Falls Church News-Press 6-16-2022

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June 16 - 22, 2022

Falls Church, Virginia • w w w . fc n p . c o m • Free

Founded 1991 • V o l . X X X II N o . 18

The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia

Little City’s Celebrating His 80th Big List & Priorities It’s Facing Council to Adopt Ambitious New Plans by Nicholas F. Benton

Falls Church News-Press

Falls Church City Manager Wyatt Shields presented an ambitious and lengthy Fiscal Year 2023—2024 Work Plan report to the City Council Monday night, a veritable laundry list of many things that are identified for action by the City in the next year, and the report, which the Council may formally approve next month, drew mixed reviews. For some, like Council member Marybeth Connelly, the 10-page draft document was far too detailed and project-specific, rather than policy-driven. For others, like Vice Mayor Letty Hardi, the focus on specific projects is more like just what the doctor ordered, because it establishes identifiable parameters. Either way, it is a “highly aspirational” document, Shields said. It came at the request of the Council “reflecting on initial staff recommendations on the new programs, policies and projects that are aligned with Council priorities as laid out in its recent January 25

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FALLS CHURCH DEVELOPER and Economic Development Authority chair Robert Young received a special commendation in honor of his 80th birthday from the Falls Church City Council Monday night with much of his family in town to help celebrate the birthday. Young was honored for, in the words of Acting Mayor Letty Hardi, “generously sharing his talents to make Falls Church a better place for all” in his two decades since moving to F.C. in 1999. The Vanderbilt and Wharton School grad has constructed workforce housing, a trend-setting midsized “railroad cottages” housing, been named a “Pillar of the Community” by the local Chamber of Commerce, co-founded the Falls Church Education Foundation in 2004, and has advanced the causes of small business survival, wayfinding signage and affordable housing in his EDA role. “Falls Church is my community, I can’t tell you how much I love it, appreciate it and depend on it,” Young told the Council Monday. In this photo with his family (standing in front of the Council in the rear) are, left to right, front row: Bill Haskell, Courtney Alston, N.C. State Delegate Vernetta Alston, Young, Liz Haskell, Chris Saxton and Dennis Young. (News-Press photo)

Anthony’s Restaurant Celebrates 50th Year Anniversary by Alex Russell

Falls Church News-Press

Falls Church’s famous Anthony’s Restaurant, the locallyowned and operated family eatery specializing in Greek, Italian and American staple dishes, celebrated

the Big 50 last month. That is, 50 years of business in the Falls Church community. Forced to move from its 300 West Broad Street location after 42 years there to make way for the new Harris Teeter and apart-

ment complex in 2014, the longstanding and popular family eatery has continued to work its magic on area families despite the location change out of the City of F.C. proper to a location on Annandale Road just across Route 50.

When asked about his feelings on running his business for five decades, Anthony Yiannarakis, owner and founder, joked that he felt “old.” On a more serious note,

Continued on Page 4

Inside This Week Meridian Soccer Coach of 23 Years, Frank Spinello, Retires

Photos Showcasing Meridian Graduation & Tinner Hill Festival

See Page 13

See Photos, Pages 12 & 14

The big story of the weekend was that it served as the final act of boys’ soccer Head Coach Frank Spinello’s decorated career. He led the program to 11 state titles and four additional Finals appearances over 23 years.

Last week saw two major local events take place, one being the graduation of Meridian High School’s senior class and the other being the Tinner Hill Music Festival. Full-page collages on both inside!


Comment...................................... 5,7,8 Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Crime Report....................................... 8 Business News.................................... 9 Sports................................................13 News & Notes............................ 16,17 Calendar......................................18,19 Critter Corner..................................... 22 FCCPS Page..................................... 23

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