Easter at First
Palm Sunday April 17 9:15, 10:45 (Venture), and 11:00 AM Worship 6:00 PM Lord’s Supper Service
City Sunday Nights Sunday, April 3,10, 17 - 6:23 PM
Holy Week
Texas Single Adult Rally Saturday, April 9, Georgetown, TX $20, Call Rick for more info
Wednesday, April 20 6:15 PM Mid-Week Strength “For the Joy Set Before Him: The Last Week of Jesus’ Life.” Taught by Don Guthrie, Fellowship Hall
Fiesta Flambeau Parade Potluck Dinner at Wolfson House Saturday, April 16
7:00 PM The Passover Feast, Wilson Chapel Thursday, April 21 6:00 & 7:15 PM Maundy Thursday Passion Service Featuring The Sanctuary Choir Chamber Singers
Movie Night Friday, April 29, 6:30 PM Wolfson House
Easter Sunday, April 24 6:45 AM Sunrise Service, Courtyard 8:15 AM, Easter Outreach Sunday School Class Breakfast begins 7:30 AM 9:15, 10:45 (Venture), and 11:00 AM Worship
Labor Day Singles Retreat September 2-5 Alto Frio Camp
TODAY at FBC 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:15 9:30
10:30 10:45 11:00 11:10 12:00 1:00 4:00
4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:23 PM
Pastor/Men’s Prayer Time Pastor’s Class (Webb 212) SA Life SS Class (Wolfson House) Worship (Sanctuary) Sunday School (Core) Christianity Explored (Webb 210) Coffee and Fellowship (Unity Hall) Venture Worship (Chapel - Contemporary) Worship (Sanctuary) Sunday School (Venture) Chapel Singers Lunch (Youth Lounge) Chapel Singers Underclassmen Rehearsal A.B.L.E. Missions Committee (Dining Rm E) Small Group Facilitator Training (Webb 207) Friends and Family Night City Sunday Nights (Radius)
Monday, April 4—Sunday, April 10 4/4 4/5 4/6
6:00 PM
6:15 PM
6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:01 PM 9:00 AM
4/8 4/9
11:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 AM
Weekly Report As of Sunday, March 27, 2011
Attendance: Tithes and Offerings Unrestricted Television Building Fund Other restricted Total
Week 55,854 9,110 1,269 405 $66,638
SS .......... 1,104 Year to Date $772,946 62,887 10,413 4,047 $850,293
Worship ....... 1,511 Year to Date Variance Budget Prior Year (57,054) 53,599 34,287 30,362 (22,767) 83,961
International Ministry ESL Teachers Volunteers needed: ESL is an opportunity for volunteers to teach conversational English to students from around the world. No prior training is required to be a volunteer teacher. A welcome spirit and a sincere heart are the necessary tools for this ministry. For information on becoming a teacher, contact Tim Deemer at timdeemer@hotmail.com.
Bible Study Today: John 17
“Bring It On! The Second Lord’s Prayer” Don Guthrie, preaching PM - Family & Friends
April 10
John 18:15-27; 18:33-19:16
Basic ESL Training available: TEX (Teaching English with Excellence) sessions Friday, April 29, 2011, 6:30-8:30 PM and Saturday, April 30,2011, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM; FBC Universal City, 1401 Pat Booker Rd; cost $25 (by check to Dora Parnell). Bring a sack lunch or eat out on Saturday. Reservations must be made by April 23. For more information contact Dora Parnell at ddparnell@sbcglobal.net. Household items needed for International Refugees: Clothing chests, coffee tables, lamps, trash cans, TV's with converter boxes/antennas, VCR/DVD players, microwave ovens, sewing machines, scissors, bowls, glasses, plastic cups, large metal spoons, knives, can openers, large pots with lids, blankets, sheets, towels, washcloths, dish detergent, Tide, shampoo, conditioner, diapers and toilet paper. Summer's near; bikes and guitars would be greatly appreciated!
10:30 AM 1:00 PM 4/10 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:10 AM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM
4:30 PM
Donate 1999 or newer PCs for International Asian Refugees. Call Scott Stimson at 210-274-2948. Doesn't need to boot but should show some life. CPU (RAM) memory expandable to 256MB minimum. No laptops please. Personal info will be purged or backed up and returned to donor. Monitors, keyboards, mice, speakers also needed. Church Van Drivers for Sunday School transportation: Sunday Mornings, 8:00-9:30, no commercial license required. Contact Wally Dickson, 558-6000.
9:00 AM 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
Visit the daily blog: www.fbcsa.org/theeverydayprayer
5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:23 PM
First Learning Center Ceramics Family Supper Preschool Childcare (Preschool Area) Prayer Meeting (Fellowship Hall) Children’s Choirs (Webb 2nd Floor) Children’s Childcare (Gym) Acteens (Webb 307) Brass Rehearsal Christianity Explored (Webb 210) RA’s/GA’s Sanctuary Choir (Unity Hall) Refuge Tour - Blossom Athletic First Learning Center Friendship (West Patio) Prayer Meeting (Parlor) Girl’s Bible Study (Away) Girl’s Bible Study (Away) South Africa Mission Trip Training (Conf Rm) Iron-2-Iron Men’s Breakfast (Fellowship Hall) FBC Golf (Del Lago) Woman’s Leadership Workshop (Webb212) Pastor/Men’s Prayer Time Pastor’s Class (Webb 212) SA Life Class (Wolfson House) Worship (Sanctuary) Sunday School Venture Worship (Contemporary - Chapel) Worship (Sanctuary) Sunday School (Venture) One Voice Rehearsal (Choir Suite) Personnel Committee (Kokernot 309) A.B.L.E. (West) VBS Teacher Training Strategic Planning Q & A (Kokernot 305) Chapel Singers Rehearsal (Choir Suite) Small Group Facilitator Training (Webb 207) Missions Committee (Dining Rm E) Finance Committee (Conference Rm) Building/Property Committee (Blanchard Lng) Strategic Planning Com. Mtg. (Kokernot 308) Time for Teaching (Sanctuary) City Sunday Nights (Radius)
Save the Date! VBS 2011
Mid-Week at FBC Scripture. Prayer. Strength.
Big City, Bigger Fun! VBS 2011 June 12-16 6-8 PM Dept.
Ann McBain Lois Billings
Cindy & Mark Edmonson
Neeta Huey Lois Billings
Dolores & Norm Cook
Mary Jane Ward
Luralee Wallace
Janice Davis
Barbie Gerloff
Webb 114 Suzanne Filippini
CREEPERS Webb 115 Cammie Bowren Rosa Canales TODDLERS Webb 110 Lauren Tapia Maria Fuentes
Tiffany or Jason Harrison Pam Sizer
Traci Keck Debbie Bexley
Alyssa Fitz Elsa Perez
Tiffini Greer Wayne Williams
PS 2/Webb 108 Sheila Jennette Suzi Ramirez
Sue & Al Levy
Jill Peavy
Rachel Epperson
Patty Davenport
PS 3/Webb 103 Eloisa Frost
Kara Powell
Susan Martin
Dianne Lindner Crystal Luzius
Debbie Ruiz
PRESCHOOL 1 Webb 107 Sarah Fuentes
Marc Powell
Shawn Rhyne
Lee Epperson
REFUGE TOUR “O Lord my God, I take refuge in You…” (Psalm 7:01)
April 6 - Blossom Athletic April 13 - Marshall High School April 27 - MacArthur High School May 4 - Clark High School May 11 - East Central High School May 18 - East Central High School
Jimmie Fitz
Wednesdays, 6:15 PM
A new study begins this week entitled:
“For the Joy Set Before Him: The Last Week of Jesus’ Life.” Dinner service begins at 5:30 PM Fellowship Hall
Grab a cab and get ready for fun around every corner at Vacation Bible School’s Big Apple Adventure, where faith and life connect. As kids explore the big city, they’ll learn how to step out in faith and connect with Jesus--sharing the message of Christ with their world. So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message of Jesus Christ. — Romans 10:17
Iron-2-Iron Breakfast Saturday, April 9, 8:30 AM, $2, Unity Hall Speaker: Jay Tolar Men and Boys (grades 7 and up) are invited.
Children’s activities begin at 6 PM Youth REFUGE begins at 7:01 PM (Away)
April 30, 2011 For more info go to www.fbcsa.org/marriagein3d
KIDS: Chicken Leg or Thigh
San Antonio Food Bank’s 6th Annual Interfaith Conference “Hunger Knows No Boundaries”
Missions Summit
San Antonio Food Bank 5200 Old Hwy 90 W
Thursday, April 7, 2011, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
For more info contact Paul Stevens at Volunteer@safoodbank.org
A Gift to Our Graduating Seniors Please go by the tables in the Great Hall to mark a favorite verse or passage in each graduate’s Bible. Your encouragement will mean much as these young adults begin college, military service, or careers.
April 6
BBQ Chicken Quarters, Pinto Beans, Potato Salad, Sliced Bread
Sunday, April 10
… an informative display of our 2011 FBC mission trip opportunities. Displays will be set up in the Courtyard outside Unity Hall with tables for each trip. There are 6 trips planned: to Jos, Nigeria led by Wayne Kaminski; to Cartagena, Colombia led by Sheila Jeannette; to Lugansk, Ukraine led by Kristi Tschoepe; to Thailand/Laos led by Boun Phommachanh; to Jemez, New Mexico led by Larry Soape; and to South Africa/Zimbabwe led by Blake Coffee. Come and see! Sign-up to be a prayer partner or a missionary!
April 10, 2011 Sundays, 9:30 - 10:45 AM (Webb 210) Wednesdays, 6:15 - 7:45 PM (Webb 210) Discipleship Explored is a 10-week course designed for those who have completed Christianity Explored. It is a fascinating study of the book of Philippians. Honest questions are welcome! The class is free and offered as a ministry of First Baptist Church. Sunday classes begin April 10 | Wednesday classes begin April 13
Free childcare is available. Parking is free. For more information or to sign-up go to www.fbcsa.org
FBC Golf Ministry Schedule
April 9 May 21 June 18 July 16 August 13 September 24 October 22 November 19
Mission Del Lago Willow Springs Olmos Basin Willow Springs Cedar Creek Olmos Basin Riverside Ft. Sam
10:30 7:45 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 10:30 12:30 shotgun start