The Correspondent, Janaury 1986

Page 1


@Ylt January 1986

Brealdast or bust the fancy descriptions implied on the cleverly produced menu. Even the dreaded "Terrine Covent Garden", which at the Hilton Playhouse means cold veg yndgr a slab of aspic, came up

And while the translation of "Aloyau Roti au Cepes" caused the gourmets at our table some trouble, the beef to which it referred turned out to be delitrumps.

This year, it was decided to cut out the mad dash and have some dinner as well. As a result, eight hours of revelry, fine food and music at the FCC's traditional New

Year mem temp pene

ons provided such



1986 that we are December just to ex-


. The only problem seemed to be finding

the knives and forks under the mound oï party noise-makers and rolls of streamers provided for each guest. Each ne\ry course

!p with some unsolicited


from football supporters' rattles, but came away with thunderous applause.


Some chticism was heard 'oi the music

serving of dinner: with some diners at tables downstairs wanting to start eating before 9 pm., it became a bit of a struggle for the waiters to reach the kitchen iñrough the crowds of upstairs diners still enioviñs ore-

prandial driirks at the main bar." ' Downstairs after midnight, it became the

usual scrum of champagnè-bottle-clulchins revellers that has maðeïew Year's Eve ai

. . . eggs

cooked in front of you, piles of

crispy bacon, corned-beef hash, lamb chops and, ahhh, a cup of tea! For those interested in statistics, 201 people sat down to dinner and 120 partook of breakfast. A total of 275 bottlei of champagne were sold 40 more than last year. The main dining room and the disco on the verandah closed at 5.15 am and the about 15 hardy present. to leave Hong-


Yet more


Westminsterts steam age at full blast It seems that the Mother of Parliaments is still in the steam age and steam-train buff,

Tory MP and chairman of the AngloChinese Parliamentary group, Robert Adley, seems to want to keep it there. Apparently, while Adley avidly supports the Four Modernisations in China, he is not in favour of modernising Britain. Just before Christmas, in the wake of a

China relationship.

As Britain now delivers overseas cables by post (!), telex seemed the quickest form oî õommunication. so he asked the interna-

tional operator for the number



House of Commons. No such listing. Nor any listing for Houses of Parliament, Palace of Westminster and other variations on the theme. Thanks to a colleague, he manages to get hold of the phone number of the House, calls and asks for Adley's office. No reply. So he asks the operator how he can send a

"I'll put you on to the post room," comes the reply. The conversation with the post room went something like telex to Adley,

this: "rWhy do you want to send a telex, why not send a letter?." "I'm calling from Hongkong and I want to get the message to him quickly." "Why not phone him?" "He's not in his office."

"Well, it's very difficult then."

"It certainly is." "All right, you can

send your message to this number: 9163318 parli g. Have you got the number?"

"Yes." "Could you now destroy it?" "What?"


it! This

number is ex-direc-

tory. "

"So how are people supposed to communicate by telex with their MP?" "They're not."

And so it

seems. Two weeks and two telexes to the secret number later came the reply from Adley:

"Thank you

for your two telexes.

Perhaps you could in future communicate with me here by letter." Perhaps next time any one invites Adley




should be provided he

travels ãll thè way on one of his beloved and now the staff join in.

steam tralns.

Here's how to use us Thinking of giving a party but can't face the hassle? Want to invite more people to

lunch than you can iomfortably seat at home? Want to celebrate a birthday or anniversary or the launching of a new ven-

ture? Want to welcome newcomers to Hongkong or say goodbye to fยกiends who

are leaving? Want to hold a



sales conference or an all-day seminar? No problem! The Club can cater for all your needs, provide good food and excellent service. For your information, here is a list of the various parts of the Club which can be hired and their capacities for various types of function.

Greek treat

Capacity for various fimctions








lVyndham Room





lVyndham Room with Verandah





Austrian week March 10-15 is to be Austrian week, with many Austrian dishes on the menu and a special Gala night on Wednesday, l3 March. with a special dinner/dance.

with Verandah Yerandah Grill








Ballantine's for Valentine's

(only available on Sunday)

MainDiningRoom with Verandah Grill



{ t






Dinner Dan< :e


A very special night is being planned at the Club for St. Valentine's Day, Friday,


Home thoughts from abroad Col. Jim Reed, an absentee member and former member of the board of governors, has dropped us a rather plaintive note from

USCINCPAC, Hawaii, saying that



Correspondenl seems to be mostly about internal club activity. Don't we want to knolv news about absentee members as well? he asks.

Certainly, Jim, we do. As you may or may not know, The Correspondent is only just getting on its feet again and only the last couple of issues have been posted to absentee members; and up to this point we

have been more concerned with events re-



active members. But



member, in Hongkong or elsewhere, has news or pictures of interest to old and new club members, they are more than welcome

Frozen south...

to submit them to

FCC members do get around. Associate member Rebecca Lee, managing director printers of The Corresponof Adasia Ltd - enjoyed dent a trip to Antarctica with -recently a group of Chinese scientists on a

ward (and one-time acting manager) Liz

photographic mission. Rebecca is seen here

aboard a Chilean airforce transport en route from Punta Ananas to King George Island with the group.


For all those friends of former Club SteEckersley, who left Hongkong for Israel in 1978, we have news. She just wtote to the club asking us to let her friends know that she and Alasdair are returning to London and their address is: 6, The Towers, Lower Mortlake Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW29 2JB, UK Tel: 01948-0919.

February 14. A gourmet dinner at $130 per head will be served in the main dining rooรง, and there will be dancing to the music of Larry Marriott and his Red Hot Lovers. The whole evening will be sponsored by Ballantine's Whisky, who will be providing their scotch at a discount price, as well as offering a glass of champagne and a corsage

to every lady. Booking is open on a first-come, firstserved basis.

New Year hours Please note the following opening times at Lunar New Year. Saturday, February 8: Club closed at 5

pm. Sunday, February 9: Main bar only, noon

to midnight. Monday, February 10: Main bar and Pool bar, noon to midnight. Tuesday, February 11: (As Monday).

Any umbrellas? The Club has just received the first batch

of its official umbrellas, in dark blue and white, carrying the club crest. Ideal for spring rains for yourself or as presents for those people not fortunate enough to be Club members. They are priced at a very modest $35.

Michael McCarroll Reuters

Bernard Tierney Southam News of Canada

PaulBayfield Far Eastern Economic Review Theresa Munford Sp

ecialist N ew sletters

Tsui Kam Fai Ta Kung Pao

Chandiram Daswani Charles International

Race relations act FCC yachtsmen Mike Westlake, Keith Coppel, Alan Burge and Mike Keats say "Hello Sailor" to Russell Cawthorne, who took this picture of them aboard Black Sheep at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia just before they left the dock for the start of the 640-nautical mile Sydney-Hobart race on 26 December 26. Also aboard was fellow member Keith Shakespeare, who missed the picture-taking because he was waiting on the other side of the harbour with a mountain of which, apart food and drink that the crew


Ruth Tipping

from the FCC five included several form-

er Hongkong tralia start.


residents now living Auspicked up on the way to the

The New Zealand-owned 50-ft boat was chartered by Keith Coppel for the race, and was 69th across the finishing line in Hobart, placing 94th on corrected (handicap) time out of 179 starters after a four-and-a-halfday trip which saw almost 40 boats retire because of rough conditions and broken gear in the first two days.

Our brothers' keepers to people or things in the club. Following the recent incident, the staff

As Cain might have said if he had lived more recently: "You think I'm me bruv-


ver's minder, or what?" Seriously, this is a subject which has come up for discussion by the board of governors following an unpleasant incident in the pool bar in November which resulted in considerable damage to club property and the suspension of three members for vari-

and the security guards have been reminded

ous periods.

The result of the board's deliberations was to remind members that this is OUR club and that up to a certain point we should be our brothers' and sisters' keepers, if need arises. In other words, members should realise that it is up to them, as well as the staff, to restrain fellow members who are likely to cause physical damage

of their responsibilities, but in most cases it is much more appropriate for friends o¡ col-

Pergamon Press Ian Jordan Ewbank Preece Engineering Leonard Kruse Berisford Cresvaie (F.E,) Charles F. Allen W.R. Grace (HK) Maureen Koh-Jordan Thompson Direct Marketing Nigel Etvin Dentsu, Young and Rubicam Christine Mt. Desloges Commission of Canada Stewart M. Pedge Bank of Bermuda Christopher Leslie McKenna & Co. Vincent Wan Wan Ltd.

leagues to restrain those tending to violence

than for the staff to try to do so. The board took a very serious view of the fact that, in this particular incident, two members of the club did nothing whatever or stop damage to -clubactively - toWeprevent property. can only be thankful that no physical injuries were received. Following this reminder, the board will take an even sterner view of the behaviour of members who do not intervene when another member should be restrained or removed from the club.


Ít together

Newsletter Liaison


Michael Malik

(FEER) Tel: 5-E936688 Printers


Ad-Asia, Worldwide Com.

smercial Bldg, 34 l{yndham Street

Central: Tel: 5-256067.

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