Falls Church News-Press 10-28-2021

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Oct. 28 — Nov. 3, 2021

Falls Church, Virginia • w w w . fc n p . c o m • Free

Founded 1991 • Vol. XXXI N o . 37

The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia

Big Issues Area Latinx Leaders Rally For McAuliffe In Election Day On Tuesday Gubernational & Local City Council, School Board Races on Ballot by Nicholas f. benton

Falls Church News-Press

The most important election in the U.S. this year will culminate with official election day voting next Tuesday, Nov. 2, when the City of Falls Church’s three polling locations and those of all the rest in Virginia will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Virginia is one of only two states in the U.S. where major officers are up for election in 2021, and in this case the race for governor between the Democratic one-term incumbent Terry McAuliffe and Republican newcomer Glenn Youngkin, polls indicate the race is currently in a dead heat. That is vexing news for Democrats in the state who have made consistent electoral gains in Virginia since 2000 to the point they currently control the governor’s mansion and both houses in the state legislature. Whereas McAuliffe used his first term (2014—2018) to veto over 130 bills, mostly anti-women’s rights, annually when Republicans held con-

Continued on Page 4

NEW U.S. SENATOR Alex Padilla of California spoke at a pro-McAuliffe rally of area Latinx leaders near Falls Church last night. (Photo: News-Press)

Petition Made to Form F.C. Race & Equity Body

by Nicholas f. benton

Falls Church News-Press

Leaders of important Falls Church civic organizations took turns coming to the microphone at the newly-revived in-person Falls Church City Council meeting last

Monday to urge the Council to follow through on the suggestion by Council member Letty Hardi and a letter sent to the Council over the summer that the Council call into being a Race and Equity Commission. Members of the indepen-

dent Falls Church Social Justice Committee, the F.C. Chapter of the League of Women Voters, the Citizens for a Better City and the Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation, a disability advocate and a Meridian High School member of its Students of Color Association (SOCA) were

among those prominent citizens who petitioned a receptive Council. The student participant, Kiana Collins, and among other things spoke to the racial incident at Meridian last week that led to a

Continued on Page 5

Inside This Week Falls Church Prepares for Halloween with Decorations

City Council Candidate Comments

See Photos Page 14

See Commentary, Page 7

The Little City is in the holiday spirirt with decorations covering houses all over town and windows of local business covered in spooky paintings with the help of city residents.

Dave Snyder, Debbie Hiscott and Stuart Whitaker have provided statements to the News-Press ahead of the upcoming election. Statements from the other three candidates, published last week, can be found online.


Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Comment............................................. 7 Business News.................................... 9 News & Notes........................ 10,11,16 Crime Report..................................... 12 Calendar......................................18,19 Classified Ads.................................... 28 Comics............................................... 29 Critter Corner..................................... 30

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