The Correspondent, August - September 1986

Page 1

A New Leøf The FCC library and workroom are about to get a facelift. Plans are afoot to upgrade the library a wider range of reference books;

to include

to bring

magazine subscriptions

up to

date, bind backcopies and to improve the


The workroom will be redesigned and seating and desks will be improved. Installation of telex, fax, computer facil-

ities and electric typewriters is under consideration. Plans to employ full-time supervisors to oversee maintenance of the equipment

r 5




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and run the library are in hand.

If any member has ideas or secret desires (concerning the library that is), please relay them to Paul Bayfield on 5-8936688.

PotentÍal library users can rest assured; lew of the degenerates pìctured here are lìkely to grace the líbrøry ever agaìn.

Thøding Places to Angus MacSwan (Reuter) and Adam Kelleher (UPI). After serving their time, slaving over hot consoles in Hong Kong, both have reaped their frontline reward. Congratulations



Angus has been posted to El Salvador and Adam to India. The Far Eastern Economic Reviewhas also been shuffling its correspondents. On the move is Shim Jae Hoon who has moved

from Seoul to Jakarta replacing Lincoln Kaye, who had to leave after failing to get a renewal of his work permit. Kaye has taken up a new position as Review correspondent in Bombay.

Mary Lee, recovered from recent illis awaiting reassignment after completing her tour in Peking.


Robert Cottrell is leaving



to join the new London newspaper,



Nick Way has been promoted to deputy editor of the SCMP's Business Post.

Paul Baran has quit Business Post fo as a freelancer.

try life

Bill Saltmarsh will take over as Reuter world desk editor in Hong Kong.

b ì-

Paul Baran

lor The Icehouse Revísíted Half-a-dozen pictures of the FCC building in its original icehouse guise have been donated to the Club by the Hong Kong Land Company. The Club has arranged for the pictures to be mounted and they should be gracing FCC walls before long.

Some like ít hot... Despite some complaints it seems clear the

new no-gender rules for the health corner are paying off.

The attendant at the door reports a grand total of 3ló members availed themselves

of the facilities last month.

He couldn't be precise about the

numerical change from the previous month

other than to say usage had increased. Perhaps the urge to get into shape before the holidays was responsible for the sudden interest in the Lubyanka specials but a straw poll of main bar users indicates a marked preference for the sauna and

lrtt""¿ fþ




feel The Correspondenl is not the place for the sort of scurrilous gossip and downmarket comment published in July-August issue. There is no place whatsoever for such gutter reporting in a decent club magazine. Journalist member



Congratulations to the Hon. Jerry Westerby (who is he?) for giving us the ciirt even TV

& Entertoinment Times won't publish. I've often felt the contents of its excellent The Last Word are lost on the 99.999 pct of Hong Kong's population who aren't journalists or who don't associate with members of. the fourth estate.



Letters to The Correspondent arc welcome.

your comments in the pigeon hole located at the entrance tó the main ba¡. Pseudonyms are permitted for publication purposes but letters must be accompanied by the writer's full name and daytime telephone number. Please drop

Equipment courtesy of Dzerdzhìnski Squøe

tømíliar Face Back in town last month for a brief working holiday was a familiar face - former FCC hand, Derek Maitland.



Having worked his way through most

of Hong Kong's publications in the 1970s, Derek abandoned the ierritory in 1980 for a three year stint at TV news in Canada and life as an author.

do noL knd iMt this ctû -rL ls llkelv tht v@r ders -- hs hol.l ¡o@< clib rn s rrdl{o ;;,; .;rdá*l ¡ålé' ät å verv drate åvoLr¿bte !o y@r !*rs

noG à¡e ts.m

With four novels under his belt Breaking

Out, The Only War We've Got,

His latest venture

moting in Hong Kong

i..-ìrJ iåt ; ; tbi;;¡æ"i*

which he was pro-

- is The China Traveller, a glossy colour magazine covering business and tourist travel in China. And just to get into the swing of things, Derek spent three months in China before pitching up in Hong Kong for some much needed R&R.

In addition to his research for the new magazne, he spent much of his trip prepar-

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k rru oreåLlv appræl.le lt lr vou i¡U Þosl lh s-¡osd ¡ero ¿nd pùlle lhe roó rãtes In i"ri...,i '"-'¡,ii*¡"þld vou please s¿m us € r@v ol vour nãsuo"r n*iå¿ter. ieiie¡ cot*ntno tb r;tes ror our rilPs and dr brd or

T-Minus Tbwer and, The Alpha Experience Derek is trying his hand as a publisher.


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C@rsÞIe 6cc@&tlons

r, oL th Pre,ident of Y@r clú lier v'slt en I r6ncltco, lt illl vour blel ¡@s. Pleå* sðd É ion rlre. raú æst nl+sl

Derek Maitlund: PìnnÍng hís hopes on Chinu travel. ing the text for a new CFW Insiders Guide

to China.

Should everything go according to plan, the bimonthly will be launched next March.

Although the government took pains to

Lacks Depth


In depth reporting obviously means something different to the reporters over at

It may be one of the world's richest



news agencies, but Reuter is currently one of the most unpopular with a dozen or so locally-

stress anti-cholera inoculations could only prove a partial defence against the disease, three cheers for both Hong Kong's English

or otherwise of the new-losk Legco turrrcd out to be a case of jou.rnalists

based foreign correspondents. For the agency, it seems, is no longer quite so interested in the income generated

language dailies which arranged injections

There's nothing wrong with citing the opinions of other scribes - in this case both journalists interviewed were

by filing correpondents' copy to overseas newspapers and magazines. The regulars, who relied on Reuters to file copy for them, have been told operator

for their staffers. But while everyone knows the Ilong Kong Standard is not the territory's most profitable newspaper, was it really necessary for it to make employees pay for their

For a Sunday night evaluation of the success

interviewing other journalists.

knowledgeable and well versed on the subject.

But with a topic as wide-ranging as a subject that seems to interest



Røw copy

previously been described as Hong Kong's apolitical population - perhaps it would have been a good idea to let some of the people who don't have everyday access to

an-amazingly wide segment of what has

And continuing with Hong Kong's answer

to an independent press, will the Paper Tigers of Laichikok again be re-printing any snippets from this august column as they did last month? Surely it can't be that short of comment about its rival can it?


Reprintíng error Tälking of rip-offs, there are some red faces

about town.

newsprint and microphone express their opinions.

punching facilities are no longer available. Instead, customers have to choose between punching their text themselves or installing a computer link-up.

Printíng money There's a photographer in town who has every reason to be very happy with the new, rigorous, financial practices instigated by


of Hong Kong's most profitable

newspaper groups.

Clean Break Asia Magazine's editor-in-chief has joined the growing list of escapees from the Gulag Quarry Bay. According to evesdroppers, the chief ofthe publications division decided to "go over the wall" only minutes after returning to his plush sixth-floor offices after three weeks leave,

For Vince Loden, who points his lens on behalf of TV & Entertainment Times, was one of the regular freelancers who had his retainer cut from under him, Instead, he was told, payment would be made for work actually published. Luckily for Vince, however, this adds up to far more than he was getting under his retainer system.

The two Diggers-in-Charge down there

in the Undemocratic Republic of Quarry Bay got a bit of a chewing-out from the London HQ of



Apparently the Economisl feels the Diggers have abused their re-print privileges

more than once. Not only has the Economist credit been


on occasions, they com-

plain, but the man on the stone has the amazing ability to box in several stories in a way that suggests all of them have been produced by URQB hacks from the securþ

of their own newsroom. And what proved really galling, apparently, was a June 29 Morning Toast editorial that referred back to "our" story published the previous day.

"Our" story, it

transpires, was a

reprint of one appearing in an international

weekly. Enough said.

Aiorz legcltd lo


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New Members



r/{ã Correspondent: Tþresa Gibb Asioweek


Peter Brown Top Kniltets

Denir Medical

Jan Eriksson Easl Point Reinsuronce

Journalist: Barry Grindrod South Clina Morning Post

Pool table for


The Club has

the in



which measures 4 x7 ft., is for sale. Jeanette


Asking price:

Internalional Airline

David Kilimister

Conrad So

Passengers Association


New Island Prinling

Putting it together


Diane Stormont Tel: 5-408925 Liaison: Gavin Greenwood Tþl: 5-8436363 Typesetter: Galley Pi Tel: 5-730368 Printer: Ad-Asia, Worldwide Commercial Building Wyndham St., Central. Tel: 5-8936688

Contributions welcomed!

Please deposit articles, newsy ltems, sugges-

tions, letters etc in The CorresponTakao Katsumoto

rWilliam Merritt

Graham Richards

Kalsu Fqr Eosl


Glen Corporote Finance

denl pigeon-hole near the entrance to the main bar.

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