The Correspondent, February - March 2001

Page 1


Timeline 2000 A ye ar in the life of the FCC


CLUB 2 Lou'er Atbert Road, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2521 l5l I Fax: (852) 28684092 E-mall: <> \\¡ebsite: <rrmry.fcchk org> AnthonY Larrence President Laurie F'ml Vice President -Jim Ray Rudorvski, Second Vice President




Correspondent Member Governors Parrl Ba/ìeld, Katc Pound Dawson, I-Ir rberL van Es. Luke Hr rnt, Akiko Kato, Mark Landler, David Roads,

Philip Segal Iournalist Member Governors " C P Ho, Francis Moriarry


From The President

6 t"uru r6

Associate Member Governors Egan, Robert L Fienberg,

Crossing Paths With Movie Stars 25 Cambodia 26 Gulf War Remembrance: The Race for Kuwait City 27 Former President Fidel Ramos in Hong Kong

David Garcia, Martin Merz

Finmce Comittee Conuenor: Philip Segal (Treasurer)

Professional Convanor:


fin Laurie

over Story

Constitutional Comittee Coruøor; David Roads


Menbership Comittee Conuøot Hubert van Es House/F&B Committee Conuenor: Daye Garcia






The Correspondent O Tlrc Foreigrr Correspondents' CIub of Hong Kong


Can't Men Wear Hats in the FCC


Wall Comittee Coco¡tvnor: Htbert van Es General Mmager Gilbert Cheng

Hat's On!


The Legislative Council: \A¡hy Bother? 12 Audrey Eu Business Ethics in a Global Environment 13 Anita Roddick Life and Death of Dot Com in China 14 Graham Earnshaw - as an Inspiration to Style China 15 Vivienne Tam


Press Comittee t uenu: F t ancis Moriar ry

Freedom of

Peek Behind the Scenes


2 r,r.r.t lirr".

Entertainment Comittee Conuenor:

Five Tips for Dubya


24 Vietnam After Clinton's Visit




t*"une Obituary

'I'ltc Oorrespondenr is published ô times a ¡'rn Opirrions expresserl by writcrs in rrlr¡¡azirrt.are lrot ¡rccessarily rhose of rhe

Crowning Moment 2ooo Gavin Young


Asia By The Numbers


Publications Comittee Colusnol Luke Hunt Deþ ut¡ Conve n o r: Panl Bayfìeld


Prod ucl


Saul Lockhari tt:

Terr¡, Duckham

Editorial FÌlitor: Saul Lockhart 'l-cl: 2813 5284 Fu: 2813 6394

Watering Hole

31 *o'nd



E-lnaiì: lockhart@ìrkstancorn


OE J / I

lrnpr css O[[ise t printing Factor), Limited

Advertising Enquiries Stevc r,\¡hire

TetlFax: 2991 tI77 tvlobite: 9326 5884 Website <>

Drinking in Vientiane


staff chinese NewYear's Party

32 Christmas 34 New Year's Eve 36 Social and Birthdays

I\,fobite; 983ô 1210

Production pr -lcl: Asirqrix int Serr.ices 2t-r72 9i4{ Fax: 257b 8000 E-ntriì: asiapix@hk.liukage net



Professional Contacts FCC Faces



Cover Photographed by Bob Davis and Terry Duckham/Asiapix Timeline 2000: HKSAR Chief Executiue Tung Cheetuah (top cen tre), uho is an honoru ¡ tnmbø of the Club, at the annual Diþlomatic Receþtion; Actrcss, motlel, business erecutiae Isabelln Rossøllizi (upper left) end. salir¡st ancL author P J O'Rourhe (lower right) uere just tuo of the manl' sþeahns gracing the Club leclrn; Jøzz legentl Cash McCall (lower left) gaue a rl.inner concerl arul þetþrmed. in. jam sessions in Bet I's, tlrc CLub basanent jazz bor; Ral' Crunboutze (upper righ t)


on the linlu u¡th. the FCC Golf Sociel;, one of lhe mosl acLiae Club grouþs


A brief word of

was immaculate, really perfectly prepared and presented. That, and the general ambience of the Dining Room and the Verandah as one of the most perfect places for a party in Hong Kong, was commented on not only throughout the evening but subsequentþ for days afterwards. This will have done the Club, I hope, an immense power of good in its reputation for such events and I really hope that you will urge all members who are considering such a thrash to make full use of our facilities because they really were first class and totally flawless. It was such a terrific evening that I hope members will realise the potential and follow suit. - Oh it was phenomenally good value too, as always.

Finall¡ the food

Cole #6938 From Christopher Coleridge

appreciationråï;fiilr::-* terlY fantastic throughevening and subsequent

e lead-uP when numbers ntlv due to sudden business

Throughout trips and general Christmas over-imbibing' query potential *,,,' tA\to aîy it all Tiger,S relentless


From Suzanne Hill #4930


was disappointed by the article '-From Kansas City

to Shanghai" in the December-January edition of The Corresþondent. Harry Rosenthal is a respected veteran




journalistwho has no shortage of experience around the world. He certainly should have known the press in China is controlled by the government long before he arrived in Shanghai. Rather than deride the one-year-old Shanghai Daill for faults endemic to a muzzled press, he should applaud the one newspaper on the Mainland that is pushing the limits in trying to report the news. Rather than deride young, inexperiencedjournalists for their flubs in writing English, he should be sensitive to the valiant effort they are making writing in a second language. I worked alongside Harry at Shanghai Døily, and I recall him once asking me, "What's a listed company?" Fair enough. Harry had no background in business journalism. Similarly, the Chinese reporters he was recruited to help had no background in journalism


to Mo Tat \Øan on

Lamma venue Hong Kot'g's newest

Island and for al fresco

From: Don Scarborough Salem, Oregon

dining and great Partles'


Located on the back MediteÍranealr-


exotic cocktails and soft sound of waves

views over the

Latin music andsalsa regular basis. Cococabana can



Live on a

the be reached by ferry from

junk' Aberdeen Fishmarket or-bv







ai'ery reasonabre prlces'

For reservations please


receiue a card' and'Z-l]^t

Produce your FCc'meti'bershþ Sangria u7on arríuã'l' -free

in one month at Lunch or dine four times SOHO and enioy a anv of our restaurants in ;;'.;""k triP to cococAßANA' iu^loo"^ 2BG9 9637 curt-!:ro:^.^X,::"' cut"stne Vielndmese Cuisine r. ;il;;"q"" 2537 e38t ""oT,Åon,r:,1;""" Frencb Cußine


at all. We all have a lot to learn.

As a former

"polisher" at Shanghai Daily,I

Shan ghai D aiþ a hland.


China; or we can feel proud that when the chance to help transform a nation presented itself, we followed our instincts and pitched in. One further note: I, too, was often amused by the English writings of the

Daily's reporters and editors. But then I


realised that


couldn't write even half a sentence of

Chinese. And I recalled the butchered and clumsy writing

and editing that came from some of the native Englishspeaking, professionally trained Americans I worked with at home.

Harry Rosenthal


cannot argue with a singlz Hill and Don Scarborough uhose shilk and raised by Sue þoint ded,ication to the job thq d,id, on Shanghai Daily I admire geatl). From what I saw of Sue ønd heard about Don, each uas comments:

a superb teacher and


journalist. After a half

centur) as a reþorter/writer, I can hard,ly yell " out of context" but I wish they could have heard the sþeech in which I addressed each of their critiques. In no way did I intend to make fun of the reþorters, their inexþerience uith language and journalism, and I don't beline that I did. In writing what "polishing" means, I felt the need to say what was þolished,. If there is criticism in the speech, it was d,irected at the

attitude of the toþ editors (Chinese) who

hired" þolishers

to helþ

this struggling entnþrise, but then made it clear thq did not uant heþ. When ue tried to steer these young þeoþlz, ue ran into indifference from the toþ. When ue tried to instil þrinciplzs of good

uas no sncolffageft¿etxt of thzse effmß. As I for their courage in their task of trying to þroduce a nau English-language



said in the sþeech,



ad"mi,re the editors

I am in awe of uhat thq haue accomþlished. And I take considerable satisfacti,on in the relationshiþs I haae maintained through e-mail with many of my former young charges, some of uhom still ask me to þolish their coþ from nauþaþør

hal.futay around the world.

FromJohn Neill was

especially interested in Harry Rosenthal's views on his experience. I agree that Shanghai Daily is very much a work in progress. Shanghai's effort to give China a new voice offers Western journalism an important role. Rather than stand idly by and watch in amusement as our colleagues in China struggle under difficult conditions to develop the kind ofjournalism that helped bring a free and open society to the West, we can step in and $ve

nowwe will see avastþ different China.Journalists in the West can regret then that they did nothing to advance

Journalism organisations and

in the West can send super journalist,/teachers

like Harry to offer on-theljob training on writing, editing, interviewing, checking quotes and sources, etc. They can provide internships and university scholarships for

journalism and government studies in the United States and elsewhere in the West. Anything is better than tisk-tisking from the comfort of our t¿lent-filled newsrooms and our panelled university offices. We all

know the part that newspapers play in shaping a nation's awareness of its duties to its people. Twenty years from THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY.MARCH


Congrats on the Dec/Jan Correspond,ent! Dave Garcia and his (House and F&B) Committee should be pleased indeed with the improved - and continuing F&B standards of which I (and many others) have in the past been despairing. Chef Chan and his co-workers have certainly ensured now that dining at the Club is a worthwhile experience .... sometimes, a fine one. But the cellarmaster,/wine person (s) are guilty of outrageous bins with their part in the F&B chan$es, and should move to correct this situation in the new year...the wine list is bad news! I refer to the supposedly helpful (if rather gratuitous and fulsome) lead-up paras for each country,/region selection held by the Club. Most seem more or less fair and reasonable, but definitely not the totally inaccurate "history" of Australian wine-making and the current production styles and varietal directions now in place there. I am more than happy to declare myself as an Aussie who (like most wine drinkers I believe) prefers the best of the wines one has grown THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY-MARCH


up drinking at home. But I strongly object to the FCC promoting disinformation regarding Australian wines, and indeed would encourage the persons who are responsible for the selection of wines currentþ cellared by the CIub to lift their game, improve the diversity and quality of wine on offer and look for better value in so doing. More folk might discover just how good New World wines can be. You would not find respected wine writers like (Hugh) Johnson putting down Australian winemakers - I don't see why the FCC should either. If Dave's team isn't getting good advice, they should change their vintner right away - we deserve better. reþLies: Mr Neill 'k corcect in saying that Australian wines are currentþ under-reþresented on the Club's uine list, far which am resþonsible. As wrote in The

Bany Kah



Correspondent when I first assembled, the list last summen, it is a work in progress. I was asked to put something together on a

rathn short deadkne, and did not lnetend, that


þoduct was

reþresentatiue of the wines of any countr) or region. I do think that what ue currently haae is far supnior to uhat we had befme-and the Australian uines on the list, not'incidentally, are arlùong the best sellers. I haue already made seueral adjustments,


adding wines that þroaed þoþular during our monthly þromotions, delzting wines that usre not selling, adding-at þoþular request-a French house red, to the list. My next aim, for the month of March, is to olfør searral nau Australian wines, uith an qe toward including them on the regular list. My criteriø for these will be the same as for all the others: quality no matter what the ltrice, and uariety.

I guess I should, ako reþþ to Mr Neill's criticism of what haue written about Austral:ian wines in general. So: I am continuously disappoi.nted by Australian wines, and I am thereþre not a great fan. It's probabþ þersonal taste to a large degree, but I try to be objectiue about each bottl¿ and I haae no axe to grind against Australia or an) othtr wineJvoducing country. I haae been doing the wine list on a uoluntary basis,


arul my onþ rattard, aside from assu,ring thøt I haae good uine to drinkwhen I come to the Club, is the right to urite the list and say what I uant. Houeuery haaing said that, I will readily and h"þPi\ agree that Austraka does turn out son¿e very good, wines. It is just a question off,nding them in Hong Kong. I am ahtays receþtiae to recommendations and constructiae communts from Tell me what you membsrs. Tþll me what you like, I will try don't l:ike, and, I will considn it olf the list. The aim is to haae a list that ofþs something far nrryone in the Club. As


long as it's good.

From Dinah Lee Kungr Absent Member 2371 Thanks for sending me the piece (onJudy Bonavia December-January issue). I'm sure from now onJudy can

update you on her progress herself,


<> and will be happy to hear from FCC'ers directþ Meanwhile, I'd like to finally subscribe to the Correspondent, so could I please get details on how from the Club secretary? Many thanks. Editor: Done


FCC Golf

From the Pres-ident Duckham wins fïrst majo-r ¡;;"


-{ 5..

Runner up Phuket lsland-based David Thurston missed the top spot by a single point



a Duckham golhng victory was predicted in these columns as long as a year ago - and the event has now



convenor Jullan Walsh the prlze, presented by FCCGS

occurred. It must be said that some of the other scores were astonishingly bad, but there is nothing unusual in that. The seniors trophy went, as predicted, to Ken Bridgewater whose gross score less age less handicap was just 11 - better than the closest contender by far. Nearest the pin and longest drive each went to Ray Cranbourne who simply isn't old enough yet to stand a chance at the seniors trophy while Ken is in such good form. After the game we managed to drink the golf club out of at least

two of their promotional wines and the trip back to Hong Kong (for those who didn't stay another night) was painless. Notices about upcoming events are now sentjust by e-mail, and quite often e-mails get rejected so if any member has not been receiving notices recent\ please contact me to reconfirm your e-mail address. Julian Walsh Convenor

FCC Chess Club Sign uP

The prize, apart from glor¡ will be honour. You will also get your name in the club magazine. We may even get around to organising a trophy. The early favourites for the event are Bob Behull and Albert Shu, but we

for inaugural

tournament he FCC Chess Club is initiating a club championship, open to all club members'


be an ànnual event and this is an opportunity for in chess' whether they think anyorrc with any interest

in the inaugural

irráy .u" win or not, lo-.b:.i:yoh':d are encouraged to tournament. Players of all skill levels a fun time enter, and indeed are guaranteed to have


the event will be run under the

[ournamen again ðto.i.rg áut. the n'mber games



Swiss have

win-loss records' EntrY is free and

n the number of to commit to need likely will entrants but entries, competition friendly of evenings 15 and 10 between during the course of this Year'

in the dark corners of the main bar who may come forward to take part in this exciting event. Please believe, however, that the real success of this event will be measured not by quality but by quantity. The Chess Club is proud that it welcomes players of all standards (we meet every please drop by). It is Wednesday night from 6.30pm intended that the club's annual- chess tournament will likewise be a fun event for anyone, whether beginner or expert. The tournament will start soon after the entry closing date. If you wish to enter, send an e-mail to me or write your name on the tournament announcement form on the notice board. are hoping there are dark horses lurking

the Year of the Snake plods along, there seems

little for the commentators and leader writers to be joyful about. The local wiseacres remain completely unconvinced by the reason (Chief Þecretar/) Anson Chan has given for her sudden resignation from government service, and they all have their own intelligent, plausible (and differing) version of what the real reason is. Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa maintains his unpopularity. Once again, this time in the case of the three-year-old's claim to right of abode, our government seems to be moving to let a political body on the Mainland influence a Hong Kong problem. Nature has taken a hand in clouding over the general scene with two appalling earthquakes. And every time you open a newspaper, it is to be shocked by new stories of corruption in various parts of the world, often on a gigantic scale; and contemptible rulers removed by nondemocratic means. We all know the truism about really bad news always

making the best headlines. These days bad news is filling the media, pressed down and running over. Perhaps this makes it all the more interesting to stop, think and indulge in a little weighing up of situations, a little balancing ofpros and cons. Yes, there is plenty to be pessimistic about. No need to look far to fìnd evidence of affairs being mishandled, gen-

eral ineptitude. We all know that in a well-ordered

block under construction, destroying the peaceful

community, justice should not only be done but seen to be done - and there have been several cases in recent months when that was not so obvious as an ignorant la;.rnan could have wished. Then cases have come to light of serious lack of responsibility in high places, such as in the recent scandal over inadequate piling in new housing blocks. I have heard engineers say that, although the actual perpetrators were obviously guilty, blame attaches to the government for accepting tenders which they knew very well would not cover the cost of the work and were bound 't to tempt the contractors to cut corners. Plenty of grounds for doom and gloom. So well, where is comfort to be found? Indulge in a little reminiscence. Cast our minds back four years or so to when the 1997 Handover was looming ever larger on the territory's horizon. People who had enough money and somewhere to settle were leaving Hong Kong by the tens of thousands. Large numbers of vacancies in the government service.

atmosphere but promising enormous profìts. This at a time where, at the other end of the social scale, many wage-earners' families have suffered severe hardship

Chris Champion

Dark forebodings (based on memories of the

Tiananmen crackdown) about the likely behaviour of the People's Liberation Army when it took up its new quarters 2OOI


course the local scene is far from perfect. egg-layers too influential? Certainly the developers have things far too much their own way. Walking up the Peak the other day I was shocked to see the huge new

FCCCC Convenor champs@netvigator. com THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY-MARCH

in Hong Kong. Trenchant prophesies of Hong Kong becoming overnight'ijust another Mainland Chinese city". It hasn't happened - not yet. Isolated incidents have caused alarm, but on the whole the general reaction has been a great sigh of relief. What is the reason fcjr the restraint? Analysts with a well developed gift of hindsight are ready with trr¿o explanations. First, Beljing looks on Hong Kong as the goose that lays the golden eggs. Beijing is not all that effìcient at golden eggs production but can do with hard currenc¡ so why not leave the goose alone to go on laying? The other reason for leaving Hong Kong in peace is that if Beijing acts too harshly, it will scare Taiwan away forever, and goodbye to all hope of reunification. All or some of that could well be true. What is certain is that it's nowmore than three years since the Handover and the 'One Country Two Systems' has not been abandoned. The Chief Executive might even be getting some credit for that, if his government had managed its public relations with more professionalism.


Are the larger

from the economic down-turn. Two systems does not mean that we have to adopt the

most ruthless forms of capitalist entrepreneurship. We need to observe 'socialjustice' andjealously guard the rule of law. The price of avoiding any further erosion of the system we value is (as it always has been when liberty is under pressure) continued vigilance, especially by the media. We can take comfort fiom one important factor: The future is not fixed in one unchangeable course. We

are certain to benefit from the huge revolution that has been under way, of communication, of an uncensorable spread of information. The eyes of the world are on Hong Kong, in a more understanding way than ever before. And the world across the border is inevitably changing too. I


Anthony Lawrence


Fíve Tipt

for Dubya

Please be assured we continue to follow health reports and will make changes as necessary.

Reunion in NewYork The Overseas Press Club is hosting a party for former "China hands," journalists who once were based in Hong Kong or China and now are living in NewYork. FCC visitors who happen to be in the Big Apple on the Ides of March (March 15) are mostwelcome.

FCC members advise the new IJS President George W Bush. Nigel de Boinville, Barrister don't run, and look both ways before crossing the road. 2.2+2=4, no matter what the Supreme Court and UncleJames Baker say. 3. Increasing your understanding of world affairs may be beyond you, but at least you J. Walk,

Redesigned Website

could take dancing lessons.

Third World and abolish the death penalty. House for people to remember you by quickly. at the \À/hite 5. Plant your shrubbery 4. Take America out of the bloodthirsty

Staff changes Carol Yiu (left),Ihe new FCC Office Manager, receives the "key" to the office from outgoing manager Racquel Cheung who left at the end of January


The FCC's newly-designed website was launched on February 23. More details next issue but in the meantime, log into <uwu.fcchh> and enjoy.

Also departing was Membership Secretary

Canny Wong (second from the ñght) General Manager Gilbert Cheng oversaw the ceremony, We wish both Racquel and Canny

Allen Youngblood, musician

good fortune in lheir new endeavours and the next tlme you are in the CIub, introduce yourself to Carol

Don't speak nonsensel Don't accept nonsense! Don't legislate nonsense! Restore the dignity of the most powerful position in the worldl 5. Don't forget the poor folks! 1. 2. 3. 4.

Annual Meetings Here's your chance to partake

in the running

of your Club. The annual nomination meeting will

Mad Cow Disease Just to reassure all members, all the beef consumed in the Club comes from Australia, New Zealand and the United States, countries that are free of the disease.

be held April 4th at B p.m. (after the diplomatic reception) in case you neglected to complete the postal nomination forms. The counting will begin at 3 p.m. on May 23rd and the AGM will be held on May 24th at 6 p.-.

John Dawson, editor 1. Take dad to work once a week.

2. 3. 4. 6.


No more grab ass of your wife in public. Give the Oval Office a good clean before you sit anywhere. Develop a policy

- try one, it's good.

Update that donors' list for Cheney.


Peter de Krassel, businessman




1. Read the Constitutit¡n. 2. Separate Church from State. 3. Go to Havana and learn how to make the most of Remarks:

a good cigar in the \Atrhite House. 4. Study an atlas. 5. Work on getting an intelligentlooking grin.

Ticket validity: 30 days This offer is not valid in conjunction with other promotions or upgrades. ttSeats are limited, please book nowltt.

For full details, please call our travel team:

Mandy 22309668, Patricia 22309666, Fanny 22309662

V. G. Kulkarni, Editor 1. Educate yourself before



the education system

milked all you can from Florida Cubans, now make friends with

Fidel Castro. 3. Don't listen to DowJones page editors, but don't rile them either. 4. Don't say 'read my lips' any more' 5. Enjoy the White Flouse, it will only last four years. I THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY.MARCH


Kong Tel.: 2810 9300 Fax: 2845 2933 Lic. 350481 E-mail:

4/F., Winway Building, 50 Wellington Street, Central, Hong 'Website:






the Club complied with all standards and codes - which it does. "I was most impressed with Gilbert's grasp of our

and "we're phenomenally good value too" to quote from a

Letter to the Editor published in this issue.

problems," said Robin. "He knows a huge amount about the building and was able to save us considerable time." One thing leads to another on an inspection tour for example we discovered that the windows around the Main Bar were rusty and in a dangerous condition. They were, of course, promptþ replaced.

Then came a much-needed renovation of the kitchen after all, wha's the sense of having a fine - and excellent chefs if they do not have the dining room proper facilities? So not only were facilities improved, the kitchen was redesigned to include increased space for the preparation of Chinese food (previously there was only one, that's right one, wok for all the Chinese cooking) and a tandoori oven in order to add Indian food to the menu. You can see the results of this the large number of renovation in the menus Chinese and Indian dishes available daily plus the variety and quality of the Western cuisine.

membership was down to 1,100. By February, our so fast membership stood at 1,524. And climbing list that the Board may have to reintroduce a waiting when membership totals 1,650, a figure Membership Committee Convenor Hubert van Es expects to hit this year. Yes there are outside factors like the economy which during the height of the crunch in past years affected membership. And conversel¡ as the economy

ext, we turned our attention to the Hughes

and Albert Rooms, our popular function rooms. We took a leaf from Kevin Costner's Field, of Dreaø¿s "Build it and they will come" philosophy which worked quite well with Bert's.

House What has been the result of the FCC's extensive renovation? Committee Convenor Daue Garc'ia answers that question. .any of you may have wondered what's been 'happening to our Club for the last couple of :years. Floor after floor, section by section, it seems we've taken the place apart and put it back together.

And that's pretty much what's been happening' But because of the new look, bolstered by excellent staff, our Ctub has improved greatþ That's not just me talking our membership is up, the number of people utilising the club is up and our billings are up. Our first project was Bert's which in January celebrated its second anniversary. We turned a littleused basement bar with strange bright lighting into a well-used, attractive Jazz Blat with live music Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights' Bert's is now the place where visitingjazz musicians come to jam. Furthermore, Bert's is crowded at lunchtime, as well as evenings, which its

predecessor was not. During that renovation, we also upgraded the electricity, air conditioning and exhaust systems in the room. We added a wine cellar and offices and spruced up the Workroom too. After that, we went to work on the Main Dining Room and the Verandah. The results, according to the billings, have been excellent. Of course, much of the credit goes


to our kitchen and serving søff who make dining

upstairs such a pt.u.* .*p?rience' :ht ano ,rtt th. o.rly onå. to think ih. Muin Dining Roomwon a since have those rooms the Verandah beautiful



architects Hong Kong Designers Association award for Zanghellini & Holt' more s turned out to be

fire elec

than we anticiPated in in Êthe-house Problems nt' ng


the'1qi]::"tüï'"'"i:: Robin Howe"s' M-l:1Tli

o help the club through


the formet tnt-:l Irulv Co, of FiSEC Director ur L'lrcuLur ""' *ho was Department's officer of the Homtt- Æruitt r --,^^ *:.t;,t:: he Since ä.är"ã-n"ino.irv' '^everything up to we-.'hgured he'd knou tt"i to bring r r^ +^ rlaê 1,2rr.)r1s '


be acceptabt: :î,:n":.1"?::"i; sPccu where ,p..ã wrrcrc it would " *""';' wt;; right' Ably assisted by authoritit 4uLrrvrrLrLu' government r[Ilcrrl "' . H,uvcr ,_..^-, th"^rroh ough the GilbertLCheng' thtl lt^l.::::^^L and ö..'eral \rtjllt'I al Manager rvrallaBcr vuuur qnrl f OOk everyt Club with a frn"e tooth comb, inspecting -^-i^:.. * t In^kt cranny, and behind *..y pu"tt' tryt'lly' THE CORRESPONDENT



The goal was simple: to obtain more utilisation of the rooms. How to increase rentals and how to better utilise the rooms when they were not rented out? And thus was born Ming Sik Kok (Æ,fl H) and the Yuan Heng ( Ìå æ ) , the FCC's new Chinese restaurant (the Hughes and Albert Rooms respectively). Each room has been completely redecorated in traditional Cantonese style of the 1920s, as you will notice immediately upon climbing the stairs and coming face to face with not one but two "mysterious" red doors. There is of course a special Chinese menu for these rooms. The soft opening was February 12 and the grand or hard opening, complete with a Lion Dance, was on February 23, which you should

have known if you've been reading your


announcements. By the time you receive this, the construction site in the front lobby will have metamorphosed into a brand new office with increased seating and storage. What next? Possibly the health corner and the Main Ba¡ but more about that at another time.

Having reached the end of this long list of renovations, members might ask thä question if the work has been worth the effort and expense? The improved quality and increased variety of food has already been mentioned. To be blunt, more people are using the Club than ever before: buying food and drink individually, coming to events (like the Christmas dinners), entertaining by table or renting the function rooms, or renting the entire Main Dining Room or Bert's. That's a good sign. Flere's another, The word has spread about the "new" FCC, its "new" facilities, excellent menus and service




Luxury and fine food The new-look Main Dining Room as seen from the Verandah,

grows, so do Club memberships. But your Board is convinced that the growth rate our recovery, ifyou like



has been quicker because of the spruced-up facilities.

\Alhat about the money side of these renovations? How much is it going to cost you? Nothing extra.

How? The previous and current Boards have tightened the management of the Club substantially, resulting in a net savings. As for the renovations and critical repairs to the Main Dining Room and Verandah taken in the 1999-2000 financial year under the previous Board, past president Philip Segal summed up the situation in his AGM report in the June-July 2000 issue of The Corresþondent. "...this Board has left the FCC with almost exactly the same amount of cash it found ayear ago." Philip Segal, who serves as treasurer on the current board, explains in more detail: "The main way we've managed to fìnance all of these renovations, in addition to having a great product at low prices, is by lowering food and beverage costs. Two years ago, food costs were

5HUT YOUR 6O9./ Ol Atvt, A LAÞY /7 Yrn FAT PRoD


of sabsat times, and beverage cos.s 37 %' Now food runs us 30Vo of sales and sometimes even less' and



beverages cost around 34%. "That may not sound like much of a difference' but Club consider: on $1 million a month in food sales, the of sales saves $100,000 on food costs if they're at30Vo u ,uuir-rg' that goes right to the bottom line' On food a alone, inut't $i.Z million in savings a year, which buys

lot of renovation work, not to Ãention


bonuses and

raises for the excellent staff, new audio-visual equipment' and the freedom not to raise prices for our members'"

re the new facilities attracting more custom? Absolutely. Bert's alone, at times, turns over more than the Main Bar on the Friday Zoo Night, something it never did before as the downstairs bar. The Main Dining Room is

Behind the red






Arthur Hacker, queries the FCC Dress Code Should men be allowed

ne FCC's chinese restauranl


to wear hats?

attractins more diners six nights a week than it ever did

ost of us have beerr

in the embarrassing


please to the door at the back. How are you?" In the 1970s, the then Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, was denied entry to the Scene Discotheque in the Peninsula Hotel because he was not


n'earing a jacket. Consequentþ he did his drinking in the Universal Plaþoy in the Peking Road instead. In the 1980s, I was asked to leave the bar of the China Fleet Club by the manager, because I was wearing


pointed out that there were a couple of well. "Ladies don't coLlrlt, rnate!" he said emphatically. "It's them sailors. Their- feet smell, something horrible!" flip-flops.

laclies at the bar wearing thongs as

This'n'as my fìrst experience of a club sex discrimination in action; but it was in the old colonial days

sh from Argentino..

clress code

ìtefore the enactment


of the Sex Discrimination



open Daily:

flc nafuraI fatfe



5'7 Ctevetand Street D1 Ctevetand Mansion' G/F., Shop C1, C2& 3552 gay' l-long fong' fet: 28902616' Fax: 2890 Causeway

In the Main Dining Room of our own Club, male not allowed to be dressed in T:shirts

tnembers are



situation some time in our lives of beinso accused of violating the dress code of a club, hotel or some other establishment. In the 1960s Lord Glenary described in his book 35 Years on the Job how he was refused entry at the door of the Hong Kong Club. The hall-porter said: "No tie. Go

Day Dinne¡ to name the two most recent culinary happenings. That's not the whole story of course' The irnp.ou.d iood and the FCC's traditional superb service both contribute to the increased business. some 'thankyous'' Time to close with a little mush



{ (defined

as a shirt

without a collar) or shorts. However

I am certain if Kylie Minogue walked in wearing

hotpants and a tiny top without a collar displaying her delightful belly button, she would be ushered to a table immediately.

n the Zoo Bar the problem is hats. Women may may not, unless they are them Sikhs, Arabs, Jews (in native or religious dress) or bagpipe players (whether they be Scots or not). This seems to me unfair. In the long, hot, blazing days of summer, we are advised to wear hats by our doctors, especially those among us who have wide partings or are as bald as a baby's bottom. We should not be discriminated against. Men are asked to remove their hats on entering the bar. This is a clear breach of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance which states clearly in Section 9(3)that the "sexual harassment of women shall be treated as appþing wear

equally to the treatment of men." As one of the organisers of the Human Rights Press Awards, I think that the Foreign Correspondents' Club should put its own house in order. I

The Legislative Council Why Bother?

Busin€s,s as tlnusual:


former chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, and now the newest

Audrey Eu, barrister, mother,

Legislative Councillor, romped home to victory as an Independent by u huge margin in the Hong Kong Island by-election in December. The contest was widely seen as a struggle between the Democrats and the oro-Beiiing forces. Ms Eu is also a member of the 800-strong Election bo--iiteé that will elect the new Chief Executive in 2002 and has served on the prestigious panel ofjudges for the FCC's annual Humal Rights Awards. y decision to run in the December byelection came as a surprise to many people, and not the least to myself and my family... I have never had any political inkling, let alone ambition. You might say, "Well, you were the Chairman of the Bar and also you ran in the

'small circle' election to get on to the Election Committee." (Though) many regard the Bar as being any difficulty

;,ïf,ffiTi out oroudly as issues on which we have a duty to speak and ofjudiciary independence such as rule of law, àn the administration ofjustice. We had the silent march"' the NPC interpretation. We spoke out about the RTHK independence, matters relating to press freedom, on the Public Order Ordinance, and such like. As far as getting on the Election Committee'.. it's just trying to exercise regard any of those matters your vot as


lWry when v

And Particularþ Ronald Arculli and

\A4rY bother?


Christine Loh chose to leave. I can't do better than ouote from what Christine Loh said when asked this qrr.rtion about me' "She is fresh enough to batter asked to ahead of you a few times'" \Arhen Christine was

endorse my candidac¡ she wrote..." I support her also because she has an enormous capacity to learn"' A lot of people lament the restrictions on Legco, but

I think

noi "nough is said perhaps about the powers that Legco does have. Not only does it pass laws and


actually is the public forum *h.r" u.ty often the Administration is called up to account for their policies and their conduct, and oublic attention of course is one form of power'

uoõtou. finances, but


8.,t this will only work


and I say this particularþ to

this would only work for so the members of the FCC long as there is media and public attention. When you go to a Legco meeting, you find TV cameras all around you and hordes of reporters sitting at the back. The next day the highlights get reported, and this is how the public opinion is generated and how public scrutiny is exercised. That of course is what it makes a democratic society.

ut I must confess that when the proposition (to ,run) was first put to me, my reaction was not to run, but to run away. And that was my second :reaction, and my third reaction as well. But, of course, in the end you just have to be true to yourself. I mean, you can't really say "direct election is a good thing, but thank you very much, it's not for me". So when put to the test, I can't say no. I enjoy what they call the "district work" and which I call "community work" that is getting to meet the citizens. In the past, I worked on a very narrow plane, because people came to me with their problems and I looked at it from the legal point of view. But legal solutions very often are time consuming and, of course, very costþ Nowwhen people come to me with their problems, the legal training helps,..but very often the solution is extra-legal, maybe persuading a government department

to look at (the matter) afresh...Legco actually is a platform to enable government officials to cooperate with you, to increase efficienc¡ greater transparency, and perhaps also much more equitable results. I also enjoy the Bills Committee because in the past when I looked at a piece of legislation, it was usually to conduct a legalistic argument with an opponent or the judge...Now I get involved at a much earlier stage as to what law ought to mean. That very often is much more rewarding than being in legal practice. I don't know how my new life is going to pan out... (but) it (might)...turn out to be a pleasant surprise for myself. I THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY-MARCH


Business Ethics in a GI ob'a} Environr:rÌent

Speaking atan FCC lunch, Anita Raddick of Body Shop fame described herself "as a renegade business leader...(who) has been totally influenced by the facttllrat I am an actiúst and an agitator. For the last 24 years, with the zealousness of a religious convert, I have been desperately trying to put idealism back on our busrness agenda." This excerpt deals with the battle of Seattle during the WTO conference. don't take these tssues seriously...if we act in a revolting way' people revolt, as they did in Seattle. Iam probably one of the few CEOs or ex-CEOs that was on the e are revolting if we

side of the protesters. We were some 18,000 people. We all took part in that protest. I had funded, thanks to Harper Collins' enormous advance (for Business as Usuaf ,

a four-day teach-in in


auditorium, every church, every school hall, every union hall was open for all the people of Seattle to get real information about our economic institutions, this new religion called globalisation. \Arho were we? We were mothers,

fathers and grandparents...union leaders (and) unionists walking along-

side...environmentalists, human rights workers, religious leaders...agricultural leaders. We were every form of life...(But) we weren't prepared for rubber bullets... tear gas. We didn't know how to protect our faces; little kids were dressed up as demonic butterflies and endangered species.

We found that our voice or message was being distracted by the media who only focused on a few broken windows. \Arhat was our message? Our message was this: a world trade system that failed to put human

rights, failed to put economic justice and care for the

environment at the core of its trading negotiations. a nutshell. All we were demanding was to make businesses more reflective, more honorable, more responsible. What we have got is this new kind of

Thatwas the protest in

trading Ð/stem that acts as an uncontrollable

world government. The WTO and the group of unelected, unrepresented, trade officials who run it, are now I believe, effectively the world's top government, or the world's highest court. They have the right to overturn any local law or safety regulation if they deem it interferes with trade. I think, if that's the sovernment, I see it as blind government where only the bottom line can be seen. It recognises profits and loss, but it can't see human rights; it can't see

environmental management; it can't see our labour, sweatshop labour. It is a government without a heart. And in any organisation without a heart, you will find, the creativity of the human spirit diminish. I Business øs Usual

ByAnita Roddick Thorsons, London ISBN: 0 00 710796 x. PB. HK$r35

The vital commun¡cation link...




and Derth

of a ChitÌa

hßn€ù ftts

Ð,øt Co,m Shanghai-based FCC member Graham Earnshaw takes us through the trials and tribulations of dot coms in China. have spent many, many dinners and lunches on the other end of this microphone and it's really great to l:be here. I will talk a little bit about the Inlernet in China now and give you some ideas of how I think it's going....The Internet is going to be as significant to China as the rest of the world. It's going to become a part of the economy and society completely. It's my feeling that the Internet in China has llradafar bigger impact on China than it has on the rest of the world, because itwas such a closed society... The main impact of the Internet on the rest of the world so far, I think, has been on the e-commerce side, that is, the ability to pull outyour credit card and make a purchase on-line. In China you can't do that....but in China the through e-mail, through chat Internet has allowed - ordinary people to interact with rooms, rhrough ICQ each other, to communicate with each other, to break out


of the boxes in which China had tradiúonallyplaced people in. This has had an incredible impact on the psychology of Chinese people and Chinese society...The e{ommerce revolution will come as well...but it will take a little while for the banking system to get its act together... (and) for the regulators to get used to the idea of people, in a very free way, buying stuff by clicking on websites. It will also take time for consumers in China to get used to the idea, to overcome their inherent mistnrst of the system and pull out their credit card and type in the number. But it will happen over the next hvo or three years and when it does happen, I think the e-commerce revolution in China will be even more profound in its impact on China than it has been in the West, becarxe the basic system is so

much more primitive. I have had the honour to be involved in these dot com things from the beginning. I wouldn't dare to call myself the launcher of Internetin China. Letme make that quiæ clear from the start. lloweveç I think I was there at the toss of this damn thing and I would have had probably one of

the first ten or so Internet accounts in Shanghai.



honoured to be one of the founders of China Now, one of the top portals....There (was an) enormous explosion of acnvrty last year and early this year with people throwing

money at business plans that made not the slightest 14


Rem €e,

it all on just blind faith in concepts...A large number of those companies, of course, have gone and will go belþ up. They will die. They will not be merged or acquired because these companies have nothing to merge or acquire. They have nothing except their name and a bunch of second-hand computers, some desks and sense... basing

Hong Kong-bred fashion designer Viuienne Thm, has long been one of our fashion industry's leading lights. She spoke to an FCC lunch about China's influence on her designs and how this is reflected in her new book China Chi,c.

some chairs these days.


he best slratesv




I fo, the competitors, who are Lurh., bleak winter of the Int all the traffic, because traffic on the Internet has no loyalty whatsoever and when something is not available on one site, peoplejust click on to the other. So the companies which survive are those that are well managed, who

are cautious in their spending, cost control, revenue, profits, concepts that make sense (and) consistent implementation. These are phrases which sound boring buq of course, as we all know the world has finally realised that the dot com companies are in no way exceptions to the basic rules of capitalism. It's not clear what is going to happen; that is if dot coms have to die and real companies grow in their places. We have done a road show for Life and Death of a Dotcom in China... (with) conferences in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. My opening line has always been: "Ladies and


am hear to announce the dot com era is over. But the China Internet era isjust beginning." I think that sums it up. It's end of the beginning, it's certainly not the beginning of the end. The Internet is going to be absolutely crucial to China and the companies that can find away to get revenue... (and) integrate their operations (with the) regular economy.... are going to do very well. They are going to make enormous, indeed obscene, amounts of money in the next few years as the system gentlemen,

grows, as the Internet becomes a more and more essential part of life in all economic activity. I

The Life and Deøth of ø Dot Com in China Edited and story by Graham Earnshaw Asia Law & Practice, Hong Kong ISBN:962 936 081 0 PB.I{K$1,658 THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY.MARCH



I grew up in the colony of Hong Kong, I didn't really have much hen

background in Chinese history. It was Iike putting one foot in the West and one

(being) Chinese. The first time

I went to China,


saw the beautiful view of Chinese landscape and the

rough, full of streets and said, "Wow, this is really who I am, what I am missing. I want to express all my feeling into my work." That's how I started my designs



My book is part of my passion. When people ask me why I wrote this book, (I say) il is a personal discovery and journey and memories of looking at subjects like architecture, opera, paintings ánd gardens and films, furniture and weddings it's all my personal experience. But the most important part of this book is about East meeting the West because when you mix

two languages together or two cultures together, it forms a new excitement, it's a new voice, and it is ver¡ very creative. This is how my works are merging the traditional and the modern element together to make it very contemporary. I do embroideries, but I do embroidery in netting instead of embroidery on the THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY-MARCH


silk satin. I changed to material (to) stretch, (to make it) easier to handle...(because) we modern women travel a lot and it's easy to carry.

I just want to tell a little about my book


- in told about China the 1980s and what I witnessed. It was the first time I went to China. I was so excited, so inspired by watching the girls walking on the streets. They were wearing all the transparent skirts and no slips...half lined up to the crotch..,and...all white (in) colour. I thought, "My God, it's so interesting. How come they only have white colour and they wear only knee-high stockings and plastic sandals with kneelength skirts?" (Then) I realised (it) may be fashion with just a limited source. They only have white lining...they were so unconscious of fashion and they looked so chic to me. I loved talking to the girls and how they wear the Mao suit, the braiding of their hair...even though they wear a Mao suit, they all have their individual style, very subtly... inside maybe they wear bright colours though they wear a blue and grey chapters like the Mao chapter.


Maojacket...I Chinø Chic ByVivienne Tam HarperCollins PB. HK$225



Rnmcelebrated his Tbthbirthday on a pilgrimage to Mt Kailas in northwestern Tibet' His tale Vsrnon

a mightY four form to then divided

åî,i"1" ¡"*ed

yak steed On the road Vernom Ram with Sherpa guide and trusty (above and upper right) and with the group

14 Swiss-German trekkers, a majority of them converts to Buddhism.

the key to unlock the hidden depths of on-e^'s consciousness or coming to terms with one's inner self'

its role

Members and memories a - year month-by-month look at the 2000 in the FCC. YzKwas one of the most active in the history of the club with more professional and social events than ever before. Take awalk down the timeline and see for yourself.


Prayer flags flutter

at a prostration point


Mt lbilas'



ll4 r,4t ,l¡,,, o,

New Year Millennium Party 2000

Red Lips farewell party for founder Dorothy Ryan

Professional lunch: Mark Clifford launched his new book

about lhe Asian financial cflsts.

FCC members compete at the first of the popular RTHK Radio 3 Quiz Nights held in the Main Dining Room

Bert's first anniversary was a

popular success

Professional lunch: Author, satirist, political commentator and Rolling SfoneS Foreign Desk Chief PJ O'Rourke entertained members with 'Worrying for a Living'

Another big night at Bert's Staff Chlnese New Year's party

Stella Ng (Yang)-and friends celebrates at the 4th Annual Guam Media Classic Golf tournament on Guam

Cirque de Soleil band's saxophonist Dave Bellemare jamming at Bert's

Jazz greal Cash McCall performed at a special jazz dinner in the Main Dining Room, i


üt ,a

&¡ <.t

FCC members celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Vietnam War in the Ho Chi Minh City Press Club.

The new look of Far Eastern Economic Review arrives.

Nelphen Yung, winner of the Merv Haworth Memorial Pool Tournament with Dlane Stormont

a a

o a

I ,ê



Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa was lhe cenlre of attention at the annual diplomatic reception


a ì'



'a Valentine's day at the Club.


Professional lunch: Former FCC presidenl Steve Vines discussed hls latest book TI'IF, CORRI,SPONDENT FEBRUARY-N,LA.RCH

Former Club pianist Larry Allen joins Allen Youngblood at the keyboard in Bert's 2O(]





Anatoly Karpov, former world chess champion, visits the FCC Chess Club


Oliver Baube,

Dam official'flees with $930m'

AFP, captured

in Jolo by Abu Sayyaf rebels.

è. :\






Professional lunch: Dr Rìchard Johnson on The

Professional lunch: Citizen's Party chairperson Chrisline Loh

Alexis de Toqueville

Arnold Zeillin, Freedom Forum's Asia Directo¡ in Skardu, Northern Pakistan

SCMP's new look

Karin Malmström takes the press to Beijing for Mercedes Benz

spoke about'Life after Legco'

Hong Kong iMaìl launched

Rowan Callick, Australian Financial Review, covering the Fiji coup


Party leader Martin Lee on 'WhY a democrat lobbied for China'.

Barrister Kevln Egan's

The SCMPwinners of the FCC's Slh Annual Human Rights Awards

Luke Hunt, AFP, reporting from

Professional lunch: The BBC's Humprey Hawksley, spoke on his

Trincomolee, Sri Lanka

T-shirt says it all.

Salsa Night at the Club

Philip.Bruce in Cyprus,

more than 2000 FCC Quiz Night have joined in the fun over the past three years

The FCC Chess Club, launched this year, has enormous following

Lisa Barron, CNN, reporting from Kuala Lumpur

Saul Lockhart freelance editor/ writer, in France sporting his

new chapeau Kees Metselaar, freelance photographer, covering the action in lndonesia,

latest political thriller Dragon Fire,




J'' Ace Kiwi Kevin Sinclair quaffing away at New Zealand night,


Hans Vriens (left) is presented with a Club memorabilia by Francis Moriarty (centre) at his farewell party in the lVain Dinlng Room.

Vaudine England, SCMP, onlhe scene at the student demos in Jakarta.

Peter Berry visits lhe Wig

& Pen in London Bud Pratt gliding in France





Nury Vittachi launches The Feng Shui Detect¡ve, the f irst interactive mystery novel

Tribune, reporling from Jaffna, Sri Lanka


FCC members and band went to the Philippines for the First Puerto Galera Jazz Fest¡val


Mid{erm change of

Mexican Night in the Main Dining Room

presidents: Karl Wilson (lght) moves to the Hong Kong iMail and Tony Lawrence takes

FCC Golf Society on tour in the Philippines


Professional lunch: Anita Roddick of Body Shop fame spoke about the Bottle of Seattle and her new book


Star TV's, Jim Laurie, in Vietnam with Clinton

Professional lunch: Baroness Caroline Cox, Deputy Speaker House of Lords and President of Christian Solidarity World-Wlde addressed the Club

Redesign of Asian Buslness. David O'Rear' EIU' with Taiwan President Chen Shui-ban

Guy Searls celebrated his 77th birthday

joins the Chef Alan Chan Club

Willy Lam removed as SCMP's China editor 100 reporters-

Professional lunch: Vernom Ram's 75th birthday was spent climbing Mt Kailas in Tibet

Graham Earnshaw spoke on his new book Llfe and Death of a Doctor in China

Professional dinner:

Actress, model and business executive lsabella Rossellini.

editors protest

Dave Garcia

attacked his 50th birthday cake in Bert's The cake won Ben Rogers, Hong Kong iMail,

David Roads


celebrated his

Professional lunch: Former British politician Michael Heseltine spoke on his latest book Life in the Jungle.

79th birthdaY

Professional lunch: SCMP's Jasper Becker spoke on his new book The Chinese

A Sanla was on hand for Christmas in the

Arthur Hacker's Lap Sap Chung, invented in .1972, was


resu rrected,

Professional lunch: Vice Adm James lvletzger, Commander US 7th Fleet, discussed the US military presence in Asia

Terry Duckham wins FCC Golf Society's Richard Hughes trophy in lVlacau


Professional lunch: Pamela Yâtsko spoke about her latest

book New Shanghai'

Clare Hollingworth's BBth birthday, with Cathy

Hilborn Feng assisting

Professional lunch:

Author Adelina Yen Mah talked about her new novel Watching the Tree THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY-N,IARCH



Professional lunch: Fashion designer Vivienne Tam spoke on her new b,ook China Chic


New Year's Eve (Millennium Party ll) 2001

with police piper escorted by Assislant Restaurant Manager Patrick Cheng 2OO1

"Mr Euro-Snow" Peter Mann with wife Zoe at the launch of Hong Kong's EuroChristmas



Gnossilt,g Fâths with Ho|ly,wood in Gamhodia

>efu¿nq, Ael/r,/P"o

Hong Kong-based photographer Graham LIden tells the story of his unintended paparazzi scoop while on assignment in deepest,

darkest Cambodia.

The trade pact and the Clinton visit rekindled interest in Vietnam. Vietnam after Clinton ll's business as usual for this street vendor, presidential visit But it remains to be seen whether untouched by the glamour of the the media wilt flock to report on a country that has disappointed them in the past, reports George W Russellwho's based in Hanoi. everal months after the crush of White House

correspondents accompanied US President Bill Clinton on his groundbreaking visit, the Hanoi media corps has returned to its usual somewhere between hope and torpor. state However, a flurry of activity in 2000 and signs of an improving investment climate have meant thatVietnam has reappeared on the media radar screen, although it is still a lairly faint blip. Over the past year, most Western wire agencies have beefed up coverage while Time and the Far Eastern Economic Rzuian two outlets have recently returned after absences. - InJuIy, Ho Chi Minh City opened a stock exchange' The institution trades just five stocks, imposes share price fluctuation ceilings and generally observes a lorvkey operation. Then, sentiment soared with the signing of the US-Vietnam trade agreement. To cap it all off, Clinton became the fìrst US president to visit a unif,red Vietnam with a largely triumphant march through the capital and the former Saigon. The compact resident foreign press corps, numbering less than 20 at last count, operates under the watchful eye of the Press and Information Department at Vietnam's Foreign Ministry. Although HCM City, as it is known, is the most important commercial ciry Vietnam permits foreign media to be based only in Hanoi. Correspondents must seek official permission to travel for work elsewhere, though this has rarely been refused recentþ except for cases of unrest. Once, pliant Soviet and Chinese reporters formed the press corps backbone. Now, it's American-hear'y. 24

uring this assignment, writer Tom Hilditch and I were

the Tonle Sap Lake eR route to Angkor Wat; met with Khmer Rouge leaders in their Northwest stronghold of Pailin, iust as news broke in Phnom Penh that trials of Khmer

Rouge would get under way; were stoppcd and searched on a pitch dark road by AK47-toting

Only one, Tini Tran of Associated Press, speaks fluent Vietnamese, a guttural, tonal language drawing part of its vocabulary from southern Chinese dialects as well as Thai, Khmer and French. "She cheats," protests one of the older colleagues

e ivilians Iooking for culprits who fired a shot in the area a

minute earlier. And if all that wasn't enough, we ended up playing paparazzi tcr a Hollywoocl star, Waiting to be airlifted out of the lawless Northwest from a very small airfield, I noticed three Westerners disernbarking from a small Russian prop plane, I started shooting automatically whett,

good-naturedly. "Her parents are from here." There is no correspondents' association. Forming

even a club is a complicated process in Vietnam requiring layers of official permission. Journalism, especially foreign, is a sensitive issue. Censorship remains significant.

Foreign publications with articles deemed

inappropriate can have pages removed or blacked out, but most frequentlyjust fail to appear. Reuiew editor-at-large Nayan Chanda says that's better than the bad old days, when ,FEETR stories were pasted over with pages from copies of Asiaueek. here is a Press Club, however. It's a prime office and restaurant property behind the historic Metropole Hotel. However, it hasn't become a regular haunt of the press. Former Associated Press bureau chiefPaul Alexander recalled that when the Press Club opened, its owners didn't even bother to invite the media to its opening. "Things have changed since then," the general manager assured the corps at an informal gathering just before Clinton's arrival. I is currently editor at Intellasia/Vietnam Media Watch, a Vietnam-based neus monitoring and George Russell

economic analysis seruice. TLIE CORRESPONDENT ]]EBRUARY-N'I,{RCH 2OOÌ


around Phnom Penh at 1 a.m, by would-be robbers on an adjoining motorbike; spent five hours on alr 8O-seater riverboat overloaded with 160 people on a journey across storm-roiled waters of

through the long lens, I saw that one of them was Americatr movie star Matt Dillon af Thsrc's Something About Mary artd Wild,



Thi.ngs fame. Look who's here Actor Matt Dillon was certainly surprised when he crossed paths with the press while in a remote area of


Dillon did not take kindly to the sight of the press and refused

several polite requests for a picture. He ranted on "about the press never leaving him aloue". He thought we were stalking him and had tracked him down to this remote location. I guess he accepted our explanation that we were on assignment here and just happened to cross paths with him beeause after repeated refusals, he finally relentecl and posed for a picture. It turns out Dillon was in Cambodia scouting sites for a new movie to be shot in Cambodia, Of course, if he ever wants any advice on how to spice up his flick with a little real-life action, Tom and I will oblige. I



Exchonge Squore Cenlrol 2525 2900

Ihe Excelsior Cousewoy Boy 2837 ó837 The Sherolon Tsim Sho


2732 ó801



oil-filled trenches and unexploded US ordnance. Looping around and rejoining the main road, we drove past surrendering Iraqi soldiers and linked up with an armoured column of Saudi and Kuwaiti troops pushing up the coast to little Iraqi resistance. Finally reaching photographer Simon, we left the Saudis and Kuwaitis

Eulf Wa

behind and accompanied a dozen members of the US Special Forces several miles ahead at the vanguard of the column. We received a triumphant welcome from ecstatic Kuwaitis on the southern outskirts of Kuwait City and stopped in a shattered hospital to set up our satellite dish and transmit stories and pictures. \A4rile at the hospital, doctors, nurses and patientsjostled to tell us their own tales of loss since the August 2 Iraqi invasion of the emirate.

The FaGe fon Kuutlait EitY ChrisLeftow.I*¿.heGulfWarforAgenceFrance-Presse.onthe10th Gulf War' the agency's Asia-Pacific anniversary of the outbreak of the Kuwait City' chief editor remembers the lace for just where in of heary had

at mY hotel "somedeeP-throated roar d thit George Bush

had called Saddam Hussein's bluff'

It was minutes after midnight on

veterans of fighting in Lebanon and acrobatic Egyptian commandos. There was also a memorable trip to the oil-soaked beaches of Khafi, the deserted Saudi town near the border with Kuwait, just hours before it was briefly { seized by Iraqi forces

in a lightning

January 17, 1991 and

it would be some

was also spent in fruitless efforts to gain access for our reporters to the so-

time to come before I or the rest of the international press

called "combatpools"

groups o[ journalists

corps would get a good night's sleep. Operation Desert

deployed with US military units along

Storm had begun. From my vantage

the Saudi border with Kuwait. The failure to secure much-coveted slots in the combat pools for the ground offensive turned out to be a considerable stroke ofgood fortune.

point in Dhahran, the city in northeastern Saudi Arabia we were not allowed

to identify under

IJS military ground rules, there was little


Considerable energy

Desert rendezvous

t one point during the night, in a grim illustration of the horror, a pickup truck arrived to unload the bodies of several blindfolded and manacled young Kuwaiti men executed by Iraqi troops before they fled. We left just after dawn for Kuwait City, assuming the Saudi and Kuwaiti troops we had left behind the previous day had pushed ahead. Weaving around abandoned Iraqi tanks and blazing wreckage, we entered the eerily quiet city. The only sign of life was the incongruous sight of a woman in a pink nightgown leading a brown horse along the beach road. Kuwait City resembled a ghost town as we meandered along the coast examining Iraqi bunkers and fortified trenches dug into the beach in anticipation of an amphibious landing b)' US Marines which never came. We dro'r'e around in an increasing state of anxiety as it became clear that not only had coalition troops not yet entered Kuwait Cit¡ not all the Iraqi troops had left either. Before we could properly decide what to do about the situation, the silence was shattered by the sound of continuous gunfìre. Kuwaitis poured out of their homes and joined us as we rushed to the scene of the shooting to greet the first Kuwaiti troops as they entered the city, emptying their guns joyfully into the air in celebration. I

Those who


Tennis wiII be pleased to know the


have reopened !



Advance Notice T õ T Þ T !

the allied forces into

orced to rely on our own resources, this reporter and photographers Bob Pearson and Christophe

Simon ended up reaching Kuwait City hours


discarded early on.

[hat There were visits to the various forces gung-ho u: comprised the usled co^ìi,iã" ry::i:: tt* oã'ui"'gn cocky French fitor.,

A better way to enjoy and relax.

of the frustrated combat pools,

and even ahead of the Kuwaiti and Saudi troops who liberated the Kuwaiti capital. Sleepless after covering a Scud missile attack which scored a direct hit on a US Army barracks in Dhahran, killing 28 soldiers and wounding 100, Pearson and I headed north around 4 a.m. on February 26 to join up with Simon who was already ahead of us. Dressed in ill-fìtting US Army uniforms, we were driving a rented four-wheel drive stocked with food, water, a generator, jerry cans of petrol and a portable satellite telephone. Crossing into Kuwait some six hours after setting out from Dhahran, we ran into a Saudi roadblock and were told to turn around. We did, and once out of sight headed into the desert for what was to be a harrowing three hours negotiating a maze of Iraqi minefields, THE CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY-MARCH


bout a dozen FCC members attended a briefing by former Philippine president Fidel Ramos in early January. Apparently Ramos was in town to promoìe investments in the Philippines, which seerned odd given his political affiliations and relations with then PresidentJoseph Estrada. But with microphone in hand, he later told correspondents that a coup was possible, but unlikely, and the probable scenario would be a withdrawal of military support for the embattled Estrada if he was acquitted of corruption charges. The comments were ignored by most news organisations which, true to Hong Kong form, were in search of a finance angle. And within three days, Ramos emerged as a key player in People Power II and the ascension to power of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. I TH[, CORRESPONDENT FEBRUARY-MARCH


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Tomorrow is in YOUR Future! al GDP Groutl 2001-02

' Avol:Rgê Pêr'cêrlt chutge per' tlurrun


figure who used avin Young was an exotic

io *u"¿.i


into the lightly-

at rne OU,1e7e1, fopulated newsroom. -11 was well beyond he there, got I i írJ ti*. È ,r. the humdrum business of ordinarY

1:::i:ïïî;il ol:ï"-f :,0"î::i:îif*li

,.p=""'-¿'t,,: n"1 lî :tî:: llffi:ä"o* r'u't.'on stories thev assumed he was


jobs on the PaPer which laces that interested him d accounts, not so much e about the PeoPle who more about the world bY ry than bY following anY tailed news rePorts' He of Obseruer journalists who different to the world of t much valued bY the to run the PaPer after it


(an economists' union '.. frightening thought!) and no sign of Adam Smith turning over in his grave' or individual The problem is that the world


somewith Young's services on the grounds that he was the with a on Par thing of u l,-r*rr.y. It was a decision be can savings cost that g.nii, of someone who believes Royce Rolls in engines äade by installing cheap mini cars, hoping that no one will notice the difference'

cannot predict the turning points in the economy'" William Sherden, The Fortune SelÌ'ers That being the case, I won't even try' The world tomorrow wif be exactly the same (give or take) as it is today, and as it was yesterday' It is the "give or øke" that The Forecast

naturall¡sought his advice when thinking o work here. Most of my other colleagues thought it was a thoroughly bizarre idea, but Gavin was ,lneqî He said that going to Hon-g Kong was the

possibly do and, with typical generosityl said he would put me in contact with some did and they did' If [.opt. wúo might prove uieful' He idea, that was more buuit Yotttg thought it was a good than good enough for me. I

best thing

I could

THE FCC SHOP Club? Looking for a souvenir of the

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economies mortals. We're notsure howlarge economies are (with any degree of scientific accuracy) and we don't really know now fast they move, although the track record on direction isn't quite as bad as some people think' Ali of the leading research on the accuracy of economic forecasting conclusively shows that, regardless of the sophisticaãon of their models and theories, "economists

makes life interesting.

these daYs')


right. There, I've said it. No lightning

strikes, no one wanting to revoke my union card

One of this number, a gentleman called Jonathan Fenb¡ who, you may recall, was in Hong Kong as editor of the South China Morning Post decided to dispense

iøn. (TheY are less strange

Lighters Umbrellas Cufflinks


espite the popular image, economists are not

stephen vi,nes reminisces about this extraoråirrury foreign correspondent and author who was well-known in Hong Kong and a member of the FCC

will grow between 3.7% and 62% thisyear' and about the same in 2002. That may seem like a fairly broad range for an economic forecast, but points to one very important factor: Economic forecasts are usuEast Asia

ally wrong.

No, actually it points toJapan, the biggest economy in Asia and 25Vo larger than the rest of the region from New Zealand to Pakistan to Mongolia - put together. How big is it? If the rest of Asia were a motor.f1., ;upu.t *o.tld be a car; if Japan's the earth (as ,á-. juputtese politicians seem to think) , the rest of th. ,."giå.t is the moon. WhenJapan's very slow growth is added to the more rapid pace of the rest of the region, the result is slower, by half' In 19-95, Japan was ¡upu.t isn't getting any bigger' be less than half' it will *oitn øZ% of Asia; by 2005, by almost US$516 shrunk Since 1995, the economy has (\orth and South) billion. That's like erasing Korea ;ith luck,.Japan will grow in the next two years, by about 2Vo a year. However, growth is not guaranteed, and in fact there are some very disturbing signs that the economy may slide back down !

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into recession. The rest of us As for the rest of the region, there is a slight problem: most of the data is terrible, and the next largest economy' China, is worst of all. The graph shows the average growth in the m{or economies in 2001{2, if you can believe the data' China in the last three years grew an average of8% a

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By David O'Rear




3,5 3,8





Kora Sirrgpoe lrÉhysh



zfi 0.0 1.0 -


4J¡ s.0 6'0 ?'0


"source: EIU"

if you don't accept the national government's frgrr..r, but r,t'ant to look at each of the individual year. Or,

past piorrir-r..r, it grew t07o ayear. The difference over the more and nothing almost between swung t n y.urc has tltan 5%, about US$50 billion a year'

Taking this into consideration, I expect the national government to announce that China grew about 7 '6-8'0Vo á y.u, over the next two years. \Àtrether the economy actually grows that much or not is another matter' In iul*u.t itwill be the same old, boring 5-77o grosuth' assuming China doesn't do something stupirl' Korea is likely to have a pretty good year, but there are some serious

p.oú1.-. that áre yet to be handled, particular\ regarding th. and the financial system'


for this is the Hffi's Peg to

huge drops in prices' Hong Kong will probably have about 45Vo growth in 2001-02' Solutheast Asia has had a pretty bad year politically, and years' as a result is tikely to slow down over the next tlvo on depends this of All 6-6Vo.Wehope' Growthwill onlybe a

few critical factors: . The US must have a soft landin$, or all bets are off growth' if any and Asia drops down to very little - than . Oil prices have to come down to less Us$25lbbl, and stay there. The price people pa¡ in their own currencies, has never been higher and that is changing the cost of doing business' ¡ Asian consumers have to start spending money again. The fastest growing economies in Asia are tñose e"porting to the US, and even if there is a gentle slòwdown in America, the growth rates in R.iu øtt not be very impressive without a serious resumPtion of Asian demand' I

Daaid, O'R¿ar, regional economist fm the


an Enterþrises, uould' aþþreciate hearing from a,n)one with com. opinion, at daaido'rear@economßt'





Staff Chinese l\tew Year's Party

Drinking in


name' It's cheap and affable, desPite the backpackers and its unlikely before being tucked into AFP's Luke Huntfinds the best bar in Vientiane




The Three Tenors

bed by the cadre. hoosing the best bar in Vientiane is like frnding a bacÈpacker with something worth saying' There's not much choice. There are the soulless bars in the foyers of three star hotels - and for IU those of you who partook of vientiane during the Vietnam \Mar era, the heady days of the Hotel Constellation are sadly long gone' But tucked away on Thanon Setthathirat, Circle, is a v urr of rFountain llçl vr corner ulc LUI on on the once lhe was what in ddy beer garden colonialist' French a front lawn of At the KhoP Chai Deu Food Garden, the mix of PeoPle that crowd

the small bar is wide. ThankfullY the 2O-something backPackers are countered bY a friendlY dose of locals, and more senior (anyone over

choice of brew is limited to one brand, Beer l'ao' Its taste

and US$10 will get You fed and 'the haphazard

Kung Hei Fat Choi!

across the dilapidated French villa

-:-. .--t '


with umbrellas, ferns, timber bars and. a gaudy concrete elephant spouts water from a fìsh Pond'

that The

local cuisine is frne. The barbecue

rates well with terrific sauces making up for average qualitY steaks. The staff are friendlY and well versed when it comes to






knocking up a decent cocktail'




the unofficial

xpat described





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and Laos as a sleePY Asian backwater are well trodden clichés, and aPt' Howet'er, the chill-out factor is high' that's what You're looking for,

then the KhoP Chae Deu is a friendly face of communism'" It's pretty good Place to start. A perfect place to bend an eìbow ln enforced in an ad hoc way' The heaviest venlrane An addendum which deserves a penalty for breaking bedtime appears L,^,^ :^ is the Meeting Place. Il sits across the Mekong mention io b"'a personal éscort home, though often there's River in Nong Khai, lhuiland. The town is dreadfully enough þeople wandering the streets after the dull, but a necãssary pit stop if catching the train between .nugiJttorrt tã raise questions about how serious the Bangkok and the Lão ¡oi¿... \À4rile the name hardly gou.rn-.ttt really is about nightie nights' the ir-rspires exotic visions of northern Thailand or "If there's an incident, and they are nearly always by MËkorlg, the Meeting Place is a lively beer garden run minor, people will be reminded of the curfew but it's Their a bunclh of semi-retired Brits and Australians' all fairly reiaxed," the expat ponders from his perch mash at the bar. In the Food Garden the mood is also relaxed. Close quarters prompt strangers into sharing rounds of beer that eten the most miserþ backpacker can affor<l. The


FCC style.

Í where the garden is decked out

30) refugees from North America

and Europe, who fled their winter' A mug of beer is about 30 US cens


range of beer is wider and' colder. Their


notato¡s i1

with mum's (or at least my mum's) and their


hilarious. A good spot to while away a. tty niT be^tw'e" Laos and rhaila'd'








o..and Xmas Day Lunch

Xmas Eve Dinner...


Ja I


Entertainitg in the FCC


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PROFESSIONAL CONTACTS FCC The professional Contacts page appears rn each issue of The Corresþondent and on the do and how to reach website aL >httþ:// < . Let the world know who you are, what you a minimum of a you. There has never been a better time. Listings start at just $100 per issue, with three-issue listing, and are billed painlessly to your FCC account.




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For mole information call * Nlininunt o.f


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