Jan. 13 - 19, 2022
Fa lls Chur c h, V i r g i ni a • ww w. fc np. c om • Fr ee
Fou n d e d 1991 • Vol. X XXI No. 48
The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia
Tarter Bridge Club Reunites For New Year Re-Elected To Record 5th Term Council Unanimous in His & Hardi’s Vice Mayor Pick by Nicholas F. Benton
Falls Church News-Press
P. David Tarter has become the longest-serving mayor in the 74 year history of the City of Falls Church, being elected to a record fifth consecutive two-year term by a unanimous vote of the F.C. City Council Monday night. His fifth term election eclipses the former mark of four consecutive two-year terms held for decades by former Mayor Carol DeLong, still active in the F.C. community, from 1980 to 1988. Tarter was first elected to the City Council in May 2012 following four years of service on the City’s Economic Development Authority (EDA) and prior to that in a stint as an interim City Attorney for Falls Church. He was first elected mayor to a two-year term in January 2014, and subsequently in the January months of 2016, 2018 and 2020 He was re-elected to the Council this just past November 2020, such that his latest election as mayor this month became his fifth straight.
Continued on Page 3
LONGTIME REGULARS at the Falls Church Tuesday Bridge Club that now meets at the Sfizi Italian in the Little City started off the new year in style this week. They’ve met for decades first at the old Brinkley’s Restaurant, then at Anthony’s before it moved out of the City. (Photo: News-Press)
Downs New School Chair as Noonan Presents New Budget
by Nicholas F. Benton Falls Church News-Press
At the Falls Church School Board’s first meeting of the new year, and first held in person at the new Council chambers in City Hall since before the Covid-19 pandemic
kicked in almost two years ago, the Council unanimously elected a new chair and vice chair, Laura Downs and Tate Gould, and was presented the new budget year’s proposed budget by Superintendent Dr. Peter Noonan. The proposed budget for the
2022-2023 school year that will be finally adopted next May, will represent, if adopted, the fourth in a row that funds all the critical functions of the school system while staying within the “guidance” as presented by the City Council last month, according to Noonan.
“The past 18 months have been challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its ongoing effects. These effects have placed significant demands on schools, teachers, students, parents, and the entire com-
Continued on Page 4
Inside This Week Mayor and Vice Mayor Elected for Falls Church City
On Monday, Mayor Tarter was reelected for his fifth consecutive term alongside new Vice Mayor Letty Hardi in a unanimous vote at the City Council meeting. Editor in Chief, Nick Benton shares his thoughts. See Editiorial, Page 6
2022 Health Guide
Find Providers and Manage Your Health This New Year
From managing your mental health to finding a dentist to take care of your specific needs or just selecting a primary care provider, our Health Guide has it all. Get your health in check from head to toe! See Health Guide, Pages 9 — 13
Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Comment............................................. 7 News & Notes...................................... 8 Health Guide................................. 9-13 Calendar............................................ 14 Crime Report..................................... 16 Classified Ads.................................... 17 Critter Corner..................................... 18 Business News.................................. 19