The Correspondent, Octobrer 1985

Page 1

@Ílt [.stttßponùmt October 1985

Impressive debut for new video system but u,ith a narrower optimuln



In the dining room, a

100-inch conven-

tional flat screen is used as the ambient n system, purchased $54,000 (well under tem of equipment an

d concealed under a feet back from the screen.


can be adjusted to work with a con-



and heard by members who cannot be accommodated in the main venue. It would

Gary.Lin^g of Vßnews to screen their daily

satellite feed.


is planned that this material will be run

in the lounge area at the entrance to

Dean Martín and Sammy Davis Jr in a scene from Raymond Chow's Golden Harvest blockbuster "The eannonball new video equip.

Thursday, O'ctober red Burt Reynolds, Fawcett, Dom de ng,s own Jackie


main bar every evening between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. It will be ',raw," uncut and' un_

edited, and each segment of approximatelv 120 minutes will bã alternareà'rhroughoui the period. John and

will be with may be po newsreader' terested.

Davis' death an accident FORENSIC reports now make it clear that veteran NBC correspondent Neil Davis and sound technician Bill Latch were not deliberate targets, but more the victims of indiscriminate and ilt-disciplined shootfrom four rebel tanks outside Bangk_ok's lst Division radio station during the 9 September coup attempt.


Police investigators say they intend prosecuting troops found to have taken pait in the incident, which also claimed the Ives of a woman and two pro-government soldiers.




EVEN betbre the official publicarion of the Broadcasting Review Board, the Club's Prolcssional Committee was endeavourins to organise a Forum at which all major parÏ ties concerned could debate before a mèdia audience.

their involvement in the rebellion itsetf, all of them either captains, lieutenants or master-sergeants. Two of the officers are alleged to have ordered the tanks to fire. Davis and Latch were

of two telephone

booth the right oI the radio stari

tank gunners opcned up lrom the other side of the men stayed for sition, then too

n that polull in ihe

shooting to

h and join

Burns and of the two newsmen was bigger news than the coup itself in newspapeiãnd television coverage abroad and prompted an emotional statement from one ÑBC cxecutive that they had been murdered. Bangkok-based Visnews cameraman Gary Burns has still to be questioned over claims that he came under fire out of the direct line of the four M41 tanks as he dragged Davis' body away from the scene.

him. (This footage was shown at the memorial

dinner for Neil Davis at the Club in



Burns says he was awa¡e of machine-gun rounds whipping around him, and the fllm at one-point shou's a cannon shelt hitting a tree after passing over his head. Witnesles say one of the tanks swung its turret in his


Memorial fund contributions doubled THE Club has so far raised


$16,000 towards the Neil Davis/Bill Latch Memorial Fund from two evening showings of the documentary "Frontline"-and varìous contributions which are still coming in. At a recent Board meeting it was decided that the Board would match from Club funds whatever sum was raised. The money is being held present while the Foreign

Club of Thailand discussc the fund, which will prob seas training to a Thai or porter or cameraman,

date under review

run his

postbox and a roadside tree.



Then the tanks went into action again, firing their main cannon in addition to iheir turret-moullted .50 calibre machine guns. The fire was almost continuous and two shells exploded against a wall behind the two television creu,s. Davis was nearest to the point of impact and shrapnel tore into his leit side. causing massivé wounds and instant death. Shrapnel also shattered Latch's ankle and hit his back, but at that point. or more likely some time before, whai is believed to have been the head of a machinegun bullet ricocheted off the concrete and eñtered his right rib cage, causing a seven-inch laceration which bisecred his liver.

The 35-year-old American partly on film and pleading cease


have agreement in principle from chairman Mr Justice Powei and top representatives of TVB, ATV and RTHK to attend, but we have not yet been able to find a date suitable to all four. We hope to have something positive to report soon. as this is a sub ject of Ê,rcat professional as well as public ¡nterest: We are sure thlt media organisalions. above all, welcome an opporrùniry to engage i¡ public debate on matters affecting ihem.

We .board


fire, but

tanks resumed aimed at the s

a debate


the law-

yers themselves. debate - at the to_the press, the

that the be open s propo-


Seminar on libel and contempt THE Professional Committee has or-

ganised its

of nalists The withB

third seminar


ney-general, dealing


ocfober 24


with contempl

two lawyers, Juliãn Pope and'


Noel Campbell. rackling libel. Mike MacLachlan

o[ the Far EosÍern Economic Review



A full report of the seminar will be carried in next month's edition o1 The Coruespondent.

tenna some distance behind. Although Latch managed to crawl to safety, he diõd six hours later from internal bleeding.

Don't forget Shatin NOW that the racing season is into its stride, members have been sent a circular about facilities at both Happy Valley and Shatin.

The Club is keen to encourage members 87 - Loge which can take up to 26 punters. A season pass for the loge costs $200 per member or spouse and can be booked through the Club. Julia will be pleased to help if you are interested in attending.

to use the loge at Shatin

Since the Club has actually hired a loge we are keen to make it pay.

this time on the affects jour-

Moderator Mi ke MacLachl an

Song of the South Geffing into the swing No.þ.gdy siported n sotnbrero

ot serupe ot

bnndillero on 5th October, And most people wore suits tvhich were butÍoned-up ond dignified ond sober, lo.r comidas ntu¡, gronde de -the Anterica del Sud ¡Hon' .diffarent, nmigos. J¡'on ntcttt pi(s und Yorksltire pud!) Thet' overflowed the buffet on the Lnritt American Night

'":{ri und

stuff On the verandah were hallacas and mantelles and vaÍapas and corn-bread sopas,



calabaze (honey pumpkin, for all the gorgers and toþers

Who stuffed down the comida and sank Morgueritas during each course And (woultl 1'ou beliara, bnrdder'.,) rherc were beans like no Texan NCr saw and turkey with hot clrccolate sauce! But Hongkong ain't no red-blooded La¡ino or Chicqno society, So when it came to dancing the couples showed no sizzle but a deLicare sobriety, They wanted no congas or rumbas buÍ These You Hove Lovecl at only four ro the

Charlie Smith and John Lenaghan (in

cap) give their undivided atteñtion 'to David.Gilhooley as he plays a fairway iron shot during the recent Club mem-

bers' tour to Zuhai lnternational Golf Club Cran

part Char



Like selections from the Beatles and




For your diary

Fr,rnz Leltar,

No Gringo or Chino did a zapateado or went flying down to Rio,

Romantic enough, and beautifully danced, but lacking o cerÍain fuego"ancl

gusto and brio.

However, muchas gracias to Los Hermanos and all the head honchos,

And to Íhot gun-slinging gaucho of


pampas, Senor Graebero, And next time maybe we'Ll see some sombreros ond serupes and ponchos. Ole! Alan Chalkley



in the rain?

THE spate of umbrella-slrarching during the receni rains may soon be a rhiñg of rlrã past. The Club is going to order a supply of king-size umbrellas in our own navy-¿n¿white colours and u,ith the Club logo. They will be on sale whenever the office and especially when a sudden is open - leaves downpour members stranded, The Club logo is also featured on the new supply of Club T-shilts, now on sale. In white with navy trim and logo, they are available in small, medium and large sizes at just $25. Excellent souveniLs for all those visiting filemen. There is also a ner.l' supply ol' lhe Club tie available. Ai $35 they make excellcnr prcand Christmas is coming! sents


Thursday, November 21 THE first bottles of tseaujolais Nouveau arlive this molning and the Club will be celcbrating u,ith the traclitional breakfast and lrom then on as long as supplics last.

Friday, November -. November


o'r' Saturday,


This is the darc for Dinner. You are advis is bound to be popular oul shippers advise u





wleaked by earlier l'ain and the quality should be sood.

A night of Sloth t-l'hacl to happcn sontc timc. Thc Ctub's


theatrical experience bcyond the gttrund-lluol trnd pool l¡rrrs. Slotll llt tlrc FCC. Or larce for thosc with hishbrow scn-





_ "Slo1h", a new play

by Brirish playwright Pcter Thompson. can best be described-as

a irantic lomp through nrurder,


anri mlyltem. Not a comt.tly thriller of thê first older, but in thc hands of the two ac-

tol-s fronl London's Perforntancc


change, Nigel Miles-Thomas and Michael

Kingsbu'y, providitrg more than enough laughs for thc audience that packed the ' dining-r'oom on September' 27,

Saturdaii, January 18 Let your imagination lun riot and bring your alter ego to the Grand Fancy Dress Ball.

Get the picture THE Club cards


is prcparirrg new membership evcryonc. to which will he at-

enclose a picturc. so dig your albulns out now.

of the jokes were

Thc play really re quilccl more than two actors (MiÌes-Thomas played four separate roles). But lurking in the ranks of the audience were three amateur thespians (no rrrmcs. llrank vou)willing to help thc flrcc

along to its rnurky conclision. Perlolmancc Exchange will bc back later irr the year with anolher programme. and if the shou is as uell attended ¿ts the llrst one, ciinner theatre may become a regular event at the Club. lan Fiñdlay


t Helen Vost






t heart if nothing e:lse





Medical N.*'iìiuun.. t_¡rant McCool





thel, turned'out in force for Íhe rock,n,

Reuters. Perer Seidlirz

Financiat Daity.

]1_Çe1man Joseph Forrester Reuters.

novich s Wire Service,

Vince Loden Freelance.


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batkedar rhe marked it*:l5*.have ";;:ï::'^Ì: iff iåÍ shoes, lffil.:, iî: ::,_'Ï; riö; Ëi,ä i,i irarch",t Truf.luet:







ho cares. ror for more mofe

ffi wä;äìil".il"i





Robert Bosscher Norwegian Ministrv of F-nroi^- \ffairs.

.,q¡s ¿rurfl€Í one soon _ hpfn,o o.


memories 1,,i..1il"i,,ü,i" face evôn

läo; åîî

Free tea or cha charge?

charge g2


the Club has ngs.

tess g."ìinj îi,ì

lutting it together

.1y..^ru{. DaviO Davtes of

i',*tç[,i[*¡;,ï'.î'Ti;l;,ïilllf H,'*i,".illï*yi*f llry*t ilåî

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crub is one







.U_11t:1".-,Janine Wookey Tel: Work

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