Dec. 16 - 22, 2021
Falls Church, Virginia • w w w . fc n p . c o m • Free
Founded 1991 • Vol. XXXI N o . 44
The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia
F.C. May Lose Simon, Saslaw by Redistricting
Holidays In the Little City
New Maps Currently Under Scrutiny in Public Hearings by Nicholas f. benton
Falls Church News-Press
The deadline looms for public reaction to the latest proposed redistricting of Virginia’s congressional and state legislative boundaries, which according to what has been proposed to the Virginia Supreme Court so far, would realign maps around the City of Falls Church resulting in altogether new representation in Richmond. According to the proposed maps drawn up by appointed bipartisan “special masters” in this new process, the City would lose its State Senator Dick Saslaw and State Delegate Marcus Simon, having them replaced by Sen. Barbara Favola and Del. Patrick Hope. Del. Simon told the NewsPress yesterday that the first of two virtual hearings this week, held yesterday afternoon, has seen a lot of concern and objections with the proposed plan. A second and final virtual public
Continued on Page 4
DRIVING AROUND Falls Church neighborhoods this time of year can be a special treat. The lights, the colors, the special exhibits like this adorable front lawn send beautiful greetings to all. It may not be a white Christmas this year, and who knows, maybe all this warmth around town has something to do with it. (Photo: News-Press)
F.C. Police Receive 12% Salary Boost Next Week
by Nicholas f. benton
Falls Church News-Press
A big jolt in City employee paychecks is coming next week, while City taxpayers learned they could be enjoying another big tax cut (up to 4 cents,
depending on how it goes) in the spring and plastic bag users at the City’s supermarkets and drug stores will be charged a nickel per bag come April 1. These were among the big decisions the Falls Church City Council made at its marathon
meeting this Monday which convened at 7:30 p.m. following a reception honoring the swearing in of new and re-elected Council members, the departure of one, and did not finally adjourn, including a closed session, until 1:08 a.m. It was the
Council’s final meeting of the year and there was a lot on its plate. The biggest news came in a report on an internal study of the Falls Church Police Department
Continued on Page 5
Inside This Week New Creative Cauldron Play Makes Spirits Bright
“The Christmas Angel” made its debut last weekend at Creative Cauldron. This new play is sure to get you in the holiday spirit during its limited run time. The whole family will love this soon-to-be classic. See Review, Page 3
Local Restaurant Parking Issues Resolved
See Pages 12-13
La Tingeria recently opened a brick and mortar location in the city.After recieving parking complaints, they were unsure if they would be able to stay in business. However, the issues have been resolved. See Story, Page 2
Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Comment..........................................7,8 Crime Report....................................... 8 News & Notes.............................. 10,11 Calendar......................................16,17 Business News.................................. 19 Classified Ads.................................... 20 Comics............................................... 21 Critter Corner..................................... 22