The Correspondent, January - March 2021

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T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E F O R E I G N C O R R E S P O N D E N T S ’ C L U B





The Next Generation

What do changing rules mean for Hong Kong’s journalism students?

RTHK: Could the public broadcaster lose its independence? pg. 18

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How to make Twitter work for you amid information overload, pg. 22

Asia’s press clubs flex new muscles during Covid-19, pg. 26

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2021 HRPA Now Open The 25th Human Rights Press Awards (HRPA) are open for entry until 1 February 2021.

For further information, please visit:




Run by the FCC, Amnesty International Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Journalists Association, the HRPA strives to increase respect for people’s basic rights and to focus attentions on threats to those freedoms.

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We ask three students at the University of Hong Kong about their observations, concerns and plans for the future.

Cover Photo: Anthony Kwan



Editor’s Letter


From the President


Club News A sneak peek of the new FCC website, club finance updates, and a chat with Admin Manager Joanne Chung.


Wine & Dine Dig into Chinese New Year dishes, a romantic Valentine’s Day menu, a Finnish feast and the FCC’s house wines.


Member Insights Jarrod Watt, SCMP’s specialist digital production editor, explains why podcasting has become so popular.





On the Wall From Hong Kong in the 1970s to life during lockdown, four photo projects reveal different sides of humanity.


Member Movements Who’s joined, relocated or resigned? FCC members have been busy.


New Members Get to know our latest cohort of FCC members.


Expanding the FCC Community How do we vet applicants? The Membership Committee’s Kristine Servando takes us behind the scenes.


Obituaries We pay our respects to FCC members Deborah Price and Thomas D Gorman.


RTHK on Edge After a Year of Growing Pressure RTHK has come under increasing government scrutiny. Can the public broadcaster retain its independence?

Book Review In his new book, The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in China’ is Going out of Style, FCC Member Johan Nylander unpacks one of the most pressing issues of the day.





Why Journalists Can’t Quit Twitter Reliant on Twitter for breaking news and announcements, some reporters can’t avoid the platform – even if they want to. Asia’s Press Clubs Adapt to Covid-19 We check on press clubs and journalists’ associations around the region to learn how they’ve pivoted during the pandemic.


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Speakers The New Yorker’s Jiayang Fan talks Chinese nationalism, trolls, immigration, identity, disinformation and dissent.

Last Laugh As he learns to cook during the pandemic, David Cain chips a tooth on 1970s family food traditions.



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The Foreign Correspondents’ Club 2 Lower Albert Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2521 1511 Fax: (852) 2868 4092 Email: Website:


EDITOR’S LETTER Dear FCC Members, Happy New Year! As 2020 slowly fades into the rearview, I am looking forward to a fresh start, full of new opportunities and possibilities. Many of last year’s challenges remain, but we will continue to adapt every day and come out stronger as a community. We tap into the energy and potential of the new year in our cover story on Hong Kong student journalists. On page 14, we invite three students from The University of Hong Kong’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre to discuss their aspirations, concerns, and the rapidly changing media atmosphere in Hong Kong. Next, we turn our focus to RTHK (pg. 20), where mounting government pressure has led to a series of controversial developments, from axed programmes to the arrest of freelance producer Bao Choy Yuk-ling. We ask what it means for the city’s sole public broadcaster, as well as for press freedom and the public. And with US President Trump due to leave office on 20 January, we wonder: Is it finally time to log off Twitter? Some FCC members say the platform still provides journalistic value; others see only a tangle of disinformation and hysteria (pg. 22). Curious about our fellow press clubs, we check in with associations across Asia-Pacific to see how they’re coping with Covid-19 (pg. 26). They’ve been agile and innovative, just like our own FCC, developing a host of new online capabilities, strategic partnerships, and initiatives to support staff and members during this challenging time. We’ve also had a bit of fun, starting with a toast to the holidays and a sneak peek at the FCC’s new website (pg. 4), followed by interviews with the club’s administrator extraordinaire Joanne Chung (pg. 7); the leaders of the FCC Wine Tasting Group (pg. 8); and SCMP’s podcast guru Jarrod Watt (pg. 12). Before signing off, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to President Jodi Schneider, who has offered so much support and encouragement as I find my stride as the editor of The Correspondent. She will be deeply missed as a leader, journalist and friend. Please reach out should you have any feedback or questions. Take care, Kate Springer Get in touch:

The Board of Governors 2020-2021 President Jodi Schneider First Vice President Eric Wishart Second Vice President Tim Huxley Correspondent Member Governors Katie Forster, Jennifer Hughes, Tripti Lahiri, Shibani Mahtani, Keith Richburg, Kristine Servando, Kristie Lu Stout, Dan Strumpf Journalist Member Governors Clifford Buddle, Adam White Associate Member Governors Genavieve Alexander, Andy Chworowsky, Liu Kin-ming, Christopher Slaughter Club Treasurer Tim Huxley Club Secretary Jennifer Hughes Professional Committee Conveners: Eric Wishart, Keith Richburg Finance Committee Conveners: Tim Huxley (Treasurer), Jennifer Hughes Constitutional Committee Conveners: Liu Kin-ming, Keith Richburg Membership Committee Conveners: Jennifer Hughes, Clifford Buddle, Kristine Servando, Katie Forster House/Food and Beverage Committee Conveners: Adam White, Andy Chworowsky, Genavieve Alexander Building - Project and Maintenance Committee Conveners: Christopher Slaughter, Liu Kin-ming Press Freedom Committee Conveners: Eric Wishart, Dan Strumpf, Tripti Lahiri, Shibani Mahtani Communications Committee Conveners: Genavieve Alexander, Kristine Servando Wall Committee Conveners: Adam White, Shibani Mahtani, Christopher Slaughter, Kristie Lu Stout General Manager Didier Saugy Editor, The Correspondent Kate Springer, Springer Creative Email:; Publisher: Artmazing! Tel: 9128 8949 Email: Printing Elite Printing, Tel: 2558 0119 Advertising Contact FCC Front Office: Tel: 2521 1511 The Correspondent ©2021 The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong The Correspondent is published four times a year. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the club.



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FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear FCC members: By the time you read this in January, I will have moved to New York for a new role in the US with Bloomberg. This has been bittersweet for me. It is difficult to leave Hong Kong and especially the FCC, even though I am excited and energised about the next chapter in my journalism career. I have loved being your president and one of the hardest parts of moving has been leaving that role. I am grateful to have been able to say goodbye to so many of you – thank you for the nice notes, cards, drinks and well wishes. I will remember how so many of you helped me in ways large and small as president. It truly is a team effort. Yet I know the FCC will be in excellent hands. I have had the good fortune to work with back-to-back boards who are dedicated, strategic and, most importantly, care deeply about our club. I know they will make wise decisions about the club’s leadership in coming months, and I am hopeful that we will have strong candidates for the Board of Governors this spring. As a club, we have lived through some tough times recently. Two weeks after I started my first term as president in May 2019, the protests kicked off, followed by months of unrest. When things began calming down early in 2020, we were then hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, which impacted the club’s operations, especially events. Since the summer, we have been grappling with the national security law – especially what it means for the club’s core mission of upholding press freedom. Yet we have not only survived, we have also found new ways to serve our members and come together. During the protests, we became a safe haven for members and visiting journalists, as well as a forum for debate and discussion via our events and breakfast briefings, to which we invited the community. Adapting to pandemic restrictions, we introduced our Zoom series which has been a great success when it comes to boosting our social media presence and engaging big-name global speakers. What a guest list: Noam Chomsky, Michael Palin, Garry Kasparov, Maria Ressa, Jiayang Fan, Joseph Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sachs, John Bolton, Admiral William Owens, Chris Patten, Suzanne Nossel, Alan Rusbridger, Rana Mitter and more. Throughout the year, we kept the club open, retained our 100-person staff, and provided the same level of service you have come to expect, even with the restrictions and disruption caused by the virus. We also have remained true to our advocacy for press freedom in Hong Kong and the region. With the changes wrought by the new law, the Press Freedom Committee has issued letters and statements concerning the ability of the media to do its job, while the FCC continues to reach out to government officials – an open dialogue is critical. This is our core mission as Asia’s premier press club, and I have been proud to stand up for press freedom here, even when it has not been easy or popular to do so.

The FCC, and those of us who support it as members, stand for something more than just a social club.

So as I close, I would once again ask you to be active in the FCC. Volunteer for committees, introduce new members, suggest speakers, engage with the board. I encourage members to start thinking about running for next year’s board – elections will be here before you know it. Our club is more than our beloved heritage building, more than the Main Bar, more than the events we host and the discussions we share. The FCC, and those of us who support it as members, stand for something more than just a social club.


It has been one of the highlights of my professional life to be president of the FCC and I thank you for that privilege. I will be cheering on the world’s best press club from New York. Jodi Schneider Hong Kong December 2020


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FESTIVE MOMENTS We dialed down our holiday celebrations to comply with Covid-19 restrictions this year. But we still had a chance to share this magical time of year with our members. Here’s to a healthy, happy 2021!



1 The Dining Room sparkled with garlands, ornaments and holiday touches galore. 2 Our grand Christmas tree set a festive mood from the moment guests walked through the door. 3 We filled every corner with festive surprises.



4 At the annual Christmas Bazaar, members shopped for wine, gourmet treats, and FCC merchandise. 5 The bazaar also featured plush toys and games. 6 Santa greeted members in the lobby for socially distanced photo ops. 7 We debuted a new tradition: New Year’s Day Brunch. 8 Members toasted to a new year full of possibilities. May 2021 bring you joy, health and happiness.





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WEBSITE SNEAK PEEK The FCC’s new website will be launching in the coming months. Here’s what you can look forward to: l New Services With a new member’s corner, you can log in, manage your account, sign up for events, book tables, and more. l Intuitive Design A clean, modern and responsive new design that’s compatible with mobile. l Enhanced Security We’ve heightened security to keep your personal information safe and sound. l Better Performance Faster loading speeds provide a more enjoyable user experience.

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BY THE NUMBERS Last year proved challenging for any business relying on food and beverage revenue, and the FCC is no exception. Club Treasurer Tim Huxley reviews the balance sheet.

Banquet Revenues Plummet 8M 7M 6M HK$

5M 4M 3M 2M 1M 0




2020/21 (Apr-Dec)

to staff retention, and other government incentives have enabled us to continue offering the quality of service members expect. Despite the many obstacles in 2020, we have continuously fulfilled the obligations under our lease, which include meeting our rent obligations of HK$610,000 per month and preserving our listed building through careful refurbishments and ongoing maintenance. So far, we have not dipped into our reserves – this is vital, as we need to show a strong balance sheet for when our lease comes up for renewal in January 2023. If you would like to support the FCC during this challenging period, we encourage you to enjoy meals and drinks at the club, book events and banquets when possible, and refer friends and colleagues to apply for membership. Looking ahead to 2021, we are in a steady position and remain optimistic about a more prosperous year for the club.


“How do the numbers look?” members often ask me at the bar. That’s hardly surprising, considering the many operating restrictions on bars and restaurants, including the FCC, over the past year. But thanks to the support of members and staff, we have so far weathered the storm. As of the end of November 2020, we recorded a deficit of HK$472,000 for the first eight months of the 2020/21 financial year. If the current restrictions ease early in the new year, we are hopeful we can get back in the black before the end of the financial year in March 2021. The loss of banqueting revenue in 2020 hit us hard; however, by maximising revenue in other areas of the club, we managed to navigate troubled waters relatively well. For instance, joining fees are another primary revenue source, and we welcomed a steady flow of new faces last year. Hopefully, the recently announced Member Referral Programme (which awards members HK$1,000 in F&B credits when they refer a successful applicant) will prove popular and further buoy revenues. Throughout the pandemic, our staff’s job security and our members’ experience have remained top priorities. The government’s Employment Support Scheme, which provided a six-month subsidy to companies committed

Above: Member Matthew Marsh checks his temperature upon arrival; Right: Members enjoy lunch amid dine-in restrictions.



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Meet Joanne Chung, FCC Membership and Admin Manager Having worked at the FCC for roughly 13 years, Joanne Chung keeps the club’s engines running as the Membership and Administration Manager, as well as the Board Executive Secretary.

How did you land your role at the FCC? Joanne Chung: I studied hospitality then trained in hotels in several positions, from front-of-house staff to restaurant operations. I’ve always liked to interact with customers – the 9-to-5 office life never interested me. I came across the FCC while job-searching: the club was hiring a customer representative in their membership department. I applied and got the job. That was back in 2007 – time flies!

How have your responsibilities evolved? JC: I gradually stepped up to handle more admin work and membership requests, as well as government liaison when it comes to things like licensing reviews or lease renewals. I’ve also gotten involved with committee meetings; for instance, I sit on the Communications Committee and recently started helping with the website relaunch. We’re continually developing new projects – I am grateful for that, because no two days are the same. How has the club changed over time? JC: Of course, we have modernised the kitchens, updated the gym and renovated the bar, but the fantastic atmosphere hasn’t changed. In terms of membership, the club has increased efforts to diversify. We’ve been encouraging younger journalists and women to join and cover prominent committee positions. You often deal with ad hoc member requests. How do you navigate that? JC: We perform different roles, depending on the day. Sometimes I am an administrator, a manager, coordinator, host, first-aider, tourism ambassador, cashier, salesperson, or mediator – I find it very enjoyable to interact with our members. It is like one big family – sometimes I feel like the mum when handling member and staff enquiries. And what about complaints? JC: I try to listen, be empathetic, and understand the varying points of view. I completed a course in mediation


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What did you enjoy most about working at the FCC? JC: A customer representative takes care of all frontof-the-house services as well as member enquiries. I loved that job, particularly because I got to meet a lot of international people for the first time and build relationships with members day in, day out. I’ve always loved how warm and welcoming the FCC is. From the members to the rest of the staff, everyone is friendly, caring and engaged. It’s a great work environment with so much support from my team.

at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University a while back, which has been useful for my work at the FCC. The class helped me deal with different situations and review each objectively. How do you like to spend your time off? JC: Well, I have an 18-month-old son, so I love to spend time with him. I also like to do yoga, catch a movie and go hiking. Dragon’s Back is a favourite, but I also love more remote hikes like Thousand Islands Lake near Tuen Mun and Por Lo Shan, aka Pineapple Mountain, in the western New Territories. And Ha Pak Nai in Yuen Long is perfect for sunset!



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This February, we are excited to ring in the Year of the Ox with nearly two weeks of special Chinese dishes for dine-in and takeaway.

POON CHOI: STEW OF PROSPERITY Thought to have emerged in the Song Dynasty, poon choi is a traditional one-pot dish that’s synonymous with Chinese celebrations, from weddings to festivals to Lunar New Year. Usually eaten layer by layer, poon choi features 1015 ingredients – think roast duck, prawns, pork, chicken, abalone, Chinese radish, bean curd, dried shrimp – and is designed to be shared. Come try the FCC’s delicious version for a comforting, celebratory meal this Chinese New Year! Available from 8 to 26 February for dine-in and takeaway.



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Another traditional Lunar New Year food is loh hei, or lo hei, which loosely translates to “tossing up good fortune”. This colourful salad comes packed with auspicious ingredients, such as raw salmon, julienned fruits and vegetables, pickled ginger – each with a special meaning. Toss all the ingredients together to symbolise prosperity and good fortune in the new year. Available from 12 to 26 February. Takeaway only.

CHINESE NEW YEAR SET MENU Welcome the Year of the Ox with family, friends or colleagues with our elegant Chinese New Year set menu. The feast includes specialties like suckling pig, braised pork knuckle with eggs, crispy tofu, deep-fried beef brisket with curry sauce, FCC crispy fried chicken, and much more. Available from 12 to 26 February. Dine-in only. Reservations required.

More Dining News l Finnish Feast: This January, the FCC looks north for a Finnish dining experience. Don’t miss a chance to sample Finland’s natural, nutritious flavours, often characterised by ingredients like Arctic wild berries, mushrooms, root vegetables, smoked fish, barley, sausage, and rye bread. Available from 18 to 29 January. Check online for more details. l Valentine’s Day Dinner: It’s never too early to start planning for Valentine’s Day. Make a reservation at the Dining Room or Verandah on 14 February to spoil your sweetheart with a memorable set menu that starts with bubbly and finishes on a sweet note. Available on 14 February. Check online for more details. *Dine-in events will depend on Covid-19 restrictions. Check online for more details.

Are You an Ox?

This Chinese zodiac sign recurs once every 12 years – and 2021 is your year! Looking ahead, you should find fertile territory for success, particularly when it comes to your job or business.

1925 1937


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1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009



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Every February, the FCC’s Wine Tasting Group kick-starts the process for choosing the next Correspondents’ and Publishers’ Choice wines, which will debut in July 2021. We caught up with group leader Joël Leduc to hear how it all works.

FCC Food & Beverage Manager Michael Chan (left) and Joël Leduc (right) toast to a great year of wine tasting.


henever we bring guests to the FCC, they are often pleasantly surprised by the wine prices. HK$34 for a glass of the Correspondents’ Choice Baron Philippe de Rothschild Mapu Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon? HK$54 for a Publishers’ Choice DeLoach Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir? We can thank the FCC’s dedicated Wine Tasting Group for such consistently high-quality, low-priced house wines, which change every July. In February, group leaders Joël Leduc and FCC Food & Beverage Manager Michael Chan begin the lengthy selection process, starting with two Correspondents’ Choice wines: one white and one red. “The Correspondents’ Choice is an entry-level, greatvalue wine that should be easy to drink with or without food,” says Leduc. “In France, we say it should ‘drink like milk.’ And once the bottle is finished, you’re ready for another one!” First, the Wine Tasting Group shares an open bid with



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wine distributors that can satisfy the club’s high-volume needs and daily delivery schedule. “We are the biggest wine cellar in Hong Kong in terms of sales – we go through about 3,000 bottles a month,” says Leduc. “But we don’t have any space to store wines at the club, so we need to work with a distributor who can match our pace.” Next, shortlisted distributors share their proposals – roughly 400 wine labels in total – which the group culls to 20 reds and 20 whites. “We cut down the initial list based on pricing, profile and stock – we always try to think about what our members will enjoy most,” explains Leduc. “If it were up to me, I’d just choose Burgundy all the time – all red, no whites! But this is about the members, not about our personal preferences.” From there, the group hosts a wine social that’s open to all members, though there were some restrictions last year due to Covid-19 precautions. At the event, members rank their favourite – and least favourite – wines, then submit


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one vote. And voilà! The Correspondents’ Choice wine is chosen for the rest of the year. But the Wine Tasting Group’s work is not over yet. The following month, in March, they’ll repeat the process to select the Publishers’ Choice house wines – also one white, one red. “The Publishers’ Choice should also be of great value, but it is more upscale,” says Leduc. “So we tend to choose wines that go well with a variety of dishes and have a little more body, more robustness.” The club is also responsible for selecting the FCC’s house Champagne and all of the Wine of the Month promotions throughout the year, which you can enjoy at the club or for takeaway. “We are all volunteers who love wine and love the FCC,” says Leduc. “We have a great team, and we look forward to seeing new faces at our next wine socials.” their feedback. Wine Tasting Group members then meet to discuss the results and choose six wines: three whites and three reds. “Once we’ve narrowed it down, we test those six wines at the club for a month-long trial to see what sells best,” says Leduc. “And at the end of that month, we see which one is the winner.” If there is no clear winner, the group will meet once more to make the final decision, with each member casting

Interested in joining the Wine Tasting Group or a wine social? Check online for upcoming dates, pending Covid-19 restrictions.

Psst... The FCC has hundreds of wines available for takeaway by the bottle or the case – stock up before Chinese New Year.

Tasting Notes: FCC House Wines FCC Food & Beverage Manager Michael Chan shares his expert impressions:



Zardetto Prosecco di Treviso Extra Dry DOC “A celebratory Italian prosecco, Zardetto has a light, strawcoloured tone. Expect a round, lively and persistent palate and a beautiful floral bouquet with complex citron aromas.”


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Correspondents’ Choice, White

Sieur d’Arques Aimery Chardonnay 2019

“This French Chardonnay greets you with fragrant, lively fruit on the nose and balanced acidity. Enjoy it with grilled salmon, asparagus and greens with anchovy dressing.”

Correspondents’ Choice, Red

Publishers’ Choice, White

Rothschild Mapu Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 2017

Prinz von Hessen Trocken Hessenstein Riesling 2018

“In this Chilean cab sauv, expect a fruit-forward aroma mingled with black pepper and coffee. It’s well-balanced with gentle tannins, a long finish, good acidity and a ruby-red hue.”

“Delicate and dazzling, this German Riesling is the definition of elegance and crispness. Tropical fruits caress the palate with hints of green apple and apricot. Riesling at its finest!”

Publishers’ Choice, Red

DeLoach Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir 2019 “On the nose, this medium-bodied red is a bouquet of red fruits – cherry, cranberry and strawberry. A touch of spice complements a fruity flavour for a balanced California pinot noir.”



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Jarrod Watt, SCMP’s specialist digital production editor, explains how podcasting can push the boundaries of traditional storytelling. By Marianna Cerini

Top left: Jarrod Watt; Above: SCMP’s Podcasts page.


here’s nothing ‘new’ about new media for Jarrod Watt. For the past two decades, the SCMP’s specialist digital production editor has been working across video, text, sound, and digital as a multi-platform reporter and editor in both his native Australia and Hong Kong. Today, he produces some of the publication’s most popular podcasts – including “Inside China”, “Eat Drink Asia”, “Behind the Story” and “Asia Briefing” – and continues to push the boundaries of traditional storytelling. How did you get into multimedia journalism? Jarrod Watt: I studied journalism at RMIT University in Melbourne, and got my first job in community radio at a station called 3RRR. My first time reading the news was to announce the end of communism – I still remember the speech by [then Soviet politician] Mikhail Gorbachev. That job fuelled my interest in 21st-century media – that’s where I learned how to multitask as a journalist and cover different roles.



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After that first stint in the recording studio, I spent the 1990s working in newspapers and magazines in Melbourne. Then, in 2000, I joined the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) as a multimedia reporter. I shot videos, ran the website, and produced radio stories. I spent 11 years at ABC, working my way up from field reporter to state editor. At what point did you join the SCMP? JW: In 2015, I moved to Hong Kong and joined the SCMP as deputy online editor. Eventually, I was asked to head the Special Digital Production unit, working on 360-degree projects including podcasts, which we started 2.5 years ago. Initially, we found people around the office and asked them to come and read their stories [for the podcast]. We wanted to see if there was an audience for long-form audio features. Turns out, there was. We then started training people and grew from there, developing new podcast concepts and trying different formats.


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Left: With Denise Tsang, Kinling Lo, and Mimi Lau; Right: Field recording in Macau with Bernice Chan and Alkira Reinfrank.

Podcasts have become immensely popular. Why do you think that is? JW: Podcasts have opened up this idea that you can access information without having to physically hold a paper or scroll a website. You could be driving, working out, running errands, and still be able to listen to stories and deep-dives without any interruption. They offer a seamless approach to media consumption and modern-day storytelling. What do you think makes your podcasts different? JW: The diversity we showcase. Instead of your typical radio voices, the SCMP’s podcasts really sound like Hong Kong – we have people and accents from all over and we reflect the city’s multiculturalism. I am also proud of the fact that we cover Asia so extensively, and across so many different perspectives. It’s not something many other podcasts do. Our hosts are predominantly women, which I think gives us a real edge in the sector. We have Bernice Chan and Alkira Reinfrank at “Eat Drink Asia”, Mimi Lau and Kinling Lo at “Inside China” – it’s a real point of pride and difference. Which audio stories have really challenged you? JW: An interview we did with a construction worker in

Shenzhen who was dying of silicosis [a type of lung disease] is one of the most confronting and emotional recordings I have ever listened to. Editing it in a way we could do justice to his story was an intense, compelling process. We also did a series on the [US-China] trade war last year, which was tough but rewarding. Tariffs are boring, and we really wanted to create something more engaging. So we approached the issue through six items – bicycles, washing machines, solar cells, trucks, handbags and salad spinners – examining what they could tell us about the state of trade. What’s fueling multimedia in journalism? JW: The advent of the iPhone has perhaps been the greatest game-changer in terms of multimedia journalism. Then of course social media and live streaming. Things like Facebook Live have revolutionised the way we do radio, broadcast and produce audio stories. Podcasts have brought a new dimension to newsrooms, and I think that’s only going to keep expanding. I think audio will keep reaching new standards, as will the way we tell stories, blending VR, videos, and digital technologies. It’ll be interesting to see how AI could fit within the field – if, say, someone developed an AI system that could do live translations... that could be another game-changer. n

JARROD’S TOOLKIT Break into podcasting with these essential resources

Podtail Masterclass This 14-episode series covers all the basics of starting a podcast.


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6/1/2021 10:20 AM


HONG KONG STUDENT JOURNALISTS REACT TO NEW MEDIA LANDSCAPE Given recent arrests and accreditation restrictions, would you pursue a journalism career in Hong Kong? Marianna Cerini catches up with three students at the University of Hong Kong to hear their thoughts.


n 22 September 2020, Kenneth Kwok Ka-chuen, the chief superintendent of the Hong Kong Police Force, sent a letter to four of the city’s news associations, including the FCC. In the letter, Kwok laid out plans to amend the “definition of ‘media representatives’ under the Police General Orders”. The new definition recognises journalists who have registered with the Government News and Media Information Service or who work at “internationally recognised and reputable” foreign media outlets. According to police, the policy targets “self-proclaimed reporters” who have allegedly “obstructed police work, and even assaulted police officers”; however, it excludes freelance and student journalists, independent media outlets, and those accredited by local press assocations, effectively establishing a subjective accreditation system. The FCC released a statement in opposition to the decision on 23 September, stating: “This move is another step in the erosion of Hong Kong’s once cherished press freedom as it would give the police – rather than reporters and editors – the power to determine who covers the police ... The policy would be a serious blow for freelancers and student reporters – two groups of journalists who have provided some of the most compelling reporting from last year’s protests and police actions.” Given the increasingly controlled atmosphere for professional and student journalists alike, what is running through the minds of the next generation of reporters? We asked undergraduate and master’s students from the University of Hong Kong about their observations, concerns and plans for the future.



Meet the Students • William Langley, 24, Master of Journalism 2021 • Lauren Faith Lau, 20, Bachelor of Journalism 2022 • Julianna Louise Untiveros Barcela, 18, Bachelor of Journalism 2024 What inspired you to study journalism? William Langley (WL): I am originally from the UK. I studied Chinese at university, then moved to Guangzhou to work as a researcher at a Chinese genealogy startup where I helped Chinese migrants trace their roots. I started freelancing and translating on the side, then decided to switch to journalism full-time. In March 2020, I had a job lined up at The Myanmar Times, but that fell through due to the pandemic. So I applied to the HKU Master of Journalism programme as another way of getting into journalism full-time. I arrived here in August 2020, so the national security law was already in place. Lauren Faith Lau (LFL): My interest in journalism started when I was in high school. The 2016 Hong Kong Legislative Council Election, in particular, ignited my passion for reporting on public affairs. I saw the power of media – how it can engage people and act as a public service. Julianna Louise Untiveros Barcela (JLUB): During high school, I didn’t see the point of news. But my perspective shifted in early 2020, when I took my DSE



From left to right: William Langley, Lauren Faith Lau and Julianna Louise Untiveros Barcela.

(Diploma of Secondary Education). My class graduated in the wake of Hong Kong’s protest movement and the beginning of the pandemic. It was that series of events that made me realise the impact that journalism can have. What type of journalism do you plan to pursue? WL: In Guangzhou, I focused on less-sensitive cultural features since I didn’t have a journalism visa. Now that I am in Hong Kong, I hope to get into more timely stories and deep dives on current affairs, politics and investigations. I will write whatever I can get my hands on in relation to China, but I am particularly interested in politics and the intersection with religion, immigration and culture. LFL: So far, I have done a lot of hard news internships – I would like to be a correspondent abroad or explore investigative journalism. I love asking questions and talking to people, so I’d like to integrate that into my work. JLUB: I don’t know yet, as I am just starting my journalism programme. Perhaps longform features, because I am passionate about writing.


How has the national security law affected you? WL: The law only underscores the importance of journalism as an essential public service. If you have been living and working in Hong Kong, I can see how earthshattering the law must be. But as a foreign journalist hoping to work in China, it doesn’t change much for me. Compared with Guangdong, it’s still freer and easier to report here. LFL: My approach to journalism has changed. Before the protests, I never realised the role videos and photography play in storytelling. So recently, I’ve found a new appreciation for different types of visual and multimedia journalism. I’ve also paid more attention to citizen journalism – and how it can be crucial, if done properly, to disseminate news. JLUB: It has only further amplified how important journalism is to the public, and to me. What about the police ban on student journalists? WL: It has not impacted me directly, but it is a shame.





Coming from China, I was looking forward to working openly as a freelancer in Hong Kong. These accreditation changes make me wonder if the government will introduce journalism visas next. That said, a friend of mine went to a protest as a student journalist after the announcement. He wore an HKU Faculty of Journalism press pass and the police let him report. For me, that is a sign that there is a bit more leeway than what you’d see in China. But maybe he was just lucky.

Langley researching a story in Guangdong in March 2019.

Notable Student Work Read award-winning works by Hong Kong students, recognised by the 2020 Human Rights Press Awards:

LFL: I’m practicing journalism with a news agency right now, so I am not so affected by the accreditation problem. But for university online media and student reporters, it is extremely unfair. As students, we all want to gain on-the-ground experience. These restrictions hold us back. What student journalists offered to the world in terms of reporting in 2019 was irreplaceable. They are in a unique position of being able to communicate with students and youth. Students also understand how the [movement] uses social media and how young people in Hong Kong think. I know many of them found so much meaning through their work last year; it is sad to see this right ripped away. Have your lecturers had to adapt any lessons? WL: If anything, I’ve been surprised by how outspoken they have been about the situation. My lecturers have been adamant that they are not going to compromise on news values – they are going to keep doing what they do. That’s really inspiring. JLUB: Just last week [in November 2020] in one of my classes on press freedom, our teachers had to hold back a slide, because of potential repercussions. But that is the only instance I have seen.

Read it here:

LFL: I’ve been taking a public affairs reporting course, and our professor has been encouraging us to continue as normal. Support from journalists before me makes me believe there is still a role for me to play in this world. It’s a great time to be a journalist because there are so many important stories to tell.

l Merit, Student Writing - English

Do you plan to stay in Hong Kong after you graduate? WL: Yeah, I would really like to work here for a couple of years then move to China, or perhaps Myanmar, where there are many micro examples of ‘China in the world’ type stories, be that Belt and Road investments, drug trafficking rings, or casino towns sprouting up. This winter, I am doing an internship at the SCMP on the China desk. I would love to get back to mainland China eventually and work as a China correspondent.

l Winner, Student Writing - English

Gender-based violence against journalists in Hong Kong By Kwok Hiu Ching, Lin Zhihuai and Wong Ting Yan

HKBU student journalists investigate gender-based harassment during the 2019 anti-government protests.

Social worker hopeful looking at future of ethnic minorities By Yanni Chow and King Woo

Featuring the work of ethnic minority social worker Jeffrey Andrews, HKBU students explore racism and inequality. Read it here:



LFL: I don’t think Hong Kong will be a good place to develop as a young journalist. Of course, I am eager to seize as many opportunities as possible to hone my skills and grow professionally here. This is my home, and the Hong Kong story is one I really want to tell. I would love to be a part of that. I just don’t know how feasible it will be.



Lau doing a standup report for i-Cable News Channel during a 2020 internship.

Barcela will graduate from HKU in 2024.

JLUB: I also don’t think Hong Kong will be the best place to pursue a career in journalism, especially as we don’t know what’s going to happen over the next five or 10 years. I don’t have a set path yet, however, I am open to going overseas for work.

By contrast, Hong Kong’s media landscape is well developed and it’s a huge city in the middle of Asia – people all over the world care about what happens here. There are so many stories to cover, and I think Hong Kong is a great place to learn and work.

WL: I would disagree with the idea that Hong Kong isn’t a great place to learn, but I have a different perspective. I grew up in Norfolk, England – I love it, but it’s a rural backwater. There’s one newspaper and little interest in what goes on there outside of the local community.

What is your hope for journalism in Hong Kong? WL: I think journalists will be in a difficult position in the mid- and long-term. Although, even in the strictest of places, like Myanmar and China, journalists are still doing excellent reporting, exposing corruption and criticising the governments. They can still produce great journalism – and I hope they persevere.

Press Freedom Rankings Hong Kong has been slipping in the Reporters Without Borders’ annual press freedom index of 180 countries. 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

JLUB: The future of media organisations in Hong Kong seems to be heading down a dark pathway, but I hope that the passion of journalists doesn’t falter under such dire circumstances. n

34 54




LFL: I hope they do the best they can. Things have been happening unexpectedly and quickly, what we can do is remember why we pursued journalism in the first place. This is what motivates us to push forward with our jobs.







Marianna Cerini is a freelance journalist writing about culture, travel and lifestyle. In Asia since 2010, her work has been published by CNN Style, Al Jazeera and The Daily Beast among others









RTHK ON EDGE AFTER A YEAR OF GROWING PRESSURE Over the past year, RTHK has faced increasing government pressure to promote national unity and axe controversial programmes. Tiffany Liang asks: Can the public broadcaster retain its independence? “



ithout fear or favour”; “Journalism is not a crime”; “Who wants the public kept in the dark?” read protesters’ placards outside the Fanling Magistrates’ Courts on 10 November 2020 as Bao Choy Yuk-ling exited the courtroom. A week earlier, on 3 November, police had arrested the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) freelance producer on suspicion of violating the Road Traffic Ordinance. According to police, Choy allegedly made “false statements” while using the government’s vehicle registration database to conduct research for an RTHK documentary called “Hong Kong Connection”. The politically sensitive documentary, which aired on 13 July 2020, investigated the police’s delayed response to the 2019 Yuen Long attacks on pro-democracy protesters. While searching the database, Choy allegedly marked “traffic and transport-related matters” as the purpose of her search. In the past, journalists had an option to select “other reasons”; however, the government removed the choice in January 2020, as reported by Now TV. At the time of publication, Choy’s trial has been adjourned until January 2021. If found guilty, she could


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face six months in prison and a fine of up to HK$5,000. “I understand this incident is no longer a personal matter, but a matter related to public interest and press freedom in Hong Kong,” Choy, 37, told journalists and supporters as she left the courtroom on 10 November. “I truly believe I will not walk alone.” Choy’s arrest is the latest in a string of government attacks on RTHK last year. In April 2020, Hong Kong Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward Yau accused RTHK of “breaching the One-China principle” following a March incident, in which a reporter asked the WHO whether it would reconsider Taiwan’s membership in light of the pandemic. Just weeks later, on 20 April, the Communications Authority (CA) issued a “serious warning” to RTHK about a November 2019 episode of “Pentaprism”. According to the CA, the opinion show contained “baseless, misleading, biased and partial, and defamed and incited hatred against the government/police”. In May, RTHK indefinitely suspended long-running satirical show “Headliner” after the CA issued another warning for a February episode that “denigrated” and


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A police spokesman denied claims that the arrest qualifies as an attack on the media, stating that the Hong Kong police respects “press freedom” and “journalists’ right to report” on Commercial Radio’s “On a Clear Day” programme on 4 November. Two days later, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said in a press conference that Choy’s arrest does not indicate a crackdown on press freedoms. “Please rest assured that press freedom is protected under the Basic Law,” said Lam. “We do not suppress journalism but, of course, journalists must obey the law.” In response to The Correspondent’s enquiry, a police spokesperson wrote: “Police have all along respected press freedom and the media’s right of reporting. ... All arrest actions taken by Police are strictly based on the evidence collected and in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, regardless of the background and political stance of an individual.” When The Correspondent reached out to RTHK and the government, both declined to comment on Choy’s case. However an Information Services Department (ISD) spokesperson provided the following comment: “The Hong Kong SAR Government is firmly committed to protecting and respecting the freedom of the press, which is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Basic Law. ... The background or occupation of the arrestee was not a factor for consideration. As the judicial proceedings of the case concerned are on-going, it is not appropriate for us to comment further.”

RTHK under review

The combination of government warnings, cancelled programmes, the national security law and, most recently, Choy’s arrest, has rattled RTHK staff. “We were in a


“insulted” the police. And in September, RTHK extended the probation of Nabela Qoser, who is under investigation following complaints about her direct, confrontational style of questioning during the 2019 protests. Several news organisations, media scholars, human rights watchdogs and lawmakers have condemned governmental intervention in RTHK, including Choy’s arrest. Some have argued that the government targeted Choy for political reasons, using a technicality to suppress investigative journalism. Others questioned what a government-controlled RTHK would mean for the city’s press freedom. The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), for example, expressed “shock and anger” over the arrest in a joint statement with seven other media associations and press unions. “Many reports involving major public interests have been conducted through searches of the registry, including license plate searches,” read the statement, which was released on 3 November. “Now police abuse of the ‘Road Traffic Ordinance’ to suppress normal journalistic pursuits, will have a chilling effect and in turn undermine freedom of the press.” According to Chris Yeung, the chairman of the HKJA, Choy’s arrest signals a move to step up regulation and supervision of the media. “The government started imposing a ban on disclosure of information, including vehicle and marriage registrations, for journalists in 2019,” Yeung tells The Correspondent, adding that such research is common and necessary in journalism. Keith Richburg, an FCC Correspondent Member Governor and the director of the HKU Journalism and Media Studies Centre, agrees: “The RTHK reporter was just doing her job. I am worried that [the government] is trying to undercut critical reporting.”

RTHK freelance producer Bao Choy Yuk-ling (centre) arrives at the Fanling Magistrates’ Courts in Hong Kong on 10 November 2020.






RTHK suspended “Headliner”, a satirical show that has been on the air since 1989, in May following complaints about its portrayal of Hong Kong police.

panic when we learned Bao was arrested, busy backing up our files and records in the office. We felt depressed that she was accused of a crime while doing a routine task as a reporter,” says an RTHK reporter, who spoke to The Correspondent on the condition of anonymity. “The fear comes from the lack of legal help for journalists – RTHK could not help Bao because she is a contract worker. RTHK can offer legal help for government workers, but they would need to seek assistance from the Department of Justice (DoJ). However, the DoJ is charging journalists. So what will happen then? How can we defend our rights?” In response, an ISD spokesperson said civil servants “may apply for legal assistance from the Civil Service Bureau” if they are “charged with a criminal offence (other than corruption or corruption-related offences)” in the course of carrying out his or her duties. “The Government will consider each application on its own merits,” the spokesperson continued. RTHK Director of Broadcasting Leung Ka-wing has also expressed concern about the news organisation’s future. “We are worried [about] whether we can continue the way we produce accurate news as before,” said Leung hours after Choy’s arrest, adding that RTHK will not alter its editorial principles or cease to conduct investigative journalism. It may not be so easy to resist pressure, however, given that the Hong Kong government fully funds RTHK’s annual operational budget of roughly HK$1 billion. By comparison, most public broadcasters around the world receive some form of government funding, but it’s seldom the only source of revenue. For instance, the BBC in the UK earns revenue through programme licensing fees and advertising, while NPR in the US relies on a mixture of government funding, corporate sponsorships and donations. What’s more, the Hong Kong government is conducting a review of RTHK’s “administration, including financial control, human resources management and procurement matters” to address “wide public concern” over the broadcaster’s programming and ensure RTHK abides



by its charter, according to a government statement. At publication, the review was scheduled to finish in 2020. The charter calls upon the broadcaster to promote “one country, two systems” and cultivate a “sense of citizenship and national identity”. At the same time, the charter stipulates editorial independence, as well as “accurate and impartial news, information, perspectives and analyses”. When asked about RTHK’s role as a public broadcaster, an ISD spokesperson said: “In fulfilling its public purposes and mission as set out in the Charter, RTHK should abide by the relevant codes of practices issued by the Communications Authority, and give due weight and consideration to the advice provided by the Board of Advisors appointed by the Chief Executive to advise the Director of Broadcasting on the services of RTHK.”

What’s at stake

Established in 1928, RTHK has long been a respected voice in Hong Kong. A series of “Public Evaluation on Media Credibility” surveys conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Centre for Communication and Public Opinion between 1997 and 2019 show that respondents considered RTHK to be the most credible local electronic media source until 2016. In the subsequent survey, in 2019, RTHK dropped to second place behind Now TV. “After the handover, clearly RTHK made real efforts to try and be dispassionate and objective in the way it covered, let’s say, last year’s disruptions and the government and the protesters,” said former New York Times Company CEO Mark Thompson, who served as the BBC’s DirectorGeneral from 2004 to 2012, in an online talk with the FCC on 25 November 2020. “It feels like they’re under more pressure.” That same independent streak has drawn complaints from pro-Beijing lawmakers over the past few years. During a legislative panel in March 2019, for example, Executive Councillor Regina Ip questioned the necessity of the broadcaster’s news department. Last year, pro-Beijing Hong Kong lawmaker Junius Ho


argued that RTHK should not attack the government while broadcasters. According to the report, research has shown receiving government funding at a Legislative Council that people “exposed to news on public television are bettermeeting on 6 May 2020. Ho also suggested merging the informed than those exposed to news on private TV”. public broadcaster with the ISD, which serves as a public Public broadcasters also tend to minimise knowledge relations office for the government. gaps between different socioeconomic groups, contribute to “The government thinks public higher levels of social trust, and can reduce broadcasters should toe the government’s the risk of extremist political views, the line, since they are government-funded,” report states. says Richburg. “That’s what is happening at A public broadcaster’s The impact of public service journalism, RTHK ... But the whole point of journalism however, depends on the news organirole is to provide is to be critical of the government, holding sation’s ability to operate independently, real news, not be a the government to account.” explore diverse ideas, hold authorities mouthpiece for [the] If the government attempts to control accountable, and remain free from political RTHK’s content or transforms the government.” influence and commercial pressures. broadcaster into a state media outlet, as some “Although some people are trying to – Keith Richburg journalism watchdogs and associations fear, combine RTHK with the Information the city has much to lose. Services Department under the “RTHK’s role has been important in view of the government, Hong Kong people need an independent growing concerns that media outlets with close political RTHK,” says Richburg. and commercial ties to mainland authorities will lose their “A public broadcaster’s role is to provide real news, independence,” says Yeung. not be a mouthpiece for [the] government. Right now, “The editorial independence of RTHK is under threat RTHK has credibility because it reports independently and from the government and the pro-Beijing camp. Press critically. But the government is trying to shut down the freedom will be severely weakened if the Hong Kong voice of criticism, which only makes the role of journalism government replaces RTHK with state-owned media.” more essential.” n According to a 2001 UNESCO report entitled “Public broadcasting: Why? How?”, public service broadcasters Born and raised in mainland China, are an important part of the news ecosystem. “Public Tiffany Liang came to Hong Kong broadcasters encourage access to and participation in in 2017 to start her career as a journalist. Having worked with public life. They develop knowledge, broaden horizons and HK01, The Washington Post and enable people to better understand themselves by better The Atlantic, Liang hopes to pursue human-interest stories and explore understanding the world and others,” states the report. the business world. Furthermore, a 2017 white paper by the Knight Foundation outlined the many benefits of public


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WHY JOURNALISTS CAN’T QUIT TWITTER Glued to Twitter for breaking news and announcements, some reporters can’t avoid the platform – even if they want to. Morgan Davis explores the pros and cons.


opularised for its fast-paced, bite-size approach to sharing and discussion, Twitter has become a polarising topic in the media world. For some journalists, it’s a network of realtime news, potential sources and story ideas, as well as a powerful way to find jobs and develop a following. Others find an emotionally taxing blackhole of trolls, cyber harassment, cancel culture, and misinformation. Like it or not, many journalists find the platform to be integral to their work, especially with so many influential voices breaking news through tweets. Take outgoing US President Donald Trump as one example. For the past four years, Trump has tweeted White House hirings, firings and policy changes. And in November 2019, his Twitter antics reached a crescendo with the administration’s disinformation campaign to undermine the election results. “Trump fires his officials on Twitter seemingly every other month. And, of course, he has said things that moved markets or were otherwise consequential to America’s relations with other countries,” says Alan Wong, managing editor of VICE News in Asia. And if journalists aren’t on Twitter, they may miss the news. Likewise, many celebrities, politicians and pundits have avoided mainstream channels, making crucial announcements on the platform. Among them are Chinese officials and diplomats, such as Chinese Foreign Ministry representatives Hua Chunying and Lijian Zhao, says Wong, who tweet frequently about China and geopolitics.



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“[The platform] is an important source for news and opinions, especially during turbulent times,” says Johan Nylander, the Asia Correspondent for Swedish business daily Dagens Industri and author of The Epic Split (see pg. 45). “But Twitter also makes me feel sick. Everyone is shouting; no one is listening. When I open the Twitter app, my stress level shoots up.” Though it can be frustrating and stressful, Twitter clearly has value for journalists. In addition to major announcements, the platform has proved itself indispensable for citizen journalism and real-time events, such as Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests in 2019. “It was impossible to be everywhere with protests dispersed across the city,” says freelance journalist Timothy McLaughlin, who contributes to The Atlantic, WIRED and The Washington Post, among other publications. “It was helpful to be able to check Twitter and see where people were posting from, where big events were happening and where I should head next to report.” Nylander agrees: “When covering demonstrations and similar fast-moving events, Twitter is great. It gives instant updates on breaking news and where things are moving. But one has to be careful. Twitter is full of lies, exaggerations, misunderstandings and fake accounts.” In 2019, a California-based nonprofit think tank, the Institute for the Future, surveyed 1,018 American journalists on the topic. Among them, 80 percent admitted to falling for false information online. Meanwhile, fewer than 15 percent of respondents said they received guidelines

Morgan M. Davis is a finance reporter at Euromoney’s GlobalCapital. The Illinois transplant moved to Hong Kong in 2016, accompanied by her trusty sidekick Gizmo the Yorkie. Morgan has reported on multiple sectors of finance and holds a master’s degree from Columbia University.


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Twitter can be helpful in finding people with new or different views. – Timothy McLaughlin

for when and how to report on false information to avoid “giving it oxygen”. But, if you learn to navigate trolls and disinformation campaigns, McLaughlin says Twitter can open up a world of new sources and story ideas. “I’m constantly trying to expand the pool of people I’m speaking to – Twitter can be helpful in finding people with new or different views, ideas and research that they are eager to talk about,” says McLaughlin. The American journalist says Twitter has enabled some of his most impactful

reporting. He’s particularly proud of an article published by The Washington Post in December 2019. The story, “In Hong Kong crackdown, police repeatedly broke their own rules – and faced no consequences,” took a hard look at the use of force by police during the 2019 protests. The reporters who worked on the story used a video archive of 65 use-of-force incidents by police, verified by University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law students, as the foundation of their investigation. The story wouldn’t have been possible without

Members Tweet In Love it or hate it? We asked FCC members which Twitter team they’re on. Dan Bland @dansonofdirm Visual stories for the South China Morning Post, based in Hong Kong Dan Bland @dansonofdirm I think of Twitter as a kind of trading terminal of news and culture. Events and takes are spewed into the timeline, and people earn or lose credibility by their interactions and insights. But mostly, I try to think of it as a place to make jokes and have fun. 1/2 Dan Bland @dansonofdirm For journalists, the old mode of using Twitter solely as a place to promote your work and pretend to be nothing but an objective reporter seems to have become archaic. 2/2 7




Jessie Pang @JessiePang0125 @Reuters Correspondent in Hong Kong. @fcchk Fellow 2019-20. @ hkbaptistu & @JMSCHKU Alumni. Hong Konger. Views are my own. RT ≠ Endorsement. Jessie Pang @JessiePang0125 I use Twitter for work. I find it helpful to find people for comments or get the latest updates or statements from activists. I enjoy using it, as well as I read many good works by others on it. 3




Tamsin Cocks @TamsinCocks Managing editor of Discovery – Cathay Pacific’s inflight magazine Tamsin Cocks @TamsinCocks I don’t really use Twitter these days, but I found it useful in the past. It’s a great resource for breaking news and to stay on the pulse of what people are thinking about, as well as connecting with people... 1/3 Tamsin Cocks @TamsinCocks If I worked in a daily newsroom environment I would definitely be on there. 2/3 Tamsin Cocks @TamsinCocks However, I also find it can be a total time sucker. You end up keeping an eye on it all the time, and you’ll often find yourself down random wormholes, which is less useful, though often entertaining! 3/3 5



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Checking my Twitter feed is like opening the door to a room full of people screaming hysterically.


– Johan Nylander

An editor checks the official Twitter account of outgoing US President Donald Trump.

Twitter, he says, as the reporting team relied on open-source, or publicly available, videos to verify police tactics used. “If you look at some of the open-source reporting that has been impactful in recent years, you see that [journalists] draw a lot of it from people posting on Twitter, sharing things they have recorded or witnessed,” says McLaughlin. “It takes a lot of work to sift through all of the information that is flooding the platform, to fact-check it, to verify it. ... but if journalists take the proper steps, it can provide a good trove of information.” Unlike McLaughlin, Wong, of Vice Asia, uses the network sparingly when it comes to finding sources or experts. If someone is firing off 280-character opinions with abandon, they will most likely be willing to talk with journalists, he says, but Twitter represents just one small crosssection of the world. According to the Pew Research Center, 22 percent of American adults who use Twitter tend to be younger, wealthier and more educated than the wider population. “If you sit back and let software dictate what you see, it’s easy to forget that,” says


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Wong. “People who don’t tweet deserve to be heard, too.” Wong has learned to optimise his Twitter account over the years. He follows diverse voices and local experts, assigns alerts to important accounts, and mutes trolls and distracting threads. To ensure Twitter is making your work easier – not harder – Wong suggests the counterintuitive approach of using the platform less. Setting up alerts, he says, is the best way to prioritise key users while minimising the noise and negativity. For some journalists, it simply takes too much energy to cull and maintain their Twitter feed. Nylander admits that he has deleted the app from his phone several times, only to reinstall it later when he needs it for reporting. Ironically, it’s the anti-social nature of the social media platform that bothers Nylander the most. “It’s not a forum for dialogue – quite the opposite. Checking my Twitter feed is like opening the door to a room full of people screaming hysterically,” he says. “There’s so much hate there. So much angst and horror. At the end of the day, could I live without Twitter? Yes, gladly.” n

TWITTER TIPS It is hard but not impossible to make Twitter work for you. 1. Set up a system. Stay organised with a social media manager to schedule tweets, monitor hashtags, and manage your accounts. 2. Quality over quantity. Follow accounts that benefit your work and interests – then axe the rest. 3. Avoid Twitter fights. No matter how frustrated you feel, sort out disagreements offline. Angry or aggressive tweets could backfire. 4. Fact-check everything. While Twitter has introduced fact-checking labels, journalists must vet information and sources. 5. Don’t feed the trolls. If a troll harasses you, resist the urge to engage. Block and report the account.



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Katie Forster checks on press clubs around the region to learn how they’ve pivoted during the pandemic, from introducing virtual panels to new content strategies, healthcare and career support.

A member gets her temperature checked at the FCCJ in Tokyo.


he pandemic has upended lives and business around the world, including the operations of press clubs across Asia-Pacific. Travel restrictions have left some correspondents stuck abroad for months, while everchanging social-distancing requirements and evolving member needs have kept clubs on their toes. Just as we at the FCC in Hong Kong have adjusted – and have had a very successful series of Zoom talks – so have others in our region. From Manila to Melbourne, journalist associations have upgraded their technological capabilities, experimented with online content, introduced helpful Covid-19 support, developed new partnerships and held successful fundraisers.

Offline to Online

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand (FCCT) in



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Bangkok is one of the few press clubs in Asia with its own bar – usually a buzzy spot for reporters to discuss politics, story ideas and travel plans. But in March until mid-June, Southeast Asia’s oldest club for foreign journalists had to close its doors due to Covid-19 restrictions. With operations on hold, the organisation quickly shifted its focus from offline to online services. First, the club expanded the coverage of its weekly FCCT Bulletin, incorporating articles about coronavirus relief efforts as well as interviews with members, political figures and Thai residents about life under lockdown. It was a resounding success: by the end of the lockdown period, subscribers to the free email newsletter jumped by around 500, from roughly 3,200 to 3,700, mainly through word of mouth and social media marketing. The publication also enabled the club to hold a


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Support Asia’s Press Clubs We asked press clubs around the region what they need most. Here’s what they said:


l Melbourne Press Club: “We need to rebuild our corporate sponsorship revenue. What the network of sister clubs may be able to assist with are contacts into multi-national organisations that already understand the benefit of alignment with a press club.” – Cathy Bryson Reach out: l Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club: “We would welcome expertise on promoting the club and help on training local journalists, since we have some scholarship funds. Given there are fewer foreign correspondents than there used to be, this type of collaboration should take on greater importance.” – Ed Davies

The FCCT upgraded its audio-visual equipment in 2019 and 2020 to produce high-quality virtual events.


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Reach out: l Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan: “What we need more than anything is for more young people to join the club and bring a new perspective. It would also be interesting to try collaborating to stage online events with our sister clubs.” – Isabel Reynolds Reach out: l Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand: “We finished our official campaign for donations after lockdown lifted, but we still welcome donations. Our FCCT Bulletin includes all of the details for bank account and credit card payments.” – Gwen Robinson Reach out: l Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines: “It would be great to be able to collaborate with other FCCs on regional projects. Any way [FCC Hong Kong members] can help us with tips on how to get more funding would be awesome, too.” – Barnaby Lo Reach out:


fundraising campaign. “When we were locked down for more than two months, club revenues fell off a cliff,” says Club President Gwen Robinson. Through a donation drive, the FCCT managed to raise roughly US$15,000, enough to cover one month of salaries, rent and utility bills, she adds. Bangkok’s restrictions gradually eased over the summer; however, the club continues to cap gatherings at 60 people as a safeguard. Robinson says demand for panels, discussion and interviews skyrocketed in 2020, driven in part by the international interest in the youth-led, anti-government protest movement that erupted in the Thai capital. “There was a real regeneration [for the club],” says Robinson. “People were reminded that this is one of the only spaces left in Thailand for open debate and discussion unless it’s on the streets.” As a result, members have started coming in for drinks, dinner and events more often. “We’ve been having two to three events a week, as opposed to about once a week before,” she adds, which helps offset the revenue lost from reduced audience numbers. For those who can’t attend in person, the club also live-streams all of its events – a shift also made by other journalism associations in the region, including the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ) in Tokyo. Switching to online events has enabled the FCCJ to host international guests, broadening the scope of its coverage and conversations. In July, the FCCJ streamed a press conference by Taiwan’s 39-year-old Digital Minister Audrey Tang, the youngest person to serve as a government minister in Taiwan. Tang has been instrumental in tackling the pandemic with data- and technology-driven solutions. Being able to feature speakers like Tang has been “great”, says FCCJ President Isabel Reynolds, but she acknowledges that online events can’t match in-person experiences. “There’s an atmosphere you get from everyone gathering and seeing the person – and being able to ask a question in person and see how they react – that is not quite the same,” she says. The Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines (FOCAP) in Manila has also embraced online platforms to host talks and press conferences. Previously,

Philippines Vice President Leni Robredo spoke at FOCAP in January 2020.



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In September 2020, the Melbourne Press Club hosted “The Edit: Multicultural Media and COVID-19”, a panel discussion on the need for diverse, multilingual coverage.

Given the ease of running events virtually, Lo adds, FOCAP anticipates staying online for “some time to come, even beyond the pandemic”, but hopes to reintroduce inperson events by the middle of 2021.

the club held events at hotels and other venues around the city since it does not have a physical location. “Because of the ease of getting people together online, we’ve actually been able to hold a lot more media forums this year,” says FOCAP Treasurer Barnaby Lo. “It’s a little harder staying afloat financially during a pandemic, but we are managing well because the expenses are also lower,” he says, noting that in-person events are more costly to host. The club is mainly funded by membership fees, while sponsorships cover major annual events and a magazine.


New ways to support members

Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, leader of Thailand’s Progressive Movement, speaks at the FCCT in early 2020.



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The Philippines has been one of the hardest-hit countries in Asia, with the country reporting roughly 473,000 total Covid-19 cases and 9,200 deaths as of 30 December 2020. To help members who may be at risk of contracting the virus on the job, FOCAP provides personal protective equipment and testing when possible as part of an agreement with the Philippine Red Cross. “Other than that, we’ve given small financial assistance [to members in need] but we don’t really have the financial capability to provide more help. We wish we did,” Lo says. In Melbourne, residents have endured several waves of strict lockdowns with the most recent ending in October 2020. At the same time, unemployment has surged across the city and many journalists have faced a rash of redundancies, says Cathy Bryson, CEO of the Melbourne Press Club (MPC). “People are just being let go,” she explains, noting that many smaller titles have closed down completely. To support out-of-work members, the club began organising career management events in 2020. The MPC has suffered losses of its own, including two major sponsors in the hard-hit airline and university sectors. Despite obstacles posed by the pandemic, Bryson has reason to feel optimistic. So far, the club has retained its membership base and


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strengthened its relationship with research institutes, says Bryson. For example, the MPC has teamed up with the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma to share mental health resources with journalists. In Indonesia, which has reported more than 735,000 coronavirus cases and 21,900 deaths as of 30 December, correspondents must face a difficult decision: Should they stay, or should they go? At the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club (JFCC), five out of the eight members on the club’s organising committee have relocated due to a variety of factors: reporting difficulties, healthcare worries, visa delays, family reasons, and temporary postings elsewhere. JFCC President Ed Davies, who has been working in Sydney since April 2020, says his team now relies heavily on social media to communicate, as well as organise online events and keep the club running. “The number of foreign correspondents in Indonesia has fallen anyway, because of the general pressures on the media … so I think [the pandemic] has accelerated some changes that were already happening,” he says. “It’s concerning. That’s why we’re all trying to work as hard as we can to keep the JFCC events going.” The JFCC has been able to cover its operating costs this year thanks to changes made before the pandemic. In the

two years prior, the club had already closed its permanent office space and reduced full-time staff members due to budget constraints. The club has also secured funding from new sponsors. “We managed to get fresh sponsorship in some new areas such as startups in the digital economy,” he says, adding that they are also exploring possibilities of working with fellow press clubs in the region. “Any collaboration with other clubs – particularly in terms of sharing ideas on how to support a free media in the region – is welcome. Also, reciprocal membership arrangements are something that is useful for members, who may be based in one country but often covering a string of countries in the region.” n

Katie Forster is an editor for Agence France-Presse in Tokyo. She moved to Japan in 2020 after three years in Hong Kong. Before relocating, she was a correspondent governor at the FCC.

Member Perks: Around the World with the FCC

The FCC has partnered with 96 press and leisure associations around the world. When travel eventually resumes, keep our reciprocal clubs at the top of mind for stays, meals and events.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

International Press Club of Chicago Toronto Press and Media Club Overseas Press Club of America The Frontline Club, London Geneva Press Club Dubai Press Club Press Club of India The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Myanmar


The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand Foreign Correspondents Club of Malaysia 11 Foreign Correspondents Association of Singapore 12 Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China, Beijing 13 Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club 14 The Manila Club 15 The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan 16 National Press Club of Australia 9

10 The




Hong Kong February 1972 Photographer Nick DeWolf takes us back in time to 1970s Hong Kong, dropping viewers into the rhythms of everyday life.


and discovery as he wanders the city,” DeWolf ’s son-in-law, Steve Lundeen, told Hong Kong publication Zolima Citymag in a 2018 interview. DeWolf wasn’t interested in polished postcard images of the city. Instead, the semiconductor expert, who would eventually become a computer automation pioneer, fixed his camera on the quotidian. He documented street markets teeming with crowds and produce; children playing ball in the streets; and busy dai pai dong piled high with pots and steaming bamboo baskets.

For DeWolf, photography was a tool to better understand places and people. His craft took him to public housing estates in Sham Shui Po and glamorous shops along Nathan Road, walled villages in the New Territories, typhoon shelters, pawn shops and street markets. Some scenes have hardly changed at all, others feel like a galaxy away. From one photo to the next, the collection captures the city’s character and cityscape, its businesses and residents for a captivating visual journey that’s full of emotion and surprise.


hen American photographer Nick DeWolf visited Hong Kong in the early 1970s, he captured the city on the brink of change. Hong Kong had just emerged from the violent riots of the late 1960s and was speeding towards a cosmopolitan future as an international meeting point. In December 2020, the FCC featured a selection of images from DeWolf ’s vast collection, “Hong Kong February 1972”. “What struck me straight out of the gate was Nick’s sense of wonder






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Lockdown Journal In this collaborative project, female photographers around the world document their lives during the pandemic.



n mid-March, as Covid-19 infections escalated around the world, Berlin-based photographer Charlotte Schmitz and Philadelphiabased Hannah Yoon picked up their cameras. But instead of photographing empty streets and shuttered stores, they turned their lenses inward, capturing personal experiences during the pandemic. Quickly seeing the potential for a global project, they invited fellow female photographers from Women Photograph community organisation to join. Next, they launched a digital platform which has garnered more than 400 members so far. Each week, members take turns posting their photos on Instagram based on themes such as self-portraits, relationships, and the environment. The online community ventured offline in November 2020, hosting a physical exhibit called “Lockdown Journal” at the FCC’s Main Bar. Featuring intimate daily movements, the photos reflect life in lockdown across dozens of countries, societies and situations. Some images focus on the ‘new normal’ – a masked woman carrying groceries, at-home exercise regimes, virtual birthdays – while others reveal mundane yet meaningful family moments. Collectively the images serve as a poignant snapshot of this era in history: loneliness, isolation, boredom, connection, love, hope, sorrow and resilience.



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Track of Time Patrick Dransfield’s black-and-white photography series depicts a bygone era in China.


manufactured Seagull, the images provide a peek into a bygone era. “I spent three months taking pictures, cycling daily through Beijing on a 30-kilometre route,” he recalls. “I would pass the Forbidden City, Lama Temple, hutongs and the diplomatic quarter, where I also earned some extra cash as a researcher for Newsweek. Along the way, I would stop, shoot, then start off again.” Dransfield’s meandering, documentarist style resulted in natural, unstaged photos that depict camaraderie, labour, curiosity, pride and humour in the face of staggering poverty. He also shot images on a short trip to Datong, famous for

its 5th- and 6th-century Yungang Buddhist caves. “Those scenes spoke to me of a certain innocence, obliviousness even – of a country that was just beginning to reopen, and that for many years had tried to discard its past,” Dransfield says. “Everyone showed me immense generosity in giving me their time. That’s what has stayed with me all these years.” As part of the “Track of Time” exhibit, Dransfield raised HK$10,000 for the Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute. His book,“Track of Time: Moments of Transition”, is available here:


eld at the FCC in October 2020, the “Track of Time” photography exhibit almost didn’t happen. Lawyer and FCC member Patrick Dransfield took this series of black-and-white images during the summer of 1986, when he was working as a teacher in Beijing. For decades, the photo negatives lay forgotten in a plastic bag in his Hong Kong apartment. Dransfield stumbled upon the negatives while cleaning. “I immediately realised that this was a treasure trove of memories and a time capsule of a Beijing which couldn’t feel more far away today,” he says. Shot with a 1960s Shanghai-



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Child Brides of Shravasti


Photojournalist Saumya Khandelwal captures the short-lived childhoods of some young women in India.


lthough it is illegal for girls under 18 and boys under 21 to marry in India, the country is home to more than 15 million underage brides and more than a quarter of Indian girls marry by the age of 18, according to international NGO Girls Not Brides. As New Delhi photojournalist Saumya Khandelwal discovers, the practice is alive and well in many


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traditional communities, including Shravasti, Uttar Pradesh. In this area of northern India, elders often paint a young girl’s body with turmeric or dot her forehead with vermilion to signal that she will either marry soon or has just married – a tradition that dates to the medieval period. Barely on the cusp of puberty, these child brides are the subject of Khandelwal’s recent exhibit “Child

Brides of Shravasti”, showcased at the FCC in September 2020. In 2015, Khandelwal began visiting Uttar Pradesh to document “the stories of such girls who have lost their innocence too early”, writes the photojournalist. Through candid, sometimes painfully personal shots, Khandelwal hopes to raise awareness about the practice and its repercussions. n



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Who’s joined the club, who’s leaving, and who’s changed categories.

• Sai Chau Leung, Resident Specialist, Hospital Authority

New Members

We’re thrilled to introduce a cohort of new members. Welcome! Correspondents • Manuel Baigorri, Reporter, Bloomberg • Raymond Patrick Barrett, Freelance Journalist and Editor • Jonathan Robert Breen, Equities Editor of GlobalCapital Asia, Euromoney Institutional Investor • Sumeet Chatterjee, Acting Asia Finance & Markets Editor, Thomson Reuters

• Jacqueline Loh, Self-Employed, Loh Family Office Limited • Cathy Morris, Director of Technology & Operations for Asia, AXA • Kaushik Roy, SHEQ Manager, Mitsui OSK Lines • Jonna Maria Seppänen, Asia Managing Director, Liana Technologies • Man Chau To, Chief Investment Officer, Goldford Fintech Holding Limited • Chak Sang Ronald Tong, Project Director, Paul Y Engineering • Sherlin Hsie-lien Tung, Partner, Withersworldwide • Catherine Wong Kam-kuen, Barrister-at-law

• Jennifer Creery, Curated Content Editor, Financial Times

• Wing Ko Albert Wong, Student

• Clara Ferreira Marques, Bloomberg Opinion Columnist, Bloomberg

• Kan Zheng, Managing Director, ICBC (Asia)

• Newley Reid Purnell, Reporter, The Wall Street Journal


• William Iain Ridgers, Asia Digital Editor, The Economist

• Jarna Johanna Karanko, Consul General, Consulate General of Finland In Hong Kong and Macao

• Rahul Sachitanand, Associate Editor, Campaign Asia-Pacific • Hing Shing Tai, Reporter, Lianhe Zaobao • Thomas Michael Walker, Freelancer • Lee Stephen Williamson, Generation T Editor, Tatler Asia • Michael Maurice Zennie, Senior Editor, TIME Magazine Journalists

• Dieter Lamle, Consul General, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany •

Membership Replacements

We’ve had a few nominee transfers this quarter. Please welcome:

• Vicky Wai Yun Wong, Freelance Journalist, Researcher and Fixer, RTHK


• Yinuo Zhou, Video Producer and Editor, Localiiz

• Wai Ying Poon, Claims Senior Manager, Gard (HK)



• David Matheson Cave, President and Owner, Dragon-i Toys

• Per Arne Augustsson, Consul General, Consulate General of Sweden

• Gaven Wei-kin Cheong, Partner, Simmons & Simmons

• Chen Chou Lin, Deputy Director, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office

• Christine Chan Chiu, Freelancer • Jonathan Paul Crompton, Partner, Reynolds Porter Chamberlain • Andrew Henry Dickson, Coach, Minisport HK • David Fenn, Solicitor, David Fenn & Co • Jason Colin Gotch, Director of Security Asia-Pacific, Bloomberg • Kenneth Leung, Director, Bank Julius Baer & Co • Clement Ka-chi Lai, CEO & Founder, Clement Shield (Security Specialist and Event Organiser) Ltd • Kelvin Ho-Por Lam, Southern District Councillor, District Council • Wing Fung Alan Lau, Director, Bloughton Land Investment Co

Absent Members

It’s see you later, not goodbye, to these members. Correspondents • Lara Monica Jimenez Day, Editor, The Wall Street Journal • Graham William Gaston, News Operations Manager, Bloomberg • Tara Loader Wilkinson, Editor-in-Chief, BILLIONAIRE Magazine • Si Meng Laurence Tan, Assignment Editor, Getty Images • Carlos Ramon Tejada, Asia Business Editor, The New York Times • Yuli Yang, Assignment Editor, CNN



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• Gardiana Wai Yu Chan, Freelancer

• Tsoek Fung Chuck Pang, Online News Reporter, The Standard

• Caroline Anne Jones, Managing Editor, Sassy Media Group

• Ryan Swift, Editor, SCMP

• Yee Wai Wong, Freelancer



• Michael Graeme Bateman, Head of APAC Research Sales Hong Kong, Nomura International (HK)

• Martin Allen, Finance Director, CFO Centre

• Pakorn Boonyakurkul, Self-Employed

• Louise Irene Barrington, Administrator, Aculex

• Graham Sargent Ernst, Chief Operating Officer, Ward Ferry Management

• Christine L Brendle, CEO, FUN Union • Lai Ming Cheng, Financial Analyst, Plaza Premium Lounge

• Enzio von Pfeil, Self-Employed • Terese Wong, Self-Employed

• Maxwell Ronald Cooke, CEO, Lauren Richards HK • Elaine Davis, Chief Operating Officer, Nine Masts Capital Limited • Hillary King, Managing Director, DDK Communication Limited • Stephen Robert Laslocky, Vice President, Media Partners Asia


Some familiar faces rejoined the club. Great to have them back!

• Roger Kuo-chuan Lee, Chief Executive Office, Tal Apparel Limited


• Nabil Samman, Professor, The University of Hong Kong

• Jennifer Kolika Wylde Jett, Senior Staff Editor, The New York Times

• Albert Shu, Director, Weber Shandwick


• Penelope William Siu, Self-Employed

• Robert Paul Soden, Vice President, Qinara

• Angela Catherine Todd, Lawyer, FitzGerald Lawyers

• James Alistair Strang, Lecturer, Hong Kong Baptist University

• Michael Richard Weekes, Commercial Contracts Manager, Systra

• Brendan Wong, General Manager, Paning Centennial Foundation

• Alexander Antony Woodthorpe, Chairman & Managing Director, Merton Group

• Miyuki Yoshida, Director, Loftus Group •


Au revoir to our former members. We wish you well!

Category Changes

For these members, it was time for a status update. Associates to Silver Associates • Christopher Guy Howse, Senior Partner, Richards Butler • Jon Andres Resnick, Retired

Correspondents • Jonathan Wesley Gordon, TV Reporter, Thomson Reuters • Mallika Kapur, Senior Editor, Bloomberg • Edward Louis Nicolas Massie, TV Senior Editor, AFP • Casey Oneill Quackenbush, Reporter, TIME • Douglas Schorzman, Deputy Asia Editor, The New York Times


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We are extremely sad to announce the deaths of: • Thomas D Gorman • Deborah Price



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Welcome, New Members The FCC Membership Committee meets regularly to vet applications and is always impressed by the diversity, experience and talents of FCC candidates. Join us in welcoming our latest batch of members!


I went unwittingly into financial journalism but was rewarded with the chance to move to Hong Kong and cover one of the most exciting and important capital markets. I spend much of my free time hiking or researching which bars have the best beers and comfiest stools. Previously, I worked for a newspaper in South Korea, where I spent some of my earlier years and still have family. I’m trying to master a few languages and have just about managed English. Tips are welcome. SUMEET CHATTERJEE

I have been with Reuters for more than 14 years, and in my current role as acting Asia finance editor, I oversee the coverage of banks, deals, and regulatory developments in the region. Before moving to Hong Kong in 2016, I worked in India, where I covered the country’s technology and financial sector, as well as the pharmaceutical industry. However, my first foray into journalism was in fashion. Given that I probably won’t get front-row seats at events at this stage of my career, I don’t imagine going back to that beat in this life. DAVID MATHESON CAVE

Originally from Northampton, England, I left school at 15 and got my first job as a casino trainee croupier at only 17. I must have been the world’s youngest five-card stud poker dealer! Through the years, I’ve DJ’ed and worked in radio, toured with music acts and made a name as a record buyer in Indonesia, China and South America. I eventually started my own toy company, Dragon-i Toys, in Hong Kong in 2009. I also wrote my autobiography, From Disco’s to Dino’s, and I look forward to telling you more about it at the FCC. CHRISTINE CHAN CHIU

I’m an independent art advisor and freelance writer, who is now brewing up a very interesting art startup. A proud Hongkonger, I studied art history and languages while developing a passion for music, history and culture. This is one of the reasons why my husband and I are very excited to join the FCC family; we love the historical significance of the Old Dairy Farm Depot as well as the cosy, intellectual atmosphere of the club – and we can’t wait till jazz nights resume at Bert’s! DAVID FENN

I am a practising solicitor, who set up my own law firm this year focusing on litigation and corporate practice. I am also a non-executive director of three Hong Kong-listed companies, and have been serving on the HKICPA Disciplinary Panel and HKSAR Housing Appeal Panel advocating public interest. Born and bred in Hong Kong, I studied both here and in the UK. In my free time, I love hiking, swimming, cars, watches and having a good glass of wine – and I look forward to meeting fellow members at the Lounge!



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I’m the Regional Director of Security for Bloomberg, having relocated from Singapore in May 2019. My first visit to Hong Kong was actually in 1994, as an aspiring stuntman/actor. I spent three months living in Kowloon auditioning (badly) and eating with Jackie Chan’s stunt guys at Jack in the Box. Needless to say, my career did not exactly take off. However, my current role offers me plenty of ‘action’, given the city’s fair share of geopolitical intrigue. In my spare time, I’m a Master’s student of International Relations at SOAS, and I’m studying German for my grand plan of a Swiss retirement. JARNA JOHANNA KARANKO

I am the Consul-General of Finland in Hong Kong and Macao, and have been a Finnish career diplomat for a long time. I have worked on sustainable development and climate policy, UN development affairs, World Bank relations and relations with several European countries. Before moving here, I was part of the UN Representations in New York and Geneva and at the Finnish Embassy both in Paris and Caracas. I speak a number of languages – English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish – and enjoy hiking, sailing, photography and design. CLEMENT KA-CHI LAI

I am the founder and CEO of Clement Shield Ltd, a company that specialises in security and event planning, rescue solutions for both public and private clients and anti-counter terrorism, among other things. Prior to establishing my company, I worked with the Specialist Units of the Hong Kong Police Force for 22 years.


I am a Hongkonger, born and bred, and spent most of my childhood here until I was sent to the UK for my studies. I worked as an economist covering the UK and European economies until 2014, when the Umbrella Movement inspired me to return home, with the hope I could contribute to the democratisation process here. Walking out of my comfort zone, I worked in various sell-side institutions covering China and Hong Kong. In 2019, I stepped in to replace activist Joshua Wong and won my seat as a local councillor for South Horizons. DIETER LAMLÉ

I am the German Consul General for Hong Kong and Macao, and moved to Hong Kong with my wife three years ago. I have been active in the German diplomatic service for over 30 years on postings in Rwanda, Indonesia, New York, Peru and Erbil in Iraq. During our last stay in Berlin, I was Chief of Protocol of the Senate of Berlin and just before coming to Hong Kong the Director for Latin America at the German Foreign Ministry. I am happy to join the FCC and am looking forward to interesting meetings and discussions. CLARA FERREIRA MARQUES

I’m a columnist for the Opinion team at Bloomberg, where I am lucky enough to cover commodities, climate and a handful of emerging markets including Russia. It’s a wonderfully varied portfolio, and every day is different. I joined Bloomberg from Reuters, where I spent almost two decades as a reporter and editor in Moscow, Milan, London, Mumbai, Singapore and, finally, here in Hong Kong. My husband and I have three boys and enjoy tiring them out on Hong Kong’s hiking trails and beaches at the weekend.


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I’m Cathy Morris, a Tasmanian who has lived and worked in Hong Kong since 2010. I originally arrived on a six-week work assignment and fell in love with the place. Hong Kong is an exciting city to live in, with access to a wonderful array of hiking trails. I enjoy playing mahjong and love travelling around the region (Covid-19 permitting) for both work and pleasure. I work for AXA as the Director for Technology & Operations for Asia. I am very happy to be joining a number of friends as a member of the FCC. NEWLEY REID PURNELL

I’m a reporter with The Wall Street Journal, which I joined in 2014. My wife Anasuya Sanyal and I moved here earlier this year from New Delhi with our rescue dog Ginger. I love my beat, which involves digging into what global technology firms are up to across Asia. I grew up in two very different parts of the US: rural Eastern Oregon and South Carolina Lowcountry. I am a lifetime soccer player, having played as a goalkeeper for my university team, and on many Sunday league teams since then. I’m excited to join the FCC and meet fellow members. WILLIAM IAIN RIDGERS

I am The Economist’s new(ish) Asia Digital Editor, overseeing our regional news desk here in Hong Kong. I’ve been working at the newspaper – in more guises than I can remember – for nearly 25 years, but this is my first role overseas. I moved the family from locked-down London in April and, despite the odd homesick pang, it has so far proved a wonderful place to live. Mindbogglingly expensive, even for a Londoner, but wonderful. Best of all, what with it being so quiet on the news front in Hong Kong this year, it has been nice to be able to ease gently into the job. Oh, hold on. KAUSHIK ROY

My family and I hail from London and moved to Hong Kong a few years back. I am a manager at LNG Shipping, and I am deeply connected with the maritime community in the city and beyond. I am also the first Chartered Master Mariner in Southeast Asia, including China/Hong Kong. Occasionally, I write articles about the industry in newspapers and trade magazines. My wife and I love travelling, eating, socialising, organising events and mingling with people, which is why we’re happy to become part of FCC and its name, culture, and heritage. SHERLIN HSIE-LIEN TUNG

I’m a partner in the litigation and arbitration group at international law firm Withersworldwide. Born in Taiwan, I grew up in California, and have worked on three continents (North America, Europe, and Asia). I’m always open to new opportunities, whether professional or personal, and enjoy spending time with my husband, cat, and good friends. Prior to these unique times, I loved to travel and try the local delicacies of the countries I visited. To date, my most memorable trip was a one-week adventure in Cinque Terre, Italy, eating homemade seafood pasta next to the sea. THOMAS MICHAEL WALKER

I’m originally from the UK but I’ve been in Hong Kong for three years. Prior to that, I’ve had stints in Bangkok, Melbourne, and Auckland. I’m a freelance journalist, photographer and travel writer, and I also operate a social media marketing business for travel companies worldwide. In my spare time, I enjoy socialising in bars (and now at the FCC), going on hikes and getting some island time in. Cheers to the FCC for having me here. I’m keen to be part of the conversation both now and in the future.



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In 2009, on a bit of a whim, I packed a bag to travel to Asia for a year. I ended up in Beijing, where I sat in the editor’s chair at Time Out Beijing, met a girl and started a family. I landed in Hong Kong three years ago, and I’m now head of content at Generation T, Tatler Asia’s content and events platform for the leaders of tomorrow. This year, I was honoured to be selected for WAN-IFRA’s inaugural Young Media Leaders Fellowship. VICKY WONG

I’m a web producer at RTHK English News. I was born in the UK to Hong Kong parents, so in 2014, I decided to trace my roots and moved here to pursue a Master of Journalism at the University of Hong Kong. I arrived just one month before the Umbrella Movement kicked off, and it has been an adventure, to say the least. My work has appeared on CNN International, MSNBC and Coconuts Hong Kong, for which I covered last year’s antigovernment protests. When I’m off-duty I enjoy reading, music, films, photography and knitting. CATHERINE WONG

I am really excited to be joining the big family of the FCC! I enjoy relaxing at the end of a long workday with a drink in the Lounge, and love the music performances, exhibitions and various activities held at the club – they’re all extremely engaging. I would love to share my boring legal experience with my fellow colleagues and look forward to getting to know more of you.


I was born in China and educated both there and in the UK. My career started in London, where I managed money for institutional clients such as central banks, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies and pension funds. After 15 years there, I moved to Hong Kong three years ago. I discovered the FCC through a close friend, and have found it a great place to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures. My personal interests are politics, business, social issues, arts and fitness. Since joining the FCC, I have made a few friends and I look forward to making even more in the years to come. YINUO ZHOU

Born in China, I moved to the UK when I was 15. I completed an MA in International Journalism (Broadcast) at City, University of London, then came to Hong Kong to work as a news anchor. I also hosted and produced a talk show on Tencent Video that received over 1.5 billion hits. I am an adventurous person who’s always looking to tick things off my bucket list, like attempting the Polar Plunge in Antarctica and even persuading my mum to do it! I love being outdoors so I used to travel a lot before the pandemic. Now I quench my wanderlust with wake surfing and hiking.

Calling All Members As we all know, the club is overflowing with talent, and we would love to feature more work by FCC members in The Correspondent. Do you have a great story idea? Shoot photography? Keen to proofread? Or simply want to share your feedback over a Headline beer at the bar? Please don’t hesitate to reach out! We would love to hear from you. Send an email to our editor at or


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The FCC is one of the most popular clubs in Hong Kong, but not just anyone can become a member. How do we vet applicants? Membership Committee Co-Convenor Kristine Servando takes us behind the scenes.


alk into the Foreign Correspondents’ Club on any given evening, and you’ll find members of various backgrounds, professions, countries and creeds. This diversity is thanks in part to the Membership Committee, which has long been working to ensure a steady cohort of remarkable people join the club, enjoy the atmosphere, partake in events, and join our efforts to support press freedom. Helmed by governors and assisted by former board governors, the committee meets once a month to carefully assess applications and determine if the individual would be a good fit for the club. The committee also assigns applicants to the appropriate category – Journalist, Correspondent, Associate, Diplomatic or Corporate – as these determine not just joining fees but also members’



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voting rights when it comes to new articles of association, policies and board members. Correspondent members are those who work for international news outlets and organisations, while Journalist members work for local media. Freelancers can belong to either category, so long as it comprises the bulk of their income. Meanwhile, Associates – the club’s largest contingent – include those who do not work for the press, such as lawyers, businesspeople, public-relations executives, finance professionals, doctors and nurses, educators, NGO leaders and more. The committee admits those in the diplomatic corps as Diplomatic members. Companies with operations in Hong Kong can apply for a Corporate membership, which is transferable among employees. A firm typically nominates


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at least three members to join the club. Once they’ve vetted applications, the Membership Committee presents the names of candidates to the Board of Governors for approval. The FCC then sends newly accepted members a welcome letter with instructions for picking up their member card along with an invitation to an induction ceremony, which is a great chance to meet fellow members and board governors when social-distancing restrictions allow. New members are in good company: As of November 2020, the club boasts about 2,000 active members in Hong Kong and just as many absent members who have left the city but can temporarily reactivate their account if and when they visit. Silver membership is granted to those who have reached age 65 and have been members in good standing for at least 30 years. They enjoy lifetime membership and no longer need to pay monthly subscription fees. The Committee also has the option of nominating honorary members, subject to board approval. Former governor of Hong Kong Chris Patten, British Formula One racing legend Sir John Young “Jackie” Stewart, and Indonesian journalist Veby Mega Indah are among our honorary members. Over the past few years, the committee has endeavoured to further diversify the club by inviting more women and early-career journalists to join. Recruitment drives, mainly by word of mouth, are essential to the club’s growth. FCC President Jodi Schneider, who attends every Membership Committee meeting and has been one of the most active recruiters in recent years, says the best tools for attracting new people are the members themselves. “When I see someone bring in a guest, I ask them if they’ve suggested they apply,” she says, adding that she

keeps application forms at the ready. “Much of it is really just awareness.” Club Treasurer Tim Huxley, another enthusiastic recruiter, says it is “surprisingly easy” to encourage people to join once they experience the club, meet a few other members and “see that they can be part of this incredible institution.” “Once people realise that they would be welcome and that it’s a very open, informal and friendly place, it’s difficult to argue against joining,” he says. “And that’s before you get them to sample the food and beverages.” Schneider cites access to potential sources, networking and strong press-freedom advocacy as top draws for Journalist and Correspondent members. Meanwhile, Associates appreciate the atmosphere, the restaurants and bar, as well as exclusive events, such as club panels and photo exhibits. “For everyone [the attraction is] the food, drinks, terrific staff and great vibe,” Schneider says. “Bringing people to the club is key – once there, the place sells itself.” n

Earn HK$1,000 in Referral Rewards

Keen to support the FCC? For the foreseeable future, those who refer an applicant who successfully joins the club will receive HK$1,000 in food and beverage credits. Board members are not eligible. Pick up an application form at the reception desk or online:

ABSENT MEMBER PERKS Just because you’re called away from Hong Kong, doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to the FCC. If you’ve been a member for more than a year, you qualify for an Absent membership. How it works: After paying a one-time HK$2,000 set-up fee, you can reactivate your membership up to three times a year, for two weeks each time, during which you will be charged a pro-rated subscription fee. If you need more time at the FCC, simply top up with seven-day increments up to four times per year. “During my reporting days in Hong Kong, I found the club lunch sessions useful,” says Beh Lih Yi. Based in Malaysia, the Southeast Asia correspondent for the Thomson Reuters Foundation set up her Absent membership in 2013. “Outside work, I enjoyed exchanging stories with other journalists over a few drinks or a bowl of salt and pepper tofu.” Elana Beiser, editorial director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, became an absent member in 2011 after moving to New York. “The FCC is such a relaxing gathering place … and it has an air of history about it,” she says. “I had to put Hong Kong behind me, but I’m not really leaving because I’m still a member of the FCC, and I can come back anytime.”







By Finbarr Bermingham


– And Say Hi To Joyce: The Life and Chronicles of a Lesbian Couple and Courting Justice: Gay Men And Lesbians v. The Supreme Court – co-authored with her wife, Joyce Murdoch. After Detroit News, Price studied business and investment in China as a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University from 2010 to 2011. Following a journalism teaching job at the Harvard Summer School and a stint covering the 2012 election for Agence-France Presse, the next chapter of Price’s career took her to Asia. Price moved to Hong Kong in 2013 to work as The Wall Street Journal ’s Southeast Asia editor, where she led coverage of global stories including Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and the Thai coup of 2014. In 2015, she won a SOPA award for a feature about a foreign domestic worker’s fight for justice in Hong Kong. After leading the English-language newsroom of independent financial publication Caixin Global in Beijing, Deb Price (27 February 1958–20 November 2020) on Lamma Island in 2015. Price landed at the Post in 2018 as a senior editor on the business desk where she focused on Hong Kong and eborah Price, a trailblazing columnist, award- mainland China stocks. Patient and determined to impart winning journalist and mentor to generations of her vast experience, Price coached junior reporters – young reporters, has died at the age of 62 following running through stories line by line – and her encouraging a short illness. Known to friends and colleagues simply as voice became a familiar part of the newsroom hubbub. Reporters recall her excitement during reporting visits Deb, the award-winning journalist and editor managed the South China Morning Post’s markets coverage. An in Chinese cities, thrilled by even the most pedestrian of events – a testament to Price’s passion for effervescent fixture in the newsroom, her early learning and journalistic curiosity, traits which morning quips and energy will be missed by all. never waned. She also studied Mandarin, She arrived at the Post in 2018 at the peak of with the goal of being able to read half the a storied career. Price had started out covering Her encouraging characters in any Chinese newspaper within local politics and court cases for the Northern voice became a Virginia Sun in 1982. Two years later, she took familiar part of the three years. In mid-August, Price acquired permanent a job with The Washington Post, where Price’s go newsroom hubbub.” residency in Hong Kong, where she and Joyce get ’em attitude took her to the role of assistant planned to retire. Days after the good news, editor for national and business news. Price fell ill while preparing for an interview at the Hong But it was during her 22-year run at the Detroit News, Kong Stock Exchange. She sadly never recovered, dying of from 1989 to 2011, that she sprang to national prominence. an autoimmune lung disease on 20 November 2020. The In 1992, she became America’s first nationally syndicated outpouring of messages since Price’s passing shows how columnist on gay life, writing the first of 900 columns over groundbreaking her writing was, and just how many she 18 years. Price aimed, in her own words, to “bridge a gap touched and inspired. between the gay and heterosexual communities, to get an Price is survived by her wife, Joyce Murdoch, and will open and honest dialogue started.” be sorely missed by countless more. This mission continued over two well-received books


Thomas D Gorman

Long-time FCC member Thomas D Gorman died on 11 September 2020 at the age of 69 after a long battle with cancer. A native of the Chicago area, he made Hong Kong his home for 45 years. Prior to his retirement, Gorman was editor-in-chief of Fortune China. A former chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce and of the Hong Kong International School, Gorman is survived by his wife, Jenny, and daughter, Listen.



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What Happens When the World’s Two Largest Economies Break Up? In his new book, ‘The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in China’ is Going out of Style’, FCC Member Johan Nylander clearly and concisely unpacks one of the most pressing issues of the day. By Jonathan Sharp


f the many characterisations used to describe the global rivalry centred on the US-China feud, one of the more apocalyptic is in the new book by award-winning author and freelance Asia correspondent Johan Nylander. The first sentence in his introduction reads: “This book is about the greatest break-up the world has ever seen.” A touch over the top? Perhaps. But the Swedish author forcefully argues the claim in his self-published The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in China’ is Going out of Style. It’s written in a punchy, minceno-words approach that is typical of Nylander’s work and might seem a bit light-touch for such a heavy subject. However, this book is by no means lightweight in its content. It’s a slim volume that manages to cover all the bases of what is going pearshaped in US-China relations and the repercussions for the rest of the world. Nylander hastens to add that his book is not about the world going up in flames. It is, however, about a conflict dominating the global landscape for many years to come. As he puts it: “The fight has just begun.” The question of whether the new cold war could turn hot is a valid one. “A tremendous degree of military tension has been building over the last few years,” Nylander writes, citing China’s acceptance of conflict on multiple fronts. Nylander doesn’t take sides: “The case against China has been well-rehearsed. But is it fair to blame only one side for the conflict? Of course not.” In bite-sized chapters, he charts the many facets of this “epic split”, starting with the rise of China and what he calls the bare-knuckled approach of President Xi Jinping, who “bows to no one”, towards the US. Ever ready with the neatly turned phrase, Nylander notes that the “era for cheap and cheerful manufacturing in China is over. It’s no longer cheap, and it’s certainly not cheerful.” Among the many topics he explores is the phenomenon of “one company, two systems” whereby foreign firms in


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China set up parallel structures outside the country to navigate a world split into two camps, China and nonChina. Nylander mocks those bending over backwards to avoid offending China for fear of Beijing’s ire. “It’s incredibly embarrassing to see how Western brands and politicians over and over again kowtow to China for the most minor perceived wrongdoings.” The book is peppered with anecdotes and quotes from Nylander’s myriad sources, first- and second-hand. He is sufficiently well-connected to be able to sit down for an interview with Ren Zhengfei, founder of the telecom giant Huawei, which has become such a target for the US on the high-tech battleground. Nylander refrains from making detailed predictions about how the global struggle will pan out – a wise choice, given the spotty record of China crystal ball-gazing. Remember those forecasts about the coming collapse of Chinese communism? But he does suggest a scenario about countries and companies decoupling from China. “If the past 40 years were characterised by globalisation, the next 40 may well be about decoupling.” Nylander recounts how he has personally been caught in the crossfire of East-West rivalry. Beijing’s embassy in Stockholm took exception to a piece he wrote about Chinese disinformation campaigns. When trying to distance itself from the Covid-19 pandemic, the country spread various conspiracy theories, including one claiming the virus was planted in Wuhan by the US military. “The Chinese embassy called me ‘unscientific’, which I found quite comical.” Less amusing, he then writes, is the Chinese propaganda machine. It’s not to be underestimated. “When it comes to disinformation, Beijing has borrowed directly from the KGB cookbook.” Pick up a copy at the FCC or order it online here:



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Motherland: Jiayang Fan’s Story of Family, Covid-19 and the Fervour of Chinese Nationalism


Jiayang Fan, a staff writer for The New Yorker, joined the FCC to discuss intersecting themes of immigration, identity, disinformation and dissent. By Kate Whitehead

Left: Jiayang Fan; Right: The 14 September cover of The New Yorker.


f the pandemic has any upsides, the emergence of the prompted the vitriol? In 2011, Fan’s mother was diagnosed FCC’s online events are undoubtedly one of them. with ALS, a neurodegenerative disease, and has come to rely Before Covid-19, it may have been tough to persuade on a ventilator and two medical assistants for survival. In Jiayang Fan, a New Yorker staff writer, to make the 15-hour April 2020, when Covid-19 restrictions in New York City trip from New York to Hong Kong for a club lunch talk. threatened that support system, Fan took to social media to The journalist is in high demand these days: After her voice concerns and seek help. essay, “Motherland”, appeared in the Instead of offering sympathy, Chinese September 14 issue, it swiftly exploded netizens quickly labelled Fan a traitor to “As a writer, you online and has since led to a book deal. have a responsibility the motherland, while ruthlessly harassing But with the FCC’s flexible online speaker her on social media because she “worships” to probe into the format, Club President Jodi Schneider America, has written critically about impulses of what hosted an insightful online discussion with China’s policies and supports Hong Kong’s Fan on 22 October 2020. pro-democracy “terrorists”. people do.” If you haven’t read the piece, it’s The precise nature of the insults struck worth digging out. Fan, who was born in Chongqing and Fan: “Some said I want to eat your mother’s ashes or mutilate immigrated to the US when she was seven, tells the story your corpse in a specific way. There is so much rage and fury of how she and her mother became the target of Chinese at the other side of this computer, and that’s not coming propaganda, misinformation and cyber harassment. What from an automaton; that’s coming from someone with flesh



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and blood who truly feels that my crime against China is unforgivable.” In her New Yorker essay, Fan investigated the source of this rage to understand the attacks in a more “threedimensional” way. “What injustices did they feel they had suffered to merit such vicious attacks on someone they’ve only read about on the internet?” she asks. “As a writer, you have a responsibility to probe into the impulses of what people do, even if it seems counterintuitive.” To that end, Fan considered the motivations behind the attacks, while offering introspection about her personal immigrant experience, encounters with racism, conflicting Chinese and American identities and an at-times turbulent mother-daughter relationship. “I actually did not intend to write the piece as a personal history. ... it started with an idea to examine the role of nationalist trolls on [social] media and their increasingly international presence,” says Fan. “The more I thought about how I would frame the piece, the more I wanted to make sure I gave them a humanity that they don’t necessarily grant their targets.” She attributes the outrage to a mix of factors: powerful nationalist propaganda, a sense of filial piety to the Communist Party, escalating tensions between the US and China, and misplaced resentment about Fan’s apparent “betrayal” of her motherland. “I became this very convenient vehicle for all these feelings burbling under the surface in the relationship between the US and China,” says Fan. “The Chinese are very into the idea of karma, fate, yuán [or yuanfen, the concept of destiny in relationships] and the idea that, of course, I deserve to lose my mother in the pandemic for my traitorous actions, [my] villainy against China.” FCC members from all backgrounds will appreciate this candid breakfast interview, which extends to Fan’s career path, thoughts on Hong Kong press freedoms, the power and perils of social media, and a few tips for aspiring longform feature writers. If you missed the conversation, watch it online here:


In Case You Missed It Tune in to a few of our recent webinars:

Examining China’s Influence on Hollywood

With James Tager, PEN America; Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, Axios; and Rebecca Davis, Variety As the power of China’s box office grows, the country holds increasing sway over Hollywood. This lively panel discussion explored the fallout of Disney’s live-action “Mulan” remake, which drew backlash for filming in Xinjiang, as well as selfcensorship in Hollywood and potential human rights implications. Watch the conversation here:

A Conversation with Joseph Stiglitz Ahead of the 2020 US elections, American economist and Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz discussed all things President Trump, from Covid-19 to the economy. The Columbia University professor condemned the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic, calling it an “utter disaster”, and detailed the many ways in which he believes Trump has undermined democracy. Watch the conversation here:

How the Biden Administration Will Manage Its Relationship with China

With Bonnie Glaser, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Tom Orlik, Bloomberg Chief Economist PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

During this online breakfast event, China experts discussed potential US foreign policy shifts, particularly in relation to China, under the Biden administration. They covered many possibilities, from reversing executive orders to leveraging tariffs, rekindling relations with former allies and establishing strategic trade deals. Jiayang Fan and her mother.


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Watch the conversation here:



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o offset Covid-19-induced boredom, I have recently rediscovered the kitchen, embarking on a cooking refresher course on YouTube. Until now, my cooking abilities have been pretty rudimentary, with toast featuring heavily. That’s hardly surprising, given my childhood exposure to the limited array of English-influenced antipodean 1970s cuisine – most dinners in New Zealand consisted of one meat and two veg, garnished with salt, butter – and on Sundays – red sauce. In those days, a ‘perfectly’ cooked piece of meat was hard enough to bounce off the plate three times; otherwise, we considered it ‘rare’ and sent it back to the pan for another 20 minutes. Visually, the food was similarly unappealing. Most proteins looked a bit grey, presumably because we only had a black-and-white TV, so mum must have been mimicking what the celebrity chefs presented. Either way, when 50 Shades of Grey published, I called mum to congratulate her on her first cookbook. She didn’t find it funny. Although mum ran the kitchen with an iron fist, dad also did his bit cooking: the Sunday evening meal, where dad deep-fried leftovers. As a Scotsman, deep frying was his forte, and everything went into that pan, including bread, fruit, ice cream, scones... Despite our horrific diets, we managed to remain relatively thin; food was much scarcer back then, and mum served exactly three meals a day like any good prison warden. If you missed a meal, you just waited it out until the next sitting – also known as ‘intermittent fasting’ these days. We also pioneered the keto diet. When mum ran out of potatoes, we suffered through the lone veg (usually peas) and protein (lamb chops) on the plate. We had ‘influencers’ back then, too – a wooden spoon across the back of the head encouraged us to



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eat our greens – and sustainability was a given, since we drank unfiltered tap water from the hose in our front yard and PET bottles didn’t exist. Food waste did not exist either: whatever we couldn’t eat, dad would annex. The poor dog never got a look in. Most of our groceries came over the back fence from an old bloke named Stretch (on account of his small stature), who grew all the Kiwi staples: peas, beans, spuds and garlic (although my parents considered the latter highfalutin and it never made an appearance at our place). We paid old Stretch using the local currency of the day – cartons of cigarettes and crates of beer – which dad earned by bartering things that ‘fell off the back of a truck’ at the wharves. The quality of goods in those days far exceeds the junk we buy today – even the old black-and-white TVs still worked after falling off the back of the truck. Fast forward 50 years, and we now no longer rely on tattered old Women’s Weekly cookbooks for recipes or a tiny, green-thumbed, alcoholic neighbour for groceries. Now, the internet provides everything from motivation to instructions, ingredients and even complete meals. We can even post pictures of our finished masterpieces online to be rated or slated. In my own kitchen, things are progressing well. And although toast is still heavily featured, I’m now baking bread from scratch and no longer relying on the smoke detector as a cooking timer. n

New Zealand-born David Cain is a freelance project management consultant and has lived around Asia for 18 years – always coming back to Hong Kong “like a missing sock in a clothes dryer”.


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Consultation by Appointment. SAI KUNG 8AM-9PM 27920833


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TSEUNG KWAN O 9AM-10PM 22446684



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16 Last Laugh 3.indd 1

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