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April 14 - 20 , 2022

Fa lls Chur c h, V i r g i ni a • ww w. fc np. c om • Fr ee

Fou n d e d 1991 • Vol. X X XII N o. 9

The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia

F.C. Council Signs Off on 8.5¢ Tax Cut For Now

Celebrating Faith & Love

Concerns Expressed For Wider Inflation Impact by Nicholas F. Benton

Falls Church News-Press

As the Falls Church City Council gave a preliminary OK to its new FY23 budget that will be formally adopted in early May and goes into effect July 1, the action this Monday came in the context of jitters about the wider economy, fueled mostly the current inflation rate. Veteran Councilman David Snyder this Monday gave the best summary of what the Council may be facing in the coming period, citing a series of “yellow flags” that could disrupt the overall economy and have consequences for the City’s budget. There is the rising inflation rate, he noted, which has ballooned to 7.8 percent, the biggest jump since the early 1980s. There are the predictions by some major banks, including Bank of America and Deutschebank, that projects the

Continued on Page 3

A LARGE PROCESSION on E. Fairfax Dr. in downtown Falls Church Sunday led by the Falls Church Episcopal’s new rector, the Rev. Berl Salmon marched to offer a public and visible celebration of the beginning of Christian Holy Week in the Little City. Various events, including involving celebrations of Jewish and Muslim citizens, leading up to Passover, Ramadan and Easter Sunday are slated. (Photo: Gary Mester).

West End’s Long Boulevard Plan to Begin Soon by Nicholas F. Benton Falls Church News-Press

The Falls Church City Council this Monday pressed ahead with the next stage of its complicated agreement to advance the development of the

extraordinary mixed use development project at the site of now demolished George Mason High School. It OK’d a series of moves to convey the property to the City’s Economic Development Authority (EDA) and open the way for the West

Falls Partners group to commence with work on the 10 acre site. The steps also involved, in a separate action, the conveyance of 7.5 acres of City owned land that Virginia Tech had been leasing for 25 years adjacent

the City’s 10 acres and that plans to be folded into a massive plan for over 40 acres to link the City-owned site, the Virginia Tech site and 23 acres owned by WMATA at the West

Continued on Page 4

Inside This Week Summer Travel Plans Return Across the US.

Local Events In and Around the Little City

See Story, Page 12

See Calendar, Pages 16 & 17

It has been over two years since the Covid pandemic began and with high vaccination numbers, people are excited to get out of the house again. People from all over share their travel plans in an NYT column.

Not sure what to do this weekend? Need a fun activity to do with the kids after school? Our calendar features many local events happening in the city, including live music, arts and more!


Comment...................................... 5,7,8 Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Crime Report....................................... 8 Business News.................................. 13 News & Notes..............................14,15 Calendar......................................16,17 Classified Ads.................................... 20 Comics............................................... 21 Critter Corner..................................... 22

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