottawa as “emotional” and said those in attendance did “all they could” to help bring an agreement about. “We came close,” Hyink said.

In the end, Quebec almost supported a proposed compromise, but didn’t. Nova Scotia was the other province that didn’t vote for the proposed deal, though this meant the letter of intent to withdraw from the national supply management system at the end of 2013 couldn’t be revoked, Hyink said. But he said the Alberta Chicken Producers will continue to search for a solution, and agreed with Janzen that a break is needed. Alberta is now poised to exit the federal-provincial agreement at year’s end. But the next allocation is due to be set in September and Hyink said a solution needs to be found before then. “I hope no one sees that as a time we can wait for,” he said. “We can rise to this challenge. We can find a solution.” Even if Dec. 31 passes without a new agreement, there will still be controls



in place for things like animal care through the province, he added. “It’s not going to be a free-for-all,” Hyink said. Talks are likely to resume in April or May, said Karen Kirkwood, executive director of the Alberta Chicken Producers. However, since the letter can no longer be revoked, Alberta will have to be signed back into the national allocation system by provincial agriculture ministers.

Win with AgCelence

New Zealand suffers drought WELLINGTON / REUTERS The New Zealand government declared a drought in key farming areas on the North Island March 6, with no significant rainfall in more than three months threatening to cost the economy NZ$1 billion ($828.35 million). The affected areas include the major dairy-producing Waikato, south of the country’s biggest city Auckland, and horticultural regions Bay of Plenty and Hawkes Bay. “This extended period of hot and dry weather over the last couple of months has left dairy and sheep and beef farmers alike with parched paddocks and burnt and stunted feed crops,” said James Houghton, Waikato president of the Federated Farmers group. The official drought declaration gives farmers access to financial and social support. Some of the affected regions have had around a third of their average rainfall this year, and only light falls are expected for the rest of the month. Agriculture accounts for around a half of the country’s NZ$46 billion annual export earnings, with dairy produce the single biggest commodity. The drought would likely weigh significantly on production and incomes, stretching out into next year, worth as much as NZ$1 billion ($830 million). “The reduction in agricultural and primary production is likely to shave 0.5 per cent off GDP by the end of the year,” ANZ Bank rural economist Con Wilson said in a research note. The dry conditions are forcing farmers to cut short milk production, cull animals, and buy in expensive supplement feeds.

“I want to make it crystal clear that CFC is absolutely committed to achieving a solution acceptable to all 10 provinces.”

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13-02-05 2:49 PM


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


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Winter’s still hanging on Issued: Monday, March 11, 2013 · Covering: March 13 – March 20, 2013 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor


pring is typically the toughest time of the year to forecast the weather as the atmosphere becomes a battleground between winter and summer air masses. This year seems to be particularly tough on the weather models as they routinely make dramatic changes to their forecasts every six to 12 hours. This is exactly what happened to last week’s forecast. The models predicted a significant outbreak of cold air during this week, but about 12 to 24 hours after sending out the forecast they began to change, eventually doing an almost 180-degree turn! Keep this in mind for this forecast period, as the models continue to be all over the place. The models start this forecast period with an area of low pressure moving in off the Pacific and into central Canada on Wednesday. Most of the energy with this system will move through the northern Prairies during the second half of this week. South of this low we’ll see a warm front try and push through. This front will bring milder temperatures along with a chance for

some light snow. Cool high pressure is then forecast to slide in behind this over the weekend. Next week is when things become interesting. The weather models keep trying to develop a significant winter storm that impacts southern and eastern regions starting around next Monday or Tuesday. Confidence in this is very low. For over a week now the models have been developing a strong storm system and then weakening the storm 24 hours later, only to redevelop it on a different day once again 24 hours later! The latest model run shows the storm developing over Colorado on Monday and then moving into our region on Tuesday, bringing snow and blowing snow. While the odds on seeing this storm system develop are really low, it’s something to watch, as any addition of significant snow could have a dramatic effect on this spring’s flood forecast. Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, -10 to 3 C; lows, -23 to -5 C. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at daniel@ bezte.ca.


7 Day Accumulated Precipitation (Prairie Region) February 27, 2013 to March 5, 2013

0 - 4 mm 4 - 8 mm 8 - 12 mm 12 - 15 mm 15 - 19 mm 19 - 23 mm 23 - 27 mm 27 - 31 mm 31 - 35 mm 35 - 38 mm 38 - 42 mm 42 - 46 mm 46 - 50 mm 50 - 54 mm 54 - 58 mm 58 - 61 mm 61 - 65 mm 65 - 69 mm Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers

Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2013 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.

Created: 03/06/13 www.agr.gc.ca/drought

This issue’s map shows the total amount of precipitation that fell across the Prairies during the week of Feb. 27 through March 5, which coincides with the strong winter storm that moved through the region. The system tracked from the Calgary region eastward across southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The heaviest amounts were in southern regions of Saskatchewan and Manitoba where upward of 30 cm of snow fell. The Miami region of southern Manitoba was hardest hit, with as much as 56 cm of snow reported.

Spring forecasts ‘all over the place!’ Break out the darts and blindfold; for a long-range forecast, the odds are in your favour By Daniel Bezte CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR


o far this spring winter has been able to keep a fairly good grip on most of the three Prairie provinces. W h i l e t h e re h a s b e e n t h e odd day here and there with above-freezing temperatures, we haven’t seen any significant melting taking place yet. On the other side of the coin, with the exception of a few cold nights in some areas, we haven’t really seen any really cold temperatures either. We need to keep in mind that temperatures can still drop into the -30 C range for overnight lows well into March. Don’t hold your breath hoping we’ll see an early melt like last year. First of all, there is a lot more snow across the Prairies this year compared to last. Secondly, the mediumrange weather models that forecast out to near the end of the month don’t yet show any significant periods of warm weather. Put these two things together and it looks like we may see a more typical start to spring. The big question at this time of year is always: What will this spring’s weather be like? For those of you who

The weather community’s ability to create accurate forecasts beyond 14 days is pretty weak.

in a neutral position. So we’ll have to see what the forecasters say, then hope we bet on the right horse.

What the experts say

have read some of my weather columns you’ll know I love to explore long-range forecasts. I also love to point out the weather community’s ability to create accurate forecasts beyond 14 days is pretty weak. In fact, throwing a dart at a weather dartboard can create just as good a forecast as any of the long-range or seasonal weather models! So, why do we even look at these? Well, for me, it’s kind of fun to see what all the different forecasts say. I also think it plays into our gambling sides. We find out what the different forecasts are and then we pick which one we think will be correct; we then sit back and wait to see what happens. If you end up backing the wrong forecast you start cursing all the forecasts, pointing out just how bad they are, and question the ability of the people who make the forecast. If

you picked the correct forecast you pat yourself on the back for knowing which forecast was going to be right and proceed to let everyone know how brilliant you were! In either case it’s a win-win situation! On the more serious side, knowing what the weather will be like a couple of months down the road could have a huge impact on the bottom line if you were able to plan ahead. Unfortunately, there are very few years where the accuracy of a two- to three-month forecast going into spring is going to be that accurate. This year, especially, does not look to be one of those years. There are no strong large-scale atmospheric drivers in place that tend to result in certain types o f w e a t h e r. Te m p e r a t u re s over the Pacific are around average, putting the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

To start, Environment Canada calls for above-average temperatures over the southern Prairies, with near-average t e m p e ra t u re s ove r c e n t ra l regions. Precipitation patterns are opposite of this, with near-average amounts expected over souther n regions and above-avera g e a m o u n t s ov e r c e n t ra l areas. Over at the Old Farmer’s Almanac, they call for nearaverage temperatures in April followed by a cold May and a cool June. April is expected to see slightly below-average a m o u n t s o f p re c i p i t a t i o n , with May seeing near-average and June below-average amounts. T h e C a n a d i a n Fa r m e r s’ Almanac is calling for neara ve ra g e t e m p e ra t u re s a n d precipitation in April, followed by above-average temperatures and precipitation in May. The warm weather is expected to continue into June with near- to aboveaverage amounts of rain. Most of May’s and June’s rains are

expected to come in the form of severe thunderstorms. T h e We a t h e r N e t w o r k’s spring forecast calls for below-average temperatures over nor th-central Alber ta and Saskatchewan with all other areas seeing near-average temperatures. Precipitation will be above average ov e r c e n t r a l a n d e a s t e r n Manitoba and west-central Saskatchewan, with all other regions expected to see nearaverage amounts. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) spring forecast calls for near-average temperatures and precipitation amounts across most of the three Prairie provinces, with only extreme western Alberta seeing below-average temperatures. Finally, my spring outlook, which is simply my gut feeling, is that we will see belowaverage temperatures to start April, along with above-average amounts of precipitation. This will switch or flip dramatically to a warm and dry pattern in either late April or early May. Just remember, you too can create your own spring forecast and have pretty much the same chance of being correct as these!


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Farmers who commit totally to sell locally can make a profit But unless farmers take the plunge and commit to the concept they quickly lose their nerve Pennsylvania State University release


armers can make a profit s e l l i n g t h e i r p ro d u c e directly to local businesses, but they must not let possible new costs weaken their commitment to the new venture, according to an international team of researchers. “We found that the farmers who really made a conscious decision to sell local and who made more of a commitment tended to do better than those who are just testing the waters with local direct selling,” said Amit Sharma, associate professor of hospitality management, Penn State. Sharma added that farmers who were only testing the idea of selling to local restaurants tend to either never try to reach the local market, or quickly opt out of local selling. The researchers, who reported their findings recently in the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, said that farmers face a number of higher costs when they sell to local restaurants and shops, especially locally owned businesses that are not associated with national chains. Their research was supported by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Development at Iowa State University. The added costs include money for additional marketing and transportation and delivery costs. Costs can also increase when local businesses require special packaging, according to Sharma, who worked with Catherine Strohbehn, extension specialist and professor of apparel, events and management, Iowa State University; Rama B. Radhakrishna, professor of agriculture and extension education, Penn State and Allan Ortiz, lecturer, University of Costa Rica. However, farmers can manage most of the costs, Sharma said. “For some farmers, it may seem like making a website, for example, is a monumental task,” Sharma said. “But, it actually may be easy to make a website, or even hire someone to create one for very little money.” In addition, many farmer organizations, extension units, and state agencies host websites with templates that producers can use to market their products. These organizations often use grant money to make the templates free for the farmers. Farmers can capture additional revenue for the venture through higher prices and improved sales margins, the researchers said. “The local foods movement is huge and retailers are wishing to meet the desires of their customers,” Sharma said. “Other research conducted by our team has found that 40 per cent or more of people will pay a premium for identified local ingredients.” Most local outlets can charge a slightly higher price for goods, giving farmers a premium on products sold to those businesses. Selling produce themselves, instead of through a

“Other research conducted by our team has found that 40 per cent or more of people will pay a premium for identified local ingredients.”

distribution company, may also improve margins for the farmers, since they are not losing revenue to the distributor. “Farmers may find that their margins may be higher when they sell locally,” Sharma said. “They are cutting out the middleman.” To s t u d y t h e c o s t s a n d added work for farmers who want to enter the local market, the researchers interviewed 10 farmers who were selling food to the local market near

a Midwestern university. The farmers, who were identified through a local growers’ directory, were then asked about direct and indirect costs of their operations, including production, storage, packaging, marketing, transportation and delivery. “A lot of times there’s a status quo that exists and it’s difficult for farmers to get out of that mindset,” said Sharma. “Farmers are reluctant to take on these extra costs.”

photo: thinkstock

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


Resistant weed headaches growing, survey shows

New survey says 43 per cent of farmers now believe they have herbicide-resistant weeds, but the number who report using more than one mode of action is falling


“Good farmers are more cautious about using herbicides in a way that is sustainable… But there are those who are not very sharp on rotating herbicides and the crops themselves.”


ore Canadian farmers are reporting herbicideresistant weeds, according to a new poll. Nearly two-thirds of the 500 farmers surveyed in a poll conducted for BASF Canada said weeds in their fields are getting tougher to control, and 43 per cent said they suspect they have weeds resistant to herbicides. In a similar poll conducted a year ago, the number of farmers who figured they had resistant weeds was 37 per cent. “The needle is moving,” says Joel Johnson, BASF Canada’s herbicide brand manager. “Resistance is an issue and it is not going away. More and more growers are becoming aware and their perceptions are changing.” Most surprisingly, the survey also found fewer growers said they were using multiple modes of action to combat the problem — 67 per cent said they use herbicides from more than one group to manage their weeds. That’s 10 percentage points lower than in the poll done in March 2012. Many farmers who rely on just one mode of action may be putting too much faith in the herbicide industry’s ability to come up with new products to keep resistant weeds at bay, said Nasir Shaikh, Manitoba’s provincial weed specialist. “Good farmers are more cautious about using herbicides in a way that is sustainable,” he said. “But there are those who are not very sharp on rotating herbicides and the crops themselves.” Using the same herbicides again and again is just asking for trouble because even the biggest industry players don’t have many new chemistries in the pipeline. Those that are coming out are generally pre-mixes or new twists on old

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Manitoba’s provincial weed specialist

University of Illinois Extension staf display giant ragweed plants that grew nearly 11 feet tall at the Northern Illinois Agronomy Research Center near DeKalb, Illinois.

chemistries, mainly because the cost of research and new registrations has soared to as high as $150 million just to have a single new product approved, he added. But the poll’s finding may actually be good news, said Johnson. He said he believes it’s a sign that more farmers are taking the issue of herbicide resistance more seriously. “It’s people going back into their chemical records and saying, ‘You know, those are both Group 1s. I thought they were different groups because they had different herbicide names,’” he said. This year, 47 per cent said glyphosate alone is no longer effective for controlling weeds. That’s a seven-percentage-point rise from a year ago. Among the glyphosate-resistant weeds to appear in recent years are kochia in the Prairies, and Canada fleabane and giant and common ragweed in Ontario.

Soybeans for Maximum Yield

Shaikh said field edges are one overlooked risk factor. Common ragweed in such spots may get hit with only one-quarter of the recommended rate, survive, and then set seed later that summer. Between 2010 and 2015, BASF Canada plans to introduce eight new active ingredients and 25 new products to aid in the fight against tough weeds. But that doesn’t mean farmers should be counting on new chemistries alone to solve the problem. Johnson said a game changer like glyphosate hasn’t been found — and may never materialize. “Realistically, we don’t have anything like that and farmers need to be more proactive about resistance,” he added. But Gary Martens, a professor at the University of Manitoba, said he fears that’s not happening. “It’s human nature to not change the way we do things until the way we do things doesn’t work any-

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more — that’s just the way we are,” said Martens. “(Glyphosate) is too cheap and it’s still working.” There’s a history of farmers overusing “silver bullets” until their effectiveness is lost, said Martens, pointing to a 2002 book by Clint Evans called The War on Weeds in the Prairie West. It notes, for example, that in the 1930s, summerfallow was hailed as the saviour of farming until its negative aspects became impossible to ignore. Then in 1945, 2,4-D saved the day just as farmers were ready to walk away from fields choked with weeds. “Then we wanted to reduce tillage due to soil erosion and along came glyphosate,” said Martens. Technological saviours come along when almost all hope is lost, and Martens said he suspects that the chemical industry will deliver yet another reprieve. “Actually, I wish it wouldn’t because then we would have to use more knowledge-based farming,” said Martens, adding that in some parts of Australia, farmers have already been forced by glyphosate-resistant r yegrass to adopt a “wheat-sheep-wheat” rotation. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Analysis: Wheat registration — having your cake and eating it too Manitoba Co-operator’s Allan Dawson attended the Prairie Grain Development Committee’s annual meeting recently. Here’s his analysis on calls to change the registration system for western Canadian wheats By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF /SASKATOON


alls to reform Western Canada’s wheat variety registration system boil down to the classic Canadian schism — the public and collective-managed approach versus letting the market decide. True to form, the majority of wheat industry officials see the solution somewhere in between, but there are powerful interests pushing for a market-driven approach. Private seed company offi-

cials didn’t say much publicly when the Prairie Grain Development Committee, the umbrella organization for four of the committees that recommend new varieties, met in Saskatoon recently. They let Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz do the talking. “I am... asking that each recommending committee support the government’s efforts to enhance innovation by undertaking a review of their respective committee str uctures and procedures with a view to removing barriers that unneces-




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Members of the Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale voting at this year’s annual meeting in Saskatoon. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON

sarily encumber innovation in the crop sector,” Ritz wrote in a letter to the chairs of all 17 recommending committees. The critics, who appear to have Ritz’s ear, say the current system is paternalistic, inefficient and a barrier to innovation. Growing more higher-yielding, lower-quality wheat could be more profitable for farmers, they say. Registration system supporters believe it, along with wheat classification, are key to maintaining Western Canada’s highquality wheat brand. There’s a compromise — expand the quality parameters for the Canada Prairie Spring wheat class, while retaining the standards for the West’s premier classes, Canada Western Spring and Canada Western Amber durum. As Brian Lemon of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency put it, the wheat registration process is “complex and simple.” New wheats undergo up to three years of testing to provide the Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale (PRCWRT) with the scientific data needed to accurately assess their agronomic, disease tolerance and end-use strengths and weaknesses. It’s complex. But the principle behind it — vetting potential new varieties to ensure they serve growers and users — is simple. The PRCWRT — a cross-section of wheat industry experts, including breeders, agronomists, cereal chemists, farmers, millers and marketers — decide, which varieties to recommend for registration, not the government. It’s regulation, but selfregulation. Wheat breeders in the United States test too. The difference is, it doesn’t come from a third party and it isn’t necessarily open to public scrutiny. Never-


™ TopLine is a trademark of Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. All others are trademarks of their respective companies. Always read and follow label directions. 12111.02.13

theless, market discipline protects the American farmer from inferior varieties, according to Norm Dreger, Syngenta’s head of cereals for North America. How much of the criticism is legitimate and how much is based on misperceptions, ideology and commercial self-interest? Misconceptions abound, according to Leo Meyer, a farmer from Woking, Alta. “Unfortunately he (Ritz) has heard from people who have no idea what this committee is doing,” he said. Misconceptions include that the committee meets in secret and privately developed varieties are excluded. The federal gover nment opposes regulation on principle. That’s ideology. As for commercial self-interest, seed developers can save money if there are fewer hoops. “Certainly yield will increase with fewer registration impediments,” said Lethbridge-based, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada wheat breeder Rob Graf. “Is (breeding for) stem rust (resistance) an impediment? Is leaf rust an impediment? What about early maturity or sprouting tolerance or milling yield? The point I’m making here is no matter what trait you add it is going to slow down your rate of progress.” Arguably as long as Western Canada has eight classes of wheat it would be difficult to abandon a merit-based registration system. Each class is not

rigidly defined, but constantly evolving based on the varieties the PRCWRT recommends for registration. There needs to be a scientific way to decide if a new wheat fits the class. Grain companies support the class system because different wheats can be commingled, making grain handling more efficient. Buyers like it because it provides more consistent quality. The new open wheat market is providing some of the variety flexibility farmers seek. Under the class system an unregistered variety is to receive the lowest grade in the class. But now farmers can negotiate the price with the elevator no matter the grade or class. We’re seeing the change already. Seed Depot is working with several grain companies on an identity-preserved contract for Faller, an unregistered American wheat. Farmers will be paid as if they were delivering a CWRS wheat. Pasteur is in the Canada Western General Purpose class — a class normally for feed and ethanol wheats. But some of it has been sold for milling with prices equivalent to wheats in the Canada Western Red Winter wheat class. If the wheat sector isn’t distracted by misconceptions, ideology, or self-interest, it might achieve the impossible: having its cake and eating it too. allan@fbcpublishing.com


Snowstorms lessen drought’s impact Fair Price. Brand Results.

If the wheat sector isn’t distracted by misconceptions, ideology, or self-interest, it might be able to do the impossible: have its cake and eat it too.

REUTERS / Back-to-back winter storms, that dropped up to two feet of snow in some areas of the nation’s midsection over in late February, lessened the

harsh drought that has been gripping key U.S. farm states for months, climate experts said on Feb. 28. Oklahoma is one of the states that has benefited the most from the stormy onslaught, according to the weekly “Drought Monitor”

report issued by a consortium of state and federal climatologists. Many other states in the region improved, raising hopes for the winter wheat crop now in the ground and spring crops like corn and soybeans that will be planted this spring.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Jury still out on benefits of deep ripping There has been a host of studies on whether deep ripping can fix soil compaction but the results have been inconclusive By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF / BRANDON


oes deep ripping fix soil compaction and improve yields? Despite numerous studies, no one really knows, attendees at the recent Special Crops Symposium in Brandon were told. “Collectively, we haven’t done enough disciplined testing or research yet to sort out whether or not it is profitable in Manitoba,” said John Heard, soil fertility specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives. Manitoba research, from the 1980s up to 2010, has been inconclusive, he said. A major Iowa study in 2004 showed the yield response to measures taken to address soil compaction varied widely, from a loss of up to six bushels of yield with corn to a 12-bushel advantage. That study tested a John Deere 2100 minimum-till inline ripper set to a 16-inch depth on more than 100 replicated strip trials. The overall average was just 1.4 additional bushels of corn per acre, which didn’t cover the estimated cost of $15 to $20 per acre for doing the work. “These were all farms that obviously thought they had a problem,” Heard noted. The study’s authors concluded that lower, heaviertextured soils benefited most from deep ripping in the fall, and the most profitable yield response occurred where a problem had been identified, such as in field headlands. One downside was the ripper’s tendency to bring stones to the surface, and one grower reported having to replace a ripper shank shear bolt after, on average, every pass. Generally, soil compaction isn’t a major problem in Manitoba due to the freezing and thawing action that breaks up packed soil parti-

cles during the winter. But it can happen, as evidenced by the experience of one farmer whose practices resembled a “how-to” list of ways to induce soil compaction. The field which Heard visited in 2011 was the first such case he had seen in his career outside of Ontario. It had been continuously cropped for corn silage and was always planted early when the soil was wet. Also, manure from the far m’s livestock was spread under damp conditions in the fall by a spreader that didn’t have flotation tires. Even though the field had been heavily manured, the crop showed signs of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deficiencies — which had the farmer suspecting his fertilizer company had shorted him. In fact, the deficiencies occurred because the roots were forced to grow between cracks in the hard soil clods. “The plant is really our indicator of whether we’ve got soil compaction,” said Heard, adding visible potash deficiency is one strong indicator, especially in corn when “firing” is seen on the bottom leaves. Depending on the severity of compaction, it can take a very long time for Mother Nature to repair the damage. In Minnesota, for example, ruts from pioneer wagon trains are still evident even after 140 years. The freeze-thaw effect works, but it depends on how many cycles occur over a winter, said Heard. Heavy snow cover can mitigate fluctuations in temperature. “Sometimes with a good snow pack soil temperatures can even warm up from below,” said Heard. Obviously, the best way to prevent compaction is to only till when the soil is dry enough to support the equipment’s weight. And

“But if the ball stays intact, or the soil surface is so wet that it cushions it, then it’s time to go home and change the oil in the tractor instead.” JOHN HEARD

that means more than simply being able to drive on the field without getting stuck, Heard said. Take a tip from Grandpa to judge whether the soil is “fit to be worked,” he said. Dig down to tillage depth, take a lump of soil and squeeze it into a ball. If, when dropped, it crumbles, then that means you’re good to go. “But if the ball stays intact, or the soil surface is so wet that it cushions it, then it’s time to go home and change the oil in the tractor instead,” said Heard. Staying in the same tracks each time when moving heavy machinery over a field is better than trying to spread out the impact, he added, because 80 per cent of the “hurt” takes place on the first pass. Other measures such as not overusing ballast, and maintaining tires at rated pressures can also mitigate compaction. Studies using a penetrometer found that there is little difference in effective soil porosity between properly inflated duals and tracks at various depths. But when duals are overinflated, over 90 per cent of the pore spaces in the soil can be lost from a single pass under wet conditions.

Russia looks for return to normal harvests The country’s exports could reach 20 million tonnes, up from this year’s 14.8 million tonnes MOSCOW / REUTERS


ussia, one of the world’s k e y w h e a t e x p o r t e r s, will be able to increase its 2013 grain harvest by 34 per cent, year on year, if the weather is favourable, the head of Russia’s grain union told reporters. Russia, historically the No. 3 global wheat exporter, was hit by drought last year which slashed its wheat harvest by one-third and depleted stocks. “About 95 million tonnes or more can be achieved if the weather is good,” Arkady Zlochevsky, the head of the union said in Moscow March 7. His forecast matches a government target also set at 95 million tonnes. The country

has to harvest this amount o f g ra i n i n 2 0 1 3 t o c ov e r domestic demand, replenish stocks and have enough for export, officials said previously. Russia harvested 71 million tonnes of grain in 2012. Russia’s 2013-14 exportable surplus is expected at about 20 million tonnes, up from this year’s forecast of 14.8 million tonnes, Zlochevsky added. The new marketing year starts on July 1 by which time carr y-over stocks will have declined to 11 million to 13 million tonnes, down from 19 million seen a year ago, he said. If bad weather again hurts Russia’s crops, the har vest may fall to 87 million to 88 million tonnes, he said.

Feel the



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manainc.ca John Heard, a MAFRI soil fertility specialist, explains soil compaction’s effect on crop growth and how to prevent and alleviate its effects. PHOTO: DANIEL WINTERS


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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Professor decries local-food movement and praises the ‘10,000-mile diet’ Academic says local food movement doesn’t benefit society or the environment By Victoria Paterson af staff / banff


ocal food is mostly a fad that won’t last because it’s inferior to the “10,000-mile

diet.” That was the message University of Toronto geography professor, Pierre Desrochers delivered at the recent Alberta Beef Industry Conference in Banff. “It really has become a way to protest against ‘the man,’” Desrochers said. “Backwards is the new forward.” Locavores — those who promote local food production — have been making periodic appearances since the earliest days of modern transportation, but local food movements never last, he said. National, and later global, food chains arose in the first place because they offer a wider

There’s a place for local food, but it depends on offering consumers either better quality or a better deal, says a University of Toronto professor.  photo: thinkstock

assortment of food at a lower cost, and fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the year. The new twist this time is around the concept of ‘food miles.’

“We live in an age that is obsessed with carbon emissions,” said Desrochers. But the argument that reducing food miles lowers emis-

sions doesn’t hold water, he said. It’s more energy efficient to grow monoculture crops in climatically favourable regions and use fuel-efficient shipping, especially by container ships, to transport them than have smallscale market gardens, using pickups as transport, or to keep local food fresh the whole year in cold storage. “Our modern logistics industry is fairly efficient,” he said. Desrochers also disputed whether local food is more trustworthy. He noted there was a horsemeat scandal in 19th-century Britain, when local food was still the rule, and there are reasons to suspect what’s on sale at local farmers’ markets. He said a California journalist recently traced food sold at a market in that state back to a Costco. Nor does local food production improve food security, he said.

“This is, by far, the stupidest and most dangerous argument,” said Desrochers, noting a drought or bad growing year would devastate a local area if food from outside the area wasn’t readily available. Locavores and proponents of the 100-mile diet are really just romanticizing the past, he argued. There’s a place for local food, but it depends on offering consumers either better quality or a better deal, he said. “Your conscience might care where your food comes from, but your body really doesn’t,” said Desrochers. Until the mid-1800s, most Europeans were undernourished and we should celebrate the fact that food can now travel 10,000 miles. “The problem is not that our system is too globalized, but rather that it’s not globalized enough,” he said.


Tax credit for research checkoffs

Let your flag leaf fly.

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The federal government annually provides a Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit to producers offering them a tax credit on their checkoff investments. The tax credit percentage for producers who contributed to the Wheat and Barley Checkoff, administered by the Western Grains Research Foundation in 2012 is 85 per cent for wheat and 86 per cent for barley. It should be noted that the checkoff on barley in Alberta is collected by the Alberta Barley Commission and will be subject to a different tax credit rate. The percentages above are calculated by looking at the amount of the checkoff dollars spent directly on research and development; this is then determined to be the eligible portion. Each checkoff organization may vary, as they will have their own eligible percentage. Producers can visit the WGRF website at www. westerngrains.com under the Current Info tab for links to the Canadian Revenue Agency website where the appropriate forms can be obtained and options for tax credit use are outlined. For more information on claiming your SR&ED tax credit, please consult your accountant. For more information on the SR&ED investment tax credit, visit the Canada Revenue Agency website http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/ txcrdt/sred-rsde/menueng.html.

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13-02-12 10:31 AM


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Study finds wild bees boost crop yields Experts say building up natural habitats for wild insects near fields would have beneficial results

By Victoria Paterson staff / calgary


ild bees and other pollinating insects can make quite a difference when it comes to crop yields, according to a new study. “Our message is not that honeybees are bad — it’s that we could do better if, in addition, we were encouraging more activity by wild insects,” said Lawrence Harder, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Calgary. Harder is one of 50 authors of a paper published this month in the journal Science, which looked at 41 different crops in 19 different countries, including lowbush blueberries in P.E.I. Crops that are animal pollinated — such as cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, and coffee — get better yields when more than just honeybees are pollinating the flowers, Harder said. “The point here is not that honeybees aren’t doing a good job, it’s more that basically in most of these fields they’re already maxed out in terms of the service honeybees are providing,” he said. The pollination technique of wild bees also appears to make a difference. Honeybees usually move from flower to flower on the same bush, whereas wild bees move between bushes, which means more plants are pollinated with pollen from their neighbours. The study also looked at the impact of other

“Our message is not that honeybees are bad, it’s that we could do better if in addition we were encouraging more activity by wild insects.” Lawrence Harder

wild insects, such as butterflies and some types of flies and beetles, but found wild bees have the biggest impact on yields. If you want to encourage wild bees, Harder recommends growing natural or semi-natural vegetation with wild flowers along roadsides so they have something to eat when crops aren’t in flower. “Canola’s a cornucopia when it’s in flower for bees, but when it’s not in flower it’s a wasteland,” he noted. Other measures include not disturbing nests with tillage and using fewer pesticides that kill wild bees. Honeybees are crucial for pollinating hybrid canola being produced for seed, and last year Alberta beekeepers transported 70,000 hives of honeybees to the southern part of the province to pollinate that crop, said provincial apiculturist Medhat Nasr. “If we don’t have these kind of pollinators, the yield of hybrid canola seed production would go down by 90 per cent,” he said. But mixing in wild bees is best, he said, because there’s a “synergy” between their work. If a

variety of different bee species visits the same flower, it increases the odds of pollination occurring, he said. But the wild population has been going down, Nasr said. “It’s declining because there’s not enough wild flower forage sources for them around,” he said. Alberta Agriculture has been encouraging the public and municipalities to develop more natural habitats for these insects, he added. “Instead of growing just grass, why not grow some flowers which will bloom at different times of year that will make food sources available to honeybees as well as wild bees?” he said. There’s better news on the honeybee front, despite the ravages of colony collapse disorder. The provincial honeybee population dipped to 220,000 hives in 2007, but rebounded to 282,000 hives last year, he said. “We are working towards solving the problem,” he said. “We have a successful example in honeybees and I’m sure it’s going to be successful also for wild pollinators.” T:10.25”

Professor Lawrence Harder conducting field work for a study in Japan.   Photo: Supplied

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

New association formed to regulate tile drainage installers Post-2011 flood rush to install tile drains led to many costly mistakes, says vice-president of the newly formed Manitoba Agricultural Water Management Association By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF / BRANDON


boom in tile drainage resulted in slipshod work and prompted the creation of an association dedicated to ensuring such work is done by reputable operators who know what they are doing. “ The association along with Water Stewardship is working towards a fair way to ensure that tile installers are both properly trained and certified,” said Gord Un g e r, v i c e - p re s i d e n t o f the newly formed Manitoba Agricultural Water Management Association and manager of Ideal Pipe’s western division, a manufacturer of tile drainage systems in Carman. “If yo u’re not going to use the right tile and install it right, you might as well dig a hole and throw your money in it, because once it’s buried, you can’t get it back.” The business of installing tile drainage has exploded in the past four to five years, and the results have been “both good and bad,” Unger said at the recent Special Crops Production Day. After the unprecedented ove r l a n d f l o oding in the spr ing of 2011 dr ied up, many farmers rushed to have tile drainage works put in and Ideal Pipe’s prod u c t i o n c a p a c i t y, m o r e than 50 million feet of tile drains a year, was quickly overwhelmed. At that time, it was the only manufacturer of tile drains in Western Canada and was forced to turn customers away in favour of long-term installers and those who had prepaid. In some cases, drainage pipes were brought in with filter “sock” coverings

t h a t we re u n s u i t a b l e f o r Manitoba soil conditions. Socks with incorrect porosity allow dry soil to enter the pipe and ruin the tile’s drainage capacity in as little as one season. “We also heard of farmers receiving tiles that were too thin and easily squashed, or pipe that was so thick it couldn’t be unrolled,” said Unger. Amid the gold rush for pipe, the demand for installers soared. Some farmers and entrepreneurs bought plows and began taking on contracts with “little to no knowledge” of how to install the underground drains properly, he said. “We’ve heard of tile installations that were too shallow, with incorrect slope, and even the wrong kind of tiles altogether,” said Unger. Installing tile drains is expensive, he added, and topography, soil type, drain design, and the types of crops grown on fields need to be considered in order for systems to work effectively. Under rules established in 2009, everything related to surface water needs to be licensed, said Darren Nicklin, the province’s newly appointed senior water re s o u rc e o f f i c e r f o r t h e western side of the province. “ I ’m n o t t h e e n e m y,” joked Nicklin, whose Dauphin office handles water c o n t ro l w o rk s a n d d ra i n licensing. L i c e n c e s f o r “m i n o r ” water control works — such as those that won’t negatively impact other lands; affect seasonal, permanent o r s e m i - p e r m a n e n t we t lands; don’t alter water levels more than one foot; or involve excavation of min-


Cereal herbicide

eral soils — are eligible for “timely” authorization by the province’s 18 enforcement officers at a cost of $25 each. “ We will come out and look at the project with the l a n d ow n e r a n d s i g n t h e licence on the hood of the truck right then and there — if it’s minor,” said Nicklin. “If it’s a major project, t h a t t a k e s a l i t t l e m o re time.” Licences are granted in perpetuity, and each application applies to just one section of land at a time. When filling out the forms, the more information provided on the purpose of the project, the faster it can be processed. “I’ve seen everything to ‘dig ditch’ or ‘dig hole’ with no diagram or explanation of where,” said Nicklin. “The more information, the better. Put everything in there except the kitchen sink, basically.” Stan Wiebe, manager of Beaver Creek Farms, first began installing tile drains in 1997, and has been adding several hundred acres on his farm every year since. “Based on our experience, yes, absolutely, tile pays,” said Wiebe. “If you typically have five to six years out of 10 with yield losses because of excessive moisture as in our case, it’s something you might want to look into.” He recommends that those thinking of taking the plunge try it on one of their poorest fields first to see if the benefits are worth the investment. “Choose the fields that you don’t like to drive by,” said Wiebe, adding that once tiled, they might become the most productive acres on the whole farm. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com

Gord Unger


BRIEFS German flour mills fined for anti-competitive behaviour HAMBURG / REUTERS / German cartel agency BKA has imposed 41 million euros ($54.7 million) in fines on 22 flour mills and the German flour mills association for anti-competitive behaviour. BKA said it levied the fines for agreements in the marketing of flour. The investigation started in 2008 with searches of flour mills, and previous fines were imposed in 2011, the agency said Feb. 19. The investigation had been started following indications that mills were agreeing on prices and market sales volumes, the BKA said. “Persons in authority in mills had since 2001 held regular discussion meetings in which flour prices, allocation of customers and sales volumes were agreed,” BKA president Andreas Mundt said in a statement. The agreements included deliveries to large industrial customers, bakeries and retailers, it said. Mills have a right to appeal. Details of individual fines were not given. The agency on Jan. 31 fined 11 chocolate and confectionery makers a total of 60 million euros for anticompetitive behaviour.

Cereal production will rise in 2013

Darren Nicklin

Stan Wiebe

ROME / REUTERS / Cereal crop levels are expected to pick up strongly in 2013, a senior economist at the Food and Agriculture Organization said March 7, but added that any fall in food prices in the coming months could be limited to grains. “It increasingly looks like the 2013 cereal crops are going to be far better than 2012,” FAO economist Abdolreza Abbassian told Reuters. “As far as wheat is concerned, we are expecting quite a rebound... and the corn situation is improving as well,” he said. He saw potential for declines in food prices in 2013 after a stabilization in February, but falls may be limited to cereals prices, he said, with meat and dairy prices supported by firm demand.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Grain World: Canadian canola acres shifting into wheat


Farmers are also looking at soybeans, oats and peas due to price and rotational issues By Phil Franz-Warkentin COMMODITY NEWS SERVICE CANADA

More snow, less wind, but the March 4 storm reminded many Manitobans of the great blizzard of 1966.

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Spring & W (inc. Duru inter Wheat m), Barl Cleavers ey ,w chance w ild buckwheat a nd koch hen Enf ia don’t orcer M stand a Hempne is in the ttle, chick game. weed an keep yo d ur head voluntee r canola up! Wid .. e applic ation win . better dow.


Durum), Barley Spring wheat (inc. ia, cleavers and the fear into koch Enforcer D puts wild buckwheat. stle, stinkweed, mitts on Russian thi Once he gets his lunteer wk’’s beard and vo narrow leaved ha it’s lights-out! canola... it’

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anadian farmers will plant more spring wheat and less canola in 2013, said Brenda Tjaden Lepp, chief analyst with FarmLink Marketing Solutions in a presentation at the annual Wild Oats Grain World conference in Winnipeg, Feb. 25. Factoring in relative returns, rotational issues, and what she was hearing from clients, Tjaden Lepp forecast spring wheat area in the country rising to 17.5 million, from 16.9 million in 2012. Meanwhile, canola area is expected to decline to 20 million acres, from 21.5 million the previous year. Tjaden Lepp expected to see a shift in wheat area towards mid-grade varieties and away from the higher-protein wheat traditionally grown in the Prairies. Durum area is also expected to decline slightly, to 4.3 million acres, from 4.7 million, due to a lack of adequate price signals. In addition to losing some area to wheat, some canola acres will also be going into oats, soybeans, and peas in 2013, said Tjaden Lepp. However, she noted that canola acreage projections could have declined even further were it not for the relatively firm prices in recent weeks. Fa r m L i n k w a s f o re casting relatively steady barley acres, at about 7.5 million. However, as in wheat, Tjaden Lepp expected to see a shift away from malting barley and towards more feed. Oats area is forecast to rise by 12 per cent, to 3.2 m i l l i o n , a c c o rd i n g t o Tjaden Lepp. Total pea area is forecast at 3.5 million acres, from 3.3 million in 2012, with some areas shifting out of yellow and into green varieties. Lentil area is forecast to decline to 2.3 million acres, from 2.5 million, according to Tjaden Lepp. Special crop area is generally forecast to hold steady, or decline, as chickpeas, mustard, sunflowers, and dry beans are turning more into contracted crops, she added.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Two new branded off-patent products hit market Topline and Rush 24 are released by MANA Canada Staff


ANA Canada has introduced two new off-patent co-pack products that are analogues of popular products already available in Western Canada. The new Topline herbicide is a cereal product that includes the active ingredients florasulam and MCPA ester, the same active ingredients as Frontline. It’s registered for use on wheat, oat and barley. In a conference call March 4, Andrew Mann, MANA Canada’s general manager, said the product provides the same broadleaf weed control package, one that’s well known to

growers in the dark-brown, black and grey soil zones. Ma n n a l s o n o t e d t h a t because it’s a blend of Group 2 and 4 products, Frontline will both give better control and help to manage and prevent weed resistance. Rush 24, the other newly registered product, is also a familiar blend to growers, albeit with a slight twist. It includes the active ingredients fluroxypyr and 2,4-D ester, the same active ingredients found in OcTTain XL herbicide. It’s also a broadleaf weed product, intended for use on wheat and barley. During the conference call, Mann pointed out the for-

“Growers can apply the full rate of fluroxypyr, and still spray earlier.”

ANDREW MANN general manager MANA Canada

mulation is slightly different, allowing growers more flexibility. The orginal OcTTain formulation required contained a 100 per cent rate of both active ingredi-

ents, which require waiting slightly longer for the crop standing to be right for the 2,4-D, or reducing both rates to three-quarter rates. Octtain contains a full rate of fluroxypyr and a three-quarter rate of 2,4-D. “Growers can apply the full rate of fluroxypyr, and still spray earlier,” Mann said. “Or they can add a couple more ounces of 2,4-D and spray both at the full rate. We felt this formulation gave more flexibility.” Rush 24 is also an approved tank mix partner with several other grassy weed herbicides, which will give growers one-pass weed control options.


It’s rare to find a herbicide you can count on for long-lasting stopping power

Declining prices damping interest in durum in North Dakota By Phil Franz-Warkentin commodity news service canada


recent decline in dur um pr ices south of the border will likely lower durum acreage in North Dakota, says an official with the North Dakota Wheat Commission. Durum prices are fairly close to spring wheat values right now, “which doesn’t help durum acrea g e a t a l l ,” s a i d Er i c a Olson, the commission’s marketing specialist. “It will be tough for durum to gain acreage this year, because of the price issue... and because some producers are turning away from durum due to the risk (of growing it),” said Olson, noting both U.S. and global stocks of durum are “fairly good.” Moreover, wheat acres i n g e n e r a l a re f a c i n g competition from soybeans and corn in her s t a t e, s a i d Ol s o n . Dr y seeding conditions would favour wheat, but snow cover is good in most of the state, she said. No r t h D a k o t a f a r m ers planted 1.35 million acres of durum in 2012 and 5.35 million acres of other spring wheat, according to USDA data.

Canola growers executive for 2013

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The Manitoba Canola Growers Association elected Starbuck farmer Ed Rempel to serve as president for 2013 at its Feb. 27 annual meeting. Rempel will be joined on the executive by Brian Chorney of East Selkirk as vicepresident, Hugh Drake from Elkhorn as treasurer and Wilf Harder from Lowe Farm as secretary.






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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Increasing Chinese demand could see flax acreage increase in Alberta An Alberta processor is offering attractive new crop contracts for movement to China By Terryn Shiells COMMODITY NEWS SERVICE CANADA


ncreased Chinese interest in flax is creating new opportunities for growers on the west side of the Prairies. A small flax processor in Alberta recently offered fairly attractive new crop contracts for movement to China, said Jonathon Driedger, an analyst with FarmLink Marketing Solutions. “In the past, you’d see those kinds of contracts pop up in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and some of your traditional users of flax, but not necessarily in Alberta,” he said.

Traditionally, most flax has been shipped through Thunder Bay en route to Europe or the U.S., but Chinese demand opens doors for growers in Alberta, who enjoy a freight advantage on crops moving through the West Coast. But any change won’t happen overnight, said Driedger. “I don’t think I’d ever suggest we’re going to see a whole whack of flax acres in Alberta or that it will become the dominant province or anything like that,” he said. China has “become an increasingly important player” but new Alberta acres won’t come at the expense of farmers farther east, he said.

“A lot of our flax still goes to the U.S., and Manitoba and Saskatchewan would still have a competitive advantage from a freight perspective to feed the U.S. market. And, as we’ve seen this year, there will still be windows when flax moves to Europe.” Eastern Prairie producers also have the advantage of local processing plants, Driedger noted. Saskatchewan grew the lion’s share of flax production last year with 775,000 acres. Ma n i t o b a f a r m e r s s e e d e d 155,000 acres and another 50,000 acres were grown in Alberta.


Processor says Prairie soybean seedings could soon hit four million acres

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oybean acreage in Western Canada could quadruple over the next four to five years, and surpass the four-million-acre mark, according to the president of Manitoba soybean processor Delmar Commodities. Soybean production in Manitoba has grown steadily over the past decade, with acreage in 2013 forecast in the 1.0 million to 1.2 million range, Dale Heide said at the recent Wild Oats Grainworld conference. Saskatchewan is also seeing rapid growth, with last year’s 60,000 acres expected to rise by 50 per cent this year. While the Prairies remain a small player in the global soybean picture, Heide said improving varieties could bring the total area in the region up to four million acres within the next few years. “Soybeans make good money at the prices we have today,” he noted.


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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013



Smithfield Foods third-quarter results beat Wall Street estimates

Icicles against a clear March sky foretell warmer days ahead.


Extended early season control in soybeans. Valtera™ has shown to boost yield by up to 6.7 bushels/acre.* Eliminating early weed pressure is the secret to better soybeans. Adding Valtera™ herbicide to your burndown will give IP and Roundup Ready® soybeans a huge leg up. Valtera is a Group 14 residual pre-emergent product. It remains in the soil to provide safe, extended (4 to 6 week) control of tough weeds, including: • Pigweed • Lamb’s quarters • Seedling dandelions • Nightshade



*Results from trials across 5 States, comparing yields in fields using a glyphosate burndown versus a Valtera + glyphosate burndown. Valtera™ is a trademark of Valent U.S.A. Corporation. All other products are trademarks of their respective owners.

Innovative solutions. Business made easy.

REUTERS / Smithfield Foods Inc., the largest U.S. hog producer, reported third-quarter results that beat Wall Street estimates, helped by higher sales of packaged meat products such as Smithfield bacon and Eckrich and Armour sausages. The company, which receives nearly half of its revenue from packaged meat, said higher demand from international markets, particularly from Poland and Romania, drove double-digit growth in Smithfield bacon and Eckrich and Armour businesses. Packaged meat sales increased four per cent to $1.76 billion while volume rose five per cent. The company forecast packaged meat volume growth of at least two per cent to three per cent in 2013, a trend it expects to continue in 2014. Smithfield said it expected lower supplies and higher prices for competing proteins, such as beef and chicken, to push up pork retail prices in 2013. The worst drought in the U.S. Midwest last year pushed up prices for corn feed, and many livestock producers culled supplies to combat the effect.

Horsemeat scandal pummels sales of frozen meals PARIS / REUTERS / Sales of frozen meatbased prepared meals such as lasagna fell by nearly 30 per cent in France after the horsemeat scandal and are showing no sign of recovery. There was a similar drop in Britain after horsemeat was found in lasagna, moussaka and shepherd’s pie. “People are continuing in the same trend as they did in the first week,” said Jacques Dupre, head of market research firm Symphony. “The feeling of insecurity and fear of food products’ composition can only continue given the media attention, the crisis’s geographical expansion and technological expansion.” Europe’s horsemeat scandal began in January after testing in Ireland showed some beef products also contained equine genetic material. Since then, it has spread across Europe, ensnaring numerous well-known brands, prompting product withdrawals, consumer concerns and government investigations into the region’s complex food-processing chains.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013




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Skunks like to camp out in old buildings and foundations. PHOTO: ©THINKSTOCK


Pests causing major problems for beekeepers

Province is seeking an emergency-use registration for strychnine, as skunks continue to target honeybees By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF


ot everyone prefers honey. Some critters go straight for the honeybees, and that’s causing major headaches for beekeepers. Skunks have the process of luring and eating adult bees down to a science, said David Ostermann, a pollination apiarist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives. “The skunks will actually go to the front of the hive and scratch... and create a disturbance,” he said. “The bees will then come out to either defend the hive or see what’s going on, and the skunk will just grab them with its mouth and pick them off.” The problem isn’t a new one for Manitoba’s apiarists, but when combined with overwinter losses, pesticide mortality, and issues around colony collapse, skunk-related bee loss is becoming more of a concern. The province doesn’t try to track skunk populations, but often hears reports from beekeepers, said Ostermann. “The reports we’re getting from beekeepers is that it’s a problem that is certainly not going away,” said Ostermann. “I don’t know if it’s getting any worse, but it’s certainly not getting any better.” A skunk will feed for as long as an

hour at a single hive, which has serious consequences, he said. “There is a general critical size that you need in a hive to survive the winter, so if you’ve got something that is feeding on that critical mass of bees, it’s probably going to compromise their ability to survive ’til springtime,” said the expert. Skunks feed on bees primarily during the spring and fall, although summer snacking also occurs. And because skunks are nocturnal, catching them in the act is difficult. Beekeepers should keep an eye out for signs of skunk activity, such as scratch marks on the front of hives and paths of trampled-down grass leading from the yard to bushy areas. Currently, there are no poisons registered for use on skunks in Manitoba, but the province has been trying to get emergency-use approval of strychnine for problem skunks, Ostermann said. How e v e r, p o i s o n i n g s k u n k s requires caution and skill as other animals are often attracted to the bait as well. “There certainly are other animals within the bee yard — cats, dogs, raccoons and other kinds of animals — that we may or may not want there,” he said. Grain- or nut-based baits, instead of meat or eggs, would be less likely to attract domestic animals, he said. Trapping is another option, but

“There is a general critical size that you need in a hive... to survive the winter, so if you’ve got something that is feeding on that critical mass of bees, it’s probably going to compromise their ability to survive ’til springtime.” DAVID OSTERMANN

again Ostermann said caution must be exercised. “Even with the traps you can certainly kill animals that you don’t want to kill, but I think beekeepers are doing a pretty good job of trying to target the skunks only — the last thing we want to do is kill off other animals,” he said. In fact, keeping animals like dogs in the area can help keep skunks at bay, he said. Another skunk control option is to limit their habitat. Skunks often hide or make dens in old outbuildings, along dilapidated foundations, in abandoned vehicles, or under woodpiles. Eliminating these habitats from areas

David Ostermann of Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, speaks to beekeepers during the Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association’s annual conference in Winnipeg. PHOTO: SHANNON VANRAES

around the yard can assist in keeping skunk populations at bay, Ostermann said. “We know skunks can actually do a lot of damage... so it’s a matter of trapping, using deterrents, barriers and that sort of thing,” he said. shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Survival comes before expansion in the beef cattle business Why use land for cattle when you can grow grain and have a bit more time off? By Kris Ringwall, BEEF SPECIALIST NDSU EXTENSION SERVICE

The long and short of it is that this group of cattle producers has had to find some other enterprise to pay for an average of $21 per year, per cow.


hat would you say if s o m e o n e t o l d yo u that 40 per cent of the cow-calf producers are struggling to justify being in the beef business? After all, the cattle business is a great business and currently humming along through great times. If that is true, why is the industry not expanding? Good question and certainly a relevant one. We can speculate on the many reasons why the cattle numbers are what they are. In anticipation of this spring’s summaries of agricultural enterprises provided by the North Dakota Farm Management Program (NDFM) at w w w. n d f a r m m a n a g e m e n t . com, I have been reviewing previous numbers. Data also are available on the FINBIN website at www.finbin.umn. edu and come from the Center for Farm Financial Management at the University of Minnesota. With the increasing competition for land and competing crops, the big question is: Why run cattle? Returns from crop enterprises are good, and many will say they enjoy the more structured time crop operations offer, especially the time off that is not always available for those who engage in livestock operations. If one reviews net returns per cow, and without going too far back in time, cattle producers certainly have had positive net

returns. From 2006 through 2011, cattle producers who were enrolled in the NDFM program generally have had positive net returns over direct and overhead expenses. The actual net return values were (all figures U.S.) $182 in 2011, $111 in 2010, minus $13 in 2009, $12 in 2008, $98 in 2007 and $105 in 2006. It will be interesting to see where these numbers are for 2012, but one would speculate that the industry had positive net returns over direct and overhead expenses.

enterprise to pay for an average of $21 per year, per cow for direct and overhead expenses because the cow could not pay her costs. That may not seem like much, but also what was lost was the opportunity to do something that may have made more money on the same land. Why do producers who have negative returns through six years remain in the cow business? Speculation is just speculation. The bottom line for the bottom 40 per cent of this sample of producers is that the cows are not paying their way. Why expand or even stay in the cow business? For the cattle operations that are in the lower 40 per cent for net returns per cow, the average gross margin from 2011 back to 2006 was $500. Total direct and overhead expenses averaged $521 for the same period for an average loss of $21 per cow.

Not everyone in the black

Are these numbers high enough to keep producers in business? Yes, but let’s look at those producers who were at the lower end of net returns, which are those producers who were in the lower 40 per cent bracket. This group was in the black in 2011 and 2006, but lost money in 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007. The actual net returns over direct and overhead expenses were a positive $76 per cow in 2011, minus $3 in 2010, minus $120 in 2009, minus $91 in 2008, minus $6 in 2007 and a positive $18 in 2006. The long and short of it is that this group of cattle producers has had to find some other

Flags are waving

As noted earlier, times are good in the cattle business. However, some serious flags are waving. High income and low expenses are good partners, but high expenses do not partner well with anything. Any lowering of revenue for high-cost operations will take out the option of staying in the cattle business.

By Victoria Paterson

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at The Fairmont WINNIPEG


Manitoba Pork Council Business Meeting (OpEN TO ALL)


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North Dakota State University Extension Service beef specialist Kris Ringwall writes a weekly column archived at www.BeefTalk.com

George Morris Centre researcher says tariffs are the issue, not the system itself


1:00 p.m.

taining beef operations and is achieved by the continual evaluation of the planning process. For now, the point remains: What would you say if someone told you 40 per cent of the cowcalf producers are struggling to justify being in the beef business? The cost of production is a simple fact, so learn well as the 2013 year engages. Survival comes before expansion.

Supply management views aired

You’reInvited 8:00 a.m.

Cattle expansion is not a given. Unfortunately, there is a very serious play for land that can be used for more profitable agricultural enterprises. There is very little incentive for those operators who are struggling to stay afloat to keep the cow operation. Let me repeat myself. In the current world, the competition from the energy- and foodproducing sectors of agriculture is real. This competition will drive costs up and, given Mother Nature’s hesitation to provide moisture, the competition gets tougher. Cost control is the driver for sus-



t wasn’t quite a debate, but attendees at the Alberta Beef Industry conference in Banff last month got two different views on supply management. On one side was New Zealand’s special agricultural trade envoy Alistair Polson, who said Canada’s protected marketing system for dairy and poultry is a deal breaker for entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. On the other side was Al Mussel, senior research associate with the George Morris Centre in Guelph, Ont., who said the issue was tariffs, not the system itself. Polson took the audience through the history of agricultural controls and subsidies in New Zealand, noting that New Zealand lost its preferential Commonwealth access into the U.K. when it joined the European Union. This and other factors resulted in subsidies and supports for the country’s farmers. “It was a disaster,” Polson said. The sheep meat industry overproduced and prices dropped. He said there was misallocation of subsidies. Sheep producers were encouraged to go for bulk rather than quality. “We also created that dependency on government subsidies,” Polson said. In 1984, a new government almost completely eliminated supports. “Farmers responded to the challenge of farming without assistance,” he said, telling the audience the dairy export business is profitable for New Zealand producers. Countries at the negotiating table aside from New Zealand and Canada currently include the U.S., Mexico, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam, with Japan looking to join in. Canada was admitted to the talks in October 2012.

white reverse

Polson said part of the talks are focused on eliminating tariffs, which he said would give more opportunities for Canada’s ranchers and grain farmers. But he said there can be no exceptions when it comes to eliminating tariffs if any agreement is to be high quality. “We can’t have a caveat for dairy,” he said. If Canada is allowed to keep tariffs for its supply management industries, other countries will want protections as well. “We’ll have a race to the bottom. We’ll have an agreement that’s valueless,” he said.

A Canadian perspective

Mussel countered that potential trading partners don’t care about the supply management system — it’s tariffs and import controls that bother them. Other countries don’t get to decide Canada’s policies in this field. “Supply management is domestic policy,” he said, adding that the system hasn’t yet derailed any trade agreements. Canada’s supply management system was developed in a time of adversity for farmers, he said, and was designed to mitigate surpluses. It helps keep relatively high and stable prices for producers in the Canadian market versus the lower, volatile prices in the United States. Like New Zealand, Canada lost its special Commonwealth access to the British market, causing a thriving dairy export industry to decline. After the access was lost, there was a time when the government was buying up surpluses. The system that has been developed since is less expensive than pursuing that, he said. Mussel said when it comes to opinion in Canada about the system, beliefs are often divided between two extremes. “It’s either ‘inefficient system, get rid of it right away,’ or ‘protect it at all costs, it’s perfect,’” he said. The resolution is somewhere in between, Mussel said.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Organic sector works on strategic action plan Discussions at the recent forum targetted obstacles to putting local organic products on store shelves By Daniel Winters co-operator staff / Brandon


rganic farmers from around the province gathered recently for a day-long session hosted by the Manitoba Organic Alliance to hash out ways to strengthen the sector. At tables organized into general commodity groups such as grain, beef, small livestock and horticulture, ideas from each brainstorming session were collected for later analysis by consultants who will use them along with data collected from a recent survey to develop an action plan for the organic sector in the coming months, said MOA president Kate Storey. With $15,000 in Growing Forward funding, MOA is organizing a strategic planning effort aimed at eliminating barriers to the sector’s growth instead of trying to tie up loose ends in a piecemeal fashion as had been done in the past. Discussions at each table found similar challenges among all groups, she added. “It’s always that there are glitches in the value chain. There is consumer demand for organics, and yet that demand is being filled by production coming in from the United States or other provinces,” said Storey. “We want to find out how we can make more opportunities for Manitoba farmers.” MOA, an umbrella group representing farmers, buyers, processors and certifiers in the province’s organic sector, was formed five years ago. It represents the value chain that, via the certification process, reaches all the way to the consumer documented with an extensive paper trail. “Our commodity is that organic certificate,” said Storey. “So, to get all those pieces

World Bank lends money for Mexican pork initiative

Participants in the recent Organic Forum discuss ways to advance the province’s organic beef sector.   photos: Daniel Winters

“The export market is doing very well, but obviously producers here would like to keep a larger share of the profits.” Laura Telford

of the value chain puzzle lined up properly, it takes a lot of talking.” The barriers to putting locally grown organic food on store shelves in Manitoba can be daunting. For example, demand for organic roasting chickens and turkeys is high, and many farmers would be eager to raise them as a profitable sideline, but many pieces of the value chain puzzle are missing, she said. Without an organic-certified processor or hatcheries producing broiler chick genetics suitable for organic conditions, and easily accessible organic feed distribu-

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washington / reuters


he World Bank’s privatesector lender is loaning $40 million to Norson, a joint venture in Mexico of local investors and the world’s largest pork processor Smithfield Foods, to expand production and cut greenhouse gas emissions at its plants. The International Finance Corp. (IFC) said the loan will help Norson Holdings increase production, processing and cold storage over the next four years. The company will also install plastic liners at its waste facilities and look at ways to turn methane into electricity. “This partnership supports food security by promoting agriculture productivity, rural employment, and environmental and social standards,” said Jin-Yong Cai, IFC executive vice-president and chief executive.

tors, the only existing option is “do-it-yourself” integrated production via clandestine or “black market” channels. Discussion at the organic beef table touched on similar themes, said Laura Telford, the organic business development specialist for Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives. “We’re imagining a lovely federally inspected slaughter facility in Carman that meets all of the criteria for organic meat,” said Telford, who added that the last certified processor in the province recently dropped its certification.

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Kate Storey, MOA president.

Although organic beef is booming in the province, virtually all of the production goes elsewhere, and the lack of a local slaughter plant represents a “major challenge” for serving local demand.

“The export market is doing very well, but obviously producers here would like to keep a larger share of the profits,” said Telford. The discussions, along with the data collected from a recent survey that garnered 50 responses, will provide input into the upcoming strategic action plan – the sector’s “marching orders” for the next few years, she added. Brenda Frick, a longtime organic sector participant, is working with consultancy firm called Resilient Solutions, which has been hired by MOA and MAFRI to crunch the data from the meetings and surveys and issue the report at the end of March. “Each of the different subsectors has identified what their barriers are, what actions they could take, and what opportunities they saw,” said Frick. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013





Feeder Steers




No. on offer


Ste. Rose





















































































900-1,000 lbs.































































No. on offer









D1-D2 Cows









D3-D5 Cows









Over 1,000 lbs.






Feeder heifers

Slaughter Market

Age Verified









Good Bulls









Butcher Steers









Butcher Heifers









Feeder Cows









Fleshy Export Cows









Lean Export Cows









* includes slaughter market

(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)

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Empty handed but happy in Japan Japan is the third-largest buyer of Canadian farm and food products By Alex Binkley CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR / OTTAWA


hile he had nothing new to announce at the end of his fourth trade mission to Japan, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz sounded jubilant in a news conference from Tokyo before he returned to Canada. He and a delegation of commodity groups met key Japanese politicians and business leaders. “We now have a clearer understanding of the potential for increased trade,” Ritz said. “There’re no major obstacles to overcome and we should be able to move ahead with an economic partnership agreement with Japan.” At $4.2 billion annually, Japan is the third-largest buyer of Canadian farm and food products, he noted. Grains and oilseeds, pork, and fish and seafood account for most of the exports, with canola, at nearly $1.5 billion, topping the list. Canada’s delegation to Japan included representatives from beef, pork and grain groups as well as the CWB. In January, Japan announced it would begin accepting beef from animals under 30 months of age. Since the 2003 BSE outbreak, the country has only accepted beef from animals under 21 months of age and officials hope the expanded access will see a doubling of beef exports to as much as $150 million annually.

Negotiations of a trade partnership agreement will resume next month. Ritz said a deal would benefit farmers across the country. “ We h a v e h a d a c o u p l e excellent days of meetings here in Tokyo with our key Japanese customers,” said Richard Phillips, executive director of the Grain Growers of Canada. “Our first meeting was with the Flour Mille r s A s s o c i a t i o n o f Ja p a n , where we had a frank dialogue about the high quality of this year’s western Canadian wheat crop and proposed changes to the Canadian Grain Commission.” The end of the single desk “has not caused issues for them,” he added. “They have been pleased with the quality of both CWB and private-sector wheat deliveries,” Phillips said. While in Japan, Ritz also visited the Canada Pavilion at FoodEx, the largest food and beverage trade show in Asia. The event is a crucial forum for Canadian businesses to foster trade and sales opportunities and to meet potential new customers. This year, a diverse group of 23 exhibitors representing many of Canada’s agricultural sectors, from beef to beer to berries, were part of the Canada Pavilion. Canada has had a formal presence at this trade show for 31 years.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Cow-calf producers’ survival is still about production costs It’s easy to see the dollars coming in, but what about the dollars going out? By Kris Ringwall, beef specialist NDSU Extension Service


he times are good for prices, but cattle producers have a lot on their minds these days. Calving has started on many ranches, and the complicated production scenarios already are constantly churning for producers. Unfortunately, the dollars associated with many production scenarios often are in place well before adequate financial evaluations are done. The critical point is that the dollars are coming in well, but the dollars going out also are growing. The cattle business costs money. In visiting with Jerry Tuhy, farm business management instructor at the Dickinson Research Extension Center in North Dakota, he noted that free markets will tend to price commodities at or near a break-even point for the bulk of producers. In other words, high-cost producers will be the first producers to lose money in good or bad markets. No market will remain positive enough that all producers will survive the financial tests through time. Cost control remains critical at all times in the cattle business. In the current world, competition from the energy- and food-producing sectors of agriculture is real. The competition between land uses, such as crops grown for human consumption, crops for energy and crops for livestock feed, is very real. Given Mother Nature’s hesitation to provide moisture, the competition only gets tougher. Grass is becoming even more of a premium. Despite agriculture’s tremendous effort at keeping energy costs low and feeding people, the price is high as these inputs return to farms and ranches as needed supplies. Cost control is the driver for sustaining beef operations and is achieved by the continual evaluation of the planning process. We need to return to the North Dakota Farm Management Program, along with the FINBIN database from the Center for Farm Financial Management at the University of Minnesota. These programs allow our discussion to focus on the dollars and ‘sense’ involved in the beef enterprise.

Gross margin

A good place to start is gross margin. According to Tuhy, gross margin accounts for the purchase and sale of all calves, cull cows and bulls, plus animals transferred in and any overall changes in cattle inventory. The bottom line: Gross margins reflect the amount of money cattle producers have to work with. In the bigger picture, if gross margins are very small, a producer needs to ask why he or she is involved in the beef business because the money in and the money out are a wash. Well, that is not true in the beef business because those producers who have at least 50 cows and were involved in the 2011 North Dakota Farm Man-

In other words, if cattle prices returned to the prices offered from 2006 through 2009, cattle producers would be operating in the red, which is not a pleasant thought.

Cow-calf Enterprise Net Return per Cow Gross Margin

Direct Costs and Overhead Expenses



















FINBIN (www.finbin.umn.edu) from the Center for Farm Financial Management, University of Minnesota

agement program had $729 in gross margins. Without going too far back in time, these cattle producers have had stable to increasing gross margins to work with. From 2006 through 2010, cattle producers who were enrolled in the North Dakota Farm Management program had gross margins of $578 in 2010, $451 in 2009, $464 in 2008, $543 in 2007 and $529 in 2006. In 2011, the total direct and overhead expense was $546 per cow. Although the 2010 gross margin was above 2011 expenses, 2009 through 2006 gross margins were all below the current 2011 expenses. In other words, if cattle prices returned to the prices offered from 2006 through 2009, cattle producers would be operating in the red, which is not a pleasant thought. The total direct and overhead expenses per cow from 2011 back to 2006 were $546 in 2011, $466 in 2010, $464 in 2009, $452 in 2008, $445 in 2007 and $424 in 2006. A quick review of the numbers points out that, even though average gross margins have been good, if recent expense numbers are any indication of future expense numbers, expenses are accelerating. From 2010 to 2011, expenses jumped more than 17 per cent, while gross margins jumped more than 26 per cent — thus the increase in net returns for the cattle producer. However, the red flag still is there, so it will be interesting when the 2012 numbers come out as to where production costs are going. For now, the point remains: The cost of production is a large, sustainable block in the survival of beef operations. A simple fact is that producers need to plan well while on the high-speed road leading to cattle profits as the 2013 year engages. North Dakota State University Extension Service beef specialist Kris Ringwall writes a weekly column archived at www.BeefTalk.com.

The competition between land uses, such as crops grown for human consumption, crops for energy and crops for livestock feed, is very real.   photo: thinkstock

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

FARM SAFETY Fa r m s a f e t y w e e k ru ns M a rc h 10 – 16 , 2 013

Farmers seldom retire but the risk of a serious accident soars in the golden years Portage farmer says his tragic tale should be a lesson to older farmers to think safety and take simple precautions By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff


oy Vust suspects it was his foot slipping off the clutch that probably caused the tractor he was driving to rear up and tip over backwards. But he’s certain that if his Allis Chalmers D19 had a rollover protection structure on it, he wouldn’t have been pinned between the tractor and the 10-foot Woods mower he’d been using to cut the ditches on his Portage la Prairie-area farm that summer night in 2001. And if he hadn’t been pinned, he could have escaped more quickly and not suffered the burns to his legs and upper body when fuel spilled on his clothes and ignited. Vust thought a lot about that during his time in hospital and his year of recovery — and he has a simple message for those too busy with work to implement a farm safety program. “You don’t get much done from the hospital bed,” he says today. “And you get nothing done from the graveyard.” When he bought a replacement tractor, it had a rollover protective cab. And Vust became a spokesman for farm safety, telling his cautionary tale many times, and also volunteer chair of Manitoba Farmers With Disabilities, whose members also share their stories with the public. His message — Work safer, Live longer — is one his peers need to hear more than ever, says the 69-year-old. That’s because there are more older farmers than ever. While the overall number of farmers has declined over the past three decades, those aged 70 to 79 rose 10 per cent (to 33,509 as of 2008) and the number of those age 80-plus jumped by half (7,334 in 1990 versus 11,220 in 2008). A disproportionate number of these older farmers will suffer a serious injury or be killed while working on the farm. The latest figures from the Canadian Agricultural Injury Reporting program say there are an average of 37 deaths per year of farmers over age 60. But older farmers aren’t generating the statistics because there’s more of them around. “They have more injuries and fatalities per capita,” said Don Voaklander, director of the Alberta Centre for Injury Control and Research in Edmonton. “They’re always a group that stands out as being a high risk. At about age 50, the per capita rate starts to rise. Then the 60to 70-year-old has a higher rate, and then 70- to 80-(year-old) a higher rate again.” This type of injury and death rate isn’t seen in other sectors, but farmers and ranchers seldom retire, and often continue to operate heavy machinery and do the other sorts of risky work they’ve always done.

Pay attention to age limitations and work smarter, says Roy Vust, chair of Manitoba Farmers with Disabilities and retired farmer.  photo: lorraine stevenson

Physical limitations

Many just can’t see they no longer have the physical ability they had in their 40s or 50s, said Vust, who retired in 2007 after more than 40 years of farming. “It’s pretty hard for us old guys who’ve done it all our lives to pass on some of those more physical jobs,” he said. “But you just don’t have the stamina and the capabilities of working at the same pace you once did. As we age, we don’t hear as good as we once did and we probably don’t see as good as we once did. And the muscle tone and strength and flexibility start to decline.” Recognizing your limitations doesn’t mean you have to pack it in, he said. “I’ve always felt you can make it up by working smarter,” said Vust. “We just need to start asking, ‘Why should I have to climb to the top of that bin’ if there’s another, younger fellow around. Let’s train him to do it safely and allow him to use his younger body to accomplish the job.” Experts say older farmers should regularly do a self-assessment, in order to recognize how their physical or cognitive abilities may have changed, and to adjust their work accordingly. And a farm with older workers should also have a ‘check-in’ or communications plan. Unfortunately, older workers are frequently discovered long after the accident because they were working alone and couldn’t call for help. Vust knows about that — after extinguishing the flames, he started walking down the road and calling out for help. Fortunately, a neighbour had spotted the fire and came to investigate. “I wasn’t carrying a cellphone at the time,” said Vust.

“You don’t get much done from the hospital bed. And you get nothing done from the graveyard.”

Roy Vust

Today’s technology means you can, and should be, keeping in touch with those you work with, Voaklander said. “Younger farmers are doing this all the time with texting and cellphones,” he said. “The older farmers maybe not so much. But they should have a walkietalkie or something that lets them check in every few hours.” Once he returned to farming, Vust made sure his wife or someone else always knew exactly where he was working, what he was doing, and what time to expect him back. On industrial worksites, workers take an ‘everyone looking after everyone else’ approach and that’s how farms should operate, Voaklander said. “It’s taking care of your partner,” he said. ‘Get with the Plan’ is the theme of this year’s Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, which runs March 10-16, and the goal is to encourage farmers to create a health and safety plan and put it in writing. For more information, see www.agsafety week.ca. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

Ag Safety Week organizers encourage farmers to get with the plan casa release


his March, the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA), the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), and exclusive corporate sponsor Farm Credit Canada (FCC) want to encourage farmers to “Get with the Plan!” just in time for Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, March 10 to 16, 2013. Canadian Agricultural Safety Week (CASW) is an annual public education campaign focusing on the importance of practising safe agriculture. In 2013, organizers want to inspire farmers to develop their own written health and safety plans by hearing about the struggles, and successes of other Canadian farmers. “It’s not just about connecting the dots. It’s not even just about managing business risks or becoming a preferred employer, although those are all great benefits of safety planning,” says Marcel Hacault, executive director of CASA. “It’s about making a commitment to safety. That’s why it’s important for farmers to hear from other producers who have faced injuries, or achieved success with their own safety planning, because producers can learn from one another and motivate each other in the process.” As part of CASW, CASA, CFA and FCC are working with local organizations to host two FarmSafe Forum events in Guelph, Ontario and Truro, Nova Scotia this week. Both FarmSafe Forum events will feature a day-long, free, on-farm inspection training workshop for farmers and students, as well as presentations from local farmers and community leaders. “As a farmer myself, I can vouch for the importance of on-farm safety. It makes good business sense, but it’s also a responsibility we have to ourselves, our families and employees. We encourage all farmers to develop a safety plan and to take advantage of the resources available through CASA, including the FarmSafe Forums,” says CFA president Ron Bonnett. “With an industry that’s growing, there’s even more need to ensure safety in our business practices,” says Remi Lemoine, vice-president and chief operating officer at FCC. “We’re committed to helping Canadian producers stay safe at work, and encourage thoughtful planning through written health and safety plans. This year’s Canadian Agricultural Safety Week is a great forum to be inspired, and make safety a priority.” Canadian Agricultural Safety Week takes place every year during the third week of March. This year, CASW runs from March 10 to 16, 2013. For more information about CASW or FarmSafe Forum events, or to access CASW media kits, go to www.agsafetyweek.ca.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


March 10 - 16

We’re all recovering safety offenders:

Recognizing hazards on the farm Conducting on-farm inspections can identify risks before they cause an accident or injury By Carolyn Van Den Heuvel CASA


n the not-too-distant past, I took pride in getting things done around the farm quickly. Everything from jumping in the grain bin without a second thought to performing feats of acrobatic wizardry in order to unclog jammed machiner y (I had smaller hands). You name it, I did it. Looking back, it’s not so much that I was a rebel without a cause, as much as I just didn’t realize that I was putting myself in harm’s way. For producers, farming is a way of life. When you live, work and play on your farm, certain activities become second nature. You don’t even

think about it, and neither does anyone else. When I work with producers to implement written health and safety plans, one of the biggest challenges, and rewards, is helping farmers and farm workers retrain their brains to recognize hazards. A key activity involved in developing a health and safety plan includes conducting onfarm inspections. These reviews should be conducted regularly by those most familiar with the overall operation of the farm. Hazards are defined as anything that may cause injuries or negatively impact your health. Hazards can take many forms, including stress (lifestyle); pesticides, fertilizers, and disinfectants (chemical); repetitive strain injuries (ergonomic);

gases from manure pits, dust from grain and feed, and animal-borne illnesses (biological); and machinery, livestock and extreme weather (physical). When assessing the degree of risk, inspectors should take into consideration the likelihood or potential of the hazard to cause harm to people or property, as well as the impact of the harm. The more likely, and the more significant the impact of the hazard, the higher the risk and the more urgent the need to address it. When assessing risk, I tell producers to ask themselves a series of questions. Under what conditions is harm likely to occur? How quickly could that unsafe condition arise? How many workers could get hurt? How badly would they be

hurt? When it comes to a specific operation or task, it may be necessary to outline the degree of hazards associated with each step of a work process. Can a body part get caught in or between objects? Can the worker slip, trip or fall? Is there a danger from falling objects? Is the lighting adequate? Is contact possible with hot, toxic or caustic substances? Is the worker entering a confined space? Is this individual working alone? Take a step back and look at your entire operation. Do you see any potential hazards? What about on your neighbour’s farm? Now do you see any hazards there? You eat, sleep and live your farm, but it’s really important to look at your farm with an outside perspective

when identifying hazards. The deeper you probe in identifying hazards on your farm, the safer your farm will be. For more information on identifying hazards or developing your own written health and safety plans, visit www.agsafety week.ca. Carolyn Van Den Heuvel has spent the last year helping farmers implement the Canada FarmSafe Plan as a Canada FarmSafe adviser for the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA). This article was produced in support of Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, which is delivered by CASA, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), and exclusive corporate sponsor Farm Credit Canada (FCC), with support from the Government of Canada through Growing Forward, a federal, provincial, territorial initiative.


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Manitoba farmers use all terrain and off-road vehicles (ATVs and ORVs) to check fences and livestock, crop scout, spot spray and much more. No matter the task or the operator, there are hazards in driving an ATV or ORV, and a key part of any safety plan is to assess the risk and put SAFE operating procedures in place. New and young workers are most likely to be injured in ATV/ORV incidents. That’s why it’s important to train all workers and family members on operating these vehicles and in specific procedures related to their agricultural tasks. Farmers are responsible for ensuring all workers, including themselves, are appropriately trained in every aspect of their duties. Most ATV/ORV incidents are due to drivers losing control, rollovers, collisions, carrying extra passengers and loads. The result may be injury, disability or even death for passengers and drivers. A farm safety plan for using ATVs/ORVs as working equipment should include training, enforced rules about wearing proper safety gear, pre-operational checks, a no-rider rule on machines not equipped for a second rider, first aid kits and a working alone plan.

The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

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Every non-family employee working on a farm must have WCB coverage — even those working for a custom operator or some other employer


By Lorraine Stevenson


“That’s not a situation you the Workers Compensation Board. That not only provides want to be in,â€? he said. “With no coverage for thatTMworker, TM He advised farmers to check coverage for employees, but you would be legally exposed.â€? 11 Row 30,before 11 Row 30, TM also means employers can be if coverage is in place AT7000 Optional In-line 11/15 Row 30e l s e’s 11/15 Row 30 a l l ow i n g s o m e o n e sued if there’s an injury or fatalVERTICAL TILLAGE PLUS VERTICAL TILLAGE PLUS 37R30 :DONLQJ 7DQGHPV &RPER )ROG &RPER )ROG on their ity at theVertical workplace. Tillage is a popular term heard today. The Landoll VTemployee Plus was developed withto work Vertical Tillage is a popular term heard today. The Landoll VT Plus was developed with 11/17 Row 30 11/17 Row 30 —toeven Injured employees not only Doell input from producer’s issues on competitive tools they werefarm using. Ability anchor custom input fromoperators. producer’s issues on competitiveDwight tools they were using. Ability to anchor &RPER )ROG &RPER )ROG you’re someone to mixes moreWCB receive residue, their shallowwages working depths,while mixes more off soil, better weed “If kill across the machine,hiring residue, shallow working depths, soil, better weed kill across the machine, doarecustom for you, if left by the previous operation, are a few of the points work, but and therehabilitative ability to level small ruts left by treatthe previous operation, a few of the pointswork and the ability to levelask small ruts 37R30 they he ment costs, such aswaschiropracthat the Landoll VT Plus designed to address. The smooth bladeshave allow theWCB,â€? unit that thesaid. Landoll VT Plus was designed to address. The smooth blades allow the unit in wetterphysiotherapy, conditions when needed, and will stay sharperThe over timecoverage when to work in for wetter conditions when needed,Farmers and will stay sharper over time whentheir fam- longer a consideration when and rate farmtic careto work and compared tosaid fluted blades used by theLump competitors. Available in 23’is – 49 33’2.36 working per cent compared fluted blades used by theily competitors. Available in 23’ – 49 33’ working members remain exempt calculating personal coverage, ers ofto the total are covered, Doell. widths, the Landoll is another new product from Landoll‌ The Company Landoll VT Plus is anotherfrom new productthe from Landoll‌ The Company compen- either. mandatory annual payroll. widths, Fortheexample, sums are paid forVTaPlus “permanent Who Knows Yousuch Best. Who Knows You Best. with a total sation scheme, but farmers impairmentâ€? as blind- coverage for a farm “We don’t take into considness, and if a worker is killed, wage bill of $20,000 would be can choose to buy coverage eration or worry about what payments to surviving spouses $472, said Doell, who urged for themselves or any family the income tax return says,â€? working continue until any children farmers to call the board to get members Blu-Jet Side Dressing Bars canfor them. he said.  Blu-Jet Side Dressing Bars can twitter.com/BluJet01 Family is defined as a spouse, fb.com/BluJet turn 18 (although payments a quote for their operation. “That used be requirements a factor reduce nitrogen requirements reduceto nitrogen children, extended family or “JustSeetell us how much you continue for those pursuing in how we figured things out. the See the while providing high yields by are close We’ve made whilesome providing high yields by persons think, this upcoming year, other post-secondary education). changes 1632in PullType 1632that feeding the crop when itPullType needs it! owner, there.â€? feeding the crop when it needs it! relatives to the farm in total wages,â€? he “It’s a really good benefit if you’ll pay Grader Grader You can seeorthenot difference side related can see thetodifference side they’re we whether a horrible situation happens,â€? said. “We don’t need names, s WWW LANDOLL COM He urgedYou farmers call the s WWW LANDOLL COM makes! dressing makes! Board blood. don’t need total Social Insur- bydressing said Doell. Workers Compensation You make your own deci- (204) 954-4321 or visit www. Farmers can be liable even ance Numbers and we don’t sion about how much per- wcb.mb.ca for more informaif someone else’s employee need a breakdown (of costs).â€? Land-119.indd 1 on their farm is 9/10/09 2:39:20 PM Land-119.indd e 2:39:20 yo PMu m a y tion. Employers are 1 billed on s o n a l c ov e ra g9/10/09 is working injured, that person’s employer their estimated wage bill, with choose to buy, Doell said. And farm profitability is no lorraine@fbcpublishing.com adjustments at year-end. doesn’t have WCB coverage.

co-operator staff / Elm Creek


he prospect of an employee suffering a serious injury or being killed on your farm is awful enough. But farm employers without Workers Compensation Board coverage would also face the prospect of a lawsuit in such a situation. That was the sobering message delivered to a recent farm safety meeting put on by Keystone Agricultural Producers and Manitoba Farmers with Disabilities. “With no coverage for that worker, you would be legally exposed,� said Dwight Doell, the board’s SAFE Work Services director. In 2009, the province made it mandatory that all paid nonfamily employees on farms be registered for coverage under


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RotaDisc Head on display in Hepson Equipment booth in Westman Arena, NorthStar and RotaDisc row units TM Vertical Tillage is a popular term heard today. The11 Landoll at the Botterill Row 30, SalesVT Plus was developed with booth30were using. Ability to anchor input from producer’s issues on competitive tools 11/15they Row


VERTICAL TILLAGE PLUS working depths, mixes more VERTICAL TILLAGE PLUSkill across the machine, residue, shallow soil, better weed &RPER )ROG

Vertical Tillage is a popular term heard today. The Landoll VT Plus was developed with Vertical Tillage is a popular term heard today. The Landoll VT Plus was developed with 11/17 Row 30 and the ability to level small ruts left by the previous operation, are a few of the points input from producer’s issues on competitive tools they were using. Ability to anchor input from producer’s issues on competitive tools they were using. Ability to anchor &RPER )ROG that the Landoll VT Plus was designed to address. The smooth blades unit residue, shallow working depths, mixes more soil, better weed kill across the machine, residue, shallow working depths, mixes more soil,allow better weedthe kill across the machine, toability work conditions stay time when and the to levelin smallwetter ruts left by the previous operation,when are a few ofneeded, the points and and will the ability to levelsharper small ruts left byover the previous operation, are a few of the points that the Landoll VT Plus was to address. The smooth bladesby allowthe the unit that the Landoll VT Plus was designed smooth blades allow the unit compared to designed fluted blades used competitors. Available in 23’to address. – 49 33’Theworking to work in wetter conditions when needed, and will Plus stay sharper time when new product to work in wetter conditions when needed, and will stay sharper over time when widths, the Landoll VT isover another from Landoll‌ The Company compared to fluted blades usedYou by the competitors. 33’ working compared to fluted blades used by the competitors. Available in 23’ – 49 33’ working Who Knows Best. Available in 23’ – 49 widths, the Landoll VT Plus is another new product from Landoll‌ The Company widths, the Landoll VT Plus is another new product from Landoll‌ The Company Who Knows You Best. Who Knows You Best.

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Hand Signals on the Farm

Alberta.ca > Agriculture and Rural Development


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Hand Signals on the Farm


MARCH 10 - 16

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The 'Universal Language'

Hand signals a good farm safety tool

Perhaps you have experienced the shouting and hand-waving that seems to accompany many chores on the farm. Noise from working around farm machinery and/or distance between workers often leads to a communication breakdown. This can lead to hazardous situations on the farm. Whether backing up to a farm implement, navigating an oversized load or working with livestock, hand signals are an ideal communication tool. Using hand signals provides a way to communicate the needed information effectively and safely. The signals should be used by

all the farm family, employees and farm visitors such as feed truck drivers, chemical salespeople and farm store delivery drivers. A poster showing standard signals can be downloaded from the Alberta Agriculture website



ommunication is vital to worker safety in any situation, particularly in a fast-paced environment such as on a farm or ranch. Distracting surroundings can prevent important messages from getting through. Distance, noise and distractions from moving livestock, hooking up farm implements or navigating an oversized load, significantly reduce a worker’s ability to hear another worker. This is where common hand signals are an ideal communication tool. “When working on a farm, the sheer distance between workers can lead to communication breakdowns,” says Raelyn Peterson, farm safety co-ordinator with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. “At other times, farm equipment or machinery can make it impossible to hear someone, even if the other person is yelling. In cases like that, hand signals can get a message across and be an effective way to communicate.” A series of ‘standard’ hand signals have been adopted by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development’s farm safety program to improve safety for farmers. The signals enable all workers, helpers and family members to communicate in the same language which can decrease the risk of injury. Peterson shares a story of a husband and wife team who nearly had an incident on their farm due to lack of communication. This prompted an agreement between the two and their family to learn and implement the set of hand signals. “Their

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities

Notice to Farmers

Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license.

“Farm equipment or machinery can make it impossible to hear someone, even if the other person is yelling. In cases like that, hand signals can get a message across and be an effective way to communicate.”

Post the hand signals in an area where they will be seen on a daily basis. This will allow everyone to become familiar with the standard signals. The American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) has adopted the following uniform hand signals for HAND SIGNALS ON THE FARM agricultural safety. These hand signals help everyone to communicate in the same ‘language’ which decreases the risk of injury.

Come To Me

Left Turn

Lower Equipment

MoveOut/Take Off

This Far To Go

Move Toward Me/Follow Me

Slow It Down

Speed It Up

Start The Engine

Raise Equipment


Right Turn


frustration level reduced significantly because they made that commitment to learn the same language,” says Peterson. “Less frustration means a safer environment and higher productivity.” Using hand signals saves time and prevents incidents and it can also reduce severity of injuries. To be of full benefit, it is important that the entire work team knows and consistently uses the hand signals. Far m owners and managers are encouraged to post the hand signals in a place where employees will see them every day. “It would be a big safety step if all members of Alberta’s farm families, employees and farm visitors learned the standard hand signals and adopted them,” says Peterson. “It is important to train new employees about the safety features and practices used on the farm. That should include making sure all workers are familiar with and can use hand signals.” A printable poster of the hand signals shown with this article is available on Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development’s Farm Safety website.

Stop the Engine Hand Signals Display The Alberta Farm Safety Program has a hand signals display available for community groups, schools, etc. This tabletop display is a fun and interactive way to learn the standard hand signals. Please contact Raelyn Peterson at 780-538-5633 for more information or to book display.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


March 10 - 16

A little more conversation: Taking action on farm safety


Being the “strong, silent type” isn’t conducive to safety communication

It’s a common sight on Manitoba roads – a large piece of farm equipment, slowly making its way to the next field or the equipment shed. And too often, it leads to a collision with another vehicle sharing the roadway. Motorists can easily be caught off guard, not aware of how much room the farm machinery takes up or how slowly it is moving. Farmers have a lot to think about too — not just making sure that motorists can see them, but also seeking out routes clear of lowhanging power lines or other obstructions. A farm safety plan for moving farm equipment should include properly functioning lighting and signage, moving equipment during daylight, mapping out your route, ensuring there is no conflict with overhead lines, and a no-passenger rule.

By Carolyn Van Den Heuvel

The best bet for achieving outstanding communication is to start off on the right foot. Stress that employees are valued and their health and safety is a priority. Ensure they understand the importance of working safely. Ask them about their previous work experience. Did they receive any training? Remember to get copies of any certifications or accreditations they may have for your records. If they are a new hire, check their references to ensure they have a positive safety record.



armers have a reputation for being “strong, silent types.” Growing up on a farm and getting my hands very much dirty alongside my father, I don’t disagree with some of this “salt of the earth” mystique, but I also think it’s time to move beyond the stereotypes. Farms nowadays can be complex, highly industrialized businesses with product to develop and markets to access. But I know you know that already. What you might not know is how important communication is in this new world of complex, production agriculture. When working with producers on developing written health and safety plans, I always tell them that safety policies, standard operating procedures, and other critical workplace safety documents are not worth the paper they are written on if they aren’t communicated effectively to employees and contractors. It seems sensible but it’s harder said than done.

Set a positive example

Make sure your safety policy is communicated to new hires and is posted openly for everyone else to see too. As a farm owner, you set an example for health and safety on the farm. So be clear about your responsibilities and live up to them. Safety is a two-way street though. Workers will invest in a safe workplace if they feel comfortable raising questions, contributing to safety solutions, participating in safety inspections, and openly discussing safety concerns, incidents and near misses. If you make pre-operational checks

Safely moving equipment WCB release

on tools, machines, and equipment non-negotiable, and insist on providing your workers with adequate safety education and training, safety will become a part of your everyday workplace culture. In the event of a near miss, don’t forget, reflect. Conduct an investigation and ask your workers several questions: Who was involved? Where did the incident happen? When did it happen? What were the immediate causes? Why did the incident happen? And how can a similar incident be prevented? Everyone has a role to play in ensuring the safety of your farm, so cultivate an open, positive working relationship with your employees based on communication and trust. For more information on communicating farm safety information or developing your own written health and safety plan, visit www.agsafety week.ca. Carolyn Van Den Heuvel has spent the last year helping farmers implement the Canada FarmSafe Plan as a Canada FarmSafe adviser for the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA).

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Developing successful health and safety policies for staff Employees need to know that they are expected to conduct themselves in a safe manner By Carolyn Van Den Heuvel CASA RELEASE


grew up working long hours on the farm, so I know before I even make this statement that farm managers may cringe when I write that developing health and safety policies is a great way to show appreciation for your workers. There. I said it. Don’t stop reading. I have a point to make here. Farmers write policies all the time, in employee handbooks, or other policy documents, as a way to communicate responsibilities to their employees. And in fact, employees need to understand their roles and what is expected of them before they step into a tractor or enter the machine shed. But when it comes to health and safety policy statements, it’s a two-way street. Employees need to know that they have a responsibility to conduct themselves

in a safe manner, and employers also have a responsibility to communicate their commitment to safety to those who work for them.


If you don’t make an effort to see what’s behind door No. 2, you are creating a situation where hazards might go unreported, possibly out of fear on the part of the employee that feedback on safe work practices won’t be taken kindly. This could put everyone who works or lives on the farm at risk. So when developing safety policies, here’s what you need to do. Start with a general health and safety policy statement. This statement should outline your health and safety philosophy and the objectives of your safety plan. It should also state that you have made a commitment to preventing injuries and illnesses, and that workers are

also responsible for their own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of anyone else who works on the farm. This should be supported by more specific operational policies, which cover standard operating practices, training requirements and records, emergency plans, first aid records, working-alone procedures, and incident investigation processes and followups.

Keep it simple

In working with farmers on policy development, I encourage them to keep it simple. If it isn’t simple, it won’t be implemented. Also, don’t overpromise. Your health and safety policies need to be sustainable to be effective. Lastly, I come across the fear that employees might abuse the very policies put in place to protect them. If you make health and safety policy development a group activity, all your workers will

be invested in its success. This will help weed out unreasonable claims while keeping everyone on the farm protected. While the task of developing policies and documentation might seem huge, there is a lot of overlap between farm safety plans and on-farm food safety and quality assurance programs, so where relevant, cross-reference. Stick to the essentials and you could be setting your operation on course towards a safe and productive future that will improve morale, position yourself as a preferred employer, and protect against the risks of injury. For more information on health and safety policies or developing your own written health and safety plan, visit www.agsafetyweek.ca. Carolyn Van Den Heuvel has spent the last year helping farmers implement the Canada FarmSafe Plan as a Canada FarmSafe adviser for the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA).

Part of your well-balanced farm business

Keeping kids safe on the farm WCB release

Farms are family enterprises — and that means they’re one of the few workplaces where children often live and play on the same site where powered mobile equipment and hazardous materials are located. Every farmer’s safety and health plan should include precautions to protect children, whether their own or visiting relatives’ and neighbours’. Most incidents involving children happen when they play unsupervised, ride or play on powered mobile equipment, wander away from supervision and can access livestock barns and sheds on their own. The most common injuries are drowning, entanglement, being run over, falling and being crushed. A farm safety plan that protects children should include creating a fenced-in, gated, safe play area, checking around equipment before operation, not leaving keys in the ignition, not carrying children as passengers and/or ensuring passengers wear seatbelts, and constant supervision. When children begin helping out on the farm, it’s important to ensure they are physically, mentally and emotionally prepared and trained to do tasks suitable for their age.

Play it safe on the farm Learn about creating safe play areas for children. 1-800-662-6900

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Play it safe on the farm

01/14/2013 3:02:31 PM

Learn about creating safe play

Play it safe


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

AUCTION DISTRICTS Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.

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Erickson Minnedosa



St. Pierre


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Red River



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• 1989 John Deere 8760 four wheel drive tractor quad shift 24 speed 3 remote hyd, 650/65/R38 Michelin 90% rubber, serial #001081 only 5389 one owner hours • John Deere 6420 MFWD cab, 3 pth, Joy stick travels at 30 Mile Per hour 1824 hours, originally purchased as demo unit at 300 hours • John Deere 1830 diesel 3 pth. and 145 loader low hours, Hd front axle, and rims Canopy roll bar • Case IH Model 7230 MFWD 18.4 x 42 rear axle duals, power shift, 3 remote hyd, only 3577 one owner hours Note front suitcase weights sell after 7230 • IHC Model TD261 Crawler 4 cylinder Diesel, with angle dozer, very good under carriage,16 in pads, newer rollers, remote Hydraulics, 4923 hours on clock, shedded, serial #40220 HARVESTING EQUIPMENT: • Trelleberg Tires, $14,000 work order on following up dates done in last 300 hours, fine cut Reddekopp chopper, Sunny Brock HD Cylinder./ concave/Beater & Grate, Feeder plate. One owner unit w/ 1718 sep and 2229 engine hrs. Combine serial #668115, header serial #666448 • Single Pole header transport • John Deere 930F flex head vin # HOO930F672339, 30ft with pickup reel good teeth, fore & aft, very good skid plates (Gagnon) • Case IH 1020 flex head 30 ft pickup reel, good teeth, fore and aft, very good skid plates, crop Dividers, serial # JJCO312084 (Gagnon) • 2005 Case IH 2388 Combine, vin # HAJ293441 2402 engine hours, 1788 sep hours, Specialty Rotor, rock trap, Yield and moisture meter, hopper topper, 30.5 front, 14.9 rears. Hydraulic Reverser, chopper, chaff spreader, sells with CIH 14 ft 1015 pickup head, 7 belt pickup header, Red lighted annually, # JJ0312084, Owner Richard Gagnon 701-520-4036 • 2000 Case IH Model 8825 swather, 25 ft w/ DSA, pickup reel, Trelleberg 600/55-26.5 drive tires, only 1517 one owner hours. Serial #127394 • John Deere model 590 pto 25 ft swather, autofold, shedded • 1998 Freight liner FL80, Cat 3126 engine 300 hp. 6 speed automatic, also Full Lock up Diff, air & cruise, 20000 lb front w/ 385/ 22.5 ’’ tires, and 40,000 lb rears with 11.5 x 22.5, air ride suspension, complete with Midland 20 x 8.5 x 66 in sides, roll tarp, saftied, Note 44000 one owner kms. • 1980 Chev 7000 single axle, 366 v8 5 & two, only 83000 one owner km, with 16 ft Midland box hoist newer, roll tarp, hyd. Drill fill outlet, 10 x 20 tires, saftied SEEDING AND TILLAGE: • Bourgault model 7200 super harrow 60 ft 24’’ x 5/8 in teeth, very good condition • John Deere model 1610 deep tiller, 40 ft with 3 row mulchers • Summers Vibra tine multi weeder seed bedder, 3 row S tines w/ 5 bar tine harrows real good condition autofold • Case IH Model 6300 double disc opener Press drills, two x 14 ft units with dry fertilizer, markers and factory transport • John Deere 30 ft model 335 tandem disc in shed nice condition • 903 Melroe 8 bottom auto reset plow

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thursdAy, APril 11, 10 Am

Farm auction For allan charbonneau LARGE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION THURSDAY APRIL 4, 2013 10 AM


PARTIAL LIST ONLY: • Versatile 2360 4x4, 835 4x4 • 276w/loader • Buhler 2210 fwa • Ford 8770 fwa, loaded • IHC 1086 • JD 345 Yard tractor • MF 9220 swather 25ft 488 hrs • CIH 8010 AND 288 Combines, and heads • 2011 Apache sprayer only 292 hrs • Large assortment of Trucks and Trailers

• 44ft and 36ft JD Airseeders • Cat 966 wheel loader • Cat 120 Road grader • 11 yard scraper • Irrigation pipes and pumps • Two highway tractors • 40 ton Double drop triple axle trailer • 9 tandem trucks with grain and live bottom boxes • Potato equipment and hauling trucks • Much much more!

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433

Fre-MAr FArM Auction DirecTiOns TO THe FarM, FrOM rOsenOrT 3 Miles WesT, FOllOW #205 Till iT Turns nOrTH, Take rOaD 31 nOrTH One Mile WesT anD 1/2 nOrTH On 2 WesT

SAturDAY, April 13, 10 AM

Stuart McSherry (204)467-1858 or (204)886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

MCSHERRY SPRING GUN AUCTION Saturday, March 23rd 9:30am 12 Patterson Dr, Stonewall, MB

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake


AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

Manitou, Mb

monDaY april 22, 2013 10 am

FroM HigHway 23 East oF altaMont Jct. takE 45 w soutH For 3 MilEs, 1 East on 23n and soutH 1/2 MilE on 44w

• IH 1486, 1086 tractor, 706 with workmaster loader, from neighbour Fernand Rondeau, • IH 1586 AND Case 4490 tractor pto and 3pth, Mf 885 swather, versatile 4400 and 400 • IH 1480 combine with pickup • Trucks: 1979 GMC 427 V8 5&2 single axle 450 bu Box hoist, Hyd drill fill outlet • 1975 GMC 5000, 350 V8 4 speed, 300 bu box • 1966 Chevy tag axle 400 bu head lift hoist, drill fill outlet • Seeding and Tillage

See full list in our Spring catalog out march 20th or on our website see our website www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 bill Klassen auctioneers bill@billklassen.com


This Auction Conducted by

Dave Nickel Auctions Ltd

204 673 3393 cell 856 6900 and

Bill Klassen Auctioneers

204 325 4433 cell 6230 for complete listing see www.nickelauctionsltd.com or www.billklassen.com

Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!

Will be running two rings, beginning at 10:30 am


Rose Valley FaRms ltd. KillARney, MB

Wayne & KelVin nichol FaRm RetiRement auction sale Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 10:30 am DST. LOCATION: 9 miles south of Killarney, 2 miles east. all equipment Field Ready: 2009 Case-IH Steiger 435- 4WD, 4 spool hyd., standard trans., 900 hours, immaculate. 1981 IHC 5088 diesel tractor, 540 & 1000 PTO., w/ IH 2355 quick attach. loader. Willmar Model 8100- 90 ft. Hi-clearance sprayer, crop dividers, EZ Boom auto. rate control, 2300 hrs. 2002 Flexi-coil 5000- 51 ft. air seeder, 9.8” spacing, 4” rubber packers, Carbide 1” tips, with 2003 Flexi-coil 3450 tow behind air cart w/ variable rate- 345 bus. 2002 Degelman 70 ft. heavy harrow. Flexi-coil 800 Series 51 ft. medium duty cultivator, 10” spacing. Allis Chalmers 24 ft. tandem disc. Degelman reel-type stone picker. JD #100026 ft. med. duty field cultivator w/ Degelman harrows. 1999 New Holland TR99 combine, hydrostatic, Big Top hopper extension, Swathmaster pick-up, 1874 machine hrs., shedded. 1999 New Holland TR99 combine, Swathmaster pick-up, header tilt, hydrostatic, hopper extension, 2422 machine hrs., shedded. 400 hours since both combines fully overhauled. 2007 NH HW325 SP 30 ft. Windrower power unit, hydrostatic, diesel engine, w/ 2007 30 ft. draper header, pick-up reel, gauge wheels & header transport, 1397 hrs. New Holland 16 ft.- 2300 series haybine header fits above unit, w/ 9 ft. rolls. 4 wheeled HD swather transport. 1994 & 1993 MacDon 960- 30 ft. headers- both w/ pick-up reels and NH TR adapters. Farm King 13” X 70 ft. auger w/ hydraulic swing-out hopper. Brandt 10” X 60 ft. auger, w/ swing-out hopper. Brandt 8” X 45 ft. auger w/ Kohler 20 hp motor. 1995 Kenworth tandem diesel truck, T600, Detroit Series 60-470 hp. engine, 13 spd. trans., w/ Midland Unibody 8 ft. X 20 ft. box, air conditioning redone, saftied. 1975 Dodge tag-axle truck, V-8- 418 motor, 8 ft. X 20 ft. steel box, set up as sprayer service truck- equipped with 2- 1250 gal. poly tanks, saftied. 1998 GMC 2500 SLE diesel truck, 4 X 4, new tires in 2011, saftied. Norberts 7 ft. X 20 ft. livestock trailer, tandem axle, saftied. 2006 New Holland BR780A round baler, auto. tie. 2007 Jiffy fold out 12 wheel tine hay rake. Inland Hayliner 2000- 14 bale picker w/ mover. Degelman Model 3100 bale shredder. Van Daele silage wagon. Tuff green portable squeeze chute w/ headgate and palpation cage, alley w/ crowding tub. Hi-Qual maternity pen w/ headgate. More cattle handling equip. Plus very good list of shop equipment. Consigned: 2000 Morris Model 8900- 58 ft/ deep tiller w/ Morris 3 row tine harrow. IHC #645 Vibra Chisel 39 ft. cultivator w/ Summers harrows. JD 3010 diesel tractor - Premium Condition.

For equipment information please call Wayne 204-523-7164 or Kelvin 204-523-8678 Check websites for full listing www.mrankinauctions.com or www.rosstaylorauction.com

Murray Rankin Auctions Killarney, MB. Murray 204-534-7401 Ross Taylor Auction Service, 204-522-5356 Reston, MB.

• 2010 STEIGER QUAD TRAC 435, 1535 hrs. ,30 “ tracks, diff. Locks, High Capacity Hydr. Pump 55 GPM, 1000 RPM PTO, Auto Guidance Nav Conroller, Pro 600, Elec. mirrors, Ground Speed Sensor, all lights HID, Cold Start Option, 5 remotes, High Capacity drawbar, dual beacon, radio, EXTENDED WARRANTY. Serial # ZAF118248 • 2005 Challenger MT 465 B Front wheel assist, Serial # N090020, creeper, left hand reverser, 3pth, 540. 750 & 1000 rpm Pto, with HD loader ML 96. and bucket, quick release coupler, Serial # UP7173289, joy stick, soft ride, 2070 hrs • 1999 John Deere 4700, High Clearance sprayer, 4 Wheel drive, 90 ft boom, • 2001 Cat 485 Lexion, rear wheel assist, 36” tracks, Cebis on board computer, 3098 engine hrs. reading 2649 • 2001 Case IH Model 2388 combine, Vin # JJCO267308, 2274 engine hrs, 1725 rotor hrs., Specialty Rotor, Rock Trap. Yield and moisture meter. Hopper topper,30.5 x32 Front 14.9. Rears Chopper and chaff spreader, with 1015 Pickup head and 7 belt pickup. Annual red lighted, info on 2388 with eq, call 701 520 4036 owner Richard Gagnon Farms • 2003 Case IH 1010 straight cut header 30 ft, pickup reel, fore & aft # CBJ O23274 [Gagnon] • Four wheel header transport [Gagnon] • 2002 42 ft Honey bee Draper Header, Cat adapter, Dual knife drive, • 2009 Mac Don M150 tractor Serial # 19204809, 30 ft. draper header D 60 series, pick up reel, Serial #187236-09, Roller electric lift, only 341 engine hrs., 260 separator hrs., Good Year tires 600/65 R 28, (terms) • 1986 IHC S2500 highway tractor, 855 Cummins, 9 speed, Fifth wheel, saftied • 1996 Peterbilt Highway tractor, day cab, air ride suspension, 10.L Cummins 10 speed, MB safetied • 2004 Freightliner Highway tractor. Mercedes Diesel, 13 speed, Air Ride suspension, MB safetied • 1975 Mack Tandem truck 237 engine w/ 5 speed, 20 ft Midland grain box with 1 ft extension, MB safetied • 1983 Ford 9000 Tandem Detroit Diesel 13 speed, 21 ft grain box R Tarp., MB safetied • 1975 Ford 9000 Tandem Detroit diesel 13 speed 19 ft grain box w/ R tarp, MB safetied • 2008 GMC Sierra SLT 1500, 4x4, box cover ,103,000 km MB Saftied • 2007 Air Hoe Drill CIH ATX 700, 60 ft with NH3 Kit, with Dicky john Rate controller ,10” spacing, Triple chute, Atom jet seed boots, Serial #Y7S003335 with Morris 8370 Air Tank, first tank 64 .bushels, second tank 174 bushels, third tank 186 bushels Serial # 8370051047 • 2009 Amity 40 ft Twin disc 64 run seed unit with 32 run Midrow Fertilzer banders, Blockage sensor on each seed and fertilizer run, Rubber tires on row Packers. serial # TD216208 Sells complete with Morris pull between 3 Compartment 320 total bu, series XL 80 Model 8240 Seed tank, Trelleborg 900/60/32 tires. serial #230091003 from Neighbour Willie Heickenwalder 204 870 1314 tillage , Trailer, Lazer eq, etc Real good Farm equipment here

See our website: www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Bill Klassen Auctioneers bill@billklassen.com For more information please contact Peter at (204) 791-5469 MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Auction Sale Corporation 4949855 MB Ltd Thursday, March 21st 12:00pm Noon Headingley, MB - Wilkes Ave #8001 Auction Note: The Distribution Company has Sold The Property Everything Sells to the Highest Bidder!! Contact: Gary (204)885-8092 Always More than Listed Skidsteer, Forklift & Equip: Case 1845c DSL, Skidsteer w/Bucket Sold After Set Steel Tracks Yale 3,000-lb Propane Forklift 13-ft. Lift w/Hyd Shift; Fox C1 Plus Auto Pallet Wrapper 110V w/Ramp; Hyd Cement Tumbler Off Tandem Semi Freight Storage Trailer: 6) 45-ft. to 52-ft. Freight Trailer 1980s, 1990s, Same w/Side Doors; 1) Semi Freight Pup Trailer 25-ft. Trucks & Yard: 99 Dodge 2500 Laramie V8 gas Ext Cab 4x4 Sold After Blizzard 8.5-in. Snow Plow Elec/Hyd w/PWR Hitch; 92 Ford 1-Ton Dually 6 cycle Gas STD Trans w/Stake Box w/PWR Tailgate; BH 8-ft. Utility Trailer Craftsman 22-HP R Mower Moto Mower 8-HP R Mower; JD 111 R Mower, nr; Gas Snowblower; Roto Tiller Metal Yard Trailer Blding Supply: 150 4x8-ft. P2000 Insulation Sheets; 25) 3/4-in. Plywood; 100 Railway Ties; Shelving & Misc: 50 Sec of Pallet Racking; 12 Metal Shop Shelves; 4) Hyd Pallet Jacks; Pallet Pullers; Thunderbolt 225 Welder; Battery Booster Charger; Ryobi Band Saw; Bench w/Vise; Self Standing 20-in. Fan; Elec Motors; 40,000 BTU Redi Heaters; Wheel Dolly; Rollaway Metal Shop Stairs; Al Step & Ext Ladder; Port Warehouse Carts; Clark Battery Auto Floor Washer Office: Desks; Office Chair Lateral Filing Cabinets; Noma Port Interior A/C Water Cooler; Bar Fridge; Apt Freezer Microwave Stuart McSherry (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com

tractors • 2002 John Deere 9520T, 36 in belt tracks, rubber block air ride, 4 remotes, front and side weight package, beacon light, power shift, wired for John Deere star fire auto steer, green lighted in Spring of 2012 at Enns Bros. Morris. 3903 hours at listing, serial #901062 • 2005 John Deere 8520 MFWD 480/ 80 R 50 duals, front 480/85/ R34. Power shift, 3pth, w/cat 3 quick hitch, front weight package, 4 remotes, 4143 hours at listing serial #033734 • 2008 John Deere 6430 MFWD tractor with cab, IVT transmission, 3pth, dual pto, dual hydraulic, complete with JD 673 self level loader and bucket joystick control. 1419 one owner hours • John Deere quick tach pallet forks. Sells after 6430 • 2008 John Deere 2520 yard Tractor, HST, with roll bar, 200 CX loader. Industrial tires, fwa. 62D drive over belly mount mower. Total hours 400 showing • 1983 Case 2390 pto, power shift, front weights, 4868 one owner hours • 1997 IH 9300 Eagle tandem grain truck, air ride suspension, 244 WB, automatic Chassis greaser 425, hp Cummins, 13 speed Cancade unibody 20ft x 8.5 x 66’’, Michelle’s roll tarp. Remote tail gate and hoist control, 11 x 24.5 aluminum buds. Pintle hook up, serial #2HSFBRE7UC036339, MB saftied. • 2004 Mack tandem grain truck, 480 hp mack.13 sp, maxitorque Fuller. 20 x 8.5 x 66’’ Loadline box with remote tail gate and hoist control and Michelle’s roll tarp, air ride suspension, Pintle hook up, 11 x 24.5 albumin buds, serial # 1M1AEO7Y141NO19117 4MR21084 MB saftied. • 2010 Loadline full tandem all around 30 ft dual hopper grain trailer pup, 66 in sides, sight glasses, air gauges, fenders 11 x 24.5 aluminum buds. Micheles roll tarp • 1976 Ford F-700 V8 gas, 5 & 2 transmission, 23000 Gvw. Tag with lift and brakes, 18 ft midland, box with head lift hoist, roll tarp. Good 10 x 20 rubber, good farm runner sells with out safety, VIN #N70EVW85945 • New set of Dual tandem chrome fenders, for truck or trailer • 1989 IH Eagle tandem cab and chassis, runs but needs engine work, 855 Cummins, 13 speed. Sells as is • 2008 Polaris Quad 850 cc etc, loaded machine • Concord 3400 air cart with 47 ft Concord seeder 10’’ space dutch knife openers, single chute, have set of 10’’ shovels for concord seeder • Summers 54 ft super C chisel plow with mounted harrows, and NH3 Kit. hyd winch on rear hitch • Bourgault 7200 super harrows 5/8 x 24in teeth, excellent condition • 27ft IHC Model 5500 chisel plow with mulchers • Collector cars and trucks and Tractors, etc.

This is a partial listing please check our website www.billklassen.com for listing and photos or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Bill Klassen Auctioneers bill@billklassen.com For information call Owner Bernie Friesen (204 ) 746-2045 or 5014 Owner Herman Martens 204 326 154 Our spring catalog coming to your farm mail box mid-March

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433



• 1990 – CASE IH- 9170, 4X4, 6750 hours, 855 A cummins / BIG CAM, 12 speed powershift trans. • 1997- CASE IH- 9370, 4X4, 6211 hours, N14 cummins, 24 speed • 1992 - CASEIH - 1680 combine, 2687 hours, cummins engine, 1015 P/U • MF - 220, S/P swather, 1633 hours, 25ft., UII-Pick-up Reel, • Bourgault Air Seeder - 8800 cult., 36ft., floating hitch • 2011 Fusion, 70ft., Heavy Harrow Bar, 9/16” X 24” tines • 1980 HC - 2575, Semi-Truck-Day Cab, 3406 CAT Engine, this truck is Safetied • 1992 - Load King Lode Handler 40ft, Grain trailer, this trailer is also Safetied

Internet Bidding with bidspotter.com


See our website www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Bill Klassen Auctioneers bill@billklassen.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a clean well maintained farm equipment auction for Garth & Marla Hurford (306)332-7900. Sat., April 20, 2013 10:00am. Directions from Balcarres, SK go 5-mi North of Balcarres on Hwy 310. Watch for Signs! Live internet bidding at www.Bispotter.com. 2009 Kubota M108X FWA tractor w/Kubota M45 FEL w/only 710-hrs; Case IH 7130 2WD tractor w/Auto Steer GPS & duals; JD 322 lawn tractor w/50-in mower; 1999 JD 9610 SP combine w/2362 sep hrs; 30-ft 2005 Honey Bee NH94C straight cut header w/UII PU reel w/pea cross auger & flex finger lifters; 30-ft Westward 3000 PT swather w/PU reel & Roto Shear, Douglas poly drum swath roller; 1993 GMC Topkick tandem axle grain truck w/3116 Cat DSL engine & 96,900-kms; 1980 Western Star tandem axle grain truck w/automatic trans & Cummins engine; 1974 Dodge 600 3-ton grain truck; 33-ft Case IH 5600 seeding tool & JD 787 air tank w/Atom Jet Side Bank liquid openers; Pattison CB 1300-gal. liquid fertilizer caddy w/Honda engine; 60-ft Flexi-Coil tine harrows; Graham Hamey 14-ft cultivator w/Morris Harrows; Rolo Flex 14-ft cultivator w/tine harrows; 60-ft Jetstream 20th Anniversary computer sprayer; Sakundiak HD 10-2000 swing auger; Sakundiak 8-1600 auger w/25-HP Subuaru engine & Wheatheart mover; Sakundiak 7-45 grain auger w/Kohler engine; 29-ft tandem axle tow compartment grain trailer w/roll tarp; 100-bu hopper grain wagon; Schulte hyd drive rock picker; Buhler Farm King 720 3-PTH mover; 3-PTH angle blade; 1000gal. water tank; Honda 11-HP pressure washer; Forney welder; Dewalt chop saw; Honda generator; plus much more!! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a farm equipment auction for the Estate of Warren Domres, Fri., Apr 19, 2013 10:00am. Directions from Lemberg, SK. 3-mi West on Hwy 22 turn South on Gardiner Road & go 5-mi South, 1-mi West, 1-mi South, 1-mi West, & 3/4-miles South. Live internet bidding at www.bidspotter.com. Case 4490 4-WD tractor w/PTO; Case 2390 2-WD tractor; Case 1270 2-WD tractor; Case 1070 2-WD tractor; David Brown 990 DSL 2-WD tractor; IH 1066 2-WD tractor; Case 830 DSL 2-WD tractor w/FEL & round fenders; Ford 8N 2-WD tractor; 1984 Ford 9000 LTL tandem grain truck w/13-spd Cummins & 2 seed compartment box; 27ft Flexi-coil 5000 double shoot air drill w/JD 787 air tank; JD 8820 Titan II SP combine; 30-ft JD 230 Rigid straight cut combine header; 2006 4-WD Duramax Chev auto Silverado crew cab truck w/leather & sunroof; 1974 GMC 6000 3-ton grain truck w/wood box & roll tarp; 1966 IH 1500 grain truck w/steel box & hoist; 1987 Ford Lariat F-150 4-WD extended cab truck; 1976 GMC half ton truck; 2006 Ski-Doo Rotax 550F w/725-mi; Polaris Sportsman 800 quad w/winch & heated handle bars; Parker 400-bu grain cart; JD 7721 PT combine; Farm King steel drum swath roller; 30-ft Case 730 PT swather w/UII PU reel; 24-ft Vers PT swather; 29-ft IH 75 PT swather w/batt reel; 3, 3 wheeled header transports; 2, Goebel 4,400-bu bins on steel floors; Twister 4,000-bu bins on steel floor; Westeel 4,000bu bin on steel floor; Westeel 2,700-bu bin on steel floor; Westeel 1,950-bu bin on steel floor; Westeel 1,850-bu hopper bottom bin; Friesen 2,000-bu hopper bottom bin; Flaman & Caldwell aeration fans; OPI bin monitor system; Walinga 510 grain vac; Brandt MD 10-50 swing auger; Brandt 8-52 Supercharged PTO auger; Sakundiak 7-37 auger w/Kohler; Sakundiak 6-41 auger w/electric motor; Hart Uniflow 3 roller grain cleaner; Labtronics 919 grain moisture tester; Load Trail tandem axle car trailer; 2 steel 110-bu hopper wagons; 3-hyd dump wagons; 500-gal. poly tank on walking axles; 100-ft Brandt QF 1500 field sprayer; 85-ft Brandt field sprayer; 20-ft 3-PTH sprayer; 2, 1200-gal. poly water tanks; Chem Handler I mixer; banjo pumps & hoses, shopbuilt flax straw buncher; hyd. log splitter; front mount snow blower; 3-PTH 3 bottom plow; 3-PTH road scraper blade; 3-PTH 7-ft cultivator; 3-PTH Riteway mower; Charge Air 60-gal. air compressor; ATV floor jack; 20-ton air bottle jack; hyd porta power; plus a large complete line of shop tools. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a farm equipment auction for Champion Acres Ltd. (Rod Boll) (306)722-3867 Wed., Apr. 10th, 2013 10:00am Fillmore, SK. Directions from Fillmore, SK. 1/2-mi South on Main St. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding www.Bidspotter.com JD 8450 4WD tractor w/PTO & Outback Auto Steer; JD 4440 2WD tractor w/JD 725 FEL; JD 9500 SP combine w/914 PU header; 39-ft. Flexicoil 5000 double shoot air drill w/Flexicoil 2320 air cart JD 930 rigid straight cut header; JD 930 flex straight cut header; 33-ft. JD 680 double shoot air seeder w/JD 787 air cart; JD 25 straight cut header trailer; 30-ft. Westward 7000 SP swather w/Macdon 960 header; 50-ft. Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy harrow w/Valmar 3255; 40-ft. Degelman 7640 land roller; 30-ft. Bush Hog tandem disc; 1975 Dodge 600 3-Ton grain truck; 1976 IH Cargostar fire truck; 1986 GMC 1500 Sierra PU truck; 40-ft. 1978 Loadmaster tandem axle grain trailer, shopbuilt pintle hitch 5th wheel dolly convertor; 15-ft. Hiniker 6800 3 shank sub soiler; 36-ft. JD 590 PT swather; Martin 400-bu grain wagon; Poly drum swath roller; Kalteich air reel; 55-ft. Blanchard harrow packer bar w/tine harrows & P-20 packers; 3-Friesen 40-ton hopper bottom bins; Westeel 3,800-bu hopper bottom bin; Westeel Rosco 4,000-bu bin on cement; Westeel 350-bushel hopper bottom seed bin; Brandt 10-70 swing auger; Sakundiak 8-45 auger w/10-HP electric motor; Sakundiak 7-51 auger w/Honda 24-HP engine; Batco 1314 hyd drive transfer auger; Neuero 8120 grain vac; Labtronics elevator moisture tester; 5-HP aeration fans, hyd drill fill; 2006 Gulfstream Conquest 26RLS travel trailer w/single slide; 2012 Polaris Ranger 4WD 500 EFI UTV w/only 320-km; 1995 4WD Polaris Sportsman 400 quad w/winch; Degelman 3500 10-ft. dozer blade w/tilt & angle; JD EZ Track Z425 Zero turn mower w/85-hrs; JD 318 garden tractor w/rototiller, single axle trailer w/185-gal poly tank & Honda 2-in. water pump; JD side delivery mower; Allied bale elevator; Lincoln 225 AC welder; 125-gal slip tank w/electric pump; cattle oiler; wind charger tower; plus much more! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a premium farm equipment auction for Don & Kate Gardiner (306)332-2925 or (306)335-7792 Mon., Apr. 8th, 2013 at 10:00am Directions from Lemberg, SK. go 3-mi West on Hwy 22. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at www.Bidspotter.com JD 9200 4WD tractor w/3,740-hrs & Green Lighted in 2012; McCormick MTX 125 FWA tractor w/Buhler FEL & 1,280-hrs; JD 2120 2WD tractor w/4,975-hrs; 2003 JD 9650 STS SP combine Green Lighted yearly w/1,471 sep hrs; 40-ft. 2005 Morris Maxim Air Drill w/Morris 7240 air cart w/double shoot Bourgault liquid openers; Pattison CB 2150 liquid fertilizer caddy w/John Blue pump & Honda engine; 2004 MF 9220 SP swather w/30-ft. PU reel & 765-hrs; JD 930 straight cut header w/PU reel, straight cut header trailer, steel poly drum swath rollers; JD high rise 4700 SP 90-ft. sprayer w/2,900-hrs & Cultiva auto steer GPS; 1999 IH Eagle highway tractor w/415-HP Cat engine; 40-ft. Castleton tandem axle grain trailer; 1986 Ford 9000 LTL tandem axle grain truck w/remote hoist & end gate; 1978 GMC 6500 single axle grain truck; High Boy single axle flat deck trailer w/1000 & 1,600-gal enduro plastic tanks; 35-ft. Morris 8900 DT cultivator w/Morris 4 bar harrows; Morris 50-ft. tine harrows w/240 Valmar; Schulte 9600 3-PTH snowblower; Degelman 3 batt high lift ground drive rock picker; Degelman 3 batt ground drive rock picker, trailer type 6-ft. gyro mower; Kirchner pallet forks; 2009 Brand EX grain vac; 2009 Wheatheart 10-61 swing auger; Sakundiak HD 8-33 auger w/Wheatheart mover & 27-HP Kohler engine; Sakundiak 7-33 auger w/Kawasaki engine; Lockart seed treater; Labtronics, moisture tester; Labtronics moisture tester; Chem Handler I, chemical pump; 2010 Arctic Cat Prowler 700 XTX UTV side by side w/only 290-mi; Honda Foreman 450 ES quad 4x4 electric shift; 2011 Cub Cadet RZT zero turn mower; Club Car gas golf cart; 3-PTH 8-ft. cultivator; quadavator cultivator; estate & quad sprayers; Danville Express roller; PWR grease gun; drill press; floor jack; Megasave furnace; upright piano; household & much more! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a large multi farm equipment auction for Eugene Fradette & the Estate of Dennis Cherpin Mon., Apr 15th, 2013 10:00am. Directions from Radville, SK. 4-mi South of Radville on Hwy 28 & 2-mi West. Watch for Signs! Live internet bidding at www.Bidspotter.co Vers 836 Designation 6 4WD tractor; JD 8430 4WD tractor w/PTO & 12-ft. dozer blade; JD 7520 4WD tractor w/PTO; Case 2394 tractor w/duals; JD 4440 2WD tractor w/4,343-hrs; JD 4010 2WD tractor w/JD 46 FEL & approx 800-hrs on overhaul; JD 180 lawn tractor; JD 7720 Titan II combine w/JD 212 PU header; 30-ft. JD 930 straight cut header; 29-ft. Morris Maxim Air Drill w/Morris 7180 air cart & Atom Jet Side Band openers; JD 7721 PT combine; MF 760 SP combine; 30-ft. MF straight cut header; 24ft. MF straight cut header; 20-ft. Vers 400 SP swather; 24-ft. Vers PTO swather; 18-ft. Vers PTO swather; 1983 Chev C-70 grain truck; 1976 Dodge 600 grain truck w/39,100-mi; 1976 GMC 6500 grain truck w/34,215-mi; 1966 Dodge 500 grain truck w/steel box & roll tarp; 1966 Fargo 500 grain truck w/steel box & hoist; 1970 IH Loadstar 1600 grain truck w/wood box & 36,200-mi; 1980 Chev Cheyenne 1500 PU; 1980 GMC Scotsdale 1500 PU; 28ft. IH 150 hoe drills; 60-ft. Riteway harrows; 24-ft. AC tandem disc; 37-ft. DT cultivator w/1655 Valmar & harrows; Morris CP-725 cultivator w/tine harrows; Morris B3-36 rod weeder; 32-ft. Massey cultivator, CCIL 18-ft. discers; Rolo Flex 16-ft. cultivator; JD steel wheel drill w/PWR lift; Leon 550 earth scraper; Riteway hyd 2 batt rock picker; Crown fork type rock picker; Varuna 6-in. PTO irrigation pump & pipe; Comet drill transport; Vers 1,000-gal tank trailer & pump; Vers poly tank on tandem trailer; Sakundiak HD 7-47 auger w/Kohler 16-HP engine; Sakundiak 7-47 auger w/16-HP engine; Sakundiak 7-45 auger w/16-HP Briggs engine; Farm King 7-40 auger w/Kohler engine; 2, Behlin 3,100-bu bins wood floors; 2, Westeel 2,000-bu bins steel floors; Westeel 4,000-bu bin steel floor; Westeel Twin Air 2,000-bu hopper bottom bin; Bader 2,000-bu hopper; Butler 2,700-bu bin wood floor; Twister 2,200bu wood floor; Metal Ind. 1,400-bu hopper bottom; Westeel 2,700-bu wood floor; Butler 2,700-bu bin wood floor, 3, Rosco 1,300-bu bins wood floors; Metal Ind. 3,300-bu bin wood; Rosco 1,650-bu on wood. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a very large farm equipment auction for Darald & Marlene Marin Sat., Apr. 13th, 2013 10:00am. Directions from Radville, SK. 1-mi North on Hwy 28. Watch For Signs! Live Internet Bidding www.Bidspotter.com. JD 8770 4WD tractor w/Outback Autosteer; JD 9600 Combine w/3,314 sep hrs; Honey Bee SP 36 draper header w/pea cross auger; JD 930F flex header w/PU reel; Vers 875 4WD tractor w/6,000-hrs; Case 3594 FWA tractor w/Outback Autosteer; Westward 9300 SP Turbo swather & 30-ft. Macdon 960 header w/1,772 hours; Case IH Patriot SPX 3185 SP Sprayer w/Outback Autosteer & 90-ft. boom; 90-ft. Summers Ultimate PT Suspended Boom Sprayer; 40-ft. JD 1820 air drill w/2, 787 air tanks & double shoot w/Atom Jet openers; AC EP 40- 2PS fork lift; 2010 JD LA 175 lawn tractor w/only 10-hrs; Collection of Antique Tractors, JD M w/3-PTH & mower, JD A; JD D; JD AR; JD R; Massey Harris 44; Massey Harris 55; 50-ft. Melroe 215 Spray Coupe w/488-hrs; 2001 IH Eagle truck 9900IH tandem axle truck w/sleeper; 1984 IH S2500 tandem axle grain truck w/Cummins; 1984 Mack Tandem Axle grain truck; 2001 Castleton 36-ft. tandem axle grain trailer w/2 compartments; 2001 Loadking 48-ft. drop deck tandem axle trailer w/bale extensions; 1976 Dodge 600 grain truck; 1965 Ford F-750 fire truck w/20,000-mi; Trailtech 18-ft. bumper pull flat deck trailer, shop built tandem axle grain pup trailer; 2005 Cadillac Escalade SUV; 2001 Dodge Ram 4WD Laramie SLT 1-Ton dually Cummins DSL automatic w/115,000-mi; 1997 Cadillac Deville 4 door car; 1984 4WD Ford F-150 truck regular cab; 45-ft. Case IH 5600 cultivator w/2420 Valmar & Degelman harrows; 45-ft. Riteway tine harrow packer bar; 70-ft. Morris Ranger II harrow packer bar; Garwood 9-11 hyd earth scraper; 42-ft. Agri Tech 4200 land roller; Crown hyd rock picker; Kello-Bilt 5 shank sub soiler; Kello-Bilt 12-ft. offset disc; 15-ft. Schulte wing up rotary mower; 12-ft. Degelman dozer blade; Ag Shield Recon hay conditioner; JD swath fluffer; Farm King steel drum swath roller; Chem Handler II; Elias round bale scale; 40-ft. storage container; 3, 1,400-gal liquid fertilizer tanks; 1,000gal poly water tank; Buhler Farm King 3-PTH finishing mower; JD 205 3-PTH gyro mower; Land Pride 3-PTH rototiller; JD 3-PTH buker scraper; 10-ft. 3-PTH cultivator w/harrows; Sakundiak 10-65 swing auger w/electric mover; Walinga 510 grain vac; Flexi Coil 10-65 PTO belt conveyor; Flexi Coil 10-65 PTO auger; Flexi Coil 10-50 PTO auger; Wheatheart 8-51 auger w/25-HP Kohler engine & mover; Sakundiak 8-50 auger w/25-HP Kohler; Sakundiak 8-in. transfer auger w/electric motor; Sakundiak 8-60 PTO auger; Sakundiak 7-45 auger w/Kohler engine & seed treater; Sakundiak 6-33 auger w/ electric motor; Pool 6-28 auger w/electric motor; Tox-o-wix 570 grain dryer; Easy Load 2 compartment grain fertilizer tote tank; Labtronics elevator type moisture tester; 4, Westeel 2,700-bu hopper bottom bins; 5 Friesen 1,800-bu hopper bottom bins; 2, Weningger Magnum 3,300-bu hopper bottom bins; 5 Behlin 3,100-bu bins on wood floors; 3, Westeel 1,800-bu hopper bottom bins; Friesen 500-bu hopper bottom bins; 5, Keho aeration fans; 4, Axiel aeration fans; Golden Grain Fan; quantity of 220V electrical cords; antique restored covered grain wagon; 26-ft. 1988 Fleetwood resort 5th wheel camper; JD construction heater; engine hoist; quantity of rail road ties; Plus much more!! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433





• 2009 John Deere 9430 4 wheel drive power shift, deluxe cab, 710/70R42 duals, auto steer. 4 remotes one owner 475 hours • 2008 John Deere 5603 mfwd yard tractor, cab, power Quad, left hand reverser, 3pth single remote hyd, with JD 542 self leveling loader Joy stick, 18.4 x 30 rears, loaded unit only 360 one owner hours • Ford 8870 MFWD, 3 pth, dual pto, triple Hyd. Remotes, power shift, wired for outback auto steer system, 20.8 x 42 duals, 1700 one owner hours


• 2009 John Deere 9770 STS combine, Bullet Rotor, fine cut chopper 615P Header with JD belt pickup, hopper topper, two sets of Concaves, 900/65/32 rice tires, 600 hrs, serial #726924. Terms on combine, 25.000 down auction day balance upon possession before August 1, 2013. • John Deere 930 flex head with pickup reel • 2002 MacDon Harvest pro 8152 swather, 500/70 R24 tires, Wired for Outback auto steer, power unit serial #150002, only 850 hours, equipped with 972 Harvest header 30 ft with dual Reel and dual knife drive • 2005 Case IH 2388 Combine, Vin #HAJ 92443, Specialty Rotor, Rock Trap, yield and moisture meter, Hydraulic reverser, Chopper, Chaff spreader, Hopper Topper, 800- 65 R32 Fronts 18.4 -26 rears 4 wheel drive axle, sells with CIH 1015 pickup head 14ft 7 belt pickup. Combine has had annual Red light. Consigned by Richard Gagnon Farms 701-5204036. • Case IH 1010 Straight header, 30 ft pickup reel fore & aft, (Gagnon) • 4 Wheel Header trailer • John Deere 930 flex head, 30 ft with Pickup reel Fore & aft Good skids, #HOO930F681616 (Gagnon) • Poly 10 ft Tapered fully mounted swath roller

SPRAYER: • 2006 Case IH model SPX 3185 , 750 gal tank, 90 ft

Boom, two set of Nozzles, 320/90/P42 tires, Hyd, thread adjustment, wired for outback auto steer, serial# ------ only 400 hrs


• 2003 Frieghtliner Tandem grain truck, 60 series Detroit, 10 speed, Cancade 20 ft x 8.5 x 66’’ box, Roll Tarp, MB Saftied • 1995 GMC Topkick tandem, 427 gas 6 speed w/ hi/ lo/ shift, 20 ft Midland box, roll tarp. This truck was purchased as demo unit and comes with 31000 one owner km, MB Saftied


• Bourgault 8810, 40 ft seeding tool, 4 row Mulchers, 350 lb trip, 8’’ spacing, complete with Bourgault 3225 seed cart with loading auger • Bourgault 40 ft model 9800 deep tiller, w/ 4 row super Mulchers • Summers mid size tine harrows 80 ft 5 bar, autofold • Tormaster 80 ft Diamond section Harrow packer bar, p-20 Packers. Autofold


• 2007 Conveyair Ultima 6 pto drive Grain Vac with tubing etc. • Westfield J 208 loading auger with Wheatheart self propel Kit. • Westfield MK 10 x 61 auger • Jump auger 8’’ with 2 hp electric motor • 18 ft dual tank slide in drill fill with rear augers • Unferveth 7000 Grain cart, 30.5 x 32 tires, pto drive Roll Tarp • Garwood 15 yard Hyd Push off scraper serial #615


• Lucknow 6 ft single auger snow blower, 3pth, hyd chute • 6 ft 3 pth curl shank cultivator • Woods 3 pth M-5 Rotary mower • Farm King 7’ 3pth finish mower • 2000 gal galvanized water tank • Rear tine yard machine walk behind garden tiller • 10’’ Craftsman radial arm saw • Wood working lathe • Chem handler unit • 2’’ water pump • Some 12’’ aeration tubing • Roll away top and bottom tool chest and other tools and farm hardware

Very Low Acreage Low houred mostly one owner Equipment at this Sharp looking farm equipment auction. This will be a rare opportunity to purchase these quality name brand machines in this kind of condition, used in Red River Valley soil zone, major items are shedded, and therefore limited photo’s available. We at Bill Klassen Auctions are very pleased to have been asked to conduct this top notch Auction on Behalf of the Baleja Family. Please do plan to attend, owners Dave Baleja 204 745 8677

Not Much small selling please be on time


See our website www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Bill Klassen Auctioneers bill@billklassen.com



MACK AUCTION CO. presents a farm equipment auction for Stan & Carol Doughty (306)442-4785. Wed., Apr 17, 2013 10:00am. Pangman, SK. Directions from the Junction of Hwy 6 & Hwy 13 go 6-mi North on Hwy 6 & 1.5-mi East. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding www.Bidspotter.com. NH 9682 4-WD tractor; 2008 NH TV6070 bidirectional tractor & NH 82LB FEL w/only 750-hrs; JD 425 yard tractor w/PTO & 3-PTH; Case 195 lawn tractor w/mower & tiller; NH TR98 SP combine w/2,502-hrs; 30-ft Honey Bee 994 straight cut draper header; 30-ft MacDon 960 harvest draper header; MacDon header adapter for NH 6070 bidirectional tractor; straight cut header trailer; 1995 Willmar 785 Air Trak SP 85-ft sprayer w/2,896-hrs & 5.9 Cummins engine; Titan 12.4-42 set of four tires & rims; 1981 IH S1900 DSL tandem axle grain truck w/auto trans; 2003 Chev 2500 HD gas extended cab PU truck; 1972 GMC 5500 2-ton grain truck w/22,000-mi; 2007 18-ft Precision tandem axle flat deck bumper pull trailer w/7000 axles; Quick Way 16-ft triple axle grain trailer w/hyd dump; 43ft Harmon 4480 air drill & Harmon 3100 air tank w/double shoot; 70-ft Degelman Straw Master heavy harrow; 47-ft Morris Magnum II CP-743 DT cultivator; 32-ft JD 332 off set disc; Co-op 39-ft cultivator; Sakundiak HD8-1600 auger w/Wheatheart mover; Westfield 10-51 swing auger; Sakundiak 7-37 auger w/Kohler engine, Big Chief batch grain dryer; Sakundiak 4,300-bu hopper bottom bin; Friesen 60-Ton hopper bottom bin; Behlin 3,500-bu hopper bottom bin; temporary 6,500-bu hopper bottom ring; Rockomatic 12-ft rock rake; Speed Spred 1-ton fertilizer spreader; 1,000-gal., fuel tank w/electric pump; Chem Handler I; Floating slough pump w/1/2-mi of lay flat hose; Honda 3-in water pump; Briggs engine w/2-in banjo pump; 850-gal. oval water tank; NH pallet forks; JD disc parts; Generac 5500XL generator; Simonz 2900 PSI gas powered pressure washer; Trojan metal band saw; Sanborn upright air compressor, plus much more! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.


Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!


Go public with an ad in the Co-operator classifieds.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a farm equipment auction for Bob & Donalda Johnston (306)842-5810 Fri., Apr. 12th, 2013 10:00am. Directions from Weyburn, SK. 3-mi East on Hwy #13 & 2-mi North. Watch For Signs! Live Internet bidding at www.Bidspotter.com Vers 936 4WD tractor; Vers 756 4WD tractor w/PTO; Case 1490 2WD tractor w/Leon 700 FEL & 3-PTH; JD 440 2WD tractor w/FEL & backhoe attachment; Case IH 1660 Axial Flow SP combine w/2,740 engine hrs; 25-ft. Case IH 1010 straight cut header, shopbuilt straight cut header trailer; 24.5 IH 5000 SP swather w/PU reel, steel drum swath roller; 39-ft. Morris Maxim air drill & Morris 6180 air cart w/double shoot; NH 90-ft. SF 110 PT suspended boom sprayer; 83-ft. Bourgault 850 Centurion II PT field sprayer; 35-ft. JD 1600 cultivator w/Morris tine harrows; 32-ft. Friggstad cultivator w/tine harrows; MF 2-18-ft. discers, end tow diamond harrow packers, EZ Guide 250 GPS & auto steer; 1980 Chev C-60 grain truck w/65,400-mi; 1975 Ford F-750 single axle grain truck w/roll tarp & steel box; Mazda B-2200 PU truck; 15-ft. wing up Schulte XH1500 rotary mower w/Schulte FLX15 offset hitch; Degelman ground drive 570S rock picker; Demptster 5-Ton fertilizer spreader on tandem axle trailer; Victory 10-ft. PU header, shopbuilt hyd dump grain truck box, 18.4-38 clamp on duals; tri hull 14-ft. boat w/40-HP Mercury engine not running; 1976 Ski Doo, 2-Westeel Rosco 2,700-bu bins on wood & steel floors; 2,000-bu Twister bin on steel floor; 3-Westeel Rosco 2,000-bu bins on wood floors; Westeel 1,650 & 1,350-bu bins on steel floors; Sakundiak 8-49 PTO auger; Sakundiak 8-49 PTO auger; Sakundiak 8-49 PTO auger; Sakundiak 7-41 auger w/Kohler engine; Wheatheart bin sweep, hyd drill fill, Labtronics elevator type moisture tester; Monarch 5-HP water pump, crop lifters, antique freight cart, plus much more! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

Is your ag equipment search more like a needle in a haystack search?


Find it fast at

Looking for a hand around the farm? Place a help wanted ad in the classifieds. Call 1-800-782-0794. Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800-782-0794 today!


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013



AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts

NEW EMERALD GRAIN TRAILERS made in MB 36-ft. 2 hopper t/a air ride 24.5 tires on bud wheels manual tarp. Starting as low as $34,000. Tri axle starting at $49,500 side chutes & dual crank hopper openings avail. Financing avail o.a.c For more details call Glenn (204)895-8547.

PARTING OUT TRUCKS: FORD CL9000, L800, L880, F350 Dually, also complete for restoration IHCB170. (204)685-2124, cell (204)871-2708


AUTO & TRANSPORT Semi Trucks & Trailers

2007 HYUNDAI TUCSON SUV, 150,000-km, warranty to 160,000-km, $14,000 OBO. Phone (204)856-6907.

20-yd dump box 17-ft. 20-yd dump box. Great unit: hyd tank on frame with a electric tarp & all the wire to hook it up. The box is in fair shape. Just needs yor truck $8,500 tj@otr-recycling.com (204)768-0600



2005 TMC SLE NEVADA edition Z71, 4 door crew cab, short box, 4WD, towing package, 97,000-km, very nice condition, safetied, asking $18,000. Phone Dave (204)526-5298 or evenings (204)743-2145. 2008 DODGE CREW 4X4 6.9 Cummins, 154,000-km, cloth interior, $28,500 OBO. Phone (204)856-6907. FOR SALE: 04 CHEVY 2500 4x4, 4-dr, gas, new safety, new steer tires, flat deck w/tool boxes, $8500. Phone:(204)871-0925.

BUILDINGS AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: www.postframebuilding.com CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.

FOR SALE: TOP KICK GMC 2002 Tandem truck, 20-ft box, automatic, 63,000kms, no rust, excellent shape. Phone:(204)773-2957.

Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions


PRICE TO CLEAR!! 75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from. B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.2 Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.


Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.2 Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW




SELLING NEVIN SEEDS, a well established bird seed company, included in sale are all bagging & packaging equip, bins, etc. as well as business contacts. Reason for selling: semi-retiring. Phone:(204)763-4470 or (204)761-3931.

ALLIS CHALMERS HD16B HYD tilt dozer, HD12G loader, 4 in 1 bucket. For parts: HD16B,16A,14; New rails for a 16A, pins & bushings supplied & installed for most makes of Crawler tractors & backhoes. Call Ron (866)590-6458, (204)242-2204.

Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794.




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Hit our readers where it counts… in the classifieds. Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifed section. 1-800-782-0794.

FARM MACHINERY Fertilizer Equipment FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4-9 TONNE, Large Selection, $2,000 up; 10T Tender, $2,500; Vicon 3-pt Spreader, $350; Valmar 240 Applicator, $1,000; B-Line Trail Type 50-ft., $2,000. Phone (204)857-8403.

FARM MACHINERY Grain Bins 552 REM VAC COMPLETE w/hoses & pipes, all offers. Phone (204)436-2067 or cell (204)745-0424. BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662. CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests binmovers@hotmail.com SUKUP GRAIN BINS Flatbottom or hopper, heavy duty, setup crews available, winter pricing now in effect. Call for more info Vince (204)998-9915

FARM MACHINERY Grain Dryers NEW SUKUP GRAIN DRYERS w/Canola screens, LP/ NG, 1PH/3PH, Various sizes, Winter pricing now in effect. Call for more info Vince (204)998-9915

Unreserved pUblic farm aUction

neuls brothers

NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.

Grenfell, SK | Thursday, April 4, 2013 · 10 am

Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800-782-0794 today!

1996 JohN deere 8970, 2006 JohN deere 9420 & 2012 JohN deere 9560r

1 oF 2– 2011 New hoLLANd cr9080

2009 Premier m150 35 Ft



2– 2009 BourGAuLt 3310 Phd 55 Ft & 2– 2009 JohN deere 1910

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2013 • 10AM

2011 cAse ih 4420 PAtriot 120 Ft

2006 KeNworth w900 & 2010 Lode KiNG PrestiGe 36 Ft

2009 J&m 875

AuctioN LocAtioN: From GRENFELL, SK go 14.5 km (9 miles) South on Grid 616, then 4 km (2.5 miles) East. South side of road. GPS: 50.2791667, -102.8869444 A PArtiAL equiPmeNt List iNcLudes: 2012 John FLD120 T/A Grain Truck · 1985 Kenworth C510 T/A Grain Truck Deere 9560R 4WD · 2006 John Deere 9420 4WD · 1996 John · 2- 2009 Bourgault 3310PHD 55 Ft Air Drill · 1994 Flexi-Coil Deere 8970 4WD ·1979 John Deere 4440 2WD · 2- 2011 New 5000 60 Ft Air Drill · 2- 2009 John Deere 1910 430 Bushel Holland CR9080 Combine · 2008 MacDon D60-D 40 Ft Draper Tow-Behind Air Tank · 2006 Ezee-On 4600 32 Ft Tandem Disc Header · 2010 New Holland 94C 36 Ft Draper Header · 2009 · 2011 Phillips 4505 45 Ft Rotary Harrows · 2009 J&M 875 Premier M150 35 Ft Swather · Caterpillar 80 20 CY Hydraulic 875± Bushel Grain Cart · 2012 & 2010 Brandt 1545 15 In. x Pull Scraper · 2001 Freightliner FLD120 T/A Truck Tractor · 2006 45 Ft Grain Conveyors · 2011 Case IH 4420 Patriot 120 Ft High Kenworth W900 Sleeper T/A Truck Tractor · 1994 Freightliner Clearance Sprayer... ANd much more! For up-to-date equipment listings · please check our website: rbauction.com Ken Neuls: 306.697.7517, khneuls@yourlink.ca Neil Neuls: 306.697.7141, nbneuls@yourlink.ca Glen Neuls: 306.697.7445 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Luke Fritshaw: 306.260.2189 800.491.4494


Ray, Lorne Perry Hilderman Hilderman Acres Ltd. ––––Ray, Lorne && Perry Hilderman Hilderman Hilderman Acres Acres Ltd. Ltd. Ray, Ray, Lorne Lorne && Perry Perry Hilderman Hilderman Hilderman Acres Ltd. – Ray, Lorne & Perry Hilderman Duval, SK Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Duval, 3, ···10am Duval, Duval, SK SK|||Wednesday, |Wednesday, Wednesday, April April 3,3,2013 2013 2013 ·10am 10am 10am Duval, SK |SK Wednesday, AprilApril 3, 2013 · 10am

2005 CASE IH STX450 CASE IH STX450 && 2005 2005 CASE CASE IHIH STX450 STX450 && 2005 2005 CASE IH STX450 & 2– 2011 CASE IH 8120 DEGELMAN 6900 16 FT 2008 CASE IH 485 2– 2011 CASE IH 8120 2– 2– 2011 2011 CASE CASE IHIH 8120 8120 DEGELMAN DEGELMAN 16 FT && CASE 485 DEGELMAN DEGELMAN 6900 6900 16 16 FTFT &2008 & 2008 2008 CASE CASE IHIH 485 485 2– 2011 CASE IH 8120 6900 6900 16 FT & 2008 CASE IH 485IH

2– 2008 MASSEY FERGUSON 9435 36 FT 2– 2008 MASSEY FERGUSON 9435 FT 2– 2– 2008 2008 MASSEY MASSEY FERGUSON FERGUSON 9435 9435 36 36 FTFT 2– 2008 MASSEY FERGUSON 9435 36 FT 36

2011 CASE IH 4420 120 FT 2011 CASE IH 4420 FT 2011 2011 CASE CASE IHIH 4420 4420 120 120 FTFT 2011 CASE IH 4420 120 FT120

2008 BOURGAULT BOURGAULT 2008 2008 BOURGAULT BOURGAULT 20082008 BOURGAULT 3310PHD 66 FT 3310PHD FT 3310PHD 3310PHD 66 66 FTFT 3310PHD 66 FT 66

2006 CASE IH ADX3430 1998 DOEPKER 2006 CASE IH ADX3430 2006 2006 CASE CASE IHIH ADX3430 ADX3430 DOEPKER 1998 1998 DOEPKER DOEPKER 2006 CASE IH ADX3430 1998 1998 DOEPKER AUCTION LOCATION: From Strasbourg, SK, go 11.3 km miles) North on Hwy 20 Duval, then 10.5 km (6.5 miles) West, AUCTION LOCATION: From Strasbourg, go 11.3 km (7(7(7North miles) North on Hwy 20 tototoDuval, then km (6.5 miles) West, AUCTION AUCTION LOCATION: LOCATION: From From Strasbourg, Strasbourg, SK, SK, gogo 11.3 km km (7 miles) miles) North North onon Hwy Hwy 2020 to Duval, Duval, then then 10.5 10.5 km km (6.5 (6.5 miles) miles) West, West, AUCTION LOCATION: From Strasbourg, SK, go SK, 11.3 km (711.3 miles) on Hwy 20 to Duval, then 10.5 km10.5 (6.5 miles) West, Yard on North Side. GPS: 51.1549556, -105.1366778 on North Side. GPS: 51.1549556, -105.1366778 Yard Yard on on North North Side. Side. GPS: GPS: 51.1549556, 51.1549556, -105.1366778 -105.1366778 Yard onYard North Side. GPS: 51.1549556, -105.1366778 Cab 4x4 Doepker 28 Super Grain Trailer PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2005 Case Cab 4x4 ··Doepker 1998 Doepker 28 FtFt BBBGrain Trailer ··· · AAAPARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: Case Cab Cab 4x4 4x4 ·1998 1998 · 1998 Doepker Doepker 28 28 FtSuper Ft Super B Grain Grain Trailer A PARTIAL PARTIAL EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT LIST LIST INCLUDES: INCLUDES: 2005 2005 Case Case4x4 Cab · 1998 28 Ft Super BSuper Grain Trailer · Trailer A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2005 2005 Case 2008 Bourgault 3310PHD 66 Air Drill 2006 Case IH STX450 4WD 2008 Case IH 485 Quadtrac Ford Bourgault 3310PHD 66 FtFt Drill ···2006 Case IH STX450 ···2008 Case 485 Quadtrac 2008 2008 Bourgault Bourgault 3310PHD 3310PHD 66 66 FtAir Ft Air Drill Drill 2006 · 2006 Case Case IHIH STX450 STX450 4WD 4WD 2008 · 2008 Case Case IH IH 485 485 Quadtrac Quadtrac Ford ·2008 Ford 2008 Bourgault 3310PHD 66 Ft Air Drill ·Air 2006 Case IH STX450 4WD ·4WD 2008 Case IH 485IH Quadtrac · Ford···Ford IH ADX3430 Tow-Between Air Tank Blanchard Tow9030 Bi-Directional 2005 Case IH MX210 MFWD ·· · IH ADX3430 Tow-Between Air ···Blanchard Bi-Directional Case IH MX210 MFWD IHIH ADX3430 ADX3430 Tow-Between Tow-Between Air Air Tank Tank ·Blanchard Blanchard TowTow9030 9030 Bi-Directional Bi-Directional ·2005 2005 Case Case IHIH MX210 MX210 MFWD IH·ADX3430 Tow-Between Air Tank ·Tank Blanchard Tow- Tow9030 9030 Bi-Directional · 2005···2005 Case IH MX210 MFWD · MFWD Between Air Tank 1996 Riteway Jumbo 8000 70 1983 Yanmar 276D MFWD 2011 Case IH 8120 Air ··Riteway Riteway 8000 FtFt 1983 Yanmar 276D MFWD Utility ··2– 2011 Case IH Between Between Air Air Tank Tank ·1996 ·1996 1996 Riteway Riteway Jumbo Jumbo 8000 8000 70 70 FtFt 1983 1983 Yanmar Yanmar 276D 276D MFWD MFWD Utility Utility ·2– 2– ·Case 2– 2011 2011 Case Case IH8120 IH 8120 8120 Between Between Air Tank ·Tank 1996 JumboJumbo 8000 70 Ft 70 1983 Yanmar 276D MFWD Utility ·Utility 2– 2011 IH 8120 Heavy Harrows 18 Rock Rake ·2011 Case 2008 Case IH 2152 40 Draper 2008 Massey Harrows ··Riteway 18 FtFt Rock ·Case Case ··2– 2008 Case IH 2152 40 FtFt ··2– 2008 Massey Heavy Heavy Harrows Harrows ·Riteway Riteway · Riteway 1818 FtRake Ft Rock Rock Rake Rake ·2011 2011 · 2011 Case Case ·2– 2– · 2– 2008 2008 Case Case IH IH 2152 2152 40 40 FtDraper Ft Draper Draper ·2– 2– · 2– 2008 2008 Massey Massey HeavyHeavy Harrows · Riteway 18 Ft Rock ·Rake 2011 · 2– 2008 Case IH 2152 40 Ft Draper · 2– 2008 Massey IH 4420 120 High Clearance Sprayer 2000 FlexiFerguson Hesston 9435 1987 International IH 4420 FtFt High Clearance Sprayer FlexiFerguson Hesston FtFt ···International 1987 International IHIH 4420 4420 120 120 FtClearance Ft High High Clearance Clearance Sprayer Sprayer 2000 · 2000 FlexiFlexiFerguson Ferguson Hesston Hesston 9435 9435 36 36 FtFt ·1987 1987 International International IH 4420 120 Ft120 High Sprayer · 2000···2000 FlexiFerguson Hesston 9435 9435 36 Ft 36 ·36 1987 Coil 67XL 120 Field Sprayer ...AND MUCH MORE! 1954 S/A Fuel 2003 Ford F350 Lariat Crew Coil 67XL FtFt Field Sprayer MUCH MORE! 1954 S/A Fuel Truck ···2003 Ford F350 Lariat Crew Coil Coil 67XL 67XL 120 120 FtSprayer Ft Field Field Sprayer Sprayer ...AND ...AND MUCH MUCH MORE! MORE! 1954 1954 S/A S/A Fuel Fuel Truck Truck ·2003 2003 Ford Ford F350 F350 Lariat Lariat Crew Crew67XL Coil 120 Ft120 Field ...AND...AND MUCH MORE! 1954 S/A Fuel Truck ·Truck 2003 Ford F350 Lariat Crew For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com For up-to-date equipment listings, check our website: rbauction.com For For up-to-date up-to-date equipment equipment listings, listings, please please check check our our website: website: rbauction.com rbauction.com For up-to-date equipment listings, pleaseplease check our website: rbauction.com

Ray Hilderman: 306.725.7440, Ray Hilderman: 306.725.7440, Ray Ray Hilderman: Hilderman: 306.725.7440, 306.725.7440, Ray Hilderman: 306.725.7440, Lorne Hilderman: 306.725.7936, Hilderman: 306.725.7936, Lorne Lorne Hilderman: Hilderman: 306.725.7936, 306.725.7936, Lorne Lorne Hilderman: 306.725.7936, Perry Hilderman: 306.725.7210 Hilderman: 306.725.7210 Perry Perry Hilderman: Hilderman: 306.725.7210 306.725.7210 Perry Perry Hilderman: 306.725.7210

Ritchie Bros. Territory Manger Bros. Territory Manger –––– Ritchie Ritchie Bros. Bros. Territory Territory Manger Manger RitchieRitchie Bros. Territory Manger – Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 800.491.4494 Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 800.491.4494 Dan Dan Steen: Steen: 306.361.6154 306.361.6154 800.491.4494 800.491.4494 Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 800.491.4494


AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Most equipment has been purchased new, had excellent maintenance, and always shedded. Major equipment sells at 11:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at www.steffesauctioneers.com.

TRACTORS 2010 JD 9630, deluxe cab, powershift, diff lock, 4 hyd., return flow, integrated AutoTrac, Field Office, heated leather seat, active seat, power mirrors, HID lights, HD Grudgen bearing, full weight pkg., 520/85R46 Michelin triples, 840 actual hrs., PowerGuard JD warranty until 2015 or 2,000 hrs., S/N18013 2009 JD 9630, deluxe cab, powershift, diff lock, 4 hyd., return flow, integrated AutoTrac, buddy seat, power mirrors, leather heated active seat, HID lights, full weight pkg., 520/85R46 Firestone triples, 1,710 hrs., S/N10337 2001 JD 7710, MFWD, Power Quad, left hand reverser, deluxe cab, Field Office, 3 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, front fenders, rear weights, 2001 JD 740 quick tach selfleveling loader, quick tach bucket, joystick control, grill guard, 18.4-42 rears, 16.9-28 fronts, 4,871 hrs., S/N53332 Houle rock fork for JD 740 loader Pallet fork for JD 740 loader COMBINES 2011 JD 9870, STS, Contourmaster, Premium cab, Pro Drive, deluxe controls, 5 spd. feeder house, 553 sep. hrs., 791 engine hrs., S/N740328 2006 JD 9860, STS, Contourmaster, 1,372 sep. hrs., 1,988 engine hrs., S/N715722

HEADS (2) 2009 JD 635F flex heads, S/N730345 & S/N730343 (2) 2007 JD 936 draper heads, 36’, S/N721208 & S/N721286 2002 JD 914 pickup head, S/N690873 SWATHER (2) 2004 Premier 1920 pull-type swathers, 30’, auto fold, factory finger reel, 540 PTO GRAIN CART 2010 Brent 1194 grain cart, 1,100 bu., roll tarp, 21” auger AIR DRILLS 2011 JD 1890 minimum till disc drill, 60’, 7-1/2” & 15” space, all run monitor w/seed counter, JD 1910 tow between commodity cart, 430 bu., cart S/N740496, drill S/N740449 2004 JD 1820 air seeder, 60’, all run blockage monitor, 3-1/2” spread, 7-1/2” space, with 1910 commodity cart, 350 bu. tow behind tank, cart S/N705154, drill S/N705146 PLANTER 1977 IHC Cyclo planter, 8x30” TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 2012 JD 2210 field cultivator, 54’, full floating hitch 2007 Wishek 842T heavy duty tandem disc, 34’ 2006 Degelman 7651 land roller, 51’, full hyd., S/N3348 2004 Flexi-Coil ST820 chisel plow, 62’, full

LOCATION: From the intersection of US Hwy. 83 and State Hwy. 36 (1 mile south of Wilton, ND), 7 miles east on Hwy. 36, 5 miles north on 93rd Street, 3 miles east on 370th Ave, 1 mile north; or from the intersection of US Hwy. 83 and State Hwy. 41 (1 mile north of Wilton, ND), 5 miles east on Hwy 41, turning north to 370th Ave, 8 miles east on 370th Ave, 1 mile north. (38150 132nd St NE, Regan, ND)

TILLAGE EQUIP.(CONT.) floating hitch, tandems across, 3-bar heavy duty harrow 2000 Flexi-Coil ST820 chisel plow, 60’, full floating hitch, tandems across, 3-bar heavy duty harrow 2004 Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy duty harrow, 82’, S/N4448 1998 Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy duty harrow, 70’, S/N3546 SEMI TRACTORS 2005 Kenworth T800 mid-roof, 500 hp. C15 Cat, 13 spd., 523,600 actual miles 1999 Kenworth T600, Aero cab, 470 hp. 12.7 Detroit, 10 spd., 578,158 actual miles 1994 Freightliner FLD120 flat top, VIT interior, 430 hp. 12.7 Detroit, 10 spd., 585,050 miles 1990 Kenworth T600, flat top, 400 hp. 855 Cummins, 13 spd. TRI-AXLE TRUCKS 1989 Kenworth T600 tri-axle, 400 hp. 855 Cummins, 13 spd., Reitan 22’x96”x68” aluminum box, 818,563 actual miles 1980 Ford LN9000 tri-axle, 330 hp. 6V92 Detroit, 9 spd., spring ride, air up/down 3rd axle pusher, dual exhaust, Strong Box 22’x8-1/2’x60” box, 254,553 actual miles TRAILERS 2010 Timpte tandem axle hopper bottom, 40’x96”x72” sides

TRAILERS (CONT.) 2009 Timpte tri-axle hopper bottom, 48-1/2’x102”x78” sides SPRAYERS (2) 2009 Vulcan tandem axle header trailers, 35’ 2001 Wabash dry van, 53’x102” 1974 TrailEze drop deck self-contained implement trailer, 42’, hyd. beavertail 2011 JD 4830 selfpropelled sprayer, 100’ boom, 1,000 gal. SS tank, 527 engine hrs., PowerGuard JD warranty, S/N13539 Set 60/65R38 flotation tires for JD 4830 sprayer Summers sprayer, 2 pt., 60’, 500 gal. poly tank, hyd. pump GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT 2002 Walinga 7614 grain vac, SS pipe 2008 Brandt auger, 90’x13” 2009 Brandt auger, 80’x10” 2009 Brandt auger, 70’x13” Farm King auger, 70’x13” 2004 Westfield J210-36 auger, 36’x10” Westfield J210-36 auger, 36’x10” 2007 Brandt 1545 self-propelled belt conveyor, S/N81606 Wheatheart 3 hp. electric/220v hyd.


Mark 701.220.1927 • Alan 701.220.8530 Auctioneers & Clerk:

Steffes Auctioneers Inc., 2000 Main Avenue East, West Fargo, ND 58078 701.237.9173 • Scott Steffes ND81, Brad Olstad ND319, Bob Steffes ND82, Ashley Huhn ND843, Eric Gabrielson ND890, Randy Kath ND894 • www.steffesauctioneers.com

GRAIN HANDLING EQUIP. (CONT.) drive drag auger on 2-wheel cart Kwik Kleen cleaner, 7 tube, 7-1/2 hp. electric Westfield Tote Tank 14 ton twin compartment drill fill on heavy duty truck frame running gear, hyd. auger (2) power takeouts for 33’ dia. bins (3) Keho aeration fans, 5 hp., set for 220v FORKLIFT 2008 Komatsu Tusk forklift, 5,000 lb., S/N215312A OTHER EQUIPMENT 2001 Highline 78 hyd. bat reel rockpicker Degelman pull-type rock windrower, PTO Degelman 9 frontmount dozer Woods RM990 finishing mower, 90” Loftness 962BTS snowblower, 96” (2) Valmar 3255 granular applicators Farm King canola roller, 10’ Poly canola roller, 8’ Approx. (15) high line poles Skid bottom ALSO TO INCLUDE: GPS EQUIP., NH3 EQUIP., FUEL & FERTILIZER TANKS, BB RADIOS, SHOP EQUIP. & PARTS

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


FARM MACHINERY Combines Combine – Case/IH

Combine ACCessories

2000 2388, 2,376 ROTOR hours, yield & moisture, rake-up pick-up, 25-ft straight cut w/pick-up reels. $75,000 OBO. Phone:(204)638-9286.


Tired of shovelling out your bins, unhealthy dust and awkward augers? Walinga manufactures a complete line of grain vacs to suit your every need. With no filters to plug and less damage done to your product than an auger, you’re sure to find the right system to suit you. Call now for a free demonstration or trade in your old vac towards a new WALINGA AGRI-VACS Fergus, ON: (519) 787-8227 Carman, MB: (204) 745-2951 Davidson, SK: (306) 567-3031

FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Baling SELLING A 2003 BALE King 3000, left hand discharge, very good shape, 1 owner. (204)855-2073 evenings.

FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various

2008 CASE-IH 2588 combine w/2015 PU, 476 sep hrs, 594 engine hrs, Pro 600 monitor, y/m, rice tires, hopper topper, shedded, heavy soil machine, $170,000 open to offers. (204)735-2886, (204)981-5366.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories 2009 MACDON FD70 FLEXDRAPER Header, 40ft, CR/AFX adaptor, dual knife drive, transport, $54,000. (701)825-6247.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories

FOR SALE: 2005 CASE IH 8010 combine, AWD, 45-32 front tires, means 45-in wide, 28Lx26 rear tires, approx 1950-separator hrs w/spreader & chopper, 30-ft draper header, $150,000; 2008 Case IH 8010, AWD, 45-32 front tires, 28Lx26 rear tires, spreader & chopper, approx 800-separator hrs, w/30-ft flex draper header, $250,000. Phone:(204)871-0925.

1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. www.harvestsalvage.ca New, Used & Re-man. Parts

Tractors Combines Swathers


HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 charles@arcfab.ca www.arcfab.ca

1997 JD 9600, COMPLETE w/Trelleborg tires, always shedded, field ready, $65,000 OBO. Phone:(204)745-8333. JD 9600 1994 fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, auger extension, 2-SPD cyl, 2,500 sep hrs, 1 owner. Phone (204)638-2513 or (204)572-6576.

“For All Your Farm Parts”

www.fyfeparts.com The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Buy and Sell anything you need through the

RETIRED, HAVE FOR SALE: Green-lighted JD7800 MFWD tractor w/GPS; 36-ft Continental Anhydrous applicator on Morris cultivator frame w/mounted harrows; 54-ft Morris 4-bar harrows; 18ft Ezee-On model 400 heavy disc; 30-ft JD 9450 press hoe drill. Wilmot Milne (204)385-2486, cell (204)212-0531, Gladstone MB. WANTED: GOOD USED 10-IN. Knock on shovels to fit 24245 bracket. Selling hard surface roto tiller blades w/ 5/8 holes on 2-in. centers. Lloyd Atchison (204)854-2947, Pipestone.

TracTors FARM MACHINERY Tractors – White FOR SALE: 2-105 WHITE tractor, complete new engine & frame 10-hrs ago, rear tires approx 80%, LPTO, the high-low shift, nice tractor, $9500. Phone:(204)871-0925.

NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts

FOR SALE: 4 USED 30-in scrapper tracks for a Case FTX 450 quad track, no lugs missing or rips, $4,000/each. Phone:(204)871-0925. SELLING 4490 CASE COMPLETE w/duals/14-ft Degelman dozer 5600-hrs, good working order. (204)855-2073 evenings.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere


Check out A & I online parts store www.pennosmachining.com


STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443


Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: farmparts.ca E-mail: roy@farmparts.ca FARM MACHINERY Salvage GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.


Location: Lelm Implement Inc., 2329 Business Hwy 52 S, Harvey, ND

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Case-IH financing will be available, must be pre-approved. For information contact Jim at (701) 324-2255. Major equipment sells at 11:00 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at www.steffesauctioneers.com.

CASE-IH COMBINES (CONT.) 2009 Case-IH Steiger 435, 1,105 hrs., 2008 Case-IH 2588, 1,005 S/NZ8F111736 sep./1,254 eng. hrs., S/NHAJ303273 2008 JD 9630, 1,900 hrs., S/N2998 2007 Case-IH 2588, axial flow, AFX rotor, AHH, 2004 NH TV145, 1,835 S/NHAJ300233 hrs., S/NRVS022245 1980 Versatile 895, 7,532 2003 Case-IH 2388, axial hrs., tach changed at flow, specialty rotor, 6,989 hrs., S/N090103 S/NJJC0074134 1967 JD 3020, S/N106814 2001 Case-IH 2388, 3,309 sep./3,900 eng. hrs., 1966 IHC 656, shows S/NJJC0269448 5,202 hrs., S/N16551 1999 Case-IH 2388, 2,106 CASE-IH COMBINES sep./2,598 eng. hrs., S/NJJC0266182 2010 Case-IH 9120, 298 1993 Case-IH 1688, 5,098 sep./430 eng. hrs., eng. hrs., S/NJJC0119156 S/NYAG209137 JD COMBINES 2010 Case-IH 9120 385 sep./498 eng. hrs., 2010 JD 9770, 1,227 S/NYAG208693 sep./1,542 eng. hrs., 2010 Case-IH 9120, 633 S/N737895 sep./798 eng. hrs., 2010 JD 9770, 1,318 S/NYAG208707 sep./1,710 eng. hrs., 2010 Case-IH 9120, 1,100 S/N737934 eng. hrs., S/NY9G208115 2010 JD 9770, 1,323 2010 Case-IH 9120, 1,110 sep./1,645 eng. hrs., eng. hrs., S/N208133 S/N738145 2009 Case-IH 9120, 1,022 2005 JD 9760, 1,863 sep./1,248 eng. hrs., sep./2,608 eng. hrs., S/NY9G206942 S/N711211 2010 Case-IH 8120, 440 NH COMBINES sep./635 eng. hrs., 2009 NH CR9070, 990 S/NYAG209338 sep./1,179 eng. hrs., 2006 Case-IH 8010, 1,191 S/NY9G112310 sep./1,543 eng. hrs., 2009 NH CR9070, S/NHAJ106504 S/NY9G112397 2009 Case-IH 7120, 622 2004 NH CR970, 2,186 sep./838 eng. hrs., sep. /3,129 eng. hrs., S/NY9G20746 S/NHAJ101391 2003 NH CR970, 1,770 TERMS: All items eng. hrs., S/NHAJ100307 sold as is where is. Payment of cash 1999 NH TR99, 2,560 hrs., or check must be complete service done, made sale day before S/N564891 removal of items. 1994 NH TX66, 2,900 Statements made engine hrs., S/N8208036 auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. ND Sales Tax laws apply.

KIP KELLY GRAVITY CLEANER #300, has 2 decks, powered by 7.5-HP electric motor, $6450; 2) Forever Grain cleaners 36x42-in, powered by 1-HP electric motor, $3450; 1) 36-ft 4x6-in all-steel bucket elevator, $3795. 1) 7-inx45-ft Brandt grain loader, $750. Phone:(306)728-3760 lv msg, Melville SK.

1982 CASE IH 5288, 160-hp, cab w/heater & A/C. New 20.8 x 38 rear tires w/factory duals, 1000 PTO. Tractor’s in very nice condition, w/9,300-hrs, engine & trans. just recently rebuilt. Asking $18,000. Phone Dave:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298. Cypress River, MB.

Eden, MB 204-966-3221 Fax: 204-966-3248


JD 7000 CORN PLANTER. 8 row, Excellent condition, field ready, small fingers & large fingers, heavy disc. $12,000 OBO Phone:(204)573-0454 or (204)354-2254.


Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd.


FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various

WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444

Rebuilt Concaves

Rebuild combine table augers Rebuild hydraulic cylinders Roller mills regrooved MFWD housings rebuilt Steel and aluminum welding Machine Shop Service Line boreing and welding

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.

1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton

FARM MACHINERY Combine – John Deere 1997 9600 W/914 PU, w/header height, 4012/2784-hrs, w/hopper topper & 18.4-38 duals, HID lights, wired for JD ATU autosteer, air-ride seat, VGC, Green-light inspected at local JD dealership fall of 2011 & 2012, inspection papers avail., $59,000 OBO. Phone:(204)324-3264.

FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories

CASE-IH FLEX DRAPER HEADS 2010 Case-IH 2162 flex draper, 40’, S/NYAZN12489 2010 Case-IH 2162 flex draper, 40’, S/NYAZN12490 2009 Case-IH 2162 flex draper, 40’, S/NY9ZN11867 2004 Case-IH 2062 flex draper, 30’, S/NCCC0015024 MACDON FLEX DRAPER & DRAPER HEADS 2011 MacDon FD70 flex draper, 40’, S/N207530 2007 MacDon FD70 flex draper, 40’, S/N77846 2005 MacDon 974 flex draper, 36’, S/N165825 2003 MacDon 974 flex draper, 30’, S/N155297 2008 MacDon D60S draper head, 30’, S/N183833 2006 MacDon 973 draper head, 36’, S/N170049 2001 MacDon 960 draper head, 36’, S/N78080 1993 MacDon 960 draper head, 36’ NH DRAPER HEADS 2009 NH 94C draper head, 42’, full warranty, New, never used, S/N42GB091926 2004 NH draper head, 42’, S/N4204001915 HONEYBEE HEADS 2009 HoneyBee P42 flex draper, 42’, S/N4255093215 1998 HoneyBee 994 draper head, 30’, S/NG13430982061


10:00 AM Parts Inventory 11:00 AM Lawn/Garden, Other Equip., Trailers, & Hay Equip. 12:00 PM Planting Equipment, Harrow & Grain Carts 12:30 PM Tractors, Combines, Heads & Combine Trailers

CASE-IH FLEX HEADS 2008 Case-IH 2020 flex head, 35’, S/NCBJ091019 1990 Case-IH 1020 flex head, 25’, S/NJJC0063541 1990 Case-IH 1020 flex head, 25’, S/N63541 JD FLEX HEADS 2012 JD 635F flex head, 35’, S/N745691 2012 JD 635F flex head, 35’, S/N745689 2012 JD 635F flex head, 35’, S/N74692 2012 JD 635F flex head, 35’, S/N745695 2008 JD 635F flex head, 35’, S/N725498 2001 JD 930F flex head, 30’, S/N693346 2001 JD 930F flex head, 30’, S/N692363 2001 JD 930F flex head, 30’, S/N691840 1998 JD 930F flex head, 30’ NH FLEX HEADS 2008 NH 88C flex head, 42’, S/N4255083131 1993 NH 973 flex head, 20’, S/N545094 1988 NH 973 flex head, 30’, S/N139598 PICKUP HEADS 2006 Case-IH 2015 pickup head, 15’, 5-belt pickup (2) Case-IH 1015 pickup heads 1987 Agco R133 pickup head, S/N13968 RIGID HEADS 1993 Case-IH 1010 rigid head, 30’, S/N127554 1987 Case-IH 1010 rigid head, 30’, S/N3020 CORN HEADS 2009 JD 612C chopping corn head, 12x30”, S/N730255 2008 Case-IH 2412 corn head, 12x30”, S/NCBJ039320

Steffes Auctioneers Inc., 2000 Main Ave East, West Fargo ND 58078 (701) 237-9173 • www.steffesauctioneers.com • Brad Olstad ND319, Scott Steffes ND81, Bob Steffes ND82, Ashley Huhn ND843, Eric Gabrielson ND890, Randy Kath ND894

CORN HEADS (CONT.) 2006 Cressoni 830 chopping corn head, 8x30” 2002 JD 893 corn head, 8x30”, S/N697082 AIR SEEDER Flexi-Coil 5000 air seeder, 61’, 7-1/2” space, tow behind 2320 twin compartment commodity cart, 230 bu., cart S/NS069593, seeder S/NP061085 PLANTER JD 7200 MaxEmerge planter, 12x30”, 1.6 bu. hoppers, S/N300278 HARROW 2004 Brandt Contour Commander heavy duty harrow, 70’, hyd. angle, carbide tips, 27”x1/2” teeth GRAIN CARTS & GRAVITY BOXES 2010 Demco 1050 grain cart, 1000 bu., S/NA24311 1994 Killbros 500 twin compartment gravity box, S/N151724 Dakon 175 gravity wagon, 4-wheel gear BALERS 2008 Case-IH RBX563 baler, S/NY7N019823 2008 NH BR7090 baler, S/NY7N034573 2006 NH BR780A baler, S/NY7N030133 2005 NH BR780 baler, S/N64912 1983 NH 855 chain baler, S/N7075625 Vermeer 605K baler, S/N002465 1990 Vicon 1511E round baler


PARTING OUT TRACTORS: CASE 930, 1270, Cockshutt 30, MM-U, also cultivators, harrows, seed drills, some older trucks, misc hyd cyl., some combine parts, older swathers, etc. (204)685-2124 cell (204)871-2708. TRACTORS FOR PARTS: IHC 1486, 1086, 886, 1066, 966, 1256, 656, 844, 806, 706, 660, 650, 560, 460, 624, 606, 504, 434, 340, 275, 240-4, W9, WD6, W6, W4, H, 340, B-414; CASE 4890, 4690, 2096, 2394, 2390, 2290, 2090, 2470, 1370, 1270, 1175, 1070, 970, 870, 1030, 930, 830, 730, 900, 800, 700, 600, 400, DC4, SC; MF 2745, 1805, 1155, 1135, 1105, 1100, 2675, 1500, 1085, 1080, 65, Super 90, 88, 202, 44, 30; JD 8640, 3140, 6400, 5020, 4020, 3020, 4010, 3010, 710; Cockshutt 1900, 1855, 1850, 1800, 1655, 1650, 560, 80, 40, 30; Oliver 66; White 4-150, 2-105; AC 7060, 7045, 7040, 190XT, 190, 170, WF; Deutz DX130, DX85, 100-06, 90-06, 80-05, 70-06; Volvo 800, 650; Universal 651, 640; Ford 7600, 6000, 5000, Super Major, Major; Belarus 5170, 952, 825, 425, MM 602, U, M5; Vers 700, 555, 145, 118; Steiger 210 Wildcat; Hesston 780. Also have parts for combines, swathers, square & round balers, tillage, press drills, & other misc machinery. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727 or toll free 1-877-858-2728 .

FARM MACHINERY Snowblowers, Plows 12-ft. Rubber Snow Pusher. Cut your snow removal time in half with a 12-ft. snow pusher made from durable mining tires. Each pusher is made with skid steer hook-ups. SAFE ON CURBS AND DRIVEWAYS. A steal at $3200. Call TJ at (204)768-0600

1974 JD 4430, CAB w/heater & A/C, new 18.4 x 38 rear tires w/factory duals, 540 & 1000 PTO. 12,500-hrs on tractor, engine was rebuilt at 9,000-hrs. Comes w/148 JD loader, manure bucket, dirt bucket & bale prong. W/joystick control. Asking $24,000. Phone Dave:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298. Cypress River, MB. FOR SALE: 7130 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3pt, 3hyd; 6400 MFWD, PQ, RHS, 3pt, 2,00-hrs; 7410 MFWD, PQ RHS, 3pt w/740 loader; (2) 4650 MWFD, 15 spd, 3pt, factory duals; (2) 4455 MFWD, 3pt, 15 spd; 3155 MWFD, 3pt, w/loader; 2955 MWFD, 3pt, w/wo loader; 4430 Quad, 3pt, painted; 8760 7,800-hrs, quad, 4 hyd, couplers, quad range trans., 16 spd; JD 725 FEL. All tractors can be sold w/new or used loaders. MITCH’S TRACTOR SALES LTD Box 418 St. Claude, MB R0G 1Z0 Phone:(204)750-2459. JD 9300 1998 20.8X42 triples, 5,800-hrs, 12-SPD trans, shedded, nice shape, $85,000 OBO. Phone (204)638-2513 or (204)572-6576.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Versatile 1985 836 VERSATILE W/PTO, 4 remotes, plumbed for air seeder, showing 7030-hrs, w/L-10 engine & standard transmission. Tire size 18.4x38 w/75% rubber left & tractor is in VGC. Phone:(204)836-2293, cell (204)825-7875.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 4 Wheel Drive 1850 Oliver/Cockshutt MFWD Looking for 1850 Oliver/Cockshutt MFWD running or not. Need parts tractor for restoration project. Phone (204)268-9662 2008 JOHN DEERE 9530T, 2890-hrs, 36-in tracks, AT ready, wide swing drawbar, 4-hyd, 1000PTO, HIDs, deluxe cab, buddy seat, $230,000. (701)825-6247.

Tillage & Seeding

2011 VERS. 435 TRACTOR. 300-hrs, 800x38 Firestone tires, 4 hyd, deluxe cab, like new, w/complete JD auto-steer. $196,000US. Phone:(701)741-7957 or (218)773-8160. Grand Forks, MN.

FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Air Drills

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various

2000 CONCORD CASE IH 2710 drill, 1100 tank, single chute, new low disturbance sweeps & Richland boots 2012. Phone (204)348-2703

FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Seeding 06 JD 1770 NT 16-30in planter. 2x2 liquid fertilizer w/Yetter all wheel steer caddie. 3-bu hoppers, Esets, row cleaners. Excellent condition, always shedded. $76,000US. Phone:(218)773-8160 or (701)741-7957. Grand Forks, MN.

FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Tillage WANTED: SUNFLOWER-MORRIS EXPRESS DISC Airdrill, 40-45-ft in width, in good shape. Phone Days Cell:(204)526-5298 or Evenings (204)743-2145.

FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various 28-FT IHC 6200 PRESS drills, factory transport, hyd. markers, shaft monitor, shedded & field ready. 25-ft IHC 725 swather, shedded & very nice. Massey Ferguson 852 pull-type combine, full monitor, new pickup, shedded, really nice condition. Reason for selling: Quit farming. Phone:(204)858-2117. FOR SALE: 1998 30-FT Ezee-On air seeder, double chute, Flexi-Coil stealth openers, 2250 tow between tank, 3500 cultivator, mulchers. Call (204)248-2295, (204)248-2629. FOR SALE: 33-FT FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, w/1720 TBH air tank, heavy trips, 3/4-in Atom Jet Carbide hoe-tips on 7.2-in spacing, steel press wheels & liquid fert. kit, good cond., side-slide markers also avail. Call (204)867-2087 (204)867-7117, Horner Cattle Co., Minnedosa. JD 4000 DISC 16-FT. wide, $3,000; Ezee-On disc 14-ft. wide $3,500, will trade for harrow packer bar 50 to 60-ft. Phone (204)856-6907.

1982 HESTON FIAT 1880 DT w/front wheel assit, 160-hp, comes w/894 Allied motor w/manure bucket, dirt bucket & bale prong. New 20.8 x 38 rear tires, 16.9 x 28 front tires, 70% thread left. 1000 PTO, triple hyd., Cab has heater & A/C. In good running order w/9,900-hrs. Asking $26,000. Phone Dave:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous 2008 DODGE 2500 4X4, 152,000-km, $28,500; 2007 Hyundai Tucson 150,000-km, $14,000 OBO; 2009 Manac tri-axle step deck, all aluminum, left axle, tool box, $42,500 OBO; Hough 90 Wheel loader, $11,000 OBO; JD 4000 16-ft. disc, $3,000 OBO; Ezee-On disc 14-ft. $3,500 OBO. Phone (204)856-6907. 40-FT JD 1050 FIELD cultivator, 3-hose mulchers, like-new shovels, $3500; 90-ft Powermatic, diamond harrows, $2200; 80-ft Powermatic, tine harrows, heavy coil, $3200; 24-ft JD Crestreel, rubber packers, plus 16-ft JD drill for parts, grass seeders; 18-ft Drill-fill, $500; All items in good cond. & ready to use. Phone:(204)373-2502, pls lv msg. FOR SALE: 70-FT HEAVY diamond $1,825 OBO Phone:(204)745-2784.


GRAVITY WAGONS NEW 400B, $7,100; 600B, $12,000; Used 350B, $2,500 up; Parker 650B, $10,500; Parker 750B, $14,900; Large Selection Grain Carts Brent 620, $10,000; JM 750, $12,500; JM 875, $20,000; Ficklin 700B Hyd Dr., $13,500; Grain Screeners Hutch #1500, $2,200; Hutch #3000, $5,000; HiCap 5-48, $2,500; DMC 54, $5,000; Kwik Kleen 5-7 Tube, $3,500 up; Valmar Applicator, $850; New Hyd Post Auger for Skidsteer, $2,250; Grapple Bucket, $1,600; Pallet Fork, $850. Phone (204)857-8403. JD MODEL 1050 CULTIVATOR, 61.5-ft, $6,000. Phone:(204)386-2775 or Cell:(204)476-6631. Plumas, MB.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus SILVER CREEK FARMS Angusville, MB Have on offer yearling Registered Red Angus Bulls for sale These bulls have been selected for: feed efficiency, temperament & structural soundness. For more information (204)773-3252


15th Annual Angus Bull Sale 12:00pm - Lunch 1:00pm - Sale

Saturday, March 16th at the farm ------------------------------------------------



LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions

Compost Turners, Spreaders, Screeners, Baggers

Brent Hansen Environmental

204-726-3335 www.globalrepair.ca NEW HONDA MOTORS, 13HP, can be ordered. For Sale: 2013-GX620, 20hp, V-twin oil alert, hour counter, electric start, Retails at $2,395, Special at $1,640. New Equinox LR-175 black tank, 1,250-g Retail at $620, 1 left @ $420 special. New Equinox LR-177 yellow tank, 1,250-g, Retails at $799, special $599. Equinox holding & septic tanks available to order. 1 2012 GX620, 20hp, twin oil alert, Retails at $2,244, Special $1,670. 1998 Ford LX 4x4 143,998kms, V6 4.2L engine, w/warranty on motor & trans, Retails at $5,290, Special at $4,350 OBO. Private deal, 1 owner. Phone:(204)822-1354 or Cell:(204)823-1559. SKIDSTEERS GEHL #4510 $7,000; NH865 $12,900; Gehl #6625 $12,900; Snowblowers: JD 7ft $1,500, International 7-ft $1,500: Schweiss 8-ft single auger $800; Scrapers Crown 6-yd $5,000; Fieldmaster 4-yd $3,900; New 10-ft Land Levellers $2,250, 12-ft $2,450; 3PH 9-ft blade $900; Used 7ft 3PH blade $600; 11-ft 3PH rotary ditcher $1,250; Woods 6-ft pull-type mower $1,600, JD 5-ft $1,000, NH 9-ft sicle mower $2,200 IH Mirmill $1,500; Henke 36-in rollermill $5,000; 20-in rollermill $2,000. Phone:(204)857-8403

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted WANTED EQUIPMENT INCLUDING STALLS for tie stall dairy barn. Phone (204)728-8448. WANTED OLD DEAD GRAIN trucks. Landmark MB. (204)355-4667 fax (204)355-4131. 4000


WANTED TO BUY LARGE instant freezer. Koshowski Potato Growers (204)638-8415. WANTED: USED FORAGE BLOWER. Call evening (204)243-2634.


The Icynene Insulation System® • Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®


FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440. FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.


Every Friday 9AM

NEXT SHEEP & GOAT SALE Wednesday, March 20 @ 1:00 pm


Monday, March 25 Gates Open: Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM We Will Buy Cattle Direct On Farm For more information call: 204-694-8328 Jim Christie 204-771-0753 Scott Anderson 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg 204-841-0747

www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122

------------------------------------------------ Several AI sired - Semen tested & BVD PI negative - Performance & ultrasound data - High forage TMR ration - Selected from a group of 250 bulls - Free delivery & board til May 1 - Delayed payment plan available - Call for a catalogue or view website FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Albert, Glen, Larissa Hamilton (204)827-2358 or (204)526-5105 Dr. David Hamilton (204)822-3054 or (204)325-3635 www.hamcocattleco.com

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus 2 Year Old Angus Bulls GBT Angus Private Treaty Bull Offering with online bidding. Bred and fed in a responsible manner to maximize fertility and longevity. To view/bid on our moderate, efficient, real world bulls visit www.edjeauctions.com or www.gbtangus.com or call Trevor at (306)739-2924. Bidding closes March 22. 3 2-YR OLD BLACK Angus bulls w/experience. Also, Yearling Black Angus bulls. Holloway Angus. Souris, Manitoba. Phone: (204)741-0070 or (204)483-3622. BOTANY ANGUS FARM & Leaning Spruce Stock Farm have for sale yearling & 2 yr old Black Angus bulls. Come early, a deposit will hold your purchase until Spring. For more info & prices contact Ryan Shearer (204)824-2151 or (204)761-5232.


IHC 660 TRACTOR. Phone (204)664-5447

WANTED:TD6, 835 VERSATILLE, swather. Phone:(204)378-5543.



82 Red & 35 Black Angus Yearling bulls 7 - 2 yr old Red Angus bulls 9 - 2 yr old Black Angus bulls


LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions

Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519

7TH ANNUAL PROUDLY WESTERN BULL SALE, 70 Simmental yearling bulls & a select group of yearling heifers sell Saturday, March 30th, 1:00pm at the Whitewood Auction Barn, Whitewood, SK. For more info contact one of the consignors: Johnson Stock Farms, (306)224-4272, Prairie Wind Farms Ltd., (306)634-4410, Scissors Creek Cattle Co., (306)735-4434, Sun Rise Simmentals, (306)534-4700, Tableland Cattle Co., (306)421-7967 or KBR Kattle Kompany, (306)458-7503. Catalogue can be viewed at www.transconlivestock.com.


“Focus on the Future” Bull Sale is Mar. 28th, 2:00pm, Alameda Auction Mart, Alameda, SK. Selling herd building Red & Black Simm & Simm X Angus bulls. Breed leading polled Hereford bulls. As well as a select group of open commercial females. Wintering, delivery, terms available. For catalogues or info call Wheatland Cattle Co. (Vernon LaFrentz) (306)634-7765, ANL Polled Herefords (Karl Lischka) (306)487-2670 or T Bar C Cattle Co. (306)933-4200 (PL #116061). View the catalogue online at www.buyagro.com HI-WEIGH BREEDERS BULL SALE, supplying Pay Weight Sires Wed., Mar. 27th, 1:00pm PlainsAg Complex, Neepawa, MB. 70+ Char & Angus bulls including 2 yr olds & yearlings. Polled & Red Factor. Weights, measurements & performance data will be posted. Delivery avail. For catalogues & info call Raymond (204)724-3600, Shawn (204)724-8823, Harry (204)724-3605 or T Bar C Cattle Co. (PL #116061) (306)933-4200. View the catalogue online www.buyagro.com


REGULAR CATTLE SALES with Holstein Calves every TUESDAY at 9 am

Monday, March 25th Sheep & Goat Sale with Small Animals at 12:00 Noon Saturday, March 16th Bred Cow & Heifer Sale at 10:00 a.m.

Sales Agent for


We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc) For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call

Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519 MB. Livestock Dealer #1111


LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus ANDERSON CATTLE CO. Bull Sale Mar. 28th 2013 at Valley Livestock Sales, Minitonas, MB. 30+, 2 yr old Red & Black Angus bulls. (204)734-2073 ANGUS PINE FARM HAS yearling Black & Red Angus bulls for sale. Semen tested & delivered, we also have 4 bulls at the MB Bull Test Station, Sale April 6th. Check them out at www.manitobabulltest.com , Also yearling purebred heifers for sale, call Peter or Florence Petrash (204)425-7765, Sundown.

CRANBERRY CREEK ANGUS BULLS for sale on the farm. Bulls are registered, will be semen tested. Choose now, we will deliver at the end of April. Hand fed for longevity, not pushed, these bulls have a great disposition. A.I. sired by Pioneer, Final Answer, Coalition, Mohnen Dynamite, Game Day, natural sires are S Square Tiger & Cranberry Creek Networth. All EPD’s & weights available. For more info please call David & Jeanette Neufeld (204)534-2380, Boissevain. FORAGE BASED BLACK ANGUS Bulls. Virgin 2-yr olds & herd sires available. Phone: (204)564-2540. www.nerbasbrosangus.com FOR SALE: POLLED BLACK Angus & Hereford bulls. Good selection of yearlings & 2-yr olds, semen tested & delivery available. Call Don: (204)873-2430. FOR SALE: REGISTERED BLACK Angus yearling bulls. Moderate framed w/good dispositions, EPD’s avail., will be semen tested & delivered. Blood lines include Kodiak, KMK Alliance, Peacemaker, Aberdeen, Pioneer, Final Product, Dynamite. Also registered open heifers. Phone Colin at Kembar Angus (204)725-3597, Brandon MB. GOOD SELECTION OF 2 yr old & yearling Black Angus bulls; Also Black X Simm hybrid bulls. Guaranteed breeders. Semen tested. B/B Duncan (204)556-2348 (204)556-2342, Cromer. GREENBUSH ANGUS IS GOING to Virden, MB Mar. 24th 2013 as part of the Cattleman’s Classic Bull Sale. Top sons from SAV Density, SAV Providence, S Chisum HARB Windy, Brookmore Dynamite 138X along w/heifer bulls off of Nichols Quiet Lad T9 & TC Aberdeen. Call Greenbush Angus Tim Baker at (204)966-3320 cell (204)476-6040 or email greenbushangus@xplornet.com for more info or for a catalogue. HERD DISPERSAL: 33 BLACK Angus cow calf pairs for sale 16 which were 1st calvers. Cows just finishing calving. Also 8, 2-yr old open heifers & 6, 1-yr old open heifers. To purchaser of the cow calf pairs, able to supply good quality hay. If interested please call Jeff (204)612-1734. OSSAWA ANGUS AT MARQUETTE, MB has 2-yr old & yearling bulls for sale. For more information Phone:(204)375-6658.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus NEW ZALK ANGUS FARM has consigned 15 yearling bulls to Douglas test station & 7 bulls to SW station. Moderate size w/good growth & excellent EPDs. Douglas Sale April 6th, SW Sale April 13th. Check out these quality animals online www.manitobabulltest.com or www.southwestbulldevelopmentcentre.com or phone us (204)685-2537. REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS YEARLING bulls for sale, low birth weight, very quiet, no disappointments, EPD’s & delivery available. Also 5-yr old herd sire. Aramaranth (204)843-2287. WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Black Angus bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Red Angus Red Angus Bulls, Ridge Side Red Angus has consigned 10 bulls @ the South West Bull Development Centre; all from top AI sires. Sale date Apr.13 in Oaklake, MB. This group is as good or better than last years bulls. For more info visit our website: www.ridgesideredangus.com or the South West website, or Call Don:(204)422-5216 or Ron:(204)855-2404. Everyone welcome to see the bulls. The bulls are on test, semen tested, parent verified, ultrasound & tested negative for BVD. Thank You, have a great day & hope to see you there! WILKINRIDGE STOCK FARM ANNUAL Bull Sale Sat., Apr 13th, 1:00pm at Grunthal Auction Mart. Featuring 10 Red yearling Maine-Anjou bulls; 1 Black 2 yr old Maine bull; 7 Black yearling Maine bulls; 19 yearling Red Angus bulls. All bulls are polled, performance tested & will have passed breeding evaluation. Bulls are selected for growth, breeding soundness, calving ability & structural correctness. Bulls can be viewed online at www.wilkinridge.blogspot.ca For more info or sale catalogue Contact Sid Wilkinson (204)373-2631 WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Red Angus bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Blonde d’Aquitaine BELLEVUE BLONDS HAS AN excellent group of performance tested, polled Blond yearling bulls for sale. Call Marcel:(204)379-2426 or (204)745-7412. Haywood, MB.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais DEFOORT STOCK FARM HAS an excellent group of registered Charolais bulls for sale by private treaty. Over 40 bulls on offer, 20 of them are Red. Choose your bull early for best selection. All bulls performace tested, semen tested & delivered. Visit us online at www.defoortstockfarm.com Celebrating 33-yrs in Charolais. Call us at (204)743-2109. DIAMOND W CHAROLAIS & ANGUS 11th Annual Bull Sale, Thursday, March 21, 1:30 PM DST, Valley Livestock, Minitonas, MB. Offering 42 Charolais Two Year Old and Yearlings, many polled, some red factor, 15 Red & Black Angus Yearlings. Sound, semen tested with delivery available. For catalogues and info contact the Orland or Ivan Walker (306)865-3953 or By Livestock (306)536-4261. Catalogue online at www.bylivestock.com FOR SALE: PUREBRED CHAROLAIS bulls, 1-1/2 yr olds & yearlings, polled, some red factor, some good for heifers, semen tested in spring, guaranteed & delivered, R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney MB. Phone:(204)466-2883, cell (204)724-2811. FOR SALE: PUREBRED YEARLING & 2-yr old Charlois bulls, semen tested & guaranteed. Wawanesa, MB. Phone:(204)824-2115. PLEASANT DAWN CHAROLAIS

11th Annual Bull Sale, Saturday, March 16, 1:00 PM, Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB. All polled, some red factor, offering 55 yearlings and 1 herd sire. Wintering, delivery and sight unseen purchase program available. Bred for calving ease w/growth, hair and soundness. For catalogue or info contact Tully Hatch (204)855-2402 or By Livestock (306)536-4261. View catalogue online www.pleasantdawn.com WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Polled Charolais bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.

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Outside Winnipeg: 1-800-782-0794 Winnipeg: 954-1415 Manitoba’s best-read farm publication



The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental

LIVESTOCK Livestock Services & Vet Supplies

STEPPLER FARMS 2nd Annual Charolais Bull Sale Tuesday, March 26, 1:00 PM, Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB. 60 yearlings & 10 two year olds, sound, good haired and thick, most are polled. For catalogue or info contact Andre Steppler, (204)435-2463, Cell; (204)750-1951 or By Livestock (306)536-4261. View videos and catalogue online www.stepplerfarms.com

Changes to Manitoba Livestock Dealers and Agents Licences Livestock Dealers and Agents Licensing regulation (505/88), Under The Livestock and Livestock Products Act. (C.C.S.M. c. L170)

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Gelbvieh POLLED RED & BLACK Gelbvieh bulls, yearling, 2-yr old. Semen tested & delivered. Also 10-15 commercial yearling heifers. Call Maple Grove Gelbvieh (204)278-3255. PRAIRIE GELBVIEH ALLIANCE BULL Sale, Apr 6th 1:30pm. Johnstone Auction Mart, Moosejaw SK. Catalogue at www.johnstoneauction.ca or Selin’s Gelbvieh 306-793-4568.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford FOR SALE: EXCELLENT SELECTION of yearling & 2-yr old purebred, polled Hereford bulls. Good performance, tie broke, quiet, up to date on vaccinations. Will deliver & winter until May 1st. Can be viewed online at www.rocknabh.com. Call Allan /Bonnie at (204)764-0364 or Kevin/Holly at (204)764-0331. FOR SALE: POLLED HEREFORD & Black Angus bulls. Good selection of yearlings & 2-yr olds, semen tested & delivery available. Call Don: (204)873-2430. FOR SALE: REGISTERED POLLED Hereford bulls, reasonably priced, pick your bulls now, will winter to end of April. Call Martin (204)425-3820 or Lenard (204)425-3809.

NEW DEALER LICENCES (2013) Louise Bouvry, Calgary, AB Bouvry Exports Calgary Ltd. Dickson Gould, Winkler, MB Winkler Meats Ltd.

WLB LIVESTOCK 9TH ANNUAL Bull Sale. 2:00pm, March 26, 2013. 50 Black/Red Simmentals & Polled Herefords sell. ALL BULLS SEMEN TESTED. Free board till May 1. Catalogue & video available online, www.wlblivestock.com or call Bill Biglieni (204)763-4697 or (204)729-7925. YEARLING & SEVERAL 2 yr old PB Simm bulls. Reds & Blacks. Thick & Solid coloured w/moderate birth weights. Sired by A.I. Sires: IPU Revolution, In Due Time & Colossal. Semen tested & ready to go. $2,250-3,000. Valley Field Simm Larry Dyck, Morden. Phone evenings (204)822-3657.

LIVESTOCK Cattle Various 150 BRED HEIFERS. Blacks, Tans, Reds bred to Red Angus heifer bulls. Herd health program, plus pelvic measure & preg checked, start calving March 20. Your choice $1300. Volume Discount. Jim Abbott (204)745-3884 or cell (204)750-1157 Carman, MB.

WLB LIVESTOCK 9TH ANNUAL Bull Sale. 2:00pm, March 26th, 2013. 50 Polled Herefords & Black/Red Simmentals sell. ALL BULLS SEMEN TESTED. Free board till May 1. Catalogue & video available online, www.wlblivestock.com or call Bill Biglieni (204)763-4697 or (204)729-7925.

200 BRED HEIFERS, REDS, Blacks, Tans, full herd health program, bred to Black & Red Angus bulls, to start calving April 1st, 2013. All heifers were sourced out of reputation herds. Phone:(204)325-2416.

DIAMOND T LIMOUSIN 8TH Annual Bull & Female Sale Fri., Mar. 22nd, 2013 1:30pm, Kenton, MB. On offer: 26 yearlings; 5, 2 yr olds; 1, 3 yr old herd sire; 10 open heifers. For more info or catalogue contact Travis or Rilla Hunter phone (204)838-2019 or cell (204)851-0809. PLAN TO ATTEND the 2013 Triple R Limousin open house bull sale, Apr. 4th, 5th & 6th. Offering 40 bulls, Red & Black, Polled, yearlings & 2 yr olds. Semen tested & guaranteed. Your source for quality Limousin genetics. Call Art (204)685-2628 or (204)856-3440. POLLED, BLACK & RED LIMOUSIN BULLS Light to moderate birthweights, quiet, semen tested, delivery available. Also a package of replacement heifers. View cattle at www.cherwaylimousin.ca or call (204)736-2878; info@cherwaylimousin.ca

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Lowline NOW IS THE TIME to focus on calving ease & feed efficiency while receiving the benefits of the original Aberdeen Angus genes. We are offering for sale Lowline bulls & bred or open heifers. John Frank (204)246-2383 jnfrank@mymts.net, Darlingford, MB.

30 BLACK & BLACK Simmental. Excellent heifers. Very quite, pail 15. $1,150 choice, Phone:(204)825-2799 Mound, MB.

Baldi & 30 Red angus X quality open replacement fed, willing to feed until Apr or $1,100 take all or (204)825-8340. Pilot

81 1200-LB BRED HEIFERS, 50%Red 50% Black, bred black, due to calve Apr 12/2013. Fully vaccinated including Scour Guard. $1400 each. Call Blair (204)479-4247. BLACK BALDIE OPEN REPLACEMENT heifers, approx 700-lbs. Phone:(204)873-2487. BRED HEIFERS, 55 BLACK Angus & Baldies, top genetics bred to Black easy calving Simmental Maple Lake Bull. You pick $1500, take all- discount. (204)792-8312, Stonewall.

FOR SALE: 60 HOME-RAISED Angus cross heifers, bred to Black Angus bulls, to calve late March. Total health program current, performance guarantee. Call (204)867-2087 or (204)867-7117, Horner Cattle Co., Minnedosa. FOR SALE: ANGUS HEREFORD cross heifers, bred for calving ease, fertility & maternal traits, out of purebred cows & bulls. Guilford Hereford Ranch, Call Don (204)873-2430. HERD DISPERSAL APPROX. 150 Char-cross cows, bred Limousin, start calving April 1st. Bob McQuigge (204)768-2647.

FOR SALE: 2-YR OLD & yearling polled Black Maine-Anjou bulls, low birth weights & good performance. Guaranteed & delivered in spring. Will take hay on trade. (204)523-8408.

HIGH QUALITY BLACK ANGUS & polled Hereford 2-yr old bulls for sale. Bar H Land & Cattle Co. Phone:(306)743-2840. Langenburg SK.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Salers YEARLING & 2-YR OLD polled Saler bulls for sale. Sons of the top preforming sires in Canada. Red or Black, hand fed & quiet, birth weights from 79lbs. www.sweetlandsalers.com or Phone:(204)762-5512

RED & BLACK ANGUS cow/calf pairs for sale, can feed till grass time. Call Doug evenings (204)447-2382, Ste Rose, MB.

LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted HEALTHY HAY (SAINFOIN.EU) SAINFOIN seed for sale. Bloat-free perennial forage. Highly digestible, palatable & nutritious. www.primegrains.com/prime-sainfoin.htm (306)739-2900 jhusband@primegrains.com WANTED: ALL CLASSES OF feeder cattle, yearlings & calves. Dealer Licence# 1353. Also wanted, light feed grains: wheat, barley & oats. Phone:(204)325-2416. Manitou, MB.

LIVESTOCK Sheep For Sale

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Shorthorn

36 YEARLING EWE LAMBS, Polypay East Friesian cross, flushed, exposed Nov 15. w/Great Pyrenees guard dog. Call (204)864-2709.

FOR SALE: RED, POLLED, 2 yr old & yearling bulls. Developed on a growing ration. Birth weights as low as 63-lbs. We also have bulls at Douglas Test Station. Check out our website at www.poplarparkfarm.com (204)764-2382.


LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental 10 YEARLING SIMMENTAL BULLS FOR SALE 3 Fullblood Full Fleck bulls are sired out of JNR Canon, the high seller from the 2010 National Trust Sale in AB. 7 PB bulls are sired by high seller KOPS Livewireson 57W. Birth weights ranging from 84-104 lbs for calving ease, all bulls are semen tested & ready to go. Contact Dallas Ehr from Forty Creek Ranch to learn more about the pedigree & come down to the farm to check them out. Phone: (204)212-0107. 2-YR OLD & YEARLING polled Simmental bulls, w/A.I. backgrounds. Papered cows also for sale. Acomb Valley Simmentals, Minnedosa (204)867-2203. CONRAY CATTLE CO. HAS for sale 2-yr old & yearling polled red factor bulls. These bulls are quiet, structurally sound & have great hair coats. They are sired by a proven calving ease sire. They will be semen tested & delivered. Connor:(204)825-2140 or Gayle:(204)825-0163. SPRUCE GROVE BULL SALE, MAR. 19TH, 1:00pm Edwards Livestock Centre, Tisdale. Offering 40 Simm & Simm X Angus bulls. As well as a select group of Simm replacement females. Wintering & delivery avail. For info Contact Matt (306)864-7942 or T Bar C Cattle Co. (306)933-4200 (PL #116061) View the catalogue online www.buyagro.com

Myron Tatarniuk, Yorkton, SK Jameson Gilroy & B&L Livestock Ltd. Lonnie Wigemyr, Brooks, AB J & F Ranch Canada Inc.

NEW AGENT LICENCES Ben Fox, Dauphin, MB Lyal Peter Fox Michael Nernberg, Winnipeg, MB Winnipeg Livestock Sales Ltd.

LIVESTOCK Poultry For Sale EXOTIC BIRD & ANIMAL AUCTION, Apr. 21st, 2013. Skating Rink at Indian Head, SK. 11:00am. Lunch available. To consign call Yvonne (306)347-1068. For info call Gord (306)695-2184.

Specialty LIVESTOCK Specialty – Bison/Buffalo FOR SALE: 6 BRED bison cows, $1,500 each OBO & 1 bull. Phone (807)548-4435 or (807)466-7610

LIVESTOCK Specialty – Goats COMING IN MARCH MINIATURE Silky Fainting Goat Kids. Book now to get choice. Check us out at aspenvalleysilkies.com or call (204)773-7872

LIVESTOCK Specialty – Various FOR SALE: REGISTERED BELTON Galloway bull, Mouflon sheep & yaks. Phone:(807)548-4435 or (807)466-7610.

Your Time is Better Spent

LIVESTOCK Horse Auctions ROCKING W SPRING HORSE SALE Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Huge Tack Sale: Fri., Apr 19th. Horse Sale: Sat., Apr 20th. Late entries accepted. (204)325-7237 rockingw@xplornet.com www.rockingw.com

LIVESTOCK Horses – Donkeys FOR SALE: 2 BRED Mammoth Jenny’s, 4 & 5-yrs old, due 2013 spring. Also, 3-yr old castrated Jack; All halter broke. Call Don:(204)422-5216.


Jay Shwaluk, Steinbach, MB Proline Pork Marketing Tim Robbins, McCreary, MB Bouvry Export Calgary Ltd. Lee Nilsson, Clyde, AB Brock Taylor, Reston, MB Ross Taylor, Reston, MB Heartland Livestock Services

Cancelled Dealer Licences Patrick Bieleny, Edmonton, AB XL Foods Inc. Lakeside Packers Darby Cochrane, Alexander, MB Cochrane Stock Farms Kim Crandall, Winnipegosis, MB Lorne Funk, Steinbach, MB Producers Choice Marketing Ltd.

Pat Houde, Calgary, AB Bouvry Exports Calgary Ltd. Garth Jarvis, Gladstone, MB Jarvis Meats Ltd. Bradley McDonald, Portage la Prairie, MB Bar M Stock Farms Ltd. Barry Arthur Murray, Melita, MB

Matthew John Ramsey, Strathclair, MB Strathclair Auction Mart Ltd. Jay Shwaluk, Winnipeg, MB Phoenix AgriTec Inc. Myron Tatarniuk, Moose Jaw, SK Grasslands Cattle Management Ltd.

MAFRI GO Teams Office, or Phone: 204-945-7691


CLASSIFIEDS 1- 800 -782- 0794

HIQUAL CLASSIC CALVING PEN, 10x12 auto head gate w/squeeze gate, left & right doors for calving sucking. Phone (204)836-2523. KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763. MANURE SPREADERS- BOTH ARE in excellent condition! New Holland 195 double beater w/factory steel extensions- $12,500. Dual 600- used very little, very clean- $3950. Brandon Trailer Sales (204)724-4529. PORTABLE WINDBREAKS, CALF SHELTERS, free standing rod & pipe panels, fence line & field silage bunks. Also sell Speed-Rite & 7L Livestock fence equipment, drill pipe & sucker rod. Phone (204)827-2104 or (204)827-2551, Glenboro.

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PATCH WORK QUILTS HAND-QUILTED, twin & double sized, various patterns. Phone (204)776-2161.

P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123

306-975-9251 306-975-1166 sjolicoeur@bioriginal.com PERSONAL SHARE YOUR LIFE, as it’s meant to be! Look forward to meeting someone special. CANDLELIGHT MATCHMAKERS is here to help you. Confidential, Photos & Profiles to selected matches, Affordable, Local. Serving MB, SK, NW Ontario. Call/Write for info: Box 212, Roland, MB, R0G 1T0, (204)343-2475.

AVAILABLE BACHELORETTES Pretty Brunette, 41 single mother, divorced, slim, curvy in the right places, romantic sweetheart Fit.

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Matchmakers Select 1-888-916-2824 www.selectintroductions.com 1000’s of local singles, call for a free file search today any age, location, nationality, no need to be single anymore stop wasting time online get out there & meet a real person. Est 13 yrs Canadawide & US Get out & meet real people & have a real relationship today Customized Service, Guaranteed Membership, Thorough Screening Process


Various Aluminum Fuel Tanks New & Used From $250 and up Call Ken 204-794-8383 #2 Mountain View Rd Winnipeg, MB

Trux-N-Parts Salvage Inc. MUSICAL BANJOS, $229-898; MANDOLINS, $125-599; Electric Guitars, $98-569; Amplifiers, $29.95-1,200; Violins $69.95-1,295; Harmonicas, $8.98-220; Ukuleles $39.95-179; Student Guitars, $59.95-$149.95; Base Guitars, $129-299; Auto Harps, $299-500; Drums, $399; Trumpet, $199; Trombone, $299; P.A. Microphones, Strings, Cases, Music Books, Accessories. Hildebrand Music Portage La Prairie Mall (204)857-3172

ORGANIC ORGANIC Organic – Certified ORGANIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA CO-OPERATIVE (OPAM). Non-profit member owned organic certification body, certifying producers, processors and brokers since 1988. Phone: (204)5673745, Miniota, Manitoba. Email: info@opam-mb.com


LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted


For more information, please contact Sandy at:


LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment

HEAVY BUILT CATTLE FEEDERS/TROUGHS 3/8-in. steel, 500 or 750-gal capacity, 4-ft.x18-ft. size, good for any type of feed or water, lifetime quality, $550 & up. Phone (204)362-0780, Morden.

*Please state the Variety & Quantity for Sale

Single, Selective, Rural, Agriculture, Remote, Country Divorced, Widowed, Never Married, Separated

mbclassif ieds@fbcpublishing.com

ALTERNATIVE POWER BY SUNDOG SOLAR, portable/remote solar water pumping for winter/summer. Call for pricing on solar systems, wind generators, aeration. Carl Driedger, (204)556-2346 or (204)851-0145, Virden.

If interested, please send a 5lbs sample* to the following address: Attn: Sandy Jolicoeur Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. 102 Melville Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 0R1

Frank Nardai, Winnipeg, MB Nardai Enterprises Ltd.

For further information about LDAP please contact:

BUY AND SELL without the effort

Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, is actively buying Organic Flax from the 2012 crop year.

Ernest Hops, Steinbach, MB CMS Feeders Ltd.

For complete 2013 list of bonded livestock dealers and their agents please visit: www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/livestock/index.html

FOR SALE: 20 BRED cows & cows w/calves. Red Angus cross Simmental. Phone (204)749-2033, Rathwell.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Maine-Anjou

WILKINRIDGE STOCK FARM ANNUAL Bull Sale Sat., Apr 13th, 1:00pm at Grunthal Auction Mart. Featuring 10 Red yearling Maine-Anjou bulls; 1 Black 2 yr old Maine bull; 7 Black yearling Maine bulls; 19 yearling Red Angus bulls. All bulls are polled, performance tested & will have passed breeding evaluation. Bulls are selected for growth, breeding soundness, calving ability & structural correctness. Bulls can be viewed online at www.wilkinridge.blogspot.ca For more info or sale catalogue Contact Sid Wilkinson (204)373-2631

Greg Rigaux, Winnipeg, MB Phoenix AgriTec Inc.

RIVERBANK FARMS HAS YEARLING & Extra Aged Red, Red Blaze Face & Fullblood Simm Bulls for sale. Fully Quaranteed. Select your herdsire now, we will feed, semen test & deliver him when you need him. Bulls have not been clipped or trimmed. Assess them in their natural everyday working clothes. Call Ray Cormier at (204)736-2608. Save money by buying direct from the farm. Just 5-mi South of Winnipeg.

POLLED HEREFORD BULLS & Black Baldi females for sale. Phone Wally:(204)523-8713 or Cell:(204)534-8204. Check website @ www.roselawnfarms.com for pictures & details.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin

ORGANIC Organic – Grains

Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!


6 WEEK OLD PB Reg Border Collie pups, 2 female, 4 male, 1 female tri colour rest B&W, 1st vaccines, vet checked, dewormed, micro chips, asking $700. (204)378-2918 QUALITY ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL pups, all vet work done, born Jan 15th, asking $500, deposit will hold. Phone:(204)845-2278, (204)556-2417, Elkhorn Mb. REG BORDER COLLIE PUPS from excellent breeding lines. Parents work both cattle & sheep. Guaranteed. 40 yrs experience breeding & training Border Collies. Ready early Apr. $250. For more info contact Martin Penfold (204)722-2036 or go to www.oakwoodgrange.ca

REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots AGASSIZ HOMES custom builds quality RTM homes! Call us about our 1,408-sq.ft. 2013 spec home. Manitoba New Home Warranty on all our homes. agassizhomes@gmail.com or (204)371-8985 FOR SALE AT FANNYSTELLE, MB, Older Bungalow, approx 1,040-sq.ft. some recent upgrades. Available immediately to be moved to Purchaser’s new location. Call John at (204)925-5368. READY TO MOVE HOMES: starting at $75,000 for 1,320-sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 1 full bath, plus mudroom bath . Will also custom build top your plan. MARVIN HOMES INC, Steinbach, MB. (204)326-1493 or (204)355-8484 www.marvinhomes.ca

REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba COUNTRY PROPERTY IN THE Rapid City area. 153acs w/approx 90-acs cultivated. Beautiful raised bungalow home 2,310-sq.ft. w/new addition in 2005. Double attached garage, workshop, barn etc. Only 35-min. from Brandon. Phone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc www.homelifepro.com FARM LAND FOR SALE by Tender. RM of Argyle, SE & SW 1/4 of 28-6-14, approx 300-acres, organic land, presently in hay, crop insurance G located 2-mi South of Glenboro on Hwy #5; RM of Argyle SE 1/4 29-6-13W, 160-acres all arable, crop insurance F assessment, $87,100; RM of Strathcona SE 1/4 27-616W 158-acres, 60-acres cultivated balance pasture, crop insurance F. Hilton Clay. Ad-dress tenders to Dave Mooney Box 370 Wawanesa MB. Fax (204)824-2346 email dsmooney56@hotmail.com Tenders close at 1:00pm on April 1st. For viewing or details call Dave Mooney (204)824-2094.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

save! Renew early and



FARM LAND SALE BY TENDER Sealed, written tenders for property in the RM of Stanley will be received by


351 Main St., PO Box 279 Manitou, MB. R0G 1G0 PROPERTY OWNED BY PETKAU ENT. LTD.

Parcel 1: NW ¼ 27-3-6 WPM, in Manitoba (being approx. 162 cult. acres) Parcel 2: SW¼ 27-3-6 WPM, in Manitoba (being approx. 160 cult. acres) Parcel 3: SE ¼ 27-3-6 WPM, in Manitoba (being approx. 140 cult. acres and 20 acre yardsite with 5 steel bins on cement) Including all mines and minerals on each quarter. Adjacent to Municipal water lines. Located six miles NW of Morden, Manitoba.

Renew your subscription to the Manitoba Co-operator for 2 years BEFORE we mail your renewal notice, and we'll extend your subscription by 2 additional months. That's 26 months for the price of 24. OR - Renew for one year and receive 13 months for the price of 12!

Call, email or mail us today!


Email: subscription@fbcpublishing.com

CONDITIONS OF TENDER 1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property. 2. Tenders may be placed and accepted on one, two or all of the above described parcels of land. 3. Tenders must be received on or before 2:00 p.m. on April 5, 2013. 4. Tenders must be accompanied by a deposit of 5% of the amount offered, payable to Selby Law Office Trust. Deposit cheques accompanying unacceptable bids will be returned. 5. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 6. The purchaser(s) shall be responsible for payment of GST or shall self-assess for GST. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The bidder(s) whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an agreement covering terms and conditions of sale. 2. In addition to the deposit, the balance of the accepted tender must be paid on or before the date of closing which shall be April 12, 2013, or evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions acceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid within the set time limit the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. 3. Possession is not authorized until acceptable arrangements for full payment are made following acceptance of tender. 4. Successful bidder(s) will be responsible for real property taxes commencing date of possession.

For further information contact Larry J. Selby at Phone:(204) 242-2801


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LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER (MANITOU) NOTRE DAME USED OIL Completed Tenders & a $20,000.00 deposit per & FILTER DEPOT parcel tendered will be received up to 12:00pm (noon) on April 1, 2013 (the “Deadline”) at: • Buy Used Oil • Buy Batteries Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson LLP • Collect Used • Collect Oil Containers 30th Filters Floor - 360 Main Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 4G1 Southern and Western Manitoba Attn: Michelle R. Redekopp Tel: 204-248-2110 Ph: 204-957-4698 Fax: 204-957-4228 Email:mrr@aikins.com Property for Sale The following parcels: Parcel I: NE 1/4 22-3-8 WPM (160 acres) Parcel II: SW 1/4 11-3-8 WPM (157.41 acres) Parcel III: NW 1/4 11-3-8 WPM (160 acres) Parcel IV: NW º 15-3-8 WPM (153.70 acres) all as more particularly described in the Real Estate Tender Form. To obtain a Tender Form or more information, contact Michelle R. Redekopp of Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson LLP at the addresses above. Conditions of Tender 1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property. 2. Tenders must be in the form prepared by Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson LLP. 3. Each Tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque, payable to Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson LLP (in trust), in the amount of $20,000 per tendered parcel. 4. Deposits for Tenders not accepted will be returned to the bidders. 5. The possession date and the due date of the balance of tender price shall be April 12, 2013 (the “Due Date”). 6. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid on the Due Date, the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated damages. 7. Successful bidders shall be responsible for payment of the GST or shall self-assess GST. 8. Successful bidders will be responsible for the payment of property taxes commencing January 1, 2013. 9. Highest Tender or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. The Vendors are not obligated to sell any of the land, or to accept any Tender. FARMLAND FOR SALE IN Fisher Branch area by Tender. SE 4-26-3W approx 134-acres, 120 cultivated, currently seeded to fall Rye. NW 12-25-3, approx 153-acres, currently wheat stubble. SW 13-25-3W approx 110-acres, 100-acres cult. 45 stubble, 55 grass. E 1/2 7-25-2W, 255-acres stubble, 15-acres grass, balance bush. Please submit tenders to PO Box 505, Fisher Branch MB, R0C 0Z0. Closing date April 3rd 2013. Highest bidder not necessarily accepted. FARMLAND FOR SALE: NORTHWEST of Elm Creek SE 21-9-5W 80-acs, West half or SW 22-9-5W 160-acs. Phone Bruce (204)799-7148 shearerld22@gmail.com

Proud Supporter of Manitoba Businesses & Municipalities

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FARM RANCHLAND TENDER Approx 1,354-ac farm including 1993 House, & outbuildings located in the RM of Ochre River, MB is tendered for sale. Tenders must be received at the office of Johnston & Company, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 551, Dauphin, MB, R7N 2V4, Attn: J.D. DEANS on or before March 22nd, 2013. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. For detailed info Contact Larry Garton (204)648-4541 or view online: www.gartonsauction.com FARM SPECIALIST: COUNT ON GRANT TWEED, informed, professional assistance for sellers & buyers. www.granttweed.com Call (204)761-6884 anytime. Service with integrity. FOR SALE: POTATO SPECIAL CROPS LANDCARMEN. 470-acres potato & special crops land in 1 block in the Carmen area. Spring 2013 possession. Contact Melvin Toews at Golden Plains Realty Ltd. (204)745-3677. GOOD ACREAGE 7-MI WEST of Brandon just off Hwy 1. 1,750-sq.ft. 5 bdrm bungalow, double attached garage, workshop, 2 quonsets, barn, loose housing, all on 8.5-acs of treed yard site. Phone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc www.homelifepro.com

BuyUsed Used Oil Oil ••Buy NOTRE •• Buy Buy Batteries Batteries DAME ••Collect CollectUsed Used Filters Filters • Collect Oil Containers • Collect Oil Containers USED • Antifreeze OIL & Southern,Southern Eastern, and Manitoba Western Western FILTER Manitoba DEPOT Tel: 204-248-2110 GOOD CATTLE FARM ON the shores of Lake Manitoba. 512-acs deeded & 1,500-acs of crown lease. The land is all in a black & contained on a peninsula. The owners produce enough feed on the farm for 150 beef cows. Mobile home, machine shed built 2009, insulated barn, corrals. Phone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc www.homelifepro.com GOOD FARM OF APPROX. 635-ac only 20-mins from Brandon. The property is all fenced & is currently run as a mixed operation. 450-ac can be cultivated w/the remainder in pasture. Bungalow home in good condition, machine shed, cattle sheds, hay sheds, dairy barn, etc. Phone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753 HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc. www.homelifepro.com GREAT CATTLE FARM W/11 deeded quarters & 22 quarters of crown land lease all in a block. Small bungalow home w/some sheds & corrals. Land is fenced & there is plenty of water. Phone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc www.homelifepro.com

REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 www.homelifepro.com or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, www.homelifepro.com Home Professional Realty Inc. WANTED: A MIXED FARM in Western MB or Eastern SK. 1/2-2 sections, consider livestock & equipment also. Contact Phil Schwarz (204)842-3491, Box 40 Birtle MB, R0M 0C0. WANTED: GRAIN & LIVESTOCK farms for both foreign & domestic buyers. Receiving calls weekly from buyers looking to farm & invest. Considering selling? Now is the time to discuss all options. Professional service & confidentiality guaranteed. Contact Rick Taylor:(204)867-7551, Homelife Home Professional Realty. www.homelifepro.com

REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Acreages/Hobby 50-ACRES ON HIGHWAY 16, 2 MILES FROM MINNEDOSA: 20 yr old home w/attached garage, sunroom & carport, garden & mature trees. Also 4000-ft commercial building w/overhead doors, partly lined & insulated. 3500-sq. ft. livestock loose housing w/corrals & drinkers, partly lined & insulated on cement. 900-sq. ft. warm shop w/infloor heat. Plus hay & grain storage. All buildings have running town water, new low maintenance metal & vinyl exteriors & roofs. Land is seeded to hay & fenced. Inquire gibbsc@mymts.net

REAL ESTATE Land For Sale 8 QUARTERS OF ADJOINING pasture land in the RM of Coldwell. 4 quarters hay land in RM of St. Laurent, one hour N of Winnipeg, just E of Hwy 6. Contact Kris:(204)322-5071 after 4:00p.m. or (204)771-8944 on cell. WANTED TO BUY: 20-50-ACRES South/Central Manitoba. Prefer partly treed. Call after 6 pm. (204)854-2350.


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Sudoku 4

Help us make the Manitoba Co-operator an even better read! Please fill in the spaces below that apply to you. Thank you!

If you're not the owner/operator of a farm are you: q In agri-business (bank, elevator, ag supplies etc.) q Other total farm size (including rented land)_______________ Year of birth________ q I’m farming or ranching q I own a farm or ranch but i'm not involved in it's operations or management

My Main crops are: No. of acres 1. Wheat ____________ 2. Barley ____________ 3. Oats ____________ 4. Canola ____________ 5. Flax ____________ 6. Durum ____________ 7. Rye ____________ 8. Peas ____________ 9. Chick Peas ____________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 1. Registered Beef ____________ 2. Commercial Cow ____________ 3. Fed Cattle (sold yearly) ____________ 4. Hog Weaners (sold yearly) __________

My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________

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Puzzle by websudoku.com Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013



ANDY KALINOVICH OF GARLAND, MB intends to sell private lands: SE 35-31-22W to Trevor & Emily Stevens who intends to acquire the following Crown lands: NE 35-31-22W; NW 35-31-22W; SW 35-31-22W; SW 2-32-22W; SE 3-31-22W by Unit transfer. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this purchaser please write to: Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578. GRAIN LAND FOR SALE in Interlake region of Manitoba, RM of Fisher: NE29-24-1E, NW29-24-1E, NW3-26-1E, SW3-26-1E. Direct inquiries to swarj@mts.net. No phone calls please. JOHN PROCYSHYN of Winnipegosis, MB intends to sell private lands: NE 13-30-17W, NW 13-30-17W, NE 25-30-17W, SW 30-30-16W, SE 7-30-16W, NE 5-30-16W, NW 5-30-16W; & transfer the following Crown lands: SE 23-30-17W, NE 24-30-17W, NW 24-30-17W, SW 24-30-17W; NE 27-30-17W, SE 27-30-17W, SE 34-30-17W by Unit Transfer. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this unit please write to: Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578. NE1/4 36-16-10 W/HYDRO & fenced approx 100-acs cultivatable 2-mi North & 1.5 West of Langruth, priced reasonably. Not needed any more. Phone (204)386-2713. RM OF GRANDVIEW MB, NE1/4 32-23-25, NW1/4 33-23-25 grainland 320-acres, 208-acres cultivated, rest bush & creek. Yardsite w/power, SW of Grandview MB, near riding mountain national park. Phone:(204)546-2284 before 8am or after 8pm. Call cell(204)572-4174.

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433


The following Private Lands are being offered for sale: NE 8-31-15W, SW 8-31-15W, NW 8-31-15W, NE 6-31-15W. The following Crown Lands have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the ranch unit held by Duncan & Sandra Gano of Meadow Portage, MB. SW 06-31-15W, NW 06-31-15W, NE 07-31-15W, SE 07-31-15W, NW 09-31-15W, SW 09-31-15W, NE 09-31-15W, NE 16-31-15W, NW 16-31-15W, SE 16-31-15W, SW 16-31-15W, NW 17-31-15W, SE 17-31-15W, SW 17-31-15W, E1/2 20 & W1/2 21-31-15W PT Island No. 1. If you wish to purchase the private land & apply for the Unit Transfer contact the Lessee Duncan & Sandra Gano PO Box 39 Meadow Portage, MB R0L 1E0. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this Unit Transfer write the Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578.

De Dell Seeds…

BUYING ALL TYPES OF feed grain. Also have market for light offgrade or heated, picked up on the farm. Eisses Grain Marketing 1-888-882-7803, (403)350-8777 Lacombe.

Toll Free: 1-800-463-9209 Website: ellisseeds.com Email: ellisseeds@mts.net

Certified #1 Wheat

SAtuRDAy MARch 23RD 10 AM 79 acres with 9 acre Yard , 70 acres Cultivated being SE Section 18, Township 1, Range 1, East the most southerly 80 with Yard and Buildings on West 9 acres , 832 square ft Bungalow style home, older 32 x 112 ft Hog Barn and a few out buildings.

Carberry, Glenn, Harvest, Pasteur

Certified #1 Barley

Legacy, Celebration, AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland, Conlon

De Dell Seeds…

This small farm will be offered at auction on Saturday March 23, 2013 10 am at the farm. Terms are $20,000 non refundable down payment, the successful bidder will enter a purchase agreement, balance at closing preferred in 30 days. Title will be transferred at the law Firm Peter Cole, Altona, Manitoba. Owners wish to have a reserve bid of $175,000. Attention investors, Renters are available to care for the farmland. Persons interested in private bidding may call Auction Co. for options. Bill 204 325 4433 cell 6230

See our website www.billklassen.com or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Bill Klassen Auctioneers bill@billklassen.com



Certified #1 Oats Souris

Certified #1 Flax Sorrel

PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various



Toll Free: 888-974-7246

Old & New Crop Confection & Oil Sunflowers Licensed & Bonded 0% Shrink Farm Pick-Up Available Planting Seed Available

Call For Pricing Phone (204)747-2904

Toll Free 1-888-835-6351 Deloraine, Manitoba

SELLING DARK RED NORLAN seed potatoes, put your orders in now. Koshowski Potato Growers (204)638-8415.

FOR SALE: 1997 27-FT fifth wheel Triple Topaz 275 RKFS full slide loaded. Good condition, must see! $9,000. Phone Remi:(204)744-2179.

ELIAS SEEDS CERT A.C. Carberry & Kane Wheat, Cert, CDC Copeland Barley. Call (204)745-3301, Carman.


PEDIGREED SEED Specialty – Potatoes

1994 KUSTOM KOACH 5TH wheel, comes w/stove, fridge, a/c, washroom & shower, mattress & bedroom. Must sell, asking $6,250 OBO Phone:(204)745-2784.

DURAND SEEDS: CERT AC Carberry, Harvest wheat; Souris Oats; Conlon Barley; CDC Bethune & Sorrel flax; Mancan & Koma Buckwheat; Canola & Forage seed. (204)248-2268,(204)745-7577, NotreDame, MB.

Head Office - Winkler (888) 974-7246 Jordan Elevator (204) 343-2323 Gladstone Elevator (204) 385-2292 Somerset Elevator (204) 744-2126 Sperling Elevator (204) 626-3261

PEDIGREED SEED Oilseed – Various

PUGH SEEDS: CERT AC Barrie, Carberry, Kane, Somerset, HRS Wheat. Souris Oats, Conlon Barley, Sorrel Flax. Phone (204)274-2179 or (204)871-1467, Portage.


“Naturally Better!” Soybean Crushing Facility (204) 331-3696

Wawanesa, MB

JAMES FARMS LTD: Carberry & Pasteur Wheat, Tradition Barley, Souris & Summit Oats, Hanley Flax, Various Canola, Sunflower & Soybean seed varieties, Forage seed. Customer processing. Seed treating & delivery available. Early payment discounts. For info (204)222-8785, toll free 1-866-283-8785, Winnipeg.

Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.

COURT SEEDS CERTIFIED Muchmore, Carberry, GO, Glenn Wheat, Celebration, Conlon Barley, Souris, Triactor Oats, Soybeans, Forages & Canterra, Dekalb & Invigor Canolas. Phone: (204)386-2354. Plumas,MB.

Complete line of forages and blends Delivery Available

PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various

2011 CAN-AM ATV OUTLANDER XMR 800 EFI, drove over 1,300-mi, extended snorkels, SS109 wheels w/30-in. mud lite XXL’s, dalton clutching, has BRP extended service terms to Jan. 27th 2014, $13,000 firm. Phone Raymond (204)825-2309.

CERTIFIED KANE & CARBERRY wheat, Certified Tradition Barley, Certifed Leggett & Summit oats. Will custom clean canola. Wilmot Milne (204)385-2486, cell (204)212-0531, Gladstone MB.

5 LOCATIONS to serve you!

1990RR, 1970RR


PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various

Specializing in: • Corn, wheat, sunflower, canola, soymeal, soybeans, soy oil, barley, rye, flax, oats (feed & milling) • Agents of the CWB • Licensed & bonded

WeCertifi won’t pull the wool ed #1 Canola over your eyes!

SANDERS SEED FARM Cert, Reg, FDN Carberry, Domain, Kane, Harvest, Glenn Wheat, Cert Celebration Barley Canterra Canola varieties also. Phone (204)242-4200, Manitou, MB.


LESS FUSARIUM MORE BOTTOM LINE. Wheat seed available. Suitable for ethanol production, livestock feed. Western Feed Grain Development Coop Ltd. 1-877-250-1552 www.wfgd.ca

We won’t pull the wool over your eyes!

5 Mile eaSt of Gretna MB and 1 north on road 1e

WANTED: LOOKING FOR CROPLAND in Argyle, Stonewall, Warren, Balmoral, Grosse Isle, St Francis, Elie & surrounding area. Please call Deric (204)513-0332, leave msg.

The following Private Land is being offered for sale: SE 25-22-17W, NW 25-22-17W, SE 26-22-17W, NE 26-22-17W, SW 24-22-17W, W1/2 NW 24-22-17W, NE 6-22-16W, SW 25-22-17W, SE 23-22-17W. The following Crown Lands have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the farm unit held by Larry Garton of Makinak, MB. NE 23-22-17W, NW 23-22-17W. If you wish to purchase the private land & apply for the Unit Transfer contact the Lessee Larry Garton at Box 543, Dauphin, MB R7N 2V3. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this Unit Transfer write the Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578.


FOR RENT: 90 CULTIVATED acres in the R.M. of Franklin NE 1/4 of section 2-2-4. Ph (204)346-9678, cell (204)346-3509.

THE FOLLOWING PRIVATE LAND is being offered for sale: N1/2 14-29-15W, E1/2 23-29-15W, NE20-28-15W, NW23-29-15W, S1/2 25-29-15W, SW19-29-14W, SW30-29-14W. The following crown lands have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture Food & Rural Inititaves for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed, as these lands are part of the farm unit, held by Lorne Bass of Toutes-Aides, MB: NW5-31-14W, SW5-31-14W, NE5-31-14W, SW8-31-14W, SE8-31-14W, NE8-31-14W, NW8-31-14W, SW18-30-14W, NW18-30-14W, SE19-30-14W, SW19-30-14W, NE13-30-15W, SE13-30-15W, SE24-30-15W, NW19-29-14W, NE22-29-14W, SE22-29-14W, SE27-29-14W, NE27-29-14W, NE34-29-14W, SE34-29-14W, NW35-29-14W, SW35-29-14W, SE13-29-15W, SW23-29-15W, NE18-30-14W, SE18-30-14W, NW6-31-14W, SE6-31-14W, SW6-31-14W, NE6-31-14W, NW36-30-14W, NE36-30-14W, SE36-30-15W, NE24-30-15W, NE25-30-15W, SE25-30-15W. If you wish to purchase the private land & apply for the unit transfer contact the lessee Lorne Bass @ Box 2 ToudesAides, MB R0L 2A0. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligilbility of this unit transfer, write to the director MAFRI Agricultural Crown Lands PO Box 1286 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 or Fax:(204)867-6578.

PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various

Holland, MB Phone: 204-526-2145 Toll Free: 1-866-526-2145 Email: info@zeghersseed.com Fax: 1-204-526-2524 Use Pedigreed Seed! It simply makes sense. Those “cents” add dollars to your bottom line.

PEDIGREED SEED Specialty – Various

Make more withwith Make money more money Non-GMO crops! Non-GMO crops! Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, are looking to contract Borage acres for the upcoming 2013 growing season.

De Dell Seeds

Great profit potential based on high yields, high prices and low input costs.

P: (519) 473-6175 F: (519) 473-2970


De Dell Seeds

De Dell Seeds 967 Valetta St., London, ON, N6H 2Z7 Dell oilSeeds… premiums and free � Attractive 967 Valetta St., London, ON, N6H 2Z7 De DellDeSeeds… P: (519) 473-6175 F: (519) 473-2970 on-farm pick-up. P: (519) 473-6175 F: (519) 473-2970 www.responsibletechnology.org Real Corn…Profit Ready! � Flexible contracting options

Spring is approaching quickly & we have certified wheat, barley, oats, flax and peas still available.

Real Corn…Profit Ready!

Check out our website Give us a call for details!

967 Valetta St., London, ON, N6H 2Z7

Have you placed your seed order for this year yet?



available as well.


For more information, please contact Bioriginal at:

306-229-9976 (cell) 306-975-9271 (office) crops@bioriginal.com

1ST & 2ND CUT large round hardcore Alfalfa & 1st cut large round Grass, 5x5 & 5x6 bales. Beef & Dairy quality. Feed tested. Also some yr old round Straw bales. Delivery can be arranged. (204)246-2032 or (204)823-0431, Darlingford.


4X4 SQUARE WHEAT STRAW bales, about 300 for sale, asking $20 per bale. Phone:(204)248-2407 or (204)723-5002, Notre Dame.


FINE CUT BARLEY STRAW 3x4 square bales, ready for feeding or TMR mixer, $21 per bale. Phone (204)746-5800.

FOR SALE: ALFALFA, TIMOTHY, brome, clover, hay & pasture blends, millet seed. Leonard Friesen, (204)685-2376, Austin MB.

LARGE QUANTITY OF WHEAT straw bales, 4x4x8. Can deliver. Phone Phil:(204)771-9700. La Salle, MB.

Looking for a hand around the farm? Place a help wanted ad in the classifieds. Call 1-800-782-0794.

Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794.

Watch your profits grow! Prepayment Bonus Prepay your regular word classified ad for 3 weeks and your ad will run an additional 2 consecutive weeks for free! Call Our Customer Service Representatives To Place Your Ad Today!

Outside Winnipeg: 1-800-782-0794 Winnipeg: 954-1415

Manitoba’s best-read farm publication



The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Straw FOR SALE: ALFALFA & Corn silage; Corn & Wheat Straw large square bales. can deliver all of the above. Also selling bull calves. Phone Alvin Plett (204)355-4980 or (204)371-5744, Landmark. FOR SALE: LARGE ROUND bales of Grass Hay, Perennial Rye Grass Straw & Millet Straw; Wanted: Deutz 100-06 tractor for parts & round bale tubulater. Phone (204)278-3438, Inwood. OAT STRAW BALES for sale, baled w/DR780 NH baler, hardcore, approx 1,300-lbs, can deliver. Call for pricing (204)362-4192. OAT STRAW & BARLEY Straw for sale, medium square bales. Phone (204)483-2990. WHEAT & OAT STRAW bales for sale, 3 x 3 x 8. Phone (204)343-2144 or cell (204)745-0085. WHEAT STRAW FOR SALE in 3x8x8 & small square. Very clean. Delivery available. Phone (204)856-3561, Portage. WHEAT STRAW FOR SALE: large 5x6 round bales tied w/net wrap in the Rosser & Oak Bluff area. Trucking available. Lyle (204)739-3016 Mike (204)739-3082.

SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Feed Wanted WANTED SMALL SQUARE HAY bales, timothy or brome grass or alfalfa brome. Phone (204)749-2018, cell (204)723-0747.





FARMERS, RANCHERS, SEED PROCESSORS BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA


TIRES WANTED: 2 GOOD USED tractor tires, 18.4x38. Phone:(204)729-0888.

TRAILERS Grain Trailers

WANTED: GOOSE NECK V-NECK aluminum 6 x 16 tandem axle stock trailer or Norberts Manufacturing. In good shape. Phone Days Cell (204)526-5298, or Evenings (204)743-2145.

HELP WANTED: BEEF OPERATION near Dauphin. 2 F/T jobs w/management opportunities. $18/hr to start, housing available. Call Tim (204)596-8213 or email: tim@areaonefarms.ca

LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED FARM hand on grain farm near Morris/St. Pierre area. Duties to assist in all aspects of grain farming, including mechanical & trucking. Class 1 license is required, or willing to obtain. Wages will depend on experience. For further info Call Jeremi:(204)746-5381 or (204)746-8504.

TRAILERS Trailers Miscellaneous 2009 MANAC TRI-AXLE STEP deck, all aluminum, sliding winches, lift axle, tool box, $42,500 OBO. Phone (204)856-6907. STOCK TRAILERS GOOSENECK 6X16 $3,500; 7x22 $3,300; 48-ft Loboy $6,500; 8.5x25 GN flatbed w/ramps $5,500; single axle converter $1,900; double $2,000; decks for 3/4-1-ton trucks: 9-ft $2,350, 11-ft $2,850. Phone:(204)857-8403.


HELP WANTED: CROP FARM near Amaranth. Competitive compensation. Housing available. Call Tim (204)596-8213 or email: tim@areaonefarms.ca

CAREERS Help Wanted Customer Service Assistant (CSA) Welders Supplies Limited, Brandon, is hiring a parttime permanent CSA. The position involves customer service, and pick-up and delivery driving. If you have a Class 5 Driver’s License, a proven safe driving record and are a team player, apply to; hr@ppghr.com or online at www.ppghr.com.

Rural & Cultural Tours

Ireland ~ June 2013 International Plowing Match/ Canadian Rockies ~ July 2013 Alaska Land/Cruise ~ August 2013 Italy/Greek Isle Cruise ~ Oct 2013 Mississippi Cruise ~ Oct 2013 Smoky Mountains/ Nashville Tour ~ Oct 2013 Branson/Tennessee Tour ~ Oct 2013 Australia/New Zealand Grand Tour ~ Jan 2014 *Portion of tours may be tax Deductible

2006 LODE KING SUPER B grain trailer, 22.5 wheels, air ride, fresh safety, $49,000 Morris, MB. (204)746-5575.

CAREERS Professional

Our offices will be closed March 29

F/T EMPLOYMENT ON GRAINFARM near Starbuck, MB. Duties to assist in all aspects of grainfarming including mechanical, welding & trucking. Class 1 license is required or willing to obtain. For more info call PAGE FARMS (204)735-2373 or (204)981-4234.


CAREERS Professional

Early Deadline for the April 4th issue is Wednesday, March 27th at 12 Noon

Andy Vanderveen · Brett Vanderveen Jesse Vanderveen 10100101101010001010101 00001010101010101010100 01010111101010101101010 10101010100101010001010 10101010101010101010101 01011010100101010101010 10101010010100010010101 11010010101010111000101 01010101010101010101001 01010101010010110101000 10101010000101010101010 10101000101011110101010 11010101010101010010101 00010101010101010101010 10101010101101010010101 01010101010101001010001 00101011101001010101011 10001010101010101010101 01010010101010

A Season to Grow… Only Days to Pay!


2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509

We feed feed wheat, Webuy buy feedbarley, barley, feed wheat, MALT BARLEY MALT BARLEY oats, corn oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & canola canola *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration&&Tradition Tradition Celebration COME SEE IN COME SEEUS US AT AT AG AG DAYS DAYS IN We buy feed barley, feed wheat, CONVENTION HALL We THE buy barley, feed wheat, THEfeed CONVENTION HALL oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & & canola canola oats, BOOTH corn 1309

BOOTH 1309


COMESEE SEEUS USAT ATAG AG DAYS DAYS IN IN COME THECONVENTION CONVENTION HALL HALL THE BOOTH1309 1309 BOOTH 2013 Malt Contracts Available 2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 2013Toll-Free Malt Contracts Available 1-800-258-7434 2013 Malt Available Agent: M &Contracts J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 306-455-2509 204-737-2000 Phone Phone 204-737-2000

WANTED: DAIRY HERDSPERSON for permanent F/T position on mixed farm in Southwest, MB. Duties include: milking, feeding, herd health, maintaining records, operation & maintenance of farm machinery. College or apprenticeship diploma, minimum 3 yrs experience, self motivation required. Wage $15 per hr. Mail or e-mail resume to Rainbow Diary Ltd Box 1044 SE 5-8-21 Souris, MB R0K 2C0 e-mail aeissner@mymts.net Phone (204)483-3694 We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Cooperator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.

************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* *******

WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328 *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration Celebration&& Tradition Tradition

SILVER WEANLINGS IS LOOKING for a fulltime swine technician. Silver Weanlings is a 2800 sow unit located 7 miles south west of Arborg, MB. Weekend work will be required. Experience an asset, but not required. Starting wage $14.25 per hour. Please forward all resumes to silwean@mymts.net

CAREERS Farm / Ranch


37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email: vscltd@mts.net

CAREERS Help Wanted



Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers

CAREERS Farm / Ranch

Select Holidays 1-800-661-4326 www.selectholidays.com

• Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed

Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd.

TRAILERS Livestock Trailers

************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* ************* *******

10101010001010110100101 00101010101010101010000 01010110101010111101010 01010001010100101010101 10101010101010101010101 01010101010100101011010 10101001000101001010101 10100011101010101001011 10010101010101010101010 00010101101001010101010 01010101010100001010101 01010101111010100010101 10101001010101010101011 01010101010101010101000 10101001010110101010101 10001010010101010101010 11010101010010111010100 10101010101010101010001 01010101001010

*6-Row* Celebration & Tradition We buy feed barley, feed wheat, oats, soybeans, corn & canola

MALT BARLEY Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434

Agent: & J Weber-Arcola, SK. We areM buyers of farm grains. Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 306-455-2509

• Vomi wheat    • Vomi barley   • Feed wheat    • Feed barley   • Feed oats    • Corn   • Screenings    • Peas   • Light Weight Barley You can deliver or we can arrange for farm pickup. Winnipeg 233-8418 Brandon 728-0231 Grunthal 434-6881 “Ask for grain buyer.”

Contact Denis or Ben for pricing ~ 204-325-9555

NOW BUYING Confection and Oil Sunflowers, Brown & Yellow Flax and Red & White Millet Licensed & Bonded

P.O. Box 1236 129 Manitoba Rd. Winkler, MB. R6W 4B3


Find it fast at


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


Your smartphone just got smarter. Get the Manitoba Co-operator mobile app and get the latest ag news as it happens. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc

India to prioritize wheat exports to grapple with grain mountain


By Ratnajyoti Dutta NEW DELHI / REUTERS


A worker carries a ladder past sacks filled with wheat at a Food Corporation of India (FCI) warehouse in Morinda in the northern Indian state of Punjab. India will be unable to consume or export enough wheat and rice to rein in a record stockpile after another bumper harvest, a failure that means crops risk rotting in fields instead of being sold on world markets to cash in on higher prices. PHOTO: REUTERS/AJAY VERMA

exports to address a record current account deficit. While prioritizing wheat could help shipments of that commodity, other trade could suffer in the country, which became the world’s biggest rice exporter in 2012. “Since India’s capacity is limited, whichever way they slice it is going to have a knock-on effect on something else,” said a Singapore-based grains trader. Last year, ships waiting to load Indian corn faced delays of up to two months on the east coast as infrastructure bottlenecks and monsoon rains delayed shipments. “It was horr ible at the end of last year when you had ships waiting for two months on the east coast, p a r t i c u l a r l y c o r n s h i p s,” said one Singapore-based trader with a global trading company. “There was virtual gridlock.” Ra i s i n g t h e n u m b e r o f p o r t s a l l ow e d t o h a n d l e grains could help in the short term, industry experts said. “Many small and big ports

“Since India’s capacity is limited, whichever way they slice it is going to have a knock-on effect on something else.”


have been constructed in the last few years but they haven’t been notified. So the (Food Corporation of India) c a n’t e x p o r t g ra i n s f ro m these ports,” said Anil Devli, chief executive of the Indian National Shipowners Association. Ports on both sides of the country are currently handling wheat sales, which are going both to the Middle East and to clients in Asia such as Vietnam, South Korea and Thailand who are buying it for animal feed. Oil meal expor ts could face a short-term squeeze while in the case of rice, the main casualty will be basmati, as it is mostly exported from the west coast where wheat volumes are higher.

Officials say the Chinese public needs more information By Niu Shuping and David Stanway

Increased exports could weigh on global grain prices at a time when many exporters are expecting a return to better harvests

ndia will do everything it can to push record volumes of wheat on to the global market to cut massive stocks, a senior Farm Ministry official said March 6, in a move that could hit shipments of other grains using rail and congested ports. The world’s No. 2 wheat producer is expecting another bumper harvest to start rolling in within weeks but lacks the warehouses needed to weatherproof a grain mountain that is big enough to feed its 500 million poor for a year. The surge of supply on top of better harvests expected from Australia, the United States and the Black Sea, would put further pressure on global prices. “Wheat exports are a priority issue as the new harvest is about to begin later i n t h e m o n t h ,” s a i d t h e Farm Ministry official, who declined to be named as he was not authorized to speak to the media. Shifting such huge volumes in India — a third of what top exporter the United States ships in a year — would put a big strain on limited rail and port capacity and hit private exports. The wheat harvest starts arriving later this month and picks up during April. By June, total grains stocks will hit a record 100 million tonnes, with only half of that finding room in silos s a f e f ro m t h e d re n c h i n g June to September monsoon rains. “India has a golden opportunity, at least for the next few months,” said Sanjeev Garg, chief executive at CommCorp International, a New Delhi-based trading company. But India’s railways are short of freight cars and the gover nment itself says it needs an 80 per cent jump in port capacity by 2017 to cope with a trade boom in Asia’s third-largest economy. The country’s increasingly wealthy 1.2 billion population is clamouring for all kinds of goods not easily available at home, from luxury cars and clothes to better-quality cooking oils and lentils. At the same time, the government wants to boost

China delays GMO corn, rice to woo the public

Some relief could be from a slump in iron ore exports in the last year after a mining ban in key producing states, although transportation would be more expensive. And red tape may yet stymie the government’s export aims. “It is nearly impossible for the government agencies to export 9.5 million tonnes of wheat. Their tendering process is very time consuming. India never exported this much,” said a Mumbaibased dealer with a global g ra i n s t ra d i n g f i r m w h o declined to be named. The country has only managed to ship three million tonnes almost a year after giving a green light for 4.5 million tonnes.

China has delayed the introduction of genetically modified rice and corn as it tries to head off public fears, leading government scientists said March 7. The world’s largest rice producer and consumer gave safety approvals to Bt rice and phytase corn in 2009, but has not yet begun commercial production, even though it has already spent billions of yuan on research. “There are some debates... We have not given the public enough knowledge about GMO crops,” Peng Yufa, a member of the GM crop biosafety committee under the Ministry of Agriculture, told reporters. “The crops have to be accepted by consumers who are willing to buy and by farmers who are willing to grow,” Peng said, adding that the process may take five years. The public remains “very concerned” about the safety of GM crops, top agricultural official Chen Xiwen said on Thursday, but he added that it was inevitable that China would import GM crops in the future to meet the supply gap. The large-scale introduction of GMO crops has been seen as a crucial part of China’s efforts to feed a fifth of the world’s population using less than a 10th of the world’s arable land. But although senior officials have acknowledged the challenges of maintaining food security as the country urbanizes, it remains unclear if the new government, to be elected during this session of parliament, will push for the largescale production of GMO crops. China is already the world’s biggest buyer of GMO soybeans and also the largest grower of GMO cotton. “We have slowed down, especially since 2009, and that is not normal. It might be fine for Europe to slow down but China can’t,” Huang Dafang, a researcher with the Biotechnology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, told Reuters last week. “We are hoping to provide our findings (about the efficacy of GM crops) to the new leaders after the NPC.” Beijing-based Origin Agritech Ltd., which has exclusive rights to sell phytase corn, earlier has expected commercial production in 2013. In 2012, developing countries, particularly Brazil, accounted for the first time last year for more than half the global biotech crop area, though the United States remains the top consumer of genetically altered crops.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Analysis: Are we near peak biofuels? It is now clear, depending on where the boundary is set in life-cycle estimates of carbon emissions, that some biofuels offer limited or no benefits compared with conventional gasoline By Gerard Wynn london / reuters


stalled biofuel industry will need to produce far more efficient fuels to avoid setting off another bout of arguments over its contribution to boosting energy security and cutting carbon emissions. Biofuels had a difficult 2012. In the United States, Energy Information Administration data show production through November fell compared with the same period the previous year, putting the industry on track for the first annual drop since 1996. That followed a crippling drought which raised corn feedstock prices. In the European Union, the executive European Commission proposed effectively to freeze crop-based biofuel consumption at around present levels, halving a previous 2020 target. Biofuel demand critically hinges on government targets. In setting targets, policymakers have so far weighed the possible benefit of biofuels towards carbon emissions cuts and energy security against an impact on food prices. Regarding emissions cuts, it is now clear, depending on where the boundary is set in life-cycle estimates of carbon emissions, that some biofuels offer limited or no benefits compared with conventional gasoline. Re g a rd i n g e n e r g y s e c u rity, one issue which is not formally accounted for by policy is energy return. If biofuels yield little more than the energy used to make them then they will ultimately fail to replace conventional fossil fuels, especially given growing indigenous U.S. production of oil and gas from shale deposits.

Energy return

U.S. Air Force (USAF) analyst Captain T.A. Kiefer examined biofuels through their contribution to energy security in a paper published recently in the USAF Research Institute’s Strategic Studies Quarterly. K iefer presents a strong opinion, as indicated by the

headline of his expanded, full report, “Twenty-First Century Snake Oil: Why the United States Should Reject Biofuels as Part of a Rational National Secur ity Energy Strategy,” published as a discussion paper at the Canada-based Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation. The paper is a deeply researched and referenced discussion of the net energy of biofuels. Energy return on investment (EROI) is one measure of the total energy available in a fuel as a proportion of the energy used to produce it. A value of one, or unity, implies a hand-to-mouth existence. Diesel and gasoline have an EROI of 10 times or more, according to Kiefer, reflecting low crude oil extraction and refining costs, while corn ethanol is around 1.3, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Corn ethanol is a poor performer partly because of the energy intensity of corn cultivation, where farmers use fertilizer manufactured from natural gas to boost yields. The EROI concept should be handled with care, to compare like with like. The Department of Defence’s deputy director for technology strategy Adam Rosenberg issued a formal rebuttal of Kiefer’s article in the same USAF journal. Rosenberg pointed out that coal-fired power was also very inefficient, but the point perhaps is that coal is cheap to extract compared with its energy content, unlike a fuel which consumed lots of natural gas in its manufacture and was then burned in place of coal.

Energy security?

The present U.S. biofuels program was expanded under the U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 through a renewable fuel standard which mandates blend volumes of biofuel. The standard is formally introduced in the act as “En e rg y Se c u r i t y T h ro u g h Increased Production of Biofuels,” nailing its purpose to

A process operator shows a handful of corn at the GreenField Ethanol plant in Chatham, Ont. Turning low-value materials like switchgrass and corn husks into ethanol to fuel cars is something of a holy grail. But scientists on the front lines of this search are finding that making the process viable is proving much harder than the hype would suggest.   photo: REUTERS/Mark Blinch

boost energy security by supplying an indigenous alternative to imported crude oil. From an energy security perspective, it might be argued that a corn ethanol EROI close to one is enough, provided the high energy input is domestic natural gas, since that would still see ethanol displace imported crude. Such a country would inflict self-harm, however, by draining its indigenous natural gas rather than produce less e n e r g y- i n t e n s i v e g a s o l i n e from imported crude. It is an obvious but important idea that a country must get significantly more energy from its fuel compared with the effort in making it, if it wishes to run all the energyhungry processes of an industrialized society. Kiefer cited studies that an EROI below six is consistent with recession, in other words a minimum threshold for a modern, energy-intensive quality of life. The bare minimum is three, according to a 2009 study published in the journal Energies by researchers at the State University of New York, called

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“What is the minimum EROI that a sustainable society must have?” “Of course the 3:1 minimum ‘extended EROI’ that we calculate here is only a bare minimum for civilization. It would allow only for energy to run transportation or related systems, but would leave little discretionary surplus for all the things we value about civilization: art, medicine, education and so on,” the authors said. EU and U.S. policy-makers see second-generation biofuels made from waste and woody cellulose, rather than intensively cultivated food crops, as the future of the biofuel industry, while Brazilian sugar cane is also less energy intensive. However, there are at least three problems with cellulosic biofuels. First, U.S. production levels shows that it is still uneconomic. The Environm e n t a l Pro t e c t i o n A g e n c y downgraded last year’s blending requirement to just 10.45 million ethanol-equivalent gallons, nearly 490 million gallons short of the 500 million mandated volume. Second, these biofuels may have the same problems re g a rd i n g g re e n h o u s e g a s emissions as regular biofuels, if the boundary in life-cycle carbon emissions includes

land use change. Third, given the lack of actual production, there are no data yet to reliably estimate its energy return.


Bi o f u e l s s e e m e d t o m a k e sense when the United States introduced its renewable fuel standard in 2007, and when the EU approved its biofuel target the following year. So far the European Commission has proposed effectively to halt industry growth pending better understanding of its wider impacts. It has proposed limiting the contribution of crop-based biofuels to five per cent in 2020. In the latest data available from the European Environment Agency, crop-based biofuels already accounted for 4.3 per cent of transport energy consumption in 2010, at 14 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) compared with a sector total of 322 mtoe. Meanwhile, the United States is already nearing a plateau in its mandate for first-generation biofuels (including corn, excluding sugar cane ethanol), at 15 billion gallons annually every year from 2015, compared with 13.9 billion in 2011. A halt in expansion of the global industry makes sense while policy-makers assess performance, where energy return should be a part of the discussion.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Hard red winter futures trading set to expand The CBOT has acquired the Kansas City exchange and will move trading of the benchmark contract to Chicago By Mark Weinraub CHICAGO/REUTERS


he Kansas City Board of Trade’s lightly traded hard red winter wheat futures contract is positioned to become the new benchmark for U.S. wheat prices following a takeover by CME Group, traders said. The size of the U.S. hard red winter wheat crop is the best argument for why volumes for the futures contract that track the crop should rise, and eventually eclipse CME’s Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soft red winter wheat contract. “Hard red winter wheat in the United States is the biggest crop,” said Jerry Gidel, chief feed grains analyst for Rice Dairy. “It should be the most represented and where the investors should be.” U.S. farmers harvested 1.004 billion bushels of hard red winter wheat last year and the crop is typically 2-1/2 times the size of the soft red winter wheat crop, which is mostly grown in areas east of the Mississippi River and used as a key ingredient in cakes. CBOT’s parent, CME Group, bought the Kansas City Board of Trade for US$126 million in cash in 2012. The exchange operator said it will close the storied KCBT trading pits in June, moving all trading of its hard red winter wheat futures to the electronic platform or the CBOT floor. CME said it can make trading more efficient by locating the KCBT wheat futures and options pits next to the CBOT wheat pits, which will make hard red winter wheat trading easier than ever for Chicago customers. But it will take time for hard red winter wheat to usurp soft red winter wheat’s position in the trading pits and on the screens, where most of the trades actually occur. “The people who trade the fundamentals... need to be more comfortable with the contract,” said Glenn Hollander, a Chicago-based grain merchandiser and CBOT floor veteran. “I do not know if that is three years, three months, or 30 years.” A catalyst such as a severe drought in the U.S. Plains, where much of the hard red winter wheat crop is produced, or a surge in demand for U.S. wheat exports due to global crop turmoil, could provide a quick influx of money and volume into hard red winter wheat futures. Hard red winter wheat volumes have a long way to go to eclipse soft red winter wheat as the benchmark. During 2012, monthly volume for soft red winter wheat averaged 2.28 million contracts compared to just 441,850 contracts for hard red winter wheat. Additionally, soft red winter wheat volume jumped 12.7 per cent in 2012 compared to 2011 while hard red winter wheat volume fell by 16.4 per cent.

“Hard red winter wheat in the United States is the biggest crop. It should be the most represented and where the investors should be.” JERRY GIDEL analyst

floor said that the KCBT hard red winter is a better contract than CBOT soft red winter wheat, and that volumes for the hard red winter wheat will quickly pick up once CBOT traders get used to trading it. The influx of speculative money into the soft red winter wheat contract in recent years has boosted volumes but also led to a lack of convergence between futures and cash prices. This has made it more

The Kansas City Board of Trade’s historic trading pits will close in June.

difficult for commercial buyers to hedge their grain, which some veteran floor traders have said destroyed what the contract was designed to do. CBOT has adopted a complex system of variable storage rates to try to address this problem with the soft red winter wheat contract but traders said the


KCBT’s simpler set of seasonal storage fees is preferable. CBOT’s takeover of hard red winter wheat trading will make it easier for its customers to build up spreads between hard red winter wheat and other contracts it lists such as corn, which traders said will help start the transition to more

active trading of hard red winter wheat. “Being able to have that... will definitely increase the volumes of hard red winter wheat and it will ultimately have the largest open interest,” Rice Dairy’s Gidel said. “It is going to be quicker and faster than people think.”

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Soft red winter wheat’s established position as the leader will make it hard to be passed as traders are creatures of habit and reluctant to change practices. But one trader on the CBOT 19769-04E FCC_Miller_8.125x10_rev.indd 1

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

U.S. food retailer to require GMO disclosure labels

The prevalence of GMOs in the United States, coupled with a lack of labelling requirements, has made it very difficult for retailers to source non-GMO options By Lisa Baertlein LOS ANGELES / REUTERS


Whole Foods Market Inc.’s co-chief executive Walter Robb. The company will require labelling of products that contain genetically modified ingredients by 2018. PHOTO: REUTERS/REBECCA COOK

hole Foods Market Inc. will require all products sold in its U.S. and Canadian stores to carry a label by 2018 saying whether they contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the organic and natural grocery seller said March 8. The United States is the world’s largest market for foods made with genetically altered ingredients. Many popular

processed foods — including soy milk, soup and breakfast cereal — are made with soybeans, corn and other biotech crops whose genetic traits have been manipulated, often to make them resistant to insects and pesticides. Whole Foods said the prevalence of GMOs in the United States, coupled with a lack of labelling requirements, has made it very difficult for retailers to source non-GMO options and for consumers to identify them.

“We are stepping up our support of certified organic agriculture, where GMOs are not allowed, and we are working together with our supplier partners to grow our non-GMO supply chain,” Walter Robb, cochief executive of Whole Foods, said in a statement. The United States does not require safety testing for genetically modified ingredients before they go to market. The food industry says the products are safe, but critics say there is a not enough independent research to make that determination. “We’re responding to our customers, who have consistently asked us for GMO labelling and we are doing so by focusing on where we have control: in our own stores,” Robb said. The announcement from Whole Foods comes as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration appears to be on the path to approving genetically engineered salmon. At the same time, consumer groups are working at the state and federal level to require labels on products that contain GMOs. Dozens of countries already have genetically modified food labelling requirements, with the European Union imposing mandatory labelling in 1997. Since then, genetically modified products and crops have virtually disappeared from those markets. Whole Foods in 2009 began putting its 365 Everyday Value product line through non-GMO verification. The chain currently sells 3,300 non-GMO Project verified products, such as its organic tofu, and plans to increase that number.


Budget set for April 16 Finance Minister Stan Struthers has announced that the 2013 provincial budget will be presented on Tuesday, April 16 when the Manitoba legislature resumes sitting. “Provinces across Canada and countries around the world are coping with the challenges of uncertainty in the global economy and the Bank of Canada forecasts that Canada’s economy will grow at a slower rate this year,” said Struthers. “We’ll tackle the challenges ahead of us with a balanced approach that is focused on the priorities of families and will grow our economy.”


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Iowa ends mandatory testing of milk for toxic byproduct aflatoxin Tests began last fall because the toxin-causing mould was prevalent Chicago / Reuters


owa has dropped a requirement that all milk received in the state be tested for aflatoxin, the toxic byproduct of a mould that attacks corn during a drought, the state’s Agriculture Department said March 1. Aflatoxin was more prevalent than usual in the 2012 U.S. corn harvest, which was hit by the biggest drought in the Grain Belt in 50 years. The worst outbreak appeared to have occurred just south of Iowa, the top U.S. corn producer. Mandatory milk testing in Iowa began on Aug. 31 amid fears that cows eating corn infected with the naturally occurring toxin would pass the substance through to their milk. Over the next six months, the Iowa Department of Agriculture said, only four loads of milk tested positive for aflatoxin. All four were destroyed. The last load of milk to test positive was on Nov. 7. Since then, approximately 88.46 million gallons of milk have been tested, the department said. The testing requirement was dropped as of March 1. “We appreciate the co-operation from milk processors and farmers throughout this process as we work with them to ensure the milk supply stays safe and free of aflatoxin,” Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey said in a statement. According to crop insurance data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, payouts in 2012 for mycotoxins, of which aflatoxin is the most common, totalled nearly $75 million, triple the level of a year ago. Nearly 85 per cent of the claims were filed in six states: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi and Missouri. Human exposure to high amounts of aflatoxin is rare. However, German authorities said March 1 they had found high levels of a toxin in animal fodder that was produced from maize imported from Serbia, but played down a possible risk to human health. The discovery of aflatoxin in the shipment coincided with increased concerns over food industry safety amid Europe’s horsemeat scandal and the recent week’s news that Germany is investigating possible largescale fraud by organic egg producers. Authorities in the northern German state of Lower Saxony, a major agricultural hub, said they had halted some 35,000 tonnes of the contaminated shipment at the Port of Brake or in warehouses. But a further 10,000

Over the next six months, the Iowa Department of Agriculture said only four loads of milk tested positive for aflatoxin. All four were destroyed.

tonnes had already been distributed to more than 3,500 farms in several states. The feed was meant for pigs, cattle and poultry, it said. But aflatoxin contamination prompted the Hy-Vee Inc. grocery chain to recall different product lines of its privately branded dog food due to elevated levels of aflatoxin contained in the corn used to make the pet food. The dog food, all manufactured at a plant in Kansas City, Kansas, was recalled across eight Midwestern states. Aflatoxin also caused a series of pet food and livestock food recalls in December 2011. Mycotoxins are produced by fungi and can cause kidney and liver damage, suppress the immune system and disrupt absorption of nutrients, among other problems.

A dairy cow looks out from a pen at a farm in Dobanovci, near Belgrade. Authorities in Serbia ordered an unspecified number of dairies to withdraw their milk from shops pending tests for a toxin released by fungi often found in grains, the Agriculture Ministry said. PHOTO: REUTERS/MARKO DJURICA


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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Russia’s role of cheap wheat supplier may be hurt in 2013 Russia’s prices need to fall by 24 per cent to match new crop prices By Polina Devitt MOSCOW / REUTERS


ussia’s role as one of the cheapest wheat suppliers to the Middle East and North Africa may be jeopardized in 2013 as it looks to rebuild depleted stocks after last year’s drought. The damage to Russia’s 2012 crop generated a huge premium for old wheat crop supplies versus new crop, attracting attention from exporters and the government. Exporters expect domestic wheat prices to fall sharply in the coming months as the new harvest arrives in June or July, while the government plans to release stocks now and buy them back after the new crop. “Usually Russia sells its wheat cheaper than others at the start of the season, but this year its potential would be limited and would make it

Dry weather wilts South African crops The biggest maize producer on the continent By Olivia Kumwenda BOTHAVILLE, SOUTH AFRICA / REUTERS


ry weather conditions have hit the main maize-growing areas in South Africa, wilting the crop and dashing prospects for better yields this year. South Afr ica’s provinces of Free State and North West, which together produce more than half of the country’s total maize crop, have been the hardest hit by the dry conditions in recent weeks after good rains earlier in the growing season. “Everything has changed in the last three weeks due to the lack of rain in crucial areas,” said Piet Faure, a soft commodities analyst at CJS Securities. “Some areas look good whilst other areas look worse than last year.” A Reuters journalist driving through the northern part of the Free State province saw wilting or dry crops, most of which were not fully developed, while irrigation pumps were seen in a few fields. The government said last month that South Africa was likely to harvest 12.35 million tonnes of maize in 2013 after reaping 11.83 million tonnes last year. Out of the estimated crop for 2013, a total of 7.5 million tonnes was seen coming from the Free State and North West provinces. “There will be food in the country, but it will not be like we anticipated earlier,” Jannie de Villiers, chief executive of farmers’ group Grain SA, told Reuters on the sidelines of the organization’s annual meeting. South Africa is the biggest maize producer on the continent and exports to its neighbours and oversees markets such as Mexico, South Korea and Italy.

harder to compete due to the modest exportable surplus and a need to replenish stocks,” a trader said. Russia’s domestic wheat prices, which were rising from August until early February, need to decline by about 24 per cent to match prices for the new harvest and by about 14 per cent to make the origin competitive for the country’s traditional markets such as Egypt. Russia has in recent years been one of the cheapest suppliers on the world market, typically attracting interest from price-sensitive buyers in north Africa and the Middle East. Global wheat prices were trading at multi-month lows the first week in March after a U.S. government report raised wheat supply by more than expected with rising expectations for a strong harvest in Australia as well as the U.S. Plains limited the gains.

A tractor sows spring wheat on a farm near the village of Konstantinovskoye in Russia’s southern Stavropol region Feb. 27. Favourable weather is likely to help the Black Sea region’s three top grain producers — Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan — restore grain output this year after a shattering fall in 2012, analysts and officials say. PHOTO: REUTERS/EDUARD KORNIYENKO


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Waiter! There’s a giraffe in my kudu African meat delicacies contain genetic surprises Johannesburg / Reuters


n l y t h re e d a y s a f t e r being told their hamburgers may in fact be donkey or water buffalo, South Afr ican meat lovers have been dealt another blow: biltong, the fabled dried-meat snack, may not be as “wild” as many packets suggest. Acting on a hunch — and four years before Europe’s horsemeat scandal broke — researchers at the University of the Western Cape tested 1 4 6 b i l t o n g s a m p l e s f ro m m a j o r re t a i l e r s a n d s m a l l butchers from across South Africa. All packets labelled ‘beef ’ were found to be correct but 90 per cent of biltong sticks supposedly made of kudu — a large, curly horned antelope — were actually horse, pork, beef, giraffe or even kangaroo. “It started with curiosity and suspicion because one

piece of dried meat looks like another,” researcher Maria Eugenia D’Amato from the university’s DNA Forensics Lab told Reuters. “We initially tested a few samples and the results were shocking so we decided to formalize the research.” Furthermore, zebra biltong was found to contain meat from the mountain zebra, a species threatened with extinction. Biltong, air-dried strips of meat made from wild game o r a n i m a l s re a re d o n t h e country’s 10,000-plus wildlife farms, is staple fare for South Africans, who regard it as a healthy, low-fat snack. Research released recently f o u n d t h a t d o n k e y, w a t e r buffalo and other unconventional ingredients had been found in almost two-thirds of hamburgers and sausages tested in Africa’s largest economy.

Two mountain zebras graze at their breeding ground outside Cape Town. Although this species is considered endangered, its meat is showing up in the African delicacy biltong. PHOTO: REUTERS

Taller children through better crop rotation Addition of legumes spreads ‘mantle of green’ across the country Staff


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esearchers at Michigan State University crop rotation with legumes and other soil-management practices have increased Malawian crop yields by 50 to 200 per cent compared to monoculture. Trials at one village have been so successful that children have gained weight and height to the point where they now meet international norms for healthy children. MSU ecologist Sieglinde Snapp described the initiative’s success at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Feb. 14-18 in Boston. She said crop model simulations, long-term field trials and on-farm experimentation highlight which combinations of legumes, cereals and soil management are best at using resources efficiently. Rotating corn with pigeon pea mixtures (a shrubby legume) keeps the soil from being stripped of nutrients, such as nitrogen, while increasing nutrient-rich grain productivity. “Participatory action research combined with access to new seeds of bushy food legumes has helped spread a mantle of green across the countryside and help achieve greater food security,” Snapp said in a release. “There have been notable gains in dietary diversity and increased child health in hundreds of farm communities of Northern Malawi — a truly sustainable project.” Corn yields increased from 50 to 200 per cent, when comparing rotating crops to monoculture. Soil improvement supported reduced fertilizer use and a 20 per cent improvement in yield stability, supporting communities’ ability to cope with drought.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

Ukraine seeks to restore irrigated agriculture The former Soviet republic aims to increase its grain harvest to 50 million tonnes Kiev / Reuters


Farmers harvest watermelons on a field near the village of Sofiyivka, some 80 km (50 miles) south of Odessa. PHOTO: REUTERS/ANATOLII STEPANOV

kraine plans to restore irrigation systems on a n a re a o f o n e m i l lion hectares in the southern part of the country in a bid to increase agricultural output in arid regions, the Agriculture Ministry said March 6. Ukrainian farmers used to cultivate about 2.5 million hectares of irrigated land in the Soviet era, mostly in the sou t h e r n re g i o n s o f K h e rson and Crimea, but after 22 years of independence the irrigated area fell to 400,000 hectares. “The overall irrigated area is expected to rise to 1.4 million hectares in two years,” the ministry said in a statement. Ukraine uses irrigated areas to produce grains and vegetables.

“The overall irrigated area is expected to rise to 1.4 million hectares in two years.”

The ministry said the government planned to issue $2 billion in state guarantees for future investments to implement the project. The former Soviet republic, one of the world’s leading agricultural producers and exporters, plans to increase its grain harvest to at least 50 million tonnes this year from 46.2 million tonnes in 2012.

Think-tank sees U.S. ethanol output slump in 2012-13

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Production will recover in the coming year due to lower prices for corn Washington / Reuters

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.S. ethanol makers will produce 12.6 billion gallons of ethanol this marketing year, well below the federal target for use of the renewable fuel, because of high corn prices due to drought, said the influential think-tank Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute March 8. “Production recovers in 2013-14 because of lower corn prices and the need to meet RFS2 (federal biofuel use) mandates,” said FAPRI in an annual report on the U.S. farm sector. It projected output of 14.6 billion gallons in the new marketing year. Cellulosic biofuel production volumes are “uncertain,” FAPRI said, and its projections were well below the federal mandate. It pegged cellulosic ethanol output at nine million gallons in the marketing year that ends on Aug. 31 and 21 million in 2013-14. Biodiesel production was forecast to rise steadily in the near term, thanks to the federal requirement to use biofuels, said FAPRI. Its projections assumed the Environmental Protection Agency sets the biodiesel mandate at 1.28 billion gallons a year from 2013. An Energy Department report this week indicated U.S. ethanol production of 12.3 billion gallons during 2013, compared to the mandate of 13.8 billion gallons. Analysts say producers will claim credit for exceeding the mandate in the past to offset a shortfall this year.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

China’s planners push urbanization as main growth driver Consumption is seen as the key to unlocking the full potential of domestic demand in the economy

Clothes are hung out to dry on a street in an area where old residential buildings are being demolished to make room for new skyscrapers in Shanghai March 6, 2013. China’s planned urbanization drive will be the main engine of growth for domestic economic activity in the years ahead. PHOTO: REUTERS/ALY SONG By Aileen Wang and David Stanway BEIJING / REUTERS


hina’s planned urbanization drive will be main engine of growth for domestic economic activity in the years ahead, giving the government scope to boost domestic demand and infrastructure investment, a senior planning official said March 6. China plans to spend 40 trillion yuan ($6.4 trillion) to bring 400 million people to cities over the next decade as the government tries to turn the country into a wealthy world power with economic growth generated by an affluent consumer class. “Urbanization is the biggest potential force driving China’s

domestic demand in the years ahead,” Zhang Ping, head of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China’s top economic planning agency, told reporters. Sources told Reuters that China plans major bond market reforms to help fund the 40-trillion plan. Guidelines for urbanization would be launched during the first half of this year, Zhang told a news conference on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s parliament. “We need to pay more attention to the quality of urbanization and align the process with China’s environmental capability and resources,” Zhang said.

The government hopes 60 per cent of the population of almost 1.4 billion will be urban residents by 2020 and will build homes, roads, hospitals and schools for them. The NDRC’s annual report to the NPC said China’s urbanization rate would climb to 53.37 per cent this year, up from 52.57 per cent in 2012.

Consumption key

Outgoing Premier Wen Jiabao said March 5 that consumption was the key to unlocking the full potential of domestic demand in the economy and would reduce excess, inefficiency and inequality. It would also help deliver growth of 7.5 per cent in 2013 —

a level China barely beat in 2012 when growth eased to its slowest pace in 13 years, expanding by 7.8 per cent. Urbanization is a policy priority for China’s government which wants to create a true consumer class that will help rebalance growth drivers away from the investment-heavy, export-oriented model it has followed for three decades. The factory-fuelled, breakneck economic expansion that has lifted hundreds of millions from rural poverty so far has also led to misallocation of resources, massive industrial inefficiency and exacerbated pollution. Widespread public anger and rare media criticism over pol-

lution was triggered recently after smog enveloped swathes of the north of the country, grounding flights, forcing people indoors and forcing measures such as factory closures. Zhang said China would continue to push forward with economic reforms to better clarify the different roles that the government and markets played in the economy. He re s t a t e d g ove r n m e n t pledges to carry out reforms in the years ahead, including fiscal, financial, pricing and income distribution reform, but gave no further details. Zhang said China’s longerterm strategy remained focused on boosting domestic consumption in the economy.



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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

What’s in a catchy phrase? Plenty if the term is ‘pink slime’ Lawyers for Beef Products Inc. say ABC’s characterization of lean finely textured beef made it sound vile, but network says it’s an accurate term for a thick, slippery substance By P.J. Huffstutter and Martha Graybow DAKOTA DUNES, SOUTH DAKOTA / REUTERS


year ago, Beef Products Inc. had four state-ofthe ar t plants, more than 1,300 employees and was expanding aggressively. The meat company was the leading maker of “lean finely textured beef,” a lowfat product made from chunks of beef, including trimmings, and exposed to tiny bursts of ammonium hydroxide to kill E. coli and other contaminants. Few realized it was a mainstay of fast-food burgers, school lunch tacos and homemade meatloaf.

“It’s hard to imagine ‘slime’ being a positive term, but at the same time, was it used with malice?”

Today, the South Dakota c o m p a n y ’s re v e n u e s h a v e plummeted from more than $650 million to about $130 million a year, and three of its plants are shuttered. Company officials blame the abrupt falloff on a series of ABC News broadcasts a year ago that repeatedly called its product “pink slime.” BPI is now suing the network, and star anchor Diane Sawyer, for $1.2 billion in one of the most high-stakes defamation court battles in U.S. history. The case also underscores an intensifying war between the farm sector and its critics over how food is made. Although the media furor over “lean finely textured beef” has waned in the U.S., the nation’s meat packers and ground beef manufacturers — pinched by a dwindling cattle supply and rising meat prices — are only now slowly reintroducing similar products to the marketplace. Libel cases are extremely difficult to win in the U.S. because of strong press pro-

tections, and ABC has compelling legal arguments. However, interviews with BPI’s founders, agriculture industry officials and legal experts, as well as a review of federal documents and court records, suggest that ABC’s reports had certain flaws that could resonate with a jury: ABC’s lead reporter on the story mischaracterized BPI’s product on Twitter; the network failed to clearly describe on air how the company’s beef wound up in the nation’s food supply; and ABC did not reveal in an interview with a former BPI employee that he had lost a wrongful termination lawsuit against the company. The case also could shine an unflattering light on BPI. Many consumers find the notion of processed beef unsavoury, and the lawsuit could open the door to the company having to reveal closely guarded information about its processes that could be used in other litigation. At the crux of the debate are two little words: pink slime — a term believed to have been coined by a USDA scientist after touring a BPI plant. BPI lawyers contend the common dictionary definition for slime is a “vile or disgusting matter” and using the term made consumers believe the company’s beef was something foul. A B C ’s l a w y e r s , i n t h e i r motion to dismiss the case, argued that slime is a fitting description of the company’s product, arguing a “more neutral” definition is a “thick, sticky, slippery substance.” “It’s hard to imagine ‘slime’ being a positive term, but at the same time, was it used with malice?” said Gene Policinski of the First Amendment Center at the Freedom Forum. “This is going to be a very tough thing for BPI to prove.” Regardless, ABC’s lawyers also argue the term is the kind of “rhetorical hyperbole” that is constitutionally protected. BPI founders Eldon and Regina Roth say they plan to pursue their fight against ABC even if it takes years and tens of millions of dollars in legal fees. “We have to do this,” said Eldon Roth. “We have no other choice.”

(Counterclockwise from bottom left) Eldon Roth, founder and CEO of Beef Products Inc. (BPI) and his wife Regina pose for a photograph with their son, Nick Roth, son-in-law Craig Letch and daughter Jennifer Letch at their company headquarters in Dakota Dunes, South Dakota November 19, 2012. PHOTO: REUTERS/LANE HICKEN

“Lean finely textured beef,” a low-fat product made from chunks of beef, including trimmings, and exposed to tiny bursts of ammonium hydroxide to kill E. coli and other dangerous contaminants at the root of a $1.2-billion lawsuit. PHOTO: REUTERS/LANE HICKENBOTTOM

Anchor Diane Sawyer of ABC News arrives on the red carpet for the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner at the Washington Hilton in Washington April 28, 2012. PHOTO: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013

U.S. crop insurance guarantees push big acres


Soybeans are expected to gain acres at the expense of corn By Julie Ingwersen CHICAGO / REUTERS

C Tom Bennie Sr. of Waskada trades snowballs with the kids after the snowstorm cancelled school and after he had piled up the snow out of the yard. PHOTO: SHARLENE BENNIE

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rop insurance that guarantees prices for the 2013 growing season should encourage U.S. farmers to again plant a large number of acres, with soybeans possibly claiming ground from corn, analysts said. The U.S. Depar tment of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency set the guarantees March 1, which act as the “floor price” for crop insurance policies, at $5.65 per bushel for corn and $12.87 a bushel for soybeans across most of the U.S. Crop Belt. The prices are based on the average settlement for Chicago Board of Trade December corn futures and November soybean futures during the month of February. “After last year’s exper ience with the drought, there is a high level of interest in crop insurance. The ability to essentially have a floor under it, at those price levels, is pretty attractive,” said Marty Fo re m a n , a n a n a l y s t w i t h Doane Advisory Services in St. Louis. Farmers can lock in a return of as much as 85 per cent of the 2013 floor price times their average yield through a variety of policies protecting them from a poor yield or a drop in farm gate prices. The guarantees are roughly in line with the 2012 levels of $5.68 for corn and $12.55 for soybeans, but down from record-high values in 2011 of $6.01 for corn and $13.51 for soybeans. Corn is typically a more profitable crop than soybeans. But because the 2013 soybean price rose relative to corn, producers might be swayed to shift some acres from corn to soybeans, especially those who suffered yield loss from planting corn on the same fields for successive years instead of alternating with soybeans. “I think the disenchantment with corn on corn might shift a few acres over to beans,” said Dale Durchholz, analyst with AgriVisor in Bloomington, Illinois. “But as much as anything, it tells me I plant big acres again this spring. Then you can argue about what the mix is going to be,” he said of the price guarantees. At its annual outlook forum last month, USDA projected 2013 U.S. corn plantings at 96.5 million acres, down slightly from the 97.2 million acres planted in 2012, a 75-year high. USDA projected 2013 soybean plantings at 77.5 million acres, up from 77.2 million in 2012. Planting season in the core Midwest Crop Belt is a little over a month away. The deadline to buy a crop insurance policy is March 15.


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


They built it and the kids came — it’s game on for shinny in Lowe Farm Outdoor rink offers fresh air, exercise and new quality of life for kids, families in Lowe Farm

Don Groening (l) and Dulaney Blatz were two of the local committee members who saw the completion of a brand new outdoor rink for this small, southern Manitoba village.  photos: By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff / lowe farm


inters of my childhood were long, long seasons,’ Roch Carrier famously penned in his iconic Canadian tale The Hockey Sweater. ‘School, church and the skating rink was where it was lived.’ Today, kids spend much of their time watching TV or playing video games, and that’s what prompted Dulaney Blatz, a Lowe Farm-area farmer, to pull a team of people together to build a fully equipped outdoor rink. At 80 x 100 feet, it’s just shy of NHL’s standard size, the lights stay on ’til 10 every evening, and if you need a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, there’s a canteen in an adjacent 1,000-square-foot heated building. Blatz couldn’t be more pleased with the $125,000 rink, paid for by community fundraising, a provincial Community Places grant, and the Lowe Farm Co-op and the RM of Morris, which purchased the land for the site. “I’m going to say it’s the nicest outdoor rink in Manitoba,” said Blatz, chair of the rink-building committee.

The community’s former rink was a dilapidated affair and was demolished to make room for residential lots. That meant parents had to drive their kids to nearby rinks at Morris, Rosenort or Plum Coulee — a challenge, both because of parents’ busy lifestyles these days and the fact that public skating time is limited in arenas devoted to hockey.

Old-fashioned shinny

It was high time to bring back some old-fashioned shinny, said Blatz, a father of four. “I organize the baseball program here in Lowe Farm and we’ve got three or four months of activity outside for kids here in spring and summer,” he said. “We needed something for wintertime, too.” A local rink also means kids not involved in hockey programs can now strap on their skates and do their impression of Sydney Crosby or Dustin Byfuglien. At least, that is, if they have them. A poll of students done by Lowe Farm K to Grade 8 school principal Rob Fiola before Christmas found only about 20 per cent even owned a pair of skates.

“There’s lots of kids who’ve said, ‘I’ve never skated before,’” said Fiola. That’s all changed since January. The rink was built right next to the school, which has incorporated skating into its physical education program. It costs nothing to skate here and a wide assortment of donated skates and helmets and hockey sticks means no one sits on the sidelines because they don’t own their own. “You can just come here and skate,” said Blatz. “If you don’t have skates, you can go on boots. There’s a stick to grab and play and there’s pucks. Some kids are too small to skate. Their parents pull them on a sleigh. It’s fun.” A pink-cheeked young lady gliding shakily over to greet a visitor last week agreed with that. “I never knew how to skate before,” she said. “I really like it.”


Thanks to volunteers who supervise the rink, and tie skates, in the evenings, the operating costs are very small, said Don Groening, another committee member. “We’d be looking at about $2,500 worth of labour costs if we had to hire for the labour that’s

Lowe Farm residents cut the ribbon on their new rink in January.

being donated right now,” he said. “But as a committee we just took it upon ourselves to share the responsibilities and donate our time.” He’s the ice maker and why not — after all, he has his own Zamboni. “I picked one up from the Elm Creek rink a few years ago, kind of anticipating someone someday would spearhead a project here,” said Groening. “And then I got myself involved,” he adds with a laugh. Ralph Groening, reeve of the RM of Morris said his council was glad to support this venture by donating the land for it. An outdoor rink is a great way for smaller communities to provide residents with healthy, outdoor exercise, he said. People know they can’t realistically expect to build or maintain the

lorraine stevenson

much more expensive covered arenas in every small centre anymore. And while this was no lowbudget undertaking either, “it’s doable” for smaller centres, he added. “This is more than just a good feeling about an old-fashioned concept.” Blatz said they could have built something smaller and less expensive, but they wanted to capture people’s attention. “When you do these things smaller, you have less interest. The bigger you make it the more interest there will be,” he said. Plus, they built this to last. “We could have built this a lot cheaper. We didn’t have to have such a nice building or such a nice rink and such nice boards. But this is forever. It should still be standing 50 years from now and it should still be in good condition.” Me a n w h i l e, m a n y L ow e Farm residents are hoping Roch Carrier’s ‘long, long seasons’ will keep on coming — although Blatz will settle for 10 weeks of outdoor skating each winter. “Anything above that is a plus,” he said. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013



Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

Use perimeter vision to make over your grocery cart Best Food Forward — Plan, Shop, Cook, Enjoy is March Nutrition Month theme

Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap


hat’s your route through your grocery store? If you travel its outer edges, and buy most of your groceries there, you’re going the right direction, according to dietitians who are encouraging us to shop a store’s perimeter more often during March Nutrition Month. That’s where the fresh, unprocessed foods, like raw fruit and vegetables, and fresh meat and dairy are found. Unfortunately, many of us stroll the middle aisles instead, and load up on the ready-to-eat foods, usually higher in fat and sodium. We’re often overwhelmed by the vast range of choices in the grocery stores too. A recent poll conducted for Dietitians of Canada finds many of us unsure about what we should buy when we get there; an astonishing 63 per cent of those polled said they struggle to make healthy choices at least half the time. The better news is most of us (67 per cent) also take a grocery list when we go, over half (52 per cent) read labels and 58 per cent say they cook balanced meals at home. The 2013 Nutrition Month theme — Best Food Forward — Plan, Shop, Cook, Enjoy — aims to encourage more of that, offering practical tips and advice to make better decisions at the store that result in healthier food cooked at home. The tips offered include cooking for small households (one or two persons), shopping on a budget, focusing on fresh food and 31 tips for grocery shopping for healthy food. The campaign includes lots of simple, common-sense tips — like keeping a fridge uncluttered, with fresh food snacks in plain sight, lest you be tempted with the higher-fat and sugar stuff. As always, Nutrition Month’s overall message is that healthy eating isn’t complicated. With a plan-ahead, strategic approach to grocery shopping, we can take home better food for making simple, lower-cost, home-cooked meals that are much healthier for us too.

You can access Nutrition Month tips from eaTipster, the Dietitians of Canada’s new free iPhone and iPad app, or visit their website at www.dietitians.ca. Here’s an example:

Today’s Tip! Brown sugar is usually white sugar with molasses added.

While some people consider brown sugar to be more natural, it is no healthier than white sugar. In fact, brown sugar is usually white sugar with molasses added to it. Both brown sugar and white sugar are concentrated sources of calories with very few other nutrients. Too much sugar in any form gives you extra calories. Whether you choose to use brown sugar or white sugar, use small amounts.

Here are two recipes courtesy of Dietitians of Canada (www.dietitians.ca) I think you’ll want to try. Cook and enjoy!

Mediterranean Roasted Beef And Veggies This colourful, nutrient-rich dinner cooks all at once, for minimal fuss. Serve with cooked couscous, quinoa, rice or pasta. 6 cloves, garlic peeled 3 plum (Roma) tomatoes, cored and quartered 1 small Spanish onion, cut into 12 wedges 1 baby eggplant, cut into chunks 1 red bell pepper, cut into chunks 1 yellow bell pepper, cut into chunks 8 ozs. zucchini (about 2 small), cut crosswise into 1⁄2-inch slices 4 ozs. mushrooms, quartered 4 tbsp. basil pesto, divided 2 tsp. olive oil 3 lbs. boneless beef sirloin tip or inside round oven roast Pinch each salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 tsp. liquid honey

Preheat oven to 275 F. Lightly spray prepared baking sheet with cooking spray. In a large bowl, combine garlic, tomatoes, onion, eggplant, red pepper, yellow pepper, zucchini, mushrooms and three tbsp. of the pesto; toss to coat. Spread evenly on prepared baking sheet; set aside. In ovenproof sauté pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Season beef with salt and pepper. Cook beef, turning with tongs, for about 10 minutes or until browned all over. Spread the remaining pesto over roast. Place on rack in the same sauté pan. Roast beef and vegetables in preheated oven for about 1-1/2 hours or until a meat thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the roast registers 140 F for medium rare, or until desired doneness. Transfer roast to a cutting board, tent with foil and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Using a rubber spatula, scrape vegetables into a large bowl. Add vinegar and honey; toss to coat. Carve roast across the grain into thin slices. Serve with vegetables. Makes six servings, with leftovers.

Butternut Squash, Spinach And Feta Frittata 1 butternut squash, peeled and cubed (4 to 5 cups) 1 pkg. (10 ozs.) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained 1-1/2 c. cubed peeled potatoes 3/4 c. thinly sliced red onion 8 eggs 1/2 c. 1 per cent milk Freshly ground black pepper 1 c. shredded cheddar cheese 1/2 c. crumbled feta cheese

Preheat oven to 400 F. Place squash in a large microwave-safe bowl and cover with plastic wrap, leaving a corner open to vent. Microwave on High for about five minutes or until fork tender. Drain off excess liquid. Gently stir in spinach, potatoes and red onion. Spread in 13x9-inch glass baking dish, lightly greased. In a bowl, whisk together eggs and milk. Season to taste with pepper. Pour over vegetables and stir gently to distribute. Sprinkle evenly with cheddar and feta. Bake in preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes or until eggs are set. Makes 12 servings. Source: ©YEAR. Dietitians of Canada. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint in its entirety. For noncommercial use only. www.dietitians.ca.

Oops! Several readers were quick to point out a recipe for a Chewy Granola Bar on these pages Feb. 28 was listed as ‘nut free’ when the ingredients include peanut butter, almonds and coconut. These ingredients are not in fact nuts — peanuts are a legume, almonds and coconuts are drupes, which is the same family as a peach. But they can be allergens or, as in the case of almonds, are often processed in the same facilities that handle nuts. So they are usually on the list of foods that should not be served in nut-free facilities. In the original article containing this recipe, I failed to include safer substitutes. My apologies for that. Here is the original recipe again with those substitute ingredients.

Jenn’s Chewy Granola Bars 3/4 c. brown sugar 3/4 c. honey 2/3 c. smooth peanut butter (substitute 2/3 c. Sunbutter*) 1/3 c. canola oil 2 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 c. coconut flakes 1/2 c. raisins 1/2 c. chocolate chips 1/2 c. sliced almonds, skin on (substitute 1/2 c. coarsely chopped apricots**) 1/2 c. sunflower seeds 1/3 c. wheat bran 2 tbsp. sesame seeds 3 c. large flaked oats

Preheat oven to 325 F/170 C. In extra-large bowl, mix brown sugar, honey, peanut butter (or Sunbutter), canola oil, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix well. Add coconut, raisins, chocolate chips, almonds (or chopped apricots), sunflower seeds, bran, sesame seeds and oats. Stir until blended. In a 9x13-inch pan, line with parchment paper and lightly spray with canola oil. Press mixture into the pan, making sure it is even. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool in pan. Cut into individual bars and store in freezer. *Sunbutter is found in health food stores and is a peanut butter alternative that is not only nut free but gluten free, and contains no hydrogenated oil. It has very similar consistency to natural peanut butter and tastes just like sunflower seeds. To learn more about the product visit www.sunbutter.com. Chopped apricots is one suggestion from Jenn who experimented with the original recipe to produce the alternative version. She also suggests using dried cranberries, or coarsely chopped prunes, golden raisins, dried berry mix, dried mango, coarsely chopped dried apples. Or you could add an extra 1/2 cup combination of the other items in the bars (chocolate chips, raisins, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, oats, coconut). If you are wary of any of the other ingredients, experiment with other combinations of the ingredients you do like.

Recipe Swap If you have a recipe or a column suggestion please write to:

Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794 Carman, Man. R0G 0J0 or email Lorraine Stevenson at: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013



t’s like living in Narnia!” Brady Jackson stomped the snow off of his boots in the entry of the Jackson’s house, and then reached out to help his wife, Amanda, out of her coat. “This winter is just endless!” “It’s worse than Narnia,” said Andrew from his seat at the dining room table. “It may have been always winter in Narnia, but at least they never had to worry about Christmas.” “So says the Grinch,” said Rose who was at the kitchen counter pouring coffee for the newcomers. Brady and Amanda joined Andrew at the table, seating themselves across from Jennifer who was already in her usual place. Andrew folded up his newspaper and laid it down next to his coffee cup. “So, what’s in the news Pops?” said Brady. Andrew shrugged. “Not much,” he said. “The Catholics are playing pick-a-pope, and Ikea in Winnipeg is expecting an influx of European shoppers. That’s about it.” Brady raised an eyebrow. “Europeans are coming to shop at Ikea in Winnipeg? Why would they do that?” “Meatballs,” said Andrew. “Can’t get ’em at Ikea in Europe now, and everybody knows that’s the real reason people go to Ikea.” “Why can’t they get meatballs in Europe?” asked Amanda. “I thought meatballs were a staple of the European diet. Like rice in Asia. Or like trans fats in the U.S.” “So they are,” said Andrew. “Or at least so they were, until somebody discovered that the all-beef Swedish meatballs they serve at Ikea aren’t necessarily all beef.” Amanda looked confused. “So what’s the big deal?” she said. “So there’s a little pork or chicken in your meatball. Who cares?” “Who said anything about pork or chicken?” said Andrew. “Everybody loves pork and chicken, even Europeans. As it turns out though, they have a serious thing about horses.” “Horses?” said Amanda. “Indeed,” said Andrew. “They found horsemeat in the Swedish meatballs.” Amanda looked appalled. “And this was a surprise to whom?” said Brady.



“They’re meatballs, for Pete’s sake. Mass produced, probably in some factory in China. If I’m going to eat those things, I don’t even WANT to know what’s in them.” “They’re made in Romania actually,” said Andrew. “Or Bulgaria, or one of those places.” “I thought there were lots of places in Europe where horsemeat was a popular dish,” said Rose, setting a couple of steaming cups in front of Brady and Amanda and then seating herself at the foot of the table. “Not really,” said Andrew. “In France maybe. But for Ikea it’s not really about the horsemeat anymore. The question is, if there’s horsemeat in the meat-

balls and nobody knows about it, then what else might be in there that nobody knows about?” “Exactly,” said Brady. “It’s about quality control. If there’s horsemeat in Ikea’s meatballs, then what might be in their wooden furniture?” “Certainly not wood,” said Rose. “Well, that goes without saying,” said Brady. Jennifer looked up from the book she had been reading. “The real problem,” she said, “is people don’t want to know too much about the food they eat. Especially meat. They don’t want to have to think about it, that’s all. They’re perfectly fine eating horsemeat as long as they think that it’s beef.” There was a pause while the others thought about that. “So what you’re saying,” said Brady, “is that the problem isn’t that there’s horsemeat in the meatballs, it’s that people know there’s horsemeat in the meatballs.” “Well duh,” said Jennifer. “Who knows how long the horsemeat’s been in there? And obviously it was never a problem till somebody found out.” There was another pause. “So what is your point exactly?” said Brady. Jennifer shrugged. “No point,” she said. “I’m just saying. People don’t want to think about where meat comes from. They want to think about cows as those quiet, gentle animals that get to eat as much of their favourite food as they want, plus they get to chew it twice and digest it like four times… I mean who wouldn’t want to have the life of a cow? But when they have a filet mignon on their plate people prefer not to be reminded that they are in fact ‘having the life’ of a cow. If you get what I mean. The real reason people are upset about finding horsemeat in the meatballs is that it reminds them that meatballs are made of meat.” “How do you forget that meatballs are made of meat?” said Brady. “I mean, that’s why they’re called meatballs, for Pete’s sake.” “People can forget anything in the interests of enjoying a meal,” said Jennifer. “Except the fact that they don’t like horsemeat, apparently,” said Rose. “I guess,” said Jennifer. “Anything except for that.”

It’s time to plant pepper seeds Slow to germinate and slow growing, they’ll benefit from a head start By Albert Parsons FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR


t might be difficult to start thinking about the outdoor garden since it still looks very much like winter. There are plants we grow outside, however, that must be given a head start if they are going to be productive during the summer because of our short growing season. Peppers are good candidates for seeding indoors because they take a long time to bear fruit from their seedling date. Yes, you can purchase plants from your local greenhouse, but the number of varieties available is usually quite limited and because I prefer certain kinds, I start my own pepper plants from seed. Bell pepper seeds should be planted indoors anywhere from eight to 10 weeks before the plants are transplanted outside. Hot peppers are slower growing so they need to be planted about 12 weeks ahead of time. What this means is that March is pepper-planting time for us on the Prairies. Peppers are a warm-weather crop and do not fare very well if planted outdoors before air temperatures are consistently warm. I don’t usually transplant mine

“One reason that the seeds must be planted so early is that pepper seeds are slow to germinate.”

outside until early June. If you use protective coverings, you can push up the date by a week or so, but the plants will deteriorate if subjected to a prolonged cold spell. Determine you plantingout date and count back the required number of weeks to determine your seedling dates. Pepper seeds should be planted in a good-quality, sterile, soilless mix. Soak the seeds for a few hours — until they sink in a container of water — and cover the seeds lightly with some of the planting mix. I plant my seeds in one tray rather than in individual pots simply to save space. Either method will work as long as the soil is not allowed to dry out during the germination process. One reason that the seeds must be planted so early is that pep-

per seeds are slow to germinate — although warm temperatures will hasten the process. Peppers germinate well in a light garden where the lights add heat, but I also have germinated them on top of the fridge — another “hot spot” in the house. If you are growing more than one variety, label the containers. The seedlings must be given lots of light immediately upon germination. When they have two pairs of true leaves, transplant the seedlings into individual pots. I have used four-inch pots but those really deep twoinch cell packs also work well. Be sure to handle the seedlings by their leaves and not their stems to avoid injuring the delicate stem structure. Water in the freshly transplanted seedlings and keep the soil moist. Fertilize with a 20-20-20 soluble fertilizer every week. I always put my pepper plants out in my cold frame in late spring but I am careful to protect them from cold snaps by using a heater. I get sturdier transplants by growing them in a cold frame where the plants get full sun. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba

By starting pepper seeds indoors in March, you should be able to produce a good crop in your outdoor garden. PHOTO: ALBERT PARSONS


The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013


From a tourist’s view Seeing what farming is like for the average Cuban By Donna Gamache Freelance contributor


trip to the beaches of Varadero, Cuba may be what you’re dreaming of. But perhaps, after some time in the sun, you might want more — to see the ‘real’ Cuba, outside of the all-inclusive resort strip. My husband and I recently spent two weeks on the tropical island. We admired the fabulous Varadero beaches, but what we enjoyed most were the tours that gave us a view of life for the ordinary Cuban, particularly in rural areas. If you plan tours carefully, you can see quite a bit of the countryside and get an idea of just what agriculture is like. It’s possible, if you ask at the resort, to find a car and driver/translator to take you around. But if you don’t want to attempt that, then consider taking some of the tours available. There were two agents on call in our resort — offering somewhat similar tours at about the same prices, perhaps just on different days. Check out both to see which fits you best. We t o o k t h re e d i f f e re n t tours, a day trip to Havana; the Guama Sugar and Steam trip; and the Three Cities/Rambo tour which spent the night in the mountains, not far from the city of Trinidad. We saw many types of agriculture and got an idea of the problems the industry faces there. In many ways, you think you’ve gone back 50 or 100 years when you see people working manually in the fields. What machinery we did see was usually very old. Horses pulling small carts loaded with produce were most frequent, while teams of oxen pulling outdated plows worked here and there. The collective far m was for many years the only type of agriculture in Cuba, but changes in production are now coming. Our guide informed us that Fidel Castro has admitted that the co-operative system has not been successful, and new types of production are now allowed. Various types of co-operatives still exist, the guide said. On some, the farmers work for a salary but also get part of the profit. On others, they work for wages only. However, private ownership is now permitted, with the maximum amount of land a farmer can own privately being 67 hectares. (The term ‘private’ is not used; instead these farms are labelled as ‘small’ and the

national average size is closer to 15 hectares.) The failure in agriculture is evident as one passes. Areas that once produced sugar cane now lie fallow, overrun by weeds and tall bushes. This is due particularly to the loss of Cuba’s main market, following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Chimneys and the ruins of sugar factories are evidence of this collapse. (Production dropped by about 95 per cent, though it has recovered somewhat since.) Production is also hampered by the lack of quality machinery. We saw some canes being h a r ve s t e d by h a n d , u s i n g horse-drawn carts. In others, old-looking machinery and very old trucks were used. We stopped at one former sugar factory, where ancient steam engines are still used to carry tourists through the fields, and workers demonstrate a primitive way to squeeze juice from the canes, making a sweet drink. Another crop that suffered badly was coffee. At one time Cuba sent people to Vietnam to teach them how to grow coffee. Now Cuba imports coffee from Vietnam for domestic use, and exports its own, higher-quality coffee beans. We visited a coffee-growing region in the mountainous region north of Trinidad de Cuba. On the slopes and in the valleys, farmers clear undergrowth and smaller trees, leaving the taller ones and banana plants to provide shade for coffee plants. Tobacco is another important crop. It is grown in four main regions to produce different types of fibres used in making the famous Cuban cigars, which require five leaves per cigar. We drove past tobacco growing under nets in several places. Rice and beans are the main food staples of many Cubans, but not enough rice is produced for their needs, with imports coming from Vietnam and elsewhere. We did see rice paddies in several places. In one spot flooded paddies had been recently planted. Sm a l l , s u b s i s t e n c e - t y p e farms were particularly evident in the mountainous regions, with vegetable plots and sometimes a few banana plants, or a little corn. Small roadside stands offered goods to passersby. Small farms usually seemed to have a few loose chickens and pigs, one or two scrawny cattle, and perhaps a single horse, feeding along the highway, tethered by

Small subsistence farm in the mountains  photos: DONNA AND LUC GAMACHE

Old tractor used in rice paddies

a rope. Where there were cattle in larger numbers, nearer the cities, they were more often dairy cows. We saw goats in significant numbers, but not many sheep. “Cuba is too hot for sheep,” our guide told us, “except for a variety which has much thinner wool.” Citrus fruits are one crop that was still grown on larger col lective pla ntatio ns. We passed through the large s t Cu b a n o ra n g e p l a n t ation, 40 square kilometres in size. Most of the orange crop was finished for the season, though we saw fruit hanging from trees in a few places. Some fields had newly planted

orange trees; others had halfgrown trees, while still others had trees that were obviously past their best and would need replacing. Bananas are an interesting crop. The plants are tall — up to four metres or so — a height they reach in just a few months. Each plant then produces a single large cluster of bananas, after which the plant is finished and must be replaced. This is different from mango plants which can be cut back after production, and then will regrow. The mangos were not in season, but we did see a few small ones growing. Other crops we saw included

guava, pineapples, papayas, grapefruit and sisal. We also visited a crocodile ‘farm’ and drove past what was termed a ‘shrimp farm.’ Overall, we learned a lot about farming from the guides and from what we saw. According to one guide, the Cuban government is really trying to revive agriculture, and to recruit students to study it, but so far improvements are slow in coming. With tourism the big money industry, it may be a while before much improvement occurs. Donna Gamache writes from MacGregor, Manitoba

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The Manitoba Co-operator | March 14, 2013



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