Missions: Connect with our featured missions this week: Children’s HopeChest
Chapel Update 4250 S. Federal, Sheridan, CO 80110 Church Phone: (303) 587-2867 - fbcsouth.org E-mail: info@fbcsouth.org; facebook.com/faithsouth twitter.com/fbcsouth Service Times: Sunday, 10:00 am Wednesday, 7:00 pm
November 20, 2011 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Nov. 23 Dec. 4 Dec. 7 Dec. 16 Dec. 17
7:00 p.m., Thanksgiving Service W.M. Bake Sale for Missions 6:30 p.m., Christmas Banquet 7:00 p.m., Ladies’ Christmas Party 6:00 p.m., Leadership Party
Scripture of the Day
Check them out at www.hopechest.org Contact the Women’s Ministry to learn more about our sponsored child in Africa!
I Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY –Wednesday evenings, 7:00, here at the church. Join us! BURRITOS FOR SALE this morning. Marie Abeita has prepared both breakfast burritos and bean with green chili. They may be purchased for $2.50 each.
Children K-5th grades are to join their parents in the sanctuary for worship each week being dismissed for Children’s Church after offering or Special Music.
PRAYER CHAIN – Did you know we have a number of faithful prayer warriors? You may call your prayer request into Regi, 303 989-2157 or Sheila, 303 423-9833. THE FACTS OF AFTERLIFE, by Pastor Dannie is available for purchase in the foyer.
THANKSGIVING SERVICE – This Wednesday we will have a Thanksgiving service, 7:00 p.m. We will partake in the Lord’s Supper, also. CHRISTMAS BANQUET – Will be Wednesday, December 7th, 6:30 p.m., at The Spaghetti Factory (1215 18th Avenue). There is parking across the street for $5. The 3 entrée choices range from $12.10 to $13.28 and include vegetarian pasta, lasagna, or pasta w/meatballs, bread, salad, spumoni and gratuity. Kids meal is $6.93. Give your money to Joan Nadeau or Deanna Masterson. Sign up in the lobby!
BENEVOLENCE BOX – In the southwest corner of the sanctuary is a box for donations for FBCS family needs. Anyone having practical needs to be met may call the church at 303-587-2867.
CHILDREN’S BOOKS – Kitty Johns is collecting children’s books for grades K-8 to be sent to Israel. Please bring them in and place them in the box provided in the foyer.
Don’t forget to give THANKS!
NOVEMBER BOOK CLUB meeting will be Tuesday, November 29th, 2:30 at the home of Marie Abeita.
FBCS Thanksgiving Service this Wednesday, November 22nd at 7 p.m.
FOOD BANK DONATIONS – This month the food bank is requesting donations of 1 lb. bags of rice. BIBLE STUDIES - Katie Arbuthnot is having a Bible Study for women the 1st & 3rd Fridays and Jason one for men the 2nd & 4th Fridays at their home. DO YOU OWN OR OPERATE A BUSINESS? – We’d like to promote businesses that are owned or operated by members of FBCS on our new website and facebook pages. Give us your information on the sign-up sheet in the foyer or e-mail the church at info@fbcsouth.org. FBCS YOUTH MINISTRY needs a couple to help lead this group. Please see P. Ed, 303 587-2867.
+ Go to facebook.com/faithsouth and click “Events” for more info!