The Correspondent, June 1991

Page 1

JUNE 1991

t- I

The Magnificent Eleven

The Swire Group


-ì'; ir


CLUB North Block. 2 Lower Albert Road, Hong Kong Telephone: 52 I I-5 I I Fax: 868 4092

President Perer Seidlitz t'irst \/ice President - Steve Vines Second Vice President Wen<l¡, Hughes Correspondent Member (ìovernors Jonathan Frìetlland. Hurnphre¡, Harvksle¡,. Cillian Tucker. Claudi¡ Rossct. Martin Horvell. Bob Drvis Cutherine Ong. Hari Bedi. Mar¡'Ellen Fullanr

Journalist Member Governors David Thurstor. Stuart Wollendrle Assoc¡âte Member Governors RogerThontas F C H Wadsrvorth.PeterHumble, Mike Smith Professional Committee: Ctt¡ antt : Steve Vines. Alcnbtrs Peter Seidlitz. Hari Bcdi. Stuart Wolfendale. Wendy Hughes, Humphrey Harvksle¡,. Catherine Ong. Paul Baylielcl

Membership Comrnittee: Martin Howell. David Thu¡ston F&B Comm¡ttee: C t¡nt t'not : Peter Seidl itz Me¡tbct s: Mike Snrith. Stuart Wolfcndale. Gillian Tucker. F Wadsu'orth. Richartl Runcl. Paul Ba¡,lield, Saul Lockh¿ut. LynnCrebstad Enterta¡nment Committe€: lrene O'Shea, Roger Thornas

Video ('ommitlee: Mike Sni¡h. Cillian Tucker Publ¡cations Committee: Conv'not David Thurston. lv4tn¡hcts F W¿rdsworth. Hari Bedi. Peter Hurnble Bob Davis. M¿rrtin Hou'ell Wcndv Hushcs Wall Committee: Bob Davis. David Thurston

As pioneers of ultra long-haul flights to and from Hong Kong,we

know how to make flights more enjoyabie From the technology of

our all bodied

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Arrive in better shape.


BELOW: Under the gaze of the bust of Dick Hughes, former ace Australian correspondent, Gough Whitlam, former ace Australian Prime Minister, makes himself at home during


visit to the FCC

last month, to the obvious delight of President Paul Bayfield 4

AFTER a colourful discourse about growing up as an Aborigine in Austra-

lia, actor-dancer-comedian Ernie Dingo gave members a virtuoso performance on his didgeridoo when he was the club's luncheon speaker last

Editor: Ron Knou'les Adlertising Manager: lngrid Gregory EDITORIAL OFFICE: AsiaPacifi c Directorie\ Ltd. 9Æ, Crancl Vies, Cornrnerciul Centre. 29-31 Sugar Street. Causewa¡, Ba¡,. Hong Kong Telephone: 577 93-.1 l: Fux; 890 7287


@ The Correspondent Opinions expressed b1'rvriters are nol ¡qçqssrril¡ thore of thc Frrrcrgrt


Conesporrderrtr'Club The Corresponrlent is publishcd nronthl)' lÌ,r and on behalf of The Foreign Conesponclents' Club by: AsiaPacifi c Dir€clories l,td. 9/F. Crand Vìerl Conrmercial Centre. 29-31 Sugar Street. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Tel:577 9-.131: Fax: 890 72tJ7

Printed by Willy Printing Co . ll/ Derrick tnd Bldg ,49 Wong Chuk Hang Rd , H K

Tel: 5.54 7482




Publisher: Vonnie Bishop Managing Dir€ctor: Mike Bish¡ra


ABOVE: A well-deserved break for refreshments by the FCC cricket team enabled the players to savour the taste of victory in the sun over the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, who had the wind taken out of their sails by a fine display of bowling and batting by our

DEPARTMENTS Prisoner Wolfendale at Large Peddler's Journal


HKJA news


t6-t7 18-19


cover photograph was

taken by Bob Davis of The Stock House photo-sgencJ.





Getting their heads together FORMER Prime Minister of Australia, Gough V/hitlam, posed happily with his countryman, FCC President Paul Bayfield, for our picture below when he visited the FCC early last month. It is a wonder the stem bust of the late Dick Hughes on the wall between them did not crack a smile, for it is said

it was through Whitlam's influence that the legendary Australian that

correspondent secured the pension he was due from curmudgeonly Canberra

From the President

One of the world's great

some years ago.

Whitlam, who was clearly enjoying the FCC ambience, mixed with members and had a chat (righQ with veteran correspondent Clare Hollingworth. Since the sensational dismissal of his

TIME Magazine photographer Robin Moyer, who, after a lifetime in Asia, can be trusted on matters of wine, women, and food, in a rare outburst of

Labor govemment in 1975, Whitlam has held a number of posts, in- cluding

day with champagne, called

excitement while toasting his 46th bifih-

Hongkong Foreign Correspondents' Club one of the great places of the world. And he is right. The main bar can be compared to Shanghai's Long Bar and is surely one of the world's

those of Ambassador to UNESCO and



of the Australian-China


great watering holes.

The Hongkong FCC is one of the few economically sound press clubs in the world. We are building steadily our reserves for the development fund. The turnover reached HK$l3 million last year. The manager, Heinz Grabner, has been largely responsible for this financial success. We don't have to shy away from comparisons with similar clubs in the region Seoul, Bangkok and Tokyo. Sure, Tokyo has better working facilities, but the finances are

Golf calendar

Publish and be praised

OUR lively FCC Golf Society is swinging into action with a series of events.

I CAN'T step down as convenor of

The calendar is:

publication, like most others, is the result of teamwork and editor Ron Knowles and publisher Mike Bishara are two key members. (Before them, Viswa Nathan.)

July: August:

FCCGS vs Kellett Golf Society, Disco Bay.

No event.

September: Chung Shan Golf Club. Trophy, Disco Bay. November: Bangkok.

October: Dick Hughes December: No event.

Congratulations . . . .

. to Jamie Allen on becoming the

FCC's first instalment member. Jamie, formerly the environment correspondent on the SouthChina Morning Post, is now a freelance.



the Publications Committee without a few words of thanks to the team. This

of the Publications ontributed much time

and effort, not just

in editorial planning, but in racking their collective brains on how the magazine can be improved and more ads sold. Retiring President Paul Bayfield (as if he didn't have enough committees to sit on as top dog), Ken Ball, Bob Davis, Wendy

Hughes, David Thurston and Stuart Wolfendale, thanks to all of you for making my job easier. May the next convenor have such a fine team. There has been one lingering disapppointment - the paucity of ads.

Thanks to the intrepid Ingrid Gregory, who Mike put in charge of the Correspondent's advertising sales, ad revenue has improved. But it is still below expectatlons. Jaded though my opinion is, I think the FCC publishes a fine product, but \^/e still have trouble putting that message across.

And any member reading this who thinks he or she can help, please make contact with the new committee soonest. As you all should know, members who are not on the Board are always welcome to join the Publications Committee, or just about any other committee for that matter. Oh, yes, one final matter. In spite of the committee's name, we've hadnothing to do with the oft-delayed Member-

ship Directory.

Saul Lockhart

not nearly as sound as ours and Bangkok,

which has no workroom, pales when compared to the bars around the hotel where it is situated. Of course, we always can do better. Some issues should be addressed this

year. Outgoing President Paul Bayfield and I had discussions with Heinz about them. Nobody wants to change the unique ambiance of the Club, nor do we consider changes in the Main Bar or first floor Dining Room. But after nine years in the premises (and with a new six-year lease from the govemment) we think the Club needs refurbishing, to give it anew shine. We also want to make the FCC more attractive as a place to eat. The Board will discuss plans for a Chinese restaurant with its own kitchen on the Verandah and connected to the

Wyndham Room. Figures show that the Verandah is underused in the eve-

watering holes ning. In fact the


a room with a view is mostly empty in the evenings. We want to put it to better use by giving it a separate character as a Chinese restaurant. Changes are planned also for the main Dining room. European food will continue to be on the menu here, and after discussions with Heinz, we decided to

try and hire a young European chef from September. The idea could be to have a series ofEuropean "guest chefs" to show us what they can do. They will

have to work under our current executive chef; it probably won't do any harm for him to have more exposure to European cooking. We are seeking the


of a major hotel in

Hongkong. Heinz will use his connections. The hope is that members, when deciding where to entertain in the evening or take their spouses, will once again consider the FCC Dining Room to be an attractive choice. But not merely because it is much cheaper than anywhere else comparable in Central, and not just because of its unique atmosphere, but because the food will be ir-

With the introduction of to attract also more customers from our Chinese membership and even hope to atllract resistable.

Chinese food we hope

more Chinese to join the club. Equally the menu in the Main Bar

will also come under the scrutiny of the food committee. Heinz, who went to America recently, has plans to import

'After nine years we think the Club needs refurbishing'

that great American invention, real American sandwiches. I think the current sandwich menu could be improved. Regulars might have noticed some improvements in free evening snacks served at around 6prri at the Main Bar. I would however prefer pickles to sfrawberries to go with my beer.

Changes to be discussed with the architects will be a renovation of the sauna area (adding facilities for resting and a cold pool instead of the outdated jacuzzl). The sauna, the purse-lipped Sunday Morning Post may be informed, is to stay mixed. The administration needs more storageroom (look at the crowded reception area); under discussion are further improvements to the lighting and new calpets. With luck, these should be completed by August. Demands for aplace to read newspapers and to have a quiet drink (constantly raised by senior correspondent, Clare Hollingworth, and veteran club member Charles Smith) will also be addressed. The current waiting area

near the CNN screen could be redeveloped. Outgoing President Paul Bayfield did a great job getting speakers last year (even if some had a worse accent than me). Paul will help this year in the professional committee. 'We are trying to get the Philippine Presidential candidates, starting with Defence Secretary Fidel Ramos. The series of seminars started last year will be continued in

autumn. Last year I got the sponsors (Commerzbank and Indosuez Investment Services). Maybe members can help now and get two sponsors for the next country seminars on Indonesia.




Peter Seidlitz, President

Steve Vines, First Vice


Wendy Hughes, Second Vice President

Humphrey Hawksley

Gillian Tucker

David Thurston

Stuart Wolfendale

Martin Howell

Claudia Rosset

Jonathan Friedland

F. H. Wadsworth

Meet your new Board Bob Davis

Catherine Ong

Hari Bedi

Mary Ellen Fullam

COUNTING of votes for a new Board of Govemors for the FCC on May l6 produced a three-way

tie for the last position ln

the Correspondent group, which resulted nine of the ten candidates being elected for the eight seats declared vacant. The three members who tied


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Wadsworth (Wadsworth Media), Peter Humble (Mollers Insurance Brokers) and Mike Smith

Associate Members -- Roger Thomas (DFS Group), F. C. H.

(lBM China/Hongkong Group).


The voting figures and candidates were: President: Peter Seidlitz, Handelsblatt First Vice-President: Steve Vines, The Observer Second Vice-President (one to be elected): Ken Ball, Emphasis (HK) Ltd Wendy Hughes, Wendy Hughes Lrd _ Joulnalist Member Govelnors (two to be elected): David Thurston, South China Morning Post _

The new board is:


with 50 votes each Catherine Ong (Singapore Business Times), Hari Bedi (Asiaweek) and Mary Ellen Fullam (Reuters) - are all being invited to

Karl Wilson, freelance


_ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ ____( ___(

(Handelsblatt). First Vice President Steve Vines (The Observer). Second Vice President Wendy Hughes (Wendy Hughes Ltd.).

Corespondent Member Governors (nine elected): Hari Bedi, Asiaweek Ltd Mike Bishara, Asialine Hongkong ____(Bob Davis, The Stock House Photoagency_ _ Jonathan Friedland, Far Eastern Economic Review _ Mar.v Ellen Fullam, Reurers Ltd _ _ Humphrey Hawksley, BBC

Conespondent Members

Martin Howell, Reuiers Ltd

President Peter


Jonathan Friedland (Far Eastern Economic Review), Humphrey Hawksley (BBC), Gillian Tucker (Agence France Presse),


Claudia Rosset (Asian

Street Journal), Martin Howell (Reuters), Bob Davis (The Stock House Photoagency),

Catherine Ong, Hari Bedi and Mary Ellen Fullam.

Journalist Members David Thurston (South China Sunday


Post Magazine) and Stuarf Wolfendale (Freelance).

-----------l Catherine Ong, Singapore Business Times_ Claudia Rosset, Wall Street Journal Gillian Tucker, Agence France Presse

_ _ __ _ _ _ _

Associate Member Governors (four to be elected): Fred Fredricks, I.H. Fredricks & Associate_ _ Peter Humble, Mollers' Insurance Brokers Ltd _ Eddy Khoe, Eddy Khoe & Associare_ Tony Marrow, Standard Charrered BanK _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _


76) '16)

(134) (178) (


78) (

s0) 42)

( ( ( (



Peter Humble

67) s0) 63) 56)

( s0) ( (

s7) s8)

_ _ (l2l) _ _ tl23) _ _ (l2j) MartinMerz,MerzLtd-_ __( 57) Jon Rittger, Purina China Inc _ _ ( 63) Mike Smith, IBM China/Flongkong Group_ _ (132) " Roger Thomas, DFS Group r-i¿ (156) F. C. H. Wadsworth, \ùy'adsworth media -:---- _ -_ (150) -

Mike Smith






Everything is looking up f)own Under

The places to eat within staggering or shouting distance of the FCC

Close Encounters of the Exotic lndian Kind

The Ashoka llrrlllst¡unùrl (7rll0 rr ll):00 ^lìo\,¡lß(trrnrì(,t(lclilerw!ils1orr,$itlt\'¡letl)arkingScrvict P nr ) P ' l¡ke ¡\s¡r: ¡\ tlelrrious lnelul¡¡trrtr l!e cit'lrvcr tlrr lnclulgL,nrt'trxr, hrtrvet'n I 0t) p nr l{):01ì p nì 52-19h2ì,5255;le lVr'.rrt'strllllr('re.rt57-591\'\'n(lh¡rnSt,('rrrLr¡l,llK,ltl ¡rrrl ¡lso ¡L our brartrl ncrr plarc at (ì/l- ( onn¡ught ( (rnltrcrcial lÌrrrltlrng, -li:l llr ll ¡ic) uglJ l lV.ilrt h¡i lìo¡Ll, K , l l, iì91 -5(); l

(ll'l:\ ¡\l-l- l).\lS()F IIlli \\'l llñ l\ t lrLrJ llr¡!rrr,(. l¡(r¡rtr,n,ìl)







n()w, catcrs for you either at h<¡me or for your business lunches in your office, as well as for your boat partics, and, of course, wi(h its piano ambiancc at 8-13, Wo On Lane, 1st/F , Central

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Fine ltalían Food NIGHTCLUB 132 The MaIl Pacific Place 88 Queensway Hong Kong Tel: 86-800-86


IT WAS just your normal, every


FCC lunch - beginning with preluncheon drinks at noon and breaking up six hours later when fhe maitre d'kicked everyone out because he had to set the

tables for dinner. And so went another luncheon gathering of the FCC South in Sydney to which my wife Alison and I had been

invited. According to Mike Throssell, former editor of the now defunct Star, "thete are enough FCCers Down Under to

form 'chapters' in all the main cities." For us it was a marvellous opportunity to renew acquaintances with old friends, some of whom left Hong Kong as long ago as the late sixties. To check on what's going on the next time you're in Sydney, contact Mike Throssell (02-363-3398) or Penny Brin-

By Saul Lockhart dis\ (02-997-4900). (Down the left side of the table and up the right): That shock of white hair in the lower left belongs to Qantas ace PR Neville Kitto (wife Chou Chou not shown), Alison Lockhart's back, stand-

moved to Sydney from Melboume to set up his own companyi at the head is Penny Brindisi toasting the group, next to her is former HK StandardbossFred Aw, then Mike Throssel who runs his own publishing outfit now, Andy Sloan, Barry Haselden who, along with David

Mitchell in the flowered shirt, right

ing is the Evening Standard's man Down

hand comer, has formed a new PR con-

Under Michael Morton-Evans, ex-HK hack, but prolific novelist, Jack Bennett, now a public relations officer with the New South Wales Government, John Crawley and wife Connie next to

sultancy called Asia Pacific Partners, Dick Hughes Jr who has leftthe Mirror

Peter and Tomoko Bennett (head-hunter Peter's just moved to Frieze & Associates while Tomoko is back in the travel business), Isabel Bennett, the pate just visible at the end belongs to'none other

than Mike Foote, of envelopes, cigarettes and pens fame) who has just

(as well as the band of Soup Plus) and is playing solo jazz piano full time at

the Hotel Shakespeare (his daughter sings there on Sundays), and Barry Walsh who now runs his own PR consultancy. Tucked away in the corner unphotographed are Ken Elm (who's now working on the Blue Mountains Gazette having retired last year as the RAN's man) and Janet Creighton.




Spices at Pacific Place is creating a series of W special buffet dinners each month to explore the ,.q. mysteries of Àsian cuisine. Here the ¡are and extoic ingredients of the Orient r .. - chilli an<l Ft" coconut, lemon grass, blue ginger, cardamom and tamarind are blended to create the classic dishes of Asia. Ardfr6,ne The Oceans of Asla, The Treasures of Siam, Romance of the Rai, A Taste of Vletnam, Asian He t, to flame but alfeu ... Splces at Paclflc Place, The MaIl-LGl, One Pacific place, BB eueensway, Hong Kong For reservatlon or further lnformatlon, please telephone us * a45 4799.

t 4 WINE BAR €' RESTAURANT Hørbour Vieu open from 8:00 AM to Midnight bchønge 1quøre, Tozner lI, 2/F., Hong Kong. Tel: 5237003




f\t¡immys Kitchen, our specialities

are nostalgia

and tradition, served fresh every day. o

o =

l-3 Vyndham Street, Centra[. Telephone: 5265293


ITrink about it! F.C.C. members represent one 0f the highest earning, per-capita, consumer spending groups in Hong Kong,



(Minimum 6 insertions) Colour ads: - l/4 page W<î7,584i t/2 page HK$3,168; Full page UXS5,ZAO. Black & White: - t/4 page EIK$I,J2Ù; !l?-. We" HK$2,64o; Full page HK$4,400. Telephone Ingrid Gregory j77933I



Nam sees plaque that fled the flak

Meat and mild A MEMBER with an aversion to garlic was about to decline his meal at the Ernie Dingo luncheon, when his wife, a lady with a large appetite and a liking for garlic, advised him: "Accept it, and I'll eat eat yours, too."

LE PHAN, Hoai Nam, a reporter in Reuter's newly-opened Hanoi bureau, spent some time at the FCC during a five-day familiarisation trip to Reuters regional operations in Hong Kong. On his first trip to Hong Kong, Nam is seen right examining the plaque which for years hung outside the Reuters bureau at 15, Han Thuyen Street, Saigon an address well-known to many old

-Asia hands. Reuters had to close its bureau in the wake of the 1975 communist victory and Pham Ngoc Dinh, the office manager, smuggled it out and presented it to the FCC in 1980 on his way to start a new life in Australia.

So, he nibbled at the vegetables and chops on his plate. As his wife completed her meal, a friend on his left asked him a question. While

left the garlic

sale and relaunch is rare enough in Hong Kong to merit a

their UK university at the same time.

in The Correspondent. And

consultant Edward Lupton make an

when four of the people involved are FCC members, a little tip of the bar tered fedora is perhaps in order.


When publisher Howard Coats started

the Chinese Press Digest a couple of years ago, he had in mind an early

Within only four weeks of getting their hands on the asset, the four had

moming round-up

incorporated a new company

business news culled from the Chinese language newspapers. The build-up of a blue chip client list demonstrated that he had the right idea. Some weeks ago, Howard opted for another life as PR supremo for the TDC, and sold his interest in the growing enterprise to two young entrepre-

neurs who had both graduated from

Tþd is back on his feet THE PROOF is here for all to see. Ted Dunfee is starting to get around, and he's growing his beard again. Graham Homel, the Pacific Asia Travel Association PR honcho based in San Francisco, had a telephone conversation with Ted and learned that Ted walked to the nurses' station, with help. Ted's address is c/-GF, Strong Rehabilitation Centre, Room 335, 4255Laurel St.. Vancouver, BC Y522G9. 10 THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE I991

Business journalist Jon Veitch and PR ideal team, together with Eddie Chiu as the Chinese media analyst and media consultant Ted Thomas as the promoter and marketing consultant.

of financial and


porate Information Services Ltd




launched the original early moming service and created "executive" and overseas verslons, Since then subscription inquiries and

new clients have come

he was turning to answer the inquiry, his wife leaned across and deftly stabbed the chops to transfer them to her plate - all under the incredulous gaze of one


the dining room staff, who clearly result over the

expected an uproar to missing meat.

He is probably still wondering why the member accepted the disappearance of his meat so mildly.

The curse of Kevin

FC C quartet get teeth into early morning digest A NEWS media

Stags stitt

in thick


fast. Our picture below shows the team at work at their pre-dawn duties.

BITTERNESS still abounds among at the South China Morning Post who were suckers enough to rush to accept the "special" deal of "cheap" loans to finance purchase of the doomed shares in the company offered at $3.08 last year. It will be recalled that the shares' value sank like a stone from the moment of launch and never really recothe wretches


FOLLOWING Kevin Sinclair's wrath- monthly magazine, a glossy, fullful item in the Correspondent about colour job, which contains a list of the Malaysian tourism authorities' Malaysian Tourism Gold Awards for attempts to dragoon travel writers to 1990. submit material for pre-publication Under the headings Best Travel Writer approval, the Tourism Development and Best Publication it declares there Corporation of Malaysia has hit back are no winners. Clearly there are not

swiftly. lt has sent Prisoner a copy of its


Many of the would-be stags are still staggering as the sickly counter languishes below the $2.60 mark.

One former Post fêporter gloomily calculated theother day thathis losses were the equivalent of nine months' salary.

The trouble is that I don't know if




enough tame joumalists around to make

that is

the awards competitive.

miserable performance or the pay levels at the Post.

the counter's

Bore of the year THIS year's Boring Speaker of the Year Award has already been won. Surely, no one we could line up in the coming six months could prove nearly as yawn-inspiring as Wayne Goss, Premier of Queensland. The first Labour Party Premier the state has had in three decades came to power in 1990 after years of sleazy National Party and National-Liberal coalition rule, which ended after an official commission revealed political and police corruption reaching to the highest levels.

This dungheap which passed for

an administration was

infested with colourful crooks and stinking with stories of barely credible graft. Only the dullest wit could fail to drill the rich seam of humour and incident that Queensland's recent history presents. But the Premier was able to meet such a challenge.

All we got from Goss was dross. The FCC hopefuls who turned up had to endure a full hour of tedium as the 100 per cent charisma-proof Goss extolled the food-processing and tourism industries of Queensland.

Shirt of the year NEVER leave home without your FCC T-shirtl A particularly talkative member learned this lesson when he embarked on what should have been a two-day climb of Mayon Volcano in the Philippines recently. He ran out of puff and toilet paper as the trip stretched tofourdays.But,wíththeaid ofhis Swiss ar.rny knife, the garrulous adventurer was able to convert his FCC garment into a comfortable substitute for three-ply tissue.






If you are promoting your product in the communications business you might as well start by getting your own name right. This coupon was published in the May issue of Hongkong Inc., a magazine of the Capital Communications




Shut up if you're not paying any taxes HONG Kong would need to ensure it elected high calibre deputies to the National People's Congress to ensure its continued success when it is handed back to China in 1997 under the "One country, two systems" policy, guest

Liu Yiu Chu told on April26.

luncheon speaker

members She pointed out that there are almost 3,000 deputies, so "even if all the deputies from Hong Kong speak with

one voice, it can only amount to


whisper in a sea of voices." As a Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong would need to retain its sparkle, Yiu said. This meant that it

should continue to operate a free enterprise system, which would require freedom of intellect as well as of property.

"In Hong Kong freedomof expres-

sion means freedom to express emotion as well as opinion." But she added that while Hong Kong would enjoy the financial advantage of not being required to pay taxes to the central government, constitutionally "it means we have that much less reason to insist on any real say," In a clear reference to the demonstrations in Hong Kong following the brutal crackdown on pro-democracy

vans puts emphasis on trade and AUSTRALIA deeply values its relationship with Hong Kong, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Senator Gareth Evans, told members when he was a guest luncheon speaker on April22. Evans, who stopped offin Hong Kong on his way to talks with leaders in Beijing, was at pains to spell out the


activists two years ago, Yiu maintained

that Hong Kong "compatriots" became involved with mainland China events "because they really cared." In future, however, "we must show more reserve in our concem for things in the mainland" bearing in mind that Hong Kong would not being paying taxes to the central government. The chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the local deputies "should preferably be people who have the talent to work with others and. . . be able to charm our way through a socialist majority with firmness and reason."

Food thoughts to chew on THE FOOD

and Beverage Committee's questionnaire which was distributed in April had a creditable 117o response rate. Most respondents had good things to say about the club and its services. However, a number of areas were identified for change or


trade ties between Australia and Hong Kong and the migration opportunities

improvement. The main theme to emerge was that

available under Australia's "non-discriminatory" policy. In addition to being Australia's ninth most imporlant export market and its fifth most important destination for Australia's investment abroad, Hong Kongis Australia's third largest source of migrants and its premier source of business migrants. More than 14,000 migrated in 1989-90 and the total

people wanted to see more simple basic foods, with a little less emphasis on the

could rise to 17,000 in the currentyear,

There was also support for redesigning the Dining Room, to give it less of a barnlike atmosphere in the evening. Favourite dishes included Chinese noodles, seafood,rockfish soup, liver, curry, chilli, beef and fish & chips.

exotic. Lots of people wanted to see more vegetarian dishes and a salad bar, and it was clear we needed to take a long, hard look at the Verandah facilities. The Verandah got good marks for ambience, but not a lot of support for the food on offer and the utilisation

tain," Evans added. On the question of the Cambodia peace initiative, in which Australia has 12 'THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE


ABORIGINAL actor-dancer-comedian Emie Dingo cameacross asoneofthe most relaxed luncheon speakers to address the FCC, settling into an easy raconteur's style as hertold members

After his address to members, Ernie Dingo gaYe a virtuoso performance on the didgeridoo, reproducing Aborigine interpretations of the sounds of birds, snrise, kangaroos of all generations, a car passing, a hiker, and, of course, the dingo itself.

of his upbringing in V/estern Australia. His binh on a winter cattle-drive across the vast Outback was not allowed to disrupt progress; his mother, aided by his grandmother and auntie, gave birth to him and then caught up with the drovers three days later. Since then he has spent much of his

to know himself thoroughly and leaming all he could about his culture. life getting


you do not understand yourself

you will not be able to understand anybody else,l' he said.

And knowing his own culture had led him to appreciate the culture of

Story: Ron Knowles Picture: David Thurston


Now, he was devoting himself to educating others about the Aboriginal culture. He gave a brief lesson to members. There were, he told them, no fewer than 300 major Aboriginal languages and more than 3,000 dialects. The Aborigines themselves come in different shapes andsizes, depending on their racial backgrounds and the areas of Australia they came from. Tall, rungy types from Western

Australia, like himself, were "emus"; the Queensland Aborigines were

"cassowaries"; the shorter and stockier ones from the southern mountain ranges rilere "wombats." Dingo put his height to sporting advantage by becoming a founder member of the Perth Wildcats, an allAborigine basketball team that competed with white teams throughout the state. Through the sport he helped break down some of the "barriers of

racism," he said.

It was basketball thatledto his first acting part. Because he was a "showoff' on court, he was urged to apply



for a role in a play. He got the part, and, except for the word "epitome", which he repeatedly pronounced "eppytoam", he was a success. The basketball team broke up when Dingo and several of the players became paÍ of an Aboriginal dance troupe that toured several parts of the world,

including Asia.

Dingo touched only lightly on the issue of racism. But it had its positive aspects, he joked: "During the rushhour, being black you get a seat all to yourself on public ttansport."

of the space.

which would represent 17 per cent of the migrant intake. Australia had also agreed to resettle 11,000 of Hong Kong's boat people who were screened as genuine refugees, and by the middle of last year had already accepted 8,500 of them. Australia would also "seek to maintain a constructive dialogue about Hong Kong affairs with both China and Bri-

Dingo and his didgeridoo

Senator Evans dialogue.


a constructive

played a leading role, he was cautiously optimistic, but stressed that patience was vital in dealing with the complexities of the issue and the suspicions of the contending factions.

'Work has begun on most of the areas bought up in the survey. Each month an action report will appear in The Correspondent to keep up to date with F&B changes and im-

provements. The next issueofThe Correspondent will also carry details of the survey results.


A family's thanks ONBEHALF of ourfamily we wishto express our very sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the members of the FCC for the wonderful support and help you gave us at the time of Edward's tragic fatal accident. It was a honific time for us all and still is. We just hope one day the pain

will ease. We are all finding it very hard to settle back into a normal routine, hence the delay in writing to thank you, which we trust you will understand. It was very comforting to know that Edward had such loyal friends in Hong Kong and that he was so well loved. We know that we shall never meet or know most of the people who contrib-

uted to the fund or who showed their kindness in so many other ways, but pleaseconveyto them all our deepest gratitude and appreciation. We shall never forget the kindness bestowed on us by Edward's friends in Hong Kong.

Anne Dono ghue ( Edward' s mother ),

Orliath Donoghue (sister), Michael Donoghue (brother). THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE





Peter Wong snicks a catch to the wicket-keeper, while lusty blows are struck by (teft

to right)

Bruce Maxwell,

FCC cricket heroes torpedo WHEN it emerged that the alert-eyed, athletic-looking young man who had brought alonghis ownbatwas on our side, there 'was an almost palpable boost in the confidence of FCC players who had gathered in the pavilion at the So Kon Po ground for the serious business of settling cricket accounts with the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club on April25. It proved not to be misplaced. The youngster Welsh-bornDanThomas, of Reuters was one of two youthful stars as the FCC chalked up a win of almost embanassing proportions. The other was a tall, dark-haired Yorkshireman, Bill Wadsworth, who runs his own desktop publishing busi-

ness when he

isn't shining with bat and


There were also excellent performances from some of the maturer members of theFCC squad assembled by skipper Bruce Maxwell on a bright and sunny day that was perfect for cricket. Duncan Kilgour, Jim Chandler, Vijay Shivdasani and Maxwell himself all made valuable contributions to the nine-wicket victory. Maxwell, who started the winning habit by calling correctly at the toss, put the Yacht Club side in, and manipulated his bowlers skilfully to have the opposition all out for 93 in 25 of the 35 overs allowed. The FCC knocked offthe runs to reach 96 for 1. The first hint of what was to come came early in the Yacht Club innings when Thomas, diving to his right, took


sparkling slip catch off the lively


Story: RON KNOWLES Pictures: BOB DAVIS Chandler to get rid of the Yacht Club's opener, Tony Raper, just as he was looking dangerous. It was a testament


modest confidence. As the FCC took the field, skipper Maxwell called for volunteers to field at slip. As the rest ofus studiously found a loose lace to tie our slunk away from that closeto-the-wicket area, which is so fraught with danger and potential embarrassment, Thomas undertook to take care of the edged thunderbolts. Given this kind of encouraging support in the field, the FCC bowlers established apsychological whiphand they never relaxed, and Wadsworth and Shivdasani, when they weren't cutting off runs in the deep, joined Chandler in taking wickets at nuga-

A lot to applaud about for FCC players (from left) Bruce Maxwell, Duncan Kilgour, Ron Knowles, Dan Thomas, Bill Wadsworth and John Jim Chandler, Frank Hydes and John Price. Price.

the Yacht Club Finally, Maxwell took the ball himself and put an end to the Yacht Club's batting misery by taking two wickets with his deceptively innocuous deliv-

eries. His second wicket was


reward of a Mike Brearley-like adjustment to the field. Spotting Wadsworth lurking on the legside, the skipper moved him fiactionally nearer the wicket

and the last batsman obliged by lobbing the ball unerringly to the Yorkshireman's safe pair of hands. This lefttheFCC with some startling bowling analyses Chandler 3 for 9, Wadsworth 3 for 14, Shivdasani 2 for 2, and Maxwell 2 for 3. Thomas and Kilgour opened the FCC innings with a supreme confidence that bordered on the sublime and both topped 30 Thomas displayingaparticularly cultivated array of stroke be-

fore each retired under the "give us a break" rule that stipulates a batsman must return to the pavilion at the end of the over in which he scores his 25th run.

With Wadsworth adding abreezy and Whitehouse


9, before

he became the only FCC batting victim, the end came quickly - in 13 overs. So swift and telling was the FCC

victory that there was time for a fast and furious l5-over contest a less serious affair which the Yacht Club won by onerun off the final ball. Once

ABOVE: This extremely rare

again Thomas and Wadsworth piled on

picture shows an FCC player making a defensive shot; rarer still, it is Wadsworth.

the runs on the FCC and Chandler shone with the ball.

SCORE BOARD RHKYC T. Raper c D. Thomas b J. Chandler M. Kaye ibw J. Chandler

t6 5

Hodgkiss b J. Chandler 2 E. Cannon c and b F. Whitehouse 28 M. Sinfield b B. Wadsworth t9 H. Angus b B. Wadsworth 6 Gibson c B. Wadsworth b V. Shivdasani I K. Jacobs c D. Kilgour b B. Maxwell 4 T. Berreclough b Wadsworth 5 H. Kaye c B. Wadsworth b B. Maxwell 2 B. Shell not out 2 J Extras


BELOW: The one FCC player to be out during the main game, Fred Whitehouse, had cause to smile; we were already coasting to victory when he was caught in the deep.



The demolition squad, FCC's Bill Wadsworth (left) and Jim Chandler Batting hero Dan Thomas with that bat. 14 THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE 199I

go out to open the lS-over game.

Bill Wadsworth cracks the ball for six.

D. Thomas retired


D. Kilgour retired F. Whitehouse c M. Sinfield b B. Shell

31 9

B. Wadsworth not out J. Chandler not out Extras Total (for 1 wicket)

t4 5 3





(from page 16)

THERE has been a belief rifely expressed among the membership that

for the bi-annual repaint of the Main Bar, the walls were stripped by the house white wine. It is an interesting sight to see an enraged manager stand-

ing stock still under a full head of steam and last month Heinz Grabner,

convinced that the 'Ice House Street' white was the finest little plonk ever to come out of a ship's bilge, had had enough. A cross section of the Board and stray Continentals would choose

the next year's consignment of house wines and live with the consequence of their own bad taste for a change. A blind tasting was set up in the Albert Room and 24 carafes of wine (24 withreserves, God help us!) 72 of each colour were labelled anonymously through the alphabet. Two tables were laid. On President Bayfield's sat myself, Ken Ball, Saul

Lockhart, and plucky Teresa Gibbs.

On Vice-President Seidlitz's


were Grabner, Stefan Reisner, Robin Moyer and Eddie Khoo. The judging began on the whites, not

least because 90 per cent


Shoot-out at the OK carafe acteristic of the present regime. "Iss zis a leg-opener, or vat?!" For me it opened something distinctlydifferent and by the time I got back, they were on J and coughing like a doctor's waiting room on a winter Monday morning. At the end of the white list, a mini-

mum of 12 sips


raw sewage was

beginning to tell on the mood of the gathering and there was a heated argument on how the votes should be recorded, which did not, I feel, augur well for public order at future Board meetings. The two tables were deeply

wine. (Ice House Street white actually has a year as opposed to a week or

divided and Lockhart's and my votes

we were pissed when we got round to it. Jean Le Clerk du Sablon arrived

A wine that 'hangs around the palate like a child molester'


orders for house paint stripper are for the white version. They opened with a universally excoriated little number

were in such an isolated minority that we knew what it felt like to be Social

leave whilst the going and my kidneys

Democrats. Some common ground was found on two wines and, feeling now like Mara-

were good. The slops bucket got a full foul christening. Seidlitz, swilling

dona after a weekend at home with friends, a "play-offl'was decided upon.

it under Reisner's nose and promising him that this would be the best wine of the evening, did nothing for this coun-

I thought it felt more like

which made me wonder whether I should

tryman's colour.

Looking back over my notes on those early whites, I see recorded as judgements "tonsolechtomy" and "hangs around the palate like a child molester". There were distinct differences of view from England and the Colonies on one table and the heavy hand of The Reich on the other. On wine G, a great roar came up from the President's Four "Now thet's Aaawstreyelyun!". On the V.P.'s table mutterings of "Krep!" could be heard and Eddie Khoo held his glass up to the light looking for flies. It provoked a question from Seidlitz which will, I suspect, become a char16 THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE I99I

just short of beating out the Radetsky March on the slop bucket and announced: "And one of those wines is the existing house white!" There was incredulity followed by a weeping and a wailing and gnashing of teeth. There was an avalanche ofexplanations. This was a better year for the

shoot-out as the two carafes approached each other, glasses slung at the belt ready to fire. Well, they shot each other dead. On a

the second tasting with taste buds blown

away more thoroughly than an Iraqi airfield, the Australian camp now decided that their champion tasted marginally sweeter than the Club cheesecake. But uncertainty was rumbling over in the Axis camp, too, so we drank half-way down the list again looking for another shoot-out. We found it but the voting tied and the tasters agreed to sanction

the one

of the two wines which Grabner could

get the best deal on. Now, here comes the difficult bit for me . . . for all of us who were there. Grabner stood in triumph before us,

two?). The previous year


an imposter. Last year's was shipped above the water line whilst this year's was carried below, and most convincingly,

judisciously late at this point, pronounced

us all wise in our choice and tucked into the canapes. Grabner produced a "special" wine, an Austrian number in the sort of bottle that Koreans throw at their police. We felt vengeful towards him, slop-bucketed it and moved

Talking of Australians,I don'tknow that all you needed to do was join up as the thing. At the time I was giving tea why their Consul-General, Geoffrey a Qantas steward. "Ah!" he replied a to a memsahib guest who was a cross Bentley, doesn't put a tent up at the end little too loudly for my taste, "but do between a Daughter of the Revolution of the Main Bar.Hewasinandoutof youhavethesexual proclivþ?"Cheeþ andachairwomanofalocal Women's Institute. the place with Australian speakers on sod! what seemed like a daily basis last I bought three Australian diplomats I must have just been shifting from month. And he had the nerve to come a round of drinks at one point and they one buttock to the other, the way you into the bar - with the Minister for all ordered soda water. I was brought do if you are bored out of your underComrption and Marsupial Abuse, I think round in the office later by a stiffScotch, wear, when Dingo let go one of those it was and say to me: "Oh hello, but the most difficult moment occured quiet, earth-deep rasps on his instruStuarl. Been here since I last saw you, after Emie Dingo's speech when he ment at the other end of the room. The

bar. woman's eyes watered at me in a conHe slipped in largely unnoticed all 6 ft. fused mixture of horror and admiration 6 ins of him with one of those great of the sort I have never seen in a long, Aboriginal didgeridoos - the woman before. Involuntarily, she sniffed Evans announced that Australian ones that make thàt deep noise that the air and remembered a sudden, urimmigrant residency qualifications records seven on the Richter scale. gent appointment with a bishop. only requiredsomething like oneday Well, I did not know that he was Theyareuseful,if dangerous,people have you?" We had Rolf Harris, Foreign Minister Gareth Evans, the Premier of Queensland and Ernie Dingo. When

came downstairs to drink in the

ayear inthecountry. Iturned to his behindapillar at theotherendofthe tohavearound,theseAustralians. chief minder from Canberra and said room teaching Napier Dunn how to use


on to the reds. The first one was Ribena, slipped




a temperance dissi-

dent who must be hunted down and re-educated. Being on reds now, we 'were supposed to think "bouquets". On wine N, I putmy nose close into the glass, drew in deeply and temporarily lost the sight of my left eye. There \üere some interestingly evocative dogs in the batch. Wine U tasted as though we were drinking it direct from the case itself and not a bottle. I understood why Princess Margaret is reputed to drink gin throughout the meal. The Royal Family must have the

same suppliers.

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There were nonetheless some potable contestants in the list, including the near-unanimous winner, a smooth

sage, well-bodied wine with just a hint of impertinence in a respectful assuring texture which lingered appreciatively on the back of the palate before . . . all right, all right, I'll stop it. I've just never had the chance to sound like Mr. Justice Power before.

(Continued on page L7)

cAN YOU AFFORD HK$20 A DAY to enhance your company image amongst your publishing peers?

YOU CAN then call Ingrid Gregory on 577-9331 for further information. THECORRESPONDENT JUNE I99I




All spit and

LEIGHTON WILLGERODT, an Associate Member of the FCC, is a sales executive with a US multinational

no polish

chemical company.

EACH day a small group of knobbykneed skinny old men in tattered shorts and sandals gather in front of the Hong Kong Terminal of the Star Ferry. Squatting on their haunches like aged birds of prey, they scan through slitted eyes

the crowds of disgorged

and hire one to cary them and their packages on their next round of shopping in Central. The transition of the rickshaw from commercial transport to a tourist attraction was a gradual one.

pouring out fromthe exit ramp. Upon sighting a party of tourists one or two of them will leap to his feet and with a forced smile beckon excitedly to the

In spite of the many complaints received by the Hong Kong Tourist Association, from both tourists and local residents alike, there is nothing they can do about these rip-offs. The

tourists while pointing to arì empty bright

Hong Kong Government takes the po-

red rickshaw park behind him. They are the remnants of a dying breed, a

sition that the rickshaw drivers


disappearing fraternity, Íhe rickshaw men of Hong Kong.


recent years unpleasant inci-

dents between ríckshaw men and tou-

rists have occurred with increasing frequency. They will charge the un-

wary as much as HK$100(US$12.82) for a short ride around the block, or HK$50 merely to have their picture taken. Any tourist who has not bar-


operating a licenced private enterprise, and it is up to tourists to bargain for their services, as they would do when purchasing a piece of merchandise at a stall. The one measure the government

has taken, however, is to adopt a policy of attrition and for a number of years now has stopped issuing any new licenses to operate a rickshaw. When the 1.5 to 20 old men left still

gained the fare beforehand, and has the temerity to object to paying the

plying that trade retire or die, the rick-

exorbitant fee demanded of him, faces


a stream of invective such as he has never been subjected to before. The hissing andspitting fromaface

Kong government will enshrine

contorted with rage will more than compensate for the fact that he will not be

to understand the Cantonese. If he tries to force on the driver what


he thinks is a reasonable sum and hurry away he will be followed through

the streets, the driver creating such a din as to attract crowds of onlookers. To avoid further embarrassment he


have no choice but to succumb to the pressure, pay up and slink away to

repair his shattered nerves. A lifetime of abuse and hard labour has left those rickshaw drivers embittered with a barely suppressed rage and contempt for their fellow man. Until about ten to 15 years ago the rickshaws at the Star Ferry were still used as a commerical form of transport. Wealthy Chinese taitais would embark ffom the ferry laden with bundles


shaw will

disappear from the Hong


When that happens I hope the Hong at

least one rickshaw in glass in front of the Star Ferry Terminal for the benefitof thetourists who came too late. Perhaps they may even include a statue of the anonymous driver although I doubt they would have him hissing and spitting at a tourist. Many people are surprised to leam

that the firstrickshaw was designed and built by an American missionary about 120 years ago in a garage in Camden, New Jersey. Before that the privileged classes in China and Japan were carried about in palanquins when they wanted to move from one place to another. The American shipped his new invention to Yokohama where

a factory was established to produce them.



Japanese, being what they are, quickly copied it, and

within a short time the rickshaw became the standard means of transport

in Japanese cities and towns. From Japan it was introduced to the port

cities of China. The word "rickshaw" comes from

the Japanese "Jin-riki-sha" which can be literally translated as "man-

powered-vehicle. " The only ri c ks haw s still in use in Japan are owned by tea


in the Gion district

of Kyoto

and are used to cany geisha on their nightly assignations. I have heard though that some enterprising young men have recently set up a business in the restored old towns of Kurashiki and

Kanazawafo carry tourists around by rickshaw to see the local sights. In Southeast Asia the pedal-driven vehicle has been for many years the

preferred human powered form of transport. They come in different styles. In some the driver sits in front and in others the driver is perched up behind the passenger. InThailand it is called a samlor, in Vietnam and Cambodia acyclo, and in Indonesia a becak. With the exception of Jakarta they have largely dis-


(from page 18 )

Gibbs becomes a Way down Dixie

All spit, no polish American housewife manied


Former Conespondent Governor and Asiaweek Chief of Correspondents Teresa Gibbs and long-time Associ-


Air Force officer with three children fell in love with a Thai samlor driver. She deserted her family who

ate member Ross Way tied the knot on

returned to the United States without

April 7 by getting manied in

her while she took up housekeeping with the samlor driver somewhere in

bride's home state of South Carolina at the historic Summer-Huggins House. "Once we made the decision to get

up-country Thailand. The couple were invited to Bangkok to appear on television and for a year or so receivedagrea| deal.of publicity. The samlor driver, in particular, became the object of many jokes and much speculation as to what he had which could be so attraclive lo a married foreign woman. In the course of time the infatuation must have worn offbecause I heard that eventually she returned to the United States alone, leaving the samlor driver, I suppose,

married, we decided to do it in the spring and in the South," says Teresa.


Teresa and Ross cut the cake.

is managing diiector of

in the last few weeks celebrating the birth of his daughter, Alexandra. Ball


(HK) Ltd., and his wife, Heather, was

for Dragonair. Alexandra was bom on April 28, and measured 23 inches - hardly surprising with mother and father being two of the FCC's tallest PR

was best man. Before retuming


Hong Kong, the couple took a wedding trip to The Cloister in Sea Island, Georgia, which boasts three champi-

which he came.

Ken Ball, a member for more than20 years, has beenbreasting the baralot

aunt's home was built in 1825 of those beautiful t\ryostorey white columned places you see in picture books about the South." "It was the perfeet setting," agrees Ross, "complete with alarge magnolia tree." Absentee FCC member Tom Sheehan, who now lives in Houston, Texas,

and is one

to sink back into the obscurity from

Tâll story


onship golf courses among its many attractions. Commented Ross, an avid

golfer: "I know my priorities. A man should always play golf on his honey-



from the major cities but still widely used in the provincial towns and villages. My experience has been that unlikerherickshaw men of Hong Kong, the drivers of these vehicles are generally jolly, friendly fellows intent only on making an honest living. They will also, of course, overcharge the occasional foreigner who comes their way, but they do it in such a nice way he hardly notices. About 20 years ago fhere was a celebrated case in Thailand when an ( Continued on page 19 ) appeared are


avoid further embarrassment he will have no choice but to pay up' THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE I991 19

The FCC welcomes the following new members: CORRESPONDENT James Rohwer, who has replaced former FCC Board Member. John Andrews as the Economist's Asia

correspondent, was previ-

ously the magazine's Asia editor in London. Denverborn Rohwer has been with the Economisl since March 1983.

Sri Lanka, where he was



Kong correspondent. He has



Paul Adams from Bir-

1965. Shapiro, who was bom

in Washington, joined the

ABCin LondonandtheDøþ Mirror. Deputy editor of Travel News Asia and Travel Trqde, Brent Hannon is a

Philadelphia Daily News tn 1955 and later

worked for

tlae B altimore N ews -Amerithe New York Journql American andthe N ew York Herald Tribune. Shapiro has


a number of awards to his


magazine award

nalism Foundation (1970),

magazine award


National Council



the RobertF. Kennedy Jour-

Canadian who has previously


After spells with Time Magazine inChicago, Washington, Houston, Cairo and Seoul, David Jackson, comes to Hong Kong to continue his Time career as a correspondent based in the col-

the magazine since

mingham is the Hong Kong bureau chief with the television news agency, Visnews. He comestoHongKongfrom the Visnews London Office and was previously with the

of for


JOURNALIST Assistant features editor atthe South China Morning Pasr, Kevin Murphy, was formerly a Melbourne correspondent for the Bulletin in Australia and before that was a stringer in Australia for a variety ofpublications. Freelance Stephen Barnes, from Hartlepool, has worked as a sub-editor on a series of newspapers in South


Missouri and Seattle. Lynne O'Donnell, aReu-

Advancement of Education

and the West of England over the past 14 years

(7974) and the Overseas Press

and fitted

ters correspondent comes to Hong Kong after a year in Beijing aseditorof the China

Club 1990 magazine award for overseas reporting. Nicholas Elliott is a director and publisher of Lloyds

Daily. Sheprevious-ly spent eight years in Melboume with successively the H erald and

Weekly Times Group, the ABC and News Corp. Freelance Jamie Allen is the former environment correspondentof the South Chino

Morning Post and a contributor Ío Business Review Week, the Financial Times

The Guardian. Manila-bom Canadian, Alejandro Reyes, is a corand


of London Press.

ism, John Colmey, is a writer with Asiaweek. He comes to Hong Kong from


Another north-easterner, Jonathan Veitch from Tyne-

ASSOCIATE David Henderson is a vice-president of the Bank of America. James Thomson is a director of an import-export business.

David Ho is the executive vice-chairman of a petroleum marketing and trading company.

Eric Charrington is

Eric Matheson is a first officer with Cathay Pacific. Iain Steele is theregional manager for intemational relations at British Telecom Far East.


þnabel Doling is a lifesw\th Communi-

tyle editor

cation Management.

Ron McMillan has contrib-

Australian Vivienne


Swann is areporterwith the South China Morning Post. She was a television critic at


Times Magazíne, International Businessweek, For-

Sixth Sense in West Germany from 1984-1988 and later spent two years as a

tune Magazine, Far East-

reviewer and features writer




Asiaweek, Electronic Business Asia, Asian Advertis-


with the Daily News in Western Australia.


of The Chinese

F.C.C. members are generally decision makers who decide

\4/HAT to buy for their companies.

THE CORRESPONDENT is a controlled circulation publication, reaching all members plus their families. Complimentary copies are mailed to other key figures in

Bonus overseas mailing of 900 copies.

Sarah Pakenham-Walsh is the advertising director for Southeast Asia and Australsia for Íhe Financial Times.

Hans Joerg Schneeber-

ger, from Zurìch, is

Trade Development Coun-

cil, Asian Business

per-capitå, consumer spending gfoups in Hong Kong.

insurance executive.

ously with the Journal in

Hong Kong Tatler.

F.C.C. members represent one 0f the highest earning,


purifiers and inflatable air

Brussels and Pittsburgh, and before that spent four years as a reporter on the Arizona Republic in Phoenix. Freelance photographer

Itrink about it!

China Morning Post.

Company. He has freelanced for Hong Kong Business, Amcham Magazine, the

cations, including L' Express, Epoca,'the Telegraph Weeke nd M ag azine, fhe N ew Y o rk

Pulitzer Travelling Fel-

hr onic I e in Zim-

print journalism in Taipei. Swee Ngor Kok is a design director withthe South

the managing director of an air-


lowship winner at the Columbia School of Journal-


leton Baum, is the Asian news director of the Metro Broadcast Corp. in Hong Kong. He has previously worked in broadcasting and

moth, is a reporter-columnist with Howard Coats &

uted to a number


ulaw ay o

olicy Decision

Susan Casey, an American citizen bom in La Rochelle, France, is a reporter 'with the Asian Wall Street Journal. She was previ-

respondent wiÍh Asiaweek Hong Kong. He has been with the magazine since

in a spell of al-

most two years with the B


to Punish Vietnam (written in Chinese), William Car-

ing and Marketing and Asian

stringer for the magazine and previously a freelance and consultant for anumber of media organisations and the World Bank. The New Yorker Magazine has appointed staffer Fred Shapiro to be its Hong been


Thought about it!

ducts company.

Ingrid Gregory is a promotion manager with Asia-

Pacific Directories,

the publishes The Correspondent. Nicholas Sibley is the ex-



ecutive chairman of a firm of investment bankers. Therese Smith is a director of a shipping company.

New Zealander Kevin Hyde is the chairman and chief executive of KCR. He was formerly the chief executive of the New Zealand Railway Corporation. Andrew Church is a stockbroker.

Join this list of smart adverlisers who know the exact

market they æe reaching. Colour ads:- 1/4 page H.K.$1,584.


page H.K.$3,168.

Full page H.K,$5,280, Black & White:- ll 4 page H.K.$1,320 . 112 page H.K.$2,640. Full page H.K.$4,400. Cail Ingrid Gregory 0n, 5779331 for further information.



Rampant imagination on date \Mith destiny The Nine Dragons,

A Novel of Hong

Kong 1997, by Justin Scott (Bantam Books, New York) US$20. A WDELY varying assortment of businessmen, journalists, diplomats, faded society countesses, leggy jet set damsels, airline pilots, Old Asia Hands, re-

tired military officers, spies, and ship captains has already booked hotel rooms in Hong Kong for the night of June 30,

Duncan Mackintosh's? Two:Way

Review by Edward Neilan


Western music, which had always appealed in Hong Kong, suddenly rocketed to new popularity. Rooted in Scots tradition, the bittersweet music beguiled the nervous expats and charmed the Chinese, who took the simple songs to their sentimental hearts." With the murder of her father at sea,

32-yearold Victoria Mackintosh


The idea is the ultimate intemational

thrust into the role of taipan. The financial community waits to see if she will

New Year's Eve party: going to bed

win out over the devious Two-Way


under the Union Jack and waking up to the five-starred red flag of the People's Republic of China. According to Justin Scott's fast-paced The Nine Dragons, the turnover from British to Chinese administration should be quite a show.

If life imitates art, or in this case

Scott's brand of literature, the occupants of the luxurious hotels won't be getting much sleep on that night. They will be kept awake by riots in Kowloon, gunfile, shouts ofprotesters, a colony-

wide transport strike, and ripples of betrayal.

Not the least of the commotion will be a bank run set off by facsimile machine, known as "the Fax Riots," falsely

claiming that "Hong Kong Gold" thecolony's enormous reserves - has been shipped out on the eve of the

'Wong, who may have been behind her father's murder.

The "Dragon's Daughter," as Victoria is nicknamed, takes the challenges cooly, including the outlook for Hong Kong's future under Chinese rule: "You see? Not to worry," she assures the family amah. "It'll sort itself out. Hong Kong is the richest Chinese

city in the world, and the PRC can't afford to destroy it. Hong Kong's their

window on the West, their banker, their technology tutor. Besides, Beijing knows damned well it can't feed another six million unproductive mouths. "No, the real danger of turnover is

we'll bore ourselves to death talking about it." There is no problem with anyone being bored by Nine Dragons. If there is a hazard for the reader, it is in keep-


ing up with the characters, who seem

This, of course, confirms Beijing's fears that Britain will bail out of Hong

to be hasty caricatures.

Kong,leaving unpaid chits and an empty

a Chinese mistress who is at odds

cash drawer. The reality is likely to be much more calm. Early risers at the Mandarin, Hong Kong Hilton, The Regent and The Peninsula will have sumptuous breakfasts, as usual, andread theSouthChina Morning Posl to see if Beijing censorship has set in. Scott conveys the mood of a gather-

the taipan's daughter, the holder of some

ing typhoon: "By the end of March, with less than four months to turnover, a

melancholy air had gnpped the Crown

Colony, and American country-and22 THß, CORRBSPONDENT JUNE


The murdered Scottish owner leaves


blackmail cards on the leading gangster. The mistress may use her contacts with the new Premier of China to make sure Two-Way Wong does not become


The inevitable complication is that Victoria falls in love with Two-Way Wong's Eurasian son, both becoming pawns in his father's devious game. It is apparent that Scott has researched the subject thoroughly. Virtually every angle that a businessman, social worker, political scientist, foreign correspondent or anthropologist could think of is covered by some anecdote or conversation in this book. Some of his allusions to the possibility of Hong Kong becoming another Shanghai show good marksmanship

though none is quite as succinct as Harriet Sergeant in her current book "Shanghai" (Jonathan Cape, London, 1991): "Shanghai . . . the communists took over and they soon showed that they preferred a dead city in their control to a prosperous one out of it. One can imagine a similar reaction to Chinese Communists to Hong Kong today."


Dragons lacks the writing

charm of John le Carre's Honourable Schoolboy or James Clavell's Tai Pan and falls short of the sweep of Clavell's Noble House, all set in Hong Kong, but research can go only so far and in Hong Kong's case fiction can hardly match the actual cast of characters that has passed through the Fragrant Harbour. Perhaps no other port of call has attracted so many swashbuckling entre-


Review by Ron Knowles The Asian Observer by Leighton Willgerodt (Cross Cultural Press ). AT LEAST one know-all has dismissed Leighton Willgerodt's The Asian Observer on the grounds that it told him nothing he did not already know. He must have been an extremely well informed and widely travelled invidual.

This anthology of brief essays and intriguing reminiscences reveals not only the rich variety of life, traditions, customs, trends and contemporary contradictions of our region, but also the author's unfailing curiosity about them.

V/illgerodt is armed with the sound instincts of a good reporter to look beneath the surface of what he sees and

to spin an entertaining story about it, simply and without pretension. Yet he is not a joumalist by profession, and writing does not come easily to him. (Nor, in my experience, does it to many of those who have opted for a career in journalism). But if Willgerodt does not always

express himself as felicitously as he might. he is invariably interesting. He takes us on a nocturnal expedition through the squalid backstreets of Bombay to see a Mujra dancer, explains the duplicitous dealings of a carpet salesman in Malaya some years ago,

Date with destiny (from page 22 )

preneurs, dreamers, pirates, embezzlers, scoundrels, ersatz Mongolian princesses,

magnificent pretenders and brilliant

the next Governor of Hong Kong.

The mistress is carrying a child

and even she has a shot at becoming govemor. The high suspense near the end of the book is not marred by the revelation that the mistress has to settle for a seat on the Legislative

Something fresh on every horizon

(Continued on page 23 )

'Kept awake by riots in Kowloon'

executrves. When the Noon Gun is fired for the last time under the British sun celebrations of one of the most remarkable cities in the world will be in order.

Maudlin reminiscences will proliferate and dire predictions for the future may outweigh expressions of optimism.

introduces us to a'Turk who became a star of tplevision in Japan, examines

that complex and delicate social dimension of "face" among the Chinese and describes the sporting clashes of cockroach races in Burma. All this and more is unveiled in a relaxed, natural narrative style, often embellished with humoúr and wry

spondent. As an Associate Member. he has been a contributor to our pages for several months.

As a frequent traveller throughout Asia, he is a shrewd and conscientious

chronicler of the many fascinating aspects of life in the region. His book is a valuable reminder that there is something fresh on every horizon for those

commentary. Willgerodt is for the most part content in his role of observer, but when he judges, he does so gently and without malice. Some of this material has already illuminated the otherwise drab columns of the Hong Kong Stan-

who have the capacity to see, the courtesy


back home.

and Willgerodt's work will also be familiar to readers of The Corre-

But the only accurate portrayal


that a phase of the existence of one of

mankind's great accomplishments in the realm of the "city" is passing and that Hong Kong's future can be bright. After all, each calendar decade in Hong Kong's history on balance has been better than the previous one. There

is no reason to expect that

will change.

Scott's rampant imagination has provided a tale that will excite the cas-

to listen and the patience to learn. In addition to its interest to those of us widely experienced in the ways of

Asia,Willgerodt's book will make a delightful gift for family and friends

ual reader and amuse and evoke a variety of responses and memories from the long-time resident and frequent visitor, for whom Hong Kong needs no embellishment.

Edward Neilan, fo rmer fo r e i gn e di -

tor of the The Washington Times and now the paper'sToþo bureauchief, is an absent member of the FCC who was based in Hong Kong for seven years in the 1960s. THE CORRESPONDENTJUNE 1991



HKJA prompts grilling on human rights

ITtink about it!

In addition to gaining considerable publicity about Hong Kong concerns over the failure of Britain to secure guarantees from China in advance of the colony's restoration to mainland control in 1991, the HKJA team was

of issues concerning Hong Kong.

ableto brief a number ofsympathetic members of the UNHRC who took up their points strongly with the British representatives. Sweden's Bertil Wennegren, Costa Rica's Jose Aguillar, Yugoslavia's Vogin Dimitrijevic, Jordan's Waleed Sadi andEgypt's OmranEl Shafei were particularly receptive and perceptive. They listened, they studied detailed documentation and bored in know-

ensure that human rights in Hong Kong would continue to be monitored by the UNHRC after I99l and expressed concenì that China was not a signatory to the Intemational Cove-

ledgably on the British representa-

nant on Civil and Political Rights.

Three members of the HKJA Execu-

F.C.C. members represent one of the highest earning,


per-capita, consumer spending goups in Hong Kong.

Vice-Chairman Daisy Li Yuet-wah and

F.C.C. members are generaþ decision makers who decide

\ /HAT to buy for their


THE CORRESPONDENT is a controlled circulation publication, reaching all members plus their families. Complimentary copies are mailed to other key figures in the


Bonus overseas mailing of 900 copies.

the then Chairman Emily Lau,

committee member Charles Goddard

travelled to New York to lobby of the UNHRC and to attend

members hearings.

Early lobbying was done by Lau and Goddard before Lau returned to Hong Kong to be replaced by Li on the first day of the hearing.

Sinclair protests over 'total waste of fundst THE VISIT to New York has provoked a strong protest from HKJA In addition to questioning the Association's participation in the hearings of the UNHRC, Sinclair complained three Executive members to New York.

he considered the venture "a total waste of HKJA funds and a misdirection of Association efforts." years, said

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He has listed his complaints, plus a series of questions to the Executive, in

THE ZOO wr{o sAys t'¿^ NoT E


rereNolY ?

the British team, under pressure to explain the value of a Hong Kong Bill of Rights that could be repealed like any other item of legislation, blurted: "If we \À/ere to enact a Bill of Rights to survive 199'l , we had to ensure [it] was compatible with the Basic Law."

El Shafie was particularly keen to

Britain was under an obligation to ensure that human rights monitoring of Hong Kong would extend beyond 1997. Elements of the Basic Law also came

under fire.

Matters raised by the HKJA team

by the term "turmoil", which they considered too broad and ambiguous. It promoted the possibility that a state of emergency could be declared with

that the membership was not informed in advance of the intention to send He also criticised the visit on grounds of the costs to the HKJA. Sinclair, an HKJA member for 19

ment's shabby sell-out of Hong Kong rights. At one stage, an abject member of

in private lobbying such as Article 18 on emergency powers and Article 23 on subversion were clearly unacceptable to the UNHRC. Some of its members were alarmed

member Kevin Sinclair.

Thought about it!

tives trying to defend their govern-

Human Rights Committee in New York in April which considered Britain's record, representatives of the HKJA were prominent in prompting a severe grilling of British delegates over a variety

AT THE meeting of the UN

Kevin Sinclair a letter to The Journalist, which has due to the hiatus caused by the resignation of chairman Emily Lau to pursue a political career, and of the office secretary, Alivia Yu,

yet to be published


a new post. BY ARÎHUR HACKER

relative ease.

Article 1 9 of the Bill of Rights, which deals with freedom of expression, also drew some criticism, and particular mention was made of the loud-

hailer prosecution which the Hong Kong Government, in its eagerness to appease China, brought against prodemocracy supporters. The UNHRC's brief is to monitor

the compliance ol signatory states with the terms of the covenant. The states submit reports on their human rights records and are subjected to a process of "cross-examination" by

the committee. Although outsiders are not allowed to participate, they may lobby members of the commit-

tee to press them to raise specific issues. This is why the HKJA trio went






Comic strip of the 1930s (3 words)


human characteristics


ï?i- rsï





'ei--iïs-1i4 109


Stooping forward

(2 words)

3s 145 91 148 83 23 56 24



Insignificant' presumPtuous person


O, 67 188 113 r5'1 128



tt4 motto (3 words)


12 t'76t49

-lî -il-


30 2





iï8 H. What to wear when riding a rail (3 words) Strips of leather



-i8 -ìï-










ïï-ll0 ïi;










ïiö liii







1-4ï-61- i58

T. Surrender an alleged -71- -ïacriminal to another






jurisdiction i6-6--








U. Once in a while (3


Bread (3 words)

t9 4r



Stringed instrumenl

82 r24 t3't



eï- d7--

t61 10 t8'7 140 41




l4r 1eï-äa-'i--1i¿-iö8-



G. Social insects


26 58 39 92 143 73 t68

R. Movie

90 to3 21 94 16t 31


Fresh and vigorous

-ä- -i;;




a. All-knowing

iïe ï¿i

--8 --

iï-ï5--ßï'iid- tÐ-


Pyromaniacs's delight

Indicating assent

Alfred E. Nueman's



C. Modifiers 42 180


M, Outgrowth

Supine or prone


ãî-1 ?d- iot- lrs-' ;6'

llö-isolIï-iil L.

44 12 86



A bonle of spirits donated by HiramwaLker





t92 122 146


55 133 45 49

MAY GRIPHOS PUZZLE The winner of the May Griphos competition was Nigel Armstrong (4242) who wins a bottle of spirits donated by Hiram Walker.

The solution was: They were no colonists, they were conquerors and for that you want only brute force, nothing to boast of since your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others. It was just robbery with violence, not a pretty thing. Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness







EnÍies must be sent to:




42C 50N


membership number of the contestant. first correct solution drawn from the entries received be awarded a bottle of spirits donated by Hiram Walker. 5. The solution and winner's name will be published in Zfte Correspondenl the following month.



























62Q 't2I)




























I l3C








































r6 1F










I l6N










143 P







































CROSSWORD AsiaPaciflrc Directories 9/F, Grand View Commercial Centre, 29-31 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 2. Entries must reach the office not later than 26 June 3. Entries must carry the name, address and the Club
















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