16 minute read
Science and Technology
Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are non-refundable.
Boardwalk Astronomy
(8-Adult) Join park naturalists as they take you on a tour of constellations, comets and other current events happening above. Children must be accompanied by adult also registered.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws Sa 7pm TTM.PXFA 11/12 STAA
Exploring the Moon
(8-Adult) The Moon is as old as the Earth, and its surface is marked by craters and lava flows billions of years old. Explore these lunar features through a high-powered telescope and learn about their origins. See where the Apollo lunar landings occurred, and discuss what the astronauts found. Class meets rain or shine with alternate viewing sessions available for cloudy days. Advance registration required, no walk-in registration available.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm 54A.PDQS 11/30 FEE B
Fall Engineering Challenge
(6-11 yrs.) Challenge your engineering skills as we explore construction techniques and put them into real world practice to save the three little pigs from the big bad wolf.
Fee AJ 1--1 hour program--$10 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HiddenOaks Sa 1pm L96.8M2U 11/5 Fee AJ
Find Your Way in the Night Sky: Intro to Star Maps
(8-Adult) This presentation will cover an introduction to sky coordinates, how astronomical objects are represented on maps of the sky, and how to read star maps to find your way among the stars in the sky. The talk will be illustrated by a variety of star atlases. The classroom discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk M 7:30pm 837.MG6U 9/19 FEE B
Homeschool Science - Intro to Stellar Astronomy
(6-12 yrs.) Join a park naturalist to learn about this branch of astronomy that studies stars including how they are formed, what they are made of, and their life cycle. Learn the myths and legends behind well-known constellations.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws F 6:30pm EUU.ZYY1 10/28 STAA
Homeschool Science- Vertebrate Classification
(6-12 yrs.) How does an animals body covering, like fur, feathers or scales, help it to survive? Learn the how mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish are classified. We use outdoor exploration, observation and lab skills to explore this topic.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws T 1pm 85D.ZSOS 9/20 STAA HuntMdws M 1pm 85D.BM66 11/21 STAA
Homeschool ScienceEnvironmental Engineers
(6-12 yrs.) Did you know that beavers are a keystone species and they created the wetland habitat at Huntley? Learn about what a keystone species is, the beavers life cycle, adaptations and impact on the environment. We use outdoor exploration, observation and lab skills to explore this topic.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws M 1pm 981.SPKQ 12/5 STAA
Homeschool ScienceIntroduction to Entomology
(6-12 yrs.) Discover why insects and their partners, bugs, shouldn’t be overlooked. These amazing creatures help the ecosystems they live in stay healthy. Join a naturalist to explore the diverse habitats of Huntley Meadows Park to learn about insects and their usefulness using scientific instruments and observation. Examine preserved specimens followed by outdoor exploration to find and identify live insects.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws T 12pm 331.FV7W 10/4 STAA HuntMdws Th 1pm 331.VZW5 11/10 STAA
Homeschool ScienceIntroduction to Ornithology
(6-12 yrs.) Explore how bird adaptations allow birds to live in their chosen ecosystem. Study the parks collection of preserved specimens. Followed by outdoor observations and exploration using field tools to learn identification and classification.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws M 10am F32.BP2M 9/12 STAA
Intro to Telescopes
(8-Adult) This course goes into introductory basics of astronomy, observing the sky, and what you need to know to setup and use your telescope. Will provide hands-on use of telescopes and observing objects in the sky in the Roll-Top Observatory if the weather allows. Attendees can bring their own telescope for assistance and advice. Advance registration required, no walk-in registration available.
FEE T 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$11 Location Day Time Code Begin $ TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm 58B.7IXX 10/12 FEE T
Introduction to Astronomy
(8-Adult) This course provides a general introduction to some fundamentals of astronomy and the universe. We will discuss the basic types of astronomical objects from the small to the large, the motions of the planets and stars, and interesting phenomena in the night sky. The classroom discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm C83.X47K 9/28 FEE B TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm C83.EE56 11/9 FEE B
Meteorites-Exploring Visitors from Space
(8-Adult) This class is an introduction to meteorites, including what they are and where they have been. Participants will be able to examine actual meteorites including specimens from the Moon and Mars. The discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course will be held in the Roll-Top observatory classroom at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm C90.AI25 10/19 FEE B
NASA Space Discovery
(8-12 yrs.) Set your future space explorers on a trajectory from out Earth’s atmosphere to the outer reaches of our solar system in this SciGenius class. Students learn about living in space, getting away from gravity, looking for space phenomena and building rockets in this hands-on class, bring them closer to the stars, planets, comets and more.
DXVQ 10--55 minute lessons--$212 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Th 6pm 7K2.4YW3 9/22 DXVQ
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols. Nebulas, Star Clusters & Galaxies, Oh My!
(8-Adult) We are familiar with the stars and planets that we can see when the Sun sets. However, the night sky contains many wonders that are visible with binoculars or modest telescopes. This fun and interactive presentation is designed as an introduction to the most common of these astronomical “deep sky” objects. After the class, look through the telescopes in the observatory (weather permitting). The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk M 7:30pm C98.GH2L 11/14 FEE B
Night Sky Tour at the Roll-Top Observatory
(8-Adult) This program is a fun tour of planets, constellations, stars, nebulas, and galaxies in the night sky that can be seen with the eye and in telescopes at the Roll-Top observatory at Turner Farm Park. If inclement weather, then we will discuss and show images of objects that could be observed in clear skies. No knowledge of astronomy is needed, just an interest in learning about the universe around our planet. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm S84.A350 9/14 FEE B TurnerFarmPk M 7:30pm S84.ZTYC 9/26 FEE B TurnerFarmPk M 7:30pm S84.IEBV 10/17 FEE B TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm S84.HVHD 11/16 FEE B
Outdoor Science Lab at Huntley
(6-Adult) Explore the exciting world of science with fun hands-on experiments, activities, and challenges! Enrich your understanding of various science and engineering topics using scientific investigations, observations, and lab skills with the guidance of a park naturalist. Each outdoor class will focus on a different science theme. Check session notes for details. All supplies included. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Fee AJ 1--1 hour program--$10
Fee AK 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$12 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws Su 2pm JDI.JBHA 9/11 Fee AK HuntMdws T 1pm JDI.Q3NC 9/13 Fee AJ HuntMdws Sa 2pm JDI.IQYU 9/24 Fee AJ HuntMdws F 3:30pm JDI.BCRH 9/30 Fee AK HuntMdws W 3pm JDI.CIK8 10/19 Fee AJ HuntMdws Th 3:30pm JDI.N1ZT 11/17 Fee AK
Planet Adventure Night
(6-Adult) This program is a tour of the planets and moons of our Solar System which are viewable in the current night sky. A classroom discussion is followed by an observatory session of planets and the stars beyond in telescopes, weather permitting. No knowledge of astronomy is needed, just an interest in learning about the universe. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park. Children need to be accompanied by a registered adult.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk M 7pm 8PM.W5BT 10/10 FEE B (5-11 yrs.) Learn why skeletons aren’t scary, but are essential to your everyday life. Make a glow-in-the-dark skeleton craft to take home.
Fee AJ 1--1 hour program--$10 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HiddenOaks Sa 1pm 5YV.47N1 10/15 Fee AJ HiddenOaks Sa 3pm 5YV.3ULF 10/15 Fee AJ
Slime Time by Vendor
(6-12 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students will find out the science behind making slime, such as what an activator is and why no slime is complete without it. Students will also learn how different ingredients change the outcome, texture and use of slime. Materials are included in the price of the class.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC M 6:30pm 2WR.HIEN 9/19 DXVE
Spooky Dry Ice Science
(5-12 yrs.) Discover the states of matter through dry ice science as we make bubbling concoctions, screaming spoons, Boo bubbles and more!
Fee AJ 1--1 hour program--$10 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HiddenOaks Sa 4pm HNV.H7FB 10/1 Fee AJ HiddenOaks Sa 7pm HNV.MRBU 10/1 Fee AJ
Spy Science
(5-8 yrs.) Learn the trick of the spy trade and forensic science in this Baroody Camps program. Students will use sneaky science to investigate fingerprints, spying techniques (surveillance), secret codes, invisible ink, and evidence under a black light.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC M 5:30pm RXQ.BQDK 9/19 DXVE SoRunREC Th 5:15pm RXQ.6B53 9/22 DXVE
Stargazing with Binoculars
(8-Adult) Binoculars offer a fine introduction to the sights that lie in our night sky. Learn about different types of binoculars and how to use them to find planets, galaxies, star clusters, nebulae and to visually stroll through the beautiful star fields of the Milky Way. Attendees are welcome to bring binoculars. Program includes an observing session to help you find objects visible in the night sky, weather permitting.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk T 7:30pm 6WS.2E4V 10/4 FEE B
Telescope Observing for Beginners
(8-Adult) This course covers the basics of observing the night sky and objects with a telescope for beginners and less experienced telescope users. Class will provide hands-on observation with telescopes if the weather allows. Attendees can bring their own telescopes to use and for assistance. Supplements the “Introduction to Telescopes” class but can be taken independently. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm 12U.UAPW 10/26 FEE B (6-8 yrs.) In this introductory series of classes, children will learn about geology, chemistry, biology and nature through interactive activities. Each class includes a note for the parents about what was taught and how lessons can be continued at home.
DXVI 8--55 minute lessons--$170
DXVJ 6--55 minute lessons--$126 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 11am 76J.EPQX 10/1 DXVJ ProvREC Su 11am 76J.Q7N5 9/18 DXVI Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 76J.KHOT 9/17 DXVI
Technology Classes Animation using Minecraft
In this Cybertek Academy class students are introduced to basic 2D and 3D animation techniques using Minecraft characters and stages. Kids expand their perception, observation, and timing skills, as well as exercise their imagination and storytelling by studying motion in reality, then apply these skills to animation. Students learn how animators work by completing a variety of short animation exercises and projects.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-10 yrs.)
ProvREC F 5:30pm 2XP.4PHY 10/21 DXVG
(10-14 yrs.)
ProvREC F 6:45pm 8KL.89MO 10/21 DXVG
Coding & Game Design with Scratch
Students learn programming concepts using a dragand-drop platform in the MIT-developed Scratch program. Students use pre-made art or create their own, then program them to walk, talk and interact with objects while learning logic and visual programming then create a simple 2D video game in this Cybertek Academy class.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-10 yrs.)
MtVernREC Th 5:30pm 7F9.HX8M 9/22 DXVG
(10-14 yrs.)
MtVernREC Th 6:30pm C3A.JNYE 9/22 DXVG

Coding with Minecraft
In this Cybertek Academy class, students use a custom mod called “Computercraft” to program robots called “Turtles” inside the world of Minecraft. Students utilize problem-solving skills to program their robots to complete various tasks and objectives such as automatically building, mining, and crafting items and structures. Students are introduced to programming and implementing their own functions using Lua, a simple scripting language.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
Oakton ES M 5:30pm 9CC.07CC 10/24 DXVG WkfldFrst ES W 5:30pm 9CC.QAYT 9/21 DXVG
(9-13 yrs.)
Oakton ES M 6:45pm 71A.GDGM 10/24 DXVG WkfldFrst ES W 6:45pm 71A.0M1W 9/21 DXVG
Engineering Design Process
(8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network course students learn about the engineering design process. Using virtual reality system and software applications, students study, develop, and solve a real-world problem.
DXV8 6--55 minute lessons--$186 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC M 4pm G1Y.UTZO 9/19 DXV8
Intro to Computer-Aided Design
(8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network course students learn to use computer-aided design software and design thinking methods to create, customize, prepare, and print digital objects.
DXV7 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$181 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Th 4pm N62.3YL3 9/22 DXV7 LeeREC Th 4pm N62.ZU00 10/27 DXV7
Intro to Cyber Security
(8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network program students learn the skills needed to operate safely in the worldwide web of cyberspace such as cyber safety, cyber hygiene and healthy online behavior. Other topics include what is dangerous to do online and proper online communication skills. Required equipment and materials are included.
DXV6 5--55 minute lessons--$154 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 1pm ZSF.U2YB 9/17 DXV6 LeeREC Sa 1pm ZSF.9LX9 10/22 DXV6
Intro to Drones
(8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network “handson & brains-on” STEM program students build and operate a small drone while exploring physics, math, electronics, engineering, coding, teambuilding, as well as developing motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Course also covers recreational and professional uses for drones and how to operate them safely and responsibly. All materials provided.
DXV7 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$181 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 10am YIO.HOA 9/17 DXV7 LeeREC Sa 10am YIO.HOA 10/22 DXV7
Junior Lego Robotics & Engineering

(5-8 yrs.) This SciGenius class combines the exciting world of LEGO with programming. Students work in teams through a series of challenges to program and manipulate their own robots. Skills are enhanced across science, engineering, technology and coding through project-based activities.
DXVJ 6--55 minute lessons--$126 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC W 6pm 8CV.OHKS 9/21 DXVJ
LEGO Aquatic Bots
(5-8 yrs.) Make LEGO® WeDo 2.0 AquaBots in this Baroody Camps robotics class. Each day students build and code a different water-themed robot using LEGO® gears, pulleys, axles, motors and sensors. Make boats, seaplanes, ocean explorers and robotic denizens!
DXVL 10--55 minute lessons--$168 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC M 6:30pm XZ7.XUVS 9/19 DXVL Wkfld/Moore Th 5:30pm XZ7.85KU 9/22 DXVL
Lego Robotics & Engineering
(8-12 yrs.) This SciGenius class combines the exciting world of LEGO with programming. Students work in teams through a series of challenges to program and manipulate their own robots. Skills are enhanced across science, engineering, technology and coding through project-based activities. The unique combination of the LEGO brick, classroom-friendly software and inspiring, standards-based science projects results in a resource that builds students’ confidence.
DXVQ 10--55 minute lessons--$212 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC T 6pm FX5.C8HM 9/20 DXVQ
LEGO Spike Quirky Creations
(8-11 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps program, students develop engineering design skills as they investigate ways of defining problems, brainstorming solutions, and testing and refining prototypes. Students then refine their problem-solving skills as they create a solution to a problem that has constraints, and improve on others’ ideas while building fun and out of the ordinary creations such as a high-tech playground and a trash monster machine.
DXVL 10--55 minute lessons--$168 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC M 7:30pm QUS.F8I5 9/19 DXVL Wkfld/Moore Th 6:30pm QUS.5PZZ 9/22 DXVL
LEGO Zooland
(5-8 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class students bring their favorite zoo animals to life. Each week, students build and code a different animal robot using axles, timing belts, gears, laptops and coding blocks while learning fun facts about these animals. The creations will be animated using special programming software. This program provides fun learning experiences that bring science to life while helping to develop skills such as confidence, creativity and collaboration.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134
DXVL 10--55 minute lessons--$168 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC T 5:30pm P1X.0PUJ 9/20 DXVE Wkfld/Moore Th 4:30pm P1X.SUQ9 9/22 DXVL
Minecraft Modding by Cybertek
In this Cybertek Academy class, students learn to create their own custom gameplay items and elements using MCreator and Minecraft. Students also learn to create artwork for various items, and implement them into the game with custom behaviors. Design your own custom blocks, weapons, food, and biomes.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
SoRunREC F 5pm 0KC.O7A0 10/14 DXVG SpHillREC Sa 1pm 0KC.MYAL 10/29 DXVG
(10-14 yrs.)
SoRunREC F 6:15pm ZDB.84AP 10/14 DXVG SpHillREC Sa 2:15pm ZDB.NFUU 10/29 DXVG
Robotics & Visual Coding w/LEGO WeDo
Powered by the LEGO Education Wedo Base Set and Software this C3 class uses LEGOs with programming to manipulate and program your own personal robots. This class is for younger children who want to learn visual programming basics. Students create commands for their robots by using an application with a drag-anddrop interface that is visually simple to use, but capable of complex instructions. Students learn the importance of teamwork the build assignment for the day.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 1pm 6DA.WDVZ 9/17 DXVG
(9-13 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 2:15pm 7A0.HF21 9/17 DXVG
Science Potions & Explosions
(6-9 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students will create potions and exciting chemical reactions. Erupt a volcano, make indoor snow, step inside a giant bubble, grow a giant crystal or blast a rocket into the air while learning about the states of matter and how things change with mixtures, solutions, and chemical reactions.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC M 6:30pm ED0.JNKQ 9/19 DXVE SpHillREC M 5:30pm ED0.2W9U 9/19 DXVE
WeDo Robotics
(5-8 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students use a curriculum powered by LEGO Educational group which includes fun robotics projects using LEGO bricks to build robots. Projects help students improve their math, physics and engineering skills while having a ton of fun.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134
DXVL 10--55 minute lessons--$168 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Th 5:30pm GW9.KEAY 9/22 DXVL SoRunREC M 5:30pm GW9.L7R2 9/19 DXVE