17 minute read
Sports and Leagues
Golf facilities, classes and tournaments are listed in the Golf section.
Racquetball Leagues at Audrey Moore Rec Center
Wednesday evenings
• Two courts available 4 - 6 p.m. • Four courts available 6 - 10 p.m. • An informal ladder is maintained • No age or gender restrictions • Competition level ranges from beginner to expert
Saturday mornings
8 - 10 a.m. - Advanced racquetball players gather to challenge opponents at similar skill levels. • Open to men and women. • No ladder. • No appointment necessary.
Sunday afternoons
1 - 3 p.m. - Racquetball players compete against intermediate and advanced-beginner skill levels. • Choose singles, doubles or cutthroat games. • No ladder. • Court fees are waived for racquetball league members; you pay Rec Center admission only.
Beginning Athletes
Kids love this high-energy class that introduces them to a variety of sports and activities each week including soccer, basketball and flag football. Have lots of fun with teamwork as you learn new sports.
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138
BSVA 4--55 minute lessons--$69 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
SoRunREC Sa 1:30pm FOZ.JF5P 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Su 2pm FOZ.ARAO 6/19 DSV1 SoRunREC W 7pm FOZ.E7SN 6/22 DSV1 SpHillREC W 7pm FOZ.CQJR 6/22 DSV1
(6-12 yrs.)
SullyCommCtr Su 10am JEE.ZK4V 8/6 BSVA
Baseball I
(6-12 yrs.) This class teaches basic skills and game rules. Scrimmages give you experience preparing for league teams. Participants need to bring their own glove.
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 4pm DDF.LXSI 6/18 DSV1
Make a Splash!
Swim Lessons offered year round at Rec Center Pools. Sign up today!

Basketball I
Children learn basketball skills and techniques including passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals. Class includes scrimmages to reinforce teamwork. Classes at Providence meet outdoors.
3SD 4--55 minute lessons--$61
BSVA 4--55 minute lessons--$69
DSVP 8--55 minute lessons--$115 4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138
DSVC 6--55 minute lessons--$79 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
Cub Run ES Sa 10am 4CH.35ZL 6/18 DSVC LeeREC Sa 11:15am 0F7.WME8 6/18 4SM MtVernREC Sa 10:30am 0F7.ZTW5 6/18 DSV1 Oakton ES Sa 11:30am 0F7.JV5A 6/18 4SM Oakton ES Su 11:30am 0F7.8SEE 6/19 4SM ProvREC Th 6pm 0F7.59M8 6/24 DSV1 ProvREC F 6pm 0F7.JQZJ 6/24 DSV1 Orng Hnt ES Sa 10am 0F7.XK4U 6/18 DSV1 SpHillREC Su 9am 0F7.MICF 6/19 4SM SpHillREC Th 6pm 0F7.URJM 6/23 4SM Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 0F7.F0PL 6/18 4SM Mosaic ES Sa 11am 0F7.AZJG 6/18 DSVP SullyCommCtr Sa 10am 0F7.N8LF 8/6 3SD SullyCommCtr Su 11am 0F7.SI1B 8/6 BSVA
(8-10 yrs.)
Cub Run ES Sa 11am 134.KRFJ 6/18 DSVC Oakton ES Sa 12:30pm 134.3D59 6/18 4SM Oakton ES Su 12pm 134.AH41 6/19 4SM Orng Hnt ES Sa 11am 134.Y247 6/18 DSV1 ProvREC Th 7pm 134.DMKZ 6/23 DSV1 ProvREC F 7pm 134.NAQU 6/24 DSV1 SpHillREC Sa 10am 134.BH6K 6/18 4SM Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm 134.3NPG 6/23 DSV1 Mosaic ES Sa 12pm 134.5OTQ 6/18 DSVP SullyComm Ctr Sa 11am 134.2CE6 8/6 3SD SullyComm Ctr Su 12pm 134.5VGC 8/7 BSVA
(11-13 yrs.)
Cub Run ES Sa 9am 188.AG5M 6/18 DSVC Orng Hnt ES Sa 12pm 188.MSIU 6/18 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Su 11:30am 188.SVCM 6/19 4SM Wkfld/Moore Th 7pm 188.GC83 6/23 DSV1 SullyComm Ctr Sa 12pm 188.8W2J 8/6 3SD
Basketball II
Learn a variety of offensive and defensive strategies in this intermediate class.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 3SD 4--55 minute lessons--$61
DSVP 8--55 minute lessons--$115 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-10 yrs.)
SpHillREC T 7pm 919.U2SX 6/21 4SM SpHillREC Th 7pm 919.IMUB 6/23 4SM
(8-12 yrs.)
Oakton ES Sa 1:30pm 58D.TFDA 6/18 4SM Oakton ES Su 1pm 58D.0SZD 6/19 4SM Mosaic ES Sa 1pm 58D.TZOQ 6/18 DSVP SullyComm Ctr Sa 1pm 58D.DFGR 8/6 3SD
Basketball III
(12-14 yrs.) Learn to move without the basketball on offense. Practice different defensive and offensive sets in this advanced class.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm 94C.CLJC 6/18 4SM
(10-14 yrs.) Players develop their skills in this advanced class. Focus includes shooting, point guard, post play, defense, boxing out and rebounding.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 3SD 4--55 minute lessons--$61 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 12pm NGL.LYUQ 6/18 4SM SullyComm Ctr Sa 4pm NGL.KIHL 8/6 3SD
Basketball Training/Girls II
Prerequisite: Level I or equivalent. Students learn advanced skills as well as offensive and defensive strategies. Class includes scrimmages to reinforce teamwork.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-10 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 10am 10U.6DRK 6/19 4SM SpHillREC T 5pm 10U.T35T 6/21 4SM
(11-14 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 11am SX4.XMKE 6/19 4SM SpHillREC T 6pm SX4.6AWH 6/21 4SM
Basketball/Girls HS Prep
(12-14 yrs.) Prepare to try out for High School basketball teams. Refine skills including dribbling, passing and shooting, as well as conditioning. Offensive and defensive strategies are reinforced through scrimmages.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 11am J0T.XBBQ 6/18 4SM
Co-ed Basketball League
These U6 and U7 programs introduce students to basketball and teaches them the rules and basic game fundamentals. Fee includes uniform shirt.
DSV2 8--55 minute lessons--$179
BSVB 4--55 minute lessons--$89 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-6 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 9am 086.3ZB4 6/18 DSV2 SullyCommCtr Sa 3pm 086.6L89 8/6 BSVB
(6-7 yrs.)
SullyCommCtr Sa 2pm 403.055P 8/6 BSVB
Shooting Clinic
(10-16 yrs.) Shooting is the most essential skill in basketball. With modern offenses geared towards five perimeter players, shooting has become paramount on all teams at all levels. Class will focus on reworking shooting mechanics for maximum accuracy, developing a lightning-quick release and discovering the mindset and training required to become a deadly shooter.
DSVU 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 2pm 3LV.TIAA 6/18 DSVU SpHillREC Sa 2pm 3LV.3RMM 7/23 DSVU
Beginning Fencing
Known as the physical game of chess, fencing provides a physical and mental workout for students of all athletic abilities. This course primarily uses the foil, a light sport weapon, and introduces the sabre (modern equivalent of the cavalry sword) and epee (modern equivalent of the rapier). An equipment fee of $49 is payable at the first class.
DSVC 6--55 minute lessons--$79 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (9-13 yrs.)
ProvREC F 6pm D7D.85J4 6/24 DSVC
ProvREC F 7pm 0D1.OTTI 6/24 DSVC
Football Development II
(8-12 yrs.) Experienced players can sharpen football fundamentals and learn new techniques through a variety of drills and games. Athletic shoes required.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 1pm VZP.D7QQ 6/19 4SM
Gymnastics for Girls
(5-7 yrs.) Skill-oriented class includes strength work, conditioning, beam, bars, floor and vault.
DSVL 8--55 minute lessons--$157 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 6:25pm C0F.QWKP 6/21 DSVL
Intro to Olympic Sport Fencing
Introduction to Olympic Sport Fencing through drills, games and exercises done in pairs. Learn basic foot movements such as advances, retreats and lunges, as well as basic hand movements including thrusts and blocks. An equipment fee of $29 is payable at first class.
DSVP 8--55 minute lessons--$115 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (7-13 yrs.)
NOVA Fencers M/F 6pm 30E.82JP 7/11 DSVP NOVA Fencers T/Th 6pm 30E.C67G 7/12 DSVP
NOVA Fencers T/Th 7pm 9C1.QM9P 7/12 DSVP
Football Development
Learn position basics through passing, kicking, and receiving. This class includes rules, theory and flag games. Athletic shoes required. Classes at Wakefield/ Moore are indoors.
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
SpHillREC T 6pm JOX.ESQL 6/21 DSV1
(8-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC T 7pm 825.4GDR 6/21 DSV1
Gymnastics I
Introduction to gymnastics through floor exercise, balance beam, uneven bars, vaulting and springboard jumping. Low student-to- teacher ratio enhances the learning process.
DSVL 8--55 minute lessons--$157 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
LeeREC Sa 1:55pm 8D7.YAZJ 6/18 DSVL LeeREC Sa 11:35am 8D7.7KWP 6/18 DSVL
(6-12 yrs.)
LeeREC T 7:35pm JBN.W0V2 6/21 DSVL
Intro to Mountain Biking
Learn mountain-biking fundamentals, improve your fitness level and learn to safely navigate your way to fun. Bike care is also covered. Helmets required. Bring your own mountain bike, water and dress for the weather. Class meets rain or shine.
4BG 4--55 minute lessons--$69 4SK 4--1 hour 15 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs,)
LkAccontkPk Sa 9:15am X.86A.H7E4 6/11 4BG
(9-14 yrs.)
LkAccontkPk Sa 11am E8E.F2P8 6/11 4SK

(6-12 yrs.) Pickleball is a fun, easy-to-learn, mini tennis-like game that combines elements of tennis, badminton, table tennis and racquetball. In this class by Baroody Camps students learn basic pickleball skills and how to play doubles while being active and improving fitness. Paddles and balls provided.
DSVF 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore M 11:30am UT4.SVBG 6/20 DSVF Wkfld/Moore W 9:30am UT4.1C4W 6/22 DSVF Wkfld/Moore F 9:30am UT4.01V7 6/24 DSVF
Pickleball I
(Adults) Pickleball is a fun, easy-to-learn, mini tennis-like game that combines elements of tennis, badminton, table tennis and racquetball. Participants learn basic pickleball skills and how to play doubles while being active and improving fitness. Paddles and balls provided.
4SD 5--55 minute lessons--$74
DSVF 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore T 9:30pm 931.JYSP 6/21 4SD Wkfld/Moore Th 9:30am 931.XR1Q 6/23 4SD SpHillREC W 4:30pm B6O.BIP4 6/22 DSVF SpHillREC W 5:30pm B6O.G71L 6/22 DSVF SpHillREC T 4:30pm B6O.CKL1 6/21 DSVF SpHillREC T 5:30pm B6O.OQFZ 6/21 DSVF SpHillREC F 4:30pm B6O.W725 6/24 DSVF SpHillREC F 5:30pm B6O.4UVG 6/24 DSVF Wkfld/Moore M 9:30am B6O.Q44I 6/20 DSVF Wkfld/Moore W 11:30am B6O.RVPQ 6/22 DSVF Wkfld/Moore F 10:30am B6O.Q53Y 6/24 DSVF

Pickleball II
(Adults) Prerequisite: Pickleball I. Class focuses on improving essential skills including dinks, volleys, forehands, backhands and the serve. Doubles strategy is introduced. Paddles and balls provided.
4SD 5--55 minute lessons--$74
DSVF 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore T 9:30am A17.JE3J 6/21 4SD Wkfld/Moore Th 10:30am A17.3ZH9 6/23 4SD SpHillREC Th 6:30pm QJ3.660N 6/23 DSVF SpHillREC F 6:30pm QJ3.F5DA 6/24 DSVF Wkfld/Moore M 10:30am QJ3.34FC 6/20 DSVF Wkfld/Moore W 10:30am QJ3.BYJP 6/22 DSVF Wkfld/Moore F 11:30am QJ3.AGLP 6/24 DSVF
Pickleball III
(Adults) Prerequisite: Pickleball II. Class focuses on Doubles strategy and execution.
4SD 5--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore T 11:30am 58E.E4JT 6/21 4SD Wkfld/Moore Th 11:30am 58E.9A3G 6/23 4SD

Join the award-winning team of ADAPTED AQUATICS VOLUNTEERS Call 703-324-8565 for information.
Ping Pong
Students are introduced to ping pong grips, positions and basic strokes. Students practice exercises and games to improve hand-eye coordination. Students may bring their own paddles, or an official supply set is available for purchase from instructor for $25.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 2pm 393.J2YG 6/18 4SM
SpHillREC Sa 3pm AAF.41SP 6/18 4SM
Soccer I
Basic instruction geared for beginning players. Emphasis is on soccer skill development including kicking, dribbling and goal-keeping. Bring shin guards and a soccer ball. Classes held at schools are indoors using soft soccer balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138
DSVF 8--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
Orng Hnt ES Su 11am 29D.9XFA 6/19 DSVF SoRunREC Sa 10am 29D.2M1E 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Su 10am 29D.YA0J 6/19 DSV1 SoRunREC M 7pm 29D.P3DB 6/20 DSV1 SpHillREC T 5pm 29D.R64I 6/21 4SM Wkfld/Moore Sa 1pm 29D.ZHXK 6/18 4SM
(8-10 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 10am 65C.7N8F 6/19 4SM SpHillREC T 6pm 65C.7WTY 6/21 4SM
(8-12 yrs.)
SoRunREC Sa 11am F64.YNZM 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Su 11am F64.4S6J 6/19 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Su 1:30pm F64.B8SB 6/19 4SM
Soccer II
Prerequisite: Soccer I. Bring shin guards and a soccer ball. Classes held at schools are indoors using soft soccer balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121
CSVH 6--55 minute lessons--$87 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 11am 580.77QF 6/19 4SM SpHillREC Th 5pm 580.JTG0 6/23 4SM Wkfld/Moore Sa 2pm 580.VNBB 6/18 4SM Woodbrn ES Su 11am 580.K1VI 6/26 CSVH
(8-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 12pm DA0.9GV5 6/19 4SM Wkfld/Moore Su 2:30pm DA0.34SN 6/19 4SM Woodbrn ES Su 12pm DA0.GSBW 6/26 CSVH
Cub Run Rec Center
Slides • Bubblers • Sprays • Lazy River • Open year-round www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/recenter/cubrun Soccer III
(8-14 yrs.) Prerequisite: Soccer II. Bring shin guards and a soccer ball.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Th 6pm CF8.ZIQU 6/23 4SM
Soccer for Girls
(6-12 yrs.) This class is designed for girls. Beginners learn soccer basics including game rules, ball handling, strategies and tactics.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $
AnnandalePk Su 1pm AA9.HUWW 6/19 4SM AnnandalePk Su 12pm AA9.77MV 6/19 4SM
Small Goal Soccer
In this class Sanowar Fitness introduces students to Small Goal Soccer which is played five-on-five using smaller goals. Students build skills and self-confidence in a fun environment.
CSVA 6--55 minute lessons--$104
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 11am 816.R4HM 6/18 DSV1 SpHillREC M 5pm 816.TP05 6/20 DSV1 Woodbrn ES Su 9am 816.VVXZ 6/26 CSVA
(9-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 12pm 3C5.Q9ZJ 6/18 DSV1 SpHillREC M 6pm 3C5.D1EW 6/20 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm 3C5.UXWV 6/18 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Su 3:30pm 3C5.D9ZV 6/19 DSV1 Woodbrn ES Su 10am 3C5.XBGE 6/26 CSVA
Speed, Agility, Quickness
Elevate your game to the next level with workouts geared to make you a better athlete in any sport. A combination of drills and competitions increases strength, endurance, agility, acceleration, speed, lateral and vertical movement. Focus is on cross-sport movements.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (9-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 9am 9X5.ZR5K 6/18 4SM
(13-18 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 12pm WRK.2DDN 6/19 4SM
Sports Movement & Speed
Elevate your game to the next level with workouts geared to make you a better athlete in any sport. A combination of drills and competitions increases strength, endurance, agility, acceleration, speed, lateral and vertical movement. Focus is on cross-sport movements.
DSVP 8--55 minute lessons--$115 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 9am 5PQ.23EL 6/18 DSVP
(10-14 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 10am AAU.AF2K 6/18 DSVP
(5-7 yrs.) Get a head start on the spring T-ball season. Skill development includes base running, hitting off tee, throwing and catching. Bring a baseball glove.
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 12:30pm 3E1.R54F 6/18 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm 3E1.A39C 6/18 DSV1
Tennis Beginning I
An introduction to the basics: forehand and backhand drive, serve, footwork, rules, scoring and court etiquette. Emphasis is on correct form. Students need a tennis racquet and 2 cans of balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121
DSBB 8--55 minute lessons--$87
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-8 yrs.)
Chalet Wds Pk Sa 9am A08.LJ8O 6/18 4SM Chantily HS Sa 10am A08.5VS6 6/25 DSBB Chantily HS Su 10am A08.F4J7 6/26 DSBB MasonDistPk Sa 1pm A08.NGW3 7/09 4SM MasonDistPk Sa 10am A08.BX8Z 7/09 4SM NottowayPk Sa 9am A08.MOHK 6/18 4SM NottowayPk M 5pm A08.NY97 6/20 4SM ArrowbrookPk M 6pm MKL.RAL4 6/27 DSV1 ArrowbrookPk T 6pm MKL.CQV5 6/28 DSV1 LeeREC Sa 9am MKL.BPHR 6/18 DSV1 MtVernREC Su 9:30am MKL.J2X2 6/19 DSV1 MtVernREC Su 10:30am MKL.LDJI 6/19 DSV1 SoRunREC Sa 9am MKL.IN46 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Su 9am MKL.MYBL 6/19 DSV1 SoRunREC M 6pm MKL.SXP4 6/20 DSV1 SoRunREC T 6pm MKL.7OHU 6/21 DSV1 SoRunREC F 6pm MKL.XASR 6/24 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am MKL.QDE7 6/18 4SM Wkfld/Moore Su 12pm MKL.CFPX 6/19 4SM
(9-12 yrs.)
Chalet Wds Pk Sa 10am 9F3.HAKY 6/18 4SM Chantily HS Sa 11am 9F3.4NSY 6/25 DSBB Chantily HS Su 11am 9F3.8I45 6/26 DSBB MasonDistPk Sa 11am 9F3.JPVJ 7/09 4SM NottowayPk Sa 10am 9F3.ASLD 6/18 3SM NottowayPk T 5pm 9F3.SLR3 6/21 3SM ArrowbrookPk M 7pm N0B.1L57 6/27 DSV1 ArrowbrookPk T 7pm N0B.I6MM 6/28 DSV1 LeeREC Sa 10am N0B.00Q3 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Sa 10am N0B.WNTS 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Su 10am N0B.IYZD 6/19 DSV1 SoRunREC M 7pm N0B.DKQ2 6/20 DSV1 SoRunREC t 7pm N0B.VRZH 6/21 DSV1 SoRunREC F 7pm N0B.SDV9 6/24 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am N0B.PMSO 6/18 4SM Wkfld/Moore Sa 1pm N0B.2QFC 6/18 DSV1
(10-17 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore F 5pm VC7.6WMK 6/24 4SM LeeREC Sa 11am A49.PBMS 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Sa 11am A49.LB1H 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Su 11am A49.DACH 6/19 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Sa 2pm A49.IBBA 6/18 DSV1
Chantily HS Sa 8am 2AB.TWEB 6/25 DSBB Chantily HS Su 9am 2AB.4C1O 6/26 DSBB LeeREC M 7pm 2AB.39PE 6/20 4SM MasonDistPk Su 5pm 2AB.ZXCA 7/10 4SM NottowayPk Sa 11am 2AB.SKCD 6/18 4SM NottowayPk M 8pm 2AB.883E 6/20 4SM Wkfld/Moore M 9am 2AB.MAAF 6/20 4SM Wkfld/Moore T 8am 2AB.WZHV 6/21 4SM Wkfld/Moore F 9am 2AB.6LJG 6/24 4SM LeeREC Sa 12pm PL0.JA1G 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Su 12pm PL0.QRKX 6/19 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm PL0.GWX6 6/18 DSV1
Tennis Beginning II

Students should be able to rally with the forehand and know the basic strokes. Stroke production, including ball trajectory over the net and basic game strategy, is refined. Students need a tennis racquet and 2 cans of balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121
DSBB 8--55 minute lessons--$87
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-8 yrs.)
NottowayPk M 6pm 3E6.GFXM 6/20 4SM
(9-12 yrs.)
MasonDistPk Su 2pm F9D.8QFF 7/10 4SM Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm IWH.ZYGX 6/18 4SM Wkfld/Moore M 5pm IWH.5NGI 6/20 DSV1
(13-17 yrs.)
MasonDistPk Su 3pm 905.DFEF 7/10 4SM NottowayPk M 7pm 905.82H5 6/20 4SM Wkfld/Moore M 6pm 2PX.6VHH 6/20 DSV1
Chantily HS Sa 9am 457.C3SV 6/25 DSBB Chantily HS Su 8am 457.MG6R 6/26 DSBB MasonDistPk Sa 4pm 457.174N 7/09 NottowayPk T 7pm 457.KLDS 6/21 4SM Wkfld/Moore Th 8am 457.WYL2 6/23 4SM LeeREC Sa 1pm 2P8.4WYA 6/18 DSV1 SoRunREC Su 1pm 2P8.B40E 6/19 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore Sa 4pm 2P8.QDEK 6/18 DSV1 Wkfld/Moore M 7pm 2P8.L586 6/20 DSV1
For a more information and schedule of events, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/watermine

Tennis Intermediate I
Student should know basic strokes, scoring, rules and court etiquette. Emphasis is on stroke production, shot placement and consistency. Students need a tennis racquet and 2 cans of balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (9-12 yrs.)
MasonDistPk Sa 12pm 92F.9EZU 7/09 4SM
(13-17 yrs.)
MasonDistPk Sa 1pm ABD.NJGN 7/09 4SM Wkfld/Moore F 6pm ABD.N61Q 6/24 4SM
LeeREC M 8pm 572.4Q04 6/20 4SM LeeREC T 8pm 572.GS1M 6/21 4SM NottowayPk W 6pm 572.PBO4 6/22 4SM Wkfld/Moore M 10am 572.0T6E 6/20 4SM Wkfld/Moore T 9am 572.BXTU 6/21 4SM Wkfld/Moore Th 9am 572.5E9X 6/23 4SM Wkfld/Moore F 7pm 572.5WHG 6/24 4SM Wkfld/Moore F 10am 572.2UXT 6/24 4SM
Tennis Intermediate II
Stroke consistency and control are key factors at this level. Emphasis is on shot variety and pace under pressure. Percentage is stressed and mastery of intermediate skills is required. Students need a tennis racquet and 2 cans of balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (9-12 yrs.)
MasonDistPk Sa 3pm 974.L7I0 7/09 4SM NottowayPk T 6pm 974.O81I 6/21 4SM
(13-17 yrs.)
MasonDistPk Sa 2pm ABA.NCKL 7/09 4SM
NottowayPk W 7pm 013.AA1C 6/22 4SM Wkfld/Moore T 10am 013.8FQD 6/21 4SM (Adults) Students should be able to execute all basic strokes and have at least informal competitive playing experience. Stroke reliability and aggressive shots with pace and depth are expected. Students need a tennis racquet and 2 cans of balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $
NottowayPk W 8pm B86.G61G 6/22 4SM Wkfld/Moore Th 10am B86.768R 6/23 4SM
Cardio Tennis
(Adults) Cardio tennis pushes your fitness to a new level with a high-energy workout. This group activity features drills to give players of all abilities an ultimate high-energy skill workout. Students need a tennis racquet and 2 cans of balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 7pm B15.OP8U 6/21 4SM
Doubles Tennis
(Adults) Class focuses on both offensive and defensive doubles strategy and includes practical education to hone your skills. Students must bring a racquet and two cans of tennis balls to the first class.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time Code Begin $
MasonDistPk Su 3pm DBD.M60C 7/10 4SM MasonDistPk Su 4pm DBD.3KC3 7/10 4SM
Learn basic volleyball skills through drills and games. Class covers scoring, serving, bumping, spiking and team play.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$121
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$138
DSVX 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$134
BSVA 4--55 minute lessons--$69 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Th 6pm V0E.F7CR 6/23 DSVX SullyCommCtr Su 9am 8D1.U76Z 8/7 BSVA Woodbrn ES Su 10am 8D1.Q489 6/19 4SM Wkfld/Moore M 6pm 8D1.KQ4K 6/20 DSV1
(12-17 yrs.)
SullyCommCtr Su 10am BA8.R7EO 8/7 BSVA Wkfld/Moore M 7pm BA8.QAWQ 6/20 DSV1 Woodbrn ES Su 1pm BA8.F93E 6/19 4SM Woodbrn ES Su 11am BA8.WCC8 6/19 4SM Woodbrn ES Su 12pm BA8.VOGJ 6/19 4SM
SullyCommCtr Su 11am CR8.4AQ6 8/7 BSVA Wkfld/Moore M 8pm CR8.3B6O 6/20 DSV1
Programs for your health and wellness