Falls Church News-Press 5-5-2022

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May 5 - 11, 2022

Fa lls Chur c h, V i r g i ni a • ww w. fc np. c om • Fr ee

Fou n d e d 1991 • Vol. X X XII No. 12

The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia

Easy F.C. Budget OKd With 9¢ Tax Cut

Whole Foods, Here We Come!

Yet, ‘Dynamic’ Factors Still Grounds for Some Jitters by Nicholas F. Benton

Falls Church News-Press

It was a City of Falls Church budget smoothly crafted, improved and adopted this Monday with little or no discord this time, a product of good and caring government with an emphasis on the role of promoting economic development. Despite the enormous amount of special new costs, including $120 million for a new high school, renovations of the library and City Hall, and pressing storm water infrastructure needs, the $112 million Fiscal Year 2023 budget, set to go into effect this July 1, was adopted after a relatively short Council meeting this week with a series of five unanimous (7-0) votes. Parameters of the budget, slightly modified from what City Manager Wyatt Shields recommended in March, ran the gauntlet through a generous series of formal presentations, public forums and community input sessions.

Continued on Page 3

THE ALWAYS OBLIGATORY shovels, hard hats and carefully manicured dirt pile was there for top City of Falls Church officials and the Insight Property Group developers for the groundbreaking of the long-awaited Broad at Washington project with its 339 residential units, new home for the City’s premiere theater troupe, Creative Cauldron, and a 50,000 square foot flagship Whole Foods store. Demolition of existing buildings on the site is in its final stages now. (Photo: News-Press).

Del. Simon Mulls Richmond Leadership Slot by Nicholas F. Benton

Falls Church News-Press

Marcus Simon, Falls Church’s representative in the Virginia House of Delegates, may become the new minority leader of his fellow Democrats there when the matter comes to

a vote of his colleagues later this month. Simon, 51, who was first elected in 2014 as the state delegate from the 53rd district that covers the City of Falls Church, is one of the only names being put forward to replace Del. Eileen Filler-Corn as his par-

ty’s leader in the House. Filler-Corn was ousted from her role by a secret ballot vote of her colleagues last week. She was removed because her party lost the majority in the House in the last election last November, and some of her outspoken critics blamed her

for failing to devote a sufficient amount of her party’s resources to their candidates and failing to consult with enough of her colleagues in making such decisions. Simon told the News-Press

Continued on Page 4

Inside This Week Encore Creativity Celebrates 15th Anniversary

Celebrating Moms and NonTraditional Mother Figures

See Story, Page 11

See Mother’s Day Special, Pages 12 and 13

Encore Creativity for Older Adults hosts various chorales and choirs across the area, including some for those with Alzheimer’s. This month they will be celebrating their 15th anniversary as a nonprofit

The holiday of Mother’s Day has evolved over the years to not only include biological mothers, but those women who have also served in that role. Take this opportunity to celebrate the women in your life.


Comment...................................... 5,7,8 Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Crime Report....................................... 8 Mother’s Day Special..................12,13 Business News.................................. 15 News & Notes..............................16,17 Calendar......................................18,19 Critter Corner..................................... 22 FCCPS Page..................................... 23

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