Bird flu lethal
It’s all about
New strain unusually dangerous » Page 8
StatsCan predicts higher acreage » Page 18
SERVING MANITOBA FARMERS SINCE 1925 | Vol. 71, No. 18 | $1.75 May 2, 2013
Fast-disappearing snow bodes well for anxious farmers
Now you can do something about the weather We can’t change it, but we can understand it better
Fingers are crossed seeding won’t be delayed as much as first feared
By Allan Dawson co-operator staff/Miami
verybody talks about the weather, but CoCoRaHS is looking for people who want to do something about it. That might be stretching it. Nobody can stop rain, snow or hail from falling, but they can report how much fell and a lot can be done with the information, says Alison Sass, local co-ordinator for the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network. “What happens in a small area can have a big effect sometimes,” she said in an interview April 25. Just ask people living in Fort Collins, Colorado. On July 28, 1997 a rainstorm resulted in an “epic flood” causing more than $200 million in damage, according to a CoCoRaHS video ( h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e. com/watch?v=eXHMv_2H8I& There were only two
Miami farmer Ray Lawson’s grandfather started seeding most years in April. That didn’t happen this year but Lawson, like every other Manitoba farmer, is praying warm, dry weather from here on will make up for lost time. photo: allan dawson
See WEATHER on page 7 »
By Allan Dawson co-operator staff /miami
Publication Mail Agreement 40069240
ay Lawson’s air seeder was still buried in snow April 22, making this one of the latest starts to spring seeding this Miamiarea farm has seen in 128 years of record-keeping. According to his grandfather David Lawson’s diaries, between 1885 and 1944 seeding began in April on Maple Grove Farm northeast of Miami 54 out 59 years. During the other five, seeding started in May twice and in March three times — March 20, 1889, March 24, 1910 and March 30, 1918 to be exact. “That strikes me as early,” Lawson says. “We start seed-
ing as often the end of April as we do the beginning of May.” No doubt there were years when Lawson’s grandfather started seeding in April but was delayed because of snow or rain. Starting early doesn’t guarantee an early finish. Crop insurance records show seeding in this part of Manitoba is earlier than most. It typically gets more heat units and has a longer frostfree period too. A late spring, which saw most of agro-Manitoba covered in deep snow until last week, has triggered lots of coffee shop talk about when seeding will finally get underway. Even if the precipitation holds off, seeding will
be delayed in some parts of Manitoba due to flooding. The frustration of this year’s delay is no doubt magnified because seeding was well advanced at this time a year ago — probably one of the earliest springs in years. As of April 30, 2012 seeding was 70 per cent completed in the Interlake, 50 per cent done in the Central Region, 40 per cent completed in the Eastern Region, 10 per cent done in the Southwest Region and less than five per cent completed in the Northwest Region, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) said in its weekly crop report. Fifty-nine per cent of last year’s red spring wheat crop was in the ground by the
“It’s possible that we could be in the field by then. I sure hope so.” Ray Lawson
fourth week of April and 68 per cent was seeded by the first week of May, according to Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation crop insurance records. Even in 2011, 50 per cent of the wheat was seeded by the third week of May, although See NO SNOW on page 6 »
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Did you know?
Putting the clock in the cock-a-doodle-do
Bale-grazing blues Wildlife get a free lunch at farmers’ expense
AAAS release
CROPS A strong case Gluten-strength debate continues
FEATURE A spud with staying power Processors loath to replace Russet Burbank
CROSSROADS Mature driving skills Seniors brush up on driving safely
4 5 8 10
Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets
Roosters really do know what time of day it is
Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku
f course, roosters crow with the dawn. But are they simply reacting to the environment, or do they really know what time of day it is? Researchers reporting in a recent Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, have evidence that puts the clock in “cock-a-doodledoo.” “‘Cock-a-doodle-doo’ symbolizes the break of dawn in many countries,” says Takashi Yoshimura of Nagoya University in Japan. “But it wasn’t clear whether crowing is under the control of a biological clock or is simply a response to external stimuli.” That’s because other things — a car’s headlights, for instance — will set a rooster off, too, at any time of day. To find out whether the rooster’s crowing is driven by an internal biological clock, Yoshimura and his colleague Tsuyoshi Shimmura placed birds under constant light conditions and turned on recorders to listen and watch. Under round-the-clock dim lighting, the roosters kept right on crowing each morning just before dawn, proof that the behaviour is entrained to a circadian rhythm. The roosters’ reactions to external events also varied over the course of the day. In other words, predawn crowing and the crowing that roosters do in response to other cues both depend on a circadian clock. The findings are just the start of the team’s efforts to unravel the roosters’ innate vocalizations, which aren’t learned like songbird songs or human speech, the researchers say.
Of course, roosters crow with the dawn. But are they simply reacting to the environment, or do they really know what time of day it is? photo: Thinkstock
11 16 26 30
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
A steamy start to 2013 crop story
Champion quilts on display
Steam rises from a field southwest of Miami April 26 — the first double-digit temperature day since the end of last October. It was also the first day that saw much spring run-off. Many fields near Miami were white with snow April 25 but mostly snow free, except for along shelterbelts, by April 29. What a difference a few days can make. photo: allan dawson
Pork sector honours industry contributions
Contamination a concern
By Shannon VanRaes
The provincial government wants to increase protection for species of plants and animals at risk in Manitoba CO-OPERATOR STAFF
Jonathan Kleinsasser, managing director at Crystal Spring Hog Equipment, was presented with the Pork Industry Innovation Award at the Manitoba Pork Council annual meeting in recognition of his lifetime commitment to improving equipment used in animal industry. Kleinsasser, who has 35 patented inventions to his credit, is best known for the wet-dry feeder he created in 1985 that has revolutionized how pigs are fed. Henervic Farms was presented with the Pork Industry Swine Steward Award in recognition of outstanding commitment and contributions to agriculture, to the hog industry, to community and to their fellow Manitobans. Henervic Farms is a multifamily operation started by Henry Peters in 1948. He was joined by sons Eric and Vic in 1970, a third son Eric in 1975 and later by brother-in-law Ray Sawatzky. They were recognized for their community involvement. “These are very worthy recipients,” says MPC chair Karl Kynoch. “They both are family operations and it’s great to see families working so hard at contributing to the hog industry. Their passion and commitment is what will help this industry thrive.”
anitoba’s new ecosystem protection legislation shouldn’t have a major impact on farmers in the province, says Keystone Agricultural Producers president, Doug Chorney. “It hasn’t been on our radar,” he said. “There aren’t a lot of areas where it’s going to affect producers.” Manitoba is the first jurisdiction in North America to introduce this type of legislation, which protects essential habitats for endangered plants and wildlife. Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh said the province will introduce legislative amendments to create the endangered species and ecosystem act. The proposed act would be the first legislation in North America to allow the listing of ecosystems as endangered or threatened and protect them on provincial Crown land. “The destruction or loss of habitat leads to plants and wildlife becoming threatened or endangered,” said Mackintosh. “This new legislation will allow us to better protect an ecosystem at risk, rather than only identifying the threatened or endangered species found in it.” The legislation will create a new designation called “special
“This new legislation will allow us to better protect an ecosystem at risk, rather than only identifying the threatened or endangered species found in it.” Gord Mackintosh
concern” for species at risk of becoming threatened in Manitoba and expand the role of the Endangered Species Advisory Committee. It will also add protection orders that empower conservation officials to pre-emptively stop activities that endanger habitat and ecosystems, increasing fines and penalties for violations under the legislation. As with any type of enforcement that may bring officials onto farmland, Chorney said there is a concern about crosscontamination. “They have the right to enter your property without permission, and sometimes with biosecurity issues, that can create a real risk for disease transmission,” he said. However, he added conservation and water stewardship officials have generally been accommodating of concerns. If the legislation closes some Crown lands to recreational users, another issue could arise as well.
“That might mean recreational users could get pushed onto private lands, and that could mean farmers’ land,” said Chorney. But grazing practices on Crown land won’t be affected. Mackintosh said grazing is an important management practice when it comes to maintaining healthy grassland ecosystems and populations of species at risk such as buffalo grass and burrowing owls.
Quilting hardly qualifies as a competitive sport, but there was a time when quilt makers in this province could dream of glory. In the early 1980s, Canada Packers came up with a way to showcase the talents of Manitoba’s best practitioners of this traditional craft. And winning the Grand Champion Quilt was no easy feat. Entrants had to first garner the blue ribbon for the top quilt at their local fair, and then face off at the annual convention of the Manitoba Association of Agricultural Societies. Only a handful won the coveted award as the program was discontinued in 1990 when Canada Packers ran into financial difficulties. That also put an end to a program in which the company provided transportation and setup for any community group wanting to display the Canada Packers Manitoba Quilt collection. However, the collection was donated to the Manitoba Agricultural Museum and will be on display during its Manitoba Day celebrations on May 12. For more information on this event and the museum, visit com.
The 1988 Grand Champion Quilt “Four By Eight Stars” quilted by Anne Morrison of Winnipeg.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Be safe out there
ast Friday afternoon was one of those days that makes one want to say “to heck” with getting the editorial written, sneak out of the office a little early and sit on the deck sipping a cold beverage. Finally. We’ve waited a long time for spring to arrive in Manitoba. But despite a few more wet flurries, the snowpack burying those fields started disappearing before our very eyes last week, this time it seems, for real. Laura Rance For us in the farm press, the onset of seedEditor ing typically means things start to slow down a little. With farmers in the field, there are fewer meetings to cover. Even the flood forecasts are starting to sound a little less dramatic. That painfully slow freeze-thaw cycle, where the temperatures hovered just above and below the freezing mark for most of April, appears to have given much of the moisture a chance to either soak in or evaporate. If the forecast stays dry, there’s a good possibility that at least some of the fields will be ready for planting by mid-May, which is well within the optimum window for good yields. Which is why farmers across this province need to take a deep breath and pause before digging the air seeders out of the snowbank and rushing for the field. Pause and think about all the reasons you have for playing it safe this season. Take a moment and read this week’s Crossroads feature about mature drivers and safety. According to the statistics, most farmers in this province are “mature”and the same safety advice applies whether you are driving to town or doing field work. Accidents causing injury and death frequently occur during the busy seasons when people try to cut corners to save time or get a few more acres done in the day. The degree of flooding has been reduced, but there are still areas of localized flooding, crossings that are under water and roads that will be impassible. RCMP say one Ste. Rose family endured a close call just this past weekend after their vehicle became stuck in a low-level crossing that was under water. Firefighters entered water up to their necks to rescue a 12-year-old girl found clinging to a tree in the frigid fast-moving water. Her father was rescued from the vehicle’s rooftop. Sometimes it’s worth it taking the long way around. If you’re tired, take a rest. Don’t underestimate the risk of operator fatigue to your own well-being, your family’s and your business. Taking your time might cost you a few minutes. Risking an accident could cost you a lifetime.
Polls and pesticides Public opinion polls rarely create a solid foundation upon which to base policy but they can offer interesting insights into how the public perceives contentious issues. A newly released poll conducted by Probe research for the Winnipeg Free Press suggests the provincial government’s proposal to phase out the use of cosmetic pesticides on lawns and gardens isn’t very contentious at all with the Manitoba public. According to the Free Press, the poll found that 55 per cent of those surveyed are in favour of eliminating the use of pesticides on lawns and gardens. That includes 28 per cent who strongly support the notion and 27 per cent who moderately support it. Thirtythree per cent oppose the idea, including 17 per cent who are strongly opposed and 16 per cent moderately so. The survey included people who used the products as well as those who don’t. The results were evenly split between women and men, urban and rural, with support for the ban only slightly higher in urban areas. The results were somewhat surprising to the pollster, who said he expected people who use these products on their lawns and gardens to oppose the ban. But the newspaper
report says 46 per cent of people who use the pesticides support the ban, while 44 per cent don’t. What is this poll telling us? For starters, if the government proceeds with a cosmetic pesticide regulation, it’s unlikely to form the deal-breaker with the public come election time. We don’t think it necessarily follows that limiting access to these products by a public that is generally ill informed about how to use them safely means that crop-protection products are next on the hit list. More than anything it reflects a growing public awareness that these products aren’t benign. Their use involves weighing costs and benefits. Farmers use these products to protect their yields and that’s something people can understand. But keeping a lawn dandelion free just for looks or because your neighbour gives you dirty looks has proven futile. Despite a half a century of waging war, dandelions are as prevalent as ever. Maybe homeowners aren’t really that worried about whether pesticides are toxic. They’re just ready to stop worrying about a few yellow flowers in their lawns.
Cattle producers in crisis By Cam Dahl
t is May and most people in Manitoba are wondering when spring will actually arrive. For many people with a nine-to-five job, this is a question borne out of frustration with a long, cold winter — but not one that puts their livelihoods at risk. The question is a lot more urgent for many beef producers in the province. This has been a very long winter for the beef industry. Feed supplies were short going into the winter. A combination of the ongoing impacts of the 2011 flood and drought in southern Manitoba meant reduced production. Compounding the problem was the significant demand from the drought regions of the U.S. that sucked hay out of all parts of the Canadian Prairies. The unexpected length of winter has intensified the feed shortage. Producers are struggling to find adequate feed supplies to get their cattle to grass. Preparing for another flood has only compounded problems. Both Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) and Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) have taken calls from producers looking for ways to stretch feed supplies until pastures become available. MAFRI and MBP have been working together to try to get the message out that there are options for producers. I urge anyone still facing feed shortages to call either MBP or MAFRI to discuss the options before the problem becomes unmanageable. Flood-affected beef producers required assistance last summer and fall to purchase and transport hay. Many of these producers received flood water in 2011, so that other areas of Manitoba were not flooded. They were promised compensation and they deserve compensation. It is not right that producers are being forced to contem-
plate liquidating their herds because the required compensation has not been forthcoming. MBP is disappointed with both the federal and provincial governments over the lack of progress on this critical issue. We have seen both the federal and provincial budgets be introduced, neither carrying a word about compensation. There must be co-operation between the two levels of government to deliver the required forage shortfall and transportation program. Instead, they appear to be at a stalemate, blaming each other for the lack of progress. Those of you who were among the 300-plus people at the Marquette flood meeting had the unfortunate opportunity to witness this first hand. I want every beef producer in Manitoba to know that we have not given up on this issue. To date, we have not received an acceptable answer from our political leaders. Despite the passage of time, we know that the effects of the 2011 flood continue. We know that many of you have been impacted by drought. And we know that the spring of 2013 has made things worse, both by its late arrival and because land is, once again, at risk of being flooded. MBP’s key message to governments is — Manitoba’s economy cannot afford more downsizing in the beef industry. A loss of producers and herds will cost jobs in both urban and rural Manitoba. If beef production is allowed to decline, our communities will be hollowed out and our municipalities will lose the tax base required to provide the necessary services. Supporting the beef industry is in the best interest of every citizen of Manitoba. Cam Dahl is general manager of Manitoba Beef Producers.
From the Dufferin Leader in Carman circa 1950(another late spring)
Spring Seeding
erhaps one of the most valuable records hereabouts, particularly dealing with pioneer days, is the diary of D. (David) Lawson of Miami. Many an argument can be settled referring to that historical record. For those farmers to whom the current late spring has caused some concern or made them speak of way back when the seeding was started on such and such a date the following will be interesting, and also to those who do not have many years to remember. It is a list of dates seeding was started on Maple Grove Farm (east half of 27-5-6 by Mr. Lawson. The record started back in 1885:
1885 — April 14 1886 — April 6 1887 — April 14 1888 — April 14 1889 — March 20 1890 — April 3 1891 — April 5 1892 — April 13 1893 — April 24 1894 — April 26 1895 — April 3
1896 — May 6 1897 — April 20 1898 — April 12 1899 — April 13 1900 — April 4 1901 — April 5 Good Friday 1902 — April 13 1903 — April 13 Easter Monday 1904 — May 2 1905 — April 8 1906 — April 6
1907 — May 4 1908 — April 10 1909 — April 20 1910 — March 24 1911 — April 10 1912 — April 12 1913 — April 13 1914 — April 15 1915 — April 7 1916 — April 22 1917 — April 21 1918 — March 30 1919 — April 19 1920 — April 27 1921 — April 17 1922 — April 17 1923 — April 27 1924 — April 30 1925 — April 7 1926 — April 12
1927 — April 25 1928 — April 11 1929 — April 5 1930 — April 10 1931 — April 14 1932 — April 14 1933 — April 18 1934 — April 14 1935 — April 18 1936 — April 17 1937 — April 9 1938 — April 9 1939 — April 13 1940 — April 20 1941 — April 21 1942 — April 27 1943 — April 15 1944 — April 13 1945 — Retired
Submitted to the Manitoba Co-operator by Ray Lawson, David Lawson’s grandson, who continues to farm the land homesteaded in 1878 by his great grandfather.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Navigating the NHP-food transition The food framework is uncharted territory for some processors By Laura Gomez Food lawyer
n fall 2011, Health Canada began charting a course for the transition of food-like “natural health products” (NHPs) to the food regulatory framework. Swept up in this transition are products in traditional food format (for example, energy drinks, vitamin waters, and supplements in candy or bar form), as well as certain products at the foodNHP interface (such as powders and chews). Many of these products were licensed as NHPs, while others had been issued exemption numbers that allowed them to be marketed while the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) processed their submissions. For some industry members who had grown accustomed to the NHP regulatory framework, the change in course was not necessarily welcome news. Since 2004, the NHPD had established clear guidelines for claims associated with vitamin and mineral supplements, caffeine, and herbal extracts such as green tea. The food regulatory framework, on the other hand, was uncharted territory. Taking industry concerns into consideration, Health Canada announced it would use temporary marketing
Health Canada’s newly developed approach will permit foods to make health claims without prior approval, provided they are true.
authorizations as a method for transitioning food-like NHPs to the food regulatory framework. This allows Health Canada to issue temporary authorization for the sale of a food that is otherwise non-compliant with the requirements of the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR). During the course of the temporary authorization (two to five years), industry and Health Canada will work together to conduct research and generate information in support of amendments to the FDR. These amendments will likely include new benchmarks for vitamin and mineral fortification of foods and the use of additives such as caffeine. To accommodate the transition of food-like NHPs, Health Canada’s Food Directorate has indicated it had
also made a fundamental shift in its approach to health claims for foods. This newly developed approach will permit foods to make health claims without prior approval provided they are true, not false or misleading, and do not relate to the Schedule A diseases outlined in the Food and Drugs Act. In addition, the Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act, introduced in April 2012, included provisions which will assist in the transition by reducing the red tape and procedural hurdles associated with market access for new food products and ingredients. These amendments to the FDR gave Health Canada new tools to expedite the regulatory change for foods including the ability to reference administrative lists as part of regulations (for instance, incorporation by reference) and a broader authority to issue marketing authorizations permitting the use of new food ingredients and health claims. In the last year, Health Canada has also published new guidance for industry on the temporary marketing authorizations process, including a revamped submission form and specific guidance on the first category of products to be reclassified as foods: energy drinks. In 2013, consumers will begin to see the effects of this transition as labelling for energy drinks, and eventually
all transitioned products, becomes food compliant. Changes include the addition of nutrition facts tables and compliance with food allergen labelling requirements. In the next year, we can expect more changes as Health Canada is expected to release benchmarks for the fortification of food-like NHPs with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In addition, the regulations for the Safe Food for Canadians Act will outline the new mandatory licensing and registration regime for those who manufacture, store, package, label, import or export food products both within Canada and internationally. Unfortunately, the journey forward for food-like NHPs remains unpredictable. Although permanent regulatory change may be on the horizon, there are still many unknowns. While we can’t expect it to be smooth sailing for all food-like NHPs making the transition, Health Canada has charted a course that for the most part has avoided widespread disruption in the marketplace and will hopefully provide a balanced approach to the development of a new food regulatory framework. Laura Gomez practises with the Food, NHP and Cosmetics Law group in the Ottawa offices of Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP.
Don’t surrender on sow maternity pens Giving in to radicals sets the stage for the next demand By Rick Berman
aura Rance’s editorial in the April 18 Manitoba Co-operator chose to mischaracterize my message on why pork farmers should fight animal liberation activists on the maternity pen (gestation stall) issue. Her advice to farmers to surrender is misguided. Animal activists have a head start in the fight over maternity pens. They have chosen this pork housing issue as their next major campaign after their attack on the egg industry in the United States. Pork farmers are busy raising and caring for animals; these guys are in the conflict industry and produce little but ideologically driven propaganda aimed at the public and food retailers. Farmers and veterinarians know why they use individual maternity pens for sows. Stress levels are lower. Maternity pens prevent savaging and fighting among the animals and allow for individual feed and care. Research shows that pigs, when given a choice lie in individual maternity pens away from other pigs who bully over turf and food. Two major U.S. veterinary organizations find maternity pens to be an option that provides for animal welfare. Over 200
We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: (subject: To the editor)
vets who care for swine animals signed an open letter in support of maternity pens last year. But the public doesn’t know this; it has only heard one side of the story. That’s the propaganda from the Humane Society of the United States and its international arm in Canada. And the assumption — key word — is that the battle is lost on this issue and that we must appease the animal liberation crowd by giving in to their demands. That was folly for Neville Chamberlain, and it is folly for the pork industry as well. Once any group caves in to the radicals, it sets the stage for the next demand. The public is on the side of the farmers when they are given the whole story. Recent polling finds that, when informed that farmers and veterinarians support maternity pens, 86 per cent of the public either doesn’t care or supports the use of pens. Additionally, the public sides with farmers and veterinarians over animal rights activists when it comes to who should be making animal welfare decisions by a similarly lopsided margin. Rance notes that the production side of the industry “isn’t exactly rolling in cash.” And that is a financial reason as well as the animal welfare reason to resist these demands by the vegan crowd.
Opposed to tax increase Greg Selinger and Minister of Finance Stan Struthers want to raise the provincial sales tax from seven per cent to eight per cent. They say they are doing this to provide money to match the federal infrastructure funding, but the federal money isn’t even available until 2014. That increase in the PST affects every Manitoban. The Taxpayers Protection Act requires a referendum to ensure Manitobans have their say about the tax increase. The law states Manitobans have a right to say no
Prices jumped 25 per cent in the U.K. after it instituted a ban on maternity pens in the late 1990s. The EU instituted a maternity pen ban at the beginning of the year, and the results are expected to be devastating across the continent. A new study by Iowa State University professor, Dermot Hayes finds that, by 2015, EU countries will experience a 45 per cent reduction in exports. Cumulatively, there will be a loss of 18 billion pounds of pork over 10 years due to fewer hogs raised for food, and the EU will experience a lasting loss of jobs in the pork industry. Let’s not forget that there is no negotiating with the animal liberation activists. Group housing is not good enough for them. Free range or “pasture raised” is not good enough for them. They don’t want animals to be used for food. If you wouldn’t negotiate with terrorists, why would you act differently with people whose announced agenda is to put you out of business? Rick Berman is the executive director of the Center for Consumer Freedom, a non-profit coalition supported by restaurants, food companies and consumers to promote personal responsibility and protect consumer choices.
to major tax increases. The speNDP say they haven’t got time to obey the legislation even though it only requires about 35 days to hold a referendum. This is a heavy-handed, arrogant, illegal attack on the democratic system and should not be allowed. Let the people of Manitoba decide by referendum. If you want to express your displeasure with the PST hike from seven per cent to eight per cent, go to Stuart Briese MLA for Agassiz
Hear them out Let’s give the recent Western Canadian Wheat Growers’ proposal on variety registration a fair hearing. A benefit to our farmers of change could be to overcome criticism from United States wheat growers that our system discriminates against them and is, in fact, a trade barrier. Perhaps your reporters could do a story on this. Tom Hewson, Langbank, Sask.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
FROM PAGE ONE NO SNOW Continued from page 1
in total, three million acres of land weren’t sowed due to excess moisture. According to MAFRI’s yearbook, the last time wheat seeding wasn’t general across Manitoba until June was 1979. That year parts of the province received a major snowstorm in late April, followed by more wet weather. The Red River and several smaller rivers flooded that year too. The Red also flooded in 1997. Despite the ‘Flood of the Century,’ wheat seeding was general in Manitoba by May 15, with the exception of the flooded areas. Manitoba crop insurance records indicate a yield reduction of about one per cent a day for seeding after mid-May. “However, crop insurance records also indicate that after the 1997 flood along the Red River producers in the flooded area obtained respectable yields,” MAFRI’s website says. “Fields that were under as much as six feet of water eventually drained and were seeded in the middle of June. Fortunately, there was a relatively long growing season and an open fall. In the 10 worsthit municipalities along the Red River, spring wheat yielded an average of 92 per cent compared to the preceding four years, while barley yielded 88 per cent, flax 86 per cent, canola 94 per cent and oats 102 per cent.”
According to MAFRI’s yearbook, the last time wheat seeding wasn’t general across Manitoba until June was 1979.
In other words, later seeding can reduce yields but other factors may intervene to counter that effect. Delayed seeding may also affect what farmers plant. Long-season, heat-loving crops such as corn and soybeans need to be seeded early. But not too early, especially in the case of soybeans, which are more vulnerable to spring frosts than corn. The crop insurance deadline for seeding corn and soybeans in some areas is May 30. The deadline for seeding Argentine canola in Areas 1 and 2 is June 15 and 10, respectively. The extended deadlines are June 11 and 15. Farmers throughout the province can insure wheat seeded as late as June 20 (see MASC’s seeding deadlines at http:// crop_seeding_deadlines.html). Last week Statistic Canada estimated Manitoba farmers would seed a record 1.1 million acres of soybeans this spring, up 38 per cent last year. StatsCan forecast corn plant-
Miami farmer Ray Lawson reading his grandfather, David Lawson’s diaries, getting insights to how his ancestors lived and farmed more than 100 years ago. photo: allan dawson
ings will jump 33 per cent to 400,000 acres. Some crop yields can potentially suffer more due to late seeding. By the fourth week of May sunflower, canola, soybean and edible beans haven’t lost a lot of yieldT:10.25” potential, while
spring-seeded cereals, peas and corn yields have dropped to 85 per cent of normal yield potential, says information from MASC. The snow surrounding Lawson’s seeder had all but vanished by April 29 — in
just five days — leaving him hopeful he’ll be on the land by mid-May. “It’s possible that we could be in the field by then,” he said. “I sure hope so.”
One of a kind broadleaf weed control.
Infinity – truly in a class of its own. For more information, please visit or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. Always read and follow label directions. Infinity® is a registered trademark of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada.
As the only Group 27 and the first new mode of action in cereals for over 25 years, powerful, one of a kind Infinity® herbicide controls the toughest broadleaf weeds from across the Canadian prairies, even if they are resistant to other herbicide classes.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
WEATHER Continued from page 1
“official” rain gauges in the community and nothing on radar indicated such severe flooding would result. That promoted Colorado State Climatologist Nolan Doesken and his colleagues to look for more data. They spent three months gathering eyewitness accounts of the storm and measurements from backyard rain gauges. They determined that while some parts of Fort Collins received two inches of rain one small area got 14 — a half-inch shy of the city’s total annual rainfall. “Then the public response was, ‘wow, is there anything we can do to help?’” Doesken said. In 1998 CoCoRaHS was born. Fort Collins now has more than 80 volunteers reporting in an area of about 120 square miles. “To our knowledge, there has never been such a highdensity volunteer precipitation network, and we have been maintaining it for more than 12 years,” Doesken and Henry Reges, CoCoRaHS’s national (U.S.) co-ordinator, wrote in WEATHERWISE magazine. “Still, it is barely enough to capture all the details in actual precipitation patterns, and that is the marvel and fascination of rain, hail, and snow for weather watchers. One gauge every mile is a worthy goal where there is the population density and interest to support it. For localized convective storms, even more will be appreciated.” Now there are more than 16,000 CoCoRaHS volunteers across the U.S. They file the data via the Internet daily. It’s posted online and free to all. The data is used by meteorologists, hydrologists (flood forecasters) and farmers.
CoCoRaHS moved to Canada following extensive flooding in North Dakota, Manitoba and Saskatchewan in the spring of 2011 (http://www.cocorahs. org/Canada.aspx). There are about 100 volunteers in the two provinces with all but 16 in Manitoba, Sass said. She’s looking for more. It doesn’t take much — $30 for equipment and an interest in the weather. “We understand that it is a volunteer network so we’re very flexible as to the time of day when they take their observations,” Sass said. “We recommend seven o’clock in the morning... We also have special reports they can fill out if they miss a day. We understand everybody goes on vacation or sometimes you just forget.” No computer? Volunteers can fax or phone in measurements. Farmer, mechanic and RM of Thompson councillor, Wayne Gall signed up as a volunteer after hearing the CoCoRaHS pitch at a council meeting. “As a farmer I’m interested in the weather anyway so I thought I’d give it a try,” he said as warm sunshine filled his yard southwest of Miami during an
WHAT’S UP Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublish or call 204-944-5762. May 28-June 1: 4-H Canada annual general meeting, Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Place. For more info call 613-234-4448. June 8: Workshop: Making herbal teas & healing salves from the forest, Boreal Woods Nature Centre, Highway 59 across from Road 100N. For more info call Ken Fosty at 204-963-2209 or email June 16-19: BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, Palais des congres de Montreal, 1001 place Jean-Paul-Riopelle. For more info visit or call 202962-9200. June 19-21: Canada’s Farm Progress Show, Evraz Place, Regina. For more info visit www. or call 306-7819200. July 9-12, 15-19: Manitoba Crop Diagnostic School daily workshops, Ian N. Morrison Research Farm, Carman. For more info visit or call 204-745-5663. July 20: Springfield Country Fair, Springfield Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, Hwys. 15 and 206, Dugald. For more info visit www. or email July 23-24: Dairy Farmers of Canada annual general meeting, Fairmont Royal York, 100 Front St. W., Toronto. For more info call 613-236-9997 or visit
“It’s an easy job and the kids help.” Wayne Gall
interview April 26 — the first double-digit temperature day since the end of last October. Recording rainfall is straightforward enough and made easier because of the rain gauge’s accuracy, Gall said. Measuring snowfall is more challenging. As any Manitoban knows, snow here usually falls sideways because of strong winds. Gall measures snow depth with a metal ruler in sheltered areas and also melts and measures snow captured in the outer part of his rain gauge. “Snowfall is something that is very difficult to measure even with the fanciest of equipment,” Sass said. “So having a really dense network of a lot of observers is very valuable.” Volunteers can access training videos online. That’s what Gall did. “But if I need any more information I can call Alison,” he added.
Miami farmer Wayne Gall is one of about 100 Canadian CoCoRaHS volunteers measuring rain, hail and snowfall. The data is invaluable and that’s why CoCoRaHS is looking for more volunteers. photo: allan dawson
“It’s an easy job and the kids help.” Sa s s h e l d t r a i n i n g s e s sions last fall in Winnipeg and Brandon and plans to run two a year. “There are a lot of people out there interested in weather and this gives them a way to participate,” she said. School students make good volunteers too, Sass said. Teachers can tie weather observations and data collection into their lessons.
The plan is to expand Co Co Ra H S a c ro s s Ca n a d a eventually. “For volunteers it’s easy, it’s fun,” she said. “Once you get into the groove of doing it, it’s pretty interesting and we’re always looking for volunteers. It doesn’t matter how many there are. If your neighbour has one and you have one that’s great too.”
The Next Generation. Soybean technology that changes everything. More beans per pod, more bushels per acre. That’s what you can expect from Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans, the next generation of the trait technology you trust for safe, simple, dependable weed control. Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans are the natural choice for growers who want game-changing technology that will be the foundation for future Genuity® innovations, such as dicamba-tolerant soybeans. Manitoba Pulse Field Grower Assoc. 2012 field trials: Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybean varieties outperform all Original Roundup Ready® varieties*
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GENRR2Y = Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® OR1 = Original Roundup Ready Soybean * Source: Manitoba Pulse Grower Association 2012 field trials † Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.
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Date: April 10/2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
WHO says new bird strain is ‘one of most lethal’ flu viruses Scientists are no closer to determining whether the virus might spread between people By Sui-Lee Wee and Kate Kelland beijing/london/reuters
new bird flu strain that has killed 22 people in China is “one of the most lethal” of its kind and transmits more easily to humans than another strain that has killed hundreds since 2003, a World Health Organization (WHO) expert said on April 24. The H7N9 flu has infected 108 people in China since it was first detected in March, according to the Geneva-based WHO. As well, a 53-year-old Taiwan businessman who has contracted the H7N9 strain while travelling in China, is the first reported case outside of mainland China. Although it is not clear exactly how people are being infected, experts say they see no evidence so far of the most worrisome scenario — sustained transmission between people. An international team of scientists led by the WHO and the Chinese government conducted a five-day investigation in China, but said they were no closer to determining whether the virus might become transmissible between people. “The situation remains complex and difficult and evolving,” said Keiji Fukuda, the WHO’s assistant director general for health security. “When we look at influenza viruses, this is an unusually dangerous virus for humans,” he said at a briefing. Another bird flu strain — H5N1 — has killed 30 of the 45 people it infected in China between 2003 and 2013, and although the H7N9 strain in the current outbreak has a lower fatality rate to date, Fukuda said: “This is definitely one of the most lethal influenza viruses that we’ve seen so far.” Scientists who have analyzed genetic sequence data from samples from three H7N9 victims say the strain is a so-called “triple reassortant” virus with a mixture of genes from three other flu strains found in birds in Asia. Recent pandemic viruses, including the H1N1 “swine flu” of 2009-10, have been mixtures of mammal and bird flu — hybrids that are more likely to be milder because mammalian flu tends to make people less severely ill than bird flu. Pure bird flu strains, such as the new H7N9 strain and the H5N1 flu, which has killed about 371 of the 622 people it has infected since 2003, are generally more deadly for people.
have tested positive for H7N9, but those from migratory birds have not, suggesting that “the likely source of infection is poultry,” said Nancy Cox, director of the influenza division at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. John Oxford, a flu virologist at Queen Mary University of London, said the emergence of human H7N9 infections — a completely new strain in people — was “very, very unsettling.” “This virus seems to have been quietly spreading in chickens without anyone knowing about it,” he told Reuters in London. Flu experts say it is likely that more cases of human infection with H7N9 flu will emerge in the coming weeks and months, at least until the source of infection has been completely confirmed and effectively controlled.
Anne Kelso, the Melbournebased director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza said there has been a “dramatic slowdown of cases” in the commercial capital of Shanghai, which has recorded most of the deaths, something she described as “encouraging.” After Shanghai closed down its live poultry markets in early April, there was an almost immediate decline in new H7N9 cases, she said. “The evidence suggests that the closing of the live poultry markets was an effective way to reduce the risks.” Even so, the WHO’s China representative, Michael O’Leary, issued figures last week showing that half of the patients analyzed had no known contact with poultry.
A farmer walks past baskets of newly hatched ducklings in a hatch room at a poultry egg-trading market in Wuzhen town, Tongxiang, Zhejiang province. China’s poultry sector has recorded losses of more than 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) since reports emerged of a new strain of bird flu that has so far killed 22 people. photo: REUTERS/Stringer
B:17.4” T:17.4”
The team of experts, who began their investigation in China last week, said one problem in tracking H7N9 is the absence of visible illness in poultry. Fukuda stressed that the team is still at the beginning of its investigation, and said that “we may just be seeing the most serious infections” at this point. Based on the evidence, “this virus is more easily transmissible from poultry to humans than H5N1,” he said. Besides the initial cases of H7N9 in and around Shanghai, others have been detected in Beijing and five provinces. Samples from chickens, ducks and pigeons from poultry markets or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. Always read and follow label directions. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Oat market rally nears historical high Things have improved since 2008-09 when a glut of oats weighed on the North American market CBOT Oat monthly nearby
David Drozd
Chart as of April 24, 2013
Market Outlook
a t f u t u re s p r i c e s a t the Chicago Board of Tr a d e h a v e h e l d u p relatively well in comparison to the eight- and nine-month decline in the neighbouring corn and wheat markets. Last month, oat prices on t h e n e a r by m o n t h l y c h a r t reached US$4.30 per bushel, which is the highest price since July 2008, when the oat market posted a historic high of US$4.58. Strong cash prices as high as C$4.25 per bushel in the Red River Valley (southeastern Manitoba) are indicative of attractive basis levels and a weaker Canadian dollar. This year, basis levels in
Saskatchewan have improved to $25 per tonne under the nearby futures contract — a stark contrast to 2008-09, when a glut of oats weighed on the North American market and the basis was an
extremely unfavourable $100 per tonne under. Stocks of oats in the U.S. are at a record low and carryout stocks in Canada are estim a t e d by A g r i c u l t u re a n d Agri-Food Canada to be 0.525
million metric tonnes (MMT) in 2012-13, which is one million tonnes less than in 200809. Randy Strychar at Ag Commodity Research is estimating a 0.443 MMT carry-out in 2012-13 and a marginal increase to 0.560 MMT in 2013-14. Both estimates are however, well below the fiveyear average of 1.036 MMT and closer to the record low of 0.362 MMT. Tight stocks have provided good underlying support to both cash and futures prices. Since the beginning of the 2012-13 crop year, futures prices have been trading in a $1-per-bushel range. As illustrated in the accompanying chart, resistance is up at US$4.30 and support comes in at US$3.30. Support and resistance are terms to describe a price level
where the buying or selling of futures contracts is expected to noticeably increase and at least temporarily halt the current direction of the market. On daily bar charts, these areas will appear as welldefined price ranges within the market fluctuations. The greater the amount of time spent and the number of contracts bought and sold in this range, the greater will be the potential for support or resistance in the future. Another characteristic which helps to gauge the relative support or resistance of a price area is the vertical distance the market must rise or fall prior to reaching the area in question. The greater the upward price move prior to reaching a resistance level, the greater will be the resistance. Conversely, the greater the market decline prior to reaching a support level, the greater should be the support at that area.
Market psychology
For more information, visit
Serious growers take weed control personally. With three modes of action in a single solution, Velocity m3 herbicide provides enough raw power to take down your toughest broadleaf and grassy weeds, including Group 1-resistant wild oats and Group 2-resistant broadleafs.
Support and resistance areas evolve because equilibrium is reached between buyers and sellers. Trading in a congestion area, the market attracts buying around the bottom of the range and selling in the top portion. When prices break down through the lower boundary, then all recent buyers are holding losing positions, so a long liquidation break can occur. Conversely, if the congestion range is resolved by an upside breakout, then all recent sellers are holding losing positions and a short-covering rally may ensue. The concept of support and resistance and the market’s reaction when it moves into a support or resistance area are among the most interesting facets of chart study. Where a classic formation may not appear on a chart for several months, one can be reasonably sure that there is always a support or resistance area, even if minor, not very far from the market. This is important because it can help one formulate expectations of future price action. Fa r m e r s a n d r a n c h e r s can enhance their marketing skills by understanding where support and resistance levels are on the charts. This is extremely important, as support and resistance levels define the parameters of the major trend and illustrate where future rallies and declines are likely to fail. This in turn provides invaluable price objectives on where to buy and sell. Send your questions or comments about this article and chart to David Drozd is president and senior market analyst for Winnipeg-based Ag-Chieve Corporation. The opinions expressed are those of the writer and are solely intended to assist readers with a better understanding of technical analysis. Visit Ag-Chieve online at www. for information about grainmarketing advisory services, or call us toll free at 1-888-274-3138 for a free consultation.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg
April 19, 2013
Expect major marketings to taper off as snow goes
Steers & Heifers — D1, 2 Cows 70.00 - 76.00 D3 Cows 60.00 - 67.00 Bulls 78.00 - 89.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 105.00 - 116.00 (801-900 lbs.) 113.00 - 126.00 (701-800 lbs.) 120.00 - 136.00 (601-700 lbs.) 128.00 - 145.00 (501-600 lbs.) 135.00 - 157.00 (401-500 lbs.) 140.00 - 160.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 105.00 - 117.00 (801-900 lbs.) 110.00 - 120.00 (701-800 lbs.) 114.00 - 123.00 (601-700 lbs.) 117.00 - 130.00 (501-600 lbs.) 120.00 - 135.00 (401-500 lbs.) 122.00 - 137.00
Alberta South 119.00 116.00 - 119.00 73.00 - 86.00 65.00 - 75.00 88.45 $ 110.00 - 120.00 117.00 - 127.00 123.00 - 138.00 132.00 - 151.00 142.00 - 160.00 148.00 - 161.00 $ 100.00 - 110.00 106.00 - 118.00 112.00 - 124.00 117.00 - 133.00 124.00 - 140.00 127.00 - 142.00
($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)
Futures (April 19, 2013) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change Feeder Cattle April 2013 127.60 1.40 April 2013 June 2013 122.90 1.53 May 2013 August 2013 123.72 1.95 August 2013 October 2013 126.97 1.42 September 2013 December 2013 128.22 1.25 October 2013 February 2014 129.25 1.68 November 2013 Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.
Feed costs and lack of grass will drag on feeder demand Terryn Shiells
Ontario 99.54 - 124.35 102.12 - 120.74 55.32 - 75.55 55.32 - 75.55 73.74 - 94.57 $ 104.21 - 130.34 108.61 - 129.20 109.10 - 141.96 109.76 - 150.35 116.13 - 153.90 127.66 - 161.21 $ 101.18 - 111.33 107.16 - 120.64 105.64 - 124.03 109.51 - 133.55 110.63 - 142.22 108.37 - 143.88
(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)
Close 134.02 142.20 152.15 153.95 155.65 156.20
Change -0.43 2.15 4.98 4.73 5.05 5.00
Cattle Grades (Canada)
Week Ending April 20, 2013 54,298 13,428 40,870 NA 615,000
Previous Year 55,285 13,720 41,565 NA 599,000
Week Ending April 20, 2013 1,197 29,606 14,418 741 850 6,772 135
Prime AAA AA A B D E
Previous Year 729 29,871 14,620 629 699 6,080 268
Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture
(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)
Futures (April 19, 2013) in U.S. Hogs May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 October 2013
$1 Cdn: $ .9832 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.0170 Cdn.
(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle
Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers
EXCHANGES: April 26, 2013
Current Week 163.00 E 151.00 E 149.85 155.12
Last Week 162.00 E 150.00 E 151.22 155.43
Close 88.97 91.82 92.02 91.35 81.20
Last Year (Index 100) 165.79 151.72 147.85 152.47
Change -1.63 1.02 1.47 10.25 2.70
Other Market Prices
uction yards across Manitoba continued to be busy during the week ended April 26, with the majority of auction yards reporting good volume. But it may have been the last week of strong numbers, Harold Unrau of Grunthal Livestock Auction Mart said, adding “it will slow down after this.” With forecasts calling for warmer temperatures in coming weeks, many producers will likely be focusing more on field work than marketing cattle. Unrau noted there wasn’t a lot of snow left around the Grunthal area in the southeast — and what’s left could be all gone in coming weeks if the weather stays good. Environment Canada predicts weather in Manitoba will reach highs in the double digits above 0 C during the first weekend of May — but also predicts temperatures below freezing and snow during the first week of May. Warmer temperatures in late April melted a lot of snow, creating muddy conditions which will also keep some farmers from marketing their cattle going forward. Unrau said there are still some cattle out there that will come, but numbers will be limited until the fall. “All the big groups (of cattle) are gone,” he said. “It’s just the smaller groups left — people just cleaning up their odds and ends.” Feeder cattle that came on to the market during the week saw prices that were steady to the week before, as fundamentals haven’t changed much. Values are still on the weak side because of a lack of fresh demand and high feed costs. There are buyers out there, but high feed costs are keeping them away from the market. “Everyone wants cattle but they can’t
“Everyone wants cattle but they can’t afford to pay more.”
harold unrau
Grunthal Livestock Auction Mart
afford to pay more. The expenses are just too high, so (cattle) prices won’t go up,” Unrau said. The late spring is also affecting demand, because some farmers thought they’d be able to buy grass cattle and have them out on grass pretty soon. But some areas still have some snow to melt, preventing grass production. Grass also isn’t growing in some areas seeing minor flooding after warm temperatures sparked a rapid melt in late April. The nice weather during the last week of April also kick-started the barbecue season in Manitoba, which should help to support the slaughter cattle market in the province. Seasonally, Unrau said, prices strengthen a little bit when it’s warmer and more people are barbecuing, but prices probably won’t see any big changes until the fall. Values on the slaughter market were steady during the week, underpinned by continued good demand for hamburger meat. Volumes were reported as strong at some of the province’s auction yards, as some farmers are sending their cows to slaughter because it’s too expensive to feed them right now. Some auction yards even saw an increase in slaughter cattle volume from the week prior. For example, Winnipeg Livestock Sales reported 230 slaughter cattle sold during its sale on April 26, up from 200 the week prior. Terryn Shiells writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)
Winnipeg (350 head wooled fats) — — — — — —
Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230
Turkeys Minimum prices as of April 28, 2013 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.030 Undergrade .............................. $1.940 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.015 Undergrade .............................. $1.915 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.015 Undergrade .............................. $1.915 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.925 Undergrade............................... $1.840 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.
Toronto 47.05 - 73.13 106.82 - 130.63 141.71 - 170.93 149.24 - 182.09 156.71 - 207.71 —
SunGold Specialty Meats 30.00
A production surge was followed by massive culling By Adam Jourdan
Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15
Goats Winnipeg (72 head Fats) Kids — Billys — Mature —
Toronto ($/cwt) 75.04 - 289.29 — 43.61 - 247.72
Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+
Overcrowding behind China’s floating pigs
Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —
Toronto ($/cwt) 33.00 - 70.90 28.52 - 47.72
jiaxing, China / reuters
vercrowding on farms around Shanghai was the underlying factor that led to 16,000 dead pigs floating down the Huangpu River into China’s affluent financial centre. The appearance last month of carcasses of rotting hogs in a river that supplies tap water to the eastern Chinese city was a morbid reminder of the pressures facing China’s mostly small-scale farmers as the country grapples with food safety scares, environ-
mental pressures and, most recently, a bird flu outbreak. It was initially suspected that gangs who sell abandoned carcasses on the black market may have dumped the animals into the river. But further investigations blame the situation on farmers trying to raise too many pigs on their land base. High pork prices have seen a surge in production — and now a surge in pig mortality. Experts warn that if conditions are not improved the incident may reoccur. The number of pigs in Jiaxing, just to the west of Shanghai and the main source of the dead pigs, more than doubled in two decades, hitting 7.5 million in 2012. This overcrowding of pigs led to a city-wide plan to cut hog numbers to below two million within just two years. In one nearby town, residents said farmers were being offered financial incentives to get rid of their pigs.
Looking for results? Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 13
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices
Last Week
All prices close of business April 25, 2013
Profit-taking wrestles down a bullish StatsCan report
Week Ago
Year Ago
Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Coarse Grains
China’s bird flu woes may further weigh on oilseed prices
US corn Gulf ($US)
US barley (PNW) ($US)
Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Phil Franz-Warkentin CNSC
CE Futures Canada canola contracts moved lower during the week ended April 26, despite a prospective plantings report that was surprisingly bullish as far as the crop was concerned. Statistics Canada pegged intended canola area this year at 19.1 million acres, which was below the lowest pre-report trade estimates and well off the 21.5 million seeded the previous year. The headline number provided the catalyst for a jump to fresh highs in some canola contracts in the immediate aftermath of the report. However, the gains didn’t even last to that day’s close, as profittaking came forward to weigh on the overbought market. Consensus that actual canola area will still hit at least 20 million acres was also bearish. In the U.S., activity was mixed during the week, although corn, soybeans and wheat were all slightly lower overall. U.S. weather conditions were a primary driver in the U.S. grains and oilseeds, with forecasts calling for better planting weather accounting for some of the downward trend in corn and beans. Freeze damage to winter wheat crops in the southern Plains and seeding delays in the north were somewhat supportive for wheat. However, expectations for an increase in Canadian wheat acres and ample world stocks pressured values lower overall. Weather is expected to remain a feature for the time being, with reactions to the daily forecasts and weekly seeding reports providing fodder for the trade. On the demand side of the coin, what happens in China should be followed closely. In the marketing year to date, about 60 per cent of all U.S. soybean exports have been shipped to China while the country has accounted for roughly 40 per cent of Canada’s canola sales. That soybean and canola seed is crushed, with the resulting oil then used for cooking and other such applications. The meal is used for animal feed. Canola has a higher oil content compared to soybeans, and is primarily sold for vegetable oil applications (despite efforts by the Canola Council of Canada to expand the demand for the meal). The Chinese demand for soybeans, meanwhile, is largely tied to the commodity’s usage as an animal feed. That demand for feed has been put into
For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “ICE Futures Canada updates” at
Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne) Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)
544.21 1,220.91
ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business April 26, 2013 barley
Last Week
Week Ago
May 2013
July 2013
Last Week
Week Ago
May 2013
July 2013
November 2013
Special Crops Report for April 29, 2013 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market
Spot Market
Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)
Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)
Large Green 15/64
25.00 - 25.75
Laird No. 1
21.00 - 25.75
Oil Sunflower Seed
Eston No. 2
19.00 - 21.00
Desi Chickpeas
26.00 - 27.50 — 25.70 - 27.00
Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)
Green No. 1
Fababeans, large
Feed beans
No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans
15.30 - 17.50
Medium Yellow No. 1
8.75 - 9.25
Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel) Feed Pea (Rail)
No. 1 Great Northern
Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)
6.25 - 8.10
No. 1 Cranberry Beans
Yellow No. 1
38.70 - 40.75
No. 1 Light Red Kidney
Brown No. 1
34.75 - 36.75
No. 1 Dark Red Kidney
Oriental No. 1
29.20 - 30.75
No. 1 Black Beans
No. 1 Pinto Beans
Source: Stat Publishing SUNFLOWERS
No. 1 Small Red
No. 1 Pink
Fargo, ND
Goodlands, KS
32.00* Call for details
Report for April 26, 2013 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed)
Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
525.57 1,095.00
Winnipeg Futures
October 2013
question recently, as mounting concerns over a bird flu outbreak in China create repercussions in the soybean market. About half of the animal feed used in China is said to go to the poultry sector. Since March a reported 23 people have already died from the H7N9 virus, which was transferred to humans by chickens. In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, thousands of birds have been culled. Poultry consumption has also declined, with industry estimates showing a 30 to 80 per cent decline in poultry sales and anecdotal evidence showing people in the country are consuming less poultry as well. Soymeal is a key ingredient in poultry feed, and the sheer scale of the Chinese industry can be expected to weigh on North American prices of both soybeans and canola going forward if bird flu concerns continue to cut into demand. Another bearish influence overhanging the U.S. and Canadian markets is the advancing South American harvest. Logistics issues have caused some problems moving beans out of Brazil, but the country is now in the final stages of bringing in the year’s crop and those large supplies will eventually displace the more expensive North American options at some point. There are enough supportive fundamental issues to keep canola supported relative to soybeans, such as the late spring, growing domestic crush industry, and tight oldcrop supplies, but the nearby path of least resistance appears down in beans — and canola will only show so much independent strength going forward.
255.99 1,097.43
Confection Source: National Sunflower Association
Kansas City Grain Exchange building up for sale The sale reflects the shift to electronic trading reuters
ME Group Inc. has put the building that houses its grain e xc h a n g e i n Ka n s a s C i t y, Missouri, up for sale, as its storied trading floor prepares for closure at the end of June. No sales pr ice was listed for t h e 1 6 6 , 0 0 0 - s q u a re - f o o t b u i l d ing, which also includes an indoor parking garage, according to a statement from Holly Duran Real Estate Partners, one of the firms handling the sale.
“ That’s the market nor m; we leave the valuation up to the bidder,” said Rod Jones, a Colliers International senior vice-president in Kansas City and co-broker on the sale. CME, which took over most of the Kansas City Board of Trade building when it purchased the grain exchange for $126 million last year, will shut down face-to-face trading of Kansas City’s wheat contracts after June 28 and move trading to Chicago. Electronic traders will have
access to the Kansas City trading floor through the end of September. The sale reflects the shift to electronic trading that has swept commodities exchanges, making it less attractive for exchange operators to own real estate for traditional open-outcry pits. CME, the largest U.S. futures exchange operator, last year sold most of its historic Chicago Board of Trade building to a consortium of real estate companies for $151.5 million and leased back the space
that it uses, including trading pits for grains and livestock. CME is also considering selling the building that houses its energy trading floor in New York and leasing back space for open-outcr y trading there as well. Kansas City’s main trading pit, for hard red winter wheat futures, can comfortably fit several dozen traders. In recent years it has been largely empty as many traders prefer to conduct business from computer screens set up on desks around the trading floor.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
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h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G
Herman Bouw looks at hay bales damaged by deer over the winter. Photos: Shannon VanRaes
Bale-grazing blues:
Don’t expect compensation if wildlife gobbles up your hay It’s theoretically possible to receive compensation if deer are dining on your hay bales, but in practical terms, farmers will have to shoulder the loss on their own
By Shannon VanRaes
“We have looked at alternatives to deal with swath grazing and bale grazing, but that comes with an increase obviously in federal and provincial budgets, somebody has to pay for that higher-risk loss that would be assumed under the regulation.”
co-operator staff / anola
erman Bouw looks out at his rows of hay bales — or what’s left of them at least — with a practised eye. “The deer are smart, they know which are the second cut and they’ve done a reasonably good job of eating at least half of the 30 bales of second cut we had on our north side,” he said. During his six years of in-field grazing, the Anola farmer has always had some wildlife damage, but nothing like he experienced this winter. But what was more shocking to the cattle and sheep producer was the response he got from the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) when he filed a claim — the damage wasn’t covered. “Basically under the current wildlife regulation, bale grazing, swath grazing, they just don’t qualify,” said Craig Thomson, vice-president of insurance operations at MASC. Producers must meet three conditions to receive compensation from the joint federal and provincial wildlife program, including monitoring bales daily and not having more than 15 acres of production in any one storage site. Thomson said action must also be taken to prevent wildlife damage from occurring. “Normally what would happen if people left bales in a field and the deer started eating them, the prevention method would be to remove them from the field, get them out of harm’s way,” he said. But that’s not possible if you’re using in-field grazing, said Bouw,
Craig Thomson
Anola farmer Herman Bouw inspects winter wildlife damage.
noting the whole point is to allow livestock to access bales in the field. “This is the next level of livestock management, we’re trying to take our manure out into the pasture where it can do us some good, and raise the nutrient level without us having to move it twice,” he said. Studies have shown in-field grazing helps to improve nitrogen levels on hay land, while also cutting down the amount of time and fuel used to transport both feed and manure. “There’s definitely a lag, (MASC) is not adapting to new technology or new management styles,” said Bouw. He has asked the agency to amend its rules and Thomson said it has considered such a move — but cost is a sticking point.
“We have looked at alternatives to deal with swath grazing and bale grazing, but that comes with an increase obviously in federal and provincial budgets,” he said. “Somebody has to pay for that higher-risk loss that would be assumed under the regulation.” So far, $2.5 million has been paid out to Manitoba producers for wildlife damage incurred in 2012, including damage caused by waterfowl, predators, big game, and bears. For the time being, producers need to weigh the benefits of infield grazing with the possible risks, said Thomson. “In the higher-risk wildlife areas, producers have to factor in if they’re
going to lose 10 or 15 per cent to wildlife and not be compensated,” said Thomson. “They need to factor that into their decision, or consider alternative methods of protecting their production. It’s just part of the management decision process — if they’re in a higher wildlife area it’s a higher-risk proposition and the possibility of getting wildlife compensation is not good.” Bouw estimates his hay loss at about $1,800. “It’s not going to make or break the bank, but by the same token it’s something I don’t have access to,” he said. “If we had tonnes of hay I wouldn’t be so upset.” But despite the loss, Bouw said infield grazing is worth the risk. “Oh, we’ll keep on doing it; we’re farmers,” he said.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Ste. Rose
Feeder Steers
No. on offer
Over 1,000 lbs. 900-1,000
Feeder heifers 900-1,000 lbs. 800-900
Slaughter Market No. on offer
D1-D2 Cows
D3-D5 Cows
50.00 and up
Age Verified
Good Bulls
Butcher Steers
Butcher Heifers
Feeder Cows
Fleshy Export Cows
Lean Export Cows
* includes slaughter market
(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)
Japan’s imports of U.S. beef to soar TOKYO / REUTERS / U.S. beef exports to Japan are expected to rise about 45 per cent in 2013 after Tokyo relaxed import curbs imposed over concerns about mad cow disease. Japan started accepting U.S. beef from cattle up to 30 months old on Feb. 1, a
change from a 20-month limit in place since 2006. The U.S. Meat Export Federation forecasts U.S. beef sales to Japan to rise to 217,000 tonnes in 2013 versus 149,000 tonnes last year. In 2003, U.S. beef exports to Japan totalled 267,000 tonnes. The country only produces about 60 per cent of the 870,000 tonnes of beef consumed annually.
n a trip to the 4-H Pro Show in Nova July Scotia11, 12, 13, 2013 d Dairy Shows Highlights include… competition ighlights include… A chance to win a trip to the 4-H Pro Show in Nova Scotia Pro Show in Nova Scotia Horse, Beef and Dairy Shows
Race competition A chance to win a trip to theAmazing 4-H Pro Show in Nova Scotia Banquet Horse, Beef and Dairy Shows manship competition Pool Party a Amazing Scotia Race competition Supreme Showmanship competition Contact project Banquetcompetition Multi-Purpose project competition Information Contact -Point average, stall signs and project books Information Pool Party Prizes for High-Point average, stall signs and project books Supreme Showmanship on competition Participation in the Carman Fair Parade Diane Kovar the Carman Fair Parade Diane Kovar Phone (204) 571-0854 Reduced Rates! $30 for members with livestock and $20 for others Contact Multi-Purpose project competition Phone (204) 571-0854 Email: Contact !ntia$30 for members with livestock and $20 for others Email: Information Early bird deadline is June 14. Everyone entered on that date will be eligible Prizes for High-Point average, stall signs and project books Information to win a wristband tothat the Wonder Showsbe Midway. Ten wristbands will be Deb Penner all signs and project books line is June 14. Everyone entered on date will eligible Phone (204) 362-1403 Participation in the Carman awarded. Fair Parade Diane Kovar (204) 571-0854 Email: and to theRates! Wonder Shows Ten wristbands will be Fair Phone Parade Deb Penner Kovar Reduced $30 for with livestock and $20 forDiane others members AllMidway. of the activities that are part of the Carman Country Email: Phone (204) 362-1403 Phone 571-0854 Contact 14. For forms go to Manitoba 4-H(204) Council website Or visit the website Early livestock bird deadline is June Everyone entered onthe that dateEmail: will be eligible s with and $20 forregistration others Email: and go to and choose Members, then Forms Information Members, then Forms to win wristband to Shows Midway. Ten wristbands will be Deb Penner t books ities thata entered are parton ofthe theWonder Carman Country Fair veryone that date will be eligible Phone (204) 362-1403 awarded. Email: forms go to the Manitoba Council website Or visit the website Kovar Contact Shows Midway. Ten will be Deb Penner All of the activities that arewristbands part4-H of theDiane Carman Country Fair and go to Phone (204) 362-1403 Information Phone (204) 571-0854 ks mbers, then Forms d For $20registration for others forms go to the Manitoba Or visit the website Email:4-H Council website Members, then Forms Email: and go to Diane Kovar and choose Members, then Forms the Carman Country Fair nf that date will be eligible Members, then Forms Phone (204) 571-0854 for others Email: Ten wristbands will be Deb Penner Manitoba 4-H Council website Or visit the website date will be eligible Phone (204) 362-1403 and go to wristbands will be Email: Deb Penner Members, then Forms
Phone (204) 362-1403 ntry Fair Email: air cil website Or visit the website
Or visit the website and go and Members, go to then Forms Members, then Forms
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Hi-Pro Feeds Celebrates First Year Success Hi-Pro Feeds celebrates completion of their first year in operation this month materially achieving an aggressive target. Hi-Pro was formerly a division of Viterra, a large producer and marketer of commodities. It used to trade under the name Unifeed and Unifeed Hi-Pro Inc. In April 2012, the division was spun off from Viterra following a management buyout backed by the investment firm Birch Hill Equity Partners. The company was renamed Hi-Pro Feeds after the existing US brand. Hi-Pro Feeds has embarked on an exciting journey as an independent company with a clear vision for growth. The organization is undergoing a transformation that will improve its ability to operate at maximum efficiency and secure greater market share. Although Hi-Pro Feeds is a new company, its roots go back to the first feed mill acquired in 1942 in Edmonton, Alberta. “The long history and depth of relationships with customers has been a major factor in our success”, said Chief Executive Officer, Daren Kennett. “The loyalty of our customers and commitment of our employees have been the catalyst for our significant first year growth”. Currently 72% of employees are investors in the company and everyone is encouraged to think and act like owners. The company’s entrepreneurial culture and pragmatic approach to getting things done is the ideal setting for high performers who want to
make their mark. Hi-Pro Feeds is also aggressively recruiting leaders for their team including the addition of a new Regional Manager for Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Brad Cramer, whom brings over two decades of production and business development experience. Success of the first year can also be attributed to the complete overhauling of the production process to focus exclusively on feed. The young entity has restructured all aspects of their business and is continuing to raise the bar on best quality and best value solutions for customers. Building on their momentum, Hi-Pro is implementing a state-of-the-art nutrient delivery system that will not only redefine how customers care for their livestock, but also improve response times for formulation inquiries. Hi-Pro’s 429 employees manufacture, sell and distribute animal nutrition products and services to over 10,000 customers that range from hobby farmers and lifestyle animal customers to large commercial livestock producers. The latter include dairy, beef, swine and poultry farmers as well as horse and specialty (fish, pet food). Headquartered in Okotoks, Alberta, Hi-Pro Feeds is a leading North American manufacturer and distributor of livestock feed with 14 facilities across western Canada and the southwestern United States.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Treating necrotic laryngitis or calf diphtheria The outcome is usually successful, but producers should be careful not to stop treatment too early Roy Lewis, DVM Beef 911
The cause is generally an infection of the throat or larynx area in turn caused by the same bacteria which can often cause foot rot.
ver the years, most producers have had a sporadic throat infection in their calves. These are the ones with an extremely loud inspirator y and expirator y sound, which can be heard across the pen. They generally have extended-neck breathing and are in various forms of respiratory distress. The cause is generally an infection of the throat or larynx area in turn caused by the same bacteria which can often cause foot rot. The initiating cause is usually an abrasion to the throat caused by rough feed or an oral ulcer. This is why seldom do we see these cases in outbreak form. Sporadic cases are the nor m and can occur from young calves right up until 18-month-old cattle in the feedlot. The younger cattle with a soft oral lining are therefore most susceptible to these abrasions. The oral ulcerative lesion could have even started from sharp teeth and them inadvertently biting the inside of their cheeks. I am sure we have all done this from time to time or bitten our tongue so we all know h ow t h e s e i n j u r i e s c o u l d occur. The organism gains entry this way and over time an a b s c e s s i s f o r m e d a ro u n d the laryngeal cartilages. This combined with the surrounding swelling significantly reduces the respiratory passage. What you, in a sense, are hearing is like a whistle when the calf is breathing. Ve t e r i n a r i a n s h a v e v a ried treatments over the years depending on what they have found to be most effective.
The larynx is mostly cartilage and as a result the blood supply and hence the ability to get antibiotics to the site of the infection is not good. Drugs from the potentiated sulphonamides to penicillin and more recently drugs such as the macrolides (Zuprevo & Draxxin) or florphenicol (Nuflor) have been tried. Make sure if you have a case to get the advice of your veterinarian as to what drugs have worked the best and for how long. Ve t e r i n a r i a n s w i l l o f t e n recommend either a steroid such as dexamethasone or an NSAID (non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug) such as banamine or metacam to name a couple. These and the antibiotics are all prescription drugs, which is why you need your herd veterinarian involved.
Maintain antibiotics
If caught early and treated aggressively response is favourable. I have found in numerous cases the producer notices it quickly enough but stops treatment too early and a relapse occurs. In my experience, even if clinical signs have subsided substantially I continue treatment for several more days. The steroids or NSAIDs are stopped after a few days but the antibiotics are kept on board for the duration. In chronic cases or those unresolvable with drugs some can be saved with an emergency tracheotomy and laryngeal surgery where the
abscess is peeled out and the proper diameter to the wind p a s s a g e i s re - e s t a b l i s h e d . These cases of course carry a guarded prognosis but leaving these calves and doing nothing is grave indeed. You will have such a restriction that the eyes seem bugged out from straining to breath. There is only one other condition I know of that mimics necrotic laryngitis. Large calves that are born backward and have a hard pull may break some ribs. As the first few ribs heal it may cause a restriction on the windpipe and the same clinical signs. These generally cannot be helped and although a tracheotomy may provide temporary relief, the actual problem cannot be corrected. With the price of cattle ever rising, keep in mind something can be done or at least tried on these calf diphtheria cases. Try to not wait too long before treatment is initiated and remember to finish the course of antibiotics your ve t e r i n a r i a n re c o m m e n d s. As a salvage operation laryngeal surgery can be done but most cases will clear up with good, sound medical treatment. A few will recover but will still have a distinctive whistle especially when run a bit. This will be permanent for the rest of their life but they still will do well enough in the feedlot. Roy Lewis is a large-animal veterinarian practising at the Westlock Veterinary Centre. His main interests are bovine reproduction and herd health.
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A delayed spring the latest blow for hard-pressed hog producers By Terryn Shiells commodity news service canada
ork prices remain strong but high feed prices are keeping hog producers in the red. Prices dipped slightly last week but at $147.50 per ckg (100 kilograms) are still above the long-term average, said Brad Marceniuk, livestock economist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture. Prices were better in March and were getting close to the break-even mark, but a late spring has delayed the usual seasonal increase in demand, he said.
“The demand has been a little weaker since there’s not as many people barbecuing yet,” said Marceniuk. Export demand has also weakened, as ractopamine issues have curtailed some of the buying interest from Russia and China. Producers have been losing money since feed prices soared last summer and a return to profitability can’t come soon enough, said Marceniuk. “I’ve heard a lot about Manitoba producers who are on the edge,” he said. “They’re holding on, but not for much longer.” The hope is that summer will provide its traditional boost to demand and prices, and that an end to the U.S. drought will see a fall in feed prices. “Everybody is waiting for the next crop year, in September/October, because they think the prices will be significantly lower,” said Marceniuk.
©2013 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. NHCCCR04137872FT
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
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W he n g r a s s i s d r y at m o r n i n g li g ht L o o k f o r r ai n bef o r e the n i g ht
Spring/summer trying to win out Issued: Monday, April 29, 2013 · Covering: May 1 – May 7, 2013 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor
t looks like we’re in for a bit of a ride temperature-wise over the next week or two as spring/ summer try to take hold across the Prairies. After a nice weekend that saw the warmest temperatures of the year, things are going to feel pretty cold during the middle of this week as we experience yet one more shot of cold arctic high pressure. The only positive we have this time is that most of the snow cover is now gone, which means any sunshine will help to warm things up. After the system that brought showers and snow to some locations early this week moves off to the northeast, we’ll see arctic high pressure build in on Wednesday. This will result in cold temperatures, with highs only in the 0 to 5 C range. These cold temperatures will continue into Thursday, where once again, highs will struggle to make it to around 5 C. By Friday we will start to see milder air push in from the West as the arctic high moves off to the East and the air flow becomes more westerly to southwesterly. There is a bit of a question mark for this
weekend. The models are showing an upper low meandering around to our south. If it stays to the south, then sunny skies and warm temperatures are in order. If it moves farther north, then clouds, showers and cooler temperatures will result. By early next week it looks like we’ll once again see an area of low pressure track across the northern Prairies. It currently looks like most of the precipitation from this system should stay well to our north. Temperatures look to be very mild on Monday and Tuesday before they once again cool off to well below average on Wednesday and Thursday, with highs only expected to be around 8 C and overnight lows in the -5 C range. Confidence in the weather models this far out is pretty low, with not a lot of run-to-run consistency. Let’s hope that the warmer weather decides to stick around and we stop this temperature roller-coaster! Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, 9 to 23 C; lows, -2 to 8 C. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at
1 Month (30 Days) Accumulated Precipitation (Prairie Region) March 27, 2013 to April 25, 2013
2 - 10 mm 10 - 18 mm 18 - 26 mm 26 - 34 mm 34 - 42 mm 42 - 50 mm 50 - 58 mm 58 - 66 mm 66 - 74 mm 74 - 81 mm 81 - 89 mm 89 - 97 mm 97 - 105 mm 105 - 113 mm 113 - 121 mm 121 - 129 mm 129 - 137 mm 137 - 145 mm Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers
Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2013 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.
Created: 04/26/13
This issue’s map shows the total amount of precipitation that fell across the Prairies during the 30-day period ending April 25. Eastern and northern regions of the Prairies saw fairly low amounts, with totals only in the 10- to 15-millimetre range. Southwestern Saskatchewan, southeastern Alberta and along the foothills saw significantly more precipitation with amounts as high as 50 to 100 mm.
Is the jet stream getting stuck more often? It’s best to hope these ‘blocking patterns’ don’t become the norm By Daniel Bezte co-operator contributor
his is one of those times when I’m just not sure what to write about. It’s a few days too early to discuss April’s weather, since as I write this it is only April 28. I thought to do one of those reversepsychology articles and write about thunderstorms, hoping that would bring in thunderstorm-like temperatures, but I think I’ll wait a couple more weeks for that. I could start to talk about flooding, but since it’s just getting underway it’s a little early for that. So, what I thought I’d do instead is discuss some ongoing weather research that just might help us understand how we could go from a record-warm March to a record-cold April in just one year’s time. Whether you want to believe it or not, the Arctic is warming, and for this article I’m not going to discuss why. Research and weather records show the Arctic warming two to three times faster than the rest of the Northern Hemisphere, owing primarily to sea-ice loss, earlier snowmelt on Arctic land in spring, and an increase in the northward transport of moisture into the Arctic. All of these conditions coming together to increase the amount of warm-
This type of pattern causes the jet stream to block up or not move at all, keeping a region in the same weather pattern for much longer periods of time than usual.
ing in the Arctic are known as Arctic amplification. Usually when I write about these topics I try to take current research and write it in such a way that you don’t have to be a university scholar to understand it. In most cases I don’t like to take a big piece of someone else’s work and simply reprint it — but occasionally something is so well written that it is pretty hard to come up with something better. This next paragraph explains why it appears that the warming of the Arctic is helping to drive more extreme weather patterns across our part of the world. It is written by Dr. Jennifer Francis, a research professor at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University, where she studies Arctic climate change and the link between Arctic and global climates. This is one paragraph of a much longer article entitled “The Changing Face of Mother Nature.”
“This so-called ‘Arctic amplification’ means that the temperature difference between the Arctic and mid-latitudes is weakening. This is important because the west-to-east winds of the jet stream are driven by that temperature difference. The jet stream is a fast river of wind high in the atmosphere that takes on a wavy path as it encircles the Northern Hemisphere, forming the boundary between warm air to the south and cold air to the north. As its westerly flow weakens, the waves in its trajectory tend to take larger north-south swings. These waves control weather systems on the surface: conditions tend to be clear and dry in the part of the wave where winds blow from the northwest, and it’s generally stormy where winds come from the southwest. As the waves increase in size because of Arctic amplification, they are expected to progress eastward more slowly, which means that the weather
associated with those waves lasts longer in any particular location. Larger waves are also more likely to form ‘blocks,’ which are like back-eddies in a stream that tend to prevent the jet stream waves on either side — and the weather associated with them — from moving at all.” So far over the last couple of months the waves in the jet stream have become very large and have created a general blocking pattern over North America. The jet stream has created a large ridge to our west as it surges northward. It then carved out a large trough over the central part of North America before surging northward again off the East Coast, developing a ridge in that region. This places our region on the northern side, or cold side, of the jet stream, with winds generally coming out of the northwest. In fact, looking at the predominant wind direction over the winter, the last four months have all experienced predominantly northnorthwest winds. A s D r. F r a n c i s p o i n t e d out, this type of pattern can cause the jet stream to block up or not move at all, keeping a region in the same type of weather pattern for much longer periods of time than usual. With predominantly
northwest winds, that means we were in clear and dry but cold conditions. So why all the snow, then? This has to do with the fact that this type of jet stream pattern tends to generate large and strong storm systems. These storm systems tend to form near the bottom end of the troughs and then move east or northeast following the jet up and over the next ridge. As we saw this winter, several large storm systems did develop in the trough sitting over central North America. Where these storm systems went depended on the exact position and strength of the ridges and troughs. If they were centred in the middle of the continent then the storms stayed to our south and east. If the ridges and troughs slid a little to the West then we were under the gun. It all depended on the timing and the overall position of the jet stream and when a storm developed. The important thing to understand about all of this is not that it is miserable to be stuck on the wrong side of these blocking patterns, but rather to worry that this type of pattern is going to become the “norm.” It’s not fun having one of the latest, coldest springs on record — but it’s also not fun having the warmest, driest summer ever!
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Wheat quality complaints spark fears over Canada’s reputation Some worry Canadian wheat quality will be eroded in an open market but the CGC and Cigi disagree By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF
omplaints about Canadian wheat quality are a wake-up call and perhaps a harbinger of things to come, says a former Canadian Wheat Board director. “This shows how easy your reputation can be undermined and how much vigilance it takes to maintain it,” said Stewart Wells, who farms at Swift Current. “It’s a good lesson about how hard it is to build a reputation and how easy it is to have it destroyed or weakened.” China’s state-owned agricultural trading company has complained about the gluten strength — a factor in bread making — of some Canadian spring wheat shipments and suggested it may import more U.S. wheat instead. The complaints became news last month after they were made public by Earl Geddes, executive director of the Canadian International Grains Institute (Cigi). However, Geddes said the complaints may be just an attempt to get a better deal and said there had been similar complaints when the wheat board still had its monopoly. Occasional complaints aren’t unusual, agreed Elwin Hermanson, chief commissioner of Canadian Grain Commission. “Gluten strength is a little bit like coffee — some people like it strong and others like it weak,” said Hermanson, adding in past years, some have complained Canadian wheat was too strong. However, the dough strength of Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) wheat in 2011 and 2012 is weaker than the 10-year average, Hermanson wrote in an email to Wells last week. “It is believed that weaker dough strength properties seen in CWRS produced in 2011 and 2012 are due to unusual growing conditions experienced across the Prairies during these two crop years,” Hermanson wrote. “In addition, three of the predominant CWRS varieties grown during 2011 and 2012 — Harvest, Lillian, and Unity — are varieties that are known to have lower dough strength characteristics when compared to other registered varieties in the CWRS class.” Wells said when he was on the board, directors were never told about such problems. But that’s because wheat board staff routinely dealt with customer complaints and would only bring the most serious to the board’s attention, said Ian White, CWB CEO. Canada’s reputation for producing top-quality
Roundup Ready ® is a registered trademark used under license from Monsanto Company. Pioneer ® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. The DuPont Oval Logo is a registered trademark of DuPont. ®, TM, SM Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. © 2013, PHL.
CGC chief commissioner Elwin Hermanson is confident Canada can retain its reputation for selling high-quality milling wheat in an open market. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON
“Gluten strength is a little bit like coffee — some people like it strong and others like it weak.” ELWIN HERMANSON
wheat hasn’t changed since the loss of the single desk, he said. “The majority of our CWRS wheat class is producing extremely good quality,” said White, adding CWB officials received no complaints when they recently visited wheat buyers in Japan. Wheat board supporters predicted an open market would undermine Canadian wheat quality. Wells and former board chair Allen Oberg say farmers should be concerned because grain companies earn their money on volume, not quality. “We were concerned about price,” at the
Soybeans for Maximum Yield
wheat board, Oberg said. “We were trying to maximize the values of the pools.” The push for more Canada Prairie Spring wheats is a “mistake,” said Oberg. “Farmers may gain at the farm gate on volume but I think in the end we’ll lose on price if we have to compete head to head with American winter wheat,” he said. But Hermanson predicted concerns about gluten strength will be short lived. “We’re pretty optimistic this is going to work out well,” he said. “We don’t have a huge problem, it’s environmental in nature. Chances of having three years where environmental conditions reduce gluten strength are less than two years. And we can make changes with the selection of varieties we grow if we have to.” Because Canada relies more on wheat exports than the U.S. and is farther from markets, there’s an incentive for a differentiated product, Geddes said. “The premium earned by the Canadian brand now is that it’s first off the shelf,” he said.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Statistics Canada predicts biggest wheat area in 12 years Canada farmers seen planting more wheat, less canola Wheat view higher, canola estimate lower than trade expected.
But acreage intentions could shift if spring planting is delayed into June By Rod Nickel winnipeg / reuters
anadian farmers intend to plant the biggest wheat crop in 12 years, while easing off on canola seedings for the first time s i n c e 2 0 0 6 . Bu t c o l d , we t spring weather may still force them to change their plans, Statistics Canada said April 24. With plenty of snow left to melt and potential high for flooding, planting is expected to start later than usual, although typically there has been little seed in the ground by late April. The all-wheat planted area is estimated up 12 per cent from last year to 26.618 mil-
Source: Trade, Statistics Canada
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lion acres, while canola seedings may fall 11 per cent to 19.133 million acres, based on StatsCan’s farmer survey from March 25 to April 3. The agency’s wheat estimate is higher than a range of trade estimates, while the canola figure was below the lowest guess. “ There’s probably going to be debate on these (estimates) in terms of changes that might have occurred in farmers’ plans since the survey was conducted, with the late spring and some of the price moves,” said Dave Reimann, an analyst at Cargill Ltd.’s grain-marketing services division. “But the canola number is obviously supportive because it’s lower than even the lowest guess.” Canola prices have gained strength relative to wheat recently, and the oilseed may still pick up some additional acres, Reimann said. Fa r m e r s ’ l a r g e r - t h a n expected wheat-seeding plans aren’t necessarily bearish for global wheat markets, considering that the crop is grown widely around the world, said Bruce Burnett, weather and crops specialist at grain marketer CWB. Canada is the world’s sixth-largest wheat grower. StatsCan’s report factored in 3.5 million acres going unplanted this spring, a far c r y f ro m t h e 1 1 . 8 m i l l i o n acres that could not produce a crop during the last major flood year of 2011. A repeat of that crop disaster this year is possible, but only if many areas received heavy rains in May, Burnett said on a conference call organized by Minneapolis Grain Exchange. StatsCan also estimated larger-than-expected plantings of oats, at 3.4 million acres, durum wheat (5.1 million acres) and corn (3.8 million acres). The barley area looked lower than expected at 7.2 million acres, but it is one of the shor ter-season crops that farmers are often tempted to plant when seeding is pushed well into June. The soybean area is estimated to be record large, at 4.3 million acres, but not as high as expected. Manitoba, one of the largest growing provinces, is facing major spring flood potential.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Bright colour boosts durum sales Cigi maintaining relationships with buyers post-CWB monopoly By Stuart McMillan WeatherFarm crops/weather analyst
igh quality continues to give Canadian durum wheat an advantage in Morocco, but it has tough competition for other types of wheat, says a senior Moroccan grain trade official. Abdellatif Izem, director of National Federation of Millers of Morocco, was in Winnipeg last week as part of a North African group attending a durum-milling program at the Canadian International Grains Institute (Cigi). “High quality is critical for the Moroccan market, which is why Morocco generally buys Canadian,” Izem said. In Morocco, most durum is used for couscous, rather than pasta, its main use in Europe and North America. “Moroccan consumers buy couscous with colour in mind, and cous-
cous made from Canadian durum gives a bright-yellow colour,” Izem said. He said the country imports about 600,000 tonnes of durum per year, and in most years Morocco is one of the top three importers of Canadian durum. For other classes of wheat, Morocco is generally seen as a price-sensitive market, Izem said. Canadian wheat must compete with origins from the U.S. as well as the Black Sea and EU, which have a significant freight advantage. It is also more economical for EU suppliers to provide smaller container volumes which are favoured by the smaller mills. Morocco’s per capita wheat consumption, at 258 kg per year, is one of the world’s highest, and it imports an average of about two million tonnes per year. Its own production is highly variable, depending on rainfall. It produced an average of 4.5 million tonnes
over the past 10 years, but under good conditions combined wheat and durum production can reach 6.5 million tonnes. Their current crop is growing under favourable conditions. An April 16 assessment from the USDA said, “Crop prospects remain excellent in Morocco, where timely rainfall and lack of temperature extremes have favoured the development of wheat and barley, which is now approaching or in the filling stage.”
Continuing relationships
While the bumper crop will undoubtedly reduce import demand in the current year, long-term relationships are critical to ongoing Canadian sales, say Cigi officials, who are working to maintain customer relationships following changes to the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly last year. “You can’t sit on your laurels and expect customers to come to you. You
“High quality is critical for the Moroccan market, which is why Morocco generally buys Canadian.” Abdellatif Izem
Director of National Federation of Millers of Morocco
must maintain ongoing relationships,” said business development manager Rick Morgan. Cigi had a new-crop mission to Morocco in January of this year as well as the week-long program for 19 North African milling and processing customers in Winnipeg this month. Morgan said that the program with North African users would continue on an annual or biannual basis.
Monsanto to spend $400 million on research site expansion The company is adding 36 new greenhouses and approximately 2,000 workers reuters
lush with cash, global s e e d d e v e l o p e r Mo n santo Co. said April 23 that it will spend $400 million to expand a research centre focused on development of new genetically altered crops. Monsanto said it will add 36 new greenhouses, additional offices and laboratory space as well as additional plant growth chambers to an existing 1.5-million-square-foot site in Chesterfield, Missouri, to facilitate development of its seed and genetic trait product development. The greenhouses and plant growth chambers can be programmed to represent any climate around the world. Earlier this month, Monsanto said it expects to sell a record amount of corn this year, and said that it had $1.6 billion in free cash flow, with full-year free cash flow seen at $1.8 billion to $2 billion. The Creve Coeur, Mo.-based company plans to begin work this summer and expects to add 675 jobs related to the expansion over the next three years, officials said. Mo n s a n t o c u r re n t l y h a s approximately 1,000 employees at its Chesterfield site, and will be able to house 2,000 technology employees when the expansion is completed. The company already h a s 2 5 0 l a b o ra t o r i e s, 1 2 2 plant growth chambers and two acres of greenhouses at the location.
READY TO KICK SOME GRASS? You don’t get to be a top grower by being soft on grassy weeds. Farming’s toughest operators count on DuPont™ Assure® II herbicide to bring the muscle and protect their high-value oilseeds and pulses. Assure® II pulverizes foxtail barley and beats the living chlorophyll out of green and yellow foxtail, volunteer cereals and many others. Tank-mixed with Liberty®, Assure® II also helps you gang up on grasses in your LibertyLink® canola.
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As with all crop protection products, read and follow label instructions carefully. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Assure® II are registered trademarks or trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. E. I. du Pont Canada Company is a licensee. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Member of CropLife Canada. ©Copyright 2013 E. I. du Pont Canada Company. All rights reserved.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Russet Burbank replacement proves elusive There are better varieties for growing, but not for storing By Gord Gilmour CO-OPERATOR STAFF
hen American selftaught botanist Luther Burbank turned his attention to the humble potato in the 1870s, he didn’t have much to work with. Originally from South America, European varieties of the starchy tuber that grew well in the challenging climate of New England and Canada were tasteless at best, and unpalatable at worst. The varieties, including the Russet strain, that Burbank, who had made a name for himself developing the Shasta daisy, worked with were almost exclusively grown as livestock feed. But within a few years he came up with the Russet Burbank hybrid and more than 140 years later, it’s still the ‘name brand’ potato in North America. “It’s proven to be extremely durable,” said Gary Sloik, manager of the Keystone Potato Producers’ Association. But despite its longevity, it presents challenges for growers. However, the quest for a replacement has, so far, been unsuccessful.
Potato processors still love the Russet Burbank variety because it’s flavourful and stores extremely well, Sloik said. To store well, a potato needs to reach what’s known as chemical maturity — the stage at which sugars in the growing tubers are almost completely converted to starch. Potatoes with unconverted sugars have colouration problems, particularly when sugars accumulate in the tuber tips causing dark unsightly ends in french fries. But it takes upwards of 140 days for Russet Burbanks to reach that stage. As well, the variety is not particularly disease resistant nor an efficient user of inputs like nitrogen, said Curtis Cavers, an agronomist with the Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre in Portage la Prairie. “Ironically I think if it had been developed 10 years ago, not in 1872, they’d never accept it today,” said Sloik. “But it’s what the customers — in particular the quick-serve restaurants — are accustomed to.” Breeders have come up with alternatives, but none have stuck. One of the first was the AC
Shepody variety, developed in the early 1980s by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in New Brunswick. It was a short-season variety well suited to challenging Canadian conditions and produced very large tubers. “It got some big acreage,” Sloik said. “At one point, I believe 40 per cent of P.E.I.’s potato crop was Shepody. But it’s now fallen by the wayside.” The problem, Sloik said, was it simply didn’t store as well as the old standby. Another variety that showed some initial promise was Ranger Russet, a USDA variety developed in the early 1990s and registered in Canada in 1993. It proved to be more resistant to certain disease complexes and growth defects like hollow heart. It also stored better than Shepody — but only until February, while Russet Burbank can be stored until the new crop is ready. Ranger Russet also had another serious flaw. “It bruises quite easily,” Sloik noted. “That made storage a challenge.” A more recent contender has been the Umatilla variety, developed by the USDA in 1998. It’s
proven to be less susceptible to a number of diseases, as well as showing marked improvement in fry colour, frequently rating better than Russet Burbank in trials. “It seems to have less sugar ends,” Sloik said. “However, out east, they seem to be having a fair few issues with fusarium.” Another recent registrant is the Innovator variety, which came to Canada from the Netherlands in 2004, where it was developed in part from the Shepody line. It’s exciting because it’s become quite well accepted by the quick-serve restaurant industry in Europe, Sloik said. “They’ve had some success with Innovator in other parts of the world, but the big (quick-serve restaurants) in North America are still skeptical,” Sloik said. And that’s the other issue at play — the fast-food industry thrives on predictability and uniformity. “In a lot of ways, I think it’s a ‘stick with the devil they know, rather than take a risk on the devil they don’t know’ situation,” said Cavers. “We seem to be in this situation where varieties are developed that
Luther Burbank developed the popular potato variety. SUPPLIED PHOTO
are really good at one thing — let’s say nitrogen efficiency or tuber size or disease resistance — but that’s the one thing they’re really good at,” added Sloik. “In a lot of ways Russet Burbanks are like that too, but it just so happens the one thing they’re really good at — storability — just happens to be what the customers want.” Both Cavers and Sloik say it’s a frustrating situation for the industry, but one that won’t be resolved quickly. “In the end, the customer is king,” Sloik said. “We have to produce the product they want.” And while it won’t happen tomorrow, eventually a replacement will be found. “It will happen, I am sure of that,” Cavers said. “Unfortunately I can’t say when it will happen.”
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
High-tech potato diagnostics just over the horizon Lab-on-a-chip measures gene expression By Gord Gilmour co-operator staff
ne of the greatest challenges for potato growers is diagnosing what’s happening in the field. Relatively speaking, potatoes are both a nitrogen and water hog. And while you don’t want to be short of either, overapplication is both expensive and environmentally damaging. Different approaches to fine tuning inputs have been tried, from measuring the colour of plant leaves to in-ground moisture sensors — but all are rough proxies rather than precise measurements. Now a new and better solution is on the horizon, says Helen Tai, an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher based at the Potato Research Centre in Fredericton, N.B. “It’s a lab-on-a-chip system that would allow growers to test for gene expression right in the field,” Tai told attendees at this winter’s Manitoba Potato Production Days. Gene expression refers to whether genes are ‘turned on’ or ‘turned off’ — something typically regulated by environmental conditions, such as a shortage of nitrogen. The system Tai is working on employs a hand-held unit (roughly the size of a cellphone) that can determine the gene expression in specially chosen ‘biomarkers’ in tissue samples taken right in the field. So far, two genetic biomarkers — one for nitrogen and another for water deficiency — have been identified, said Tai, who was a cancer researcher before moving into the field of plant genomics. While the technology sounds like something out of “Star Trek,” similar tools are already in use in medicine, said Tai. Her focus is on applying that technology to agriculture. Devices are now being field tested on the Prairies, as well as in Quebec, New Brunswick and Peru. The studies will determine how effective the technology is in a variety of production conditions, drought levels, nitrogen sources and potato varieties. The initial work will be done by the end of 2013, but Tai told growers they shouldn’t expect to immediately see the technology on farms because it takes time to assemble a reliable data set to ensure measurements are accurate. “The technology already exists and is in widespread use in medicine,” Tai said. “It’s the data that will take the time.” Once it’s ready for commercialization, the lab-on-a-chip system will give growers the ability to analyze multiple deficiencies simultaneously, pinpoint the problem, and take action before the crop is severely affected.
Potato growers anxious to get started This year’s growing season is off to a stressful start thanks to the late, cold spring By Gord Gilmour co-operator staff
here are few things more nerve-racking for a Manitoba potato grower than a cold, wet spring. Processing varieties — the lion’s share of the provincial potato crop — are typically long seasoned and struggle to meet maximum yield potential even during the best years. So this year’s late spring is a recipe for stress. “There’s definitely concern out there,” said Gary Sloik, manager of the Keystone Potato Producers’ Association. “It seems even worse because we were so exceptionally early last year.” But the real issue is what happens next, he said, noting weather conditions during
tuber set last year were especially disappointing. “In the end, last year wasn’t all that great despite the start we got,” Sloik said. This year will tax the growing skills of growers, said Curtis Cavers, an agronomist working on potatoes with the CanadaManitoba Crop Diversification Centre at Portage la Prairie. “Things are certainly going to be rushed, and I think the stress is taking a bit of a toll,” Cavers said. However, Manitoba growers are very good at what they do and will make the best of a bad situation, he said. And once the snow is gone, it doesn’t take long to get moving, since potatoes hate being wet and are typically planted in some of the province’s best-drained soils. “These are the lighter and
sandier fields, the first to dry out in the spring and let you get on them,” Cavers said. “They can cover a lot of ground fairly quickly,” agreed Sloik. As well, he noted, there are fewer acres to plant this year as the province’s three major processors are cutting back because of ongoing sluggishness in the U.S. economy. This means growers can pick their best land to seed. “It makes it a lot easier to make that decision to not plant that field you know is always a little later,” Sloik said. But while growers are anxious for the mercury to rise, they don’t want it going too high, said Cavers. Potatoes essentially shut down when temperatures rise above 30 C, and overly hot weather can dramatically lower tuber set and
ultimately yield. Growers will also hope to avoid late-spring frosts, which can make for a major yield hit, and late-season frosts which can make the tubers much harder to store. “We’re definitely going to be hoping for a long, open fall,” Cavers said. “Potatoes really don’t like frost.” The key will be making adjustments on the fly during a very busy season, said Sloik. “Farmers are very good at adapting to circumstances,” he said. “We’ve had challenging years before, and we’ve put in the crop.” Sloik said he’s expecting widespread planting to be well underway by May 10 or so if better weather holds. If that happens, the majority of the crop should be in the ground by the end of May, he said.
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Questions? Ask your retailer, call 1-800-667-3925 or visit As with all crop protection products, read and follow label instructions carefully. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Coragen® are registered trademarks or trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. E. I. du Pont Canada Company is a licensee. Member of CropLife Canada. ©Copyright 2013 E. I. du Pont Canada Company. All rights reserved.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Safe-driving workshops a hit with older motorists The Mature Drivers Workshop helps older drivers refresh on road safety rules as well as think about how to compensate for age-related limitations
The Mature Drivers Workshop, delivered by Safety Services Manitoba staff helps update older drivers on road safety while encouraging them to give consideration to their own age-related limitations such as reduced response times due to diminishing eyesight, hearing or flexibility. photo: thinkstock
By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff / carman
im McCutcheon has a safe driving record spanning 60 years and he plans to keep it that way. Which is why the otherwise confident 78-yearold driver avoids getting behind the wheel at night. “Driving at night isn’t quite as fun as it used to be,” said the retired Carman-area farmer. “If I can go during the day, I will.” That’s just one topic that comes up frequently at safedriving workshops for the 55-plus crowd put on by Safety Services Manitoba, including the one that recently drew McCutcheon and about 40 other area residents. “The focus of the program is to try to get people thinking about how their current age may have affected their driving, and if there are any c h a n g e s t h e y ’ve n o t i c e d ,” said Susan Everton, a Safety Services Manitoba facilitator who delivered the recent Carman workshop at the community’s Active Living Centre. Currently, there are 117,000 Manitobans 65 and older who possess a valid driver’s licence — and it’s forecast that number will jump to 161,000 over the next decade. The half-day workshop helps refresh and update older drivers on traffic laws, signs and signals markings and offers them practical advice on how to compensate for the physical effects of aging. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and are also given a free copy of the Driver’s Handbook.
“We all become ingrained in habits as we’ve been driving for a number of years,” said Judy Murphy, chief executive officer of Safety Services Manitoba. “And as people age, your hearing isn’t as good, your flexibility isn’t as good, your reaction times are reduced. This course helps address those things and you learn how to compensate.” Older drivers may consult an online resource called The Older and Wiser Driver, that provides a confidential way to self-rate one’s abilities in a variety of driving situations. There are also online driving quizzes to test and reinforce road knowledge. Demand for the workshops, put on in partnership with Manitoba Public Insurance, is definitely growing, said Mu r p h y. L a s t y e a r, t h e y attracted more than 1,800 people — up from just over 1,000 a year earlier. “And from January to March this year we’ve already seen nearly 500 students,” said Murphy. They’ll deliver this course anywhere in Manitoba if there’s a group of 15 or more requesting it, said Susan Everton, a retired driving instructor who is a facilitator of the Mature Drivers Workshop (formerly known as 55 Alive). They cover a lot of ground, but it’s also a time to ask questions, she said. Many communities often have a trouble spot, or a place where no one’s quite sure if they’re following the rules of the road or not. Turning properly at intersections is a frequent topic in
many smaller-communities, she said. “We also get a lot of questions about pedestrians and pedestrian corridors.” McCutcheon had one related to that topic. At crosswalks, he’s often wondered if he’s allowed to proceed if the lights are flashing, even if no one is crossing. “Should I wait until the flashing lights stop or can I go through… that’s always puzzled me,” he said. “You don’t want to be wrong.” He learned that you are allowed to proceed if the lights are flashing, but only after you’ve first come to a complete stop and looked both ways to ensure no one is crossing, or waiting to cross.
Defensive driving
Workshop participants are encouraged to drive defensively, and adopt ‘the worst that can happen’ attitude in order to be better prepared for the unexpected. For example, even if you have the right of way, you should look to see if the driver approaching the stop sign on the side road is actually slowing down. Maintaining the proper distance when following another vehicle is also critical — but a source of confusion and frustration for drivers who follow speed limits. The recommendation is to follow behind at “a bare minimum of four seconds” in town, and six to eight seconds on the highway, said Everton. To get a feel for that, start counting when the vehicle ahead of you passes by an
identifiable point – such as a sign on the edge of the road. “We don’t tend to talk distances anymore because we’re g e n e ra l l y n o t re a l l y g o o d judges of distance,” she said. These recommendations are only for perfect road conditions, she said. “If conditions aren’t perfect or it’s dark or you’re in an area where there’s deer, then you really need to lengthen the distance,” she added. Workshop participants are also told to avoid distractions when driving. “The more senior a driver becomes, the more they need to actually focus on the driving itself, because the reflexes slow down,” said Everton. And although it’s not something you want to hear, you really have to listen when others comment on your driving, she said. “The other thing I like to get across in the class is ‘listen to the people who care about you.’ If they’re telling you that they’re worried about your driving, you need to listen to that.” That’s a sensitive issue. “ Yo u’ l l s e e p e o p l e s h i f t uncomfortably in their seats when we talk about that,” said Everton. But McCutcheon said the workshop was definitely helpful and he’s glad he went. “ You’re never too old to learn and I want to be able to drive as long as I can,” he said. “I certainly found it worthwhile.”
Tips for safe driving Vision, reflexes, flexibility and hearing — all key to safe driving — begin to significantly deteriorate around age 55 and that accelerates after age 75. Here are some tips to cope with this decline and stay safe on the roads: • Have regular eye checkups. • Ask your doctor about the effects of medication on one’s ability to drive and function. It is recommended that driving should be avoided after using a new medication. • Never drive when tired or drowsy. • Avoid busy intersections or driving at times when traffic is heavy. • If you can, avoid driving at night or in bad weather. • Avoid tinted glasses for night driving. Source: Manitoba Public Insurance
for more info Safety Services Manitoba will deliver the Mature Drivers Workshop free of charge to any group of 15 or more requesting it. For more information or to request a workshop call 204949-1085; write to Safety Services Manitoba, 3-1680 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 1H6; or visit
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email:
GOOD FOR YOU – and the planet, too Black Bean Burgers Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap
ost people know pulses — peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas — are good for you. They’re exceptionally high in fibre and protein, and contain complex carbs that are slowly digestible. And there are many ways to prepare delicious all-occasion dishes with them too. I seldom pick up a food magazine these days that doesn’t contain at least one recipe using them. Pulse Canada has recently pointed out there’s another very good reason to eat pulses more often — adding them to our diet is good for our planet. A newly released video series highlights how our food choices affect the environment. In one video, Peter Watts, director of market innovation at Pulse Canada, notes pulses require far fewer non-renewable inputs to produce. “Each time a farmer chooses to grow pulses instead of another crop they reduce energy inputs by 50 per cent,” says Watts. “In Canada alone, this means a reduction of greenhouse gases equal to removing 200,000 cars off the road.” Pulses draw nitrogen from the air, in effect creating their own fertilizer and reducing the amount of fertilizer farmers need to apply. That’s a powerful message that matters to many, and will become more appealing as interest in where food comes from and how it’s produced continues to grow. Take a moment to look at these two well-made videos found online at www. A third will be released in May. If you like what you hear and see, and want to try eating a few more pulses this week, here’s a few recipes from the Pulse Canada website. You can find many more recipes online at
Yellow Split Pea-Cornmeal Griddle Cakes 2 c. cooked yellow split peas 2 c. cooked cornmeal 4 eggs, beaten 2/3 c. milk 1/2 tsp. sambel oelek* (optional) 2/3 c. flour 4 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 2 green onions, thinly sliced
Mix cooked yellow split peas and cornmeal together. Add beaten eggs and milk and mix until smooth. Fold in flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in green onions. Preheat a non-stick skillet to medium heat. Spoon mixture into two- to three-inch patties and fry cakes four to five minutes per side until golden brown. *Sambal oelek is a chili-based sauce. Look for it in your grocer’s ethnic food aisle. Makes: 16 griddle cakes Source: Pulse Canada
A reviewer’s comment online pronounced these burgers “fantastic,” noting they’d added two large cloves of garlic, and some cumin and chili powder to the mix. The reviewer added that putting them in the freezer helped firm them up while the oil in the pan heated up. 1 19-fl.-oz. /540-ml can black beans, rinsed and drained 1 c. cooked brown rice 1 small onion, chopped 2 green onions, finely chopped 1/2 tsp. Tabasco sauce (optional) 1 egg 1/4 c. bread crumbs 6 tbsp. salsa (divided) 4 hamburger buns 1/4 c. low-fat plain yogurt 4 romaine lettuce leaves 1 avocado, sliced (optional)
In a large bowl, coarsely mash beans with a potato masher or fork. Add rice, onions, Tabasco sauce if desired, egg, bread crumbs and two tablespoons of salsa. Mix well. Divide mixture into four and form into patties that are about one inch thick. Preheat oven to 350 F (180 C). Meanwhile, cook over medium heat on a nonstick pan for four to five minutes each side or until lightly browned. Transfer to a pan and cook in preheated oven for 10 minutes. In a small bowl, combine remaining salsa and yogurt. Serve with lettuce and avocado (if desired) as a condiment to your burger. Makes: 4 burgers Source: Pulse Canada
Zucchini And Yellow Split Pea Sauté Put this one away for summer when you have plentiful zucchini. 1 tbsp. olive oil 2 green onions, chopped 2 medium zucchini, sliced 1 c. dried yellow split peas, cooked according to package 2 medium tomatoes, sliced 1 c. reduced-fat shredded cheddar cheese 1 large red onion, sliced into rings Dash each of garlic powder, light soy sauce and pepper
Lentil Carrot Spice Muffins This recipe is also excellent as a cake done in a 9x9-inch pan. 1/2 c. brown sugar 3/4 c. granulated sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1/3 c. canola oil 2 eggs 1 c. lentil purée* 1 c. shredded carrots 1 c. unbleached flour 3/4 c. whole wheat flour Pinch salt 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. each cinnamon and nutmeg
Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray muffin tin lightly with non-stick spray. Mix both sugars, vanilla, canola oil and eggs in medium bowl until well blended. Add lentil purée and shredded carrots. In separate bowl, combine flours, salt, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg. Blend dry ingredients with lentil carrot mixture until fully incorporated. Pour mix into prepared muffin pan and bake at 350 F for about 20-25 minutes. Check to see if they are done with a toothpick inserted in centre. If removed clean, they are done. Remove from oven and let cool in tray for a few minutes, remove and let cool on cooling rack.
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Sauté green onions and zucchini slices until slightly tender, about five minutes. Add cooked yellow split peas. Stir gently. Layer tomato slices over top and sprinkle with 2/3 cup shredded cheese. Layer onion rings over mixture and add remaining cheese. Sprinkle garlic powder, soy sauce and pepper over top. Reduce heat to low, place lid on the pan and heat ingredients for about five minutes. Serve immediately.
*Lentil Purée: Rinse and drain a 19-ounce can of lentils. Place in food processor, add 1/4 cup hot water, and purée until the mixture is very smooth, adding more water in small amounts to reach desired consistency, similar to baby food, about five minutes. Scrape down sides of the bowl as needed. Refrigerate or freeze unused lentil purée for your next batch!
Makes: 8 servings
Makes: 12 muffins
RECIPE SWAP If you have a recipe or a column suggestion please write to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794 Carman, Man. R0G 0J0 or email Lorraine Stevenson at:
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Onanole citizen recognized by NHSRA Contributions to high school rodeo rewarded By Darrell Nesbitt FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR
n recognition of his contributions and outstanding service to the National High School Rodeo Association (NHSRA), Inc., Art Cochrane of Onanole was presented with the 2013 Kenny Ivester Memorial Award at the mid-winter meeting of the NHSRA in Fort Worth, Texas. The award, presented in memory of Kenny Ivester of Wyoming who ser ved the NHSRA in various capacities until his death in 1987, recognizes an individual’s commitment to the association’s mission, their dedication to members, and their contributions of time, energy and volunteer hours. Cochrane certainly fits the bill and has been working to promote the sport of rodeo since helping to initiate a high school rodeo association in Manitoba in 1995. Minnedosa hosted the first high school rodeo on Manitoba soil that year with 31 registered MHSRA student members, and since then the provincial association hasn’t looked back. “The best thing about high school rodeo is watching kids
become very good competitors as they go through seven years of rodeo and then go on with their education with the help of scholarships from the Manitoba High School Rodeo Association,” said Cochrane. “The other thing that I’m impressed with is the parents who get their kids involved with the association and don’t know anything about rodeo. These parents get involved and help wherever they can and enjoy the weekend away camping and rodeoing with new friends.” As a father and grandfather, Cochrane, and his wife Marilyn, has stood wholehear tedly behind the family sport of rodeo that saw their daughter Rachelle reach achievements at the high school, amateur and professional levels. Today, Rachelle and her husband Terry Boyes of Hartney have two daughters, Jenel (12) involved in the MHSRA and nine-year-old Jacey. With family playing an important role in Cochrane’s life, he also enjoys spending time with son Clay, a warrant officer in the Armed Forces out of Shilo, his wife Alex and their two sons, Avery (10) and nine-year-old Tyson, who live near Carberry. He also lends his time as a
member of the Onanole High School Rodeo Association, which will host a two-day high school rodeo on May 11 and 12, just south of town off old Highway 10. In addition to the Kenny Ivester Memorial Award, Cochrane also received a plaque celebrating his 15 years as Manitoba’s national director and is a past president of the NHSRA — one of the fastest-growing youth organizations, with an annual membership of approximately 12,500 students from 41 states, five Canadian provinces, and Australia. The association sanctions over 1,100 rodeos per year. Each year, the NHSRA produces the two elite youth rodeo events in the world — the National Junior High Finals Rodeo (NJHFR) and the National High School Finals Rodeo (NHSFR). The NHSFR is the “World’s Largest Rodeo,” featuring approximately 1,500 contestants from across the United States, Canada and Australia. Athletes vie for national titles, assorted prizes and their share of thousands of dollars in college scholarships. Darrell Nesbitt writes from Shoal Lake, Manitoba.
Manitoba national director and NHSRA past president Art Cochrane, (l), was presented with the 2013 Kenny Ivester Memorial Award by NHSRA president Cotton George in Fort Worth, Texas. PHOTO: COURTESY
Take your orchid cactus out Left in its container it can provide exotic touch to the summer landscape By Albert Parsons FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR
ome plants appear rather common during most of the year but put on such a spectacular display of bloom when they do flower, that we have no regrets about keeping them in our plant collections. One such plant is the orchid cactus. The orchid cactus is a cousin of the more common Christmas cactus. It has the same flat, lobed branches that make it easy to propagate, although the lobes are considerably larger and more elongated. To propagate a new plant, stems of about four or five lobes are planted into a dampened, soilless mix where they readily root to form new plants. Like all cacti, the orchid cactus prefers a light, well-drained soil so I always add a bit of sand to my cactus mix. It is quite quick growing and within a year, the cuttings will have produced a plant large enough to produce flowers.
An orchid cactus can be displayed in the outdoor garden during the growing season where it very well might continue to bloom.
A s t h e p l a n t d e v e l o p s, it puts forth new branches which or iginally star t by growing upright, but as they lengthen they become pendulous and hang down over the edge of the pot. The s t e m s t h e n d e ve l o p s i d e branches as the stems elongate, producing an attractive hanging plant. As the plant matures, pieces of stem can be broken off and inserted into the soil to fill in bare spots if the plant is somewhat one sided. Generally, about seven or eight stems planted in a six-inch pot will
produce a nice, full pot. Like the Christmas cactus, this plant likes to be root bound, s o t o o l a rg e a c o n t a i n e r might prevent the plant from setting flower buds. The orchid cactus likes bright light but not a lot of direct sun, particularly hot, midday sun, although it will appreciate some filtered sunlight. The planting medium should be kept on the dry side during the winter, although it should never be allowed to dry out completely. Orchid cacti do not like the soil to become completely dry and if it does, the plants might not set flower buds. During the growing season and especially while the plant is in bloom, the soil should be kept moderately moist. A bit of soluble fertilizer added to the water at halfstrength a couple of times in the spring will supply the plant with enough nutrients and will keep the leaves an attractive bright green. Flower buds appear any time
f r o m l a t e March until well into the summer. The flowers are a glor i ou s br i g ht red and shaped somewhat like the blooms of the Christmas cactus, but much larger, and having a funnel-like shape. Each bloom will last for several days. An orchid cactus can be displayed in the outdoor garden during the growing season where it ver y well might continue to bloom. Even if it doesn’t, its long, pendulous leaves will add an exotic touch to the landscape. The best way to display the plant is to leave it in its container and hang it so that the leaves can cascade unimpeded. Because the plant is in a container, there is no need
The blooms of an orchid cactus will last for several days. PHOTO: ALBERT PARSONS
to worr y about soil cond i t i o n s o r s o i l m o i s t u re. In fact, it might be a good idea to display the plant in an area that has been xeriscaped with stone and rock where other cacti/succulent plants are also displayed, either in containers or planted in the ground. This would be relatively low m a i n t e n a n c e, a n d w o u l d make the orchid cactus an interesting feature in the outdoor garden. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
Reena answers more of your questions Plus, reader feedback and tips Reena Nerbas Household Solutions Dear Reena,
My husband spilled diesel fuel on his work clothes and I can’t seem to get the lingering smell out. Can you please tell me the best solution for this problem? Thank you. – Jill
Dear Jill,
Oh how many letters I have received that began with those same few words. Soak the coveralls for a few hours in a bucket and one two-litre bottle of cola. Then wash the fabric as usual. The smell will vanish!
Dear Reena,
Help! Company is coming and my cutlery looks like it is 100 years old. Each knife and fork
has water spots. Should I opt for plastic cutlery? – Morgann
Dear Morgann,
Fill a small mixing bowl half full with vinegar. Soak cutlery for 10 minutes and polish pieces. Even high-end restaurants use this tip when they want to impress.
Hi Reena,
I have pets and they have made mistakes on the hardwood floor. How best can I deal with this situation? Thanks. – David
Dear David,
Urine on hardwood floors is difficult to deal with. Begin by cleaning the area with Dawn dish soap and water. Next pour 50/50 three per cent hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar onto the area. Cover with plastic wrap and pile a heavy box on top. Leave for eight hours. Blot up excess. You may or may
not need to refinish the area depending on the result. Test on an inconspicuous area first. If the smell remains, substitute 2 tbsp. household ammonia for vinegar and repeat. Or, use enough baking soda and a small amount of water to cover the area. Leave for one hour and wipe. If the smell remains you will need to sand and brush the floor with several coats of finish.
Feedback from caring readers: Dear Reena,
We had a lot of fruit flies one summer and it didn’t matter what I tried, there was always a new batch to contend with. I was shopping and noticed that the store sold Aeroxon Window Fly Traps. I bought the package (five strips in a package) I applied one strip to my kitchen window and that ended the fruit flies in my house. They
Easy-to-make recipe holder
stick to the tape and can’t get away. Hope this is of some help to others who have this problem. – Phyllis
Hi Reena,
I have a solution for turning stale cereal, like Cornflakes or Rice Krispies, into cookies. Had some on hand that had been in my cupboard for some time. Used the Cornflakes in the recipe and they are delicious — had all sorts of requests for the recipe. Soooo, I suggest finding a recipe calling for cereal and trying it out. – Barb
Hi Reena,
My answer to “How to butter corn on the cob.” Use a container long enough for a cob of corn to fit straight up and down — something you can put over heat. Put enough water in the container to cover about half of
the cob and heat this up. Then put a pound of butter in the hot water (the butter will rise to the top). Dip the cob in the water and butter. The cob will be all covered with butter. Here is another tip: I use a razor to “shave” off the pills (small wads of lint). It will cut off the pills without pulling the fabric. I hope this is helpful. – Carol
Fabulous tips from head to toe:
• Get rid of dandruff by scrubbing scalp with green tea and water. • Get rid of stinky feet by soaking them in green tea and warm water.
I enjoy your questions and tips, keep them coming! Missed a column? Can’t remember a solution? Need a speaker for an upcoming event? Interested in grocery coupons? Check out my brand new blog/website:
Create a salad table this year By Candy Irwin Freelance contributor
his is an easy-to-accomplish project requiring only basic carpentry skills and some soil, peat moss, vermiculite and compost. I made my table out of 2x4s with a double layer of screen on the bottom. You can plant and harvest most types of leaf lettuce, mescaline, mustard greens, and spinach, as well as basil, most successfully. The plants do tend to “miniaturize” somewhat, but there’s no weeding or bending over when tending to the plants. Gardeners at the University of Maryland came up with the design to encourage people without actual garden plots, to grow some of their own produce. A salad table is perfect on a balcony or in tiny backyard, and will also work well for
elderly or disabled people with limited mobility. With annual fertilizing and successive sowings, a salad table can grow as much as eight to 10 lbs. of salad-type produce each season. Be sure to water on the days when there is no rain. There’s still time to build a salad table for this season. For further plans and details go to www.marthastewart. com/267317/salad-table. Candy Irwin writes from Lake Audy, Manitoba.
By Pat Gerbrandt Freelance contributor
ecipe books. Handwritten notebook collections of family favourites. The recipe page in the latest issue of your favourite newspaper. Computer printouts. Which cook doesn’t have a collection of recipes? Whatever their source, your recipes can be protected from splatters with this easy-to-craft stand. My uncle made the recipe holder using a few scraps of Plexiglas and a 6x12-inch piece of 3/4-inch walnut. He used a router to give the base an attractive edge, and made
three cuts, parallel to the long edge, with a table saw. Angled at approximately 5 degrees, the cuts are 1/4 inch deep and 1 inch apart. The clear Plexiglas for the front is 13-3/4 inches long and 10 inches high; the back, a scrap of light panel, is 11-3/4 inches long and 10 inches high. Plexiglas can be cut with an ordinary table saw, but if you plan to use light panel, you’ll need a carbide scoring blade to cut it with the table saw. Any lightweight, reasonably stable material can be used for the back panel, as long as it is strong enough to hold a book. Sand and stain the base, if desired, then seal it with a
water-resistant finish such as Wipe-On Poly, or paint as desired. Smooth the edges (these corners are gently rounded) and slide the supports into the base. Small books or single sheets are nicely supported using the front and centre grooves for the Plexiglas; moving the rear support to the outer groove affords room for larger books. The stand can easily be taken apart for storage, but its usefulness is not limited to the kitchen. Don’t be surprised if it shows up on someone’s desk or work table. Pat Gerbrandt writes from Grunthal, Manitoba.
Reader’s Photo
Here’s to our Manitoba “spring!” PHOTO: CINDY MURRAY
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
AUCTION DISTRICTS Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.
The Pas
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman
Birch River
Swan River Minitonas Durban
Gilbert Plains
Fisher Branch
Ste. Rose du Lac Russell
Minnedosa Neepawa
Pilot Mound Crystal City
Elm Creek
Ste. Anne
Lac du Bonnet
Austin Treherne
Stonewall Selkirk
Rapid City
Lundar Gimli
Shoal Lake
Riverton Eriksdale
St. Pierre
Morris Winkler Morden
Red River
ANTIQUES ANTIQUES Antique Equipment 1953 MM “U” COMPLETELY restored, excellent rubber, high rear tires, new manifold, 12V, electrical system. Phone (204)834-2619. HORSE HARNESS & EQUIPMENT. 1 complete set of single harness w/23-in collar, steel hames & leather tugs, $300; 1 complete set of single harness w/flat hames, new tugs & new back pads, $350; 2 sets of good chore harness, bridles & lines $475 each OBO; Good selection of steel eveners, good selection of wooden neck yokes for cutters or buggies. Several pieces of good horse machinery ready to go to the field. Phone:(204)242-2809, Box 592 Manitou.
This sale is open to consignment of live bees. We are expecting 1000 - 2000 colonies of bees for this sale. Numbers will be dependant on winter losses of the consignors. We are now taking consignments of all sizes of colonies for this sale. Singles / Doubles / Nucs All bees will have to be government inspected prior to the sale and test results will be made available to prospective buyers
Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.PHONE: (204) 727-2001 FAX: (204) 729-9912 EMAIL: Auctioneer: Scott Campbell
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland
MCSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE LTD Estate & Moving Sun., May 5th 10:00am Stonewall #12 Pat-terson Dr. Livestock Equip: NEW Squeeze Chute hyd, Anti-Backing System; Q-Chute w/16-ft. Adj Alley & Catwalk; 100) Corral Panels; GUNS, YARD & REC: OVER 30 Guns; 22s; Shotguns; Rifles; 1913 German Luger 9mm; 4) Bayonettes; Hunting Knives; Gun Cabinet; TimberWolf Pelt w/ Head; Raccoon Pelt w/Head; Deer Mt; Fish; Pheasant; Utility Trailers; JD GX 325 18-HP hyd; 10-HP 28-ft. Snowblower; Roto Tiller; Lawn Sweeper; Trailer Sprayer; Camping & Fishing Items; Quality Black Cat Mens’ Golf Clubs; 12-in. Band Saw; Scroll Saw; Table Saw; Chain Saws; Jointer; Drill Press; Belt Disc Sander; Power Tools; Router Bits; Hand Planers; Air Tools; Tap & Die Set; Vise; 1,500-lb Winch; LARGE AMT of TOOLS; Furniture Gibbard Walnut Buffet; Oak Buffet; Vanity Dresser; Mahogany 3 pc Settee; Button Back LR Chairs; Oak Library Desk; Writing Desk; Duncan Phyfe Coffee Table; Cedar Chest; Radio; Ducks Unlimited Prints; Oil Paintings; Coal Oil Lamps; Shaving Items; Crocks; China; Collector Plates; Household Oak 3 pce BR Suite; LR Suite; Open Book Case; K Appliances; K Items; Stereo. Stuart McSherry (204)4671858 or (204)886-7027
GARTON’S AUCTION SERVICE will be conducting a 2 day Antiques & Collectibles Auction for Ernie & Sylvia Wasylyshen May 4th & 5th, 2013 located 6-mi North of Junction # 20 & 20A East of Dauphin, MB, 1/2-mi West. Auction will include: Gramophone; Piano; Organ; Violin; Guitar; Dulcimer; Banjo; Mandolin; Bugle; Early 1900 farm equipment; Vintage Ford pt combine c/w engine; Cockshutt binder; Seed drills; Wdn breaker furrow plows; Steel breaker CN items; Grain cleaner; Breaking plows; Lq qty scrap; RR tie pusher; Cast iron blacksmith forge w/temper tank; Forge tools; Floor motor lift; Cast iron seats; Signs; Lightning rods; Horse drawn sleigh; Horse collars; Wagon; Bottles; Lamps; Telephones; Butter churns; Butter pound press; Pepsi coin machine; Milk separators; Spinning wheels; Army uniform; Glass bottle cream separator; Cream cans; Wash boards; Coke memorabilia; Wool separator; Tobacco tins; Cigarette makers; Spittoon; Waitress’ coin sorter; Metal toys; Shoe maker tools; Cow bells; Manuals; Bells; Cabbage shredder; Poppy seed grinder; Baby scale; Hot tub; Cast iron tub w/lion feet; School desks; Washing machines; Trunks; Wood cook stoves; Canadian war service chair; Display counter; 1981 EEE Motorhome; 1974 Ford 1T truck w/steel flat deck; 1929 Plymouth; Hudson Coop; Chevy 1/2ton; Lincoln car; Ford Aerostar van; Prize winning animated Christmas float. Plus much, much more! For more info contact (204)638-8463 or visit for complete listing & pics. MEYERS GUN AUCTION 10:00AM Sun., May 5th, 2013. 431 Lansdowne Ave, Arden, MB. 100+ Guns & Ammo; 1997 Dodge 1500, Quad Cab, Long Box; 2001 Starcraft Tent Trailer. Meyers Auctions & Appraisals, Arden, MB (204)476-6262
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
16TH ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, May 25th, 2013 Elm Creek, MB Consign your Farm, Construction & Yard items by emailing your list by May 12th to or call at (204)379-2826 GILBERT GAUTHIER AUCTIONS
Farm auction For allan charbonneau Manitou, Mb
monDaY maY 13, 2013 10 am
AUCTION SALE Sat., May 4 @ 10:00am
FroM HigHway 23 East oF altaMont Jct. takE 45 w soutH For 3 MilEs, 1 East on 23n and soutH 1/2 MilE on 44w
Martin & Pam Hiller
Whitemouth, MB
1/2 Mile East on Hwy # 44, then South on Hwy # 406 appr 2 Miles on #61135 Contact: (204) 345-3542 | Email:
*Skidsteer, Trucks & Trailers *Paving Bricks *Shingles *Steel Trusses *Lumber *Windows *Household Furniture & Items ... PLUS MUCH MORE!
Stuart McSherry (204) 467-1858 | (204) 886-7027 For full listings visit
AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts FOR SALE: 7.3L DSL engine w/rebuilt trans, taken from 1993 F350, engine runs well, approx 250,000-km, $1,200 OBO. Phone (204)745-7445.
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
McSherry Auction Service Ltd FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION
Brad & Karen Tronrud
Sat., May 11 @ 11:00am Inwood, MB
• IH 1486, 1086 tractor, 706 with workmaster loader, from neighbour Fernand Rondeau, • IH 1586 AND Case 4490 tractor pto and 3pth, Mf 885 swather, versatile 4400 and 400 • IH 1480 combine with pickup • Trucks: 1979 GMC 427 V8 5&2 single axle 450 bu Box hoist, Hyd drill fill outlet • 1975 GMC 5000, 350 V8 4 speed, 300 bu box • 1966 Chevy tag axle 400 bu head lift hoist, drill fill outlet • Seeding and Tillage
see full list in our spring catalog or on our website or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 bill Klassen auctioneers
AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts NEW TRUCK ENGINE REBUILD kits, high quality Cummins, B&C series engines 3.9, 5.9, and 8.3, also IH trucks, great savings, our 39th year! 1-800-481-1353
3 Miles West on 416 then 1/8 Mile North Auction Note: Please be on Time! There is only 15 min of Small Items
1975 GMC 6500 FARM truck, 366 engine, 5x2 trans, box, hoist, tarp, drill fill, plumped, always shedded, only 42,000 plus miles, one-owner, safetied. Must be seen! Phone:(204)265-3302 Beausejour.
Tractors: 06 Case IH Jx75 MFWA dsl Standard w/ F&R Reverser 3PH Dual hyd 540 PTO w/ Allied Buhler 2595 FEL Joystick, 1275 hrs * Case IH 2394 dsl Cab Power Shift Triple Hyd 1000 PTO Frt Wgts, 520/85-R38 Factory Duals, 6419 hrs * Case 1175 cab dsl Dual Hyd 540/1000 Factory Duals, 7387 hrs * Forage Equip: Laurier 4250 Auto Bale Wagon * 98 Hesston 1340 12’ Hydra Swing Disc Bine * 93 NH 660 RD Baler Auto Wrap * NH 458 9’ Trailer Sickle Mower * Vicon 6 Wheel Hay Rake * NH 166 Wind Row Inverter * Tubolator Silage Bale Bagger Grain Equip: HutchMaster 12’ Off set Disc * Morris SeedRite 80 18’ Hoe Drill w/ Harrows * Wilrich 24’ Cult w/ Mulchers * Cockshutt 12’ Chisel Plow w/ Mulchers * Int 15’ Chisel Plow * 10’ Discer Seeder Livestock Equip: Hesston 5431 Manure Spreader Poly Floor, Tandem 196/16.1xL * NH 790 Tandem Manure Spreader * NH 355 Mix Mill w/ Fold Out Ext Auger, 5 Screens Trucks: 90 Chev 3/4 ton 5.7, ns * 70 Dodge 1 Ton Dually w/ 10’ Grain Box hyd Drill Fill Outlet * 60s Int 1900 Tandem w/ 12’ Gravel Box * Misc: Some Implement Parts * Farm Misc *
2005 CHEV LS 2500 HD Duramax, ext. cab, 4WD, bucket seats, Bose sound system, trailer brake controls, Raider box cap, 109,000-kms, safetied, silver birch metallic. Avail w/or w/o Reese 20K 5th wheel hitch. (204)736-2951, Domain.
Stuart McSherry
BEEKEEPING Bee Equipment
Contact: (204) 278-3233 | Email:
(204) 467-1858 | (204) 886-7027 |
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
McSherry Auction Service Ltd Indoor HUGE Wood Working Equipment, Tools & Material Auction Innovative Manufacturing Group Inc Thurs., May 9 @ 10:00am Winnipeg - Regent Ave, 1001 Auction Note: After 25 Years of Business The Company for the 1st Time is Auctioning off Surplus • Contact: (204) 224-9409 (Daytime) Truck, Forklift: 03 Ford E450 dsl Dually w/ 16’ Freight Box, 24,000 km Sft * Hyster 35 3600lb Propane Forklift 12’ Mast Hyd Side Shift Air Tube Tires 3600 hrs * TCM 5000 lb Propane Fork Lift ext Mast Hyd Side Shift Solid Rubber, 2,352 hrs Trailers: 05 H&H 16’ B& H Enclosed Trailer * 86 Freuhauf 48’ Semi Frt Trailer * 85 Freuhauf 48 Semi Frt Trailer Specialty Equip: Holtzer Triathalon Auto Edgebander (will edge 3mm and solid wood 25mm, hot melt cartridges, quick change over for glue colors, spare glue pot. Well Maintained & in Exc Cond) * Holzher Corner Rounding Machine (3mm PVC edgebanding) * SCM Olimpic 220 - Auto Edgebander (will edge 3mm PVC & solid wood up to 20mm, uses granular glue, equipped w/ shaper, very little use, New Cond) * Cassedei Beam Saw - Auto CNC Panel Sizing Saw (12ft Capacity) * Altendorf F45 Sliding Table Saw w/ Angle Access * Zelisko Boring Machine * Ritter R26 13 Line Drilling Machine * Sandya UNO SCM Thickness Sander * Delta HD Shaper * SCM T160 Shaper * Black Brothers Panel Cleaner * Delta Uni Saw * Master Model 4 Dual Air Screw Gun * Bee Metal Glass Single Pull Grinder * 6) Dust Collectors 3) Europac 1) 10 hp 1) 7.5 hp 1) 5hp 3) FC 3 hp * Delta CR3 7.5 HP * 220 to 3 Phase Convertor * Upholstery Button Press * SCM Glass Finger Pull Grinder Tools: Eagle 5HP 60 gal Upright Air Comp * Lincoln 5HP 60 gal Upright Air Comp * Ryobi Drum Sander * Paint Can Shaker * Large Amt Power Tools * Cordless * Air Drills * Grinders * Sanders * Routers * Large Amt Hand Tools * Wood Clamps * Workmate * Cutters for Jointers * Router Bits * Drill Bits * Material: ALL NEW Material, LARGE Quantities, VARIOUS Sizes, Color - Sold in Pallet Lots * Kitchen Cabinets * Shelving Units * Solid Surface Counter Top * Cupboard Doors * Moulding Oak, Maple Various * 3) Folding Mall Security Gates * Interior & Extertior Doors * Frames * Windows * Metal Studs * Laminate Sheeting, rolls & rolls * 4’x8’ Cover Sheeting * Plywood * Fascia * Flashing * Stains * Paint * Cupboard Hardware * Elec Panels * Elec Wire * Plumbing Fixtures * Misc: 2) Medi 3 Wheel Scooters * 1) Tritan PL301 1) Pride Go-Go * Pallet Jack * Roller Conveyor * OH 10’x12’ Garage Door * Metal Shelving * Slate Board Shelving * Transformer 400 KVA * Air Cond Units * Exhaust Fans 24” - 36” * Elec Motors * Air Comp Line Filters * Office & Furniture: OCE TDS 600 Blue Print Capyer * GAF Print Vac 192 Blue Print Copier * Cannon NP 2120 Photo Copier * Office Desks * Metal Filing Cabinets * Metal Lockers * Various Office Equip * Fans * Bentwood Rocker * Bunk Bed *
Stuart McSherry
Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433
new Date Due to abunDant snow
McSherry Auction Service Ltd
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
2005 GMC SLE NEVADA edition Z71, 4 door crew cab, short box, 4WD, towing package, 97,000-km, very nice condition, safetied, asking $16,500. Phone Days: (204)526-5298 or evenings (204)743-2145. FOR SALE: 04 CHEVY 2500 4x4, 4-dr, gas, new safety, new steer tires, flat deck w/tool boxes, $8500. Phone:(204)871-0925.
AUTO & TRANSPORT Vehicles Various OVER 200 VEHICLES LOTS OF DIESELS Chrysler Dodge (800)667-4414 Wynyard, Sk.
BEE HIVES FOR SALE, Nucs, frames of brood. Phone (204)434-6918 or (204)392-0410, Grunthal.
(204) 467-1858 | (204) 886-7027 |
FOR WAYNE VANDERSTEEN Fisher Branch, MB Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. Sale site: Sale site: From the Junction of PR#233 & PR#17, 6.6 km. East or 4 mi. East of Fisher Branch (Follow signs)
TRACTORS & COMBINES • 2005 Kubota M1055 Tractor w/2595 Buhler loader, 84” bucket, 3pt, dual hyd, Michelin radial tires 18.4-34 rear, 13.624 front, shedded, 1413 hrs showing (Ser #51617); W-30 w/steel wheels MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT • 1998 N.H. 16ft Haybine w/steel guards •14ft IHC Cult. • 1988 J.D. 530 Baler w/double tie & new belts • 10ft Hutchmaster Disc, new blades in front • 10ft Cockshutt deep tiller • 85” Stone fork (heavy) • 10ft Land Packer made from Rumley wheels • New & used Baler belts • 8_ 14” Deep Tiller sweeps • New parts for Baler & Haybine • Baler twine MISCELLANEOUS • Pressure Washer w/6.5 Honda 2200 psi, 3gpm • Axes ½” Air Impact • 5 hp Garden Tiller • Power hacksaw • Snowmobile mover • Older horse harness • Bale rollers • 318 J.D. 48” cut lawnmower • Jack-all • Saw Mandrel • 300 gal fuel tank • 500 gal waste oil tank • Skilsaw • Lincoln Welder • Craftsman 10” table saw • Misc steel • 2 pc & 6 pc Makita cordless tool sets, 18 volt
• Shovels • Adapter for E.U.R.O. for loader • New 6 man tent • 70,000 btu Kerosene ready heater • Logging Chains • Charlyn self-contained hyd pump • (2) beam scales • 3 way hyd control w/pump • Grease guns • Furnace blower & motor • Backpack weed sprayer • (1)Bale spears • Barrel pumps • Post maul • Crowbars • Slow moving signs • Aladdin Kerosene Heater (Rakes/Sq. Baler & Disc all shedded until this fall) (3255, 4450 & Combine will have new oil/filters) TRAILERS & WAGONS • 38ft Hay Trailer (made in Morden) 17or 22 bales • 16ft Stock Trailer; Kendon gravity box & trailer CATTLE EQUIPMENT • Real Industries portable cattle handling system w/floor in headgate; (30) 10 & 12 ft Panels • Wooden self feeder w/12ft metal roof • Ear taggers • Portable loading chute • (2) rolls barb wire • (6) bale feeders • (20) 25ft Panels • Fencing tools • Ritchie waterer; Cattle oiler; Mineral feeder • Tailgate for squeeze chute; (2) Elec. Fencers (12v)
• (1) Solar panel w/fencer • (2) Stock doctors/poles • 5 x 16 Water trough, NRW steel • Wester Gun CONSIGNED FROM NEIGHBORS (THE BOUCHARDS) • J.D. 3020 Diesel Tractor • 8 x 12 Land Packer • 1992 J.D. 3255 MFWD w/265 Loader, 15750 hrs, Power quad trans, 18.4-38 rear, 16.9-24 front (ser #XL03255U762242X) • 1983 J.D. 7720 yellow top Combine, diesel, w/hydrostatic drive, shedded, a/c, dual speed cylinder air foil sieve, axle extensions, long unloading auger, hopper tarp • 14ft Hutchmaster offset disc; M.F. 128 Sq. Baler • 256 NH Rolabar Rake • (2) NH. 489 9ft Haybines • 1985 J.D. 4450 Tractor w/ factory duals, 18.4-42 Tires, power Quad trans, dual hyd, 8500 hrs • (1) J.D. 640 Basket Rakes w/ twin hitch • Bourgault 540 Eliminator, 540 gal, 60ft sprayer • IHC 300 16ft Discer, always shedded till fall 2012 • 20ft Load Kind drill fill w/2 compartments – front holds 150 bu wheat & back 5 ton fertilizer • 16ft Coop heavy duty Deep Tiller
Auctioneer’s Note:
This is a sale with very well kept equipment.
Lorne (Buddy) Bergner, Auctioneer
Box 721, Ashern, MB R0C 0E0 • Ph: (204) 768-2669 Fax: (204) 768-3237
All sales are Terms: Cash/Cheque. We do not handle Interac/Credit Cards Neither the Owner nor Auctioneer is responsible for errors in description or condition. Sale listing is subject to additions or deletions and any comments made the day of the sale with respect to sale items takes precedence over previously reported listing.We are not responsible for accidents Items are sold “AS IS - WHERE IS”
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River
AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions
Location: From Marchand, MB ½ Mile West on Hwy 210, 2 Miles South on 28N and ½ Mile East. This is a Partial Listing
• 2007 Chrysler 300, 200K, Safetied
• 2002 JD 7210, MFWD, PTO, 3 PTH, Cab, 740 FEL • John Deere 4955, MFWD, 3 PTH, Cab
• 2012 13ft NH Discbine MoCo (only cut 160 acres) • 2005 3700 Meyers Manure Spreader TRUCKS, TRAILERS & • 2003 Kuhn GA6002 13ft Rake • 2003 NH FP230 Forage VEHICLES Harvester Net Alert III Series (only • 1986 Ford 8000 Tandem, Cat 500 acres) diesel, 10spd Trans, 20ft Midland • John Deere 567 Round Baler, Grain B&H Net Wrap, Silage Special • Sokal 21ft Livestock Trailer, • 2002 Bale King Processor, HD, PTO Tandem
PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD. 218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.3061 Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992
TRACK & 4WD LOADER & TRACTORS BACKHOE 2000 Caterpillar 95E, (CONT.) deluxe cab, powershift, Komatsu WA150-1 4 hyd., 30” tracks at wheel loader, Komatsu 80%, tracks replaced 6 cyl. diesel, 5,000 hrs., 2 yrs. ago poor brakes, S/N10282 2012 Case-IH STX500, Clamp-on pallet forks, luxury cab, 16F/2R spd. 60” powershift, 4 hyd., 739 Caterpillar 426B tractor hrs., S/NZCF129113 loader backhoe, diesel, 2012 Case-IH STX400, general purpose loader luxury cab, 16F/2R bucket, 32” backhoe spd. powershift, 4 hyd., bucket, 5,918 hrs., 1,025 hrs., warranty S/N5YJ01109 ends 07/31/2014, HARVEST S/NZBF129029 EQUIPMENT 2011 Case-IH 2010 JD 9770 STS, STX385HD, luxury cab, Contour-Master, 16F/2R spd. powershift, 1,420 sep. hrs., 4 hyd., 1,571 hrs., ag 1,934 engine hrs., use only, S/NZAF118363 S/NH09770SHA736375 1976 Versatile 850 2010 JD 9770 STS, Series II, 4WD, CAH, Contour-Master, 12 spd., 3 hyd., shows 1,070 sep. hrs., 10,001 hrs., S/N51314 1,473 engine hrs., S/NH09770SHA736411 MFWD & 2WD TRACTORS 2009 JD 9770 STS, Contour-Master, 1995 Case-IH 7250, MFWD, powershift, 4 1,626 sep. hrs., hyd., 3 pt., 1-3/4 PTO, 2,450 engine hrs., S/NHO9770731422 Zuidberg front mount 3 pt. & PTO w/correct 2009 JD 9770 STS, rotation for snowblower, Contour-Master, injection pump rebuilt 1,583 sep. hrs., 2,248 engine hrs., 2012, 8,504 hrs., S/NJJA0051015 S/NH09770S731407 1989 Case-IH 7110, 2WD, 2009 JD 9770 STS, 18 spd. powershift, 3 Contour-Master, 1,549 sep. hrs., hyd., 3 pt., 8,000 hrs., S/N9949079 2,177 engine hrs., S/NH09770S731577 1981 JD 4640, 2WD, partial powershift, 3 hyd., 2009 JD 9770 STS, 12,000 hrs., tach shows Contour-Master, 4,746 hrs. 1,637 sep. hrs., 2,262 engine hrs., 1973 JD 4430, quad range, 2 hyd., 3 pt., S/NH09770S731828 Buhler Allied 795 quick 1994 JD 9600 DAM, tach loader, bale spear, DAS, 3,557 sep. hrs., 12,440 hrs., S/N007410R 4,948 eng. hrs., JD 4010, w/snowblower, S/N666668 1993 JD 9600 DAM, PTO does not work 1963 IHC 460, gas, DAS, 3,988 sep. hrs., 5,509 engine hrs., project tractor rebuild 1974 Ford 1520HST S/N650839 JD 7720 utility tractor, diesel, 2WD, 3 cyl. hydro, 23 1995 Case-IH 2188 chaff spreader, 2WD, hp., 3 pt., 540 PTO, 1,852 hrs. 4,260 engine hrs., Oliver 1555 w/Farmhand S/NJJC0190362 F11 loader, needs repair 2004 JD 630F flex head, Crary air bar, S/N706650 Massey Harris 555, LP, for project or parts AIR DRILL IHC H, narrow front, w/ & DRILLS Dual loader, project Case-IH 8500 air drill, tractor rebuild 33’, wing fold WHEEL LOADERS Case-IH 6200, three 12’s, & TRACTOR 6” spacing LOADER PLANTERS BACKHOE Case-IH 1250 planter, JD 644B wheel loader, 24x30”, 3 pt., S/ diesel, powershift, 2-3/4 NY8S007154 yd. bucket, 12,000 hrs., White 5100 planter, 8x30” weak transmission, S/N187501
TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Wil-Rich 2500 cultivator, 30’ Flexi-Coil 75 coil packer, 42’ JD 3600 auto reset plow, 5 bottom Kuhn seed bedder, 28’, hyd. fold 1980 Lindsay multiweeder, 36’ JD 610 chisel plow, 10’ ROW CROP EQUIPMENT Alloway 3030 cultivator, 12x22” Alloway 2030 cultivator, 12x30” Hiniker cultivator, 12x30” Lilliston cultivator, 12x30” Westgo 2225 cultivator, 12x30” Yetter 3421 rotary hoe, 20’, 3 pt. Rotary hoe, 40’ TRAILERS 2012 Timpte hopper bottom, 42’x66”, ag hoppers, roll tarp 1992 Wilson aluminum/ steel combo step deck trailer, 48’x102”, tool box, (13) winches, R-Way tri-axle belly dump, roll tarp 1991 Stoughton dry van trailer, 48’, set up as sprayer trailer, (4) 1,550 gal. tanks, plumbed separately to a central manifold Tandem axle flatbed trailer, 30’, (2) 2,000 gal. poly tanks, 2” B&S transfer pump 1979 Tech-Steel tandem axle lowboy, 24’x8’ Miller tilt-top pintle hitch tandem axle trailer, 18’ (2) Tandem axle flatbed pintle hitch trailers, 14’ Tri-axle double header trailer, 5th wheel SPRAYERS Summers Ultimate pull-type sprayer, 90’ suspended boom, 1,000 gal. tank Hardi TA 2400 pull-type sprayer, 60’ air assist suspended boom, 650 gal. tank 1999 Spray Air 2200 pull-type sprayer, 750 gal. poly tank SKID STEER LOADER & ATTACHMENT 1987 Bobcat 743 skid steer loader, dirt bucket, S/N5019M30276
ATTACH. (CONT.) Dual cylinder rock bucket grapple, 84” Dual cylinder rock bucket grapple, 74” Rock bucket, 84”, 3” spacing between tines Rock bucket, 74”, 3” spacing between tines (2) Skid steer loader tree & post pullers, opens up to 16” Low profile dirt bucket, 74”, 21” tall x 32” deep, 1/2” bolt-on cutting edge Skid steer loader snow bucket, 8’, 36” tall x 42” deep, 3/4” reversible bolt-on cutting edge Skid steer loader receiver hitch plate, 2” receiver tube sticks out 17” (2) New solid HD weldon quick tach plates Skid steer loader pallet forks, 42” RECREATION Alumacraft Competitor CS 16’ w/Spartan custom trailer 2004 Sunnybrook Titan tri-axle 5th wheel camper 2001 Prowler towbehind camper, 28’ 1984 Chevrolet Fleetwood Southwind motorhome 2005 Polaris Trail Boss 335 2x4 Go-cart, Briggs 5 hp. Williams vintage bowling game ALSO TO INCLUDE: (7) SEMI TRACTORS, (7) BOX TRUCKS, (11) CAB/ CHASSIS & OTHER TRUCKS, (8) PICKUPS, NH3 & CHEMICAL EQUIP., LIVESTOCK & GRAIN HANDLING, EQUIPMENT, VAN, SUVS & CARS, OTHER EQUIP., SHOP EQUIP., PARTS, TIRES, HAY EQUIP., MOWERS, LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT For consignor information & location, complete terms, lot listing and photos visit
IQBID is a division of Steffes Auctioneers Inc. 2000 Main Avenue East,West Fargo, ND 58078 701.237.9173 • Scott Steffes ND81 • Hit our readers where it counts… in the classifieds. Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifed section. 1-800-782-0794.
Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a large multi farm equipment auction for Ray & Ann Luhr & Scott Hewitt Sat., June 8th, 2013 10:00am. Directions from Arcola, SK. 14-km South on grid #604 & 1-km West. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at JD 8560 4WD tractor w/GPS & recent work orders; JD 4760 FWA tractor; JD 4455 2WD tractor 2WD tractor; JD 4450 FWA tractor w/JD 740 loader; JD 4240 2WD tractor; JD 9750 STS combine & JD 914 PU header w/1,862 separator hrs; 35-ft. JD 635F straight cut header w/new knife & new guards; JD 7721 Titan II PT combine; 30-ft. Premier 1900 PT swather w/PU reel; Co-op SP swather, steel & poly swath rollers; 35-ft. JD 610 air seeder w/JD 777 air tank w/Degelman harrows; 20-ft. JD 355 offset disc; 31-ft. JD 610 cultivator; 63-ft. JD 1050 field cultivator; 59-ft. JD 1650 DT cultivator; JD 14-ft. cultivator; 2 Flexicoil System 92 60-ft. harrow packers; Melroe 8 bottom plow; JD 6 bottom plow; 2, 18-ft. spring tooth harrows; 1983 Chev C-60 single axle grain truck w/37,755-km; Sakundiak 10-60 HD swing auger; Sakundiak 7-33 auger; Walinga 510 grain vac; Brandt 7-35 auger; Bergen 10-54 auger; Westfield 6-36 auger w/Briggs engine; Comet 6-in. auger; 5 Westeel Rosco 2,000bu bins on cement; 2 Twister 5,000-bu bins on cement; 2, Westeel 2,000-bu hopper bottom bins; Metal Ind. 40-ton fertilizer hopper bottom bin; Bader 2,500-bu hopper bottom bin; Bader 1,200-bu hopper bottom bin; Variety of 3-HP aeration fans; 90-ft. Flexi Coil System 62 PT field sprayer; 12-ft. JD dozer blade; Degelman 10-ft. dozer blade; JD 55 HD 3-PTH blade; Degelman 4 Batt PTO rock picker; Schulte 3020 Rotary mower; 10-ft. trailer type land leveller; Rockomatc TM-20 rock picker; Ezee-on FEL w/JD grapple fork; MF hay rake; bale elevator; 300 & 500 fuel tanks; JD snow machine; Vanguard 14-HP generator never used; garden tiller; lawn mower; complete set of shop tools & equipment, buffalo hide coat; buffalo hide blankets; stained glass window, plus much more! Visit for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962
PRICE TO CLEAR!! 75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from. B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.
Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.2 Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.
Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW
BUILDINGS AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.
We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our assistance the majority of our clients have received compensation previously denied. Back-Track Investigations investigates, documents your loss and assists in settling your claim. Licensed Agrologist on Staff. For more information Please call 1-866-882-4779
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1985 CASE 450C CRAWLER Dozer, 6 way blade, 65% undercarriage, $18,500. (204)525-4521 2007 TOREQ 18000 SCRAPER 18-yd $30,000. Phone (701)521-0581. 2008 BOBCAT T250 1,200-HRS CAH HiFlow Excellent Tracks $29,000. Phone (701)521-0581.
ENGINES ENGINE REBUILD KITS FOR most makes and models of tractors, great selection, thousands of parts! Service manuals, super savings, Our 39th year, 1-800-481-1353
SWATHER 9260 BIG CAB & Power unit Heston, same as challenger or Massey, Power unit 15/05 36-ft. Head is 2010 w/PU reel, very nice unit, $72,000. (204)871-0925
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various 1979 NH 495 12-FT. haybine needs work, lots of new parts, i.e. bars bearings, rollers good condition. New shaft for wobble box. (204)732-2734. 2007 NH 780A ROUND baler. Hydra lift wide PU. Always shedded! Excellent condition! Asking $20,000 OBO. (204)522-5883 or (204)522-8164 2011 MACDON R85 DISC bine for sale. Cut approx 800-acs, Shedded, Excellent condition! Asking $35,000 OBO! (204)522-5883 or (204)522-8164. CORN HEADER 2009 16X30 Cat Lexion, C15 16row low profile w/littel change or adaptor, it would fit Case IH or JD w/contour head, HYD deck plates & knife rolls, $60,000. Nice condition. (204)871-0925, Macgregor, MB FOR SALE: 60-FT MOLEHILL Leveler, excellent condition, field ready; mfg. by the Walker’s Kamsack SK. View online $20,000 OBO. Phone (204)522-3538.
Combines FARM MACHINERY Combine – Case/IH 1985 CASE IH 1480, 3,950 engine hrs, new front tires, 2 sets concaves, chopper, rock trap, specialty rotor, 12-ft. PU header w/large auger, always stored inside, must see, $26,000 OBO. Call Clint (204)822-9861.
FERTILIZER SPREADERS 4-9 TON, large selec-tion, $2000 up; 10 Ton tender, $2500. (204)857-8403, Portage La Prairie.
FOR SALE: 2005 CASE IH 8010 combine, AWD, 45-32 front tires, means 45-in wide, 28Lx26 rear tires, approx 1950-separator hrs w/spreader & chopper, 30-ft draper header, $150,000; 2008 Case IH 8010, AWD, 45-32 front tires, 28Lx26 rear tires, spreader & chopper, approx 800-separator hrs, w/30-ft flex draper header, $250,000. Phone:(204)871-0925.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – John Deere
FARM KING 13X70 HYD. mover, hyd winch, low profile hopper, excellent condition. Notre Dame. Phone:(204)248-2364 or (204)723-5000.
1997 JD 9600, COMPLETE w/Trelleborg tires, always shedded, field ready, $65,000 OBO. Phone:(204)745-8333.
CORN HEADER 2009 16X30 Cat Lexion, C15 16row low profile w/littel change or adaptor, it would fit Case IH or JD w/contour head, HYD deck plates & knife rolls, $60,000. Nice condition. (204)871-0925, Macgregor, MB
FARM MACHINERY Fertilizer Equipment
552 REM VAC COMPLETE w/hoses & pipes, all offers. Phone (204)436-2067 or cell (204)745-0424. BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Various
CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, any kind of bin, up to 19-ft. diameter, reasonable rates. Phone (204)648-7129 or e-mail Grandview, MB. USED MERIDIAN HOPPER BINS, 4000-5000 Bus; used flat bottom bins. Check out our website Phone Valley Agro Services Ltd (204)746-6783. WESTEEL GRAIN BINS, EXTENSIONS & parts, 19-ft roof panels $35 each. 14-ft roof panels $20. Steel & plastic culverts. Colorad & galvanized metal roofing & siding. 108 bin sheets $35. Galvanized flat steel sheets 4x8, 4x10. (204)257-3634.
FARM MACHINERY Grain Dryers NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Baling 1999 NH MODEL 590 square baler. Med squares 35x32-in bales, only 7000 bales, always shedded. Asking $26,000 OBO. Phone (204)967-2157, Kelwood. FOR SALE: JD 567 Baler, silage special, megawide PU w/hyd lift, bale kicker, 1000 PTO, $15,500; JD 930 disc bine, 11.5-ft wide, 1000 PTO, $5500; 10-wheel V rake, 3-PTH, $2500. Call Don (204)873-2430. NEW HOLLAND MODEL 847 round baler, $1700; New Holland model 479 haybine, $1600. East Selkirk MB (204)785-9036.
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Swathers
COMBINE WORLD located 20 min. E of Saskatoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. 1-800-667-4515
Combine ACCessories FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories 1997 JD 930 FLEXHEAD, very nice condition, asking $10,000 OBO. 1987 Co-op 742 swather, 30-ft & 42-ft headers, all in good working condition, clean, asking $18,500 OBO. NH 855 round baler, newer airbags, $1,200 OBO. JD Side Delivery Rake, $600 OBO. Phone:(204)373-2502. CIH FLEX: 2010 CIH 2020 35-ft., PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A, like new $28,500; 2007 CIH 2020 30-ft., PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $24,500; 2001 CIH 1020 30-ft., PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $14,900; 1999 CIH 1020 30-ft., Crary Air Reel, PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $16,500; 1995 CIH 1020 30-ft., Crary Air Reel, PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $12,500; 2000 CIH 1020 25-ft., PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $11,900; 1993 CIH 1020 25-ft., PU Reel, Poly Skids $7,500. Most of the above flex platforms are reconditioned. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000, Reimer Farm Equip-ment located #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB JD FLEX: 2004 JD 635 Hydra Flex 35-ft., PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/, $18,900; 2011 JD 635 Hydra Flex 35-ft., PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A, Low Acs, $33,500; 2003 JD 930F 30-ft. Crary Air Reel, FF Auger, PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $19,500; 2001 JD930F 30-ft., FF Auger, PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $15,900; 1996 JD 930 30ft, Crary Air Reel, PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A, $14,500; 2001 JD 925F 25-ft., FF Auger, PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $14,500; 1996 JD 925 25-ft., PU Reel, Poly Skids, F/A $11,500; 1992 JD 925 25-ft., Steel Points, PU Reel, Poly Skids, $6,900. Most of the above flex platforms are reconditioned. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000, Reimer Farm Equipment located #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB
Serving Manitoba, Saskatchewan, NW Ontario & Alberta....Since 1937 • Quality Commercial/Agricultural/Residential Overhead Doors & Operators. • Aluminum Polycarbonate Doors Available. • Non-Insulated and Insulated Sectional Doors Available. • Liftmaster Heavy Duty Operators. • Mullion Slide Away Centre Posts. • Commercial/Agricultural Steel Man Doors and Frames. • Your washbay door specialists. • Quality Installation & Service. • 24 Hour Service. • Replacement Springs & Cables.
Phone: 204-326-4556 Fax: 204-326-5013 Toll Free: 1-855-326-4556 email:
HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595
FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. New, Used & Re-man. Parts
Tractors Combines Swathers
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories
1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts” The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Air Drills
Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts
STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Seeding JD 7000 8 ROW, 30-in., Finger PU, Dry Fert. Att., Markers, Monitor, $10,000; JD 7200 Vacuum, 16 Row, 30-in., Front Fold, Markers, 3-bu, Insecticide, Markers, Yetter Row Cleaners, $23,500; JD 7200 Vacuum, 16 Row, 30-in., Front Fold, Liquid Fert. Att., Markers, Monitor, $26,500. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000, Reimer Farm Equipment located #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB
FOR SALE: 47-FT INTERNATIONAL Model 4700 Vibra chisel, 5 flex, 10-in spacing, good shape. Asking $5,000.00 OBO. Phone:(204)535-2593. Baldur. FOR SALE: HUTCHMASTER 30-FT. heavy tandem disc. Phone (204)858-2754
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various 2008 BOURGAULT 7200 HEAVY Harrow 84-ft. $38,000. Phone (701)521-0581. 48FT BOURGAULT PACKER BAR. series 4000 wing up model, heavy P30 packers. tandem wheels on centre section. very little use. like new condition. over $50,000 new. $17,500. (403)666-2111 48FT WILLRICH CHISEL PLOW, HD, 5plex w/mounted harrows. original harrow tines still measure 12in. walking tandems on centre section. heavy trip shanks on a very well built machine, no welds, $18,500. (403)666-2111 80 USED 4-IN. PAIRED ROW DUTCH openers (bodies & tips) VGC, $80. Phone (204)648-4945.
JD 1610 DEEP TILLER 25-ft. Walking axles all around, 3 row Degelman harrows, rear hitch, good shape. $4,850 OBO. Clint (204)362-4532 or (204)822-9861. JD 9350 40-FT. PRESS drill, factory transport, markers, rubber & bearings on packer wheels refurbished in 2012. (204)378-0030, (204)364-2337, Arborg, MB. RETIRED, HAVE FOR SALE: Green-lighted JD7800 MFWD tractor w/GPS; 36-ft Continental Anhydrous applicator on Morris cultivator frame w/mounted harrows; 54-ft Morris 4-bar harrows; 18ft Ezee-On model 400 heavy disc; 30-ft JD 9450 press hoe drill. Wilmot Milne (204)385-2486, cell (204)212-0531, Gladstone MB.
TracTors FARM MACHINERY Tractors – White 2-105 W/COMPLETE ENGINE IN frame 10-hr ago LPTO plus LMH shift on the go, good rubber, $9000. (204)871-0925 FOR SALE: 2-105 WHITE tractor, complete new engine & frame 10-hrs ago, rear tires approx 80%, LPTO, the high-low shift, nice tractor, $9500. Phone:(204)871-0925.
Spraying EquipmEnt
1370 CASE, NEW BATT, radiator, over $4,000 on repairs, 2 hyd, 7,000-hrs plus good shape, $8,000. Phone (204)436-2572, Elm Creek.
1990 ALL CROP SPRAYER, mounted on 1982 Ford 700 Truck 4x4, 13.6x24 tractor tires, 66,800-km, 96-ft. boom, 1000 US gal tank, MicroTrak spray controller, Raven guidance, good condition, $15,500. Phone (204)736-2840, Brunkild.
1995 CIH 4240 OS, MFWD, 3-PT, Dual PTO, 85-HP, Allied 595 Loader, 2,215-hrs., $24,500. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000, Reimer Farm Equipment located #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB
1997 WILMAR 6400 EXPLORER, 3200-hrs, 120-hp JD DSL, 600-gal. tank, rinse tank, 2 sets of tires, crop dividers, 80-ft booms, outback light bar, $39,000. Phone (204)874-2206 or (204)868-5504.
1995 CIH 9270 3,845-hrs, front weights, 650/65 R42 Michelin at 85%, 24-SPD, $69,000 OBO. Phone (204)612-8379, Starbuck, MB. 1997 CASE IH 8930 MFWD, one owner, duals 3-PTH, 2 PTO, 3 hyd, CIH 890 self levelling loader, shedded, outback autosteer, 7,890-hrs, 180 PTO HP, Powershift 18F 4 Rev, $57,000. Call David (204)746-4779. 1997 CASE IH 9370 4WD 7,895-hrs, one owner, well maintained, good tires, outback autosteer, front & rear weights, always shedded, $57,500. Call David (204)746-4779. 2006 MXU130, FRONT WHEEL assist, w/LX156 loader, 3-PTH, triple-hyd, 1450-hrs, $55,000. Phone (204)782-0807.
2001 NH SF550 SPRAYER - Equivalent to Rogator 554 - 2,300 hrs., 5.9 Cummins, 660-gal SS Tank, 90-ft Booms, Pressure Washer, Chem Inductor, EZ Steer, Mapping, 5 section EZ Boom. Triple nozzle bodies w/5 & 10-gal tips. 2 sets of tires: 23.1x26 & 9.5R44. Excellent Condition. $63,000 Minnedosa, MB. (204)763-8896. MELROE 116 SPRA-COUPE 51FT w/15” spacings for better chemical coverage, floatation tires, economical VW engine w/4spd. trans. shedded, $6,250. (403)666-2111 MODEL 216 MELROE SPRAY-COUPE 970-hrs, 51-ft., foam markers & Trimble light bar, always shedded. Phone (204)776-2326, Minto.
FARM MACHINERY Spray Various HIGH CLEARANCE AGSHIELD SPRAYER 1500 US gallons, w/JD 90-ft suspended boom, 3 sets of nozzles, variable auto-rate controller. Asking $7500 OBO; JD 24-ft rubber press drill, $600. (204)373-2502.
GOOD QUALITY UPRIGHT PIANO & GOOD QUALITY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; Pull-type sprayer, 67-ft, good condition, always shedded; 24ft pull-type swather, good condition. Always shedded. Phone (204)837-4970.
BOURGAULT 8800 36-FT. 3/4-IN Bourgault knock on carbide knives, packers, 4 bar harrows, 3165 tank, 8-in. spacing, new manifolds & hoses 2012. (204)378-0030, (204)364-2337, Arborg, MB.
FLEXI-COIL 33-FT 5000 AIR drill, 7.2-in spacing, rubber packers, factory markers, recent 3/4-in Atom Jet openers, 1720 TBH air tank, 3-metre rollers, good shape. Phone:(204)836-2406, cell (204)825-7260.
TRACTORS FOR PARTS: IHC 1486, 1086, 886, 1066, 966, 1256, 656, 844, 806, 706, 660, 650, 560, 460, 624, 606, 504, 434, 340, 275, 240-4, W9, WD6, W6, W4, H, 340, B-414; CASE 4890, 4690, 2096, 2394, 2390, 2290, 2090, 2470, 1370, 1270, 1175, 1070, 970, 870, 1030, 930, 830, 730, 900, 800, 700, 600, 400, DC4, SC; MF 2745, 1805, 1155, 1135, 1105, 1100, 2675, 1500, 1085, 1080, 65, Super 90, 88, 202, 44, 30; JD 8640, 3140, 6400, 5020, 4020, 3020, 4010, 3010, 710; Cockshutt 1900, 1855, 1850, 1800, 1655, 1650, 560, 80, 40, 30; Oliver 66; White 4-150, 2-105; AC 7060, 7045, 7040, 190XT, 190, 170, WF; Deutz DX130, DX85, 100-06, 90-06, 80-05, 70-06; Volvo 800, 650; Universal 651, 640; Ford 7600, 6000, 5000, Super Major, Major; Belarus 5170, 952, 825, 425, MM 602, U, M5; Vers 700, 555, 145, 118; Steiger 210 Wildcat; Hesston 780. Also have parts for combines, swathers, square & round balers, tillage, press drills, & other misc machinery. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727 or toll free 1-877-858-2728 .
FOR SALE: TR70 Combine, chopper, Melroe 378, 7 belt rubber pickup, low hours; MF 410 combine w/pickup, chopper; Allied auger 6x36; 10hp motor; 12V Drill Fill; Cockshutt 225 12ft hyd disker w/seed box; Spring tooth harrow 10ft; Harrows; Metal V box; JD 5-16 hyd plow; Grain moisture tester. Phone:(204)265-3302, Beausejour.
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Air Seeders
Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: E-mail:
GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.
FOR SALE: 747 8-FT Leon Front end loader, w/new Peloquin grapple forks. Phone (204)851-5549, Redvers SK.
FOR SALE: 42-FT. OF 7200 Case IH hoe press, factory transport, rubber packers, field markers, also equipped w/low speed Canola drive sprockets. These drills are always shedded, well maintained & VGC. Phone (204)773-3252
33-1/2FT MF 820 DISC, medium duty, notched FT, 19in. smooth rear pans 20in. no welds. Tandem wheels on center section, $14,500. (403)666-2111
FOR SALE: 7000 JD corn planter, 8-row, 30-in spacing w/liquid fert kit; 336 JD small square baler. Phone (204)526-7963.
FLEXI-COIL 5000 AIR DRILL, 1999, 45-ft, 9-in spacing, 550-lb trips, rubber packers, updated manifolds, stored indoors, VGC. $29,000 OBO. Phone (204)746-5019.
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Tillage
NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $1,095. 1-800-667-4515.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
Tillage & Seeding
BEAUTIFUL 1981 IHC 1586 w/IHC 2350 loader 4,900 original hrs, no leaks, very clean, must be seen to be appreciated, $15,500. (204)724-4529 FOR SALE: FRONT WEIGHTS to fit a 1270-1370 Case tractor. $500 OBO. Phone:(204)648-7136.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere 1982 JD 4040 2-WD tractor. 90 PTO hp, cab, air, heat, factory 3-PTH, triple hyd., power shift transmission, 5200-hrs, in excellent cond. (204)886-7009, (204)886-2245, Teulon. 1982 JD 4640 7,200-HRS always shedded, nice shape, 3 hyd duals, 16-SPD quad trans. Phone (204)246-2095, Darlingford, MB. 1991 JD 8560 4WD, 20.8x38 duals, 24-SPD trans., diff. lock, 4 hyd., 7,567-hrs. $39,900. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000, Reimer Farm Equipment located #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB 1993 JD MODEL 6300 MFWD, open station, c/w 640 self levelling JD loader, good rubber, excellent condition, $22,500 OBO. Phone (204)967-2157, Kelwood.
GRAVITY WAGONS NEW 400B, $7,100; 600B, $12,000; Used wagons 250-750 Bu, tarps available; Used grain carts 450-1050 Bu; Ez475 Bu, $7900; JM 875 Bu, $20,000; Kwik Kleen grain screeners 5 tube, $3500; 7 tube, $6500; Dual stage screeners, $1500 up; Rem 552 grain vac, $3500; Rem 2500 vac, $9500; Valmar applicator, $850. Phone (204)857-8403.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere 1995 JD 7200 MWFA, 740 loader & bucket, 3-PTH, 12,355-hrs, 13.6x28 front, 18.4x38 rear, tractor excellent condition, $29,800. Phone (204)448-2348. JD TRACTORS, SPECIALIZING IN quality engine rebuild kits, great selection, thousands of parts, super savings, Our 39th year, 1-800-481-1353
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – New Holland 1995 NH 6640SLE CAB, air, 3-pt, MFWD, dual PTO, Allied 694 Loader, joystick, grapple, 4,531-hrs, $28,900. Call Gary Reimer (204)326-7000, Reimer Farm Equipment located #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Versatile 1982 855 VERS. 9,042-HRS showing, 20.8x38 tires, w/approx 60% rubber left. Phone: (204)763-8846 or Cell: (204)721-0940
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various 1990 FIAT-HESSTON 65-46, 58HP, single hydl, 3-PTH. $7250 (204)525-4521 ALLIS CHALMERS CA TRACTOR, 17-hp. Comes w/3-PTH for a 2-sheer plow & rear cultivators, plus side cultivators. $2250. (204)661-6840. NEW TRACTOR PARTS AND specializing in engine rebuild kits, great selection, super savings! Not all parts online, service manuals and decals, Our 39th year, 1-800-481-1353
Big Tractor Parts, Inc. Geared For The Future
RED OR GREEN 1. 10-25% savings on new replacement parts for your Steiger drive train. 2. We rebuild axles, transmissions and dropboxes with ONE YEAR WARRANTY. 3. 50% savings on used parts.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous 1995 AERO MAX FORD 9000, nice condition, but motor has slight knock, Asking $3,000 OBO. 2 18-ft decks w/hoist & front storage, tie down straps, Asking $3,000/each OBO. 45-ft Morris Deep-tillage, w/NH3 shanks, Asking $3,000. IHC 7200 hoe press, built in transport, markers, Asking $1,900 OBO. Phone:(204)728-1861. 1998 FORD LX reg cab, 4.2 engine, 4WD, 4-spd auto trans., 144,020-kms: Retail $4,490, Special $3,850; 1999 Oldsmobile Intrigue, V6, 3.8 engine, auto trans, console, very good: Retail $2,290, Special $1,890; New Equinox tank, black, 1 250-gal: Special $425; New Equinox yellow $1,250-gal tank: Retail $878, Special $560. 2,500-gal holding tanks available; New GX Honda, V-twin, 24hp, loaded, electric start, hour counter, oil alert: Retail $2,725, Special $2,075. New GX 620, KQXF V-twin 20hp Honda, oil alert, electric start, hour counter: Retail $2,018, Special $1,635. Phone A&T Sales Ltd. (204)822-1354 or (204)823-1559. 2 year warranty on Honda motors & the liquid tanks.
JD 7520 FWD 741 loader/grapple; Jd 4020 w/loader; JD 8820 914 Header PU & 30ft. head; MF 860 6cyl, pu & 20ft head; D7G Cats w/ripper, tilts; Ford 7000 diesel vac truck, mf 65 w/3pth, grain trucks, augers and cultivators. (306)236-8023 MACHINERY FOR SALE from William Arnold’s Estate: 1975 3-ton truck 15-ft. cancade box & hoist $7,500 OBO new brake booster 4-SPD; JD 105 combine cab, air, 3 roller 6 belt PU chopper, gas, $3,500; AC HD6 crawler w/10-ft. angle dozer, good under carriage w/hyd for Implements w/extra clutch, $12,000; Wilrich 24-ft. cult hyd wings plus new shovels & tires, $2,000; 10.5-ft. Bush Hog offset disc notch blades front & back hyd, $5,000; Vermeer 605C round baler new belts top & bottom rubber rollers & rebuilt gear box, will part out; Inland 68-ft. sprayer w/800-gal plastic tank w/foam markers & monitor, hyd pump always shedded, $3,000; IHC 620 & 6200 rubber press wheels new hyd pump for sprayer; New #32 grinder w/1-HP motor & pulley, $200; set of 18.4x26 combine tires w/10-in. hole rims elec meat slicer, industrial Berkel set of 20.8x34 tires; Bus seats, $10 each; wood carved Duck decoys; JD fenders for 1830 tractor BO; GMC 1998 6.5 DSL 2500 4x4 truck reg cab, long box, toe passage 292,000-km new GM motor auto air, good shape, less than 1,000-km on motor; 8014 Morris hoe drill, $500; GMC 6000 4-SPD trans good; good used 11-in. shovels for borgall cult rock on; JD deep tiller shovels 16-in.; JD deep tiller 4-in. spikes; 41-ft. Vibra chisel, hyd wings & harrows, $3,000; New 14-ft. Morris 3 bar harrows, $600. Phone (204)848-2205 Fax (204)848-2205.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions
NEXT SHEEP & GOAT SALE Wednesday, May 15 @ 1:00 pm Gates Open: Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM
We Will Buy Cattle Direct On Farm
For more information call: 204-694-8328 Jim Christie 204-771-0753 Scott Anderson 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg 204-841-0747 Licence #1122
GRUNTHAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION MART. LTD. Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519
Saturday, May 25th Horse Sale Tack at 10:00 a.m., Horses at 1:00 pm Monday, May 13th & 27th Sheep and Goat Sale with Small Animals at 12:00 Noon Tuesday, May 28th Regular Cattle Sale with Holstein Calves & Bred Cow Sale to Follow! at 9:00 am
Sales Agent for
We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc) For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call
SUITCASE WEIGHTS, FULL SET plus mounting bracket for 7200 series Case Magnum or MX series tractors. Phone Blaine (204)567-3720.
Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted
JD OR INT. PRESS drill, 20 or 24-ft newer model, must be in good shape. Phone (204)379-2046. LOOKING FOR SMALL SQUARE balers & pulltype swathers, end-wheel drills. Phone (204)325-4526, ask for Corny. WANTED: 1960-1966 CHEVROLET TRUCKS or parts; Old steel wheel seed drill; WALLIS tractor parts & Massey Harris U frame tractor parts pacemaker & 25. Phone:(204)826-2554. WANTED: 2 6-FT P30 coil packers. Phone days (204)526-5298 or evenings (204)743-2145. WANTED: DEUTZ 100-06 TRACTOR for parts & round bale tubulater; Also wanted, hopper for 14-ft steel bin. Phone (204)278-3438, Inwood. WANTED: NH 8500 ROUND bale wagon. Phone (406)883-2118
The Icynene Insulation System® • Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®
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DELUXE WOOD & WATER OUTDOOR FURNACES CSA APPROVED Now available North American wide at prices never seen before
This is not a misprint!! FC30HD Unit plus accessories
Mastercard, Visa &Interac available Introductory Doorcrasher Special
You receive base pump, rad hose, insulation, fittings, rust inhibitor PLUS our FC30HD (can heat 1 building) WOOD WATER FURNACE Some claim this is “North America’s Hottest Deal!”
Friesen Built Inc. 1-204-388-6150
28-FT. INTL 7200 HOE drill. Call (204)733-2324. DEGELMAN 70-FT. HEAVY HARROW, $20,000; Summers 70-ft, $14,000; Phoenix 42-ft, $9,500; 52ft, $12,000; Kewannee breaking disc 12-ft, $18,000; JD 330 22-ft. $9500; Bushog 21-ft, $7,000; Krause 16-ft., $5000; John Deere 15-ft, $5,000; Scrapers JD 12-yd, $12,000; Crown 6-yd, $5,000; Soilmover 7.5-yd, $7500; Ashland 4.5-yd, $4,500; New Landlevellers 10-ft, $2,250; 12-ft, $2,450; 3-PH rotary ditcher, $1250; Haybuster 256 shredder, $6000. Phone (204)857-8403.
IRON & STEEL 2 1/8, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2-in oilfield pipe; 3/4, 7/8, 1in sucker rod; 4.5, 5.5, 7-in., 8 5/8, 9 5/8s casing pipe. (204)252-3413, (204)871-0956. FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.
MB. Livestock Dealer #1111
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus F BAR & ASSOCIATES ANGUS bulls for sale. Choose from 20, two yr old & yearling Red & Black Angus bulls. Great genetics, easy-handling, semen tested, delivery avail. Call for sales list. Inquiries & visitors are welcome. We are located in Eddystone, about 20-mi East of Ste Rose, or 25-mi West of Lake Manitoba Narrows, just off Hwy 68. Call Allen & Merilyn Staheli (204)448-2124, E-mail FOR SALE: REG RED & Black Angus yearling bulls, semen tested, EPD’s, performance data avail. Contact Hamco Cattle Glen/ Albert/ Larissa Hamilton (204)827-2358 or David Hamilton (204)325-3635. ROHAN ANGUS HAS ON offer Black & Red 2-yr old bulls, no seconds all 2-yr olds. Phone (204)467-5093 after 7 pm. Stonewall, MB.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus 3 2-YR OLD BLACK Angus bulls w/experience. Also, Yearling Black Angus bulls. Holloway Angus. Souris, Manitoba. Phone: (204)741-0070 or (204)483-3622. BLACK ANGUS BULL, 3-YR old, used on cows & heifers, $2,200. Also 1 Goodyear tire 20.8Rx38 & two 16.9Rx28. Good tires, just taken off. $150/each. Phone:(204)886-2083. BLACK HAWK ANGUS HAS Registered Yearling bulls for sale, these bulls have been hand fed to last. Bulls are semen tested & can be delivered. Call Kevin (204)529-2605, Mather. BLACK MEADOWS ANGUS OFFERS for sale 40 yearling & 1 2-yr old registered Black Angus bulls. Top bloodlines, EPD’s available, fertility tested, bunk fed. Call Bill:(204)567-3782 or cell:(204)851-1109. BOTANY ANGUS FARM & Leaning Spruce Stock Farm have for sale yearling & 2 yr old Black Angus bulls. Come early, a deposit will hold your purchase until Spring. For more info & prices contact Ryan Shearer (204)824-2151 or (204)761-5232. BOTANY ANGUS FARM & Leaning Spruce Stock Farm have for sale yearling & 2 yr old Black Angus bulls. Come early, a deposit will hold your purchase until Spring. For more info & prices contact Ryan Shearer (204)824-2151 or (204)761-5232. FORAGE BASED BLACK ANGUS Bulls. Virgin 2-yr olds & herd sires available. Phone: (204)564-2540. FOR SALE: POLLED BLACK Angus & Hereford bulls. Good selection of yearlings & 2-yr olds, semen tested & delivery available. Call Don: (204)873-2430. FOR SALE: REGISTERED BLACK Angus yearling bulls. Moderate framed w/good dispositions, EPD’s avail., will be semen tested & delivered. Blood lines include Kodiak, KMK Alliance, Peacemaker, Aberdeen, Pioneer, Final Product, Dynamite. Also registered open heifers. Phone Colin at Kembar Angus (204)725-3597, Brandon MB. GOOD SELECTION OF 2 yr old & yearling Black Angus bulls; Also Black X Simm hybrid bulls. Guaranteed breeders. Semen tested. B/B Duncan (204)556-2348 (204)556-2342, Cromer. GREENBUSH ANGUS HAS YOUR next herd sire ready to go. Top AI sired offspring by SAV density, SAV Providence, S Chism, Harb Windy, Nichols Quiet Lad & TC Aberdeen. All bulls are semen tested & ready to go, delivery available. Cal Tim Baker:(204)966-3320 or Cell:(204)476-6040. OSSAWA ANGUS AT MARQUETTE, MB has yearling bulls for sale. For more information Phone:(204)375-6658. YEARLING BULLS FOR SALE, semen tested, delivery available. Contact Wayne at Northwind Red Angus (204)383-5802.
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
save! Renew early and
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin
N7 STOCK FARM HAVE 30 top quality yearling Black Angus bulls for sale by private treaty. Sired by some of the Breed’s leading AI sires, bulls are developed on a homemade oat ration & free choice hay. Performance records available, will be semen tested, delivery available. Contact Gerald & Wendy Nykoliation (204)562-3530 or Allan’s cell (204)748-5128.
AMAGLEN LIMOUSIN BULLS FOR sale. Red, black, performance or calving ease, polled, w/all weights recorded, Semen tested, delivery available when you want them. Phone:(204)246-2312. LIMOUSIN BULLS FOR SALE 2 yr old & yearling Red & Black & Polled, Bred for calving ease or Performance Ready for breeding season & priced to sell, guaranteed. Delivery available. Your source for quality Limousin genetics. Call Art (204)685-2628 or (204)856-3440.
WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Black Angus bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Salers
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Red Angus
YEARLING & 2-YR OLD polled Salers bulls for sale. Sons of the top performing sires in Canada. Red or Black, hand fed & quiet, birth weights from 79lbs. or Phone:(204)762-5512
2 YR OLD BULLS PB not papered, $1,800 each. Phone (204)371-6404, Ste Anne. 2-YR OLD RED ANGUS bulls, performance & calving ease. Bulls will be semen tested, delivery available. Ph (204)278-3372 or (204)485-1490, Inwood.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Shorthorn
2 YR OLD & yearling bulls for sale, semen tested, delivery available. Contact Wayne at Northwind Red Angus (204)383-5802.
ATTENTION GRADUATES: SHORTHORN BREEDERS of Manitoba will be accepting applications for the John A. Nevin Cattle Growers Education Fund Award until Jun. 1, 2013. Contact: Susan Armbruster PO Box 597 Rossburn, MB R0J 1B0. Phone & Fax: (204)859-2088.
3 RED ANGUS COWS for sale w/Apr calves at foot. Call Don (204)422-5216. DB MICHIELS RED ANGUS PB 2 yr old bulls for sale. Catalogue info available by e-mail. Yearling bulls & heifers also for sale. Contact David (204)870-7070 or Brian (204)526-0942, Holland, MB. E-mail
Renew your subscription to the Manitoba Co-operator for 2 years BEFORE we mail your renewal notice, and we'll extend your subscription by 2 additional months. That's 26 months for the price of 24. OR - Renew for one year and receive 13 months for the price of 12!
RED ANGUS BULLS for sale: 1, 2 yr old cow bull; 1, 1 yr old heifer bull; 2, 1 yr old cow bulls. Semen tested, delivered, guarantee. Call Don (204)422-5216. REG RED ANGUS BULLS for sale. 7, 2 yr olds; 1, 3 yr old; 1, 4 yr old. Proven breeders, 250 heifers can’t be wrong. Jim Abbott (204)745-3884 or cell (204)750-1157, Carman. WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Red Angus bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.
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SILVER CREEK FARMS of Angusville have on offer Registered Red Angus Yearling Bulls These bulls have been selected for Structural Soundness, Temperament & Easy Fleshing. For more information please call (204)773-3252
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LIVESTOCK Cattle – Gelbvieh
BELLEVUE BLONDES HAS AN excellent group of performance & semen tested purebred polled Blonde yearling bulls for sale. Call Marcel:(204)379-2426 or (204)745-7412. Haywood, MB.
POLLED PB RED & Black Gelbvieh bulls. Call Wayne (306)793-4568, Stockholm, SK.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais CLINE CATTLE COMPANY has for sale purebred yearling Charolais bulls. Quiet, good feet, will be semen tested & guaranteed. Call Brad (204)537-2367 or Cell (204)523-0062.
FOR SALE: 2-YR OLD Purebred Charolais bulls. Polled, colored & white, quiet, $2,250 -$2,500. Wayne Angus:(204)764-2737. FOR SALE: PUREBRED CHAROLAIS bulls, 1-1/2 yr olds & yearlings, polled, some red factor, some good for heifers, semen tested, guaranteed & delivered, R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney MB. Phone:(204)466-2883, cell (204)724-2811.
Payment Enclosed
WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Polled Charolais bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth. Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.
FOR SALE: PUREBRED RED yearling Gelbvieh bulls, quiet, semen tested & guaranteed. Phone (204)745-7718 or (204)745-7811.
DROMAINA DU CHAROLAIS HAS for sale PB yearling & 2 yr old Charolais bulls, very quiet, will be semen tested & guaranteed. Phone Pierre (204)427-2806.
Canadian Subscribers
MARTENS CHAROLAIS EXCELLENT YEARLING & 2-yr old bulls for sale. Dateline sons for calving ease & performance. Specialist sons for consistent thickness. 3-yr old Red Mist son. Call Ben (204)534-8370.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Blonde d’Aquitaine
DEFOORT STOCK FARM HAS an excellent group of registered Charolais bulls for sale by private treaty. Over 40 bulls on offer, 20 of them are Red. Choose your bull early for best selection. All bulls performance tested, semen tested & delivered. Visit us online at Celebrating 33-yrs in Charolais. Call us at (204)743-2109.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais
POLLED RED & BLACK Gelbvieh bulls, yearling, 2-yr old. Semen tested & delivered. Call Maple Grove Gelbvieh (204)278-3255.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford
FOR SALE: RED, POLLED, 2 yr old & yearling bulls. Developed on a growing ration. Birth weights as low as 63-lbs. We also have bulls at Douglas Test Station. Check out our website at (204)764-2382.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental 2-YR OLD & YEARLING polled Red bulls, w/A.I. backgrounds. Acomb Valley Simmentals, Minnedosa (204)867-2203. 5 Corner Cattle has Purebred Simmental yearling bulls for sale. Multi-polled. Fully gauranteed and delivered. Contact Wes Hill at (204)435-2585. Miami. MB. CONRAY CATTLE CO. HAS for sale 2-yr old & yearling polled red factor bulls. These bulls are quiet, structurally sound & have great hair coats. They are sired by a proven calving ease sire. They will be semen tested & delivered. Connor:(204)825-2140 or Gayle:(204)825-0163. KOPP FARMS SIMMENTALS. For sale: yearling bulls Reds, Blacks & Full bloods, 1 long yearling & 3 herd bulls. For more info call (204)843-2769 or (204)843-0090. PIZZEY SIMMENTALS HAVE YEARLING & extra age Red & Black bulls for sale. Hand fed, quiet, moderate birth weight, semen tested & delivered. Call Cal:(204)847-2055. Manitoba. TRIPLE T DIAMOND SIMMENTALS has Fullblood Fleckvieh, Red & Black Simmental Bulls for sale on the farm. For more info, call Stewart (204)762-6156, cell (204)739-8301 Wade (204)762-5492 cell (204)739-3225
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Welsh Black
12 OPEN DE-HORNED YEARLING hereford heifers. Call (306)743-5105 or Langenburg, SK. FOR SALE: POLLED HEREFORD & Black Angus bulls. Good selection of yearlings & 2-yr olds, semen tested & delivery available. Call Don: (204)873-2430. FOR SALE: REGISTERED POLLED Hereford bulls, reasonably priced, pick your bulls now, will winter to end of April. Call Martin (204)425-3820 or Lenard (204)425-3809. GOOD SELECTION OF POLLED hereford yearling bulls. Call Vern Kartanson (204)867-2627 or (204)867-7315. REG POLLED HEREFORD BULLS, good selection of coming 2 yr olds, naturally developed, quiet, broke to tie, guaranteed, delivery available. Catt Brothers (204)723-2831 Austin, MB.
REGISTERED FULL-BLOOD WELSH BLACK bull, 5-yrs old, very quiet, easy calving, $2200. Phone (204)373-2162, Ridgeville.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various 100 OPEN BLACK REPLACEMENT Heifers Pfizer Gold Vaccine, no horns, $1,050 choice, $1,000 takes all. Phone (204)966-3868 or (204)476-0597. 11 FANCY OPEN SHORTHORNED heifers, docile, vaccinated, ready for breeding, 825-900 lbs. Call (204)362-4614. 200 BRED HEIFERS, REDS, Blacks, Tans, full herd health program, bred to Black & Red Angus bulls, to start calving April 1st, 2013. All heifers were sourced out of reputation herds. Phone:(204)325-2416.
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My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________
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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various
LIVESTOCK Poultry For Sale
FOR SALE: 8 BIG Simm Black Angus X open heifers, weighing up to 1,200-lbs. For more info phone (204)375-6658.
CLUCK & QUACK POULTRY Club’s Fourth Annual Spring Auction, Sat., May 4th, 2013, 12:00 noon. South Barn of the CPTC/Rodeo Grounds off Hwy #302 in Beausejour. For more info, call Susan (204)268-1459 or e-mail
THE FOLLOWING PRIVATE LAND is being offered for sale 1,470-acs, 900 Cultivated: NW 31-53-27W; NE 32-53-27W; SE 32-53-27W; NW 33-53-27W; NE 35-53-28W; NW 35-53-28W; NE 36-53-28W; SE 04-54-27W; SW 04-54-27W; NE 05-54-27W; SE 05-54-27W; SW 05-54-27W; SW 01-54-28W; SE 01-54-28W; SW 06-54-27W; SE 06-54-27W; NW 11-54-27W; SE 02-54-28W; SW 02-54-28W. The following Crown lands have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural lnitiatives for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the farm units held by Keith Donohoe of The Pas, MB 2,640-acs, 540 cultivated. NE 05-54-27W; NE 04-54-27W; NW 04-54-27W; SW 09-54-27W; SE 09-54-27W; NE 10-54-27W; NW 10-54-27W; SW 10-54-27W; NW 08-54-27W; SE 08-54-27W; SW 08-54-27W; SW 32-53-27W; NE 31-53-27W; SE 31-53-27W; NW 32-53-27W; NW 36-53-28W; NE 36-53-28W; NE 08-54-27W; NE 09-54-27W; NW 09-54-27W. lf you wish to purchase the private lands & apply for the Unit Transfer of Crown Lands, please contact the Lesses; Keith Donohoe at Box 2309, The Pas, MB R9A 1M1. Phone (204)623-5029. If you wish to object to the eligibility of this Unit Transfer please write the Director, Agricultural Crown Lands, MAFRI, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0 or Fax (204)867-6578.
FOR SALE: ANGUS HEREFORD cross heifers, bred for calving ease, fertility & maternal traits, out of purebred cows & bulls. Guilford Hereford Ranch, Call Don (204)873-2430. HIGH QUALITY BLACK ANGUS & polled Hereford 2-yr old bulls for sale. Bar H Land & Cattle Co. Phone:(306)743-2840. Langenburg SK. OPEN BREEDING HEIFERS, FULL herd health program, weighing 800-900-lbs, 800 to choose from. Call (204)325-2416. W + RANCH HAS 4 beef booster M3 Black bulls: 3 2-yr olds & 1 5-yr old. Special for breeding heifers w/birthweights from 65-68-lbs. On full herd health program, semen tested. 2-yr olds are $2,800, 5-yr old is $2,400. Phone Stewart RM of St. Laurent, MB (204)646-2338.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted WANTED: ALL CLASSES OF feeder cattle, yearlings & calves. Dealer Licence# 1353. Also wanted, light feed grains: wheat, barley & oats. Phone:(204)325-2416. Manitou, MB.
TIRED OF THE HIGH COST OF MARKETING YOUR CATTLE?? 800-1000 LBS. Steers & Heifers Rob: 528-3254, 724-3400 Ben: 721-3400 Don: 528-3477, 729-7240
Contact: D.J. (Don) MacDonald Livestock Ltd. License #1110 Horses LIVESTOCK Horses For Sale
Specialty LIVESTOCK Livestock Equipment ALTERNATIVE POWER BY SUNDOG SOLAR, portable/remote solar water pumping for winter/summer. Call for pricing on solar systems, wind generators, aeration. Carl Driedger, (204)556-2346 or (204)851-0145, Virden. FOR SALE: HI-HOG BISON squeeze w/crash gate. Hardly used. $2,500. Phone:(306)534-4620. Spy Hill, SK. KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763. PORTABLE WINDBREAKS, CALF SHELTERS, free standing rod & pipe panels, fence line & field silage bunks. Also sell Speed-Rite & 7L Livestock fence equipment, drill pipe & sucker rod. Phone (204)827-2104 or (204)827-2551, Glenboro. TRUCK MOUNTED AND PT manure spreaders, forage boxes, feeder boxes, farm trailers. 65/yrs manufacturing experience, call 403-580-6889, Bow Island, AB. Visit Dealers Wanted. WANTED: PEERLESS ROLLER MILL, must be shedded and in very good condition. Phone: (204)773-3252.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE NATURAL WOOD MULCH, PICKUP. $10/yrd, minimum 10-yrds, South Winnipeg pickup, call for directions. (204)257-5497.
ORGANIC ORGANIC Organic – Certified ORGANIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA CO-OPERATIVE (OPAM). Non-profit member owned organic certification body, certifying producers, processors and brokers since 1988. Phone: (204)567-3745, Miniota, Manitoba. Email:
ORGANIC Organic – Grains
FOR SALE: 5 YR Old Sorrel Reg Belgian stallion, Jay-Kay Victor, bought at 2 yrs old, as broke to drive single, we have used him 3 seasons to pasture breed. Richard Reeves (204)748-2166.
Swine LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted
P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123
Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, is actively buying Organic Flax from the 2012 crop year. If interested, please send a 5lbs sample* to the following address: Attn: Sandy Jolicoeur Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. 102 Melville Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 0R1 *Please state the Variety & Quantity for Sale
For more information, please contact Sandy at:
306-975-9251 306-975-1166
BEAUTIFUL GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES PB black & tan, parents excellent family dogs, $400 each, ready to go. Phone (204)824-2571. PB AUSTRALIAN BLUE HEELER pups for sale, parents excellent cattle dogs, have been raising pups for 30 yrs. Phone (204)365-0066 or (204)365-6451.
REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots READY TO MOVE HOMES available now! Display units completed. Also custom build to your plan. Only $75,000 for 1,320-sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 1.5 baths, beautiful kitchen. Also available for $85,000 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths, espresso kitchen, 1,520-sq.ft. Must see! MARVIN HOMES, Steinbach, MB (204)326-1493 or (204)355-8484 or
REAL ESTATE Mobile Homes CANADA SINGLE FAMILY HOME NEW 16 wide & 20 wide MODULAR HOMES at GREAT prices. (218)751-7720
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba LAND FOR SALE. NW 1/4 30-16-12W. RM of Westbourne 2-mi NW of Plumas. Contact Ted Mauthe (204)386-2314. Ranch for Sale by Retiring Owners: 23 quarters; 3 deeded, 18 leased, 2 rented. 600-ac Grain/Hay. House 3456 sqft Cattle ,machinery. Call Larry: 204448-2053 Cell 204-447-7587 FARM SPECIALIST: Count on Grant Tweed, informed, professional assistance for sellers & buyers. Call (204)761-6884 anytime. Service with integrity.
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, Home Professional Realty Inc. WANTED: A MIXED FARM in Western MB or Eastern SK. 1/2-2 sections, consider livestock & equipment also. Contact Phil Schwarz (204)842-3491, Box 40 Birtle MB, R0M 0C0. WANTED: GRAIN & LIVESTOCK farms for both foreign & domestic buyers. Receiving calls weekly from buyers looking to farm & invest. Considering selling? Now is the time to discuss all options. Professional service & confidentiality guaranteed. Contact Rick Taylor:(204)867-7551, Homelife Home Professional Realty.
REAL ESTATE Land For Sale NE1/4 36-16-10 W/HYDRO & fenced approx 100-acs cultivatable 2-mi North & 1.5 West of Langruth, priced reasonably. Not needed any more. Phone (204)386-2713.
THENOTRE FOLLOWINGDAME PRIVATE USED LAND is OIL being offered for & sale:FILTER NE 7-29-14W,DEPOT NE 31-28-15W, NW 2-29-14W, SW 17-29-14W, W1/2 7-29-14W, W1/2 8-29-14W, E1/2 following Crown • Buy Used Oil 32-28-15W. • BuyThe Batteries lands have Used been Filters approved by Manitoba Agriculture, • Collect • Collect Oil Containers Food & Rural lnitiatives for transfer to the purchaser Southern and Western Manitoba of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the farm units by John Didychuk of Toutes Tel:held 204-248-2110 Aides & the estate of Laurence Didychuk of Rorketon, MB. SE 27-28-14W; NW 06-29-14W; SE 07-29-14W; SW 27-28-14W; NW 27-28-14W; NE 28-28-14W; SE 28-28-14W; SW 33-28-14W; SW 28-28-14W; SE 18-29-14W; SE 34-28-15W; SW 35-28-15W; NE 32-28-14W; SE 32-28-14W; NW 33-28-14W; NW 04-29-14W; SW 04-29-14W; SW 09-29-14W; NW 28-28-14W; NE 09-29-14W; NW 18-29-14W; SW 18-29-14W; NE 27-28-14W; SW 34-28-14W; NE 04-29-14W; SE 09-29-14W; SE 33-28-14W; NE 05-29-14W; NE 19-29-14W; SE 19-29-14W; NW 20-29-14W; SW 20-29-14W; SW 29-29-14W; NW 29-29-14W; SE 05-29-14W; SE 08-29-14W. lf you wish to purchase the private lands& apply for the Unit Transfer of Crown Lands, please contact the Lesses; John Didychuk at GD Toutes Aides, MB R0L 2A0 or Kevin Didychuk at Box 93, Rorketon, MB R0L 1R0. If you wish to object to the eligibility of this Unit Transfer please write the Director, Agricultural Crown Lands, MAFRI, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0 or Fax (204)867-6578.
REAL ESTATE Land For Rent WANTING PASTURE FOR 50 Cow Calf pairs. Must have adequate water & proper fencing. Phone (204)773-3252.
Seller looking to lease back 430 cultivated acres. Property has surface rights lease in place currently generating $7300 annual income. Potential for over 5% return on investment plus appreciation on land value.
Rick Taylor 204-867-7551
HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles 2011 ARCTIC CAT PROWLER XTZ 1000 UTV Blue, Power Steering, Windshield 1,750-mi $9,500. Phone (701)521-0582.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Campers & Trailers 1994 25-FT 5TH WHEEL, Golden Falcon tour edition. Single slide, a/c, rear kitchen, free-standing table, stored inside; 4) MOTOROLA 2-WAY RADIOS, includes base radio, $225. Phone (204)745-3773. FOR SALE: 1997 26-FT Fifth Wheel, Triple E Topaz. No slides, rear kitchen, A.C. Excellent cond., always shedded, $10,400. Call Denis (204)228-8031, Winnipeg.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Snowmobiles WANTED: 1974-76 295 RF JD - 340 RS JD snowmobile w/Kiortz motor. Phone:(204)728-1861.
BuyUsed Used Oil Oil ••Buy NOTRE •• Buy Buy Batteries Batteries DAME ••Collect CollectUsed Used Filters Filters • Collect Oil Containers • Collect Oil Containers USED • Antifreeze OIL & Southern,Southern Eastern, and Manitoba Western Western FILTER Manitoba DEPOT Tel: 204-248-2110 SCALES 3000-LB LIVESTOCK SCALES made to fit in your chute or alley. We have larger & smaller sizes to choose from, no electric. Also bale scales & hopper feeders w/s in various types & sizes. ELIAS SCALES (306)445-2111.
PEDIGREED SEED PEDIGREED SEED Cereal – Various CERTIFIED KANE & CARBERRY wheat, Certified Tradition Barley, Certifed Leggett & Summit oats. Will custom clean canola. Wilmot Milne (204)385-2486, cell (204)212-0531, Gladstone MB. ELIAS SEEDS A.C. CARBERRY & Kane Wheat, Cert, CDC Copeland Barley. Please Call (204)745-3301, Carman. FOR SALE: CERTIFIED AC Carberry, Cert AC Domain, Cert CDC Austenson. Dudgeon Seeds (204)246-2357. JAMES FARMS LTD: Carberry & Pasteur Wheat, Tradition Barley, Souris & Summit Oats, Hanley Flax, Various Canola, Sunflower & Soybean seed varieties, Forage seed. Customer processing. Seed treating & delivery available. Early payment discounts. For info (204)222-8785, toll free 1-866-283-8785, Winnipeg. PUGH SEEDS: CERT AC Barrie, Carberry, Kane, Somerset, HRS Wheat. Souris Oats, Conlon Barley, Sorrel Flax. Phone (204)274-2179 or (204)871-1467, Portage. SANDERS SEED FARM Cert, Reg, FDN Carberry, Domain, Kane, Harvest, Glenn Wheat, Cert Celebration Barley Canterra Canola varieties also. Phone (204)242-4200, Manitou, MB. SHANAWAN FARMS LTD DOMAIN. Fdn, Reg & Cert Carberry & Kane wheat. Cert Souris oats, Fdn Reg. & Cert Hanley flax. Phone (204)736-2951.
Your Time is Better Spent
BUY AND SELL without the effort
CLASSIFIEDS 1- 800-782- 0794
The Manitoba Co-operator | May 2, 2013
PEDIGREED SEED Specialty – Various
TRAILERS Grain Trailers
HAY OR ALFALFA HAY needed. Call Marvin (204)427-2519 or (204)371-6664.
Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, are looking to contract Borage acres for the upcoming 2013 growing season.
� �
Great profit potential based on high yields, high prices and low input costs. Attractive oil premiums and free on-farm pick-up. Flexible contracting options available as well. For more information, please contact Bioriginal at:
Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd. 37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email: Andy Vanderveen · Brett Vanderveen Jesse Vanderveen
A Season to Grow… Only Days to Pay!
SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Straw 4X4 SQUARE WHEAT STRAW bales, about 300 for sale, asking $20 per bale, can deliver. Phone:(204)248-2407 or (204)723-5002, Notre Dame. 50 LARGE ROUND BALES of slough hay. Contains some tritcale, grasses & some foxtail barley. $15/bale OBO. Can load them. Call Don (204)526-7829 or FOR SALE: ALFALFA & Corn silage; Corn & Wheat Straw large square bales. can deliver all of the above. Also selling bull calves. Phone Alvin Plett (204)355-4980 or (204)371-5744, Landmark.
BOOTH 1309
FARMERS, RANCHERS, SEED PROCESSORS BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA
24-FT HEAVY DUTY FLAT-DECK, 2) 7000-lbs axles w/10 ply tires, leveling king-pin, VGC. Phone:(204)768-9090. BRANDON TRAILER SALES “You will like our prices!” “It’s that Simple!” “Let’s compare quality & price!” “Certainly worth the call!” Phone (204)724-4529. Dealer #4383
2013 Malt Contracts Available 2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 2013Toll-Free Malt Contracts Available 1-800-258-7434 2013 Malt Available Agent: M &Contracts J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 204-737-2000 Phone204-737-2000 306-455-2509 Phone Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. We are of farm grains. Agent: Mbuyers & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 306-455-2509
International Plowing Match/ Canadian Rockies ~ July 2013 Italy/Greek Isle Cruise ~ Oct 2013 Mississippi Cruise ~ Oct 2013 Branson/Tennessee Tour ~ Oct 2013 Australia/New Zealand ~ Jan 2014 South America ~ Feb. 2014 India ~ Feb. 2014 South Africa ~ Feb. 2014 *Portion of tours may be tax deductible
Select Holidays 1-800-661-4326 WATER PUMPS New Water Pumps
TRAILERS Trailers Miscellaneous
TIRES FEDERATION TIRE: 1100X12, 2000X20, used aircraft. Toll free 1-888-452-3850
JAMES FARMS LTD: Feed oats for sale. Phone (204)222-8785 or 1-866-283-8785, Wpg.
We feed feed wheat, Webuy buy feedbarley, barley, feed wheat, MALT BARLEY MALT BARLEY oats, corn oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & canola canola *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration&&Tradition Tradition Celebration COME SEE IN COME SEEUS US AT AT AG AG DAYS DAYS IN WeTHE buyfeed feedbarley, barley, feed feed wheat, CONVENTION HALL We buy wheat, THE CONVENTION HALL oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & & canola canola oats, BOOTH corn 1309
*6-Row* Celebration & Tradition We buy feed barley, feed wheat, oats, soybeans, corn & canola
WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328 *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration Celebration&& Tradition Tradition
Rural & Cultural Tours
WANTED: GOOSE NECK V-NECK aluminum 6 x 16 tandem axle stock trailer or Norberts Manufacturing. In good shape. Phone Days Cell (204)526-5298, or Evenings (204)743-2145.
Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers
2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509
YELLOW BLOSSOM CLOVER, a yard full of bales & a field full of Nitrogen as a bonus. Flax & Y.B. excel on breaking, & can save 3-yrs of costly “N”. Also starts, clean new pastures w/high Nitrogen Boost. Perk up old perennial pastures by overseeding w/clover, packaging w/bags & totes April. D WHITE SEEDS Ph (204)822-3649, Morden.
REELS INDUSTRY GOOSENECK STOCK trailer, 7x16, Torsion bar tandem axle, centered, divided door, rubber matted floor, no rust. Asking $4,600. Phone Days: (204)526-5298 or Evenings: (204)743-2145.
FOR SALE: ALFALFA, TIMOTHY, brome, clover, hay & pasture blends, millet seed, common seed oats. Leonard Friesen, (204)685-2376, Austin MB. HAIRY VETCH SEED FOR sale, cleaned & bagged, high germination, excellent forage & nitrogen fixation source. Phone: Ron at (204)723-2831, Austin, MB.
EXISS ALUMINUM LIVESTOCK TRAILERS. $1000 Rebate offered on instock 2013 trailers. Only 2 left - one 16 x 7 x 7-ft & one 24 x 7 x 7-ft. New 2014 arriving next month!! All sizes available. SOKAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Phone (204)334-6596 email:
• Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed
CANADA’S #1 CERTIFIED MF 5301 alfalfa seed. $2.90/lb, pre-inoculated 25-kg bags. CANADA COMMON #1, MULTI-FOLIATE alfalfa seed, $2.80/lb, pre-inoculated 25-kg bags. Certified varities of all grass seeds available. Delivery can be arranged. Call:(204)642-2572, Riverton.
TRAILERS Livestock Trailers
306-229-9976 (cell) 306-975-9271 (office)
NEW EMERALD GRAIN TRAILERS made in MB 36-ft. 2 hopper t/a air ride 24.5 tires on bud wheels manual tarp. Starting as low as $34,000 or lease to own for as low as $725 per mth. Side chutes & dual crank hopper openings avail. Financing avail o.a.c For more details call Glenn (204)895-8547.
Tough brand new PTO driven, 12 inch auger pumps. Hose, Reel, PTO shaft available. Will not plug or seize. Delivery in MB or East SK. $7000. Contact Jan; (204)868-5334.
ROCKWOOD-ROSSER WEED DISTRICT at Stonewall is accepting applications for the position of assistant Weed Supervisor for the summer of 2013 with the opportunity to become a full time position. The potential applicant should be familiar with agriculture with a diploma or degree being an asset. The applicant should have knowledge of pesticides & pest control methodologies & be able to complete Provincial licensing requirements. Must possess a valid driver’s license & have basic computer skills. Please submit resumes to RockwoodRosser District, Box 752, Stonewall MB, R0C 2Z0 before May 10, 2013. For more information contact George Willis at (204)467-4704.
A great way to Buy and Sell without the ef for t.
Is your ag equipment search more like a needle in a haystack search?
FOR SALE: LARGE ROUND bales of Grass Hay, Perennial Rye Grass Straw & Millet Straw. Delivery can be arranged. Phone (204)278-3438, Inwood. LARGE QUANTITY OF WHEAT straw bales, 4x4x8. Can deliver. Phone Phil:(204)771-9700. La Salle, MB. LARGE ROUND WHEAT STRAW bales, trucking available. Phone:(204)242-2913. Manitou, MB.
OAT STRAW & BARLEY Straw for sale, medium square bales. Phone (204)483-2990.
WHEAT STRAW BALES for sale, baled w/DR780 NH baler, hardcore, approx 1,300-lbs, can deliver. Call for pricing (204)362-4192.
• Vomi wheat • Vomi barley • Feed wheat • Feed barley • Feed oats • Corn • Screenings • Peas • Light Weight Barley You can deliver or we can arrange for farm pickup. Winnipeg 233-8418 Brandon 728-0231 Grunthal 434-6881 “Ask for grain buyer.”
New 30.5L-32 16 ply, $2,195; 20.8-38 12 ply $866; 18.4-38 12 ply; $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1,749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $486; 16.9-28 12 ply $558, 18.4-26 10 ply, $890. Factory direct. More sizes available new and used. 1-800-667-4515.
FOR SALE: KENTMOORE HD engine counter bore cutting tool, GC, $2,800 OBO. Phone: (204)648-7136.
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