November 2012
Joshua Nations Schools This Month: Africa & India The Freetown Miracle, Ali New Reports Thanksgiving Challenge For many years now I rise early on Thanksgiving morning (4 a.m. or so) and read through the Psalms in one setting. It sets the tone for the Thanksgiving day, and usually takes about 2 1/2 hours (unless I get hung up in the text). This has been a marvelous discipline resulting in a "happy heart fellowship" with the Lord. I go to bed early the night before so I am fresh in mind and body. I first pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal new truths to me. Then I read through the first 25 Psalms followed by a prayer time. I read the next 25 Psalms and then a prayer time and continue until I have read the 150 Psalms. I conclude with a final thanksgiving time of prayer. Choose your favorite translation, put on a pot of coffee or tea and enjoy. Join with me this Thanksgiving Day. The word always brings fresh revelation and usually God gives me a word for the coming year. Every year new truths surface which I build into my life. It is a great way to set your heart for 2013.
4,895 Schools, 43 Nations, 30 Translations, 85,411 Students, and 5 Child Graduates Dear Joshua Nations Partner, We have just concluded our travels for 2012 - whew! What a whirlwind year it has been! I am back home resting and refueling for what the Lord is calling us to do in the year ahead.
Sierra Leone Jesus said to go and make disciples, not just converts. Both are important but a disciple learns how to live like Jesus, and then disciples others. In Sierra Leone, a beautiful African setting, Jack Gaudin and I trained about 30 leaders to start Bible Training Centers. They will go on to infiltrate all the regions of their nation. Jack also commissioned about 15 leaders who will serve in prison ministry. Isaac & Rugy, a sweet and wonderful couple will be our coordinators for the Bible Training Centers in Sierra Leone. They will track the progress of each of the Bible Training Centers as well as start new ones. What a joy to see their willing hearts take on this vital role for Joshua Nations. We look forward to what God has for the people of Sierra Leone.
From Darkness to Light: "The Freetown Miracle” Ali Kamara and his friends were known as "the friends of the dead". They lived in a cemetery. To support their habits, these gang members sold drugs, dug up graves, fought, stole, and robbed. That is, until 71-year-old Peggy Cummings, a.k.a "Mama Peggy" from the YWAM ship USS Mercy, preached the Good News to them. 30 of these cemetery boys went from being “the friends of the dead” to being “friends of the King!” They are now known as “Mama Peggy’s Glory Boys!” <continued...>
Isaac and Rugy, Joshua Nations Coordinators for Bible Training Centers in Sierra Leone
Please send your tax deductible gifts to Joshua Nations Dr. Russ & Lana Frase P. O. Box 745728 ~ Arvada, CO 80006-5728 ~ U.S.A. ~ 303.940.6407 ~
Make a joyful shout unto the Lord!!
But Mama Peggy doesn’t stop there. Once saved, she finds these Muslim converts a place to live. Many of them are in ministry today, because of Peggy’s efforts. She is a great hero of the faith.
Our Vision To disciple the Nations!
Our Mission Unbelievers become Believers Believers become Disciples Disciples become Leaders Leaders become Fathers Fathers become... Leaders of Leaders
Mama Peggy chose to leave the comforts of America and works tirelessly in some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable. She is discipling over 140 facilitators who will start Bible Training Centers in Sierra Leone. And Ali Kamara? Formerly addicted to drugs and filled with wickedness, Ali is now set free, delivered, and Spirit-filled! Ali attended Bible College and is a mighty man of God. Mama Peggy and Ali Kamara, Ali is known all over Freetown, and operates The Freetown Miracle in miracles, signs and wonders. He has established 240 house churches in the midst of Muslim communities. God has used Ali to raise many persons from the dead, and many Muslims have given their hearts to Jesus because of Ali’s powerful testimony. All because one person dared to share the Good News! For more pictures, visit
India While Jack left Africa to go back to the US and prepare for a trip to Cuba, I traveled two days arriving in Kolkata (Calcutta) to join Finny Matthews. Finny is an International Director with Global Advance. We traveled through the streets of India to a Korean church. Here, I trained 120 more leaders to start Bible Training Centers, and also printed 500 sets of curriculum for them. The next day we flew to Mumbai to minister to Bible College students and celebrate Finny's 25th year of ministry.
More Good News from Africa: •
Zanzibar: 4 new Bible Training Centers with 121 students
Uganda (Gulu): 1 new Bible Training Center with 30 students
BELOW: Pastors and Leaders in India with Joshua Nations Books
- New Reports -
Honduras Yolanda McKenzie is graduating 40 new students in Honduras and 5 children will receive their diploma for finishing the 2-year children's program and curriculum. This is a first!!!
Pastor Russ Teaching and Training Leaders to Start Bible Training Centers in Sierra Leone
Venezuela We just found out that curriculum found its way to Venezuela and a school has been started.
African Swimming Hole
India There are an estimated 28 million Christians in India who face great persecution. Please pray for inroads into the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2nd most populous nation.
2013 We are working on many new initiatives for 2013 and beyond. I am looking forward to sharing those with you in January. P.S. - Just a side note: I encourage you to join me in a fast for the New Year on January 1st through January 21st. Consider taking some time in November and December to prepare for this time of fasting. Happy Thanksgiving, Pastor Russ & Lana Frase
Leaders in Sierra Leone Show Off Their Joshua Nations Curriculum
If you have changed contact information, please notify us. Joshua Nations contact information is available at the bottom of page one of this letter.