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Justinian “Juss” Wright

Justinian “Juss” Wright Centreville, Virginia Volunteer at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Length of Service: Two years
Environmental Resource Volunteer
Justinian “Juss” Wright delights staff with his beautiful singing and play on words to keep the workload light and pleasant at Ellanor
C. Lawrence Park. He is kind and fun to work with and is willing to do whatever it takes to help where needed. His duties have included work in the kitchen garden and landscape beds, lawn maintenance and upkeep, trail, and natural area restoration work, laying gravel, and removing invasive plants.
Wright works with volunteers from the local high school and helps guide the new volunteers. With his consistent help on a weekly basis during the school year and every day during the summer, staff has been able to do more to keep the park attractive. Wright’s support was key to helping staff keep up with a long to-do list of tasks at the park.