Texas Single Adult Rally Saturday, April 9 Georgetown TX $20.00 Call Rick for more info
Movie Night at the Wolfson House 6:30 pm窶認riday,
April 29
Bring a Snack
First Baptist Church Forty And Better Singles Adult Ministry
April 2011 Newsletter
Fiesta Flambeau Parade Potluck Dinner at Wolfson House Saturday, April 16 You need to be parked by 5:00pm - $10 Parking reservations must be made through Kappie in church office by Wednesday, April 13 noon. 226-0363
Sign-up and get free ticket in your Sunday School class
April 2 - Marte Kellogg April 16 - Ann Saxon April 18 - Bou Khamvonga April 27 - Gerald Peoples
Labor Day Singles Retreat September 2-5 Alto Frio Camp
Mr. Gerald Peoples will display his latest drawings at
Mesa Vista Inn Lobby 5756 N Knoll Tuesday evening, April 26 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
$125 for food, lodging and registration There are usually about 10 who go each year. Coordinate rooms and carpooling thru Marte 370-7370
Game Day at Nancy’s
Useful Link for Single Living – www.lifeway.com — go to Free E-newsletter / Living the Christian Life / Single Serving
Venture 11:00 am Sunday School College Meets in Webb 212
Contact— Bryan Richardson bryan@fbcsa.org
SA 20’s-30’s Meets in Webb 206
Core 9:30am Sunday School Following Classes Contact - Rick Evans rick@fbcsa.org 30’s - 40’s L.I.F.E. Meets in Wolfson House Covenant Class Meets in West 263 40+ FABS Gather in West 260 and then go to their classrooms at 9:45am SA 40’s-50’s West 261 SA 60+ Walker West 262 SA 60+ Peck West 260 www.fbcsa.org/singles First Baptist Church * 515 McCullough St * San Antonio, TX 78215 * 210-226-0363 Bryan Richardson, Assoc. Pastor for Singles, Small Groups and Pastoral Care Ministries
T. Don Guthrie, Sr. Pastor
Leader’s Letter
Seems like lately, when I sit down to write this monthly letter to you all, I’ve just been to a funeral. ―Hmm,‖ you might say, ―Rick sure lives an uplifting life, huh!‖ or, ―Poor guy; can’t seem to have any joy in his life lately.‖ I’d normally appreciate those comments, and I must admit I’ve had both kinds of reactions to stents of repeated periods of grief when they’ve come in bunches. But today is different. I just participated in a worship service in memory of Dr. Charles Musfeldt, deacon of our church and International Director of Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) that held more encounters with God’s various personas than I’ve experienced in a long time, if ever. This worship time was reflective of how Dr. Chuck (as almost everyone affectionately called that vibrant, confident, humble and humorous servant of the Lord) viewed and related to the holy, sovereign God of the universe and righteous and gracious Savior King. The opening prayer set the stage as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were all praised and petitioned at length in light of God’s nature and Chuck’s focus. The numerous hymns proclaimed God’s majesty, faithfulness, mercy, and call to surrender; and the choral anthem reminded us of the incomprehensible peace God offers and provides to those who have trusted Him. The warm welcome by Chuck’s wife Linda was full of grace; the scripture by his brother described why God is worthy of trust and response; the solo by Chuck’s daughter Lauren brought the reality of Jesus’ victory over death in focus for the day (and every day); the pastor’s children’s sermon presented the priceless treasure within God’s word, and his message to the assembled crowd in our Sanctuary – and the even larger international crowd viewing by the internet – painted a picture of an almost bigger-than-life man who gave himself completely to the Lord’s service for one reason only: to express his gratitude for God’s saving him and all who call upon His name. But while all the above attributes of that worship time were special, what made this memorial service different than most others, or most Sunday mornings for that matter, was the picture of abundant, eternal life that unfolded before me as I looked out from the choir loft. If you’ve ever been in my class when the topic of eternal life came up, you know how dogmatic I am about how when a person accepts Jesus’ sacrificial payment for his or her grotesque imperfection and submits to Jesus’ lordship, life in an eternal state begins right then. Circumstances rarely change, at least immediately, but true life does begin. In the face of uncertainty and lack of confidence (a trait Dr. Chuck exhibited at a crossroads time in his life), or when trying to deal with an environment or situation that is exceptionally down-pressing and draining; when challenged by failure (or success) that was in no way foreseen, true life grows deeper and more abundant for Christ-followers. I saw examples of truly living life all over the room: broadly smiling family members who knew not only was their beloved Chuck with Jesus, but that because of Chuck’s establishing BSF groups – and (more importantly) relationships – in so many countries, the message of Jesus’ saving power would continue to spread all over the world and bring many more people into Jesus’ presence, both in life and after their deaths. Another example was a completely sold-out-to-the-Lord Don Guthrie in his eloquent expression of the rationality of trusting an infinite, all powerful, intent-upon-saving-everyone God who calls each person to life; one more in Letha Crouch through her arranging and playing amazing renditions of the hymns Chuck so loved and that expressed God’s greatness so well; then another in Joni Eareckson Tada, whose bright and confident face reflected an awe of God and love of Jesus and told a story of giving back all that she is and has for the solitary purpose of telling people that Jesus loves them. And by the way, can anyone better demonstrate the truth of the hymn ―Like a River Glorious‖ (which was part of the service, too) as it asserts, ―Every joy or trial cometh from above‖ and, ―They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true‖ than can Joni? As I heard truth and hope prayed, sung and spoken, and saw it reflected in the countenance of so many, I couldn’t help but ask myself, and think about asking you, ―Do you really trust God? Is the life you live abundant and eternal? Have you stopped beating yourself up, or running from new opportunities or from your past, or pretending to be a Christ-follower at church while your ―non-church‖ life screams another reality? If yes, praise God! If no, do you realize the reason lies in not really trusting Him? I will never try to fully answer the ―Why?‖ question we always ask when someone of such stature and impact as Chuck Musfeldt dies ―too soon.‖ But, I will absolutely state that times like these – times when losses occur that don’t make sense (like Jesus’ disciples experienced when Jesus was crucified!), and heart-changing worship takes place while celebrating one who left us before we were ready for that to happen – are certainly times when the Holy and Sovereign God of Eternity offers a chance to move closer to Him, learn more about Him, and submit to His call to wholly trust Him. Are you moving closer, learning more, and submitting more completely to Him as a result of what you’re experiencing these days? I do hope so. I can’t think of a better time than the month of Easter to embrace the reality that we each can, through the Trinity, have the power to repent, change, overcome and make eternal differences. That’s what Jesus showed us in leaving the grave, what Chuck Musfeldt showed us in life, and what God calls us to do before our deaths. We can because He is risen! So, let’s get about doing it! Rick