The Correspondent, Vol 1 No.8 1976

Page 1

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Foreign Correspondents' Club, Hong Kong



'"Cot*;ppadnot Presídent

Bert Okuley First Vice hesident Jack Worth

Second Vice hesident

Martin Bishop Treusurer

Martin Bishop Secretøry

Ken Kashiwahara

Editor Don Ronk Photographer Huge Van Es

Advertising Nida Cranbourne

rr I

ublished monthlv as


ofthe Foreign Correspondents' Club of Hong Kong. Offices at l5th Floor,



3 Chater Road, Hong Kong. Tel:

Sutherland House,

Our Cover: To be certain there's no one left who is not absolutelY sure about our new Club Manager, let The Correspondent do it in bold face. Gordon comes to us from

the Lee Gardens here in Hong Kong and is alreadY making his presence felt in the Club. DaY to day operations are Gordon's les' ponsibility and members are invited to approach him directlY





KONG. Address all cor¡es' pondence to: Editor, Foreign Correspondents' Club of

Hong Kong, l5th Floor, Sutherland House, 3 Chater Road, Hong Kong. Adver-

tising: Nida Cranbourne, First Floor, 30 Ice House St., Hong Kong. Tel: 5-248482


suggestions. Gordon is, however, answerable in a direct way to your elected Board of Govemors. He is the ranking employee of the Club and will sit in on all Board meetings for

direct participation. Photo


Eddie Martinez

at Designed and produced ¡¡ bY IMPRINT, 17, Thomson Road, I lth Fl., Hong Kong. Tel: 5-271298. Printed by Kadett Printing Company, Hong Kong. c o o

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Personol Serpica


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Subscriber's Account for the fashion conscious manf

Our exclusive Subscriber's ^.lt$lz


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a fixed amount each month, äIll With no interest charges, a subs- Y,l¡ criber's account is the easiest '14 way to budget for the clothes you want. For inquiries contact



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The Mon's Shop

l.ane(iaaþrd -*fo|i

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Photo by Edd¡e Man¡nez

The 1976-75 Board of Governors as they were introduced to the Annual Genetal Meeting. Left to right: Keith Jøckson, Arnie Abrams, Jim Miller, Ltz Eckenley (Club Steward), President Bert Okuley, Martin Bßhõp, Ronnie Ling ønd Jim Robinson. Hugh Van Es, Frønk Beatty, Bitl MclØhirter, Ken Kashiwaharø and Jack h)orth were absent from the meeting. By the time of the first Boørd meeting, Frank Beatty and Amie Abrams had resigned, bringing Udo Nesch and Don Ronk onto the Board. Members are urged to study the faces closely it\ herãyour criticism, suggestion and perhaps prøise should be directed. If nothing else was proven the take more the direction of debate through the Long Range Commitevenihg of May 28,we did find that than discussion. tee. Because of the immediate reply serious thought must be given to If anyone thinks the Club is asked for by the landlord, the offer how much room the FCC has now going to evade the question of the is being held in abeyance by the antl how much is going to be lease in the next couple of months, Board. required in the near future. he's either stayed out to lunch too More important than the actual ITEM: A farewell cocktail hour long or had too much liquid lunch. proposals and counterproposals by for Phil and Monique Wardle held The current lease on the current the Club and landlord, however, is on half the 14th floor because the premises expires at the end of just what was accomplished by the l5th floor was engaged. 1977. Cwrently the Club is paying I¡ng Range Committee in exITEM: Opening of the l5th approximately $1.70 per square ploring the future. floor Steak and Salad Bar, occupyfoot. That will not last beyond the If the AGM meeting of May 24 ing the entire floor. current lease. This has been known is an indication, little has been ITEM: Spillover l4th floor res- for some time. accomplished beyond actual protaurant traffìc as a result of the Last year a committee was form- posal and counter-proposal beWardle farewell. ed by the Board of Governors to tween Committee and landlord. ITEM: Captains and waiters explore re-negotiation of the lease It seems to have been assumed working like hell to keep up with as soon as possible in order to give by the Long Range Committee that business on both floors, despite the Club a bargaining position for a a move by the Club to different part of the catering staff being on tolerable rise in the rent. The plan premises is simply out of the quesovertime, despite hire of a part-time was to give the landlord a rise tion. waiter on the l4th floor. earlier than the end of 1971 in Questioning from the floor at ITEM: Dining Broups doubling order to possibly forestall a larger the AGM on that possibillty was up at tables because of inadequate rise. met with answers that can only be seating space.

ITEM: A Tokyo subway


The committee

cum - jostle

Des Voeux Road noontime

on the l4th floor. Harbingers of things to come. And the only serious questions during the Annual General Meetíng were those about the end of the current lease on the Sutherland

House premises which tended to The Correspondent June 1976



as the

Long Range Planning Committee

was further instructed




the possibility of changing locations

in the event no satisfactory


could be negotiated with the present landlord.

As it presently stands, the landlord has made a counter-proposal to the lease offered by the Board

termed waffling. Members came away with the distinct impression that little effort was put into exploring in a concrete manner what other landlords could offer in the way of space and rent. Members came away



distinct impression there is no alternative possible to the enyirons of the present club. 3


Members were led to believe there is no altemative to accepting the present two-floor lay-out of the

we need more room, can an option be gained on either the 12th or 16th floor, in addition


to the current floors?

Members were'asked



Some members came away ver-

balizing that the Club had better come up with an action comrrltttæ fast, or there will be no possibility of even exploring other avenues. The closer the Club comes to the

end of its current lease the less chance there is of successful bargaining with anyone. An action committee must explore the following, at the minimum:

ITEM: Can the Club get by with space for three years or more, as would be the case

the current floor

the current lease is simply

nêwed, at whatever price?



any mqve, or even give thougþt to it?

Only a few of the items underlined with the red mark of urgencY,

feasible for the'club

and a few items that point uP how

remain in the present location,

important the Long Range Planning Committee will be this year - a committee generally conceded bY the new Board to be the single most important this year.



the Club is not ltnancially able to afford anything but the present premises and that the Club must continue to rent rather than pur'





with another floor?

ITEM: Would the club suffer fìnancial harm by a move - saY to one of the new buildings in Wanchai? Would the Central lunch' eaters stop lunching? Would the evening bar users stop using? ITEM: Can the Club go on


activities - such æ a gameroom - that continuation of

out other

the present floor space availability

With that in mind, it is hoPed that those with experience, knowledge - the will to put some concrete information in the hærds of the Board and committee will do so



ITEM: Is the cost of a move really prohibitive in terms of re' tuming the present facilities to their original condition, and decorating new facilities?

ITEM: Is discussion




to posit


moving the club on

the fact the FCC once went bankrupt and hence refuse to discuss

like immediately.

EDITOR'S NOTE: h)e always have room in The CotesPondent for an argument and will wel-

come members sending us one or more. lle cøn't guarantee Publi'

cation, but your contribution will get a readíng. DroP it off with Don Ronk, Bert OkuleY or the office.


best sellers stockedbar

Everything for the well for Hong Kong: Cognac Champagne Bisquit Dubouche Fine Dimple Deluxe WhiskY Haig Whisky tt. Sichet Sóhne German Wines Blue Nun Maison Sichel French Wines Tio Pepe Sherry Grand Marnier Liqueur Veuve Clicquot-Ponsardin Champagne Sole Agents and Importers


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Gande Price Wines and SPirits

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)b+tÀ t6

The art of communicaíion Hong Kong has been in the communication busine¡s for over a hundred years. The art of precise communication is a Chinese tradition. Tbday, ttre calligrapher in his market stall rryo¡ks along-side modern business that communicates with the rest of the norld through Cable and Wireless. Multi-national companies use telephone, telegraph, telex, leased ci¡cuits and television to keep in contact with their international offices. The most distant office is now only a telephone numbe¡ away. Efficient communication has made Hong Kong one of the world's largest business centres and nucleus of the East. The Cable and Wirdless Group of Companies know efficient communication means ef{icient business, that's what Cable and Wireless is all about.

6caelE& wlRETESS

Total Glecommunication læ(ryatd¡nEql¿d


@tlt s¡ttuh unù s¡ütuÙ Tßut: Feeling romantic, Prosperous' impressive? Or do You just want to gef away from the hustle and bustle ãround the bar on the 14th floor?

Try the 15th floor on Steak and Saiad Bar nights - it's worth the trip.

With their last gasP the out-going House Committee and Board trans'

formed the 15th floor into a little supper club devoted to excellent

beef, mouth-watering lobster tails and a salad bar to tempt any

gourmet - and including as much ialad as the gourmet can handle. Sweets are available, as is the famed Club cheese board. While waiting for the 8 PM

opening, or just whetting the

jßosßt ßeeÍ on tbt Þagon

-&U poth

@ut Sírloín


pãtite, drop into the mini-lounge ãlso set up and available on the 15th floor - it's worth the triP'


- ilt to otÙer

$ 3.00 Pst ot. (mínímum S oi.)

U.6.G'op þíríoín Ilonùon @roí[ (2 pergonø)


TsbÅter 6'aílø


lumbo lþtubnø


þteuh snù (lLsi[


@tsrh 1þ¿pp¿reù Steuh @stbequ¿ù

åpate ßíbd


t00heÙ 8t Pout tsbl¿

$30.00 $25.00

b¡r, Bríteg ínttuÙe clroíce 0f lslsì trom tÍre d¡[¡Ù pottto! unù tle nev Íq.@ bsh¿Ù stufteÙ


His Emminence Reports Despite the mortuary false alarm, Cathay Pacihc organised the ¡ushed and crowded tour with characteristic skill and personalised detail, under the direction of Msgr Joe Sykes, one-time member of MacArthur's

brain-trust during the Occupation, and now Vice-



I I t RalCranboume

a'Somewhere out there, Yankeel¿nd . ..


Dick Hughes recently made ø three-week lecture-tour

oî the USA, organßed by Cathay Paciftc Airways, in

concert with Hong Kong Tourist Association, to help promote a one-hour TV-show, for which he wrote the script, based on the revised edttion of his paperback, Borrowed Plsce, Borrowed Time. He recalls here some of the highlights of hß ftip - with an FCC slant _ íncluding a reference to his "obituaU," which was mistakenly published in San Francisco on the eve





was a confused and confusing, at times utterly

travel writers' cocktail orgies in most places. I had never been to Minneapolis and Seattle - both lovely places - and it was nearly three years since I had been to San Francisco and l-os Angeles and more than six years since I had seen Chicago, Washington and New York. The show got off to a macabre curtain-raiser. THE Richard Hughes died suddenly when I was aloft between Honolulu and Los Angeles, and the brief,

President for Cathay Pacifìc in North America. Joe always has a drink at the FCC and with Alcoholics Synonymous when he visits Hong Kong,'and remains the best anecdotist in the United States. As though anticipating the Richard Hughes confusion, his agents got me into a suite in the Ambassador at Los Angeles which had the same number as my birth-year - 1906 - and at the Holiday Inn at San Francisco into one which (believe it or not) bore the same number as Sherlock Holmes's birth-year - 1854.

He insisted that these were coincidences, but knowing him - I have my o\¡r'n reservations about his


There were evil old friends crouched at most stopovers (with elephant-traps dug around the corners): most of them, of course, well-known imbibers at the FCCs in both Hong Kong and Toþo. Walt Simmons, one of the first presidents of the original FCC in Shimbun Alley, who has retired as Editor of the Sunday Chicago Tribune but still writes, was at the Chicago Press Club with dear Edie, but with none of his seven (7) grandchildren. A somewhat later President of the Hong Kong FCC,

Al Kaff, debonair as ever, but, I suspect, a bit homesick for the Far East (like all the old China Hand mates I met), was at the New York Pres Club lunch at the Biltmore, but unfortunately there was no time to see dear Diana.

There were many reunions in Washington, where toasts - with libelous anecdotes - were drunk to

absent friends in Toþo and Hong Kong. Bob Sherrod, who is writing THE definitive, in-depth study of General Macfuthur, had Howard and dear Mabel Handleman (formerly INS, now US News snd World Report)along for a sentimental dinner. Joe Alsop was

vague cabled report confused the hell out of Cathay Pacifìc representatives on the West Coast, who thought that R.H. the Pretender wor¡ld arrive in a coffin instead of on two feet. (EAST-WEST , the Chinese-Americøn Joumal in San Francisco, even printed my obifiury, giving my age as 76.) I was able to assure friends that THE Richard Hughes would have been vastly amused at the confusion. I never met him personally - either as "a high wind in Jamaica" or "a fox in the attic" - but we had

(curiously and needlessly, I thought) on a diet, and while offering me a magnificent back-garden lunch with too much plonk, confined himself austerely to yogurt and what looked like a chamber-pot of Sanka. He is concentrating on his current classic work - sure to be - on archaeology, and doesn't write even a single news column a week now. When I rebuked him, he said: "If you are properly prepared to write one column a week, then you can write three." Joe threatens anothet hit-and-run raid on Hong Kong, where, it will be remembered, he addressed a crowded

years ago, disclaiming personal responsibility for my bylined stories from the Far East. In his last letter some yeats ago, alas - he half-promised to visit Hong Kong, but then we lost touch. (R.I.P.)

lunch gathering at the FCC on his last visit. I also saw Randy Feltus and dear Paula at my topless performance at the British Embassy in Washington. Randy, who is sometimes seen (I was astonished to discover) in the gaming room at the National Press

exchanged incestuous, Welsh-pornoletters following his facetious approach to the Editor of The Sunday Times

The Correspondent fune 1976


endorse my reverent reply: "We wish you had been,

for the Far East.

national airport, when I got lost in that infernal crowded complex, insisted on pèrsonally guiding me up two escalators to discover a hidden money-changer. "No trouble," he smiled, when I thanked him apologetically; "I was only loitering - without intent." . . . .A sign in a Chicago cafeteria window reads: "ALWAYS COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SELF.SERVICE'' . " .A 'Minneapolis taxidriver, Robert Lumley, who could rival Billy Graham, tried to convert me to Christianity on my ride to the airport, and pressed on to me, with a blessing, a free copy of his current best-selling paperback, Hey GOD, It's ME! He is writing a new book:

The urbane head porter at the Followers farewelled Washington Mayflower, out gentlY me, thougþt I had erred instead of a that I had given him onlyonedollar....

The mo¡e often I go back to the united states' the Rambling uS Footnotes: californian white plonk is pro-American I become - dead or alive' more interHonoluiu at better than ever. . . .A"-;;à;tcop

PROFESSIONAT AFFAIRS lack of pride in ownership or simple economlcs.


from membets on to Associate

what can be offered

and Journalist members are particularly sought. Attempts last year to get such a program under way met with little success and everyone on the Board and/or Committee is eager to expand.



¡tl i t'

rs oJ I;u

rtt i.slt


Jitr tltc

Home Of fice Club Schools Joseph Putitzer Jr

Pulitzer made a plea for survival

of the

family-owned and inde-

in the United States. The namesake of the man who gave his name to the inter-

pendent newspaper

nationally important Plìze, the younger Pulitzer decried the ongoing consolidation of American 8

media by large comPanies, and the consequent demise of smaller, Privately owned papers. According to Pulitzer, the smaller papers - and it apPlies to other media - cannot compete, and are

either swallowed up outright or simply cease to publish through




\EL: 5-2781?l-4 CABLE: CLARIOGE

Our bovs

up Noith a small of newsmen to cover the visit of former U.S. president Richard Nixon to Peking in China permitted only


February. But the schedule of events read like a full-fledged offìcial state visit.

Without relief crews, television newsmen in particular were harried. Sometimes they had literally to be

in two places at the same time. Coming as it did during the "campaign to criticise that capitalist-roader holding power in the Party" (Teng Hsiao-ping), the


provided some insight into what was happening on the Chinese political scene.

But mostly it



revealed the

Chinese at their organizational best,

effìciently moving the former

president and his wife about Peking and Kweilin at a pace which fìnally

still suffers from ptrlebitis of his left leg.

wearied Nixon who

An excítlng moment îot Dove Thomts

The newsmen, too, were dragging by the time the party reached

Kweilin. There they had little chance to catch their breath. TV crews worked nights to assure that bags of film of the important visit got out to the world. When Nixon fìnally flew

off to

California, newsmen boarded the

reliable old Railway


for a ride back to


Kong. Then they were able to relax, pop a bottle of beer and slumber a


A few

pics taken on the trip

reveal something of the pace

more of the relaxation.


Charlie ønd Udo loosen up

The Correspondent Iune 1976



iot in the


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It ûAF¡â'tt(.E_,2 ¡eJE Ë

ãir.¡/S 3Ã

Aock-wise from the top: Our boys and a Íew frierds from elsewhere do the tourist routine. One of many invites. The Pess Pass tlat somehow seemed superÍluous. Bob Carroll on the other side of the emul-

A bit of refreshment Íor Udo, Charlie ønd Brian. Barry Kalb does


his thing.


trr¡?.,i._El (rj.:_rj




ìt, ñf,llfå*läfKÈ* lùäÉ82Ær





Your President speaks The primary responsibility of the 1976-77 Board of Governors will be to settle, on the best terms possible, the club lease. To this end we have been enlisting as members of the Long Range

Planning Committee experts in the

field of real estate, along with certain members of the FCC who helped move the club from the Hilton to our present premises in r968.

We still have about 16 months remaining on our lease, but it is the intention of the new Board to get moving on this problem IMMEDIATELY. And one does not necessarily need to be an actual member of the LRPC to assist in this major project. Suggestions from the member-

ship, preferably

in writing to


LRPC, will be appreciated.

And this go.r fot the

other committees as well


various House,

Entertainment etc. By the time this appears in print,

we should have begun our longawaited ltlm project, with first-run films and television programs avail-

able at least once, and possibly twice, weekly to the membership. And the Steak and Salad Bar is

open nightly - with exceptions when a club function prevents its operating. We're on the right track, but it is to be hoped that in the coming year

we can elicit more participation in our various projects from a fuller cross-section of the membership. It's no secret that the Associate Membership is the fìnancial backbone of the FCC. As such, we would hope that they will take a more active interest in Club affairs.


openers, how about a column in this publication, written by an Associate Member and carrying items more of interest to an

"Let us all


it perlectly clear . , . .


Bert Okuley, the FCC',s 1976-77 hesident

was asked to contribute a

few words of encouragement for this, the ftrst issue since his election.

project urderway Editor himself.

- or for


We'd like to see a healthy entertainment program this year and, even though we have a committee for it, the committee would wel-

come suggestions, particularly if there's something concrete you know ofthat could be presented to the Club.


all of this, we must


Ctip Joint

There are all sorts

of joints in Hongkong and many ways to get clipped.

But at the

hair styling at a reasonable price, fessional

The Clip Joint, for

Associate than a Correspondent?

remain a professionøl club, and there isn't a better one (Tokyo notwithstanding) in Asia.

Club magazine insists there's always room for another letter, whether it's another suggestion, a complaint,


262707 for

stituency Let us hear from you.


The erstwhle Editor of your


even words



The Correspondent lune 1976





in any elective body, the new is here to serve the con-


Joint you receive pto-

men and tryomen, Gammon House, ground floot. Call Joseph




On April 7

The Board of Governors Foreign CorresPondent's Club Sutherland House

rang the

that morning (APril 7)' Incal Post takes a week, even with a holidaY in between?



ment, a

am n

feature on the of the bar at



I am trying harder and thougþt I had suqceeded'

the month. But

I do not posting Club fo

Lo antl behold, uP goes the APril list and there I am for all to see' But this time there is another ofthe storY.

that future incidents, shorfd theY occur, be covered bY an amendment to the list from the accountants. Sincerely, M.W. Foote



special grouP



accountants and was informed theY did not receive the cheque until

Chater Road Hong Kong


received the Posting

noticJ dated APril 6'

15th Floor




ED. NOTE: This letter wæ sligþtþ abridged and the Editor would like to thank Mr. Foote for the coPY. Perhaps the new Board should

look into the


"posting" system and make corrections that will force


stall unnecessary embarass'

ment. Reports saY the new

I was awaY from the ColonY most of February, all of March and on my return (March 30) I received a "ñrst" reminder- On March 31 I


wrote and Posted to the Club's accountants a cheque for the required amount, dated APril 1'

am aware it is not the Club's policy to offer aPologies irt such instances, but as this clearþ is not the Club's fault, might I suggest


Honorary Treasuer, Martin Bishop, is making everY effort to both collect "bad debts" and humanize the Penalties'







The actual figures, according to the latest surveys, are:

Number of Businessmen Readers



Look at the 4-color Page rates:


Reader's Digest ' '.... 'US $6.595 ....... US $7,930

.. Newsweek.

Don't be surPrised. We're saving the best till last



.. Newsweek " '





sources: Reader's Digest-Erdos I Morgan Suruey Trme-Erdos 6 Morgan SurveY Nowsweek-INRA SurveY L

FoÍ morc

infünation. wile ot rclephone:

KONG: ;;iiË;'"tiÈð; ;;ÑõÀ;ö;ìã HoNG


5'99?!1' nds Roåd Ouårv Bav ra Avenúe' Makãti' Rizar' rer' 881386' nêse chamber ol commerc€ Euildins' Tel' 36'1416'


Committees Your Board Forms Them Up Again It's that time of year when

Keith Robinson

committees to advise the Board are

Sam Weller

being formed by appointment, co-

opting, volunteerism. As far as possible your Board is trying to do it on the basis of volunteers, and for that, committee chai¡s need word from you, the volunteer. If you have some special interest in a specifìc committee, plus offering something beyond the privilege of being named, do volunteer to the




The list of members below is by



means conclusive. Others are being asked to serve and a few named already haven't yet said yes,

but in general the list will






special effort is being made this year to appoint an acting chair for all committees in the hope that last year's breakdown in usefulness through absences from the Colony

economic development

will be precluded. Despite the tentativeness of the

America since the Declaration

listing, however, there is no reason



crucial role


of Independence.

And are still doing so, because SERVICE is still our speciality! Ship through the Ports of

why members outside the committees cannot communicate with them for suggestion, complaint and

the like. A concise note to the chair, to a committee member, to

the Board, is a better guarantor of


action than mumbled words.





Ken Kashiwahara Dr. Peter Miles (Acting)




Martin Bishop Jim Miller (Acting) CLUB DOCTOR: Dr. Peter Miles FINANCE COMMITTEE: Martin Bishop (Chair) Jim Miller (Acting) Ken Starger T. Clifford G. Simmel



Eddie Wu

BilLMclVhirter Eddie Tseng

74512 Aport HX

HOUSE COMMITTEE: Jack Worth (Chair) Hugh Van Es

Udo Nesch The Correspondent June 1976

ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Jim Miller (Chåtu) Saul Lockhart Jack Worth Russ Cawthorne


plus additions.


LONG-RANGE COMMITTEE: Keith Kay (Chair) Jim Miller Barry Simpson

chair concerned.


Serving the Nation 200 Years!

Don Ronk Dr. Peter Miles Jim Robinson


Ronnie Ling

LIBRARY COMMITTEE: Keith Jackson (Chair) Iæon Daniel (Acting) Ms Lorna Strauss Mike Westlake Ms L. Wilson Martin Bishop



Ken Kashiwahara

Hal Ellithorpe Jim Robinson Tony Paul MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Hugh Van Es (Chair) Don Ronk (Acting) C.R. Smith Eddie Wu

Keith Jackson FILMS COMMITTEE: Ken Kashiwahara (Chair) Dave Thomas

funold Collins Arthur Berger Brian Ellis

Al Chambers NEWSLETTER: Bert Okuley (Chair)

Keith Jackson Derek Maitland Fred Poole

Don Ronk (Editor) 13


that graced the wall at the 14th floor elevator before redesigning got underway? The only thing Hal couldn't explain as he showed his prize around is how he happened to



when he was one

A h ¡t






D¿niels sales has been noted at the bar and

has been traced back to the good offìces of Dr Peter Miles who, in a

strongly worded message to Big Wick Wanzi on the dangers of hepatitis, nearly wiped out such sales. The Jolly Giant coincidentally suspended birdwatching on the l3th floor.


Lest we îorget what we've lost

"Full house? Or go for sixes?"




ffi Et! fi EIt



of the

to the tables where the pictures were sold after the Annual General Meeting. Oh, well, services

gender confuser under Mom's shears - from one of the Prettiest little lads in the ColonY to one of


its handsomest.


Would someone on the

new Finance Committee please elucidate

on the meaning of "negative in' come" that came up during the last Annual General Meeting?

Eddie Læe, ABC News'ace film sprinter, has proven an ace paddler with results from the Dragon Boat races in earþ June. When asked how his boat placed, his onlY rePlY,


to the Consul


cancelled the farewell party for the esteemed Senor Don Javier Mêr-

tirtez de Padilla, after noting the number of bourbon and sodas lined up at the head of the Club Table blanching and begging off.


Brickbats too for those Parents small children slowly but ine'

"Ii sank."

Martin Bishop keeps introducing

them. The latest is a new record

holder for headers from the bar. The new record holder, who Martin

suggests remain


achieved 22 feet 3 inches from stool to UPI printer, with one table on the way.

"Gentlemen, ø point oî order,"

For the information of the new Board of Governors, the cliPboard carried by Liz to meetings is titled "Minutes of Bored Meetings." Little Caesar shorn? That?s what happened to Eddie Martinez' little 14

Jack Worth has scored another peace-keeping coup. The st¡ike at NBC news ended almost simultaneously with Jack's arrival in Los Angeles to fill in for strikers - as much as peace returned to Beirut upon his arrival the last two times out that way. It's noted, however, that peace in Beirut ended uPon Jack's return


Hong Kong both


Want to know what happened to the photo of rather graphic statuary

"My God, two of them divPPeared."

xorably impelling the Board toward a total ban on small children in the

A minority, yes, but too often a rampaging minority. Kudos to the Visnews crew in Club.

the Phlippines for that spectacular

A slightly yellowed souvenir bound for Hawaíí



The big story in the States - the elections - will also draw off some of Hong Kong's media reps. So far

A¡nie Collins at ABC is the only one known to have received mar-

- he's off to London to cover as producer while London producers shift stateside - but ching orders

others are expected to receive warn-

itg. "And who's the lddy in the green hat?"


of the plane hijacking




of the finest recent months.


footage seen


Jimmie Iæe directs Visnews opera-


in the area from

offìce on the

his new

l2lh floor, New


cury House.

And kudos to UPITN under Nick Quin here in the Colony whose highly commendable Roving Reports are showing up on Hong Kong's local TV, particularly those shot by Swedish cameraman Claes Bratt in Thailand and Laos.

But too bad neither of the two European agencies had a camera on scene in the Club for the recent fire extinguisher incident that set a new benchmark in dingbat happenings.


native runner brings word

from Graham Whiteley, one-third of the way through his extended holiday. Having toured South West Africa, Chief Inspector Whiteley dallied in Capetown and as of rnidJune was back home in England for a

month or so.

The Correspondent fune 1976

Phil and Monique Wardle of Reuter were subjected to a long series of mornings after as they prepared for the leave to London where Phjl is reportedly taking a step upward on the business reporting side of Reuter.

At publication time Keith Kay, past president of the Club, was expected to return from Israel where he has been filling in as producer for about six weeks,



Jim Bennett and Bangkok's Joe [æe for ABC are back in their respective bases, Joe making it back just in time for an addition to the

family. Hong Kong and Bangkoki may not have a war but Beirut is no place to make a home right now. Again the loser, Hong Kong said farewell to, as he desc¡ibed it at his

Club farewell, "one third of its Spanish population," in the person of Senor Don Javier Martinez de Padilla - and that isn't all the names. In recognition of hours at the Club Table locked in obscure discourse, Table regulars presented Senor Padilla with a brass plaque reading: Senor Don Javie¡ Martinez de Padilla

"The Spanish I¿zarus" f¡om his friends at the Hong Kong FCC (to whom he spoke no known language) June 4, 1976

Arnie and Phyllis Abrams did the trick among friends just before press time. Arnie left immediately for the Stàtes while Phyllis and the girls will follow when school's out. Some wet eyes for old friends.


book of



PASSIONATE PHOTOGRAPHER, is available at the Club office. Published by Life Magazine after his death, the book includes images caught by Burrows' camera from Angkor Wat to the Bengal tidal wave to Vietnam.

WANTED: Persons with a yen to try some of the finest beef and

lobster tail just about anywhere. Call in at the l5th floor on the

nights announced by the sign at the foot of the stairs. You'll be glad you did. Reservations glaclly given at the office. 7a







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