The Correspondent, No.6 1980

Page 1

ign Correspondenls' Club ol Hong Kong




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For the second time in three years, Andy Sloan walked off with the F.C.C. pool championship. Cover photo by Hugh Van


The Officers:

President: First

Donald Wise



Michael Keats

Second Vice



ames Viney

The Staff:


Michael Westlake Bert Okuley Photographerr Hugh Van Es


AdvertisÌng: NidaCranbourne


Bessie Lee Pui-ling

n ublished monthlv at an |, org.n of the Foråign Correspondents' Club of Hong

Kong. Offices at 15th Floor, Sutherland House, 3 Chater

Road, Hong Kong. Tel:


237734 and 5.233003.

Cables: CORCLUB HONG KONG. Address all correspondence to: Editor, Foreign Correspondents' Club of

Hong Kong, 1sth Floor, 3 Chater




Andy Sloan ponders Gordon Fleming os Fleming ponders his next shot in fÌnol.

Sutherland House,

Road, Hong Kong. Adver-

tising: Nida Cranbourne. Fir¡t Floor, 30 lce House St., Hong Kong. Tel: 5-248482.

Printed by Yee Tin Tong Printing Press, Ltd., South Clrina Morning Post Building 4th Floor, Tong Chong Street,

Oua¡ry Bay, Hong Tel:5-620161.


Andy Sloan took the


F. C. C. pool championship for the second time in three years, winning the final match against Gordon Fleming, who started the tournament at 3-1 odds. Semi-finalists, in additon to

Sloan and Fleming, were

pretourney favorite Dave Gilhooly and

Tony Ralf.

Quarter-finalists included Bruce Maxwell, Dr. Peter Miles, Malcolm Surry and Vernon Yates.

This year's tourney drew 30 contestants, most of them habitues

of the 18th floor, which


packed with hushed onlookers for the Sloan-Fleming final.



\s (ond women) The bleachers were Packed with sPortsmen Sloan-Fleming match,





DETROIT Of the two conventions held here in midJuly, the RePublican one was

governors or big contributors to the


much that it

smaller, less extravagant and


The big convention was the media convention. The big stars

TV news correspondents. The influential celebrities were newspaper columnists, not RePublican



party. Sometimes those covering the

political story dominated




was embarrassing.

coriesPondent Dan

Rather, for examPle, lived for the duration of the convention in a six-bedroom, English Tudor mansion with a heated Pool, a maid,

a cook



garCner. CBS Paid

US$7,000 to rent it, with the helP, for a month. By contrast, William Timmons - aide to Ronald Reagan, a powerful RePublican and an in-

fluential Washington lobbyist, slept on a sofa bed at the Reagan headquarters in the Detroit Plaza Hotel' The total number of licensed-

for-hire limousines in this city is 21 . All were leased by TV networks at the rate of $24 an hour each. On convention SaturdaY, between 9 a,m. and 6:30 p.m., Edgar M. Robbins, driver for ABC

identifiable by the badges and Secret Service clearances hanging from chains around their necks.

anchor Frank Reynolds, had borne him a total of five blocks from his hotel to the convention center.

the corridors of the Pentagon.



call to do what

at his beck and he asks for," said

Robbins, 66, pacing within earshot

of the CB radio that would com-

These necklaces

tion had the

of identifica-

same meaning


uniforms and campaign ribbons in

Detroit-based Stroh's


as 25 miles north to find them. A week before the convention, CBS board chairman William Paley made a reservation



salivating reporters, ran

There were also grander free treats: media parties thrown bY hotels, by news organizations and by the city of Detroit made it

Hotel, a block from the convention

almost unnecessary for rePorters to carry money. As for the TV networks, they fed their legions commissary-style for the duration

hall. Paley also asked for, and got

of the proceedings.

for a suite at the Pontchartrain in an accommodations-tight an adjacent room


With the political


conventioneering was intense. Red eyes in the morning were common.


fiscal burdens. Print and TV news Personnel

15,000, nearly four times




Credit cards seemed



mix badly. Print rePorters think it preposterous that NBC would spend a reported US$40,000 for caricatures of its news stars bY cartoonist Le Hirshfeld. TV Per-

tending, spent between $30

sonnel think


Said one cynical reporter from Detroit: "lt's a great time to sit around, eat free food, drink free drinks, and think about how important you are." There was much

of that. By press credential No.




Those who work

that great, "but you can't be too touch on them because they'll turn out to be your boss's boss's children."


(Frank Greve is a correspondent for the Miami Herald)




mechanical rabbits.

So far as is known, only one Charles

Bartlett, decided there was no story here and left town. The rest marched about self-importantly,




journalists suspect that newspapers are growing irrelevant fast. These

that matter with the doggedness chasing



consider themselves underpaid and nearly intellectual. Electronic

basic animosities

journalist, columnist


the technical challenge of a

12,184 had been issued there was still only one story in town: whom Ronald Reagan would pick as his running mate. Reporters pursued

racetrack greyhounds

performance sometimes wasn't all

print reporters are overwhelmed by

$40 million covering it.


An ABC executive with some

"neps" working for him said their


and alternates. The Republicans laid out US$4.4 million for their affair. The three TV networks alone, not to mention the more than 400 print organizations at-

the time

the famous people and things."


the media dominated the convention story. lts legions swelled to number

to get it for you, basically."

minimally distracting, the media

for his valet.

It is hard to overstate


resumes and everything, being with

limit on

course of the convention.

to go as far

head peoples' kids," she said. "Your father or your mother


disposal. ABC News alone had 370. delegates sought rooms months ago, theY had

producer, explained how it vvorks: "The only people who can do it are like the

It's not hard work, it pays $4 to $5 an hour, she continued, "and it looks great for college

The Reagan campaign organization had 20 rental cars at its When convention

Liz'Gorin, 16, whose father

is a "60 Minutes"

pumped about 2O kegs of free suds daily into reporters. A local pizza parlor called Buddy's, even after

through a ton of mozzarella, 4OO pounds of pepperoni and 500 pounds of mushrooms during the

mand him.

phone answerers.



produce no friends.

The media convention was self-centered and quite self-satisfied,

to the point of cutishness. Nowhere was this more evident than among a strange grouP of "the neps" at ABC and "the nepots" at NBC, These were the children of network people called

brass temporarily emPloYed bY the


as go-fers,

pages and

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Second Honeymoon ln Ho Chยก Mยกnh City By PAUL VOGLE



HO CHI MINH CITY - After five years of separation, UPI correspondent Paul Vogle and his wife Kim Chi are reunited in Vietnom.

HO CHI MIHN CITY, Vietnam. - Newspeople caught up in international bureaucracy and mistakes of their own making often find that even in affairs of the heart the so-called power of the press is extremely limited. So my wife, Kim Chi, pointed out when I met her here five years

after I was asked to leave the country and she was told to stay.

The austerity of Ho

Mihn City hardly

for a 6





second honeymoon, but for

a couple and their children sepa- frustration because they did not rated for five years it might as wcll know how to get official reunions be paradise.




learned what it be speechless as we met

She and

unexpectedly across



where she sells coffee on a sidewalk in downtown Saigon, as the people here still refer to their city. Soa.p operas reflcct real life when they zoom in on a couPle who can only speak each others names. There must be thousands

of Amcricans who have givcn up


with their Vietnamese families. Our error began on April 30, 1 975, when in the confusion and

fear of the uncertain my wife destroyed our one claim to marriage - a document from an obscure parish in Saigon showing that the Catholic Church had sanctified our union. Five weeks later, when I was

asked by authorities to leave, I failed to claim in writing that she

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and our three children born since the '1967 marriage were indeed one family. A last-minute verbal appeal to authorities was rejected



machinery have long


since given


long time "lt's told me American one long," too dono had ground theY on the "There Bangkok' in recently the subject. on cumentation Thus began five Years of seemed no hope. I now have anwandering through a maze of other family and can onlY hoPe red tape that got us nowhere to forget the girl I left behind except my visit to Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam." "Call my wife a fiancee City and the Promise bY officials mY children bastards?" make that they would act on our request and "Never. I am commented. another from reliable to accept affadavits people in Vietnam who would a decent man," Obviously these men Prefer eventuallY testifY that theY knew be identified. not to us as a married couPle with three evidence in Ho Chi But children. very much alive Appeals filed in the meantime Minh City indicates their number is went astray somewhere between legion. Numerous women aPthe lnternational Red Cross, the proached me on the street during American connection and the Viet- my week-long visit here, some of been

them fondling tattered letters from

namese bureaucracY.

The uPshot is that I ProbablY

will have to call my wife go through a wedding ceremony after she is permitted to leave Vietnam and officiallY lose 13 years of marriage. Many other Americans who knew even less than I did about a fìancee,

the workings of government and

Fargo, North Dakota, Shamrock, Texas and Nome, Alaska among other American postmarks. The corresPondence dwindled into silence in 1976 and the letters

There is no doubt the Vietnamese government is anxious to

help expedite reunions of


such as Kim Chi and me. But, as one official moaned, "We have been accused of so manY perfidies, we strictly adhere to the law. From a humanitarian viewpoin! we are willing to grant the

necessary papers

for you


your wife to be united abroad immediately. At the same time, we insist on all legal formalities'"

The authorities d¡d


enough evidence and compassion to stretch the rules and let mY un-

official wife accompany me during

the daylight hours throughout


stay here.

The communist authorities also told the hotel discreetlY, "She may visit him in his room."

Not much, it might


but for a country vilifisd for inhumanity over the refugee boat people exodus and whose govern-

ment has offìcially denounced


the women sent to their menfolk after that might as well have been addressed to PurgatorY. TheY

for my reporting on the situation

are no longer answered.


here, the action shows that eithçr the government does indeed hav'e

or is simply anxious to get rid of the "foreign wives" albatross.

"lf your government accepts Kim Chi, we will give her an exit visa," a senior official told us in a sweaty waiting room at the Foreign Ministry in Saigon-Ho Chi Minh City.

"lf the Vietnamese grant her an exit visa, we will accePt her," said an official

at the


States Embassy in Bangkok.

But there is a solution

crown pacific profess¡onal household Packing conta¡ner¡zation.documentataon door-to-door serv ice'i nsu rance free estimates



the help can come from the outside.

It is for those Americans who still wish to be reunited in dubious cases to approach their immigration and naturalization service and ask what should be one. ln each case it may be different.

But it seems to work.

At least, after my second honeymoon, I am convinced it will work in my case. r (Paul Vogle covers lndochina for UPI and is based in Bangkok.)



ADUERTISING BATE CABD The Correspondent is a monthly organ issued by the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Hong Kong to ¡ts membership both in the Colony and around the world as well as to the world's major press clubs. Readership: The Correspondent is ¡ead by the region's top correspondents, most of whom are members oT the Club, as well as the Ciub's large Associate Membership of bankers, advertis¡ng and public relations praclitioners, diplomats and company executives. This is one of the prestige audiences of the Far East, representing communicators'and decision+nakers who have great influence on regional affairs. They travel extens¡vely and are generally ¡n the top income brackets. Apart from their financial power at corporate level, they have considerable purchas¡ng power for their personal requ¡rements.

Advertising Ratss: Reductions in rales are available


add¡1¡onal frequency.


larger insertions and

Any chanç in rates will be notified three months in



TOTAL $ 4oo 800 $1,400

1/6 page 1/3 pæe


213 page Full page


Centre double page (colourl Back cover (colour) Backfiront inside cover (colour) R.o,p.4 colours %

b&w horizontal r.o.p.


$6poo $4,500 $3,500


Frequency Discounts: Three insert¡ons Six insenions Twelve insertions

5% 7Y.% 1Ùo/o

Technical Mattors: Page s¡ze is 10% by 7% inches. The outs¡de back cover and contents spread may use one extra colour. Full colour is available but at extra cost. Ad layoul and design will be the responsibility of the advertiser. Printing is by offset on woodfree (uncoatedl paper of 80 gsm stock. There is no charge for location of ads within the publication. Prices are subject to normal ad agency discount ol 15o/o, No ads are acceptd for the front cover, Further inquiries may be made bV wr¡t¡ng directly to: The Correspondent Foreign Correspondents' Club

1sth Fl. Sutherland House 3 Chater Rd. Hong Kong

or by telephoning 5-237734 during busines hours. Terms: Advertising will be billed upon publication and accounts are to be settled by the 1Oth of the month following. Want Ads: Advertisements from members on personal items may be listed in a Want Ad column. The rate is $50 per 12em column inch with a minimum one inch ad accepted. Deadline: Deadline for ad copy



the lOth of the month pr¡ortopublication.

Getting to Kwaniu By IAN WILSON


you're ever in South Korea and in a small town looking around

for a place to stay and You haPPen to run into Marvin Farkas in the main square and he tells You about a wonderful little place he's iust

the rooms are terrific and offers to show You where it is, then do so at Your own discovered where


Actually, iT was a nice little place. The only problem was that it was located in the town of Kwanju, which had iust been taken over by anti-government militants. The hotel happened to be directlY

in back of

rebel headquarters and directly in the line of fire of both the rebels and the army. A number of F.C.C. stalwarts were 10

presen! and




at Marvin's hotel-fools

that we were.

For a few daYs things


fairly peaceful and the townspeople spent most of their time milling about the main square in front of rebel headquarters listening to the endless speeches that these kinds of events seem to Produce. The militarY meanwhile kePt outside the city, but blocked all roads in and out with tanks, barbed wire and machine gun emPlacements.

The rain seemed endless


while an whistled overhead, nothing


occasional Phantom iet

matic seemed in the works. One evening, having decided nothing was going to haPPen, we went in search of a fine rePast.

Robin Moyer (on assignment for Time magazine) joined CBS' Derek Williams and Peter Collins and the Gilman brothers, Carl and Bill, from C85 Los Angeles and mYself in a small native restaurant located between the Farkas hotel and rebel headquarters. Soon Jim Laurie and his ABC crew arrived, as did several wire service scribes.

We had a delightful meal bY two very charming


Korean ladies and later, back in the

hotel, decided to have a nightcaP.

We repaired to Moyer's room. (He had been there the longest and had grabbed the best room.) The scotch ran out about midnight. The party having come to a

halt, I returned to mY room and was trying to get to sleeP when a

sound truck opened up with wails and sobs exhorting the citizens of


to join the struggle and

support the dissidents. Soon came afrantic knocking on doors in the hotel, a student rebel informing the correspondents that "the army is coming, they're coming now."


as the shooting grew


quiet-except when the wailing van passed.

room just next door.


The town was in total I moved the CBS camera gear into my room since his was in the line of fire. It st¿rted precisely at 2'.10 a.m. A few random shots, then a darkness. Williams and


just cower under my tatam i for awhile," came a voice out of the

As dawn finally broke, someone made the brilliant suggestion that we could get some marvelous film from the window of AP correspondent Terry Anderson's

For the next hour, all


hotel and we crouched on the floor below window level. "l think l'll

heavy burst of machine gun fire. The dissidents had antiquated M-1 rifles. Pop . . pop. Thump, as a concussion grenade went


The Gilman brothers burst through the door dragging their equipment. My room was becoming popular.

The firing


getting much closer to the




We started to move


three pale and shaky photographers appeared in the hall and announced they had been serenaded with a

burst of M16 fire which blew out their window and half a wall. We adjourned to the corridor so there were two walls between us and the street instead of one. HueY and Cobra gunships were unmistakably overhead and the rumble of tanks could be heard in the street outside. Suddenly, the shooting stop-

ped. The battle was over.

ventured into the street, but a tense and twitchy Korean army patrol waved us back.

Mr. Marvin Farkas, the F.C.C.'s diplomatic correspondent, approached the squad leader, poked him in the chest with his finger and began a lecture which was centered on the rights of the press. The soldier had his M16 pointed directly Marvin and we all waited in horror for Mr. Farkas to be blown



But the soldier became distracted by one of his men and the squad moved off. By 7 a.m. we had managed to

film everything filmable and it


know this great little place

. . . " said Mr. Farkas.



BATII( E \BRICS RIAÍ^äätWF For home and office furnishing.

26 Wyndham St., G/F, Central, H.K. Tel: 5-22337A.


(lan Wilson has just transferred to CBC in London from Hong Kong.)


High quality genuine hand-made


time for breakfast.

Club auditor Bill Areson, who sends


a pretty hefty F.C.C.

bill every month, and the former Mary Crigan tied the knot recently.

Bill and Mary

are Pictured

with another member of


wedding, Ross Way, and with the

Chief Justice, Sir DenYs Roberts.

Meanwhile, Hugh Van Es looks amused as Bob Sanders ponders the speech he was to

deliver at the gala recePtion.

\ 5 o

o Ăž


Whafs Your Status?

Entrance Fees Hiked The Board of Governors has adopted its first By-law of its 1980-81 term, raising F. C. C. entrance fees.

Effective Oct. 1, the entrance fee for Correspondent and Journalist members will be $1,000. The entrance fee for Associate members will be raised to $2,000. The fee is payable in advance.

Are they Trying To Tell Us Something? The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong held its annual dinner at the F. C. C. recently.

Membership Review Discussions by the Board of Governors indicated that a number of Club members appear to hold a status - primarily Correspondent Member - which no longer is valid because of their present employment.

A motion was carried by the Board stating that "the Club asks the membership to consider their present status and advise the Club if this has changed since

satisfy the Board that their moin professionol duties are representing local news media. ASSOCIATE: Members who

in the opinion of the Board are fit and proper persons to admit to

Membership while not falling into Correspondent or Journalist




An article of the Constitution also states that "a Member shall notify the Board of any circumstance which may affect his membership classification whereupon the Board shall meet to decide whether such Member's classifica-

CORRESPONDENT: Members who satisfy the Board that


joining the Club."

According to the Constitution, membership classifications are

representing news medi4 the bulk of whose circulation is outside

tion of membership should be " lf you have any queries concerning your classification, please write to the Secretary,

Hong Kong.

C/O the F.C.C. office.

their moin professional duties



OURNALIST: Members who

Hong Kongis Tearaway TiPster Bob Sanders Takes The Honors








I a È




Bob Sonders, olios Coptain Midnight, is predicting continued success when racing resumes



Jimmy the CoPYboY (HotsPur) that he will not be traveling to Palace.


herebY serve notice on

ments you face

of the requirein writing Your

Bangkok Notes

reports. Each morning the FPC bulletion board shows significant


for press coverage. Telex terminals and Per-

events available

Absent CorresPondent Mem-

of the Voice of the Foreign Press

ber Jim Miller

Center facilities in Washington all thatanY visitor could ask'



forators are located in the program offices behind the FPC lounge.

They are available for corresPondents to punch and send language versions of their own coPY.

The FPC is located at 202 National Press Building, 14th and


Streets., N.W.



The phone number is724-1640. 14

American Club while I am awaY."

story." Correspondents working in the FPC have full access to wire service copy and VOA news service


Míller says that

"l intend to be making that journey mYself, leaving Mr' Larry Allen in charge of the

understands some


Ameiíca saYs

Las Vegas after the 1980-81 season, nor will his manager, Mr. Kevin Sinclair," Captain Midnight warned

the reigning toP NaPster.

The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand is considering an offer to establish its premises in the Oriental Plaza, having been

promised 120 square meters of space,

The FCCT Board is Polling

members on whether to accept the offer,which includes a monthlY rental of F20,000.

Correspondents' Reunion About 7O


who covered the Korean War, many


them old Hong Kong


attended a reunion in Washington, D.C., to mark the 30th anniversary of the start of the Korean ',police


With the


standing at attention, author J ames Michener and Pulitzer Prize Photographer Max Desfor laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at

Arlington National Cemetery in memory of 18 correspondents killed in the Korean conflict.

Others who attended

Bob Pierpoint, Tom Lambert, Phil Potter, Bob Hecox, Rud Poats, Russell Brines, George McArthur, Sam Summerlin, Roy Hansen, Peter

Kalischer, J im Robinson, Walt Simmons, Vic Kendrik, Frank )ordan, Howard Handleman, Don Dixon, Wilson Hall, Ray Steinberg Sidney White, Bob Schakne, Sandy

Socolow, Joe Fromm, Hank Hayward, Joe Alsop, Julian Hart, Lou

Cioffì, George Herman, and a host of others.


weekend gathering included Sam

Jaffe, Norman Williams,

George Sweers, J immy Wei, Fred Waters, Sandy Colton, Ed Hymoff,


Stone, Carl Mydans, Stan Swinton, Ernie Hoberechq Bud Merick,


you've been

in Asia as

long as Richard Hughes (Hong Kong), Keyes Beech (Bangkok) and Al Kaff (Hong Kong), you

Legal Notice Please let it be known th¿t Mr. Barry Came, world famous

globe-trotting foreign. correspondent, is hereby legally cleared of all claims for damages arising out of a ridiculous incident in which Mr. Derek Williams, Kiwi, deliberately and with malice aforethought inserted his foot under Mr. Came's right rear tire in front of the Hong Kong Club. ln return for a magnificent repast at the Godown political saloon and general store, Mr. Williams agrees to settle the claim. Mr. Came, on his part, agrees not to sue for damages to his aforesaid right rear tire.

would know all those people.

Reciprocal Rights The F. C. C. now has with the Press Club South Africa in J ohannesreciprocal rights


And, writes PCSA


'Committee Chairman


Strydom, "Our club offers facilities to people of all races."




located in the 25th floor, President

Holiday lnn, Plein Streel J ohannesbury.

Wanted (Urgently) The Club


I"et us do the lvotrying... is

looking for a good second-hand electríc sewing machine for linen and uniform repairs. lf you know of somebody who would like to donate one to the Club, please contact the manager.

Don't waste valuable time running all over Hong Kong to find a home, lease otfices, arrange appraisals, ôtc , etc. Jones Lang Wootton provides a professional real estate service and will do the running for you Expansion requirements or disposition of surplus property; project and development consultancy; management; agency:inveslment; finance; valuation and market feasib¡lity analysis

JonesLangMþoffion S¡J]@ vd$ lnt.mtd n{l 6úr S Fb, Súúhd HoE CÞE nd Conù.|, Hq Kq rc 5-23161 6-F@


905 Sutherland House, Châter Road, Hong Kong Tel: 5-259009, 5-231 051 Telex; 74247 JLW HX


The total expense for


person is about

H K$




lf you or any of

Your col-

from your office would like to participate in the above mentioned trip please contact Miss : Geng Yan (tel: 5-756633) of our leaques

Membership Committee Al Kaff reports that


membership now stands

at about


The Board of Governors saYs would like to see the active membership increase to about



So if you know anyone

in joining the F. C. C. but thinks membership is closed, tell them it isn't. interested

office before August 12' 1980'

Those who want to join the

trip will be requirement

to send us Your of the triP (units You


Dear S誰r,

I wish to register my objection to the recent Board's decision to hold regular cocktail parties for new members as guests of the F. C. C.

I am sure that the funds

could be employed to better

want to visit and Person You want to interview), so as we can helP to arrange the programs.

Community Chest or similar deserving charity would be a better usage

Sincerely yours

Yours faithfully,

of the

Clu b's funds.


Kevin Slattery


Membership No.2241

to the Editor


Dear Mr. Slattery,

Dear Sir,





Beijing has made


rangement to organize a triP to southwest China including Beijing,

Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming and

Lhasa (Tibet),


September this

year for foreign news Personnel in Hongkong. (only for foreigners

in Hong Kong). The triP specially arranged for correspondents and journalists to have residing


interviews and news-collecting activities for your Professional needs.


We hope the visit to Lhasa arise your interest to join

the journey. The schedule is as follows:

From September 11 to


(17 days), the trip will cover:

Hong Kong

n* r|to.'i!


B'ij i"s



ct' ongcby air

Associate and Journalist Mem-

bers enough is enough.

When will the F. C. C. stoP pandering to that small minoritY

of its members, those boring Correspondents? Notable onlY for their drinking stamina, their ability to sit on a bar stool for inordinate periods of time and their childish game - playing, those members merit little attention. Perhaps their wild imaginations, which have Produced countless China stories, deserve 4 line or so - but not entire issues of this magazine.

Who the hell cares whether

lay and Linda succeed in obtaining a flat in Peking or whether Scott decides if the discoverY of a few

young people dancing in Peking Cafe, is significant. Hell, I can tune




Hong Kong

of the Foreign



Your interest in the welfare of the Club indeed is

and future appreciated.


read your letter



regular meeting of the F. C. C. Board this morning, and we discussed the points you made.

The purpose


these recep-

tions for new members is to instill a feeling of friendship among new

and old members, and the Board hopes that enough old members attend to make these receptions a paying proposition.





certainly don't read the magazine for the quality of its photographs-

financially viable.

presumably taken bY a CorresPondent Member.

Yours sincerely,

Alec Taylor Associate Member



in to the Young and the Restless gossiP. And I

for that sort of

Sep. 21


for your

23rd letter objecting to the Board's decision to hold regular cocktail parties for new members as guests

Mr. Slattery, the Board agreed to review the financial results of receptions for new members to

chengdu ins ,,1] Finally a plea for suPPort' Sep. 19 The next meeting of K.C.M.F.l.P. Chengdu (Keeping Correspondent Members Lhasa (ribet) ,:|.^t;o firmly in place) will be announced bv air ^ bv air .. buangzon the club's Notice Board. Kunmlng

sep. 25

Thank you

With reference to the neglect

We have the Pleasure to inform you that Xinhua News


within the Clu b for the general benefit of members or emploYees. Failing that, a donation to the


ine whether theY

Albert E. Kaff Membership Chairman




o{ v1

{ I



Club members Roymond Chow and Andre Morgon of Golden Hqrvest are pictured ot on L. A. gotherยกng with film stor Roger Moore of Jomes Bond Fome.

H Deep

in discussion ot the I sth floor bqr ore Al Koff, Richard Hughes and John Rich,



s expression ot the farewell reception for Fred Moritz (t) of tne Christian Science Monitor, who has moved to Singapore, ond Humphrey Hudson of Reuters who hos returned to heod office in London.

F. C. C. President Donald

Wise weors

New Members Mr. V. Mounger, Classic Jewellers (Assoc) Ms. Simcha Haylock, Merban Asia Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. Larry Gurwin, lnstitutional lnvestor Magazine (Corr) Mr. Timothy Downes, P.R., British Forces HK (Assoc) Ms. HesterCha, Michael Stevenson Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. J. Bellhouse, McKenna & Co. (Assoc) Mr. J ames Mason,Associated Liquor Distributors(Assoc) Dr. Tse Tak Fu, (Assoc) Mr. L.K.Fish,Thr First National Bank of Bosion (Assoc) Mr. Kenneth Carr, HK Standard News-papers (Assoc) Mr. Eric Waha, The Associated Press (Corr) Ms. Jennifer Dotterer, lnterasia Publications (Assoc) Mr. Vincent Lo, Gallant Y. T. Ho & Co. (Assoc) Ms. M. Hochstrasser, The Regent Hotel, (Assoc) Mr. R. Lander Reuters (Corr) Mr. Michael Cavey, Trident lnt. Finance Ltd. (Assoc) Ms. Ruth Eliel, The Chase Manhattan Bank (Assoc) Mr. Michael Ross, China Light & Power (Assoc) Mr. J. M. )effrey, Hill & Knowlton Asia Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. Edmund Y. W. Wong Underwriters Bank (Overseas) (Assoc)

Mr. John Harada, Salomon Brothers (Assoc) Mr. K. B. Strehlo, Off Duty Publications (Corr) Ms. Helen Wong, Montpelier lnt'l Properties (Assoc) Mr. Clive R. Burton, Bis Software Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. James E. Thompson, Crown Pacific Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. K. J. Croll, Harbour EngineeringCo. Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. Hans G. Augustinson, L. M. Ericsson lnt. (Assoc) 18

a bemused

Mr. K. Shantilal, Shantilal Brothers (Assoc) Mr. William A. Wright Planning Services lnt. (Assoc) Mr. James Lunn, Cargo System (Holding) Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. Dexter Leong, CBS News (Corr) Mr. G. Cole Associated Mercantile Corp Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. J. Mangiacapra, Watsons'the Wine Merchants (Associate)

Mr. S. Ueno, All Nippon Airways Co. (Assoc) Mr. Michael Malik Reuters (Corr) Mr. Wilson C. S. Hung, Orient Overseas Container Line (Assoc)

Mr. Gary G. J ones, Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. M. Topliss, Reuters (Corr) Mr. J. R. Benn, Jon Benn Productions (Assoc) Mr. Leung Chun-ying, Jones Lang Wooten (Assoc) Mr. Peter Lee, Jones LangWooten (Assoc) Mr. MichaelChinoy, NBC News (Corr) Mr. A. E. (Bob) Taylor, British Caledonian (Assoc) Mr. C. Yow, Leo Burnett (Assoc) Ms. Rita Fung, Leo Burnett (Assoc) Mr. E. L. Earl, Time Magazine (Assoc) Mr. P. Mosley, Reuters (Corr) Mr. lan Hannah, Wallem Shipping (Assoc) Mr. M. Arai, J apan Broadcasting Corp. (Corr) Mr. Schattka, Dg Bank Deutsche (Assoc) Mr. J. Bishop, Hoare Govett Ltd. (Assoc) Mr. M. G. B. Jones, Royal Hongkong Jockey Clug (Assoc)

Mr. R. Goulstong, Charles Russell & Co. (Assoc)


br businesmen

There are deals to sign in Port Moresby, and fish to catch at Bensbach. Papua New Guinea offers businessmen a unique combination of thriving new markets and holiday adventures. Come in-to Air Niugini soon. We'll help you plan a business trip you'll never forget.

Port Moresby Capital city, gateway to Papua New Guinea, centre of administration. The biggest city in PNG.

Goroka Starting point for exploring the country and cultures of the spectacular Papua New Guinea Highlands.

Lae Second largest market in the country. Home of one of Papua New Guinea's most famous golf courses.

Bensbach Wild deer, pigs, wallabies, crocodiles, cassowaries, water birds. Creat fishing and hunting.

Rabaul Stacks of war relics to be seen in PNG's third largest city, which is set on a harbour overlooked by volcanoes.

Madang ldyllic Pacific holiday spot. Swim and dive in turquoise water. Eat, laze, canoe, shop for artifacts.



Announcing an SO-year calenclar watch,with a memory banl< that l<eeps you from forgetting important clates.

The New Seiko Multi-Mode LC Dl.{ital Qua rtz

Memory BankCalendaÏ

ln addition to a continuous display of hours, minutes, seconds, month, day and date, plus an instant 24-hour readout capability, the Memory Bank Calendar watch displays the full calendar for any month from January 1930 to December 2009 at the push of a button. The Memory Bank Calendar is engineered to remind you of dates too important to forgeL Simply pre-program the specific not-to-be-forgotten dates that will come up in the next 12 months. When the appropriate month is displayed the special dates on the calendar rI as h as * ap pea r a n d " ï l,'n" l.' ,i,T îäiS,:;i ìf, Ë: " i


ïr'r;i:i"";ff f

The Memory Bank Calendar is programmed for all28,30 and 31-day months as well as leap years through the year 2009. Seiko Quartz. Sâ


Someday all watches will be made this way,

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