Cults & Religions Sunday School Class Sundays at 9 a.m. Week 3 of 4 Downstairs
Chapel Update 4250 S. Federal, Sheridan, CO 80110 Church Phone: 303 587-2867 - E-mail:; Service Times: Sunday, 10:00 am Wednesday, 7:00 pm
April 22, 2012 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES April April May
24 2:30 p.m., Book Club 28 9:30 a.m., Happy Hatters Tea Party 11&12 Men’s Retreat
Scripture of the Week James 5:15, 16 “And the prayer of the faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY – Wednesdays, 6:45 p.m. Join us! SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS – Pastor Ed is teaching a class at 9:00 a.m. on the subject of cults and other religions.
DO YOU OWN OR OPERATE A BUSINESS? – We’d like to promote businesses that are owned or operated by members of FBCS on our new website and face book pages. Give us your information on the sign-up sheet in the foyer or e-mail the church at HAPPY HATTERS TEA PARTY – Ladies, you are all invited to the home of Sheila Fisher, (6112 Alkire Court, Arvada) this coming Saturday from 9:30 – 11:30 for tea, fruit and muffins. Wear your favorite hat! If you are not able to attend, please RSVP regrets only, 303 423-9833. FBCS ANNUAL BIKE RIDE & PICNIC will be on Saturday, June 16th. You won’t want to miss it so put it on your calendars now. MEN! – Mark your calendars now for Friday and Saturday, May 11th and 12th, for a men’s retreat. It will be at the Ponderosa Conference Center again this year. Details later. APRIL BOOK CLUB meeting will be this coming Tuesday at the home of Kitty Johns.
FBCS YOUTH MINISTRY needs a couple to help lead this group. Please see P. Ed, 303 587-2867. PRAYER CHAIN – Did you know we have a number of faithful prayer warriors? You may call your prayer request into Regi, 303 989-2157 or Sheila, 303 423-9833. BENEVOLENCE BOX – In the southwest corner of the sanctuary is a box for donations for FBCS family needs. Anyone having practical needs to be met may call the church at 303-587-2867.
SPRING YARD SALE – The date has been set: June 23rd. Please save your gently used items for the sale. We will announce when you may begin bringing your things to the church. CHRISTIAN BOOKS, CD, DVD, Bibles (English or Spanish), commentaries or Christian teaching material are needed in developing countries. Hands for Christ is a Christian organization that sends these resources to developing countries around the world. Pastors, teachers and others have access to a library of teaching material. Put donations in box in the foyer. FOOD BANK DONATIONS – The food bank is requesting donations of 1 lb. packages of any type of beans. BIBLE STUDY - Katie Arbuthnot (720 981-3291) has a Bible Study for women the 1st & 3rd Fridays at her home.
Spring Men’s Retreat May 11th & 12th Be there