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F. C. Leaders Denounce Police Violence
Instead of our usual editorial space, this week the News-Press prints comments by key Falls Church law enforcement and Local leaders on their thoughts about the murder of Tyre Nichols by members of a police unit in Memphis:
From the City Council and City Manager: “We are deeply troubled by the horrific video of Tyre Nichols’s death at the hands of Memphis City police officers. Our hearts go out to the family for their loss. Too many in our society experience an encounter with police that escalates to tragedy due to the color of their skin.
We will do everything in our power to ensure our criminal justice system lives up to the promise of fair and impartial justice and dignity for all.
After George Floyd’s death in 2020, the City formed a Police Use of Force Review Committee, adopted new police procedures, initiated a restorative justice program for non-felony youth offenders, and increased transparency with body worn cameras. We recognize more needs to be done and the need for racial equity goes well beyond the criminal justice system.
In the shadow of Tyre Nichols’s death, we rededicate ourselves to the unfinished task before us. Positive change is possible when our community works together and City police are engaged in this important work to advance public safety for all. We support these efforts and remain committed to ensuring that all in our community are treated with respect, equity and decency.”
From Police Chief Mary Gavin: “On behalf of myself and the entire Falls Church Police Department, I want to express my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Tyre Nichols, who suffered a vicious, inexcusable death at the hands of law enforcement. The images of senseless brutality by individuals who swore the same oath as I did, to protect and serve, left me disgusted, enraged, and ashamed. There is no excuse for their actions. The brutal acts of violence on January 7 were not failures of policy or a training issue. These actions were deliberate indifference; a violent, inexcusable failure by the Memphis officers involved. We, as law enforcement, must stand up against any resistance of change that will put an end to any abuses of authority. With conviction we must denounce any actions made by police officers that disregard human rights, dignity and the sanctity of life. I support Memphis Police Chief CJ Davis’s swift decision and action in terminating the officers involved and cooperating fully with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations seeking criminal charges.
The City of Falls Church Police Department condemns all inappropriate and unlawful uses of force by law enforcement. We recognize it is only through building genuine relationships with our community that we can fulfill our oath to protect and serve, and to strive every day to uphold the values our community expects and demands from its public servants.
The City of Falls Church Police Department will be working with the Center for Family and Youth Advocacy to reinforce the meaning of “public” in “public safety,” hold restorative conversations with members of the community, and continue to strengthen skills necessary for our officers to connect in meaningful ways with the community on a daily basis.
I am committed to ensuring fair, community-based policing that’s rooted in transparency, dignity, and respect to all we serve regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.”
From Sheriff Matt Cay: “As the Sheriff of the City of Falls Church I stand with all of our personnel as well as all those who collectively condemn the inexcusable and senseless actions and inactions of those individuals who were sworn to uphold public safety and to protect their community. This profound and unforgivable breach of obligation and responsibility as both community caretakers and fellow human beings resulted in the death of Tyre Nichols for which we extend our condolences to his family.
Constant vigilance is required to ensure that no compromise or erosion of the duty of law enforcement occurs to diminish our obligation to always act in a professional, equitable and accountable manner. Our office remains committed to maintaining departmental culture, protocols, training, transparency and procedures that prioritize the highest levels of community and public service and safety.”