Falls Church News-Press 4-28-2022

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April 28 - May 4, 2022

Fa lls Chur c h, V i r g i ni a • ww w. fc np. c om • Fr ee

Fou n d e d 1991 • Vol. X X XII No. 11

The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia

Deepest Rate Cut In Region By Far

Artists In The Little City

F.C.’s Tax Rate Now Down Whopping 9¢ by Nicholas F. Benton

Falls Church News-Press

This Monday, May 2, the Falls Church City Council will vote to formally adopt the City’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget that will function for the operations of the City and its school for the year beginning this July 1. This go-around, the Council is expected to have no difficulty quickly reaching a consensus on what should be a unanimous vote, given that the “mark up” of the proposed $112 million budget, which will increase if adopted according to plan over the current budget by 7.58 percent, with no visible dissent just this past Monday. Unlike the City’s regional neighbors, the Council is poised to slash nine cents off its real estate tax rate, from $1.32 to $1.23 per $100 of assessed valuation. That is in sharp contrast to Arlington, whose board last

Continued on Page 3

FALLS CHURCH ARTS is currently hosting their All Members Show. The show features 119 local artists and a variety of media including photographs, paintings and more. The show is on through May 8 and displayed pieces are available for purchase in the gallery. (Photo: News-Press).

Broad & Washington Groundbreaking This Friday by Nicholas F. Benton

Falls Church News-Press

At long last, the groundbreaking for the large scale mixed use project at the northeastern corner of the E. Broad St. (Route 7) at N. Washington (Route 29) intersection in the

center of the City of Falls Church will be celebrated this Friday morning, April 29, that will involve shovels, dirt, a heavy dose of Falls Church Celebrity A listers, leaders of the Creative Cauldron local theater troupe that is looking forward to occupying 5,000

square feet at the site (it is rumored they may also do a little performing Friday) and representatives of the Insight Property Group and a modest reception at the Clare and Don’s Beach Shack. It is not known whether work by VDOT on creating a

Route 29 southbound left turn into the restaurants adjacent the site will be completed in time, but most of the rest of the 2.7 acres has already been leveled (including the site of the old Mountain Jack’s and

Continued on Page 4

Inside This Week Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day This Year

Falls Church Women’s History Walk This Sunday

See Mother’s Day Special, Pages 12 and 13

See News & Notes, Page 16

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and now is the time to make your plans. Pick up local baked goods or flowers and head out on a local adventure for a hike, picnic or another fun activity.

The Falls Church Women’s History Walk will take place throughout the City this Sunday and feature various “Herstory” statios about female leaders from the area over the years. `


Comment...................................... 5,7,8 Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Crime Report....................................... 8 Business News.................................... 9 Mother’s Day Special..................12,13 News & Notes..............................16,17 Calendar......................................18,19 Critter Corner..................................... 22 FCCPS Page..................................... 23

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