10 minute read
Science and Technology
Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are non-refundable.
Intro to Telescopes
(8-Adult) In this introductory course, learn the basics of astronomy, observe the night sky, and learn what you need to know to setup and use your telescope. Class will provide hands-on use of telescopes and observing objects in the sky in the Roll-Top Observatory if the weather allows. Attendees can bring their own telescope for assistance and advice. Advance registration required, no walk-in registration available.
FEE T 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$11 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 8pm 58B.YGCD 7/6 FEE T TurnerFarmPk M 8pm 58B.HVTI 8/1 FEE T
Introduction to Astronomy
(8-Adult) This course provides a general introduction to some fundamentals of astronomy and the universe we see in the sky around us. We will discuss the basic types of astronomical objects from small to large, the motions of the planets and stars, and interesting phenomena in the night sky. The classroom discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 8pm C83.LK14 6/8 FEE B TurnerFarmPk T 8pm C83.EWG1 8/16 FEE B
Meteorites-Exploring Visitors from Space
(8-Adult) During this introductory class, learn what meteorites are, where they come from, and what they tell us. Participants will be able to examine actual meteorites including specimens from the Moon and Mars. A discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course will be held in the Roll-Top observatory classroom at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk T 8pm C90.AHO2 6/28 FEE B
Nebulas, Star Clusters & Galaxies, Oh My!
(8-Adult) The night sky contains many wonders that are visible with binoculars or modest telescopes. This fun and interactive presentation is designed as an introduction to the most common of these astronomical “deep sky” objects. After the class, look through the telescopes in the observatory (weather permitting). The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk M 8pm C98.8H1C 8/22 FEE B

Night Sky Tour at the Roll-Top Observatory
(8-Adult) This program is a fun tour of planets, constellations, stars, nebulas, and galaxies in the night sky that can be seen with the eye and in telescopes at the Roll-Top observatory at Turner Farm Park. If inclement weather, then we will discuss and show images of objects that could be observed in clear skies. No knowledge of astronomy is needed, just an interest in learning about the universe around our planet. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk T 8:30pm S84.YZSL 7/26 FEE B TurnerFarmPk W 8pm S84.302J 8/3 FEE B TurnerFarmPk W 8pm S84.ZAS4 8/24 FEE B
Rainbows, Haloes & Glories
(6-Adult) Covers common and some uncommon phenomena people can see in the day or night skies such as rainbows, haloes and glories. We will cover sunrise and sunset phenomena like the green flash, the purple light, and simple questions like why the sky is blue and sunsets are orange. This course will teach people how to better appreciate the sky both day and night. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top observatory classroom at Turner Farm Park. It is recommended that parents accompany younger children. Advance registration required, no walk-in registration available.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk M 8pm 855.3JPB 6/13 FEE B
Science Potions & Explosions
(6-9 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students create potions and exciting chemical reactions. Erupt a volcano, make indoor snow, step inside a giant bubble, grow a giant crystal or blast a rocket into the air while learning about the states of matter and how things change with mixtures, solutions, and chemical reactions.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Th 5pm ED0.Z7Y2 6/23 DXVE Wkfld/Moore T 5:30pm ED0.ZPEF 6/21 DXVE
Simple Machines - Work and Play
(4-10 yrs.) There are six simple machines that operate alone or together to make work easier. Come experiment with wheels and axles, levers, inclined planes, pulleys, wedges and screws for a morning of fun work!
Fee AL 1--2 hour program--$6 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ColvinRunMill Sa 10am H5R.5RG9 7/9 Fee AL
Slime Time
(6-12 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students learn what an activator is and why no slime is complete without it, as well as how different ingredients change the outcome, texture and use of slime. Materials are included in the price of the class.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC F 6:30pm 2WR.J0AQ 6/24 DXVE
The Science Seed
(6-8 yrs.) This series of classes introduces children to science in fun, interactive and age-appropriate ways. Children learn about geology, chemistry, biology and nature through activities to ensure that children have fun and build a foundation for a love of science and learning. Each class includes a note about what was taught and how lessons can be continued at home.
DXVI 8--55 minute lessons--$170
DXVJ 6--55 minute lessons--$126 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 11am 76J.PKPD 7/9 DXVJ ProvREC Su 11:15am 76J.Y9N9 6/19 DXVI Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 76J.W0LG 7/9 DXVJ
Opportunities Available including Volunteer Program Leads
The Strange Shape of Sundials
(8-Adult) Sundials are the world’s oldest clocks, seen in alignments of Stonehenge and Newgrange. Ben Franklin had exploding sundials and Thomas Jefferson built a new type sundial. Today there are many new sundials. Ever see a digital sundial? As an activity, we’ll help you make your own paper sundial that tells accurate time. The course will be held in the Roll-Top observatory classroom followed by telescope observing of the sun.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk Sa 1pm 16F.P9BG 6/25 FEE B
The Sun - Our Neighborhood Star
(5-Adult) This presentation will cover what causes the Sun to shine, the Sun’s life cycle, and how the Sun compares to other stars. We will also discuss features on the Sun and how to view the Sun safely. The classroom discussion is accompanied by an observing session of the Sun with solar telescopes, weather permitting. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk Sa 11am XMI.16SK 7/16 FEE B
Topics in Astronomy at the Roll-Top Observatory
(8-Adult) Explore everything from space missions to planets, stars, and galaxies with a different monthly topic at The Roll-Top observatory at Turner Farm Park. The topic presentations are for the general public and do not require any specific knowledge of astronomy. Classroom discussion is followed by an observing session with telescopes, weather permitting. Check the Analemma Society website for the monthly topics (www.analemma.org).
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8 Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk T 8pm 634.ESTH 7/12 FEE B
Technology Classes Animation using Minecraft
In this Cybertek Academy class students are introduced to basic 2D and 3D animation techniques using Minecraft characters and stages. Kids expand their perception, observation, and timing skills, as well as exercise their imagination and storytelling by studying motion in reality, then applying these skills to animation. Students learn how animators work by completing a variety of short animation exercises and projects.
DXV1 8--55 minute lessons--$216 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-10 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 9:30am 2XP.CAAB 7/9 DXV1
(10-14 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 10:30am 8KL.RJ0M 7/9 DXV1
Engineering Design Processes
(8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network course students learn about the engineering design process. Using virtual reality system and software, students study, develop, and solve a real-world problem.
DXV6 5--55 minute lessons--$154 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Hayfield ES M 9am G1Y.JGGT 6/13 DXV6
Intro to Computer Aided Design

(8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network course students learn to use computer-aided design software and design thinking methods to create, customize, prepare, and print digital objects.
DXV7 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$181 Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC Sa 10am N62.8HG5 6/18 DXV7
Intro to Cyber Security
(8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network program students learn the skills needed to operate safely in the worldwide web of cyberspace such as cyber safety, cyber hygiene and healthy online behavior. Other topics include what is dangerous to do online and proper online communication skills. Required equipment and materials are included.
DXV8 5--55 minute lessons--$186 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Hayfield ES W 9am ZSF.HISP 6/22 DXV8
LEGO Aquatic Bots
(5-8 yrs.) Make LEGO® WeDo 2.0 AquaBots in this Baroody Camps robotics class. Each day students build and code a different water-themed robot using LEGO® gears, pulleys, axles, motors and sensors. Make boats, seaplanes, ocean explorers and robotic denizens of the deep!
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC T 6:30pm XZ7.CV9O 6/21 DXVE Wkfld/Moore Th 5:30pm XZ7.OCLH 6/23 DXVE
LEGO Spike Quirky Creations
(8-11 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps program, students develop engineering design skills as they investigate ways of defining problems, brainstorming solutions, and testing and refining prototypes. Students then refine their problem-solving skills as they create a solution to a problem that has constraints, and improve on others’ ideas while building fun and out of the ordinary creations such as a high-tech playground and a trash monster machine.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Su 4:30pm QUS.6TM3 6/19 DXVE
Minecraft Modding by Cybertek
In this Cybertek Academy class, students learn to create their own custom gameplay items and elements using MCreator and Minecraft. Students also learn to create artwork for various items, and implement them into the game with custom behaviors. Design your own custom blocks, weapons, food, and biomes .
DXV1 8--55 minute lessons--$216
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
CubRunREC W 4:15pm 0KC.OPWT 6/22 DXVG ProvREC Sa 1:30pm 0KC.4GJE 7/9 DXVG SpHillREC T 5pm 0KC.DFED 6/21 DXV1
(10-14 yrs.)
CubRunREC W 5:30pm ZDB.AV5K 6/22 DXVG ProvREC Sa 2:45pm ZDB.BXZQ 7/9 DXVG SpHillREC T 6pm ZDB.9LCX 6/21 DXV1
Roblox: Imaginative Game Design
In this Cybertek Academy course, students will learn how to use coding fundamentals to strategically engineer an immersive, imaginative cosmos for one of the fastest-growing gaming platforms in the world. “Roblox, Imaginative Game Design” provides students with hands-on experiences in innovation and the underlying mechanics of 3D gaming.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
(10-14 yrs.)
SoRunREC F 7pm 6EI.UD1Q 7/8 DXVG
Stemtree Coding
(6-12 yrs.) This Stemtree program teaches students to create and develop computer programs (games, stories, etc.) instead of playing them. Students learn computer programming concepts in a fun and interactive way by combining media elements to create and share stories, animations, games, music and more and using basic reasoning and problem solving skills. They also create their own computer programs to implement computer games and combine multiple topics (Science, Engineering, Teamwork).
DXVN 8--55 minute lessons--$181 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC T 6pm 525.OLO0 6/14 DXVN
Stemtree Robo-Fun
(6-12 yrs.) This Stemtree program uses robots to inspire students to learn engineering, apply their basic science, model construction, computer programming and problem-solving skills and knowledge to explore STEM concepts.
DXVN 8--55 minute lessons--$181 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Woodbrn ES W 5:30pm LD7.S500 6/15 DXVN
Stemtree Math Fun
(6-12 yrs.) This Stemtree program incorporates engaging exercises and manipulatives to make math more enjoyable. Activities allow students to build on their foundational skills and apply math skills to daily life situations.
DXVN 8--55 minute lessons--$181 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Th 6pm FR7.6TBP 6/16 DXVN
WeDo Robotics
(5-8 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students use a curriculum powered by LEGO Educational group which includes fun robotics projects using LEGO bricks to build robots. Projects help students improve their math, physics and engineering skills while having a ton of fun.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Su 3pm GW9.KF7Q 6/19 DXVE SoRunREC M 5:30pm GW9.C60E 6/20 DXVE