September 2012
Joshua Nations Schools 4,388 Schools in 43 Nations 85,227 Students, 9,998 Graduates
This Month: Africa, China, India Shepherd’s Staff
Dear Joshua Nations Partner,
Word of the Lord
Many years ago Jerry Savelle ministered a word that set the course of my life. It was from Habakkuk 2:1-3 regarding vision. I began to apply these truths to all areas of my life for great and Godly success. We know that without a vision people lack restraint, cannot advance, and live non-productive lives. Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion in others. All lack of success comes from a lack of vision. I have learned 4 ways to live with vision: 1) You must Create the vision. Habakkuk 2:1-3
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We trust you have had a great summer, and are expecting great things for the wonderful fall season. “The Shepherd’s Staff” This summer, God led me to be in the right place at the right time to receive a copy of a 700-page training manual for native pastors and young pastors who have never received any leadership training. The manual is entitled “The Shepherd’s Staff.” It is full of Biblical, doctrinal, and practical knowledge to equip these third world leaders in the remote areas of our world. This incredible tool has been made available to Joshua Nations to distribute in many languages. This is another of "God's Great Moments" as we continue to disciple the nations.
2) Then you must Cost the vision. Luke 14:25-33
I have just received an initial shipment of 100 copies of this manual which I will take our leaders in Cuba this 3) The time comes to Cast the vision. January. The manuals have also been translated into Nehemiah 2:11-17 Bengali, Hindi, Telegu and Oriya. I will take them to 4) Now you Continue the vision. India this November and make them available to the Ephesians 2:10 pastors and leaders there. Just a side note: these manuals have been provided at no cost to the leaders! There is such a thing as a "free lunch" for God's unsung heroes and servants out there. God has enlarged our hearts for these precious soldiers of the cross. Continued Growth of New Bible Training Centers Lana and I have been stateside August and September. It was exciting to see the Broncos win their season debut football game. But what was more exciting was hollering out to Lana and saying, "look at that stadium full of people -that's how many students we have worldwide with 10,000 more in the parking lot!!” I had such an excited rush in my spirit and was overwhelmed with joy because of this visual reminder of the opportunity we have been <continued...>
Dr. Frase and Chris Failla Spend Time in a Beijing Coffee Shop
Please send your tax deductible gifts to Joshua Nations Dr. Russ & Lana Frase P. O. Box 745728 ~ Arvada, CO 80006-5728 ~ U.S.A. ~ 303.940.6407 ~
Make a joyful shout unto the Lord!!
given to impact the nations for Christ. This is because of each of you, and because of the hard work and dedication of our Global Representatives.
Our Vision To disciple the Nations!
Our Mission Unbelievers become Believers Believers become Disciples Disciples become Leaders Leaders become Fathers
Fathers become... Leaders of Leaders
Headwater Bible Institute, Activation Ministry Center, in Evergreen, CO has hosted glorious sessions. There are about 80 students there. In Tanzania and Zanzibar, Bishop Nathaniel reports 8 more Bible Training Centers Students In China Being Prayed For have been started! There are over 100 students in these BTCs. Mark Gomes is back from Nairobi where he trained 27 leaders who will start new Bible Training Centers. In China, our representative reports that an additional 3,000 sets of curriculum in the Mandarin language were distributed to students, and we are currently printing 2,000 more sets of curriculum for first year students, for a total of 5,000 new students. This brings us to a grand total of 85,227 students worldwide. Glory to God!
New Divine Opportunities The Lord spoke to me while I was shaving one morning, about a year or so ago. He talked to me about training leaders in the churches in America, so they could go and train other leaders to start their own Bible Training Centers in the nations. Well friend, last Friday night this Word of the Lord came to pass. I received an email from a Pastor in Westcliffe asking to meet with me to help them start Bible Training Schools in the Philippines and India. I will meet with Pastor Dan to strategize how we can place Bible Training Centers in 463 churches in India. WOW!! Right: Dr. Frase and The kingdom of God is ever increasing! Lana with Cuban pastor
September 25 - 30 Pereira, Colombia Global Advance Conference October 6-10 Branson, Missouri World Missionary Evangelism Practicum
Blessings To You, Pastor Russ & Lana Frase
2012 Itinerary October 23 - 29 Sierra Leone, Africa Training Leaders To Start BTCs October-November Sri Lanka and Cuba Jack Gaudin Speaking Engagements
November 1 Kolkata, India Training Leaders To Start BTCs November 2-4 Mumbai, India Training Leaders To Start BTCs
If you have changed contact information, please notify us. Joshua Nations contact information is available at the bottom of page one of this letter.