The Correspondent, June - July 2000

Page 1


Vietnam - 25 Years On


Land of Contrast 6one Countrยก Two Systems'survey East

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President Karl Wilson FiEt Vice Præident- Androny Lawence Ray Rudowski Second Vice President Correspondent Member Governors Paul Bafreld, Kate Dawson,

Jounalist Member Governors Liu Kin-ming, Francis Moriarty


Finmce Comittee Conumm: Philip Segal (Treasurer) Professional

Employee Integrity Program




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o n

Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2884-7788 Fax: (852) 2568-8505 Contact Person: David Holloway

Constitutional Comittee


Membership Comittee

Conamu: Davd. Rroads

Bombay New Delhi





Singapore Sydney




GM Report and Election Results

van Es

0 Feature







Conacnot': David Garcia


È o

Eûtertaiment Comittee




Freedom of the Press Comittee Conuenor: F rancis Moriarty



ia By The Numbers

*.*wine menu II 10 Lrrr"nir,".


10 Martin Lee Why a democrat lobbied for China 13 Christine Loh Life after LegCo 14 Donald Kirk - The Korean summit and its implications


Club Activities

15 Chess Club 16 Bridge 17 QtizNights


Co-convmor: Hubert van Es

General Mmager Gilbert Cheng


land of contrasts

Cover Story

Reunion in Vietnam


Contingency Planning Services




,roroThe President

Howe Comittee


Corporate Security Services






Conumor: fames



M Report

Hubert van Es, Luke Hunt, Mark Landler, Jmes Laurie, David Roads, Philip Segal

Associate Member Governors Ben Beaumont, Robert L Fienberg, David Grcia, Martin Merz



I 4 I







Intellectual Property Consulting







Crisis Management

The Correspondent

2 (D




The Foreign Correspondents' CIub ofHong Kong

The Correspondent is published 6 times a yean Opinions expressed by miters in magazine are not necessarily those of the Club.

Litigation Support

Publicatioro Comittee



È Þ)

Computer-Evidence Recovery a


Conumor: Ltke HtnI DeþuQ Conunu: Paul Bafreld

Editor: Satl Lockhart Terry Duckham

Pro d,uct:ion:

Editorial Editor: Saul Lockhart Tel: 2813 5284 Fu: 2813 6394 Mobile: 9836 1210

Watering Hole

Media Survey results from the Hong Kong Transition Project

Obituary 24 Dawd Gilhooly 26 Kurt Schork 27 Richard Breeze 28 Jack bennett 29 Lord Maclehose Around the FCC in Pictures

E-mail: lockhart@hkstar com












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Live at Bert's Professional Contacts FCC Faces


David Roads

Coaer: A contingent of FCCers, led, b1 d.oynne Clare Hollingwrth, headed, for Ho Chi Minh City al the end. of Aþril to join other corresþondents who couered the Vietnam War on the occasi,on of the anniuersary of the war's end,. Cotter shous þhotograþherJoan Boirin calches a ride in a cyclopousse uìth CLare þedalled, þhotograþher Bob Dauis. (See þage 18.)

From Teresa Gibbs-Way #1365 (in Atlanta)

I would like to thank all those FCC members, including many absentee members and staff, who have contacted me since the death in March of my husband Ross. Your e-mails, faxes, letters, cards, phone calls and floral tributes have come in from Hong Kong, Australia, the US and numerous other countries around the world. Rest assured that each in its own way has brought comfort during a very difficult time. A special word of thanks goes to longtime friends John McDougall, Kevin Sinclair and Chet Tschetter for their contributions to the obituary appearing in the

Aprll/May issue of The Corresþondent. My thanks also to editor Saul Lockhart for pulling the package together. I treasure this particular issue and look forward to sharing it with my son Stuart when he is old enough to appreciate it. From all accounts, the get-together held at the FCC in memory of Ross and Sing Sheng was "a good one". Ross would have been especially pleased that so many friends attended. The words of condolence and personal reminiscing expressed

in the card forwarded by the Club are truly

Ross always said that you learn who your true friends are when times are really bad. He had the loyal support of his family and many friends, both near and far, which helped sustain him over the past years.

For that,


especially thank you.

From Kent Hayden Sadler #f592 (in London)

Come to Mo Tat \Øan on Lamma Island and discover Hong Kong's newest venue for al fresco dining and great parties. Located on the beach, Cococabana offers a laid back Mediterranean-style atmosphere. Enjoy our exotic cocktails and balcony dining set against the soft sound of waves on the beach and spectacular views over the South China Sea to Hong Kong. Live Latin music and Salsa parties can also be enjoyed on a

regular basis. Cococabana can be reached by ferry from the Aberdeen Fishmarket or by junk. Our own boat, Le Junk, is available for hire atvery reasonable prices.

For reservations please call232a 2l3A Produce your FCC rnembersbip card and receiue a

free Sangria upon arriuøI.

Lunch or dine four times in one month at any of ouf restaurants in SOHO and enioy a free junk trip to COCOCABANA.


2869 Casa Portuguese Cuisine


LaBelle ßpoqule2537

9381 Cubana

French Cuisine

From Roger Thomas #2745 (in UK) You kindly sent me two copies of The Corresþondent (April/May issue) this month. I realise that this is a cunning marketing ploy to ensure a wider readership! It worked. I passed my extra copy on to John Pain (former executive director of the Hong Kong Tourist Association) who thoroughly enjoyed his read. He wants to know, as a non-member, if he can take out a subscription? Let me know and I will pass on what I hope is good news. Please pass on my best wishes to any

My copy of The Corresþondenú (April/May issue) arrived this morning, which brought back memories of Hong Kong. So sad to read the obits of old friends Sing (Sheng), Ross (Way) and Benno (Gross). I can't remember how many bars Sing and I visited in capital cities across Asia more than I've drunk six-packs of San Mig I guess. I loved him, the irascible old whatsit. My copy of The Corresþondent usually ends up being passed around the Nanking Club lunch, our Londonbased monthly get-together of old Hong Kong hands and general layabouts. So it gets a good airing.


Our Website introduction states the "Club was founded during World War II by a group of foreign correspondents reporting for Chiang Kai Shek-controlled-Chungking, China in 1943". In his particular turn of phrase, His Grace (aka Richard Hughes)would say that labels them running dogs of one kind or another. Not trying to be pedantic, but "from", rather than "for", is more proper in the context.


Undoubtedly you helped prolong Ross's life and contributed towards his steadfast desire to the very end to "beat this illness".


From C.P. Ho #0025

Cafe Au

2526 8889

Vietna.mese Cuisine


Peter Seidlitz


Getting Better

Having suffered a debilitating stroke

of myold (nowolder!) chums! (Edi,tor: Of course John can subscribe. A subscription is

excitement. The membership mix is very much the same as the FCC, maþe leaning more towards the media/showbiz people than the FCC, and a bit lighter

on lawyers. But who's to complain about that? Drinks are reasonably priced, food is excellent and bar snacks are readily available at virtually all hours. Upstairs are comfortable, well appointed rooms for those overcome by tiredness and emotion, and also handily available for those mortally wounded by cupid's arrow as happens often in Groucho due to the excellent quality of the cocktails and the availability of some of the best-looking models in the city of London. To paraphrase the Good Doctor Johnson: 'When one becomes tired of London, one is tired of life." For London read Groucho. I

HAPPY SNAPPERS Crossed paths with some FCCers on your recent trip? Take a happy snap. We'd love to run

HK$300 þn year)

it. Put the pic with a nice long caption in

From Ted Thomas #1325

The Corresþondentbox and please drop the editor an e-mail or phone to alert him.

Recently in The Corresþondent (Ãpril/May issue) I read a rather dismissive report on my favourite

London hostelry Groucho. Being an habitué of the | ¡¡¡¿g Groucho Club - to give it its full ¡¡¿¡¡1ç - that any member of the - FCC disturbed to find could not find himself immediately at home there. Starting with reception and going on through the ranks of very friendly and welcoming staff, I have invariably found Groucho well up to FCC standards in service, affability and, on some nights, sheer

in April

which affected the right side of his bod¡ the former FCC president is now in rehabilitation and 'fìghting his way back", according to wife Sylvie and reports from FCCers who have visited him in Sydney.

"Peter is really making great progress. Last week (mid-May) I took him to a pub for a beer. He and I assume that gave him the incenloved it - harder. Following that he was home tive to work for the weekend. It was good. He was happy. He walked quite a lot in the house, without support although slow and a bit unstable. We managed a shower in the morning and a one-hour speech lesson on Sunday though he is still unable to say one word. Fortunately he had no objection to returning to his 'camp' (the rehabilitation centre). I told him he has to work fìve days a week. I am convinced that this weekend will give him a lot of willpower to go to the end of tunnel," wrote Silvie.


HeIp Run Your FCC As is pointed out in the reportage of the recent AGM, "not a single member put a single question to any member of the Board". A "snoozefest" former president Philip Segal called it. Yet as we all know very well, there are many opinions on how this Club should be run. And complaints. If you are interested in helping, really interested, and not just waffling at the bar, turn to Page 1 and look at the list of committees and their convenors in the masthead. As is pointed out every year at this time, the committees are open to every member, regardless of membership category. There is no

preferential voting in committ all members have a equal say. The Board needs your input.Join a committee and make a difference. I


ln an emergency, there's no faster way to send cash to and from Asia, and around the world. Callfor more information.


2117 9088 3

AGM REponr


Froffir the

by Philip Segal

7-f\ o cap an eventful year, the Club's Annual ll General Meeting was its usual snoozefest: not a + single member put a single question to any

Pre$Ídent new board will be to overhaul the Club's Website. It is the Board's intention to make this the leading Website for journalists in Asia. The Board welcomes

any ideas members may have on the site and its put the Club back on a sound financial footing and the improvements to the Club generally have been well received by most members. I hope we can build on the fìne work Phil and his team have done over the has

past year.

I am delighted to have Anthony Lawrence as First Vice-President and Ray Rudowski as Second VicePresident. Philip has agreed to serve on the new board as Treasurer while most of the committees remain unchanged. Francis Moriarty will chair the Freedom of the Press Committee, David Garcia the House Committee and Hubert van Es Membership. Committee. Luke Hunt will head the Publications along Paul Bayfield. One of the objectives of the


development. The Board will also be looking at ways we can attract more local journalists as members. But to all our new

members, in whatever category of membership, I extend a warm welcome. The Board is also looking forward to working with our manager, Gilbert "Tiger" Cheng, and his team. On a personal note I would like to thank Ray Rudowski for stepping in for both Anthony and myself. Both of us were out of Hong Kong inJune.

member of the Board. There were no questions about the accounts, none about the running of the Club. It was left to various members to offer congratulations to the members of the Constitutional Committee and to Dave Garcia of the House Committee for all their hard work, motions of thanks which I supported wholeheartedly. As the meeting wound up, I had the pleasure of

informing the Club that this Board has left the FCC with almost exactly the same amount of cash it found a year ago. Since then, the Club has renovated its Main

President Karl Wilson First Vice President Anthony Lawrence Second Vice President Ray Rudowski

James Laurie Kate Dawson

52 46

Luke Hunt


Philip Segal Saul Lockhart



t the Club's Extraordinary General Meeting on tut 25, most of the reforms to our Memoranda ^. Æ * t"and Articles of Association proposed by the Board were passed. Most of these changes consisted of routine alterations to bring our constitution up to date: in a few cases, we had never changed "Colony" to "Special Administrative

for example. Aside from housekeeping matters, though the more sweeping reform this Board proposed did not gain the 75Vo majority needed to be adopted. This would have conferred on every member of the Club the right to cast a vote for President and First Vice-President (but not to nominate candidates for these positions). Some of those who spoke at Board level in favour of this change did so because it was thought that Associates wanted more representation in the Club. Region,"


Moriarty 63 Liu Kin Ming

Associate Governors Ben Beaumont 94 David Garcia 138 Martin Merz r07


Officials Those who spoke against the changes at the EGM said the changes would have threatened the Club's status as one founded to defend the interests of correspondents. One spèaker said it would have made sense to give Associales a vote for these two offices in the same proportion to other members' voting rights which they enjoy at EGM's and the Annual General Meeting: that is, one vote per Associate, compared with 25 per Correspondent Member.

The status of the changes that were voted down or were withdrawn from the vote because of typographical

error is: the new Board can again put them to the membership for a vote at an EGM, or any fìve Correspondent Members can arrange to have this done. If neither of these things happens, the amendments do not go through. I THE CORRESPONDENT


NE-JULY 2000

Diane Stormont

The Board of Governors 2000 - 2001 PRESIDENT

Karl Wilson

FIRSTVICE-PRESIDENT Anthonylawrence 54 40 60 35


Christopher Champion 90 t3 Keith Statham Rick Adkinson 79

Robert L Fienberg 98

by Philip Segal



Journalists Governors

Eeffi Ref:çFt

Cheng as General Manager.

Elncrrox Rrsurrs

Correspondents Governors David Roads 32 Mark Landler HubertVan Es 34 Paul Ba/ield

Karl Wilson

Dining Room and the Verandah, and has undertaken critical repairs and modifrcations costing more than $300,000 and aimed at bringing the building fully up to code. Fire doors and licenses aren't glamourous, but they have to be right for the place to run in a cost-effective manner. The Club is now much closer to running defìcit free, and indeed has run surpluses for most of 2000. I would like to thank Members of the Board for all their hard work over the past year. Political problems aside, it was a fìne year in which we did plenty, the most important move by far being the hiring of Gilbert


Luke Hunt

Mark Landler Philip Segal

Paul Bayfield Saul Lockhart (resigned)

David Roads (appointed)

JOURNALIST MEMBER GOVERNORS Francis Moriarty Liu Kin-ming ASSOCIATE MEMBER GOVERNORS Ben Beaumont David Garcia Martin Merz Robert L Fienberg

Michael Mackev

Counters Racquel Chung,Jessie Leung, Suki Tse Witrresses

Philip Bowring

Gilbert Cheng

The new boald (L-R, back row) Luke Hunt, Hubert van Es, Bob Fienberg, Saul Lockhart, Paul Bayfield. (Front row) Francis Moriarty, Martin Merz, Philip Segal, Liu Kin-ming, Mark Landlet Ben Beaumont. (Absent) President Karl Wilson, First Vice-President Anthony Lawrence, Second Vice-President Ray Rudowski, Kate Dawson, Jim Laurie, David Garcia. (Resignation) Saul Lockhart resigned due to a conflict of interest between the editorship of The Correspondent and Article 41 in the Articles of Assocìation, He was replaced by David Boads



T rlmor fr fr nd e,f eontrasts o


The fighting is over, but the pain remains. Benedict Rogers, who is also a member of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, recently visited the troubled isle Timor is a land that has been devastated and destroyed, yet one that has inspiring signs of hope and life. A land of pain and suffering, yet a land of courage and fortitude. A land ofviolence, yet a land of grace. Walking around the burned-out streets is a depressing experience, until one meets the people. It is then that one is touched, moved, humbled, and inspired. ast


! c


attackers had burned both cheeks on his face with cigarette buts, and hacked off his arms and legs with machetes. He had witnessed these atrocities himself. We wondered how many other children in East Timor carry with them similar burdens of pain, and what the future holds for these traumatised and destitute people. It is clear from just driving around Dili that about 80% of the buildings were destroyed by the militia rampage last year: looted, smashed up, burned out and desecrated. Flomes, shops, some churches, schools, and even the residence of the Bishop of Dili, Carlos Belo. Over 90Vo of the population is unemployed. physical Yet among all this suffering

said to her: "If ever you wish to start a work like this for the poor inJakarta, tell us and we will help you do it."


feed 15,000? "God worked a miracle. When I started cooking in the morning, the food was not enough for all of them. But as I went on cooking, the rice just kept coming out of the barrel." She organised independence leaders for prayer, and encouraged them to stay with their people, and not to run away. She composed songs for Timorese peace and unity, and taught people about the need for reconciliation. In one incident, independence activists captured some militiamen and brought them to her convent, where they intended to kill them. Sister Lourdes took the militia inside the house, and despite the terrible acts of violence of which they were guilty, she told the independence leaders not to kill them. She protected them, despite warnings by independence activists that if she did not release the militia into their hands, they would kill her. She laughed at this threat, kept the militia, and when Interfet soldiers arrived, she handed the militia over to Interfet. Yet, on the other hand, there are feelings of

with stand a people inspiring courage, hope, grace and faith. Sister Lourdes is one individual whose

o o

and emotional


courage inspires many.

She runs an organisation, the Secular Institute of Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the mission of which is to serve, educate and empower the poor, particularly women, around East Timor. The institute operates a number of orphanages, clinics and houses, three of which were destroyed by the militia


Orphans The children of the Carmelite orphanage near Liquita, East Timor

There are so many experiences to share, but perhaps the contrasts of East Timor are best illustrated simply by describing the stories of two individuals: Amil, a l5-year-old orphaned street troy, and Sister Lourdes, a brave and graceful nun. We met Amil within haH an hour of our arrival in Dili. He came up to us as we were checking into our

at the Hotel Dili. After asking our he said in simple but painfully clear English: names, accommodation

dead." He drew his index finger down his stomach, and gave the impression of pulling out the intestines. "My mother, with baby - both dead. " His eyes brimmed with tears. "My father dead too," he went on, indicating a thrusting movement of a spear through his stomach. "My big brother too," he said. His brother's "My mother



last year.


frustration on the part of many Timorese. Sadly, there are points of friction between the East Timorese non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and their international counterparts. Groups like Yayasan Hak and Fokupers, are frghting a losing battle for resources when compared with the international aid agencies. "The international NGOs do not give enough credit to the Timorese NGOs, particularly our paramedics, and appear unwilling to co-operate with us," says Aniceto Guterres, founder of the Timorese human rights and aid group Yayasan Hak. Their anger rises when they see the international aid agencies driving around in white four-wheel drive vehicles, working in clean air-conditioned offices, with computers, desks, and foreign personnel who live on a glitzy floating hotel in Dili harbour paFng around US$ZOO a night. Most of the Timorese NGOs of which 22 existed - a further 40 have under Indonesian occupation and emerged since the Referendum

have waited months

- only recently been for offices, desks or chairs, and have equipped with any form of transport. There are cìear signs ofhope, but causes of concern too. The Timorese are going to need almost inhuman degrees of strength and patience to get through the next few years. But, with the patience and courage they have shown in the past 25 years, they can do it. I


walls by the children from her orphanage, "Let us love everyone." For several years the Indonesians maintained a military watchpost outside her home, monitoring the activities of this woman they perceived as dangerous and subversive. But the soldiers began to be touched by the passion she showed for the poor, and started to help her. They built a road to the orphanage beside her home, helped to build prayer huts in the garden, and brought in tables and chairs for the classroom. \4Ihen they left East Timor, this group of Indonesian soldiers THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE-JULY 2000

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WrNn MnNu

Breen$fîfl, thc

Ere,Grback and All ïhat

At the risk of life, limb and liver, restaurateur Barry Kalb sorts out the wine menu.

By David O'Rear

ong Kong owes a huge debt of gratitude to Alan Greenspan for keeping American consumers happy for so long. Their buyng spree put real money in our pockets as toys, shoes, garments and plastic widgets flowed out of factories in China (often Hong Kong-owned) and onto store shelves in the US. Thanks, All However, we also have a bone to pick with the Economic Guru of the Globe (EGG). It seems that every time Hong Kong needs easy money to stimulate the economy (NOW would be nice), or craves a taste of the monetary cat-o'-nine tails to discourage inflation, the EGC-head does the opposite. He raises interest rates, we suffer slow growth, and every time he lowers them we get the inflationary flu. Itjust ain't fair.

At the same time Hong Kong was recovering from Asia's 1985 slump and jumping on China's shiny new business

was slowing from its post-recession highs.

growth. That had to end, and the 1991 recession struck, just as China was entering a five-year period of average I2Vo growth. There was a bit of symmetry in the mid-1990s basically we passed each other, heading in opposite directions but toward the end of the decade (when the US started turning out 4%-plus growth every year), Hong Kong (and the rest of Asia) went belly-up. Bad timing. 2.Paytng The Peg's Plice



US Interest Rates













s1%M 1,0

92 !il -_-

-ßu Dtt rÐ0 92 w


It turns out the EGC*head doesn't give 2Ø (US) about Hong Kong. The pain we feel when the EGG rolls the wrong way is all our own doing. You see, we hitched a ride on his namesake, the Greenback, to stabilise our own currency (the Redback?) and our economy back in the dark days of British-Chinese negotiations over Hong Kong's future. The lack of BIG lack of confìdence confidence in the future led to a run on the Redback, devaluing it faster than last week's laptop.

The fìrst graph matches Hong Kong's growth rate and the prime bank lending rate in the US. The contrast couldn't be clearer. When the US raises interest rates, our growth suffers; when the US lowers rates,


begin to shine.

Bi-Cycles The fact is, the US and Hong Kong are on different business cycles. In the late 1980s US economic growth



to buy only two or three. There was no need for three Australian Cabernet Sauvignons two good examples should do. t often happens when I invite a member of the FCC to lunch at my restaurant, Il Mercato: I -I- open a bottle of wine, my guest "\A4rv takes a sio. ancl he mutters, mutters. "\Arhy p, and don't we have wine this good at the club?" Now we do.

At the request of the outgoing I have drawn up an almost

Board of Governors,

tasted and compared several dozen bottles. I also looked at the current sales figures, and found that very few wines on the existing list are ever ordered. In part this is due to the common reìuctance of a great


6.0 -


completely new wine list for the club. I solicited advice from some of the foremost experts in Hong Kong: David Webster, head of Maxxium China (formerly Remy China); Richard Paine, head of Fine Vintage; and Chris Baker, who runs the Hong Kong Wine School. Virginia Davies provided suggestions from the allItalian list at Valdivia. Then, at the risk of my liver, I




bandwagon. But, when the wheels fell off the wagon in 1989, the US was in its 7th straight year of strong


L The Plice of EGGs




The second graph adds our inflation to the equation. Over the past dozen years or so, every time our economy has slowed the US has raised interest rates, and every time our inflation has started to bite, the EGG-head lowered interest rates. This is

many people to try wines they don't know, or haven't heard of, or whose names they can't pronounce. What I've come up with should solve some of the problems, and add to the members'wine-drinking pleasure.

completely counter to my favourite oxymoron,

First, and foremost, all the wines on this list are good. The plonk is gone. There is a representative sampling of the best wines from the best wine-producing countries. There is a wide choice of grapes, blends,

economic logic.

styles, prices.

The problem isn't the peg itself. The problem


that we are pegged to the US dollar. Some 40Vo of our

trade is with China, less than 30% wit]n the US. Investments and tourists flow across our borders to (and from) China in much larger numbers than they do to the US. \4¡hile I'm not suggesting the Hong Kong Dollar should be pegged to the Renminbi, it would make sense to develop a basket, or index of currencies, that is more representative of Hong Kong's economy than the simple US Dollar peg. I


O'R-ear, Rzgional Economist


at the Economist

Unit, is thoroughly enjofing Hong



Second, the list is shorter and more rational. There for 10 French reds when members tended

was no need

Third, I've provided some descriptions, in the hopes of encouraging members to wander a bit further aheld, and I '

discover what pleasures await the


If you're British and won't consider anything but claret, that's your choice, but at least there are several very good choices now. I especially recommend Chateau St. Georges, a St. Emilion that demonstrates how moderately-priced French reds should taste, but rarely do. I hope you will try some of the Italian and Spanish wines. I am biased, but not alone, in thinking that dollar for dollar, Italy produces the best value and many of the

best wines

in the world today. -file

Sassoalloro and

Chianti Riseraa are superb for their type and price. And

Spanish wines have improved tremendously. The expensive Imþerial Gran Reserua from CVNE is spectacularly different; the moderately-priced Atrium merlot by Miguel Torres is ,-:.r) S full of character.

othing here is set in stone. We hope to control the wine list in a professional manner, continuing wines that prove popular, discontinuing those that don't.

Just one request: before you complain about

your favourite wine disappearing from the list, try one of the new bottles, perhaps one from a different country. I'm willing to bet there's something here for almost everyone.


M, nÍ

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'What? Where is that stated in the Joint Declaration?" He said: "Come on Mr Lee. you are not arguing

that even the national

anthem would be different in Hong Kong, are you?" I said: "No." "You are not arguing that the national flag should be different in Hong Kong, are you?"


said: "No."

So he said: "There you are."

I said: "Wait a minute. How many of these national laws do you want extended to Hong Kong?" He said, 'Just a few." So I insisted: "Write them into a schedule." So there was Schedule 3 of the Basic

Legislative Councillor and Democratic Party leader Martin

simple. Your little advertisement for this evening's function said: "Martin Lee is supporting

China". No, I went there to support the 1.2 billion people of China, not the government. And that was precisely my message to the US... For years, I was hoping that Hong Kong could keep our rule of law intact so that we could hopefully export it to mainland China, so the 1.2 billion people could take advantage of that and would then soon find their freedoms protected by law. Well, my hope almost completely finished after

less than three years of Hong Kong as a

Special Administrative Region because our Chief Executive and our Secretary for .]ustice are not leading us forward in that direction, but leading us backward. Sally Aw, the reinterpretation of the Basic Law these two things I thought did a lot of in Beijing damage, particularly the second one. But that is not all. The Secretary forJustice has been arguing recent10

prolong the rule of dictators in suppressing the people.

The second scenario is that President Clinton worked very hard to get China into the WTO and not long afterwards, the

rule of law came [o China to protect human rights." And I said: "the one thing that will make the difference is compliance. So don't just get China in and then drop out. Make sure that you and your government.....insist that there is full compliance from China. Then, I think, there is hope that the rule of law will fìnally blossom in China." That is the same message I took to the Congressmen and women. And it is why I am rather huppy with the new arrangement...that they (the Congress) are soon going to set up a ...commission...(to) keep track of the human rights conditions in China and the way in

rules of the game

if it becomes a

membg of the .WTO."

ow Ms. Elsie Leung is telling us, this

Excerpts from his speech

my closest friends in the US Congress?...Well, the answer is

according to the

Law where these laws were enumerated; not too many; less than 10.

Lee addressed an FCC dinner.

hy would I go to Washington, DC and actually argue against some of

"China would have to play

worked very hard to get China into the WTO only to

is interface. The interface, of course, comes from above, which is even more difficult, more worrying. We

worked so hard to make sure individual laws for China cannot just be extended to Hong Kong like this. Now she is saying the whole ethos, the whole philosophy behind the ly that the Basic Law is the interface befiveen


Chinese legal system and the Hong Kong Common Law system... I cannot imagine our Common Law would be able to spill over...into Shenzhen...but I can certainly see the Chinese system coming into Hong Kong. So she was arguing that ourjudges, our lawyers

should study the Chinese legal system so that they would be better equipped to interpret the Basic Law. Why?

spent a few years while I was a drafter of the Basic Law making sure that the two systems were kept separate. This is what the "two systems" is all about. It is the "one countr¡ two systems". Nobody mentioned "interface" during the negotiations between the British and the Chinese governments. This word didn't appear in the Joint Declaration. Nobody used the word when we were drafting the Basic Law... I remember, one day (the director of the Hong Kong and Macau office) Lu Ping said: "Well, now we need to have a provision which would enable us to make certain national laws of China take effect in

Hong Kong." I jumped through the roof and said: IHE CORRESPONDENT.]UNE-IULY


Chinese legal system can just come in. The problem is what parts of it will come in and what parts of it will stay there? Nobody knows. When is it coming in? Nobody knows. In what case do you find this hapþening? Nobody knows.

Where is the certainty of the Common Law any more? That is the biggest problem. When I saw all these things happening, my heart sank. I thought, never will I be able to export our rule of law to China certainly not in my lifetime, unless I - age of, maybe, 130. can live to the And suddenly there was this new hope in the form of China's possible accession to the WTO. Because I saw in it as a reasonable possibility that China will change her whole culture, (her) thoughts, (her) observance of the law and (her) respect (for the) terms of any contract or interna'tional treaty. China would have to play according to the rules of the game if it becomes a member of the WTO. That is why I went to Washington. I said to the President: "Mr. President, your legacy could be in one of the following two scenarios: the first one is that the historians will sav that President Clinton THE CORRESPONDENT.JUNE-JULY 2000


which China has been fulfilling or breaking the terms of the agreement. So, I

"I would rather

believe that gives us hope.

Now, my friend

Wei opposed to

Jingsheng is WTO and PNTR. I didn't

should be renewed for China. He said that it worked because at least some dissidents like him were released from prison

and allowed to China. This


is where we

it, because it couldn't possibly help. It will o n ly alienate the US government and it would only make it even more diffrcult for the (administration) to press human

work hard and

meet him this time, but one of his reasons, I was told, is this: every year there would be a huge fight between the President and the Congress as to whether or not MFN


pray hard that

the rule of law

will come to China in the

with (Representative) Nancy

Pelosi (DemocratCalifornia) and Wei

Jingsheng that the human rights record of China, in fact, is not getting better... I agree with the environmen-

Bordeoux Choblis Longuedoc-Roussillon U


But compliance is important. So, Wei fights.....people


dissidents who are not famous, who are nameless,

who therefore remain in prison? What about them?

What about tens of thousands, millions of Chinese people who are

not enjoying the sort of freedom that we in Hong Kong still enjoy? That makes a difference. I would rather work hard and pray hard that the rule of law will come to China in the not-too-distant that all the people of China, all of them, need not leave China and.....(to) have their human rights protected by law

And that's the difference. And that's why I


HAr ruEN TRADTNG C0. (r{K) rTD. @ cxrrn uencxaruls GRouP 2/F, China Merchants Buildin¡¡, 152-155 Connaught Road Central, H.K 'lel : 2515 A956 Fax.: 2875 0594 For clet¿rils, please contâct: Mr Johnny Kwok (9278 5893)



the Christine

Loh has no intention of quitting Hong Kong politics. Nor does she, in her words, want to "trash" the chamber. "I want to build it up, not


were released. But what about the hundreds of


went there.

he may have turned her back on Legislative Council (LegCo),

there were these annual

not too-distant

agree with the trade unionists that China has absolutely no respect for labour rights. At a forum I had the opportunity of arguing my case with representatives of these three groups. I asked them a question: "Supposing Congress were to vote down this PNTR, how does it help your cause, whether it's the human rights, the environment or labour?"

One of the most popular of LegCo's elected legislators, Christine Loh, chair and founder of the Citizens Party, has decided not to seek re-election. She explained her reasons at an FCC lunch. Diane Stormonf reports


thousands of other

talists that the environment in China is getting worse.


rights, to bring them up for

tife aft

Jingsheng is right that when


I agree entirely

Each one of them gave me a very long answer, but I couldn't understand it. There was no meaning in

knock it down," she told an attentive lunchtime audience. 1¡ln¿s the hiatus After nine years as a legislator Loh f,rlled by the unlamented provisional LegCo said she was simply exhausted. "I need a sabbatical otherwise I am going to dry up." She is not alone. She sees the same affliction sapping many of her colleagues in the chamber. In part

it's a symptom of Hong

Kong's broader political malaise. A result of the curious hybrid system here that relegates Hong Kong's elected representatives to a distant, back-seat role. For a politician as energetic as Loh, it is galling to be regarded as an inconvenience by the administration

of Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa, his Executive Council and top an obstacle to be bureaucrats

overcome rather than an asset to be included in the decision-making and

planning process. "None of them look at LegCo as having the people's mandate," said Loh. Her solution, at least in the

short term is to direct her activism directly at the people rather than through the prism of the

Avoruq T. Rodþuez 92 - Choblis

Legislative Council. "I'm not leaving the scene. I'm just going across the road. On one side of the road is LegCo, on the other are the people and the media. People need to become more energised." Anywhere else, such a statement would be regarded

Ch. Lo Croix, Pomerol 97 - Bordeoux



Chgrdonno¡ VDPD'OC 9ó - Longuedoc - Roussillon


Clos Des Menuts, Grond Cru Soint-Emilion 93 - Bordeoux


Ch. Reysson, Hout-Medoc Cru Bourgeoi s95/97 - Bordeoux


ðh. Los"o.brs. Grond Cru Closse

mightjust succeed. She has the track record. She played a leading role in the "Save the Harbour" campaign. She can take credit, with some justifrcation, for propelling Hong Kong's appalling pollution problems to the forefront of the territory's consciousness. The Victoria Harbour campaign, she said, taught her the importance of taking the issue to the public not to the other 59 members of LegCo, who, after all, have only a limited amount of time at their disposal.


: r

Product sefected (Origin-Fronce)

= cð

Ch. Moulin Du Breuil, Hout Medoc Cru Bourgeois 94 - Bordeoux

U e.

Cobernet Souvignon or Merlot or Syroh, VDPD'OC 99 - Longuedoc - Roussillon PRODUCT


Morgoux g4/95 - Bordequx



a defìant, but ultimately futile gesture. But Loh



NE-JULY 2000

And Loh has an almost frightening store of zest and commitment. She may say she's found the past two years debilitating, but it certainly doesn't show. If anything, her foray into the main street has given her a new lease of life. "I'm busier than ever, meeting all these new people," she said. "I feel there is lots of potential to build an active civic society out there." So what's on the agenda? A number of dot.coms have approached seeking to harness her talents to start up politics portals. She's prepared to be a "content provider" and wants to use the Internet to further her causes but not to get involved in the technical or applications side. The Internet, however, will be an important tool for her to get her message across.

She's not turning her back on the Citizens Party she founded,

though she admits party-building is hard going here. "There arejust not that many Hong Kong people who actually want to take up a political life," she said. Part of the problem is the limited there are opportunities available only 60 seats in the-legislature. llence the problems besetting the Democratic Party where younger members are growing frustrated at the lack of opportunities the dead man's shoes syndrome. - the Citizens Party does have a corps of Nevertheless, younger members who are being trained up to contest future elections when they are ready. er plans are to adopt a full-time advocacy role, researching issues and pursuing solutions through the power of public opinion. She has no plans to return to the private sector but does not rule out one day again running for

the legislature. Public service, she said, was deeply satis$zing. There are plenty of issues that need addressing out there. Whether it's the future of Hong Kong's political system, urban renewal, management of Hong Kong's waterways or, naturally for Christine Loh, pollution. I 13


"The assiduous note-taking diplomatic representative of Pyongyang

um it


North is interested in the views of observers like Kirk rather than updating a blacklist.

irk's second book Korea, Korean n

on the Korean summit

larger on-going issue of South Korea's economic

reform programme. \,Vhile conceding the summit between the leading dissident-turned-president Kim Dae;jong and the leading second-generation-jailer Kim Jong-il "may provide all kinds of symbolic significance", Kirk suggests that "whether it results in practical change or whether it results in a real turning point on the Korean peninsula" is far from clear. It "is a tremendous coup for Kim Dae-jung to engineer it could even this in the middle of his presidency - presidency. be the crowning achievement of his Certainly it has to be said that he has been breaking the ice with North Korea in a way that his predecessors were not able to do." Kirk's scepticism stems from having covered the 1972 Red Cross Agreement. In the three decades since, Kirk notes emphatically that the urgent issue of reuniting the several million families divided by the Korean War has gone nowhere while these patient people gradually die off. "Several million families have to be reunited before they pass away. Is there any way to establish a mechanism for reuniting

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Tel:2556 82ô8 Fax:2897 5593 Email: topsy@asiaonline.nel


fears the summit may be a huge distraction from the

two Koreas, veteran Korea-watcher and International Herald Tribune Seoul


if not more, attention as the summit. Reforms dictated by the severity of the economic crisis are still mixed. Despite the apparent recovery in 1997 and 1998, this year the Seoul stock market has been one of the worst performers in Asia. i The government has recently been forced to pump' tens of billions of US dollars into the banking system to brace it up a banking system that is still

Donald Kirk

of the

correspondent Donald Kirk told an FCC luncheon he

IMF Er¿ reveals his

as much,

Author and journalist Donald Kirk has published his second book on the Hermit Kingdom. Martin Merz reports

Pyongyang between the leaders


emphasis on an issue that deserves

Efrer]t te,ns,

French Red



Unraaelkng of the Mòracle Ç";

s the world focuses

in the audience hope-

fully is an indication that the

nd tts in

months the break-up of the Daewoo Group and the economic collapse of all that involves. Thus "the negotiation for Daewoo Motor is going to be a truly dramatic event" with the results of how this drama

these people?"

ould the North Korean authorities


long-range controls over what was said, and what happened in meetings between hundreds of thousands of people? I doubt it. And for that reason alone, it seems to be unlikely that this summit will result in these family visits." Perhaps

just more tourists "shielded by barbed wire from any contact with North

Koreans beyond'their


almost entirely government owned or controlled. Then, Kirk says, we have the residue of course

from South Korea's worst economic problem, that is its worst single economic problem in the last six

plays out being a test of Korea's economic reform programme. The lively Q&A session was dominated by reunifrcation issues, North Korea's weapons of mass destruction and the two million people who have died in the recent famine in the North. As so little is really known about the North it is difficult to know whether the changes are real or that the "appearance of normality" is simply intended to get aid for survival. I

Korean Crisis:

Unrøaelling of the Mirøcle in the IMF Era By Donald Kirk St. Martinrs Press, New York ISBN: 02312-22442-7

The FCC''s newes.t æetivity It's all Dr Feng Chi-shun's fault. He's too good at pool, you see, and Chris Champion, whose glory days were back at the Press Club when he could practice until 6 a.m., decided to take him on at chess instead.

The good doctor, with courtly Hippocratic magnanimity, spat the dummy big time when thrashed and demanded more. Regular games in Bert's attracted the attention of others and thus the idea of an FCC Chess Club was born. What we need noq apart from a shorter name, is

a few more bodies. The FCCCC meets every

Wednesday from 6.30 p.m. in the Albert Room. Do come along and beat Chi. It's great fun. Contact: Chris Champion on or c/o the FCC. I THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE-JULY 2000

Chess exhibition Former world chess champion Anatoly Karpov of Russia thrilled 40 Hong Kong school children (and five adult "sponsors") when he played a simultaneous exhibition at the FCC

on April 20. Karpov's score for the night, organised by former Hong Kong chess champion and FCC member Kaarlo Schepel, was 4l wins and four draws Karpov was passing through Hong Kong after playing a match in Guangzhou against Xie Jun, China's women's world champion



Crus AcrrwrrEs



He,w ta get p'l$.ht and


word is

The cards left are:

Ç+ ?


+ AJ6 N



HÍf 0,Hi$




¡Þ 1084

ByWendy I Richardson


?Q7 iQ +Q5


byWendyl Richardson



ê all have days when the sun shines in the

Bridge room, and others when you shouldn't get out of bed. You bid up a storm, arrive at a small slam (no faint hearts here) and all you have to do is make it. As

- at last you see declarer you wait for the killer lead then what your partner was bidding on though, of course, you should know! In this hand North takes control, but you South have to play it.



squeezed East dry. But, Dealer East, Both Vulnerable

? AJ82 r Q,J1082 t

s 652 ? Q65 ) 64 + AKQ103



tÞ 8752

KJ e54



+ K76



x = Cue bids










# 1 acel2 kings

So there you are in 6 NT, when you as South thought that 3 was probably enough now what? West - with only twoWell, doesn't really have "that lead"; suits acrually bid and not much else to choose from the 3 O hits the table. South pauses for thought, then plays it like this: Take the A t), cash the A ô and lead a small spade to the 10 and East's K. Whatever East plays now will encounter a tabled Ace. A ? lead enables dummy to cash the K i and the rest of dummy's spades. Again

now what?





6NT Pass x Blackwood



4 NT* 5







1â 3ô








2) 4f*





I K707 43 t9 +Je64

?9 a AK753


ô A6




+ Q53






rþ 70842

K7 ? Q7 62

ô Q104




know well. As the voice/ question setter for the FCC Quiz Night, I have had the odd bod challenge me on my answers ("I see your eyes blaze when challenged, I'm surprised anybody does," said Clinton Leeks) , but the MBA, other-

ô AK73

.i Q1085+2 ?A I AK4 ,i AJg N

nd he the MBA (My Beautifuì is the soft touch ! " Are words all FCC quiz contestants

Happily, once South uses dummy's 4 ô East has to discard something and whatever it is South is home and

Dealer North, Both vulnerable

ôJe3 T 10B3 41053



1+ Pass

Never lead away from an Ace (they say), ah well, trumped in dummy sorry chaps (right). Draw - in hand. Run the ôJ to trumps in two rounds, and end Q, and another ruffed club lead by East we're on our way. - heart, you dear Cash the A?, and lead out another reader would ruff in hand, this player sloughed the 7 ¡i as I said, there are times to stay in bed.


Future dates for your diary: Every Monday morning from 9.30 a friendly and competitive Duplicate game, usually in the Hughes

Room. Please contact me on 9039 4087 if you wish to play. This is not drop-in and you don't need a partner. Mark lour calendar eaer) Tuesdq euening exceþt þublic hokdays is Bridge Night! a THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE-JULY 2000

Another winner Clive Grossman representing the Hong Kong Club teams wilh convenor Wendy Richardson.

wise known asJerry Richardson, scorer and man about town, is generally lenient (when I let him). Of course, not everything always goes according

to plan. In the June session, I included my


Jerry's pictures in the photo quiz. In spite of the fact that we were sitting in front of everyone, only three out of fourteen teams identified me and only one pickedJerry! The quizzes have been running now for more than three years. Up to the end ofJune, I have set 38 quizzes, which amounts to over 6,150 questions, none of which has ever been repeated, and set up 624pictorials. This has taken some 1,020 Wendy hours of research. The constant challenge is to stretch the mind to find ways to keep one step ahead of the teams. And speaking of the teams, over the last three years the Club has had more than 2,000 eager parricipants, many of whom "arrange my holiday around your dates", asJanet Kirk of HK Mensa said. The Club quiz has a superb following and teams jockey for space near the rostrum (why, I don't know). This is a good place to give them recognition as long-term players and some-time winners though not in order: - Ice llouse Streetany Ementee, HK Mensa, Irregulars (under many guises) , NF Sorbet, Statue Squares & the anagram team (you know who you are) plus many others too numerous to mention. Quiz Nights .lwly






This is a very popular event, and if you wish to participate you should book early the dates in the box below are written in stone. -I look forward to seeing new teams or old ones reformed. I


(Est. 1e75)


Mark Your Calendar



December 13



TEL: (852) 25557431 FAX: (852) 2873 1246


Press Club Dodging the mid-day (L-R) Nguyen Hong Phuong (vice president, Journalist's Association, HC|\/lC), Don North, Bob Davis, Saul Lockhart, Dave Garcia, Richard Pyle, Jim Cacavo, Hubert van Es, Hoang Van Cuong (former


UPI stringer).

Ex-LURP Sergeant David Garcia prepares a shrine to his fallen comrades alop Hamburger Hill with the help of a former Viet Cong soldier who fought in the same battle ln that battle in May 1969 in the A Shau Valley, David was captured and spent the next two years, four months and27 days as a POW,

ii: Parade time Huberl vanEs (left) and Dave Garcia in front of mock tank during a parade the night before the official anniversary


JI: VÍ q2


ff .t


To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, correspondents from around globe converged on Ho Chi Minh City for a reunion. The FCC's contingentwas led by the doyenne of Asia's foreign correspondents, Clare Hollingworth, and included journalists, photographers and a former soldier




<Ë Qiñ

vz TeI:29142563



l-l -

c* l-l



ï -¡ É* .rl


r-{ F{


Photographer Bob Davis (left) calches up on the latest happenings with former FCCer cameraman Gary Fairman on the roof of the Rex Hotel




Exchanging views


Dave Garcia listens as photogra-

phers Hubert van Es and Tim Page discuss the old days. Page was one of the prime movers behind the book Fequiem, last month's cover story in The Correspondent and the subject of a recent exhibition in the Club NE-J U

LY 2000



Uì" La-


No 19

itty O'Shea's has a more authentic, less overt, atmosphere than many of the prepackaged Irish pubs sprouting up around the world with their overdone décor. Walls and ceiling are shamrock sreen, furniture, floors and beams a dark wood. Evening clientele includes a sprinkling of casual, expat Irish (including the bartenders), as well as suited French folk from neighbourhood offices and shops. Guinness and Kilkenny are

on tap, Jameson and Bushmills, naturall¡ are among the popular whiskies,

Garry Marchant describes the best places to drink in his new home town

he French vice is food, not drink," a callow Canadian travel writer once grumbled, lamenting the lack of good bars in Paris. He could identify only the legendary Bar Hemingway in the Hotel Ritz on Place Vendôme, and Harry's New York Bar, 5 rue Danou, as atmospheric watering holes. While the bar situation was never that grim, Paris has become considerably more agreeable for the imbibing classes. A whole range of theme or "ethnic" drinking spots representing English-speaking minorities have opened in the capital of Gallic culture rn recent years.

Like travel writers, theme bars go for the clichés, and the city's newest, the Moosehead, 16 rue des Quatre Vents, celebrates Canada's pioneer image. The rustic log cabin ambience includes rough-hewn tree trunk walls, grizzlybear paw prints on the floor ambling past a huge moose-in-the-wilds mural, and snowshoe wall hangings. Sizeable chain-saw sculptures including a moose head and a Mountie were carved by a noted

Vancouver Island artist, and

a supporting pillar


designed like a West Coast Indian totem pole.

Other Canadiana includes the logo, a comical moose carrying a hockey stick, hockey sticks for bar footrests and other sporting memorabilia. One feature of the building is older than Canada itself, though: the 13th-century stone walls are from the abbey that originally stood here. Belle Greule, a tasty beer from the province of Quebec, is on tap, along with such foreign drafts as Newcastle, Budweiser and Fosters (the bar is co-owned by a Canadian and an Australian). Canadian bottled beers include Labatts, exotic Quebec brews such as Fin du Monde and Maudite, and the signature Moosehead from New Brunswick. Although not primarily a sports bar, the Moosehead broadcasts National Hockey League hockey games and other events, sometimes packing the long bar and back


room with from 200 to 250 hosers. This is a corner of Canada abroad, so have a brewsky, eh. Even the Scots, known more for their

fine spirits than their drinking establishments, have their own pub. Paris' first Scottish bar, the Auld Alliance (80 rue François Miron), opened four years ago, while another joined it this year. The pub celebrates Scottish culture in its vaguely manor-house décor; battle-axes and crossed swords and shields decorate dark wood walls, along with stag heads, "Charge of the Highlanders" type battle etchings, and depictions of fearsome, kilted warriors. The bagpipes on the wall are for show, not for go, âs there is no live entertainment here, nor Scottish cuisine. All the staff are Scots, the Scots owner emphasises.

and Irish bands provide background music most weekend evenings. The pub also dishes out hearty Irish food in the pub or in the upstairs dining room (Irish stew with lamb, carrots and potatoes or bacon and cabbage with parsley), all served with "home-made Irish brown soda bread and Irish creamery butter". Several Irish, English and Australian pubs are changing the atmosphere of seedy rue St Denis, where the world's oldest and sorriest practitioners of the world's oldest profession still attempt to ply their trade. Of the many faux-Brit pubs, The Frog & Rosbif (116 rue St. Denis) stands out in part for its name (Rosbif being French for what others know as Limeys or Poms). Since 1994, the popular establishment, also known as the Paris Real Ale Brewery, has been concocting its own English-style "cask ales", bitters and stouts in its basement micro-brewery (visible next to the toilettes). The house brews have cleve¡ but corn¡ names such as Inseine best bitter, Parislytic bitter, Dark de Triomphe stout and Frog natural blonde. The bar also serves "Frogtails".

Cheery English barmaids from across the Manche (the English Channel to non-French) serve such

Barmaids pull pints of several Scottish drafts (McEwan's Export, Caledonia B0/ale, Auld Alliance

traditional English pub food as curried lamb, and the ultimate English culinary creation,-fried egg sandwiches.

Lager), and serve a wide choice of whiskies, including a selection of "whiskies of the week". Along with a

The large, bright pub's huge windows look out onto rue St. Denis, and in summer tables are set out on the

choice of 106 single malts, the innkeeper stocks what he insists is the "best whisky in the world," a 28-year-old Ardbeg from Islay. And it is, indeed, a smooth, fine, sipping spirit, taken neat, with a glass of water on the side. here are so many Irish pubs in Paris (about 60, according to one innkeeper), they have their

own association. Among the better known are the Molly Malone, Oscar Wilde, James .Joyce, Flann O'Briens, The Quiet Man, Guinness Tavern, Mulligan's and Corcoran's. Only a fool would single out one; my choice is Kitty O'Shea's (10 rue des Capucines) Just minutes from the Hotel Ritz's slightly formal, and price¡ Bar Hemingway, it is a world away in atmosphere. The oldest Irish pub in Paris, it remains among the most popular. On special nights such as St Patrick's, it is so crowded it's a struggle to get to the bar for a pint of Kilkenny; then join the carousers who spill out onto the street. THE CORRTSPONDENT JUNEJ



sidewalk, Parisian style. During soccer and rugby matches, visiting real ale louts take over the pub, and spill out onto the street. The Frog and Rosbif has been widely covered by the

British press. One story carried the subhead: "On a mission to convert the locals to the idea of getting rat arsed". Now that is a cultural contribution. Despite the title, Cafê Oz (a few blocks away at 18 rue St Denis), is a huge barn of a bar, as spacious as the outback. The current pick of several Aussie establishments in Paris has a large circular bar and numerous tables, with a small stage area to one side. Aboriginal-inspired art decorates walls panelled in light wood (knotty gum perhaps?), and a huge crocodile lurks near the entrance, like a vastly oversized gecko. Pioneer period signs advertise Akubra hats and Pure Australian Roller Flour. The drover slumped in the corner over his beer is actually an authentic wood sculpture. Rough-hewn tables, benches and chairs are faux rudimentary-carpenter style, and a retro disco ball hangs from the ceiling. opious blue "tubes o' cold Foster" clutter the bar and tabletops, along with green cans of

Victoria Bitter as well as a smattering of Redback and Carlton. Although this is mainly

a beer bar, there are some frne Australian wines as well as Down Under-inspired cocktails: Bondi Iceberg, Blue Heeler, Darwin Sunset, Never Never. For those unfamiliar with antipodean customs, a card on the table instructs: "DrinkAussie style. 1. Order at the bar. 2. Pay at the bar. 3. Drink anywhere. 4. Return to number one." And the Australian clientele does just that, ignoring the trendy, but lame jazz ensemble; no Waltzing Matilda, Wild Colonial Boy or digeridoos here. But no fear, mate,

this is not a pretentious boozer: Among the future advertised events is a "pie-eating championship." Yet another cultural enrichment for the City of Light. I

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er$ ,.

$ee to appreciatG The Hong Kong Transition Project once again prese ts its most recent findings. The director, Dr Michael E. DeGolyer, reports hen I was growing up, if one wanted to express dubiousness about something say Richard Nixon's "secret" - end the Vietnam plan to \,V¿¡ 6ns - car would ask, "Would you buy a used from this man?" (The implicarion for you folks too young to remember this is you can't trust a product if you can't trust the salesman.) The "used car" in this case is the "one country, two systems" idea, and the Taiwan public's the target. Who better to ask about a "used" principle like this but the folks who have been

Sole Agent: East West International Ltd. TÞl:2851 0988 Fax: ut za w,unibroue.



le At Major Supermarkets

driving around in it? And so we at the Hong Kong Transition Project did. At the FCC on May 18, the project released irs

latest comprehensive survey report titled, Reþrm: Hong Kong's uersion of 'one countr), two systems' and China's þath to unif.cation. The data dealt with four basic question areas. First, how is one country, two systems and the Basic Law, which implements it, doing in Hong Kong now according to the end-users?

Second, what reforms of one country, two systems and the Basic Law do people wanr or not want? Third, is the principle suitable, in Hong Kongers' opinion now that they know more about it than anyone else, for

Taiwan to consider? And finally, what effects could current problems in implementing this principle have for Hong Kong? The results weren't all that encouraging for "used principle" salesmen like Tung Chee-hwa and a host of mainland officials who've been insisting that Taiwan better buy one country, two systems or else. First, when asked whether they're satisfied with the Basic Law (which implements the one country, two systems principle here) so far in protecting Hong Kong's way of ljfe, 277o of 704 surveyed in rhe third week of April said they were dissatisfied versus 36% satisfied.

orse than this rather indifferent endorsement was whether they thought one country, two systems as being practiced in Hong Kong was suitable for Taiwan? About one in five thought it very unsuitable and about a third (for a combined total of about half) considered it somewhat unsuitable. One in four had no opinion; one in four thought it somewhat suitable for Taiwan. Few thought it very suitable. I wouldn't call rhese folks for a product endorsement but why the poor results after nearly three years' experience with it? Despite the instincts some have to blame Beljing for everything wrong in THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE_JULY 2000

Hong Kong (and China), mosr Hong Kongers didn't. OnIy 7% thought Beijing authorit-ies were not adhering to the Basic Law (and another 14% thought maybe they had not), 43Vo thought they probably had been and 79% insisted they certainly had. And 60% thought reunification with China under the one country, two systems principle had been the best arrangement for Hong Kong. Only I8% begged to differ. More than half (56%) weren't worried at all about the rule of law in Hong Kong, and 2l% were only slightly worried. Well over half expressed satisfaction with the PRC government's perlormance in dealing with Hong Kong affairs (557o) while about a third, 31%,

Chee-hwa as

Would you buy a

it did under "sin-

ner-for-a-thousand-years" colonial governor Chris Patten. And going to war to regain Taiwan if it rejected one country, tlvo systems? Don't count on a flood of volunteers from Hong Kong. Only 72% supported such a war, 39Vo opposed and 42Vo strongly opposed any such

used car

from this man?

were dissatisfied. Two-thirds like how Jiang Zernin has been doing his job and threequarters like the work record of Zhw Rongji. They couldn't say the same for the Hong Kong government's dealing with China. As the chart shows, the government scores as poorly now under Tung

If Hong Kong got caught up in the conflict and might be attacked or damaged, orrly l}Vo would then supportitwhlle 4lVo war.

strongly opposed and


opposed it.

Bottom line for Hong Kong's Chief Salesman of one country,

two systems? While


expressed satisfaction with his performance, only 18% would like to see him stand for a second term in 2002. For him, maybe it's a good thing that,

unlike Taiwan (ar the


pointed out in a March 2000 ad), we're not electing a Chief Executive in 2002. But his successors face some major changes in the system if the people get rheir way: 75Vo want the Chief Executive directly elected. I

Are you currently satisfied or dissatisfied with the performance of the Hong Kong government in dealing with China?


Satisfied Dissatisfied


Don't hnow

q)a(o(ol>.co@coo)o)o O)o)O)O)O)o)O)O)O)Oõ -oä.o ooo==R=o=oor.r_Ør.L-5ì5O52



OerruRRv The 'Great' Gilhooly's wake Just some of those who gathered in l\¡lacau for the funeral (l-r) Walter Gerrard, Bob Gllhooly, John Lenaghan and Derek Currie

Dauid eilhooly


Ted Thomas arrd Derek Currie reminisce

Muhammad Ali and Smokin'Joe Frazier's signatures on it. "I'm the only person who's got that as Ali didn't like Frazier, and I had to coax Ali to put his name next to him," he would proudly say with a cheery grin. Fitting that he should leave that glove to Flora, his companion in life. One could tell countless other tales about David, the tennis ball in the pocket conversation with the

about one of the FCC's great

cltaracters who died suddenly on May 17 in Macau

From Ted Thomas hen his old chumJohn Lenaghan

late great Fred Perry or how he mesmerised Wimbledon tennis commentator John Barrett about where pirate treasure was buried, or even

dubbed Dave Gilhooly, "The

telling Rod Stewart to stick to singing after a soccer

Great Gilhooly" it was more than

match in Happy Valley.

flippant honorific. Great in physical stature he was not, standing not much more than fìve foot in his socks and never having weighed much more than the bantamweight upper limit (112 lbs) at which weight he'd fought with distinction as a boxer. But what was great about David Gilhooly was his heart, his spirit, his natural talent for sport and - and most of all his great sense of humour his great talent for making friends, and keeping them. FIe came within grave danger of forfeiting my own friendship many years ago when each of us, exasperated by the other's boasting about our prowess in various sports, ended up with a mutual challenge for a 10 length swimming race in the private swimming pool of John a

Lenaghan. Rather arrogantly and foolishly, I offered Dave a two-length start, and confidently placed a case of champagne as a bet on the event; loser to pay for it winner take all. \Mhereas I, disdainful and over-confrdent, resumed

my normal lifestyle, Dave set himself a punishing routine for the following few weeks. Rising every day at dawn, jogging to the swimming pool at HMS Tamar and assiduously churning out 10 lengths, hardening his body for the coming test, and steeling his determination. The result is now FCC legend. Streaking up the pool, by the time I'd completed six lengths I was well ahead. By the end of nine lengths I was knackered. If it had been a three-man race I'd have failed to place. Dave cruised home a clear winner, and generously shared the victor's champagne with me, Charlie Smith, Ross Way and all the other FCC stalwarts who had come along on that fateful Sunday morning to see me humiliated.

As a temporary coach for Ranger's football club, Dave survived the eccentricities of founder, owner and manager Ian Petrie, and enforced iron discipline over

Derek Currie and Walter Gerrard, 24

in those days

avid may have met many people, but he loved his pals around him more than anything else. Sadly some have passed away

From Derek Currre


å,,11i? ilìoPl

e was a Glasgow Celtic man training Hong Kong Rangers, that was our new soccer trainer who took over the physical aspect of the club Walter Gerrard and I were playing with, here in Hong Kong, in the late part of 1970.

,rucrlr s

nothing like the paragons of good behavior

Along with Jackie Trainer, we were the frrst three

professional players in Hong Kong, but it was not until the arrival of the 'wee man' did we have anything like professional training. David has been a friend to Walter and I for close to 30 years and at one stage all three of us stayed in the same apartment in Tin Hau Temple and

propriety (in and out of the FCC) that they are today. ave surprised me one day when he described

how he had extinguished a blazing stove fire in his kitchen the night before. After a particularly heavy night, on returning home he had started boiling fat in a deep fryer for his beloved chips Glaswegian sty'e, and fallen asleep while the chips were frying. All too soon the fat was in the fire so to speak, and Dave awoke with a start to find his kitchen in flames. Asked how he'd managed to extinguish the blaze he said, "simple, blanket the flames in soaking wet towels." Gobsmacked, I asked how he could have known exactly what to do in such an emergency. He answered laconically, "not too difficult when it happens nearly every Saturday night." I suspect that wherever Dave ends up, if good companionship, a zest for life, and a remarkable resilience for dealing with the vicissitudes of this funny Dave will not need the old life count for anything soaking towels to douse the flames. He shall be reclining on soft pink clouds, giant wings sprouting from his impressive shoulders and gratefully accepting the ministrations of his fellow angels. Of female gender of course. THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE-JULY 2000

Road, a bit like the odd couple with Dean Martin thrown in for good measure. The 'Great Gilhooly', as he was known among friends, gave all who knew him immeasurable amount of pleasure and there was never a dull moment when David was around. He started Music Maker magazine, interviewed the Carpenters, Bee Gees, TomJones, and had Eartha Kitt and Diana Ross sit on his lap during light-hearted moments. He also managed the first real disco in town, the Scene in the basement of the Peninsula Hotel, where the little fellow entertained rna:îy a famous face. I remember him telling me one night that Christopher Lee was sitting several feet away, 'What's he drinking?" I asked him. "Bloody Mary! " he answered with that infectious laugh of his. At a friend's barbecue in Manila which was attended by "Marvellous" Marvin Hagler, the former Middleweight Champion of the World, David was telling him within two minutes of meeting him how he should have boxed in his last fight against Sugar Ray Leonard, telling him his tactics were all wrong, and then getting into a debate that Rocky Marciano and Muhammad Ali had got into the ring together. Boxing was one of David's big loves in life and he also refereed some title fights in the region. But his pride and joy as far as souvenirs go, was an autographed glove THE CORRESPONDENT.JUNE-JULY 2000

recentl¡ but I know I speak for the


McDougalls, Cranbournes, Gerrards, Murrays and Thomases to name a few, thanks for the memory and for brightening up all our lives. To Bob and David, his two boys who came to the funeral in Macau from Finland and Scotland, your Dad was a one a one-off and your loss is shared by all who knew him. I


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Kurt S,chork The Hong Kong international press corps received the news of the deaths of two of its colleagues in Sierre Leone with disbelief. Reuters correspondent Kurt Schork, who was killed in an ambush along with APTN cameraman Miguel Gil Moreno, had strong ties to Hong Kong. He began his journalistic career as a freelance here, eventually joining Reuters in the Balkans. He returned to Hong Kong for Reuters in June 1997 to help with with the Handover coverage. He filed the following story on the FCC


Jenkins, who died early this yea¡ credited his rescue to FCC members in Shanghai who had intervened with the general to secure his release.

CC doyenne Clare Hollingworth reported the German advance into Poland for the Sundary TÞlegraþh at the start of World War II. Jon Swain, who currently writes for the Sunday Times, was on the spot in Phnom Penh when the Khmer Rouge took over. UPI's Hubert van Es was shot down twice during the Vietnam war and took the icon photograph of an American helicopter crewman helping to evacuate civilians from the roof of a building in Saigon in the waning days of the conflict. Sandra Burton of Time chronicled Ferdinand Marcos' fall from power in the Philippines and the BBC's James Miles reported live from Tiananmen Square. In a way, history has finally caught up with one of the world's most interesting press clubs. \À4ren Britain hands Hong Kong back to China at midnight on June 30, it will be the consummation of a bitter-sweet affair between the FCC and the Mainland stretching back over half a century.

Founded by a handful of Western war reporters

on the Mainland in Chungking in 1943, the Club moved to Nanking after Japanese occupation

forces surrendered at the end of World War II and then on to Shanghai where it wreste d control of the top floors of an 18-storey tower block from the US Air Force.

s communist troops advanced south during the Chinese civil war in 1949, the Club moved out ahead of them, first to Canton and then to Hong Kong. Having recorded the defeat of the Japanese, the fall of Chiang Kai-shek and the

rise of Mao, wars in Korea, Vietnam and Cambodia, and the massacre at Tiananmen Square, FCC members can be expected to take the Handover in stride

another deadline, then up to the Club bar for toasts and tall tales. While its members chronicle daily developments in

Asia, the FCC is also buffeted by winds of change. Some

in the Club wonder whether the photographs hanging on its walls of Chinese army tanks in Tiananmen Square will survive the Hong Kong Handover. I


CHEERS! CORRESPONDENTS' CLUB BRACES FOR IIANDOVER he address has changed many times over the decades, but Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondents' Club never lost its reputation as a world-class watering hole for reporters brimming with inside information, fierce opinions and tales of derring-do. Crowded round the Club's race track-shaped bar on a Friday evening are some of Asia's greatest reporters, their numbers swelled by a huge influx of foreign correspondents temporarily assigned to Hong Kong to cover the territory's Handover from Britain to China at midnight onJune 30. Also well-represented are the city's public relations and advertising communities, writers and artists, thirsty officers of the nearly-demobilised British garrison and, it is rumoured, the occasional intelligence agent nursing contacts and cruising for information. Snatches of conversation in Eng'lish, Mandarin and Cantonese float above the din as one regular tells the story of a Wanchai bar girl by the name of Ling Ling whom he swears bore a tattoo which read "God Bless the Shropshire Light Infantry". "\44ren I used to work for the government here, I avoided getting drunk on Friday nights," explained Hong Kong historian Arthur Hacker as he leaned into the bar with a vodka and soda. "It was my policy never to be hung over in my own time." So sparkling are the

Club's atmosphere and characters that the Foreign Correspondents' CIub, or FCC as it is ubiquitously known here, is fabled in film and novel. Loae Is A Many Splendoured Thing, with William Holden and JenniferJones, was shot in the elegant mansion which served as the Club's Hong Kong headquarters in the 1950's. John le Carre borrowed from the FCC and its members in writing The Honourable Schoolboy. The "loo with a view" of Hong Kong harbour on the top floor of the Club's old Sutherland House headquarters found its way into le Carre's espionage thriller and he used flamboyant London Sunday Times correspondent and FCC stalwart Dick Hughes as his model for the MI6 agent Old Craw. Ian Fleming also had a go with Hughes as Dikko Henderson in You Onþ Liae


Ric,hard Bre eze ichard Breeze, one of AFP's most respected journalists and a pillar of its English-language rvice for more than three decades, died in March at the age of 66 after a long illness.

The bearded, big-hearted Englishman, was

he real life adventures of some FCC members would give even the most inventive novelists a run for their money. Former Reuters correspondent Graham .]enkins had been served his last meal, wrote his will and was about to be executed for "rumour mongering" by Nationalist Chinese troops in Shanghai in 1949 when he won a last-minute repn-ieve from the nationalist leader General Chiang Kai-shek. THE CORRESPONDENU JUNE-JULY 2000


familiar figure at the FCC bar. He was also mentor to a generation of editors and correspondents in Europe, Asia and the United States. Breeze joined AIP in 1961 as an editor on its English desk in Paris and played a key role in the agency's development as one of the leading providers of news in the tough Anglo-Saxon market. A history buff and keen student of the world's diverse cultures,



his gravelly growl on news desks from Hong Kong to Washington was a call to rigour, excellence and creativity. Breeze also worked for five years as a deputy editor for the Far Eastern Economic Røieu from 1978 to 1983 before rejoining AFP in Hong Kong, where he helped mount the agency's frrst regional news centre. lle was desk chief in Washington for fìve years until 1994 and frnished his career with AFP in Sydney as director for Australia and New Zealand. He retired to the French

countryside in 1998. Breeze is survived by his wifeJoy, daughter Martha and sonsJulian and Tristan. I


ennett The heady days of the late-l960s Hong Kong were a magnet to journalists from all over the worId. Mike Foote, a veteran of those times, recalls that bygone era in his euolosy ack was part of a small

cultural revolution and the odd typhoon or two. The centre of life was The Blue Sky bar in Wanchai and the Foreign Correspondents' Club where Jack was one of only a handful of people around the world who held a membership number in the 500s. Being a bit older than the rest of us, he was considered something of a sophisticate and - That with a wandering eye. sophistication was apparent when the object of his eye, while on her way to horse-riding at Fanling via the Kowloon-Canton Railway, was plied with chilled

and unique group who found their

wa1' ts

Hong Kong in the mid-l960s who were

pioneers of an era of communicators across the fìelds of journalism, PR, advertising and television.



time of youthful ideals

and exhuberances we were - 30's. It all in our 20's and early was a time of adventure and


somewhat unconventional

circumslances, lhat is in an outpost of the British Empire rather

than the convention of London, served to forge friendships that would stand the test of time. And those friendships are well represented here in Sydney today,. It was during this time that Jack, a South African, was exposed to the Australian character and I believe it was this experience that influenced him in his later move to Australia where he was to marry again and raise a family. Unlike many of us at the time, he didn't start his working life as a journo. Born in East London, South Africa, his frrst job was with the Ford Motor Company welding petrol tanks before being promoted to the purchasing department. It was obvious to him there was more to life than pushing paper around a desk and he applied for and won a cadetship on the local paper which I believe was the Caþe Argus. Like all colonials of the day, London beckoned and the inevitable job with Reuters. IIe came to Hong Kong in 1966 as the ground work for the development of a communications industr¡ led mostly by Australians, was taking place. He worked first on tl¡'e China Mail and tLren the South China Morning Post. It was a dramatic start. The worst floods on record and the loss of life of SCAIP colleagues, followed by the anti-British riots of the


martinis from a thermos flask complete with olives in a plastic cup.

Jack was one of the first

working journalists to make the move from daily newspapers to a government agency when he joined the

Hong Kong Trade Development Council to bring a degree of professionalism to its public face that had not previously existed.

e moved to Sydney in 1971 and joined Australian Associated Press where he met and

fell in love with an attractive Kiwi

named Isabelle Black. They moved to New Zealand for a while, but retlrrned and Jack eventually worked for the ABC. lle continued with government in a corporate affairs role that had started at the TDC through the

Maritime Museum and frnally Workcover until he retired last year.

Although I have focused somewhat on Jack as a journalist and PR man, I have always suspected this was only the day job, as his real passion was writing. FIe was a talent of some depth with several novels and scripts to his name. His first book Jamie was the story of his THE CORRESPONDENT.JUNE-JUIy

childhood friendship with a coloured boy growing up was an early substantive statement against apartheid and was critically acclaimed. Isabelle has told me the movie rights have been sold and the frlm is in pre-production. He was immensely proud of his family. Ultra proud is how one friend described it. There was always a bit of the devil in Jack. A couple of years,

in South Africa. It


ago it wasJack's duty to take the dog for its afternoon walk, but was under strict instructions not to stop at the was well until Isabelle, or (daughter) Jennifer had to walk the dog and could not understand why it stopped dead at ... the Four in Hand ... the Beller,rre ... the Royal .... the London Tavern. This may well be an urban myth, but it's a nice way to remember our mate. I

pub. All

lord Maelehose Hong Kong 's longest serving governor played a unique part in FCC history ot many members are aware of the part that the twenty-fìfth governor of Hong Kong, Sir Murray Maclehose, played in securing our Ice House Street premises, which we moved

into in 1982. At that time, Central was going through one of its periodic rent spirals and the Board faced some terrible decisions. The Club could not afford the new rent in Sutherland House, and it couldn't afford anylvhere else in Central either. Yet, survey after survey indicated that for the Club to remain viable, it had to be located in Central. Estimates of building a club from scratch started around $18 million. \Àrhen Donald Wise started presidency in 1980, he was faced with the task of finding a new home for the FCC before September when the rent was to more than double. Someone suggested Murray Barracks which was then across Garden Road from the Hilton Hotel and easily seen from the Club. (The Hilton, now long gone, was the FCC's home between 196+1968, the years immediately prior to its move to Sutherland House [1968-1982]. Demolished in 1982, Murray House has arisen, phoenix like, numbered stone by numbered stone fall 4,000 of them], in Stanley.) The idea sounded good and so Wise wrote to the then governor, Sir Murray Maclehose, with a supporting letter from Derek Davies, then editor of th'e Far Eastern Economic Raaieu, who seven years later became the Club's President. The letters pointed out that the FCC, an integral part of Hong Kong, was going to be forced to close due to the rent squeeze. Wise asked, basicall¡ if the FCC could have the barracks for next to "nowt" in return for keeping it in good order. It was a long, nerve-wracking six weeks before Wise received a reply from Government llouse. Though turning down Murray House, Sir Murray offered the FCC a fìve-year lease on the old ice house which was almost derelict. THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE-JULY 2000

C¡ca 1977 Sir Murray MacLehose with president Berl Okuley and head barman Liao Chien-ping

Then matters stalled in the government bureaucracy. September was approaching and nothing more had

happened since Sir Murray's letter. Trying to get responses from the bureaucrats proved difficult. Crossing paths with Wise one day ata party, Sir Murray enquired about the "new" Club. When informed of the problem, he announced he'd sort the matter out. Quite obviously Sir Murray's large-sized shoe hit the correct target because in less than a day, papers mysteriously appeared and were signed. PI's bureau chief Mike Keats followed Wise as president. His unenviable task was to

turn an old, dilapidated, Edwardian


house, whose ground floor had become


sort of godown and whose roof had collapsed in serveral places, into what it is toda¡ one of the finest, some say thefrnest, press clubs in the world. It was left to photographer Hubert van Es, who succeeded Keats in the presidenc¡ to inaugurate the current FCC in 1982 with Sir Murray's successor, the late Sir Edward Youde.

Those of us who have enjoyed, or are currently' enjoying, the Ice House Street FCC owe a debt of gratitude to the Laird of Beoch. I






Crossing paths in Cyprus Seeking a respite from the hot sun, Philip Bruce (left) popped into a club in Paphos only to find former British Forces spokesman in Hong Kong Roger Goodwin and wife Wendy. New Zealand night Kevin Sinclair (left) and Philip Nourse at the pre-dinner Kìwi wine{asting

Remembering Russell Burrows, son of photographer Time-Lìfe's Larry Burrows who was kllled in Vietnam in 1971, poses in front of his father's pictures with daughter Sally


Tango time The instructors lead the way (top)while quick learner Ray Rudowski follows suit



ì \"n




FCC South The Sydney branch of the FCC convened to welcome the peripatetic Kevin Sinclair (L-F) Mike Foote, Kevin Sinclair, David Bell, Trish Carton, Penny Chapman, John Burgess, Noel Quinlan, Peter Roennfeldt and Peter Carton


gì ..




Cigar-rolling time Cigar smoker David Garcia watches how its done.

Merv Haworth Memorial Pool Tournament Diane Slormont crowns winner Nelphen Yunq


Dinner Theatre An Evening Wasted w¡th'

The Wall The FCC was fortunate to get the travelling exhibition of Requiem: By the Photographers Who Died in Vietnam and

Reuben M





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Peter Randall Manager (Editorial) PR Donna Mongan Ass¡stant Manager

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Guest singer Junji Delfino


Tenor saxophonist Quyen Thien Dac from Hanoi stopped off to play for a night en route top the US THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE-JULY 2000

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TREEI-ANCE PHOTOGRAPHERS in portraits,fashion,events, fümmercial

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Company Name: Address:


For more information telephone 2573 3548 or fax 2834 3162 THE CORRESPONDENT JUNE-JULY 2000


A b,imonthtry portrait of

FCC lrreptaceables

David Roads Member since:





Writer American No I've seen it all before!

Nationality: Least likely to say: Most likely to say:

Photographed by Terry Duckham 36


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Know your beer inside out

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Heineken's packaging now comes with added information - just so you'll know exactly what's inside.

On big ancl small bottles: The label on the back includes the Heineken brand name, ingredients and volume in Chinese, along with the expiry date and our mark of assurance: "lmported by Heineken Hong Kong Ltd." On cans: The Heineken brand name and volume are printed in Chinese, ingredients in both Chinese and English, rogetherwith an expiry date indication and our quality assurance: "lmported by Heineken Hong Kong Ltd." \X/hatì more, the exâct date of expiry is printed at the bottom of every can.

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