Falls Church News-Press - February 7, 2008 edition

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Inside This Week

Suspect Arrested in F.C. Fits Description in Area Assaults Police Witness


Same M.O. as 11 Other Attacks

Index Editorial..................2 Letters.....2, 6, 40-41 Crime Report.........5 Comment........10-13 Community News & Notes..............14-15 Business News & Notes...................16 Sports.............18-23 Roger Ebert....30-32 Press Pass..........33 Calendar.........34-35

Restaurant Spotlight ............................36 Sodoku................39 Comics.................39 Crossword...........39 Classified Ads......42 Business & Services Directory..............43 Weekly Focus 44-45 Critter Corner.......46 Business Listing..47

Continued on Page 4

Late last night, the NewsPress was contacted by Falls Church City Hall with the report of an arrest made by Falls Church Police on Hillwood Avenue that could be linked to at least 11 other assaults on women in the Northern Virginia region since last August, including one on Lee Highway Tuesday reported elsewhere in this edition. At about 7:25 p.m., a man under surveillance by Fairfax Police approached a lone woman from behind who was walking on Hillwood and assaulted her. The Fairfax Police detained him and contacted Falls Church Police, since the incident took place in the City. City police arrested the suspect for abduction with the intent to defile and sexual battery. No identity or description of the suspect was immediately provided. After questioning at Falls Church police headquarters, the suspect was in the process of being transported to the Arlington Detention Center. “It appeared to police that the man and his approach to the woman broadly matched the suspect or individuals involved in recent assaults in the region,” F..C’s Chief Public Information Officer Nicole Gobbo said in a telephone report to the NewsPress. “Our police will work with Fairfax and Alexandria police departments to establish if there is a connection.” In a City press release issued at 10:59 p.m., it was reported that “any connections to at least 11 cases in which a masked suspect abducted and assaulted female victims will be made by the lead agencies investigating those cases.

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