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to Improve One’s House

When looking into improving and/or renovating one’s house, there are many factors to be considered, such as design and cost. However, thinking of “environmentally-friendly” ways for improvement/renovation can also be important for homeowners.
Whether on the inside or outside, there are various ways homeowners can implement sustainable solutions that not only benefit their house, but also the planet.
In recent years, the use of solar panels has become a morerecognized way to provide power to one’s house. These panels have cells that absorb photons from the sunlight, which creates an electric field and causes electricity to flow. According to an article by the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, solar panels are built to “work in all climates” and can be placed on one’s roof; preferably southfacing with a slope of “15 and 40 degrees.”
One common concern about installing solar panels is the cost, which can be about $12,000, according to a March 9th article by Consumer Affairs. However, these panels can save homeowners $1,500 a year on electricity compared to standard electric power.

For homeowners who may want to add more windows to enjoy the spring sun, doublepane windows can reduce the amount of escaped heat up to 50 percent. Also referred to as “insulated window glazing,” double-pane windows can help keep cold air out in the winter and heat out in the summer.
To add an extra environmentally-friendly touch to doublepane windows, one can also use sustainable frames, such as composite wood products and fiberglass, to give a better thermal performance.
Repainting one’s walls or choosing a new wallpaper is a standard improvement a homeowner considers when thinking about home renovations. Luckily, there are businesses that offer eco-friendly paints and wallpapers, such as Backdrop, Clare Paint and Spoonflower. The advantages of using eco-friendly paint and wallpapers are the lower levels of VOCs — volatile organic compounds emitted as gasses from certain solids and liquids — and reduces indoor air pollution pro- duced by toxins from some standard paints/wallpapers.

If a homeowner is considering the best lighting options for their house, LED light bulbs are the more energy efficient option. According to an article by Ledlightplanet. com, good quality LED bulbs can
“last more than 30 times longer” than other light bulbs.
Another advantage of using LED bulbs is that they “generally” produce a low level of carbon dioxide gas compared to
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