HEAT Key Scene 1 Analysis Camera angles and techniques CLOSE-UP of Vincent when he says they ‘just got made’. This shows the importance of what he is about to say – ‘what they are lookin’ at’. MEDIUM CLOSE-UP of Neil when they are standing at the shipyard. He is explaining where the made up exits are as he tricks Hanna and crew into the trap. HIGH ANGLE SHOT used when the cop is taking pictures of Neil’s crew. CLOSE-UP of Vincent’s crew to show how they are puzzled as to why Neil’s crew where looking around the yard. CLOSE-UP of Vincent as he realises he just got made. To show admiration/respect. HIGH ANGLE SHOT of Vincent to show him as small and weak as he falls into the trap. Focus on facial expressions. TRACKING Neil and his crew when they are walking. HIGH ANGLE SHOT of Neil and his crew to make them seem powerless and defeated. LOW ANGLE SHOT of Vincent to show the high buildings where they take photo’s of the LAPD crew.
Music Music is used (non-diegetic) throughout this scene to create tension as Vincent tries to work MacCauley out. Diegetic sound in the background of the machinery in the shipyard. Music is atmospheric as Hanna begins to respect Neil. The game is on!
Lighting Natural and brighter than the rest of the movie type. This symbolises revelation/ awakening on Vincent’s part.