)reign Correspondents' Club of Hong Kong
'"Corrn;@ OURCOVER:
The Officers:
"Everything that happened in the FCC is still in my mind. I will
always remember."
Antlørry Paul First Vice President Frank BeattY Second Vice President
That was the start of a letter, "Dr. and Mrs. Hughes," that arrived from Liao Chien-Ping two weeks after he left Hong Kong and 40 years after he went to work add¡essed to
for the first FCC in Chungking.
of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Hong Kong. Offices at l5th Floor, Sutherland House, 3 Chater Road, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-237734 and 5-233003. Cables: CORCLUB HONG KONG. Address all corres'
In this issue, Dr Hughes looks back over the Liao years in a waín and genuine tribute to an old friend. Anyone wishing to drop Mr Liao
Derek Døuies SecretarY
Don¿ld Wise
ublished monthly as
line should w¡ite to: China Hut 3820 Highway 90 Del Rio, Texas
In the US, Liao will be aiding
The Støff:
a new reputâtion of friendliness in their restaurant. And old friends will receive that same welcome smile - and unfailing son establish
for names and preferences which greeted correspondents for
Hugh Van Es
decades Kong service.
Nida Cranbow¡tc
of China and
Printed by Yee Ti4 'Tong hinting Press, Ltd.,'Aik San Factory Building,' Ground Floor, Block A, 14, Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. Tel: 5-622271-7
,/ru1y'rrz''' Sole Agents: FR
/'''/2/("t r t¡tt'¡tl ENCH FASHIONS LTD', Hong Kong.
same week last rnonth that rlN thePhitíppin" Gouernment uas Th" dropping deportation charges against IJS journalist Berrørd Widernan in
Maniln, the Gouerntnent of
Laos was arresting Australian conespondent John Eueríngham. While India's courageous neus editors
breathed afresh the air of freedom after the repressions of Indira Gandhi's EmergerrcY edicts, Moscou was
arresting attì
Los Angeles Times correspondent Robert Toth.
These mixed. euents reueal with stark clarity the contirwing battle
for the right of PeoPle to
o,n trnfettered press capable of meeting the most urgent demand of mankind: truth.
takeouerin 1975. Ouer the past seueral Years Asia hlc,s seen its press freedorn battered'
almost beyond hope. NearlY
Asian nation (Jøpon and Hong Kong being rwtable exceptions) hns suffered serious repressions of its newsmen. There haue been rigged confessions, ridículous expulsions, torture, deliberate murder, and the establish-
ment of official codes of suppression of neus reporters and editors.
This year
maY be the
first in nearly a decad,e in
some roll-back of suppression of the free press has occurred. But the gains are smøll and equiuocal compøred to the damage alreødy done.
Chitn, North Korea, and Outer Morqolia retnain closed except
and tribulations is struck by
present dichotorny of policy by matry gouernments. It is expedient to allow
foreign newsrnen to report in mønY countries because bannìng inter'
¡ntional couetage brings down s,tTong objections from around the ùtarld.
Mørtial law regimes on¿ ^opplpart! gluernments knaw that a rcPqtat[on for suppressing the foreign presC can cut occess to needed money and interrwtional fauor.
But, with a duplicity which can only amaze the free world, these same Eouerrurlents deny the rights of a free press to theír oun kind. BY
splittíng the roles of a free foreign press from the ølleged "responsibílities" of their local press, they hope to kill freedom at home uhile enjoy-
ing its fruits abroad. There ís only
the Club
for carefully guided press tours, and those are limited in the extreme. Viet Nam hns goræ behind the
authorized an official letter of commendation to Philippine Mormation
bl¿cþout curtains. Laos has followed. Cambodia hns yet to answer to
home citizens.
Kit Tatad for the Gouernment's stand in the Wid'eman case'
the uorld's consciente for the deliberate þiUing of nausmen held
hesident AnthonY Paul urote: "We fínd the decision rnt to dePort Mr
The Board
Foreign Correspondents' Secretary
Wideman most welcome. We nnte with particulnr approual the reported
bY Immigration
and Deportation C o¡nrnissioner Edmundo Reyes tlwt press freedom is guaranteed by the crisis gouernrnent'."
After his expulsion, Eueríngløm listed the ludicrous charges he faced
durirry three days of intense inter' rogation by Lao intelligente officers, intlud.ing an accusation thnt he had
in his possession an officiøl biograplry of Lao Prime Minister
Kaysone Photníuhnne' He uas the l;c,st foreign con'esponlent to remain
in Laos after the
Pr¿ss freedom is seuerely circumscribed in Indonesia, South Korea, and, Taiwan under uarious guises of authoritarian presumption. Singapore, Malnysia, and Thailnnd
rernain under clouds of suspicion resulting from peculiør actioræ by police authorities. Burma remains, as usunl, beyond the pale of intelligible polícy. Freedom of the press
hns returned to India where
the euents of the Em.ergeræy haue thnnk-
fully slnttered the complncency
of those who o¡tte belieued the rntion would neuer resort to such obsurdities.
Anyone obseruing these trials
one standard of freedom an'd that is
equally applicable
to outsiders ønd
The great battle for the rights of
to krww the truth of their own times and their own societies is entering a new an'd unfortunntely more tricky phnse. It is euery Souern' ment's duty to ottemPt to create a legal, intellectual and social climate in which its citizens haue free and ready øccess to information which uitally affects their liues. Arty other policy stinhs of dictatoriaL rot. This does not preclude a gouernment from encouraging the telling of its own deuelopment story, as is
the alleged intention of some dictatorships. But it does preclude the use of legal and extra-legøl force against the free rights of its citizens.
uictories haue been
won but the long hard war of freedom is still ín doubt. 3
Capt. Liao Retires
Forty Years
of Remembering .,t.'-.
With a Smile
transmitted, to
fl.ag ouer the Foreign Correspondents, Club lhe - Hong Kong was reuerently but gloornily lowered, in to
lølf-mast last month, when Dr Liao Chien-ping, as hc was populnrly known, at lnst retired after 40 years, loyal
seruice with the Club ín Chungh,irry, Natù,ing, Shnnglni and finnlly Horry Kong. Persotnl toasts will certainly be drunk to him at press
clubs around the world as the news spreads
tightly íntesttous race of rouing
And he neuer forgot them. His memory for
faces, ¡l¿mes and indiuidunl choices of liquor goes back to the days of Far East ueterans like Tíll Durdin, Teddy White,
Pepper Martin, Harold Milks
and Hessell Tiltman. (Hessell died lo,st year, alns, as hc was returning by
Tokyo, with
waming duly
Dr Liao to keep him a window-table for
lunch when he stopped off in Hong Kong.) Dr Liao spent most of his early years in retreat through China from the inuading Japanese with his t'arnily and the foreign-deuil conespond,ents. He appli.ed'.for a job at, the first Foreign Conespondents' Ctub in Chunghing in Junn 1937, when hc was 19. This resídential club, he recalls, was a 24-room establishrnent, operateè, by thc.,'
by Richard
whom knew him.
ship frorn England
"Cardinal" Hughes gives
Information Seruice Na t ion¿li
of the then Chiang Kai-shek
G ou er nment.
Here he began to study English, to learn to cook and
to adjust to the curious drinkíng
of the
members, who were themselues adjusting to the curious local uersions of uodka and gin. DrinkinA sessions and
cultural exchanges at the bar were frequently intenupted by uninuited bombing plnnes, piloted by nnn-member Japanese.
After Pearl Harbour, the next address of
th.e Foreign
Correspondents' Club was ø large terraced Túdor-style mansion at Nanhing, opened by hesident Walter Logan (ttow Foreign News Editor of United press Interrntiotwl in New York) and Dr Liao. I quote Dr Logan:
Tlre Srnoother Mover lets yot-t en¡oy yc¡r¡t- trtcrvc!. We know fForn 32 yGtars of experience that mov¡ng doesnrt ttave Èol bc- a chaoÈ¡c bueinees. Wer'll come to yoL¡F horrre and give you a real¡€it¡c guotat¡on, and if you're aaÈ¡sf¡ed with tlrât we,ll expenÈly pack and Gìontâ¡netriBe ycrLrF poeeeeeions and insune Ètrem if you wistr. \ re'll provide door-Èo-door
you wiÈir experienced genvice...anywl-rere in ùhe world.
Call John Moorer at 5-7142J7 catctr h¡rn aÈ the Fcc... for that Bmootrìer t.l.tcrve.
"We acquired a huge refrigerator from the IJ.S. army and rnanaged by deuíous methods to wangle pX and commissary priuileges. Dr Liøo collected an ample Chinese staff after I lød specified that tnne be able to speak English, which would giue us studíous correspon_ dents a chnrce to irnproue our Chinese. I am afraid tlwt within ø few weeks aU thp staff spoke English a¡td none of the Americatæ leamed any Chinese except ,,ting_
Thc Liao-Logan setup ølso purclnsed three jeeps for
thc club from the Army motor pool at
US6I50 each and th.en - to the aduantage of the club,s funds, but in circumstatæes which might today interest Hong Kong's ICAC - sold otæ to Harold Mítks (Ap) for US$1,000 and atnth.er to Tíme and Life representatiues for US$ 1 ,500.
Dr Logan also recalls sltyly tlnt, when he euentunlþ a small hnuse of his own,,,I moued, of course, thn refrigerator, which was in my rurme. I will neuer moued to
forget thc sorrowful laoh. on Dr Liao's face as he waued goodbye to the refrigerøtor. I don't túnk he euer forgave me for takíng the refrigerator, although I did leaue the commissary and
PX priuileges behind.,,
(Conti¡utedonpage 11)
The 18th And Other Stories
The long-awaited 18th floor is woodwork and soft ouerhead lightfimlly in full swing complete wíth mg. air cons, dice tables, a bar, TV, For gourrnets, thc 15th is retaincold søndwichcs, a library/reading ing its euer-popular Steak and Salnd, room attd thnt trusty old marriage Bar but rnw the regular meru.¿ is urecker, a pool table (I'll be a little also øuailoble. And speøking of late tonight, deor). The phoræ rutm- rnenus, by August the club will hnue ber,ladies,is 264817 a neu a In cørte and srøck rneru,¿. The 18th hns proued a populnr The a la carte offerirqs will be uøtering hole for møny of the club reduced in size but they will be regulars, who gather seueral times rotated euery th¡ee months to ø ueek to relíeue each other of prouide neu selections. Howeuer, The addition of the 15th
designers will give you on-the-spot suggestions on colours, wall-paper-
ing and furnishing. And we'll do our utmost to meet your budget, Call. '¿ or write fo¡ mo¡e information.
of Hong Kong's best self-
proclairned pool sharks can be found at the table and it's greøt fun to watch or join in. Starting around
7 pm or so, the table euen løs its own one-n7a,n pearu¿t gallery in the person of ex-prez Bert Okuley. Euery time you míss, he can teLl you exactþ what you did wrong. He can't shnw
DESIGNS Far East Exchange Bldg, Cental. 5-260t04-7
you. But he can tell you.
HughVon Es
pool cues. Pbyers get angry at the¡nselues or plnyful with their opponcnts and bust hell out of the cue sticks. The sticks are beøuts, imported from Taiwøn, and they are eÍpensiue. To møke for less destruction, the board, ís considering selling cues to mernbers. The sticks will be kept locked up in a rack and the own¿rs will be íssued keys to get them out. There will be some spøres readiþ auailnble but at least the auid players
ing, lighting, airconditioning and
If you're refurnishing, our trained
bouts of eight-
Like any successful unlertaking tlwugh, the 18th has its problems. In this case it's flagrant abuse of the
If you're moving Your office, or refurnishing, call Avant Ga¡de. If your office is a new one, we'll discuss your needs, and layout and plan the design, carpeting, furnishanyone else in town.
bøIl and yantze.
to meet yout budget
everything else. . . better than
hnrseshoes bar hns worþed maruels in chnnging "squatting" Patterß
lwrd-earned cash
old fauorites such ¿s hnmburger and spare ribs will alwøys be auailable.
The board is toying with the idea of hiring a piana plnyer to entertøin 15th floor ditærs on week nights. That would add a tou.ch of class to what is ølready a first-rate operation. Now for the bad n¿ws: the 15th is closed on Sundays. No booze, no
Repulse Bay
chnnged for the better on the 14th floor, too. The kitchen hns alreødy
been erùnrged ønd nnw there's the added boruts of new carpets and curtains and berrch seatíng alorq the uindows.
Orc of the best ncLu features on the 14th, though, is the addítion of pretty and charming Miss May Lee,
Hotel, 5-923f 14
ch"tb receptionist. From 9.30
transfer of the club office. Club Stewørd Liz Eckersley, assistont
am to 5.30 pm weekdays and half a day (off at 1 pm) Søturdoys, May takes table bookings and hanìIes
secretary Grace Chnn, Club Mannger
Atøther chnrqe on the 15th is the
Club Brightener: May Lee
UnlorLunately "Ace" Oak uas absent
for the pro-
- rct
so Coach
will haue their own cues intøct.
stories down, there løue
been radical
but tasteful
made on the 15th flnor. We tww h¿ue a modern lnrseshne bar a¡ld there are 94 seats øuaibble for diners. Everything is rwu, from th'e carpet-
ing, drapes a¡ld chairs to decorøtiue-
Ho and
marurger Danny Leung lwue moued øcross the hnll to lnrger quarters. They can well use thc added space,
what with an irweøsíng work load ín a club that ís constantþ growing ín both scooe and membershio.
Last bút
teast, ttuñqs haue
BAR CHATTEN MYSTERY MONEY Help! The club has a possible
Ready Those CuPs and thnt Chnlk
Club Steward Liz Eckersley snxashextra
$100 in its coffers, but it's all potential The office has a non-personalized check for
Lest you agree with those cusotio¡t-s
that the FCC membership
is too lethargic to take part in any chnmpíonship thnt doesn't inuolue alcohol or sex, Titn Street - chairman of the Entertainment Com-
$100, made out to the FCC, bearing
lt's a Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp check, dated
illegible signature
May 10, 197?, number 863793001. We'd appreciate it if the autho¡ would come forth and identify him/herseìf so we can clea¡ tbe bæks Thanks.
mittee's Sports Sub-Committee hereby annnut'rces the Seconl FCC Yantze Tournament, to take plnce
proctice. Anyone who needs special
next month.
Sign-up tntices will be placed on all floors of the club soon. Let's see
we can get more thnn the 29 who signed up for the first tournament Iast year. Yantze plnyers wíll recall that mild-mannered John Diggins
walked away
with the
Later this year, the club will host the First Arvunl FCC Pool Chnnpionship. Chalk your cues, you'ue still got a couplef three months to
instruction should uisit the 18th bef ore rwon euery weekday and take lessons from the waiters, who hold daiþ tourneys. They charge
you want to hnng around long ennugh to watch the show, the ex-
prez may be obserued fiue or six times a day reoealing to anyone stupid enough to ask the bruises accompanying his broken left arm. He'lI euen shoø you his x-rays, which he just happens to haue on alL
the wheel."
The inuitation on the 14th floor bulletin board reads: "Peggy Herùy and Graham Whiteley request the pleasure of the company of euerybody and Bert." The occasion: Super cop's engagement party at a place called Arunlel, , England. Whiteley told how it went in a recent letter:
"Engagement party ,for
a nominnl fee for lessor¿s.
him at
ed her sister-in-lau's yellow Volks into a uall at the bottom of the driueway after leauing a wet session at the home of Ian and Lynræ Wilson. Asked how it hnppened, Liz just shrugged: "I forgot to turn
90, ring
bloody fortune' and I arriued haLf an hour later for ûhe
festiuities. Nice speech by the mayor with one mirør disaste, -, he was
lnmenting the fact that ,l rcne of my Hong Kong friends were present
ond I
remarked rather too loudly that he shauld count his blessings."
There is a common opinion that all oins are the same. lr may be true of some. But not of Gordons. For the way we use juniper. corlander and other botanical ingredients in ourdistilling recipe. makes subtle differences to the taste of our gin. The actualdetails are of course a secret. But the results are not. Gordon's is the best selling gin in the world. Need we say more?
The in drink for generations
'ñ',\ l¡ 6
CLUB AFru./ftS
Tony Paul Heads New Club Leadership Introducing your neu FCC board directors, headed by President
other opportunities for fresh storts.
look forward to deuoting a Large part of my tinte ouer the next 12 months to these endeauours, and I
Tony Paul.
Technically, outgoing President Bert Okuley turned the gauel ouer to Tony at the May 31 Annunl General Meeting. But Tony uas out of town, along with our two new Vice Presidents Fronk Beatty and
hope as many members os possiòle
will lend a hnnd to the
We also haue new bLood on the
uarious club committees,
form the real backbone of the FCC's
In their absence the gaueL went to Don Wise, who offered assurances thnt the int:oming board would striue to do its best for all members
in particular and the club as a whole. But our new leaders are all back home nau and the board operation is in full swing. Herewith your 1977178lineup:
President: Torry Paul, Reader's Digest
lst Vice President: Frank Beatty,
WI 2nd Vice President: Keith Jackson, South Chírw Morning Post Secretary: Donald Wise Treasurer : Derek Dauies C orre sp ondent Board Memb er s
Dotnld Wise, Far Eastern
tnmic Reuiew Tiziarw Terzani, Der Spiegel Mikio Momiyama, NHK tnrnic Reuiew News
Barry Kalb, CBS
Hugh Van Es, freelanr:e photographer
Jourrwlist Board, Member
Mary Craig, South Chitn Morning Post Associate Board Members Bill Stubbs, US Consulnte Sam Weller, SITA Tony Scott,ICAC
uisitors Just osk any of the uaíters or at the bor Dark purple case with irecribed FCC crest. Onty $35
graphy auailable in his posthumous book published by Life Magazine, Compdssiomte
heads up the Membership Committee.
Sam Weller gauels the Enti:rtain-
nent and Films Committed inø sess¿on.
today. A last-minute assignment from my New Yorh edítors will haue me in Isrøel as you hear this.
looks lihe a blue-ribbon ' year the club with the aboue.-rnmed for
haue to go on to New York.
Correspondent wishes them good luck and God's speed.
return to Hong Kong uia
and Tokyo by obout June 26. "One of the matters I'll be arrang-
ing in New York uill be an understanding uith rny editors that, in uiew of my election as Club President, I be able to spend more time
I'd like to put on record my appreciation for the efforts ouer "Today,
talent running the show.
lnterior Design ond
Controcting SETViCE
candidate for president. Hts seruices on the FCC House Committee hnue been Inrgeþ responsible for the fíne neLl surroundings we are nou enjoying. I hope sirrcerely thot Jim will continue to work for the club and wíll accept the first uacancy øuailnble
Photographer Ash. at the CIub office for your copy BooÞ ís solidly cased and. hnlf oÍ the photographs ore color. $45 to FCC members.
Use this øduertising space for your reeds anà soles Per column iruh ody $35. Contact Nida Cranbourne, telephnre 5-248842 or leaue your ad copy ot the CIub offíce on the
CIARIDGE HCUSE now offers o complete
the past year of Jim MiILer, the other
"The rennuation ani the signing of the new lease present the club, already fun to belong to, with rnanY
Neu design CIub líghters rcw auailable members and. an ideal gift for
of Inrry Burrows' brilliant
President Tony Paul
Despite his absence from the AGM, the new prez penned a letter that Wise read to the assernblage. To wít: "I regret that I can't be with You
on the board of gouernors.
A must for
ouer the House Committee.
Professional Committee is chnired by Tiziano Terzani and Bill StuÖös
in Hong Kong.
Derek Dauies, Far Eastern Eco-
Rich.ard Kwan, Central
Derek Dauies heads the Finnnte Don Wise reigns
Committee, uhile
We soeciolise in Commerciolond Residentiolwork
We willsolve vour oroblems wÛh¡n
yorrbudgel Tolktoour expertstoff ot
CLAIIIDGC HCUSC ru l2c Srncere lnsuronce Bldq
4-ó Hennesy Rd Hong
lSthfloor 7
The price is compacttool lf you prefer a more personal control over your photoggp¡y Canon has a truly superb SLR camera just for yoú.
You'll get a perfect exposure every time. And with only two needles and tw-o index marks, the viewf inder offers a completely unobstructed view of your subject. rhe new canon âi9,'Åå*S:lilJJ,i? simplicity in modern SLR photography, but The AT-1 is also equipped with a short-throw r greater speed and accuracy than evei béfore. 1200 f ilm advance lever with a 3Oo stand-off position that enables rapid yet smooth f ilm advance, excellent for action photography. What's more, with the AT-1, you can use the f ull rlnge of Canon high-quality FD lenses plus the Canon Power Winder A for automatic fiim-winding, and Canon 155A Electronic Flash for You can always rely on the AT_-l's automatic f lash photography. For real involvement in creative photography, choose Canon AT-1. Just rook in the u¡u*t¡n"J5,.oå;åi lL% two needles located on the right. It's your world. Take it, with Canon.
Canon World-Wide Warranty Card obtainable at time of purchase is onlv available at Authorized Canon Dealers.
The Legends Grow and the Eyes Moisten . . . by Robert Miller were fat of belly, sparse of l:ø,ir, a bit gitnpy in the limbs, but nnught ailed the tnemories and tongues
of 81 forrner Korean War correspondents who returned to Seoul
for the dedícation of a
reporters killed in the war. Thqt came from Japan, from Australiø, Hong Kong, Frarrce, New Zealand, Colotnbia, Tltrkey, Greece, England and America to unueil the 30 foot high statue øt
Munsøn hornring the 17 foreigners and one Korean correspondent killed in the three years of the Rorean War.
Their reunions were alwøys loud, often accompanied
The visil lo Korea v,as also a lime lo renew aeguizintances.
Listed below are the 18 correspondents whose deaths
by rotørian entbracios, sometirnes a moistened, eye and
gaue th.e press corps the highest casunlty rate in the war.'
began with the merciful lie thnt rwbody looked older tløn he did 27 years øgo.
the scared, helpless
The mo¡u.rment is uithin ørtillery range of the Nlrth Korean front línes, and in the trees behind the nþru.trnent is a nest of raucous magpies which many of th/
war, the panicked troops - Amerícan and South Korean - the shnmeful retreat to the Pusøn perirneter, the brilliantly executed landing at Inthnn, the capture of the North Korean capital of Hongyang, the retreat from the Valu, the American counter offensiue, the peace talks at Kaesong and Panmunjom,
reporters felt most symbolic of their prof essíon. Thq hÆd trouble remembering the nanies of jnb,ny of their fellow reporters and connectirg the expanded girths, shiny heads and decrepit underpins with the dashing, hard driuing, romantic souls who gaue the world th.e words and pictutes of the Korean War from
Whnt stories they
refugees fleeing the
Switch, Big Switch and euenhnlly peace.
(Continued on page 10)
The war stories lost nathing in the retelling. In fact thcy grew in dimension and excitement with repeated uersions, especiølþ when the returning correspondents were beíng interuieued by the Koreøn press.
The expensiuely suíted returning journalists looked more like bankers and successful executiues - which møny of them were - than lean and tough reporters liuing from erpense account to expense account. There were occasiottal slu.tdders of sympathy durirq the reunions as sotne of the reporters nnted the røuages
urcught or! sorne of thcir brethem, simullittle they tlad
taneousþ preening thernselues on how
clwnged in the past quaûer of a century.
Thc highlight of the ueek's uisit uas the dedication
Wedncsday of the S}-foot high copper and. granite moru.unent unueiled at Munsan, just across the tracks from the old Pusan-to-Paris railroad where seueral of the dead and rnost of the reporters present had tiued in the parked pullman cars that serued as home and the press
The olíue green memorial depicts a quill and scroll of teletype paper upon which is inscribed, in raised letters 'Mo¡utment to War Correspondents Killed in the Korean War.' Bob Miller is one of the veterans of Asian wars having covered Wo¡ld War II, the Korean War, the Viet Nam Conflict and the fighting in Cambodia. In 19?0 he was captured wbile covering the Cambodian front but miraculously was released within hours. He continues to cover the Pacific as UPI Bu¡eau Manager in Honolulu.
Printing House, Ground Floor 6 Duddell St. Hong Kong
Tel: 5-227335
MEMBERSHIP NEWS' The club threw a joint farewell bash
August 5 ........ "Friday Night in London Town" August ....,...,. Yantze Tournament September .,.... South Pacific Luøu October ,..,,...., "Happy Days" Night Nouember ,..... Thanksgiuing Specials December ...,,, C hildr en' s C hr i stma s Party
for the
Bennetts and Roy Rowans June 29. ABC's Bentætt and Time Mag's Rowan retuntcd Stateside after long stints
Asia. You could call thern old Asia hnnds, but
Christmas/New Year Merut Specíals
don't krnw if that's good or bad. Two other stalwarts whn tw Longer grace these shores are Leon Daniel of WI and super cop Graharn Whiteley.
New Year's Eue Party
(Continued f¡om Page 9)
the frying pan heat of Pusan to the frozen hell can be quick frozen- of Hungnam.
all return
Afterward, they would
- if
home, sorne to
highly paid executiue jobs, others to the retiretnent they rnw enjoy, some to jobs far different thnn the chores of journnlisrn thnt brought them here.
far richer thnn they atiued, with a uar stories, bigger and, better lies, and a new supply of They returned
trernendous appreciation t'or the neu Korea and íts people.
Some left with the criticism tlwt the memorial to their dead was built at the wrong place ønd too lirnited
in scope. It was suggested that rnaybe the monutnent to the dead war correspondents - the only memorial euer buíIt to journalism's casualties in any war - should
haue been placed at the entrance to the United Nations buildirq, and d.edicated to all correspondents whn couered not orþ Korea, but the rest of the world's wars as well.
is at work as WI
European News Editor in
Brussels and Graham isn't working at all somewhere in Englnnd. Recent additions to the club membership irrcIude Paul Majendie and Hugh Peyman of Reuters; PauL and Peggy Steinle and Rosemary Byrnes of The Asian Wall Street
Journal; and Bruce A. Kohn of the New Zealnnd Press Association. Majendie is taking ouer the Reuters bureau chief task, replncing Alan Thomøs. The Steinles remembered for his work with Westinghouse Broadcostirq in the early 1970's when he ct¡uered'Asia from Hong Kong, roaming with his microphoræ frorn India to Indo-Chítw and China. Peggy established'a reputation as o freelnrrce TV and magazine corresp,ondent. Together they produced a filrn documentafo on lifh in a Chinese cotntnltne, but Paul may be equnlly høwn for his brilliant description of how to rnake a banarø split, done during a particularly frustrating period (for jourrnlists) of the American POW erchartge from North Viet Nam.
will be
Suite 823 Star House
Tel: K-694108(4lines) Cables: TRALOVE Telex: &4994 LOVE HX
(Continued fron page 4)
The Foreign Correspondents' Club's next nToue Llas to
Slnnghoí, whpre
it took ouer the six top floors of
at one end of thc Buttd' ouerlooking consrìtte-gencral, and a brisk, British origínnt josttín4, 2|-minute walk to the Long Bar at Tltc
Broødwøy Mansion
Shanghni Club.
In the floors below
were apartments
occupied òy U.S. air force officers.
plenty of foreign booze and. plenty of foreign Dr Liao reports. (I re-uisited the old Broadway Mansion premises four years ago, but could discouer no euídente of the foreign newspapennen's intrusion in the top floors, which are now correctþ operatirq as Party offices an'd confereræe"There
dance music,"
- nnt a bar in sight.) Then came 1949 and. "liberatíon," an'd Dr Liao løuirq superuísed the despatch of the club's records ønl files to Hong Konl, departed disueetly uia Nanking, to pick up his family there, and to teneu) his connection uith the Foreígn Correspondents' Club un'der Dr Clyde Fanæworth, the first Hong Kong presíderú, ín December. There were fiue more local club rnoues, which Dr. Liao again effíciently superuised, ouer the next 18 years: from 15 Kotewall Road to the magnificent temple' palace ot 41-A ConÅuit Road (where Han Su-yin's "Loue Is o Marry-Splendoured Thing" was filmed), to tlw rooms
penthouse roof of thc Li Po Chin Buildín+ on tlæ waterfront, to the top floor of th¿ Hilton, an'd in 1967 to its recentþ expanded home in Sutherlnnd House.
After those four memorable decades of faithful anÅ hazørdous seruice, chnnging co¡tÅitions and addresses, all present members will agree, Dr Liao maintained his untlørrying urbanity, tact, smiling anl close attention to
Arld - more decorously - tfrom the Gouernnr, Sir Murray MacLehose, a persorøl messøge read øt the farewell diwwr: "Persornlly, I would like to tlønh you for my many excellent drittks ot the Foreign Conespondents' Club . . . Otúy when Dr Liao counts up his hanows ønd tríbutes will he farcy himself an old man - and on that point he will still be wrong, although the
honours will always be correct and deserued." (My grateful øcknowledgernent to retiring Club President Bert Okuley for the historical background.)
rrcuer læard him say a bad, word about aryone. I neuer knew him disclose arty remarks made by anyon¿ or any group in club corwersotion. A¡td hc always lwd anxious and sympathetic - but neuer irúrusiue - conrern for arry members wha sometimes forgot thc effect of excessiue alcolwlic intake. He himself is of course a
temperate drinker off duty branly in thc winter. Now Dr Li¿o løs gotw to
in the
to the Jubilee Year on Friday, August 5, uhen Worthington E and Bass Draúght will flow until it runs out (Courtew of British Airways). The buffet "tucker-box," wíll of course be in Ye.Olde English style, with such fauorites os rocsú, beef''o6 Yorkshire pudding, fish ønd chips (in o newspafsr, of course!) bangers and, Mash, and Tleacle Tart. for tlæ
FCC's contribution
nan-beer drit*,ers, gins, whiskies anÅ stouts wílltbe l; ' offered at discounts during the Happy How. I Music for the night is by the "Purple Tooth" discotheque. The cost . . . . . anunbelieuably low $40 a head. First come, first serued, so watch out for a maíler, and make your reseruations as soon as the list is opencd.
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his son wlø is operating
Houston, Texas. Another son, married, liues and works in Tientsin, whom h¿ and his wife hst saw with their daughterin-law and granddaughter in Canton in 196õ. He promises to make retwn uisits. Eueryone lwpes so. To clnse with two øppropriate tibutes. A cable from Dr Anwld Dibble (¡tnw WI chìef in Mirneapolis): prospercus Chincse restøurarú
"Congrøtulations upon yow forty years of putting up wíth members of thc Foreign Corresponderús' Club. Your unføilirg cowtesies and kindness to us all shotid luue made better people out of us thnn you did. But ít wasn't for yotr bch of trying. I lnue been priuileged to k¡ww you for about 25 years, but sotnehow my liueÌ
ananged by th.e new Entertainnent Connxittee under th.e Chnirmanship of Sarn Weller. Come an'd joín the
treated my family."
Courtesy of the Hong Kong Tattler
A Jubilee Shindie "Friday Night in London Town" is the first
all personnl details.
"I alwoys considered th¿ club an'd the members as o famíþ," h¿ saíd at his crowded farewell dintær. "The club was my hame and I treated the members like I
f eels it kræw you lorqer."
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vision lo keep in contact with their interna tional offices The most d¡stant office is now only a telephone number away. Etficient cofrìmunication has made Hong Kong one of the world's largest business centres and nucleus of the East. The Cable and Wireless Group of Companies know eff¡cient communication means effic¡ent business, thaf s what Cable and Wireless is all about.
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