Cellulosic biofuel An elusive goal » Page 23
Irradiation solution? Cattle producers seek Health Canada approval » Page 28
SERVING MANITOBA FARMERS SINCE 1925 | Vol. 71, No. 19 | $1.75 May 9, 2013 manitobacooperator.ca
Farmers, government spar over use of Portage Diversion The channel ‘park-in’ demonstration by Lake Manitoba farmers and landowners was aimed at bringing attention to the government’s handling of 2011 flood
By Daniel Winters co-operator staff
protest by 60 fed-up L a k e M a n i t o b a - a re a farmers and landowners at the Portage Diversion April 29 was still making waves this week as organizers prepared for a court hearing into the province’s injunction against them. Kevin Yuill, who farms about 3,000 acres north of Portage la Prairie, organized the event that saw tractors and heavy equipment parked in the bottom of the channel for about 12 hours just as flood waters started to rise and the government was preparing to open the gates. “Our timing was perfect,” said Yuill May 2. “We knew it was awful close to when they would want to pop that diversion open and it was the only way we could put big pressure on them.” The protest’s main goal was to call for an outlet on the north end of the lake to balance inflows from the Portage Diversion, and secondly, to bring attention to the government’s broken promise of See DIVERSION on page 6 »
Protesting farmers used farm equipment to temporarily block access to the Portage Diversion April 29.
Photo: shannon vanraes
KAP ups ante on push for stable funding It will complain to the ombudsman to push the province to enforce checkoff collections By Allan Dawson co-operator staff
Publication Mail Agreement 40069240
he president of Keystone Agricultural Producers says it will seek the Manitoba ombudsman’s assistance to enforce current checkoff laws if the provincial government balks at introducing better legislation for funding farm organizations this spring. “We have to do, what we have to do,” KAP president Doug Chorney said May 3. “We’ll have no choice if we don’t get a commitment that they are moving this forward this
spring... I’ve been instructed by the general council and executive to do that.” Chorney remains hopeful the province will move forward with legislation making it easier for farmers to fund KAP rather than pressure the government to enforce the current legislation. “It’s just an administratively awkward and cumbersome system,” Chorney said. Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn says he agrees general farm organizations need stable funding, but when asked May 1 if legislation was coming this session, he said: “It’s still ongo-
ing discussions. I think it would be premature to make that commitment at this time.” Farm groups are important to Manitoba’s agricultural industry, Kostyshyn said in his address to the Manitoba Farm Writers and Broadcasters Association. Chorney said the minister committed to moving forward at a private meeting in January but there have been no talks since. “That worries me more because that might mean they aren’t even considering it or for some reason decided it’s not going to happen. As an organization we do so much work on so many
fronts for Manitoba farmers and it’s getting more and more difficult to keep that pace.” However, Chorney added that Kostyshyn has said he wants to discuss the issue with him before spring seeding. Regulations under the A g r i c u l t u ra l Pro d u c e r s’ Organization Funding Act requires a long list of mainly grain buyers to deduct 0.75 per cent of the gross selling price of agricultural products and remit the money to KAP. However, many so-called See KAP on page 7 »