June 9 - 15, 2022
Fa lls Chur c h, V i r g i ni a • ww w. fc np. c om • Fr ee
Fou n d e d 1991 • Vol. X X XII No. 17
The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia
‘Pride Clinic’ Opens In F.C.
Hail The Class of 2022
Inova Health Systems Hosts Ribbon Cutting at New Site
by Nicholas F. Benton
Falls Church News-Press
At a ribbon cutting ceremony attended by a heavy contingent of regional political and influencer leaders yesterday morning, it was confirmed that the City of Falls Church is now home to the giant Inova Health System’s first ever Pride Clinic, dedicated to the care of LGBTQ+ patients. It is located at 500 N. Washington Street. Filling a need that the system’s Karen Berube told the 50 gathered guests was first identified and has been working toward for 22 years, the clinic will offer a full array of services to LGBTQ+ community members it says are “more likely to delay care and less likely to have access to a culturally competent health care provider.” “They are at risk for some health conditions that impact long-term health care outcomes.” Dr. Jorge Romallo, the head of the clinic, underscored the importance of such an openly-
Continued on Page 3
MERIDAN HIGH SCHOOL GRAUDATION was held on the football field Wednesday afternoon, celebrating the many accomplishments of the class of 2022. (Photo: FCNP).
Meridian Student Winner of Region-Wide Cappie Award
by Nicholas F. Benton
Falls Church News-Press
Meridian High School’s Katie Rice was named the winner of a Cappie award for Comic Actor in a Female Role for her performance in the school’s Spring 2022 theater production of “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)
[Revised]” Monday night at the 22nd annual Cappies Gala at the Kennedy Center before a capacity crowd of 2,500 in the Concert Hall. It was the first gala held in three years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Meridian play was also one of six nominated for Best Play out of a total of plays and musicals from 48 participat-
ing high schools in the D.C. Metro area that were voted on by 308 high school critics. The actors from the Meridian play performed a scene from their play before the live audience at the gala. The Cappies of the National Capital Area held its annual gala recognizing excellence in high school theater. The Tony’s-
like sell-out event held in the Concert Hall of the Kennedy Center celebrated hundreds of student nominees. Most but not all students and their parents, guardians or friends showed up in grand attire. Eleven schools who were nominated for best play or musi-
Continued on Page 4
Inside This Week Kick Off Summer with live music at Cherry Hill Park
Mustang Baseball and Soccer Teams Keep Seasons Alive
See Page 11-14
See Sports, Page 9
Come kick off summer with live music and fun at the 2022 Tinner Hill Music Festival. Festivies for the whole family at Cherry Hill Park. We have the full slate of activies and events inside the special section.
The Meridian Boys Soccer team and Baseball team kept their winning streak and seasons alive advaving in their respective state tournaments. Don’t miss the full coverage of Meridian sports this week.
Comment...................................... 5,7,8 Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Crime Report....................................... 8 Business News.................................. 10 News & Notes.................................... 15 Calendar......................................16,17 Graduation List .................................18 Critter Corner..................................... 22 FCCPS Page..................................... 23