The Correspondent, August - September 2003

Page 1









Article 23: To March or Not to March ...That was the Question FCC Charity Ball

Cuba Confidential POYA 2004

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again, able to add ours to the commendable

efforts of the FCC and their Po Leung Kuk

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TIID lilom thc Publications Convenel Letters From the Plesidcnt Mcdia

If it's Sunclay


füvel Stoly Opinion Media

Article 23: To March ol not to March...That was the Question


Censorship and !flar


Retulning Fire






Club lÌvents






The FCC Jazz Festival


Cuba Confidential


Homing Instincts

Wateling Hole Media hand.




Club Activitie5

Alound the

Thir:sting for lGrowledge

The Mosquito Press Under Marcos

FCC Shanghai

rjJPMo rga

POYA 2004


Charity Ball Programme


to lend a helping

iL must be Seoul


Shanghai's Jewish Heritage

plissner at the Bar Pool: Chi tiumphs


Plofessional Contacts Returning Fire

Out of Context


Arthr-rr Hacker M¿rin Cor,cr Photoga¡rh Jr¡,


J,p. Morgan Chase

& Co' and its subsidiaries worldwlde' & co. A[ rights reserved. JPMorgan is a marketing name ofJ.P. Morgan chase






This issue of the magazine is a special combined edition of rhe correspond,ent and the FCC charity Ball Programme. Last year's combined publication was well

received and this year we have made several changes and improvements to accommodate the expansion of the FCC Charity Ball and the increased sponsor


support, while at the same tittre maintaining the integrity of the magazine's editorial


and design standards.

2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 252I'1577 Fu: (852) 2868 4092

This year the Ball Programme is printed on different stock and bound into the centre of the magazine, rather than printed back-to-back. we have created two

E-mail: <>

<m.fcchk org>


separate covers, one for the Ball edition and the other for regular distribution.

Kate Pound Dawson President Thomæ Crmpton Fmt Vice Præident Kevin Egan Second Vice President

The Ball cover features Mary Wilson and the Supremes, the legendary singing



sensation and our headlining artist for this year's Ball. The members' edition follows

Correspondent Membe¡ Governors Paul Ba;field, Mark Clifford, C P Ho, Barry Kalb,Jim Laurie, Anthony Lawrence, Tyler Marshall, IÌaria Maria Sala

our signature design with a graphic image of the historic July I march against Article 23, otr cover storl and an event that ignited considerable discussion in the

Journalist Member Governors Francis Moriaty, Stumt Wolfendale

Club on whether or not the FCC should march as a Club or whether members should

Associate Member Governors David Garcia, Maril¡n Hood, Arthony Nedderman, Steve Ushiyama

participate as individuals. The result is a Ball Programme that is much more than a Ball Programme. Our

Fiomce Comittee Conuenor : An ttlony Nedderman

Ball sponsors receive

Professional & Entertaiment Comittee Conuenus: Mark Clifford and C P Ho

much wider recognition and exposure than is normal for ball

all active FCC

members, overseas members and readers in reciprocal clubs worldwide. our regular

Membership Comittee C o nv e n or : Mar i7y n Ho o cJ,

advertisers, too, are reaching a wider and more influential audience than usual; a

winning combination for all concerned.

CoNtitution Comittee Conumor: Kevrn Egat


Houe/F&B Committee Conumor: Dzvid Garcia

trust you enjoy this bumper edition of The Corresponden¿.

coverage of the July

Freedom of tJre Press Comittee Convenu: Fr atcis Moriarty WalI


programmes, extending beyond attendees at the event to reach


In addition


march in which when 500,000 Hong Kong citizens spoke with

their feet against the controversiaÌ Article 23 legislation, we have legendary journalist Jim Pringle sharing his experiences of a recent trip to Cuba which


Conrmu: Ilaria Maria Sala

sparked memories of his coverage of Castro, Cuba and the Black Panthers dating

General Mmager Gilbert Cheng

back to 1960s. we announce the new line-up for the FCC Photographer ofthe Year

The Correspondent

Awards 2004, share the success of our recent and first FCC Jazz Festival and, of

O The Foreign Correspondents' Club,

course' our regular columnists and luminaries provide their usual entertaining and

Hong Kong

insightful articles

The Corre spondent is publishe d six times a yean Opinions expressed by wrirers in the magazine are not necessarily those


In the Ball Programme Stuart w'olfendale explains the process of selection for the FCC Charity Ball Scholarships and introduces us to the to the students whose hard work and ability have won them the first set of bursaries. All of us at the FCC

che CIub.



Conumu:PaulBayfield, Ed,itm: Diate Stormont Prod.u ction: Terry Duckham

can be extremely proud of them. Robin Lynam, the FCC's resident entertainment critic gives us the scope on Mary and her accomplishments and charts Bobby

Editorial ltd Tel: 2521 2814 E-mail:

Hendricks' complicated career.



special thanks go to editor Diane Stormont, our editorial team and the

production folk at Asiapix for all the extra work and effort required to put this issue

Asiapix Studios ^fel:2572 9544 Fu:2575 8600 E-mail: asiapix@email hk net


Printer Rising Offset Printing Conpany Limited Advertising Enquiries Sandra Pang

Pronto Communications Tel: 2540

6872 Fu: 2tt6


Mobile: 907? 7001



over through with the useofb


ali ¡n itre¡ e 500 ( relY


is drained is working us end the


Website <ww fcchk org>


Paul Bayfield

Publications Committee Convener



A wise but poor woman who was crossing the mountains on foot, came upon a precious stone and

,þ ,lI


it in

her pack.

The next da¡ she mer anorher ûaveler who begged her for something ro ear.




The wise woman opened her bag ro reach for some *.._-. *. Êã'k-**



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"I know this

gemstone is terribly valuable," he said.

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you to give me the stone."



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Not he who HAS much is rich but he who GIVES much. Keep giving. That's the



If, however, we still value our original princiPles then the

From Aileen Bridgewater # 5244


am extremelY concerned at the

insidious shift

in the fundamental

policy of the FCC' Everyone stepping out of the Club is presented with the caption "To join this CIub you don't

Committee should be modified to truly represent them. Whether this

should be done bY Correspondent members




There seems to be a varietY of categories dedicated to arty black and white images created in the back streets

of Sham Shui Po, but

categories whatsoever for spectacular sporting images taken in the few short

committee one vote for social matters

minutes of sharP morning


and two for professional matters or

afternoon light.

correspondent". Originally you had to be both. I believe this gives entirely

some superior method is not for me to say. But there is an answer to it and the

the wrong image to non-membets,

committee should find it

have to be foreign or

particularly dignitaries who come lo speak at our Club on matters of understand that



outflow of foreign corresPondents from Hong Kong has necessitated some modification, and

right now.


accept that




snappers shoot sport as part of their daily brief so a sports category would


Correspondents' CIub (SFCC) is alive

registered with the Foreign Affairs Office). Our membership has almost

Good luck to them. I number manY among my closest friends.

doubled since 2002 and we have


The fundamental issue it,

presentations and haPPY hours. 'We are pleased to announce the

considerable economic success


encouraging associate memberships' And a highly sociable lot they are too'

however, does the Club still give its full and unadulterated support to the professions of journalism and foreign correspondent?

The handling of the 1 JuIY March highlights my point' If the decision whether the Club should attend as an entity had been left to true Foreign Correspondents, or even to overseas Correspondent members, would the result have been as close as 7-6 Ă­n

favour? I think not. These are the members for whom the Club was founded. The issue revolved around their freedom to report the truth, the

and well, albeit

still existing with

unofficial status (*" are

regular events including



soft launch of our official website

<> with Club information and a schedule of upcoming events. Inquiries about the

at its fundamental objectives' If they have changed so much that it is now . primarily a social club then surely its We welcome our colleagues from Hong Kong who are in Shanghai to

attend our events. Unfortunately, we don't have a fabulous Clubhouse like yours and events are held in various locations around town. Our website carries the details'

From Richard Castka #7393


would like to congratulate the people concerned with organising

Correspondents' CIub, or even get right away and call it The Ice House Social Club.



[ditor's Note: The


report on its

recent lecture on Shanghai's Jewish heritage and subsequent field trip' arranged and written by Lisa Movius, is on page



Sandra Pang

Introducing Sandra P ang, our new advertising and sales manager. Sandra can be reached at

Photographer of the Year Awards. At the same time I would Iike to enquire if there will be a sports section in next year's event,

name should reflect this. Perhaps it should be the Friends of the


SFCC and its activities should be addressed to the e-mail address:

profession. suggest the CIub needs to relook



most crucial of all issues for the



the bulk of images entered' It would also be of considerable

help if the entrY form could be radically simplified as not all of us wishing to disPlaY our Pictorial efforts have the benefit of a PhD

this has been achieved with


and filters and the benefit of an advertising house budget to produce the arty stuff that seems to make uP

Acting President, Shanghai FCC


All of the local

Thomqs Edison \t847 - t93t)


attract plenty of entries' However not all of us work with a bag full of lights

From Alysha Webb,

foreign correspondence





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unny how a simple thing such as

taking a walk can be


in the July I march, with melnbers walking under a banner stating the Club's opposition to the

marchers were going to be protesting over other political issues as well. The Board felt the FCC should not take a formal stand on any issue other than press freedom and freedom of expression, and there was fear that the FCC's presence could be in effect coopted by other groups to make it seem as if the CIub did endorse different

limits on press freedom the legislation


complicated. Especially when it's with half a million other folks, on July 1, to protest against the Article 23

New look. New sounds. A whole new vibe. The Lobster Bor ond Grill.

legislation. As rnost of you know, the Board of Governors voted to have the FCC


Some on the Board worried that the


Hundreds of members, their


in this



cannot express

enough my appreciation for the hard

work done by Dave Carcia, Tom Crampton,

the rest of the


committee, and all the sponsors, and to

everyone who bought a raffle' ticket. Every cent made will help children from the Po Leung l(uk achieve their educational goals. I also want to thank everyone who made the FCC's first Jazz Festival such

lecl by Francis Moriart¡ who heads our Pless Fleeclorns conrrnittee, and former

have said they are angry about the vole,

because they dislike having the Club

FCC President Antl.rony Lawrence.

take any political position in their

In addition to giving

guests â chance to hear some superb music, the Club turned a profit on the event. By the way, the decision whether

The Boarcl's vote was not

or e-moil us ol

issue could be divisive for Club members. Indeed, several members

what they are elected to do. On a lighter note, the FCC Charity Ball looks set to be the best party ofthe

success -- Paul Bayfield, Terry Duckham, Allen Youngblood, Dave Carcia, Gilbert Cheng and all the staff.

families and FCC employees marched,

on ot Cyrono moy hove ployed its finol tune, bul lhe spirii of music now swings to o new beol lslond Shongri-Lo. The Lobster Bor qnd with on enhonced interior ond on ecleclic line-up of live bonds. Served seven nights o week To o mixture of iazz, fusion ond soul, our originol menu hos never sounded betler. For reservoiions, pleose coll 2820 85ó0

Those who voted no had legitimate concerns. One was the fact that many


name. Other members were unhappy

lightly, as sho'mr by the T-6 split. Those in favoul felt that as a club for

that the march did not get stronger

collespondents, it rvas the FCCt duty to stand up pr-rblicly against any threat to

The Board can't please everyone, unfortunately. This was a tough issue, and it received thoughtful, prolonged

pless freedorns and freedom


ex¡lession. They felt tl.rat since the FCC ltarl allearly issued a stalerììen[ opposi rrg the Article 23 legislation, march was sirnply a tvay to emphasise that position. TH E CORRESPONDENT AUGUST/SEPTEIVIBI,R 2OO3

support from the Board.


members and

or not to hold the festival followed another close vote.

consideration. The Board members voled according to their consciences. the way they thought their constituents rvould want them to, which, of course, is

Ka.te PouncJ Dawson



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If it's Sund a\r it must be London-based AFP correspondent Robert MacPherson accompanies Prime Minister Tony Blair on his East Asian tour.

London, Heathrow Äirport, Thursday, July 17:

It's raining as we converge on the

Royal Suite, down by the air cargo terminal, to join Tony Blair's 17,000-mile trip through East Asia, or -- alternatively -- his escape from the flap over the way Downing Street took

Blitail into the lraq war. We're 34 reporters, photographers, cameramen and producers, the majority from The Lobby -- the posse who cover the nittygritty of British parliamentary politics daily. It's my fifth trip with Blair in less than a year based in London -- and my first trip back to Asia since I Ìeft Hong Kong in Ì995, so this outing for me has an added emotional edge.

We pile on to the chartered British Airways Boeing 777


the Prime Minister,

wife Cherie and close aides in First


Downing Street fixers (and Cherie's hairdresser) in Business, the press pack in Upper Economy (price to our employers: 52,500 (HK$3I,500) per head, hotels exrra). It's free seating in Real Economy for anyone who wants to move back. Away we go to the Far East -heading west. Washington, Thursday, July

t?: Blair stops over in D.C.


address a joint session of Congress and get some face time with George W. Bush. W'e land at Andrews Air Force Base, the only airpolt I know where you get frisked as soon as you arrive, right on the tarmac. On Capitol Hill, Btair triumphs

with his "never forget your values,, plea to America.

Standing ovations galore; for the history books, The Lobby agrees there were 19. On to the White House for a "press opportunity" (four. questions, no more) with the president

En route to Tokyo,

Frida¡ July lB: "you,ll never. believe it,',

just off the in_ BIJRLINTON HOUSE 7/E SUITE B-1, gT-g2 NATHAN ROAD, KOWLOON, HONG KONG says the man from lhe Euenin,g Standard, flight sat-phone witl'r his desk. ,'David Kelly's gone TEL: 2367 6824, 2724 2838, 2368 5076 FAX: (852) 2311 4682 Emait: didishk@didisgroup.ccl THE CORRESPON D[,NT AUGUST/SEPTEÌ\,f BER 2003 i




missing." Kelly was the British weapons scientist reputed since confilmed -- to be the mole behind the BBC's report that Downing Street "sexed up" the case for war on lraq. By the time we near Tokyo. I(elly is confirmed dead. This trip is suddenly more interesting. Blair's spokesman Codric Smith comes down to feed us what will be the stock line for the days to come: terrible tragedy. Judicial inquiry to held. Meanwhile, "restraint and respect," everybody. Smith briefs us from a flight attendant's jump seat literally minutes before touch-down. For the remainder of the trip, whenever we're about to land, some wag will yell out: "Briefing!" Checked into the New Otani. I realise it's the first time I've seen a bed in 36 hours. Hakone, Saturda¡ July 19: We find copies of Blair's official itinerary in the minibus up from Tokyo to the resort where he's seeing Junichiro l(oizumi. It says: "The Japanese media is orderly and respectful by international standards. They are unlikely to ask embarrassing questions of the prime minister." That's The Lobby's job. As the press conference


Beijing, lllonday, July 21: My first time back in 13 1'ears. Everyone rvarned me about the char.rges; I can't help but notice what's still the same. At the Greai Hall of the People,

Blair gets the full-dress honour guard and brass band welcome (unchanged), then the open-rnike photo op (unchanged, except it's Wen Jiabao, not Deng Xiaoping). But then we have an option: go, or stay. Staying was unheard of in my time. So I loiter-for an hour in the C-Hop (more photo ops), then stroll back through Tiananmen, to AFP's spanking new bureau -- the first time on any Blair trip thai I have tinre

tl +


wraps, the man from the Mail on Sund'ay leaps to his feet. Asks Blair: "Do you have blood on your hands?" Blair, weary, stunned, holds a 1,000-yard stare. Says nothing.

Which says everything. Koizumi, doing his utmost to comfort his guest, mentions how a night's sleep on tatami awaits. This has the Sunday writers fascinated: Blair, hurled into his worst-ever political crisis, now has to suffer a night of agony trying to sleep off jet lag on some awful Japanese straw mat. It's up to a Tokyo embassy to explain to the gaijin of The Lobby that comfy cotton futons also figure in the

to actually file from a local bureau. Late into the evening, I dine al fresco with AFP colleagues on Beijing jiaozi, kebabs and suds, then trek ovel to the Jianguo Hotel, back to the spot in the coffee shop where I first met my wife Glace' Beijing, Tuesda¡ July 2l: Blair is back

in top form.


the worse for his tatami night. Two questions from each side;

and regain your people's t

both questions from the Brits are for Blair only. We learn later that this provoked a minor diplomatic incident: the British side had to explain to the Korean side that it was just The Lobby being The Lobby. No snub of the president, no

answer, but the students' gril "An ambush!" one denizen p to the programme, we're hustled out of the hall near the

loss of face intended. Well, nobody warned us.

irrcstor¡. I s¡rlirrt dorvu to The Buncl, then back up Nanjing llr¡rrl. rrltu¿rlly r'<:lisìrirrg the blazing heat and the crowds.

pholograph ic mcmot'ies.

I'lr,' .kr lint'. lrrrl tlaffic, have indeed changed since my first irr l()ll(r, lrut the men.y chaos of the bookshops and rlrtliorrr,rs,rn l,'r¡zhou lìoacl is intact. So is Blair on the flight ,'tt lo ilon¡¡ Korrg as he conres back for his first and only inllrglrt lrrir'lirrg rr.ith us, rvhich he conducts, as usual, leaning ;t¡ititrsl tlrr. l,ìt orronry Class bulkhead, by the toilets, with lots

.l rrlrilt

rroist' fìtur tlre engines. Questions about North Kt,rlir's rrrrLls. (,lhil¿r's exclrange rÀt"., or.r,l Hong l(ong;


Tsinghua Universit¡ fielding questions from students, talk' show style. One goes for the jugular: "Frankly, lYhat l{as your feeling when you heard (about Kelly)? How can you

Seoul, Sunday, July 20:

Bert's? l-rancis Moriarty reminds me that I was on the Board that voted the money for all this. Not that I can ol want to complain. The Singapore noodles are satisfyingly


Blair drops in to talk about North I(orea with South Korea's Roh Moo-Hyun. The press conference is out on the Blue House lawn. Blair looks none

tatami equation.

ll¡r' slr¡rlr.nls' lrclrcst. Alas for Chede, the pool cameraman l¡,,rn Skt Ncrvs has it on tape; we take turns in the bus ¡rtlr irrg into lris viervfìnclel for the instant replay. Sharrghai. 'lìrcstla¡i Iily 222 While Blair hob-nobs with





Hong Kong, Wednesda¡ July 23: Typhoon Imbudo shatters the best-laid plans. Put simpl¡ our pilots want out before it makes lanclfall. for fear we'll be stuck for who knorvs hor,v long. Blair moves up his huddle with Tung Chee-hwa by 24 hours, scrubs his meeting with pro-democracy legislators, sticks to his speech to the British Chamber of Commerce. 'We're reminded of SARS when we get zapped in the eyes the departure lounge with those thermometers out of Star Tiek. We've only been in Hong Kong 18 hours -- only long enough for me to be surprised how much Hong Kong still feels like home, despite the passing of eight years ancl a handover. Imbudo sends us off lashing sheets of rain on the fuselage. London, Wednesday, July 23: Dusk literally chased us home across Siberia back to England, a nice rnetaphor fol anybody in The Lobby rvho needs one. The cab ride home to Herne Hill seems almost as long as the flight back. Dull, even. I'll learn on the weekend about the lobster banquet that my inlaws wanted to spling on me had Imbudo not turned up. Former FCC member Robert MacPherson is a senior





so are the staff rvith their

corresponrlent with AFP in London. He rvas based in Hong Kong and Beijing from 1986 ro 1995, then in Palis, the formel Yugoslavia and


missing what would be the signature moment of the Cherie's impromptu rendition of "When I'm Sixty-Four"


lll t ()¡¡¡i¡,qt'( )Nt)t,lN I r\u(ìUST/SEP.|EìVIBER



To march or not to march at was t Hurudreds of FCC members joined the more than 500,000 Hong Kong people


l. Some

mørched under the FCC banner. Some intended to but could not fi,nd crush. Otlters, howeuer, demonstrated in a personal capacity.

it in the

utho stood up to be counted at the peacdul anti-Article 23 march on






The n.ralch ancl foÌlor,v-up demonstration outside the Legislalive Council l'ere ultimately successful when Article 23 rvtrs initiall¡, delayed and then finally withdrawn by Chief Executive Tlurg Cl'ree-hrva.

Tel: 25 243 143 22nd Floor Pg


The plinciple of wl'rether the Club should or should not

have harl an official preser-ìce at the was hotly rlebated befole, ancl after the event, especially in tlre ùlain Bar on the evening of July I as hot, foot_sore and extlenrely thilstl' ¡¡¿¡sþers staggered across the threshold in searr:h ofessential liquid refreshrnent. The debate is not a ne\\' one. It is, hol.ever, one that is not going to go away atrtl one that is likely to intensify over the coming months

Wyndham Sf. Central H.K.

eo rg e @ n etv i g ato r. c o m

anrl years.

At its rneeting on 28 June the Board of Governors voted

to str¡r¡rolt participation as a Club in the rnarch against Alticle 23, to joining rvith other. neclia groups on the clay.

The Boar.d also votecl that its banner r.r,ould state that

the FCC is "against r-estr.ictions on fr-ee press under Article



(ìoRrìrispoNDuNr ¡\uGUSr/su,prr,rvrBER


23," and agreed to join with the Hong I(ong Journalists Association, Hong l(ong Photographers Association and the Society of Publishels in Asia in a joint appeal to the government to further amend the legislation in line with protection of free speech and free press. The Club has previously provided detailed responses to the Covernrnent on the draft legislation and appeared before the Legislative Council to express its concerns. The Board's 7-6 vote came after thorough and lively debate on all aspects of participation. There was broad support for issuing the joint statement with other media groups, but some Members felt that participation should be individual and not done in the name of the FCC. Others felt that participation in a protest that was limited to free press would be acceptable, but that the July I march would

include many voices on other issues and could risk politicising the Club, especially if some other participants shoulcl become disorderly. The majoritv

felt that the Club


Article 23 - T¡meline The British colony of Hong Kong reverts to China' The new Hong Kong SAR adopts the Basic Law, prornulgated by China in 1990, as its post-colonial constitutional blueprint. The administration of Ti-rng Chee-hwa defers drafting the Article 23 laws during its first (troubled) five-year term' Safely ensconced in his second term, Tüng gets to work on Aticle 23 by releasitrg a Consultation Document titled "Proposals to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law". The administration refuses widespread requests to release a



Aticle 23 of the 1997

st anli-Article 23 demonstralion.

End of the three-month consultation period. The Govemment publishes more details of its proposed legislation and issues a "Compendium ofSubmissions".

The debate continues to rage. Pro-Beijing groups accuse opponents of being unpatriotic and uncritically insist the proposed laws are vital to protect the motherland and ensure stability and should be rvelcomed wholesale. There is minimal discussion on the details of the legislation

24 September 2002

15 December 2002

About 60,000 people participate.

24 December 2002

97,097 submissions, involving 340,513 signatures, are lodged with the govemrnent.

28 January 2003

The FCC submission is among a number of submissions wrongly classified as "In Favour" of the government proposals, even though it strongly objected to a number of clauses. The govemment has to apologise and reclassify many

14 February 2003

February-June 2003

The FCC and other pro-democracy groups ale dismayed that the bill contains very tepressive measules. Opponents range from those who are manifestly against any national security legislation even though it is constitutionally rnanclated by the Basic Law to those who object to specific provisions as over\ oppressive.

3 June 2003

'lhese concessions do not go far enough for the FCC and other media organisations which send a last-clitch letter requesting urgenl amendments to protect individual and press freedoms.

demonstrate a response to the public consultations. The

bill wends its way through the legislative process.

3-30 June 2003

500,000 Hong Kong people take to the streets in protest' Despite dre searing heat and sheer- numbers of people involved, the march passes peacefully.


The govemment finally responds. It agrees to cancel the three most unpopular aspects ofthe Bill. However it continues to anticipate the bill will pass into law on schedule.

July 5,2003



Executive Councillor James Tien, head ofthe pro-business Liberal Party, announces his surprise resignation lrotrr Tüng's cabinet.

Jul;y 6, 2003

The lesignation of Secretary for Securit¡ Regina Ip, is also announced. Ip had in fact resigned "for-. pemonal reasons" on June 25 assuming the bill would go through and her job would be done. Tung defers the biÌl July 7 2003

Here we record a cross-section of views from members both for and


proposals floatecl in the consultation papeì'are draconian and a ùreat to individual liberties, pafiicuÌarly fieetlom of speech and the press. It, along with many other pro-clemocracy groups and individuals, advocates basing Anicle 23 on the widelyrespected Johannesburg Principles on National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information.

among these proponents.

The government makes minor concessions, shiking out a number ofthe more oudanclish and uttenforceable aspects. Many opponents believe these were Red Herrings inserted solely so they could be discarded in a cynical attempt to


A three-monlh consultation period is set. The FCC is one ol many organisations to respond. It algues that manl'ofthe

"anti" submissions. The govemment gazettes the Nadonal Security (tegislative Provisions) Bill


Correspondents' Club, and that standing up for a free press was part of its history.



"White Bill" or draft of the actual legislation proposecl.


Basic l,arv requires the SAR to irnpìemenl internal security laws aguinsl lreason. sedition ¿nd secession.

was not just anY kind of club, but

Government ofiìcials express confidence the bill will pass into law on schedule in July. Silence from top Hong I(ong govemment officials. Beijing, however, sends envoys to Hong Kong to take the pulse ofthe place.

l The right of the police the right to raid premises rvithout a warrant 2. The Secletary of Security's power to ban outright local anns of organisations outlawed on the mainland and 3. The absence of a public interest defence. These ar-e:

The Libelal Party hacl built a record of support for the Tung administration and had been rewarded with a seat on the Executir.e Council, Tung's de facto cabinet.

Philip Bowring Correspondent Mem|ter,

Former President

I did not march

under the


banner on July


but only because I could not find the Club contingent among the crowds around Tin Hau MTR station. That rvas a pity because this was an occasion - a rare one - when the voice of the FCC as a body needed to be hearcl.

the FCC should avoid In politics. After all, it primarily rlomestic lepresents the interests of foreigners, or their nleclia organisations. However, foleigners have rights too, at least in o¡ren societies governed by laws. The FCC is not just a social club. That is one of its functions. But just as important, it exists to repÌesent the interests of leplesentatives of the foreign media. Quite rightly, the considered view of the majority of correspondent members

of the Board

rvas that its members' interests as journalists were threatened by certain aspects of the draft bill on

Alticle 23. Jour.nalists probably stand

to be nrore affectecl by the proposed legislation than any other

gloup apalt from those involved with mainland or crossstlaits politics. Tìreir-ability to operate freely and fearlessÌy

would be affected whatever their own political beliefs.

As a secondary issue, FCC members have some obligation of solidarity to support the legitimate

Ip had been the official charged rvith leacling the bill into I She did so rvith relish. Her combative style and condescendj conlments angerecl many people.

July 7, 2003 Political analysts predict this will be sttutg out beyond lhe next elections to save face for the DAB, the pro Beijing

Tung announces the re-opening of the Consultation Process

July 17,2003

that Tung could always rely upon to do his bidding. The part¡ lost consicler¿ble pu-bììc support for uncritically supporting the bill a¡rd is concerned drat this may bacldre upon it in

forthcoming polls. Tung withdraws the


Sept5ember 5, 2003

No indication is given on when it may reappear or what form of consultation will ensue. .rHE






professional interests of local journalists' The FCC action was ut one with the position taken by the representative local body, the Hong Kong Journalists Association' My one misgiving about the march was that many FCC

corre;pondent members represent major foreign media which have conspicuously failed to stand up to worse assaults than the Article 23 legislation on media freedom in their own or "friendly" countries. The Patriot Act, and its equivalents in Britain' Australia, etc, the use of imprisonment without trial, racial profiling ancl other practices condemned when applied by the likes of Dr

investigation) is fine, but to call for the dismissal of Tung,

Ip or anyone else is a matter for individuals, or

CÌub. Marching under the Club banner in such circumstances should not be done without a general

meeting. Maybe 907o ol the membership agreed with the marchers, as I did, but it is also possible that over 50% did not. It may be unlikely but who checked?

Movingi: Frorn A to B.


R"locrtingi: Frot r A to Z.

Martin Merz

have been accepted without serious scrutiny by professional bodies in the West. The blatant nationalism

and jingoism of some media which purport to


political parties, only, and not to be done in the name of the

Associate M ember antl former




If the FCC stands for anythin this is it: make lots of noise when t

international also lay the FCC correspondent membership open to accusations of hypocrisy and double standards' But two wrongs do not make a right' It was right to stand up against the proposed Hong I(ong legislation.

government intrudes on freedom (as is the wont from time time in every country in the world).

The six Board Members


voted against the FCC participati in the July

Nigel De Boinville, Associate Member

I did not march. It was too hot, I did not think that the likes of R.IP

(what a lovely pun) would


march (and any governors who were absent

would have voted against it) should stand by thei


attention, and despite being a Hong I(ong resident for over 22 yearc, as an expat with whitish skin I was liable to the mindless haverings of recently arrived Red Guards that I was a foreigner

interfering in the usual Chinese custom of denying individual rights to its citizens' I think the last also applies to the FCC. The comments of the Professional Committee are one thing, but participation in a political demonstration another' Certainly there were Associate Members embarrassed in their jobs by the Club becoming too political, which is a pity, because one of the advantages of the Club has always been the diversity of opinions held, and what is more, articulated by different members.

In other words, for the committee to

encourage marchers, and to approve of some of the motives behind the

march (i.e. to protect freedom of speech' of journalistic

principles and resign from the Board immediately. None of the reasons voiced for opposing the banner valid:

1. Don't upset olrr landlord or the Club will lose Iease.

Fifty years ago the founding fathers of this Club st up to the murderous I(MT regime and now we wilÌ buc in fear --- of losing a lease. No government will respect correspondents' club that is more interested in chits a balances of restaurant revenue lhan checks and balances repressive government. 2.The Club should not get involved in politics. Freedom of the press is an exception that counts. F the Club to go quiet on this issue would be a powerfi

indication that anti-democratic forces have won a majq ] battle. The Club's very existence is a political act and ha,l been from day one. If any member gets queasy at thir concept the Ladies Recreational Club is the place for yor¡ 3. Journalists should maintain their independence.

Indeed they should try when reporting. But


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4. The crowd could get out of hand and "break the law"' This was seriously discussed at the Board meeting' The simple s else. In

illegal. Commis

Club had participated in an illegal gathering' 5. Fear of the FCC's position being "hijackecl"' To dispel this fear the Board voted without opposition to have the banner say, "To oppose the limit of free expression under Article 23". 6. It should be an individual decision' rverse. The Club has been in the bate on Article 23 and has made nts on the issues. WhY not also banner as a true corresPondent's club?

Jake van der Kamp; Journalist Member:

'Wherever possible

I suPPort the over individual the of prerogatives the general of whatever organisation that individual may join. This was a march of individuals and its impact was largely the result of it having been 500,000 individual PeoPle who made the individual choice to march' The FCC should have left the decision to its individual members' In addition, there have been occasions in the past where

Xi Yang who was sentenced to a dozen years in President Philip Bowring and then 2nd Vice Then .,rison? not I'm Wolfendale were widely interviewed by the And Stuart infectious' Very þresiclent Hong l(ong is infectious. such well as international press' (See cover of as wrought has that Chinese SARS local talking about the infamous Correspondenl.) I would venture to guess The 1994 the May havoc on the place. 2002 of June 28 (and subsequently fought September arguments in south the moved that I assumed when we fact were identical to those put for forth, Bar) In I' Main interest' of the remain course I rround that the SAR would of years ago. And then there was the that short and nine interest con, much too be of und i pro was worried that it would march in 1989. I marched in Tiananmen past' in the stuck sort of we'd fixate on it and be I million-person I still have the 1989 T-shirt I(o 1989 in and ex-Hong of our 1994 Many hoth I was wrong on three counts. there was an FCC presence then I recall as number goodly a and decades somewhere friends, some dating back it i serves, was not official. memory interest if a healthy though relain too, whom are former FCC members, have I would been appalled if the FCC the with paths cross Nevertheless, we the place; as new ex-Hongkongers The fact that FCC staff this time. out Developme Trade chickened Kong Hong had at olficial functions of the members under Hon with the marched and Board, Tourism proudly Council, the Hong Kong 2 to the according Fragrar banner, July like groups FCC plus the I(ong Economic & Trade Office, Freedom from of the Kon e-mail you" Hong and "thank club) H"rbor,,r (a monthly luncheon Press Committee convenor Francis Connections (a bimonthly cocktail gathering)' AII stimul you as Kong, Moriarty, should also highlight the Hong as continued interest, especially i often for the naysayers. quite news situation page only too aware, has been front

Corresponclen¿ editor Saul Lockhart reports on how Hong

2003 and very hard to ignore. It was the July lst march - the peaceful demonstrati of a half million people - that had most of us down How proud I was that the FCC put forth a contingent u its own banner. I suspect most of the ex-FCCers here elsewhere were elated that Hong I(ong finally took a sta and that the FCC voted lo take part in this historical eve As a former Board member for man¡ many years' know from first hand experience how vociferous the batt at Board level and equally around the bar, can be when comes to deciding just what the FCC should protest stand up for. I could almost hear the raucous din

reading President Kate Dawson's e-mail



announcing the 7 to 6 vote.

But I ask you - could anyone' on the Board


(member or even non-member), imagine one of the leading press clubs and advocates of press freedom

However, the FCC should be careful to do so only when it has the backing of a substantial majority of the membership and, a 7 -6 vote of the Board indicates no such overwhelming support. The View {rom Sydney

Ensconced in the suburbs of Sydney, former


Kong and the FCC is viewed Down Under

taking part in the events of July 1? (Like it or not' the ,ep,rtation of the FCC, that's what the FCC is, and is how the FCC is viewed in Hong Kong and without')


History is on the side of those Board members voted in the majority. How many of those present at Board debate June 28, or reading this missive for matter, recall the FCC marching on April 18, I complete with banner, in support of China-born, Ming

Look at it from the reverse angle: What respect would members or staff have for Hong Kong's foremost press

club had the FCC decided not to take an official, Board-sanctioned stand? OK. I accept the argument I live far way from Ice House Street now. From bar previous Board and discussions/arguments in the past, many will feel that the change of residence makes it none of my business. The underlying argument, I suspect, is that we're here and we're putting our

livelihoods (lives?) on the line while those of us mouthing off thousands of miles away have nothing to lose. On the sur{ace there is a ring of truth

lhat, but in the end, that's like saying Hong Kong can do what it wants and it is none of the business of those people and governments abroad, even if they have some attachment to Hong Kong. In fact, that is pretty close ro the familiar pRC litany spouted all through the SinoBritish negotiations right up through to 1o

today's arguments about

Article 23.

Those members who wish to stick lheir heads in the newly-exposed tile

floor of the Main Bar and believe the FCC exists in isolation will continue to so, regardless of the June 2g Board ision or what I write. But the fact

remains, folks, the FCC has an ¡nternational reputation, based its , on lts name and of course its tons, past and present.


knew about this reputation, and it, hundreds of times during three and one-half d"c.des as








member. And now as an Honorary Member resident abroad, I witnessed it once again, albeit from another angle. Congratulations to the FCC, to all of you, for having the

guts to take a public stand on the security issue. With no disrespect intended to those half dozen Board members who voted against the motion, events have proved the Board made the correct decision.

Mernbers who wish to record, theír uiews should, e-mail The

C orre

spond,ent at fccmag @hongkongno,u).


include your membership number in the subject line.

P leas e




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Ceorge Bush Jnr addressed Congress, and announced that the U.S. rvas involved in a new kind of war a .,'War on Ter-rol'".


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aftermath of September 11, 2001,

The title rvas of cour-se absurd. War begets terror and begets wal'in endless cycle. But the title was resonant it ah'eady hacl a feeling ofhistorical permanence about it.


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Department of Homeland Security". Only through permanent fear and hate can such methods

rnapped out. Ancl let's be clear that this is a permanent war. It has no cleal end, because it has no clear goals, no clear enem¡ and

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no r:lear bouudaries. The enemy is within the U.S. and oulsirle the U.S. The enemy is the self just as much as the enerìry is the other. The enemy rnay be you. As Bush declarerl, "either you are lvith us, or you' are with the

tert'orists." The enemy the target of the fear and hate that is ¿r <.onstant now in the- U.S. constantly changes. - have been AÌ_Qaeda So lãr' on the list of targets and Osarna bin Laden, Afghanistan and the Taleban, Saddam Hussein and lraq. Other potential targets on the list include Irnrr, Surlan anrl North Korea, but the list can be altered at atìy rììonìent, new enernies found, ne.w targets defined, the war extenrled forever. In a wa-r'against an ill-clefined and changing

enemy, it is I pecessaly lor the govemlnent to question everyone and trust o one. Il is necessary for the public to be permanently ll'l (X)RRtiSPoNI)ENT AUcìUST/SEPTEMBER 2003 THE CORRESpONDENT AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2{Tl

be accepted.

Anyone not with us is with the terrorists. And that includes anyone who questions. Among the most questioning people are journalists. When we are doing our jobs right, we doubt everything. We question, then inform. But to question in the cunent climate is to dissent, and to dissent is to be the enemy. And if the climate of permanent hate and fear established aftel September 2001

was not enough to intimidate journalists into selfcensorship, then press restrictions imposed by the U.S. administration since that time have surely done that. Embedded journalism is simply part of a broader policy of controlling the media during a permanent war. A policy of permanent censorship in a climate of permanent hatred and fear.

In 2003 in lraq, a number of governments attempted to take control of the media to justify a new focus for the war, and an image of the war to their liking. The "embedded journalist" was part of this policy of justifying the war, and controlling its image. Therefore, if there is to be a debate about embedded journalism it must go beyond the mere experience of being a journalist embedded rvith the military. To not extend the debate is a form ofself-censorship, and an acceptance of embedded journalism, of censorship, as a permanent fact. The two facts are embedded within each


other: acceptance and censorshiP. If you do not accept censorship as a permanent fact, there are a number of questions that immediately arise, and which naturally extend the debate on embedded journalism, and on war reporting in general: . By what right does any government tell the media how it can report on any war, particularly a war that has been so vigorously opposed by so many people around the world?

those questions cannot now be asked. You are either lvi¡' us, or with the terrorists. In ihe aftermath of the declaratiq of a "War on Terror", many people in the U.S. n overseas meclia for information und co--"r'tta. perpetual war - they cannot find answers in their to many of their questions.


provocation that journalists are there?

establishing and sustaini




they are not serving members By wearing uniforms, do




to oil and

government spies?

brief debate on whether to

journalists supposed to report the truth if

court or an Islamic court.


bin Laden before


Iraq was declared, there


about legitimacy of U.S. and Brr

claims. Sadly, many, if most media outlets si


journalists? (We know that the Iraqi regime did it but what of calls from such organisations as Reporters without Borders,

repeated those verbatim. In the same they did not question connections of members the administration

New York-based the Protect Committee to the and Journalists International Federation of Journalists to


When unilateral war


choreographed by the military? r Is there a link between embedded journalism and

attacks on


Central Asia. There

¡ How are war

investigate the

U.S. military for possible targeting of non-embedded journaÌists?) r Are the attacks on independents linked in any way to their coverage of the human cost of the war? And, if this is

true, are we complicit in those attacks if we


embedded journalism?

' Historically, it is possible to see a pattern of evercloser control of the media during times of war - from WV/II, through Vietnam, Grenada, the Falklands, and on to the Gulf wars of 1991 and 2003. The controls tighten as technology improves, allowing us to broadcast live to the but shouldn't the entire world from any point on earth reverse be true? Shouldn't control decline as technology improves? And can we reverse the process? I was living in the U.S. before and after September 11, 2001. I can tell you that in the days and weeks immediately after the attacks, people from all walks of life were asking questions. Sure they were angry. Sure they were scared. But many of them wanted to know the under'lying causes of the events ofthat day. Conveniently, in a world where asking the

Only PCCW stores and voice-dials your numbers.

companies that stood for reconstructron

awarded lucrative contracts aftermath of a war.

At its best, a questioning


is a buttress


uncovers and reports the lies that des despotism. tyrants and thieves routinely use to hicle their cri protects our freedom. At its worst, when it abdicates that responsibilit report the truth, journalism becomes a party to those cri complicit in concealing the truth, complicit in dis reality. It is an attack on freedom.

ranks. It is time to start It is time to report the truth. There will be plenty of time to do that - because has declared a perpetual war. But you had better

It is time to break


asking soon.

Stephen Aldred is a Hongkong-based editor correspondenl. Born in Britain, married to an American, he lived and worked in Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong,




and San Francisco.


wrong questions can place you in the camp of the enemy,



æ ãrÆ14


arguments of those who subsequently attack us as



Washington to the bin La and the Saddams and Talebans of this world, of

of the military?


¡ I r

questions too about ties of

journalists wear uniforms if

journalists add force


proxy wars, overthrowi legitimate governmen

when it is known


ixed line w¡ll never be the same again.


collaboraiion with

army or air force fire directly on a hotel or studio without

By what right


Among the many questions asked about the causç behind September 11, 2001, were questions about U.[

. By what right does an


U f


e urnlng


know of at least one "trial run" by a bomber

inst their hotel. It was in the light ofthat real threat to the lives ofour staffthat N made arrangements for the team to have an armed escort travelling inside Iraq. It would have been irresponsible of to do otherwise. CNN, like many other responsible media organisations, puts lives and security of our staff ahead of all other considerations. do not believe that any story is worth a life or a serious injury.

t is always possible to provide coverage on another da¡ in safer ircumstances. Brent Sadler and his team made a value judgment that Tikrit free of the Iraqi army and their coverage earlier that morning

precisely that


row upon row of broken and

tanks. But they werel4Tong


and were fired upon at


correspondent's article on arms and journali CNIvs Chris Cramer resBorrds^19_gyi å'äì;p;ãuiò"t issue of the'

This was no random attack. Their vehicle was pursued and ìred upon several times by men intent on kiÌling them. It was after this deliberate and sustained attack that a security working with us made a decision to pick up a weapon fire back, in self-defence. And he undoubtedly saved the ives of the CNN team. I invite critics of his actions


including your contributor



lain how they would have responded under these ircumstances. I doubt many would have died for their inciples.

The issue of joumalists and their place in the world today is complex and serious subject that requires intelligent debate r than visceral responses. We no longer live in a cosy

ircnment where we can pass freely from battlefield to tlefield with our notebook and pencil, or camera and tape , to protect us.

Whether we like it


not there are mâny factions, sometimes

around the world who hate the media. Hate what we for and hate the countries we come from. Some factions now

joumalists and those who support them as legitimate targets mbbery assault and murder. The vicious abduction and of the Wall Street loumal! Daniel Pearl is the most recenr There are more joumalists on assigrment arourd the workl. news chamels, more newspapers? more radio stations. The

in Iraq was the high watermark for the numbers of our in and around haq, embedded and unilateral. But many of our critics saw it as a low watemalk for some and some joumalists. In any debate about media safety and how we operate in ile environs we need to consider the downside to partial,

repofiers and photographers openþ acknowledged that carried arms for fear of capture and ambush. So let me burst Ms O'Donnell's bubble and outline a few which she might have included in her article about CNN bothered to check.

Our team in Tikrit was led by Brent SadJer, a CNN correspondent with more than two decades of expe operating in war zones. Just a few weeks earlier he and his were the targets of a documented assassination attempt their hotel in Northem Iraq was targetted by THE CORRESPONDENT AUGUST/SEPTEM

ingoistic, xenophobic coverage, which a minority of our ues practise. It is possible that partial reporting can our viewers and readers and sometimes lead to violence nst the entire profession.

Add to that another key consideration and this expression I : framed on my desk in Atlanta that .,when f""ling. ,rrr., impartial coverage too can seem like bias,'. Or.put another way ,,you are either with us or against us,,.

It is regrettable that many media organisations, like CNN,

have to travel with armed escorts or security advisers as they seek

to cover the world's trouble spots. But it is nothing new. It has happened in Bosnia, in Somalia, in Chechnya, in Liberia as well as Iraq. One altemative is to stop covering dangerous parts of the world. But that is not the CNN way. The BBC and CNN are the two industry leaders when it comes to the safety of their staff. W'e have strict safety guidelines, which include hostile environment training and the most effective clothing and equipment available. CNN staffers are banned from travelling to war zones without adequate training and a thorough understanding of the risks involved. W'e have led a campaign to provide safety training for other media organisations, freelances and indigenous media. And our care and counselling for staff after a traumatic assignment is industry best practice. This is one of the reasons I was asked to be the first honorary president of the newly formed Intemational News Safety Insiitute, an amalgamation of several hundred media organisations devoted to the safety and well-being of joumalists the world over. We stand ready to take part in any intelligent debate about

in dangerous areas. But CNN needs no ill-informed lecture from your'

how we should all operate safely and effìciently correspondent about how to care for its staff.

Chris Cramer is President of CNN International Networks and Honorary President ofthe International News Safety Institute. He is based



Moving r¡ght along t

C Photogtapher of the Year Awards 2OO4

year's categories are;

This year hasn't been much fun for Hong l(ong. Between SARS, the economy and politics it has all been yery depressing. Following the success of the first two years of the FCC Photographer of the Year Awards, 2003 has presented a very difficult challenge to the POYA committee. So, after several false starts it was decided to do away with 2003 alt together and launch directly into POYA 2004. POYA Chairman Terry Duckham reports.

Perspective in all three ca be reduced to just one theme

was just

all too hard. The events of 2003 had made it just too difficult and it was hard enough to just take care of business let alone conjure up the sponsor suppod and the helping hands needed to run POYA 2003. So we have done the next best thing and in many ways, a better thing. We have moved on,

everyone concerned. Being a mid-year event it will give photographers more time to enter the awards and give our Young Post entrants and their teachers

a full

school year

to prepare their

entries. It should also make life easier for our judges and hopefully fit into the

the POYA Awards Ceremony and FCC

budgets of our sponsors more conveniently. Importantl¡ it will allow us to schedule the POYA 2004 Travelling Exhibition in the latter half of 2004, instead of 2005. The POYA

Wall Exhibition to coincide with the

2002 travelling exhibition has

2004 FCC Jazz Festival in June next

stalled this year due to a lack of funds, but we have been able to overcome this

left the woes of 2003 behind us and have launched POYA 2004. W'e have also decided

to schedule

year. Our first FCC Jazz Festival, held in July this year, was a huge success. More than 500 people attended the three-day event which showcased the cream of Hong l(ong's jazz scene, including Eugene Pao, our own Allen

Youngblood and the Japanese Big Band. Scheduling the events at the same time

will give maximum


to both events and make the month of

June an important date on the FCC

It will also provide excellent media coverage and give the FCC calendar.

important public recognition as a major player in the Hong I(ong arts scene. The timing will be much berter for



Landscape. Entries in the Professional division can have taken during the past five wider time frame than the limit to the Professional divisi Photographers can choose two single entries or a series of images in each category the

previous years.

It is

though that many

worth ph

missed out on awards by enteri whole six images because they when a careful edit to three or those images or a single

and are now arranging venues and scheduling for the exhibition in Hong I(ong. This is good news for our sponsors and will ensure that the photographers' work and the POYA sponsors' supporl will continue to get

been more effective. More

the recognition that they deserve. The categories will remain much as they did îor 2002 with the exception being that we will be reintroducing the advertising section in the Professional category under a combined Hong l(ong/ Asia category, to which we will also move the Digital photography category


to simplify judging. The Hong l(ong

mean better. If photographers enter series entries, careful edi must. It is important to images are judged on their

impact as

a series not as i

We also hope to see more I(ong schools participating Young Perspectives Division, will close on May 7,20O4. Júg the Awards will take place in June ol 2004 and enlry forms information will be available FCC Front Office and FCC THE CORRESPONDENT AUGUST

- Hor.rg Kong News - images taken for publication in Hong I(ong n_ews media - Ho¡g Kong Magazine features - images taken lor publication in Hong Kong magazine media - Corporate Hong l(ong - images taken for colporate use such as annual reports, public relations use, colporate

- Digital Photography and Computer Imaging - images that demonstrate and achieve an effective control and use of digital photography and/or computer manipulation techniques . News and magazine feature images taken on cligitãl cameras shãdd not be entered in those categories unless they have qualities specific to digital photography

members of Hong Kong's clubs, amateur photographers members. There will be two

interpreted. The themes will be of Asia and Reflections of an

in Hong Kong or who are FCC members.

- News - images taken for publication in Asian news media - Magazinefeatures - images taken for publication in Hong Kong magazine meclia

Entry to the Non-P division will be remain


open to all professional photographers who are resident

¡rortlaiture etc.

special "Hong I(ong- Hear it" which will be open to all three di to mark the second FCC Jazz F,

again. This year they will



be a visual interpretation of HKTB slogan, Hong I(ong Love it, See it. We will also int

esoteric and hopefully



anrVol computer irnaging

- Advertising - images should be entered as they appeared in print or electronic and digital media. Hong Kong Pespective - Live it... l¡ve it. . . See itl - images should reflect the theme of the HI(TB's new tourism slogan and eapture the unir¡ue sociaÌ integration, cuÌtural heritage, energy, arts and character of Hong I(ong Pmfesional - open to members from

participating Hong Kong photography clubs and all FCC members and their families.

ofAsia - Portaits and interpretive images that portray the social, cultural and sexual role and character ofthe Asian in Asian and intemational societies. ions ofan Urban l¿nclscape - Strong graphic and interpretive images that capture modem urban landscapes the people who live in them. The word 'reflections' is metaphorical and not necessarily literal.

Hong Kong Perspective* - Live it... Love it... See it! images should reflect ùe theme of the the unique social integration, cultural heritage, energy, arts and character ofHong l(ong



in relationship

new tourism slogan and that

Digital Photography and Computer Imaging - images that demonstrate and achieve an effective control and use of digital digital cameras should not be entered in those categories lhey have qualities specific io digital photography and/or computer imaging.

tolography- anÙor computer rnanipulation techniques. Images taken on

ug Pct

Hong Kong Perspective** - Live it... Love it... See it! - images should reflect the ùeme of the HI(TB's new tourism slogan lhat capture lhe unique social integration, cultural heritage, arts and character ofHong Kong




- is a special awarcl to mark the second FCC Jazz Festiva]. Images should capture the diversity and energy of nong Kong music scene at both an intemational and local level. Judges will be looking for creative and interpretive treatments pottray the mood and passion of performance rather than the per{ormers themselves. Hۉr it!

'Hong Kong Perspective" theme is co-sponsored by the Hong l(ong Tourism Board. pective" theme is co-sponsored by lhe South Chirn Morning Post and the Hong l(ong Tourism es that capture the unique qualities and character of Hong l(ong. Students between the ages of 12 to ls in Hong Kong may enter there will be hvo prìncipal awards: the 'Phorographer of the yeaf, and the 'Photograph of the Yeal award. Category Pt^,Tf Ittclq both series and single entry images in both Professional and Non-Professional divisions, will be eligible for this u**dl




i,T llang l(uns

l[fi3 .Jultt

23 " l6


Photos l:y Hugh uan Es o,nd Terry Duckham/Asiapix

The FCC's inaugural Jazz Festival from July 23-26 was a great hit all

"July is normally not the time to hold any major functions, but the festival, which in par.t was the FCC's post-SARS celebration, seerned to


catch Hong I(ong's mood," said Paul Bayiield. Fesl iva I Commiilee convener.

in the healthy addition to the Club's

planned. Only this time it will at rhe end of June and will be linked to the

round and this reflected coffers.

"Already next year's event has been

FCC's annual Photographer of the Year Awards," Bayfield said.

The festival got off to a


damp start thanks to the arriv Typhoon hnbudo, which prompted Observatory to hoist the Number signal. But those who braved the and rain wele rewarded with a

tleat. A visitir.rg Cuban sax pl David Sanchez dropped by jammed away with festival director Allen Youngblood and GreaI jazz.

"In fact, the enthusiasm of audiences sparked some performances from the bands everyone

left happy,"


Each night attracted


knowledgeable ancl very enthusi

audience, culminating

in the gn

band-on-each-floor finale on Satu

the 26th. By special


about 140 non-menbers welcomed to the Club on that night. Not only did they apprecia jazz,bur they also loved coming FCC ...and being

to bry


drinks. A large nu



applications requested.

Thanks go to



particularly Paul, Terry Du and Dave Garcia.

Watch this f

or rnore infor

on FCC's



Watch this

for festival







Iil.: (:( )l{R[st,()Nt)tiNt. ,\U(;UST.,/StĂŹpTEi\,fI]ll,R 2003



Containing Container Terrorists IN THE WAKE OF 9-11, with millions of tons of container cargo entering the United States every week, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had to have a very clear idea of what was in those

, ) j I ì

contatners. So in January 2002, CBP launched the Container Security

Initiative to prevent global containerized cargo from being exploited by terrorists. In the following September, several Asian countries agreed to join the initiative. Today, operators ofcontainer ships and other container transpofters must submit their cargo manifests 24 hours before cargo destined for the US is loaded onto carriers at foreign ports - not24 hours before cargo arrives in the US, but before it's laden aboard vessels offshore. Until now, everyone around the world had to invest heavily to tailor their systems to work with CBP's Automated Manifest System (AMS). To help exporters comply with the new 24-hour rule, CORE Solutions launched a system called iDEX AMSTM, the latest addition to its iDEX product suite. With the iDEX AMS, custom tailoring is no longer necessary, and all of the associated glitches are history. Now, all logistics operators have to do is bolt on CORE's CPB-certilìed LDEX AMS and flip the switch - and everyone on it talks to CPB in a language it understands. Result: goods move faster, costs come down, and exporters stay competitive. With our out-ofthe-box data inheritance capability, it also eliminates errors and data integrity problems. 'We've been doing similar things in intemational trade. For example, we recently helped an international bank and a quasigovemment electronic service s or ganizalion to eliminate b ottlenecks and speed up processing to clear trade documents faster. Using the iDEX eTransaction EnginerM, processes that once took up to three weeks now can be completed in as little as three days. Deployment is equally fast. We have placed the trade flows of related documents for our customer's clients into production within two weeks. iDEX ties together the giants of trade, banking, shipping and logistics - and streamlines Hong Kong's links with the world of global coÍrmerce. We are the chain gang of the new millennium. We make the trade chain work better.

It was

three days into his first Cuban assignment and, with a hijacked merican airliner winging towards Havana airport, Jim Pringle was trying to eal with a buxom wench prancing around uu naturel in the flat that served as is office and home. The year was 1968. The young woman, whom I had seen the lift as I arrived to start my assignment with Reuters, had

ed in, she said, to say welcome. Cubans ighbourly coffee


had served her

- coffee, ld not buy the island's gh foreigners unfairly could it in the diplomatic store.

was when I innocently gave r some for her mother, whom she irl yearned lor a cafecito, that she n flinging off her clothes. You 't often see girls in a state of ure in Reuters' offices,


ially nowaclays.



in national life,



few occupy top posts. This 2003 visit was a major trip for me, because my first Cuban

assignment ended abruptly in dramatic fashion, and my second was too brief. I hadn't imagined my third sojourn would coincide with the 76-

year-old leader, his beard now grey


and scraggl¡ launching his biggest

t on earth do they put in that

crackdown on political dissent in four decades. It coincided with the starl of the Iraq war Fidel wanted to hit out - was distracted. while attention When I first arrived in Cuba back

? and realised this must be start of a beautiful friendship, ilcoffee was really the lure.

'fhen the phone rang about the ing and

I had to bundle her

I fondly recalled this ilcident

ile sitting in the departure nge at Madrid airport this , sonre

35 years later., to start

third visit to Fidel Castro's ialist republic. I may be an old ia hand, but I've always felt a ness for Latin America. ialìy Cuba.



Most were black and, while you can blame Fidel Castro for much, you have to acknowledge that thanks to his revolution, Cuba's black population, which under the former Batista regime had to stay out of Havana, now

Most of the Cuban travellers

\DEX speeds things trp by providing powerful lransaction managemenl, worlcflow and straight+hrough processíng capabilities across the enÍít"e lrade chaìn. Ifyou'd like to lcnow more about how automated îrade systems work, feel free 10 contact Brad Maurer at (852) 2378-6318 or brad.maurer@,


in 1968, there were strong


tensions in the U.S. and the Vietnam War was at its height. My previous posting was as Reuters bureau chief in Saigon for 18 months. I had covered the Tet Offensive. Just after I left, two Reuters colleagues were tragically killed in the "second wave" offensive in May.

Five years earlier I had taken a year off from my Clasgow newspaper and gone to Mexico to learn Spanish in order to apply for a job at Reuters. I had hitched to Central America through the U.S. southern states, seeing racial segregation at first hand. The journey was inspired by Jack l(erouac's beat novel On the Road. However, when hookers hammered on my door in dollar-a-night hoteÌs,



lrh.¡ôlrJrl Lrt.n I)66

philo{rrrhi rot¡il tg6 Át¡¿!é.: E¡dnd(r Ct(.rr.¡ I ¡r¡, titdrrtic Clcilvùr Jr

they were trying to find my address. Unknown to the authorities, they had a gun. I gulped. This was worse than the crime beat in Glasgow! The Cuban press department said "Don't worry you are under the protective vigilance ofthe people," meaning my neighbours including, presumabl¡ the coffee-drinker.


cowered into the clammy sheets' Now, aged 31'






had been

dream assignment because Castro had

fascinated me since I was just out of my teens' While in New York en route to Havana, I saw on the FBI's 1968 ten most wanted list mug shots of Black Panther leader Eldrige Cleaver. He was sought for "assault with intent to murder" and was "considered armed and extremely

: I had found him ahead ofthe Feds. Cleaver told me about his life in Cuba, revealing he was ing another book. He could not give an interview at that



õl"uu", wrote his best-selling Soul on lce on black injustice, then jumped bail after a shoot-out with cops' "Maybe he's in Cuba," a colleague


member Kevin Cooney

I'm sure it was former

- "Keep a lookoul'" said'

"Fine," I replied, but hardly thought I'd be involved' t'á pu"Ë"d Graham Greene's Our Man in Hauana and Whom the Ernest Hemingway's novels' Hemingway wrote For BeltTottsinHavana'sHotelAmbosMundos(BothWorlds)' triumphed' but left in 1960, the year after Castro's revolution Hotel venerable the My {lat was in \èdado, opposite and Nat IGng Nacional, where Winston Churchhill had stayed Cole used to sing.

most Outwardly austere' socialist Cuba was quite the the to ogle not tried One pl"a*r-,re-loving place I had been' it seemed man' single a For itip-.*uying gtiiof th" mulattas' Sixties' after u gurd"n ofãrthly delights. It was the-swinging above it all seemed who uti .rr¿ pr"-AIDd. The only person

the Revolution"' was Castro. Cubans said he was "married to

Vigia' One of my first articles was on Hemingway's Finca faithful a by daily set table which remained as he left it, the


still called him Papa' I watched Vietnamese students examining the library the stuffed game trophies and the swimming pool where Ava famously swum minus swimsuit. But the main news was the hijackings, mostly by black Americans, often prison escapees' I used to AP man to the airPort. Having reported the Vietnam War was a plus'

retainer who

diplomatic receptions, would ask about it' Oncg h3 må to a visiting Viet Cong leader. I had guarded admirati the Cuban leader for standing up to the Americans' napalm and 852 bombing attacks I had witnesserl' Next year, there were rumours Cleaver might really Havana, possibly nearby. After two days of door knocl had an tàdr"... To reach his flat, you took a small lift back of a garage. I knocked and a Panther openerl the "Mr Cleaver, please," I said, feigning a nonchala not feel. I was asked in and then I saw the man on THE CORRESPONDENT AUGUST/

but would call me later.

I wrote

down my five-digit

: number for him and jotted down his.

This news was too major not to file. The Cubans could e stopped it but the cable went through. I nervously

itched on my short-wave radio and heald lcl"uu", f.ound.,' glled saying the story had made the front pages all the U.S., including the New yorlt, Times. This was a good, old-fashioned scoop. I say that knowing orters dare not boast because they usually story.


down on the

Cleaver forfeited U.S.$50,000 and that pissed him off.



went back, implausibly t oiing for the full

iew, two. mean-looking dudes or" h"""ogrrised as an ed convict serving a murder rap .sked r. We crammed into the lift, a-rrà -I *orrd"redäeiftoI follow would rge one piece. The ex-con said, ,,I know you are CIA,,, _in told me I would be hearing from them. Soon after, a dancer I knãw slightly


She was the girlfrienã


from rhe National

oia hijackea ..,J .uid 2OO3

was spooked by menacing phone calls. And

when I found myself measuring the distance from my balcony to the next block with a view to leaping the gap should a fast escape became necessary I called the British Consul. I moved in with him, Reuters was tipped off, and I was ordered to leave. I departed søns drinks part¡ without saying goodbye to friends and to girls both naughty and nice and with much of Cuba unexplored. Later in Africa I met a colleague who talked to the Panthers in Algiers after they quit Havana. The ex-cons told

him they had intended to abduct the "Reuter guy" as a bargaining chip to leave Cuba, which they hadn't liked. I could well imagine how Castro's Directorate General of Intelligence (DGI) would have reacted


not, certainly, with

boxes of Monte Cristo cigars! It sounds like melodrama now but at least

I made it Cleaver's next book. Soon I was sitting in juddering choppers over Vietnam again, during invasions of Cambodia and Laos. I then went on to re-open the Reuter bureau in Peking, closed and shuttered after the release of Anthony Gre¡ who had suffered much more than I, held hostage for more than two years by Red Guards who pinioned his arms as they strangled his cat. The only Reuters presence in Beijing between Anthony's departure and my arrival was supplied briefly by FCC member Jonathan Sharp, who blazed the trail back to Peking to cover Ping Pong diplomacy. J oining N ew sw e ek as Latin Americ an correspondent, I was asked by General Omar Torrijos, the populist strongman of continued, on page 67







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Hendricks of the Drifters

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tbe C:bøirrnnürÈ af tbe Po Lewng Kwk

{ q




2003, Althor-rgh startecl s,-ith the objectil.'e of pror.'rcling temporary


$ åi

the Po Ler-rng I(uk v"'ill celebratc lts l25th annrvelsary on 8th

6¡¡clccl in

fbl vlctims

( r'l'omen) of abcluction cases, the Kuk has w'idenecl its

r¡ :r¡cì cxpzrnclecl ìts scopc of

fl r¡L1Llit1,


ovel'the veels. It

uor,t,' pror''icles a rtr'icle


sc¡r,ices irr the fielcls of social q.'elfale, eclucation, reclcation arrd cr-rltule, ser-r.'ing

r. lruvl),-lrorrr to thc agccl thlough a netn'ot-k of mole tl-ran 200 units across thc ten-itor'1,. 'l

lrc:rchicvcmcnts of the I(uk clepencl mltch on the staunch slLpport of oul r,ell-

islrc'rs 'l'hc Irorcigr-r Conesponclents' Club is one



invitir-rg Lhe


has r-ely

kindly olganised an Annual

l(uk to becornc the beneficiarv -l'he Club

has tl-ris year set up a

lrolrrrslri¡r lrtrncl u,ith the ploceecls to hclp neecly stuclcnts of the Kuk's affiliatecl schools

rosc lt,ss ¡rrir.llcgcc1 ol those talentecl alikc, r'itl-r fìnancíal clifficulties, r¡''ill lte ploviclecl

tlr lrt'ltcr


to plu'slre a higher eclucation, and hence a life of their cl'eams rVe hope

srLch youngstcls,

b1 lteing

or itlt'cl rvith thc chance to realize their potential, lr-ill clevelop to become usefi-rl rnenbels of the cornnunity, to be able rL¡lrlt'r soci:rl res¡ronsibilities, and make positrve contlibr-rtions


to Hong Kong's fiLr-thelplospelitl

tll:rt tlrr'\' lìlr\/ l)c ìrct[et'equippecl to cope u-ith challenges nùen gl.owln!] Ltp


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lf you'd like to join lhe frequent

lirrcì it ttrost hcarter-ring and encouraging n'hen it comes to the pr-epalation of tl-re Ball ancl the Scholalship Funcl The FCC

'o r('sl)(,rì(i t() tllc

'llltlt'r ottttrttt'. \\/c¿rtchcrlce Particlìlarl)¡glatefnltoFCClììenllelsancl

inter-nships for.the u.inner.s ancl


h(' l)t()j(.( I :r rìistinct sLtccess


S¡\lìS otLtbr-eak ancl economic uncertaintv, funcl-raising has become a

\g'rirt:t llris :ttlrt'tsit\'' tllc F(lC has pullecl

¿rll r-esonr-ces

Íìore strenlloLls effor.t than

together to make this Annual Ball a ven. fabulous ancl ftrn fillecl char.ity

:\ ( tìI

flyer programme of one of our member airlines and earn miles faster, simply go to www,staralliance,com and select the airfine of your choice.

)r lllr¡rtr t) It

STAR ALLIANCE wwvv.starall¡

schcr'e ve a'e also g.atifiecl that FCC rnembel's a'e so rcacll, to offer-slrrìlrìer





l)o l_t,u¡.q l(trk


43 lnformation coTTect as



rollt the filst whispered conversation betn'een the two ol ns last 1'ear during a Chrb boarcl meeting, the Foleign Colt'esponclents' Chrb Charity Ball has morphed into a screaming success. The blow-out palty iast 1'eal laised rnore than

in scholalship fr-rnding and this yeal we expect to raise significantly more. The 2003 e\-ent has neally doublecl in


yct it solcl out $'ithin da)¡s

'l'lrc llalt


heightened the plofìle of tl-re Club in Hong Kong, attlactecl new members,

.'rìtccl ),()r.¡¡g ¡rcople to Lrnclertake


most importantly,



furthel stltclies they wor-rlcl otherwise be unable to finance

tltc u,inning students u'as sr-rpposecl to be the pleasant lewarcl for all the work of cleating this event lnsteacl, it plor.'ecl


llcurt-$,rcnching choice belq'een so many ter-r'ibl1'neecly and highly deserwing young people (

)f'rllr, 2(r cltilclren stuclents applying fol scl-rolalships, those rl'ho had parents often carle from horles that r,'ere bloken, battling



facecl r'r'ith clebilitating diseases, Tl-re box


housel-rold monthly incorre vn'as malkecl "zero" bv several

>licunts (-l'hc veracity of applications has been confilmecl by the Po Leung Kuk clirectorate) Despite snch huldles, these

nlrlkulrlc chllcller-r havc clernonstl'ated exceptional academic strength ancl bload extlacullicnlal intelests

ln tlrcir




of becoming doctors to cLrre the impovelished, lau,yels to clefend the persecnted and engineels

hLrilcl lrr icl.qcs stlong enough to withstancl floodwaters.

\\ hik'rt':tclirtg tltlough the applicationsr e\¡en the toughest merrbels of the scholarship cornmittee stopped to s'ipe a tear'. The ¡-rt'tit't.ttt'lres stt'cngthenecl oul resolve to raise even more scholalship money next year. The q..innels were finally ctrosen by l:tttt itr.q trtk'ttt, I-it.l¿urci:rl ueed and the likelihoocl the student w.oulcl, in his ol'her turn, give back to the conrmlÌnity,

)l(llltc('t torlltllittcc ancl the generosity of our

gr"rest artistes,

The Suplemes and Mary wilson as u,'ell as Bobby HencL'icks reclucecl

'ir rrt¡rtll:tl fi'cs, [)lcase.ioin us in thanking them for their declication to this worthy canse and ru



consicler joining the committee


itllr<¡cltttirl.t4 this 1'ear''s Scholalship Funcl

lvinners at the ball, we honotu'their achievements ancl u'elcome them into our


rrllttrttrlilr llt' tlttues of ortt'rvinners will be pelmanently clisplayecl at the CIub on a brass plaque rtììlrcrs


ancl rl.,e

u'ill be apploaching

trrkt' tllc scho[arsl'rìp r,r,inners as a sLrmmer interns or pafi-tilne worker-s,

'lìrgt'tltt'r s t'


ill llcllt these arrbitiolrs

ancl talentecl youngsters achieve their-clreams,

ì()tìì:ts (.rittìll)l()ll c\ I)ltvicl Gafci¿t ¡-(IIl:riIs. l,(.(ì (ìhlrit1. []ulI C<>muritte

Let's not forget why we're here tonight. We have been listening to the hopes and dreams of families for over 150 years and understand that there is no greater advantage you can give a child than a good education. We're proud to sponsortonight's charity ball to help the children of Po Leung Kuk orphanage get the same opportunities as many other children, through the Foreign Correspondents' Club Scholarship Fund Class of 2003. Please join us in toasting all its future graduates.




H E,fR

Alvrays Listerring Alwattl I

Foreign Correspondents' Club & Po Leung Kuk 2ndAnnual Chafity BalI September ZTth ãOOj Hong Kong nxhibition and Convention Centre Grand Hall

7pn - 7.45pnt

Cocktail Reception Silent Auction Display

7.45pn Call for Dinner 8.OOpm \ü/elcome by Masters of Ceremony Stuart \X/olfendale and Andy Chworowsky FCC Velcome Speech David Garcia and Thomas Crampton Table Prize Draw


We speciolize in morkeling, promotion ond professioncl troining. Morketing ond promotion services include: o Press conference o Product lounch t Chorily evenls

Performance by The Po Leung Kuk Children's Choir 9.OOPm Business Card Prize Draw


Po Leung Kuk Film Presentation

9.3OPm Bobby Hendricks of The Drifters LO:3Opm Silent Auction \X/inners Announced

Lucþ Draw 11.00pm The Supremes starring Mary \Øilson

12.3oarn "Stop in the Name of Love,,

& Dancing the night away wirh our DJ Bob youill 404-405, Yu Yuet Loi Building, 43-55 Wyndhom St., Centrol, H.K. Fox : (852) 2525 9136 Emoil : Websile : www.morycheung

Rm. Te

185212525 9135


Co-Chairs Thomas Crampton

David Garcia

Comrnittee Members Maty Cheung

Gilbert Cheng

Sandy Chan

Kate Dawson

BeIIa Dobie

Kevin Egan

Mark Erder

Celia Garcia

Lynn Grebstad

Sophia HariIeIa

Michael Ho

Marilyn Hood

Dan Kubiske

Jacky Lai

Leslie Llewellyn

Kathleen Lucente

Hilary King

Andrea Richey

Belinda Rabano

Jennifer Shay

Kiffy Yam

Allen Youngblood

Masters of Ceremony Andrew Chworowsky Stuart \üØolfendale


Introducing tbe Winners of tbe first FCGPo Leung Kuk Scbolørsbips Narne: Ray Chan Chin Ching Boln: Hong Kong, 1985 Scl-rool: Po Leung Kr-rk Centenary Li Shui Chung Memorial College

Planned Cout'se of Study: Law

FCC Board member Stuart \Øolfen dale describes painrful but reutarding process of selecting the uinni cøndidates for tbe FCC Scholørsbips -from a, higb-cali bank of Po Leung Kuk applicants. R

"After Hong Kong's handover to the mothelland, the desire to study lavr'becomes much prevalent in my mind As the 'one countries, two systems' is practiced in Hong Kong, the legal system in Hong Kong is month the most unique one in the u'orlcl.,. More specificaily, r''ith China's joining of $ØTO, str-rdying law (inclucling the law of the PRC enables me to give a hand in the development of my motherland."

Name: Mandy Fung Ka Yan Born: Hong Kong, 1984 School: Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Planned Coulse of Strrdy: Law "Lus,s are so vital that every communiry can halclly operate without them Having studied liberel srr¡clies I for.rncl irnmense intetest in it Resicles, being a school prefect, I found that I Irave c¡u ite a strong sense of fairness I leally hope that I can be a scluplrlous barlister' working in Legal Aid Department, trying my best to give a hand to those who are


unequally treated."

Name: Andywong Yat Fong Boln: China, 1981 School: Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Planned Course of Stucly: Civil Engineeling

"I knou' city rebuilcling is taking place in many

areas in Hong Kong. I think I can help in planning ancl lebuilding aftel my graduation The old buildings have a r-isk of collapse. And tlany people ale packed into a small room. It is so cro*'ded that they vn ill get sick easily. I really hope to improve their living environment by lebuilding the old flats

"Hong Kong will become an Ìmpoftant city in logistics. In fact, this neecls a lot of slrppolts especially a good transport system I will help wítl-r m1. knolr..ledge from transport crìfllneeItng, Planning of new highways ancl roads to meet the rapid gr-owth in Hong Kong."

Tbe FCC-Po Ieung Kttk selectors and cat'¿didates From left to rigbt: Kennetb K.P. Mak, Mcuy Cheung, Gilbert Cbeng, Ancþt lwong yat Fr Kctrl Cban Ka Ying, Thomas CrdmÞton, Mancly Fung Ka Yan-, Daue Garcia, Ray Cban Cbin Ching, Stuaft \Xr'olfenclale, Atun Olien, Dr. Cba.n Siu RLti,.Jdcky Lctr

wine, Coinciding with the FCC's second anmral cl-rar-ity b dancing and prizes - sttrrottnds a highly organised have selected the first generation of seventh-year st nd happy event like this FCC Charity Ball. But bear from Po Leung Kuk school.s and they are now prepa with me while I take a few words to explain the mole sober take up theil scholarships ancl embark on their. tremendous amount of hoopla

and equalll. gratìlying end-product.


music, food,

Name: Kad Chan Ka Ying Boln: Hong Kong,7984 School: Po Leung Kok No. 1 .{i.H. Cheung College Plannecl Course of Str.rcly: Actualial Science

"l wrtnt t() l)e ir llttsinessln¿ìn.. Ancl I belìeve that if I am aclmittecl to the program of actr,rarial sciencc' îfter graclttation, the knowleclge of actuarial science woulcl enable me to contl-ib],lte tn1'st'lf to stîbilizing Hong Kong s growing e(onomy and increasing irs compctitivcness among the world This is what I am now dr-eaming of.,'





selection First ancl most importantly, let me olrtline the taking part proceclure in which l hacl the great prìvilege of the Fund' '!Ve u.'ele responsible fol clisbulsing B0 percent of

other dlawn fi'om clonations, raffle ticket gifts and saies ancl Ball takings, to a grolrp of selected high-perfolmance the Po Leung stuclents affiliatecl schools ancl colleges of

Kuk u''ho are eligible fol higher edlrcation but who suffer fi'om financial difficultíes The othet' 20 per cent went to younger childlen of the


grants Kuk to help expancl theil educational horizons These went primarily to fr-rnd special interest classes langing from

Chinese literatttre to archeq' and even rock climbing' I may have to clisabuse you of one good olcl fashioned

picture. The young people echrcated at Po LeLrng Kuk Scl-rools toclay are not all teenage orphans

eking out a ngged

ancl existence in the Kuk's heaclquarters in Causeway Bay Kong' claring to ask fol a second bowl of congee ln Hong

moved the care of clisaclvantagecl ctrilcL'en ancl teenagers has on from saving pat'entless young girls from domestic slavery'

fol the plrrposes of the Fund' all our cancliclates come fi'om backglounds of considerable clifficulty One or mole parents may be dead or have Nevertheless,

clesertecl,willbeincarceratecl,orbeaninebliateorsimply chilcL'en be expeliencing gleat clifficutty in giving care Some too may have the affection of a single parent who is simply

poor or sick to provicle the impetus a bright child needs to get on in the world Dr-uing their chilcll-rood and teens, students at Po Leung Kuk schools mix with chilch'en who have no discernable domestic clifficulties at all; this policy is regarded as a much more constructive environment than confinement to

olphanage eclltcation uncler a ghettoed roof some of the I(uk's chilcL'en live away fi'om úle larger institutions in "small

gloltp homes" nut-rbering half a dozen or more in each unit hit ancl superuisecl by a live-in Kuk workel It is when they school leaving age, a vulnerable time for all young people' that their personal cìrcumstances weigh pârticlllarly heavily against them.

Ottr scholat'ship allocation process awards points to youngstels fi'om circttmscribecl conditions Points are also acaclemic performance and applícation' for results in the Alevel examinations ancl fol condttct school plincipals then nominate sttìcients fi'om their schools and the



the PLK secretaríat âssesses the points accumttlated across and schools ancl nominates the top ten stttdents to the Grants Po Scholarships Committee (GSC) whictr consists of three


Leung I(uk offícials and three members of the FCC Tl're GSC then consiclers an essay in English, wlitten

each finalist, stating why ttrey want to go on to pu studies in a partictrlar subject at a particular institutíon

how they envisage making a contribution to Hong the futule. The essays must be in English As a Club of sort we make no bones about promoting the importa the language. On the other hand we do not penalise candiclates who at'e passionate abottt what they want

simply becattse they are not great essayists or for


g1'ammatical solecisms or a lost participle here or there' are looking


a Passion

Then we interyiew them all.


The genelal objective is to fund an undergraduatecourse aL a malor Hong Kong tertiary institution for' stuclent. Given last yeat's amazing fiscal results from inaugural Ball, we hacl the funds to aliow us to select

to four canclidates to go to university in Hong Kong' expect a consiclerable increase in retltrns this year means that a year from now, more young men and

wiil be able to follow that path' As the generosity


patrons expancls, we hope we may find FCC-PLK schol to study. 'We'll see'

stuclents going overseas

looking at the biographies and the essays of young men ancl women, I was moved and proud of -ùØhen

resilience, theil intelligence, articulacy and determin keep their eye on what they want no matler the

occasion my fellow examiners have been brought cl tears, not by sentimentality btlt by ttre sturdy convicti

Tbis yea,r's Cbarity

Ball offers a


ue tbe golden years of


their way

No one can impress upon one enough irow


person exalted by the school principal, extraorclinary acaclemic scores, participating in school

the full who comes fi'om a home life of unemploy wìclowhood and/or othel difficulty, can be so e

armony singing, writes Robin

reatest uocal groî,Lps

being sent to university, the first step towards


of tbe fi,fties

nd sixties



have the files of the winners in front of me Decisions be macle which macle me feel very small and macle us

eir old


and more

FCC-PLK-GSC yearn for clouble the money to spend successful ones you see and hear from this year and

aterial uitb all tbeir legendary

professional. As

I write this August afternoon, I

am very hum

generations you may help in years to come, please a that your giving is well spent. May God speed them

perfornxing botb recent

wele by lar the most successftil girl 1960s,

n'ittr 33 top fofiy entlies and


number one l-rits in the U S alone, not to mention


'Slilson, who leads the vast international following Nlary ensemble at the ball, was a founder membel along with Diana Ross and Florence Ballald

Al1 three

narn. Stars from tu,to of


gloup of the

ly unmissable opportunhy lo re-

what these young people see for their lives and their

no matter what obstacles and family wolries tlìat


of the original Suplemes grew Llp in l)etloit's

Brewster housing project and were signecl

to Beny


Motown label in 1961, going on to become the biggest selling group on the loster, Tl-reir hits were amongst the most potent ancl -ü4-iere Did Our' soulful pop of the era, ancl include Baby Love,

Love Go, Back In My Alms, Stop In The Name Of Love, Come See

About NIe, Love Happening, I Heal A Symphony, Yott Can't

Hulty Love, You Keep Me Hanging On and Love Chilcl'

roþssionalism and panacbe.

This w'as tl-re vintage peliocl fol Motown, when hits seemed

to be cut in Gorcly's studio on an almost claily basis, and The Supremes hacl the pick of the label's considerable songwliting


in tnrn u'as clrafted Bobby

ancl u,hen he


wùo ttre band had hearcl when Tl-re Fil-e sr-rppoltecl them, u'as invited

to take


l-ris place

Henclrìcks sang leacl on Ddp Drop, Moonligl-rt Bay and Suddenly There's a valley, stalri¡g with the bancl until ìate 1958


he embalkecl on a solo c¿rreel *'ith a hit

single Itchy Twitcl'rY Feeling.

The sttbseqttent history of The l)r'ifters is peltraps

the most confusing

in lock

and lo1l. The


cornmerciâlly successlul -n'et'sion of ttre Drifters cornpdsed none of the for-rnding members, the name

having been given by the oliginal gloLlp's manager, q.'ho ou,.necl tl-re lights to it, to another gloup called The

Crowns. This line up featttrecl the voice of Ben E King and lecordecl the hits There Goes Nfy Babl'ancl Save the Last Dance



King had been replaced lry Jol-rnny À{oor-e, now back fi'om the arnrl', by the time Tl-re Dlifters u'.ele enjoying more sllccess r''ith Undel the Boalch'n'alk ancl Satulclay Night at the Alovies.

Hendricks in the meantime, after a 1960 hit single

with Psycho, had teamed up u,'ith Dliftels

membel and bass singer tsill Pinkney in Bill Pinkney

talent -- inclucling the Hollancl-Dozier'-Holland hit factory

Ancl The Oliginal Drifiels w'hich toulecl sr'rccessfilll'for'

Altl-rotrgh the gloup underwent a numbel of lineup changes,

17 -veals fi'om 1959 That line up reformecl

inclucling the replacement of Florence Ballald by Cindy Birdsong ancl the clepafiure of Diana Ross

until 7972. They incluclecl Up

in 7969,

irs n-rn of hits

Tl-re Laclcler

Love, Nattran Jones and Floy Joy as


To The Roof, Stoned as an epic ver-sion


Rivel l)eep lvloLrntain High in collabolation with Ttre Foul Tops Mary rù(/ilson, u,-ho san¡¡ both lead and backups, was the only u,'itl-r

the gloup tl-u'oughout its historl, wl-rich she has lelated in


disbanded and she embalked on a solo career as a singer

'hicvcrnclrt rts'¿rlcl f rrm the Rock 'N' Roll Hall Of Fame, ancl in

inclucted into the Doo ]X/op Hall Of Fame at Sympl-rony Hall in




Although she lecorded less frequently in the '$7ilson demonstmted


7992 that she still had



The Line. She has never lost her

power as a live periolmer, lrnclefiaking something betn'een

The filst volume made the New York Tirzes bestseller list and is

and 150 concefis per year. A ner'' CD is nearing compledon,

genelally consicleled one of the most informative and leadable

she continues to v''ork on book ancl theatre proiects. The

of the many books to have been written about Nlotou,.n and its

lecent of these in March this year saw the girl ilom the


l-rousing project stal at the Detloit Opela House in The

diffèrent singers Ltntll 7977 when The Sr-tpremes officially




seen its share of both tliumphs and

Wilso¡r's notto h¿rs rernained "Dreams clo come

Bobby Hendricks's

to receive


In eady 2002 Hendlicks


together his own vocal grolrp to

clr.e¿tn-r c¿une tr.ue



n'hen he was

His Dlifiers which


proven to be a top attraction in Las Vegas

lead tenol

The Dliftels ancl The Supremes shâre cefiain professional

hlcl moclellecl hís ol,,n gospel pop style

values. The presentation is always smaft, slick ancl disciplinecl,

Clvcle Nlcphatter., the gronp,s or.iginal lead

the harmonies close ancl tight, and, of cor-rlse, the songs are greaf'

'r Nll<¡ llucl fcîtulccl c¡r hits inc[tcling Nloney Honey, Sr-rch a

Palt of tl-re magic is of cottrse nostalgia, btlt even without that

iiglrt irncl \\'irtcha Gonna l)c¡'/ befor.e being ch.aftecl into the

element to theil appeal those pelfectly clafted ¡-rnes sottncl as


itctl to joirr'l'hc I)r'ifÌcr.s. Henclricks, at that time

rr'l'ltc Five rsch'


on thut of


goocl toclal' as r"'hen The Suplemes cLlt their fitst sides for'



Monologues She was the first female perlormer

clucel tlìat

pelform the classic hits, this tirne called Bobby HendlicÌ<s And

score hits with the success of the single, One Night \ùZith

fi'om the albur.n


what it

books, Drectntgil"l; ùIy Life As A Suþrente and Suprente Faith.

Ms '$i/ilson kept the group going with a succession of

fol the 2000

Nlillennium celebrations, and in 2001 Hendlicks was


oliginal membel of The Supremes to consistently remain



l)rif tcrs car.r.iecl or-r

witlì Jollnny Moore


'l)llrttter olt sirrglcs sr.rch ls FIyprrotized and Fools Fall in Love,

Nlotown and Tl-re Dríftels for Atlantíc. It's going to be a night to remember'

55 54


when it comes to charity ball fund Sophia is no neophyte successful Queen was chairman of the extremely

ins. She

h II

Bail Golcten Jubilee Chatity

in September



Among those who have succumbed to her wiles the Crown

Plince of Tonga whom she caioled into making a donation 'When not busy duríng a dinner at the FCC earlier this year. fund-raising, Sophia is a fitness fanatic who enjoys working out at the gym and PIaYing squash.

faciai deformities cosmetic surgery to correct

Lorraine Hahn


orraine Hahn, host of CNN International's regional chat

three years as senior producer

show, TALK ASIA, kindly volunteered her serwices as

and anchor in Hong Kong

the spokeswoman for this year's charity ba1l.


Andy Chworowslry

Television Broadcasts

Lorraine, who recently returned to CNN International after

Ltd (T\ts). From 1991 ro

one yeàr sabbatical, spent her year out working with

7992, she was the financial


ítartWolfendale and lecturing at Hong Kong University Between

news editor

1998 and 2000 Loraine anchored CNN'S BIZ ASIA, the longest

Kong's first 24-hov

running global television programme focusing on Asian

radio station,

business news. She anchored the daily half-hour programme

Broadcasting. Lolraine entered

from CNN's legional headquarters in Hong Kong.

television broadcasting as a senior repofier and anchor

In December

1999, she was named "Highly Commended



T\fB's general andfinancial news units in 1988 and then

News Presenter/Anchor" at the Asian TV Awards. Prior to

on to present the English-language, daily programme,

joining CNN International, Lorraine worked with CNBC/NBC in

Financial Report.rr She began her career in broadcasting

the Asia Pacific for three years, where she hosted the network's

radio station, Commercial Broadcasting Corporation.

llagship programme, "Business Tonight," as well as "The rü(iinners,rr


of Asia" and

"NBC Asia Evening News."

Lorraine was born


Singapore and emigr

Vancouver, Canada tn 1979. She holds a bachelor's

Lorraine was also involved in CNBC's coverage of the historic

business and English literature fi'om the University of

handover of Hong Kong in 1997



Prior to joining CNBC in March 1995, Lorraine worked for


Vancouver and speaks English, Can

Mandarin, Malay and French.


oth long-time residents of Hong Kong, both

\wolfendale hails from Manchester, and moved to Hong

Volfendale and Chworowsky were active

Kong in the 1970's where he held various civil service and

together in the local professìonal theatre scene

government posts before chucking

it all in for the offered by freelance

here during the 1980's. Thy acted together in several shows

overwhelming safety and security

rvith Actor's Rep, incltrding the very popular satirical revues

journalism. Chworowsky moved here from his

"Skitzoid" and "Basroicl, Son ol Skirzoid.', Since then, rheir

'Wisconsin in L973, and after a few years of growing up has

paths have diverged wirh rJíolfendale becoming a popular

alternately been involved

iournalist and commentator

performing or both for the last 30 years'

-- currently with a


with either


restaurants or

t has been a very

care of her eight-year'-o1d daughter, Shaday, she has

busy yeaf for

working the phones, tapping her extensive address-

Sattrrday column in the Hong Kong Stanclard. Chworowsky,

FCC Chalily Ball

contacts and gracefully persuading donors, \arge and

meanwhile, went into the restaurant busíness and is now a

occasionally (almost never

fund-raiser, Sophia

contribute to the wonderful arlay of prizes and

Managing Partner ancl founder

main bar of the F.C.C where they are known to accept

In additìon to taking

packages that make this year's Ball so special.


of Fat Angelo,s


Both Volfendale and Chworowsky can sometimes'


honest) be found around the a

small drink if sufficiently caioled into it'

57 56



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The Strand Hotel Two room nights at the deluxe suite with daily la carte breakfast at The Strand Hotel



Sam's Tailor One made-to-measure suit


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3 nights at the

LLth Jose Cuervo International Inc Pacific

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A bottle of 1800 Millenium-100o/o agave. The

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3 nights at the Amanresorts Amanjiwo inJava

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is marked and labeled by hand (collectors it

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Maya lJbud Resort & SPa


tztln Jose Cuervo International Inc Pacific 1

full set of "Treasure of Mexico"

AJ Hackett Macau Tower, The Adventure Professionals

lgth James Mistruzzt

AJ Hackett Macau Tower free mast

accommodation (10 days/9 nights - 2 bedroom condominium) at the Allamanda, Phuket, Thailand

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26ttr 13th \Øorldwide Flight Services VIP pass lor 7 year unlimited use of the Air Terminal Support Service

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transfers airport/hotel/ air p ort, three night's


round trip Swiss International Airlines tickets to Zurich


persons and four more at $400 each

6ttr Ritz Carlton Bali Resort & Spa

climb for

Mandarin Oriental, Kuala LumPur

accommodation, buffet-style breakfast 3

night's stay atMandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur in a deluxe club suite

WP pass for 1 year unlimited use of the Ai

Terminal Support Service 61


Nitz Catlton Hotel, Hong Kong 2X Complimentary one-night's accommodation at Ritz Carlton, Hong Kong in a deluxe harbour view

Intercontinental Grand Hong Kong A dining voucher for the Mistral Italian Resta

room with American set breakfast for two persons

The Portman Ritz-Caflton Shanghai One night accommodation in the deluxe Room at the The Portman Ritz-Carlton Shanghai

Macau Golf & Country Club Macan Golf & Country Club Complimentary round of golf for two

Mandarin Oriental Macau

Kowloon Shangri-La Kowloon Shangri-La Two night's complimentary accommodation with breakfast for two and a meal at the new Tapas Bar

The Westin ResortMacau One night's complimentary accommodation in a Grand Ocean View Room at the The ìØestin Resort


Novotel Apollo Singapore 3 days/2 night's accommodation

in a deluxe room with breakfast for two at the Novotel Apollo

ne niglrt compliment^ry ^ccommodation in one of the InterContinental Hong Kong's Superior Harbour View Rooms (double upancy) under 'rluxury Getaway Package", which includes complimentary access to our Ch-rb InterContinental Lounge where breakfast, afternoon r.ea and evening champagne cocktails

One night's stay in a deluxe resofi-view including buffet breakfast for ñvo

Fat Angelo's

Hotels & Resorts Shanghai


Two night's stay in a deluxe room including daily breakfast for two persons at the St Regis Hotels & Resorts



The Peninsula Hong Kong One night's complimentary accon-ìmodation in a Deluxe Room including daily American breakfast

for rwo at the Lobby

Paolo Donati One carton (12 bottles) of Red \ù{¡ine Montepulciao d'Ãbruzzi / One silver plated photo frame

Quiksilver Clottring 6


X çuiksllver Clothing gifr pack

for four

6 X Pierre Cardin lady leather hand bags

Conrad Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Jockey Club

ZXConrad Hong Kong dinner vouchers at Brasserie on the Eighth for two

One six-person dining package at Stable Terrace at the Happy Valley Racecourse

Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong Complimentary two-night weekend stay at the

for two persons in a deluxe harbour view room with buffet breakfast at café TOO and Sunday lunch at Lobster Bar and Grill

Two Macher ("Big Shot,') passes to the 4th Hong KongJewish Film Festival

The Cultural Institute of the M SAR Government X Cultural Institute of the Macao SAR Government packages includes two tickets opera "The Magic Fluterr or Concert by the Symphony Orchestra Hamburg atthe 17fhl Music Festival, 2 round trip ferry tickets (HK/Macao/Hl<) and 1 night's accommoda (double-room) in Macao 5

Koala Resources Lirnited Dinner for two to the value of HK$1,200 M at the Fringe

The Wing On Department Stores

(HK) ttd


X $500 \Øing On Depaftment Store gift certificates


City Int'l Ltd

X $100 gift certificates for Dan Ryan's Chicago Grill 3 X $100 gift certificates for Amaroni's Little Italy

Hong Kong Internatio nal Literary Festival 1

x signed copy of Yann's Life of Pi Dant- Kubiske Dominican P rize P ackage

Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong


St Regis

Dinner Buffet for two at Caîê Vienna, Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong


5 XFat Angelo's dinners vouchers

Pierre Car din/Goldpfeil

Hong KongJewish Film

Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong

InterContinental Hong Kong

Didi's Jewellery A piece of jewellery

Hong Kong Tatler Nury Vittachi Set

Tag Heuer \Øatch

of autographed books signed by Nury Vittachi

P J O'Rouke 4 X 1 complete set of signed copies of O'Rourke books

Ole Spanish Resta'urar.rt &

Gulf Air + M:andatin Oriental Hyde Park PJ

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Two business return tickets from HK to London + a two night"s stay al the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park for two nights

Voucher for dinner or lunch for two Ole Spanish

Star Cruises (HK) Ltd

Restaurant & -ùØine Bar

à 4-day/3-night Cruise in an Ocean View Stateroom with Balcony for two persons on SuperStar Leo visiting Sanya, Hainan Island and Halong Bay, Vietnam

Va Bene Restaurant Va Bene Restaurant HK$600 voucher

Cinecittà Dinner for two at Cinecitta

Fortress JNC Digital Voice Recorder


/AT CHIIUA YEARS 60 FCC THE Dr. Jimmy C.H. \øONG, Chailmarr

Mr. Henry TAN, Vice Chairman Mrs, Yoke Soon CHEONG, Vice Mr. Vincent \Ø.K. TO, Vice Chairman

Mrs. Louise D.A. MON, Vice Chairman

i*:x !:t


Mrs. Angel S.P. LAU, Vice Chaitman Ms. Pauline P.L. NGAN, Director

Mr. David C.H. HO, Director Mr. Peter Y.C. LEE, Director Mr. Man Chan IAM, Director was founded 60 The Foreign Correspondents' Club

Mr. QuincY K.Y. LUI, Director Mrs. Dorothy S.Y. PONG, Director Ms. Jacqueline

Mr. Caecage

LEUNG, Director





Chia-ng Kai-shek-con1?1t^"-q

international ungkñg, China, by a colourful group of the between rresDonclents covering the struggle history As ancl Mao Tse-tung's Communists


unfolclecl, the Club tnoved

Nanking ancl then


Commtinists prevailecl,

with the action' first to



1949' when the móved south to the British


Mr. Franklin T.F. TO, Director Club builclin g, a iazz cellar-, well-equipped Health Club,


Ir. Kwok Keung \ØONG, Director Mr. Anson

SIU, Director

Mr. Eric K.C. CHENG, Director Mr. Alan

\ØONG, Director

music. live - -The

a broad crossClub's membership is drawn from

Membership is ,".rion of the Hong Kong communiry' alarge and not limited to media onty


the club enj?ys

or.,*insAssociate,CorporateandDiplomaticCorps photographers ää;?til;. es well a' the reporters' and present record nni ru¿io and television teams who make it of those who the news, members include many of the Hong Kong -- ro"-á with the Chief Executive Special Administrative figures in the world of The calibre of the

SIu, Director

Mrs. Irene Y.Y. HUI, Director


IT-enablecl Meclia Room, wireless broadband coverage ancl Flexible function rooms. Then of course there are the bars. The Main Bar, which has iust unclergone a thorough facelift but

itsìld-world ambiance, is one of Hong Kong's most popular meeting places and is regarded by common consent as one of the great watering holes of the world. The iazz cellar, named Bert's after the clistinguished late foreign correspondent and talentecl iazz pianist Bert Okuley, is one of the

nevertheless retains

prestige on the Club prominent internation commerce, Politics or manY choose to address the the best means of reaching

both directlY and through me lce House at the Located in the original Edwardian one of the few occupies top of Ice House Streei the Club remaining colonial buildingt the social, business and


You would like

membershiP Please con org or visit ïï1"Gtt'uu*' zseS-iog2E-matl: fcc@fcchk

in" rcc *.Usite




rights activists for up to 28 years. The DGI hacl infiltrated the dissident movement. But clecayir.rg old Havana had beerr renovatecl with UN assistance as a poetic colonial city ur.rtouchecl by globalisaiion or chain junk

It no longel looked like a tropical East Berlin. Schoolchilchen played safely outdoors. Little trvin girls polished Lennon's statue daily. O).r1 com¡tañeros claltered dominoes in unsurpassecl Plaza de Armas. There were

food outlets.

nostalgic ancient cals, Arnelican and British, and

pure musical elìergy. We went to Sryan Lake anrl I mentally blessed all ballerinas. Hiring a small car, we dx¡ve 3,000 boneshaking miles, staying with local fanrilies, sampling their rum ancl crushed nrint r-nojitos, anrl seeing everything I misserl befole. Caslr.o, haltl-

line as ever, had grudgingly pelnrittetl


enterprise bed and breakfasts because the economy was collapsing, not helped by the endless U.S. embargo.

As a Cambodian, Milly benefiterl fronr ¿r state-encouraged fraternity with Vietnam, I-aos

and Cambodia. "You fought with us in the same trench against Yanqui Impelialisur!" Cubans said. Er, yes. Have you heard of the Khmer Rouge'i Nowadays, no one mentions Fidel Castro,

Stop! In the Name of Law

Clifford Chance . . . a suþreme law firm

otherwise ears prick up, and snoopers abound. They call him "the Boss" or "He" or they stroke an imaginary beard. Noq plenty is known of his love life and that he has at least nine childlen from four women. He wasn't married just to the Revolution after all. The most loved person in Cuba is Ernesto "Che" Guevara, and he is safely dead: strange, this affection, because El Che was a bigger Stalinist than is Castro.

-liom puge.39.

Itanama rvho fought to win back the famous canal, to visil with hirn. Greene later profiled Torrijos in Cetting to Knou¡ the General, quoting his simple life philosophy. "All I ttanl is a lrouse, lum and a girl."

'lolrijos liked to create an effect. At our first meeting, a tlool opened and he appeared in uniform. Behind was a rrtnrple<l lrerl rvith a Larin lovely d,éshabitté. We talked about China's Cultulal Revolution, then he eagerly asked: "What rlitl you rlo for sex in peking?', In Havana a seconcl time, I saw Cuban friends I had earlier seeurecl to desert.

Thel, two years ago, when Castro visited another Z9th Floor Jardine House One Connaught Place Central Horg Kong Tel: (852) 2825 8888 Fax: (852) 2825 8800

Amsterdarn Bangkok Barcelona Bei jing Berlin Brusseìs Budapest Dubai Diisseldorf Frankfurt Hong Kong London Los Angeles Luxembourg Madrid Milan Moscow Municlr New York Padua Palo Alto Paris Prague Rome San Diego San Francisco São Paulo Shanghai Singapore Tokyo Warsaw Washington D.C.

i F{Ë+q

ntuverick leader; Dr Mahathir Mohammad in Kuala Lumpur, I t¡trizzed the Cuban leader about such matters as his John I'ennon statue (the I was there)

Beatles were banned when

ttntil linally he put his arm round my shoulder and


"Cottte anrl see tlìe changes yoursel[!,,

I lantled in Havana on my third of these three visits u'ith nry rvife Milly, whom I had met in Cambodia, just as El Cotnntanrlanle bËgan his crackdown, jailing 75 human 1'I I}: (:oRRI],SPONDE,NT


I used to think Fidel had the best interests of Cubans at heart, but it was really just HIS interests. Many potential challengers were jailed, or- worse. He's ruled for 44 years and Cubans whisper he should make way for a market reformer so living conditions can improve. The average monthly wage is just US$15. Yet, visit Cuba before a million vengeful exiles return and turn this impoverished but still magical place into Miami South. Listen to fantastic music, drink mojitos at La Bodeguita del Medio where Hemingway had his, buy an (incredibly politically-incorrect) golliwog, dance the salsa, admire the way the girls still walk THAT walk, ignore the jineteros or spivs

ancl eat the great ice-cream at Copellia.

It was there a luscious mulatta asked this now veterân correspondenr: "Qu,e buscas, mi hijito?" ("What are you

looking for, my little son?") "Just a vanilla ice-cream," I replied. "But thanks lot for asking."


Jim Pringle is a former correspondent of

Reuters, Neusweek andTbe Tímes of London.




view' the rvices. In AnthonY's

a bit itish transPort system is in Hong Kong :tter organisecl than

might not be r opinion that PerhaPs

here' "And the hared by everybocly

th system, although in ases irr big overPoPulated



was quite aves nruch to lle clesired'

are very elsewhele' The rnedia

itit:al of Englancl, but

it isn't


l¡ad as all that'" His verdict on British broadsheet

spapers: Tlrc Titn'es - "theY do comes ve girls orr page thlee'rvhich Guarclian The a lrit of a shock"; thought"; in Plovoking uite gootl

i¡tunciul Times - "wonclerful


aturtlay"; The In'dePen'dent "although a bit cold and sterile, nevertheless does a good joh"; The Duill' TelegraPh - "although of course a Conselvative nelvspaper' rs very good on for-eign news."

taking a full part in


exhausting July I march against the Article 23 legislation, nonagenarian Anthony Lawrence, articulate as ever, spoke with his legendary wit and style about what he said was the rather solemn choice he

has confronted: whether to continue living in Hong Kong or to up sticks and return to the country of his birth.

In order to make an


choice, Anthony did what any good

journalist would do and flew to Britain for a thorough look for

in 1975 from the BBC. As ever the master of the s word, he shared his insights with

FCC luncheon audience t doubtless included a number

In Anthony's ideal world, he would have a fine house in MaYfair Square, an equally fine house in Hong l(ong, and spend six months on each place as he is "half in love with

them." An aPPealing arrangement, certainlY, but as


Anthony said, not possibÌe on his BBC pension.

So what is AnthonY's "solemn choice"? "At the moment I feel very strongly in favour of staying in Hong I(ong, People ask me wh¡ and I say it's the most convenient place on earth. And they laugh to think that I have to

society, we don't share a room with two other families, we have the best

touch rvith other. "You feel the fanrily in lhe West doesn't count in anything like the same way as it rloes in the East." For example, he



here and the best of

extraordinarily good. "Right now, when

sairl a Chinese farnily might have 25


here is

I feel


surrounded by friendly faces, I think I'd be mad to go back to England.

"Let me say at once: the there are uglier than here, company excepted, of co

"You begin to look on the family as an exllaoÌdinarily strong element

course England might look a bit more

in society here.

And Anthony's advice to British expatriates who do decide to head home? "Don't talk about the Far East, because there is a strong current of feeling and thought in England which dislikes that Place

attractive. "

of course if you lleconre an honorary membel of a

fanrily it's a very heartening and

notebook brimming with comparisons

negative about Britairr, espec

good Chinese friencls.


But catch me on a SaturdaY night, rvhen nobody rings uP, and I am suffering from indigestion, then of


England, returning with a mental



courageously battling cancer

for several years. Her


friends remember her for her

joy of life, her


warmth and gentle caring, and

her love for all creatures big and small.




peacefully at his home in Hong

He said that thought London, THE CORRESPoNDENT AUGUST,/SEPTEMBER

Maurice Meltzer and Patricia

Miller of New York, John had lived and worked in Hong I(ong for the past 14 years.

He leaves behind

brother, Richard,


about its transport

2, 2003

was 68. Son of the late Dr



away on July

"But it is convenient. It doesn't take up rnuch space, PeoPle ar-e polite and helpful. Of course we belong to a very sPecial sector of


the pros and cons of remaining

Anthony observed before moving to weightier lifestyle considerati

member of the FCC, Passed

When it carne to the sense

individuals "rrot necessarily Iiking each other- all that much but sticking together because if you tlon't hang together you're in trouble

people who themselves are wei


Anita Mundi

I(ong on June 20, 2003. He

pleasing thing to experience,', addecl Anthony rvho has made many very

between his native land ancl Hong

and quite depressing."

to find a convenient Place to live.

One of his key conclusions that media reports have been

himself. He spent about six weeks in

a wonderful place. "You are sorely tempted." But clearly not everyone finds the capital wonderful. "The loneliness of people in Lonclon is really something quite extraordinary,

ln Memor¡am

come 6,000 miles away from England

the tendency of Western families to fragntent, rvith close relatives losing Kong, which has been his long-t base before and after his reti


galleries, restaurants and parks, was

On the British tabloids, AnthonY kept his thoughts to himself. community, Anthony lvas struck by

resh and fit just two days after

with its multitude of



daughters, Sarah and Caroline,

all living in Los Angeles, and

his former wife, Jennifer Stacey Meltzer residing

in the

UK. John, a l(orean War veteïan, will also be sadlY missed by his companion Jasmin Santiago and fondlY remembered bY his friends and





known as 'abroad'."

69 2OO3

e Ke


on display at the Macau Wine Museum can lead to one making an exhibition of oneself. an appealing

go through would after tasting 50 wines for 15 Patacas.


don't know many FCC regulars who wouldn't

punish into bankruptcy anyone who made that kincl of offer, so I fronted up. After passing a SARS scan, I walked down a flight of steps in the modem Tourism Activities Centre on Rua Gomez, wher-e I found the ticket office. Here I learned the sobering truth' "Yes, there are over 50 wines for tasting, hut only six are available each day. No, the 15 pataca ticket doesn't buy the storâ‚Źroom, it is only good for one drink'" Still, 15 patacas is a pretty goocl price for a glass of decent Maderia, so I bought six tickets and ventured in' After passing through an airport-screening device, which presumably deters visitors from borrowing the B0year-old ports from the salesroom, I was in the museum' The first exhibit was a long wooden oxcart loaded with an enormous wicker basket full of plastic grapes' Where

the ox should have been, stood a thin wooden stake, which precariously propped up this hearry vehicle and its burden of plastic grapes. A discreet sign on the

- The Macau Museum


Tourist Office's pamphlet promoting its offers an increclible enticement. Aclmission with winetasting costs 15 Macau patacas, and "of the new wines, about 50 -

of them are available for tasting." The pamphlet fufiher THE coRRESpoN DENT AUGUs.r/sEpTEMBER 200s

flatbed prohibited sitting, squatting or leaning on the cart' As interesting as that was, it wasn't what I'd come for' The wine tasting dispensary was a small table near the enlrance wine' red overseen by a helpful sommelier' "We have white 71

wine, white ¡rort, red port, brandv and Madeira, " she explainerl. "Where r's youl ticket and what do you want?" "Madeila, thank you," I said, "I'm going fol alcohol content." 'Ihus armecl, I wall<ed into the museum'.s lirst gallerl., which is r-lecolated in the style of a Pot-tugrrese taverra with lo¡g wooden tables and benches and cast iron candelabras. Along the wails are exhibits of all the tvine proclucing regions of portugal. For- each legiort there is a rnap, a descrìption 6f the gr.apes grou'l thele. a l-ack ol botties of the'lvines prcducecl there ãrr.J a rr-rul" and female malrnequin dlessecl irr the region,s



"ign. Tlre lorrgrorrf,. ulrose r¡rerr¡l,er.s r\er.e llr,.olrlv eyc\vilner 'iiì.'"ipiu,ru,iou

to the evenr, seenrecl tt,


stqrerratural intervention ancl_l,e oxcart f*ím"". i,.'t *'as builcling, most tro,Lrling, ilre so'.''relie. itl:/ï awat fìorn lrer. rlulies.

l-aditiolral costurnes' Tl-re mainiancl tour bus set had colonisecl the tables happily

sipping their l 5 patacas t'r'orth of whater er-, so I gravitated tou,ar-cl thl Dao r-egion exhibil because its mannequirrs had the coolest costumes. The guy wore a fullJtodv suit of stran, from hat to

It rvor*ecl.

Orcler was restor.erl. .fhe tour g¡oup leli. I bought ¿rnothel ticket ancl allor,vecl irnagination to go through a,roth".",=.

somrlelier. r.etuntecl.

shoes. Afier a couple of glasses, I tried to engage I'rim r'rr a duet ,'If I Only' Had A Brain," but I couldn't. Eveniually I hacl to


sing it alone' The exhibit is very iilbrmative. I learnecl that the Dao regign of north central Portugai produces Bastar-do Tinta grapes arrd it has þeen rnaking rvine out of those little bastarcls since the Bth centulf,. I also leamecl that grapiers rvorry about things callecl pecluncles ancl pedials an<J bunch shape ancl a grape's phl-sical charactenstrcs' Pecluncies come iu shol1, ar-erage ancl long. Peclials can þe short or long with loose ol clinging fruit. Intliguingly-, the bur1ch

shape of the Alvarinho White is small ancl allèr'ous, hanging

clouble and fairly corìrpact. But the pathetic


Regue¡gos Vicligueira grape is ve¡'small, r'ellowish-gleen with a soft colourless PulP' Beyoncl the general wine exhibit t'oom, there u,as a small T\¡ lounge showing vicleos of sunbathers and goHels on the Algarve 'r,vine-cellar--mLrsty srleÌI. and a faux wine cellar vr'ith an authentic

Here, the museum clispial's lhe valious r'mplements usecl

viniculture from copper- serpeniine fennentation ta¡ks,


jars, to wooden glape-stomping vats wooclen barrels, to eartheu fuil of plastic grapes, to a conrplete set ofvine ciippers ancÌ long hoes callecl'lnattocks'" Yon c¿ur get though that part prettl, quick and go back to the of really expensirre dusty ltotties of ancient n-lLrseum's crollection This clisplal., ivhich irrciucles a Macleira bottlecl in the



W'aterloo, is protected bv inclustúal-strength chains and nadlocks that HoucUni rrright have balked at. But hele they are, all rluslv. mutlv and lolall¡ inaccessilrle. Finishing mv touÌ; that is to sa1', I was just finishing rnr sixth out Past a photo exhibit ol rnodern slass of Mcdeila. ¿nd rvalking


Þo,t.,gu"r" rviue production, including


Coca-Cola stvle


hearrl a loud but distinctive thud. It fun"Jr; u'icker basket fuil of plastic grapes enormous an be orh' could oxcart. Then I hearrl the lapid wooden fallen a off crashing

bottling plant,

stomping of 12 leather--soled booLs that couid only be six security secure the plastic Srapes' followecl by a cl'rorus suar-cls rushing to C¿ntonese svllables suggesting naternal farniliar five ,]rnr" ãf irrcest.

A bri:aklàst rvine tour g-roup hacl apparentJi' violatecl the NoSitting-On-Tire-Oxcatt rule with pretÌictal.rle consequences ancl the er1suing chaos consutrecÌ the pleviouslv placid museurr. f]1e guarrls were shouting ancl shoving arrcl pointing at the No Sitting





Drclul)ing Blood':

of Septembet 23' 1972' "On the rnorning of the fateful day into effect Proclamation President Ferdinand Marcos put martial law' His first order was the


which imposed


of all media facilities in the Philippines'


freedom was clead," Aroyo recounted'

press This vacuum gave birth to the underground lchtus' and Times the including Sigrts of the Times, Sick of clistributed These were mimeographed sheets that were awaited' clandestinely. They were crudely printed but eagerly

very Circulation rvas limited and circulating them was dangerous. We Despite the danger, Joe Burgos nevertheless pnnteรฐ' forurn openly, reporting the news as it happened' The goveurment cracked down hard when the paper

disclosetl the phoniness of President Marcos's claim to fame as


be-medallecl leader

of the guerrilla army against the

his staff were arrested' Tipped off by Joe's wife, Edith, Rene Saguisag, Jojo Binay and Joker Aroyo rushed to the office where they found the army in occupatron

Japanese. Joe Burgos and

and engagerl in confiscating all the issues of We Forum for Itanspoltation to police headquarters at Camp Crame' The h'io tlernanded a search warrant and a receipt' A Col' Abadilla agleed and then started the laborious task of copying some one-and-a-half metres of text until the Colonel caught

onto this time-wasting exercise round about midnight' Realising that it would take the best part of a week to finish the task, he olclered everyone out and a{ter stumbling around in the dalk for a while, the group went out into the corridor rvhere they found troops awaiting them, ri{les cocked. THE CORRTSPONDENT AUGUST/SEPTEMBER


now is its own reward'

health and is living on

good "Joe Burgos is reportedly in ka' Joe'" Mabuhay his farm in Bulucan'


.i a



Heritage üL qi






r\n initial cornmunity of wealthy Sepìrardic (h.aqi) Jeu.ish with British passports, inclucling families such








tlrc Ilar.rlools, I(acloories and Sassoons, landed

in Shanghai

tr) tìì¿rke ur.incr-ease

fortrures after the Opium Wals. lìussian .f''us lleeing firsi pogloms and then communism

and rater,

l'.rrro¡rcan Jervs escaping the Holocaust, Sharrghai, rr4rich clid not r.equire

followed them. arrivals to procluce a

¡rirss¡xrrt, irecarne .1,,u




The foilowing Saturday afternoon, Bar_Gal led

macle the visit ajl the more poignant. The tour, which Bar_Gal conducts reguiarly in




êifiEEÉ: 3&4/F,, China Merchants

cooperation with the Shanghai Jervish Communily, took in a memorial park, sites of various resiclences and ofTices and the ohel Moshe Synagogue. It concruded at the ìrome

of Mr. Wang, an octogenarian who wolks at the synagogue as a living historical riesource. He bought his home, ¡riltJ,,, Jewish refugees

168-200 Connaught Road


rnernbers on a tour of the Designatecl Area. The imminent disappearance of the neighbourhootl


ËiËT#iË+ frf t, l!-da r,---


home to tens of thousancls of dispossessed

ish lefirgees.




1946 and has livecl there since. But norv

he has to move. His I'rome will be clemolishecl sometime in the

next year.

Enquiry Hotline: 2922'$ü

More information on the Shanghai FCC and its ¡rrogr.arnnres available on its rvebsite <http://wrvw.fccsh.or.g).




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tlliÉ lltlrlj

olitftlfìlTlli.rf,rlx 7 lttt: i5j2 dr2 tic.c¡



Pool: Chi Triumphs Again ORGANIC SEX


- It's tough being a sex gum'



does have its



dreams' drew me into a dark corner who's been the subject of many mámbers'ìortured this dynamic young couple have two and consulted me a short *hil" ugo' It seems progeny' avocado trees that have not yet produced u) same sex avocados or b) just not her ptu*'

Karin wondered


*"t" "iù"'

attracted to each other. My usual solution for this lack

crotchless Panties, etc., somehow Derrick, the world famous agricultu totally organic farm complex and knows

s call

fumbling The onty

responsibilities ofgrandparenthood'

uP to the

and I hav appli


the record books MICHÀDI SCHUMACHER UPSTÀGED - Whatever

red as God

wilt sa¡


far as the



around the course in deadly competition Formula One driver in the world was flashing ;""u*" of t""oidary importance' when it was announced with his upstart "h.11"";;t sexy was going on downstairs' that someihing exceptionally down to-where a cabaret was The bar emptied quickly u"á -"tb"t' stampeded ofjubilant arousal' being staged to u fi."dlup audience in a state accompanist,- Svetlana' had her and Hughes Erotic entertain", Ciri*,u "o-"ly the fact that Christa, holds impeccable starred their act. p"rr""Jhì don'i think that Richard Hughes -- probably the most credentials u, tt g.urrJ-i;ghter of rhe late


famousmemberoftheFCCinitslonghistory--hadmuchtodowithherappeal. angel'

she like a nymphomaniac christa,s act is difficult to describe. She dances a here' a nudge ing - ¡u'",p"I' t-t-1"d+s' erotic innuendo' sings just uborrt Shirley a "u"ryth open throated bellow of wink there, the sofï *f,-irp"ri"s É""fla Kitt, the who yeam for pop standards and those and Bassey: It's all there t*î" ,nrr"ri" Iover; Golden Oldies. sliding' slithering dance of¿ snake woman'

For the regulars there was the sinuous,

thesortofperformerthatwouldsendaman-snakeshakilyreachingforhisviagra TJNISEX-AGREATHIT-Therehasn,tbeensuchexcitementintheFCCsincethe

Vietnam.WarveteransreturnedtotheMainBartodefendtheirtitlesinthe drinking divisions' heavl.weight, middleweight and welterweight

renovations' quickly gained The concept of unisex toilets, forced upon us úy both sexes pee together Paris' suppod. After all, ot u"-Olot"", trains and all over without widespread gang-rape breaking out' one or two prurient AII in all, most meíbËrs behaveã vell enough' althoush other than purposes for bylot'ples obsewers reported .igh;g'-"f gleeful tt'ug" micturition or defecation-

Ted Thomas



corpcom@email'hk'net Fax 2866 678I

Top: Feng Chi-shun (left) successfully defended his FCC Pool Champion title by prevailing in 2003

the new lange of FCC goodies on sale at the main office Computer bag BIue ball pen

Club barflies will be relieved to learn that sees one. Regular Foreii,t ð"o"'po"aents' union will soon be blessed with issue. Karin,s avocados ur" h"áror"*rri and that their distance if have The proble


Gheck out tournament


August. Chi won the



competition defeating Anthony Wong. Mark Lepine took the B Grade title by overcoming Andrew Moore. Chi received his prize from pool Convenor,


Rocky Lane. Right: Mark Lepine Chi, Rock¡


Anthony Wong and Andrew Moore.

1'50 68'00 Silver bali pen with box 78'00 110'00 Document case 40'00 Cup 35'00 greeting FCC Card with 35'oo FCC Card blank 5'00 Disposable lighter 280'00 Fleece smock 30'00 Keyholder & ring 30'00 Plated keyholder

Plastic ball Pen Silver ball pen


150'00 lighter 60'00 Luggage tag 65'00 Namecard holder 75'00 FCC pin f0'00 notebook Reporter's 140'00 shirt Polo 115'00 Stonewashed shirt 110'00 shorts Stonewashed f 10'00 T-shirt 80'00 FCC tie (B&R) 100'00 Umbrella (folding) 200'00 Umbrella (golf) New Umbrella (regular) 68'00 165'00 New Umbrella (golf) Wallet - gold Printed 125'00 Wallet - hot stamPed 125'00 195'00 New windbreaker 250'00 Windbreaker 280'00 Pierre Quioc Stole 195'00 Scarf Pierre Quioc 310'00 NTSC FCC Video 280'00 FCC Video - PAL SOO'OO FCC lithograPh 3'00 FCC postcard I3'50 I Love HK Postcard 250'00 I Love HK Poster

Gold Zippo



Commissioner of Police Tsang Yum Pui

Chrßtire Inh of Cíuic Exchange anr| Board Member Steue Ushiyama at a Club lurch d,isctusion on Article 23.

Kong and Cuangtlong Commen and, Inft: Peter Cheung Tsan-yín and RighL: SruTon



Dn Heymann of thn WHO spoke about SARS. Top right: Marh Clffird, (lef.) and Dr. Heymann^ [nft: At the press conference.


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Jonathan Sharp talks to-...-

Arth u r From corporate scandals to political instability, companies today confront an everincreasing array of business, economic, political and security concerns that directly impact their operations and profitability. Photograph by Joan Boivin

lnternational Risk assists clients mitigate these risks with critical information and timely solutions. Whether the task is to determine the reputation and suitability of a business partner, untangle a complex fraud scheme or contain a crisis, lnternational Risk's mission is to provide clients with insight for informed decision-making'

he of the much-impersonated voice and an endless stream of anecdotes, many starting with the words

Arthur Hacker





in GIS..."-

spor-ting activitY at school in

has, by his standards anyway' been a relative stranger to the


There were PlentY of villains as well, including

Main Bar recently. But this may be about to change' A

"Two-Gun" Cohen, a London East End thug with a flair for languages who became Sun

Huppy Event is at hand. Afihur's book is nearing the end o[ a lwo-year geslation

Yat-sen's bodYguard,

and may enter the world and

its bookstores by Christmas, freeing him up to resume his perch on his lavourjle

only European member of the

Tsing Chung-Hui triad gang ("Two-Gun" Cohen figures in


With the current working

a previous Hacker book, along with FCC member Marvin Farkas who was

title of China lllustrated, the book is Arthur's ninth, the

first for an

international publisher and, Arthur saYs,

arrested by Hong Kong Police

while filming Cohen). There are many more off-

his best.

With a text (written




by this writer) built around


Arthur and edited


selection of Arthur's enormous collection of photographs and images of China, the coffee-table book

spans China's cataclYsmic history from the Opium wars era up to about the JaPanese attack on Pearl Harbor.




characlers described



Arthttr Hacker in his librarY surrounded by pictures from his collectiott' A model of LaP SaP Chutg c&n be seen' on the bookshelf behin'd h'im'

"What I've tried to do is give a simple but not simplistic history during that period, so that people can understand because it's terribly complicated." But it differs from a standard history book on China by

because other-wise they would go mad." So, for example, there was Sir Robert Hart, who ran an excellent customs service for the Chinese, but who promoted



book lhat also carries chapters on the era's espionage skullduggerY, advertising techniques and westernized Chinese. And, because it is Arthur's book, there are plenty of exquisite

cartoons drawn by European observers of the Chinese social scene. "I've put quite a few cartoons in because I'm a cartoonist." While Arthur is happy with his latest literary offspring, he is less than enthused about the fate of an earlier creation of his, namely the lap Sap Chung anti-Iittering cartoon figure

that he devised while at GIS



made a general in the Chinese army and is believed to be the


1972 and has now been

resurrected by the Hong Kong government as part of the latest clean-up campaign. But to get that story, you'll have to talk to Arthur himself' It could well that he will start off by saying: "When I was in

lnternational Risk, formerly the investigations arm of a Big Four accounting firm, has a proven track record and reþutation for integrity, independence and insight. Led by Steve Vickers and a team of seasoned professior als with extensive high-level investigative, secur¡ty and corporate risk experience, lnternational Risk is a global business.

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Steve Vickerc President & CEO lnternational Risk Ltd Tel: (852) 3120 8688 Email :

lnternational Risk Ltd Tel: (852) 3120 8618 Email : grace.ti












The Foreign Corresponclents' Club, Hong Kong for The Po Leung Kuk Second Annual Charity Ball To donate to the Po Leung Kuk for establishing the Foreign Correspondents'Club Scholarship Fund for wofthy studenb from the Po Leung Kuk

PI.ATINUM SPONSORS Flex Box Ltd JP Morgan Global Sage Ltd Clifford Chance Kooll lnternational Group Mercedes-Benz China Ltd PCCW The PrudentialAssurance Co Ltd Worldwide Fl ight Services Pierre Cardin/Goldfeil Hong Kong Prime Printing Co Ltd Cinevision Top Choice Productions Ltd Telford lnternational Go Ltd Orijen Marketing and Design Company Macau Jockey Glub Vita Green Health Products Co Ltd Philip George Hair Salon Hong Kong Tatler Spring-Time Stage Productions Ltd Mr Guillermo Diaz-Sevilla, President of Real Madrid Fan Club, Hong Kong GOLD SPONSORS Kevin B Egan

Dave & Celia Garcia

Crown Worldwide Holdings Horwath Hong Kong CPA Limited Watson Wyatt ICS Trust (Asia) Ltd The Pin Point Co Ltd

Goldman Sachs (Asia) Lan Kwai Fong Holdings Ltd

AJ Hackett Macau Tower Jose Cuervo lnt'l lnc - Asia Pacific Air-lndia

Didi's Jewellery Hong Kong Convention Centre Skip Moy Production

Elite Concepts Fat Angelo's

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Gulf Air


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Conrad Hong Kong Consulate General of lndia Dan Kubiske David Giglio DC Bull Dr & Mrs Feng Chi-Shun Fortress Frank Ching Furama Resort Danang Gokal

Marshall Spa

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Jazzgriot Ltd Select Service Partner Bob Youill Langham Hotel Hong Kong

AsiaPix Printing Services SWISS Air Quiksilver Clothing The Sukhothai Bangkok Chiva-Som lnt'l Health resort, Hua Hin Café Deco Hong Kong

sPoNsoRs Holiday lnn Golden Mile Hong Kong Hong Kong lnternational Literary Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival lntercontinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong lnterContinental Hong Kong James Mislruzzi John Bleach John Massie Jose Coulinho Koala resources Limited Kowloon Shangri-La Macau Golf & Country Club Mandarin Orienlal Hyde Park Ltd Mandarln Oriental Macau Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur Maya Ubud Resort & Spa Newsweek Novotel Apollo Singapore Nury Villachi Ole Spanish Resteurant & Wine Bar P J O'Rourke Paolo Donati Park Hyall, Sydney


Pernod Ricard Hong Kong Peter Leyshan Picture This Red Earth Rita Santos Ritz Carlton Holel, Hong Kong Sam's Tailor Sara French SRS-WORLDHOTELS St Regis Hotels & Resorts - Shanghai Star Cruises (HK) Ltd The Cultural lnslitute of the Macao SAR Government The Hong Kong Jockey Club The Peninsula Hong Kong The Portman RiÞ-Carlton Shanghai The Slrand Hotel The Weslin resort Macau The Wing On Dêperlment Stores (HK) Va Bene Restaurant Wall Street Joumal Windy City lnt'l Ltd Yee Lam Godown & Storage Ltd

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