Spring Parktakes 2015

Page 1

A Quarterly Guide to Parks and Recreation • Fairfax County Park Authority

Spring 2015

Embark on Adventure! Spring and Summer Day Camps, p. 42

The New Spring Hill RECenter, p. 4 First Signs of Spring, p. 7 Fun on the Farm, p. 99 Spring Events, p. 101 Registration begins Feb. 3 for spring classes, Feb. 5 for camps • www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks



Introducing Parktakes in Living Color! For the first time in its 30-year history, Parktakes is a full-color publication from cover to cover! This enables us to organize the information in a way that we believe more clearly communicates Fairfax County Park Authority program offerings and photos of our award-winning parks. Our goal in using color is to help you search the publication more easily to find information about programs and park activities that are important to you. This may seem like an expensive proposition, but the fact is after the most recent competitive bidding process, we determined that producing Parktakes in full color costs the Park Authority no more than what it cost to print it in two colors as it was for decades. This is because advanced, high-speed printing equipment is configured to run process color as a standard to meet the demands of today’s publishing industry. As a result, the process of printing in full color is more efficient and cost-effective for long-run publications such as Parktakes. It should be noted that no taxpayer dollars are used to print Parktakes. Instead, our costs are covered by park user fees and advertising sales. In addition, the printed publication is sent only to park users who request it, rather than to every household in the county, and about 25 percent of our 180,000 subscribers receive Parktakes electronically, further reducing our costs. Just as our park system has evolved and expanded over time to meet the changing needs of our diverse community, Parktakes has evolved over the past three decades from a small, two-color pamphlet to a vibrant magazine showcasing all that our magnificent park system has to offer. To celebrate our new chapter, we've given the publication a little makover so that Parktakes can be more user-friendly than ever. We hope you enjoy the magazine’s new look!




Karen Acar Thayer, APR Parktakes Editor

Parktakes Spring 2015




A QUARTERLY GUIDE TO PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS Fairfax County Park Authority • Spring 2015 • Vol. 30/No. 2

Bluebells at Riverbend p. 7

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Sharon Bulova......................................................... Chairman Penelope A. Gross.................Vice Chairman, Mason District John C. Cook.............................................. Braddock District John W. Foust........................................... Dranesville District Michael R. Frey...................................................Sully District Pat Herrity............................................... Springfield District Catherine M. Hudgins............................. Hunter Mill District Gerald W. Hyland.....................................Mt. Vernon District Jeffrey C. McKay.................................................. Lee District Linda Q. Smyth........................................Providence District

Park Authority Board Members William G. Bouie...................Chairman, Hunter Mill District Ken Quincy................... Vice Chairman, Providence District Kala Leggett Quintana .............Secretary, Member-at-Large Frank S. Vajda ............................... Treasurer, Mason District Edward R. Batten, Sr............................................. Lee District Mary Cortina..............................................Member-at-Large Linwood Gorham.....................................Mt. Vernon District Faisal Khan.................................................Member-at-Large Harold L. Strickland............................................Sully District Michael Thompson, Jr. ............................ Springfield District Anthony J. Vellucci .................................... Braddock District Grace H. Wolf ......................................... Dranesville District The Park Authority Board meets at 7:30 p.m. every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Herrity Building. The public is invited to attend. The board minutes and other information from these meetings are available on the Park Authority website: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks.

Park Authority Leadership Kirk W. Kincannon, CPRP..........................................Director Sara Baldwin........................................ Deputy Director/COO

Rosie Baumbaugh Fitness p. 5

Parktakes Production Staff Karen Acar Thayer, APR ............................................ Editor Susan Trayers....................................... Advertising Manager Don Sweeney.................................................. Photographer Joanne Kearney, Cindy Fortuno.................... Graphic Design Creative Connections................................................ Printing

PLUS The New Spring Hill RECenter, p. 4 Train like a Lumberjack, p. 6 Soar into Spring with Birds, p. 7 Twin Lakes Golf Course Steps up its Game, p. 9 . . . and more

Visit the parks online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks or e-mail the Park Authority at parkmail@fairfaxcounty.gov Parktakes is published quarterly by the Fairfax County Park Authority, 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927, Fairfax, VA 22035-5500. Periodicals postage paid at Fairfax, VA (USPS 010-296). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FCPA/Parktakes, P.O. Box 4606, Fairfax, VA 22038-4606. Copies of Parktakes are also available at FCPA RECenters and staffed sites, county libraries and county government centers. This magazine (Vol. 30, No. 2) is valid for March 1 May 31, 2015. Information and prices in previous Parktakes are no longer in effect. Prices, hours, programs and services are subject to change without prior notice. The FCPA reserves the right to photograph and videotape all its activities, events, classes, programs and facilities for promotional purposes. Fairfax County’s programs, services and facilities are available to all citizens regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. For additional information regarding accommodations and support provided to facilitate participation for individuals with disabilities, call 703-3248563 or TTY 703-803-3354. Complaints regarding discrimination on the basis of disability should also be directed to those numbers.


Kiddie Camp Offers Fun for Preschoolers, p. 8

Registration and Information, p. 166 Parks at a Glance, p. 10 • Park Directions, p. 12 Program Location Addresses, p. 14 • Volunteer, p. 16 Spring 2015

Classes, Programs & Events

How to Use Parktakes You’ll find something to suit every recreational and leisure interest in Parktakes, and your key to finding the perfect opportunity lies in the table of contents.

Junior Golf Programs


Adapted Leisure Services




Programs for individuals with disabilities

Water-based programs

Fun Fitness Programs 104

118 Gardening







Specialty parks and trails


Ice Skating


Boating, Fishing and Camping


Martial Arts and Self-Defense




Nature and Science


Children’s Corner (0-5 years)


Performing Arts




Pet Place


Day Trips and Tours

Scout Activities



Equestrian and Farm

101 Events

Special events in the parks

104 Exercise and Physical Fitness 112

Fine Arts and Crafts

158 Sports and Leagues



163 Xtras

Bridge, etiquette, geneaology and other special interests.

Parktakes is generally organized by subject area, although you may find related interests in other categories. For example, the Events section lists most of the public events at park sites, but site- or interest-specific events are sometimes listed in other sections. A horse show would most likely be featured in the Equestrian and Farm section, and gardening workshops could be featured in the Gardening section or in the Nature section. The Children’s Corner is tailored to children age 5 and younger, and programs for older children can be found throughout the magazine. The Adapted Leisure Services section lists pool offerings for people with disabilities, and other adapted activities are listed throughout the magazine. You’ll always find features in the beginning of Parktakes, and park locations, directions and class sites can be found on pages 10-15. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Our registration staff is always happy to help. You can reach someone Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (703) 222-4664. The printing and production of Parktakes is paid for with user fees and paid advertising. Parktakes is printed with soy-based ink on paper that is recyclable in Fairfax County’s newspaper recycling program. Inclusion of paid advertising in Parktakes does not imply endorsement of the advertised goods, products or services by the Fairfax County Park Authority.

About your subscription:


Summer campers enjoy a day of white water rafting on the Potomac River in Great Falls during the Park Authority’s Adventure Water Camp. Photo by Don Sweeney Spring 2015

If Parktakes isn’t delivered to your house, request your free subscription by calling 703-222-4664. You can also subscribe online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ptsubs.htm. Subscription requests are valid for three years. For the date your subscription expires, check your mailing label. Your member number appears above your name. Please include this number on address corrections and subscription renewals.



Introducing the NEW Spring

Hill RECenter




That’s the one-word response many people exclaimed upon seeing the newly expanded and renovated Spring Hill RECenter for the first time. The facility, which opened December 13, includes a new regulation-sized gym with an elevated, three-lane track for walkers and runners; a new, twostory fitness center that is four times the size of the old one and features a new line of Cybex weight training machines; a custom-built TRX suspension system; five family changing rooms; plenty of space for additional fitness classes and lots of natural light. “It’s really welcoming,” said Ranko Kettunen of Vienna who was among the first to try out the new walking track with her 4-year-old daughter, Julia. “I like the open space and brightness, and all of the equipment is really updated,” she said. “The layout is really impressive,” said Daniel Hunziker of Woodbridge as he played one-onone basketball with his friend, Justin Nguyen of Springfield. “It’s definitely one of the nicest facilities I’ve ever been in.” Nguyen, who used

WOW! 4

to teach basketball at the old Spring Hill RECenter, agreed. “I had to come back on the first day to experience it,” he said enthusiastically. “I’m really proud of what they have done here. It’s like seeing your baby grow.” Mark Damjan of Great Falls was equally impressed as he arrived with his 3-year-old daughter, Danielle, for her swimming lesson. “Wow, this is an unexpected surprise. It’s beautiful,” he said as they stopped to marvel at the new gym on their way to the pool. “It’s new and exciting; equivalent to the new car smell.” “I really like it because it’s really big and has a lot of space for a lot of people,” said 8-yearold Carlos Ordunez breathlessly while shooting baskets in the new gym. He was expending some opening-day energy along with his mother, while his 12-year-old brother, Pedro, had his swimming lesson. “Now the facility is more inviting,” said the boys’ mother, Yanelis La Rosa of Falls Church. “There’s the family changing rooms, and I also saw other new areas for yoga and other classes. We will definitely spend more time here as a family than before.” The two-story fitness center with all-new exercise equipment is also getting rave reviews. “There’s so much more room,” said longtime RECenter member Wendy Laguarda. “I love the windows and the new Cybex machines. This is beyond my expectations. It’s a great, great facility. This could compete with the 24/7 [commercial] gyms.” “It’s nice to look out and see tranquil woods and trees while you’re working out,” said RECenter member Carey Monts of Vienna, “and when the bad winter weather sets in, I’m going to really enjoy the indoor track.” Amenities vary at each Fairfax County RECenter, and membership gives you privileges at all nine of them at no extra charge. To learn the unique features of each RECenter, see Parks at a Glance on page 10. Spring 2015

Finding Life Balance in Fitness Like many members of the “sandwich” generation, Rosie Bombaugh always put everyone else’s needs ahead of her own. The Burke wife and mother was sandwiched between the responsibilities of caring for her high-school-age sons and her 90-year-old mother, and that left her with little time to do anything for herself. “I was always taking care of my family,” she said. “That’s the way I was raised. Rosie Bombaugh. You make your family the priority.” It was only after her sons were in college and her mother passed away that she realized what her selflessness had cost her personally. “I was very overweight and I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin,” she said. “If I could do it over again, I would have made time for myself.” Bombaugh found her fitness motivation in the winter 2012 issue of Parktakes magazine. “I started looking at the classes in Parktakes and reading the profiles of other people older than me who had gotten fit and were active, and I thought, ‘If they can do it, I can do it.’ They inspired me to get moving.” It had been years since Bombaugh had been active in tennis, swimming and martial arts, and she knew she would have to start slowly after years of sedentary living. She began with a class at South Run RECenter that would prepare her for something she never thought she would do – a 5K run. “I hated running from the time I was in high school, but the 5K-Team Beginner training class was really cool,” she said enthusiastically. “You mostly walk to begin with, and by the time the (11-week) class is over, you’re actually running the whole 3.1-mile distance. Now I love it!” As her confidence increased, she added more exercise options to her schedule including the RECenter’s drop-in fitness classes, where she found more inspiration. “You need that camaraderie that comes in class,” she said. “You need the group to give you that push to get out of your comfort zone.” Eventually, she found herself training with a personal trainer and signed up for a swimming class in preparation for something else she never thought she’d do – a triathlon. “The swimming class I took was amazing! Here was this 20-something-year-old teaching me. He had me swimming a mile in 25 minutes. I was amazed.” One of her greatest accomplishments came in Washington, D.C. last fall when the 4’11” exercise


Rosie Bombaugh's motivation is the success stories of others. Now she's an inspiration as well. enthusiast ran for the first time in the Marine Corps Marathon. “I cried at the end when I crossed the finish line because I thought, ‘What a neat thing that my kids can see that their mom just pulled 26.3 miles!’” These days the 51-year-old dynamo feels far younger than her years, and she marvels at her results since launching her personal fitness campaign two years ago. She is 35 lbs. lighter, she has more energy than ever, and she now looks forward to working out almost daily. “I run three days per week, swim at least two times per week and do core work in between,” she said. And she still finds inspiration in Parktakes. “I read the [fall 2014] story about the 72-year-old guy who got fit and now competes in the Senior Olympics,” she said, “and I found out that the competition is for people age 50 and older. So I thought, ‘Hey, maybe I should try that,’ although the people I have to beat are 60 years old and running seven-minute miles. That’s crazy!” With encouragement from her family, friends and colleagues at South Run RECenter, Bombaugh says she’s up to the challenge. After all, she says it’s not really about winning or losing. It’s about making personal wellness a priority. “You don’t have to be the fastest or the fittest or the thinnest.” she said. “You just need to get out there and do something.” Park Authority RECenters have multiple training options. To learn more, call or stop by the RECenter nearest you. See page 12 for locations and contact information.

After finishing her first marathon, Rosie Bombaugh goes the distance with triatholon training. Spring 2015



Train like a

Lumberjack Put a unique spin on your fitness routine with log rolling at Mt. Vernon RECenter! “It’s a great way to work on balance, coordination and core strength without doing situps,” said Mt. Vernon aquatics director Britta Stratford. “It doesn’t feel like exercise; it’s just a fun challenge.” Stratford’s 7-year-old daughter, Olivia, was among the first children to try out log rolling at the RECenter. “I like it because you get to run, and it’s different than just swimming,” she said. In traditional log rolling, two competitors balance themselves on a log floating in the water and begin rolling the log with their feet. The goal is to outlast your opponent and roll the log in a way that gets them to fall off the log and into the water within a certain time limit. Rather than using a traditional timber, the log at Mt. Vernon RECenter is a new product made of the same synthetic material used in modern-day kayaks. The hollow core makes it easy to transport to the pool, where it’s filled with 50 gallons of water to mimic the weight of a log. Each student first learns to balance on and roll the log individually and then progresses to matches with a competitor. “It’s addicting fun, and it generates a lot of interest from swimmers when we put the log in the pool,” Stratford said. The sport of log rolling dates back to the 19th century. It developed from the North American river log drives, when lumberjacks floated logs from the forests downriver to the sawmill towns. The log drivers would run back and forth across the river of logs, guiding them down river to try to prevent the logs from jamming up. Because a floating log spins quickly when you step on it, the log drivers quickly learned to step atop the spinning logs, avoiding the icy water and the oncoming floating lumber. They realized it was pretty fun and challenged one another to matches, and the sport of log rolling was born. Several log rolling classes are being offered this spring. To find a class that’s convenient for you, turn to the Aquatics section.

Membership SALE! Need a little help with that New Year’s fitness resolution? Here’s a deal that’s big on benefits and easy on your wallet! RECenter 4- and 12-month memberships are now on sale for 15% off the regular price. For details, see our ad on page 106. The sale ends soon, so buy now, save and shape up for swimsuit season!


Spring 2015

th i w g Soar into S p r i n

s d r i B

Look up this spring, and you’re sure to see one of the greatest shows on Earth as colorful, neo-tropical migrant birds flock north from their winter homes in Central and South America. Northern Virginia is one of the best areas for bird watching because of its location near the coast, the mountains and along the north/south divider, and Huntley Meadows Park in Alexandria is a great place to spot birds. Its accessible boardwalk leads you out to the park’s wetland giving you a chance to see birds you would normally have to go to the Chesapeake Bay to see. Last year, the wetland was fully restored. “Our goal is to attract species back to the wetland that have been absent or noticeably reduced over the last few decades,” park manager Kevin Munroe said. “We have seen rails, bitterns and grebes visit the wetland since the project construction finished, so now we’re crossing our fingers that they will judge our work good enough to come back in the spring and raise young.” Everything from weather patterns to seasons can have an impact on migration, and Munroe says what you see in Fairfax County depends on where you look. While some birds may be attracted to Huntley Meadows wetland, distinctive features in other Fairfax County parks attract birds you wouldn’t necessarily see at Huntley Meadows. Perhaps the best aspect of birding is you can do it anywhere – from the big city to your own backyard – and you can do it anytime and in any season. ❁

Bluebells at Riverbend

Spring 2015


Left to right: Pileated Woodpecker, Common Yellowthroat and Great Blue Heron.

“Patience, good observation skills and plenty of enthusiasm are really all you need,” Munroe said, “but a good pair of binoculars, a bird field guide and weather-appropriate clothes will help.” For best results, Munroe says knowing where and when to look increases your odds of success. “The last week of April through the first week of May is usually the peak time when most birds are moving through. Dawn and dusk are by far the best times of day to look, so give yourself an hour or two on the wetland boardwalk at the beginning or end of the day, try to be both still and quiet for a while, and you’re almost guaranteed to see wildlife you haven’t seen in Fairfax County before.” Whether you’re a beginning or experienced birder, the Park Authority offers many options for learning about birds. To find the perfect program for you, turn to the Nature section of Parktakes, or stop by or call the nature or visitor center at your favorite park. ❁

Celebrate the first signs of spring by attending the Bluebells at the Bend festival Saturday, April 11 at Riverbend Park in Great Falls! These breathtaking beauties usher in springtime by carpeting the park’s floodplain with their magnificent blooms, and the bluebells are so abundant in some areas you can’t see an end! To 19th century poets, bluebells symbolized solitude. In the Victorian language of flowers, they represent constancy. See for yourself the glorious display that draws generations of wildflower watchers to Riverbend Park. For festival details, see the Events section of Parktakes. You can also learn about other harbingers of spring during wildflower walks and cherry blossom activities in several Fairfax County Parks. For more information, see the Nature, Gardening and History sections.



New Community Center Comes to Providence District Providence Community Center, located at 3001 Vaden Dr. in Fairfax, is now open. One unique feature of the new facility is a sensory room. This room offers individuals of all ages and abilities an opportunity to Providence Community explore various Center's sensory room. ways of sensory stimulation while experiencing benefits such as relaxation, learning, communication, memory, focus, concentration and social skill development. The facility also includes a commercial kitchen, senior center, computer room, gymnasium and office of Providence District Supervisor Linda Q. Smyth. It is operated by the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. Providence RECenter on Marc Dr. in Falls Church continues to offer recreational opportunities for children and adults. Amenities include the pool, spa, fitness center, raquetball courts, classes and camps, and membership entitles you to access at all nine Fairfax County Park Authority RECenters. For locations, see page 12 of Parktakes. 8

Kiddie Camp offers Fun for Preschoolers School-age children always look forward to fun at summer camp, and now there are options for their younger brothers and sisters will get extra hour of fun at Kiddie Camp! The half-day camp now offers four hours of daily fun, with outdoor games, water play, music, movement, arts and crafts and a special event for 3-to-5-year-old children. Parents of children who attended Kiddie Camp last spring and summer gave it high marks in a post-camp survey. “The counselors were so enthusiastic and really great with the kids,” said one parent whose son attended Kiddie Camp at Lee District RECenter. “They stole my heart immediately, and I felt totally confident leaving my child in their care.” “I loved the variety of activities and that they took the kiddos into the pool three times,” said another parent whose son attended Kiddie Camp at Providence RECenter. “It helped my son build confidence in the water.” “The counselors really engaged the children in all activities instead of simply watching them play,” said a parent whose child attended Kiddie Camp at Spring Hill RECenter. “This can be challenging with such young children.” The Park Authority offers spring and summer Kiddie Camps at five locations across Fairfax County. To find the location nearest you, turn to the Camps section. As always, you’ll find a wide variety of full- and half-day spring and summer day camps for school-age children in the Camps section. This year, the Park Authority is introducing some exciting new camps along with its timeless classics. Spring 2015


Twin Lakes Golf Course Steps Up its Game Golfers of all abilities will soon be able to hone their short-game skills at a new practice area at Twin Lakes Golf Course. The facility’s larger, new practice putting green should be ready for play in time for the spring season, and the old practice putting area will be converted into a practice chipping green. “Eighty percent of the score in a golf round is attained within 100 yards of the green, and that’s the part you really need to practice,” said Twin Lakes superintendent Scott Hamm. “Now, we have a dedicated putting area and a dedicated chipping area that allow players to work on their short game without the pressure of going on the course and playing a full round.” Hamm says the larger, sand-based putting green was created to USGA standards and “more closely matches the characteristics of the Oaks course,” which opened in 1998. The new practice areas plus the driving range provides a full complement to the facility’s two, 18-hole courses. “The practice greens also give us more options for golf lessons and camps,” Hamm said. The new practice greens aren’t the only changes at Twin Lakes. All of the Oaks Course bunkers have been renovated to modernday standards. “They’re state-of-theart,” Hamm said. “The feedback from our customers has been Renovated Oaks Course bunkers are very positive.” The state-of-the-art.

The new, larger practice putting green at Twin Lakes Golf Course was created to USGA standards. new Oaks Course bunkers were created using the "Better Billy Bunker Method," invented by Billy Fuller, former longtime superintendent of the Augusta National Golf Club, home of the Masters Tournament. The entire bunker below the sand is filled with three inches of gravel and topped with a polymer coating. This enables water to filter through the sand. “Now, when it rains, there’s virtually no washout of bunkers, which was our biggest complaint with the old system,” Hamm said. The long-range plan is to upgrade the existing bunkers on the Lakes Course as funding becomes available. The Twin Lakes course and practice-area improvements come on the heels of the facility’s clubhouse Oaks Room expansion, which was completed in spring 2014 to accommodate larger tournaments and special occasion celebrations. To book the Oaks Room for your special event, call 703-631-9099 or e-mail Kara.Martinez@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Gear up for Golf! The spring golf season is just around the corner, and now is the time to plan your winning strategy. • Strengthen and lengthen the muscles used in golf and improve your flexibility, balance and endurance by signing up for Golf Fit or Yoga for Golfers classes listed in the Exercise and Fitness section. • Learn the game or fine-tune your skills with group or private golf lessons advertised in the Golf section or at your nearest golf course. • Join a golf league of your own. Leagues are forming now for beginners, junior golfers, men, women and seniors. Details are in the Golf section. • Take advantage of advertised golf course specials now through March 31, and don’t forget the biggest sale of the year! Beginning March 23, save up to 25% on frequent player golf passes. The more you play, the less you pay! See the golf section or contact your nearest Park Authority golf course for more information. Spring 2015


Parks at-a-Glance

For more information on park attractions, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks

✔= AVAILABLE AT PARK RECenters Basketball Courts (outdoors) Birthday Parties Room Rentals Fitness Center Gymnasium

Audrey Moore 703-321-7081

Cub Run



G. Washington 703-780-8894

Mount Vernon 703-768-3224







Indoor Walking Track Indoor Pools


Interpretive Programs Water Playground Pottery Lab Racquet & Wallyball Courts Scout Programs Sauna


Tennis Courts



Ice Rink Skate Park Picnic Area


Oak Marr


South Run





















Reservable Shelter Mini Golf


Indoor Turf Field


Babysitting Center




Spring Hill





Lee District


P Burke Lake



Laurel Hill

Oak Marr


Twin Lakes








Number of Holes
















Driving Range








Driving Cages & Indoor Range Lessons Pull Carts








Power Carts Adapted Power Carts Pro Shop Banquet Room/Catering Food Service


Cabell’s Mill, Clark House, Dranesville Tavern, Great Falls Grange, Hunter House, Forestville Schoolhouse, Stone Mansion, Wakefield Chapel. 10





703-324-8732 or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/picnics Spring 2015

Major Parks

Laurel HIll

Burke Lake





M. L. KIng Jr. 703-222-4664

Basketball Courts Birthday Parties Fishing Campgrounds


Lake Fairfax




Boat Rentals

Lake Accotink


Nature Trails Food Concession Ice Cream Parlor Carousel Mini-Train Mini Golf Disc Golf Picnic Area










Skate Park Playground



Accessible Playground Tennis Courts


Jefferson District




P Colvin Run Mill











Sully Historic Site

Turner Farm

Ellanor C. Lawrence

Frying Pan Green Spring Farm Gardens

Hidden Oaks

Hidden Pond





Huntley Meadows


Farm Equestrian Facilities Historic Gardens


Horticulture Library Interpretive Programs Museum







Picnic Area




Playgrounds Sales and Gifts Scout and School Programs Trails Orienteering

Spring 2015








Nature Center Visitor Center

703-437-1794 703-324-8591





Boating Demonstration Gardens



Viewing Tower Fishing




Wetlands Boardwalk



703-759-2771 703-631-0013 703-437-9101 703-642-5173 703-941-1065 703-451-9588 703-768-2525

Birthday Parties




Volleyball Courts

Nature and Historic Sites







Family Water Park Fitness Trails

Mason District






















3 George Washington RECenter, 8426 Old Mount

to the Parks

Vernon Rd., Alexandria 22309. Beltway Exit 177A (Richmond Hwy., Route 1) south to left on Rt. 235 (Mount Vernon Hwy.). At fork in road, bear right on Rt. 623 (Old Mount Vernon Road) to park on right. 703-780-8894.

28 32





4 Lee District Park & RECenter, 6601 Telegraph


16 22


Rd., Franconia 22310. Beltway Exit 176A (Telegraph Rd.) to right on Telegraph Rd. (south) 2.5 miles to entrance on left. 703-922-9841.


5 Mt. Vernon RECenter,


2017 Belle View Blvd., Alexandria 22307. Beltway Exit 177A (Richmond Hwy., Rt. 1) south. Bear right onto Ft. Hunt Rd. (Rt. 629) and follow 1.5 miles to right at Belle View Blvd. to entrance on left. 703-768-3224.

36 32 2


41 6


39 14 7



6 Oak Marr RECenter,

25 46

10 43

19 42

21 1

19 24

3200 Jermantown Rd., Oakton 22124. Beltway Exit 49 west (I-66 West) to Rt. 123 north (Chain Bridge Rd.) to left on Jermantown Rd. to entrance on right. RECenter: 703-281-6501,



37 11




35 27




18 40



7 Providence RECenter, 7525 Marc Dr., Falls Church 22042. Beltway Exit 50B (Arlington Blvd., Rt. 50) east to right on Jaguar Trail to right on Marc Dr. to park entrance. 703-698-1351.

8 Spring Hill RECenter, 1239


Spring Hill Rd., McLean 22102. Beltway Exit 46A (South 123, Tysons Corner) to right on International Drive (2nd light). Follow 1.5 miles to entrance on right. (Note: International Dr. turns into Spring Hill Rd.) 703827-0989.

Park Nature Center Historic Site

9 South Run RECenter, 7550 Reservation Dr.,

Conno rry

il ra

Cr o




Golf Course

Co u nt y T

Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail

The Fairfax County Park Authority has hundreds of community and neighborhood parks around the county. The following list represents some of the larger parks with multiple facilities. For a complete list of parks, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks. 12

RECenters 1 Audrey Moore RECenter at Wakefield Park, 8100 Braddock Rd., Annandale 22003. Beltway Exit 54A (Braddock Rd.) west 1/4 mile to entrance on right. 703-321-7081.

2 Cub Run RECenter, 4630 Stonecroft Blvd. Chantilly 20151. Beltway exit 49 to I-66 West, 11 miles to exit 53B-A (Sully Rd.,Rt 28 N) Merge right onto Westfields Blvd Rd. West, bear right on Stonecroft Blvd. Go 1.8 miles to left into Cub Run parking lot. 703-817-9407.

Springfield 22153. Beltway Exit 54A (Braddock Rd.) west to left on Burke Lake Rd. to left on Lee Chapel Rd. to left on Fairfax County Parkway to entrance on right. 703-866-0566.

Major Parks 10 Braddock Park, 13241 Braddock Rd., Clifton 22024. Beltway Exit 49 west (I-66 west) to exit 53 (11 miles). Go right at light (south on rt. 28) 1.3 miles to left on New Braddock Rd. 1.5 miles to entrance on right.

11 Burke Lake Park, 7315 Ox Rd., Fairfax Station 22039. Beltway Exit 54A (Braddock Rd.) west to left on Burke Lake Rd. to left on Ox Rd. to entrance on left. 703-323-6600.

Spring 2015

12 Clemyjontri Park, 6317 Georgetown Pike, McLean 22101. Beltway exit 44 (Georgetown Pike/ Rt. 193) east toward Langley, approximately 2.1 miles to park entrance. 703-388-2807.

13 Frying Pan Farm Park, 2709 West Ox Rd., Herndon 20171. Beltway Exit 49 west (Rt. 66 West) to Rt. 50 west. Follow Rt. 50 west to right on Fairfax County Parkway. Turn left on West Ox Rd. and follow to entrance on right. 703-437-9101.

14 Jefferson District Park, 7900 Lee Hwy., Falls Church 22042. Beltway Exit 50B (Arlington Blvd., Rt. 50) east to Fairview Park exit. North on Fairview Park 1/4 mile, cross Lee Hwy., parking on left.703-573-0443.

15 Lake Accotink Park, 7500 Accotink Park Rd., Springfield, 22150. Beltway Exit 54B (Braddock Rd.) east 1/2 mile to right at Heming Ave. to rear entrance. 703-569-3464.

16 Lake Fairfax Park, 1400 Lake Fairfax Dr., Reston 20190. Beltway Exit 47A (Leesburg Pike, Rt. 7) west about 6.5 miles to left on Rt. 606 (Baron Cameron Ave.) to left on Lake Fairfax Dr. to entrance on left. 703-471-5414.

17 Laurel Hill Equestrian Center, From Ox Road/ Route 123 S: Turn left on Lorton Road bear right on Furnace Road. Turn right on Dairy Road. Look for the silos at the old prison dairy.

18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Park, 8115 Fordson Rd., Alexandria 22306. Beltway Exit 177A (Richmond Hwy., Rt. 1) south. Bear right onto Fort Hunt Rd. (Rt. 629) and follow 4 miles to right on Sherwood Hall Ln., then about 3 miles to left on Fordson Rd. (dead ends at entrance).

19 Mason District Park, 6621 Columbia Pike, Annandale 22003. Beltway Exit 52B (Little River Tpk., Rt. 236) east 2 miles to left at John Marr Dr. and right on Columbia Pike to entrance on right just before Sleepy Hollow Rd. 703-941-1730.

20 Turner Farm Park, 925 Springvale Rd., Great Falls 22066. Beltway Exit 47 East (Route 7/Leesburg Pike) seven miles to right on Springvale Rd., entrance on right.

21 Wakefield Park See #1 for directions.21 22 Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole See #16 for directions. 703-471-5414

Nature Centers 23 Ellanor C. Lawrence Park, Walney Visitor Center, 5040 Walney Rd., Chantilly, 20151. Beltway Exit 49 to I-66 West, 11 miles to Exit 53B (Sully Rd., Rt. 28 N). Right at light on to Walney Road.Visitor Center 1 mile on left. 703-631-0013.

24 Green Spring Gardens and Historic Green Spring, 4603 Green Spring Rd., Alexandria 22312. Beltway Exit 52B (Little River Tpk., Rt. 236) east 3.2 miles to left at Braddock Rd. to entrance on right on Witch Hazel Rd. 703-642-5173.

Spring 2015

25 Hidden Oaks Nature Center, 7701 Royce St., Annandale 22003. Beltway Exit 52B (Little River Tpk, Rt. 236) east to left at first light at Hummer Rd. Continue on Hummer Rd. to left at Royce St. to park entrance on left. 703-941-1065.

26 Hidden Pond Nature Center, 8511 Greeley Blvd., Springfield 22152. Beltway Exit 57A (Rt. 95 south) to west on Old Keene Mill Rd. (Rt. 644) to left on Greeley Blvd. (second left after Rolling Rd.) to entrance at end of street. From the Fairfax County Pkwy., take Old Keene Mill Rd. east 2.9 miles to right on Greeley Blvd. to park entrance. 703-4519588.

27 Huntley Meadows Park, 3701 Lockheed Blvd., Alexandria 22306. Beltway Exit 177A (Richmond Hwy., Rt. 1) south 3.5 miles to right at Lockheed Blvd., 1/2 mile to Visitor Center entrance on left at Harrison La. To Huntley Meadows Park S. King’s Hwy. entrance, take Beltway Exit 176A (Telegraph Rd.) south 3.5 miles to entrance at intersection of South King’s Hwy. Visitor Center and boardwalk can’t be accessed from this entrance. 703-768-2525.

28 Riverbend Park and Nature Center, 8700 Potomac Hills St., Great Falls 22066. Beltway Exit 44 (Georgetown Pike, Rt. 193) west to right on River Bend Rd. to right on Jeffery Rd. Proceed 1 mile to Visitor Center entrance; 1.5 miles to Nature Center entrance. 703-759-9018.

Historic Sites 29 Cabell’s Mill, 5235 Walney Rd., Centreville. Beltway Exit 49 west (Interstate 66) 11 miles to Exit 53 north (Sully Rd., Route 28) turn right at the first light onto Walney Road. The mill is 1/4 mile on the right. 703-827-0609.

30 Clark House, 6332 Barcroft Mews Dr., Falls Church 22041. Beltway Exit 52B (Little River Tpk. Rt.236) east 2 miles to left at John Marr Dr. and right on Columbia Pike to Barcroft Mews Dr. on right just past Lincolnia Rd. 703-827-0609.

31 Colvin Run Mill, 10017 Colvin Run Rd., Great Falls 22066. Beltway Exit 47A (Leesburg Pike, Rt. 7) west 5 miles past Tyson’s Corner to right on Colvin Run Road. Left turn into paved parking lot 500 feet beyond gravel drive to mill. 703-759-2771.

32 Dranesville Tavern, 11919 Leesburg Pike, Dranesville 20170. Beltway Exit 47A (Leesburg Pike, Rt. 7) west about 10 miles to a left on Dranesville Manor Dr. to an immediate right onto park entrance road. 703-827-0609.

33 Great Falls Grange & Forestville Schoolhouse, 9818 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls 22066. Beltway Exit 44 (Georgetown Pike, Rt. 193) west for 6 miles to entrance on right. 703-827-0609.

34 Nottoway Park & Hunter House, 9537 Courthouse Rd., Vienna 22181. Beltway Exit 49 west (I-66 west) to right on Rt. 243 (Nutley St. north) to left on Courthouse Rd. to entrance on left. 703938-7532. 703-827-0609.

35 Stone Mansion & Stoneybrooke Park, 3900 Stoneybrooke Dr., Alexandria 22306 Beltway Exit 176A (Telegraph Rd.) south to left on the Parkway, across the intersection of South King’s Highway to Stoneybrooke Dr., to entrance on left. 703-8270609.

36 Sully Historic Site, 3650 Historic Sully Way, Chantilly 20151. Exit Rt. 28 (Sully Rd.) to Air and Space Museum Parkway East. Right at stop sign to Historic Sully Way. Follow 3/4 mile to park entrance. 703-437-1794.

Golf Courses 37 Burke Lake Golf Course, See #11 for directions. 703-323-1641.

38 Greendale Golf Course, 6700 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, 22310. Beltway Exit 176A (Telegraph Rd.) south 3.5 miles to entrance on right. 703-971-6170.

39 Jefferson District Golf Course, See #14 for directions.

40 Laurel Hill Golf Club, 8701 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, 22079. From Interstate 95, take exit 163 toward Lorton. Right turn onto Silverbrook Road. Travel 1 mile left onto Laurel Crest Drive, then .5 mile to Laurel Hill Golf Club entrance on the left. 703-493-8849.

41 Oak Marr Golf Complex, See #6 for directions. 703-255-5390

42 Pinecrest Golf Course, 6600 Little River Tpk., Alexandria 22312. Beltway Exit 52B (Little River Tpk., Rt. 236) east 2.5 miles to left on Braddock Rd., then immediate left into parking lot. 703-9411061.

43 Twin Lakes Golf Course, 6201 Union Mill Rd. Clifton 20124. Beltway Exit 54A (Braddock Rd.) west 13.5 miles to left on Union Mill Rd., entrance on left. 703-631-9099.

44 FCPA Headquarters, 12055 Government Center Pkwy, Suite #927, Fairfax, VA 22035-1118. Beltway Exit 49 west (I-66 west) to Rt. 50 west to West Ox Rd. south, to left on Monument Dr., to right on Government Center Pkwy, to Herrity Building on right. 703-324-8700.

Accessibility Guide Offered The Park Authority offers parks and facilities that are accessible to all of Fairfax County’s citizens. For access information or to obtain a copy of the Accessibility Guide to Fairfax County Park Authority facilities, please call 703-324-8563.

For accessible park information, call 703-324-8563 or TTY 703-803-3354. 13


Abbreviation Guide 14

Looking for conveniently located Park Authority TOWN OF HERNDON classes in your neighborhood?






8 3




10 1

1. Find the color related to the RECenter or Nature Center closest to you.

12 C



2. Look for the matching color in the list of schools, businesses and parks for classes near you.




7 6

3. The full name and address of locations appears next to its abbreviated name. 1 Audrey Moore RECenter

8 Oak Marr RECenter

2 Cub Run RECenter

9 Providence RECenter

3 Ellanor C. Lawrence Park

10 Hidden Oaks Nature Center

4 Lee District RECenter

11 South Run RECenter

5 Mt. Vernon RECenter

12 Hidden Pond Nature Center

6 GW RECenter

13 Spring Hill RECenter

7 Huntley Meadows Park

14 Riverbend Park


Spring 2015




City, Zip

Audrey Moore/Wakefield Annandle HS EakinPk Frost MS GrnSprGardn Hidden Oaks NC Kings Pk ES Lake Ac Park LakeBrd Sec LittleRn ES Pinecrest GC Poe MS VAFenceAcad WakefldChapel WakeFrst ES Wkfld/Moore Woodson HS Cub Run

Annandale High School Eakin Community Park Frost Middle School Green Spring Garden Park Hidden Oaks Nature Center Kings Park Elementary Lake Accotink Park Lake Braddock Secondary Little Run Elementary Pinecrest Golf Course Poe Middle School VA Fencing Academy Wakefield Chapel Wakefield Forest Elementary Wakefield RECenter Woodson High School

4700 Medford Dr 3401 Prosperity Ave 4101 Pickett Rd 4603 Green Spring Rd 7701 Royce St 5400 Harrow Way 7500 Accotink Park Dr 9200 Burke Lake Rd 4511 Olley Ln 6600 Little River Tnpk 7000 Cindy Ln 5401-B Port Royal Rd 8415 Toll House Rd 4011 Iva Ln 8100 Braddock Rd 9525 Main St

Annandale 22003 Fairfax 22031 Fairfax 22032 Alexandria 22312 Annandale 22003 Springfield 22151 Springfield 22151 Burke 22015 Fairfax 22032 Alexandria 22312 Annandale 22003 Springfield 22151 Annandale 22003 Fairfax 22032 Annandale 22003 Fairfax 22031

BlkBltCtr Black Belt Academy Centreville Brookfld ES Brookfield Elementary BullRunPk Bull Run Park Cabell’s Mill Cabell’s Mill Centrvle ES Centreville Elementary Cntrvlle HS Centreville High School Chalet Wds Pk Chalet Woods Park Chantily HS Chantilly High School Cub Run ES Cun Run Elementary Cub Run RECenter Cub Run RECenter EagleVw ES Eagle View Elementary Ellanor C. Lawren Ellanor C Lawrence Park FxCoAnmShltr Fairfax County Animal Shelter FfxGovt Ctr Fairfax County Govt Ctr Ffx Fencers Fairfax Fencers Floris ES Floris Elementary School Frying Pan Park Frying Pan Park GreenbrE ES Greenbriar East Elementary Greenbriar Park Greenbriar Park GreenbrW ES Greenbriar West Elementary HemlockOvlk Hemlock Overlook HerrityBldg Herrity Building NVTRP No. VA Therapeutic Riding Wushu Academy No. VA Wushu Academy Oak Hill ES Oak Hill Elementary PoplarTr ES Poplar Tree Elementary Powell ES Powell Elementary Stone MS Stone Middle School Sully Sully Historic Site TwnLk Golf Twin Lakes Golf Course VA Run ES Virginia Run Elementary WhlsmCampus Wholesome Campus WldClsMartArt World Class Martial Arts Lee District / Mt. Vernon / GW

5944 Centreville Crest Ln Centreville 22020 4200 Lees Corner Rd Chantilly 20151 7700 Bull Run Dr Centreville 20121 5235 Walney Rd Centreville 20120 14330 Green Trails Blvd Centreville 20121 6001 Union Mill Rd Clifton 20124 14912 Cranoke St Centreville 20120 4201 Stringfellow Rd Chantilly 20151 5301 Sully Station Dr Centreville 20120 4630 Stonecroft Blvd. Chantilly 20151 4500 Dixie Hill Rd Fairfax 22030 5040 Walney Rd Chantilly 20151 4500 West Ox Rd Fairfax 22035 12000 Govt. Center Pkwy Fairfax 22035 4433 Brookfield Corp Dr Chantilly 20153 2708 Centreville Rd Herndon 20171 2709 West Ox Rd Herndon 20171 13006 Point Pleasant Dr Fairfax 22033 4601 Stringfellow Rd Chantilly 20151 13300 Poplar Tree Rd Fairfax 22033 13220 Yates Ford Rd Clifton 20124 12055 Government Ctr Pkwy Fairfax 22032 6429 Clifton Rd Clifton 20124 14088-G Sullyfield Cir Chantilly 20151 3210 Kinross Cir Herndon 20171 13440 Melville Ln Chantilly 20151 13340 Leland Rd Centreville 20120 5500 Sully Park Dr Centreville 20120 3650 Historic Sully Way Chantilly 20151 6201 Union Mill Rd Clifton 20124 15450 Martins Hundred Dr Centreville 20120 14101 Sullyfield Cir Chantilly 20151 12415-C Centreville Square Centreville 20121

Belle Vw ES BuckenllPk Bush HL ES Edison HS Forestdl ES Ft Hunt ES Frnconia ES GWREC Greendale Golf Co Hayfield ES HistHuntley HuntMdws Key MS Lane ES LeeREC Lee HS Mt Vernon REC RoseHill ES Stone Mansion Waynewd ES Oak Marr

Belle View Elementary Bucknell Manor Park Bush Hill Elementary Edison High School Forestdale Elementary Fort Hunt Elementary Franconia Elementary George Washington RECenter Greendale Golf Course Hayfield Elementary Historic Huntley Huntley Meadows Park Key Middle School Lane Elementary Lee District RECenter Lee High School Mount Vernon RECenter Rose Hill Elementary Stone Mansion Waynewood Elementary

6701 Fort Hunt Rd 2266 Beacon Hill Rd 5927 Westchester St 5801 Franconia Rd 6530 Elder Ave 8832 Linton Ln 6301 Beulah St 8426 Old Mount Vernon Rd 6700 Telegraph Rd 7633 Telegraph Rd 6918 Harrison Ln 3701 Lockheed Blvd 6402 Franconia Rd 7137 Beulah St 6601 Telegraph Rd 6540 Franconia Rd 2017 Belle View Blvd 6301 Rose Hill Dr 3900 Stoneybrooke Dr 1205 Waynewood Blvd

Alexandria 22307 Alexandria 22306 Alexandria 22310 Alexandria 22310 Springfield 22150 Alexandria 22308 Alexandria 22310 Alexandria 22309 Alexandria 22310 Alexandria 22315 Alexandria 22306 Alexandria 22306 Springfield 22150 Alexandria 22315 Franconia 22310 Springfield 22150 Alexandria 22307 Alexandria 22310 Alexandria 22306 Alexandria 22308

ArrowbrookPk Crossfld ES Dance Co FfxIceArena

Arrowbrook Park Crossfield Elementary Dance Company Fairfax Ice Arena

2351 Field Point Rd 2791 Fox Mill Rd 3131 Draper Dr 3779 Pickett Rd

Herndon 20170 Herndon 20171 Fairfax 22030 Fairfax 22030

Spring 2015




City, Zip

2444 Flint Hill Rd 9601 Courthouse Rd 1400 Lake Fairfax Dr 11226 Waples Mill Rd 324 Nutley St NW 2500 James Madison Dr 9819 Five Oaks Rd 3500 West Ox Rd 9601 Courthouse Rd 3200 Jermantown Rd 3200 Jermantown Rd 3000 Chain Bridge Rd 2900 Sutton Rd 2254 Hunters Woods Plaza 11400 South Lakes Dr 11509 Waples Mill Rd

Vienna 22181 Vienna 22181 Reston 20190 Fairfax 22033 Vienna 22180 Vienna 22181 Fairfax 22031 Fairfax 22033 Vienna 22181 Oakton 22124 Oakton 22124 Oakton 22124 Vienna 22181 Reston 20191 Reston 20191 Oakton 22124

6540 Columbia Pk 6338 Barcroft Mews Dr 3001 Chichester Ln 7521 Jaguar Trail 7900 Lee Hwy 1136 West Broad St 6621 Columbia Pike 4116 Braddock Rd 7525 Marc Dr 3320 Annandale Rd 7525 Shreve Rd 3333 Sleepy Hollow Rd 3401 Hemlock Dr

Falls Church 22041 Alexandria 22312 Fairfax 22031 Falls Church 22042 Falls Church 22042 Falls Church 22046 Annandale 22003 Alexandria 22312 Falls Church 22042 Falls Church 22003 Falls Church 22043 Falls Church 22044 Falls Church 22042

10635 Braddock Rd 5420 Sideburn Rd 7315 Ox Rd 8600 Forrester Blvd 5815 Ox Rd 8511 Greeley Blvd 8390 Laurel Crest Dr 8701 Laurel Crest Dr 8400 Lorton Rd 8001 Newington Forest Ave 5004 Sideburn Rd 6820 Sydenstricker Rd 5035 Sideburn Rd 6703 Barnack Dr 5344 Gainsborough Dr 7420 Reservation Dr 9350 Crosspointe Dr 7550 Reservation Dr 6100 Rolling Rd 6130 Shiplett Blvd

Fairfax 22032 Fairfax 22032 Fairfax Station 22039 Springfield 22152 Fairfax Station 22039 Springfield 22152 Lorton 22079 Lorton 22079 Lorton 22079 Springfield 22153 Fairfax 22032 Springfield 22152 Fairfax 22032 Springfield 22152 Fairfax 22032 Springfield 22153 Fairfax Station 22039 Springfield 22153 Springfield 22152 Burke 22015

Aldrin Elementary Churchill Road Elementary Clemyjontri Park Colvin Run Elementary Colvin Run Mill Dranesville Tavern Great Falls Elementary Great Falls Grange Herndon High School Kent Gardens Elementary Lemon Road Elementary Lewinsville Park McLean High School Pimmit Hill Adult Center Riverbend Park Scotts Run Nature Preserve Spring Hill Elementary Spring Hill RECenter Stenwood Elementary Sterner’s Tae Kwon Do Turner Farm Park

11375 Center Harbor Rd 7100 Churchill Rd 6317 Georgetown Pike 1400 Trap Rd 10017 Colvin Run Rd 11919 Leesburg Pk 701 Walker Rd 9818 Georgetown Pk 700 Bennett St 1717 Melbourne Dr 7230 Idylwood Rd 1659 Chain Bridge Rd. 1633 Davidson Rd. 7510 Lisle Ave Door 4 8700 Potomac Hills St 7400 Georgetown Pike 8201 Lewinsville Rd 1239 Spring Hill Rd 2620 Gallows Rd 420 Elden St 925 Springvale Rd

Reston 20191 McLean 22101 McLean 22101 Vienna 22182 Great Falls 22066 Herndon 20171 Great Falls 22066 Great Falls 22066 Herndon 20170 McLean 22101 Falls Church 22043 McLean 22101 McLean 22101 Falls Church 22043 Great Falls 22066 McLean 22102 McLean 22102 McLean 22102 Vienna 22180 Herndon 20170 Great Falls 22066

Lucia Farms

14490 Berlin Trnpk

Lovettsville 20180

Flint HL ES Flint Hill Elementary Hunter House Hunter House Lake Fairfax Park Lake Fairfax Park LdbyExFrOks Lead by Example TKD LouiseAr ES Louise Archer Elementary Madison HS Madison High School MosbyWds ES Mosby Woods Elementary Navy ES Navy Elementary Nottoway Park Nottoway Park Oak Marr Golf Com Oak Marr Golf Complex OakMarREC Oak Marr RECenter Oakton ES Oakton Elementary Oakton HS Oakton High School Reston Cnsv Reston Conservatory S Lakes HS South Lakes High School Wapls Ml ES Waples Mill Elementary Providence Belveder ES Clark House Fairhill ES Falls Ch HS Jefferson Golf JRheeFlsCh MasonDistPk Parklawn ES ProvREC RoundtreePk Shrvwood ES SleepHol ES Woodbrn ES

Belvedere Elementary Clark House Fairhill Elementary Falls Church High School Jefferson Golf Course Jhoon Rhee Falls Church Mason District Park Parklawn Elementary School Providence RECenter Roundtree Park Shrevewood Elementary Sleepy Hollow Elementary Woodburn Elementary

South Run BlkBltFfx Black Belt Academy Fairfax Bonnie B ES Bonnie Brae Elementary BurkeLakePark/Golf Burke Lake Park/Golf Card Fst ES Cardinal Forest Elementary Fairview ES Fairview Elementary Hidden Pond NC Hidden Pond Nature Center Laurel Hill ES Laurel Hill Elementary Laurel Hill GC Laurel Hill Golf Course LaurelHillPk Laurel Hill Park NewFrst ES Newington Forest Elementary Oak View ES Oak View Elementary Orng Hnt ES Orange Hunt Elementary RobinsonSec Robinson Secondary School RollValy ES Rolling Valley Elementary RoyalLakePk Royal Lake Park Sangster ES Sangster Elementary Silvrbrk ES Silverbrook Elementary SoRunREC South Run RECenter WSprngHS West Springfield High School WhiteOak ES White Oaks Elementary Spring Hill Aldrin ES ChurchRd ES Clemyjontri ColvinRun ES Colvin Run Mill Dransvil Tvrn Great Fls ES GrtFlsGrange Herndon HS KentGrdn ES Lemon Rd ES Lewinsvle Pk McLean HS PimmitHlAC Riverbend Park ScottsRnNat SpringHl ES SpHillREC Stenwood ES Sterners TKD TurnerFarmPk Out of County Lucia Farms


Volunteer Spotlight

Gary and Carmen


Volunteers at Spring Hill RECenter Spring Hill RECenter holds many happy memories for Gary and Carmen Borda. “The RECenter has been a big part of our family,” said Carmen, a retired federal government engineer. “Our kids started swimming lessons here when they were infants.” When they were teenagers they served as lifeguards, and now Jared, a college senior, is working as a camp counselor at Spring Hill. “We like this location; it’s been a safe place for our kids,” Carmen said. “We like the sense of community here.” The Bordas say the RECenter kept the whole family engaged in activities over the years, and now Gary and Carmen spend some of their free time volunteering at the site. “We no longer work, and we like to give back to the community,” Carmen said. “I do administrative work here and anything else that needs to be done.” She helps with camps, sets up for art classes and sorts through lost-and-found items every few weeks. Gary, a retired federal government attorney and engineer, helps in other ways. “I volunteer in the fitness room helping with machine maintenance and helping customers with the equipment,” he said. “It makes me feel like I’m doing something worthwhile, helping people and getting to know people.” One thing the Bordas really appreciate about volunteering at Spring Hill RECenter is the ability to flex their hours. “Other volunteer jobs require you to be on a strict schedule,” Carmen said. “This one is very flexible.” That enables the Bordas to work their volunteer hours around travel schedules as well as their other community volunteer jobs including coaching youth wrestling, ushering at Wolf Trap’s Filene Center, teaching English as a Second Language classes, assisting at citizenship and naturalization workshops and helping with community events. “We’re busier now than we were when we worked,” Gary said with a grin. The difference is retirement allows them to choose the work they consider more of a calling, rather than a job. “I just like helping other people,” Carmen said. “It makes me feel happy.”


Find out how you can get involved visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/volunteers.htm

Nature Centers, Visitor Centers, Natural and Cultural Resources:

Site Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Construction:



RECenters, Lake Front Parks, Golf Courses, Administration:

703-324-8566 Spring 2015

Adapted Leisure Services goals. Shallow water exercise and swim instruction are incorporated to maximize fitness progress.

Adapted Leisure Services for Customers with Disabilities

2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101

In keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Fairfax County is committed to giving all citizens equal access to recreation and leisure opportunities. Park Authority activities, programs, camps and classes are inclusive, and reasonable accommodations are available to people with disabilities. ADA accommodations include sign interpreters, assistive listening devices, program modifications and inclusion support. To request accommodations, or for more information about adapted program opportunities, call 703-3248563. The Park Authority will make every attempt to provide accommodations; however, fulfillment of requests received with less than 10 days’ notice cannot be guaranteed.

Facility Accessibility

The Fairfax County Park Authority offers parks and facilities that are accessible to all of Fairfax County’s citizens. For information on accessible features or issues associated with usage, call 703-324-8563 or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks.

Adapted Aquatics The Park Authority’s award-winning Adapted Aquatics program offers individualized swimming and water activity instruction for individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities. The program’s structured setting is ideal for individuals who aren’t ready to learn basic swim skills in a general recreation environment. Classes are conducted by certified instructors, with assistance provided by trained volunteers who work one-on-one with students. For more information on Adapted Aquatics call, 703-324-8565.

Preschoolers w/Disabilities (3-5 yrs.)

Through play and individual attention, preschoolers and their parents work on adjusting to a new environment. Focus is on entry and exit skills, safety, breath control and arm and leg propulsion on the front and back. Parent participation is required. 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 OakMarREC Sa SoRunREC Su CubRunREC M


Begin $

12:30pm 142 210 0101 04/11 2AP 12:15pm 167 210 0101 04/12 2AQ 6pm 192 210 0101 04/06 2AP

TEAM WORK makes the DREAM WORK! Join the award-winning team of

ADAPTED AQUATICS VOLUNTEERS Call 703-324-8565 for information.

Spring 2015



192 210 0501 04/12 2AS



Begin $

Aqua Fitness-Individuals w/Physical Disabilities (13-Adult)

ADA/Inclusion Support

Location Day Time

Location Day Time

Students with physical disabilities (cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, MS, etc.) work at their individual ability levels as they pursue their personal fitness goals. Shallow water exercises and swim program improve body awareness and increase range of motion, flexibility and muscle tone. 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101

Children w/Disabilities (6-12 yrs.)

Children receive individual attention to help them adjust to the water and personalized instruction based on their swimming ability. Safety skills are also emphasized. Location Day Time


Begin $


142 210 0201 142 210 0202 142 210 0203 142 210 0204 159 210 0201 159 210 0202 167 210 0201 167 210 0202 167 210 0203 192 210 0203 192 210 0204 192 210 0201 192 210 0202 456 210 0201 456 210 0202

04/11 04/11 04/11 04/11 04/10 04/10 04/11 04/11 04/11 04/06 04/06 04/12 04/12 04/11 04/11


Teens and Adults w/Disabilities (13-Adult) Students gain assurance in the water as they build their swimming skills with individualized instruction. 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101 2AT 7--45 minute lessons--$88 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 210 0301 142 210 0302 159 210 0301 167 210 0301 167 210 0302

04/11 04/11 04/10 04/10 04/12

Sa Sa F F Su

8:30am 10:05am 5:45pm 6:50pm 1pm


175 210 0801 04/12 2AS 175 210 0802 04/12 2AS

Su Su

4pm 5pm

Begin $

This shallow water exercise program, designed for individuals with physical disabilities, utilizes the water’s natural buoyancy to increase mobility and flexibility. Volunteers help students work at their own pace and ability level. Wheelchair users are welcome. 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time Wkfld/Moore F

2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 9:25am 10:40am 11:15am 11:50am 4:30pm 5:05pm 9am 9:40am 10:20am 6:35pm 7:10pm 2pm 2:35pm 12pm 12:35pm


Multiple Sclerosis Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Students get one-on-one attention in the Park Authority’s award-winning Adapted Aquatics program.

Sa Sa Sa Sa F F Sa Sa Sa M M Su Su Sa Sa

Location Day Time


Aqua Fitness-Individuals w/Developmental Disabilities Students with developmental disabilities work at their individual ability level to pursue their personal fitness


Begin $

12:30pm 183 210 0901 04/10 2AV

Paralympic Swim Training (8-Adult)

FCPA-sponsored competitive swim team with training focused on competition in the 13 Paralympic physical disability and visual impairment classification categories. Students focus on learning freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke swimming mechanics, including starts, turns and finishes. 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time ProvREC



Begin $

6:30pm 159 210 5201 04/08 2AV

Intro to Basic Strokes (8-Adult)

Instruction for students with disabilities. Class focuses on the basic steps and progressions of the four competitive strokes. Students must be able to swim 15 yards independently. Individual instruction is used to prepare students for more advanced competitive swimming. 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time



167 210 0701 04/10 2AS



Begin $

Swim Team Training/Advanced Swimmers w/Disabilities (8-Adult) Competitive swimming for individuals who may want to participate in Special Olympics. Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards while circle swimming with other students. Students are coached in freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 Location Day Time



456 210 1001 04/08 2AAY

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes



Begin $


Adapted Leisure Services Adapted Ice Skating

Adapted Exercise Adapted Pilates (Adults)

This class modifies Pilates fundamentals, exercises and sequencing for a slower-paced practice. Transitions and progression are designed to maximize Pilates exercise benefits with accommodations for people with disabilities or other health considerations which prevent participation in a standard class. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



142 210 5701 04/06 2EB 142 210 5702 04/08 2EB

12pm 11am

Begin $

People w/Arthritis Can Exercise (13-Adult)

Class is designed for those living with arthritis. Program consists of gentle exercises that aid range of motion, muscle strength and endurance. Body mechanics and relaxation techniques are also included. Students may use chairs if needed. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 229 8001 04/08 2EB



Begin $

Adapted Sports Adapted Starting New at Golf (SNAG) (7-12 yrs.)

Course covers basic golf elements using a multi-sensory teaching approach. SNAG falls between miniature golf and regulation golf and is intended to introduce game elements in a fun progressive manner. Classes are held indoors and targeted to participants with disabilities. One-to-one leaders are not included in this course, but families may provide their own assistants. 2GE 5--55 minute lessons--$94 Location Day Time


PinecrestGC W

512 210 7601 04/15 2GE


Begin $

Adapted Beginning Golf Ready (13-Adult)

This foundational/transitional class offers additional staff supervision and support to help students with disabilities develop basic ice skating skills. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) MtVernREC MtVernREC (13-Adult) MtVernREC


Begin $

Su Su

12pm 472 210 5801 05/10 12:30pm 472 210 5802 05/10





472 210 5901 05/10

Adapted Tae Kwon Do I

Class is designed for students with disabilities on the autism spectrum. Students learn basic kicking, punching, blocking, sparring skills and forms as they improve confidence and flexibility. Martial arts uniforms are required. Extra fee for belt testing. BMVA 8--30 minute lessons--$100 Location Day Time (5-10 yrs.) LdbyExFrOks LdbyExFrOks (10-17 yrs.) LdbyExFrOks LdbyExFrOks


Begin $

Sa Th

12:30pm 533 210 6102 03/21 BMVA 4:45pm 533 210 6101 03/26 BMVA

Sa Th

1:15pm 533 210 6902 03/21 BMVA 4:45pm 533 210 6901 03/26 BMVA

Adapted Outdoor Opportunities Adapted Family Farm Day (5-Adult)

Children with disabilities and their families can join us at the farm to meet the animals. Start with a wagon

ride around the farm and park, then meet back at the barn to explore behind the scenes farm chores and animal care that keeps the farm running. Pretend to be farmers for just an hour. We encourage siblings and other family members to register to share the fun. Children and accompanying adults must be registered. BAFF 1--hour 25 minute lesson--$8 Location Day Time Frying Pan Pk Sa


512 210 7701 04/15 2GE


BAAG 8--45 minute lessons--$126 Location Day Time



835 210 4401 03/21 BAAG

BAFF 1--1hour 25 minute lesson--$8 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Sa

357 210 7801 05/30 BAFF

makes the

DREAM WORK! Join the award-winning



BSVB 8--55 minute lessons--$164 Wkfld/Moore Su Wkfld/Moore Su Wkfld/Moore Su

183 210 5001 04/12 BSVB 183 210 5002 04/12 BSVB 183 210 5003 04/12 BSVB


10am 11am 12pm


Begin $


This small-group foundational/transitional class provides opportunities for children with disabilities to develop gymnastic skills. The adapted class offers additional staff supervision and support with one staff member for every three students. Skills cover basic gymnastic elements including rings, parallel bars, vault, floor skills and tumble trak. Begin $


Children with disabilities and their families can join us to explore the Potomac River. A one-hour kayak tour of the Potomac is included as well as either an hour of fishing or hiking with a guide. Register siblings and other family members and share the fun. One adult registration is required per family.

Adapted Gymnastics (5-12 yrs.)



Begin $

Riverbend Family Day-Adapted (8-Adult)

Begin $

Location Day Time

3:30pm 282 210 4101 05/16 BAFF

Learn fishing basics while having fun. This class helps improve fishing skills with spinning and closed-faced reels while teaching safety, catch-and-release fishing and protecting the environment. All equipment is provided.

2GE 5--55 minute lessons--$94 PinecrestGC W

Begin $

Adapted Fishing for Fun (7-13 yrs.)

This program covers grip, posture, ball position, alignment, chipping, putting and full-swing fundamentals. It also covers course orientation, etiquette, rules and basic understanding of equipment. One-to-one leaders are not included in this course, but families may provide their own assistants. Location Day Time


Volunteer training available online. To sign up, call volunteer coordinator LeeAnn David, 703-324-8565.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Under the supervision of trained instructors, Adapted Aquatics volunteers work one-on-one with children and adults who have mental or physical disabilities. The only requirement is a willing heart and a commitment to an eight or 10week class series. You don’t have to be an expert swimmer - just comfortable in the water. Volunteers work at Oak Marr, Providence, South Run, Audrey Moore and Spring Hill RECenters.

Spring 2015

Adapted Leisure Services • Aquatics Riverside Connection (11-21 yrs.)

Adapted recreation opportunities abound at Riverbend Park. This four-week series introduces teens to several different types of outdoor fun: hiking, fishing, orienteering and kayaking in our safe and accessible sit-on-top kayaks. Our experienced instructors focus on safety and fun for students who may have never enjoyed the great outdoors quite like this. Parents must be accessible during the program. Students are responsible for personal care during the length of each class. BAAH 4--55 minute lessons--$63 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Sa

357 210 4601 06/06 BAAH


Begin $

Other Opportunities Adapted Art

This foundational/transitional class exposes children with disabilities to a variety of fine arts media. Students explore opportunities for self-expression and creativity through activities that enhance fine motor, emotional and social skills. Supply fee payable at first class. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time (4-6 yrs.) WhlsmCampus M (7-10 yrs.) WhlsmCampus T


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583 210 4701 03/23 BTVQ


583 210 4801 03/24 BTVQ

Adapted Cooking Skills (7-13 yrs.)

In this adapted class offered by Wholesome Campus, students with special needs build confidence and self-esteem, gain confidence in the kitchen and develop social skills while learning basic cooking skills. A different topic is covered each week. Supply fee of $35 is payable at first class. BXVP 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$182 Location Day Time WhlsmCampus T


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4:30pm 583 210 3801 03/24 BXVP

Adapted Music and Movement (2-5 yrs.)

For children with special needs and their parent. Parents help guide their child to explore his or her environment and move to the music. Creative games and focused play are intermingled with children’s melodies. Socks are required. 2AR 4--30 minute lessons--$49 Location Day Time Wkfld/Moore F Wkfld/Moore F


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4:30pm 183 210 3901 04/24 2AR 5:15pm 183 210 3902 04/24 2AR

Music Exploration (8-12 yrs.)

In this class for children with intellectual disabilities, students use different musical instruments, song and activities to stimulate their musical development. Instruments are introduced numerous times throughout the class to allow for repeated practice and skill development. BAAC 5--45 minute lessons--$79 Location Day Time SpringHl ES


Spring 2015


Begin $

6:30pm 107 210 4201 04/15 BAAC

Aquatics The Fairfax County Park Authority’s aquatic facilities offer something for everyone. From infants to senior citizens to people with special needs, we serve all levels of swimming ability and aquatic interests. Monthly calendars listing pool hours are available at the Park Authority’s nine RECenters and online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/wp-recenter.htm.

Follow guidelines when registering

If it has been a month or longer since the student has participated in a swimming lesson, we suggest repeating the previous course completed. If you have any questions about which class is right for you or your child, please contact the aquatic staff at your favorite RECenter. For safety reasons and to ensure that customers get the maximum aquatic program benefits, the Park Authority reserves the right to remove students from an inappropriate class and either issue a refund or place them, when possible, in a class that better matches their ability level.

Practice and Repetition are keys to success

Each student progresses at a different speed in learning aquatic skills, depending on a number of factors including class attendance, coordination, water familiarity and outside practice. Students often repeat a level several times before developing the endurance and skill proficiency necessary for advancement. Repeating a level does not constitute failure, it is to be expected. Mastering skills takes time, practice and patience.

Combining course levels

When enrollment is low, course levels may be combined to avoid class cancelations. U.S. Swimming, Synchronized Swimming or Dive Meets MEET


2015 DATES

Shark Tank Marathon

South Run

March 1

NVN Sychro Meet


March 15

March Madness Meet

Oak Marr

March 20-22

VSLC Champs

Oak Marr

May 22-24

NVN Water Show

Audrey Moore

June 6


Lee/Audrey Moore

June 14


Lee/Audrey Moore

June 28

NVSL Dive Meet

Oak Marr

July 12



Learn-to-Swim Classes for Babies and Preschoolers Baby & Me Swim (6-18 mos.)

Register your baby for this parent-and-child class. This class is designed for babies and their parent(s), or other favorite grown-up(s), who want to learn water adjustment and other aquatic skills together in a fun environment. Learn how to enter and exit the water in a safe manner, feel comfortable in the water, explore submerging to the mouth, nose, eyes and completely. Explore buoyancy on front and back, change body position and learn safety information. Two adults may participate with each child. Babies must wear tight-fitting swim diaper and plastic pants under bathing suit. 2AO 5--30 minute lessons--$61 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2ABJ 10--30 minute lessons--$122 2ABD 11--30 minute lessons--$135 2ABB 12--30 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore

142 215 0101 142 215 0102 142 215 0103 142 215 0104 142 215 0105 142 215 0106 142 215 0107 142 215 0108 142 215 0109 142 215 0110 142 215 0111 142 215 0112 142 215 0113 142 215 0114 159 215 0103 159 215 0104 159 215 0101 159 215 0102 159 215 0105 159 215 0106 159 215 0107 159 215 0108 167 215 0101 167 215 0103 167 215 0105 167 215 0108 167 215 0106 167 215 0109 167 215 0102 167 215 0104 167 215 0107 167 215 0110 175 215 0101 175 215 0102 175 215 0103 175 215 0104 175 215 0105 175 215 0106 175 215 0107 175 215 0108 175 215 0109 175 215 0110 183 215 0101 183 215 0102

02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 04/06 2ABJ 04/07 2ABJ 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/11 2ABD 05/12 2ABB 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Sa Sa Sa Su Su W F Sa Sa Sa Su Su W F W F Sa Su Sa Su W F Sa Su M/W T/Th M/W T/Th Sa Su M/W T/Th Sa Su M T F Sa Su M T F Sa Sa

8:35am 9:15am 9:55am 9:30am 11:30am 9:15am 9:15am 8:35am 9:15am 9:55am 9:30am 11:30am 9:15am 9:15am 5:30pm 10am 8:15am 9am 8:15am 9am 5:30pm 10am 10:25am 10:15am 6:35pm 5:30pm 6:35pm 5:30pm 10:25am 10:15am 6:35pm 5:30pm 10:15am 10:15am 9am 9am 9:05am 10:15am 10:15am 9am 9am 9:05am 8:35am 10:40am


Aquatics Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

Su F Sa Sa Su F W F Sa Sa Sa Su Su W F Sa Sa Su Su Sa Sa M T F Sa Sa M T F Sa Sa Su Su Sa Sa Su M/W F Sa Su Sa Su

10am 10am 8:35am 10:40am 10am 10am 9:30am 9:35am 9:35am 9:35am 11:20am 9:35am 10:45am 9:30am 9:35am 9:35am 11:20am 9:35am 10:45am 9:05am 11am 9:35am 10am 9:05am 9:05am 11am 9:35am 10am 9:05am 9am 10:10am 9am 11:25am 9am 9:35am 10:15am 6:05pm 4:30pm 10:50am 9am 10:50am 9am

183 215 0103 183 215 0104 183 215 0105 183 215 0106 183 215 0107 183 215 0108 192 215 0106 192 215 0108 192 215 0101 192 215 0102 192 215 0103 192 215 0104 192 215 0105 192 215 0107 192 215 0109 192 215 0110 192 215 0111 192 215 0112 192 215 0113 449 215 0101 449 215 0103 449 215 0107 449 215 0109 449 215 0111 449 215 0104 449 215 0106 449 215 0108 449 215 0110 449 215 0112 456 215 0101 456 215 0102 456 215 0105 456 215 0106 456 215 0103 456 215 0104 456 215 0107 456 215 0108 456 215 0109 472 215 0101 472 215 0102 472 215 0103 472 215 0104

03/01 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/08 2AQ 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 05/09 2AAE 05/09 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AAE 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AAE 02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AO 05/04 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 04/18 2AP 04/19 2AP

Toddler & Me Swim (19 mos.-2 yrs. 11 mos.)

Register your toddler for this parent-and-child class. This class is designed for children and their parent(s) or other favorite adult(s) who want to learn water adjustment, basic swimming and safety skills in a fun environment. Two adults may participate with each child, but each child must have at least one adult. Children not toilet trained must wear tight-fitting swim diapers and plastic pants under their bathing suit. 2AO 5--30 minute lessons--$61 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2ABC 9--30 minute lessons--$110 2ABJ 10--30 minute lessons--$122 2ABD 11--30 minute lessons--$135 2ABB 12--30 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 215 0201 142 215 0202 142 215 0203 142 215 0204 142 215 0205

02/28 02/28 02/28 03/01 03/01


Sa Sa Sa Su Su

8:35am 9:15am 9:55am 9:30am 10:50am


Children enjoy quality time with their parent or other favorite adult while learning to swim in Park Authority Aquatics classes. OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC

M W F Sa Sa Sa Su Su M W F M W Sa Su Sa Su M W Sa Su M M/W T/Th W F M/W T/Th Su M W F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M

11:10am 9:50am 6:05pm 8:35am 9:15am 9:55am 9:30am 10:50am 11:10am 9:50am 6:05pm 9:30am 6:05pm 8:50am 9:35am 8:50am 9:35am 9:30am 6:05pm 11am 10:30am 10:40am 6:05pm 6:40pm 10:40am 10:40am 6:05pm 6:40pm 10:30am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 6:05pm 6:40pm 10:55am 12pm 10:50am 12pm 11:20am

142 215 0206 142 215 0207 142 215 0208 142 215 0209 142 215 0210 142 215 0211 142 215 0212 142 215 0213 142 215 0214 142 215 0215 142 215 0216 159 215 0203 159 215 0204 159 215 0201 159 215 0202 159 215 0205 159 215 0206 159 215 0207 159 215 0208 167 215 0201 167 215 0202 167 215 0212 167 215 0206 167 215 0209 167 215 0214 167 215 0204 167 215 0207 167 215 0210 167 215 0203 167 215 0213 167 215 0215 167 215 0205 167 215 0208 167 215 0211 175 215 0201 175 215 0202 175 215 0203 175 215 0204 175 215 0206

03/02 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 03/02 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/06 2ABJ 04/07 2ABJ 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/11 2ABD 05/12 2ABB 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP

SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

M T/Th W Th F F T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M M T/Th W Th F F T/Th Sa Sa Su Su F F Sa Sa Su Su F T Sa Sa Su Su M T Sa Sa Su Su Sa Sa Sa M T Sa Sa Sa M T Sa Sa Su Su M/W Sa Sa Su Su Th Sa Su T Sa Su T Th

4pm 5:05pm 9am 9am 9:40am 7:20pm 5:05pm 10:50am 12pm 10:50am 12pm 11:20am 4pm 5:05pm 9am 9am 9:40am 7:20pm 5:05pm 8:35am 10:40am 10:35am 3:55pm 10:35am 7pm 8:35am 10:40am 10:35am 3:55pm 10:35am 10am 8:25am 10:10am 9am 11:20am 9:30am 10am 8:25am 10:10am 9am 11:20am 9:05am 10:20am 11am 9:35am 10am 9:05am 10:20am 11am 9:35am 10am 9:25am 11:20am 9:35am 10:10am 6:05pm 11:25am 12pm 9:35am 11am 6:05pm 10:15am 9:40am 9:35am 10:15am 9:40am 9:30am 6:15pm

175 215 0216 175 215 0221 175 215 0205 175 215 0207 175 215 0208 175 215 0209 175 215 0222 175 215 0210 175 215 0211 175 215 0212 175 215 0213 175 215 0215 175 215 0217 175 215 0223 175 215 0214 175 215 0218 175 215 0219 175 215 0220 175 215 0224 183 215 0201 183 215 0202 183 215 0203 183 215 0204 183 215 0205 183 215 0206 183 215 0207 183 215 0208 183 215 0209 183 215 0210 183 215 0211 192 215 0206 192 215 0201 192 215 0202 192 215 0203 192 215 0204 192 215 0205 192 215 0207 192 215 0208 192 215 0209 192 215 0210 192 215 0211 449 215 0201 449 215 0202 449 215 0203 449 215 0208 449 215 0210 449 215 0205 449 215 0206 449 215 0207 449 215 0209 449 215 0211 456 215 0201 456 215 0202 456 215 0205 456 215 0206 456 215 0209 456 215 0203 456 215 0204 456 215 0207 456 215 0208 456 215 0210 472 215 0201 472 215 0202 472 215 0203 472 215 0204 472 215 0205 472 215 0206 472 215 0207

03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AP 05/06 2AAE 05/07 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/08 2AQ 03/03 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 04/13 2AP 05/05 2AQ 05/09 2AAE 05/09 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AAE 02/28 2AAE 02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/02 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AO 05/03 2AO 05/07 2AQ 02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/03 2AAE 04/18 2AP 04/19 2AP 04/21 2ABC 04/23 2ABC

Spring 2015

Aquatics Preschooler and Me Swim (3-5 yrs.)

Register your preschooler. This class is designed for children and their parents or other favorite adult(s) who want to learn water adjustment, basic swimming and safety skills in a fun environment. Two adults may participate with each child, but each child must have at least one adult. Children not toilet trained must wear thigh-fitting swim diapers and plastic pants. This class is designed especially for children who have limited group social experience and are reluctant to leave their parents. All teaching is done through the adult. Skills: Same as Pee Wee Paddler I. 2AO 5--30 minute lessons--$61 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC

142 215 0301 142 215 0302 142 215 0303 142 215 0304 142 215 0305 142 215 0306 142 215 0307 142 215 0308 142 215 0309 142 215 0310 142 215 0311 142 215 0312 142 215 0313 142 215 0314 159 215 0303 159 215 0301 159 215 0302 159 215 0304 159 215 0305 159 215 0306 167 215 0301 167 215 0302 175 215 0301 175 215 0302 175 215 0303 175 215 0305 175 215 0312 175 215 0304 175 215 0307 175 215 0306 175 215 0308 175 215 0309 175 215 0310 175 215 0315 175 215 0311 175 215 0313 175 215 0314 175 215 0316 183 215 0301 183 215 0302 183 215 0303 183 215 0304 183 215 0305 183 215 0306 183 215 0307 183 215 0308 183 215 0309 183 215 0310 183 215 0311 192 215 0301 192 215 0302

02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/02 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 03/04 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 02/28 2AP 05/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/05 2AAE 05/06 2AAE 05/06 2AAE 05/07 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 03/07 2AP 03/08 2AP

Sa Sa Su Su M W F Sa Sa Su Su M W F W Sa Su Sa Su W Sa Sa Sa Sa Su T W W Th F Sa Sa Su T W W Th F Sa Sa Su Su M M F Sa Sa Su Su Sa Su

Spring 2015

9:15am 10:35am 10:10am 1:30pm 11:10am 9:50am 5:30pm 9:15am 10:35am 10:10am 1:30pm 11:10am 9:50am 5:30pm 6:40pm 9:25am 12:25pm 9:25am 12:25pm 6:40pm 9:35am 9:35am 11:25am 12:35pm 11:25am 11:20am 4pm 9:35am 10:45am 3:25pm 11:25am 12:35pm 11:25am 11:20am 9:35am 4pm 10:45am 3:25pm 9:15am 11:55am 11:10am 3:55pm 10:45am 5:45pm 7pm 9:15am 11:55am 11:10am 3:55pm 9am 10:10am


Sa Sa Su Sa Su T Th M/W Su T T M/W Sa Su Sa Su

9am 10:45am 10:10am 10:45am 10:50am 12:20pm 6:05pm 5:55pm 9am 12:20pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 11:30am 11:40am 11:30am 11:40am

192 215 0303 192 215 0304 192 215 0305 456 215 0301 456 215 0302 456 215 0306 456 215 0309 456 215 0304 456 215 0303 456 215 0307 456 215 0308 456 215 0305 472 215 0301 472 215 0302 472 215 0303 472 215 0304

05/09 2AAE 05/09 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/03 2AP 03/05 2AP 04/06 2AP 05/03 2AO 05/05 2AQ 05/05 2AQ 06/01 2AAE 02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 04/18 2AP 04/19 2AP

Pee Wee Paddler I (3-5 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Child must leave parent willingly, be comfortable in the water, follow directions and function well in a group. Class Emphasis: To help child gain basic aquatic skills to include entering and exiting the water safely; blowing bubbles through mouth and nose; submerging mouth, nose and eyes under water; With Assistance - floating and gliding on front and back, rolling from front to back and back to front, treading water, swimming with assistance using arms and legs on front and back. For safety reasons, arm “floaties” and other flotation devices may be used. Floaties are used for all Pee Wee I classes at Audrey Moore and LeeRECs. Emphasis is on water adjustment. When possible, children are grouped according to ability. 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2ABC 9--30 minute lessons--$110 2ABJ 10--30 minute lessons--$122 2ABD 11--30 minute lessons--$135 2ABB 12--30 minute lessons--$147 Code

Begin $


142 215 0401 142 215 0402 142 215 0403 142 215 0404 142 215 0405 142 215 0406 142 215 0407 142 215 0408 142 215 0409 142 215 0410 142 215 0411 142 215 0412 142 215 0420 142 215 0421 142 215 0422 142 215 0423 142 215 0413 142 215 0414 142 215 0415 142 215 0416 142 215 0417 142 215 0418 142 215 0419 142 215 0424 142 215 0425 142 215 0426 142 215 0427

02/28 02/28 02/28 02/28 03/01 03/01 03/01 03/01 03/01 03/02 03/02 03/02 03/02 03/03 03/03 03/03 03/04 03/04 03/04 03/06 03/06 03/06 03/06 04/06 04/07 04/07 04/07

8am 10:10am 10:35am 11:15am 10:10am 10:55am 12:10pm 1:10pm 1:45pm 11:45am 1pm 1:35pm 6:40pm 1pm 2:10pm 5:30pm 10:25am 1pm 2:10pm 9:50am 1pm 6:05pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 1pm 2:10pm 5:30pm

Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Su M M M M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th W W W F F F F M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th M M T W W Th F F Sa Sa Sa

8am 10:10am 10:35am 11:15am 10:10am 10:55am 12:10pm 1:10pm 1:45pm 11:45am 1pm 1:35pm 6:40pm 1pm 2:10pm 5:30pm 10:25am 1pm 2:10pm 9:50am 1pm 6:05pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 1pm 2:10pm 5:30pm 2:30pm 5:30pm 3pm 2:45pm 5:50pm 2:45pm 4pm 5:10pm 8:15am 8:50am 9:25am

142 215 0431 142 215 0432 142 215 0433 142 215 0434 142 215 0435 142 215 0436 142 215 0437 142 215 0438 142 215 0439 142 215 0440 142 215 0441 142 215 0442 142 215 0450 142 215 0428 142 215 0429 142 215 0430 142 215 0443 142 215 0444 142 215 0445 142 215 0446 142 215 0447 142 215 0448 142 215 0449 142 215 0451 142 215 0452 142 215 0453 142 215 0454 159 215 0407 159 215 0408 159 215 0409 159 215 0410 159 215 0411 159 215 0412 159 215 0413 159 215 0414 159 215 0401 159 215 0402 159 215 0403

05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/07 2AQ 03/07 2AQ

Practice Healthy Swimming Habits

Location Day Time Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Su M M M M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th W W W F F F F M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th



Accidents in the pool involving vomit or fecal matter require the pool being closed to clean and sanitize the water. Under Health Department standards recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), accidents involving fecal matter now require longer pool closure. Prevention is far better than clean up, so please follow the CDC guidelines: • Children (and adults) who have had diarrhea in the last two weeks should not go swimming. • Be sure to use the bathroom before getting into the pool, go on frequent bathroom breaks. For public health reasons, standard diapers cannot be worn in the pool. Children who are not yet toilet trained must wear snug fitting plastic pants and/or a swim diaper under their bathing suit. Waist and legs on plastic pants or swim diapers must be snug enough to contain matter that could contaminate the pool. Please check diapers often, and change them in the locker room not on the pool deck. • Adults who have continence issues should refrain from using the pool. • Shower before entering the pool and after using the toilet. • Avoid swallowing pool water or even getting it in your mouth.

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




Su Su Su Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M M T W W Th F F Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M M/W T/Th W W F F F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M W W F F F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M M M/W M/W T T/Th T/Th W W Th F F F F M/W M/W T/Th T/Th

9am 9:35am 11:50am 8:15am 8:50am 9:25am 9am 9:35am 11:50am 2:30pm 5:30pm 3pm 2:45pm 5:50pm 2:45pm 4pm 5:10pm 9am 11:15am 11:50am 8:30am 9:05am 11:05am 11:15am 5:30pm 6:05pm 11:15am 12:35pm 11:15am 1pm 6:35pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 9am 11:15am 11:50am 8:30am 9:05am 11:05am 11:15am 11:15am 12:35pm 11:15am 1pm 6:35pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 9:05am 10:55am 9:05am 10:55am 9:35am 1:35pm 4:45pm 6pm 10:45am 1:20pm 3:55pm 10:45am 1:30pm 11:20am 10:15am 1:15pm 3:55pm 5:20pm 4:45pm 6pm 1:20pm 3:55pm

159 215 0404 159 215 0405 159 215 0406 159 215 0415 159 215 0416 159 215 0417 159 215 0418 159 215 0419 159 215 0420 159 215 0421 159 215 0422 159 215 0423 159 215 0424 159 215 0425 159 215 0426 159 215 0427 159 215 0428 167 215 0401 167 215 0402 167 215 0403 167 215 0407 167 215 0408 167 215 0409 167 215 0425 167 215 0417 167 215 0420 167 215 0427 167 215 0423 167 215 0413 167 215 0414 167 215 0429 167 215 0418 167 215 0421 167 215 0404 167 215 0405 167 215 0406 167 215 0410 167 215 0411 167 215 0412 167 215 0426 167 215 0428 167 215 0424 167 215 0415 167 215 0416 167 215 0430 167 215 0419 167 215 0422 175 215 0401 175 215 0402 175 215 0403 175 215 0404 175 215 0414 175 215 0416 175 215 0431 175 215 0435 175 215 0418 175 215 0430 175 215 0441 175 215 0415 175 215 0417 175 215 0419 175 215 0409 175 215 0410 175 215 0411 175 215 0412 175 215 0432 175 215 0436 175 215 0439 175 215 0442

03/08 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/07 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/06 2ABJ 04/07 2ABJ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/11 2ABD 05/12 2ABB 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/06 2AP 04/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 04/07 2AP

SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

Sa Sa Su Su M M M/W M/W T T T/Th T/Th W W Th F F F F M/W M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su M T F Sa Sa Sa Su Su T F T T/Th T/Th T/Th W M/W M/W M/W Th Th F F Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa

9:05am 10:55am 9:05am 10:55am 9:35am 1:35pm 4:45pm 6pm 10:45am 10:45am 1:20pm 3:55pm 10:45am 1:30pm 11:20am 10:15am 1:15pm 3:55pm 5:20pm 4:45pm 6pm 1:20pm 3:55pm 8:35am 9:15am 12:05pm 10am 6:20pm 5:30pm 5:50pm 8:35am 9:15am 12:05pm 10am 4:30pm 5:30pm 5:15pm 10:35am 4pm 4:35pm 5:10pm 10:45am 6pm 6:35pm 7:10pm 9am 10:10am 10:45am 1pm 8:25am 9am 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am

175 215 0405 175 215 0406 175 215 0407 175 215 0408 175 215 0420 175 215 0422 175 215 0433 175 215 0437 175 215 0424 175 215 0425 175 215 0440 175 215 0443 175 215 0421 175 215 0423 175 215 0426 175 215 0413 175 215 0427 175 215 0428 175 215 0429 175 215 0434 175 215 0438 175 215 0444 175 215 0445 183 215 0401 183 215 0402 183 215 0403 183 215 0404 183 215 0405 183 215 0406 183 215 0407 183 215 0408 183 215 0409 183 215 0410 183 215 0411 183 215 0412 183 215 0413 183 215 0414 192 215 0414 192 215 0432 192 215 0433 192 215 0434 192 215 0416 192 215 0426 192 215 0427 192 215 0428 192 215 0418 192 215 0419 192 215 0422 192 215 0423 192 215 0401 192 215 0402 192 215 0403 192 215 0404 192 215 0405

05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AQ 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AAE 05/05 2AAE 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/06 2AAE 05/06 2AAE 05/07 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/05 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AAE 03/04 2AAE 03/04 2AAE 03/05 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP

The Four S’s of Water Safety:

Supervision Secure Swim Safe

Each child should be directly supervised by an adult, even in the presence lifeguards. Non swimmers should be within reach of the supervising adult at all times. Secure your private pool with a locking fence. Learn how to swim well. The Fairfax County Park Authority offers a wide variety of swimming and water safety classes. Swim in safe areas only. It is ideal to swim only in places that are supervised by a lifeguard.


For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Sa Su Su Su Su M M M M/W M/W M/W T T/Th W Th Th F F Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Sa Sa Sa M M T W W F Sa Sa Sa M M T W W F Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M/W M/W T T T W W Th Th Th Th F M/W Sa Sa

11:20am 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 10:05am 11:50am 1:30pm 6pm 6:35pm 7:10pm 10:35am 4pm 10:45am 9am 10:10am 10:45am 1pm 8:25am 9am 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 9:05am 9:40am 11:35am 5:05pm 6:35pm 5:05pm 9:15am 5pm 9:40am 9:05am 9:40am 11:35am 5:05pm 6:35pm 5:05pm 9:15am 5pm 9:40am 8:25am 9am 9:50am 10:10am 11am 9:50am 11:25am 12pm 5:30pm 6:40pm 11:10am 5:30pm 6:05pm 11:40am 1:10pm 11:40am 1:10pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 5:40pm 5:30pm 8am 9:10am

192 215 0406 03/07 2AP 192 215 0407 03/08 2AP 192 215 0408 03/08 2AP 192 215 0409 03/08 2AP 192 215 0410 03/08 2AP 192 215 0411 04/13 2AP 192 215 0412 04/13 2AP 192 215 0413 04/13 2AP 192 215 0429 05/04 2AQ 192 215 0430 05/04 2AQ 192 215 0431 05/04 2AQ 192 215 0415 05/05 2AQ 192 215 0435 05/05 2AP 192 215 0417 05/06 2AQ 192 215 0420 05/07 2AQ 192 215 0421 05/07 2AQ 192 215 0424 05/08 2AAE 192 215 0425 05/08 2AAE 192 215 0436 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0437 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0438 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0439 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0440 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0441 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0442 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0443 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0444 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0445 05/10 2AAE 449 215 0401 02/28 2AP 449 215 0402 02/28 2AP 449 215 0403 02/28 2AP 449 215 0408 03/02 2AP 449 215 0409 03/02 2AP 449 215 0412 03/03 2AP 449 215 0414 03/04 2AP 449 215 0415 03/04 2AP 449 215 0418 03/06 2AP 449 215 0404 05/02 2AAE 449 215 0405 05/02 2AAE 449 215 0407 05/02 2AAE 449 215 0410 05/04 2AAE 449 215 0411 05/04 2AAE 449 215 0413 05/05 2AAE 449 215 0416 05/06 2AQ 449 215 0417 05/06 2AQ 449 215 0419 05/08 2AQ 456 215 0401 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0402 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0403 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0404 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0405 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0409 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0410 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0411 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0417 03/02 2AP 456 215 0418 03/02 2AP 456 215 0423 03/03 2AP 456 215 0425 03/03 2AP 456 215 0426 03/03 2AP 456 215 0429 03/04 2AP 456 215 0430 03/04 2AP 456 215 0431 03/05 2AP 456 215 0432 03/05 2AP 456 215 0433 03/05 2AP 456 215 0434 03/05 2AP 456 215 0436 03/06 2AQ 456 215 0419 04/06 2AP 456 215 0406 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0407 05/02 2AAE

Spring 2015


Sa Su Su Su Su Su M/W M/W T T T Th F M/W Sa Sa Sa Su Su M T W W Th Th Sa Sa Sa Su Su M T W W Th Th

11:40am 9am 9:50am 10:25am 11am 12:10pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 11:10am 5:30pm 6:40pm 5:30pm 5:05pm 5:30pm 9:40am 10:15am 10:50am 10:15am 10:50am 5:20pm 10:10am 10:35am 6:20pm 9:35am 4:45pm 9:40am 10:15am 11:40am 10:15am 10:50am 5:20pm 10:05am 10:35am 6:25pm 9:30am 5:05pm

456 215 0408 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0412 05/03 2AO 456 215 0413 05/03 2AO 456 215 0414 05/03 2AO 456 215 0415 05/03 2AO 456 215 0416 05/03 2AO 456 215 0420 05/04 2AQ 456 215 0421 05/04 2AQ 456 215 0424 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0427 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0428 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0435 05/07 2AQ 456 215 0437 05/08 2AQ 456 215 0422 06/01 2AAE 472 215 0401 02/28 2AAE 472 215 0402 02/28 2AAE 472 215 0403 02/28 2AAE 472 215 0404 03/01 2AAE 472 215 0405 03/01 2AAE 472 215 0406 03/02 2AAE 472 215 0407 03/03 2AAE 472 215 0408 03/04 2AAE 472 215 0409 03/04 2AAE 472 215 0410 03/05 2AAE 472 215 0411 03/05 2AAE 472 215 0412 04/18 2AP 472 215 0413 04/18 2AP 472 215 0414 04/18 2AP 472 215 0415 04/19 2AP 472 215 0416 04/19 2AP 472 215 0417 04/20 2AP 472 215 0418 04/21 2ABC 472 215 0419 04/22 2ABC 472 215 0420 04/22 2ABC 472 215 0421 04/23 2ABC 472 215 0422 04/23 2ABC

Pee Wee Paddler II (3-5 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Pee Wee Paddler I or equivalent skill and child must leave parent willingly, be comfortable in the water and function well in a group. Student must be able to blow bubbles through mouth and nose at least three seconds, submerge face under water, and swim on front and back (with assistance) at least two body lengths, must be able to stay in front and back float position for at least three seconds. Class Emphasis: Children gain greater independence in their skills and continue to gain comfort in the water. Skills include breath holding, rhythmic breathing (bobbing), floating and gliding on front and back with and without assistance, swimming at least three body lengths with and without assistance. Flotation devices (including swimmies) may be used. 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2ABC 9--30 minute lessons--$110 2ABJ 10--30 minute lessons--$122 2ABD 11--30 minute lessons--$135 2ABB 12--30 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 215 0501 142 215 0502 142 215 0503 142 215 0504 142 215 0505 142 215 0506 142 215 0507

02/28 02/28 02/28 02/28 03/01 03/01 03/01

Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su

Spring 2015

8:35am 11:45am 11:55am 12:15pm 10:50am 12:10pm 12:30pm


Kids gain confidence learning to swim. OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC

Su M M M M M/W T/Th T/Th W W W F F F M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M M M M M/W T/Th T/Th W W W F F F M/W T/Th T/Th M M T

12:50pm 12:20pm 1pm 1:35pm 2:10pm 6:05pm 1:35pm 6:05pm 11am 1:35pm 2:45pm 10:25am 1:35pm 6:40pm 6:05pm 1:35pm 6:05pm 8:35am 11:45am 11:55am 12:15pm 10:50am 12:10pm 12:30pm 12:50pm 12:20pm 1pm 1:35pm 2:10pm 6:05pm 1:35pm 6:05pm 11am 1:35pm 2:45pm 10:25am 1:35pm 6:40pm 6:05pm 1:35pm 6:05pm 3:05pm 5:30pm 3:35pm

142 215 0508 142 215 0509 142 215 0510 142 215 0511 142 215 0512 142 215 0519 142 215 0520 142 215 0521 142 215 0513 142 215 0514 142 215 0515 142 215 0516 142 215 0517 142 215 0518 142 215 0522 142 215 0523 142 215 0524 142 215 0527 142 215 0528 142 215 0529 142 215 0530 142 215 0531 142 215 0532 142 215 0533 142 215 0534 142 215 0535 142 215 0536 142 215 0537 142 215 0538 142 215 0545 142 215 0525 142 215 0526 142 215 0539 142 215 0540 142 215 0541 142 215 0542 142 215 0543 142 215 0544 142 215 0546 142 215 0547 142 215 0548 159 215 0507 159 215 0508 159 215 0509

03/01 2AQ 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AQ 03/06 2AQ 03/06 2AQ 04/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP


More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

T W W Th F F Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M M T T W W Th F F Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th W W F F F M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M W W F F F M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th Sa

5:30pm 3:20pm 6:25pm 3:20pm 4pm 5:10pm 8:15am 8:50am 9:25am 9am 9:35am 11:50am 8:15am 8:50am 9:25am 9am 9:35am 11:50am 3:05pm 5:30pm 3:35pm 5:30pm 3:20pm 6:25pm 3:20pm 4pm 5:10pm 9am 9:50am 11:50am 12:15pm 9:05am 9:40am 10:10am 10:50am 10:05am 6:40pm 5:30pm 6:40pm 6:55pm 10:05am 1:10pm 10:05am 1:35pm 7:10pm 6:40pm 5:30pm 5:50pm 6:55pm 9am 9:50am 11am 11:50am 12:15pm 9:05am 9:40am 10:10am 10:50am 10:05am 10:05am 1:10pm 10:05am 1:35pm 7:10pm 6:40pm 5:30pm 6:40pm 6:55pm 9:45am

159 215 0510 159 215 0511 159 215 0512 159 215 0513 159 215 0514 159 215 0515 159 215 0501 159 215 0502 159 215 0503 159 215 0504 159 215 0505 159 215 0506 159 215 0516 159 215 0517 159 215 0518 159 215 0519 159 215 0520 159 215 0521 159 215 0522 159 215 0523 159 215 0524 159 215 0525 159 215 0526 159 215 0527 159 215 0528 159 215 0529 159 215 0530 167 215 0501 167 215 0502 167 215 0503 167 215 0504 167 215 0510 167 215 0511 167 215 0512 167 215 0513 167 215 0536 167 215 0522 167 215 0527 167 215 0525 167 215 0526 167 215 0538 167 215 0534 167 215 0518 167 215 0519 167 215 0540 167 215 0523 167 215 0530 167 215 0529 167 215 0528 167 215 0505 167 215 0508 167 215 0506 167 215 0507 167 215 0509 167 215 0514 167 215 0515 167 215 0516 167 215 0517 167 215 0537 167 215 0539 167 215 0535 167 215 0520 167 215 0521 167 215 0541 167 215 0524 167 21 50533 167 215 0531 167 215 0532 175 215 0501

03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/07 2AQ 03/07 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AQ 05/05 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/07 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/06 2ABJ 04/07 2ABJ 04/07 2ABJ 04/07 2ABJ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AQ) 05/08 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/11 2ABD 05/12 2ABB 05/12 2ABB 05/12 2ABB 02/28 2AP


Aquatics SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore

Sa Sa Su Su M M M/W M/W T T/Th T/Th T/Th T/Th W W Th F F F F M/W M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M M M/W M/W T T/Th T/Th T/Th T/Th W W Th F F F F M/W M/W T/Th T/Th T/Th T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su

10:20am 11:30am 10:20am 11:30am 10:10am 2:10pm 4:10pm 5:25pm 10:10am 1:55pm 3:55pm 4:30pm 5:40pm 10:10am 2:05pm 9:35am 10:50am 1:50pm 4:40pm 6:10pm 4:10pm 5:25pm 1:55pm 3:55pm 4:30pm 5:40pm 10:20am 11:30am 10:20am 11:30am 10:10am 2:10pm 4:10pm 5:25pm 10:10am 1:55pm 3:55pm 4:30pm 5:40pm 2:05pm 10:10am 9:35am 10:50am 1:50pm 4:40pm 6:10pm 4:10pm 5:25pm 1:20pm 1:55pm 3:55pm 4:30pm 5:40pm 8:35am 9:15am 10:40am 10am

Wkfld/Moore Su 0505 03/01 2AP Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore


M M T F Sa Sa Sa Su Su M

9:30am 6:55pm 6:10pm 5:50pm 8:35am 9:15am 10:40am 10am 4:30pm 7:05pm

175 215 0502 175 215 0503 175 215 0504 175 215 0505 175 215 0514 175 215 0516 175 215 0521 175 215 0537 175 215 0518 175 215 0540 175 215 0539 175 215 0544 175 215 0548 175 215 0515 175 215 0517 175 215 0519 175 215 0510 175 215 0511 175 215 0512 175 215 0513 175 215 0531 175 215 0534 175 215 0552 175 215 0541 175 215 0545 175 215 0549 175 215 0506 175 215 0507 175 215 0508 175 215 0509 175 215 0520 175 215 0523 175 215 0532 175 215 0535 175 215 0526 175 215 0553 175 215 0542 175 215 0546 175 215 0550 175 215 0524 175 215 0522 175 215 0525 175 215 0527 175 215 0528 175 215 0529 175 215 0530 175 215 0533 175 215 0536 175 215 0538 175 215 0554 175 215 0543 175 215 0547 175 215 0551 183 215 0501 183 215 0502 183 215 0503 183 215 0504

02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/06 2AP 04/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 04/07 2AP 04/07 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AQ 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AAE 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/06 2AAE 05/06 2AAE 05/07 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP

4:30pm 183 215

183 215 0506 183 215 0507 183 215 0508 183 215 0509 183 215 0510 183 215 0511 183 215 0512 183 215 0513 183 215 0514 183 215 0515

03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE

Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

T F T T/Th W M/W M/W M/W Th F F Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Su M M M/W M/W T T/Th T/Th W Th F F

6:10pm 5:15pm 11:10am 4pm 10:10am 6pm 6:35pm 7:10pm 10:45am 9am 2:10pm 8:25am 9am 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 10:45am 11:20am 9am 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 10:40am 2:05pm 6pm 7:10pm 11:10am 4pm 4:35pm 10:10am 10:45am 9am 2:10pm

183 215 0516 183 215 0517 192 215 0516 192 215 0531 192 215 0518 192 215 0526 192 215 0527 192 215 0528 192 215 0520 192 215 0522 192 215 0523 192 215 0502 192 215 0503 192 215 0504 192 215 0505 192 215 0506 192 215 0507 192 215 0508 192 215 0509 192 215 0510 192 215 0511 192 215 0512 192 215 0513 192 215 0514 192 215 0515 192 215 0529 192 215 0530 192 215 0517 192 215 0532 192 215 0533 192 215 0519 192 215 0521 192 215 0524 192 215 0525

05/05 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AAE 03/04 2AAE 03/04 2AAE 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 04/13 2AP 04/13 2AP 05/04 2AQ 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AQ 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/06 2AQ 05/07 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE

Stake Your Claim to Summer Fun!

Lake Fairfax Park, Reston

Buy a season pass before May 25, 2015 and get the

Gold Rush Discount

Passes on Sale April 1 GOLD RUSH DISCOUNT

Single $79, Family of two $142, Each additional person $48

Special Bonus: Four free guest passes with each Family Pass purchased before May 25, 2015.

Buy your passes online at http://go.usa.gov/DOM or contact the park at 703-471-5414

The Water Mine opens May 23


For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Su Sa Sa Sa M M T W W Th Sa Sa Sa M M T W W Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su M/W M/W T T T T W Th Th F M/W M/W Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M/W M/W T T T T Th F M/W M/W Sa

8:25am 9am 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 9am 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 9:40am 10:20am 11am 5:05pm 5:30pm 5:40pm 9:50am 5:35pm 5:15pm 9:40am 10:20am 11am 5:05pm 5:30pm 5:40pm 9:50am 5:35pm 5:15pm 8:25am 9:25am 9:50am 10:25am 10:45am 11am 9am 10:50am 5:30pm 6:05pm 10am 11:45am 5:30pm 6:05pm 12:25pm 12:25pm 6:05pm 5:40pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 8:25am 9:45am 9:50am 10:10am 10:50am 11:35am 9am 10:25am 12:10pm 5:30pm 6:40pm 10am 11:45am 5:30pm 6:05pm 5:30pm 5:05pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 9:05am

192 215 0534 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0535 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0536 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0537 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0538 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0539 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0540 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0541 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0542 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0543 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0544 05/10 2AAE 449 215 0502 02/28 2AP 449 215 0503 02/28 2AP 449 215 0504 02/28 2AP 449 215 0509 03/02 2AP 449 215 0510 03/02 2AP 449 215 0513 03/03 2AP 449 215 0515 03/04 2AP 449 215 0516 03/04 2AP 449 215 0519 03/05 2AP 449 215 0506 05/02 2AAE 449 215 0507 05/02 2AAE 449 215 0508 05/02 2AAE 449 215 0511 05/04 2AAE 449 215 0512 05/04 2AAE 449 215 0514 05/05 2AAE 449 215 0517 05/06 2AQ 449 215 0518 05/06 2AQ 449 215 0520 05/07 2AQ 456 215 0501 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0502 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0503 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0504 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0505 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0506 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0513 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0514 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0518 03/02 2AP 456 215 0519 03/02 2AP 456 215 0526 03/03 2AP 456 215 0527 03/03 2AP 456 215 0530 03/03 2AP 456 215 0531 03/03 2AP 456 215 0534 03/04 2AP 456 215 0535 03/05 2AP 456 215 0536 03/05 2AP 456 215 0538 03/06 2AQ 456 215 0520 04/06 2AP 456 215 0521 04/06 2AP 456 215 0507 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0508 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0509 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0510 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0511 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0512 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0515 05/03 2AO 456 215 0516 05/03 2AO 456 215 0517 05/03 2AO 456 215 0522 05/04 2AQ 456 215 0523 05/04 2AQ 456 215 0528 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0529 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0532 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0533 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0537 05/07 2AQ 456 215 0539 05/08 2AQ 456 215 0524 06/01 2AAE 456 215 0525 06/01 2AAE 472 215 0501 02/28 2AAE

Spring 2015

Aquatics MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

Sa Su Su T W W Th Th Th Sa Sa Su Su M T W W Th Th Th

9:40am 9:40am 10:50am 10:45am 11:10am 4:35pm 10:10am 1:50pm 5:20pm 9:05am 9:40am 9:40am 10:50am 6:25pm 10:40am 11:10am 4:45pm 10:05am 1:50pm 5:40pm

472 215 0502 472 215 0503 472 215 0504 472 215 0505 472 215 0506 472 215 0507 472 215 0508 472 215 0509 472 215 0510 472 215 0511 472 215 0512 472 215 0513 472 215 0514 472 215 0515 472 215 0516 472 215 0517 472 215 0518 472 215 0519 472 215 0520 472 215 0521

02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/03 2AAE 03/04 2AAE 03/04 2AAE 03/05 2AAE 03/05 2AAE 03/05 2AAE 04/18 2AP 04/18 2AP 04/19 2AP 04/19 2AP 04/20 2AP 04/21 2ABC 04/22 2ABC 04/22 2ABC 04/23 2ABC 04/23 2ABC 04/23 2ABC

Pee Wee Paddler III (4-6 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Pee Wee Paddler II or equivalent skill proficiency. Student must be able to swim without assistance at least three body lengths on front and back. Students must be able to hold breath under water at least three seconds. Class Emphasis: Help children gain basic swimming propulsive skills and increase endurance and distance without flotation devices. Skills include entering water by jumping in (chest deep water), submerging and holding breath five seconds, rotary breathing, treading water, swimming front crawl 10 yds. and on back five yds. 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2ABC 9--30 minute lessons--$110 2ABJ 10--30 minute lessons--$122 2ABD 11--30 minute lessons--$135 2ABB 12--30 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 215 0601 142 215 0602 142 215 0603 142 215 0604 142 215 0605 142 215 0606 142 215 0607 142 215 0608 142 215 0609 142 215 0610 142 215 0617 142 215 0618 142 215 0619 142 215 0611 142 215 0612 142 215 0613 142 215 0614 142 215 0615 142 215 0616 142 215 0620 142 215 0621 142 215 0622 142 215 0625 142 215 0626 142 215 0627 142 215 0628 142 215 0629

02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AQ 03/06 2AQ 03/06 2AQ 03/06 2AQ 04/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE

Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M M M M/W T/Th T/Th W W F F F F M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Su

Spring 2015

8am 8:35am 9:55am 10:10am 10:55am 11:30am 1:40pm 10:35am 2:10pm 2:45pm 5:30pm 2:45pm 6:40pm 11:35am 3:20pm 11am 2:10pm 5:30pm 7:15pm 5:30pm 2:45pm 6:40pm 8am 8:35am 9:55am 10:10am 10:55am


Su Su M M M M/W T/Th T/Th W W F F F F M/W T/Th T/Th M T T W Th F Sa Su Su Sa Su Su M T T W Th F Sa Sa Su Su Su M M/W T/Th T/Th W W F F F F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su Su M W W F F F F M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Su

11:30am 1:40pm 10:35am 2:10pm 2:45pm 5:30pm 2:45pm 6:40pm 11:35am 3:20pm 11am 2:10pm 5:30pm 7:15pm 5:30pm 2:45pm 6:40pm 3:40pm 4:10pm 6:05pm 3:55pm 3:55pm 4:35pm 11:40am 11:50am 12:25pm 11:40am 11:50am 12:25pm 3:40pm 4:10pm 6:05pm 3:55pm 3:55pm 4:35pm 9:50am 11:35am 8:30am 10:45am 11:40am 9:30am 6pm 6:05pm 7:15pm 9:30am 1:55pm 9:30am 2:10pm 6pm 7:45pm 6pm 7:15pm 9:50am 11:35am 8:30am 10:45am 11:40am 9:30am 9:30am 1:55pm 9:30am 2:10pm 6pm 7:45pm 6pm 6:05pm 7:15pm 9:45am 9:45am

142 215 0630 142 215 0631 142 215 0632 142 215 0633 142 215 0634 142 215 0641 142 215 0623 142 215 0624 142 215 0635 142 215 0636 142 215 0637 142 215 0638 142 215 0639 142 215 0640 142 215 0642 142 215 0643 142 215 0644 159 215 0604 159 215 0605 159 215 0606 159 215 0607 159 215 0608 159 215 0609 159 215 0601 159 215 0602 159 215 0603 159 215 0610 159 215 0611 159 215 0612 159 215 0613 159 215 0614 159 215 0615 159 215 0616 159 215 0617 159 215 0618 167 215 0601 167 215 0602 167 215 0605 167 215 0606 167 215 0607 167 215 0625 167 215 0615 167 215 0620 167 215 0618 167 215 0627 167 215 0623 167 215 0611 167 215 0612 167 215 0629 167 215 0630 167 215 0616 167 215 0619 167 215 0603 167 215 0604 167 215 0608 167 215 0609 167 215 0610 167 215 0626 167 215 0628 167 215 0624 167 215 0613 167 215 0614 167 215 0631 167 215 0632 167 215 0617 167 215 0622 167 215 0621 175 215 0601 175 215 0602

05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AQ 05/05 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/07 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/06 2ABJ 04/07 2ABJ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 05/11 2ABD 05/12 2ABB 05/12 2ABB 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP

SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

M M M/W M/W T T/Th T/Th W W Th F F F F M/W M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Su M M M/W M/W T T/Th T/Th W W Th F F F F M/W M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su Su M M T F Sa Sa Sa Su Su M T T T/Th T/Th W M/W Th F F Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su

10:45am 2:45pm 4:05pm 6:35pm 9:35am 5:05pm 6:15pm 11:20am 2:45pm 10:10am 11:25am 2:25pm 4pm 6:45pm 4:05pm 6:35pm 5:05pm 6:15pm 9:45am 9:45am 10:45am 2:45pm 4:05pm 6:35pm 9:35am 5:05pm 6:15pm 11:20am 2:45pm 10:10am 11:25am 2:25pm 4pm 6:45pm 4:05pm 6:35pm 5:05pm 6:15pm 9:15am 11:15am 12:05pm 10am 4:30pm 10:05am 7:30pm 6:50pm 6:25pm 9:15am 11:15am 12:05pm 10am 4:30pm 6:25pm 6:50pm 11:45am 4pm 4:35pm 11:20am 6:35pm 9:35am 10:10am 1:35pm 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 9am 9:35am 10:45am

175 215 0603 175 215 0606 175 215 0625 175 215 0629 175 215 0607 175 215 0633 175 215 0637 175 215 0604 175 215 0605 175 215 0608 175 215 0609 175 215 0610 175 215 0611 175 215 0612 175 215 0626 175 215 0630 175 215 0634 175 215 0638 175 215 0613 175 215 0614 175 215 0615 175 215 0617 175 215 0627 175 215 0631 175 215 0619 175 215 0635 175 215 0639 175 215 0616 175 215 0618 175 215 0620 175 215 0621 175 215 0622 175 215 0624 175 215 0623 175 215 0628 175 215 0632 175 215 0636 175 215 0640 183 215 0601 183 215 0602 183 215 0603 183 215 0604 183 215 0605 183 215 0606 183 215 0607 183 215 0608 183 215 0609 183 215 0610 183 215 0611 183 215 0612 183 215 0613 183 215 0614 183 215 0615 183 215 0616 192 215 0611 192 215 0623 192 215 0624 192 215 0613 192 215 0621 192 215 0615 192 215 0617 192 215 0618 192 215 0601 192 215 0602 192 215 0603 192 215 0604 192 215 0605 192 215 0606 192 215 0607

03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/06 2AP 04/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AQ 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AAE 05/05 2AQ 05/05 2AQ 05/06 2AAE 05/06 2AAE 05/07 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AQ 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/04 2AAE 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP




Su M M M/W T T/Th T/Th W Th F F Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Sa T W Sa T W Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su M/W M/W T T Th F M/W Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su M/W T T Th Th F M/W Sa Sa Su Su M T W W Th Th Sa Sa Su Su M T W W

11:20am 11:15am 2:40pm 6:35pm 11:45am 4:35pm 5:10pm 11:20am 9:35am 10:10am 1:35pm 9:35am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 9am 9:35am 10:45am 11:20am 10:35am 6:20pm 6:15pm 10:35am 6:20pm 6:15pm 8:25am 10:25am 11:20am 9am 9:35am 12pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 10:35am 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:05pm 6:05pm 8:35am 10:30am 11am 11:05am 11:25am 11:35am 5:30pm 10:35am 6:05pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 5:40pm 6:40pm 8:30am 9:05am 10:15am 11:40am 4:45pm 1:15pm 10am 5:10pm 10:45am 5:55pm 8:30am 9:05am 10:15am 11:40am 4:45pm 1:15pm 10am 5:20pm

192 215 0608 03/08 2AP 192 215 0609 04/13 2AP 192 215 0610 04/13 2AP 192 215 0622 05/04 2AQ 192 215 0612 05/05 2AQ 192 215 0625 05/05 2AP 192 215 0626 05/05 2AP 192 215 0614 05/06 2AQ 192 215 0616 05/07 2AQ 192 215 0619 05/08 2AAE 192 215 0620 05/08 2AAE 192 215 0627 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0628 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0629 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0630 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0631 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0632 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0633 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0634 05/10 2AAE 449 215 0601 02/28 2AP 449 215 0603 03/03 2AP 449 215 0605 03/04 2AP 449 215 0602 05/02 2AAE 449 215 0604 05/05 2AAE 449 215 0606 05/06 2AQ 456 215 0601 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0602 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0603 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0608 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0609 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0610 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0613 03/02 2AP 456 215 0614 03/02 2AP 456 215 0618 03/03 2AP 456 215 0620 03/03 2AP 456 215 0622 03/05 2AP 456 215 0625 03/06 2AQ 456 215 0615 04/06 2AP 456 215 0604 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0605 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0606 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0607 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0611 05/03 2AO 456 215 0612 05/03 2AO 456 215 0616 05/04 2AQ 456 215 0619 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0621 05/05 2AQ 456 215 0623 05/07 2AQ 456 215 0624 05/07 2AQ 456 215 0626 05/08 2AQ 456 215 0617 06/01 2AAE 472 215 0601 02/28 2AAE 472 215 0602 02/28 2AAE 472 215 0603 03/01 2AAE 472 215 0604 03/01 2AAE 472 215 0605 03/02 2AAE 472 215 0606 03/03 2AAE 472 215 0607 03/04 2AAE 472 215 0608 03/04 2AAE 472 215 0609 03/05 2AAE 472 215 0610 03/05 2AAE 472 215 0611 04/18 2AP 472 215 0612 04/18 2AP 472 215 0613 04/19 2AP 472 215 0614 04/19 2AP 472 215 0615 04/20 2AP 472 215 0616 04/21 2ABC 472 215 0617 04/22 2ABC 472 215 0618 04/22 2ABC

Children enjoy using flotation devices while learning swim skills. MtVernREC MtVernREC

Th Th

10:40am 472 215 0619 04/23 2ABC 4:30pm 472 215 0620 04/23 2ABC

Pee Wee Paddler IV (4-6 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Pee Wee Paddler III or equivalent skill proficiency. Student must be able to swim front crawl and back stroke at least five body lengths. Class Emphasis: Help student continue to improve their endurance and skill for treading water, front crawl and back strokes. To swim front crawl 15 yds., back crawl and elementary back strokes five yds. (each); and introduce the breaststroke and diving from the side of the pool. 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2ABC 9--30 minute lessons--$110 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 215 0701 142 215 0702 142 215 0703 142 215 0704 142 215 0705 142 215 0706 142 215 0707 142 215 0711 142 215 0712 142 215 0708 142 215 0709 142 215 0710 142 215 0713 142 215 0714 142 215 0716 142 215 0717 142 215 0718 142 215 0719 142 215 0720 142 215 0721 142 215 0722 142 215 0726 142 215 0715

02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/06 2AQ 03/06 2AQ 03/06 2AQ 04/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AP

Sa Sa Sa Su Su M M M/W T/Th F F F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su Su M M M/W T/Th

8am 10:10am 12:25pm 10:55am 1:05pm 10am 2:45pm 7:05pm 7:15pm 11:35am 2:45pm 5:30pm 7:05pm 7:15pm 8am 10:10am 12:25pm 10:55am 1:05pm 10am 2:45pm 7:05pm 7:15pm


For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

F F F M/W T/Th M T Th F Sa Su Sa Su M T Th F Sa W F Sa W F Sa Su M/W M T/Th T/Th F M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Su M/W M T/Th T/Th F M/W

11:35am 2:45pm 5:30pm 7:05pm 7:15pm 4:15pm 5:45pm 5:30pm 4:35pm 12:15pm 12:25pm 12:15pm 12:25pm 4:15pm 5:45pm 5:30pm 4:35pm 11:50am 2:30pm 2:45pm 11:50am 2:30pm 2:45pm 11:30am 11:30am 4:45pm 7:10pm 4:30pm 6:50pm 4pm 4:45pm 4:30pm 6:50pm 11:30am 11:30am 4:45pm 7:10pm 4:30pm 6:50pm 4pm 4:45pm

142 215 0723 142 215 0724 142 215 0725 142 215 0727 142 215 0728 159 215 0703 159 215 0704 159 215 0705 159 215 0706 159 215 0701 159 215 0702 159 215 0707 159 215 0708 159 215 0709 159 215 0710 159 215 0712 159 215 0713 167 215 0701 167 215 0705 167 215 0703 167 215 0702 167 215 0706 167 215 0704 175 215 0701 175 215 0702 175 215 0709 175 215 0703 175 215 0713 175 215 0717 175 215 0704 175 215 0710 175 215 0714 175 215 0718 175 215 0705 175 215 0706 175 215 0711 175 215 0707 175 215 0715 175 215 0719 175 215 0708 175 215 0712

05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/01 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AQ 05/07 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AQ 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/08 2AAE 06/01 2AAE

Spring 2015

Aquatics SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Su Su W F Sa Sa Su Su M W T/Th M/W M/W Th F Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M/W M/W T/Th T/Th Th F Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Sa T W Sa T W Sa Sa Su Su T Th F Sa Sa Su Su M/W T F Sa Su M T W Th Th Sa Su M

Spring 2015

4:30pm 6:50pm 9:30am 11:55am 10:35am 4:30pm 3:30pm 6:25pm 9:30am 11:55am 10:35am 3:55pm 5:45pm 3:30pm 4:35pm 6pm 7:10pm 11:20am 11:20am 9am 10:10am 10:45am 9am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 6pm 7:10pm 4pm 5:10pm 11:20am 11:20am 9am 10:10am 10:45am 9am 10:10am 10:45am 11:20am 11am 6:55pm 6:50pm 11am 6:55pm 6:50pm 9am 11:35am 10:10am 11:20am 6:05pm 5:30pm 5:05pm 10:25am 11:30am 11:35am 12pm 6:05pm 6:05pm 5:40pm 8:30am 11:25am 5:55pm 1:50pm 5:45pm 1:15pm 6:30pm 8:30am 11:25am 5:55pm

175 215 0716 175 215 0720 183 215 0701 183 215 0702 183 215 0703 183 215 0704 183 215 0705 183 215 0706 183 215 0707 183 215 0708 183 215 0709 183 215 0710 183 215 0711 183 215 0712 192 215 0716 192 215 0712 192 215 0713 192 215 0708 192 215 0710 192 215 0701 192 215 0702 192 215 0703 192 215 0704 192 215 0705 192 215 0706 192 215 0707 192 215 0714 192 215 0715 192 215 0717 192 215 0718 192 215 0709 192 215 0711 192 215 0719 192 215 0720 192 215 0721 192 215 0722 192 215 0723 192 215 0724 192 215 0725 449 215 0701 449 215 0703 449 215 0705 449 215 0702 449 215 0704 449 215 0706 456 215 0701 456 215 0702 456 215 0705 456 215 0706 456 215 0710 456 215 0712 456 215 0713 456 215 0703 456 215 0704 456 215 0707 456 215 0708 456 215 0709 456 215 0711 456 215 0714 472 215 0701 472 215 0702 472 215 0703 472 215 0704 472 215 0705 472 215 0706 472 215 0707 472 215 0708 472 215 0709 472 215 0710

06/02 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AAE 03/04 2AAE 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 05/04 2AQ 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AP 05/05 2AP 05/07 2AQ 05/08 2AAE 05/09 2AAE 05/09 2AAE 05/09 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 05/10 2AAE 02/28 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/05 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 02/28 2AAE 02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/03 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AO 05/03 2AO 05/04 2AQ 05/05 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AAE 03/01 2AAE 03/02 2AAE 03/03 2AAE 03/04 2AAE 03/05 2AAE 03/05 2AAE 04/18 2AP 04/19 2AP 04/20 2AP


T W Th

1:50pm 5:55pm 1:15pm

472 215 0711 04/21 2ABC 472 215 0712 04/22 2ABC 472 215 0713 04/23 2ABC

Pee Wee Paddler V (4-6 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Pee Wee Paddler IV or equivalent skill proficiency. Student must be able to swim at least 15 yds. using front crawl; 10 yds. back crawl and elementary backstroke. Class Emphasis: Help students improve their stroke mechanics and increase endurance. To swim front crawl, back crawl and elementary backstroke 25 yds.; breaststroke 15 yds. and tread water for 20 seconds. 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2ABC 9--30 minute lessons--$110 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

142 215 0801 142 215 0802 142 215 0803 142 215 0804 142 215 0805 142 215 0807 142 215 0808 142 215 0809 142 215 0806 142 215 0810 159 215 0803 159 215 0804 159 215 0805 159 215 0806 159 215 0801 159 215 0802 159 215 0807 159 215 0808 159 215 0809 159 215 0810 159 215 0811 159 215 0812 167 215 0801 167 215 0802 175 215 0801 175 215 0802 175 215 0809 175 215 0804 175 215 0803 175 215 0810 175 215 0805 175 215 0806 175 215 0811 175 215 0807 175 215 0808 175 215 0812 183 215 0801 183 215 0802 183 215 0803 183 215 0804 183 215 0805 183 215 0806 192 215 0809 192 215 0801 192 215 0802 192 215 0803 192 215 0804 192 215 0805 192 215 0806 192 215 0807

02/28 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 03/01 2AQ 03/03 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/05 2AP 06/02 2AAE 03/02 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/04 2AAE 05/05 2AQ 05/07 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/03 2AP 03/04 2AP 03/06 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/05 2AP 05/06 2AAE 05/08 2AAE 06/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/04 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/06 2AQ 03/03 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/07 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP 03/08 2AP

Sa Sa Su T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Su T/Th T/Th M T Th F Sa Su Sa Su M T Th F Sa Sa Sa Su T/Th W F T/Th Sa Su T/Th W F T/Th Sa Su W Sa Su W T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su

8:35am 10:25am 10:55am 7:15pm 7:15pm 8:35am 10:25am 10:55am 7:15pm 7:15pm 4:50pm 6:20pm 6:05pm 5:45pm 11:40am 10:50am 11:40am 10:50am 4:50pm 6:20pm 6:05pm 5:45pm 12:10pm 12:10pm 12pm 11:35am 7:25pm 7:10pm 4:40pm 7:25pm 12pm 11:35am 7:25pm 7:10pm 4:40pm 7:25pm 10:05am 10:35am 4:10pm 10:05am 10:35am 4:10pm 5:10pm 9am 9:35am 11:20am 9am 9:35am 10:10am 11:20am


M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su Su Sa Su Sa Th Sa Su M Su M W

6:35pm 4:35pm 5:10pm 9am 9:35am 11:20am 9am 9:35am 11:35am 11:55am 8:25am 6:05pm 11:30am 9am 6:30pm 9am 6:30pm 6:30pm

192 215 0808 05/04 2AQ 192 215 0810 05/05 2AP 192 215 0811 05/05 2AP 192 215 0812 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0813 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0814 05/09 2AAE 192 215 0815 05/10 2AAE 192 215 0816 05/10 2AAE 456 215 0801 02/28 2AAE 456 215 0803 03/01 2AAE 456 215 0802 05/02 2AAE 456 215 0804 05/07 2AQ 472 215 0801 02/28 2AAE 472 215 0802 03/01 2AAE 472 215 0803 03/02 2AAE 472 215 0804 04/19 2AP 472 215 0805 04/20 2AP 472 215 0806 04/22 2ABC

Pee Wee Paddler VI (4-7 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Pee Wee Paddler V or equivalent skill proficiency. Student must be able to swim the front crawl and back crawl at least 25 yds. and breaststroke at least 15 yds. Class Emphasis: To improve swim skill proficiency and endurance for front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke and introduce the butterfly. 2AAE 6--30 minute lessons--$73 2AQ 7--30 minute lessons--$86 2AP 8--30 minute lessons--$98 2ABC 9--30 minute lessons--$110 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore

142 215 0901 142 215 0902 159 215 0903 159 215 0904 159 215 0901 159 215 0902 159 215 0905 159 215 0906 159 215 0907 159 215 0908 175 215 0901 175 215 0902 175 215 0905 175 215 0906 175 215 0903 175 215 0904 175 215 0907 175 215 0908 183 215 0901 183 215 0902 183 215 0903 183 215 0904 183 215 0905 183 215 0906

03/01 2AQ 05/03 2AAE 03/05 2AP 03/06 2AP 03/07 2AQ 03/08 2AQ 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/07 2AQ 05/08 2AQ 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/03 2AP 04/07 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/05 2AP 06/02 2AAE 02/28 2AP 03/01 2AP 03/04 2AP 05/02 2AAE 05/03 2AAE 05/06 2AQ

Su Su Th F Sa Su Sa Su Th F Sa Su T/Th T/Th Sa Su T/Th T/Th Sa Su W Sa Su W

12:25pm 12:25pm 6:40pm 5:45pm 12:15pm 11:25am 12:15pm 11:25am 6:40pm 5:45pm 12:35pm 12:10pm 8pm 8pm 12:35pm 12:10pm 8pm 8pm 10:40am 10:35am 4:50pm 10:40am 10:35am 4:50pm

Make a Splash!

Swim Lessons offered Year Round at RECenter Pools. Sign up today!

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Aquatics Learn-to-Swim Classes for Children Swimming I for Children (6-12 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Children must be able to function in a group setting. Class Emphasis: To help child gain basic swimming and safety skills and overcome fear of water. Skills include: entering and exiting water, blowing bubbles through mouth and nose; with assistance - floating on front and back, gliding on front and back, rolling from front to back and back to front, swimming at least two body lengths on front and back using arms and legs. 2AAX 6--45 minute lesson--$76 2AT 7--45 minute lessons--$88 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101 2ABN 9--45 minute lessons--$113 2AL 10--45 minute lessons--$126 2ABR 12--45 minute lessons--$151 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 216 0801 142 216 0802 142 216 0803 142 216 0804 142 216 0806 142 216 0805 142 216 0807 142 216 0808 142 216 0809 142 216 0810 142 216 0811 142 216 0813 142 216 0812 142 216 0814 159 216 0805 159 216 0806 159 216 0807 159 216 0808 159 216 0801 159 216 0802 159 216 0803 159 216 0804 159 216 0809 159 216 0810 159 216 0811 159 216 0812 159 216 0813 159 216 0814 159 216 0815 159 216 0816 167 216 0801 167 216 0802 167 216 0805 167 216 0806 167 216 0809 167 216 0810 167 216 0811 167 216 0803 167 216 0804 167 216 0807 167 216 0808 167 216 0812 175 216 0801 175 216 0802 175 216 0807 175 216 0811 175 216 0803 175 216 0808 175 216 0812

02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/02 2AS 03/06 2AT 04/06 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AT 05/08 2AAX 06/01 2AAX 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AS 03/07 2AT 03/07 2AT 03/08 2AT 03/08 2AT 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/05 2AT 05/05 2AT 05/08 2AT 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 04/07 2AL 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/12 2ABR 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AS 04/06 2AP 04/07 2AS


Sa Sa Sa Su M/W F M/W Sa Sa Sa Su M/W F M/W M T T F Sa Sa Su Su Sa Sa Su Su M T T F Sa Sa Su Su M/W T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Su Su T/Th Sa Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th

9:15am 10:50am 11:25am 10am 7:15pm 7:15pm 7:15pm 9:15am 10:50am 11:25am 10am 7:15pm 7:15pm 7:15pm 6:05pm 4:45pm 6:40pm 6:20pm 10am 10:50am 10:10am 11am 10am 10:50am 10:10am 11am 6:05pm 4:45pm 6:40pm 6:20pm 10:10am 11:25am 9:20am 11:25am 7:10pm 6pm 6pm 10:10am 11:25am 9:20am 11:25am 6pm 9am 9am 4:35pm 5:35pm 4:30pm 4:35pm 5:35pm

Students are all smiles in Aquatics classes. From stroke development to treading water, classes are available for all ages. SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC GWREC GWREC

Sa Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M Th F Sa Sa Su Su M Th F M/W Sa Sa Su Su Su M/W Sa Sa Su Su Su Sa Sa

9am 9am 4:35pm 5:35pm 4:30pm 4:35pm 5:35pm 9:50am 11:15am 11:10am 3:40pm 6:20pm 7:10pm 5pm 9:50am 11:15am 11:10am 5:05pm 6:20pm 7:10pm 5:50pm 7:45pm 9:50am 10:40am 9am 9:50am 10:40am 7:45pm 9:50am 10:40am 9am 9:50am 10:40am 9:40am 10:05am

175 216 0804 05/02 2AAX 175 216 0805 05/03 2AAX 175 216 0809 05/04 2AT 175 216 0813 05/05 2AS 175 216 0806 05/08 2AAX 175 216 0810 06/01 2AAX 175 216 0814 06/02 2AAX 183 216 0801 02/28 2AS 183 216 0802 02/28 2AS 183 216 0803 03/01 2AS 183 216 0804 03/01 2AS 183 216 0805 03/02 2AS 183 216 0806 03/05 2AS 183 216 0807 03/06 2AS 183 216 0808 05/02 2AAX 183 216 0809 05/02 2AAX 183 216 0810 05/03 2AAX 183 216 0811 05/03 2AAX 183 216 0812 05/04 2AAX 183 216 0813 05/07 2AT 183 216 0814 05/08 2AT 192 216 0806 03/04 2AAX 192 216 0801 03/07 2AS 192 216 0802 03/07 2AS 192 216 0803 03/08 2AS 192 216 0804 03/08 2AS 192 216 0805 03/08 2AS 192 216 0807 05/04 2AT 192 216 0808 05/09 2AAX 192 216 0809 05/09 2AAX 192 216 0810 05/10 2AAX 192 216 0811 05/10 2AAX 192 216 0812 05/10 2AAX 449 216 0802 02/28 2AS 449 216 0801 02/28 2AS


M M T W Th Sa Sa M M T W Th Sa M/W T Th M/W Sa Su M/W T Th M/W Sa Su Su M Th Sa Su Su Th

5:40pm 6:05pm 5:40pm 5:30pm 5pm 9:40am 10:05am 5:40pm 6:05pm 5:40pm 5:30pm 5pm 9am 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 9am 9:35am 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 5:50pm 8:30am 10am 11:25am 4:40pm 5:35pm 8:30am 10am 11:25am 5:20pm

449 216 0805 03/02 2AS 449 216 0806 03/02 2AS 449 216 0809 03/03 2AS 449 216 0811 03/04 2AS 449 216 0813 03/05 2AS 449 216 0804 05/02 2AAX 449 216 0803 05/02 2AAX 449 216 0807 05/04 2AAX 449 216 0808 05/04 2AAX 449 216 0810 05/05 2AAX 449 216 0812 05/06 2AT 449 216 0814 05/07 2AT 456 216 0801 02/28 2AAX 456 216 0804 03/02 2AS 456 216 0808 03/03 2AS 456 216 0810 03/05 2AS 456 216 0805 04/06 2AS 456 216 0802 05/02 2AAX 456 216 0803 05/03 2AN 456 216 0806 05/04 2AT 456 216 0809 05/05 2AT 456 216 0811 05/07 2AT 456 216 0807 06/01 2AAX 472 216 0801 02/28 2AAX 472 216 0802 03/01 2AAX 472 216 0803 03/01 2AAX 472 216 0804 03/02 2AAX 472 216 0805 03/05 2AAX 472 216 0806 04/18 2AS 472 216 0807 04/19 2AS 472 216 0808 04/19 2AS 472 216 0809 04/23 2ABN

Swimming II for Children (6-12 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Swimming I class or skill proficiency to blow bubbles with face submerged at least three seconds; With Assistance (instructor assisted or with use of flotation device) - float on front and back at least three seconds, swim on front and back using arms and legs at least two body lengths. Class Emphasis: To increase child confidence and ability to perform skills with and without flotation assistance, perform skills without use of support or flotation devices, entering water by jumping in chest deep water, blowing bubbles with face submerged under water, floating on front and back, gliding on front and back at least two body lengths, rolling from front to back and back to front, swimming on front and back at least three body lengths using arms and legs; and introduce treading water. 2AAX 6--45 minute lesson--$76 2AT 7--45 minute lessons--$88 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101 2ABN 9--45 minute lessons--$113 2AL 10--45 minute lessons--$126 2ABQ 11--45 minute lessons--$139 2ABR 12--45 minute lessons--$151 Location Day Time


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142 216 0901 142 216 0902 142 216 0903 142 216 0904 142 216 0905 142 216 0906 142 216 0907 142 216 0908 142 216 0910 142 216 0911

02/28 02/28 02/28 02/28 03/01 03/01 03/01 03/01 03/02 03/03

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M/W T/Th

9:15am 10:35am 10:50am 11:15am 10am 11:35am 12:50pm 1:25pm 5:30pm 5:30pm


Spring 2015

Aquatics OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore

F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th M T Th F Sa Sa Su Su Sa Sa Su Su M T Th F Sa Sa Su Su T/Th F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su F M/W T/Th Sa Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M M Th F Sa

Spring 2015

6:05pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 9:15am 10:35am 10:50am 11:15am 10am 11:35am 12:50pm 1:25pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 6:05pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 6:55pm 6:55pm 7:15pm 7:10pm 10am 10:50am 10:10am 11am 10am 10:50am 10:10am 11am 6:55pm 6:55pm 7:15pm 7:10pm 9:35am 10:25am 8:30am 9:40am 6:05pm 6pm 7:10pm 6:05pm 9:35am 10:25am 8:30am 9:40am 6pm 7:10pm 6:05pm 9am 9am 5:25pm 5:35pm 5:20pm 5:25pm 5:35pm 9am 5:25pm 5:35pm 5:20pm 5:25pm 5:35pm 9:50am 11:15am 11:10am 5:05pm 3:30pm 6:20pm 6:20pm 5pm 9:50am

142 216 0909 142 216 0912 142 216 0913 142 216 0914 142 216 0915 142 216 0916 142 216 0917 142 216 0918 142 216 0919 142 216 0920 142 216 0921 142 216 0923 142 216 0924 142 216 0922 142 216 0925 142 216 0926 159 216 0905 159 216 0906 159 216 0907 159 216 0908 159 216 0901 159 216 0902 159 216 0903 159 216 0904 159 216 0909 159 216 0910 159 216 0911 159 216 0912 159 216 0913 159 216 0914 159 216 0915 159 216 0916 167 216 0901 167 216 0902 167 216 0905 167 216 0906 167 216 0911 167 216 0914 167 216 0909 167 216 0912 167 216 0903 167 216 0904 167 216 0907 167 216 0908 167 216 0915 167 216 0910 167 216 0913 175 216 0901 175 216 0902 175 216 0906 175 216 0910 175 216 0903 175 216 0907 175 216 0911 175 216 0904 175 216 0908 175 216 0912 175 216 0905 175 216 0909 175 216 0913 183 216 0901 183 216 0902 183 216 0903 183 216 0904 183 216 0905 183 216 0906 183 216 0907 183 216 0908 183 216 0909

03/06 2AT 04/06 2AS 04/07 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AT 05/05 2AS 05/08 2AAX 06/01 2AAX 06/02 2AAX 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/05 2AS 03/06 2AS 03/07 2AT 03/07 2AT 03/08 2AT 03/08 2AT 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/05 2AT 05/07 2AT 05/08 2AT 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AS 04/06 2AL 04/07 2AL 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/08 2AT 05/11 2ABQ 05/12 2ABR 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AS 04/06 2AS 04/07 2AS 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AT 05/05 2AS 05/08 2AAX 06/01 2AAE 06/02 2AAX 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/05 2AS 03/06 2AS 05/02 2AAX


Sa Su Su M M Th F M/W Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M/W Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Sa Sa M M T W Th Sa Sa M M T W Th Sa Su M/W T Th F M/W Sa Su M/W T Th M/W Sa Su M Th Sa Sa Su M Th

11:15am 11:10am 5:05pm 3:30pm 6:20pm 6:20pm 5:50pm 7:45pm 9am 9:50am 10:40am 11:30am 9am 9:50am 10:40am 11:30am 7:45pm 9am 9:50am 10:40am 11:30am 9am 9:50am 10:40am 11:30am 10:05am 11:40am 5:40pm 6:55pm 6:30pm 6:20pm 5:50pm 10:05am 11:40am 5:40pm 6:05pm 6:30pm 6:20pm 5:50pm 9:25am 9:35am 6:40pm 6:40pm 7:30pm 6:15pm 6:40pm 10:40am 9:35am 7:30pm 7:15pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 9:25am 10:50am 5:30pm 4:45pm 9:25am 10:50am 10:50am 5:35pm 4:30pm

183 216 0910 05/02 2AAX 183 216 0911 05/03 2AAX 183 216 0912 05/03 2AAX 183 216 0913 05/04 2AAX 183 216 0914 05/04 2AAX 183 216 0915 05/07 2AT 183 216 0916 05/08 2AT 192 216 0909 03/04 2AAX 192 216 0901 03/07 2AS 192 216 0902 03/07 2AS 192 216 0903 03/07 2AS 192 216 0904 03/07 2AS 192 216 0905 03/08 2AS 192 216 0906 03/08 2AS 192 216 0907 03/08 2AS 192 216 0908 03/08 2AS 192 216 0910 05/04 2AT 192 216 0911 05/09 2AAX 192 216 0912 05/09 2AAX 192 216 0913 05/09 2AAX 192 216 0914 05/09 2AAX 192 216 0915 05/10 2AAX 192 216 0916 05/10 2AAX 192 216 0917 05/10 2AAX 192 216 0918 05/10 2AAX 449 216 0901 02/28 2AS 449 216 0902 02/28 2AS 449 216 0905 03/02 2AS 449 216 0906 03/02 2AS 449 216 0909 03/03 2AS 449 216 0911 03/04 2AS 449 216 0913 03/05 2AS 449 216 0903 05/02 2AAX 449 216 0904 05/02 2AAX 449 216 0907 05/04 2AAX 4492160908 05/04 2AAX 449 216 0910 05/05 2AAX 449 216 0912 05/06 2AT 449 216 0914 05/07 2AT 456 216 0901 02/28 2AAX 456 216 0903 03/01 2AAX 456 216 0905 03/02 2AS 456 216 0909 03/03 2AS 456 216 0911 03/05 2AS 456 216 0913 03/06 2AT 456 216 0906 04/06 2AS 456 216 0902 05/02 2AAX 456 216 0904 05/03 2AN 456 216 0907 05/04 2AT 456 216 0910 05/05 2AT 456 216 0912 05/07 2AT 456 216 0908 06/01 2AAX 472 216 0901 02/28 2AAX 472 216 0902 03/01 2AAX 472 216 0903 03/02 2AAX 472 216 0904 03/05 2AAX 472 216 0905 04/18 2AS 472 216 0906 04/18 2AS 472 216 0907 04/19 2AS 472 216 0908 04/20 2AS 472 216 0909 04/23 2ABN

Swimming III for Children (6-12 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Swimming II or skill proficiency to swim unassisted on front and back at least three body lengths using arms and legs, and to blow bubbles through mouth and nose with face submerged at least three seconds. Class Emphasis: To increase endurance and independent swimming skills. Skills include

without assistance or flotation support - entering deep water safely, treading water 15 seconds, pushing off in streamlined position on front and back then flutter kicking three body lengths, rotary breathing; and swimming front crawl 15 yds., elementary backstroke 15 yds., and back crawl five yds. 2AAX 6--45 minute lesson--$76 2AT 7--45 minute lessons--$88 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101 2ABN 9--45 minute lessons--$113 2AL 10--45 minute lessons--$126 2ABQ 11--45 minute lessons--$139 2ABR 12--45 minute lessons--$151 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 216 1001 142 216 1002 142 216 1003 142 216 1004 142 216 1005 142 216 1006 142 216 1007 142 216 1008 142 216 1010 142 216 1011 142 216 1009 142 216 1012 142 216 1013 142 216 1014 142 216 1015 142 216 1016 142 216 1017 142 216 1018 142 216 1019 142 216 1020 142 216 1021 142 216 1023 142 216 1024 142 216 1022 142 216 1025 142 216 1026 159 216 1005 159 216 1006 159 216 1007 159 216 1008 159 216 1009 159 216 1001 159 216 1002 159 216 1003 159 216 1004 159 216 1010 159 216 1011 159 216 1012 159 216 1013 159 216 1014 159 216 1015 159 216 1016 159 216 1017 159 216 1018 167 216 1001 167 216 1002 167 216 1005 167 216 1007 167 216 1010 167 216 1015 167 216 1008 167 216 1011 167 216 1012 167 216 1003

02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AT 04/06 2AS 04/07 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AT 05/05 2AS 05/08 2AAX 06/01 2AAX 06/02 2AAX 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/04 2AS 03/05 2AS 03/06 2AS 03/07 2AT 03/07 2AT 03/08 2AT 03/08 2AT 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/05 2AT 05/06 2AT 05/07 2AT 05/08 2AT 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AS 04/06 2AL 04/07 2AL 04/07 2AL 05/02 2AAX

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Sa 9:15am Sa 10:50am Sa 11:40am Sa 12:05pm Sa 12:30pm Su 10am Su 11:35am Su 1pm M/W 6:20pm T/Th 6:20pm F 6:55pm M/W 6:20pm T/Th 6:20pm Sa 9:15am Sa 10:50am Sa 11:40am Sa 12:05pm Sa 12:30pm Su 10am Su 11:35am Su 1pm M/W 6:20pm T/Th 6:20pm F 6:55pm M/W 6:20pm T/Th 6:20pm M 6:05pm T 7:30pm W 4:30pm Th 4:30pm F 6:20pm Sa 10am Sa 10:50am Su 10:10am Su 11am Sa 10am Sa 10:50am Su 10:10am Su 11am M 6:05pm T 7:30pm W 4:30pm Th 4:30pm F 6:20pm Sa 9am Sa 11am Su 11:20am M/W 7:15pm T/Th 7:50pm F 6:50pm M/W 7:15pm T/Th 6:25pm T/Th 7:50pm Sa 9am


Aquatics SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC


Sa Su F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M/W T/Th F F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M M W Th F Sa Sa Su Su M W Th F M/W Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M/W Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Sa M T W Th Sa M T W

11am 11:20am 6:50pm 7:15pm 7:50pm 9:50am 10:45am 9:50am 10:45am 6:20pm 6:25pm 5:10pm 6:05pm 6:20pm 6:25pm 9am 9:50am 10:45am 9:50am 10:45am 6:20pm 6:25pm 6:05pm 6:20pm 6:25pm 9:50am 11:15am 11:10am 5:05pm 3:30pm 5:30pm 5:40pm 5:30pm 5:20pm 9:50am 11:15am 11:10am 5:05pm 5:30pm 5:40pm 5:30pm 6:40pm 7:45pm 9am 10am 10:40am 11:30am 9am 9:50am 10:40am 11:30am 7:45pm 9am 10am 10:40am 11:30am 9am 9:50am 10:40am 11:30am 11:40am 6:30pm 6:05pm 7:10pm 5:50pm 11:40am 6:30pm 6:05pm 7:10pm

167 216 1004 167 216 1006 167 216 1016 167 216 1009 167 216 1013 175 216 1001 175 216 1009 175 216 1002 175 216 1007 175 216 1013 175 216 1017 175 216 1003 175 216 1011 175 216 1014 175 216 1018 175 216 1004 175 216 1005 175 216 1010 175 216 1006 175 216 1008 175 216 1015 175 216 1019 175 216 1012 175 216 1016 175 216 1020 183 216 1001 183 216 1002 183 216 1003 183 216 1004 183 216 1005 183 216 1006 183 216 1007 183 216 1008 183 216 1009 183 216 1010 183 216 1011 183 216 1012 183 216 1013 183 216 1014 183 216 1015 183 216 1016 183 216 1017 192 216 1009 192 216 1001 192 216 1002 192 216 1003 192 216 1004 192 216 1005 192 216 1006 192 216 1007 192 216 1008 192 216 1010 192 216 1011 192 216 1012 192 216 1013 192 216 1014 192 216 1015 192 216 1016 192 216 1017 192 216 1018 449 216 1002 449 216 1005 449 216 1007 449 216 1009 449 216 1011 449 216 1004 449 216 1006 449 216 1008 449 216 1010

05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/08 2AT 05/11 2ABQ 05/12 2ABR 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AS 03/06 2AS 04/06 2AS 04/07 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AT 05/05 2AS 05/08 2AAX 06/01 2AAX 06/02 2AAX 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/04 2AS 03/05 2AS 03/06 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/06 2AT 05/07 2AT 05/08 2AT 03/04 2AAX 03/07 2AS 03/07 2AS 03/07 2AS 03/07 2AS 03/08 2AS 03/08 2AS 03/08 2AS 03/08 2AS 05/04 2AT 05/09 2AAX 05/09 2AAX 05/09 2AAX 05/09 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 02/28 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/04 2AS 03/05 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/05 2AAX 05/06 2AT


Th Sa Su Su M/W T Th F M/W Sa Su M/W T Th F M/W Sa Su M W Sa Su M W

5:50pm 9am 9am 11:30am 7:30pm 7:30pm 6:40pm 6:15pm 7:30pm 9am 9am 7:15pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 6:15pm 7:15pm 10:20am 10am 6:20pm 4:45pm 10:20am 10am 4:45pm 4:45pm

449 216 1012 456 216 1001 456 216 1003 456 216 1004 456 216 1006 456 216 1010 456 216 1012 456 216 1014 456 216 1007 456 216 1002 456 216 1005 456 216 1008 456 216 1011 456 216 1013 456 216 1015 456 216 1009 472 216 1001 472 216 1002 472 216 1003 472 216 1004 472 216 1005 472 216 1006 472 216 1007 472 216 1008

05/07 2AT 02/28 2AAX 03/01 2AAX 03/01 2AAX 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/05 2AS 03/06 2AT 04/06 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AN 05/04 2AT 05/05 2AT 05/07 2AT 05/08 2AT 06/01 2AAX 02/28 2AAX 03/01 2AAX 03/02 2AAX 03/04 2AAX 04/18 2AS 04/19 2AS 04/20 2AS 04/22 2ABN

Swimming IV for Children (6-12 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Swimming III or skill proficiency to safely enter deep water, rotary breathing, treading water 15 seconds, swimming front crawl and elementary backstroke 15 yds., and back crawl five yds. Class Emphasis: Continue to develop confidence and improve skill proficiency, distance and endurance. Skills include: diving from side in deep water, swimming under water, front crawl and backstroke open turns, treading water 30 seconds; swimming front crawl, elementary backstroke and back crawl at least 25 yds., and breaststroke at least 15 yds. 2AAX 6--45 minute lesson--$76 2AT 7--45 minute lessons--$88 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101 2ABN 9--45 minute lessons--$113 2AL 10--45 minute lessons--$126 2ABQ 11--45 minute lessons--$139 2ABR 12--45 minute lessons--$151 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 216 1101 142 216 1102 142 216 1103 142 216 1104 142 216 1105 142 216 1106 142 216 1107 142 216 1108 142 216 1110 142 216 1111 142 216 1109 142 216 1112 142 216 1113 142 216 1114 142 216 1115 142 216 1116 142 216 1117 142 216 1118 142 216 1119 142 216 1120 142 216 1121 142 216 1123 142 216 1124

02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 02/28 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AT 04/06 2AS 04/07 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AT 05/05 2AS

Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su M/W T/Th

9:30am 11:05am 11:50am 12:50pm 10am 11:35am 12:30pm 1:45pm 7:10pm 6pm 5:30pm 7:10pm 6pm 9:30am 11:05am 11:50am 12:50pm 10am 11:35am 12:30pm 1:45pm 7:10pm 6pm

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

F M/W T/Th M T F Sa Sa Su Su Sa Sa Su Su M T F Sa Sa M/W T/Th M/W T/Th Sa Sa M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M/W F M/W Sa Sa Su Su M M T W F Sa Sa Su Su M M W F Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Su Sa Sa

5:30pm 7:10pm 6pm 6:55pm 7:45pm 7:10pm 9:10am 12pm 9am 12pm 9:10am 12pm 9am 12pm 6:55pm 7:45pm 7:10pm 9am 10am 8pm 6:50pm 8pm 6:50pm 9am 10am 8pm 6:50pm 9:50am 10:45am 9:50am 10:45am 7:10pm 7:15pm 6:05pm 7:10pm 7:15pm 9:50am 10:45am 9:50am 10:45am 7:10pm 6:05pm 7:10pm 11am 11:05am 12pm 5:05pm 4:20pm 5:30pm 5:40pm 5:40pm 6:10pm 11am 11:05am 12pm 5:05pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 5:40pm 6:40pm 9am 9:50am 11:50am 9am 9:50am 10:40am 11:30am 9am 9:50am

142 216 1122 142 216 1125 142 216 1126 159 216 1105 159 216 1106 159 216 1107 159 216 1101 159 216 1102 159 216 1103 159 216 1104 159 216 1108 159 216 1109 159 216 1110 159 216 1111 159 216 1112 159 216 1113 159 216 1114 167 216 1101 167 216 1102 167 216 1105 167 216 1108 167 216 1106 167 216 1109 167 216 1103 167 216 1104 167 216 1107 167 216 1110 175 216 1108 175 216 1101 175 216 1106 175 216 1102 175 216 1111 175 216 1115 175 216 1103 175 216 1112 175 216 1116 175 216 1109 175 216 1104 175 216 1107 175 216 1105 175 216 1113 175 216 1110 175 216 1114 183 216 1101 183 216 1102 183 216 1103 183 216 1104 183 216 1105 183 216 1106 183 216 1108 183 216 1107 183 216 1109 183 216 1110 183 216 1111 183 216 1112 183 216 1113 183 216 1114 183 216 1115 183 216 1116 183 216 1117 192 216 1101 192 216 1102 192 216 1103 192 216 1104 192 216 1105 192 216 1106 192 216 1107 192 216 1108 192 216 1109

05/08 2AAX 06/01 2AAX 06/02 2AAX 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AS 03/07 2AT 03/07 2AT 03/08 2AT 03/08 2AT 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/05 2AT 05/08 2AT 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 04/06 2AL 04/07 2AL 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/11 2ABQ 05/12 2ABR 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/06 2AS 04/06 2AS 04/07 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AT 05/08 2AAX 06/01 2AAX 02/28 2AS 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/04 2AS 03/06 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/06 2AT 05/08 2AT 03/07 2AS 03/07 2AS 03/07 2AS 03/08 2AS 03/08 2AS 03/08 2AS 03/08 2AS 05/09 2AAX 05/09 2AAX

Spring 2015


Sa Su Su Su Su Sa M Th Sa M Th Su M/W T Th M/W Sa Su M/W T Th F M/W Sa Su W Sa Su W

11:30am 9am 9:50am 10:40am 11:30am 11:35am 7:10pm 6:05pm 11:35am 7:10pm 6:05pm 10:15am 7:30pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 7:30pm 9:40am 11am 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:15pm 6:40pm 11:10am 10:50am 5:35pm 11:10am 10:50am 5:35pm

192 216 1110 192 216 1111 192 216 1112 192 216 1113 192 216 1114 449 216 1101 449 216 1103 449 216 1105 449 216 1102 449 216 1104 449 216 1106 456 216 1102 456 216 1104 456 216 1108 456 216 1110 456 216 1105 456 216 1101 456 216 1103 456 216 1106 456 216 1109 456 216 1111 456 216 1112 456 216 1107 472 216 1101 472 216 1102 472 216 1103 472 216 1104 472 216 1105 472 216 1106

05/09 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 02/28 2AS 03/02 2AS 03/05 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/04 2AAX 05/07 2AT 03/01 2AAX 03/02 2AS 03/03 2AS 03/05 2AS 04/06 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AN 05/04 2AT 05/05 2AT 05/07 2AT 05/08 2AT 06/01 2AAX 02/28 2AAX 03/01 2AAX 03/04 2AAX 04/18 2AS 04/19 2AS 04/22 2ABN

Swimming V for Children (6-12 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Swimming IV or skill proficiency to enter deep water safely, tread water 30 seconds, and swimming front crawl, elementary backstroke and back crawl at least 25 yds., and breaststroke at least 15 yds. Class Emphasis: Help students to increase endurance and skill proficiency for treading water; swimming front crawl, elementary back stroke, back crawl and breaststroke at least 50 yds., treading water one minute and introduce the butterfly. 2AM 5--55 minute lessons--$67 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 2ABZ 9--55 minute lessons--$121 2AB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 2AD 12--55 minute lessons--$161 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 216 1201 142 216 1202 142 216 1203 142 216 1204 142 216 1206 142 216 1207 142 216 1205 142 216 1208 142 216 1209 142 216 1210 142 216 1211 142 216 1212 142 216 1213 142 216 1215 142 216 1216 142 216 1214 142 216 1217 142 216 1218 159 216 1203 159 216 1201

02/28 2AW 02/28 2AW 03/01 2AW 03/01 2AW 03/02 2AV 03/03 2AV 03/06 2AW 04/06 2AV 04/07 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AW 05/05 2AV 05/08 2AAY 06/01 2AAY 06/02 2AAY 03/04 2AV 03/07 2AW

Sa Sa Su Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th Sa Sa Su Su M/W T/Th F M/W T/Th W Sa

Spring 2015

8:30am 1pm 11:35am 1:50pm 6pm 6:50pm 6:20pm 6pm 6:50pm 8:30am 1pm 11:35am 1:50pm 6pm 6:50pm 6:20pm 6pm 6:50pm 7pm 10am


Sa Su Sa Sa Sa Su Th M/W Sa Su M/W T Sa Su W Sa Su W

11:30am 11:30am 11:10am 11:10am 10:25am 10:30am 7:30pm 6:30pm 9am 11:50am 7:40pm 7:30pm 9:30am 9am 5:45pm 9:30am 9am 5:50pm

192 216 1207 192 216 1208 449 216 1201 449 216 1202 456 216 1201 456 216 1203 456 216 1208 456 216 1205 456 216 1202 456 216 1204 456 216 1206 456 216 1207 472 216 1201 472 216 1202 472 216 1203 472 216 1204 472 216 1205 472 216 1206

05/09 2AAY 05/10 2AAY 02/28 2AV 05/02 2AAY 02/28 2AAY 03/01 2AAY 03/05 2AV 04/06 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AM 05/04 2AW 05/05 2AW 02/28 2AAY 03/01 2AAY 03/04 2AAY 04/18 2AV 04/19 2AV 04/22 2ABZ

Swimming VI for Children (6-12 yrs.)

All aboard for a splashing good time in Park Authority Aquatics classes! Flotation devices make learning fun. ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

Su Sa Su W Sa T/Th T/Th T/Th Sa T/Th T/Th Sa Su M F Sa Su M T/Th F T/Th Sa Su Su M W F Sa Su Su M W F Sa Sa Sa Su Sa Sa

9:50am 10am 9:50am 7pm 10:25am 7:15pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 10:25am 7:15pm 7:30pm 11:35am 11:35am 6:15pm 7pm 11:35am 11:35am 6:15pm 7:15pm 7pm 7:15pm 10:05am 12pm 4pm 4:20pm 6:30pm 7pm 10:05am 12pm 4:05pm 4:20pm 6:30pm 5:30pm 9am 10:50am 11:30am 11:30am 9am 10:50am

159 216 1202 159 216 1204 159 216 1205 159 216 1206 167 216 1201 167 216 1203 167 216 1204 167 216 1205 167 216 1202 167 216 1206 167 216 1208 175 216 1201 175 216 1202 175 216 1206 175 216 1203 175 216 1204 175 216 1205 175 216 1207 175 216 1209 175 216 1208 175 216 1210 183 216 1201 183 216 1202 183 216 1203 183 216 1204 183 216 1205 183 216 1206 183 216 1207 183 216 1208 183 216 1209 183 216 1210 183 216 1211 183 216 1212 192 216 1201 192 216 1202 192 216 1203 192 216 1204 192 216 1205 192 216 1206

03/08 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/06 2AW 02/28 2AV 03/03 2AV 03/03 2AV 04/07 2AB 05/02 2AAY 05/12 2AD 05/12 2AD 02/28 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/02 2AV 03/06 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AAY 05/05 2AV 05/08 2AAY 06/02 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/02 2AV 03/04 2AV 03/06 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AAY 05/06 2AW 05/08 2AW 03/07 2AV 03/07 2AV 03/07 2AV 03/08 2AV 05/09 2AAY 05/09 2AAY

Prerequisite: Swimming V or skill proficiency to swim front crawl, elementary backstroke, back crawl and breaststroke at least 50 yds., swim butterfly at least 15 yds. and tread water at least one minute. Class Emphasis: This class continues to refine swim strokes and build endurance to swim each stroke 100 yds. and introduces students to the sidestroke, flip turns and lap swimming. 2AM 5--55 minute lessons--$67 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

142 216 1301 142 216 1302 142 216 1303 142 216 1304 142 216 1305 142 216 1306 159 216 1301 159 216 1302 159 216 1303 159 216 1304 175 216 1301 175 216 1302 175 216 1305 175 216 1307 175 216 1303 175 216 1304 175 216 1306 175 216 1308 183 216 1301 183 216 1302 183 216 1303 183 216 1304 183 216 1305 183 216 1306 183 216 1307 183 216 1308 456 216 1301 456 216 1306 456 216 1302 456 216 1307 456 216 1305 472 216 1301 472 216 1302 472 216 1303

02/28 2AW 03/01 2AW 03/01 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 03/07 2AW 03/08 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/04 2AV 03/06 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/06 2AAY 05/08 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/04 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/06 2AW 05/08 2AW 02/28 2AAY 03/03 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/07 2AW 06/01 2AAY 02/28 2AAY 04/18 2AV 04/23 2AV

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Sa Su Su Sa Su Su Sa Su Sa Su Sa Su W F Sa Su W F Sa Su Su W Sa Su W F Sa T Sa Th M/W Sa Sa Th

12pm 10am 12:40pm 12pm 10am 12:40pm 11am 9am 11am 9am 12:35pm 9am 6:15pm 7pm 12:35pm 9am 6:15pm 7pm 10am 12pm 5pm 6:30pm 10am 12pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 11:25am 7:30pm 10am 7:30pm 7:30pm 10:30am 10:30am 6:10pm


Aquatics Home School Learn to Swim Level 1 & 2 (6-17 yrs.)

This course combines the learn-to-swim levels I & II and targets children who are home schooled, but is open to any child. Children work on basic swimming skills such as breathing, floating on front and back, and swimming on front and back. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $


159 216 5701 159 216 5702 167 216 5701 167 216 5702 456 216 5701 472 216 5701 472 216 5702

03/02 2AV 05/04 2AAY 03/04 2AP 05/06 2AT 03/05 2AS 03/02 2AAX 04/20 2AS

M M W W Th M M

11:05am 11:05am 10:45am 10:45am 1:45pm 11:30am 11:30am

Home School Learn to Swim Level 3 & 4 (6-17 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Swimming II or skill proficiency to swim unassisted on front and back at least three body lengths using arms and legs, and to blow bubbles through mouth and nose with face submerged underwater at least three seconds. This course combines Swimming III & IV skills and targets children who are home schooled, but is open to any child with the appropriate skill level. For information about skills taught in this class see descriptions for Swimming III and IV. 2AS 2AV 2AS 2A7 2AP

8--45 minute lessons--$101 8--55 minute lessons--$107 8-45 minute lessons--$101 7--45 minute lessons--$88 8--30 minute lessons-- $98

Location Day Time


Begin $


167 216 5801 167 216 5802 456 216 5801 472 216 5801 472 216 5802 472 216 5803 472 216 5804

03/04 2AV 05/06 2AW 03/05 2AS 03/02 2AAX 03/04 2AAX 04/20 2AS 04/22 2AS

W W Th M W M W

11:35am 11:35am 2:35pm 12:20pm 12:20pm 12:20pm 12:20pm

Home School Learn to Swim 5 & 6 (6-17 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming IV or skill proficiency to enter deep water safety, tread water 30 seconds; swim front crawl, elementary backstroke and back crawl at least 25 yds., and breaststroke at least 15 yds. Class helps students increase endurance and skill proficiency for Swimming V and VI level skills (see Swimming V and VI class descriptions for more information). 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AAX 6--45 minute lessons--$76 Location Day Time



472 216 5901 03/02 2AAY 472 216 5902 04/20 2AV


1:10pm 1:10pm

Make a Splash!

Swim Lessons offered Year Round at RECenter Pools. Sign up today! 32

Begin $

Homeschool Stroke & Swim (9-17 yrs.)

This class is for swimmers who can swim at least 25 yds. non-stop on front and back. Class is designed to help swimmers improve techniques such as breathing, kicks, strokes and fitness level. Students are divided into groups according to different abilities. 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $


159 216 5101 159 216 5102 159 216 5103 159 216 5104 167 216 5101 167 216 5102

03/03 03/05 05/05 05/07 03/04 05/06

T Th T Th W W

10:30am 10:30am 10:30am 10:30am 12pm 12pm


Learn-to-Swim Classes for Teens and Adults Swimming I - Teens & Adults (13-Adult)

Class Emphasis: To help student gain basic swimming and safety skills and overcome fear of water. Skills include: entering and exiting water, floating on front and back, gliding on front and back, breathing techniques, rolling from front to back and back to front, swimming at least two body lengths on front and back using arms and legs. 2AM 5--55 minute lessons--$67 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 2ABZ 9--55 minute lessons--$121 2AF 11--55 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

142 216 1901 142 216 1902 142 216 1904 142 216 1903 142 216 1905 142 216 1906 142 216 1907 142 216 1909 142 216 1908 142 216 1910 159 216 1902 159 216 1903 159 216 1904 159 216 1901 159 216 1905 159 216 1906 159 216 1907 159 216 1908 167 216 1901 167 216 1903 167 216 1904 167 216 1902 175 216 1901 183 216 1901 183 216 1903 183 216 1902 183 216 1904 183 216 1905 183 216 1906 183 216 1907 192 216 1902 192 216 1901 192 216 1903

03/01 2AW 03/01 2AW 03/02 2AV 03/06 2AW 04/06 2AV 05/03 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AW 05/08 2AAY 06/01 2AAY 03/02 2AV 03/02 2AV 03/06 2AV 03/07 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/04 2AAY 05/04 2AAY 05/08 2AW 03/02 2AV 03/06 2AV 05/08 2AW 05/11 2AF 03/01 2AV 02/28 2AV 03/06 2AV 04/07 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AAY 05/08 2AW 03/03 2AV 03/07 2AV 05/05 2AW

Su Su M/W F M/W Su Su M/W F M/W M M F Sa Sa M M F M/W F F M/W Su Sa F T/Th Sa Su M F T Sa T

9am 12:05pm 8pm 7:50pm 8pm 9am 12:05pm 8pm 7:50pm 8pm 10:05am 7:45pm 10:35am 11:40am 11:40am 10:05am 7:45pm 10:35am 8:05pm 7:40pm 7:40pm 8:05pm 12:40pm 9:35am 7:35pm 11:05am 9:35am 11:45am 7:10pm 7:30pm 6pm 8am 6pm


Sa Sa Th Sa Th Sa M/W T F Sa Su Th Su

8am 9:05am 6:40pm 9:05am 6:40pm 8am 7:15pm 7:30pm 7:05pm 11am 10:25am 7:30pm 9am

192 216 1904 449 216 1901 449 216 1903 449 216 1902 449 216 1904 456 216 1901 456 216 1904 456 216 1905 456 216 1907 456 216 1902 456 216 1903 456 216 1906 472 216 1901

05/09 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/05 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/07 2AW 02/28 2AAY 03/02 2AV 03/03 2AV 03/06 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AM 05/07 2AW 03/01 2AAY

Swimming II - Teens & Adults (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Swimming I or skill proficiency to blow bubbles with face submerged at least three seconds; float on front and back at least three seconds, swim on front and back using arms and legs at least two body lengths. Class Emphasis: To perform skills without use of support or flotation devices to float on front and back, swim on front and back at least three body lengths, and roll over from front to back and back to front, and introduce treading water. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 2AB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time


OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC GWREC GWREC GWREC GWREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC

142 216 2001 03/01 2AW 142 216 2002 03/01 2AW 142 216 2004 03/03 2AV 142 216 2003 03/06 2AW 142 216 2005 04/07 2AV 142 216 2006 05/03 2AAY 142 216 2007 05/03 2AAY 142 216 2009 05/05 2AV 142 216 2008 05/08 2AAY 142 216 2010 06/02 2AAY 159 216 2001 03/03 2AV 159 216 2002 03/04 2AV 159 216 2003 05/05 2AW 159 216 2004 05/06 2AW 167 216 2001 04/06 2AB 175 216 2001 05/03 2AAY 183 216 2001 02/28 2AV 183 216 2002 03/01 2AV 183 216 2003 03/02 2AV 183 216 2005 03/06 2AV 183 216 2006 05/02 2AAY 183 216 2004 05/05 2AV 183 216 2007 05/06 2AW 183 216 2008 05/08 2AW 192 216 2002 03/03 2AV 192 216 2001 03/07 2AV 192 216 2003 05/05 2AW 192 216 2004 05/09 2AAY 449 216 2001 02/28 2AV 449 216 2004 03/05 2AV 449 216 2002 05/02 2AAY 449 216 2005 05/07 2AW 456 216 2002 03/01 2AAY 456 216 2004 03/05 2AV 456 216 2005 03/06 2AW 456 216 2001 05/02 2AAY 456 216 2006 05/08 2AW 456 216 2003 06/01 2AAY 472 216 2001 04/19 2AV

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Su Su T/Th F T/Th Su Su T/Th F T/Th T W T W M/W Su Sa Su M F S T/Th W F T Sa T Sa Sa Th Sa Th Su Th F Sa F M/W Su

9am 11am 7:50pm 7:45pm 7:50pm 9am 11am 7:50pm 7:45pm 7:50pm 11:30am 7:15pm 11:30am 7:15pm 8:05pm 12:40pm 10:35am 11:45am 7:10pm 7:35pm 10:35am 11:05am 7:30pm 7:30pm 6pm 8am 6pm 8am 9:05am 6:40pm 9:05am 6:40pm 12:20pm 7:30pm 7:05pm 8am 7:05pm 7:30pm 9am

Begin $

Spring 2015

Aquatics Swimming III - Teens & Adults (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Swimming II or skill proficiency to swim unassisted on front and back at least three body lengths using arms and legs, and to submerge face in water for at least 3 seconds. Class Emphasis: Increase endurance and independent swim skills, including (without assistance) rotary breathing, entering deep water safely, treading water 15 seconds and swimming front crawl and elementary backstroke 15 yds., and back crawl five yds. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC

142 216 2101 142 216 2102 142 216 2103 142 216 2104 142 216 2105 142 216 2106 159 216 2101 159 216 2102 175 216 2101 183 216 2101 183 216 2104 183 216 2102 183 216 2103 183 216 2105 183 216 2106 183 216 2107 192 216 2102 192 216 2103 456 216 2101 456 216 2102 472 216 2101

03/01 2AW 03/02 2AV 04/06 2AV 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AW 06/01 2AAY 03/05 2AV 05/07 2AW 03/02 2AV 02/28 2AV 03/03 2AV 03/04 2AV 03/05 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/07 2AW 05/08 2AW 03/07 2AV 05/09 2AAY 02/28 2AAY 05/08 2AW 02/28 2AAY

Su M/W M/W Su M/W M/W Th Th M Sa T/Th W Th Sa Th F Sa Sa Sa F Sa

9am 7:40pm 7:40pm 9am 7:40pm 7:40pm 12:30pm 12:30pm 8pm 11:35am 11:05am 7:30pm 5:50pm 11:35am 5:50pm 7:30pm 8am 8am 8am 7:05pm 8:30am

Swimming IV - Teens & Adults (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Swimming III or skill proficiency to safely enter deep water, rotary breathing, treading water 15 seconds, swimming front crawl and elementary backstroke 15 yds. Class Emphasis: Continue to develop confidence and improve skill proficiency, increase distance and endurance. Skills include diving from side in deep water, swimming under water, treading water 30 seconds and swimming front crawl and elementary backstroke 25 yds., and back crawl and breaststroke 15 yds. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $


159 216 2201 159 216 2202 175 216 2201 192 216 2201 192 216 2202 456 216 2201 472 216 2201

03/05 2AV 05/07 2AW 05/04 2AAY 03/07 2AV 05/09 2AAY 05/02 2AAY 04/18 2AV

Th Th M Sa Sa Sa Sa

11:30am 11:30am 8pm 8am 8am 8am 8:30am

Lap Swimming and Competitive Stroke Mechanics Classes 5 Days of Iron (13-Adult)

Beat the heat and come indoors to complete the 5 Days of Iron Challenge! This indoor Iron Distance Triathlon event is done independently, without instruction. Challenge yourself by completing the following by the end of the 5 day period: Swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26.2 miles. To accomplish this goal, each day participants must: swim 850 yds., bike 22.5 miles, Run 5.25 miles. Participants are required to complete at least one portion of the triathlon at the RECenter. The fee for this program allows participants the use the pool and fitness room during public hours. Track your distances in the log book at the front desk. Participants who complete the challenge by the end of day 5 receive a tee shirt. For more information contact the site’s Aquatic staff. 2A5D 5--Day--$40 Location Day Time


OakMarREC M-F 4am LeeREC M-F 6am

142 218 4701 06/08 2A5D 456 218 4701 06/01 2A5D

Lap Swim (13-Adult)

This class focuses on increasing your physical endurance and swim distance. Workouts are designed to meet the class abilities and to improve overall physical fitness through lap swimming. Students are also taught to design a personal workout and to use the pace clock. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC

142 216 2501 142 216 2502 142 216 2503 142 216 2504 142 216 2505 142 216 2506 142 216 2507 142 216 2508 159 216 2501 159 216 2502 159 216 2503 159 216 2504 159 216 2505 159 216 2506 167 216 2501 167 216 2502 175 216 2501 175 216 2502 183 216 2501 183 216 2502 183 216 2503 183 216 2504 183 216 2505 183 216 2506 192 216 2501 192 216 2502

02/28 2AW 03/01 2AW 03/03 2AV 04/07 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/05 2AV 06/02 2AAY 03/03 2AV 03/05 2AV 03/06 2AV 05/05 2AW 05/07 2AW 05/08 2AW 03/01 2AV 05/03 2AAY 03/04 2AV 05/06 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/02 2AV 03/03 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/04 2AAY 05/05 2AW 03/07 2AV 05/09 2AAY

Sa Su T/Th T/Th Sa Su T/Th T/Th T Th F T Th F Su Su W W Sa M T Sa M T Sa Sa

8am 10am 7:50pm 7:50pm 8am 10am 7:50pm 7:50pm 9:30am 9:30am 8pm 9:30am 9:30am 8pm 5pm 5pm 8pm 8pm 8:35am 7:10pm 6:35pm 8:35am 7:10pm 6:40pm 8am 8am

Stroke Mechanics (13-Adult)

Spring 2015

Learn more: www.bit.ly/5VT4MS

Begin $

Prerequisite: Ability to tread water for one minute; continuously swim 50 yds. combined stroke using freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Student must have a competitive style swim suit (one piece) and

goggles. Students with long hair may be required to use a swim cap. Class Emphasis: To improve swimming strokes and turn efficiency for fitness, competition and/or triathlon competition. Participants improve breathing techniques and stroke mechanics for freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and turns. Butterfly is introduced. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time Wkfld/Moore Su Wkfld/Moore Su


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10:10am 183 216 2601 03/01 2AV 10:10am 183 216 2602 05/03 2AAY

Advanced Lap Swim (13-Adult)

The ultimate swimming workout that helps students refine strokes to increase efficiency, endurance and swim distance. Students are taught how to adjust their personal workout to keep interest and gradually increase their workout to make it more challenging. This class is great for those who want variety in their lap swimming and to maximize their fitness benefit. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 216 3001 142 216 3002 142 216 3003 142 216 3004

03/02 2AV 04/06 2AV 05/04 2AW 06/01 2AAY


8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm

Freestyle & Backstroke Clinic-Beginner (6-11 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Ability to swim freestyle (front crawl) and backstroke 15 yds. using arm and leg action. Class Emphasis: Students focus on further developing backstroke elements using arm and leg actions while implementing breathing techniques. Starts and turns for these strokes are introduced. 2ABK 3--45 minute lessons--$38 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore

142 216 3101 142 216 3102 167 216 3101 175 216 3101 183 216 3101

05/02 2ABK 05/03 2ABK 03/01 2AS 03/01 2AV 05/04 2AAY

Sa Su Su Su M

1:30pm 3pm 4:10pm 1:30pm 3:30pm

Freestyle & Backstroke Clinic-Advanced (7-14 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Ability to swim 25 yds. freestyle (front crawl) with side breathing and backstroke. Clinic emphasis: Students focus on refining freestyle and backstrokes using drills to increase stroke proficiency. Starts and turns for these strokes are also reviewed. 2ABP 3--55 minute lessons--$40 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 216 3201 142 216 3203 142 216 3202 142 216 3204 175 216 3201

05/02 2ABP 05/02 2ABP 05/03 2ABP 05/03 2ABP 05/03 2AAY

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Sa Sa Su Su Su

1:30pm 3:10pm 3pm 4:40pm 1:30pm


Aquatics Butterfly & Breaststroke Clinic-Beginner (11-18 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Ability to demonstrate arm and leg actions for both breaststroke and butterfly for six yds. Class Emphasis: Students focus on developing arm and leg actions for these strokes while coordinating timing and breathing. Starts and turns for these strokes are introduced. 2ABK 3--45 minute lessons--$38 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AAX 6--45 minute lessons--$76 Code

Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore

142 216 3301 142 216 3302 167 216 3301 175 216 3301 183 216 3301

05/02 2ABK 05/02 2ABK 05/03 2AAX 05/03 2AAY 05/05 2AW

2:20pm 3:50pm 4:10pm 2:30pm 5:40pm

Butterfly & Breaststroke Clinic II (7-13 yrs.)

2ABP 3--55 minute lessons--$40 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Location Day Time


Begin $

3:30pm 142 216 3701 05/02 2ABP 5pm 142 216 3702 05/03 2ABP 2:30pm 175 216 3701 03/01 2AV

Swim Team Prep Class (6-17 yrs.)

Get the competitive edge and prepare for swim team season by coming in for a “tune up” of your swimming skills. This class helps swimmers who have been on a swim team in the past and want to get their competitive skills and swimming strokes ready for the next swim team season. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80

Prerequisite: Ability to swim 15 yds. of butterfly and breaststroke with breathing technique. Class emphasis: Students refine their butterfly and breaststroke to increase efficiency and swimming distances. Starts and turns for these stokes are reviewed. 2ABP 3--55 minute lessons--$40 Location Day Time


OakMarREC Sa OakMarREC Su

142 216 3601 05/02 2ABP 142 216 3602 05/03 2ABP

2:30pm 4pm

Prequisite: Ability to swim 100 yds. IM and to demonstrate all starts and turns. Class emphasis: Students focus on improving starts, turns and finishes for each stroke while refining stroke efficiency for this event.

OakMarREC Sa OakMarREC Su SpHillREC Su

Location Day Time Sa Su Su Su T

IM and Relay Clinic (11-18 yrs.)

Begin $

Location Day Time



142 216 3901 05/08 2AAY


Begin $

Stroke Mechanics I (6-12 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Swimming 6 skill level; ability to tread water for one minute; continuously swim 50 yds. using freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke, and 15 yds. butterfly. Student must wear a competitive style swim suit (one piece) and goggles. Students with long hair may be required to wear a swim cap. Class Emphasis: students refine swimming strokes for freestyle,

Buy a 30-Visit Pass for the Best Rate!

Aqua Exercise F lex Pass •Attend any water exercise class, space permitting, at all nine FCPA RECenters. •Valid for four months from date of purchase. •Work out when YOU want! Sold at all RECenters in 10, 20 or 30 visits. Early registration discounts and scholarships are not available with flex pass. 34

backstroke and breaststroke; swimming drills are introduced, and lane etiquette is practiced. 2AM 5--55 minute lessons--$67 2AAX 6--45 minute lesson--$76 2AT 7--45 minute lessons--$88 2AS 8--45 minute lessons--$101 2AL 10--45 minute lessons--$126 2ABR 12--45 minute lessons--$151 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

142 217 0101 142 217 0102 142 217 0103 142 217 0104 142 217 0105 142 217 0106 142 217 0107 142 217 0108 159 217 0102 159 217 0101 159 217 0103 159 217 0104 167 217 0101 167 217 0102 175 217 0101 175 217 0102 183 217 0101 183 217 0102 183 217 0103 183 217 0104 183 217 0105 183 217 0106 183 217 0107 192 217 0103 192 217 0101 192 217 0102 192 217 0104 192 217 0105 192 217 0106 456 217 0101 456 217 0102 472 217 0101 472 217 0102

02/28 2AT 03/01 2AT 03/03 2AS 04/07 2AS 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/05 2AS 06/02 2AAX 03/05 2AS 03/07 2AT 05/02 2AAX 05/07 2AT 03/03 2AS 05/12 2ABR 02/28 2AS 05/02 2AAX 02/28 2AS 03/01 2AS 03/04 2AS 03/06 2AL 05/02 2AAX 05/03 2AAX 05/06 2AT 03/06 2AS 03/07 2AS 03/08 2AS 05/08 2AAX 05/09 2AAX 05/10 2AAX 02/28 2AAY 05/02 2AM 03/02 2AAX 04/20 2AS

Sa Su T/Th T/Th Sa Su T/Th T/Th Th Sa Sa Th T/Th T/Th Sa Sa Sa Su W F Sa Su W F Sa Su F Sa Su Sa Sa M M

9am 11am 6pm 6pm 9am 11am 6pm 6pm 5:45pm 9:10am 9:10am 5:45pm 8:15pm 8:15pm 9am 9am 9:15am 11:10am 7:30pm 5:30pm 9:15am 11:10am 7:30pm 6pm 11am 9am 6pm 11am 9am 9am 9am 4:40pm 4:45pm

Stroke Mechanics II (6-14 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Must have completed Stroke Mechanics I, and must be able to tread water for one minute and have the ability to swim all four competitive strokes (freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly) using proper techniques and timing: continuously swim 100 yds. freestyle and backstroke, 50 yds. breaststroke, and 25 yds. butterfly. Student must wear a one-piece, competitive-style bathing suit and goggles. Students with long hair are required to wear a swim cap. Class Emphasis: To continue to refine and improve stroke efficiency for freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke focusing on USA Swimming standards. Interval training, relays, starts, turns and finishes are introduced. 2AM 5--55 minute lessons--$67 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 2AB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time OakMarREC Sa OakMarREC Su

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

9:55am 142 217 0201 02/28 2AW 11:55am 142 217 0202 03/01 2AW

Spring 2015

Aquatics OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

M/W M/W Sa Su M/W M/W Th Sa Su Sa Su Th Sa T/Th Sa Sa Su T F Sa Su T Sa Su F Sa Su F Sa Su F Sa Su Sa Sa M M

6pm 6pm 9:55am 11:55am 6pm 6pm 6:35pm 10am 10am 10am 10am 6:35pm 9am 7:15pm 9am 9:50am 10am 6:25pm 6:05pm 9:50am 10am 6:25pm 9am 12pm 6:20pm 9am 12pm 6:50pm 10am 9:50am 6:50pm 10am 9:50am 10am 10am 5:30pm 5:35pm

142 217 0203 142 217 0204 142 217 0205 142 217 0206 142 217 0207 142 217 0208 159 217 0203 159 217 0201 159 217 0202 159 217 0204 159 217 0205 159 217 0206 167 217 0201 167 217 0203 167 217 0202 175 217 0201 175 217 0202 175 217 0206 175 217 0203 175 217 0204 175 217 0205 175 217 0207 183 217 0201 183 217 0202 183 217 0203 183 217 0204 183 217 0205 192 217 0203 192 217 0201 192 217 0202 192 217 0204 192 217 0205 192 217 0206 456 217 0201 456 217 0202 472 217 0201 472 217 0202

03/02 2AV 04/06 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AW 06/01 2AAY 03/05 2AV 03/07 2AW 03/08 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/07 2AW 02/28 2AV 04/07 2AB 05/02 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/03 2AV 03/06 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/05 2AW 02/28 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/06 2AB 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 03/06 2AV 03/07 2AV 03/08 2AV 05/08 2AAY 05/09 2AAY 05/10 2AAY 02/28 2AAY 05/02 2AM 03/02 2AAY 04/20 2AV

Stroke Mechanics III (9-15 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Experienced swimmers who have completed Stroke Mechanics II, can tread water for one minute and swim continuously at least 150 yds. of freestyle, 100 yds. backstroke, 50 yds. breaststroke and 25 yds. butterfly. Students must wear a competitive-style, one-piece bathing suit and goggles. Students with long hair are required to wear a swim cap. Class Emphasis: Increase swimming endurance and distances through interval training, pace clock use and further refinements to swim strokes, starts and turns. Individual Medley (IM) is introduced and practiced. 2AM 5--55 minute lessons--$67 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 2ABZ 9--55 minute lessons--$121 2AB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 2AD 12--55 minute lessons--$161 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 217 0301 142 217 0302 142 217 0303 142 217 0304 142 217 0305 142 217 0306 142 217 0307 142 217 0308 159 217 0303 159 217 0301 159 217 0302

02/28 2AW 03/01 2AW 03/03 2AV 04/07 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/05 2AV 06/02 2AAY 03/05 2AV 03/07 2AW 03/08 2AW

Sa Su T/Th T/Th Sa Su T/Th T/Th Th Sa Su

Spring 2015

11am 1pm 6:50pm 6:50pm 11am 1pm 6:50pm 6:50pm 7:35pm 11am 11am

ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

Sa Su Th Sa T/Th T/Th Sa T/Th Sa Su M T Th F Sa Su M T Th F Sa F Sa F Sa Su F Sa Su Sa Sa W W

11am 11am 7:35pm 10:50am 7:40pm 7:40pm 10:50am 7:40pm 10:50am 11am 7:10pm 7:25pm 6:25pm 7:05pm 10:50am 11am 7:10pm 7:25pm 6:25pm 6:05pm 10am 7:20pm 10am 7:50pm 9am 10:50am 7:50pm 9am 10:50am 11am 11am 4:45pm 4:45pm

159 217 0304 159 217 0305 159 217 0306 167 217 0301 167 217 0303 167 217 0304 167 217 0302 167 217 0305 175 217 0301 175 217 0302 175 217 0306 175 217 0311 175 217 0309 175 217 0303 175 217 0304 175 217 0305 175 217 0307 175 217 0312 175 217 0310 175 217 0308 183 217 0301 183 217 0302 183 217 0303 192 217 0303 192 217 0301 192 217 0302 192 217 0304 192 217 0305 192 217 0306 456 217 0301 456 217 0302 472 217 0301 472 217 0302

05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/07 2AW 02/28 2AV 03/03 2AV 04/07 2AB 05/02 2AAY 05/12 2AD 02/28 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/02 2AV 03/03 2AV 03/05 2AV 03/06 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AAY 05/05 2AW 05/07 2AW 05/08 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/06 2AB 05/02 2AAY 03/06 2AV 03/07 2AV 03/08 2AV 05/08 2AAY 05/09 2AAY 05/10 2AAY 02/28 2AAY 05/02 2AM 03/04 2AAY 04/22 2ABZ

Stroke Mechanics IV (11-18 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Must have a high level of endurance to swim an intense workout each class; must be able to tread water for one minute and swim continuously 200 yds. each freestyle and backstroke, 100 yds. breaststroke, 50 yds. butterfly and 100 yds. IM. Students must wear a one-piece, competitive-style bathing suit and goggles. Students with long hair must wear a swim cap. Class Emphasis: High-intensity interval workout refines freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, starts, turns and finishes. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 Code

Begin $


142 217 0401 142 217 0402 142 217 0403 142 217 0404 142 217 0405 142 217 0406 142 217 0407 142 217 0408 159 217 0401 159 217 0402 159 217 0403 159 217 0404 175 217 0401 175 217 0402 175 217 0404 175 217 0407 175 217 0403 175 217 0405 175 217 0408

02/28 2AW 03/01 2AW 03/02 2AV 04/06 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/04 2AW 06/01 2AAY 03/07 2AW 03/08 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/01 2AV 03/04 2AV 03/05 2AV 05/02 2AAY 05/06 2AAY 05/07 2AW

12:05pm 2pm 7pm 7pm 12:05pm 2pm 7pm 7pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 12pm 11:50am 12pm 7:15pm 7:25pm 11:50am 7:15pm 7:20pm

F Sa Sa Sa Su Sa Su

7:05pm 11am 11am 11:50am 11:50am 11:50am 11:50am

175 217 0406 183 217 0401 183 217 0402 192 217 0401 192 217 0402 192 217 0403 192 217 0404

05/08 2AAY 02/28 2AV 05/02 2AAY 03/07 2AV 03/08 2AV 05/09 2AAY 05/10 2AAY

Aqua Exercise Options for aquatic exercisers

Customers have three different options for participating in aqua exercise classes.

Drop-In (or pay as you go)

• Best for the customer with a busy schedule or who wishes to try a new program. • Daily drop-in rate to attend aquatic exercise classes, space permitting.

Aqua Exercise Flex Pass

• Allows entry into any Park Authority water exercise class, space permitting. • Valid for four months from date of purchase, Aqua Exercise Flex Passes are sold at all RECenters and online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ passesonline.htm in increments of 10, 20 or 30 visits. • Pricing based on the per-class fee for coded classes. Early registration discounts and scholarships are not available for the Aqua Exercise Flex Pass.

Register for coded class listed in Parktakes • Registration guarantees a space in the class. • Registration entitles you to attend only the class for which you registered. Missed classes cannot be made up.

Aqua Dancercise (13-Adult)

Put some rhythm into your routine and dance to better fitness. This upbeat class includes disco, funk, salsa, hip hop and jazz moves. It’s the best of the best - creative dance and the intrinsic benefits of water exercise. 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time Wkfld/Moore W


Begin $

6:30pm 183 218 2201 04/08 2AAI

Aerobic Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Location Day Time Sa Su M/W M/W Sa Su M/W M/W Sa Su Sa Su Sa Su W Th Sa W Th

SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

This excellent shallow water class provides cardiovascular workout and also increases muscle tone, strength and endurance. 2ABA 9--55 minute lessons--$108 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 2AAL 32--55 minute lessons--$385 Location Day Time



142 218 2503 04/06 2AAL 142 218 2505 04/06 2AE 142 218 2506 04/07 2AAZ 142 218 2507 04/07 2AAZ 142 218 2508 04/07 2AAZ 142 218 2501 04/11 2ABA 142 218 2502 04/12 2ABA 159 218 2502 04/06 2AAL 159 218 2503 04/06 2AAL 159 218 2504 04/06 2AE 159 218 2505 04/07 2AAZ 159 218 2506 04/07 2AAZ 159 218 2507 04/07 2AAZ

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

M/W/F 9am M/W 7pm T/Th 9am T/Th 10am T/Th 6pm Sa 8am Su 4pm M/W/F 7:30am M/W/F 10:30am M/W 6pm T/Th 8:30am T/Th 9:30am T/Th 10:30am

Begin $


Aquatics ProvREC Su 9:05am 159 218 2501 04/12 2ABA SoRunREC M/W/F 9am 167 218 2503 04/06 2AAL SoRunREC M/W 6:05pm 167 218 2504 04/06 2AE SoRunREC T/Th 8am 167 218 2501 04/07 2AAZ SoRunREC T/Th 9am 167 218 2502 04/07 2AAZ SpHillREC M/W/F 7:15am 175 218 2501 03/02 2AAL SpHillREC M/W/F 8:15am 175 218 2502 03/02 2AAL SpHillREC M/W 7pm 175 218 2503 03/02 2AE SpHillREC T/Th 7:05am 175 218 2504 03/03 2AAZ SpHillREC T/Th 9:15am 175 218 2505 03/03 2AAZ Wkfld/Moore M/W/F 8:50am 183 218 2501 04/06 2AAL Wkfld/Moore M/W/F 9:55am 183 218 2502 04/06 2AAL Wkfld/Moore T/Th 9:05am 183 218 2503 04/07 2AAZ Wkfld/Moore T/Th 10:10am 183 218 2504 04/07 2AAZ CubRunREC M/W 6pm 192 218 2501 04/06 2AE GWREC M/W 6pm 449 218 2501 04/06 2AE LeeREC T/Th 10am 456 218 2501 04/07 2AAZ MtVernREC T/Th 9:30am 472 218 2501 04/07 2AAZ

Advanced Water Aerobics (13-Adult)

Try this high-energy, cardio-intensive class that uses water resistance to give you maximum fitness benefit. This program is for the experienced water aerobic student who wants a more intense workout and to cross-train or enhance overall fitness. 2ABA 9--55 minute lessons--$108 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 2AAL 32--55 minute lessons--$385 Location Day Time Code

Begin $


04/06 2AAL 04/07 2AAI 04/06 2AE 04/11 2ABA

M/W/F T M/W Sa

8am 8am 7pm 9:05am

142 218 3701 142 218 3703 159 218 3702 159 218 3701

Aqua Fit and Tone (13-Adult)

This low-impact and low-intensity workout is taught in shallow water. You increase muscular endurance while you tone muscles and improve flexibility. 2AAH 10--55 minute lessons--$120 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 2AAL 32--55 minute lessons--$385 Location Day Time OakMarREC SpHillREC GWREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC


M/W/F 10am 142 218 2601 T/Th 10:15am 175 218 2601 M/W/F 8:30am 449 218 2601 M/W/F 8:30am 472 218 2601 M 7pm 472 218 2603 T/Th 8:30am 472 218 2602

Begin $ 04/06 2AAL 03/03 2AAZ 04/06 2AAL 04/06 2AAL 04/06 2AAH 04/07 2AAZ

Aqua Zumba (13-Adult)

Zumba in the water incorporates dance themes combined with dynamic music to make your exercise experience feel more like a party. 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 Location Day Time



167 218 2701 04/07 2AAZ 472 218 2701 04/10 2AAI


T/Th 12pm F 6pm

Begin $

Parktakes for FREE!

Subscribe at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ptsubs.htm 36

Arthritis Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Shallow water exercises using water’s buoyancy and resistance help improve your overall range of motion, joint mobility and muscle strength. While this class is designed for students with arthritis, it is open to those who have other physical limitations. 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 2AAL 32--55 minute lessons--$385 Location Day Time


muscle strength, endurance and cardiovascular fitness. Exercises also provide a challenge for alignment and posture, balance and coordinated movement. All students wear a flotation device. 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC T 11am 142 218 4301 04/07 2AAI ProvREC M/Th 12:30pm 159 218 4301 04/06 2AE Begin $

OakMarREC M/W/F 11am 142 218 2801 04/06 2AAL OakMarREC Th 11am 142 218 2803 04/09 2AAZ ProvREC M/W/F 11:30am 159 218 2801 04/06 2AAL ProvREC T/Th 11:30am 159 218 2802 04/07 2AAZ SoRunREC M/W/F 10am 167 218 2803 04/06 2AAL SoRunREC T/Th 10am 167 218 2801 04/07 2AAZ SoRunREC T/Th 11am 167 218 2802 04/07 2AAZ SpHillREC M/W/F 10:25am 175 218 2801 03/02 2AAL SpHillREC T/Th 11:15am 175 218 2802 03/03 2AAZ Wkfld/Moore M/W 11:10am 183 218 2801 04/06 2AE Wkfld/Moore T/Th 11:05am 183 218 2802 04/07 2AAZ Wkfld/Moore F 11:10am 183 218 2803 04/10 2AAI CubRunREC T/Th 9am 192 218 2801 04/07 2AAZ GWREC T/Th 8am 449 218 2801 04/07 2AAZ LeeREC M/W 9am 456 218 2801 04/06 2AE LeeREC T/Th 9am 456 218 2802 04/07 2AAZ LeeREC F 9am 456 218 2803 04/10 2AAI MtVernREC M/W/F 10:30am 472 218 2801 04/06 2AAL

Arthritis Deep Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim at least 25 yds. continuously. Deep water exercise can increase

Deep Water Boot Camp (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yds. continuously. Join us for a cross-training program for active runners, beginning runners or anyone striving to give themselves a challenging, deep-water workout. Buoyancy belts are worn and most exercises are vertical. Participants who are motivated to improve cardiovascular endurance and use different muscle groups, this is the class for you. 2AAF 8--55 minute lessons--$96 2AAH 10--55 minute lessons--$120 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


Wkfld/Moore W LeeREC F LeeREC Sa

183 218 3901 04/08 2AAI 456 218 3901 04/10 2AAH 456 218 3902 04/11 2AAF

7:35pm 7pm 8am

Begin $

Deep Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yds. continuously. Take the plunge for a no-impact workout. You use a variety of deep water exercises and


SPRING 2015 May 1-June 15

SAVE 15%

on 4 and 12 month



Initiation Fee – or – Residency Restrictions

Available at all Park Authority RECenters and online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/passesonline.htm

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Aquatics running techniques to get the maximum benefit from water’s natural resistance. 2AAF 8--55 minute lessons--$96 2ABA 9--55 minute lessons--$108 2AAH 10--55 minute lessons--$120 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 2AAL 32--55 minute lessons--$385 Location Day Time OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC GWREC GWREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC


2AAH 10--55 minute lessons--$120 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253

Begin $

M/W/F 9:05am 142 218 3002 04/06 2AAL T/Th 9am 142 218 3004 04/07 2AAZ Su 5pm 142 218 3001 04/12 2ABA M/W/F 8:30am 159 218 3001 04/06 2AAL T/Th 5:50pm 159 218 3002 04/07 2AAZ T/Th 6:50pm 159 218 3003 04/07 2AAZ M/W/F 8am 167 218 3002 04/06 2AAL T/Th 8:30am 167 218 3001 04/07 2AAZ M/W/F 9:20am 175 218 3001 03/02 2AAL T/Th 8:10am 175 218 3002 03/03 2AAZ M/W 8am 183 218 3002 04/06 2AE M/W 10:05am 183 218 3003 04/06 2AE M 5:35pm 183 218 3005 04/06 2AAH T/Th 8am 183 218 3004 04/07 2AAZ F 7:35am 183 218 3006 04/10 2AAI Su 10:35am 183 218 3001 04/12 2ABA T/Th 10am 192 218 3001 04/07 2AAZ T/Th 8:30am 449 218 3001 04/07 2AAZ W 7pm 449 218 3002 04/08 2AAI M/W 10am 456 218 3001 04/06 2AE M/W 6:30pm 456 218 3002 04/06 2AE T/Th 9am 456 218 3003 04/07 2AAZ F 9am 456 218 3005 04/10 2AAF F 10am 456 218 3004 04/10 2AAI M/W/F 7:30am 472 218 3001 04/06 2AAL M/W/F 9:30am 472 218 3002 04/06 2AAL T/Th 7pm 472 218 3003 04/07 2AAZ

Advanced Deep Water Exercise (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yds. continuously. An excellent full-body workout that is more intense than the Deep Water Exercise class. This class is for the experienced deep water exerciser looking for a more challenging workout. 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 2AAL 32--55 minute lessons--$385 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC M/W/F 8:05am 142 218 4002 04/06 2AAL ProvREC M/F 9:30am 159 218 4001 04/06 2AE

Deep Water Hydro Pilates (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yds. continuously. Take the plunge for a workout that is no impact. Use Pilates moves in the deep water to help you increase your range of motion, challenge and strengthen core stability and control and build abdominal and back strength, flexibility and muscle tone. 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 Location Day Time



159 218 3101 04/06 2AE 159 218 3102 04/08 2AAI

M/Th 1:30pm W 9:30am

Deep Water Jogging (13-Adult)

Begin $

Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yds. continuously. Get your ft. wet and come run in the

Spring 2015

deep end of the pool for high-intensity cadence training. Participants enjoy all the cardiovascular benefits of running on land without the impact. In addition, the water resistance helps to increase muscle tone and strength.



456 218 5001 04/06 2AE 456 218 5002 04/10 2AAH

Begin $

Fibromyalgia Water Exercise (13-Adult)

This course is specifically designed for individuals who have fibromyalgia or chronic pain. Class includes shallow water exercises that use the water’s natural buoyancy and resistance to help improve flexibility and mobility and relieve stiffness and pain. 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 Location Day Time



449 210 1101 04/07 2AAZ

T/Th 9am

Begin $

Power Finning (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yds. continuously. Treat yourself to this unique workout designed to enhance cardiovascular fitness while strengthening and toning muscles. Students need to provide their own fins for a challenging workout utilizing fins, kickboards and float belts. Class is held in the deep end of the pool. 2AAF 8--55 minute lessons--$96 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 Location Day Time ProvREC LeeREC MtVernREC


Begin $

Prenatal Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Discover the benefits of water exercise for both you and your unborn child. Class provides a full-body workout without the body stresses of land exercise. The water allows the body to move in ways that are not possible on land and also has a cooling effect that allows you to work hard without compromise. The class provides a comfortable and educational environment for mothers-to-be. 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 Location Day Time



456 218 4501 04/06 2AE

Doing More with Specialists:

2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 GWREC


Begin $

T/Th 5:05pm 449 218 3401 04/07 2AAZ

Swimming and Fitness (13-Adult)

Challenge yourself with this fitness swimming class which incorporates swimming workouts and exercises. It’s an excellent way to get a cardiovascular workout and increase endurance and strength. Participants must be able to swim at least 500 yds. continuously. Note: Aqua Exercise Flex Passes can be used to participate in this class. 2AEX 15--55 minute lessons--$181 2AAL 32--55 minute lessons--$385 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC T-Th 1pm Wkfld/Moore Th 6:55pm

142 218 3201 04/07 2AAL 183 218 3201 03/05 2AEX

Tabata Shallow Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Experience a shallow-water interval workout that targets the body’s core by using high intensity intervals for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 second rest. This format along with the properties of the water focus on a variety of simple, yet intense exercises which help participants blast away the calories and get results. Whether your goal is muscle tone, weight loss, or both, this class is for you. 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132

T 12:30pm 159 219 6101 04/07 2AAI Sa 10am 456 219 6101 04/11 2AAF T/Th 7:30am 472 219 6101 04/07 2AAZ

M/W 12pm

Are you interested in a little variety? Try the ultimate in aquatic aerobic exercise. You use resistance equipment and flotation devices throughout the class. Location Day Time

Location Day Time M/W 7:30pm F 6pm

Shallow/Deep Water Ex Combo(13-Adult)

Begin $

In order to provide the most comprehensive aquatic programs, the Park “Authority rents pool space at RECenters to a variety of service groups including: • U.S.A. Swimming Teams • U.S. Masters Swim Teams • U.S. Springboard Diving Teams • U.S. Synchronized Swimming Team • Scuba Diving Schools/Shops • Underwater Hockey For a listing of these organizations, visit the Park Authority website: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ rec/aqua-teaminfo.htm

Location Day Time



159 218 4801 04/08 2AAI



Begin $

Water Walking (13-Adult)

This class is designed to improve muscle tone and aerobic fitness. Ideal for those who want the effects of walking without adding stress to muscles and joints. Instructors guide participants in different types of walking in water to benefit all parts of the body. 2AAI 11--55 minute lessons--$132 2AE 21--55 minute lessons--$253 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 2AAL 32--55 minute lessons--$385 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore MtVernREC

142 218 3301 167 218 3301 183 218 3302 183 218 3301 183 218 3303 472 218 3301

04/09 2AAI 04/06 2AE 04/06 2AE 04/06 2AAL 04/07 2AAZ 04/08 2AAI

Th 8am M/W 11am M/W 9am M/W/F 11am T/Th 10:05am W 7pm

Water Walking & Balancing Act (13-Adult) This class is designed to improve muscle tone and balance for everyday living. Ideal for those who want the benefits of walking without adding stress to muscles and joints. Instructors guide participants through various types of walking and exercises to improve muscle tone, balance and prevent falls. 2AAZ 22--55 minute lessons--$265 Location Day Time



456 218 5101 04/07 2AAZ

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

T/Th 11am

Begin $


Aquatics Aquatic Specialty Classes

basic dive positions (layout, pike, tuck and free). More advanced dives and flips are also introduced.

New! Log Rolling for Beginners

2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94

Prerequisite: Must be able to swim at least 25 yds. and comfortably tread water for at least one minute. Before roads and trains, logs were transported by rivers from the forests to sawmills by lumberjacks. The critical, 19th century log-rolling skills later evolved into a competitive sport that still exists today. It focuses on footwork, core strength, balance and quick thinking to stay on top of the floating log. The spinning log stoops and changes direction in response to your weight placement and footwork. Participants learn to balance and control the log. One-piece bathing suit covered by clean, tight-fitting swim shorts or pants that are easy to move in and come to your knees (such as yoga or bike pants) are highly recommended.

(6-9 yrs.) MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC (9-13 yrs.) MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC (13-Adult) MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC


472 219 4401 03/06 2ALF 472 219 4402 02/28 2ALF 472 219 4403 04/24 2ALG 472 219 4404 04/18 2ALG

F Sa F Sa

3:55pm 5pm 3:55pm 5pm

472 219 4501 472 219 4502 472 219 4503 472 219 4504

03/06 2ALF 02/28 2ALF 04/24 2ALG 04/18 2ALG

F Sa F Sa

6:05pm 6:05pm 6:05pm 6:05pm

472 219 4601 472 219 4602 472 219 4603 472 219 4604

03/06 2ALF 02/28 2ALF 04/24 2ALG 04/18 2ALG

Springboard Diving-Beginning (6-Adult)

Prerequisite: Must be able to swim at least 25 yds. Class Emphasis: This class introduces you to the four main components of the dive: approach, take-off, flight and entry. Students are also introduced to the forward and back dives. 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 2AB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC

142 219 3601 142 219 3602 142 219 3603 142 219 3604 142 219 3605 142 219 3606 159 219 3601 159 219 3602 159 219 3603 159 219 3604 183 219 3601 183 219 3602 183 219 3603 183 219 3604 183 219 3605 192 219 3601 456 219 3601 456 219 3602

02/28 2AW 03/01 2AW 03/01 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 03/07 2AW 03/08 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/04 2AV 03/06 2AB 05/02 2AAY 05/06 2AW 05/15 2AV 03/06 2AW 05/08 2AW

Springboard Diving-Inter (6-Adult)

Prerequisite: Must be able to swim at least 25 yds. and have completed, or have skill level for Springboard


Begin $

2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80

5pm 3:55pm 5pm 3:55pm

1pm 12pm 2pm 1pm 12pm 2pm 1:05pm 1:05pm 1:05pm 1:05pm 10:05am 3:30pm 6:30pm 10:05am 3:30pm 6pm 6pm 6pm

142 219 3801 02/28 2AW 142 219 3802 05/02 2AAY

3pm 3pm

Prerequisite: must be able to swim at least 25 yds. and tread water for at least one minute. Class Emphasis: Learn the basic skills required for synchronized swimming (or water ballet), such as sculling, basic figures, conditioning and kicking. Combining gymnastics, swimming and dance, the participant learns basic swimming skills and choreography.

Begin $

F Sa F Sa

Sa Su Su Sa Su Su Sa Su Sa Su Sa W F Sa W F F F


OakMarREC Sa OakMarREC Sa

Synchronized Swimming-Intro (7-13 yrs.)

2ALG 8--55 minute lessons--$120 2ALF 7--55 minute lessons--$90 Location Day Time

Location Day Time

Location Day Time



456 219 4001 02/28 2AAY 456 219 4002 05/02 2AAY

Sa Sa

1pm 1pm

Begin $

WSI/Fund of Instructor Training 16-Adult)

Water exercise classes give you all the benefits of of a full-body workout with less stress on your joints. Diving-Beginner. Class Emphasis: Developing skills of the four main dive components (approach, take-off, flight and entry), and the four basic diving positions (layout, pike, tuck and free). 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80 2AW 7--55 minute lessons--$94 2AV 8--55 minute lessons--$107 2AB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Code

Begin $

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC

142 219 3701 142 219 3702 142 219 3703 142 219 3704 159 219 3701 159 219 3702 159 219 3703 159 219 3704 183 219 3701 183 219 3702 183 219 3703 183 219 3704 183 219 3705 192 219 3701 456 219 3701 456 219 3702

02/28 2AW 03/01 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 03/07 2AW 03/08 2AW 05/02 2AAY 05/03 2AAY 02/28 2AV 03/04 2AV 03/06 2AB 05/02 2AAY 05/06 2AW 05/15 2AAY 03/06 2AW 05/08 2AW

2pm 1pm 2pm 1pm 2:05pm 2:05pm 2:05pm 2:05pm 11:05am 4:30pm 7:30pm 11:05am 4:30pm 7pm 7pm 7pm

2AAW 6--6.5 hour lessons--$328 2AAQ 10--3.5 hour lessons--$328 Location Day Time


OakMarREC Su/Sa 12pm LeeREC M/W 6pm

142 219 4801 04/11 2AAW 456 219 4801 04/06 2AAQ

Begin $

Junior Lifeguard (11-14 yrs.)

Location Day Time Sa Su Sa Su Sa Su Sa Su Sa W F Sa W F F F

Learn how to teach the American Red Cross swimming and water safety programs (Parent and Child, Learn-to-Swim and Water Safety). Prerequisites: 1. Pass a mandatory skill screening to include stroke proficiency in front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke and sidestroke; and basic stroke mechanics of butterfly. 2. Be at least 16 years old by the last day of class (no exceptions). 3. Current American Red Cross Fundamentals of Instructor Training Certificate (included in this class). Attendance at all sessions is mandatory.

Class offers training in skills and techniques used by lifeguards. This is not a lifeguard certification course; however the class prepares students for future attendance in a lifeguard course. Students are introduced to CPR, first aid, and rescue techniques. Students must be able to swim 100 yds. and tread water for one minute. 2AI

8--1 hour 30 minute lessons--$160

Location Day Time Wkfld/Moore Sa

Springboard Diving-Advanced (6-Adult) Prerequisite: Must be able to swim at least 25 yds. and have completed, or have skill level of Springboard Diving-Intermediate. Class Emphasis: further refine and improve the four main dive components (approach, take-off, flight and entry) and the four

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

12:10pm 183 219 6601 02/28


For additional listings in Advanced Deep Water Exercise (13-Adult) Advanced Water Aerobics (13-Adult) Aerobic Water Exercise (13-Adult) Aqua Fit and Tone (13-Adult) Arthritis Water Exercise (13-Adult) Deep Water Exercise (13-Adult) See Parktakes online: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Spring 2015

Aquatics American Red Cross Lifeguard Training (15-Adult)

Course length is 40 hours. This class is for the person who wants to lifeguard at a community pool. The course covers skills and knowledge necessary to respond to aquatic emergencies, including first aid and CPR for the professional rescuer. Prerequisites: Be at least 15 years old before course completion (no exceptions). Must be able to swim 300 yds. continuously using front crawl or breaststroke; swim 20 yds. dive 7-10 ft. retrieve 10 lb. brick, surface and then swim 20 yds. back to starting point and exit the water without use of ladder or stairs; tread water two minutes. Students who pass the class receive a certificate valid for 2 yrs. Note: This program does not qualify you to lifeguard for the Park Authority. For information about becoming a Park Authority lifeguard call 703-324-8548. 2AAN 6--6 hour 30 minute lessons--$359 2ABM 8--5 hour lessons--$359 2AAG 4--10 hour lessons--$359 Code

Begin $


142 219 7701 142 219 7702 142 219 7703 142 219 7704 167 219 7702 167 219 7703 167 219 7704 167 219 7705 167 219 7706 175 219 7701 175 219 7702 175 219 7703 456 219 7701 456 219 7702

03/14 2AAN 03/30 2ABM 05/02 2AAN 05/30 2AAN 03/21 2AAG 03/30 2AAG 04/11 2AAG 05/02 2AAG 05/16 2AAG 03/14 2AAG 03/30 2AAG 04/25 2AAG 03/30 2ABM 04/11 2AAG

Spring 2015

Course length is 20 hours. Don’t let your American Red Cross (ARC) Lifeguard certificate expire! This course renews your certificates for Lifeguarding, CPR and First Aid. The fee does not include textbook. Bring the ARC Lifeguard Training textbook to class or purchase one at the site for an additional fee. Prerequisites: Must have an unexpired ARC Lifeguard Training certificate. If certificate is expired, student must register for the full Lifeguard Training course. Must be able to swim 300 yds. continuously, and swim 20 yds. using front crawl or breaststroke; dive 7-10 ft. and retrieve 10 lb. object, return to surface and swim 20 yds. back to starting point and exit the water without use of ladder or stairs. Class renews Lifeguard, First Aid, and CPR certificate for two years. 2AAC 2--10 hour lessons--$214

Location Day Time Su/Sa 12pm M-F 9am Sa/Su 12pm Sa/Su 12pm Sa/Su 9am M-Th 9am Sa/Su 9am Sa/Su 9am Sa/Su 9am Sa/Su 9am M-Th 9am Sa/Su 9am M-F 9am Sa/Su 8am

American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Review (15-Adult)

Location Day Time


Begin $


167 219 7801 167 219 7802 167 219 7804 167 219 7803 175 219 7801 175 219 7802 456 219 7801 456 219 7802

03/30 2AAC 04/03 2AAC 04/25 2AAC 05/30 2AAC 03/28 2AAC 05/16 2AAC 05/09 2AAC 06/06 2AAC

M/T 9am F/Sa 9am Su/Sa 9am Sa/Su 9am F/Sa 9am Sa/Su 9am Sa/Su 8am Sa/Su 8am

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More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes



ATTRACTIONS Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole at Lake Fairfax Park This family water park captures the excitement of the Old West’s Gold Rush with attractions especially tailored to the young . . . and the young at heart. With slides, spouts, showers, geysers and tubing on Rattlesnake River, the Water Mine offers great fun that’s very cool . . . and wet! Located in Lake Fairfax Park in Reston, the Water Mine opens May 23 for the 2015 season. The admission fee for visitors 48 inches and taller is $13.50 on non-holiday weekdays and $14.50 on weekends and holidays. For visitors less than 48 inches tall, the daily admission fee is $11.25. Children younger than age two are admitted free. After 5 p.m. Monday- Friday, non-holidays, admission for all is $8.25. Gold Rush season passes on sale through May 25; group discounts also available. For more information, call the park, 703-471-5415. Hours of operation: • May 23-June 14: Weekends/Holidays Only, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; • June 20 -Aug. 2: Daily 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (except Wednesday); Wednesday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; *Wednesday evenings July 1, July 8, July 15, July 22, and July 29, season pass holders only 5 p.m.-8 p.m. • Aug. 8 -Aug. 30: Weekends 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday-Friday 12 p.m. -7 p.m. • Aug. 31-Sept. 7: Weekends/Holidays 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; weekdays 2 p.m.-7 p.m.

Our Special Harbor Spray Ground at Lee District Park If you like running through the sprinkler, you’ll love Our Special Harbor spray ground at Lee District Park in Franconia. The fully accessible complex features Chesapeake Bay-themed attractions including a spraying osprey nest, Chessie the sea serpent, misting sunflowers and a lighthouse. The beach area is quieter with softer bubblers and interactive water tables. The computerized water maze and dumping crab basket provide lively activity. Children will also enjoy the fully accessible tree house that overlooks the family recreation area featuring the Tiki Village playground for ages 5-12 and the Nautical Cove for ages 2-5. Our special Harbor opens May 23 for the 2014 season. General admission is free. Group admission is $3 per person in-county, $8 out-of-county for both children and adults, including chaperones. For more information, call the park at 703 922-9841. May 23– June 21: Weekends/Holidays 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.; June 22 – Sep. 7: Weekdays 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. (Except Wednesday); Wednesdays 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Weekends/Holidays 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Miniature Golf Mini-golf is the cross-generational game – perfect for kids, parents and grandparents. Visit the sites listed below for a swing at great family fun. For additional mini-golf park attractions, fees and hours of operation,


visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/minigolf.

Burke Lake Park

7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, Va. 703-323-6600

Oak Marr RECenter

3200 Jermantown Rd., Oakton, Va. 703-281-6501

Jefferson Falls in Jefferson District Park 7900 Lee Highway, Falls Church, Va. 703-573-0444

Lucky Duck in Lake Accotink Park – It’s right by the carousel for added fun! 7500 Accotink Park Rd., Springfield, Va. 703-569-0285

Birthday Party Packages What better place to celebrate than in your favorite park? With an array of birthday party options and star attractions, there’s a party style to suit every child. For party particulars, check the listings at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parties.htm or call the sites directly. Audrey Moore RECenter: 703-321-7081 Cub Run RECenter: 703-817-9407 Ellanor C Lawrence Park: 703-631-0013 Frying Pan Park: 703-437-9101 Green Spring Gardens: 703-642-5173 George Washington RECenter: 703-780-8894 Hidden Oaks Nature Center: 703-941-1065 Hidden Pond Nature Center: 703-451-9588 Huntley Meadows Park: 703-768-2525 Lake Accotink Park: 703-569-0285 Lake Fairfax Park: 703-471-5414 Lee District RECenter: 703-922-9841 Mt. Vernon RECenter: 703-768-3224 Oak Marr RECenter: 703-281-6501 Providence RECenter: 703-698-1351 Riverbend Nature Center: 703-759-9018 South Run RECenter: 703-866-0566 Sully Historic Site: 703-437-1794

More Family Fun For an old-fashioned good time that never goes out of style, you can take a turn on a carousel, climb aboard a miniature train, enjoy a cool, freshly dipped treat at an ice cream parlor and row, row, row your boat on a park lake or the Potomac River. For pricing, hours of operation and other details, call the parks listed below. Burke Lake, 703-323-6600 – Rowboats, carousel, miniature train, ice cream parlor Frying Pan Farm Park, 703-437-9101 – Carousel, wagon rides Lake Accotink, 703-569-3464 – Pedal boats, canoes, tour boat, carousel, bike rentals, snack bar Lake Fairfax, 703-471-5414 -- Pedal boats, canoes, tour boat, carousel, skate park, packaged ice cream Riverbend, 7034-759-9018 – Jon boats, kayaks

Bike Rentals offered at Accotink Marina Bike the trails at Lake Accotink Park -- even if you didn’t bring a bike! Through a partnership with Trails for Youth, a local nonprofit organization, Lake Accotink Park rents out bikes in a range of sizes for older kids and adults. Each bike rents for $10 per hour. Fee

drops to $5 per hour for each additional bike rented during the same time period. Helmets provided. April 25-June 19: weekends only, plus Memorial Day, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 20-Sept. 7: daily noon to 6 p.m. September 8-October 12: weekends and holidays only, noon to 6 p.m. Photo ID required for rental.

Come to the Parks for Picnics Chances are there’s a picnic-perfect park in your neighborhood. Parks offer exciting features for your family, company, club or church picnic. Depending upon the park, the attractions may include pedal boats, a carousel, an ice cream parlor, miniature golf, tennis, athletic fields, tour boats, train rides, swimming, volleyball and nature trails. Some special features are available year-round, others are offered seasonally. To check availability, picnic site features and to schedule your picnic, visit www.fairfaxcounty. gov/parks/picnics or call 703-324-8732.

Cub Run for Water Fun Year Round Slides, bubblers, fountains, a “river” current and other fun features turn the indoor leisure pool at Cub Run RECenter into a water playground. Here the temperature is tropical for 12 months of the year, but concerned parents never have to worry about kids getting sunburned! RECenter admission includes the leisure pool, which is open with all of its features operating on Monday and Wednesday, 4 p.m.-6 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, noon to 8 p.m.

Clemyjontri Park 6317 Georgetown Pike, McLean, Va. 703-388-2807 With its two-acre, fully accessible playground, Clemyjontri Park is a magical place for all children. In addition to track rides, balance beams, swings, and maze, the features include a carousel recessed to ground level and a picnic pavilion with tables that accommodate wheelchairs. Admission to the park is free; carousel rides are $1.75. (Parents of children less than 42” tall must directly supervise their children, so those parents ride for free.) The park is open yearround from 7 a.m. to dusk. The carousel operates 4/4-5/24, Weekends only (9:30 a.m. -6:30 a.m.) Open daily 5/25-9/7 (9:30 a.m. -1 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9:30 a.m.6:30 p.m. weekends). Open weekends only 9/8-10/25 (9:30 a.m. -6:30 p.m.). The picnic pavilion may be reserved for a fee; additional picnic tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Cross County Trail Extending from Lorton in the south to Great Falls in the north, the 40-mile Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail runs through the heart of Fairfax County. The trail offers recreation, exercise, opportunities for contact with nature and history, and the “green” option of walking or biking instead of driving to work, to shopping centers or to Metro stations. For GCCCT maps, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks. The GCCCT map link is under “Find an Activity.” For other trails in Fairfax County, be sure to check out the Park Authority’s new Trail Buddy mapping tool at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/trails.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Boating, Fishing and Camping ing riffles and small rapids. Kayaks are recreational/ touring types. Helmets, PFDs, paddles and kayaks are provided.

Boating, Fishing and Camping

2BP 4--2 hour lessons--$123

Burke Lake Park

Location Day Time

7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, Va. 22039 703-323-6600 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/burkelake A 218-acre lake with fishing, rowboat rental, boat launch and bait-and-tackle sales is the centerpiece of this 888-acre park. Virginia State fishing license is required, and sailboats, gasoline motors, kayaks (unless used for fishing) and swimming are prohibited. (Burke Lake is owned by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries; for regulations governing lake use, visit http://1.usa.gov/1h6rxrR . Other attractions include a miniature golf course fully accessible to wheelchairs, sand volleyball courts, miniature train ride, carousel, , ice cream parlor, picnic areas with grills and public restrooms, fitness trail, playgrounds, disc golf course, campground and 4.68-mile hiking/ biking trail. Burke Lake Park grounds and restrooms are open daily year round, closed only on Dec. 25. Operating hours for attractions vary by season.

Lake Accotink Park

7500 Accotink Park Road, Springfield Va. 22150 703-569-0285. TTY 703-569-5200. www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/accotink Miles of trails, a picturesque lake, and convenient picnic areas are big attractions of this popular park, which also features canoe and pedal boat rentals, bike rentals, a playground, a lakeside miniature golf course and a carousel. Bike or hike the 3.8 mile loop trail and finish with hotdog or ice cream treats at the snack bar. Marina facilities and amusements are open May through October. Days and times vary with season. Note: The trail section by the dam frequently floods during and after rain events; at such times, crossing is prohibited. Pavilion shelters and picnic areas with grills may be reserved by calling 703-324-8732. Swimming in the lake, windsurfing, and paddleboarding are prohibited. Pay $2 launch fee to launch your own boat – electric or no motors only. No charge to fish in the lake and stream but a Virginia State fishing license is required. Park does not sell fishing licenses, tackle or bait. Park grounds, including picnic areas, playground, pavilions and trails, are open daily, year-round, 7 a.m. to dusk. Park Office open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday; closed weekends and county holidays.

Lake Fairfax Park

1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston, Va. 20190 703-471-5415 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/lakefairfax For recreation and fun in western Fairfax, this 476acre park includes a 20-acre lake with fishing, the Water Mine family Swimmin’ Hole, birthday party packages, boat rentals, carousel, athletic fields, picnic shelters and picnic areas with grills, a playground, restrooms, campgrounds, trails and a skatepark. VA State fishing license is required, and sailboats, gasoline and electric-powered boats and swimming are prohibited in the lake. Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole features tubing on the Rattlesnake Lazy River, a tot pool, slides, tunnels, and interactive play features designed for young children. Water Mine is open Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. See website for days and times. Carousel and boat rentals are open

Spring 2015

Riverbend Pk W


Begin $

5:30pm 357 280 2401 05/20 2BP

Kayak Tour-Seneca to Riverbend (14-Adult)

Learn to captain your own kayak in Park Authority kayaking classes. only on weekends in May, daily from Memorial Day through Labor Day, and only on weekends and holidays during September and October. Campground, picnic areas, playground, trails and skatepark are open year-round. For picnic reservations, call 703-324-8732.

Riverbend Park

8700 Potomac Hills Street, Great Falls, Va. 22066 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/riverbend/ 703-759-9018 Riverbend Park has 12+ miles of trails and 418 acres of forest and meadows along the Potomac River. Row boats, canoes and sit-on-top kayaks can be rented at the park seasonally. Kayak and canoe tours and guided fishing float trips are also offered (Call for schedule and hours of operation). Anglers can fish for smallmouth bass, catfish and sunfish. Fishing tackle, rod rentals, bait and snacks are available at the visitor center. Virginia or Maryland state fishing license required for fishing (the park does not sell fishing licenses). Nature highlights include spectacular river views, seasonal and migratory birds and other wildlife. Enjoy the riverside picnic area with grills or relax on the deck overlooking the river. Grounds open from 7 a.m. and gates lock at dusk; hours posted. A boat launch is provided for kayaks, canoes and jon boats ($5 per boat or $40 for annual launch pass).

Camping in the Parks Lake Fairfax Park has 129 campsites available year round for tents and RVs. Reservations are strongly recommended. Electrical hook-ups available (20amp, 30amp and 50amp) at the campsites. Camping for organized groups of 20 or more (scouts, churches, etc.) also permitted. For reservations, call 703-471-5415.

This 8-mile river journey begins in the lazy waters above the old Seneca dam. After this lake-like stretch, the pace quickens through riffles and small rapids as we weave through Seneca breaks, then past Watkins Island, and finally round the bend to Riverbend. Previous kayaking experience is required for this tour. Kayaks provided, one person per kayak. Download waiver and bring to tour: http://1.usa.gov/1aubG3L. Canceled if inclement weather or hazardous river conditions. 2BF

1--6 hour lesson--$82

Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Su

357 280 3201 06/14 2BF


Begin $

Kayak Tour-Sunset over Riverbend (14-Adult)

Experience the end of the day with a tour of the upper Potomac. Get started with the basics and in a short time you will be maneuvering through the water. This is not a whitewater tour. No previous experience required. Kayaks provided, one and two person kayaks available. Download waiver from http://1.usa. gov/1aubG3L and bring to tour. Tour canceled in case of inclement weather or hazardous river conditions. 2BE

1--2 hour lesson---$38

Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk F Riverbend Pk F

357 280 2601 06/12 2BE 357 280 2602 06/05 2BE

5pm 5pm

Begin $

Fishing Classes Fishing Fun (7-11 yrs.)

This class helps improve fishing skills with spinning and closed-faced reels while teaching safety, catchand-release fishing and protecting the environment. All equipment is provided. Supply fee of $20 payable at first class. Winter classes are held indoors. 2BT

8--45 minute lessons--$112

Kayaking Classes

Location Day Time


Intro to River Kayaking (14-Adult)


835 280 1801 03/21 2BT

Get prepped for paddling on the Potomac. This introductory level course covers river hazards, water safety and paddling basics. Fee includes equipment and half-day kayak rental (same day only). Canceled if inclement weather or hazardous river conditions. 2BI

1--30 minute lesson--$29

Location Day Time


Begin $

Riverbend Pk Riverbend Pk Riverbend Pk Riverbend Pk

357 280 1201 357 280 1202 357 280 1203 357 280 1204

05/23 06/13 05/30 05/30

Sa Sa Sa Sa

8:30am 8am 8:30am 8am

Kayaking for Fitness (14-Adult)


Get fit, relieve stress, and have fun soaking up the water’s natural beauty. This beginning kayak class teaches flat and moving-water kayaking basics while increasing fitness. Students progress from flat water to navigat-



Begin $

Parent & Child Fishing by Boat (5-Adult)

Enjoy fishing with your child from a jon boat or a canoe. Follow the naturalist to fishing spots on the river. This scenic section of the Potomac offers bass, sunfish and the occasional catfish. Get started with an introduction to boating basics. Previous experience rowing or paddling not required. Boats and PFDs provided. Fishing rod rentals available. Download waiver and bring completed to tour. https://go.usa.gov/jzD. Canceled if inclement weather or hazardous river conditions. Maximum three persons per boat, one must be 16 years or older. Each participant must register. 2BN 1--2 hour lesson--$16 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk F Riverbend Pk F

357 280 4801 06/05 2BN 357 280 4802 06/05 2BN

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

5pm 5pm

Begin $


Camp Registration begins Feb. 5 PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1 Total the Listed Fee(s) for all 1st choice programs. 2 Early Registration Discount Deduct $8 for each coded program registration done via internet, phoned in, faxed or post-marked by Feb. 13 for spring camps and May 22 for summer camps.

Make checks payable to FCPA

4 Credits Apply any recieved on this line.


Early Registration Discout per Class: - 2

A $50 fee will be charged for returned checks.

3 Subtotal Line 1 minus line 2.

Total Listed Fees: $



Deduct Credits: -


Out-of-County Registration Fee: +


Donation to Class Scholarship: +




Access Support is Here for the Asking Fairfax County in committed to giving all citizens equal access to recreation and leisure opportunities. In keeping with that policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations and inclusion opportunities are provided to individuals with disabilities in all Park Authority programs, classes and camps.


5 Out-of-County Residents Add $15 per 10 digit coded program.

WILL YOU HELP? Our class scholarship program is self-sustain-

ADA accommodations include sign interpreters, assistive listening devices, program modifications and inclusion support. Call 703-324-8563 or TT 703-803-3354 at least ten (10) working days in advance of the date services are needed.

ing, funded entirely through participation fees. Last year, more than 650 class scholarships were given to low-income residents of Fairfax County who meet eligibility guidelines. With your support, we can do more to ensure that everyone -- especially every child -- has access to healthful and enriching recreation. Donations to the Class Scholarship Program are tax deductible.

6 Donation to class scholarship 7 Total Total line 1-6. Pay this amount.

Camp Form Only

For class registration, see end of magazine

Phone: 703-222-4664 (live); 703-449-8639 (automated) Fax: 703-631-2004 Mail: FCPA/Parktakes, PO Box 4606, Fairfax, VA 22038-4606 MAIL/FAX PROCESSING BEGINS AT 9AM DAILY

Please print all entries

Parktakes print subscribers: member number, name and subscription expiration date appear on mailing label. E-subscribers: member number is included in e-mail announcing the magazines on-line posting. Non-subscribers: a member number will be assigned when registraion is processed.

Member Number:

Primary Member (must be adult):

(q Check if change of address) Street: State:



Zip Code:

Home Phone:

Work Phone



City: E-mail:


I want to donate to the Class Scholarship Fund that provides low-income families, children, disabled individuals and seniors with the opportunity to take classes. I’ve added my donation to my total fee. Participant’s Name (Last, first)

Sample, Joey

Date of Birth Month/Day/Year

Sex M/F

3 / 15 / 04









301 295 5101 Tennis Camp/Centreville HS

Total Listed Fees: $

Early Registration Discout per Class: -

Deduct Credits: Out-of-County Registration Fee: + Donation to Class Scholarship: + TOTAL (PAY THIS AMOUNT): $

q Credit Card (Check type) q VISA q MC -

Exp. Date: -


Signature q Cash (walk-in only)

q Check enclosed $


One household per registration form, please. Additional registration forms may be photocopied or downloaded from the Park Authority’s web page, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks.


Start Time

Listed Fee


6/23 9:10 $99 301 295


Refunds and Transfers for Camps • Cancellations and transfers may NOT be done through the automated telephone or internet registration systems. For operator assistance, call 703-222-4664. • If school make-up days extend into the camp week, FCPA will automatically credit your member account for camp days missed. • The are no refunds for missed days due to changed work or vacation schedules, sick days or othe non-emergency reasons. • Refunds and transfers must be requested at least 14 days prior to the camp session for which the refund/transfer is being requested. • All but $25 will be returned for approved refunds for each session being refunded. • Refunds are not permitted for those who register within 14 days prior to the start of a camp season. • Transfers can not be done within the 14 day period before start of camp. • Within 14 days of the start of camp, refunds will only be given for medical emergencies with a doctors written verification as long as the verification is received BEFORE the camp begins. • If a medical emergency occurs during camp, a doctor’s written verification will be needed within 24 hours for a pro-rated refund. Requests received after the camp session ends will not be granted.

in this direction 5


PAYMENT METHOD (Check One): #:

Start Date


Early registration discount ends Feb. 13 for spring camps and May 22 for summer camps

Camp Name/Location

5 please


1ST CHOICE Program Code

Non-County Resident Policy Non-county residents are welcome to participate in camp programs for the price of the camp plus an additional $15. Please add this charge to the price listed in Parktakes and include the additional fee with your registration.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015


Extended Care for Camps

F.C.P.A. CAMP GUIDE PLEASE READ BEFORE REGISTERING DOWNLOAD YOUR CAMP FORMS at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/campforms REGISTRATION for camps begins February 5. REGISTER by May 22 for summer camps and

Before and after camp care is available at several RECenter/Park locations. This service provides additional morning and afternoon care for campers already enrolled in full day camps on site. Camps ending before 4pm are not eligible for afternoon extended care. Campers get to choose from supervised activities including board games, cards, drawing/coloring, and age-appropriate movies. Pre-register for Extended Care on-line at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks or

February 13 for spring camps and SAVE $8! See the registration page for details.

By Phone (703)222-4664 or In-person at our RECenters and parks listed below


Cancelations and transfers may NOT be done on the Internet. For assistance, call (703) 222-4664. • If school make-up days extend into the camp week, FCPA automatically credits your member account for camp days missed. • There are no refunds for missed days due to changed work or vacation schedules, sick days or other non-emergency reasons. Up to Two Weeks Prior to Camp

• Refunds and transfers must be requested at least 14 days prior to the camp session from which you are withdrawing. Transfers may only be made from one camp to another camp; not from a camp to a class or Rec-PAC. • All but $25 will be returned for approved refunds for each camp session refunded. Within Two Weeks of Camp Start Date

• Refunds are not allowed for those who register within 14 days prior to a camp session’s start. • Transfers cannot be made within the 14-day period before the start of camp. • Within 14 days of the start of camp, refunds are given only for medical emergencies with doctor’s note received before camp begins. Once Camp Begins

Flexible Packages: Packages are offered weekly -- be sure to register two weeks if your child is in a two-week session. There is a daily, per session, drop-in rate for those who need last minute care. Refunds/Transfers: Extended Care refunds are given in full if requests are made at least 14 days in advance. There are NO refunds given within 14 days or once camp begins. Transfer requests, including transfers from one site to another, will be granted up until that specific camp begins. Late Fee: $1.00 for every minute after 6pm

Extended Care for Spring Break Weekly Sessions 8-9am = $30/week 4-6pm = $50/week

Daily Fees per Session Drop-in = $15 per session

**Offers extended care for Private school week April 6-10

• If a medical emergency occurs during camp, a doctor’s note is required within 24 hours for a pro-rated refund. Requests received after the camp session ends will not be granted. *Other Important Information*

• All “Kiddie” camps are licensed by the Va. Dept of Social Services, therefore require additional paperwork including an immunization record and physical form (copies accepted). In addition, Va. law requires proof of child’s identity be shown upon arrival at some camps. Proof of identity may be a certified copy of a child’s birth certificate, a birth registration card, a passport, a copy of placement agreement, or a Va. public school report card. School-based camps do not require licensure. • Out-of-county residents may enroll in camps for the price of the camp plus $15. • Inclement Weather and Code Red Days: • On code red days, campers engage in outdoor activities during the day and are given plenty of water and shade breaks. Many camps are held outdoors. On rainy days or when substantial rain is expected, some outdoor camps may be canceled for the day. • RECenter pools may be closed in late Aug. for maintenance. Contact RECenter for details. • School locations are subject to change and campers at RECenter camps may be bused to nearby schools for gym use. • Register early! Camps must meet minimum enrollment to operate.

Spring 2015



Audrey Moore RECenter

Mar 30-Apr 3

Cub Run RECenter

Mar 30-Apr 3

Ellanor C. Lawrence Park

Mar 30-Apr 3

Lake Fairfax Park

Mar 30-Apr 3

Lee District RECenter

Mar 30-Apr 3

Mt Vernon RECenter

Mar 30-Apr 10**

Oak Marr RECenter

Mar 30-Apr 3

Providence RECenter

Mar 30-Apr 3

South Run RECenter

Mar 30-Apr 3

Spring Hill RECenter

Mar 30-Apr 3

Extended Care for Summer Weekly Sessions

Daily Fees per Session

7-9am = $50/week 8-9am = $30/week

Drop-in = $15 per session

4-6pm = $50/week

*morning care at these sites is from 8-9am only + Riverbend offers only after care from 3-5pm



Audrey Moore RECenter

June 15-Sept 4

Cub Run RECenter

June 15-Aug 28

Ellanor C. Lawrence Park

June 22-Aug 21

Frying Pan Park

June 15-Aug 28

George Washington (GW)*

June 22-Aug 14

Lake Accotink Park*

June 22-Sept 4

Lake Fairfax Park*

June 15-Aug 21

Lee District RECenter

June 15-Sept 4

Mt Vernon RECenter

June 15-Sept 4

Oak Marr RECenter

June 15-Sept 4

Providence RECenter

June 15-Sept 4

Riverbend Park +

June 15-Aug 28

South Run RECenter

June 15-Sept 4

Spring Hill RECenter

June 15-Sept 4

Accommodations: If participation accommodations or alternative formats are needed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call (703) 324-8563 at least 10 working days in advance of the date needed. TTY (703) 803-3354

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




Introductory Olympic Sport Fencing

Registration begins February 5. Save $8 by registering by Feb. 13 for Spring camps!

Spring Break Variety Day Camps Kiddie Camp

Preschoolers love the variety of fun activities including music, movement, arts and crafts, outdoor games, water play and a special event! Campers must be potty trained, able to separate with ease and 3 years old by the first day of camp. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time


(3-5 yrs.) Lee REC

456 220 1501 3/30-4/03 $190




Spring Break R.O.C.S. Camp (RECenters Offer Cool Stuff)

Activities include swimming, indoor/outdoor games and sports, movies and arts and crafts. Extra fee may be required for special events (some sites may offer a field trip). Bag lunch and swimsuit needed daily. Week of April 6 is for private school students. Location Time


(6-12 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm



142 220 0001 3/30-4/03 $229 192 220 0001 3/30-4/03 $229 159 220 0001 3/30-4/03 $229 167 220 0001 3/30-4/03 $229 175 220 0001 3/30-4/03 $229 456 220 0001 3/30-4/03 $229 183 220 0001 3/30-4/03 $229 472 220 0001 3/30-4/03 $229 472 220 0002 4/06-4/10 $229

Spring Break Sports Camps Archery Camp

Three days of learning about archery. While shooting is the focus, additional activities introduce other aspects of the sport. Participants just begin to learn shooting technique. Equipment is provided. Bring snack and drink. Campers should wear tight-fitting clothing on top; no wheelie shoes. Code

(9-16 yrs.) BullRunPk SoRun REC

544 221 1701 3/30-4/01 $159 167 221 1701 3/30-4/01 $159


Basketball Camp

Players of all ages enjoy this camp filled with drills, contests and games. Players get individual and team instruction with emphasis on improving fundamental skills. Participants are divided by age and skill level to ensure maximum benefit. Bring snack, lunch and water bottle. Swim time may be included at RECenter camps. School-based camps are M-Th. April 6 week is for private school or out-of-county students. Location Time (7-14 yrs.) FairhillES 9am-4pm Navy ES 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm




Location Time


(9 yrs. and older) VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm



468 220 6001 3/30-4/03 $199

Introductory Historical Swordsmanship

Based on Renaissance and Medieval techniques, the sword fighting disciplines explored are the rapier (traditional) and the two-handed sword (knightly European sword). Practice swords used are the shinai and the foil. Students wear protective jackets, masks and gloves. A safety waiver and equipment fee of $49 payable to instructor are due on the first day. There is a supervised lunch break for those also enrolling in Olympic Sport Fencing (with one equipment rental fee). Bring lunch. Location Time




(9 yrs. and older) VAFncAcad 12:30pm-3:30pm 468 220 5901 3/30-4/03 $199

Junior Golf Camp

Campers enhance golf skills and learn putting, chipping, irons and woods play as well as course etiquette and best safety practices. Learn from one of our certified golf instructors. Clubs are not required, but bringing clubs is suggested. Athletic shoes and attire are preferred. Bring snack and water bottle. All campers receive a certificate and golf fun pack at the end of camp. Location Time


(8-17 yrs.) PinecrstGolf 9am-1pm



512 223 5101 3/30-4/03 $275


036 220 0501 3/30-4/02 $195 087 220 0501 3/30-4/02 $195 175 220 0501 3/30-4/03 $245 183 220 0501 3/30-4/03 $245 183 220 0502 4/06-4/10 $245

Mini-Soccer Camp

British soccer coaches provide an introduction to the game with the use of fun games, competitions and skill-developing activities. Future soccer stars are born as they embrace the fundamentals and become captivated by the world of soccer. . Location Time


(4-6 yrs.) OakMarREC 9-10:30am SoRunREC 9-10:30am SpHill REC 9-10:30am Lee REC 9-10:30am Wkfld/Moore 9-10:30am


142 221 0101 3/30-4/03 167 221 0101 3/30-4/03 175 221 0101 3/30-4/03 456 221 0101 3/30-4/03 183 221 0101 3/30-4/03

$ $121 $121 $121 $121 $121

Player Development Soccer Camp

British soccer coaches provide a great camp experience, lending their knowledge on skill development, tactical awareness and above all else fun! Full-day campers may swim in the afternoons (site specific). Bring cleats, swimsuit, towel and water daily. Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm



142 221 0201 3/30-4/03 $255 167 221 0201 3/30-4/03 $255 175 221 0201 3/30-4/03 $255 456 221 0201 3/30-4/03 $255 183 221 0201 3/30-4/03 $255

Total Sports Camp

In this fun, fast-moving program, kids enjoy a wide variety of sports and athletic games. Campers play basketball, flag football, soccer, track, baseball and many other “high-energy” activities. This program directed by Rich Sandler (AKA Coach Rich) is appropriate for boys and girls of all skill/experience levels. Please bring a lunch, water bottle and swimsuit each day. Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) LeeREC

456 223 1001 3/30-4/03 $235




Spring Break Nature Camps Nature Explorers Camp

Learn ping pong fundamentals or refine skills already mastered. Campers work one-on-one with the coach. Bring snack, lunch and drink.

Explore the trails seeking signs of spring, fish for trout and catfish, monitor the blue bird boxes and enjoy nature crafts and games. Extended care is offered for an additional fee. Dress for the weather, bring a bag lunch, snacks and water bottle.

Location Time


Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) SpHill REC

175 220 4701 3/30-4/03 $289

(7-12 yrs.) LakeFairfax 9am-4pm

835 222 8501 3/30-4/03 $229

Ping Pong Camp

Location Time 9am-12pm 9am-12pm


Often called the physical game of chess, fencing improves coordination, balance, grace and quick reflexes. Campers use the foil (a light thrusting sword) but are also introduced to the sabre and epee (modern versions of the cavalry sword and rapier). Campers use safety-tipped swords, protective jackets, masks and a glove. A safety waiver and equipment fee of $49 payable to instructor are due on the first day. There is a supervised lunch break for those also enrolling in Historical Swordsmanship (with one equipment rental fee). Bring lunch.




First Kicks Soccer Camp

Join our British soccer coaches in this great introduction to soccer through innovative games and activities which begin without a ball then introduce soccer ball use once repeated success is achieved. Parents must remain on site for duration of the camp and are encouraged to join in the fun. Location Time (2-3 yrs.) OakMarREC SoRunREC SpHill REC Lee REC Wkfld/Mre




10:45-11:45am 142 221 0001 3/30-4/03 $101 10:45-11:45am 167 221 0001 3/30-4/03 $101 10:45-11:45am 175 221 0001 3/30-4/03 $101 10:45-11:45am 456 221 0001 3/30-4/03 $101 10:45-11:45am 183 221 0001 3/30-4/03 $101



Discover Nature’s Treasures

Don’t wait until summer to play outside and enjoy nature! Come discover hidden places and habitats of woodland and stream creatures with the guidance of a naturalist. Location Time




(4-6 yrs.) HntMdwsPk 9:30am-12:30pm 340 222 5201 3/30-4/03 $190

Native American Survival Skills Camp

Discover what daily life was like for the Eastern Woodland American Indians. From animal tracking to shelter building, children learn survival skills through outdoor activities, games, crafts and stories.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Camps When the week is done, you and the Powhatans will be mawchick chammay, the best of friends. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) HuntMdwsPk 9am-4pm



340 223 0601 3/30-4/03 $295

Native Animal Explorers

Fish & Explore transports campers off-site to hike trails, wade in streams and walk pond and lake shores to find native wildlife. Campers observe, catch, photograph and release frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, lizards, turtles, crayfish, minnows and many more small critters that live the aquatic and woodland life. Wear sneakers and bring lunch, snack, river shoes and towel. Location Time




(7-11 yrs.) SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 224 7701 3/30-4/03 $399

Nocturnal Survivor Camp

Do you know what it takes to survive in the woods at night? Learn the unique skills for nighttime survival and how plants and animals survive after dark. Location Time




(8-12 yrs.) HiddenPndNC 5:30-8:30pm

332 220 9001 3/30-4/03 $190

Paddle & Explore

Fish & Explore takes campers off site to paddle kayaks along local waterways, ponds and lakes. Campers learn kayaking skills while getting up close to native wildlife. Beach stops allow campers to wade and observe, catch, photograph and release frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, lizards, turtles and many more small critters. P&E2 includes two-person kayaks and more advanced instruction plus weather permitting, an introduction to kayak fishing. Lifejackets are provided and required while kayaking. Bring lunch, snack, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. Location Time




(8-12 yrs.) P&E 1 OakMarREC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 295 0101 3/30-4/03 $499 (11-17 yrs.) P&E 2 SoRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 167 221 8201 3/30-4/03 $499

Spring into Nature

Come explore the wildlife at Hidden Pond and Pohick Stream Valley Parks as you enter areas seldom seen. Join us for exciting activities like stream fishing and shelter building and get ready to spring into nature. Location Time




(6-12 yrs.) HiddenPndNC 9am-4pm

332 223 2101 3/30-4/03 $295

Wild Bird Camp

Learn to recognize bird calls and appearances and discover the tricks birders use to identify birds on the wing. Start your own “Life List� and enjoy drawing and journaling about your special bird encounters. Enjoy time on the trails, playing games and making crafts. Bring your own binoculars and field guide. Location Time (6-11 yrs.) ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm

Spring 2015




274 222 5401 3/30-4/03 $295

Park Authority sports camps are a great way to expend some energy and enjoy the great outdoors. Wildlife Caretakers

Have you ever wanted to work at a nature center? Go behind the scenes to set up tanks and ensure the health of exhibit animals. Venture into the park to participate in wildlife surveys and habitat projects. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) RiverbendPk 9am-3pm



357 221 7101 3/30-4/03 $255

Spring Break Specialty Camps Icky, Slimy, Gooey Art with Abrakadoodle

Create icky creatures, slimy fish prints and slinky snakes. Experiment with creating your own art materials when you mix up some Goodle in this icky, slimy and gooey art camp. Make your own unique creations while learning about art terms, history, unusual art jobs and multicultural art. Join the fun as we sculpt, print, mix and cut paper to make the most unusual art projects in town. Supply fee payable to instructor on first day $28 half day camp, $32 full day camp. Location Time (3-6 yrs.) Navy ES (6-12 yrs.) Navy ES





087 223 5301 3/30-4/02 $140


087 223 5201 3/30-4/02 $225

NEW! All-American Girl: Living Dolls Camp

Pack up your favorite doll friend and experience the life of an American girl growing up in the most interesting eras in history. Practice the life skills girls needed in the past and relate them to the world you live in now. Bring these times to life with your doll through fun activities, costumes, crafts and themed games in a beautiful historic setting. Bring a snack daily. Location Time


(5-9 yrs.) Sully Colvin Run

381 295 5601 3/30-4/03 $190 266 295 5601 3/30-4/03 $190

9am-12pm 9am-12pm



Bead Creative

Take home a matching bracelet, earring, hand ring and necklace set. Knotting, memory wire beading and basic wiring techniques are taught. Make gifts for friends, family or yourself. Bring snack, lunch, swimsuit and towel for swim time at the end of each day. Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) Prov REC

159 221 6901 3/30-4/03 $319




NEW! Broadway Bound by Moonlit Wings

Come explore this theater and arts program that invites children to act out storybooks with positive values and create art projects. Campers present their favorite story on the last day. A $20 supply fee is due on the first day of camp. Please bring a snack and drink.

Campers enjoy a week of performing fun as they sing, dance and act highlights from a Broadway hit! Actors work on excerpts from a production as well as musical number selections; all to be presented to friends and family at the end of the camp. Our stars also produce an exclusive talent show featuring their favorite talents and tricks. This camp is loaded with improvisation games, character creation and fun surprises from our DC and NYC professional teaching artists. Too old for this camp? E-mail us about our teens behind-thescenes experience: info@moonlitwings.org.

Location Time


Location Time


(3-6 yrs.) Fairhill ES SoRunREC

036 223 7601 3/30-4/02 $129 167 223 7601 3/30-4/03 $159

(7-14 yrs.) Prov REC SoRun REC

159 222 41901 3 /30-4/03 $200 167 222 41901 3 /30-4/03 $200

Act It Out!

9am-12pm 9am-12pm



More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

9am-4pm 9am-4pm




Camps Spring Break on the Farm

well-defined heel. Riding helmets can be provided by Lucia Farm.

Campers love the daily farm visits to see the newest babies and learning about the animals. Activities also include hikes, crafts, games and farm demos including making their own snack on one day. Bring snack, lunch and a drink. An activity fee of $10 is due on the first day. Location Time



(5-12 yrs.) Frying Pan Frying Pan

282 222 3001 3/30-4/03 $239 282 222 3002 3/30-4/03 $309

Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) Lucia Farms 9am-12pm Lucia Farms 9am-4pm



485 222 7001 3/30-4/03 $275 485 222 7002 3/30-4/03 $425

Magical Summer Camp


Campers enjoy daily 30-minute riding lessons plus learn about tacking, grooming, general horse care and barn chores. Other horse-related fun and activities include arts and crafts, equine speakers and breed demonstrations. Bring snack, lunch and a drink daily.

Come to Wholesome Campus for an all-inclusive camp that covers fitness, art, cooking, dance, science and jump rope. Visit the world of magic, myths and legends by making crafts and works of art. Enjoy action-oriented fitness activities including various jump-roping skills. Our dance faculty teaches rhythm and coordination in one of the most popular dance styles. Our expert chefs teach you how to read recipes and prepare easy, delicious dishes. Bring lunch, snacks and water bottle. Call the facility for after care information 703-657-2718.

Location Time


Location Time

(8-14 yrs.) Frying Pan

282 223 5401 3/30-4/03 $655

9am-4pm 8am-5pm

All About Horses Camp







(5-14 yrs.) Whlsme Campus 8am-4pm 583 222 6401 3/30-4/03 $350

Chess Camp

Spend the break with the Silver Knights chess coaches, including several state champions and national masters. Learn openings, tactics, endgames and more. Campers are divided into groups by skill level. Beginner through experienced players welcome. Snack and fresh air breaks planned as well as lunch and recess for full-day campers. Every camper receives a T-shirt and chess set or free entry to a chess tournament. Greenbriar is a four day camp. Location Time




(5-14 yrs.) GreenbrW ES 9am-4pm GreenbrW ES 9am-12pm GreenbrW ES 1pm-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-12pm SpHill REC 1pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm

055 220 0401 3/30-4/02 $270 055 220 0402 3/30-4/02 $169 055 220 0403 3/30-4/02 $169 175 220 0401 3/30-4/03 $339 175 220 0402 3/30-4/03 $210 175 220 0403 3/30-4/03 $210 183 220 0401 3/30-4/03 $339 183 220 0402 3/30-4/03 $210 183 220 0403 3/30-4/03 $210

Digital Kidz Extreme Robotics

Powered by LEGO Mindstorms, kids build and program robots to tackle real-world challenges while exploring renewable energy sources to create solar, wind, and hydro powered robots. At the end of the week, compete in Robo Games! Location Time




(8-14 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 221 9001 3/30-4/03 $495

Digital Kidz Technology & Game Design Camp

Location Time




(8-11 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm

183 220 4801 3/30-4/03 $495

REGISTER by February 13 for spring workshops and May 22 for summer camps and SAVE $8!

Explore history with your favorite doll at All-American Girl Living Dolls Camp. Crime Scene Chemistry Camp

Mad Science introduces you to life in the form of cells and organs and to how the science behind life can help you solve a crime. Discover the secrets behind batteries and design marshmallow molecules. Conduct electricity and power a whirligig. Experience blood pumping through the heart and air moving through the lungs. Use ooey-gooey ingredients to build a model cell & use your own traits to decode & decipher your DNA. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) CubRunREC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm

192 295 8701 3/30-4/03 $319 456 295 8701 3/30-4/03 $319



Engineering with LEGO Camp

Power up your engineering skills and let your imagination run wild with Play-Well Teknologies. In this fun-filled, creative class, kids learn building techniques that help make their ideas a reality. Older group applies real-world concepts in physics, engineering and architecture. Instructors demonstrate new projects daily and provide inspiration for students to take their creations further. Location Time

Don’t just play videogames, create them! Learn 2D arcade and platform game principles using Multimedia Fusion and Adobe Photoshop, build custom characters and produce music and sound effects to import into games. Half-day and full-day options.






(5-6 yrs.) Pre-Engineering CubRun ES 9am-12pm 030 220 6301 3/30-4/02 $139 (7-11 yrs.) Engineering Fundamentals CubRun ES 1pm-4pm 030 295 0301 3/30-4/02 $139

Horsemanship Camp

Horse lovers enjoy this hands-on camp that teaches horse care, handling, behavior, grooming, tacking and riding basics. Full-day campers ride twice. Wear long, comfortable pants and shoes or boots with a

Animal Vets

Spend the day with our exhibit animals. Check their health, weight and size; clean and refresh their tanks; and enjoy some fun activities and games. Bring a bag lunch, snack and drink. Wear old clothes. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) Riverbend Pk 9am-3pm


357 221 2201 04/06

$ $60

NEW! Jr. Farmers Workshop

Your animal lover or budding environmentalist will want to join us for a day of fun at Kidwell Farm. Campers interact with farm animals and learn about fascinating creatures that play a role in our farm ecosystem. Activities include feeding the animals, gardening, touring the farm, making crafts and fun farm chores. Location Time


(8-11 yrs.) Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan

282 295 9401 3/30 282 295 9402 3/31 282 295 9403 4/01

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm


$ $70 $70 $70

Chess Workshop

Spend the break with the Silver Knights chess coaches, including several state champions and national masters. Learn openings, tactics, endgames and more. Participants are divided into groups by skill level. Beginner through experienced players welcome. Bring snack, lunch and drink. Location Time


(5-14 yrs.) SpHill REC Frying Pan

175 220 0801 3/16 282 220 0801 4/06

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

9am-4pm 9am-4pm


$ $70 $70

Spring 2015

Camps NEW! Spectacular Science Workshop

Spark your child’s imagination with Mad Science. Campers explore a variety of science topics, engage in exciting hands-on activities, watch spectacular demonstrations, participate in inquiry-based discussions and make their own experiments to take home. Location Time


(8-11 yrs.) Lake Fairfax 9am-4pm SpringHillREC 9am-4pm


835 220 0901 3/16 175 220 0901 4/06

$ $70 $70

Game Design Workshop

Playing video games is fun, but creating your own is awesome. Design fully-functional video games by adding characters, backgrounds and more from a massive library of cool sprites. Take your games home to amaze your friends. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time


(8-11 yrs.) SpHill REC

175 221 5201 4/17



$ $99

Robotics Workshop

Digital Kidz allows you to go where no kid has gone before! Using 3D building instructions and the most advanced technology ever developed, campers work with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 for robots. Command your robot and work with the software used by scientists and engineers. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time



(8-14 yrs.) LakeFairfax 9am-4pm 835 221 5301 4/06

$ $99

Shoot a bow and arrow, launch a spear and make cool crafts as you learn about daily Native American life long ago. Bring snack, lunch and drink. Download camp forms from website. (6-11 yrs.) Rvrbnd Pk 9am-3pm

Code 357 223 5601

Dates 04/17

$ $60

NEW! Paddle & Explore

Fish & Explore takes campers off-site to kayak on local waterways. Learn kayaking skills and get up close to native wildlife. Beach stops allow campers to wade and observe, catch, photograph and release frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, lizards, turtles and many more small critters. Lifejackets are provided and required while kayaking. Bring lunch, snack, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. Location Time



(8-12 yrs.) SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 220 9701 4/17

$ $109

NEW! Science for Wizards Workshop

Open up to the science world with this spell-binding camp filled with an array of bewitching lessons and experiments mesmerizing even the most astute sorcerer. Study natural herbs, potion preparations, mythical creatures and more. Location Time



(6-10 yrs.) GrtFlsGrange 9:30am-3:30pm 557 223 0701 6/25 HunterHouse 9:30am-3:30pm 563 223 0701 8/31

Spring 2015

Ahoy, matey! Calling all aspiring young pirates looking for treasure. Experience life as a pirate with fun activities, crafts and games. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time



(6-10 yrs.) GrtFlsGrange 9:30am-3:30pm 557 295 3301 6/26 HunterHouse 9:30am-3:30pm 563 295 3301 9/01

$ $60 $60

Teacher Workdays on the Farm

Spend a day on the farm. Enjoy hikes, nature and science projects, cooking, crafts and games. Dress for weather and farm fun. Based at the Old Floris Schoolhouse. Bring a lunch, drink and snack. Location Time (5-12 yrs.) FryPanPk FryPanPk FryPanPk FryPanPk FryPanPk FryPanPk



8:15am-6:15pm 9am-4pm 8:15am-6:15pm 9am-4pm 8:15am-6:15pm 9am-4pm


282 124 6101 282 124 6102 282 124 6103 282 124 6104 282 124 6105 282 124 6106

3/16 3/16 4/06 4/06 4/17 4/17

$ $75 $67 $75 $67 $75 $67

SUMMER CAMPS Registration begins February 5. Save $8 by registering by May 22 for summer camps!

Variety Day Camps

$ $60 $60

Children are sure to enjoy their experience at Clemyjontri Park. Join us for outdoor fun on our ultimate playground. Activities also include games, crafts, songs, nature walks and water fun. Dates

Location Time


(3-5 yrs.) Clemyjontri 9am-12pm Clemyjontri 9am-12pm

855 220 3601 6/08-6/12 $169 855 220 3602 6/15-6/19 $169


Kiddie Camp

Preschoolers love the variety of fun activities including music, movement, arts and crafts, outdoor games, water play and a special event. Campers must be potty trained, able to separate with ease and 3 years old by the first day of camp. Bring snack, lunch and drink. No camp July 3. Location Time


(3-5 yrs.) Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC

159 220 1201 6/08-6/12 $190 159 220 1202 6/15-6/19 $190 159 220 1203 6/22-6/26 $190 159 220 1204 6/29-7/02 $155 159 220 1205 7/06-7/10 $190 159 220 1206 7/13-7/17 $190 159 220 1207 7/20-7/24 $190 159 220 1208 7/27-7/31 $190 159 220 1209 8/03-8/07 $190 159 220 1210 8/10-8/14 $190 167 220 1201 6/08-6/12 $190 167 220 1202 6/15-6/19 $190 167 220 1203 6/22-6/26 $190 167 220 1204 6/29-7/02 $155 167 220 1205 7/06-7/10 $190 167 220 1206 7/13-7/17 $190

9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm


SoRunREC 9am-1pm SoRunREC 9am-1pm SoRunREC 9am-1pm SoRunREC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm SpHill REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Lee REC 9am-1pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm

167 220 1207 7/20-7/24 $190 167 220 1208 7/27-7/31 $190 167 220 1209 8/03-8/07 $190 167 220 1210 8/10-8/14 $190 175 220 1201 6/08-6/12 $190 175 220 1202 6/15-6/19 $190 175 220 1203 6/22-6/26 $190 175 220 1204 6/29-7/02 $155 175 220 1205 7/06-7/10 $190 175 220 1206 7/13-7/17 $190 175 220 1207 7/20-7/24 $190 175 220 1208 7/27-7/31 $190 175 220 1209 8/03-8/07 $190 175 220 1210 8/10-8/14 $190 456 220 1201 6/15-6/19 $190 456 220 1202 6/22-6/26 $190 456 220 1203 6/29-7/02 $155 456 220 1204 7/06-7/10 $190 456 220 1205 7/13-7/17 $190 456 220 1206 7/20-7/24 $190 456 220 1207 7/27-7/31 $190 456 220 1208 8/03-8/07 $190 456 220 1209 8/10-8/14 $190 456 220 1210 8/17-8/21 $190 456 220 1211 8/24-8/28 $190 456 220 1212 8/31-9/04 $190 183 220 1201 6/22-6/26 $190 183 220 1202 7/27-7/31 $190 183 220 1203 8/03-8/07 $190

Summer R.O.C.S. and Junior ROCS

Camp Clemy Time

Native American Crafts & Games Workshop

Location Time

NEW! Pirate Workshop


This summer really R.O.C.S. (RECenters Offer Cool Stuff)! Campers enjoy swimming, arts and crafts, cooperative games and exciting themes. Campers will return home daily saying, “camp ROCked!” Some camps offer special events or a field trip (additional fee may be collected) depending on the week. Bag lunch, drink, swimsuit and towel needed daily. Campers may be transported by bus to local schools for gym use. No camp July 3. Lee pool closed 8/31 week. Location Time




Junior ROCS (5 yrs 3 mos. - 7 yrs 11 mos.) GW REC 9am-4pm 449 223 2501 6/29-7/02 $185 GW REC 9am-4pm 449 223 2502 7/06-7/10 $229 GW REC 9am-4pm 449 223 2503 7/13-7/17 $229 GW REC 9am-4pm 449 223 2504 7/20-7/24 $229 GW REC 9am-4pm 449 223 2505 7/27-7/31 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2501 6/08-6/12 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2502 6/15-6/19 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2503 6/22-6/26 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2504 6/29-7/02 $185 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2505 7/06-7/10 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2506 7/13-7/17 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2507 7/20-7/24 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2508 7/27-7/31 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2509 8/03-8/07 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 2510 8/10-8/14 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 223 2501 6/22-6/26 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 223 2502 6/29-7/02 $185 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 223 2503 7/06-7/10 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 223 2504 7/13-7/17 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 223 2505 7/20-7/24 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 223 2506 7/27-7/31 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 223 2507 8/03-8/07 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 223 2508 8/10-8/14 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 223 2501 6/22-6/26 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 223 2502 6/29-7/02 $185 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 223 2503 7/06-7/10 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 223 2504 7/13-7/17 $229

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Camps SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm Summer ROCS (8-12 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm


167 223 2505 7/20-7/24 $229 167 223 2506 7/27-7/31 $229 167 223 2507 8/03-8/07 $229 167 223 2508 8/10-8/14 $229 183 223 2501 6/15-6/19 $229 183 223 2502 6/22-6/26 $229 183 223 2503 6/29-7/02 $185 183 223 2504 7/06-7/10 $229 183 223 2505 7/13-7/17 $229 183 223 2506 7/20-7/24 $229 183 223 2507 7/27-7/31 $229 183 223 2508 8/03-8/07 $229 183 223 2509 8/10-8/14 $229 183 223 2510 8/17-8/21 $229 175 223 2501 6/15-6/19 $229 175 223 2502 6/22-6/26 $229 175 223 2503 6/29-7/02 $185 175 223 2504 7/06-7/10 $229 175 223 2505 7/13-7/17 $229 175 223 2506 7/20-7/24 $229 175 223 2507 7/27-7/31 $229 175 223 2508 8/03-8/07 $229 175 223 2509 8/10-8/14 $229 175 223 2510 8/17-8/21 $229 175 223 2511 8/24-8/28 $229 192 223 2501 6/22-6/26 $229 192 223 2502 6/29-7/02 $185 192 223 2503 7/06-7/10 $229 192 223 2504 7/13-7/17 $229 192 223 2505 7/20-7/24 $229 192 223 2506 7/27-7/31 $229 192 223 2507 8/03-8/07 $229 192 223 2508 8/10-8/14 $229 456 223 2501 6/15-6/19 $229 456 223 2502 6/22-6/26 $229 456 223 2503 6/29-7/02 $185 456 223 2504 7/06-7/10 $229 456 223 2505 7/13-7/17 $229 456 223 2506 7/20-7/24 $229 456 223 2507 7/27-7/31 $229 456 223 2508 8/03-8/07 $229 456 223 2509 8/10-8/14 $229 456 223 2510 8/17-8/21 $229 456 223 2511 8/24-8/28 $229 456 223 2512 8/31-9/04 $229 472 223 2501 6/22-6/26 $229 472 223 2502 6/29-7/02 $185 472 223 2503 7/06-7/10 $229 472 223 2504 7/13-7/17 $229 472 223 2505 7/20-7/24 $229 472 223 2506 7/27-7/31 $229 472 223 2507 8/03-8/07 $229 472 223 2508 8/10-8/14 $229 472 223 2509 8/17-8/21 $229 472 223 2510 8/24-8/28 $229 472 223 2511 8/31-9/04 $229 142 220 1001 6/08-6/12 $229 142 220 1002 6/15-6/19 $229 142 220 1003 6/22-6/26 $229 142 220 1004 6/29-7/02 $185 142 220 1005 7/06-7/10 $229 142 220 1006 7/13-7/17 $229 142 220 1007 7/20-7/24 $229 142 220 1008 7/27-7/31 $229 142 220 1009 8/03-8/07 $229 142 220 1010 8/10-8/14 $229 167 220 1001 6/15-6/19 $229 167 220 1002 6/22-6/26 $229

SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm

167 220 1003 6/29-7/02 $185 167 220 1004 7/06-7/10 $229 167 220 1005 7/13-7/17 $229 167 220 1006 7/20-7/24 $229 167 220 1007 7/27-7/31 $229 167 220 1008 8/03-8/07 $229 167 220 1009 8/10-8/14 $229 159 220 1001 6/22-6/26 $229 159 220 1002 6/29-7/02 $185 159 220 1003 7/06-7/10 $229 159 220 1004 7/13-7/17 $229 159 220 1005 7/20-7/24 $229 159 220 1006 7/27-7/31 $229 159 220 1007 8/03-8/07 $229 159 220 1008 8/10-8/14 $229 175 220 1001 6/15-6/19 $229 175 220 1002 6/22-6/26 $229 175 220 1003 6/29-7/02 $185 175 220 1004 7/06-7/10 $229 175 220 1005 7/13-7/17 $229 175 220 1006 7/20-7/24 $229 175 220 1007 7/27-7/31 $229 175 220 1008 8/03-8/07 $229 175 220 1009 8/10-8/14 $229 175 220 1010 8/17-8/21 $229 192 220 1001 6/22-6/26 $229 192 220 1002 6/29-7/02 $185 192 220 1003 7/06-7/10 $229 192 220 1004 7/13-7/17 $229 192 220 1005 7/20-7/24 $229 192 220 1006 7/27-7/31 $229 192 220 1007 8/03-8/07 $229 192 220 1008 8/10-8/14 $229 456 220 1001 6/15-6/19 $229 456 220 1002 6/22-6/26 $229 456 220 1003 6/29-7/02 $185 456 220 1004 7/06-7/10 $229 456 220 1005 7/13-7/17 $229 456 220 1006 7/20-7/24 $229 456 220 1007 7/27-7/31 $229 456 220 1008 8/03-8/07 $229 456 220 1009 8/10-8/14 $229 456 220 1010 8/17-8/21 $229 456 220 1011 8/24-8/28 $229 456 220 1012 8/31-9/04 $229 472 220 1001 6/22-6/26 $229 472 220 1002 6/29-7/02 $185 472 220 1003 7/06-7/10 $229 472 220 1004 7/13-7/17 $229 472 220 1005 7/20-7/24 $229 472 220 1006 7/27-7/31 $229 472 220 1007 8/03-8/07 $229 472 220 1008 8/10-8/14 $229 472 220 1009 8/17-8/21 $229 472 220 1010 8/24-8/28 $229 472 220 1011 8/31-9/04 $229 183 220 1001 6/15-6/19 $229 183 220 1002 6/22-6/26 $229 183 220 1003 6/29-7/02 $185 183 220 1004 7/06-7/10 $229 183 220 1005 7/13-7/17 $229 183 220 1006 7/20-7/24 $229 183 220 1007 7/27-7/31 $229 183 220 1008 8/03-8/07 $229 183 220 1009 8/10-8/14 $229 183 220 1010 8/17-8/21 $229

Afternoon Fun Camp

Spend the morning having fun in one of our half-day programs, and the afternoon in our Summer Fun

Camp. Join us for lunch, swim time and afternoon activities. Bring lunch, drink, swimsuit and towel daily. No camp July 3. Lee pool closed 8/31 week. Location Time


(5 yrs.,3 mos. -12 yrs.) Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Lee REC 12:15pm-4pm Prov REC 12:15pm-4pm Prov REC 12:15pm-4pm Prov REC 12:15pm-4pm Prov REC 12:15pm-4pm Prov REC 12:15pm-4pm Prov REC 12:15pm-4pm Prov REC 12:15pm-4pm Prov REC 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:15pm-4pm SoRunREC 12:15pm-4pm SoRunREC 12:15pm-4pm SoRunREC 12:15pm-4pm SoRunREC 12:15pm-4pm SoRunREC 12:15pm-4pm SoRunREC 12:15pm-4pm SoRunREC 12:15pm-4pm SoRunREC 12:15pm-4pm MtVernREC 12:15pm-4pm MtVernREC 12:15pm-4pm MtVernREC 12:15pm-4pm MtVernREC 12:15pm-4pm MtVernREC 12:15pm-4pm



456 295 6201 6/15-6/19 $130 456 295 6202 6/22-6/26 $130 456 295 6203 6/29-7/02 $105 456 295 6204 7/06-7/10 $130 456 295 6205 7/13-7/17 $130 456 295 6206 7/20-7/24 $130 456 295 6207 7/27-7/31 $130 456 295 6208 8/03-8/07 $130 456 295 6209 8/10-8/14 $130 456 295 6210 8/17-8/21 $130 456 295 6211 8/24-8/28 $130 456 295 6212 8/31-9/04 $130 159 295 6201 6/22-6/26 $130 159 295 6202 6/29-7/02 $105 159 295 6203 7/06-7/10 $130 159 295 6204 7/13-7/17 $130 159 295 6205 7/20-7/24 $130 159 295 6206 7/27-7/31 $130 159 295 6207 8/03-8/07 $130 159 295 6208 8/10-8/14 $130 183 295 6201 6/15-6/19 $130 183 295 6202 6/22-6/26 $130 183 295 6203 6/29-7/02 $105 183 295 6204 7/06-7/10 $130 183 295 6205 7/13-7/17 $130 183 295 6206 7/20-7/24 $130 183 295 6207 7/27-7/31 $130 183 295 6208 8/03-8/07 $130 183 295 6209 8/10-8/14 $130 183 295 6210 8/17-8/21 $130 167 295 6201 6/22-6/26 $130 167 295 6202 6/29-7/02 $105 167 295 6203 7/06-7/10 $130 167 295 6204 7/13-7/17 $130 167 295 6205 7/20-7/24 $130 167 295 6206 7/27-7/31 $130 167 295 6207 8/03-8/07 $130 167 295 6208 8/10-8/14 $130 472 295 6201 7/13-7/17 $130 472 295 6202 7/20-7/24 $130 472 295 6203 7/27-7/31 $130 472 295 6204 8/03-8/07 $130 472 295 6205 8/10-8/14 $130

Multi-Sports Camps Kiddie Sports Camp

Fun games enhance running, throwing and catching skills. Youngsters need a bathing suit and towel for water play activities once per session. All children must be potty trained and three years old by the first day of camp. Bring lunch and drink daily. Location Time


(3-5 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm GW REC 9am-1pm GW REC 9am-1pm GW REC 9am-1pm GW REC 9am-1pm GW REC 9am-1pm GW REC 9am-1pm

183 295 3901 7/06-7/10 $195 183 295 3902 7/13-7/17 $195 183 295 3903 7/20-7/24 $195 449 295 3902 7/06-7/10 $195 449 295 3903 7/13-7/17 $195 449 295 3904 7/20-7/24 $195 449 295 3905 7/27-7/31 $195 449 295 3906 8/03-8/07 $195 449 295 3907 8/10-8/14 $195

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664



Spring 2015

Camps Adventure Racing Camp

Bike, run and paddle with TrailsforYouth.Org as you learn the basics of one of the fastest growing outdoor sports - Team Adventure Racing. Camp covers mountain biking, hiking and paddle sports while teaching the importance of teamwork, conservation and overcoming obstacles. Bikes and equipment provided. Camp ends with an exciting team adventure race! Location Time


(9-14 yrs.) LakeAcc Pk

850 223 1101 7/13-7/17 $189



Sports Zone and Junior Sports Zone

Get in the zone with action-packed weeks of sports, games, skill development and events. Specific sport activities vary depending on the site’s facilities. Sessions include some non-sports activities. Field trips and special events may be included during certain weeks. Bag lunch, drink and swimsuit needed daily. Campers may be transported by bus to a nearby school for gym use. No camp July 3. Location Time




Junior Sports Zone (5 yrs., 3 mos. – 8 yrs.) SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9801 6/15-6/19 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9802 6/22-6/26 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9803 6/29-7/02 $185 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9804 7/06-7/10 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9805 7/13-7/17 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9806 7/20-7/24 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9807 7/27-7/31 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9808 8/03-8/07 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 9809 8/10-8/14 $229 Sports Zone (6-13 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 220 1301 6/22-6/26 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 220 1302 6/29-7/02 $185 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 220 1303 7/20-7/24 $229 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 220 1304 7/27-7/31 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 220 1302 6/29-7/02 $185 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 220 1303 7/06-7/10 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 220 1304 7/13-7/17 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 220 1305 7/20-7/24 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 220 1306 7/27-7/31 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 220 1307 8/03-8/07 $229 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 220 1308 8/10-8/14 $229 SpHill REC 9am-4pm 175 220 1301 7/06-7/10 $229 SpHill REC 9am-4pm 175 220 1302 7/13-7/17 $229 SpHill REC 9am-4pm 175 220 1303 7/20-7/24 $229 SpHill REC 9am-4pm 175 220 1304 7/27-7/31 $229 SpHill REC 9am-4pm 175 220 1305 8/03-8/07 $229 SpHill REC 9am-4pm 175 220 1306 8/10-8/14 $229 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 220 1301 6/22-6/26 $229 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 220 1302 6/29-7/02 $185 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 220 1303 7/06-7/10 $229 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 220 1304 7/13-7/17 $229 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 220 1305 7/20-7/24 $229 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 220 1306 7/27-7/31 $229 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 220 1307 8/03-8/07 $229 (9-13 yrs.) Sports Zone SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5401 6/15-6/19 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5402 6/22-6/26 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5403 6/29-7/02 $185 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5404 7/06-7/10 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5405 7/13-7/17 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5406 7/20-7/24 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5407 7/27-7/31 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5408 8/03-8/07 $229 SoRunREC 9am-4pm 167 220 5409 8/10-8/14 $229

Spring 2015

Total Sports Camp

In this fun, fast-moving program, kids enjoy a wide variety of sports and athletic games. Campers play basketball, flag football, soccer, track, baseball and many other “high-energy” activities. Appropriate for boys and girls of all skill/experience levels. Please bring a lunch, water bottle and swimsuit each day (for optional swim time). Lee pool will be closed 8/31 week. Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC

456 220 3101 6/22-6/26 $235 456 220 3102 6/29-7/02 $189 456 220 3103 7/13-7/17 $235 456 220 3104 8/03-8/07 $235 456 220 3105 8/10-8/14 $235 456 220 3106 8/17-8/21 $235 456 220 3107 8/24-8/28 $235 456 220 3108 8/31-9/04 $235

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Dual Sports Camps Dual Sports Camps

Looking to improve skills in more than just one sport? This unique camp focuses on two sports each day. Work on fundamentals with drills and contests before playing regular games. Some camps are bused to nearby school for gym use. Camps at RECenters may swim daily. Bring snack, lunch, water bottle, swimsuit and towel. No camp July 3. Oak Marr pool closed 8/24 week and Wkfld/Moore pool closed 8/31 week. Location Time




(7-14 yrs.)

*Flag Football and Baseball Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm

183 221 3501 7/06-7/10 $260 183 221 3502 8/31-9/04 $260

*Flag Football and Basketball Navy ES 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm CubRun REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm

087 221 5801 7/13-7/17 $260 183 221 5801 8/10-8/14 $260 159 221 5801 7/13-7/17 $260 192 221 5801 8/24-8/28 $260 175 221 5801 6/29-7/02 $210 175 221 5802 7/20-7/24 $260

*Flag Football and Kickball Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm

183 221 3001 6/22-6/26 $260 183 221 3002 7/20-7/24 $260

*Basketball and Kickball SouthRunREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm

167 221 2601 8/31-9/04 $260 175 221 2601 7/06-7/10 $260 175 221 2602 8/17-8/21 $260 159 221 2601 7/27-7/31 $260 192 221 2601 8/17-8/21 $260

*Basketball and Soccer Prov REC Prov REC Navy ES

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

159 223 1701 6/29-7/02 $210 159 223 1702 8/17-8/21 $260 087 223 1701 7/20-7/24 $260

*Soccer and Kickball OakMar REC 9am-4pm

142 223 1901 8/24-8/28 $260

*Tennis and Basketball Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm SouthRunREC 9am-4pm

183 220 7801 8/17-8/21 $260 183 220 7802 8/24-8/28 $260 183 220 7803 8/31-9/04 $260 167 220 7801 8/10-8/14 $260

*Tennis and Kickball NottwayPk


701 220 8401 8/17-8/21 $260

LaxStar and Star Field Hockey Combo Camp

Designed to provide field hockey and girls’ lacrosse instruction and playing opportunities. Fundamentals necessary to achieve strong stick skills and a solid understanding of the games are covered. Deb Sloan, varsity girls’ lax coach at Lake Braddock HS, and Allison Ryneski, varsity field hockey coach at Oakton HS, direct the camp. Campers can focus on field hockey, lacrosse or both. Bring an appropriate stick, mouth guard, eye goggles, water bottle and shin guards (for field hockey). Sneakers or cleats required. Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm



183 220 8301 6/22-6/26 $159

Swing & Putt Camp: Tennis and Mini Golf Grab your racquet and get ready for some fun! Learn or refine tennis skills and fundamentals in the morning and after a lunch break, try your hand at miniature golf. Fun games and competitions in both tennis and mini golf make an action-packed week for those of any skill level. Bring racquet, water bottle, snack, lunch and one can of tennis balls (on the first day). Location Time




(6-11 yrs.) JffrsnGC 8:30am-12:30pm JffrsnGC 8:30am-12:30pm JffrsnGC 8:30am-12:30pm JffrsnGC 8:30am-12:30pm JffrsnGC 8:30am-12:30pm

488 221 9301 7/06-7/10 $189 488 221 9302 7/13-7/17 $189 488 221 9303 7/20-7/24 $189 488 221 9304 7/27-7/31 $189 488 221 9305 8/03-8/07 $189

Swing & Swim Morning tennis instruction with afternoon swim lessons provides the ultimate experience! All levels welcome. Other sports and games are also introduced. Bring a snack, water bottle, lunch, swimsuit, towel, tennis racket and one can of balls. No camp July 3. Location Time



449 220 9501 6/22-6/26 $265 449 220 9502 6/29-7/02 $215 449 220 9503 7/06-7/10 $265 449 220 9504 7/13-7/17 $265 449 220 9505 7/20-7/24 $265 449 220 9506 7/27-7/31 $265 449 220 9507 8/03-8/07 $265 449 220 9508 8/10-8/14 $265

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Camp on Wheels A great combo for wheeled sports enthusiasts! Morning rollerblading and afternoon bike riding. For details and equipment needs, see descriptions for Rollerblade and Bike Riding camps. Bring water bottle, snack and lunch daily. Bike rental info, call 703-994-7617. Location Time




(6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4pm 183 221 9701 7/13-7/17 $379 SpHill REC 8:30am-4pm 175 221 9701 6/22-6/26 $379 CubRunREC 8:30am-4pm 192 221 9701 7/06-7/10 $379

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/campforms

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Camps Wheel Action Camp A great combo for wheeled sports enthusiasts! Morning skateboarding and afternoon bike riding. For details and equipment needs, see descriptions for Skateboard and Bike Riding Camps. Bring water bottle, snacks and lunch daily. Bike rental info, call 703-994-7617. No camp July 3. Location Time




(6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4pm LakeFairfax 8:30am-4pm SpHill REC 8:30am-4pm SoRun REC 8:30am-4pm CubRunREC 8:30am-4pm Mt VernonREC 8 :30am-4pm

183 295 3701 6/22-6/26 $379 183 295 3702 7/13-7/17 $379 183 295 3703 7/20-7/24 $379 835 295 3701 6/29-7/02 $305 175 295 3701 6/22-6/26 $379 167 295 3701 7/27-7/31 $379 192 295 3701 7/06-7/10 $379 472 295 3701 7/20-7/24 379

Xtreme Camp

A great combo for extreme sports enthusiasts! Morning skateboarding sessions and afternoon mountain biking. For more details and equipment needs, see descriptions for Skate Board and Mountain Bike Camp. Bring water bottle, snacks and lunch daily. Bike rental info, call 703-994-7617. No camp July 3. Location Time




(8-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4pm Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4pm SoRunREC 8:30am-4pm

183 220 6201 6/22-6/26 $379 183 220 6202 7/06-7/10 $379 183 220 6203 7/20-7/24 $379 835 220 6201 6/29-7/02 $305 167 220 6201 7/27-7/31 $379

SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC NottowayPk NottowayPk NottowayPk NottowayPk

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm

167 295 9501 6/22-6/26 167 295 9502 6/29-7/02 167 295 9503 8/10-8/14 167 295 9504 8/17-8/21 701 295 9501 7/06-7/10 701 295 9502 7/13-7/17 701 295 9503 7/27-7/31 701 295 9504 8/03-8/07

$155 $125 $155 $155 $155 $155 $155 $155

Baseball Camp

Join us for fun competitions, skills development and games. The Virginia Baseball Club camp provides personalized instruction that gives players the tools and confidence needed to excel in the upcoming season. Low student ratios allow the veteran coaching staff to work closely with each player. Camps running until 4 p.m. include an afternoon swim break from 2-4 p.m.; Lake Fairfax full-day camp includes daily trip to the Water Mine (bring swimsuit & towel). All campers bring glove, bat, helmet, water bottle, lunch and protective equipment needed daily. Only camps that go until 4 p.m. are eligible for site extended care. No camp July 3. Location Time (7-12 yrs.) LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax OakHill ES SoRunREC SoRunREC

9am-2pm 9am-4pm 9am-2pm 9am-4pm 9am-2pm 9am-2pm 9am-4pm



835 295 0701 7/06-7/10 835 295 0702 7/06-7/10 835 295 0703 7/27-7/31 835 295 0704 7/27-7/31 090 295 0701 7/20-7/24 167 295 0701 6/22-6/26 167 295 0702 6/22-6/26

$ $245 $315 $245 $315 $245 $245 $285

SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC NottowayPk NottowayPk NottowayPk NottowayPk SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC

9am-2pm 9am-4pm 9am-2pm 9am-4pm 9am-2pm 9am-4pm 9am-2pm 9am-2pm 9am-2pm 9am-2pm 9am-2pm 9am-4pm 9am-2pm 9am-4pm

167 295 0703 6/29-7/02 $199 167 295 0704 6/29-7/02 $229 167 295 0705 8/10-8/14 $245 167 295 0706 8/10-8/14 $285 167 295 0707 8/17-8/21 $245 167 295 0708 8/17-8/21 $285 701 295 0701 7/06-7/10 $245 701 295 0702 7/13-7/17 $245 701 295 0703 7/27-7/31 $245 701 295 0704 8/03-8/07 $245 175 295 0701 7/13-7/17 $245 175 295 0702 7/13-7/17 $285 175 295 0703 7/20-7/24 $245 175 295 0704 7/20-7/24 $285

Summer Hoops Basketball Camp

A combination of positive, energetic and fundamentals-based coaching while “maximizing the fun” with multiple hours of real game action every day. Campers will learn and refine skills and truly enjoy this total basketball experience appropriate for ALL skill levels. Bring snack, lunch and water bottle each day. Swimming may be available at some locations. No camp July 3. Wkfld/Moore pool closed 8/31 week. Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm


456 223 0801 6/15-6/19 456 223 0802 6/22-6/26 456 223 0803 6/29-7/02 456 223 0804 7/06-7/10 456 223 0805 7/13-7/17 456 223 0806 7/20-7/24 456 223 0807 7/27-7/31

$ $239 $239 $195 $239 $239 $239 $239

Single Focus Sports Camps Archery Camp

Develop archery skills shooting Olympic-style (recurve) or compound bows. Learn patience, focus and attention to detail through focused instruction. Other archery-related activities provide a broader introduction to the sport in general. Equipment is provided. Bring snack and drink. Location Time


(9-15 yrs.) BullRunPk BullRunPk BullRunPk BullRunPk BullRunPk BullRunPk BullRunPk BullRunPk BullRunPk

544 221 1601 6/22-6/24 544 221 1602 6/29-7/01 544 221 1603 7/06-7/08 544 221 1604 7/13-7/15 544 221 1605 7/20-7/22 544 221 1606 7/27-7/29 544 221 1607 8/03-8/05 544 221 1608 8/10-8/12 544 221 1609 8/24-8/26

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm


$ $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159

SNAG is a fun and innovative way to introduce children to the game of golf. For more information about SNAG classes and birthday parties, please turn to the Golf section of Parktakes.

Baseball Beginners Camp

This popular camp by Virginia Baseball Club introduces youngsters to hitting, fielding, throwing, catching and base running. Fun, age-appropriate drills are used to reinforce basic skills. Group interaction, cooperation and team play are emphasized. Players should bring water bottle, snack, batting helmet, glove and bat. This camp not eligible for afternoon extended care. No camp July 3. Location Time


(5-6 yrs.) OakHill ES

090 295 9501 7/20-7/24 $155





Pinecrest Golf Course 6600 Little River Turnpike, Alexandria,Va. 703-941-1061 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf/pinecrestgc

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Camps Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm Navy ES 9am-4pm Navy ES 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SpHillREC 9am-4pm SpHillREC 9am-4pm SpHillREC 9am-4pm SpHillREC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm

456 223 0808 8/03-8/07 $239 456 223 0809 8/10-8/14 $239 456 223 0810 8/17-8/21 $239 192 220 1801 8/10-8/14 $239 087 220 1801 7/06-7/10 $239 087 220 1802 7/27-7/31 $239 159 220 1801 7/06-7/10 $239 159 220 1802 7/20-7/24 $239 159 220 1803 8/03-8/07 $239 159 220 1804 8/10-8/14 $239 167 220 1801 6/29-7/02 $195 167 220 1802 7/27-7/31 $239 167 220 1803 8/10-8/14 $239 175 220 1801 6/22-6/26 $239 175 220 1802 7/13-7/17 $239 175 220 1803 8/24-8/28 $239 175 220 1804 8/31-9/04 $239 183 220 1801 6/29-7/02 $195 183 220 1802 7/13-7/17 $239 183 220 1803 7/27-7/31 $239 183 220 1804 8/03-8/07 $239 183 220 1805 8/24-8/28 $239 183 220 1806 8/31-9/04 $239

icksburg. Bikes and helmets provided, but campers are welcome to bring their own. Grouped from beginner to advanced intermediate. No camp July 3.

Location Time




(5-8 yrs.) Lake Fairfax 8:30am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 12:30pm-4pm SpHill REC 8:30am-12pm OakMar REC 8:30am-12pm SoRunREC 8:30am-12pm MtVernonREC 8:30am-12pm

835 295 7801 6/29-7/02 $195 183 295 7801 7/13-7/17 $245 175 295 7801 6/22-6/26 $245 142 295 7801 8/03-8/07 $245 167 295 7801 7/27-7/31 $245 472 295 7801 7/20-7/24 $245

For campers who can ride a bike without training wheels. A hands-on, educational way to master bicycle riding. Learn basic bike riding, steering, shifting, negotiating obstacles, safety and rules of the road. This camp gives children a chance to interact with their peers while enhancing skills and enjoying the outdoors. Bring bike, bike gloves, helmet, hydro-pack or two water bottles and snack. No camp July 3. Bike rental info, call 703-994-7617. Location Time




(6-12 yrs.) SpHill REC 12:30-4pm Lake Fairfax 12:30-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:30-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:30-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:30-4pm CubRun REC 12:30-4pm SoRun REC 12:30-4pm OakMar REC 12:30-4pm MtVernonREC 12:30-4pm

175 223 6701 6/22-6/26 $245 835 223 6701 6/29-7/02 $195 183 223 6701 6/22-6/26 $245 183 223 6702 7/13-7/17 $245 183 223 6703 7/20-7/24 $245 192 223 6701 7/06-7/10 $245 167 223 6701 7/27-7/31 $245 142 223 6702 8/03-8/07 $245 472 223 6701 7/20-7/24 $245

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/campforms Spring 2015



167 223 6401 6/29-7/02 $385 183 223 6401 8/17-8/21 $479

Join Spirit Pros and cheer your favorite team to victory! Beginner cheerleaders learn the basics while seasoned cheerleaders prepare for tryouts. Camp focuses on learning and refining skills in cheer-motions, jumps, tumbling, dance and stunts. Group/ team technique includes synchronization, timing, formations and spacing. Friends and family are invited to a performance at the end of camp. Camp includes a swim break. Bring bathing suit, towel, snack and lunch daily. Tie long hair back, wear cheer/tennis shoes, comfortable clothes and no jewelry. Signed participation release form required on the first day. Some camps may be bussed to nearby school for gym/cafeteria use.

Flag football and other team sports are great ways to develop skills, build confidence and make new friends. BMX/Freestyle Bike Camp

Develop beginner and intermediate BMX/Freestyle skills. Bring your BMX/Freestyle bike, helmet, bike gloves, water bottle and snack. Bike must be in excellent mechanical condition. No camp July 3. Location Time




(8-14 yrs.) LakeFairfax 8:30am-12pm 835 220 7301 6/29-7/02 $195 Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-12pm 183 220 7301 7/06-7/10 $245

Mountain Biking Camp

Bike Riding Camp


(9-14 yrs.) SoRun REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm

Cheer Elite Camp

Learn to Ride a Bike

Say good-bye to training wheels! A great camp for kids transitioning to ride without training wheels. Campers start with training wheels on and learn how to ride their bike without them. Bring bike with or without training wheels, helmet, bike gloves, snack and water bottle. No camp July 3. Bike rental info, call 703-994-7617.

Location Time

Develop beginner and intermediate mountain biking skills including steering, shifting, hill climbing and descending, log hopping, dodging obstacles, etiquette, maintenance, safety and more. Instruction and trail rides daily. Bring mountain bike, bike gloves, helmet, water bottle, hydration pack and labeled snack. Bikes must have at least 7 gears and be in excellent mechanical condition. See Xtreme Camp to make a full day of fun. No camp July 3. Bike rental info, call 703-994-7617. Location Time


(8-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 12:30-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:30-4pm Wkfld/Moore 12:30-4pm OakMarREC 12:30-4pm SoRun REC 12:30-4pm Lake Fairfax 12:30-4pm

183 220 2501 6/22-6/26 $245 183 220 2502 7/06-7/10 $245 183 220 2503 7/20-7/24 $245 142 220 2501 8/03-8/07 $245 167 220 2501 7/27-7/31 $245 835 220 2501 6/29-7/02 $195

Travel Mountain Biking Camp



With VA Outside, campers develop beginner and intermediate skills including: steering, shifting, hill climbing/descending, log hopping, dodging obstacles, etiquette, maintenance, safety and more. Instruction and trail ride locations include Lake Accotink, Laurel Hill, Burke Lake and VA Outdoor Center in Freder-

Location Time


(6-15 yrs.) OakMar REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm



142 295 9701 6/22-6/26 $279 183 295 9701 7/06-7/10 $279 192 295 9701 7/20-7/24 $279 175 295 9701 8/03-8/07 $279 456 295 9701 8/10-8/14 $279

Little Musketeers

Campers explore modern sport fencing basics including rules, terminology and techniques in a safe and entertaining environment. Emphasis placed on physical fitness, mind-body coordination, self-discipline and respect, an important part of the chivalric fencing tradition. Young D’Artagnans wear safety equipment and use special swords made of plastic. A safety waiver and equipment fee of $49 payable to instructor are due on the first day. Location Time


(4-5 yrs.) VAFenceAcad 9-10:30am VAFenceAcad 9-10:30am VAFenceAcad 9-10:30am VAFenceAcad 9-10:30am VAFenceAcad 9-10:30am


468 223 0001 6/22-6/26 468 223 0002 7/13-7/17 468 223 0003 7/27-7/31 468 223 0004 8/10-8/14 468 223 0005 8/24-8/28

$ $189 $189 $189 $189 $189

Fencing – Introductory Olympic Sport

Often called the physical game of chess, fencing improves coordination, balance, grace and quickness. Students use the foil (a light thrusting sword) and are introduced to the sabre and the epee. Safety-tipped swords, protective jackets, masks and a glove are worn. A safety waiver and equipment fee of $49 payable to instructor are due on the first day. For those 9 yrs. and older, a supervised lunch break is available if enrolling in both morning and afternoon fencing sessions-- full-day campers should bring lunch daily. Location Time


(6-8 yrs.) VAFenceAcad 10:30am-12pm VAFenceAcad 10:30am-12pm VAFenceAcad 10:30am-12pm VAFenceAcad 10:30am-12pm VAFenceAcad 10:30am-12pm

468 221 0501 6/22-6/26 468 221 0502 7/13-7/17 468 221 0503 7/27-7/31 468 221 0504 8/10-8/14 468 221 0505 8/24-8/28

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


$ $190 $190 $190 $190 $190


Camps (9 yrs. and older) VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm

468 220 0201 6/22-6/26 $199 468 220 0202 7/06-7/10 $199 468 220 0203 7/13-7/17 $199 468 220 0204 7/20-7/24 $199 468 220 0205 7/27-7/31 $199 468 220 0206 8/03-8/07 $199 468 220 0207 8/10-8/14 $199 468 220 0208 8/17-8/21 $199 468 220 0209 8/24-8/28 $199 468 220 0210 8/31-9/04 $199

Fencing – Introductory Historical Swordsmanship Based on Renaissance and Medieval techniques, the sword fighting disciplines explored are the rapier (the traditional dueling sword) and the two-handed sword (knightly Medieval European sword). Practice swords used are the shinai and the foil. Students wear protective jackets, masks and gloves. A safety wavier and equipment rental fee of $49 payable on the first day. A supervised lunch break is available for those enrolling in both morning and afternoon fencing sessions. Full-day campers bring lunch daily. Location Time


(9 yrs. and older) VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm VAFenceAcad 12:30-3:30pm VAFenceAcad 9am-12pm



468 220 0301 6/22-6/26 $199 468 220 0302 7/06-7/10 $199 468 220 0303 7/13-7/17 $199 468 220 0304 7/20-7/24 $199 468 220 0305 7/27-7/31 $199 468 220 0306 8/03-8/07 $199 468 220 0307 8/10-8/14 $199 468 220 0308 8/17-8/21 $199 468 220 0309 8/24-8/28 $199 468 220 0310 8/31-9/04 $199

Star Girls’ Field Hockey Camp

Allison Ryneski, varsity field hockey coach at Oakton High School, directs this week-long field hockey camp that will develop the complete player. Campers work on stick skills, dribbling, passing, drives, shooting, defense, game strategy and conditioning in a positive environment. Bring a stick, shin guards, eye goggles, mouth guard and water bottle. Location Time (11-14 yrs.) SpHill REC 9am-12pm




175 221 3601 7/20-7/24 $159

Football (non-tackle)

This unique non-contact camp is a great way to develop and enhance skills while learning from some of the area’s best coaches and players. Designed for both beginner and experienced football players. Wear shorts, T-shirt and sneakers. Campers have a swim break and should bring snack, lunch, water bottle, swimsuit and towel daily. Location Time (7-15 yrs.) Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC (8-13 yrs.) SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC GW REC GW REC





9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

456 223 0901 7/06-7/10 $245 456 223 0902 7/20-7/24 $245 456 223 0903 7/27-7/31 $245

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

167 220 3201 6/22-6/26 $245 167 220 3202 7/06-7/10 $245 167 220 3203 8/03-8/07 $245 449 220 3201 8/03-8/07 $245 449 220 3201 8/10-8/14 $245

Junior Golf Camp

Campers enhance golf skills and learn putting, chipping, irons and woods play as well as course etiquette and best safety practices. Learn from one of our certified golf instructors. Clubs are not required, but bringing clubs is suggested. Athletic shoes and attire are preferred. Bring snack and water bottle. Pinecrest offers a full-day option (bring lunch or money to purchase lunch from snack bar if attending 9-4 camp). All campers receive a certificate and golf fun pack at the end of camp. Location Time (8-14 yrs.) TwnLkGlf TwnLkGlf TwnLkGlf TwnLkGlf TwnLkGlf TwnLkGlf TwnLkGlf TwnLkGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf PnecrstGlf




Lacrosse Camp

Play with college players and former University of Maryland coaches. Young athletes build fundamental lacrosse skills and become familiar with game rules. Sneakers or cleats are required. For girls’ camp: campers must provide their own lacrosse stick and mouth guard. For boys’ camp: campers must provide their own lacrosse stick, helmet, gloves and arm/rib/ shoulder pads. Equipment rental info 410-299-3035. (Girls who need a lacrosse stick must call in advance to assure sticks are available.) For added fun and swim time, see our Afternoon Fun Camp option. Location Time

8:30am-12:30pm 546 223 2301 6/22-6/26 $275 8:30am-12:30pm 546 223 2302 7/06-7/10 $275 8:30am-12:30pm 546 223 2303 7/13-7/17 $275 8:30am-12:30pm 546 223 2304 7/20-7/24 $275 8:30am-12:30pm 546 223 2305 7/27-7/31 $275 8:30am-12:30pm 546 223 2306 8/03-8/07 $275 8:30am-12:30pm 546 223 2307 8/10-8/14 $275 8:30am-12:30pm 546 223 2308 8/17-8/21 $275 9am-12pm 512 223 2301 7/06-7/10 $225 9am-4pm 512 223 2302 7/06-7/10 $450 9am-12pm 512 223 2303 7/13-7/17 $225 9am-4pm 512 223 2304 7/13-7/17 $450 9am-12pm 512 223 2305 7/20-7/24 $225 9am-4pm 512 223 2306 7/20-7/24 $450 9am-12pm 512 223 2307 7/27-7/31 $225 9am-4pm 512 223 2308 7/27-7/31 $450 9am-12pm 512 223 2309 8/03-8/07 $225 9am-4pm 512 223 2310 8/03-8/07 $450 9am-12pm 512 223 2311 8/10-8/14 $225 9am-4pm 512 223 2312 8/10-8/14 $450 9am-12pm 512 223 2313 8/17-8/21 $225 9am-4pm 512 223 2314 8/17-8/21 $450 9am-12pm 512 223 2315 8/24-8/28 $225 9am-4pm 512 223 2316 8/24-8/28 $450

Kiddie Gymnastics Camp

Little ones love this camp that introduces gymnastics basics with activities ranging from balance beam moves to floor exercises and stretches. The exciting challenges get campers tumbling and twirling. Children must be potty trained. Bring lunch and drink daily. No camp July 3. Location Time



(4-6 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm

183 221 4701 6/15-6/19 183 221 4702 6/29-7/02 183 221 4703 8/10-8/14 183 221 4704 8/17-8/21

$ $255 $209 $255 $255

Stay Cool Ice Skating Camp

Campers can beat the heat and improve their ice-skating skills in this fun and exciting camp. Enjoy a daily, on-ice lesson, free skate time, on-ice games, activities and more. Direct on-ice time is 1.5 to 2 hours daily. Camp includes free use of rental skates and five additional practice sessions. Previous skating experience (Basic 1 level) required. Pair with Afternoon Fun Camp to make a full day of activities. Location Time


(6-13 yrs.) MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

472 295 8401 7/13-7/17 $219 472 295 8402 7/20-7/24 $219 472 295 8403 8/03-8/07 $219 472 295 8404 8/10-8/14 $219

9am-12:15pm 9am-12:15pm 9am-12:15pm 9am-12:15pm






(9-14 yrs.) – Girls SoRunREC 8:30am-2:30pm 167 220 5501 7/20-7/24 $219 SoRunREC 8:30am-2:30pm 167 220 5502 8/03-8/07 $219 (8-15 yrs.) - Boys SoRunREC 8:30am-2:30pm 167 220 5601 7/20-7/24 $219 SoRunREC 8:30am-2:30pm 167 220 5602 8/03-8/07 $219

Lacrosse Camp

Learn basic lacrosse skills from top players. Girls practice with girls and must bring own lacrosse stick and mouth guard. Boys practice with boys and must bring own stick, helmet, gloves and mouth guard. Swim time offered daily for both groups. Bring snack, lunch and swimsuit. Location Time


(10-14 yrs.) Lee REC 9am-4pm



456 221 4601 7/27-7/31 $239

LaxStar Girls’ Lacrosse Camp

Deb Sloan, head lacrosse coach at Lake Braddock High School and former midfielder at the Univ. of Delaware, leads girls through basic stick skills, catching, cradling and a tactical offensive/defensive understanding of the sport through fun drills, games and scrimmages. Bring lacrosse stick, mouth guard, goggles and water bottle. Extra lax sticks available if needed. Sneakers or cleats required. Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) SpHill REC

175 295 7601 7/13-7/17 $159




LaxStar Pre-Season Prep Girls’ Lax Camp

For intermediate or advanced youth girls or high school players who currently play lacrosse and are hoping to play club team in the fall. Fine-tune skills and work on more advanced techniques with area college players and high school coaches. Bring lacrosse stick, mouth guard, goggles and water bottle. Sneakers or cleats are required. Location Time


(10-15 yrs.) SpHill REC 9am-12pm



175 295 7701 7/27-7/31 $159

Experienced Lacrosse Camp for Boys

This full-contact camp requires campers to supply their own lacrosse stick and protective equipment (helmet, goggles, shoulder pads, arm pads gloves, mouth piece and cleats). Swim time offered daily. Bring snack, lunch and swimsuit. Location Time


(10-15 yrs.) Boys Only Lee REC 9am-4pm

456 221 5101 8/10-8/14 $239

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664



Spring 2015

Camps NEW! Longboarding Camp

Learn foot placement, balance, carving, cruising, stopping and tricks. Bring longboard, helmet, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, water and snack. Location Time (8-14 yrs.) SoRun REC




8:30am-12pm 167 223 7801 7/27-7/31 $245

NEW! Ninja Stars





(6-15 yrs.) Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 6301 7/13-7/17 Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm 183 295 6301 7/20-7/24

$279 $279

Ping Pong Camp

Learn ping pong fundamentals or refine skills already mastered. Campers enjoy game play daily and have time to work one-on-one with the coaches. Bring snack, lunch and drink. If time permits, campers may also have a swim break during the day. Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) SpHill REC SpHill REC Prov REC

175 223 6501 8/17-8/21 $289 175 223 6502 8/24-8/28 $289 159 223 6501 8/31-9/04 $289

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Rollerblade Camp

Learn how to gear up, stand up, stop, avoid falling down, turn, crossover, skate backwards, skating games and safety. Bring rollerblades, helmet, knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, water and snack. Location Time




(6-13 yrs.) SpHill REC 8:30am-12pm 175 220 2301 6/22-6/26 $245 Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-12pm 183 220 2301 7/13-7/17 $245 CubRunREC 8:30am-12pm 192 220 2301 7/06-7/10 $245

Skate Board Camp

Tac-turn, kick turn, rock ‘n’ roll, ride fakie, ollie, dropin—you learn these skills, skate park etiquette and more. A great outdoor camp for beginner and intermediate skate board riders. Campers must bring skate board, skate board helmet, knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, water and snack. No camp July 3. Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) LakeFairfax 8:30am-12pm CubRunREC 8:30am-12pm SoRun REC 8:30am-12pm SpHill REC 8:30am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-12pm MtVernonREC 8:30am-12pm

835 220 6701 6/29-7/02 $199 192 220 6701 7/06-7/10 $245 167 220 6701 7/27-7/31 $245 175 220 6701 6/22-6/26 $245 183 220 6701 6/22-6/26 $245 183 220 6702 6/29-7/02 $199 183 220 6703 7/13-7/17 $245 183 220 6704 7/20-7/24 $245 183 220 6705 8/03-8/07 $245 472 220 6701 7/20-7/24 $245

Spring 2015

Join our British soccer coaches in this great introduction to fundamental soccer skills through innovative games and activities which begin without a ball, then introduce soccer ball use once repeated success is achieved. Parents must remain on site for duration of the camp and are encouraged to join in the fun. No camp July 3. Location Time

Join Spirit Pros in this unique camp blending the best elements of tae kwon do, goju and hapkido. Lead-up games, agility challenges and recreational activities enhance the experience. This camp covers basic self-defense with anti-bullying techniques, falls, rolling, blocks, kicks and punching. Your Ninja Star participates in small groups to refine martial arts skills under the guidance of our instructors. Bring a swimsuit, towel, snack and lunch daily. No belt levels for this camp. Signed release form required on the first day. Location

First Kicks Soccer Camp






(2-3 yrs.) CubRunREC 10:45-11:45am 192 220 2701 6/08-6/12 $101 CubRunREC 10:45-11:45am 192 220 2702 6/15-6/19 $101 OakMarREC 10:45-11:45am 142 220 2701 6/01-6/05 $101 OakMarREC 10:45-11:45am 142 220 2702 6/08-6/12 $101 OakMarREC 10:45-11:45am 142 220 2703 6/15-6/19 $101 OakMarREC 10:45-11:45am 142 220 2704 7/06-7/10 $101 OakMarREC 10:45-11:45am 142 220 2705 7/13-7/17 $101 OakMarREC 10:45-11:45am 142 220 2706 7/27-7/31 $101 OakMarREC 10:45-11:45am 142 220 2707 8/03-8/07 $101 OakMarREC 10:45-11:45am 142 220 2708 8/17-8/21 $101 SoRunREC 10:45-11:45am 167 220 2701 6/01-6/05 $101 SoRunREC 10:45-11:45am 167 220 2702 6/08-6/12 $101 SoRunREC 10:45-11:45am 167 220 2703 6/15-6/19 $101 SoRunREC 10:45-11:45am 167 220 2704 6/29-7/02 $ 81 SoRunREC 10:45-11:45am 167 220 2705 7/13-7/17 $101 SoRunREC 10:45-11:45am 167 220 2706 7/20-7/24 $101 SoRunREC 10:45-11:45am 167 220 2707 8/10-8/14 $101 SoRunREC 10:45-11:45am 167 220 2708 8/17-8/21 $101 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2701 6/01-6/05 $101 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2702 6/08-6/12 $101 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2703 6/15-6/19 $101 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2704 6/22-6/26 $101 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2705 6/29-7/02 $ 81 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2706 7/06-7/10 $101 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2707 7/20-7/24 $101 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2708 7/27-7/31 $101 SpHill REC 10:45-11:45am 175 220 2709 8/17-8/21 $101 LakeFairfax 10:45-11:45am 835 220 2701 7/13-7/17 $101 LakeFairfax 10:45-11:45am 835 220 2702 8/03-8/07 $101 Lee REC 10:45-11:45am 456 220 2701 6/01-6/05 $101 Lee REC 10:45-11:45am 456 220 2702 6/08-6/12 $101 Lee REC 10:45-11:45am 456 220 2703 6/15-6/19 $101 Lee REC 10:45-11:45am 456 220 2704 6/22-6/26 $101 Lee REC 10:45-11:45am 456 220 2705 7/06-7/10 $101 Lee REC 10:45-11:45am 456 220 2706 7/27-7/31 $101 Lee REC 10:45-11:45am 456 220 2707 8/10-8/14 $101 Lee REC 10:45-11:45am 456 220 2708 8/24-8/28 $101 Wkfld/Moore 10:45-11:45am 183 220 2701 6/08-6/12 $101 Wkfld/Moore 10:45-11:45am 183 220 2702 6/15-6/19 $101 Wkfld/Moore 10:45-11:45am 183 220 2703 7/13-7/17 $101 Wkfld/Moore 10:45-11:45am 183 220 2704 8/03-8/07 $101 Wkfld/Moore 10:45-11:45am 183 220 2705 8/17-8/21 $101 BelleVwES 10:45-11:45am 006 220 2701 6/29-7/02 $ 81 BelleVwES 10:45-11:45am 006 220 2702 7/13-7/17 $101 BelleVwES 10:45-11:45am 006 220 2703 7/20-7/24 $101 BelleVwES 10:45-11:45am 006 220 2704 8/03-8/07 $101

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/campforms

No need to curb your enthusiasm for skateboarding. Sign up for Skate Board Camp and learn to soar, and more! British Mini-Soccer Camp

British soccer coaches provide an introduction to the game through fun games, competitions and skill-developing activities. Future soccer stars are born as they embrace the fundamentals and become captivated by the world of soccer. No camp July 3. Location Time


(4-6 yrs.) CubRunREC CubRunREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC

192 220 2801 6/08-6/12 $121 192 220 2802 6/15-6/19 $121 142 220 2801 6/01-6/05 $121 142 220 2802 6/08-6/12 $121 142 220 2803 6/15-6/19 $121 142 220 2804 7/06-7/10 $121 142 220 2805 7/13-7/17 $121 142 220 2806 7/27-7/31 $121 142 220 2807 8/03-8/07 $121 142 220 2808 8/17-8/21 $121 167 220 2801 6/01-6/05 $121 167 220 2802 6/08-6/12 $121 167 220 2803 6/15-6/19 $121 167 220 2804 6/29-7/02 $ 97 167 220 2805 7/13-7/17 $121 167 220 2806 7/20-7/24 $121 167 220 2807 8/10-8/14 $121 167 220 2808 8/17-8/21 $121 456 220 2801 6/01-6/05 $121 456 220 2802 6/08-6/12 $121 456 220 2803 6/15-6/19 $121 456 220 2804 6/22-6/26 $121 456 220 2805 7/06-7/10 $121

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am 9am-10:30am




Camps Lee REC 9am-10:30am Lee REC 9am-10:30am Lee REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am SpHill REC 9am-10:30am LakeFairfax 9am-10:30am LakeFairfax 9am-10:30am Wkfld/Moore 9am-10:30am Wkfld/Moore 9am-10:30am Wkfld/Moore 9am-10:30am Wkfld/Moore 9am-10:30am Wkfld/Moore 9am-10:30am BelleVwES 9am-10:30am BelleVwES 9am-10:30am BelleVwES 9am-10:30am BelleVwES 9am-10:30am

456 220 2806 7/27-7/31 $121 456 220 2807 8/10-8/14 $121 456 220 2808 8/24-8/28 $121 175 220 2801 6/01-6/05 $121 175 220 2802 6/08-6/12 $121 175 220 2803 6/15-6/19 $121 175 220 2804 6/22-6/26 $121 175 220 2805 6/29-7/02 $ 97 175 220 2806 7/06-7/10 $121 175 220 2807 7/20-7/24 $121 175 220 2808 7/27-7/31 $121 175 220 2809 8/17-8/21 $121 835 220 3801 7/13-7/17 $121 835 220 3802 8/03-8/07 $121 183 220 2801 6/08-6/12 $121 183 220 2802 6/15-6/19 $121 183 220 2803 7/13-7/17 $121 183 220 2804 8/03-8/07 $121 183 220 2805 8/17-8/21 $121 006 220 2801 6/29-7/02 $ 97 006 220 2802 7/13-7/17 $121 006 220 2803 7/20-7/24 $121 006 220 2804 8/03-8/07 $121

Player Development Soccer Camp

British soccer coaches provide a great camp experience, lending their knowledge and expertise to campers on skill development, tactical awareness and above all else fun. Full-day campers may swim in the afternoons (site specific). Please bring cleats and a water bottle daily (swimsuit/towel for full day). Campers may be transported by school bus to use nearby school fields and gyms as needed. Camp is rain or shine; campers may play in rain. No camp July 3. These pools may be closed 8/24 and 8/31 weeks for maintenance: Lee, Oak Marr and Wkfld/Moore. Location Time



142 220 2901 6/15-6/19 $255 142 220 2902 6/15-6/19 $185 142 220 2903 7/06-7/10 $255 142 220 2904 7/06-7/10 $185 142 220 2905 7/13-7/17 $255 142 220 2906 7/13-7/17 $185 142 220 2907 7/27-7/31 $255 142 220 2908 7/27-7/31 $185 142 220 2909 8/03-8/07 $255 142 220 2910 8/03-8/07 $185 142 220 2911 8/17-8/21 $255 142 220 2912 8/17-8/21 $185 142 220 2913 8/24-8/28 $255 142 220 2914 8/31-9/04 $255 167 220 2901 6/15-6/19 $255 167 220 2902 6/15-6/19 $185 167 220 2903 6/29-7/02 $205 167 220 2904 7/13-7/17 $255 167 220 2905 7/13-7/17 $185 167 220 2906 7/20-7/24 $255 167 220 2907 7/20-7/24 $185 167 220 2908 8/10-8/14 $255 167 220 2909 8/10-8/14 $185 167 220 2910 8/17-8/21 $255 167 220 2911 8/17-8/21 $185 167 220 2912 8/24-8/28 $255 167 220 2913 8/24-8/28 $185 167 220 2914 8/31-9/04 $255 167 220 2915 8/31-9/04 $185 192 220 2901 7/06-7/10 $255 192 220 2903 7/20-7/24 $255


9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm


Kick into action with your friends at Soccer Camp! British soccer coaches help you develop skills through a variety of fun activities as you explore the wonderful world of soccer.

$ CubRunREC CubRunREC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC Lake Fairfax Lake Fairfax Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm

192 220 2905 8/03-8/07 $255 192 220 2906 8/10-8/14 $255 175 220 2901 6/15-6/19 $255 175 220 2902 6/15-6/19 $185 175 220 2903 6/22-6/26 $255 175 220 2904 6/22-6/26 $185 175 220 2905 6/29-7/02 $205 175 220 2906 6/29-7/02 $150 175 220 2907 7/06-7/10 $255 175 220 2908 7/06-7/10 $185 175 220 2909 7/20-7/24 $255 175 220 2910 7/20-7/24 $185 175 220 2911 7/27-7/31 $255 175 220 2912 7/27-7/31 $185 175 220 2913 8/17-8/21 $255 175 220 2914 8/17-8/21 $185 175 220 2915 8/24-8/28 $255 175 220 2916 8/24-8/28 $185 175 220 2917 8/31-9/04 $255 175 220 2918 8/31-9/04 $185 835 220 2901 7/13-7/17 $185 835 220 2902 8/03-8/07 $185 456 220 2901 6/15-6/19 $255 456 220 2902 6/15-6/19 $185 456 220 2903 6/22-6/26 $255 456 220 2904 6/22-6/26 $185 456 220 2905 7/06-7/10 $255 456 220 2906 7/06-7/10 $185 456 220 2907 7/27-7/31 $255 456 220 2908 7/27-7/31 $185 456 220 2909 8/10-8/14 $255 456 220 2910 8/10-8/14 $185

Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-12pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-12pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm

456 220 2911 8/24-8/28 $255 456 220 2912 8/24-8/28 $185 456 220 2913 8/31-9/04 $255 456 220 2914 8/31-9/04 $185 159 220 2901 7/06-7/10 $255 159 220 2902 7/13-7/17 $255 159 220 2903 7/20-7/24 $255 159 220 2904 7/27-7/31 $255 159 220 2905 8/03-8/07 $255 159 220 2905 8/10-8/17 $255 472 220 2901 6/29-7/02 $205 472 220 2902 7/13-7/17 $255 472 220 2903 7/20-7/24 $255 472 220 2904 8/03-8/07 $255 183 220 2901 6/15-6/19 $255 183 220 2902 6/15-6/19 $185 183 220 2903 7/13-7/17 $255 183 220 2904 7/13-7/17 $185 183 220 2905 8/03-8/07 $255 183 220 2906 8/03-8/07 $185 183 220 2907 8/17-8/21 $255 183 220 2908 8/17-8/21 $185 183 220 2909 8/24-8/28 $255 183 220 2910 8/24-8/28 $185 183 220 2911 8/31-9/04 $255 183 220 2912 8/31-9/04 $185

Player Development Plus Soccer Camp

Our specialized British soccer coaches generate a fun atmosphere while promoting a professional outlook for players who are serious about the game. Players are challenged through game-related techniques, ad-

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Camps vanced tactical knowledge and coached scrimmages. Campers may swim in the afternoons (site specific). Please bring cleats and a water bottle daily (swimsuit/ towel for full day). Campers may be transported by school bus to use nearby school fields and gyms as needed. Camp is rain or shine; campers may play in rain. No camp July 3. Lee 8/31 pool closed. Location Time


(10-14 yrs.) OakMarREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC CubRunREC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC Lee REC Lee REC MtVernREC

142 220 3001 8/03-8/07 $255 167 220 3001 7/13-7/17 $255 167 220 3002 8/03-8/07 $255 167 220 3003 8/17-8/21 $255 167 220 3004 8/24-8/28 $255 192 220 3001 8/10-8/14 $255 175 220 3001 6/22-6/26 $255 175 220 3002 7/27-7/31 $255 175 220 3003 8/24-8/28 $255 175 220 3004 8/31-9/04 $255 456 220 3001 8/10-8/14 $255 456 220 3002 8/31-9/04 $255 472 220 3001 7/20-7/24 $255

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



NEW! TetraBrazil Soccer Academy

After years of British Soccer success, Challenger Sports is happy to offer TetraBrazil Soccer Academy camp. Join expert Brazilian coaches for a week of South American, samba-style soccer and learn the skills, flair and flamboyance that makes this camp so unique. Full-day campers may swim in the afternoons (site specific). Please bring cleats and a water bottle daily (swimsuit/towel for full day). Campers may be transported by school bus to use nearby school fields and gyms as needed. Location Time




(8-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-12pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-12pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-12pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-12pm

183 220 2601 7/06-7/10 $265 183 220 2602 7/06-7/10 $195 456 220 2601 7/13-7/17 $265 456 220 2602 7/13-7/17 $195 142 220 2601 7/20-7/24 $265 142 220 2602 7/20-7/24 $195 167 220 2601 8/03-8/07 $265 167 220 2602 8/03-8/07 $195 175 220 2601 8/10-8/14 $265 175 220 2602 8/10-8/14 $195

Tennis Camp

Swing into action in our outdoor tennis camps designed for children at all skill levels. Instruction in skill development and strategy are emphasized. Bring tennis racquet, two cans of balls, snack and water daily. FCHS campers can add on Afternoon Fun Camp at Providence for a full day of camp. No camp July 3. Location Time


(6-9 yrs.) Chantilly HS Chantilly HS Chantilly HS Chantilly HS Chantilly HS NottowayPk

302 295 5101 6/22-6/26 302 295 5102 7/06-7/10 302 295 5103 7/13-7/17 302 295 5104 7/20-7/24 302 295 5105 7/27-7/31 701 295 5101 6/22-6/26

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm


$ $149 $149 $149 $149 $149 $149

NottowayPk NottowayPk NottowayPk (6-13 yrs.) FallsCh HS FallsCh HS FallsCh HS FallsCh HS FallsCh HS FallsCh HS FallsCh HS (10-14 yrs.) Chantilly HS NottowayPk NottowayPk

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm

701 295 5102 7/06-7/10 $149 701 295 5103 7/20-7/24 $149 701 295 5104 8/10-8/14 $149

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm

305 220 5201 6/29-7/02 305 220 5203 7/06-7/10 305 220 5204 7/13-7/17 305 220 5205 7/20-7/24 305 220 5206 7/27-7/31 305 220 5207 8/03-8/07 305 220 5208 8/10-8/14

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm

302 295 8901 6/29-7/02 $119 701 295 8901 7/27-7/31 $149 701 295 8902 8/03-8/07 $149

Tennis Camp

This TenniStar camp emphasizes positive instruction, skill development, fun drills and games. Director Robin Whipple is a certified and experienced teaching professional who competed nationally and trained with top coaches and world-ranked players. Bring a tennis racquet, one can of tennis balls, snack and water bottle. No camp July 3. South Run full-day option spends the afternoon with Sports Zone camp including free swim time (bring swimsuit and towel). Wkfld/Moore campers should check out our Afternoon Fun Camps for those seeking a full day. Location Time (6-13 yrs.) SoRun REC 9am-12pm SoRun REC 9am-12pm SoRun REC 9am-4pm SoRun REC 9am-12pm SoRun REC 9am-4pm SoRun REC 9am-12pm SoRun REC 9am-4pm SoRun REC 9am-12pm SoRun REC 9am-4pm SoRun REC 9am-12pm SoRun REC 9am-4pm SoRun REC 9am-12pm SoRun REC 9am-4pm SoRun REC 9am-12pm SoRun REC 9am-4pm (6-15 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm

Spring 2015




167 224 9701 6/15-6/19 $159 167 224 9702 6/22-6/26 $159 167 224 9703 6/22-6/26 $259 167 224 9704 6/29-7/02 $129 167 224 9705 6/29-7/02 $209 167 224 9706 7/06-7/10 $159 167 224 9707 7/06-7/10 $259 167 224 9708 7/13-7/17 $159 167 224 9709 7/13-7/17 $259 167 224 9710 7/20-7/24 $159 167 224 9711 7/20-7/24 $259 167 224 9712 7/27-7/31 $159 167 224 9713 7/27-7/31 $259 167 224 9714 8/03-8/07 $159 167 224 9715 8/03-8/07 $259 183 220 1401 6/22-6/26 183 220 1402 6/29-7/02 183 220 1403 7/06-7/10 183 220 1404 7/13-7/17 183 220 1405 7/20-7/24 183 220 1406 7/27-7/31 183 220 1407 8/03-8/07 183 220 1408 8/10-8/14

$159 $129 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159

Tennis Camp/ Tennis & Sports Camp

Looking to learn or brush up on tennis? Develop fundamental skills through fun and challenging age-appropriate activities. Full-day campers enjoy games, sports and a swim break in the afternoon. Bring tennis racquet, snack and water bottle daily (full-day campers also bring a lunch, swimsuit and towel). No camp July 3. Location Time

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/campforms

$119 $149 $149 $149 $149 $149 $149




Tennis Camp (6-14 yrs.) Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4601 6/15-6/19 $179 Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4602 6/22-6/26 $179 Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4603 6/29-7/02 $145

Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4604 7/06-7/10 $179 Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4605 7/13-7/17 $179 Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4606 7/20-7/24 $179 Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4607 7/27-7/31 $179 Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4608 8/03-8/07 $179 Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4609 8/10-8/14 $179 Lee REC 9am-12:30pm 456 295 4610 8/17-8/21 $179 Tennis & Sports Camp (6-14 yrs.) Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4501 6/15-6/19 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4502 6/22-6/26 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4503 6/29-7/02 $199 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4504 7/06-7/10 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4505 7/13-7/17 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4506 7/20-7/24 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4507 7/27-7/31 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4508 8/03-8/07 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4509 8/10-8/14 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4510 8/17-8/21 $245 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 295 4511 8/24-8/28 $245

Volleyball Camp

Learn volleyball fundamentals including serving, receiving, blocking, passing, setting, hitting and team play. Tennis shoes must be worn. Full-day option at Cub Run includes a supervised lunch break at noon. South Run and Lee Camps include an afternoon swim break. No camp July 3. Location Time


(8-12 yrs.) - Coed VA Run ES 9am-12pm VA Run ES 1pm-4pm VA Run ES 9am-4pm VA Run ES 9am-12pm VA Run ES 1pm-4pm VA Run ES 9am-4pm



117 295 4901 8/03-8/07 $149 117 295 4902 8/03-8/07 $149 117 295 4903 8/03-8/07 $259 117 295 4904 8/10-8/14 $149 117 295 4905 8/10-8/14 $149 117 295 4906 8/10-8/14 $259

Adventure and Excursion Camps Adventure Camps

Five awesome days of fun! All admission and bus fees included. Bring a bag lunch and drink daily. Please note: times vary depending on trips, traffic, etc. Once inside theme parks, campers are free to travel between rides without adult supervision, but only in groups of three or more with mandatory check-in times with staff.

Adventure Fun Camp– kayaking, white water

rafting, Kings Dominion, Hemlock Ropes Course and Zip Line and Six Flags

Adventure Water Camp - kayaking, tubing, white water rafting, Kings Dominion and Great Waves Water Park (mini golf added in the morning before the water park opens).

Location Time




(11-14 yrs.)

Adventure Fun ChantillyHS ChantillyHS WSprngHS Frost MS

8:30am-4pm 302 295 0401 7/06-7/10 8:30am-4pm 302 295 0403 7/13-7/17 8:00am-4:30pm 328 295 0401 7/06-7/10 8:00am-4:30pm 204 295 0404 7/13-7/17

$419 $419 $419 $419

Adventure Water MadisonHS WSprngHS

8:30am-4pm 315 295 2402 7/20-7/24 $419 8:00am-4:30pm 328 295 2404 7/20-7/24 $419

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Camps Theme Park Adventures

It’s theme park fun to the max! Splash Down, Six Flags, Kings Dominion and Great Waves Water Park. Bring bag lunch and drink daily. Fees include admissions and transportation. Return times vary depending on traffic and destinations; a more complete schedule will be mailed to participants. Once inside theme parks, campers are free to travel between rides without adult supervision, but only in groups of three or more with mandatory check-in times with staff. No camp July 3. Location Time




(12-15 yrs.) Falls Ch HS 9am-5pm

305 295 0801 6/29-7/02 $325

Adventure Links Ultimate Adventures

Take part in a week of true adventures with rock climbing, caving, outdoor survival and natural living skills, kayaking/canoeing and our Team Development Course at Hemlock Overlook. Each age group participates in five adventure activities. Instruction begins on an introductory level and progresses with the group. Once registered, go to www.adventurelinks.net to complete required camp forms. Location Time (8-10 yrs.) OakMarREC 8am-5pm OakMarREC 8am-5pm SoRunREC 8am-5pm SoRunREC 8am-5pm CubRunREC 8am-5pm CubRunREC 8am-5pm CubRunREC 8am-5pm Wkfld/Moore 8am-5pm Frying Pan 8am-5pm (11-13 yrs.) OakMarREC 8am-5pm OakMarREC 8am-5pm SoRunREC 8am-5pm SoRunREC 8am-5pm CubRunREC 8am-5pm CubRunREC 8am-5pm CubRunREC 8am-5pm Wkfld/Moore 8am-5pm Frying Pan 8am-5pm




142 220 6501 6/22-6/26 $499 142 220 6503 7/27-7/31 $499 167 220 6501 7/06-7/10 $499 167 220 6503 8/10-8/14 $499 192 220 6501 6/29-7/03 $499 192 220 6502 7/20-7/24 $499 192 220 6503 8/17-8/21 $499 183 220 6501 7/13-7/17 $499 282 220 6501 8/03-8/07 $499 142 220 6601 6/22-6/26 $499 142 220 6603 7/27-7/31 $499 167 220 6601 7/06-7/10 $499 167 220 6603 8/10-8/14 $499 192 220 6601 6/29-7/03 $499 192 220 6602 7/20-7/24 $499 192 220 6603 8/17-8/21 $499 183 220 6601 7/13-7/17 $499 282 220 6601 8/03-8/07 $499

Sleep-away Adventure Camp

A great nearby camp for those not quite ready for traveling away for overnight programs. Choose from our weekly theme-related residential adventures and get to sleep in the bunkhouses at Hemlock Overlook. Campers love the campfires, teambuilding activities and organized games that help foster friendships. See online for weekly themes. Once registered, complete camp forms at www.adventurelinks.net. Drop-off on Mondays is 8-9am and pick-up on Fridays is 4-5 p.m. All meals provided. Location Time


(11-13 yrs.) Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock Hemlock

581 224 9801 6/22-6/26 $695 581 224 9802 6/29-7/03 $695 581 224 9803 7/13-7/17 $695 581 224 9804 7/20-7/24 $695 581 224 9805 7/27-7/31 $695 581 224 9806 8/03-8/07 $695 581 224 9807 8/10-8/14 $695 581 224 9807 8/17-8/21 $695


8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm



Multi-Week Residential Adventure Camp Twelve days of adventure with a wide variety of exciting outdoor activities including caving, sailing, river tubing, Parents’ Day and more. Campers lodge in bunkhouses at Hemlock Overlook Park and also spend a few nights camping out in tents during overnight field trips. Once registered, complete camp forms at www.adventurelinks.net. Location Time




(12-14 yrs.) Hemlock 8am-5pm Hemlock 8am-5pm

581 224 9901 6/22-7/03 $1295 581 224 9902 8/10-8/21 $1295

Excursion Camp

Enjoy embarking on a new adventure each day including trips to amusement parks and other interesting outdoor excursions. Weekly schedule will be available on the web by the end of March. Questions can be directed to the programmer at Providence RECenter. Prices include admission fees and transportation. Children are transported by school bus. No camp July 3. Location Time


(8-14 yrs.) Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC

159 220 3701 6/22-6/26 $419 159 220 3702 6/29-7/02 $335 159 220 3703 7/06-7/10 $419 159 220 3704 7/13-7/17 $419 159 220 3705 7/20-7/24 $419 159 220 3706 7/27-7/31 $419 159 220 3707 8/03-8/07 $419 159 220 3708 8/10-8/14 $419 159 220 3709 8/17-8/21 $419

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Prov REC Prov REC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

159 220 3710 8/24-8/28 $419 159 220 3711 8/31-9/04 $419 142 220 3701 6/22-6/26 $419 142 220 3702 6/29-7/02 $335 142 220 3703 7/06-7/10 $419 142 220 3704 7/13-7/17 $419 142 220 3705 7/20-7/24 $419 142 220 3706 7/27-7/31 $419 142 220 3707 8/03-8/07 $419 142 220 3708 8/10-8/14 $419 142 220 3709 8/17-8/21 $419 142 220 3710 8/24-8/28 $419 142 220 3711 8/31-9/04 $419

Potomac Adventure Camps

Explore the Potomac by land, air and sea. During this weeklong adventure, campers sample a variety of thrills. Junior Adventurers enjoy rock climbing, canoeing, tubing, hiking and biking and the older Adventurers spend time zipping through a ropes course, rafting, tubing, rock climbing and kayaking at different areas along the river. Location Time




(8-12 yrs.) Junior Potomac Adventures RiverbendPk 9am-3pm 357 295 8601 8/17-8/21 $369 (13-17 yrs.) Potomac Adventures HunterHouse 9am-3pm 563 295 8501 7/13-7/17 $469 RiverbendPk 9am-3pm 357 295 8501 7/27-7/31 $469

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/campforms

Thanks to contributions from businesses, foundations and private donors, 53 children living in homeless shelters and transitional housing attended Fairfax County Park Authority camp programs last summer through Parks and Community Together (PACT). Donations from the following sponsors generated nearly $65,519 to fully support PACT 2014:

l Thanks to

Specia rs o n o D T C A our P

Ace Info Solutions, Inc. BB&T Branch Banking & Trust Co. of Virginia Cityline Partners LLC Claude Moore Charitable Foundation GFWC Western Fairfax County Women’s Club immixGroup, Inc. Let’s Help Kids, Inc. Mars Incorporated Noblis Northern Virginia Ethical Society Russell C. Odom Rosenthal Automotive Organization The George Preston Marshall Foundation The National Unification Advisory Council Thompson Hospitality USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. If you or your company would like Veris Group, LLC. to sponsor a child for PACT 2015, please contact Margaret Thaxton at Vint and Sigrid Cerf Volkswagen Group of America 703.324.8532 or margaret.thaxton@fairfaxcounty.gov. Kate & Brad Wilks

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Camps Travel Kayak & Fishing Camp

VA Outside introduces campers to kayaking and kayak fishing with instruction on safety, paddling and maneuvering a sit-on-top kayak. Enjoy various locations, fishing and sightseeing while paddling on all types of water-lakes, tidal creeks and rivers. A great way to get close to nature. Fishing catches include bass, catfish, sunfish and more. Kayaks, paddles, life vests and fishing gear provided. Bring water shoes, hat, sunscreen, lunch and water bottle. Location Time




(11-15 yrs.) SthRunREC 8:30am-4:30pm 167 220 4401 7/20-7/24 $530 Wkfld/Mre 8:30am-4:30pm 183 220 4401 8/24-8/28 $530 LkAcctnkPk 8:30am-4:30pm 850 220 4401 8/03-8/07 $530

Fishing Adventures

Fish from shore and boats using spinning tackle. Enjoy a float trip by kayak for smallmouth bass on the Potomac River, a chartered fishing trip on the Chesapeake Bay (last day of camp runs 6:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. for trip) and an introduction to fly-fishing. No camp July 3.

Set sail for fishing camp and learn the skills to reel in your catch of the day.

Aquatic, Boating and Fishing Camps Aqua Adventures

A great camp for those who want to improve their swimming strokes and basic diving skills while having some fun. Activities include swim clinics, water safety, water relays and an assortment of water sports, like volleyball and basketball. Campers also enjoy out-ofpool games/activities. Campers must be able to swim 25 yards and tread water for one minute. Bring a swimsuit, towel, snack, lunch and water bottle daily. Location Time


(7-12 yrs.) MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm



472 223 8201 7/13-7/17 $275 472 223 8202 7/27-7/31 $275 456 223 8201 8/24-8/28 $275

Aqua Sports Camp

Dive into this camp incorporating swimming, diving and trampoline skills while adding some out-of-water time for sports and games. Learn basic stroke techniques and diving skills from Mike Tober, a USA National Dive Team coach and head dive coach at Georgetown University. Basic breathing techniques are taught as well as basic tumbling and jumping skills on the trampoline. Children must be able to swim at least 25 yards and be comfortable in water over their head. Bring a bag lunch, drink, snacks, swimsuit, towel, cap and goggles daily. Tennis shoes must be worn for the outdoor sports part of the camp. Location Time


(7-13 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm

183 221 7801 8/03-8/07 $295 456 221 7801 8/10-8/14 $295 142 221 7801 8/17-8/21 $295 175 221 7801 8/24-8/28 $295 159 221 7801 8/31-9/04 $295

Junior Lifeguard Camp



Want to be a lifeguard? Learn skills and techniques used by lifeguards to help you prepare for future cer-

Spring 2015

tification. (FCPA lifeguards receive formal training at age 15). Campers are introduced to CPR, first aid and rescue techniques. Participants must be able to swim 100 yards and tread water for one minute. Field trips may be included, check with site. Location Time


(11-14 yrs.) SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC Lee REC MtVernREC

175 295 0901 7/06-7/10 $239 175 295 0902 7/20-7/24 $239 175 295 0903 8/03-8/07 $239 175 295 0904 8/31-9/04 $239 456 295 0901 7/20-7/24 $239 472 295 0901 7/06-7/10 $239

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Paddle & Explore

Fish & Explore takes campers off-site to paddle kayaks along local waterways, ponds and lakes. Campers learn kayaking skills while getting up close to native wildlife. Beach stops allow campers to wade and observe, catch, photograph and release frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, lizards, turtles and many more small critters. Lifejackets are provided and required while kayaking. Bring lunch, snack, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. Location Time




(8-12 yrs.) OakMarr REC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 220 8901 7/06-7/10 $499 SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 220 8901 7/27-7/31 $499 Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4:30pm 835 220 8901 8/10-8/14 $499 MtVernon REC 8 :30am-4:30pm 472 220 8901 8/17-8/21 $499 SouthRunREC 8:30am-4:30pm 167 220 8901 8/24-8/28 $499

NEW! Potomac River Boating Camp

What could be a better than a week on the scenic Potomac River in a canoe, kayak, and rowboat? Learn basic and advanced boating skills with our experienced instructors while having fun with races, relays and scavenger hunts. No experience necessary. All safety equipment provided. Location Time


(12-16 yrs.) RiverbendPk 9am-3pm



357 222 8301 8/24-8/28 $375

Location Time


(12-15 yrs.) RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk

357 222 5501 6/22-6/26 $449 357 222 5502 6/29-7/02 $359 357 222 5503 7/06-7/10 $449 357 222 5504 7/20-7/24 $449 357 222 5505 8/03-8/07 $449 357 222 5506 8/10-8/14 $449 357 222 5507 8/31-9/04 $449

9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm



Freshwater Fishing Fun Camp

Gain knowledge and practice in freshwater fishing using a variety of tackle. Fish the park’s pond and river for sunfish, catfish and bass. Learn how to rig and use a fishing rod, safety and the importance of catch and release fishing, all while having fun. Bring a rod or borrow one from us. No camp July 3. Location Time


(8-12 yrs.) RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk

357 222 5601 6/22-6/26 $349 357 222 5602 6/29-7/02 $279 357 222 5603 7/06-7/10 $349 357 222 5604 7/13-7/17 $349 357 222 5605 7/20-7/24 $349 357 222 5606 7/27-7/31 $349 357 222 5607 8/03-8/07 $349 357 222 5608 8/10-8/14 $349 357 222 5609 8/31-9/04 $349

9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm



Fly Fishing

Fish & Explore takes campers offsite to lakes, rivers and other local waterways. Learn water safety and nature awareness while fly fishing (casting, rigging, knot tying, selecting tackle and flies and identifying fish). Lifejackets are worn when in the water or on a boat. All gear including rods, reels and lifejackets supplied. Bring lunch, snack, change of clothes, sneakers/ river shoes and towel. No camp July 3. Location Time




(9-16 yrs.) SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 220 1101 6/22-6/26 $499 Lee REC 8:30am-4:30pm 456 220 1101 6/29-7/02 $399 Prov REC 8:30am-4:30pm 159 220 1101 7/06-7/10 $499 Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4:30pm 183 220 1101 7/20-7/24 $499 MtVernonREC 8:30am-4:30pm 472 220 1101 7/27-7/31 $499 OakMarr REC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 220 1101 8/10-8/14 $499

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Camps Young Anglers Fishing Camp

Art and Craft-Related Camps

Fish & Explore takes campers to lakes, rivers and the Chesapeake Bay to catch fish, learn water safety and nature awareness, fresh and saltwater fishing basics (casting, rigging, knot tying, selecting tackle and lures and identifying fish). Students wear lifejackets when in the water or on a boat. All gear including bait, tackle, rods, reels, and lifejackets supplied. Bring lunch, snack change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. No camp July 3. Location Time



NEW! Abrakadoodle – Icky Slimy Gooey Art Camp

Create icky creatures, slimy fish prints and slinky snakes. Experiment with creating your own art materials when you mix up some Goodle in this icky, slimy and gooey art camp. Make your own unique creations while learning about art terms, history, unusual art jobs and multicultural art. Join the fun as we sculpt, print, mix and cut paper to make the most unusual art projects in town. A supply fee is due at the first class ($35 for half-day and $40 for full-day camps). Half-day campers bring snack and a drink. Full-day campers bring bag lunch and a drink. Some full-day camps may be bussed to a nearby school for classroom use. No camp July 3.


(7-10 yrs.) Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4:30pm 835 224 0101 6/22-6/26 $499 SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 224 0101 7/06-7/10 $499 CubRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 192 224 0101 7/13-7/17 $499 Prov REC 8:30am-4:30pm 159 224 0101 7/20-7/24 $499 SoRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 167 224 0101 7/20-7/24 $499 Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4:30pm 835 224 0102 7/27-7/31 $499 Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4:30pm 183 224 0101 7/27-7/31 $499 MtVernon REC 8 :30am-4:30pm 472 224 0101 8/03-8/07 $499 OakMarr REC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 224 0101 8/03-8/07 $499 Prov REC 8:30am-4:30pm 159 224 0102 8/10-8/14 $499 Lee REC 8:30am-4:30pm 456 224 0101 8/17-8/21 $499 OakMarr REC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 224 0102 8/24-8/28 $499

Location Time (3-6 yrs.) SpHill REC CubRun ES Navy ES WaynewdES (6-12 yrs.) SpHill REC Navy ES MtVrnnREC CubRun ES Prov REC SpHill REC

Big Fish Fishing Camp

Fish & Explore takes campers off-site for this camp that includes all of the teachings of the Young Anglers Camp listed above plus more intensive fishing including targeting specific fish species, reading the water and navigation safety. All gear including tackle, rods, reels, and lifejackets supplied. Bring lunch, snack, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. Location Time




(10-16 yrs.) MtVernonREC 8:30am-4:30pm 472 224 0201 7/06-7/10 $499 Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4:30pm 835 224 0201 7/13-7/17 $499 CubRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 192 224 0201 7/27-7/31 $499 SoRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 167 224 0201 8/17-8/21 $499 Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4:30pm 835 224 0202 8/31-9/04 $499

NEW! Kayak Fish- Paddle Sport Fishing

Fish & Explore takes campers off-site to paddle two-person kayaks along waterways, ponds and lakes. Campers learn kayaking and basic freshwater fishing (casting, rigging, knot tying, tackle and lure selection, fish identification). Focus is on water safety and nature awareness. All equipment supplied. Lifejackets are provided and required for kayaking. Bring lunch, snack, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. Location Time




(11-16 yrs.) MtVernonREC 8:30am-4:30pm 472 221 9201 6/22-6/26 $499 Lee REC 8:30am-4:30pm 456 221 9201 7/13-7/17 $499 SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 221 9201 7/20-7/24 $499 Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4:30pm 835 221 9201 8/03-8/07 $499 SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 221 9202 8/10-8/14 $499 Prov REC 8:30am-4:30pm 159 221 9201 8/17-8/21 $499

NEW! Splash & Explore

Fish & Explore takes campers off-site to local waterways, rivers and lakes. Campers learn how to safely explore different bodies of water while splashing, floating and swimming. Beach stops allow campers to wade and observe, catch, photograph and release frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, lizards, turtles and many more small critters. Lifejackets are required


Kids get a thrill exploring the art world as they use their imagination to create their own masterpieces.




(8-12 yrs.) Prov REC 8:30am-4:30pm 159 224 0301 6/22-6/26 $399 OakMarr REC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 224 0301 6/29-7/02 $320 SoRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 167 224 0301 7/13-7/17 $399 OakMarr REC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 224 0302 7/20-7/24 $399 CubRunREC 8:30am-4:30pm 192 224 0301 7/27-7/31 $399 SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 224 0301 8/03-8/07 $399 Lee REC 8:30am-4:30pm 456 224 0301 8/10-8/14 $399 Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4:30pm 835 224 0301 8/17-8/21 $399

NEW! SUP & Explore –Stand-Up Paddleboard Camp

Fish & Explore takes campers off-site to learn how to Stand-Up Paddleboard (SUP) along waterways, ponds and lakes. Campers learn paddleboard skills safely while exploring native wildlife. Afternoons include exploring, fishing, swimming and beach stops. Bring lunch, snack, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. Location Time





9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm

175 223 8501 6/15-6/19 030 223 8501 6/29-7/02 087 223 8501 7/13-7/17 121 223 8501 7/20-7/24

$175 $140 $175 $175

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

175 223 8701 6/15-6/19 $280 087 223 8701 7/13-7/17 $280 472 223 8701 7/20-7/24 $280 030 223 8701 7/27-7/31 $280 159 223 8701 8/17-8/21 $280 175 223 8702 8/24-8/28 $280

NEW! Abrakadoodle -Paws, Claws and Hooves Art Camp

and provided. Bring lunch, snack, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. No camp July 3. Location Time


Join Abrakadoodle for this imaginative journey. Use paints, collage, sculpture and more to bring your favorite animal creatures to life while learning about their habits and habitats. Cool artwork, games, stories, activities, animal talk and music are part of this fun for those who love animals and nature. A supply fee is due at the first class ($35 for half-day and $40 for fullday camps). Half-day campers bring snack and a drink. Full-day campers bring bag lunch and a drink. Some full-day camps may be bussed to a nearby school for classroom use. Location Time (3-6 yrs.) CubRun ES 9am-12pm SpHill REC 9am-12pm WaynewdES 9am-12pm Navy ES 9am-12pm (6-12 yrs.) Navy ES 9am-4pm MtVernonREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm


(11-16 yrs.) SoRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 167 224 0501 6/22-6/26 $499 Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4:30pm 835 224 0501 7/06-7/10 $499 SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 224 0501 7/13-7/17 $499 MtVernonREC 8:30am-4:30pm 472 224 0501 7/20-7/24 $499 Prov REC 8:30am-4:30pm 159 224 0501 7/27-7/31 $499 CubRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 192 224 0501 8/10-8/14 $499 OakMarr REC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 224 0501 8/17-8/21 $499

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664



023 223 8401 7/06-7/10 175 223 8401 7/13-7/17 121 223 8401 7/27-7/31 087 223 8401 8/03-8/07

$ $175 $175 $175 $175

087 223 9301 8/03-8/07 $280 472 223 9301 7/27-7/31 $280 175 223 9301 8/17-8/21 $280

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/campforms

Spring 2015

Camps NEW! Abrakadoodle – Wild Imaginations Art Camp

Join Abrakadoodle for this creative experience. Campers learn about imaginative art as they discover the fun of sculpting, weaving and designing one-of-a-kind creations. A supply fee is due at the first class ($35 for half-day and $40 for full-day camps). Half-day campers bring snack and a drink. Full-day campers bring bag lunch and a drink. Some full-day camps may be bussed to a nearby school for classroom use. Location Time (3-6 yrs.) SpHill REC 9am-12pm CubRunREC 9am-12pm WaynewdES 9am-12pm Sangster ES 9am-12pm (6-12 yrs.) SpHill REC 9am-4pm MtVernonREC 9am-4pm CubRun ES 9am-4pm Sangster ES 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm



175 223 8301 6/08-6/12 192 223 8301 6/08-6/12 121 223 8301 7/06-7/10 102 223 8301 8/10-8/14

$ $175 $175 $175 $175

175 223 8601 7/13-7/17 $280 472 223 8601 7/06-7/10 $280 023 223 8601 8/03-8/08 $280 102 223 8601 8/10-8/14 $280 159 223 8601 8/24-8/28 $280

Explore a variety of art mediums through craft projects, painting, drawing, beading, paper arts and sculpting. Emphasis is on creativity, fun games and the love of art. Bring a smock, snack, lunch and drink daily. Swim time may be offered each session for full day camps. No camp July 3. June 15 date for nonFCPS students. (5-7 yrs.) Young Explorers Lee REC 9am-12pm Lee REC 9am-12pm Lee REC 9am-12pm (8-14 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm

Bead Creative Kids




456 221 4101 6/15-6/19 $175 456 221 4102 8/10-8/14 $175 456 221 4103 8/31-9/04 $175 142 221 4001 6/22-6/26 $269 142 221 4002 7/13-7/17 $269 142 221 4003 8/17-8/21 $269 142 221 4003 8/31-9/04 $269 192 221 4001 6/29-7/02 $215 192 221 4002 7/06-7/10 $269 192 221 4003 7/20-7/24 $269 192 221 4004 8/17-8/21 $269 167 221 4001 8/17-8/21 $269 167 221 4002 8/24-8/28 $269 183 221 4001 6/29-7/02 $215 183 221 4002 7/06-7/10 $269 183 221 4003 7/20-7/24 $269 183 221 4004 7/27-7/31 $269 456 221 4001 6/22-6/26 $269 456 221 4002 8/03-8/07 $269 472 221 4001 6/29-7/02 $215 472 221 4002 8/10-8/14 $269 282 221 4001 7/20-7/24 $269 282 221 4002 8/03-8/07 $269 159 221 4001 6/29-7/02 $215 159 221 4002 7/06-7/10 $269 159 221 4003 7/13-7/17 $269 159 221 4004 7/20-7/24 $269 159 221 4005 7/27-7/31 $269 159 221 4006 8/03-8/07 $269 159 221 4007 8/10-8/14 $269

Learn different beading techniques and combine them into beautiful jewelry sets. Design your own master-

Spring 2015

Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) CubRun REC CubRun REC Prov REC Prov REC SpHill REC SpHill REC

192 223 8901 7/13-7/17 $319 192 223 8902 7/20-7/24 $319 159 223 8901 8/17-8/21 $319 159 223 8902 8/24-8/28 $319 175 223 8901 8/03-8/07 $319 175 223 8902 8/31-9/04 $319

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



NEW! Famous Artists & Art Exploration

Campers enjoy learning about famous artists and creating their very own masterpieces using some of the same techniques. They explore art in its natural setting, using shapes and textures from our outdoor surroundings. Each day, campers discover a new artist through books, pictures and interesting facts. An Art Show concludes the week. Activity fee is due on the first day ($5 for 4-hr camps and $10 for 7-hr camps). Bring snack, lunch and drink daily. No camp July 3. Location Time

Art Explorers Camp

Location Time

pieces to show off at the runway show on the last day. Bring snack, lunch and water. If the pool is available, campers may get a swim break.

(3-5 yrs.) BurkeLake BurkeLake Frying Pan Frying Pan ColvinRun ColvinRun LakeFairfax LakeFairfax (5-10 yrs.) ColvinRun ColvinRun




9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm

819 223 2701 6/15-6/19 $185 819 223 2702 7/27-7/31 $185 282 223 2701 6/22-6/26 $185 282 223 2702 8/03-8/07 $185 266 223 2701 6/29-7/02 $150 266 223 2702 8/10-8/14 $185 835 223 2701 7/06-7/10 $185 835 223 2702 8/17-8/21 $185

9am-4pm 9am-4pm

266 221 4201 6/29-7/02 $239 266 221 4202 8/10-8/14 $239

Sew Much Fun Sewing Camp By sewing various materials, campers increase their sewing machine skill levels. Putting these new skills to work, campers create a variety of finished projects. A supply fee of $30 is due on the first day. Location Time


(9-14 yrs.) Crossfld ES Crossfld ES

029 223 9401 7/20-7/24 $199 029 223 9402 7/27-7/31 $199

9am-12pm 9am-12pm



Summer Sewing Camp

In Sewing I, learn sewing basics including measuring, using patterns, fabric structure, maintenance and sewing machine operation. Have fun making projects such as pillows, tote bags and aprons. In Sewing II/ III, campers make more advanced pillows, a backpack and a garment to wear. Those who have taken Sewing II will move on to other projects. An additional supply fee of $35 for both camps is due on the first day (covers a personal sewing kit, fabric, patterns and notions). Bring lunch and drink. No camp July 3. Location Time




Sewing I (8-11 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm 183 295 4301 6/29-7/02 $305 Frying Pan 9am-4pm 282 295 4301 7/06-7/10 $380 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 295 4301 7/20-7/24 $380 Sewing II and II/III Combo (8-11 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm 183 221 1501 7/13-7/17 $380 Prov REC 9am-4pm 159 221 1501 7/27-7/31 $380 Frying Pan 9am-4pm 159 221 1501 8/03-8/07 $380 Sewing III (8-11 yrs.) Frying Pan 9am-4pm 282 295 4401 8/17-8/21 $380

NEW! Sun & Surf Fun Drawing Camp

Prerequisite: ability to demonstrate adequate machine sewing skills. If you enjoy sewing, you’re sure to love this camp that teaches the process of quilting. End results depend on the progress and skill level of each camper. Supply fee of $30 due on the first day.

This Young Rembrandts summer-time fun features images from amusement parks, the beach and other vacation spots. Use cartooning techniques to show playful characters having fun in the sun, detail a tropical fish graphic with bold patterning and color and create colorful scenes of vacationing at the seashore or cruising on the ocean. Young artists explore tools and techniques to express themselves through art. Bring smock and snack.

Location Time

Location Time


(5-7 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Sangster ES 9am-12pm Riverbend Pk 9am-12pm

183 224 9201 8/03-8/07 $199 102 224 9201 7/20-7/27 $199 357 224 9201 8/24-8/28 $199

Quilting Camp

(9-14 yrs.) Crossfld ES





029 220 7901 8/03-8/07 $199

Sensational Sewing – Outfit Dogs & Dolls Sewing is fun, but making outfits for your pet or doll is amazing! Learn sewing basics including measuring, using patterns, fabric structure, maintenance and sewing machine operation by choosing two patterns to create for your doll or furry friend. An additional supply fee of $35 for both camps is due on the first day (covers a personal sewing kit, fabric, patterns and notions). Bring lunch and drink. Location Time (8-11 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm





183 295 4201 8/10-8/14 $380 282 295 4201 8/31-9/04 $380 159 295 4201 8/31-9/04 $380

Parktakes for FREE!

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The Art of Farming

Young Rembrandts draw scenes with a variety of media in this farmlife celebration. Colorful calicos, majestic horses and beautiful farm landscapes help budding artists explore their creativity. Use still life format to draw fresh produce and cartoon illustrations to create fun moments on the farm. Bring smock and snack. No camp July 3. Location Time


(6-12 yrs.) Frying Pan 1pm-4pm Riverbend Pk 1pm-4pm



282 224 9301 6/29-7/02 $159 357 224 9301 8/24-8/28 $199

NEW! Australian Adventures Drawing Camp

Join Young Rembrandts for this down under adventure including kangaroo sketching, cartooning and pastel koala creations. We explore the unique

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Camps Robotics- The Next Generation

architecture of the Sydney Opera House as we foster young artists’ imaginations and creativity. Bring smock and snack. Location Time



(6-12 yrs.) SpringHl ES 9am-12pm Sangster ES 1pm-4pm CubRun ES 9am-12pm MtVernonREC 9am-12pm

107 224 9401 7/27-7/31 102 224 9401 7/20-7/27 030 224 9401 7/13-7/17 472 224 9401 8/31-9/04

Digital Kidz allows you to go where no kid has gone before! Using 3D building instructions and the most advanced technology ever developed, campers work with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 for robots. Advanced technology means stronger, smarter, faster robots. Command your robot and work with the software used by scientists and engineers. No camp July 3. Bring lunch and drink.

$ $199 $199 $199 $199

Location Time

NEW! Fashion Designers Runway Drawing Camp


(6-12 yrs.) CubRun ES

030 224 9601 7/13-7/17 $199



Celebrate furry, feather and finned friends in this Young Rembrandts drawing camp that fosters imagination and creativity. Draw aquariums with tropical fish and cages with beautiful birds. Use cartooning techniques in comic panels and have fun drawing portraits of your furry pals. Bring smock and snack. Location Time




(6-12 yrs.) Frying Pan 1pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm SpringHl ES 1pm-4pm MtVernonREC 1pm-4pm

282 224 9501 6/22-6/26 $199 183 224 9501 8/03-8/07 $199 107 224 9501 7/27-7/31 $199 472 224 9501 8/31-9/04 $199

Computer/Tech Camps Digital Kidz Weebotics

Weebotics makes it possible for youngsters to explore the world of robotics. Build basic robots using traditional Lego bricks, experiment with working motors and sensors, record custom sound effects, then program the “weebots” using drag-and-drop software while developing skills in science, technology, engineering and math Location Time


(4-6 yrs.) SpHill REC 1pm-2:30pm SpHill REC 3pm-4:30pm LakeFairfax 1pm-2:30pm LakeFairfax 3pm-4:30pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-2:30pm Wkfld/Moore 3pm-4:30pm MtVern REC 1pm-2:30pm MtVern REC 3pm-4:30pm Prov REC 1pm-2:30pm Prov REC 3pm-4:30pm SoRunREC 1pm-2:30pm SoRunREC 3pm-4:30pm Frying Pan 1pm-2:30pm Frying Pan 3pm-4:30pm

175 221 5601 6/15-6/19 175 221 5602 6/15-6/19 835 221 5601 6/15-6/19 835 221 5602 6/15-6/19 183 221 5603 7/20-7/24 183 221 5604 7/20-7/24 472 221 5601 7/27-7/31 472 221 5602 7/27-7/31 159 221 5601 8/03-8/07 159 221 5602 8/03-8/07 167 221 5601 7/13-7/17 167 221 5602 7/13-7/17 282 221 5601 8/10-8/14 282 221 5602 8/10-8/14



$ $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139 $139


Awesome Game Design Camp

Playing video games is fun, but creating your own is awesome! Use Adobe Photoshop to design custom characters and produce your own music and sound effects. Learn real-world app development and build arcade style video games for your devices. Take your games home to amaze your friends. Half-day and fullday options available. Full-day campers, bring lunch. No camp July 3.


NEW! Pampered Pets Drawing Camp


(8-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm 183 223 9001 6/29-7/02 $395 Lee REC 9am-4pm 456 223 9001 7/06-7/10 $495 LakeFairfax 9am-4pm 835 223 9001 7/13-7/17 $495 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 223 9001 7/20-7/24 $495 SouthRunREC 9am-4pm 167 223 9001 8/17-8/21 $495 OakMarREC 9am-4pm 142 223 9001 8/24-8/28 $495

Young Rembrandts wants all aspiring fashionistas to join the fun in creating beautiful drawn headshots, facial features and hairstyles. Let your creativity shine using color patterns to customize your model’s makeup and clothing. Channel your inner fashion designer by creating unique outfits and accessories and enjoy illustrating your own runway show and fashion line. Bring smock and snack. Location Time


From movie making to digital design and robotics, kids tap into their technological talents in Technology Camps. Adventures in Movie Making

Digital Kidz campers learn shooting and editing techniques used by industry professionals. Make a digital movie and create incredible Hollywood-style animations, transitions and effects, including green screen for advanced effects. At the end of the week, students screen their movies in a film-festival environment and leave with a professional-looking movie. Bring lunch and drink daily. Location Time




(8-14 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm LakeFairfax 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm MtVernonREC 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm

142 220 7501 6/22-6/26 $495 159 220 7501 6/15-6/19 $495 159 220 7502 7/13-7/17 $495 175 220 7501 7/20-7/24 $495 835 220 7501 7/27-7/31 $495 183 220 7501 8/03-8/07 $495 472 220 7501 8/24-8/28 $495 282 220 7501 8/31-9/04 $495

Digital Kidz Junior Robotics

Young campers take Weebotics to the next level to expand their world of robotics and computer programming. Using traditional LEGO bricks and laptop computers, campers build robots and program how they move using sensors. A great middle-ground camp between Weebotics and Robotics. Location Time




(5-7 yrs.) SpHill REC 9am-12pm LakeFairfax 9am-12pm SoRunREC 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm MtVernonREC 9am-12pm Prov REC 9am-12pm Frying Pan 9am-12pm

175 220 7401 6/15-6/19 $295 835 220 7401 6/15-6/19 $295 167 220 7401 7/13-7/17 $295 183 220 7401 7/20-7/24 $295 472 220 7401 7/27-7/31 $295 159 220 7401 8/03-8/07 $295 282 220 7401 8/10-8/14 $295

Location Time




(8-11 yrs.) Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-12pm Lee REC 1pm-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-12pm Prov REC 1pm-4pm MtVern REC 9am-4pm MtVern REC 9am-12pm MtVern REC 1pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-12pm OakMarREC 1pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-12pm CubRunREC 1pm-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-12pm SpHill REC 1pm-4pm

456 221 5501 6/22-6/26 $495 456 221 5502 6/22-6/26 $295 456 221 5503 6/22-6/26 $295 159 221 5501 6/29-7/02 $395 159 221 5502 6/29-7/02 $235 159 221 5503 6/29-7/02 $235 472 221 5501 7/06-7/10 $495 472 221 5502 7/06-7/10 $295 472 221 5503 7/06-7/10 $295 183 221 5501 7/27-7/31 $495 183 221 5502 7/27-7/31 $295 183 221 5503 7/27-7/31 $295 142 221 5501 8/10-8/14 $495 142 221 5502 8/10-8/14 $295 142 221 5503 8/10-8/14 $295 183 221 5504 8/17-8/21 $495 183 221 5505 8/17-8/21 $295 183 221 5506 8/17-8/21 $295 192 221 5501 8/24-8/28 $495 192 221 5502 8/24-8/28 $295 192 221 5503 8/24-8/28 $295 175 221 5501 8/31-9/04 $495 175 221 5502 8/31-9/04 $295 175 221 5503 8/31-9/04 $295

3D Game Creation Camp

Create 3D games like action or adventure or invent a new one with Digital Kidz. Design your own characters, backgrounds and sounds. Campers discover 3D game-development concepts like game planning, pathbased movement, collision detection, level design, dialogue, inventory and playability. Bring lunch and drink. No camp July 3. Location Time


(11-14 yrs.) CubRunREC 9am-4pm Herrity Bldg 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm

192 220 7701 6/29-7/02 $395 418 220 7701 7/13-7/17 $495 282 220 7701 7/27-7/31 $495

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Spring 2015

Camps SouthRunREC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm LakeFairfax 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm

167 220 7701 8/03-8/07 $495 456 220 7701 8/10-8/14 $495 835 220 7701 8/17-8/21 $495 159 220 7701 8/24-8/28 $495 183 220 7701 8/31-9/04 $495

lunch and drink daily. An activity fee of $10 is due on the first day.

Digital Kidz Multimedia Adventures

Campers create their own interactive, integrated media projects while learning basic skills in digital image manipulation with Photoshop, video production and editing, digital music production, 2D and 3D animation, as well as web design all using the latest software. Bring snack, lunch and drink. Location Time


(8-14 yrs.) CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm



192 221 6601 6/15-6/19 $495 192 221 6602 8/03-8/07 $495 159 221 6601 6/22-6/26 $495 142 221 6601 7/06-7/10 $495 282 221 6601 7/20-7/24 $495 175 221 6601 8/10-8/14 $495 183 221 6601 8/24-8/28 $495 159 221 6602 8/31-9/04 $495

Location Time (8-13 yrs.) Frying Pan 9am-4pm LakeFairfax 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm




282 221 3801 6/22-6/26 $495 835 221 3801 6/29-7/02 $395 183 221 3801 7/06-7/10 $495 192 221 3801 7/13-7/17 $495 175 221 3801 7/27-7/31 $495 167 221 3801 8/10-8/14 $495 159 221 3802 8/17-8/21 $495

Robotics and 3D Design

Learn robotics using LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 and explore computer programming in this Digital Kidz camp. Whether you are new to programming or an aspiring engineer, you expand your knowledge while having an awesome time with others who share your interests. New and different robots each session.

Saddle up for equestrian fun in Horseback Riding or Horsemanship Camp. demonstrations. Bring snack, lunch and a drink daily. No camp July 3. Location Time


(8-10 yrs.) Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan

282 223 2801 6/22-6/26 $655 282 223 2802 6/29-7/02 $529 282 223 2803 7/27-7/31 $655 282 223 2804 8/24-8/28 $655

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



All About Animals

Learn about farm and forest animals on our working farm. Campers are split into smaller group for daily activities which include farm visits, nature walks, crafts, songs and games. Camp meets at the Old Floris Schoolhouse. Bring snack, lunch and drink daily. An activity fee of $5 is due on the first day. Children must be potty trained.

Equestrian and Farm-Related Camps

(3-6 yrs.) Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan

282 220 4901 6/01-6/05 $185 282 220 4902 6/08-6/12 $185 282 220 4903 6/15-6/19 $185 282 220 4904 6/22-6/26 $185 282 220 4905 6/29-7/02 $150 282 220 4906 7/06-7/10 $185 282 220 4907 7/13-7/17 $185 282 220 4908 7/20-7/24 $185 282 220 4909 7/27-7/31 $185 282 220 4910 8/03-8/07 $185 282 220 4911 8/10-8/14 $185 282 220 4912 8/17-8/21 $185

All About Horses Summer Camp

Adventures on the Farm



(7-14 yrs.) Frying Pan 4:15-6pm Frying Pan 4:15-6pm Frying Pan 4:15-6pm Lee REC 4:15-6pm CubRunREC 4:15-6pm SpHill REC 4:15-6pm Prov REC 4:15-6pm Wkfld/Moore 4:15-6pm

282 221 6801 6/22-6/26 $190 282 221 6802 7/20-7/24 $190 282 221 6803 7/27-7/31 $190 456 221 6801 7/06-7/10 $190 192 221 6801 8/03-8/07 $190 175 221 6801 8/10-8/14 $190 159 221 6801 8/17-8/21 $190 183 221 6801 8/24-8/28 $190

Campers enjoy daily 30-minute riding lessons plus learn about tacking, grooming, general horse care and barn chores. Other horse-related fun and activities include arts and crafts, equine speakers and breed

Spring 2015


9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm


Location Time


(8-14 yrs.) Frying Pan Frying Pan

282 224 8901 7/06-7/10 $295 282 224 8902 7/13-7/17 $295

9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Jr. Farmer Camp



282 220 5001 6/15-6/19 $239 282 220 5002 6/22-6/26 $239 282 220 5003 6/29-7/02 $190 282 220 5004 7/06-7/10 $239 282 220 5005 7/13-7/17 $239 282 220 5006 7/20-7/24 $239 282 220 5007 7/27-7/31 $239 282 220 5008 8/03-8/07 $239 282 220 5009 8/10-8/14 $239 282 220 5010 8/17-8/21 $239 282 220 5011 8/24-8/28 $239

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm


Follow in the footsteps of your ancestors as you create primitive tools, hunt and track wild game and conquer the challenge of making fire. Be among the first humans to cultivate plants and domesticate wild animals on the farm.

Location Time

Location Time


(5-10 yrs.) Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan

Caveman vs. Farmer

Digital Kidz Tech Savvy Girls

This hands-on camp fosters a passion for technology through curriculum tailored to what girls want to do. Design a fashion website, edit photos of friends, learn graphic design and animation, compose and mix digital music, design video games and create short music videos. Girls work with a new breed of robotics that integrates art and technology to spark creative thinking. Bring lunch and drink. No camp July 3.

Location Time


Campers love the daily farm visits to see the newest farm babies and learning about the animals. Activities also include hikes, crafts, games, farm demonstrations and making their own afternoon snack. Bring a snack,

Pitch in on the farm as you discover how food goes from the field to the table. Learn about farm animals and the roles animals play in our daily life. Activities include egg collecting, washing and feeding the animals, gardening, learning about farm machinery and a multitude of fun and exciting farm chores. No camp July 3. Location Time


(8-11 yrs.) Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan

282 223 0101 6/29-7/02 $239 282 223 0102 8/24-8/28 $295 282 223 0103 8/31-9/04 $295

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Farm Hand Camp

Calling all aspiring young farmers! If you’d like to learn how to milk a cow or goat, tend to the crops, care for the farm animals and explore life as a farm hand, then this camp is for you. In addition to farm chores, games, activities and guest speakers are all part of this unique experience. Location Time


(10-14 yrs.) Frying Pan 8am-4pm Frying Pan 8am-4pm



282 221 1301 7/06-7/10 $339 282 221 1302 7/13-7/17 $339

Farm Zoology Camp

Explore the science behind the animals that live at Frying Pan Farm Park. Learn about the habits and biology of our farm animals and their wild ancestors and meet the countless creatures that live in our stream and forest habitats. Activities include hands-on lessons with animals, nature hikes, games, and crafts. Location Time


(8-14 yrs.) Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan Frying Pan

282 223 7101 6/22-6/26 282 223 7102 7/20-7/24 282 223 7103 7/27-7/31 282 223 7104 8/17-8/21

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm


$ $295 $295 $295 $295


Camps Horseback Riding Camp

Beginner-Intermediate. Learn beginner riding basics or continue building intermediate skills. Intermediate riders should be able to groom, tack a horse, halt, walk, trot and canter with confidence. Riding lessons cover ring etiquette, half-halts, smooth transitions and ring figures. NVTRP paperwork required. Bring lunch, drink, riding boots w/heels and ASTM-SEI approved helmet daily. Location Time



566 223 2901 7/13-7/17 $479 566 223 2902 7/27-8/31 $479 566 223 2903 8/03-8/07 $479

9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm



about frogs, toads, birds, mammals, snakes, turtles, fish and insects through hikes, projects and games. Have lots of fun learning about the science of animal life. Zoology I is not a prerequisite for Zoology II. Cub Run campers may take an afternoon swim break at the pool; bring swimsuit and towel. Location Time




(7-10 yrs.) Level I CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 222 8401 7/20-7/24 $295 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 222 8402 8/24-8/28 $295 (7-11 yrs.) Level II Zoology (Level I not a prerequisite) CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 222 5001 7/27-7/31 $295 CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 222 5002 8/31-9/04 $295

Arts al Fresco

Horsemanship Camp

Horse lovers enjoy this hands-on camp that teaches horse care, handling, behavior, grooming, tacking and riding basics. Full-day campers ride twice. Wear long comfortable pants and shoes or boots with a well-defined heel. Riding helmets can be provided by Lucia Farm.

Let nature be your classroom as you experiment outdoors with different art media. Our colorful gardens, streams, ponds and cool woodlands provide creative inspiration. Bring snack and drink (full-day camp bring lunch also).

Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) Lucia Farms Lucia Farms Lucia Farms Lucia Farms

485 223 3001 8/17-8/21 $275 485 223 3002 8/17-8/21 $425 485 223 3003 8/24-8/28 $275 485 223 3004 8/24-8/28 $425

(5-11 yrs.) GrnSprgGrdn 9am-1pm GrnSprgGrdn 9am-1pm (6-11 yrs.) GrnSprgGrdn 9am-3pm

9am-12pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-4pm



Time Travelers Farm Camp

Journey through epic time periods and explore daily life and culture on a working farm. During your travels visit the blacksmith and learn how draft horses and oxen were once used for hard labor. Spend time in the dairy, stop by the farm house and help with gardening. Bring a lunch and drink. Location Time




(10-14 yrs.) Frying Pan 9am-4pm

282 224 8802 8/10-8/14 $295

Nature-Based Camps Practice Spanish and enjoy the outdoors. Campers spend a week immersed in the sights, sounds and customs of the Spanish-speaking world while learning about nature and Spanish-speaking cultures. (5-8 yrs.) Hunter House 9am-12pm (8-12 yrs.) RiverbendPk 9am-3pm




A full day of biking while learning about bugs, nature, streams and lakes. Bring bike, helmet, water bottle, snacks and lunch daily. Swimsuit and towel needed for afternoon swim break. Bike rental info, call 703-9947617. Location Time


(8-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4pm OakMar REC 8:30am-4pm SoRun REC 8:30am-4pm Lake Fairfax 8:30am-4pm

183 295 9901 7/06-7/10 $379 142 295 9901 8/03-8/07 $379 167 295 9901 7/27-7/31 $379 835 295 9901 6/29-7/02 $305





(4-6 yrs.) HidnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 222 3801 7/06-7/10 $190

Walk through Cub Run’s woods and explore the Cub Run creek area looking for all sorts of critters. Learn

Pack up your favorite stuffed cuddly critter (stuffed animal) and get ready to learn about how different animals live, how they play and how we can help them. Enjoy fun activities, crafts and games. We end the week with our pretend “critter campfire” and real s’mores for the campers. Location Time




(5-9 yrs.) StoneMansion 9am-12pm StoneMansion 9am-12pm

562 224 2201 7/27-7/31 $190 562 224 2202 8/10-8/14 $190

Dinosaur Days Camp

Explore the dinosaur world as campers become junior paleontologists. Naturalists lead discovery of the latest in dinosaur knowledge plus create crafts, play games and unearth fossils. Location Time




(4-6 yrs.) CubRunREC 9am-12pm 192 222 4201 6/15-6/19 $190 HddnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 222 4201 6/22-6/26 $190 HddnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 222 4202 7/27-7/31 $190 HddnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 222 4203 8/24-8/28 $190 (5-9 yrs.) CubRunREC 1pm-4pm 192 222 4401 6/22-6/26 $190 CubRunREC 1pm-4pm 192 222 4402 8/10-8/14 $190 HddnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 222 4401 8/31-9/04 $190 HddnPndNC 9:30am-12:30pm 332 222 4401 7/13-7/17 $190 HddnPndNC 9:30am-12:30pm 332 222 4402 8/24-8/28 $190 RvrbendPk 9am-3pm 357 222 4401 6/22-6/26 $255

Eco Explorers Camp

Come hike, craft and investigate as we explore nature’s wonders. Focus on a new topic each day: geology, stream and pond life, trees and flowers, insects and other animals. Become a biologist, entomologist and botanist as we explore cycles, waters, woods and soil. Bring snack and water. Full-day camp, bring lunch. Location Time




(6-11 yrs.) GrnSprgGrdn 9am-3pm

290 223 7201 7/27-7/31 $255

The best part of camping is gathering ‘round the campfire. Observe bats and other wildlife while enjoying woodland hikes, stream stomps, crafts, puppet shows and a nightly snack cooked at the campfire (including s’mores and two dinners).

Extreme Naturalist

Location Time

Location Time


(8-12 yrs.) HiddenPndNC 9am-4pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-4pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-4pm

332 223 2601 8/17-8/21 $295 340 223 2601 7/13-7/17 $295 340 223 2602 8/03-8/07 $295


Catch Some Fun & Sun

Discover how Pocahontas and her American Indian friends survived in the Virginia wilds. Through games, crafts, stories and hikes, campers have fun developing survival skills and learning lessons from wildlife.


Nature Bike Riding Camp

357 222 3401 6/29-7/02 $205

Animals: Zoology Fun for Kids


290 223 7401 8/24-8/28 $255

563 222 3301 7/13-7/17 $190



290 222 3901 8/03-8/07 $210 290 222 3902 6/29-7/02 $169

(5-9 yrs.) HiddnOksNC 4pm-7pm HiddnOksNC 4pm-7pm

American Indian Princesses & Warriors Camp

Location Time


Camp by Campfire

Aldea Naturaleza

Location Time

Location Time

NEW! Cuddly Critter Camp



308 224 2101 7/20-7/24 $190 308 224 2102 8/10-8/14 $190

Spend a full day with our naturalist visiting animal habitats, conducting field surveys, recording observations and exploring the park for plenty of hands-on fun. Dates


Outdoor fun in nature through hikes, games and crafts. Explore and observe insects, trees and more on the trails at the park. Campers go to the Water Mine daily. Bring a snack, lunch, drink, swimsuit and towel. An activity fee of $60 is due on the first day of camp (Lake Fairfax season passes accepted for a $50 discount on the activity fee).

Girl Scout Nature Adventures

Location Time


(5-10 yrs.) LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax

(6-9 yrs.) Brownie Adventures RiverbendPk 9am-3pm 357 221 5901 8/10-8/14 $255

835 222 6101 7/06-7/10 $239 835 222 6102 7/13-7/17 $239 835 222 6103 8/17-8/21 $239 835 222 6104 8/24-8/28 $239

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Complete your “It’s Your Planet-Love it!” journey and earn nature and science badges as you explore the park with friends. We create art and poetry, play games and take hikes on this adventure. Badges and a park patch are awarded at the end of camp. Location Time

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Fan us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/fairfaxcountyparks Spring 2015

Camps Insect Safari

Come on a bug safari and explore bugs and insects that inhabit our gardens, woods and wetlands. Collect, examine and identify little creatures using magnifiers and microscopes. Learn about their important jobs as pollinators and decomposers through projects and investigations. Bring snack and water bottle. No Camp July 3. Location





(4-6 yrs.) ECLwrncPk 9am-12pm 274 295 9301 6/29-7/02 $155 ECLwrncPk 9am-12pm 274 295 9302 7/27-7/31 $190 HntMdwsPk 9am-12pm 340 295 9301 6/22-6/26 $190 HntMdwsPk 9am-12pm 340 295 9302 7/06-7/10 $190 HdnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 295 9301 7/20-7/24 $190 (5-11 yrs.) GrnSprgGrdn 9am-1pm 290 223 7001 7/06-7/10 $210 GrnSprgGrdn 9am-1pm 290 223 7002 8/10-8/14 $210

Jr. Lakeside Adventures Camp

Younger campers enjoy this half-day camp focusing on exploration, environmental awareness and fun. Enjoy a variety of games, guided park walks, treasure hunts, nature lessons and arts and crafts. Campers take advantage of the cooler early temperatures and enjoy the morning exploring the park. No camp July 3. Location Time


(5-7 yrs.) LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk

850 222 8201 6/22-6/26 $190 850 222 8202 6/29-7/02 $150 850 222 8203 7/06-7/10 $190 850 222 8204 7/13-7/17 $190 850 222 8205 7/20-7/24 $190 850 222 8206 7/27-7/31 $190 850 222 8207 8/03-8/07 $190 850 222 8208 8/10-8/14 $190

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm



Lakeside Adventures Camp

Activities include a mountain biking clinic, guided nature hikes, fishing, orienteering on shaded trails and exploring creatures and plants that live in our streams, lakes, and forests. Campers also enjoy nature-themed games, live animal exhibits, basic archery and canoe and pedal boating. Sheltered woodland pavilions provide the perfect setting for slower-paced activities including fun and wearable arts-and-crafts projects using recycled and repurposed eco-friendly materials. Campers also enjoy a weekly field trip to a nearby waterpark. Bring lunch, snack and water daily. No camp July 3. Location Time


(6-14 yrs.) LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk

850 222 6201 6/22-6/26 $219 850 222 6202 6/29-7/02 $175 850 222 6203 7/06-7/10 $219 850 222 6204 7/13-7/17 $219 850 222 6205 7/20-7/24 $219 850 222 6206 7/27-7/31 $219 850 222 6207 8/03-8/07 $219 850 222 6208 8/10-8/14 $219 850 222 6209 8/17-8/21 $219 850 222 6210 8/24-8/28 $219 850 222 6211 8/31-9/04 $219

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

Little Ducklings Camp



Location Time




(3-5 yrs.) CubRunREC 9am-12pm 192 222 6301 6/08-6/12 $190 HddnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 222 6301 6/01-6/05 $190 RverbendPk 9:30am-12:30pm 357 222 6301 6/08-6/12 $190 RverbendPk 9:30am-12:30pm 357 222 6302 6/15-6/19 $190 HunterHouse 9am-12pm 563 222 6301 6/29-7/02 $155

Living Wild: Animal Investigations

See the world through the eyes of a wild animal. Learn the techniques animals use every day to find food, shelter and escape predators. Track and ID animals living at Green Spring. Learn about their different habitats and the vital roles they play in the circle of life through hikes, games, crafts and observation. Bring snack and water (full-day camp also bring lunch). Location Time (5-11 yrs.) GrnSprgGrdn 9am-12pm (6-11 yrs.) GrnSprgGrdn 9am-3pm




290 222 4001 7/13-7/17 $190 290 222 4902 8/17-8/21 $255

Native American Survival Skills Camp

Discover what daily life was like for the Eastern Woodland American Indians. From animal tracking to shelter building, children learn survival skills through outdoor activities, games, crafts and stories. Camp at ECL focuses on the culture and daily lives of Powhatan’s people. When the week is done, you and the Powhatans will be mawchick chammay, the best of friends. No camp July 3. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-4pm

274 222 9801 6/29-7/02 $239 274 222 9802 7/13-7/17 $299 274 222 9803 7/20-7/24 $299 274 222 9804 7/27-7/31 $299 274 222 9805 8/10-8/14 $299 274 222 9806 8/24-8/28 $299 340 222 9801 7/27-7/31 $299



Native Animal Explorers

Fish & Explore transports campers off-site to hike trails and wade in streams, walk pond and lake shores to find native wildlife. Campers observe, catch, photograph and release frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, lizards, turtles, crayfish, minnows, and many more small critters that live the aquatic and woodland life. Wear sneakers and bring lunch, snack, river shoes and towel. Location Time




(7-11 yrs.) Lee REC 8:30am-4:30pm 456 224 0701 6/22-6/26 $399 Lee REC 8:30am-4:30pm 456 224 0702 7/20-7/24 $399 Wkfld/Moore 8:30am-4:30pm 183 224 0701 7/06-7/10 $399 OakMarREC 8:30am-4:30pm 142 224 0701 7/13-7/17 $399 CubRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm 192 224 0701 8/03-8/07 $399 Prov REC 8:30am-4:30pm 159 224 0701 8/03-8/07 $399 SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm 175 224 0701 8/24-8/28 $399

Nature Explorers Camp

Youngsters love critter searches, short hikes, crafts, science experiments, songs and games. Children must

Spring 2015

be potty-trained prior to first day of camp. No camp July 3.

This camp includes a daily stop at the Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole plus nature activities like

fishing, boating, hiking, nature crafts and games. Everyone enjoys our weekly natural science day with a new theme each week listed online. Extended care is offered for an additional fee. Bring a swimsuit, towel, bag lunch, snacks and water bottle. No camp July 3. Location Time


(7-12 yrs.) LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax LakeFairfax

835 222 6501 6/22-6/26 $259 835 222 6502 6/29-7/02 $209 835 222 6503 7/06-7/10 $259 835 222 6504 7/13-7/17 $259 835 222 6505 7/20-7/24 $259 835 222 6506 7/27-7/31 $259 835 222 6507 8/03-8/07 $259 835 222 6508 8/10-8/14 $259 835 222 6509 8/17-8/21 $259 835 222 6510 8/24-8/28 $259 835 222 6511 8/31-9/04 $259

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Nature Photography and Hiking

Fish & Explore transports campers off-site to explore the outdoors. Learn techniques to become a better photographer as you capture animals, landscapes, flora and fauna while on extended hikes. Camp covers camera functions, lighting, composition, how to upload and save to a flash drive. Special lessons include in-depth techniques to enhance images through lab sessions. Bring lunch, snack, digital camera, SD card and flash drive. No camp July 3. Location Time




(10-17 yrs.) SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm CubRunREC 8:30am-4:30pm OakMarREC 8:30am-4:30pm SoRun REC 8:30am-4:30pm Lee REC 8:30am-4:30pm SpHill REC 8:30am-4:30pm

175 223 6001 6/29-7/02 $375 192 223 6001 7/06-7/10 $469 142 223 6001 7/20-7/24 $469 167 223 6001 7/27-7/31 $469 456 223 6001 8/24-8/28 $469 175 223 6002 8/31-9/04 $469

Nature’s Secrets in the Great Outdoors

Outdoor fun in nature through hikes, games and crafts. Explore and observe insects, trees and animals on the trails at the park. Bring a snack, lunch and drink daily. Campers also enjoy mini golf on one day. An activity fee is due on the first day ($5 for 4-hr. camps and $10 for 7-hr. camps). Location Time (5-6 yrs.) BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake (5-10 yrs.) BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake BurkeLake

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm

819 222 5801 6/22-6/26 $185 819 222 5802 6/29-7/02 $150 819 222 5803 7/06-7/10 $185 819 222 5804 7/13-7/17 $185 819 222 5805 7/20-7/24 $185 819 222 5806 7/27-7/31 $185 819 222 5807 8/03-8/07 $185 819 222 5808 8/10-8/14 $185 819 222 5809 8/17-8/21 $185

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

819 222 6001 6/22-6/26 $239 819 222 6002 6/29-7/02 $190 819 222 6003 7/06-7/10 $239 819 222 6004 7/13-7/17 $239 819 222 6005 7/20-7/24 $239 819 222 6006 7/27-7/31 $239 819 222 6007 8/03-8/07 $239 819 222 6008 8/10-8/14 $239 819 222 6009 8/17-8/21 $239 819 222 6010 8/24-8/28 $239


Camps Nature Quest

Explore plants and animals that put life in our park wildlife. Crafts, games, live animals and field study are part of this weeklong adventure. Huntley Meadows focuses on insects 6/22 and 8/17, animal classification 7/6, birds 7/20, reptiles/amphibians 7/27. Location Time




(3-6 yrs.) HddnPndNC 9:30am-12:30pm 332 221 8701 6/22-6/26 $190 HddnPndNC 9:30am-12:30pm 332 221 8702 7/20-7/24 $190 (6-10 yrs.) HntMdwsPk 9am-4pm 340 222 4701 6/22-6/26 $295 HntMdwsPk 9am-4pm 340 222 4702 7/06-7/10 $295 HntMdwsPk 9am-4pm 340 222 4703 7/27-7/31 $295 (8-14 yrs.) HntMdwsPk 9am-4pm 340 223 7501 7/20-7/24 $295 HntMdwsPk 9am-4pm 340 223 7502 8/17-8/21 $295

Nocturnal Survivor Camp

Location Time


(8-12 yrs.) HiddenPndNC 6pm-9pm HiddenPndNC 6pm-9pm

332 222 4801 7/06-7/10 $190 332 222 4802 8/10-8/14 $190


Primitive Teachings

Can you survive in the woods? Learn hands-on essential living skills including tracking, building shelters and small traps, fire making, archery and tool making. Also learn primitive arts such as beading, firing clay and basket weaving. Younger campers are introduced to a variety of skills while experienced campers focus on mastering skills and working on complex projects. Campers create their own primitive tool or basket to bring home. No camp July 3. Location Time (6-9 yrs.) RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk (9-12 yrs.) RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk RiverbendPk




9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm

357 222 6801 6/29-7/02 $275 357 222 6802 7/20-7/24 $345 357 222 6803 8/03-8/07 $345 357 222 6804 8/17-8/21 $345 357 222 6805 8/24-8/28 $345

9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm 9am-3pm

357 222 6901 6/22-6/26 $345 357 222 6902 7/06-7/10 $345 357 222 6903 7/13-7/17 $345 357 222 6904 7/27-7/31 $345 357 222 6905 8/10-8/14 $345 357 222 6906 8/31-9/04 $345

Reptile Rangers Camp

Explore the world of reptiles and other cold-blooded animals, and have fun learning about the cool characteristics of creatures such as snakes, turtles and frogs. Activities include hikes to the wetland, arts and crafts, games, animal encounters and hands-on activities. Location Time (4-6 yrs.) HuntMdwsPk 9am-12pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-12pm HuntMdwsPk 1pm-4pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-12pm (6-8 yrs.) HiddnOksNC 9am-12pm HiddnOksNC 1pm-4pm




Investigate the many ways animals see, hear, feel and smell the world around them. Each day focuses on a different animal and its super senses. Location Time


(4-6 yrs.) CubRunREC 9am-12pm CubRunREC 9am-12pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-12pm HuntMdwsPk 1pm-4pm

192 295 7901 6/22-6/26 192 295 7901 8/10-8/14 340 295 7901 6/15-6/19 340 295 7902 6/15-6/19


340 222 7101 6/08-6/12 $190 340 222 7102 7/13-7/17 $190 340 222 7103 7/13-7/17 $190 340 222 7104 8/03-8/07 $190 308 222 4301 8/03-8/07 $190 308 222 4302 8/03-8/07 $190


$ $190 $190 $190 $190

Tea Parties, Picnics & Storybooks

Ever wanted to go to Miss Spider’s Tea Party or the Teddy Bear’s picnic? Meet the Lorax, play Pooh Sticks and enjoy recreating games, plays and activities from favorite children’s literature. Meet a not-so-quiet cricket, a turtle like Yertle and many more live animals featured in storybooks. $10 supply fee of due first day. Location Time

Do you know what it takes to survive in the woods at night? Learn the unique skills used by plants and animals for nighttime survival. Dates

NEW! Sense-ational Animals




(4-6 yrs.) HddnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 224 8201 6/08-6/12 $190 HddnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 224 8202 6/15-6/19 $190

Tribal Trails Camp

Come see the Pohick Stream Valley through the eyes of Virginia’s Native Americans. Learn about their everyday lives by creating tools they used, tracking and building shelters similar to theirs. Location Time




(6-11 yrs.) HiddenPndNC 9am-4pm

332 224 3201 8/03-8/07 $295

Wetlanders Camp

Discover water dynamics with science experiments, pond and stream studies, games, stories, crafts and activities. Each day campers go outdoors exploring different habitats and meeting live animals. Dress to get wet as we jump into fun summer learning. Dates

Join our naturalist on outdoor adventures and field studies in nature. Learn about the amazing animal world and the natural sciences. This is for serious nature lovers who don’t mind getting dirty. Campers learn outdoor survival skills such as using maps, making fires and building shelter. Experiments, games, activities and observation skills help us explore the many habitats in our parks. Bring lunch and drink daily. No camp July 3. Location Time (6-9 yrs.) HiddnOksNC 9am-3pm HiddnOksNC 9am-3pm (6-11 yrs.) ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm HiddenPndNC 9am-4pm


(6-9 yrs.) HiddenPndNC 2:30-5:30pm HiddenPndNC 9am-4pm RiverbendPk 9am-3pm

332 222 7601 6/22-6/26 $190 332 222 7602 7/06-7/10 $295 357 222 7601 7/20-7/24 $255


Wild Bird Camp

Learn to recognize bird calls and appearances and discover tricks birders use to identify birds on the wing. Start your own “Life List” and enjoy drawing and journaling about your special bird encounters. Enjoy time on the trails, playing games and making crafts. Bring your own binoculars and field guides if you have them. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) ECLawrncePk 9am-4pm

274 224 8301 8/31-9/04 $295


Wildlife Caretakers



308 223 7901 7/13-7/17 $255 308 223 7902 8/17-8/21 $255 274 221 3701 6/22-6/26 $295 274 221 3702 7/06-7/10 $295 274 221 3703 8/03-8/07 $295 274 221 3704 8/17-8/21 $295 332 221 3701 6/29-7/02 $235

Wilderness Survival Camp

Can you survive in the wild? Learn wilderness survival techniques while exploring the park. Hike the trails identifying nature dangers and helpful plants and animals. Practice hunting and gathering and first aid techniques. Campers also enjoy various crafts and outdoor survival games. Bring lunch and drink daily. No camp July 3. Location Time


(8-12 yrs.) CubRunREC 9am-4pm HiddenPndNC 9am-4pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm

192 223 2201 7/06-7/10 332 223 2201 7/27-7/31 340 223 2201 6/29-7/02 192 223 2201 8/17-8/21


$ $295 $295 $235 $295

Act It Out!

Come explore this theater and arts program that invites children to act out storybooks with positive values and create art projects. Campers present their favorite story on the last day. A $20 supply fee is due on the first day of camp. Bring a snack and drink. Location Time


(3-6 yrs.) WaynewdES WaynewdES WaynewdES Navy ES Navy ES FairHill ES FairHill ES SoRunREC SoRunREC

121 223 9601 7/06-7/10 121 223 9602 7/27-7/31 121 223 9603 8/03-8/07 087 223 9601 7/06-7/10 087 223 9602 7/27-7/31 036 223 9601 7/13-7/17 036 223 9602 8/10-8/14 167 223 9601 8/03-8/07 167 223 9602 8/17-8/21

Have you ever wanted to work at a nature center? Go behind the scenes to set up tanks and ensure the health of exhibit animals. Venture into the park to participate in wildlife surveys and habitat projects. Dates


Performing Arts Camps

Location Time


Wildlife Rangers

Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) HiddenPndNC 2:30-5:30pm RiverbendPk 9am-3pm RiverbendPk 9am-3pm


332 221 6101 7/20-7/24 $190 357 221 6101 7/06-7/10 $255 357 221 6102 8/17-8/21 $255

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm


$ $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159 $159

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/campforms Spring 2015

Camps Moonlit Wings Performing Arts Camp

Prov REC Lee REC

Young theater enthusiasts star in a brand-new play written especially for these two-week camps. Dive into the Broadway biz with fun and dramatic rehearsals, acting and improvisations games, music and choreography, character creation, movie-making, set designs and more. Each two-week session features a new play and theme concluding with a premiere performance for parents/friends on the last day of camp. Some sessions include an afternoon swim break. Bring lunch, drink and swimsuit/towel. No camp July 3. Too old for this camp? E-mail us about our teens behind-thescenes experience info@moonlitwings.org. Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC SpHill REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC Prov REC FryingPan Stone MS Stone MS Stone MS


167 220 3301 6/22-7/02 $369 167 220 3302 7/06-7/17 $409 167 220 3303 7/20-7/31 $409 167 220 3304 8/03-8/14 $409 175 220 3301 6/22-7/02 $369 175 220 3302 7/06-7/17 $409 175 220 3303 7/20-7/31 $409 175 220 3304 8/03-8/14 $409 159 220 3301 6/22-7/02 $369 159 220 3302 7/06-7/17 $409 159 220 3303 7/20-7/31 $409 159 220 3304 8/03-8/14 $409 282 220 3301 8/17-8/28 $409 218 220 3301 7/06-7/17 $409 218 220 3302 7/20-7/31 $409 218 220 3303 8/03-8/14 $409

9am-4pm 9am-4pm

159 223 6801 8/10-8/14 $279 456 223 6801 8/17-8/21 $279

Fairy Princess Ballet Camp

Conservatory Ballet’s Fairy Princess Ballet introduces children to dance in a creative, fun and friendly learning environment. Campers should wear a pink dance dress and pink ballet slippers.


Location Time


(3-5 yrs.) RestonCnsv RestonCnsv RestonCnsv RestonCnsv

457 295 4701 7/06-7/10 $189 457 295 4702 7/20-7/24 $189 457 295 4703 8/03-8/07 $189 457 295 4704 8/17-8/21 $189

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm



Glee Camp 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

This theater and arts camp allows kids to explore theater games, playwriting, set and costume design and more. Campers present their original play based on current topics and positive values on the last day! A $15 supply fee is due on first day of camp. Please bring snack, lunch, and drink. Location Time




(7-10 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm MtVernREC 9am-4pm Navy ES 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm

183 223 9701 6/22-6/26 $279 183 223 9702 7/13-7/17 $279 183 223 9703 8/24-8/28 $279 282 223 9701 7/13-7/17 $279 472 223 9701 7/06-7/10 $279 472 223 9702 7/27-7/31 $279 472 223 9703 8/03-8/07 $279 087 223 9701 7/27-7/31 $279 167 223 9701 8/17-8/21 $279

Camp Crescendo

This music variety camp allows children the opportunity to improvise, create and explore music in a number of ways. Campers have small-group lessons on guitar and ukulele (we provide the instruments). Children also create music on xylophones, glockenspiels and percussion instruments. The week culminates with a performance for family and friends. Bring lunch, snack and swimsuit/towel for optional swim break. Location Time


(6-13 yrs.) Lee REC Lee REC

456 220 2101 7/13-7/17 $240 456 220 2102 8/17-8/21 $240

Spring 2015



Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) KingsPk ES

071 222 9401 7/27-7/31 $275




Glee Choir Camp Inspired by pop-culture shows and music, arrangements of popular songs are sung as a group in multipart harmony. Each camper has an opportunity to be featured as a soloist, getting a chance at the spotlight. Pair with our afternoon Glee Dance Camp and bring a lunch for supervised break between camps.

Turn household items into musical instruments! It’s easy in the Park Authority’s Camp Summer Stomp. Camp Summer Stomp

Dramatic Kids!

9am-4pm 9am-4pm

Join us for singing and dancing in the tradition of Broadway musicals. Learn songs and steps from American pop-culture in preparation for a performance on Friday. Campers have an opportunity to be featured, whether through song or through dance. Bring lunch and drink daily.

Take a room full of creative kids, add rhythm sticks and household items and watch the magic begin. In this high-energy music camp, children experience rhythm and movement in the style of the hit Broadway musical Stomp! They create music under the direction of professional educators, and the week culminates with a performance for family and friends. Bring lunch, snack and swimsuit/towel for optional swim break. Location Time


(6-13 yrs.) Lee REC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm



456 224 0401 7/06-7/10 $240 456 224 0402 8/03-8/07 $240 175 224 0401 6/22-6/26 $240 167 224 0401 8/10-8/14 $240

Circus Arts Superstars Camp

Join our circus camp by Spirit Pros and learn to tightrope walk, unicycle, barrel walk, pogo stick jump, balance on a bongo board, make balloon sculptures, juggle fun objects and work on acrobatics. Camp may include a swim break. Bring snack, drink, lunch, swimsuit and towel daily. Admission requires signed participation release form on the first day. Some camps are bussed to a nearby school for gym/cafeteria use. No camp July 3. Location Time


(6-15 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm CubRun REC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm



183 223 6801 6/29-7/02 $279 192 223 6801 7/06-7/10 $279 142 223 6801 7/13-7/17 $279 175 223 6801 7/27-7/31 $279 167 223 6801 8/03-8/07 $279

Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) KingsPk ES

071 222 9501 8/03-8/07 $199




Glee Dance Camp Inspired by pop-culture shows and music, campers learn group dance steps. Campers are featured in the dance, getting a chance at the spotlight. Dances are choreographed to popular songs from the American pop lexicon. Pair with our morning Glee Choir Camp and bring a lunch for supervised break between camps. Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) KingsPk ES

071 222 9601 8/03-8/07 $199




NEW! Guitar Camp Campers of all levels learn basic musicianship on the guitar in a creative and fun environment. Ensemble pieces are learned and students are given a chance at the spotlight with their own solo, no matter their skill level. Bring your own guitar. Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) Key MS Key MS

211 222 8601 7/13-7/17 $199 211 222 8602 7/13-7/17 $199

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

9am-12pm 1pm-4pm



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Camps Gymnastics & Dance Camp

Flip and dance the summer away with Spirit Pros! Gymnastics, rhythm-and-dance movement skills, games and activities are part of this action-packed week. Gymnastics apparatus includes mini-tramp, uneven parallel bars, vault, balance beam and tumbling. There is a demonstration at the end of camp. Camps may include a swim break. Bring snack, drink, lunch and swimsuit daily. Admission requires signed participation form on the first day. Some camps bussed to a nearby school for gym/cafeteria use. No camp July 3. Location Time


(6-15 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm MtVernonREC 9am-4pm SpHillREC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm



183 295 9801 6/22-6/26 $279 456 295 9801 6/29-7/02 $225 192 295 9801 7/13-7/17 $279 142 295 9801 7/20-7/24 $279 167 295 9801 7/27-7/31 $279 472 295 9801 8/03-8/07 $279 175 295 9801 8/10-8/14 $279 159 295 9801 8/17-8/21 $279

Magic, Juggling & Balloon Sculptures Camp

Spirit Pros invites you to learn the magical, mystical secrets of your favorite bespectacled wizard. Float objects in the air, make things vanish and check out camp illusions just like the professionals. Create balloon sculptures and juggle different objects like plates, scarves and feathers. Camps may include a swim break. Bring snack, drink, lunch and swimsuit daily. Admission requires signed participation release form on the first day. Parents and friends are invited to a show on the last day. Some camps are bused to a nearby school for gym/cafeteria use. Location Time


(6-15 yrs.) Lee REC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm



456 295 6101 7/20-7/24 $279 142 295 6101 8/03-8/07 $279 192 295 6101 8/17-8/21 $279

NEW! Musical Theatre Camp

This camp focuses on individual and group expression to develop skills needed to be successful in musical theatre. Campers rotate through acting, singing and dancing and perform musical numbers. Bring lunch and drink daily. Location Time


(7-14 yrs.) Key MS

211 222 7501 8/10-8/14 $275




Puppet Masters Camp

Work with professional, moppet-style puppets and learn different forms of puppetry. Practice the art of ventriloquism. Design and make your own puppet. Write a script, design the set and perform your puppet show for family and friends at the end of the week. Camp may include a swim break. Bring snack, drink, lunch and swimsuit daily. Admission requires signed participation release form on first day. No camp July 3. Location Time


(6-15 yrs.) SoRunREC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm

167 221 9901 6/29-7/02 $225 159 221 9901 7/06-7/10 $279 183 221 9901 8/17-8/21 $279 456 221 9901 8/31-9/04 $279




Song & Dance Performing Arts Camp Lights, cameras, action! Do you like singing competitions, dancing stars and musical shows? If so, join Spirit Pros performance arts ensemble. Broadway songs, animated musicals and/or karaoke favorites add to the learning of dance, theater and musical skills. You’ll be on your way to becoming a star! There is a song and dance performance for family and friends at the end of the week. Camps may include a swim break. Bring snack, drink, lunch and swimsuit daily. Admission requires signed participation release form on the first day. Location Time


(6-15 yrs.) SoRunREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm



167 221 6001 7/13-7/17 $279 142 221 6001 7/27-7/31 $279 456 221 6001 8/24-8/28 $279

Theatrical Teens

This theater and arts camp invites teens to engage in improvisational theater techniques, playwriting, set and costume design, while discussing current topics. A short play is presented on the last day of camp. A supply fee of $15 is due on the first day of camp. Please bring snack, lunch, and drink. Location Time (11-15 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm




183 223 8801 8/24-8/28 $279

NEW! Ultimate Music Experience

Learn Now Music introduces campers to a variety of musical instruments and concepts including piano, guitar, violin, drums, voice and movement. Campers participate in musical games, crafts, musical listening excerpts and related projects. At the beginning of the week, each camper is issued an instrument to borrow for at-home practice once a rental agreement is signed. Instruments must be returned at the end of the week. Instruments differ between the a.m. and p.m. sessions and campers in both morning and afternoon sessions are supervised during a lunch break. All campers should bring a snack and drink daily and full-day campers should also bring a bag lunch. June 15 week for non-FCPS students. No camp July 3. Location Time




(5-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm 183 222 8101 6/15-6/19 $245 Wkfld/Moore 1:30pm-5:30pm 183 222 8102 6/15-6/19 $245 Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm 183 222 8103 8/24-8/28 $245 Wkfld/Moore 1:30pm-5:30pm 183 222 8104 8/24-8/28 $245 Wkfld/Moore 9am-1pm 183 222 8105 8/31-9/04 $245 Wkfld/Moore 1:30pm-5:30pm 183 222 8106 8/31-9/04 $245 Aldrin ES 9am-1pm 001 222 8101 6/29-7/02 $199 Aldrin ES 1:30pm-5:30pm 001 222 8102 6/29-7/02 $199 Aldrin ES 9am-1pm 001 222 8103 7/20-7/24 $245 Aldrin ES 1:30pm-5:30pm 001 222 8104 7/20-7/24 $245 Aldrin ES 9am-1pm 001 222 8105 8/10-8/14 $245 Aldrin ES 1:30pm-5:30pm 001 222 8106 8/10-8/14 $245 SpringHlES 9am-1pm 107 222 8101 7/06-7/10 $245 SpringHlES 1:30pm-5:30pm 107 222 8102 7/06-7/10 $245 BelleVw ES 9am-1pm 006 222 8101 7/13-7/17 $245 BelleVw ES 1:30pm-5:30pm 006 222 8102 7/13-7/17 $245 BelleVw ES 9am-1pm 006 222 8103 7/27-7/31 $245 BelleVw ES 1:30pm-5:30pm 006 222 8104 7/27-7/31 $245 BelleVw ES 9am-1pm 006 222 8105 8/10-8/14 $245 BelleVw ES 1:30pm-5:30pm 006 222 8106 8/10-8/14 $245 Frying Pan 9am-1pm 282 222 8101 7/27-7/31 $245

CubRunES CubRunES CubRunREC CubRunREC

9am-1pm 030 222 8101 8/03-8/07 $245 1:30pm-5:30pm 030 222 8102 8/03-8/07 $245 9am-1pm 192 222 8103 8/31-9/04 $245 1:30pm-5:30pm 192 222 8104 8/31-9/04 $245

Vocal Workshop for Teens Campers develop music literacy, vocal technique and expressive communication through group and solo literature. Young teens should be prepared to sing alone in front of the group, come dressed to move and bring sheet music from a song they would like to work on (any style). Location Time




(10-14 yrs.) Key MS 9am-12pm Key MS 1pm-4pm

211 222 7801 7/20-7/24 $199 211 222 7802 7/20-7/24 $199

Science Camps Amazing Robot Animals

Scienzminds teaches campers how to build animal-themed robots incorporating various sensors and motors. Learn a drag and drop robotics programming interface, WeDo and to program the robots to perform various actions. Kids work in pairs and learn several STEM and social science concepts. Location Time


(6-9 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm



183 221 3201 8/17-8/21 $225

Crime Scene & Chemistry

Mad Science introduces you to life in the form of cells and organs and uses that knowledge to help solve a crime. Discover the secrets behind batteries, learn how to conduct electricity and design marshmallow molecules. Experience blood pumping through the heart and air moving through the lungs. Use ooey-gooey ingredients to build a model cell and use your own traits to decode and decipher your DNA. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) LakeFairfax 9am-4pm MtVernonREC 9am-4pm Navy ES 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm


835 295 4101 7/06-7/10 472 295 4101 7/13-7/17 087 295 4101 8/10-8/14 282 295 4101 7/13-7/17

$ $320 $320 $320 $320

Crime Scene Science

Join the Crime Scene team and solve the mystery! Use real forensic science to gather information that can be used to investigate a real crime scene. Budding scientists experiment with decomposition, dissection, DNA extraction and more in this extreme science camp. Full-day camp, bring lunch and drink. Location Time (7-10 yrs.) HunterHouse 1pm-4pm HunterHouse 9am-12pm (10-13 yrs.) HunterHouse 9am-3pm HiddenPndNC 2:30-5:30pm




563 222 3701 8/17-8/21 $190 563 222 3701 8/24-8/28 $190 563 223 8101 7/20-7/24 $255 332 223 8101 8/24-8/28 $190

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/campforms

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Camps Dig It: Archaeology Adventures

Discover new treasures and learn how our ancestors lived. We spend two days off-site helping the county’s Cultural Resources Team. Campers visit a nearby active archaeological dig and also an archaeological research lab in Annandale where we investigate artifacts found in the county. Bring lunch daily. Location Time




(9-12 yrs.) RiverbendPk 9am-3pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-4pm HuntMdwsPk 9am-4pm

357 222 7901 8/17-8/21 $255 340 222 7901 7/06-7/10 $295 340 222 7901 8/10-8/14 $295

NEW! Discover STEM

Look at STEM topics in a fresh new way at this camp based in the natural and physical sciences. We explore natural systems, water and energy and the ways science, technology, engineering and math can help us plan for a sustainable future. Campers investigate with real world hands-on experiments, activities, team challenges and observations of the natural world. Location Time


(7-10 yrs.) StoneMansion 9am-12pm StoneMansion 9am-12pm



562 221 1401 7/6-7/10 $190 562 221 1402 8/17-8/21 $190

Discovery Time I, II, III

Theme-based activities such as games, crafts, special projects and hikes help children discover these wonders of science. Bring snack, lunch and drink daily. An activity fee is due on the first day ($5 for 4-hr. camps and $10 for 7-hr. camps; except Lake Fairfax 7-hr fee is $60 as it will include a daily swim break at the Water Mine (season passes accepted for a $50 discount off activity fee). No camp July 3. Discovery Time I- Oceans Discovery Time II- Life Cycles Discovery Time III- Prehistoric Creatures Location Time




(3-5 yrs.) Discovery Time I Oceans Frying Pan 9am-1pm 282 224 8701 6/01-6/05 $185 Frying Pan 9am-1pm 282 224 8702 7/13-7/17 $185 BurkeLak 9am-1pm 819 224 8701 7/06-7/10 $185 BurkeLake 9am-1pm 819 224 8702 8/17-8/21 $185 LakeFairfax 9am-1pm 835 224 8701 6/15-6/19 $185 LakeFairfax 9am-1pm 835 224 8702 7/27-7/31 $185 ColvinRun 9am-1pm 266 224 8701 6/08-6/12 $185 ColvinRun 9am-1pm 266 224 8702 7/06-7/10 $185 (3-5 yrs.) DiscoveryTime II Life Cycles Frying Pan 9am-1pm 282 222 5701 6/08-6/12 $185 Frying Pan 9am-1pm 282 222 5702 7/20-7/24 $185 BurkeLake 9am-1pm 819 222 5701 6/01-6/05 $185 BurkeLake 9am-1pm 819 222 5702 7/13-7/17 $185 LakeFairfax 9am-1pm 835 222 5701 6/22-6/26 $185 ColvinRun 9am-1pm 266 222 5701 6/15-6/19 $185 ColvinRun 9am-1pm 266 222 5702 7/13-7/17 $185 (3-5 yrs.) Discovery Time III Prehistoric Creatures Frying Pan 9am-1pm 282 222 5901 6/15-6/19 $185 Frying Pan 9am-1pm 282 222 5902 7/27-7/31 $185 BurkeLake 9am-1pm 819 222 5901 6/08-6/12 $185 BurkeLake 9am-1pm 819 222 5902 7/20-7/24 $185 LakeFairfax 9am-1pm 835 222 5901 6/29-7/02 $150 LakeFairfax 9am-1pm 835 222 5902 8/10-8/15 $185 ColvinRun 9am-1pm 266 222 5901 6/22-6/26 $185 (5-10 yrs.) Discovery Time I Oceans LakeFairfax 9am-4pm 835 222 8801 7/27-7/31 $239 ColvinRun 9am-4pm 266 222 8801 7/06-7/10 $239 ColvinRun 9am-4pm 266 222 8802 8/17-8/21 $239 (5-10 yrs.) Discovery Time II Life Cycles

Spring 2015

LakeFairfax 9am-4pm 835 223 5801 6/22-6/26 $239 LakeFairfax 9am-4pm 835 223 5802 7/20-7/24 $239 ColvinRun 9am-4pm 266 223 5801 7/13-7/17 $239 (5-10 yrs.) Discovery Time III Prehistoric Creatures LakeFairfax 9am-4pm 835 221 5001 6/29-7/02 $190 LakeFairfax 9am-4pm 835 221 5002 8/10-8/14 $239 ColvinRun 9am-4pm 266 221 5001 6/22-6/26 $239

NEW! Flight Academy by Mad Science

Earth, Space and Beyond!

Location Time


(7-12 yrs.) CubRunREC Prov REC Frying Pan Navy ES SpHill REC Lake Fairfax

192 224 8401 7/06-7/10 $320 159 224 8401 8/10-8/14 $320 282 224 8401 8/03-8/07 $320 087 224 8401 6/29-7/02 $255 175 224 8401 8/31-9/04 $320 835 224 8401 6/22-6/26 $320

Mad Science invites you to decipher the world around you. Use morse code, launch a water bottle rocket, learn about recycling and solar energy with hands-on experiments and explore other facets of science that are sure to amaze. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) SpHill REC CubRunREC Prov REC WaynewdES Sangster ES Aldrin ES

175 223 7301 8/03-8/07 $320 192 223 7301 7/27-7/31 $320 159 223 7301 7/13-7/17 $320 121 223 7301 7/06-7/10 $320 102 223 7301 7/13-7/17 $320 001 223 7301 7/27-7/31 $320

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Engineering with LEGO Camp

Power up your engineering skills and let your imagination run wild with Play-Well Teknologies. In this funfilled creative class, kids learn building techniques that help make their ideas a reality. Older campers apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering and architecture designed by engineers. Instructors demonstrate new projects to provide inspiration for students to take their creations further. No camp July 3. Location Time




(5-6 yrs.) Pre-Engineering Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm 183 220 3401 6/15-6/19 $169 Lee REC 9am-12pm 456 220 3401 6/29-7/02 $139 Fairhill ES 9am-12pm 036 220 3401 7/06-7/10 $169 Navy ES 9am-12pm 087 220 3401 7/06-7/10 $169 CubRun ES 9am-12pm 030 220 3401 7/13-7/17 $169 WaynewdES 9am-12pm 121 220 3401 7/20-7/24 $169 Lee REC 9am-12pm 456 220 3402 8/17-8/21 $169 SpHill REC 9am-12pm 175 220 340 8/03-8/07 $169 (7-11 yrs.) Engineering Fundamentals Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm 183 220 3501 6/15-6/19 $169 Lee REC 1pm-4pm 456 220 3501 6/29-7/02 $139 Fairhill ES 1pm-4pm 036 220 3501 7/06-7/10 $169 Navy ES 1pm-4pm 087 220 3501 7/06-7/10 $169 CubRun ES 1pm-4pm 030 220 3501 7/13-7/17 $169 WaynewdES 1pm-4pm 121 220 3501 7/20-7/24 $169 Lee REC 1pm-4pm 456 220 3502 8/17-8/21 $169 SpHill REC 1pm-4pm 175 220 3501 8/03-8/07 $169

Come explore aerodynamics fundamentals in this Mad Science camp, and see how Newton’s laws of motion help explain how things move and how rockets fly. Campers love building parachutes, kites, rubber-band powered planes and a gravity simulator. Bring lunch and drink. No camp July 3.

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Geology Rocks

Discover natural park wonders while excavating rocks, minerals and fossils. We hike the park, make fossils, play games and enjoy hands-on activities in this everyday adventure. Hidden Pond camp includes panning for gold. Riverbend campers hike to Great Falls and spend a day canoeing and island-hopping along the Potomac to gain up-close knowledge of the river’s geologic features. Location Time




(5-8 yrs.) RvrbndPk 9am-3pm 357 222 7201 7/13-7/17 $265 RvrbndPk 9am-3pm 357 222 7202 7/27-7/31 $265 (7-11 yrs.) CubRunREC 9am-4pm 192 223 2401 7/13-7/17 $295 HddnPndNC 9:30am-12:30pm 332 223 2401 8/10-8/14 $190 HddnPndNC 2:30-5:30pm 332 223 2401 7/13-7/17 $190 (8-12 yrs.) RvrbndPk 9am-3pm 357 222 7301 8/03-8/07 $265

NEW! JEDI Engineering with LEGO

The Force is strong in these Engineering with LEGO programs. Build complex machines and structures based on the best designs from far away galaxies. Imagination and engineering are combined to create motorized projects and reinforce key concepts. Location Time



(5-6 yrs.) Navy ES 9am-12pm 087 220 3801 7/27-7/31 CubRunREC 9am-12pm 192 220 3801 8/31 - 9/4 SpringHl ES 9am-12pm 107 220 3801 8/10-8/14 (7-11 yrs.) Master Engineering Navy ES 1pm-4pm 087 295 8301 7/27-7/31 CubRunREC 1pm-4pm 192 295 8301 8/31 - 9/4 SpringHl ES 1pm-4pm 107 295 8301 8/10-8/14

$ $169 $169 $169 $169 $169 $169

NEW! Mine, Craft, Build with LEGO

Eureka! by Mad Science

Young Inventors use basic materials, simple machines, tips from world famous inventors and ingenuity to construct catapults and forts, fabricate a winning Egg Drop design, construct a dancing robot and assemble a working light saber to take home. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) Prov REC 9am-4pm Navy ES 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm LakeFairfax 9am-4pm


159 223 1801 6/22-6/26 087 223 1801 7/20-7/24 192 223 1802 6/22-6/26 183 223 1801 8/10-8/14 835 223 1801 8/31-9/04

$ $320 $320 $320 $320 $320

Inspired by the popular game of Minecraft, this LEGO experience is an original game designed by Play-Well Teknologies. Resourcefulness, creativity and cooperation come together in these unique building adventure camps. Location Time (5-6 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Lee REC 9am-12pm SpringHl ES 9am-12pm (7-11 yrs) Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm Lee REC 1pm-4pm SpringHl ES 1pm-4pm

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




183 222 7401 8/10-8/14 $169 456 222 7401 8/24 - 8/28 $169 107 222 7401 7/27-7/31 $169 183 223 9101 8/10-8/14 $169 456 223 9101 8/24-8/28 $169 107 223 9101 7/27-7/31 $169


Camps NEW! Engineering of Cities

Campers work hard to apply their knowledge of construction to save the beach from erosion and build their very own city from the ground up. From roads and tunnels to buildings and skyscrapers, campers discover that no job is too tough for a budding engineer. Older crews design essential urban structures and solve real-world challenges, such as developing a process to purify water and generate electricity. Bring a snack and drink daily (full-day camp also bring lunch). Location Time (4-6 yrs.) Prov REC Sangster ES (7-12 yrs.) SoRun REC Prov REC




9am-1pm 9am-1pm

159 220 3901 7/06-7/10 $235 102 220 3901 7/20-7/24 $235

9am-4pm 9am-4pm

167 220 4001 8/24-8/28 $310 159 220 4002 8/31-9/04 $310

NEW! Engineering of Medieval Times

Campers build their very own castle and then work to defend it by engineering cannons and catapults. Become a knight and join us on the quest for glory and justice! Bring a snack and drink daily. Location Time




(4-6 yrs.) Prov REC 9am-1pm NewFrst ES 9am-1pm Sangster ES 9am-1pm

159 220 4101 7/27-7/31 $235 088 220 4101 8/10-8/14 $235 102 220 4101 8/03-8/07 $235

NEW! Engineering of Power and Energy

Today’s engineers encounter a range of challenges when capturing power and energy. How do we produce electricity? How can we harness power to help others? Join in working together to harness energy from some not-so-obvious energy sources, as well as explore the powerful possibilities of kinetic and potential energy. Bring a snack and drink daily (full-day camp also bring lunch). Location Time (4-6 yrs.) NewFrst ES Prov REC (7-12 yrs.) SouthRn REC Prov REC




9am-1pm 9am-1pm

088 220 4201 7/06-7/10 $235 159 220 4201 8/03-8/07 $235

9am-4pm 9am-4pm

167 220 4301 7/20-7/24 159 220 4301 8/17-8/21

$310 $310

NEW! Robo Battles

Campers are introduced to building and programming EV3 robots. Explore ways in which a robot could be utilized to engage in various battle challenges and create the battle gear in preparation for the ultimate battle. Bring a snack, lunch and drink daily. Location





(7-12 yrs.) Prov REC Prov REC SoRun REC

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm

159 220 4501 7/27-7/31 $310 159 220 4502 8/24-8/28 $310 167 220 4501 8/31-9/04 $310

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/campforms 68

NEW! Rocket Scientist

Zoom into the fantastic world of rockets! Scienzminds teaches campers about the physics behind rocket launching using a specially designed indoor straw rocket launcher. Learn to collect and analyze data and do experiments with different variables. Location Time



(8-11 yrs.) Navy ES 1pm-4pm CubRun REC 1pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm

087 220 4601 7/20-7/24 192 220 4601 8/10-8/14 183 220 4601 7/27-7/31 183 220 4602 8/17-8/21

$ $225 $225 $225 $225

Science in Motion Camp

Discover how things move with science. Take apart pellets to see what an owl cannot digest. View the world through a camera obscura. Join a team of camper engineers and build bridges, domes, cubes and pyramids. Assemble and control pulleys, levers, catapults and simple machines. Make your own sidewalk chalk, crystal gardens and chromatography-dyed T-shirt. Camp by Mad Science. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time




(6-11 yrs.) SoRun REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm LakeFairfax 9am-4pm SpHillREC 9am-4pm MtVernonREC 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm

167 220 5101 7/06-7/10 $320 183 220 5101 7/13-7/17 $320 835 220 5101 7/20-7/24 $320 175 220 5101 7/27-7/31 $320 472 220 5101 8/10-8/14 $320 282 220 5101 8/31-9/04 $320 159 220 5101 8/24-8/28 $320

NEW! Science for Wizards

Open up to the world of science with this spell-binding camp filled with an array of bewitching lessons and experiments mesmerizing even the most astute sorcerer. Study natural herbs, potion preparations, mythical creatures and more. Location Time (4-7 yrs.) SpHillREC SpHillREC (8-11 yrs.) SpHillREC SpHillREC




9am-12pm 1pm-4pm

175 220 5701 7/13-7/17 $190 175 220 5702 7/13-7/17 $190

9am-4pm 9am-4pm

175 220 6101 7/06-7/10 $295 175 220 6102 8/10-8/14 $295

Scientists and Artists Camp

Discover nature through scientific observation and different forms of art. Activities include experimenting with light, color, and sound, games, storytelling and building a journal. At Huntley Meadows explore forests, meadows and the area’s largest non-tidal wetland. At Hidden Oaks, explore forests, meadows, streams and draw from live and preserved animals. No camp July 3. Location Time




(6-9 yrs.) HuntMdwsPk 9am-12pm 340 223 9201 6/29-7/02 $155 HuntMdwsPk 9am-12pm 340 223 9202 7/27-7/31 $190 HddnOksNC 9:30am-12:30pm 308 223 9201 8/10-8/14 $190 (8-12 yrs.) HuntMdwsPk 9am-12pm 340 223 5501 8/24-8/28 $190

Secret Agent Lab

Suspects! Schematics! Sleuths! Connect the dots using science to help solve a crime in this hands-on Mad Science camp. Uncover the science involved in evidence

gathering, analysis and fingerprinting detection. Enhance your recall and observation skills and learn how to use spy equipment. Bring lunch and drink. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Lake Fairfax 9am-4pm CubRun REC 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm MtVernonREC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm



183 223 7701 7/06-7/10 $320 835 223 7701 8/03-8/07 $320 030 223 7701 8/24-8/28 $320 282 223 7701 8/10-8/14 $320 472 223 7701 8/17-8/21 $320 175 223 7701 8/24-8/28 $320

NEW! Space Robots

Scienzminds teaches campers to apply robotics concepts to geo-engineer a newly discovered planet. Campers work in small teams and maintain a project binder. Young engineers work on Lego robot challenges that progress from simple to advanced robot programming utilizing the LEGO NXT platform. Location Time




(9-14 yrs.) Navy ES 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm CubRun REC 9pm-12pm

087 222 3101 7/20-7/24 $225 183 222 3101 7/27-7/31 $225 192 222 3101 8/10-8/14 $225

NEW! Super Scientist

Come create some crazy chemical concoctions. Projects encourage self-exploration into the world of science. Bring snack and drink daily. Add our Afternoon Fun Camp for a full day of camp excitement. Location Time


(5-7 yrs.) Lee REC Lee REC

456 221 2901 7/13-7/17 $190 456 221 2902 8/17-8/21 $190

9am-12pm 9am-12pm



Specialty Camps All-American Girl: Living Dolls Camp

Pack up your favorite doll friend and experience the life of an American girl growing up in the most interesting eras in history. Practice the life skills girls needed in the past and relate them to the world you live in now. Bring these times to life with your doll through fun activities, costumes, crafts and themed games in a beautiful historic setting. Bring a snack daily. The Journey Continues: if you and your doll enjoyed Living Dolls Camp come back to experience the life of an American Girl growing up in other interesting eras in history. Location Time


(5-9 yrs.) GrnSprgGrdn 9am-12pm 290 224 8601 Sully 9am-12pm 381 224 8601 Sully 9am-12pm 381 224 8602 ColvinRun 9am-12pm 266 224 8601 StoneMansion 9am-12pm 562 224 8601 (5-9 yrs.) The Journey Continues ColvinRun 9am-12pm 266 224 8602 StoneMansion 9am-12pm 562 224 8601

Dates 6/22-6/26 7/13-7/17 8/10-8/14 7/20-7/24 7/13-7/17

$ $190 $190 $190 $190 $190

8/24-8/28 $190 8/03-8/07 $190

Camp SheEO for Girl Entrepreneurs

Every girl has what it takes to “be the boss” of her life and maybe her business. Join us at Camp SheEO and create a dream board, business plan and success journal. A supply fee of $18 is due on the first day for

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Camps success kit and bag designed with your own brand. Bring lunch and drink. This camp is the first level SheOH. See camp website for 11-16 yr. old level. Location Time


(8-13 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm Aldrin ES 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm


183 220 9301 6/22-6/26 167 220 9301 6/29-7/02 192 220 9301 7/06-7/10 001 220 9301 7/13-7/17 175 220 9301 7/20-7/24

$ $249 $199 $249 $249 $249

Chess Camp

Silver Knights Chess has taught the great strategy game to more than 30,000 children since 2006. Beginners to advanced players are divided by skill level for more appropriate instruction and game play. Snack and outdoor breaks are sprinkled in throughout the day. Bring snack and drink (full-day campers also bring lunch). Every camper receives a T-shirt and chess set or free entry to a tournament. No camp July 3. Location Time


(5-14 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm OakMarREC 9am-12pm OakMarREC 1pm-4pm Navy ES 9am-4pm Navy ES 9am-12pm Navy ES 1pm-4pm Navy ES 9am-4pm Navy ES 9am-12pm Navy ES 1pm-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm SpHill REC 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-12pm Wkfld/Moore 1pm-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-12pm CubRunREC 1pm-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-12pm SoRunREC 1pm-4pm SoRunREC 9am-4pm SoRunREC 9am-12pm SoRunREC 1pm-4pm GreenbrW ES 9am-4pm GreenbrW ES 9am-12pm GreenbrW ES 1pm-4pm GreenbrW ES 9am-4pm GreenbrW ES 9am-12pm GreenbrW ES 1pm-4pm WhiteOaksES 9am-4pm WhiteOaksES 9am-12pm WhiteOaksES 1pm-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-12pm Frying Pan 1pm-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm Frying Pan 9am-12pm Frying Pan 1pm-4pm Frying Pan 9am-4pm

142 221 5701 6/15-6/19 $339 142 221 5702 6/15-6/19 $210 142 221 5703 6/15-6/19 $210 087 221 5701 6/29-7/02 $270 087 221 5702 6/29-7/02 $169 087 221 5703 6/29-7/02 $169 087 221 5704 8/03-8/07 $339 087 221 5705 8/03-8/07 $210 087 221 5706 8/03-8/07 $210 175 221 5701 6/22-6/26 $339 175 221 5702 7/13-7/17 $339 175 221 5703 8/03-8/07 $339 175 221 5704 8/17-8/21 $339 175 221 5705 8/31-9/04 $339 183 221 5701 6/22-6/26 $339 183 221 5702 6/22-6/26 $210 183 221 5703 6/22-6/26 $210 183 221 5704 8/17-8/21 $339 183 221 5705 8/17-8/21 $210 183 221 5706 8/17-8/21 $210 192 221 5701 6/22-6/26 $339 192 221 5702 7/27-7/31 $339 192 221 5703 8/31-9/04 $339 192 221 5704 8/31-9/04 $210 192 221 5705 8/31-9/04 $210 167 221 5701 7/06-7/10 $339 167 221 5702 7/06-7/10 $210 167 221 5703 7/06-7/10 $210 167 221 5704 8/31-9/04 $339 167 221 5705 8/31-9/04 $210 167 221 5706 8/31-9/04 $210 055 221 5701 7/13-7/17 $339 055 221 5702 7/13-7/17 $210 055 221 5703 7/13-7/17 $210 055 221 5704 8/10-8/14 $339 055 221 5705 8/10-8/14 $210 055 221 5706 8/10-8/14 $210 128 221 5701 7/20-7/24 $339 128 221 5702 7/20-7/24 $210 128 221 5703 7/20-7/24 $210 282 221 5701 7/06-7/10 $339 282 221 5702 7/06-7/10 $210 282 221 5703 7/06-7/10 $210 282 221 5704 7/20-7/24 $339 282 221 5705 7/20-7/24 $210 282 221 5706 7/20-7/24 $210 282 221 5707 8/24-8/28 $339

Spring 2015



Frying Pan Frying Pan Prov REC Prov REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC Lee REC BelleVw ES BelleVw ES BelleVw ES

9am-12pm 1pm-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 1pm-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 1pm-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 1pm-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-12pm 1pm-4pm

282 221 5708 8/24-8/28 $210 282 221 5709 8/24-8/28 $210 159 221 5701 7/06-7/10 $339 159 221 5702 8/10-8/14 $339 456 221 5701 6/29-7/02 $270 456 221 5702 6/29-7/02 $169 456 221 5703 6/29-7/02 $169 456 221 5704 7/27-7/31 $339 456 221 5705 7/27-7/31 $210 456 221 5706 7/27-7/31 $210 456 221 5707 8/24-8/28 $339 456 221 5708 8/24-8/28 $210 456 221 5709 8/24-8/28 $210 006 221 5701 8/10-8/14 $339 006 221 5702 8/10-8/14 $210 006 221 5703 8/10-8/14 $210

NEW! Creative Sprouts Summer Camp

Children are offered a variety of courses in this unique half-day camp to help them discover their talents and interests. Activities include science, games, art, dance, fitness, sports play, jump rope and cooking. No camp July 3. Location Time


(3-6 yrs.) WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus WhlsmCampus

583 220 2401 6/01-6/05 $180 583 220 2402 6/08-6/12 $180 583 220 2403 6/15-6/19 $180 583 220 2404 6/22-6/26 $180 583 220 2405 6/29-7/02 $144 583 220 2406 7/06-7/10 $180 583 220 2407 7/13-7/17 $180 583 220 2408 7/20-7/24 $180 583 220 2409 7/27-7/31 $180 583 220 2410 8/03-8/07 $180 583 220 2411 8/10-8/14 $180 583 220 2412 8/17-8/21 $180 583 220 2413 8/24-8/28 $180

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm



Doggone Fun Camp

Bring your dog to camp! Mix fun with learning practical skills in dog care. Participate in activities designed to promote lifelong bonding between you and your pet. Fee is for child to attend; dogs are free (one dog per child). Dogs must be on a leash, have proof of vaccination and a valid county license tag on the collar. Campers must be able to control their dog. Bring water for camper and dog. Location (9-14 yrs.) SoRunREC LakeAcc Pk Lake Fairfax Lake Fairfax Frying Pan Frying Pan

Time 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm




167 220 7002 6/22-6/26 $189 850 220 7001 7/27-7/31 $189 835 220 7001 8/03-8/07 $189 282 220 7002 8/10-8/14 $189 835 220 7001 8/17-8/21 $189 835 220 7002 8/24-8/28 $189

Fun with Dr. Seuss

Children are introduced to a variety of Dr. Seuss books while playing games and acting out story lines. Includes arts and crafts, puppetry, acting, hiking and songs. An activity fee of $5 is due on the first day. Bring snack, lunch and drink daily. No camp July 3. Location Time




(3-5 yrs.) BurkeLake 9am-1pm 819 221 4901 6/22-6/26 $185 BurkeLake 9am-1pm 819 221 4902 8/03-8/07 $185 LakeFairfax 9am-1pm 835 221 4901 6/01-6/05 $185

LakeFairfax Frying Pan Frying Pan Colvin Run

9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm

835 221 4902 7/13-7/17 282 221 4901 6/29-7/02 282 221 4902 8/10-8/14 266 221 4901 8/17-8/21

$185 $150 $185 $185

Fun with Eric Carle

Children are introduced to a variety of Eric Carle books while playing games and learning about life cycles and nature. The fun includes arts and crafts, puppetry, acting, hiking and songs. An activity fee of $5 is due on the first day. Bring snack, lunch and drink daily. No camp July 3. Location Time


(3-5 yrs.) BurkeLake BurkeLake LakeFairfax LakeFairfax Frying Pan Frying Pan

819 221 4301 6/29-7/02 819 221 4302 8/10-8/14 835 221 4301 6/08-6/12 835 221 4302 7/20-7/24 282 221 4301 7/06-7/10 282 221 4302 8/17-8/21

9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm 9am-1pm


$ $150 $185 $185 $185 $185 $185

Geocaching Camp

Enjoy our parks in this wildly popular high-tech treasure hunt! This camp teaches GPS technology, logging findings and other outdoor skills. Week starts with stewardship basics prior to locating and creating caches. Be prepared for a lot of hiking through the parks. Geocaches are the same year to year so try a new site if your child attended one in the past. Two options: $275 fee requires campers to bring their own GPS or borrow ours. The $369 fee covers a new GPS to keep at the end of camp to continue the fun at home. Lake Fairfax camp may have a trip to the Water Mine at the end of the last day. Frying Pan camp takes a trip to ECL Park. Bring snack, lunch and water bottle daily. A great way for scouts to earn their badge! Location Time


(9-14 yrs.) Cabell’s Mill Cabell’s Mill LakeAcc Pk LakeAcc Pk Frying Pan Frying Pan BurkeLake BurkeLake LakeFairfax LakeFairfax

564 222 9701 7/13-7/17 $375 564 222 9702 7/13-7/17 $279 850 222 9701 7/20-7/24 $375 850 222 9702 7/20-7/24 $279 282 222 9703 7/27-7/31 $375 282 222 9704 7/27-7/31 $279 819 222 9703 8/03-8/07 $375 819 222 9704 8/03-8/07 $279 835 222 9703 8/10-8/14 $375 835 222 9704 8/10-8/14 $279

9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm 9am-4pm



Girls Leadership Camp

Girls learn valuable leadership skills, problem-solving techniques, cooperation, teambuilding strategies and more. Explore ways to enhance personal skills necessary for becoming a good leader. Projects and activities help cultivate creative and independent thinking, social cooperation and a positive self-image. Bring snack, lunch, drink and swimsuit/towel. Location Time




(8-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm Wkfld/Moore 9am-4pm

183 221 4401 7/13-7/17 $229 183 221 4402 8/03-8/07 $229 183 221 4403 8/10-8/14 $229

For more classes, see www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Camps Girl’s Only Ultimate Games Camp

Spirit Pros brings you group fitness challenges, creative and cooperative games and other innovative activities. Play cool games like Survivor Island, Puff Ball Laser Tag, Water Balloon Launch and more. Be a human bowling ball and make home-made ice cream with our ice cream soccer ball. Camp includes a swim break. Bring swimsuit, towel, snack and lunch daily. Signed participation release form required on first day. Location Time




(6-15 yrs.) SoRunREC 9am-4pm CubRunREC 9am-4pm MtVernonREC 9am-4pm

167 295 6901 6/22-6/26 $279 192 295 6901 7/27-7/31 $279 472 295 6901 8/10-8/14 $279

Magical Summer Camp

Come to Wholesome Campus for an all-inclusive camp that covers fitness, art, cooking, dance, science and jump rope. Explore a variety of different art mediums each week. Step into our science lab and learn something new from space to the unknown underground. Enjoy action-oriented fitness activities, including various jump roping skills. Our dance faculty teaches rhythm and coordination and creates a special recital for the family showcase. Our expert chefs teach you how to read recipes and create delicious dishes. Bring lunch, snacks and water bottle. No camp July 3. Call facility for after care information 703-657-2718. Location Time (5-14 yrs.) WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm WhlsmCampus 8am-4pm




583 221 7001 6/22-6/26 $350 583 221 7002 6/29-7/02 $280 583 221 7003 7/06-710 $350 583 221 7004 7/13-7/17 $350 583 221 7005 7/20-7/24 $350 583 221 7006 7/27-7/31 $350 583 221 7007 8/03-8/07 $350 583 221 7008 8/10-8/14 $350 583 221 7009 8/17-8/21 $350 583 221 7010 8/24-8/28 $350

NEW! Pet Prep Camp

Tastes of the World

Young Chefs Cooking Camp

Learn about international cooking and create meals from different cuisines each day. Prepare fresh bread, homemade pasta, pizza and more. Kids dine on the lunch they prepare each day. Location Time (9-14 yrs.) GrtFlsGrange 9am-3pm GrtFlsGrange 9am-3pm Lee REC 9am-4pm




Location Time 557 224 8501 6/22-6/26 $299 557 224 8502 6/29-7/02 $239 456 224 8501 7/27-7/31 $299

Ultimate Games & Teambuilding Camp Spirit Pros brings you innovative games, group team building challenges, creative activities, fun cooperative games and cool activities. Make home-made ice cream with our ice cream soccer ball, be a human bowling ball, launch water balloons with our super bungee cord, learn to use juggling sticks. Camp includes a swim break. Bring swimsuit, towel, snack and lunch daily. Signed participation form required on the first day. No camp July 3. Location Time (6-15 yrs.) OakMarREC 9am-4pm Lee REC 9am-4pm Prov REC 9am-4pm




142 221 2401 6/29-7/02 $225 456 221 2401 7/06-7/10 $279 159 221 2401 7/13-7/17 $279

NEW! Virginia Heritage Camp Explore Virginia’s past from Native Americans through the Civil War and experience life in early Virginia with hands-on activities such as churning butter, candle dipping, cooking over a fire, and making crafts. Drill with a Civil War soldier and learn how the Civil War changed life in Virginia. Bring lunch, snack and drink daily. Location Time


(6-11 yrs.) ECL Park 9am-4pm Sully 9am-4pm



274 223 4901 7/20-7/24 $289 381 223 4901 8/03-8/07 $289

Thinking of getting a family pet? Have a pet already and want to learn more about caring for it? The Ffx Co. Animal Shelter Pet Prep Camp can help. Learn about caring for and living with cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets and other adoptable critters. Participants interact with a different animal species each day and learn about their needs.

Young Chef’s Baking Camp

Location Time


Location Time

(9-14 yrs.) HunterHouse 9am-12pm HunterHouse 9am-12pm

563 220 5801 7/27-7/31 $325 563 220 5802 8/10-8/14 $325




(8-12 yrs.) FxCoAnmShltr 9am-12pm 586 220 0601 7/13-7/17 $190 FxCoAnmShltr 9am-12pm 586 220 0602 8/03-8/07 $190

NEW! Photo Explorers Camp

Campers learn new skills while exploring their own creative talent. Topics include focusing and motion techniques, separating subjects from backgrounds, using creative modes, exposure and some editing. Campers enjoy photo scavenger hunts and taking pictures on nature walks. Bring digital photo device/ camera, snack, lunch and drink. Oak Marr campers also bring swimsuit/towel for daily swim break. Location Time


(8-13 yrs.) Frying Pan 9am-1pm OakMarrREC 9am-4pm

282 220 0701 7/06-7/10 $195 142 220 0701 7/27-7/31 $285




Learn food preparation and presentation basics. Kids have fun experimenting with nutritious cuisine from a variety of food groups. Supply fee of $30 due on the first day. LeeREC campers can add Afternoon Fun Camp to make a full day of camp.

Preparing baked goods for special occasions is the art upon which this camp will focus. Not everything is sweet, however, as campers discover various baking techniques. Supply fee of $30 due on first day. Dates

Belong to a Homeschool Group? Turn to parks for field trip and SOL-based programs in nature, science, history, gardening and more. To learn more, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes and search keyword “Homeschool.”


(5-7 yrs.) Lee REC Lee REC (9-14 yrs.) HunterHouse HunterHouse HunterHouse




9am-12pm 9am-12pm

456 223 6101 7/20-7/24 $225 456 223 6102 8/24-8/28 $225

9am-12pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm

563 223 9501 6/22-6/26 $325 563 223 9502 7/06-7/10 $325 563 223 9503 8/03-8/07 $325

NEW! Young Millers at Colvin Run Mill

The millers at Colvin Run Mill had to know many different skills to get through the day. Take a journey back in time and work an operating grist mill, cook over an open fire, help out a blacksmith and make your own butter and ice cream. Bring lunch and drink daily. Location Time (5-8 yrs.) Mini Millers ColvinRun 9am-3pm (8-12 yrs.) Young Millers ColvinRun 9am-3pm




266 220 6801 7/27-7/31 $255 266 220 7201 8/03-8/07 $255

RECenter/Park Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Program (14-17 yrs.)

This program is for teens who want to further develop their leadership and communication skills as well as gain valuable experience in planning and instructing activities for young children. Each selected CIT is assigned to a counselor and to a group of children. Acceptance into the program is based on an application and an interview. A minimum commitment of one week is required. Fee is applied if the applicant is selected into the program. CITs are provided with staff shirts, training, handbook and upon completion, a certificate of participation. This program is held at FCPA facilities during the summer months (9 a.m.- 4 p.m. daily). For application and locations, visit www. fairfaxcounty.gov/parks or stop by your local RECenter. Cost: $110 per week.

Rec-PAC Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Program (14-17 yrs.)

Looking for a great summer experience volunteering with children? The Rec-PAC CIT program is a wonderful opportunity for teens to develop leadership skills and gain work experience. A minimum commitment of two weeks is required. To become a CIT, students must complete a three-hour training course (information found online). Placement of CITs is limited. Fee includes staff shirt, training and manual. Program operates in local elementary schools, June 29 - August 7. For application, cost and locations, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks in April.

Need Forms? Once registered, download your camp forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/campforms

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Spring 2015


Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015


Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015


Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015


Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




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Spring 2015


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Spring 2015

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Spring 2015

Children’s Corner

Children’s Corner Our specialized programs introduce babies and preschoolers to creative concepts and fun activities designed to promote coordination and social skill development. Classes and programs for preschoolers and older children also are listed in Nature, History and Gardening and other sections of Parktakes.

Kids Play for Preschoolers

Registration for our popular preschool is ongoing. This licensed program, which runs Sept. – June, includes a theme-based curriculum packed with fun, engaging and educational activities. Children must be potty trained and of the appropriate age by Sept. 30. For more details on the curriculum and information on additional registration requirements, please call Lee District or Spring Hill RECenter. Locations: Lee District RECenter Ages: 3 – 5 yrs. Spring Hill RECenter Ages: 3 – 5 yrs.

703-922-9841 703-827-0989

For more information, visit www.katydidkids.com or call the schoolhouse at 703-689-3104. Classes are held in the schoolhouse on the farm. We meet the farm animals, take nature walks, make crafts, sing songs, and play games. The preschool is based on learning through play. We work on social, emotional, and verbal development, while preparing your child for kindergarten. Child must be potty trained. This program is administered by Katydid, Inc. and licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services. Physical exam and immunization record are required. We follow Fairfax County Public School’s holiday and inclement weather schedule. Classes started the week of September 8 2014, but students are accepted mid-year if space becomes available. Visits for the 2015-16 school year can be scheduled on our web site or by phone or email: 703-689-3104 or info@katydidkids.com.


Tiny Tots classes & Music/Movement classes for 2- and 3-year-olds is now listed under Parent and Child classes in Children’s Corner.

Movement Classes Baby Sign and Song

Long before they can talk, babies have control over their hands. Teaching them to sign enhances their ability to communicate and provides a foundation for language development. Class integrates songs, music and interactive games. Adult participation is required. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


Begin $

(7-12 mos.) ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC

159 265 0901 159 265 0902 167 265 0901 167 265 0902

03/26 03/25 03/24 03/26

Th W T Th

Spring 2015

10am 10am 12:15pm 12:30pm

Fun is guaranteed when you and your tiny tot blast off in our play environment. Children love the games, songs and fingerplays. A great way to introduce youngsters to interactive play. LeeREC classes held in the unique soft play room. Adults must attend class. Socks required for everyone. 2TA

Location Day Time (13-18 mos.) LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC (18-24 mos.) Wkfld/Moore LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC


Begin $

Su T Th

9:15am 9:15am 9:15am

456 266 3401 03/22 2TA 456 266 3402 03/24 2TA 456 266 3403 03/26 2TA

W Sa M W Th F F

11:30am 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 11:15am 9:15am 11:15am

183 265 0801 03/25 456 265 0801 03/21 456 265 0802 03/23 456 265 0803 03/25 456 265 0804 03/26 456 265 0805 03/27 472 265 0801 03/27



Children love this class designed to enhance their gross motor skills and accustom them to group settings. Cooperative games and songs make learning fun. Adult must attend class with two-year-olds. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (2 yrs) OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore LeeREC (2-5 yrs) CubRunREC LeeREC (3 yrs) SoRunREC (4-5 yrs) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore


Begin $

M W T F Sa M

10am 9:30am 10:15am 10am 10am 10:15am

142 265 0501 03/23 142 265 0502 03/25 167 265 0502 03/24 167 265 0501 03/27 183 265 0501 03/21 456 265 0501 03/23



11am 192 266 8101 03/23 2TA 11:15am 456 266 8101 03/23 2TA


12:30pm 167 265 0601 03/25 2TA

Sa Sa

9am 11am

183 265 0701 03/21 2TA 183 265 0702 03/21 2TA

Watch Me Grow!

Class integrates discussions of age-pertinent developmental topics with exercises designed to enhance baby’s body awareness, sensory perception and strength. Parents work with their child while observing others. Class progresses with children’s developmental abilities. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (7-12 months) Wkfld/Moore M


Wiggles & Tales

Class blends your child’s love of movement with new cognitive skills. Lessons focus on a new topic each week and are supported by a children’s picture book. Children learn a variety of skills including American Sign Language, finger plays, vocabulary and listening. Parent participation required. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Giggles and Wiggles

Preschool on the Farm (3,4,5 yrs.)

9-11:45am 12:30-3:15pm

Blast Off for Babies

Begin $

10:30am 183 265 0201 03/23 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (18 mos.-3 yrs.) LeeREC W LeeREC W


Begin $

10:15am 456 266 2201 03/25 2TA 11:15am 456 266 2202 03/25 2TA

Zoom Around the Room

In this fun and safe environment, kids can be kids! They love the obstacle courses and creative games that are intermingled with songs and fingerplays. Lee REC classes held in unique soft play room. Adult must attend class. Socks required. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (2 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC (2-5 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC (3 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore (4-5 yrs.) MtVernREC


Begin $

Th Sa Su M T W Th

10:30am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am

183 265 1001 03/26 456 265 1001 03/21 456 265 1002 03/22 456 265 1003 03/23 456 265 1004 03/24 456 265 1005 03/25 456 265 1006 03/26


Su Su M Th Th M W Th Sa Su M T W F F

11am 10am 11:30am 11:30am 10:30am 9:15am 10:30am 11am 11:15am 11:15am 11:15am 11:15am 11:15am 10:15am 11:15am

159 265 4401 03/22 159 265 4402 03/22 159 265 4403 03/23 159 265 4404 03/26 167 265 4401 03/26 167 265 4402 03/23 167 265 4403 03/25 192 265 4401 03/26 456 265 4401 03/21 456 265 4402 03/22 456 265 4403 03/23 456 265 4404 03/24 456 265 4405 03/25 456 265 4406 03/27 456 265 4407 03/27




183 265 1101 03/25 2TA


11:30am 472 265 1201 03/22 2TA

Art Classes 3D Creations

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, children learn about and use different materials to construct a 3D art piece. Lessons range from making air-dry clay to creating small mixed-media sculptures. $20 supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150

Tot Instructors Wanted

Teach what you love! Instructors needed for story time, music, arts and crafts, sports, gymnastics and tumbling. Weekday/weekend classes, flexible schedule. Contact your local RECenter or e-mail instructors@fairfaxcounty.gov for an application.

Location Day Time


(4-6 yrs.) WhlsmCampus M

583 266 8401 03/23 BTVQ


Begin $

ABCs and 1-2-3s

Learning can be fun when teaching children their letters and numbers through hands-on crafts. Kids

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Children’s Corner MtVernREC (4-5 yrs.) MtVernREC

learn how to associate a sound with each letter and number from the craft they make in class. Parent must attend class with the 2-3 year-old age group. Additional supply fee payable to instructor. 2TA 2TC


(2-3 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC Frying Pan Pk

142 265 6301 03/24 142 265 6302 03/26 142 265 6303 03/27 142 265 6304 03/21 159 265 6301 03/25 167 265 6301 03/25 183 265 6301 03/24 192 265 6301 03/24 456 265 6301 03/21 456 265 6302 03/23 456 265 6303 03/26 456 265 6304 03/27 472 265 6301 03/27 282 265 6301 03/24

T Th F Sa W W T T Sa M Th F F T

10:30am 10am 10am 10am 10am 9:30am 10:30am 10am 9:15am 9:15am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am 10am


Ignite your child’s imagination using real artists’ materials, including watercolors, tempera paints, oil pastels, creative tools and more. Carefully designed lessons help children develop skills while enhancing creativity. A $30-40 materials fee is due at first class (checks payable to Abrakadoodle). BTVI 8--45 minute lessons--$118 BTVM 10--45 minute lessons--$163 Code

Begin $

(3-6 yrs.) LkFairfaxPk LkFairfaxPk LkFairfaxPk OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC CubRunREC

835 266 6101 835 266 6102 835 266 6103 142 266 6101 159 266 6101 159 266 6102 167 266 6101 167 266 6102 175 266 6101 175 266 6102 192 266 6101

03/21 BTVI 03/21 BTVI 03/23 BTVI 04/08 BTVI 03/21 BTVI 03/26 BTVI 03/26 BTVI 03/26 BTVI 03/21 BTVM 03/26 BTVM 03/21 BTVM

Sa Sa M W Sa Th Th Th Sa Th Sa

10am 11am 11:15am 2pm 11:15am 11:15am 2pm 3pm 10am 11:15am 10am

Developing DaVincis


10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (2-5 yrs.) OakMarREC (3-5 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC (4-5 yrs.) ProvREC


Begin $



W Sa

3:30pm 142 266 4701 03/25 2TA 2pm 142 266 4702 03/21 2TA



Fun with Drawing

142 265 2501 03/23 2TA

159 266 4201 03/21 2TA

In this fun, engaging class offered by Young Rembrandts, children learn drawing skills, develop kindergarten readiness and have fun. Shape and object recognition, manual dexterity and visual-spatial planning are stepping stones to creating fun, reward-


2TA (3-5 yrs.) LeeREC

10:30am 472 265 7701 03/25 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95



Begin $

11:15am 456 265 8201 03/27 2TA

Cooking Classes Cook around the World

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students take a culinary trip around the world with our expert instructors. Their taste-bud experiences take them to Italy, France, China and other exotic places. $35 supply fee payable to instructor at first class.

Tap into your child’s creative side with Park Authority art classes. ing art. Basic drawing techniques are demonstrated and students are encouraged to add their own creative touches. Location Day Time


Begin $

(3-5 yrs.) ProvREC SoRunREC SpHillREC Va Run ES

159 264 8201 167 264 8201 175 264 8201 117 264 8201

03/23 BTV1 03/21 BFV1 03/25 BTV1 03/21 BFV1

M Sa W Sa

10:45am 9am 10am 9am

Preschool Picassos

Children delight in exploring their artistic abilities through projects that build self-confidence and encourage self-expression. Class projects and art mediums progress with age. Additional art supply fee payable to instructor at first class. Adult must attend class with 2-year-olds. 2TA

Develop the DaVinci in your child. Children enjoy explorations in arts, music, science and inventing. Additional supply fee payable to instructor at first class.


Location Day Time

BTV1 8--55 minute lessons--$101

Location Day Time

472 265 9203 03/25 2TA

A creative way to increase your child’s awareness of books and appreciation for literature. This unique class enhances children’s favorite stories by integrating them with related art activities. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.

Begin $

Abrakadoodle Mini Doodlers


Story Corner

10--45 minute lessons--$95 8--45 minute lessons--$79

Location Day Time


(2 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore LeeREC (2-5 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC


Location Day Time


(3-4 yrs.) WhlsmCampus T

583 268 8201 03/24 BTVQ


Begin $

Magic Kitchen

Children create colorful treats while learning basic baking skills. Additional supply fee payable to the instructor at first class. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (3-5 yrs.) LeeREC LeeREC

Sa M


Begin $

12:30pm 456 266 1301 03/21 2TA 11:30am 456 266 1302 03/23 2TA

Mini Gluten Free Chefs

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students have the opportunity to learn how to enjoy food while being sensitive to allergies and other dietary restrictions. Students learn a variety of recipes such as cookies, cakes, salsa, blueberry muffins and more. $35 supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time

BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150

Begin $

Sa T

11am 9:15am

183 265 7501 03/21 2TA 456 265 7501 03/24 2TA

T F M W Th F Th M T W Th F F Sa

9:30am 11am 11am 11am 2:30pm 1pm 11am 10:15am 10:15am 9:15am 11:15am 9:15am 9:15am 8:30am

142 265 9201 03/24 142 265 9202 03/27 159 265 9201 03/23 159 265 9202 03/25 159 265 9203 03/26 159 265 9205 03/27 192 265 9201 03/26 456 265 9201 03/23 456 265 9202 03/24 456 265 9203 03/25 456 265 9204 03/26 456 265 9205 03/27 472 265 9201 03/27 472 265 9202 03/21


Location Day Time


(4-6 yrs.) WhlsmCampus M

583 266 8601 03/23 BTVQ


Begin $

Pee-Wee Chefs

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students learn tricks of the trade that make cooking easier and more efficient. A different topic is covered each week. As your knowledge grows, so will your confidence in the kitchen. $35 supply fee payable at first class. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(4-6 yrs.) WhlsmCampus W

583 268 8101 03/25 BTVQ


Begin $

For more classes, see www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Children’s Corner Hip Hop for Tots

Dance Classes Ballet & Tap

Introduction to basic ballet and tap steps and movements. Classes at South Run offered by Lola Ltd. 2TA 10--45 minute lessons--$95 BTBH 10--45 minute lessons--$96 BTVI 8--45 minute lessons--$118 BTVR 8--45 minute lessons--$150 BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time (2-3 yrs.) SoRunREC M SoRunREC W SoRunREC W SoRunREC F SoRunREC F SoRunREC Su Wkfld/Moore Th Wkfld/Moore T Orng Hnt ES Sa Dance Co M Dance Co Th Dance Co F WhlsmCampus T (3-5 yrs.) SoRunREC F SoRunREC Su SoRunREC Su SoRunREC W SoRunREC W SoRunREC M SoRunREC M SoRunREC W Wkfld/Moore T Orng Hnt ES Sa Orng Hnt ES Sa Dance Co M Dance Co Th Dance Co F (4-6 yrs.) CubRunREC Su WhlsmCampus F



Begin $

(3-5 yrs.) ProvREC SoRunREC


12pm 3pm


Begin $

159 266 6501 03/24 2TA 167 266 6501 03/25 2TA

Intro to Ballet 2:15pm 9:15am 5pm 9:15am 11:15am 11am 12:30pm 10:30am 9am 9:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10am

167 265 6801 03/23 2TA 167 265 6802 03/25 2TA 167 265 6803 03/25 2TA 167 265 6804 03/27 2TA 167 265 6805 03/27 2TA 167 265 6806 03/22 2TA 183 265 6801 03/26 2TA 183 265 6802 03/24 2TA 094 265 6801 03/21 BTBH 465 265 6801 04/06 BTVI 465 265 6802 04/09 BTVI 465 265 6803 04/10 BTVI 583 265 6801 03/24 BTVR

10:15am 12pm 1pm 10:15am 11:15am 3:15pm 4:15pm 4pm 11:30am 12pm 11am 10:30am 10:30am 10:30am

167 265 6601 03/27 2TA 167 265 6602 03/22 2TA 167 265 6603 03/22 2TA 167 265 6604 03/25 2TA 167 265 6605 03/25 2TA 167 265 6606 03/23 2TA 167 265 6607 03/23 2TA 167 265 6608 03/25 2TA 183 265 6601 03/24 2TA 094 265 6601 03/21 BTBH 094 265 6602 03/21 BTBH 465 265 6601 04/06 BTVI 465 265 6602 04/09 BTVI 465 265 6603 04/10 BTVI

3:30pm 192 266 1501 03/22 2TA 11am 583 266 1501 03/27 BTVQ

Students are exposed to such dance forms as ballet, jazz and tap. In this group environment, students also benefit from interactions with other students. Spring Hill class is taught by Reston Conservatory. 2TA 10--45 minute lessons--$95 BPVG 10--45 minute lessons--$163 Location Day Time


Begin $

11:15am 175 265 8501 03/22 BPVG 12:15pm 175 265 8502 03/21 BPVG 10:10am 183 265 8501 03/23 2TA

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students improve their coordination, flexibility, balance, self-confidence and focus while building on basic dance steps. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(3 yrs.) WhlsmCampus T

583 268 8901 03/24 BTVQ


Basic ballet positions are taught. To accommodate short attention spans, ballet activities are shifted frequently. Spring Hill classes taught by Reston Conservatory. 2TA 10--45 minute lessons--$95 BPVG 10--45 minute lessons--$163 BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) ProvREC Sa ProvREC Sa ProvREC Su ProvREC Su SpHillREC T WhlsmCampus Th

159 265 5001 03/21 2TA 159 265 5002 03/21 2TA 159 265 5003 03/22 2TA 159 265 5004 03/22 2TA 175 265 5001 03/24 BPVG 583 265 5001 03/26 BTVQ

9am 12pm 2pm 3pm 3pm 11am

Begin $

Lil Tap and Tu Tu’s - Level I

Let your child develop an appreciation for the arts in this combination class that progresses from simple tap and ballet moves to more advanced steps. Techniques in placement and flexibility are covered. Tap and ballet shoes, leotard and tights may be needed. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (3-4 yrs.) OakMarREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore LeeREC (4-5 yrs.) SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC


Begin $

F F W Sa Th

4pm 12pm 2pm 1pm 11:15am

142 265 7401 183 265 7401 183 265 7402 183 265 7403 456 265 7401

03/27 03/27 03/25 03/21 03/26


T T Th Th

11:15am 1:15pm 9:15am 1:15pm

167 265 5501 167 265 5502 167 265 5503 167 265 5504

03/24 03/24 03/26 03/26


Begin $

Youngsters should put on their dancing shoes and get ready for fun! This dance class focuses on coordination, rhythm and creative play. Spring Hill classes taught by Reston Conservatory. 2TA 10--45 minute lessons--$95 2TVD 10--45 minute lessons--$101 BPVG 10--45 minute lessons--$163 Location Day Time


(2-3 yrs.) SpHillREC SpHillREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC

175 265 7301 03/22 BPVG 175 265 7302 03/24 BPVG 456 265 7301 03/21 2TA 456 265 7302 03/22 2TA 456 265 7303 03/22 2TA 456 265 7304 03/25 2TA 456 265 7305 03/26 2TA

Su T Sa Su Su W Th

9am 11am 9:15am 9:15am 11:15am 9:15am 9:15am

LeeREC MtVernREC (3 yrs.) SoRunREC SoRunREC LeeREC LeeREC (3-5 yrs.) LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC (4-5 yrs.) LeeREC

F Sa

9:15am 456 265 7306 03/27 2TA 11:30am 472 265 7301 03/21 2TVD

T Th Sa F

12:15pm 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am

167 265 5701 167 265 5702 456 265 5701 456 265 5702

Su T F T

10:15am 11:15am 11:15am 11:30am

456 265 5901 03/22 2TA 456 265 5902 03/24 2TA 456 265 5903 03/27 2TA 472 265 5901 03/24 2TVD


11:15am 456 265 5801 03/21 2TA

03/24 03/26 03/21 03/27


Princess Ballerinas

Following an elementary ballet class, dancers dress up in costume as a princess or a similar character. Class is taught by Reston Conservatory. BPVG 10--45 minute lessons--$163

Little Dancers

Creative Dance

Spring 2015

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time

Combo Dance & Tap

(4-5 yrs.) SpHillREC Su SpHillREC Sa Wkfld/Moore M

Tots are introduced to basic hip hop steps and combinations. Class focuses on creativity, coordination, flexibility and fun. All moves are set to age-appropriate music.

Begin $

Location Day Time


Begin $

(3-5 yrs.) SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv

175 267 1301 175 267 1302 175 267 1303 175 267 1304 175 267 1305 457 267 1301 457 267 1302 457 267 1303 457 267 1304 457 267 1305 457 267 1306

03/22 BPVG 03/22 BPVG 03/21 BPVG 03/21 BPVG 03/24 BPVG 03/23 BPVG 03/25 BPVG 03/25 BPVG 03/26 BPVG 03/27 BPVG 03/21 BPVG

Su Su Sa Sa T M W W Th F Sa

9:45am 10:30am 11:30am 10:45am 10:15am 4:45pm 9:30am 4:30pm 10:15am 9:30am 9:45am

Tiny Tu Tu’s

Tiny dancers are introduced to ballet positions and movements that aid in coordination, balance, perception and flexibility. Classes progress in floor work and barre exercises depending on children’s abilities. 2TA 10--45 minute lessons--$95 2TVD 10--45 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time Level I (3 yrs.) OakMarREC Th Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore M CubRunREC Sa CubRunREC F LeeREC Th MtVernREC T Level I (4-5 yrs.) OakMarREC Th ProvREC Su ProvREC Su SoRunREC T SoRunREC Th SoRunREC Th Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore F CubRunREC Sa CubRunREC F CubRunREC T MtVernREC Sa MtVernREC Sa Level II (4-5 yrs.) OakMarREC Th Wkfld/Moore Sa

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Begin $

10am 10am 11:10am 11:15am 10am 10:15am 10:30am

142 265 5101 183 265 5101 183 265 5103 192 265 5101 192 265 5102 456 265 5101 472 265 5101

03/26 2TA 03/21 2TA 03/23 2TA 03/21 2TA 03/27 2TA 03/26 2TA 03/24 2TVD

1pm 4pm 5pm 10:15am 11:15am 12:15pm 11am 1pm 12pm 10:50am 4:30pm 8:30am 10:30am

142 265 5201 159 265 5201 159 265 5202 167 265 5201 167 265 5202 167 265 5203 183 265 5201 183 265 5202 192 265 5201 192 265 5202 192 265 5203 472 265 5201 472 265 5202

03/26 2TA 03/22 2TA 03/22 2TA 03/24 2TA 03/26 2TA 03/26 2TA 03/21 2TA 03/27 2TA 03/21 2TA 03/27 2TA 03/24 2TA 03/21 2TVD 03/21 2TVD

2pm 12pm

142 265 5301 03/26 2TA 183 265 5301 03/21 2TA


Children’s Corner Drama and Music Classes


Act It Out!

We take an adventure each week with a different storybook. After reading the story we act out what we read using costumes and props. A final performance is held. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BTVE 10--45 minute lessons--$130 Location Day Time


(4-6 yrs.) SoRunREC W Wkfld/Moore T

167 264 9301 03/25 BTVE 183 264 9301 03/24 BTVE

4pm 4:15pm

Begin $

Let’s Make Believe

Children discover the fun of role playing, dressing in costume and making props. Perfect for children who love pretend play and have an active imagination! 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (3-5 yrs.) OakMarREC T Wkfld/Moore Sa LeeREC T


Begin $

11:30am 142 265 8001 03/24 2TA 2pm 183 265 8001 03/21 2TA 9:15am 456 265 8001 03/24 2TA

Lights, Camera, Action Junior!

Young stars are directed by Moonlit Wings Productions through storytelling exercises and improvisation games. They also enjoy a sampler of musical theatre hits from Broadway and beyond. Get ready for character creation, theatre challenges, dance games and fun surprises from our DC and NYC professional teaching

BPVB 10--55 minute lessons--$143 BTVH 8--55 minute lessons--$108 Location Day Time (4-6 yrs.) ProvREC SoRunREC SpHillREC



Begin $

5:30pm 159 267 4301 03/23 BTVH 5:30pm 167 267 4301 03/24 BPVB 5:30pm 175 267 4301 04/06 BTVH

Martial Arts Classes Little Ninjas

Motivate your young children through a fun learning environment as kids develop gross motor skills and build self-confidence, attention span and listening skills. Martial arts uniforms are required. Extra fee for belt testing. 2TA 10--45 minute lessons--$95 BMVB 10--30 minute lessons--$118 BMVE 10--30 minute lessons--$93 BMVF 10--45 minute lessons--$93 BMVG 10--30 minute lessons--$100 Location Day Time


(3 yrs.) OakMarREC ProvREC SpHillREC LdbyExFrOks LdbyExFrOks LdbyExFrOks SternersTKD SternersTKD

142 266 5401 03/21 2TA 159 266 5401 03/22 2TA 175 266 5401 03/22 BMVB 533 266 5401 03/26 BMVG 533 266 5402 03/27 BMVG 533 266 5403 03/21 BMVG 548 266 5401 03/23 BMVE 548 266 5402 03/25 BMVE

Sa Su Su Th F Sa M W

1:30pm 3:30pm 11:30am 6pm 4pm 10am 6pm 6pm

Begin $

SternersTKD Sa SternersTKD Th (3-5 yrs.) SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC Sa MtVernREC Su BlkBltFFX M BlkBltFFX T BlkBltFFX W BlkBltFFX Th BlkBltFFX Th BlkBltFFX F WldClsMartArt M WldClsMartArt T (4-6 yrs.) OakMarREC Sa ProvREC Su SpHillREC Su Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore Su CubRunREC Su LeeREC Sa LeeREC Sa LeeREC Sa JRheeFlsCh T JRheeFlsCh Th JRheeFlsCh Th JRheeFlsCh F JRheeFlsCh Sa LdbyExFrOks T LdbyExFrOks W LdbyExFrOks Th LdbyExFrOks F LdbyExFrOks Sa

10am 548 266 5403 03/21 BMVE 5:30pm 548 266 5404 03/26 BMVE 12:30pm 1:15pm 3:30pm 2pm 2pm 4:30pm 2pm 5pm 2pm 4:30pm 5:15pm

167 266 5201 03/21 2TA 167 266 5202 03/21 2TA 472 266 5201 03/22 2TA 520 266 5201 03/23 BMVE 520 266 5202 03/24 BMVE 520 266 5203 03/25 BMVE 520 266 5204 03/26 BMVE 520 266 5205 03/26 BMVE 520 266 5206 03/27 BMVE 552 266 5201 03/23 BMVF 552 266 5202 03/24 BMVF

2:30pm 2:30pm 12pm 5pm 2pm 10:15am 9:15am 10:15am 11:15am 6pm 4:15pm 6pm 4:15pm 9am 6:30pm 4:30pm 6pm 4:30pm 11am

142 266 5301 03/21 2TA 159 266 5301 03/22 2TA 175 266 5301 03/22 BMVB 183 266 5301 03/21 2TA 183 266 5302 03/22 2TA 192 266 5301 03/22 2TA 456 266 5301 03/21 2TA 456 266 5302 03/21 2TA 456 266 5303 03/21 2TA 507 266 5301 03/24 BMVG 507 266 5302 03/26 BMVG 507 266 5303 03/26 BMVG 507 266 5304 03/27 BMVG 507 266 5305 03/21 BMVG 533 266 5301 03/24 BMVG 533 266 5302 03/25 BMVG 533 266 5303 03/26 BMVG 533 266 5304 03/27 BMVG 533 266 5305 03/21 BMVG

Fairfax County Park Authority

Summer Day Camps Convenient • Affordable • Fun for All Ages

More than 1300 camps for ages 3-17 including sports, chess, performing arts, science, nature, technology, adventure, swimming, horseback riding and more! Conveniently located at RECenters, lakefront parks, nature centers, historic sites, golf courses and schools throughout Fairfax County. Full and half-day programs • Extended care available For accommodations, call Inclusion and ADA Support at 703-324-8563. TTY 703-803-3354


See complete listings, locations and register online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/camps or call 703-222-4664 For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Children’s Corner the youngest engineers to marine engineering and mechanics basics. Activities include building a boat and submarine and learning about the power of water. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BTVU 6--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time (4-6 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC

Th M


Begin $

12:15pm 159 266 8901 03/26 BTVU 12pm 159 266 8902 03/23 BTVU

Jr. Mechanical Engineers

This class offered by Engineering for Kids introduces the youngest engineers to the concepts of energy, materials and movement. Activities include building roller coasters, catapults, cars and more. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class.

(4-6 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC

Th M M


Begin $

10:15am 159 266 8701 03/26 BTVU 10am 159 266 8702 03/23 BTVU 4:30pm 167 266 8701 03/23 BXVU

Jr. Robotic Engineers Budding engineers have a blast building their knowledge with toys and technology. SternersTKD M SternersTKD W SternersTKD Sa SternersTKD T SternersTKD Th Level II (4-6 yrs.) SoRunREC Sa

6:35pm 6:35pm 10:40am 5:30pm 6:05pm

548 266 5301 03/23 BMVE 548 266 5302 03/25 BMVE 548 266 5303 03/21 BMVE 548 26 65304 03/24 BMVE 548 26 65305 03/26 BMVE


167 266 6701 03/21 2TA

Science and Nature Classes Kids dig into great science topics as they explore rocks, dinosaurs and fossils, worms, archeology and more. Parents are encouraged to participate in this hands-on outdoor class. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2TD 5--45 minute lessons--$54 Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) CubRunREC

192 266 2601 05/07 2TD


Begin $

Jr. Aerospace Engineers

This class offered by Engineering for Kids introduces the youngest engineers to aircraft and spacecraft design basics. Activities include building and exploring airplanes, rockets, hot air balloons and more. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BTVU 6--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time (4-6 yrs.) ProvREC



Begin $

11:15am 159 266 8801 03/26 BTVU

Jr. Marine Engineers

This class offered by Engineering for Kids introduces

Spring 2015

BTVU 6--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time


(4-5 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC

159 266 9001 03/21 BTVU 159 266 9002 03/23 BTVU

11am 11am

Begin $

Little Engineers

Class uses stories and activities that encourage the exploration of SEAM (Science, Engineering, Art & Math). Any supply fee payable at first class. 2TC

I Dig Science


This class offered by Engineering for Kids introduces the youngest engineers to robotics concepts and programming basics. Any supply fee payable at class.

Sa M

8--45 minute lessons--$79

Location Day Time (3-5 yrs.) SoRunREC SoRunREC


Begin $

9:15am 167 266 7501 03/23 2TC 11:15am 167 266 7502 03/24 2TC

Children love the discoveries they make while conducting hands-on experiments. Projects encourage self-exploration of the wonderful world of science. Additional supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (3-5 yrs.) OakMarREC Frying Pan Pk (4-5 yrs.) OakMarREC (4-6 yrs.) OakMarREC

2NC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) HuntMdws HuntMdws

340 266 3301 04/08 2NC 340 266 3302 04/09 2NC

W Th

1pm 1pm


Begin $

Nature Sleuths

Children explore various habitats through hikes, hands-on investigations, stories and the creations of their own nature journal. Additional supply fee payable to instructor at first class. Location Day Time


(5-6 yrs.) HuntMdws

340 264 8901 04/08 2NC



This class integrates the workings of the world with the wonders of the world. Children build projects and enhance self-confidence through a combination of science experiments and woodworking activities. Additional supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2TC

8--45 minute lessons--$79

Location Day Time


(4-5 yrs.) SoRunREC

167 265 7901 03/25 2TC




2pm 1pm

142 265 3801 03/23 2TA 282 265 3801 03/24 2TA


4:30pm 142 265 7801 03/25 2TA



142 266 7901 03/21 2TA



Begin $

Sports and Fitness Classes Basketball I

Children learn basketball skills and techniques including passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals. Class includes scrimmages to reinforce teamwork. 2TA 10--45 minute lessons--$95 2TB 10--55 minute lessons--$129 BTBH 10--45 minute lessons--$96 Code

Begin $

(4-6 yrs.)

Beginning Athletes in Team Sports

Kids love this high-energy class that introduces them to a variety of sports including soccer, basketball, and flag football, as well as an assortment of other activities. Kids have lots of fun learning new sports while emphasizing teamwork. 2TA

Begin $

Begin $

Science and Woodwork

Location Day Time M T

Little Labcoats


During this naturalist-led class, children and parents get the opportunity to explore the natural world through hikes, stories, songs, crafts and other hands-on activities. Additional supply fee payable at first class.

2NC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$101

BTVU 6--55 minute lessons--$101 BXVU 8--55 minute lessons--$135 Location Day Time

Nature Detectives

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


(4-5 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC Belle Vw ES

142 256 5701 03/22 142 256 5702 03/27 159 256 5701 03/24 159 256 5702 03/27 167 256 5701 03/23 167 256 5702 03/25 167 256 5703 03/26 183 256 5701 03/22 192 256 5701 03/21 192 256 5702 03/23 006 256 5701 03/22

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Su F T F M W Th Su Sa M Su

2pm 1pm 2pm 11:30am 11:15am 9:30am 11:30am 2:30pm 12pm 10am 9:30am

Begin $ 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA


Children’s Corner Fit Play

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, children learn different skills each class. Activities including the balance beam, tumble trak and basic games promote self-confidence, coordination and agility. Concepts such as taking turns and following directions are also taught to enhance social and emotional skills. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) WhlsmCampus W

583 268 8001 03/25 BTVQ


Begin $

Funfit Shining Stars

Parents/Guardians welcome, but not required. Bring your little ones into the next level of fun through cooperative play, simple instructions, game rules and strategies. Supply fee of $5.00 payable to instructor at first day class. BTVM 10--45 minute lessons--$163 Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) CubRunREC

192 265 3901 03/25 BTVM



Begin $

A fun introduction to fitness through creative, up-beat exercises and sports-related skills with an emphasis on team play and group interaction. 10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (3-5 yrs.) OakMarREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC (4-5 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore


Begin $

142 265 3701 159 265 3701 167 265 3701 167 265 3702 183 265 3701 192 265 3701

03/26 03/24 03/25 03/23 03/24 03/23

Th T W M T M

10:30am 11:30am 11:30am 10:15am 11:30am 10:45am



12:30pm 183 265 3601 03/27 2TA

Jumpin’ Tots

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, jumpers are introduced to basic single rope, double Dutch and long rope skills. The class is filled with fun activities while students learn how to jump rope. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BTVR 8--45 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) WhlsmCampus W

583 268 9001 03/25 BTVR


Begin $

Little Musketeers

This class explores modern sport fencing, including rules, terminology and techniques in an age-appropriate, educational and entertaining environment. Young D’Artagnans have the chance to act out their fencing skills with each other dressed in fencing jackets, masks, and using special sword simulators. An equipment rental fee of $29 payable to VAF is due on the first day of class. BSVE 6--45 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (4-5 yrs.) SpHillREC SpHillREC


9:15am 9:30am 9:30am

Th Th


Begin $

9:30am 175 266 6201 03/26 BSVE 10:30am 175 266 6202 03/26 BSVE

468 266 6201 04/11 BSVE 468 266 6202 04/14 BSVE 468 266 6203 04/15 BSVE

Beehive Soccer League

Learn pee wee soccer fundamentals in a fun and noncompetitive environment. Season includes practice and play time. Parent volunteers needed. All levels welcome. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


(4-5 yrs.) LeeREC

456 265 6001 03/22 2TA



Begin $

British Soccer

Join the British Soccer coaches for a fun and enjoyable experience that introduces your soccer star to game fundamentals using imaginative games and activities. Parent participation is encouraged for the 2-3-year-old age group. South Run classes held in fieldhouse; dress for winter weather. BTVF 8--45 minute lessons--$123 BTVJ 8--55 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time

Gym Jam


VaAcadFence Sa VaAcadFence T VaAcadFence W

(2-3 yrs.) OakMarREC M OakMarREC Th ProvREC T ProvREC Th SoRunREC T SoRunREC Th SoRunREC Su SpHillREC Sa SpHillREC Sa SpHillREC M Wkfld/Moore W CubRunREC F CubRunREC T LeeREC Sa LeeREC Sa LeeREC Sa LeeREC W LeeREC W MtVernREC W BucknellPk W Fairhill ES Sa Fairhill ES Sa MosbyWds ES Su (3-4 yrs.) LkFairfaxPk Sa OakMarREC M OakMarREC Th ProvREC T ProvREC Th ProvREC Th SoRunREC T SoRunREC Su SpHillREC Sa SpHillREC Sa SpHillREC M SpHillREC F Wkfld/Moore W CubRunREC F CubRunREC T LeeREC Sa LeeREC Sa LeeREC W


MtVernREC W BuckenllPk W Fairhill ES Sa Fairhill ES Sa MosbyWds ES Su (4-6 yrs.) LkFairfaxPk Sa ProvREC Th ProvREC Th ProvREC T SoRunREC T SoRunREC Th SoRunREC Su SpHillREC Sa SpHillREC Sa SpHillREC F Wkfld/Moore W LeeREC Sa LeeREC W Fairhill ES Sa Fairhill ES T MosbyWds ES Su

10am 10am 10am 11:30am 10am

472 267 3701 03/25 706 267 3701 03/25 036 267 3701 03/21 036 267 3702 03/21 084 267 3701 04/12


2pm 5pm 2pm 5pm 4:30pm 10am 9am 9am 11am 2pm 4pm 11:30am 1:10pm 9am 11am 11am

835 267 3801 03/21 159 267 3801 03/26 159 267 3802 03/26 159 267 3803 03/24 167 267 3801 03/24 167 267 3802 03/26 167 267 3803 03/22 175 267 3801 04/11 175 267 3802 04/11 175 267 3803 04/10 183 267 3801 03/25 456 267 3801 03/21 456 267 3802 03/25 036 267 3801 03/21 036 267 3802 03/24 084 267 3801 04/12


Soccer I Begin $

10am 9am 10am 12pm 1pm 9am 9am 9am 10am 9am 2pm 8:30am 9:30am 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 9:30am 11:30am 9am 9am 9am 11:30am 9am

142 267 4701 04/06 BTVF 142 267 4702 04/09 BTVF 159 267 4701 03/24 BTVF 159 267 4702 03/26 BTVF 167 267 4701 03/24 BTVF 167 267 4702 03/26 BTVF 167 267 4703 03/22 BTVF 175 267 4701 04/11 BTVF 175 267 4702 04/11 BTVF 175 267 4703 04/06 BTVF 183 267 4701 03/25 BTVF 192 267 4702 03/27 BTVF 192 267 4703 03/24 BTVF 456 267 4701 03/21 BTVF 456 267 4702 03/21 BTVF 456 267 4703 03/21 BTVF 456 267 4704 03/25 BTVF 456 267 4705 03/25 BTVF 472 267 4701 03/25 BTVF 706 267 4701 03/25 BTVF 036 267 4701 03/21 BTVF 036 267 4702 03/21 BTVF 084 267 4701 04/12 BTVF

1pm 9am 10am 4pm 1pm 4pm 2pm 10am 10am 11am 10am 1pm 3pm 9:30am 10:30am 9:30am 11:30am 10:30am

835 267 3701 142 267 3701 142 267 3702 159 267 3701 159 267 3702 159 267 3703 167 267 3701 167 267 3702 175 267 3701 175 267 3702 175 2673 703 175 267 3704 183 267 3701 192 267 3701 192 267 3702 456 267 3701 456 267 3702 456 267 3703

03/21 04/06 04/09 03/24 03/26 03/26 03/24 03/22 04/11 04/11 04/06 04/10 03/25 03/27 03/24 03/21 03/21 03/25


Kids kick into action in this class which emphasizes coordination through skill development and teamwork. Tennis shoes required. Bring a ball. ProvREC classes held indoors using soft soccer balls. FfxGovtCtr classes held at Govt. Ctr. behind building #12000. 2TA 2TB BSVA BTBH

10--45 minute lessons--$95 10--55 minute lessons--$129 8--55 minute lessons--$92 10--45 minute lessons--$96

Location Day Time (3 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC Va Run ES Wapls Ml ES (4-5 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

W W Su Sa Su T M Sa Su Su W F M T Sa Su Sa Sa

9:30am 10:30am 9am 12pm 11am 1pm 11am 12pm 11am 1pm 1pm 10am 9:30am 9:30am 10am 2pm 11am 1pm

142 265 2001 142 265 2002 159 265 2001 159 265 2002 159 265 2003 167 265 2001 167 265 2002 167 265 2003 167 265 2004 167 265 2005 167 265 2006 167 265 2008 183 265 2001 183 265 2002 183 265 2003 192 265 2001 117 265 2001 119 265 2001

03/25 2TA 03/25 2TA 03/22 2TA 03/21 2TA 03/22 2TA 03/24 2TA 03/23 2TA 03/21 2TA 03/22 2TA 03/22 2TA 03/25 2TA 03/27 2TA 03/23 2TA 03/24 2TA 03/21 2TA 03/22 2TA 03/21 BTBH 03/21 BTBH

Sa Su Su F Sa Sa Sa Su Su T M T W Su

11am 10am 12pm 9am 10am 1pm 9am 10am 9am 11:30am 10am 2pm 2pm 10am

159 265 2101 159 265 2102 159 265 2103 167 265 2101 167 265 2102 167 265 2103 167 265 2104 167 265 2105 167 265 2106 167 265 2107 167 265 2108 167 265 2109 167 265 2110 183 265 2101

03/21 03/22 03/22 03/27 03/21 03/21 03/21 03/22 03/22 03/24 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/22


Spring 2015

Children’s Corner Wkfld/Moore T GWREC Sa Kings Pk ES Sa Navy ES Su Oakton ES Sa Va Run ES Sa Wapls Ml ES Sa FfxGovt Ctr Su Level II (4-5 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Sa Kings Pk ES Sa FfxGovt Ctr Sa

10:30am 11am 9am 2pm 2:30pm 12pm 2pm 9am

183 265 2102 449 265 2101 071 265 2101 087 265 2101 092 265 2101 117 265 2101 119 265 2101 416 265 2101

03/24 2TA 03/21 2TB 03/21 BSVA 03/22 BTBH 03/21 BTBH 03/21 BTBH 03/21 BTBH 03/22 BSVA

11am 10am 10am

183 265 2201 03/21 2TA 071 265 2201 03/21 BSVA 416 265 2202 03/21 BSVA

T-Ball Beginners

Get a head start on the spring T-ball season. Fun skill development includes base running, hitting off tee, throwing and catching. Group interaction, cooperation and team play emphasized. 2TA 2TC

10--45 minute lessons--$95 8--45 minute lessons--$79

Location Day Time (4-5 yrs.) SoRunREC T Wkfld/Moore Su Wkfld/Moore M Wkfld/Moore T Wkfld/Moore W Level II (4-5 yrs.) LkFairfaxPk Su


Begin $

10:30am 1:30pm 2:30pm 1:30pm 1:30pm

167 265 2401 183 265 2401 183 265 2402 183 265 2403 183 265 2404

03/24 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25



835 265 4901 03/22 2TC

Little Tennis I

(3-5 yrs.) OakMarREC T OakMarREC T ProvREC W ProvREC Th ProvREC Th Wkfld/Moore M Wkfld/Moore M Wkfld/Moore M Wkfld/Moore Sa CubRunREC W Level II (3-5 yrs.) ProvREC W ProvREC Th


Begin $

9:30am 10:30am 1:30pm 3pm 4pm 3:30pm 4:15pm 10:30am 9am 9:30am

142 267 3101 142 267 3102 159 267 3101 159 267 3102 159 267 3103 183 267 3101 183 267 3102 183 267 3103 183 267 3104 192 267 3101

03/24 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/26 03/23 03/23 03/23 03/21 03/25

2:30pm 4pm

159 267 3401 03/25 2TB 159 267 3402 03/26 2TB

Turn to parks for field trip and SOL-based programs in nature, science, history, gardening and more. To learn more, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes and search keyword “Homeschool.”

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time



192 265 9101 03/27 2TA



Begin $

Technology Classes Digital Kidz Weebotics

Weebotics makes it possible for young children to explore the world of robotics. Build basic robots using traditional LEGO bricks, experiment with working motors and sensors, record custom sound effects, then program Weebots using drag-and-drop software while developing skills in science, technology, engineering and math. BTVD 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


(4-6 yrs.) LkFairfaxPk OakMarREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore

835 266 4302 05/10 BTVD 142 266 4301 03/22 BTVD 167 266 4301 05/10 BTVD 183 266 4301 03/21 BTVD

Su Su Su Sa

11:45am 10:45am 10:45am 10am

Begin $

Tumbling and Gymnastics Classes


Belong to a Homeschool Group?

Spring 2015


An exciting challenge for children interested in gymnastics that introduces them to floor exercises, balance beam moves and springboard techniques.

10--45 minute lessons--$95 10--55 minute lessons--$129

Location Day Time

Class focuses on flexibility, body awareness and coordination. Designed to enhance the physical and mental well-being of children.

Preschool Gymnastics

Kids learn tennis basics and coordination through skill development and teamwork. Tennis shoes and racquets required. 2TA 2TB

Yoga for Tots


10--45 minute lessons--$95 8--45 minute lessons--$79

Location Day Time (3-4 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC (3-5 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC CubRunREC


Begin $

Sa Sa Su F F Sa Sa Sa Su Su M Su M Su M Th M W Th Sa Th

9am 10am 11am 10:35am 11:25am 10am 4pm 11am 2pm 1pm 1pm 10am 9:30am 10am 1pm 9am 11:15am 10:15am 10:15am 8:30am 10:30am

142 265 3101 142 265 3102 142 265 3103 142 265 3104 142 265 3105 159 265 3101 159 265 3102 159 265 3103 159 265 3104 159 265 3105 159 265 3106 175 265 3101 183 265 3101 192 265 3101 192 265 3102 192 265 3103 456 265 3101 456 265 3102 456 265 3103 472 265 3101 472 265 3102

03/21 03/21 03/22 03/27 03/27 03/21 03/21 03/21 03/22 03/22 03/23 04/12 03/23 03/22 03/23 03/26 03/23 03/25 03/26 03/21 03/26


T Th T Sa Sa M Su

1pm 1pm 2:30pm 11:30am 1:30pm 2:30pm 12pm

142 265 3201 142 265 3202 167 265 3201 167 265 3203 167 265 3204 167 265 3205 192 265 3201

03/24 03/26 03/24 03/21 03/21 03/23 03/22


CubRunREC CubRunREC (4-5 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC (4-6 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC SpHillREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

Sa T

11am 2:30pm

192 265 3202 03/21 2TA 192 265 3203 03/24 2TA

Su F F F Sa Sa Sa Su Su M T W M T Su Su M Th Sa M W Th

12pm 9:45am 1:05pm 12:15pm 12pm 2pm 1pm 12pm 1pm 2:30pm 1pm 2:30pm 4:45pm 1:30pm 1pm 11am 2pm 9:45am 10:15am 9:15am 11:15am 11:15am

142 265 3001 03/22 142 265 3002 03/27 142 265 3003 03/27 142 265 3004 03/27 159 265 3001 03/21 159 265 3002 03/21 159 265 3003 03/21 159 265 3004 03/22 159 265 3005 03/22 159 265 3006 03/23 159 265 3007 03/24 159 265 3008 03/25 167 265 3001 03/23 167 265 3002 03/24 167 265 3003 03/22 192 265 3001 03/22 192 265 3002 03/23 192 265 3003 03/26 456 265 3001 03/21 456 265 3002 03/23 456 265 3003 03/25 456 265 3004 03/26


M W Su Sa Sa Th

1:45pm 1pm 11am 9:30am 10:30am 11:30am

159 265 3301 159 265 3302 175 265 3301 472 265 3301 472 265 3302 472 265 3303


03/23 03/25 04/12 03/21 03/21 03/26


This skill-oriented class enhances balance, strength and coordination through tumbling exercises. Progression depends on children’s abilities. 2TA 2TC

10--45 minute lessons--$95 8--45 minute lessons--$79

Location Day Time (4-5 yrs.) OakMarREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore (4-6 yrs.) ProvREC SpHillREC


Begin $

Su M Su

9am 1:15pm 5pm

142 265 4101 03/22 2TA 175 265 4101 04/06 2TC 183 265 4101 03/22 2TA


1:45pm 2:15pm

159 265 4301 03/25 2TA 175 265 4301 04/06 2TC

Tumbling Tumbleweeds

Children roll right into this stimulating class that introduces them to basic tumbling moves and skills. A great way to reinforce social concepts of taking turns and following directions. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


(3 yrs.) OakMarREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore LeeREC LeeREC

142 265 4001 03/22 167 265 4001 03/23 183 265 4001 03/23 456 265 4001 03/21 456 265 4002 03/23

Su M M Sa M

10am 1:30pm 11:30am 9:15am 10:15am

Begin $ 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA

Other Classes Adventure Play

A fun class combining fitness, music, art and stories. Children develop basic fitness and gymnastics skills

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Children’s Corner SpHillREC T Reston Cnsv W Reston Cnsv F Reston Cnsv Sa (2-4 yrs.) WhlsmCampus Th WhlsmCampus F

and confidence through movement activities. Kids get to explore and create art followed by an interactive music time with props. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) WhlsmCampus T

583 268 8701 03/24 BTVQ


Begin $

(3-5 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SoRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

142 266 3201 03/26 142 266 3202 03/26 142 266 3203 03/27 167 266 3201 03/24 167 266 3202 03/25 192 266 3201 03/23 456 266 3201 03/21 456 266 3202 03/21 456 266 3203 03/24 456 266 3204 03/25 472 266 3201 03/26 472 266 3202 03/24

Th Th F T W M Sa Sa T W Th T

1:15pm 2:15pm 1pm 12:30pm 11am 10am 10:15am 11:15am 11:15am 11:15am 5:30pm 5pm


Dinosaurs Galore

Follow a naturalist as you and your child dig into dinosaurs and explore this prehistoric world. Children make a fossil to take home and dig for buried “dinosaur” bones. 2N44 1--1 hour program--$6 Location Day Time


(3-7 yrs.) CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

192 288 9301 04/11 2N44 192 288 9302 05/16 2N44 192 288 9303 06/13 2N44

Sa Sa Sa

2pm 2pm 2pm

Begin $

Parent and Child Classes Little fingers experiment with painting, gluing, sticking, printing and creating while developing fine-motor, language and self-help skills. This class, for toddlers and their parents, inspires creativity while emphasizing an “I can do it” spirit! A $30-40 materials fee is due at first class (checks payable to Abrakadoodle). BTVI 8--45 minute lessons--$118 BTVM 10--45 minute lessons--$163 Location Day Time


(20-36 mos.) LkFairfaxPk LkFairfaxPk LkFairfaxPk LakeAccotink

835 266 6001 03/21 835 266 6002 03/23 835 266 6003 03/23 850 266 6001 03/27

Sa M M F

9am 9:15am 10:15am 10am


583 266 4901 03/26 BTVR 583 266 4902 03/27 BTVR

10--45 minute lessons--$95

(3 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore W CubRunREC F (4-5 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Th


Begin $

1:15pm 183 266 4001 03/25 2TA 11:45am 192 266 4001 03/27 2TA 11:30am 183 266 4101 03/26 2TA

Basketball Stretch your child’s imagination with Park Authority ballet classes. OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC CubRunREC CubRunREC

W W W M M Sa Th Th Th Sa Th Th Th Th

9am 10am 11am 10am 11am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am 11:15am 9am 9:15am 10:15am 9:30am 10:30am

142 266 6001 04/08 BTVI 142 266 6002 04/08 BTVI 142 266 6003 04/08 BTVI 142 266 6004 04/06 BTVI 142 266 6005 04/06 BTVI 159 266 6001 03/21 BTVI 159 266 6002 03/26 BTVI 167 266 6001 03/26 BTVI 167 266 6002 03/26 BTVI 175 266 6001 03/21 BTVM 175 266 6002 03/26 BTVM 175 266 6003 03/26 BTVM 192 266 6001 03/26 BTVM 192 266 6002 03/26 BTVM

Adventure Play

This fun class combines fitness, music, art and stories. Children and their parents develop basic fitness and gymnastics skills and confidence through movement activities. Kids get to explore and create art followed by an interactive music time with props. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150

Abrakadoodle Twoosy Doodlers

10am 10am

Location Day Time

Begin $

Parent and Child Workshops



10--45 minute lessons--$95 8--45 minute lessons--$79 Code

03/24 BPVG 03/25 BPVG 03/27 BPVG 03/21 BPVG

Introduction to basic ballet positions. To accommodate short attention spans, ballet activities are shifted frequently. Adult participation required.

In this class, children experience two days each of Preschool Picassos, Gym Jam, Magic Kitchen, Wild about the Wild and Adventures in Gardening. This class is perfect for those who want to sample our children’s programs. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.

Location Day Time

175 267 2603 457 267 2601 457 267 2602 457 267 2603


Variety Zone


9:30am 10:15am 10:15am 10am

Location Day Time


(1-2 yrs.) WhlsmCampus T

583 268 8601 03/24 BTVQ


Begin $

Baby Ballerinas

This too-cute class for the youngest pink ballerinas stretches their minds and feet. Adult must participate with child. Spring Hill classes taught by Reston Conservatory. BPVG 10--45 minute lessons--$163 BTVR 8--45 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(18-30 mos.) SpHillREC Sa SpHillREC Sa

175 267 2601 03/21 BPVG 175 267 2602 03/21 BPVG

8:30am 9:15am

Begin $

Children learn basketball skills and techniques including passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals. Adult participation required. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


(4-5 yrs.) SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore LeeREC LeeREC

167 266 2001 03/21 183 266 2001 03/24 456 266 2001 03/21 456 266 2002 03/21

Sa T Sa Sa

11am 9:30am 9:15am 10:15am

Begin $ 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA

Crafty Kids

Children and parents create arts-and-crafts projects that can be repeated at home using a variety of materials. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

183 265 8401 03/26 183 265 8402 03/21 456 265 8401 03/26 472 265 8401 03/21 472 265 8402 03/26 472 265 8403 03/24 472 265 8404 03/25

Th Sa Th Sa Th T W

11am 2:30pm 9:15am 9:30am 6:30pm 4pm 11:30am

Begin $ 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA

Digital Kidz Weebotics w/Parent

Weebotics is redefining robotics, making it possible for youngsters to build and program their own robots. This hands-on learning experience engages creative thinking and problem-solving skills. You and your child will program using traditional LEGO pieces and simple, drag-and-drop software. BTVD 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


(4-6 yrs.) LkFairfaxPk SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC LeeREC MtVernREC

835 266 8201 03/22 BTVD 167 266 8201 03/22 BTVD 175 266 8201 03/21 BTVD 175 266 8202 05/09 BTVD 456 266 8201 03/21 BTVD 472 266 8201 03/22 BTVD

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Su Su Sa Sa Sa Su

10am 10:45am 9:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10am

Begin $

Spring 2015

Children’s Corner Funfit Tots

A fun-filled adult/child high-energy activity class that includes songs, stories, parachutes, games, balls, music and lots more. Great for kids who love moving and music, too. Develops coordination, muscle tone, balance, socialization and language skills and more. It is recommended that your child be walking. Adult participation is required. BTVM 10--45 minute lessons--$163 Location Day Time (18 mos.-4 yrs.) CubRunREC W (1-2 yrs.) CubRunREC F CubRunREC W (2-3 yrs.) CubRunREC F


Begin $

10:15am 192 267 2501 03/25 BTVM 10:30am 192 267 2201 03/27 BTVM 9:30am 192 267 2202 03/25 BTVM 11:15am 192 267 2301 03/27 BTVM

Gym Jam

A fun introduction to fitness through creative, up-beat exercises and sports-related skills with an emphasis on team play and group interaction. Adult participation is required. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


Begin $

(2-3 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC Wkfld/Moore LeeREC LeeREC

159 257 3201 159 257 3202 183 257 3201 456 257 3201 456 257 3202

03/25 03/23 03/25 03/25 03/26

W M W W Th

12pm 10am 10:30am 9:15am 9:15am



An adult must participate with the child for this funfilled class. Join in an introduction to floor exercises, balance beam moves and springboard techniques. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


Begin $

(18 mos.-3 yrs.) OakMarREC T OakMarREC W OakMarREC Th OakMarREC F OakMarREC F ProvREC Sa ProvREC Su ProvREC Su ProvREC M ProvREC T ProvREC W ProvREC Th ProvREC F ProvREC Sa ProvREC Su SoRunREC Su SoRunREC Su Wkfld/Moore M Wkfld/Moore Su Wkfld/Moore T MtVernREC Su MtVernREC Th

142 267 2901 142 267 2902 142 267 2903 142 267 2904 142 267 2905 159 267 2901 159 267 2902 159 267 2903 159 267 2904 159 267 2905 159 267 2906 159 267 2907 159 267 2908 159 267 2909 159 267 2910 167 267 2901 167 267 2902 183 267 2901 183 267 2902 183 267 2903 472 267 2901 472 267 2902

03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/27 03/21 03/22 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/21 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/23 03/22 03/24 03/22 03/26

10:30am 9:30am 11:30am 9:30am 11:30am 3pm 10am 11am 10:30am 10:30am 11:30am 10:30am 9:30am 9am 9:15am 2pm 3pm 10:30am 4pm 10:30am 9:30am 9:30am

Learn Now Music for Preschoolers


In this parent and child class offered by Learn Now Music students sing, dance and play small percussive musical instruments. Class also includes musical

Spring 2015

games and classrooms manipulatives. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BTVN 10--30 minute lessons--$139 Location Day Time


(2-5 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC

183 267 3901 03/21 BTVN 183 267 3902 03/23 BTVN 456 267 3901 03/22 BTVN 456 267 3902 03/22 BTVN 456 267 3903 03/27 BTVN 456 267 3904 03/27 BTVN 472 267 3901 03/23 BTVN

Sa M Su Su F F M

12:30pm 11:30am 9am 10am 9:15am 10:15am 10:30am

Begin $

Let’s Make Music

Discover the joy of family music! Mixed-age grouping encourages siblings to interact together in positive playful ways. Come sing, dance, play instruments and meet other young families. This is a parent-child interactive course. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (1-5 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore (2-5 yrs.) LeeREC MtVernREC


Begin $

142 267 1801 142 267 1802 142 267 1803 159 267 1801 159 267 1802 159 267 1803 159 267 1804 159 267 1805 159 267 1806 159 267 1807 159 267 1809 167 267 1801 167 267 1802 167 267 1803 167 267 1804 167 267 1805 183 267 1801

03/24 03/25 03/26 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/24 03/25 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/26 03/27 03/27 03/24 03/24 03/26

T W Th Su M T T W W Th F Th F F T T Th

11:30am 10:30am 9:30am 11:45am 9:30am 9:45am 11am 9:30am 11am 10:45am 10:30am 11:30am 9am 11am 9:15am 11:15am 10am


T Su

10:15am 456 267 1901 03/24 2TA 10:30am 472 267 1901 03/22 2TA

Little Fingers Piano

In this class offered by Learn Now Music students and their parents are introduced to instrumental music through a group learning experience. Students learn to read musical symbols and play songs in a relaxing and age appropriate environment. BTVN 10--30 minute lessons--$139 Location Day Time


(2-5 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC MtVernREC

159 267 4401 03/22 BTVN 159 267 4402 03/22 BTVN 175 267 4401 03/22 BTVN 175 267 4402 03/22 BTVN 175 267 4403 03/26 BTVN 175 267 4404 03/26 BTVN 183 267 4401 03/22 BTVN 192 267 4401 03/25 BTVN 472 267 4401 03/23 BTVN

Su Su Su Su Th Th Su W M

Little Stars!

10am 3pm 5pm 5:30pm 11am 11:30am 11am 11:30am 9:30am

Begin $

Through music, movement, story time, acting games and art, children explore their creativity and imagination. Each class includes an art project. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. Adult participation

is required. BTVE 10--45 minute lessons--$130 Location Day Time


(2-4 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Sa

183 264 9401 03/21 BTVE


Begin $

Music Fundamentals-Pitch and Rhythm

Students practice familiar tunes using solfege syllables and beat patterns in order to understand the building blocks of musical language. Tuning forks, tonal instruments and percussion instruments will be used. Skills built in this class will build the foundation for early musicians to play an instrument or sing in a choir. Supply fee pf $5 payable to instructor at first class. BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time



472 266 2401 03/23 BPVK



Begin $

Musical Exploration

In this class offered by Learn Now Music students and their parents sing, dance and play small percussive musical instruments. Through musical games and use of fun classroom manipulatives students develop a love of music. Any supply fee payable at class. BTVN 10--30 minute lessons--$139 Location Day Time


Begin $

(2-5 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC CubRunREC

159 267 3201 159 267 3202 175 267 3201 175 267 3202 175 267 3203 175 267 3204 192 267 3201

03/22 BTVN 03/22 BTVN 03/22 BTVN 03/22 BTVN 03/26 BTVN 03/26 BTVN 03/25 BTVN

Su Su Su Su Th Th W

3:30pm 10:30am 4pm 4:30pm 10am 10:30am 12:15pm

Musical Storybook

Stimulate your child’s musical development through singing, listening and exploring musical instruments. Each class focuses on one storybook. Students listen to the story hear related music, then do a theme-related craft. Adult participation required. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (2-3 yrs.) LeeREC (2-5 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC Frying Pan Pk


Begin $



456 265 2701 03/22 2TA

W Th Sa T

2:15pm 11am 1pm 11am

142 266 6601 03/25 142 266 6602 03/26 142 266 6603 03/21 282 266 6601 03/24


Nature for Tiny Tots

Children and their parent learn about plants, animals and their habitats through songs, crafts and activities. Supply fee of $5 is due to instructor at first class. Adult participation is required. 2TN 8--55 minute lessons--$92 Location Day Time


(24-42 mos.) HuntMdws M HuntMdws Th

340 267 2001 04/06 2TN 340 267 2002 04/09 2TN

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

10am 10am

Begin $


Children’s Corner On the Road to Reading

This class focuses on the six skills that help even the youngest kids prepare for reading: print motivation, phonological awareness, vocabulary, narrative skills, print awareness, and letter knowledge. Class consists of story-time, finger-plays, music, movement and a craft or activity. Adult participation is required. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2TA 2TC

10--45 minute lessons--$95 8--45 minute lessons--$79

Location Day Time (18 mos.-2 yrs.) SoRunREC T (3-5 yrs.) SoRunREC M CubRunREC T



Begin $

167 266 7401 03/24 2TC

10:30am 167 266 7301 03/23 2TC 11am 192 266 7301 03/24 2TA

Pixie Ballet I

BPVG 10--45 minute lessons--$163 Location Day Time


(18-30 mos.) Reston Cnsv Sa Reston Cnsv Th

457 265 1501 03/21 BPVG 457 265 1502 03/26 BPVG

9am 9:30am

Begin $

Preschool Prep

Get ready for preschool by working on socialization and fine and gross motor skills. Concepts such as sharing, taking turns, following directions, colors and counting are introduced through use of a variety of music, instrument, play equipment, dancing, singing and stories. Adult participation is required. 10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time


(2 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC

142 264 8601 03/25 142 264 8602 03/27 142 264 8603 03/23 159 264 8601 03/25 159 264 8602 03/24 159 264 8603 03/25 167 264 8601 03/26 167 264 8602 03/25 192 264 8601 03/26 456 264 8601 03/25 456 264 8602 03/25

W F M W T W Th W Th W W

11:30am 10:30am 11am 10am 10am 11:15am 10:30am 11:30am 10am 9:30am 10:30am

Begin $ 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA 2TA

Shapes & Colors

Learning can be fun when teaching children shapes and colors through books, songs and art activities. Adult participation is required. Additional supply fee payable to instructor. 2TA

10--45 minute lessons--$95

Location Day Time (2-3 yrs.) LeeREC



Begin $

10:15am 456 265 6201 03/25 2TA

Small Bites for Young Chefs

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, you and your tiny chef learn how to make treats that look delicious, taste scrumptious and are kid-sized. Create foods that you can serve for any meal or as a snack, while your child learns about portion control, follow-


BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(4-6 yrs.) WhlsmCmpus Th

583 267 4201 03/26 BTVQ


Begin $


Kids kick into action in this class emphasizing coordination through skill development and teamwork. Tennis shoes required. Bring a ball. ProvREC classes held indoors using soft soccer balls. Adult participation is required. 2TA 10--45 minute lessons--$95 2TB 10--55 minute lessons--$129 BTBH 10--45 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time

Classes introduce basic directional concepts, group setting, socialization and dance. Parent/caregiver is involved in class. Includes ballet activities and costumes.


ing recipe directions and using kitchen tools. Supply fee of $35 payable to instructor at first class.

(3 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC GWREC Oakton ES (4-5 yrs.) ProvREC Navy ES


Begin $

Sa Su Sa Sa

10am 9am 10:05am 1:30pm

159 266 1001 03/21 2TA 159 266 1002 03/22 2TA 449 466 1001 03/21 2TB 092 266 1001 03/21 BTBH

Su Su

9am 1pm

159 266 1101 03/22 2TA 087 266 1101 03/22 BTBH

Storybook Cooking

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, you and your child share a fun story and then create an easy treat based on the story. This is a great way to introduce your child to the love of reading and the joys of cooking. $35 supply fee payable at first class. BTVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$150 Location Day Time


(3-5 yrs.) WhlsmCmpus T

583 266 8301 03/24 BTVQ


Begin $

T-Ball I

Players learn T-ball rules and fundamentals. Skills are taught with a focus on proper mechanics to ensure safe and correct execution, minimizing the risk of future injury. Active parental participation builds self-confidence, coordination and increased understanding of coach’s instructions. 2TC 8--45 minute lessons--$79 BTBH 10--45 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time


(4-5 yrs.) LkFairfaxPk Navy ES

835 266 5001 03/22 2TC 087 266 5001 03/22 BTBH

Su Su

9am 12pm

Begin $

Tiny Tot Activity Time

Enjoy art projects, songs, and circle time with your child. Class includes fine and gross motor skills to enhance learning. Themes concentrate on farm and nature and include one carousel and hayride. Classes are in the old Schoolhouse in front of the carousel. $5 supply fee is payable at first class. 2TVE 10--55 minute lessons--$141 Location Day Time (16-24 mos.) Frying Pan Pk M Frying Pan Pk W Frying Pan Pk F


Begin $

9:25am 282 264 9501 03/23 2TVE 9:25am 282 264 9502 03/25 2TVE 10:35am 282 264 9503 03/27 2TVE

Even the youngest players can get into the game in Park Authority soccer classes. Skills, sportsmanship and teamwork are stressed. (24-42 mos.) Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk

M W Th Th F Sa Sa

10:35am 10:35am 9:25am 10:35am 9:25am 9:25am 10:35am

282 265 7101 282 265 7102 282 265 7103 282 265 7105 282 265 7106 282 265 7107 282 265 7108

03/23 03/25 03/26 03/26 03/27 03/21 03/21


Tiny Tot Music & Movement

Your toddler explores both upbeat and mellow movements, major and minor song keys and a wide variety of genres, time signatures and rhythms. Children and grown-ups sing, play percussive instruments and dance with props including parachutes, ribbons and scarves as we learn to express ourselves through music. $5 supply fee is payable at first class. 2TVC 10--45 minute lessons--$141 Location Day Time


(24-42 mos.) Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk

282 264 8701 03/24 282 264 8702 03/24 282 264 8703 03/27 282 264 8704 03/27


9:25am 10:35am 9:25am 10:35am

Begin $ 2TVC 2TVC 2TVC 2TVC

Toddler Tumbling

Children are introduced to many different movements, develop coordination and build confidence in tumbling. Parent participation required. 2TC

8--45 minute lessons--$79

Location Day Time


(2-3 yrs.) SpHillREC

175 266 1901 04/12 2TC

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664



Begin $

Spring 2015

Children’s Corner

Advertise in Parktakes The Highest Circulation Magazine in Fairfax County. Over 150,000 subscribers

Call 703-324-8625

Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Children’s Corner


For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015


Dance Please remember:

• All dance instructors have different teaching styles. • Ballet classes require ballet attire (leotard, tights and appropriate shoes.) • For other classes, be sure to wear comfortable clothing. Any clothing requirements will be discussed at the first class. • Check the listings for information on couples-only classes. • Instructional aids, publications and tapes may be available for optional purchase in some dance classes.

Ballet & Stretch

For students who have danced before or those who wish to learn. This class is a unique combination of ballet fundamentals and stretching. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) CubRunREC MtVernREC Ft Hunt ES

192 250 5401 03/27 2PA 472 250 5401 03/26 2PA 044 250 5401 03/24 BPDA

F Th T

8am 7pm 8pm

Begin $

Intro to Ballet

Introduction to basic ballet positions. Frequent shifts between ballet activities, creative movement and other activities keep children engaged in learning. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPVH 10--55 minute lessons--$168 Code

(5-7 yrs.) ProvREC Wkfld/Moore Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv

159 250 0301 03/21 2PA 183 250 0301 03/21 2PA 457 250 0301 03/23 BPVH 457 250 0302 03/25 BPVH 457 250 0303 03/26 BPVH 457 250 0304 03/21 BPVH

10am 9am 5:30pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 9am

Begin $


183 2500801 03/22 2PA

M T Th T F

12pm 7pm 7pm 11:15am 11:15am

142 251 0501 183 251 0501 183 251 0502 457 251 0501 457 251 0502

03/23 2PA 03/24 2PA 03/26 2PA 03/24 BPVH 03/27 BPVH

Ballet II

Prerequisite: Ballet I. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 BPVH 10--55 minute lessons--$168 Location Day Time (6-8 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC Wkfld/Moore (8-12 yrs.) SpHillREC Silvrbrk ES


Begin $

M Th T

7:15pm 7:30pm 5pm

142 250 0501 03/23 2PA 142 250 0502 03/26 2PA 183 250 0501 03/24 2PA


5pm 5pm

175 250 0901 03/24 BPVH 105 250 0901 03/25 BPDA


A pointe preparation class with exercises designed to prepare students for pointe work. BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time


(9-Adult) Silvrbrk ES

105 251 0701 03/25 BPDA



Begin $

Ballet & Tap

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time (6-8 yrs.) CubRunREC



Begin $

6:30pm 192 250 3701 03/25 2PA

Ballet & Jazz

Introduction to basic steps and movements for ballet and jazz. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104

Ballet I

Basic ballet fundamentals help develop self-confidence, posture and body awareness. It is recommended that students purchase shoes, leotard and tights after first session. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 2TVD 10--45 minute lessons--$101 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 BPVH 10--55 minute lessons--$168 Location Day Time (5-7 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC SpHillREC MtVernREC (6-8 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Silvrbrk ES (6-12 yrs.) ProvREC CubRunREC MtVernREC Ft Hunt ES


Introduction to basic steps and movements.

Location Day Time Sa Sa M W Th Sa

(8-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore (13-Adult) OakMarREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Reston Cnsv Reston Cnsv

(6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Mre CubRunREC



Begin $

6:30pm 183 250 0601 03/27 2PA 7:30pm 192 250 0601 03/27 2PA

Combo Dance & Tap

Students are introduced to dance forms such as ballet, jazz and tap.


Begin $ 03/23 2PA 03/26 2PA 03/24 BPVH 03/21 2TVD

M Th T Sa

6:15pm 6:30pm 4pm 9:30am

142 250 6501 142 250 6502 175 250 6501 472 250 6501

Sa W

10am 4pm

183 250 0201 03/21 2PA 105 250 0201 03/25 BPDA

Sa Sa Th T

11am 12:45pm 6pm 6pm

159 250 4901 03/21 2PA 192 250 4901 03/21 2PA 472 250 4901 03/26 2PA 044 250 4901 03/24 BPDA

Spring 2015

Location Day Time

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPAA 10--55 minute lessons--$106 Location Day Time


(5-8 yrs.) SoRunREC T Wkfld/Moore Su Orng Hnt ES Sa

167 250 2801 03/24 2PA 183 250 2801 03/22 2PA 094 250 2801 03/21 BPAA

5pm 1pm 10am

Dance Instructors Wanted

Begin $

Qualified dance instructors needed to teach ballet and hip hop classes for children. Call Jennifer Braun at 703-324-5540 for details or e-mail instructors@ fairfaxcounty.gov for an application.


Introduction to basic tap techniques, counting and movement with music. Exercise and combination to strengthen muscles and increase stamina. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


(6-11 yrs.) OakMarREC F Wkfld/Moore Su LeeREC Su (13-Adult) Wkfld/Moore Su CubRunREC W

Begin $

183 250 3501 03/22 2PA 192 250 3501 03/25 2PA

7pm 142 250 2201 03/27 2PA 12pm 183 250 2201 03/22 2PA 4:30pm 456 250 2201 03/22 2PA 2pm 7:30pm

Tap II

For students with some experience. A more complex class than Tap I. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) LeeREC Su (8-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Su (13-Adult) LeeREC Su


Begin $


456 250 6901 03/22 2PA


183 250 6701 03/22 2PA


456 250 6201 03/22


Tap Techniques

Learn to be light on your feet through basic steps, tap combinations and routines. This adult tap dance class provides exercise, rhythm and fun. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time (13-Adult) LeeREC



Begin $

3:30pm 456 251 0801 03/22 2PA

Jazz I

Introduction to basic leaps and turns, combinations to music and visual expression of the music. BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) Kngs Pk ES

071 250 2301 03/21 BPDA



Begin $

Jazz/Hip Hop I

Students are introduced to basic contemporary and classical jazz and hip hop movements, vocabulary and styles. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time


(8-17 yrs.) OakMarREC LeeREC MtVernREC Fairview ES Ft Hunt ES Kings Pk ES

142 250 7101 03/27 2PA 456 250 7101 03/24 2PA 472 250 7102 03/24 2PA 037 250 7101 03/24 BPDA 044 250 7101 03/24 BPDA 071 250 7101 03/21 BPDA


F T T T T Sa

5pm 5:30pm 7pm 6pm 7pm 10am

Begin $

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Dance Jazz/Hip Hop II

Prerequisite: Jazz/Hip Hop I or equivalent. BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time


(8-17 yrs.) Fairview ES Kings Pk ES

037 250 6801 03/24 BPDA 071 250 6801 03/21 BPDA

T Sa

7pm 11am

Begin $

Hip Hop I

Get into the beat with the latest street dances. These routines are great for exercise, coordination, balance and flexibility. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time (8-13 yrs.) OakMarREC ProvREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore LeeREC (13-Adult) ProvREC (16-Adult) Wkfld/Moore


Begin $

F Th T T Sa T

6pm 7pm 6pm 6pm 3pm 4:30pm

142 250 4001 03/27 159 250 4001 03/26 167 250 4001 03/24 183 250 4001 03/24 183 250 4002 03/21 456 250 4001 03/24




159 250 4601 03/26 2PA



183 250 4201 03/27 2PA

Hip Hop II

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Code

(8-17 yrs.) ProvREC

159 250 1701 03/26 2PA

Begin $

This class introduces you to traditional American ballroom dance basics. Learn proper dance position and how to lead and follow. Dances include foxtrot, waltz, rumba and cha-cha. Each student must register. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPCA 6--55 minute lessons--$58 (13-Adult) Singles & Couples ProvREC Su 6pm ProvREC Th 6:30am SpHillREC Su 3:30pm (13-Adult) Couples only ProvREC T 7:30pm SoRunREC F 6pm SoRunREC W 6pm Wkfld/Mre Sa 6pm Wkfld/Mre Su 7pm Wkfld/Mre F 7:30pm LeeREC Th 7pm Hrndon HS M 7pm


Begin $

159 251 1001 03/22 2PA 159 251 1002 03/26 2PA 175 251 1001 03/22 2PA 159 251 6601 03/24 2PA 167 251 6601 03/27 2PA 167 251 6602 03/25 2PA 183 251 6601 03/21 2PA 183 251 6602 03/22 2PA 183 251 6603 03/27 2PA 456 251 6601 03/26 2PA 309 251 6601 03/23 BPCA

Ballroom Dancing II

Prerequisite: Ballroom I or equivalent. Each student must register. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPCA 6--55 minute lessons--$58 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time


Begin $

(13-Adult) Singles & Couples OakMarREC Su 4:30pm 142 251 1101 03/22 2PA


Prerequisite: Ballroom II or equivalent. Each student must register. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPCA 6--55 minute lessons--$58 Location Day Time (13-Adult) Singles & Couples SpHillREC Su 5:30pm (13-Adult)Couples only SoRunREC F 8pm LeeREC M 8pm LeeREC Th 8pm Herndon HS M 9pm


Begin $

175 251 1201 03/22 2PA 167 251 6801 03/27 2PA 456 251 6801 03/23 2PA 456 251 6802 03/26 2PA 309 251 6801 03/23 BPCA

Ballroom Dancing IV

Prerequisite: Ballroom III or equivalent. Each student must register.


Begin $

(13-Adult) Couples only SpHillREC Su 6:30pm 175 252 6501 03/22 2PB LeeREC M 8pm 456 252 6501 03/23 2PA

Ballroom Style Tango & Swing

Ballroom Dancing I

Location Day Time

03/27 2PA 03/25 2PA 03/22 2PA 03/22 2PA 03/27 2PA 03/26 2PA 03/25 BPDA 03/23 BPCA

Ballroom Dancing III

Location Day Time

Location Day Time 6pm

167 251 6701 167 251 6702 175 251 6701 183 251 6701 183 251 6702 456 251 6701 008 251 6701 309 251 6701

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 2PB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$155

Prerequisite: Hip Hop I or equivalent.


(13-Adult) Couples only SRunREC F 7pm SRunREC W 5:30pm SpHillREC Su 4:30pm Wkfld/Mre Su 6pm Wkfld/Mre F 8:30pm LeeREC Th 8pm Bonnie B ES W 8pm Hrndon HS M 8pm

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) SpHillREC

175 250 7701 03/21 2PA


Begin $

Ballroom Wedding Dances

Learn to dance for that special occasion or just take the course to learn the most popular ballroom wedding dances: waltz, foxtrot and rumba. Couples often choose these dances for their special first dance. Learn proper dance position, how to lead and follow and basic patterns that you can use to form a routine for your dance. Each student must register. BPBC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$112 Location Day Time (13-Adult) EagleVw ES Falls Ch HS


If you want to dance but don’t have a partner, this is the class for you. Learn waltz, rumba, foxtrot, tango, swing, cha-cha and merengue basics. 2PB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$155 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) SpHillREC SpHillREC

175 251 6201 03/23 2PB 175 251 6202 03/24 2PB


1:30pm 1:30pm

Begin $

Begin $

Social Dance-Basic Survival

Designed with the non-dancer in mind. Learn waltz, rumba, foxtrot, tango, swing, cha-cha and merengue basics. Partners encouraged, singles welcome. Each student must register. BPBC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$112 Location Day Time


Begin $

(13-Adult) RollValy ES Chantily HS Falls Ch HS Woodson HS

100 251 5701 302 251 5701 305 251 5701 329 251 5701

03/26 BPBC 03/25 BPBC 03/25 BPBC 03/24 BPBC

Th W W T

8:30pm 7pm 7pm 7pm

Social Dance-Basic Survival II

Prerequisite: Social Dance Basic Survival I. Continue expanding skills learned in level I. Class may focus on only two dances per semester to expand the student’s ability in and knowledge of those dances. All dances are covered within four semesters. Each student must register. BPBC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$112 Location Day Time

Prerequisite: Ballroom I or equivalent. Learn American style tango and East coast swing basics. American style tango is a dramatic traveling dance that incorporates elements from both Argentine tango and other ballroom dances. East coast swing is a fun, fast dance that’s also very popular socially. Singles and couples welcome; each student must register.


Social Ballroom for Adult Singles & Couples I

(13-Adult) Woodson HS T


Begin $

8:30pm 329 251 5801 03/24 BPBC

Beyond Basic Survival-Couples

For those who have completed Social Dance/Basic Survival II or Ballroom Dance II, this class introduces additional advanced-level patterns in all dances. Different dances are covered each quarter. Good technique is stressed. Each student must register. BPBC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$112 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) RollValy ES

100 251 5501 03/26 BPBC



Begin $

Swing Dance I

Learn basic swing and jitterbug steps. Each student must register. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) Wkfld/Moore F

183 251 1701 03/27 2PA


Begin $

Swing Dance II T W

7pm 139 251 3801 03/24 BPBC 8:30pm 305 251 3801 03/25 BPBC

For more classes, see www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Prerequisite: Swing Dance I or equivalent. Each student must register. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time (13-Adult) OakMarREC Su

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

3:30pm 142 251 180 03/22 2PA

Spring 2015

Dance Carolina Shag

Salsa I

This southern dance of style and grace is a slowed down, smoothed out version of the jitterbug. Singles welcome.

Learn salsa basics and dance to current Latin hits. Each student must register. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104

BPCA 6--55 minute lessons--$58

Location Day Time

Location Day Time


(13-Adult) Belveder ES

007 251 5001 03/19 BPCA



Begin $

Salsa and Latin

Learn basic waltz steps to help you survive social events.

Feel the heat! Learn the basic steps of today’s hottest dances.

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 (13-Adult) OakMarREC M



2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104


Location Day Time (16-Adult) OakMarREC Su ProvREC Sa SoRunREC Su

142 251 0901 03/23 2PA

Country & Western Line Dancing Beginning I

A variety of country and western line dances. Singles and couples welcome.

(13-Adult) LeeREC Frying Pan Pk Frnconia ES Woodson HS

Sa W T Th

4pm 8pm 6:30pm 6:30pm


456 251 2001 03/21 2PA 282 251 2001 03/25 2PA 046 251 2001 03/24 BPDA 329 251 2001 03/26 BPDA

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Code

(13-Adult) LeeREC Sa Frying Pn Pk W Frnconia ES T

456 251 2101 03/21 2PA 282 251 2101 03/25 2PA 046 251 2101 03/24 BPDA

Begin $


Learn this popular Dominican Republic dance which combines movements and turn patterns with some of the most exciting Argentine tango, cha-cha and salsa elements. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) ProvREC

159 250 9701 03/21 2PA

Begin $


Cha-cha is a ballroom dance of Cuban origin from the 1950’s done with a partner. Its unique feature is a syncopated set of three small steps done between beats four and one of successive one-beat music measures. Partners encouraged, both students must register. BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time (13-Adult) Bonnie B ES


Spring 2015



From Country and Western Line Dancing to Latin rhythm dances to the classic waltz, there’s a Park Authority dance class to suit your personal style. Learn footwork, arm and hand movements, body carriage and castanet-playing techniques that make flamenco dance so unique.

008 251 8701 03/25 BPDA


(13-Adult) SoRunREC

167 251 9101 03/22 2PA



Begin $

Tango I

Learn the classic dance of romance from Argentina. Each student must register. Location Day Time


(13-Adult) Wkfld/Moore W

183 251 1301 03/25 2PA


Begin $

Tango II

Location Day Time


Begin $

(13-Adult) OakMarREC F

142 251 5301 03/27 2PA

Prerequisite: Tango I or equivalent. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104


Latin Dancing I

Learn the basic figures and turns from the three most popular dances at salsa clubs - salsa, merengue and bachata. Also learn how to distinguish each dance’s music and how to put a little bit of style into your dancing. Each student must register. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


Begin $

(13-Adult)Singles & Couples SpHillREC F 6pm 175 251 1501 03/27 2PA

Rumba & Cha-Cha

Learn the most common Latin rhythm dances, rumba and cha-cha, with focus on styling, “Cuban motion” and how to interrelate step patterns between the two dances. Rumba is a slow, dramatic dance, and cha-cha is moderate to fast and very lively. Each student must register. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104

Begin $

Location Day Time

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104

Flamenco I

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104

Location Day Time


5:30pm 142 251 7701 03/22 2PA 6pm 159 251 7701 03/21 2PA 5pm 167 251 7701 03/22 2PA

Prerequisite: Salsa and Latin II or equivalent

Begin $

Prerequisite: Country & Western Line Dance Beginning I or equivalent.


Begin $

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104

Country & Western Line Dancing Beginning II

5pm 7pm 7:30pm


Salsa and Latin III

2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time

Begin $

(13-Adult) Singles & Couples ProvREC T 6:30pm 159 253 5701 03/24 2PA CubRunREC F 6:30pm 192 253 5701 03/27 2PA


Location Day Time Code


(13-Adult) OakMarREC Su Wkfld/Moore W


Begin $

(Adults) OakMarREC Su

142 251 8501 03/22 2PA



6:30pm 142 251 1401 03/22 2PA 8pm 183 251 1401 03/25 2PA

Belly Dance I

Join the fun and get in shape while learning the magic and mystery of the oldest dance form. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time (Adults) Wkfld/Moore Su Wkfld/Moore T CubRunREC Su


Begin $

1pm 183 251 4201 03/22 2PA 7pm 183 251 4202 03/24 2PA 5:30pm 192 251 4201 03/22 2PA

Belly Dance II

Prerequisite: Belly Dance I or equivalent. Students should have a veil, as a veil dance routine is taught. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time

Location Day Time 7:30pm

Location Day Time Code

(Adults) Wkfld/Moore M CubRunREC Su

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Begin $

8pm 183 251 4301 03/23 2PA 6:30pm 192 251 4301 03/22 2PA


Dance • Day Trips & Tours Bollywood Style Dance

Day Trips & Tours

Bollywood-style dance is filled with fast moves and provides a fun workout. Dress in loose-fitting clothing. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) CubRunREC

192 252 6802 03/25 2PA



Begin $

Hawaiian Dance Prerequisite: Hawaiian Dance I or equivalent. Students should wear loose-fitting skirts. 2PB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$155 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) SpHillREC

175 253 7101 03/22 2PB



Begin $

Hula Dance-Intermediate Prerequisite: Hula Dance-Beginning. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. 2PA

10--55 minute lessons--$104

Location Day Time


(13-Adult) SpHillREC

175 251 4901 03/22 2PA



Begin $

Fan us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/fairfaxcountyparks

For departure and return schedules, weather related information and/or schedule changes, call the Tours Hotline at 703-324-8687 (324-TOUR) for recorded information. Email tours@fairfaxcounty.gov and automatically receive a list of upcoming tours. If you would like to receive the Day Trips and Tours supplemental brochure please contact the Tours Program Coordinator at 703-324-5611 and leave your name and address.

Transportation: Transportation for tours is by chartered motor coach equipped with reclining seats and restroom. Please arrive at your departure location 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time a location and do not wait for the bus inside businesses or nearby establishments. Call 703-222-4664 for reservations. Bus Seating: We do not have reserved seating on trips. Participants may select seats on a first-come first-served basis. Usually two seats adjacent to the driver are reserved for the trip escort and a tour guide (if needed). Generally a few bus seats are left available for interpreters when needed, in the rare case of a defective seat or for persons who may experience motion sickness. The trip escort will try to accommodate requests for special seating when possible. Age Parameters: All minors must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older. Only children five and older may travel by motor coach. Alcohol: No kegs, opened cans or glass containers are

allowed on the bus. No large coolers are allowed unless the cooler can be positioned on the back seat so that it does not take away a seat from any passenger. Damage or spillage from a cooler can stain seat upholstery and comprise the cleanliness and appearance of the bus.

Registration: Use the registration form at the back of Parktakes. Tour reservations may be made by Internet, mail, fax, in person or by telephone with a MasterCard or Visa, and are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the trip is filled. Discounts: Early registration discounts apply only to tours first advertised in this issue of Parktakes. The senior discount fees do not apply to tours. The class scholarship policies also do not apply to tours. Persons with Disabilities: Persons with disabilities

requiring ADA accommodations must call 703-3248563 at least 10 business days in advance of the scheduled activity. TTY 703-803-3354.

Cancelations: The FCPA reserve the right to cancel a

trip due to low enrollment and/or other circumstances. If a trip is cancel, all registrants will be notified, and all fees will be refunded to your Parknet member account. Trips will not be canceled due to inclement weather unless you are notified by phone. Call 703-324-TOUR (8687) for emergency weather instructions.

Refund Policy: For day trips, refunds, credits or

transfer will be allowed up to 14 days prior to the trip date. Cancelation/refund requests received 13 or fewer days prior to the trip date will not be granted because of deadlines from bus company and vendors. For trips requiring deposits, the deposit is nonrefundable. You can, however, substitute another person in your place. The FCPA retains the right to decline, accept or retain any person as a member of a trip when such action is


For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Day Trips and Tours deemed to be in the best interest of the health, safety or general welfare of the tour group or the individual concerned. Schedule times are approximate. Reasonable substitutions for some items included in the printed trip description may be necessary in certain cases. Refunds are not given for delays or changes in the itinerary due to weather, traffic, security delays, crowds, mechanical breakdown, or other factors beyond the Park Authority’s control. FCPA is not liable for cost of tickets, meals or expenses due to schedule changes.

Confirmation and Itinerary: The week before a trip, you will receive an itinerary in the mail.

Ellanor C Lawrence Park, 5040 Walney Rd., Chantilly

Fair Oaks Mall, (lot #1 across from the Marriott

Hotel in the Macy’s lot),Rts. 66 and 50, Fairfax Green Spring Gardens, 4603 Green Spring Rd., Alexandria Lee District RECenter, 6601 Telegraph Rd., Franconia (park in lower parking lot by gym) Mason Government Center, (park along the fence) 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale Packard Center, Annandale District Park, 4022 Hummer Rd., Annandale Riverbend Park, 8700 Potomac Hills St., Great Falls

Readvertised Trips (The following trips are open for registration immediately. These trips were advertised previously in the Winter 2015 Parktakes and are not eligible for early registration discounts.)

Wolf Run Shoals Expedition Fee:$24

Code:274 192 5501

Bring a bag lunch and wear shoes appropriate for a moderate hike. Explore the traces of the little-known community and Civil War site. Discover the stories and families, mill and shops. Learn about the encampment of the 12th and 13th Vermont infantry. Van departs from Walney Visitor Center at 10 a.m. and returns 4 p.m. Reservations required by 2/14.

Philadelphia Flower Show

Includes motor coach and admission. This year’s theme of the Philadelphia Flower Show is Lights, Camera, Bloom! The 185th PHS Philadelphia Flower Show pulls back the curtain on some of cinema’s most iconic scenes and unearths new ideas for creating magic in your own home garden. Explore great gardens and learn from the world’s most celebrated growers and designers. You’ll be treated to international musical performances, gardening presentations, exhibits, lectures and the marketplace. Bring a lunch or enjoy the atmosphere and food of the Redding Terminal located across the street. Flower show on March 1 and March 6 bus departure/ return schedule: Fair Oaks Mall - depart 6:30 a.m., return 8:30 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 7 a.m., return 8 p.m.; Lee District RECenter- depart 7:30 a.m., return 7:30 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: February 12, 2015. Date Fee Code Sunday, March 1 $126 Code: 316 190 6201 Friday, March 6 $126 Code: 316 190 6202

Spring 2015

Date Monday, March 2 Wednesday, March 4

Fee $126 $126

Code Code: 290 192 2501 Code: 290 192 3601

New Trips (The following tours are new in this issue and are eligible for early registration discounts.)

Historic Homes of Southern Maryland

Departure/Return Locations

Saturday, February 28

Flower show on March 2 bus departure/return schedule: Green Spring Gardens - depart 10 a.m., return 10 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: February 12, 2015. Flower shows on March 4 bus departure/return schedule: Green Spring Gardens- depart 8 a.m., return 8 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: February 12, 2015.

Saturday, April 11


Code:274 292 7401

Includes all admissions. This is the first of a series of trips exploring the historic homes and sites of our eastern neighbor. See the homes of John Wilkes Booth, co-conspirators Mary Surrat and Dr. Samuel Mudd. Then step further back in time to visit the Thomas Stone National Historic Site. Stone was one of 56 men who risked everything and changed the world when he signed the Declaration of Independence. Trip includes a moderate walk. Departs Ellanor C. Lawrence Park at 10 a.m. and returns at 5 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline is March 27, 2015.

Total Amish Experience, Lancaster, PA Saturday, April 11


Code:316 291 7501

Includes motor coach, meal, Experience Theater, Amish Country Homestead and step-on guide. In Jacob’s choice, film combines with a three-dimensional set and special effects to tell the unforgettable story of the Amish from Europe to America. You also tour the countryside with a step-on guide and stop for a tour of an authentic Amish house. For lunch, enjoy the pass-the-platter-meal at Plain & Fancy Farm. Bus pickup and return: Fair Oaks Mall- depart 5 a.m., return 7:30 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 5:30 a.m., return 7 p.m.; LeeREC- depart 6 a.m., return 6:30 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: March 27, 2015.

National Aquarium, Baltimore, MD Sunday, April 12


Code:316 291 9001

Includes motor coach, and admission. Considered one of the world’s best aquariums, the National Aquarium’s mission is to inspire conservation of the world’s aquatic treasures. The National Aquarium features three pavilions of exciting attractions and a living collection including more than 16,000 animals from more than 660 species of fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and marine mammals. Meals on your own. Bus pick-up/return schedule: Fair Oaks Mall depart 7:30 a.m., return 6 p.m.; Mason Government Center depart 8 a.m., return 5:30 p.m.; LeeREC depart 8:30 a.m., return 5 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: March 27, 2015.

Silver Lake Birding Tour, Haymarket, VA

Search for Silver Lake Regional Park’s seasonal visitors and year-round inhabitants. Silver Lake features a diversity of habitats including a 20-acre lake fed by the Little Bull Run, forest and meadows. Bring water, a snack and binoculars. Trip includes a moderate hike. Van departs from Ellanor C. Lawrence Park at 9 a.m. and returns at 1 p.m. Friday, April 17 Friday, May 1

Fee:$24 Code:274 292 7201 Fee:$24 Code:274 292 7202

Maryland Live!, Hanover, MD Saturday, April 18


Code:316 290 6401

Includes motor coach. Enjoy the slots, table games and more. Meals are on your own at the buffet or one of the six on-site restaurants. You must be 21 and present valid ID to be admitted. Bus pick-up/return schedule: Fair Oaks Mall- depart 11:30 a.m., return 8 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 12:00 p.m., return 7:30 p.m.; LeeREC- depart 12:30 p.m., return 7:00 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: April 3, 2015.

Georgetown Gardens Tour, Washington, DC Tuesday, April 21


Code:274 290 1002

Includes van transportation, lunch and admissions. Treat yourself to a tour of the gardens and homes in historic Georgetown. Begin at Tudor Place, built in 1816 and surrounded by more than five acres of gardens. After the tour, enjoy an elegant box lunch in the garden provided by Tudor Place. Then visit one of the world’s top ten gardens at Dumbarton Oaks. You may also tour the museum housed in the 1801 Federal style mansion. Van departs Ellanor C. Lawrence Park at 10 a.m. and returns at 4 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: April 6, 2015.

National 9-11 Memorial and Walking Tour, New York, NY Saturday, April 25


Code:316 290 6901

Includes motor coach, guide, admission and lunch. On this guided tour of the 9/11 Memorial, you’ll experience the stories of 9/11 told by those who were there. Our guides are 9/11 family members, survivors, rescue and recovery workers, civilian volunteers and lower Manhattan residents whose stories are testaments to the perseverance of the human spirit. They share insight on the history of 9/11 and the memorial pools, the survivor tree and the rebuilding. Tour will operate rain or shine so dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. Bus pick-up/return schedule: Fair Oaks Malldepart 6 a.m., return 11:30 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 6:30 a.m., return 11 p.m.; LeeRECdepart 7 a.m., return 10:30 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: April 10, 2015.

Warblers of Westmoreland Saturday, April 25


Code:274 292 4801

Includes van transportation. Migrating warblers and other songbirds are numerous along the Potomac River’s southern edge in spring. Visit Westmoreland State Park and George Washington’s birthplace. Bring a bag lunch and binoculars. Wear sturdy walking shoes. Trip includes a moderate hike. Departs from Packard Center at 7 a.m. and return at 5 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline is April, 10 2015.

Reptile Hot Spots in Northern Virginia

Children younger than 16 must be accompanied by a registered adult. Get on the trail with Mark, Mike and Tony, three of the area’s best local herpetologists and visit local herp hotspots, places where reptiles and amphibians may be found. Trip includes a moderate hike; wear good hiking shoes. You can bring a lunch/snack and water. Van departs Ellanor C. Lawrence Park at 9 a.m. and returns at 1 p.m. Sunday, April 26 Sunday, May 31 Sunday, June 14

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Fee:$24 Fee:$24 Fee:$24

Code:274 292 7301 Code:274 292 7302 Code:274 292 7303


Day Trips and Tours Hillwood Gardens & Tea, Washington, DC Tuesday, April 28


at the gift shop. The bus pick-up/return schedule: Lee District RECenter- depart 9 a.m., return 6 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 9:30 a.m., return 5:30 p.m.; Fair Oaks Mall- depart 10 a.m., return 5 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: May 8, 2015.

Code:290 291 6201

Includes motor coach, entrance fee, tour and afternoon tea. Tour the luscious formal gardens of Hillwood Estate in Washington, D.C. Tour the spring gardens and mansion, then sit and savor a delicious afternoon tea at the cafe. Trip departs Green Spring Gardens at 9:30 a.m. and returns at 5:30 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: April 13, 2015.

The Constitution Walking Tour, Philadelphia, PA Saturday, May 30

Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC Saturday, May 2


Code:316 290 9801

Includes motorcoach, guide, admission and lunch. Dumbarton Oaks is located in residential Georgetown. Stroll through the exquisite gardens that were planned by landscape gardener Beatrix Farrand. View the redesigned permanent exhibits featuring specialized collections of Byzantine and Pre-Columbian art, in addition to the European masterpiece on view in the historic Music Room. Walk through the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library that collects materials to support scholarship in Byzantine, Pre-Columbian and garden/landscape studies. Bus pick-up/return schedule: Fair Oaks Mall- depart 8:30 a.m., return 4:30 p.m., Mason Government Center- depart 9 a.m., return 4 p.m.; LeeREC- depart 9:30 a.m., return 3:30 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: April 17, 2015.

National Arboretum, Washington, DC Monday, May 4


Code:290 290 0001

Includes motor coach and tour. Getaway to the National Arboretum to see the glorious azalea and bonsai collections. Start with a private, guided bus tour and a drive by view of the grounds, then spend time walking the gardens near the visitor center. Bring a picnic if you like. The arboretum is walking intensive and some paths are not easily accessible. Trip departs Green Spring Gardens at 8 a.m. and returns at 1 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: April 17, 2015.

Shorebirds of the Delaware Bay Saturday, May 9


Code:274 292 4901

Includes van transportation. Journey to the Delaware Bay tidal marshes at the peak of migration to view shorebirds, waterfowl, eagles and many other birds feasting on horseshoe crab eggs. Bring a bag lunch and binoculars. Trip includes a moderate hike. Departs from Packard Center at 7 a.m. and return at 7 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline is April 24, 2015.

Polymath Park Luncheon Tour, Acme, PA Saturday, May 9


Code:319 290 1201

Includes motor coach, admission, guided tour and lunch. Experience the height of Usonian Style with a guided tour of Frank Lloyd Wrights Duncan House. Built in 1957 for everyday life in the 1950s, this house has had a remarkable journey. Learn the fascinating story of this homes journey from Illinois to Pennsylvania. Lunch is served after the tour at the Tree Tops Restaurant. After lunch browse the resort gift shop. Bus pick-up/return schedule is: Fair Oaks Mall- depart 6 am, return 8 pm; Mason Government Center- depart 6:30 am, return 7:30pm; Lee District RECenterdepart 7 am, return 7 pm. Trip cancelation deadline: April 24, 2015.

Virginia Wine and Craft Festival, Front Royal, VA Saturday, May 16


Code:316 290 7301

Includes motor coach, and admission. The 29th annual Virginia Wine & Craft festival is located in



Code:316 290 6501

Includes motor coach, guide, admission and meal. The Constitution Walking Tour is a 75 minute outdoor journey that provides an overview of the Independence National Historic Park area and visits many historical sites, including Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. This tour will be conducted rain or shine so dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. Bus pick-up/return schedule: Fair Oaks Mall- depart 5:30 a.m., return 7 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 6 a.m., return 6:30 p.m.; LeeREC- depart 6:30 a.m., return 6 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: May 14.

Spring offers one of the greatest shows on Earth as birds migrate north from their winter homes in southern climates. Travel to Western Maryland on June 6 to learn more about migrating birds in that region. downtown historic Front Royal. There are more than 20 Virginia wineries offering tastings and more than 100 crafters with wares to see and buy. Bus pick-up/ return schedule: LeeREC- depart 8:30 a.m., return 3:30 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 9 a.m., return 3 p.m.; Fair Oaks Mall- depart 9:30 a.m., return 2:30 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: May 1, 2015.

Chanticleer Gardens, Wayne, PA Wednesday, May 20


Code:290 291 0201

If you love gardens, Chanticleer in Wayne, Pa. is not to be missed with 35 acres of dynamic and creative garden displays, a beautiful blend of art and horticulture. Includes motor coach, entrance, guided tour, and lunch. Trip departs Green Spring Gardens at 7 a.m. and returns at 7 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: May 6, 2015.

Birds of Shenandoah National Park, Shenandoah, VA Saturday, May 23


Code:274 290 0801

Includes van transportation. Travel to Shenandoah National Park to view migrating wablers and other birds such as veerys, tangers, ravens and turkeys. Bring binoculars and a bag lunch. Dress for the weather. Moderate hiking involved. Trip departs from Ellanor C. Lawrence Park, Walney Visitor Center, 5040 Walney Road, Chantily at 7 a.m. and returns at 5 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: May 8, 2015.

Birds of Western Maryland Saturday, June 6


Code:357 290 8001

Includes van transportation. As the spring migration winds down in our area, venture to the Allegheny Plateau where birds are buzzing. Warblers are on territory and flycatchers are singing in the swamp. Stop at a variety of unique swamp and mountain habitats. Bring binoculars and a bag lunch. Dress for weather. Depart Riverbend Park Visitor Center at 7 a.m. and return 7 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline is May 22, 2015.

Tangier Island Cruise, Reedville, VA Saturday, June 6


Code:316 291 7901

Includes motor coach, ferry cruise and lunch. From Reedville, cruise across the Chesapeake Bay to the fishing village of Tangier. The ship may pass fishing boats working their nets and large ocean freighters traveling between ports. Enjoy a meal and tour the island on foot or by mini-bus. Bus pick-up/return schedule: Fair Oaks Mall-depart 6 a.m., return 8 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 6:30 a.m., return 7:30 p.m.; LeeREC- depart 7 a.m., return 7 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: May 21, 2015.

Cape May for a Day-Emlen Physick Estate, Cape May, NJ Saturday, June 13


Code:316 291 8701

Includes motor coach, ferry ride, trolley tour, lunch and step-on guide. Visit the Emlen Physick Estate and take the Trolley Tour, then board the bus to take in the sights while a step-on guide narrates your tour to Cape May Point. Return for shopping and sightseeing on your own in downtown Cape May. Bus pick-up/return: Fair Oaks Mall- depart 5 a.m., return 11:30 p.m.; Mason Government Center- depart 5:30 a.m., return 11 p.m.; LeeREC- depart 6 a.m., return 10:30 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: May 8, 2015.

Patsy Cline Museum & Museum of Shenandoah Valley, Winchester, VA

Ladew Topiary Gardens, Monkton, MD

Saturday, May 23

Includes motor coach, entrance fee, tour and lunch. Spend a spring morning at Ladew Topiary Gardens enjoying a tour of the house and beautiful gardens. Lunch will be served at the cafe on the grounds. Round off the day with a stop at Putnam Hill Nursery to shop for lovely garden annuals and perennials. Trip departs Green Spring Gardens at 8:15 a.m. and returns at 6:30 p.m. Trip cancelation deadline: June 11, 2015.


Code:316 290 5801

Includes motor coach, admissions, docents and lunch. On August 2, 2011 legendary singer Patsy Cline’s house opened to the public for guided tours in Winchester, Va. The house is furnished with some of her personal items and appears as it did when Patsy and her family lived there. In the afternoon, dine on a boxed lunch at the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley cafe. Then tour the museum, gardens and browse

Thursday, June 25

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Code:290 290 0101

Spring 2015

Equestrian and Farm

Equestrian Facilities

Riverbend Park, 8700 Potomac Hills Street, Great Falls Tamarack Park, 10400 Hunter Station Road, Herndon

Frying Pan Farm Park

Therapeutic Horseback Riding


Riders learn safe and effective horsemanship in an inclusive setting. Each lesson is tailored to the rider’s abilities. Therapeutic riding students may need physician’s approval to participate in classes.

2709 West Ox Rd., Herndon 703-437-9101 Frying Pan Farm Park has indoor and outdoor rid­ing arenas, jump equipment, a dressage ring, cross country course and brand-new sound system. Throughout the year, horse shows make regular use of the in­door arena and state of the art barns with stalls for 180 horses. Due to the heavy use of indoor riding arena, please call for availability and cost. Frying Pan Farm Park does not have horses for rent. For show schedules, entry forms and rental details: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/fryingpanpark/equest.htm

BHAF 8--1 hour lessons--$676

Frying Pan Farm Park Equestrian Program

All classes at Frying Pan Farm Park are taught by Spirit Open Equestrian Program, Inc. (www.spirite­questrian. org) and offer a safe and fun equestrian program for people of all ages and abilities. Using Natural Horsemanship techniques, participants learn basic horseback riding, horse care, tacking, theory and safety around horses. All classes are group lessons with a ratio of 1-2 instructors for 5-10riders. Classes are held outdoors and indoors depending on facility availability. The instructor has the discretion to modify, cancel or combine lessons in any situation which might compromise rider safety. All riders should arrive 15 minutes prior to class, wear long pants, shoes or boots with heels and dress for the weather. Helmets are mandatory, you may bring your own or one will be provided. All participants must fill out paperwork prior to the first class. Download forms at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/fpp/equest.htm.

Turner Farm Park

925 Springvale Rd., Great Falls 703-388-2807 This former dairy farm includes almost 40 acres of open fields enclosed by perimeter fencing and is open for general riding. Features include a novice-level, cross-country course complete with water, ditch and bank complexes, a round pen and a large multi-purpose outdoor arena (200’ x 300’) with all-weather footing, stadium jumps and dressage mark­ers. Equestrian facility use is free, and reservations are not required. The facilities are available from dawn to dusk daily. Turner Farm Park does not have horses for rent; you need to bring your own.

Lucia Farms

14490 Berlin Turnpike. Lovettsville. Located ap­proximately 60 minutes from Fairfax City. Lucia Farms is dedicated to educating students on quality horses and ponies in a safe, friendly environment. Class size limited to eight students. Student should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to class time in order to prepare their horse. Student weight must not exceed 200 pounds. Stable has indoor and outdoor lighted facilities.

Fan us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/fairfaxcountyparks Spring 2015

Location Day Time


(4-Adult) Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk

282 285 0801 03/23 BHAF 282 285 0802 03/23 BHAF 282 285 0803 03/24 BHAF 282 285 0804 03/24 BHAF 282 285 0805 03/26 BHAF 282 285 0806 03/26 BHAF

M M T T Th Th

6pm 7pm 6pm 7pm 6pm 7pm

Begin $

Horseback Riding-Beginner

For the student who has never taken lessons and wants to learn the basics. BHAC 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$279 BHAE 8--55 minute lessons--$717 BHAJ 9--1 hour lessons--$688

Saddle up for the great outdoors and explore happy trails along your local frontier! Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program (NVTRP)

6429 Clifton Road, Clifton. NVTRP operates at Little Full Cry Farm near historic Clifton. NVTRP teaches riding and horse­manship skills to individuals with and without disabilities. The program horses are friendly and well trained. Riders must be punctual and follow all barn rules. Minimum age is six and maximum weight is 225 pounds. Class size is limited. Visit www.nvtrp.org for forms.

Classes English Style Riding Lessons

Please note that if you are unable to attend class, you must notify the stable at least one day in advance. Please check with the stable; a make-up fee may be charged. For safety’s sake, students must wear riding helmets and hard-soled shoes with a heel, not athletic shoes.

Trails The following trails are open to horses and riders: Burke Lake Park, 7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station

Clarks Crossing Park, 9850 Clarks Crossing Road, Vienna Difficult Run Stream Valley Park, from W&OD Trail in Reston to Leesburg Pike Fox Mill District Park, 2801 Fox Mill Road, Chantilly Lake Fairfax Park, 1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston Popes Head Park, 5600 Quiet Brook Road, Clifton

Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) NVTRP (8-14 yrs.) Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Lucia Farms Lucia Farms (13-Adult) Lucia Farms Lucia Farms

282 285 1001 03/25 BHAE 282 285 1002 03/25 BHAE 485 285 1001 03/27 BHAC 485 285 1002 03/21 BHAC


Begin $

6:30pm 566 285 2001 03/24 BHAJ

W 6pm W 7pm F 4:30pm Sa 2pm

Su 1:30pm 485 285 1101 W 6pm 485 285 1102

03/22 BHAC 03/25 BHAC

Horseback Riding-Advanced Beginner

For experienced beginners who can groom and tack a horse, trot on diagonal, change leads and directions, canter and halt with confidence. BHAJ 9--1 hour lessons--$688 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) NVTRP NVTRP

Su Su


Begin $

3:30pm 566 285 2101 03/22 BHAJ 4:30pm 566 285 2102 03/22 BHAJ

Kidwell Farm at Frying Pan Park 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon, Va. 20171 Phone: 703-437-9101

Down on the Farm

Meet draft horses, chickens, peacocks, rabbits, sheep, goats, cows and pigs at Kidwell Farm, Frying Pan Park’s working farm of the 1930s’ era. Pet the friendly farm animals, take a hayride or watch the farm hands at work. At the Kidwell Farm House, you can sit for a spell on the porch or take a tour to see how farm families lived in the 1930s. Kidwell Farm is open daily 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Groups are welcome, and school programs are available by appointment. Call for tour information.

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Equestrian and Farm Code: 282 283 6704 Code: 282 283 6706 Code: 282 283 6707

4-5pm 4-5pm 4-5pm

5/21 6/4 6/18

$5/person $5/person $5/person

Sundays Life’s a Garden...Dig It!

(8-12 yrs.) Catch and identify helpful insects that help plants grow, learn how plants sustain themselves and others and learn how plants dominate their territory. This outdoor program includes digging, moving and lots of mud, so come prepared to get dirty. Participants who purchase a container starter kit will walk away with a pot, soil, and seeds specific to each class topic. Topics: 5/3 Soil health and worms, 5/17 Three Sisters Gardens, 5/17 Salsa, Pizza, and Pickles, oh my! 5/31 The most reliable helpers, 6/14 Pollinators! Code: 282 201 8001 Code: 282 201 8005 Code: 282 201 8002 Code: 282 201 8006 Code: 282 201 8003 Code: 282 201 8007 Code: 282 201 8004 Code: 282 201 8008

1:30-2:30pm 1:30-2:30pm 1:30-2:30pm 1:30-2:30pm 1:30-2:30pm 1:30-2:30pm 1:30-2:30pm 1:30-2:30pm

5/3 5/3 5/17 5/17 5/31 5/31 6/14 6/14

$6/without kit $20/with kit $6/without kit $20/with kit $6/without kit $20/with kit $6/without kit $20/with kit

April 11 Saturday Kite Fun Day at the Farm (2-10 yrs.)

Make and decorate a kite; then watch it soar. Kite flying activities for children 10 yrs. and younger. Prepaid reservations required. Code: 282 288 0501 10:30-noon Code: 282 288 0502 1-2:30pm

Have fun on the farm visiting the livestock at Frying Pan Farm Park. Start by visiting the babies in the spring, and return each season to see how they’ve grown. The Country Store 703-435-3710 Located in the former Vocational Agriculture Shop (c. 1920), the Frying Pan Country Store is a one-stop shop with something for everyone – books of all kinds, toys, snacks and drinks, decorative items for the home and unique gifts for farm, equestrian and history enthusiasts. Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. March – Dec. Call the park for more information.

Historic Buildings Floris Schoolhouse: Grades one through nine were taught in the Floris Schoolhouse from 1911 to 1920. The schoolhouse is now used for arts and crafts, fitness programs, camps and scout and children’s classes. Blacksmith Shop: Joseph Moffet and his son Henry operated the Moffet Blacksmith Shop in Herndon from 1904 to 1955. The shop was moved to Frying Pan Farm Park in 1975 and contains much of the blacksmith’s original equipment. The shop is open to the public during special events. Spring Meeting House: Built in 1791, the Frying Pan Spring Meeting House served as a hospital during the Civil War and boasts connections to Patrick Henry, James Madison and the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visitors may stroll the grounds; the building is open by appointment only.


Farm Wednesday Farm Explorers

(3-5 yrs.) Journey into Frying Pan with this new Wednesday evening preschool age program. Get involved in hands on activities including games, demonstrations, animal encounters, crafts and short hikes. Topics: 3/25 Goats, 4/1 Animal Superstitions, 4/15 Vernal pools/Frogs & Toads, 4/29 Gardens, 5/13 Farm Birds, 5/27 Farmer’s Friends, 6/10 Tree Hike. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 282 202 5601 Code: 282 202 5602 Code: 282 202 5603 Code: 282 202 5604 Code: 282 202 5605 Code: 282 202 5606 Code: 282 202 5607

4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm

3/25 4/1 4/15 4/29 5/13 5/27 6/10

$6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child

Thursdays Jr. Farmer Family Fun (2-Adult)

This family program goes behind the scenes to help the farmers at Frying Pan Farm Park. Come help with farm chores such as milking the cows, feeding the animals and shelling corn. Topics and activities vary. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 282 283 6708 Code: 282 283 6702 Code: 282 283 6703

4-5pm 4-5pm 4-5pm

4/9 4/23 5/7

$5/person $5/person $5/person

$10/child $10/child

April 6 Monday Little Hands on the Farm

Join us in the Kidwell Barn Classroom and learn all about farm animals,farm chores,and enjoy a story,craft or game. Adults must attend class with child. Class meets every other Monday for five sessions. (2-3 yrs.) Code: 282 286 2301 (3-5 yrs.) Code: 282 286 2401

9:45-10:00am 11-11:45am

$32/ $32/child

April 26 Sunday These Walls are Talking….Come hear their Civil War Stories 1-3pm Free

(8-Adult) Go back in time to 1861 when the Frying Pan Meeting House served as a field hospital and historic battles took place. Learn about the Pamunkey Indians role in the war. Pulling from their intimate knowledge of the riverine landscape, Pamunkey men served as pilots and scouts on Union gunboats that traversed Virginia waterways. Pamunkey women held ground on the reservation, working to aid Union soldiers who encamped near the community throughout the war. We invite you to listen to Pamunkey and Civil War re-enactors, view hands-on exhibits and watch these stories come to life! Meet at Frying Pan Farm Park Meeting House: 2615 Centreville Rd, Herndon 20171

May 9 Saturday Spring Farm Day

(2-Adult) Watch sheep shearing and antique farm equipment demonstrations. Participate in hands-on farm activities such as cow and goat milking. Enjoy crafts, games, puppet shows and get an up-close introduction to the baby farm animals. Code: 282 282 6701 10am-3pm

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Spring 2015

Events Code: 308 289 6907 Code: 308 289 6908 Code: 308 289 6909 Code: 308 289 6910 Code: 308 289 6911 Code: 308 289 6912

Events March 14 Saturday Watershed Clean-Up Day (All ages)

9 a.m.-noon. Be part of the Potomac Watershed Cleanup. Individuals, students, families, scouts and other community groups can help clear the earth’s arteries by collecting tires, bed springs, bottles, cans and other debris. Give the waterways in your community a clean bill of health and earn the gratitude of your furred, feathered and scaled neighbors. Wear boots and old clothes and bring gloves. Trash bags and appreciation provided. This is a great community service project and counts toward government hours for school requirements. Help at one of these sites. Please call to reserve a section of the watershed. Cub Run RECenter: 703-817-9407 Hidden Oaks Nature Center: 703-941-1065 Hidden Pond Nature Center: 703-451-9588 Huntley Meadows Park: 703-768-2525 Lake Fairfax: 703-471-5415 Riverbend Park: 703-759-9018 E.C. Lawrence Park: 703-631-0013 Lake Accotink Park, April 11: 703-569-3464

March 21 Saturday Easter Eggstravaganza at Frying Pan Farm Park (1-4 yrs.) Egg hunt and animal visit outdoors at the

Frying Pan Farm Park Visitor Center, 703-437-9101. Hunt for eggs that contain treats and prizes. Weather decision will be made by 8 a.m. and makeup date would be Sunday, April 5 same hunt times. Code: 282 286 3801 Code: 282 286 3802 Code: 282 286 3803 Code: 282 286 3804 (1-6 yrs.) Code: 282 287 0001 Code: 282 287 0002

10-10:45am 11-11:45am 12-12:45pm 1-1:45pm

$6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child

2-2:45pm 3-3:45pm

$6/child $6/child

March 28 Saturday Easter Egg Hunt at Colvin Run Mill

(2-9 yrs.) Hunt for eggs filled with treats and treasures on the grounds of Colvin Run Mill Historic Site. Separate hunts by age group. Before the hunt, make egg-cellent crafts to take home. Bring your own basket; program will be held rain or shine. (2-3 yrs.) Code: 266 284 2001 Code: 266 284 2004 (4-5 yrs.) Code: 266 284 2002 (6-8 yrs.) Code: 266 284 2003

10-10:45am 12:15-1pm

$6/child $6/child



11:30am-12:15pm $6/child

March 28 Saturday Easter Egg Hunt at Clemyjontri (1-6 yrs.)

Come out for kid-friendly Easter fun including egg hunts, crafts, photo ops with the Easter Bunny, and more at Clemyjontri Park. Egg hunts are split by age and run every thirty minutes. Preregistration required. Carousel rides available for $1.75/child. Visit with the

Spring 2015

2:45-3:30pm 4-4:45pm 12:15-1pm 1:30-2:15pm 2:45-3:30pm 4-4:45pm

3/29 3/29 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5

$7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child

March 29 Sunday Easter Egg Hunt at Lake Fairfax Park

(1-3 yrs.) Hunt for eggs filled with treats and treasures

on the grounds at Lake Fairfax Park. Pre-paid reservations required. Code: 835 281 1501 Code: 835 281 1502 Code: 835 281 1503 Code: 835 281 1504 (5-7 yrs.) Code: 835 281 1601 Code: 835 281 1602

11-11:45am 12-12:45pm 12:45-1:30pm 1:30-2:15pm

$6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child

2:15-3:00pm 3pm-3:45pm

$6/child $6/child

April 4 Saturday Easter Egg Hunt at Nottoway Park

Say “Arrgh” at the Pirate Fest on Saturday May 2 at Lake Fairfax Park. A day when everyone gets to be a pirate. Easter Bunny before or after your hunt. Rain date Sunday, March 29th. (1-3 yrs.) Code: 855 203 3801 Code: 855 203 3802 Code: 855 203 3803 Code: 855 203 3804 (4-6 yrs.) Code: 855 203 3805 Code: 855 203 3806 Code: 855 203 3807 Code: 855 203 3808

10-10:45am 10:45-11:30am 11:30am-12:15pm 12:15-12:30pm

$6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child

11-11:45am 11:45am-12:30pm 12:30-1:15pm 1:15-2pm

$6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child

March 28 Saturday Easter Egg Hunt at Sully

(2-7 yrs.) Bring your baskets and hunt for Easter eggs.

Join the egg roll, visit baby animals, see the Easter Bunny and make a craft. Rain date 3/29.

Code: 381 203 1001 Code: 381 203 1002 Code: 381 203 1003

12-1pm 1-2pm 2-3pm

$6/child $6/child $6/child

(1-9 yrs.) $9. Bring your basket and hunt for candy, toys and eggs.. Visit with the Easter bunny for photos. Door prizes for each age group. Egg hunt start times: 10:30 a.m. (1-2 yrs.); 11 a.m. (3-4 yrs.) , 11:30 a.m. (5-6 yrs.) , 12 p.m. (7-9 yrs.) . Walk-in registration starts at 9:30 a.m. in the picnic shelter (cash only); weather decision will be made at 8:30 a.m. Call 703-324-8566.

April 11 Saturday Children’s Cherry Blossom Celebration

(5-Adult) Come to Green Spring Gardens to celebrate spring and the Japanese gift of the cherry trees. Take the chop stick challenge, paint a paper lantern, rake a Zen garden, fold origami and more. This openhouse format includes a mixture of free activities and fee-based crafts. Advance registration for craft ticket recommended. Code: 290 289 9201



May 2 Saturday Pirate Fest

(3-Adult) Lake Fairfax Park. Pirates, privateers, and

ports of call, ahoy! This festival celebrates Virginia’s seafaring and port trading past. Join in singing sea chanteys, tavern tunes and pirate ditties. Learn nautical skills and experience the life of a sailor as you make your way around our port town. Wear your most dashing pirate clothes and enter our costume contest. Shop our exotic market and take some treasure home for yourself. Bring your young pirates to our special children’s cove. A pirate-themed tour boat ride is available separately for $2. See website for boat reservation details.

March 28 Saturday and March 29 or April 5 Sundays Dinosaur Egg Hunt

Code: 835 202 1401

to enjoy a dinosaur-themed program and outdoor egg hunt while visiting dinoland in Nature Playce. Make a dino craft. Canceled in case of rain.

(All ages) Come help celebrate 40 years of education

(2-8 yrs.) Stomp over to Hidden Oaks Nature Center

Code: 308 289 6901 Code: 308 289 6902 Code: 308 289 6903 Code: 308 289 6904 Code: 308 289 6905 Code: 308 289 6906

12:15-1pm 1:30-2:15pm 2:45-3:30pm 4-4:45pm 12:15-1pm 1:30-2:15pm

3/28 3/28 3/28 3/28 3/29 3/29

$7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child

10 am-5 pm

May 3 Sunday Wetlands Awareness Day



and exploration at Huntley Meadows Park. Enjoy an active, colorful afternoon with live animal and park history presentations, nature activities and family fun in this major park with its wetland boardwalk and wildlife observation tower. Bring friends and family to learn all about wetland ecology, local natural history and the importance of our wetlands.

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes



The Ides of Bark! Grist Mill Park

1st annual festival for dogs and their owners

Games • Prizes • Food • Fun Free Admission! License you dog with Fairfax County. $10 (cash or check) Demonstrations by the Fairfax County Police K-9 Unit

to a Park

May - November 2015 For more information, call 703-324-5390 or go to www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/farmersmarkets

Sunday, March 15, 2015 • 1-4 p.m. 4710 Mt Vernon Memorial Hwy, Alexandria



For your office or organization’s next business gathering

Buy local fruits, vegetables, baked good, plants, cut flowers, honey, meat, dairy, eggs and more at the Fairfax County Farmers Markets!

WEDNESDAYS a McCutcheon/Mt. Vernon May 6 - Dec. 16, 8 a.m.-Noon Sherwood Library - 2501 Sherwood Hall Lane

a Vienna/Oakton May 6 - Nov. 18, 8 a.m.-Noon Oak Marr Recreation Center, 3200 Jermantown Rd.

a Wakefield Park, Annandale May 6 - Oct. 28, 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Wakefield Park, 8100 Braddock Rd.

THURSDAYS a Fairfax County Government Center May 7 - Oct. 29, 3 p.m.-7 p.m. Sponsored by Mount Vernon District Supervisor Gerry Hyland

12011 Government Center Pkwy

www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks Inclusion and ADA Support 703-324-8563. TTY 703-803-3354.

a Mason District Park, Annandale May 7 - Nov. 12, 8 a.m.-Noon

Nature and culture are at your doorstep when you rent a room for a meeting, training or team building at a Fairfax County nature center or visitor center.

6621 Columbia Pike

Bluebells at the Bend Festival

a Old Town, Herndon May 7 - Nov. 12, 8 a.m.-Noon 777 Lynn St., next to Red Caboose

FRIDAYS a Kingstowne, Alexandria May 1 - Oct. 30, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. 5935 Kingstowne Towne Center

a McLean May 1 - Nov. 20, 8 a.m.-Noon

Saturday, April 11 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Riverbend Park

Lewinsville Park, 1659 Chain Bridge Rd.

See the first signs of spring’s arrival - the carpet of Virginia Bluebells throughout the forest!

VRE Parking Lot, 5671 Roberts Parkway

• wildflower walks • wagon rides • face painting • live animals • moonbounce • music and more!

SATURDAYS a Burke May 2 - Nov. 21, 8 a.m.-Noon a Reston May 2 - Nov. 14, 8 a.m.-Noon Lake Anne Village Center 11401 North Shore Dr.

SUNDAYS a Lorton May 3 - Nov. 8, 8 a.m.-Noon VRE Parking Lot, 8990 Lorton Station Blvd.

a = Master Gardener Plant Clinic For more information and directions, visit: http://go.usa.gov/DIp

703-759-9018 102

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

For reservations or more information, contact: Frying Pan Farm Park Visitor Center Herndon, 703-437-9101 Hidden Oaks Nature Center Annandale, 703-941-1065 Hidden Pond Nature Center Springfield, 703-451-9588 Green Spring Gardens Horticulture Center Alexandria, 703-642-5173 Huntley Meadows Park Alexandria, 703-768-2525 Walney Visitor Center at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park, Chantilly, 703-631-0013 Riverbend Nature Center Great Falls, 703-759-9018 For larger events such as weddings, celebrations, corporate meetings and retreats, consider renting our historic properties. Call 703-827-0269 for more information or visit http://go.usa.gov/KSg to learn about all Park Authority rental facilities. Spring 2015




te F a r

Saturday, April 25, 2015 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Workhouse Arts Center

9518 Workhouse Way, Lorton,Va.

Saturday, May 2, 2015 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

This Earth Day and Arbor Day celebration features family-friendly games, hands-on activities, a climbing wall, bounce house, pony rides, reptiles and more!

Event admission is Free!

$10 Register with code 835 202 1401

Some activities require the purchase of tickets.

Visit www.sprinfestfairfax.org for more information.

Lake Fairfax Park 1400 Lake Fairfax Dr. Reston (near the Water Mine)

Rain or Shine! Pirates and Privateers-AHOY! This lakeside festival celebrates Virginia’s seafaring and port-trading past. Food, Fun, Music, Markets and more! For site and event information, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/lakefairfax For reasonable ADA accomodations, contact inclusion and ADA Support at 703-324-8563 or 703-803-3354 TTY

A 150th Anniversary Civil War Event

15th Fairfax Civil War Day

Saturday, April 25 ★ 10am – 5pm Hayrides ★ Camps ★ House Graffiti Tours ★ Meet Lee, Mosby, Clara Barton & Others

Cannon Firing

Civil War Balloon Demo


Historic Blenheim 3610 Old Lee Hwy, Fairfax, VA 22030 ★ www.fairfaxva.gov ★ (703) 591-0560

$5/Adults ★ $3/Youth 3-12 ★ Free/2 and under No parking at Blenheim site, FREE shuttle from Fairfax High School (3501 Rebel Run)

Food by

Proceeds benefit restoration of Historic Blenheim.

Kids under 12 Free When You Bring This Ad. Limit One Ad Per Family

Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Exercise and Physical Fitness strength, flexibility, balance, posture, stabilization and endurance training.

Exercise and Physical Fitness

2EA 5--55 minute lessons--$54 2EB 11--55 minute lessons--$117

Our Fitness and Wellness team is dedicated to putting fun in fitness. Whether you pay the daily RECenter admission fee or purchase a longer-term pass, your admission entitles you to the variety and convenience of more than 150 drop-in classes a week. RECenters also offer specialty classes for an additional registration fee.

Location Day Time


SoRunREC SoRunREC PinecrestGC PinecrestGC PinecrestGC

167 226 4001 04/11 167 226 4002 04/11 512 226 4001 04/07 512 226 4002 05/26 512 226 4003 04/11

RECenter Membership Pass--your ticket to fitness!

Kettlebell training is an excellent way to burn fat while building strength and power with just the right amount of controlled, explosive movement. Learn how to safely execute kettlebell technique and how to make appropriate modifications that work every major muscle group. The workout is comprehensive, fun and much different from your regular weight training routine.

Not getting the results you want from your workout? A personal trainer can help. Our trainers’ expert guidance and education can remove obstacles and help you reach your true potential. Our trainers: • Use the latest research and training techniques to overcome plateaus and jumpstart your workout • Provide accountability and motivation to put you on the fast track to your desired results • Help with specific illness, injury or conditions • Provide sports-specific training improve your performance Invest in your future fitness and enjoy the healthy payoff of working with one of our dedicated trainers. Small-group and private lessons in Pilates/reformer, yoga, TRX suspension training, and sports-specific conditioning available. For more information visit http://go.usa.gov/5Tg or call your local RECenter.

Join our Team

We are always looking for talented trainers and instructors to enhance our professional team and bring the best in fitness to our community. To learn more, contact Liz Ittner at elizabeth.ittner@fairfaxcounty. gov.

Group Muscular Strength and Conditioning BODYPUMP is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. Challenge all of your major muscle groups by using the best weight-room exercises like squats, presses, lifts and curls. Great music, awesome instructors and your choice of weight inspire you to get the results you came for! Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAC 11--55 minute lessons--$139 Location Day Time



159 226 4301 04/06 2EAC 159 226 4302 04/08 2EAC



6pm 6pm


Spice up your fitness routine with TRX Suspension Training. The system can be adjusted to suit any fitness level. SRunREC SRunREC SRunREC SRunREC SRunREC Wkfld/Mre CubRnREC CubRnREC CubRnREC LeeREC LeeREC

Th M W Th F W Sa Sa M M Su

5:50pm 6:50pm 8pm 8pm 10am 6pm 7am 9:50am 7:30pm 5:45pm 8:05am

167 226 4301 04/09 2EAC 167 226 4302 04/06 2EAC 167 226 4303 04/08 2EAC 167 226 4304 04/09 2EAC 167 226 4305 04/10 2EAC 183 226 4301 04/08 2EAC 192 226 4301 04/11 2EAC 192 226 4302 04/11 2EAC 192 226 4303 04/06 2EAC 456 226 4301 04/06 2EAC 456 226 4302 04/12 2EAC

Fitness for Women (16-Adult)

This program delivers a female-friendly fitness makeover. Our trainers use the latest research tips on nutrition, strength, flexibility and overall conditioning to help women achieve their goals. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time SpHillREC Wkfld/Mre



Begin $

Begin $ 2EB 2EA 2EA 2EA 2EA

10am 175 225 4001 04/10 2EB 10:30am 183 225 4001 04/08 2EB

This class focuses on strengthening the core using foam rollers. Balance and muscle re-education help to enhance coordination and fine motor skills. This challenging core class ends with a relaxing cool down using rollers for self-massage. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 228 9201 04/08 2EB



Golf Fit (13-Adult)

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 226 5801 04/07 2EB



Begin $

MMA Fitness Conditioning (16-Adult)

Enjoy a high-intensity and challenging workout with the conditioning level seen in our finest MMA athletes including strength, cardio, quickness drills and jumprope, as well as striking drills using bags and pads. Bring your wraps and boxing or MMA gloves for this circuit-based workout. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time SpHillREC



Begin $

5:30pm 175 226 6101 04/06 2EB

TRX Suspension Boot Camp (13-Adult)

Join the TRX Suspension Boot Camp class and discover the complete cross-training component to help you achieve your fitness goals. This class combines the benefit of a versatile and challenging total-body workout on the TRX Suspension training system with the dynamic nature of a group setting. The TRX Suspension trainer is adjustable for any fitness level, and each class is guided by trained TRX instructor. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAC 11--55 minute lessons--$139

Begin $

Foam Roller Core & Balance Workout (13-Adult)

BODYPUMP (13-Adult)

10am 10am 6pm 6pm 9am

Kettlebell Training (16-Adult)

• No initiation fee and convenient pass options. Visit http://go.usa.gov/5TK for a list of rates. • More than 300 county-wide drop-in fitness classes per week. Visit http://go.usa.gov/52S to see the list. • Access to eight fully equipped fitness centers with Cybex machines, treadmills, ellipticals and more. • Fitlinxx computerized fitness tracking system. • Pass privileges also include use of pools and admission to selected special events. For more information, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks or your RECenter.

Personal Training

Sa Sa T T Sa

Begin $

For the golfer who wants a better, all-around game through a golf-specific fitness program. Improve your

Location Day Time



175 226 4801 04/11 2EAC 192 226 4801 04/06 2EAC

Sa M

8am 7pm

Begin $

TRX Suspension Training (13-Adult)

TRX suspension training allows both seasoned athletes and beginners to get an edge up on personal fitness for a totally toned body. TRX uses individual body weight, gravity and suspension tools in an exciting way to get a whole new workout. Try this customized workout using the right percentage of resistance under the guidance of a trained TRX instructor. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAC 11--55 minute lessons--$139 Location Day Time



167 228 4101 04/11 2EAC 167 228 4102 04/07 2EAC 167 228 4103 04/08 2EAC

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Sa T W

10am 6pm 9am

Begin $

Spring 2015

Exercise and Physical Fitness SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC CubRunREC SoRunREC

T W Th Sa W Sa Th Th

9am 9am 10am 11am 9am 11am 9:30am 9:30am

175 228 4101 04/07 2EAC 175 228 4102 04/08 2EAC 175 228 4103 04/09 2EAC 175 228 4104 04/11 2EAC 183 228 4101 04/08 2EAC 192 228 4101 04/11 2EAC 192 228 4102 04/09 2EAC 192 228 4102 04/09 2EAC

TRX II (13-Adult)

Want a more intense TRX class? Come try out TRX II with more advanced moves. Prerequisite: TRX I. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAC 11--55 minute lessons--$139 Location Day Time



167 226 4401 04/07 2EAC



Begin $

Weight Training (16-Adult)

Learn the basics. Weight circuit safety, techniques and orientation are covered. A great place to start if you are new to fitness rooms. 2EX 11--55 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time



167 225 3501 04/12 2EX 167 225 3502 04/08 2EX 175 225 3501 04/09 2EX

Su W Th

7pm 7pm 7pm

Begin $

Weight Training for Women I (16-Adult)

Learn the basics. Weight circuit safety, techniques and orientation are covered. 2EX 11--55 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


Begin $


167 225 3701 167 225 3702 167 225 3703 175 225 3701

04/12 04/06 04/08 04/08

Su M W W

7pm 11am 11am 10am


Group Aerobic Exercise This class incorporates ballet exercises, barres and light weights to help you tone and define your muscles. Core, arms, seat and thighs are targeted to give you results that make you look good and feel great. Learn the secrets of dancers for a totally toned body. Barre techniques class highly recommended prior to this program. Socks required. 11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



167 226 5601 04/08 175 226 5601 04/06 175 226 5602 04/08 175 226 5603 04/09 175 226 5604 0 4/11 183 226 5601 04/08 192 226 5601 04/12 192 226 5602 04/06 192 226 5603 04/10 456 226 5601 04/12 456 226 5602 04/10

W M W Th Sa W Su M F Su F

11am 10am 7pm 11am 10am 6pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 8pm 6:30pm 9am

Begin $ 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB

For more classes, see www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Spring 2015

Fun, physical training that may include a combination of calisthenics, floor exercise and outdoor work. Great for the intermediate or advanced exerciser who is looking to mix things up a bit. Classes at Lake Accotink are held outdoors. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 226 2501 04/06 175 226 2502 05/04 175 226 2503 06/01 456 226 2501 04/06 456 226 2502 04/09

M/W/F 6am M/W/F 6am M/W/F 6am M 7:30pm Th 7:30pm

Begin $ 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB

BOSU Athletic Power (13-Adult)

Use the BOSU Balance Trainer and other small equipment to perform conditioning drills aimed at improving strength, agility and balance. Great training both for functional stability and movement in daily life and for power and quickness in athletic competition. 2EAC 11--55 minute lessons--$139 Location Day Time



175 228 3801 04/10 2EAC



Begin $

Boxing for Fitness I (13-Adult)

Push yourself to a new fitness level with traditional boxing moves to get yourself in champion shape. No gloves/wraps required. Optional light contact. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time


Wkfld/Mre LeeREC LeeREC

183 226 2601 04/08 2EB 456 226 2601 04/06 2EB 456 226 2602 04/08 2EB


8pm 7:30pm 7:30pm

Begin $

Cardio Kickboxing (13-Adult)

This high-energy cardio class tones your entire body plus teaches you self-defense tactics. No contact required. Bag gloves are recommended. 2EC

Barre Workout (13-Adult)


Boot Camp (13-Adult)

22--55 minute lessons--$236

Location Day Time



159 226 3601 04/07 2EC

T/Th 7pm

Begin $

Crew (13-Adult)

This class offers a non-impact, cardiovascular workout that strengthens both the upper and lower body while burning a significant amount of calories. Rowers are provided. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



456 226 1701 04/10 2EB 456 226 1702 04/12 2EB

F Su

9am 9am

Begin $

Crew-Advanced (13-Adult)

This class focuses on advanced cardiovascular workouts and techniques for the indoor rowing machine. Must have at least six months of indoor rower experience. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



456 229 2201 04/12 2EB



Cycle Core (13-Adult)

Begin $

A spin/Pilates basic mat class. Move with power through increased core strength and bring the outdoor

challenge indoors as you ride your way to a stronger, leaner body. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time


Begin $


142 226 4501 142 226 4502 175 226 4501 175 226 4502

04/06 04/09 04/06 04/09

M Th M Th

6pm 7pm 9am 10am


Cycle Flow (13-Adult)

This unique blend of Pilates, yoga and strength conditioning coupled with indoor cycling challenges your mat workout while utilizing balance, strength and flexibility. Class is designed for all fitness levels. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time SpHillREC LeeREC



Begin $

10am 175 226 4601 04/07 2EB 8:30pm 456 226 4601 04/06 2EB

Cycle Spin Performance (13-Adult)

Increase your competitive edge by practicing recovery, strength, endurance and interval drills. Improve performance with specificity of training and powerful cycling techniques. Heart monitors are not required but are recommended. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



183 226 3201 04/09 2EB



Begin $

Indo Row (13-Adult)

Indo Row is an indoor rower that uses water as resistance to stimulate the authentic feel and sound of being on the water. Indo Row’s unique format uses all the elements of real rowing to create a class that provides a transforming total-body workout that challenges the body and focuses the mind. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



472 229 2101 04/09 2EB



Begin $

Insanity (13-Adult)

Insanity is a cardio-based, total-body conditioning program. Unlike traditional, old-school workouts that feature short bursts of maximum intensity with longer periods of rest, Insanity flips that formula upside-down, using MAX Interval Training, which replaces traditional moderate-intensity exercise with maximum-intensity exercise, giving you the best workout in the shortest period of time. All fitness levels are welcome. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time


Wkfld/Mre LeeREC

183 225 1401 04/09 2EB 456 225 1401 04/07 2EB

Th T

6pm 5pm

Begin $

Low Impact Aerobics (13-Adult)

Low-impact class that offers an exciting, moderate intensity aerobic workout with less joint stress than traditional aerobics. Bring a mat and a towel to class. BEDA

20--55 minute lessons--$187

Location Day Time


WhiteOak ES T/Th 6pm

128 226 0901 01/13 BEDA

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Begin $


Exercise and Physical Fitness Row Flow (13-Adult)

This unique blend of Pilates, yoga, and strength training coupled with indoor rowing challenges your mat workout while utilizing balance, strength and flexibility. Class is designed for all fitness levels. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time LeeREC



Begin $

8:30pm 456 227 2701 04/06 2EB

Zumba (13-Adult)

Dance themes combined with music turn fitness into a party! Maximize caloric output and tone your body using easy-to-follow dance steps. All levels welcome. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time OakMarREC T OakMarREC T OakMarREC T OakMarREC Sa ProvREC W ProvREC M ProvREC Sa ProvREC Th SoRunREC W SoRunREC F SpHillREC T SpHillREC Th CubRunREC T CubRunREC Th LeeREC W LeeREC W LeeREC F LeeREC Sa


Begin $

6pm 142 225 2601 04/07 7pm 142 225 2602 04/07 8pm 142 225 2603 04/07 10am 142 225 2604 04/11 6pm 159 225 2601 04/08 7pm 159 225 2602 04/06 10am 159 225 2603 04/11 8pm 159 225 2604 04/09 8pm 167 225 2601 04/08 9am 167 225 2602 04/10 7pm 175 225 2601 04/07 7pm 175 225 2602 04/09 10am 192 225 2601 04/07 10am 192 225 2602 04/09 7:30pm 456 225 2601 04/08 8am 456 225 2602 04/08 8am 456 225 2603 04/10 9am 456 225 2604 04/11


Zumba Step (13-Adult)

Zumba Step offers you all of the Zumba fitness party fun that you love plus step toning and strengthening for your legs and glutes. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



183 228 6301 04/09 2EB



Zumba-Toning (16-Adult)

Zumba Toning is the perfect way for enthusiasts to sculpt their bodies naturally while having a total blast. Come join the party. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Mre



Learn cycling basics outside. Cycle maintenance, proper equipment and clothing are all covered. The first class meets at the park, later classes meet at different bike trails throughout Fairfax County. Come prepared to ride during the first class and don’t forget your gear. Bikes and helmets required. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



167 226 3001 04/11 2EB



Add dimension to your fitness routine as you refresh and connect with nature. Enjoy fitness-building hiking on the trails, along the river, through the meadows or around the lake. This aerobic workout is great for beating stress and getting into shape while enjoying the great outdoors. 2EK 11--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$235 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Sa

357 229 1901 03/21 2EK


Begin $

Outdoor Fitness (16-Adult)

Recreational exercise in the great outdoors! Learn the basics to participate safely and effectively in lifetime sports such as jogging, biking, walking, boating and more. Develop a varied fitness routine. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 228 1101 04/08 2EB



Begin $

Running for Fitness (13-Adult)

Biking for Fitness I (13-Adult)

Begin $

SPRING 2015 May 1-June 15

SAVE 15%

Whether you are new to running or training for a 5K race, this class is for you. Proper running technique, stretching and short distance race strategies covered. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 226 3501 04/08 2EB



Begin $

Stroller Strength (Adults)

Get a cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility workout while using your child. The exercises are coordinated with the use of a stroller to provide an enjoyable exercise class that helps you achieve the results that you want. Please bring stroller and child to class. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time SpHillREC Wkfld/Mre Wkfld/Mre LeeREC LeeREC



Begin $

10am 175 228 9101 04/10 11:15am 183 228 2001 04/06 10:30am 183 228 2002 04/08 8am 456 228 2001 04/08 8am 456 228 2002 04/10


Triathlon Training (Adults)

This class running, swimming and cycling training and coaching to prepare you to compete in a triathlon. For anyone interested in beginning triathlon competition or those who need to improve performance.

on 4 and 12 month



11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time


OakMarREC Th

142 225 2401 04/09 2EE


Begin $

Train Together

Initiation Fee – or – Residency Restrictions

5K Team-Beginner (13-Adult)

If you’re in it to finish, try this beginner-friendly team. You start out mostly walking and end up running the whole 3.1-mile race. 2EB

Available at all Park Authority RECenters and online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/passesonline.htm


Begin $

8:15am 167 225 4101 04/06 2EB 12:30pm 167 225 4102 04/07 2EB 11am 183 225 4101 04/10 2EB

Outdoor Fitness



Begin $

Dynamic Nature Walking (13-Adult)

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



142 226 0801 04/10 167 226 0801 04/11 192 226 0801 04/11 456 226 0801 04/07

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

F Sa Sa T

9am 7am 8am 6pm

Begin $ 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB

Spring 2015

Exercise and Physical Fitness 10K Team-Beginner (13-Adult)

Conquering six-plus miles is a challenge, but this beginner team gives you the training, confidence and strength to cross the finish line. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



142 226 0502 04/10 2EB


Begin $

Alternative Exercise Awareness through Movement (13-Adult) Learn to improve your posture, flexibility and coordination while relieving pain, tension and movement restrictions using the gentle Feldenkrais Method. Move better, feel better and look better. 2EE

11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time ProvREC



Begin $

11:15am 159 228 4701 04/09 2EE

Bones for Life (13-Adult)

Keeping your bones healthy is important at every age. This Feldenkrais exercise method helps you improve bone health, muscle strength, balance and overall health and helps prevent osteoporosis. 2EE

11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time



159 228 4801 04/09 2EE 159 228 4802 04/09 2EE

Th Th

2pm 6pm

Begin $

Bones for Life II (13-Adult) Prerequisite: 2EE

Bones for Life I.

11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time



159 225 2701 04/09 2EE



Begin $

Chair Yoga (13-Adult)

This gentle yoga class is for those who are unable to get up and down off the floor or who want the extra support of a chair. Students coordinate breath with movement and perform stretches, relaxation techniques and meditation/concentration exercises while using a chair for support. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time


OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Mre MtVernREC MtVernREC

142 228 1601 04/09 142 228 1602 04/06 167 228 1601 04/06 167 228 1602 04/09 183 228 1601 04/09 472 228 1601 04/06 472 228 1602 04/08

Th M M Th Th M W

10:30am 1pm 12pm 12pm 3:30pm 11am 11am

Begin $ 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB

Change of Pace Fitness (13-Adult)

Each class offers a variety of workout styles: low-impact aerobic dance, power walking, SPRI resistance tubing, strength training and stretching. Relaxation techniques, nutrition and life-style strategies provided. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 228 0401 04/10 2EB



Gentle Yoga (13-Adult)

Begin $

Gentle stretches, yoga postures and breathing techniques increase flexibility and strength for those

Spring 2015

desiring a slower pace. This gentle practice may be suitable for individuals returning from illness or injury or those with physical challenges. 2EB 2EE

11--55 minute lessons--$117 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177 

Location Day Time


OakMarREC W OakMarREC F SoRunREC Th SpHillREC F Wkfld/Moore T Wkfld/Moore T CubRunREC M CubRunREC W CubRunREC W LeeREC M LeeREC W LeeREC Su MtVernREC W

142 229 3501 04/08 142 229 3502 04/10 167 229 3501 04/09 175 229 3501 04/10 183 229 3501 04/07 183 229 3502 04/07 192 229 3501 04/06 192 229 3502 04/08 192 229 3503 04/08 456 229 3501 04/06 456 229 3502 04/08 456 229 3503 04/12 472 229 3501 04/08

2pm 2pm 10am 1pm 6pm 10:30am 11am 11am 5:30pm 9am 9am 4pm 10am

Begin $ 2EE 2EE 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EE 2EE 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB

Learn basic yoga postures as you gain more strength and flexibility while using different breathing techniques. This class is designed to help improve your posture and bring you relaxation. Please bring a mat and towel to class. 11--55 minute lessons--$117 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time OakMarREC M OakMarREC Th OakMarREC Th OakMarREC Th OakMarREC Su ProvREC T ProvREC W ProvREC Th SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC M SoRunREC M SoRunREC T SoRunREC W SoRunREC W SpHillREC T SpHillREC Th SpHillREC Th SpHillREC Sa Wkfld/Moore W Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore Th Wkfld/Moore T CubRunREC T CubRunREC Th CubRunREC M LeeREC M LeeREC M LeeREC W LeeREC W LeeREC F LeeREC Sa LeeREC Su MtVernREC M MtVernREC M MtVernREC Th MtVernREC F


Prerequisite: Hatha Yoga I or equivalent. Please bring a mat and towel to class. 2EB 2EE

Hatha Yoga I (13-Adult)


Hatha Yoga II (13-Adult)

Begin $

5:30pm 142 229 1601 04/06 2EE 9:50am 142 229 1602 04/09 2EE 5:30pm 142 229 1603 04/09 2EE 7pm 142 229 1604 04/09 2EE 11am 142 229 1605 04/12 2EE 5:30pm 159 229 1601 04/07 2EE 9:30am 159 229 1602 04/08 2EE 6pm 159 229 1603 04/09 2EE 9am 167 229 1601 04/11 2EB 7:30pm 167 229 1602 04/06 2EE 9:15am 167 229 1603 04/06 2EB 9am 167 229 1604 04/07 2EE 8pm 167 229 1605 04/08 2EB 10am 167 229 1606 04/08 2EB 11am 175 229 1601 04/07 2EE 11am 175 229 1602 04/09 2EE 7pm 175 229 1603 04/09 2EE 8am 175 229 1604 04/11 2EE 7pm 183 229 1601 04/08 2EE 7:30am 183 229 1602 04/11 2EE 12pm 183 229 1603 04/09 2EE 12pm 183 229 1604 04/07 2EE 7:30pm 192 229 1601 04/07 2EE 7pm 192 229 1602 04/09 2EE 7pm 192 229 1603 04/06 2EE 7:30pm 456 229 1601 04/06 2EB 10am 456 229 1602 04/06 2EB 10am 456 229 1603 04/08 2EB 7pm 456 229 1604 04/08 2EB 10am 456 229 1605 04/10 2EB 8am 456 229 1606 04/11 2EB 11am 456 229 1607 04/12 2EB 10am 472 229 1601 04/06 2EB 6pm 472 229 1602 04/06 2EB 7pm 472 229 1603 04/09 2EB 10am 472 229 1604 04/10 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC Su SoRunREC M SpHillREC M Wkfld/Moore Th Wkfld/Moore W LeeREC T LeeREC W LeeREC Th LeeREC Sa MtVernREC Th Frying Pan Pk M


8am 167 229 1701 7pm 167 229 1702 10:15am 167 229 1703 9:30am 175 229 1701 7pm 183 229 1701 4:30pm 183 229 1702 9am 456 229 1701 8pm 456 229 1702 9am 456 229 1703 3pm 456 229 1704 6pm 472 229 1701 7:30pm 282 229 1701

Begin $ 04/11 04/12 04/06 04/06 04/09 04/08 04/07 04/08 04/09 04/11 04/09 04/06


Mat Fusion (13-Adult)

Looking for a safe and effective way to improve flexibility, endurance and muscle tone? Mat fusion encompasses the Eastern philosophy of yoga, the holistic approach of Pilates and the application of floor-based exercise techniques. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



167 229 5401 04/07 2EB 167 229 5402 04/08 2EB 175 229 5401 04/07 2EB


7pm 9am 9am

Begin $

Meditation (13-Adult)

Focus and calm your mind with breathing exercises that release tension. Centered mindfulness relaxes the physical body for overall wellbeing, concentration and positive energy. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



456 228 1801 04/12 2EB



Begin $

Gentle Pilates (13-Adult)

Loosen the joints, spine, and create new movement opportunities gently in a class designed to support special needs and abilities of the practitioner. Use basic Pilates principles, working from the inside out and integrating mind, breath and body to leave this class renewed and reinvigorated. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 229 3801 04/11 2EB



Begin $

Pilates (13-Adult)

Practice classical exercise sequences based on Pilates method. Focus on core control, alignment and breathing to properly execute exercises that strengthen and lengthen the body. 2EB 2EC

11--55 minute lessons--$117 22--55 minute lessons--$236

Location Day Time OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

T/Th 8am T/Th 9:30am W 9am Sa 8am Sa 9am W 6pm


Begin $

142 228 0301 04/07 142 228 0302 04/07 142 228 0303 04/08 142 228 0304 04/11 142 228 0305 04/11 142 228 0306 04/08



Exercise and Physical Fitness ProvREC M ProvREC M ProvREC Th SpHillREC M SpHillREC Th SpHillREC Sa Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore T LeeREC M LeeREC T LeeREC T LeeREC W LeeREC W LeeREC Th LeeREC F LeeREC Su MtVernREC M MtVernREC T

6pm 7pm 7pm 11am 10am 9am 9am 6pm 10am 7:30pm 10am 5:30pm 10am 10am 10am 10am 7pm 6pm

159 228 0301 04/06 159 228 0302 04/06 159 228 0303 04/09 175 228 0301 04/06 175 228 0302 04/09 175 228 0303 04/11 183 228 0301 04/11 183 228 0302 04/07 456 228 0301 04/06 456 228 0302 04/07 456 228 0303 04/07 456 228 0304 04/08 456 228 0305 04/08 456 228 0306 04/09 456 228 0307 04/10 456 228 0308 04/12 472 228 0301 04/06 472 228 0302 04/07


Pilates II (13-Adult)

This intermediate mat class builds on skills learned in Pilates I. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 228 0901 04/06 2EB 175 228 0902 04/07 2EB


6pm 10am

Begin $

Pilates Multi-Equipment Circuit (13-Adult)  Improve your core strength and flexibility by performing exercises on different Pilates equipment including the reformer, tower, chair and jump board. Foam rollers, BOSUs and stability balls are also used. Prior Pilates experience highly recommended. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$196 Location Day Time ProvREC SpHillREC SpHillREC


Begin $

T 7pm 159 227 4301 04/07 2EAA T 8am 175 227 4301 04/07 2EAA Th 8am 175 227 4302 04/09 2EAA

Pilates and Power Yoga (13-Adult)

A perfect blend of two related mind-body exercises. Dynamic yoga poses are blended with Pilates body conditioning to focus on core training and improving flexibility and strength. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time MtVernREC



Begin $

7:30am 472 229 4301

04/11 2EB

Gentle Pilates Allegro Reformer (13-Adult)

Pilates lessons on a special apparatus that provides various levels of resistance within a full range of motion. These gentle lessons help loosen the joints and spine and create new movement opportunities, balance, and flexibility in a class designed to support the special needs and abilities of the practitioner. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$196 Location Day Time



175 227 2801 04/10 2EAA



Begin $

Pilates Allegro Reformer Lessons (13-Adult)

Pilates lessons on a special apparatus that provides various levels of resistance within the full range of mo-


tion. Private lessons stretch and strengthen your entire body and help you develop body muscle balance, flexibility, agility and bone density. (Limit five people per lesson.) Intro to Pilates Mat recommended. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$196 Location Day Time ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC


Begin $

M 6pm 159 227 2501 04/06 2EAA T 9:30am 159 227 2502 04/07 2EAA T 6pm 159 227 2503 04/07 2EAA Th 9:15am 159 227 2504 04/09 2EAA Th 11:15am 159 227 2505 04/09 2EAA Th 6pm 159 227 2506 04/09 2EAA Sa 8am 167 227 2501 04/11 2EAA Sa 7am 167 227 2502 04/11 2EAA Su 8am 167 227 2503 04/12 2EAA Su 9am 167 227 2504 04/12 2EAA M 9am 167 227 2505 04/06 2EAA M 5:30am 167 227 2506 04/06 2EAA T 9am 167 227 2507 04/07 2EAA T 11:30am 167 227 2508 0 4/07 2EAA W 7pm 167 227 2509 04/08 2EAA Th 9am 167 227 2510 04/09 2EAA F 9am 167 227 2511 04/10 2EAA W 10am 167 227 2513 04/08 2EAA M 9am 175 227 2501 04/06 2EAA M 7pm 175 227 2502 04/06 2EAA T 11am 175 227 2503 04/07 2EAA T 7pm 175 227 2504 04/07 2EAA W 9am 175 227 2505 04/08 2EAA W 6pm 175 227 2506 04/08 2EAA Sa 9am 175 227 2507 04/11 2EAA Su 9am 175 227 2508 04/12 2EAA Su 10am 175 227 2509 04/12 2 EAA M 8am 456 227 2501 04/06 2EAA M 9am 456 227 2502 04/06 2EAA M 6:30pm 456 227 2503 04/06 2EAA T 8:30am 456 227 2504 0 4/07 2EAA W 9am 456 227 2505 04/08 2EAA W 6:30pm 456 227 2506 04/08 2EAA Th 9am 456 227 2507 0 4/09 2EAA Su 5:30pm 456 227 2508 04/12 2 EAA Su 4pm 472 227 2501 04/12 2EAA W 10am 472 227 2502 0 4/08 2EAA W 7pm 472 227 2503 04/08 2EAA Th 11am 472 227 2504 04/09 2EAA Th 4pm 472 227 2505 04/09 2EAA

Pilates Allegro Reformer Lessons (13-Adult)

Pilates lessons on a special apparatus that provides various levels of resistance within the full range of motion. Private lessons stretch and strengthen your entire body and help you develop body muscle balance, flexibility, agility and bone density. (Limit five people per lesson.) Intro to Pilates Mat recommended. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$196 Location Day Time ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SoRunREC

M T T Th Th Th Sa Sa

6pm 9:30am 6pm 9:15am 11:15am 6pm 8am 7am

Code 159 227 2501 159 227 2502 159 227 2503 159 227 2504 159 227 2505 159 227 2506 167 227 2501 167 227 2502

Begin $ 04/06 04/07 04/07 04/09 04/09 04/09 04/11 04/11



Su Su M M T T W Th F W M M T T W W Sa Su Su M M M T W W Th Su Su W W Th Th

8am 9am 9am 5:30am 9am 11:30am 7pm 9am 9am 10am 9am 7pm 11am 7pm 9am 6pm 9am 9am 10am 8am 9am 6:30pm 8:30am 9am 6:30pm 9am 5:30pm 4pm 10am 7pm 11am 4pm

167 227 2503 167 227 2504 167 227 2505 167 227 2506 167 227 2507 167 227 2508 167 227 2509 167 227 2510 167 227 2511 167 227 2513 175 227 2501 175 227 2502 175 227 2503 175 227 2504 175 227 2505 175 227 2506 175 227 2507 175 227 2508 175 227 2509 456 227 2501 456 227 2502 456 227 2503 456 227 2504 456 227 2505 456 227 2506 456 227 2507 456 227 2508 472 227 2501 472 227 2502 472 227 2503 472 227 2504 472 227 2505

04/12 04/12 04/06 04/06 04/07 04/07 04/08 04/09 04/10 04/08 04/06 04/06 04/07 04/07 04/08 04/08 04/11 04/12 04/12 04/06 04/06 04/06 04/07 04/08 04/08 04/09 04/12 04/12 04/08 04/08 04/09 04/09


Pilates Allegro Reformer Lessons II (13-Adult)

Pilates lessons on a special apparatus that provides a new level of workout with more complex exercise variations and longer sets. The movements develop coordination, strength and flexibility while the concentration required improves the mind and body connection. Prerequisite: Pilates Allegro Reformer I. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. 2EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$196 Location Day Time ProvREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC LeeREC MtVernREC

M W W Th F F W W

7pm 8am 10am 6pm 8am 10am 7:30pm 8pm


Begin $

159 227 3101 175 227 3101 175 227 3102 175 227 3103 175 227 3104 175 227 3105 456 227 3101 472 227 3101

04/06 04/08 04/08 04/09 04/10 04/10 04/08 04/08


Pilates Personal Training Whether you are looking to fine-tune your technique and form, enhance your workout with personal instruction on a Pilates reformer or are seeking one-on-one training, our certified Pilates trainers can help. Take your Pilates practice to a new level with Pilates personal training.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Exercise and Physical Fitness Qigong I (13-Adult)

Perform gentle, graceful movements to improve body tone while increasing energy and mental acuity. 2EB 11--55 minute lessons--$117 BECA 10--55 minute lessons--$117 Location Day Time


SpHillREC Forestdl ES

175 228 3001 04/11 2EB 040 228 3001 03/23 BECA

Sa M

9am 7pm

Begin $

Qigong I strongly recommended. BECA 10--55 minute lessons--$117 Location Day Time


Forestdl ES

040 228 3101 03/23 BECA


Begin $

Tai Chi I (13-Adult)

Tai Chi promotes flexibility, balance and physical control. This low-impact mind/body class is based on ancient Chinese exercises to increase energy flow while decreasing stress. 2EB 2EC 2EE

11--55 minute lessons--$117 22--55 minute lessons--$236 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177 Code

OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC LeeREC Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk

142 228 2301 04/06 142 228 2302 04/07 142 228 2303 04/09 142 228 2304 04/11 159 228 2301 04/10 159 228 2302 04/07 159 228 2303 04/06 167 228 2301 04/11 175 228 2301 04/11 175 228 2302 04/07 175 228 2303 04/06 183 228 2301 04/12 183 228 2302 04/06 183 228 2303 04/09 192 228 2301 04/11 456 228 2301 04/09 282 228 2301 04/06 282 228 2302 04/07 282 228 2303 04/09

M T Th Sa F T M Sa Sa T/Th M Su M Th Sa Th M T Th

11am 7am 7am 12pm 1pm 3pm 6:30pm 3pm 10am 10am 6:30pm 10:30am 11:30am 8:15pm 8am 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm

Begin $ 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EE 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EC 2EE 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB 2EB

Tai Chi II (13-Adult)

Tai Chi I strongly recommended. 2EB 2EC 2EE

11--55 minute lessons--$117 22--55 minute lessons--$236 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time


Begin $

ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk

159 228 2101 159 228 2102 159 228 2103 167 228 2101 175 228 2101 175 228 2102 282 228 2101 282 228 2102 282 228 2103

04/10 04/07 04/06 04/11 04/07 04/06 04/06 04/07 04/09


F T M Sa T/Th M M T Th

2pm 2pm 7:30pm 4pm 11am 6:30pm 8pm 8pm 8pm


Parktakes for FREE!

Subscribe at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ptsubs.htm Spring 2015


11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



456 228 2501 04/09 2EB



Begin $

Tai Chi III (13-Adult)

Tai Chi II strongly recommended.


Begin $


159 228 2201 159 228 2202 159 228 2203 167 228 2201 456 228 2201

04/10 04/07 04/08 04/11 04/09

F T W Sa Th

3pm 10am 7pm 4pm 6pm


Tai Chi w/Props I (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Tai Chi II or equivalent. For the continuing Tai Chi practitioner interested in learning the Tai Chi Fan. Equipment is available for purchase from instructor, or bring your own with instructor permission. 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time



175 227 4401 04/08 2EE



Tai Chi w/Props II (13-Adult)


22--55 minute lessons--$236 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time



175 227 4501 04/06 2EE 175 227 4502 04/07 2EC

M 8pm T/Th 12pm

Begin $

Vinyasa Yoga (13-Adult)

11--55 minute lessons--$117 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time


Location Day Time

from instructor, or bring your own with instructor permission.

Tai Chi I strongly recommended.


Qigong II (13-Adult)


Tai Chi II (Adults)

Begin $

Prerequisite: Tai Chi II or equivalent. For the continuing Tai Chi practitioner interested in learning the straight sword, broadsword, staff/spear and two-person weapon sets. Equipment is available for purchase

This active, flowing style of yoga incorporates breath-synchronized movements, allowing poses to flow from one to another. Class helps develop strength, flexibility and awareness of body and breath while leaving the body energized and mind at peace. 2EB 2EE

11--55 minute lessons--$117 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time


OakMarREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore LeeREC MtVernREC

142 228 4601 04/06 175 228 4601 04/06 183 228 4601 04/06 456 228 4601 04/09 472 228 4601 04/08

M M M Th W

7pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 7pm

Begin $ 2EE 2EE 2EB 2EB 2EB

Yoga for Better Balance & Bones (13-Adult) Protect and strengthen your hips, wrists and spine while improving balance and flexibility in this yoga practice. Unique bone building exercises help with overall strength and mobility. 2EE

11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time ProvREC



Begin $

10:30am 159 228 5801 04/08 2EE

Buy a 30-Visit Pass for the Best Rate!

Aqua Exercise F lex Pass •Attend any water exercise class, space permitting, at all nine FCPA RECenters. •Valid for four months from date of purchase. •Work out when YOU want! Sold at all RECenters in 10, 20 or 30 visits. Early registration discounts and scholarships are not available with flex pass.

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Exercise and Physical Fitness Yoga for Better Balance & Bones II (13-Adult)

Yoga for Power (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Yoga for Better Balance and Bones. Emphasis on strengthening the upper body joints, muscles and bones using increasingly challenging weekly practices that involve isometric, concentric and eccentric postures. Lower body stamina is improved with postures that develop leg and feet joints, thigh muscles and bones to maintain mobility independence. 2EE

11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time ProvREC



Begin $

10:30am 159 228 0101 04/07 2EE

Yoga for Gardeners I (Adults)

This class features a gentle introduction to the Vinyasa method which helps participants increase the strength, flexibility and endurance necessary for gardening. Class held indoors. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117 Code

GrnSprGardn M

290 226 2401 04/06 2EB

Begin $

Yoga for Golfers (13-Adult)

Classes are focused on limbering and lengthening muscles used in golf. Balance exercises are key to improving stability, range of motion, swing rotation and posture awareness. Your stamina improves and risk of injury decreases. Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Th

512 229 9901 04/09 2EA

Begin $

11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time


OakMarREC Su

142 229 3601 04/12 2EE


Begin $

Yoga for Stress Management (13-Adult)

The stress of everyday life can create tension and stiffness in the body and can also affect mood and energy level. This class combines yoga postures and stretching with breathing and relaxing meditations to remove stress blockages, restoring positive energy and renewing an overall sense of wellness. 2EE

11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time Su


Begin $

6:30pm 175 228 2601 04/12 2EE

Yoga Groove (13-Adult)

Chill out vinyasa style in this upbeat class that fuses classic yoga poses and flows with popular music. Movement, music and breath are used to open the body’s energy centers so energy can flow freely through the body. Free your body,refresh your mind and energize your spirit with positive energy. No previous yoga or dance experience needed. 2EB

2EA 5--55 minute lessons--$54 6pm



Location Day Time 9:45am

A dynamic sequence of yoga poses. Students should be comfortable with the poses and be ready for a vigorous workout.

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Family Fun & Fitness (5-Adult)

A class that brings fun and exercise to the entire family. Inside or outside activities include fitness games, sports, and sport skills. Each student must register. 2EB


Wkfld/Moore M

183 229 1401 04/06 2EB

Begin $

April 25, 7:30 a.m. at Burke Lake Park Enjoy a scenic run on the beautiful grounds of Burke Lake park. April 25, 2015 • Burke Lake Park Resgistrants will receive a commemorative race tech t-shirt, virtual race gift bag and giveaways, plus qualify for special raffle prizes and top racer awards in each age group. Space is limited - Register early. Don’t Miss the Healthy Strides Health and Fitness Expo!

April 24, 4-7:30 p.m. South Run RECenter Stop in for a Kids Fun Run and Challenge Course, Vendors, Exercise and Health information, games, moon bounces, DJ and more!

April 24, 2015 • South Run RECenter

For more information or to register, visit Take12HealthyStrides.com



167 229 8301 04/12 2EB 175 229 8301 04/12 2EB

Su Su

4pm 2pm

Begin $

Family Zumba (10-Adult)

Join a high-energy fitness party packed with kid-friendly music and choreography appropriate for everyone. Have fun with your family and get fit in the process. All levels welcome. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 225 4301 04/12 2EB 175 225 4302 04/10 2EB

Su F

5pm 6pm

Begin $

Youth & Teen Fitness Boot Camp for Kids (6-12 yrs.)

Fun, physical training that may include a combination of calisthenics, floor exercise, outdoor work and play. A great way to get active for all fitness levels. 11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



167 225 0601 04/12 2EB 175 225 0601 04/12 2EB

Su Su

4pm 4pm

Begin $

Teen Fit Zone (10-18 yrs.)

This action-packed group gathering is designed for those who may struggle in PE, need help with diet and exercise or want to make a fitness change. Class includes weight room exercises, team games, yoga, Pilates, walleyball, swimming and more. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



167 226 2801 04/12 2EB 175 226 2801 04/12 2EB 175 226 2802 04/07 2EB

Su Su T

5pm 3pm 4pm

Begin $

Weight Training for Teens (12-15 yrs.)

Learn proper equipment use, techniques and safety along with stretching, strength and endurance exercises. Students who complete a final test are issued a weight room pass (to be used with admission) that entitles them, to use the weight room without adult supervision. 2EW 5--55 minute lessons--$67 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 225 3601 142 225 3602 167 225 3601 167 225 3602

04/08 05/20 04/12 04/12

W W Su Su

7pm 7pm 5pm 6pm


For additional listings in

Healthy individuals, healthy families, healthy communities…one step at a time. 110

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time


Location Day Time 7pm

Family Fitness

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Cardio Kickboxing (13-Adult) See Parktakes Online: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Spring 2015

Exercise and Physical Fitness SoRunREC SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC CubRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC

Su Su Sa Sa Th Th Sa Sa T

5pm 6pm 10am 10am 5pm 5pm 12pm 12pm 7pm

167 225 3603 05/17 167 225 3604 05/17 175 225 3601 04/11 175 225 3602 05/16 175 225 3603 04/09 175 225 3604 05/14 192 225 3601 04/11 192 225 3602 05/16 456 225 3601 05/12

Balance and Beyond (55 yrs.+)


Balance is key to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. This class, taught by certified balance and mobility specialists, helps you enhance mobility, strength and flexibility. Advanced techniques from the FallProof fall prevention program are incorporated to challenge and improve overall wellness. 2EB

Teen Weight Training-Advanced (14-17 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Weight Training for Teens. After you have completed the weight room introduction, enhance your skills and technique with more challenging exercises to bring greater variety and interest to your workout. Expanding your knowledge of cables, dumbbells, weight plates, benches, and bars helps you shape your fitness goals and achieve them more quickly with confidence. Code


175 226 5901 04/09 2EX



Students learn proper equipment use, techniques and safety along with stretching, strength and endurance exercise. Students who complete a final test are issued a weight room pass (to be used with admission). 2EX 11--55 minute lessons--$147 Code

175 225 3401 04/06 2EX 175 225 3402 04/07 2EX 175 225 3403 04/08 2EX


2pm 3pm 2pm

Begin $


11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



175 229 2401 04/08 2EB



Begin $

Yoga for Youth and Teens (6-12 yrs.)

Use ancient yoga to tone and stretch, increase awareness and concentration and improve methods of physical and mental relaxation. Bring a mat to class. Location Day Time



456 229 2501 05/19 2EA 456 229 2502 04/08 2EA


4pm 4pm

Begin $

Zumbatomic (4-12 yrs.)

Join a rockin, high-energy fitness-party packed with kid-friendly music and hip choreography. Have fun, get fit, and join the party with your friends. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time


Begin $

SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC

167 225 0501 167 225 0502 183 225 0501 192 225 0501

04/06 04/09 04/09 04/11

M Th Th Sa

Spring 2015

6:30pm 5:30pm 6pm 5pm

From Senior Fitness to Alternative Exercise, there are plenty of class options that are big on benefits and easy on your joints.

Senior Fitness Aerobics I - Senior (60 yrs.+) For the senior who is just returning to exercise or has been recently released from a hospital exercise program. Beginning muscular strengthening exercises with hand weights, easy aerobics and stretching are taught to get you moving safely. 2EC

2EA 5--55 minute lessons--$54


04/08 04/09 04/07 04/09 04/07 04/08

11am 1pm 1pm 11am 12:30pm 12:15pm


Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC T 9:30am ProvREC T/Th 8:30am SpHillREC W 12pm

142 229 0201 05/19 2EA 159 229 0201 04/07 2EC 175 229 0201 04/08 2EB

Senior Volleyball (60 yrs.+)

Yoga for Young Athletes (12-18 yrs.)

Do you play football, basketball, lacrosse, baseball, soccer, tennis, track or another sport? Then you know that flexibility is important. Yoga helps you gain more “active� flexibility, which is what good athletes need. Follow the example of professional athletes and make yoga a regular part of your training.

Begin $

142 229 0701 159 229 0701 175 229 0701 183 229 0701 472 229 0701 472 229 0702

W Th T Th T W

2EA 5--55 minute lessons--$54 2EB 11--55 minute lessons--$117 2EC 22--55 minute lessons--$236

Homeschool Weight Training (12-15 yrs.)



OakMarREC ProvREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore MtVernREC MtVernREC

Class is designed to increase your fitness level and is geared toward the active adult. Students gain more strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance by using lightweight dumbbells, resistance bands and low-impact to moderate-intensity aerobics. Bring a water bottle to class.

Begin $

Location Day Time

Location Day Time

Fitness for Seniors (60 yrs.+)

2EX 11--55 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time

11--55 minute lessons--$117

22--55 minute lessons--$236

Location Day Time



159 229 0401 04/06 2EC

M/W 11am

Begin $

Aerobics II - Senior (60 yrs.+) This class is perfect for the active senior who is beyond beginner but not quite advanced. Muscle strengthening with hand weights, low impact, moderate intensity aerobics and stretching at intermediate levels are taught. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



142 229 0501 04/08 2EB 142 229 0502 04/10 2EB

1pm 1pm

Begin $

For active seniors who want to add a little cardio variety to their exercise program. Volleyball is played with a beach ball in a racquetball court and the rules are relaxed from the usual game. Come join the fun and lots of laughter during a friendly game of senior volleyball. The class begins with a brief warm-up and ends with a brief cool-down. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time



159 228 4501 04/08 2EB 159 228 4502 04/10 2EB 175 228 4501 04/06 2EB


9:30am 9:30am 10am

Begin $

Total Body Conditioning-Senior (60 yrs.+) For active seniors who want to add variety to their exercise program. Get the results of a personal training session in a group setting. Improve agility, balance and coordination while increasing muscular endurance and strength. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time


Begin $


142 225 2301 159 225 2301 175 225 2301 175 225 2302

04/08 04/06 04/06 04/07


12pm 8am 12pm 12pm


REGISTER via Parktakes Online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Registration processing begins at 5 a.m., February 3. See registration instructions at the back of Parktakes

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Exercise and Physical Fitness • Fine Arts and Crafts Weight Training - Senior (60 yrs.+)

Learn safe, effective and proper techniques for using weight-training equipment to increase strength and improve health and fitness. 2EW 5--55 minute lessons--$67 2EX 11--55 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time


Begin $


142 229 1001 167 229 1001 175 229 1001 175 229 1002 456 229 1001

04/07 04/06 04/07 04/09 04/06

T M T Th M

9:30am 3pm 12pm 1pm 12:30pm


Weight Training-Senior II (60 yrs.+)

Gain more confidence using free weights, benches and cables as you build upon the skills learned and practiced in the previous introductory class. New skills include compound exercises that are slightly more challenging and complex, but the class progresses by adding appropriate variety and intensity with modifications to safely maintain lean muscle mass, bone density, and flexible strength. 2EX 11--55 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time



175 2266001 04/09 2EX



Begin $

Yoga - Senior (60 yrs.+)

For those desiring a slow-paced introduction to yoga. 2EE

11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$177

Location Day Time



142 229 1201 04/08 2EE


Begin $

Zumba Gold (60 yrs.+) A low-intensity, high-energy dance fitness class for older adults who are true beginners. Features the same great Latin styles of music and dance as Zumba but at a slower pace. This is a safe, easy way to do a great total body workout. Dance your way to fitness and fun. 2EB

11--55 minute lessons--$117

Location Day Time


Begin $


159 228 2001 159 228 2002 167 228 2001 167 228 2002 175 228 2001 175 228 2002

04/10 04/08 04/07 04/09 04/08 04/10

F W T Th W F

12pm 12pm 1:30pm 1:30pm 1pm 11am


Park Authority

Gift Cards

Perfect for every occasion One size fits all

Available at all Park Authority RECenters, nature centers and golf courses

Fine Arts and Crafts Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are non-refundable.

Open Pottery Lab at Audrey Moore RECenter

Open to experienced potters. Cost is $4 per hour or save with a 12-hour pass, $30 for current students, $45 for non-students. Clay fee is $18 for 25 pounds, and there is a 25 cent-per-cubic-inch additional charge for glazing and firing. Lab hours are Sundays 1-4:30 p.m., Mondays and Fridays 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and Fridays 7-9:55 p.m. Call Audrey Moore RECenter at 703-321-7082 to confirm lab hours on given days.

Art Instructors Wanted

Qualified art instructors needed to teach cartooning, drawing, painting and craft classes for children. For more information, call Jennifer Braun at 703-3245540 or e-mail instructors@fairfaxcounty.gov for an application.

Abrakadoodle Doodlers

This multi-media art program helps kids stretch their creative muscles in action-oriented classes filled with color, texture, shape and fun. Lessons are carefully crafted to promote imaginative thinking as kids create their own unique masterpieces through painting, drawing, cutting, molding and exploring creative materials. Each lesson introduces a new technique and artist’s style. Supply fee payable at first class. BFVC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$153 BFVD 8--55 minute lessons--$105 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) LakeAccotink F ProvREC Sa SoRunREC Th


Begin $

11am 850 230 5001 03/27 BFVC 12:15pm 159 230 5001 03/21 BFVD 5:30pm 167 230 5001 03/26 BFVD

Animal Art

Learn various techniques for drawing and painting our animal friends, both tame and wild. Bring a sketchpad and pencils (4B, HB and 2H). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (6-8 yrs.) GreenbrE ES T (8-12 yrs.) GreenbrE ES T


Begin $


054 232 8501 03/24 BFGC


054 230 5201 03/24 BFGC

Art Above & Beyond

This mixed-media class offers a variety of fun projects including drawing and painting. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2FA

10--55 minute lessons--$96

Location Day Time (5-7 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Th (8-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore F


Begin $


183 230 4001 03/26 2FA


183 230 4101 03/27 2FA

For more classes, see www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes 112

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Fine Arts and Crafts way and turn them into beautiful art pieces. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) WakeFrst ES M Frost MS W


Begin $

4:30pm 118 230 6901 03/23 BFGC 5pm 204 230 6901 03/25 BFGC

Studio Art

Artists develop their own style while exploring opportunities for self-expression through a variety of art mediums. Supply list available at first class. 2FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$191 BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) Centrvle ES (13-Adult) LeeREC

Th M


Begin $

4:30pm 020 230 0901 03/26 BFGC 7pm

456 231 3301 03/23 2FC

Draw With Me!

What could be more rewarding than creating your own works of art? Get creative in classes for children and adults. Discovery Art

Develop basic art skills using a variety of media. Additional supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2FA 10--55 minute lessons--$96 BFCA 10--55 minute lessons--$97 Location Day Time


(6-8 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Sa Va Run ES Sa

183 230 0601 03/21 2FA 117 230 0601 03/21 BFCA

10am 10am

Begin $

Islamic Art

Explore the world of Islamic designs in manuscript illuminations, decorative painted pottery, luxury wooden objects, carpets, textiles and architecture. Students learn the art of making designs in a linear form. Supply list will be emailed prior to first class. BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (9-14 yrs.) Floris ES



Begin $

4:30pm 039 232 9301 03/25 BFGC

Joy of Color

Discover the meaning of color in life, art and nature through a variety of artistic projects. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFCA 10--55 minute lessons--$97 Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) Va Run ES

117 230 2601 03/21 BFCA


Recycled Art


Begin $

Students create art from found and recycled materials. Students learn to view recycled items in a different

Spring 2015

Students and an adult family member learn color shading, harmony and blending basics in addition to basic drawing skills. Students work with pencils and colored pencils. Both parent and child should bring a sketch pad and pencils (4B, HB and 2H) to class. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2FAC 10--55 minute lessons--$144 Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Sa

183 232 4601 03/21 2FAC


Begin $

Discover Drawing I

This course teaches fundamental drawing skills through various techniques and projects. Students need to bring an 11”x14” sketch pad and two drawing pencils (HB & 6B). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2FA 10--55 minute lessons--$96 BFBB 6--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$140 BFCD 5--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$117 BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 BXVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$119 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) ProvREC Belveder ES MosbyWds ES PoplarTr ES WhiteOak ES Powell ES WhlsmCampus (13-Adult) Wkfld/Moore LakeBrd Sec Oakton HS Woodson HS Woodson HS



Begin $

W T Sa T F M T

7:30pm 5pm 9am 4:30pm 4:30pm 6pm 6pm

159 230 1701 007 230 1701 084 230 1701 097 230 1701 128 230 1701 138 230 1701 583 230 1701

03/25 2FA 04/07 BFGC 03/21 BFGC 03/24 BFGC 03/27 BFGC 03/23 BFGC 03/24 BXVQ


7:15pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm

183 232 1601 310 232 1601 319 232 1601 329 232 1601 329 232 1602

03/25 2FA 04/14 BFBB 03/23 BFCD 04/07 BFCD 03/25 BFBB

Parktakes for FREE!

Subscribe at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ptsubs.htm

Discover Drawing II

Prerequisite: Discover Drawing I or equivalent. Students need to bring an 11”x14” sketch pad and two drawing pencils (HB & 6B). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFBB 6--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$140 Location Day Time


(Adults) LakeBrd Sec W

310 232 2101 04/15 BFBB


Begin $

Draw with Color

Learn color shading, blending and color harmony using pencils and colored pencils. Bring a sketch pad and pencils (4B, HB, and 2H). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFBB 6--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$140 BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (6-8 yrs.) Belveder ES (9-12 yrs.) Belveder ES (Adults) Powell ES Lee HS


Begin $



007 230 3701 04/09 BFGC



007 230 3901 04/09 BFGC

M Th

7pm 7pm

138 232 2201 03/23 BFGC 314 232 2201 04/16 BFBB


Sharpen your drawing skills, learn how to develop characters and illustrate background to create cartoons. Bring a sketch pad and black soft lead pencils (4B and 2H). Supply fee payable at first class. 2FA 10--55 minute lessons--$96 BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 BXVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$119 Location Day Time


Begin $

(6-8 yrs.) ProvREC (7-14 yrs.) ProvREC Bonnie B ES Centrvle ES KentGrdn ES MosbyWds ES Oak View ES SpringHl ES ColvinRun ES WhlsmCampus

159 230 0501 03/25 2FA 008 230 0501 03/23 BFGC 020 230 0501 03/26 BFGC 069 230 0501 03/25 BFGC 084 230 0501 03/21 BFGC 091 230 0501 03/25 BFGC 107 230 0501 03/24 BFGC 135 230 0501 03/26 BFGC 583 230 0501 03/25 BXVQ

W 6:30pm 159 230 0201 03/25 2FA W M Th W Sa W T Th W

6:30pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 4:30pm 11:30am 5pm 5:30pm 4:30pm 4pm

Fun with Cartooning

In this seriously silly class offered by Young Rembrandts, students are introduced to the fun of making their own cartoon images to animate characters or tell a joke. Kids learn to draw action and expressions, play with color, and express their humor and creativity. This class offers an amusing way to learn about emotional expression, social sequencing and spatial organization. BFVF 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$163 BFVL 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$118 BFVM 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$74 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC SoRunREC

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Sa T F


Begin $

2pm 159 231 0301 03/21 BFVF 5:30pm 159 231 0302 03/24 BFVF 5:30pm 167 231 0301 03/27 BFVF


Fine Arts and Crafts SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC CubRunREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC Va Run ES

Th Su Th Su Th Sa Sa T T Sa

5:30pm 2pm 5:30pm 2pm 5:30pm 10:30am 10:30am 5:30pm 5:30pm 10:30am

175 231 0301 03/26 BFVM 175 231 0302 03/22 BFVM 175 231 0303 05/14 BFVM 175 231 0304 05/10 BFVM 192 231 0301 03/26 BFVL 472 231 0301 03/21 BFVM 472 231 0302 05/02 BFVM 472 231 0303 03/24 BFVM 472 231 0304 05/05 BFVM 117 231 0301 03/21 BFVL

Animation Drawing

Learn how to make your characters move and come to life. Students learn how to make a flipbook and other techniques. Supply fee payable to instructor at the first class. 2FA

10--55 minute lessons--$96

Location Day Time (10-18 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore M


Begin $

5:30pm 183 232 5901 03/23 2FA

Prerequisite: Cartooning I/II. Learn to create a cartoon comic strip by turning a funny story and your unique character into a series of funny drawings using pencil sketches, inking and color to express your humor. Create your own cast of characters, settings and drawing style in classic comic strip layouts. Bring to class a 2B pencil, eraser and a sketch pad. List of required art supplies provided at first class. Code

Begin $

4:30pm 107 231 0701 03/24 BFGC 5:30pm 135 231 0701 03/26 BFGC

Pastel Portraits

Expand and challenge competent drawing and painting skills working from live models. Achieve likeness with personality and character. Model form using lights and shadows. Supply list discussed at class but bring your basic drawing materials. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$185 Location Day Time


(Adults) Woodson HS T

329 130 8501 03/24 BFGA


Begin $

Botanical Drawing

Course builds on basic drawing skills. Learn shading and other techniques to render accurate and realistic flowers, fruits and other plant materials. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFBB 6--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$140 BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (Adults) Floris ES W Woodson HS Th


(Adults) GrnSprGardn Sa

290 231 0801 04/25 BFAO



Begin $

Drawing & Painting Lab

Explore techniques including concepts of shape, line, texture and color blending. Students need to bring a 9”x12” drawing pad (90 lb) and a 9”x12” mixed-media pad (140 lb.), graphite pencils (HB, 6B), fine Sharpie or Pitt pen (black), a set of 24 Crayola crayons, a set of 12 color pencils, a set of water-soluble oils or wax pastels, and a set of watercolors (pan is okay). You also need to bring filbert brush #8 and #10; and a flat brush for washes and blending. BFEB 4--2 hour lessons--$75 (16-Adult) GrnSprGardn Th


Begin $

Begin $

5:30pm 039 233 4401 03/25 BFGC 7pm 329 233 4401 03/26 BFBB


290 230 3501 04/09 BFEB

Nature Sketch

Find out how to appreciate nature by learning to draw. Go on a nature hike to search for branches, nuts, rocks, deer antlers and other items to draw. Learn a new skill while walking with a naturalist who helps you understand the beauty of the woods. 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$71

Location Day Time


(10-Adult) Wkfld/Moore Sa

183 233 0401 03/21 2FG


Begin $

Pen & Ink with Watercolor Washes

Enhance your drawing and watercolor skills by learning to add texture and fluid washes to standard pen and ink. Learn to see and extend your range in all rendering techniques and methods. Supply list provided at class, any supply fee payable to instructor. 2FB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143 BFGB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$112 Location Day Time


(Adults) LakeAccotink W GreenbrE ES T

850 233 2201 03/25 2FB 054 233 2201 03/24 BFGB

10am 7pm

Begin $

Portrait and Figure Drawing

Learn the fundamentals of drawing people to their likeness with pencils and/or pastels. Bring a sketch pad (8”x12”) and pencils to first class. Supply list is provided at first class.

This class is an advanced beginner/intermediate level for students with drawing experience. Learn to accurately illustrate the botanical details of tulips using pencil, colored pencil, watercolor or pen and ink. Artist Caroline Hottenstein guides you in seeing

Location Day Time


(Adults) ProvREC

159 233 7201 03/23 BFCC


Abrakadoodle Kids on Canvas

Grab a paintbrush and jump right in for a colorful Kids-on-Canvas adventure. Use acrylic paint to explore painting subjects such as figures, landscape and still life - with a fresh Abrakadoodle twist. We use our imagination and inspiration from a different artist each week to create with paint in a variety of ways. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFVA 10--55 minute lessons--$125 BFVD 8--55 minute lessons--$105 Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) ProvREC CubRunREC

159 230 3601 03/21 BFVD 192 230 3601 03/21 BFVA

Sa Sa

1:15pm 12pm


Begin $

REGISTER via Parktakes Online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Registration processing begins at 5 a.m., February 3. See registration instructions at the back of Parktakes

Begin $

Discover Painting

Class teaches fundamental painting skills through various techniques and projects. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time

BFCC 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$145

Botanical Drawing-Focus on Tulips


Location Day Time


BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 (8-12 yrs.) SpringHl ES T ColvinRun ES Th

BFAO 2--6 hour lessons--$152

Location Day Time

Drawing Comic Strips

Location Day Time

and rendering details as well as using basic watercolor techniques for botanical illustration. Supply list will be emailed before class.

(6-12 yrs.) PoplarTr ES



Begin $

5:30pm 097 232 9701 03/24 BFGC

Watercolor Painting

Students are introduced to watercolor techniques and color basics. Concepts such as wet on wet, dry watercolor, color layering and blending are explored. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFCB 10--3 hour lessons--$282 BFCC 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$145 BFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$185 BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) MosbyWds ES Sa (Adults) Frying Pan Pk T Floris ES W



Begin $

084 230 1601 03/21 BFGC

7pm 282 230 8701 03/24 BFGA 6:30pm 039 230 8701 03/25 BFGA

Watercolor Painting II

Prerequisite: Watercolor Painting I or equivalent. Continue sharpening basic skills and techniques. Develop brush styles and individual approaches to projects and exercises. Students need to bring supplies to class. BFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$185 BFGD 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$149 Location Day Time


(Adults) Frying Pan Pk T Oakton HS T

282 230 8801 03/24 BFGA 319 230 8801 03/24 BFGD

7pm 7pm

Begin $

Watercolor Works

Open to students of all levels. Learn to mix colors, composition, paint handling and brush strokes through various projects and finished paintings. Experienced painters may work on their own projects. Supply list at first class but bring materials if you have them. 2FF

5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$96

Location Day Time (13-Adult) SpHillREC SpHillREC

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664



Begin $

10am 175 231 3001 05/06 2FF 12:30pm 175 231 3002 05/06 2FF

Spring 2015

Fine Arts and Crafts Abrakadoodle Sculpt It!

Learn to sculpt using wire, wood, clay, aluminum, plastic, string and paper. We mold, bend, twist, stretch, and balance while we design each three-dimensional creation. Some lessons are two- or three-part lessons. Learn about sculptors while creating 3D sculptures that are dynamic. Supply fee payable at first class. BFVA 10--55 minute lessons--$125 Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) CubRunREC

192 230 0701 03/21 BFVA



Begin $

Fun with Clay!

Students make a variety of simple projects with clay while learning the basics of working with clay. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2FA

10--55 minute lessons--$96

Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore F


Begin $

5:30pm 183 232 8201 03/27 2FA

Pottery for Children

Get step-by-step instructions in watercolor painting techniques, and start creating your own still life masterpieces for your personal art gallery. Landscape Painting in Watercolor

Learn to paint landscapes in watercolor. Emphasis is on composition and color. Class includes a combination of indoor and outdoor painting. Supply list will be mailed before first class. BFGD 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$149 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) Oakton HS

319 230 7301 03/24 BFGD



Begin $

Still Life/Landscape Painting

Prerequisite: Discover Drawing, Discover Painting or equivalent. Work with color, composition and harmony. Practice brush and knife techniques. Students use slides and photos. Supply fee payable at first class. BFCB 10--3 hour lessons--$282 Location Day Time (Adults) Chantily HS




Begin $

302 233 2401 03/24 BFCB

Oil Painting

Learn oil painting techniques. Brush movements, color coordination and style are stressed. Supply list available, or supply fee payable at the first class. 2FB

10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143

Location Day Time (13-Adult) Wkfld/Moore Sa


Begin $

10:30am 183 231 3101 03/21 2FB

Oil/Acrylic Painting I


10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$191

Location Day Time


(Adults) LakeAccotink Th

850 233 2101 03/26 2FC


Begin $

Paint under the instruction of a proficient artist to improve your skills and build confidence as an artist. For beginning to advanced students. More experienced painters may bring their supplies. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFCB 10--3 hour lessons--$282 BFGG 8--3 hour lessons--$223 Location Day Time


(Adults) ProvREC ProvREC ProvREC Annandle HS S Lakes HS

159 233 2001 03/24 BFCB 159 233 2002 03/24 BFCB 159 233 2003 03/25 BFCB 300 233 2001 03/23 BFGG 323 233 2001 04/09 BFCB

T T W M Th

9am 1pm 1pm 7pm 7pm

Begin $

Sumi-e Workshop

A master sumi-e artist leads workshops in classical Japanese brush and ink painting. Covers basic brush strokes to create elegant, poetic themes from nature or more non-traditional subjects. Materials discussed in class (about $30) or bring own supplies. Location Day Time


(Adults) McLean HS

317 233 4601 03/24 BFBC




10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143

Location Day Time


Begin $

(6-12 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC OakMarREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore

142 230 1301 142 230 1302 142 230 1303 183 230 1301 183 230 1302 183 230 1303 183 230 1305

03/21 03/21 03/23 03/21 03/21 03/23 03/27

Sa Sa M Sa Sa M F

9:30am 11am 4:30pm 9am 10:30am 4pm 4pm


Pottery II for Children

Paint in Oil or Acrylic

BFBC 6--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$170

Learn basic skills including methods and materials. Students with some skill refine and enhance personal styles. Composition, color theory and paint handling

Spring 2015

are stressed while painting figures, landscapes and still life. Supply fee payable at first class; continuing students may bring their materials.

Introduction to clay and the pottery-making process using hand-building methods. Make pinch pots and learn coiling, slab work techniques, painting, glazing and firing.

Begin $

Build on and refine skills learned in Pottery I. Create functional and nonfunctional pottery as well as three dimensional sculptures. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. 2FB

10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143

Location Day Time


(8-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore T

183 232 6101 03/24 2FB


Begin $

Pottery I

Introduction to the potter’s wheel, with emphasis on clay preparation, centering, firing and glazing. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Supply fee for tools is required. 2FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$191 2FD 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$260 Location Day Time


(13-17 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore (16-Adult) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore

183 231 1201 183 231 1202 183 231 1203 183 231 1204 183 231 1205

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Begin $


12:30pm 183 231 1101 03/21 2FC

Sa Su M T Th

3pm 5pm 7pm 12:30pm 7pm

03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/26



Fine Arts and Crafts Pottery II

Photography as Zen Art

Enhance your photographic vision and produce more meaningful images using Green Spring Gardens as inspiration. This program incorporates several Zen creative practices with photography basics to enable you to find beauty wherever you are and capture images that reflect your true nature. Students must bring a digital camera, tripod, and have a means of sending digital images.

Refine your clay preparation, throwing, trimming and glazing skills. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Supply fee for tools is required. 2FD 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$260 Location Day Time


(16-Adult) Wkfld/Moore T Wkfld/Moore Th Wkfld/Moore W

183 231 1301 03/24 2FD 183 231 1302 03/26 2FD 183 231 1303 03/25 2FD

7pm 9am 7pm

Begin $

BFED 4--3 hour 25 minute lessons--$133

Pottery - Handbuilding

Introduction to intermediate instruction using pinch, slab and coil methods to create either functional or abstract pieces. Glazing and techniques for textures and other decorations are included. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and 3 hours of lab time. Code

(16-Adult) Wkfld/Moore T

183 231 1501 03/24 2FD


2FG 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$71

Stained Glass Workshop Beginning

BFFB 7--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$164 Location Day Time


(Adults) LeeREC

456 233 3301 03/28 BFFB



Begin $

Creative Tiles

Students learn the basics of working with tiles, including sizing, glazes and the different effects that can be achieved. Students complete at least three finished tiles suitable for mounting. First class is three hours long and includes a field trip to a local store to purchase supplies. Supply fee of $15 payable at first class. BFCE 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$84 Location Day Time


(Adults) Woodbrn ES Sa

131 233 7801 04/11 BFCE


Begin $

Digital Photography

There’s more to photography than just using the “automatic” setting. Topics include camera’s controls, resolution, flash, composition, stop motion, close ups and more. Course includes weekly assignments with reviews. Software and printing are also covered. Any supply fee payable at first class. 2FB 2FF BFDA BFGB BFGC

10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143 5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$96 5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$95 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$112 8--55 minute lessons--$75

Location Day Time (8-12 yrs.) Flint HL ES Oakton ES


T Sa


Begin $

5pm 038 230 8101 04/07 BFGC 10:30am 092 230 8101 04/11 BFGC

290 231 0901 03/28 BFED


Begin $

This is an introduction to graffiti writing. Learn graffiti art history, styles and traditions. No prior experience is required. Class introduces and outlines several lettering styles commonly used in graffiti art. Bring a sketch book, sketching pencil, pen and a black sharpie marker to class.

Begin $

Learn basics stained glass techniques such as cutting, grinding, wrapping and soldering. Complete a 12”x16” copper foil panel. Patterns and tools are available for use except for a glass cutter. First class includes a trip to local stained glass shop for purchase of supplies, approximately $125. Pregnant women should consult with their doctor before registering.


(Adults) GrnSprGardn Sa

Urban Art Design

2FD 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$260 Location Day Time

Location Day Time

Students of all ages have fun in Park Authority painting classes. From watercolors to oils and acrylics, there’s a creative medium to ignite your imagination. (13-Adult) ProvREC Wkfld/Moore Frying Pan Pk Flint HL ES Chantily HS

T Su W T Th

6:30pm 4pm 9:30am 6pm 7pm

159 230 7401 183 230 7401 282 230 7401 038 230 7401 302 230 7401

03/24 2FF 03/22 2FF 03/25 2FB 04/07 BFGB 04/23 BFDA

Digital Photography II

Prerequisite: Digital Photography I or equivalent. 2FB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143 2FF 5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$96 BFGB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$112 Location Day Time (13-Adult) ProvREC Wkfld/Moore Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Flint HL ES Oakton ES

T Su W W T Sa

6:30pm 4pm 11am 6:30am 7:30pm 9am


Begin $

159 230 7701 05/05 2FF 183 230 7701 05/03 2FF 282 230 7701 03/25 2FB 282 230 7702 03/25 2FB 038 230 7701 04/07 BFGB 092 230 7701 04/11 BFGB

Photography - Natural World

Prerequisite: Photography I or equivalent. In this second-level class for Digital SLR or film 33mm SLR cameras, you develop techniques for lighting and flash, close-up macro work, selective focus, composition and motion control while photographing flowers, wildlife, landscapes and more. Two field trips included. Bring camera, lenses and several examples of your work. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.

Location Day Time


(12-17 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Sa

183 230 3001 03/21 2FG


Introduction to supplies, including dip pen and Sumi ink, and terminology. Instruction focuses on miniscule and majuscule (Roman Capitals) and Unical. You also learn layout and design, and produce a final product. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFBB 6--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$140 Location Day Time


(Adults) OakMarREC W

142 233 2501 04/08 BFBB


(13-Adult) Chantily HS

302 230 8201 05/28 BFGD




Begin $


Prerequisite: Prior Calligraphy class or equivalent experience. This beautiful hand was developed in 9th century France and is a must for any calligrapher’s repertoire. BFEE 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$58 Location Day Time


(Adults) OakMarREC T

142 233 6401 05/12 BFEE


Begin $


Introduction to the pointed pen and the formal script hand, beginning with the traditional form and progressing to more modern variations. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BFBB 6--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$140 Location Day Time


(Adults) OakMarREC T

142 233 5401 03/24 BFBB

BFGD 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$149 Location Day Time


Begin $

Begin $

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

Fan us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/fairfaxcountyparks Spring 2015

Fine Arts and Crafts Jewelry Making Basics

Learn jewelry-making basics such as stringing, pearl knotting and wire wrapping. Create a strung bracelet, a silk knotted bracelet, a chunky bracelet and a wire wrapped bracelet with matching earrings. Supply fee of $25 payable to instructor at first class. BFHA 3--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$72 Code

(Adults) LeeREC

456 233 3401 05/05 BFHA


Begin $

Jewelry Making Beyond the Basics

Using more advanced techniques create a wrapped cuff bracelet, motion bracelet, floating pearl bracelet and a multi-strand necklace. Supply fee of $30 payable to instructor at first class. BFHA 3--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$72 Code

(Adults) LeeREC

456 233 3501 06/02 BFHA


Begin $

Jewelry – Next Level (Adults)

Prerequisite: Beyond the Basics or previous experience. Lessons build on techniques learned in previous classes. Students learn new designs and jewelry such as wire wrapped bracelets, domino necklaces, wire earrings and more. $30 supply fee payable first class. BFHA 3--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$72 Location Day Time



456 232 9001 04/07 BFHA



Begin $

Stained glass is not just for windows or lamps. You learn the basics of working with stained glass and ceramic sheets while learning jewelry-making basics. Tools available at class or bring your own. Supply fee of $20 payable to instructor at class. BFHA 3--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$72 Location Day Time


(Adults) Lee HS

314 132 9101 05/06 BFHA


Begin $

Wire and Bead Jewelry

Students design jewelry, then manipulate wire (copper, brass, silver filled) and add beads and/or stones to create beautiful chains, pendants, bracelets and more. No experience is necessary. All tools are available in class. Supply fee of $20 payable at first class. BFHA 3--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$72 Location Day Time


(16-Adult) Edison HS

303 133 5701 05/06 BFHA



Begin $

Wire Wrapped Pendant Necklace

Turn cabochons, tumbled gemstones, beach glass and more into three unique pendants wrapped with copper, gold or silver wire. Tools and materials are available in class or bring your own. Supply fee of $15 payable to instructor at class. BFAE 2--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$48 Location Day Time (Adults) Annandle HS W

Spring 2015



(6-12 yrs.) Silvrbrk ES



Begin $

4:30pm 105 232 6901 03/24 BFGC

Beginning Hand Sewing

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students learn hand sewing basics using basic stitches as well as embroidery stitching and button sewing. Create your own pincushion, needle book, embroidery sampler and stuffed doll. $30 supply fee payable at first class. Location Day Time (6-8 yrs.) WhlsmCampus W (9-13 yrs.) WhlsmCampus W

Begin $

300 133 4801 06/03 BFAE


Begin $


583 232 0401 03/25 BXVQ


583 232 0301 03/25 BXVQ

Basic Sewing

Students learn basic sewing skills including using the ruler, proper measuring and how to read a pattern. Course also covers use and maintenance of your sewing machine. Skills are put to use creating a variety of projects. No previous experience necessary. Supply fee of $25-$35 payable at first class. 2FC

10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$191

Location Day Time

Stained Glass Plus Jewelry


BFGC 8--55 minute lessons--$75

BXVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$119

Location Day Time T

Students make several simple dolls while exploring different techniques and media. Skills include knotting, braiding, drawing and more. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. Location Day Time

Location Day Time T

Little Dolls for Busy Hands

(9-14 yrs.) OakMarREC T (12-Adult) OakMarREC T


Begin $

4:30pm 142 233 1201 03/24 2FC 6:30pm 142 233 0501 03/24 2FC

Sewing Machine Primer

Learn about your sewing machine including threading, bobbin-winding and placement, parts of the machine, basic stitches and operation. A must for those who want to learn how to use their machine. This class is a prerequisite for all sewing classes. Bring your machine. Class is required to advance to Beginning Sewing I. BFAF 1--3 hour lesson--$46 Location Day Time


(Adults) LakeBrd Sec T PimmitHlAC Sa PimmitHlAC Sa

310 230 9001 04/07 BFAF 352 230 9001 03/21 BFAF 352 230 9002 03/21 BFAF

7pm 9:30am 1:30pm

Begin $

Prerequisite: Sewing Machine Primer. Learn about fabrics, patterns, grain, cutting out fabric from patterns, marking, sewing and pressing while making a basic garment. Supply list provided at the first class; Supply fee of $7 payable at first class. Bring your machine to class. Pimmit Hills classes are 3 hours for first session and 4.5 hours next two sessions. BFEC 4--3 hour lessons--$112 BFHC 3--4 hour lessons--$112 Location Day Time


(Adults) LeeREC

456 230 8901 04/23 BFEC


7pm 9:30am

310 230 8901 04/14 BFEC 352 230 8901 04/11 BFHC

Beginning Sewing II

Prerequisite: Sewing I. Continue refining skills from Sewing I while making a more advanced basic garment. Learn about altering and fitting your pattern. Supply list is provided at the first class. Supply fee $7 payable to instructor at first class. Bring your machine to class. Pimmit Hills classes are 3 hours for first session and 4.5 hours next two sessions. BFEC 4--3 hour lessons--$112 BFHC 3--4 hour lessons--$112 Location Day Time (Adults) Chantily HS T LakeBrd Sec T PimmitHlAC Sa


Begin $

6:30pm 302 230 9101 05/05 BFEC 7pm 310 230 9101 05/19 BFEC 9:30am 352 230 9101 05/02 BFHC

Finishing for Sewing

Prerequisite: Beg. Sewing I, or Beg. Sewing II. Bring your “almost finished” garment that you started in Beg. Sewing I or Beg. II to this class. Learn different types of finishes and use the best one to finish your garment. Bring your machine to class. BFAF 1--3 hour lesson--$46 Location Day Time (Adults) Chantily HS Chantily HS



Begin $

6:30pm 302 233 5201 04/28 BFAF 6:30pm 302 233 5202 06/02 BFAF


Students receive individual attention based on skill level and projects. Class covers basic stitches and pattern reading. Bring one crochet hook in size G (6), H (8), I (9) or J (10) crochet hook and a skein of light colored four-ply worsted weight yarn. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BFBA 6--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$112 Location Day Time


(Adults) LeeREC

456 233 3001 04/15 BFBA



Begin $

Quilting-All Levels

Learn modern quilt construction basics. Subjects covered include fabric and thread selection, rotary cutting methods and piecing methods. Also included are instructions for finishing a quilt including sandwiching, quilting and binding. This is an ongoing class with students at all stages of their chosen project. BFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$185

Beginning Sewing I


LakeBrd Sec T PimmitHlAC Sa

Begin $

Location Day Time


(13-Adult) Frying Pan Pk Th

282 232 4101 03/26 BFGA


Begin $

REGISTER via Parktakes Online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Registration processing begins at 5 a.m., February 3 See registration instructions at the back of Parktakes

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes



Gardening Green Spring Gardens 4603 Green Spring Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 703-642-5173 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/greenspring Visit Green Spring Gardens for ideas and inspiration for gardening in the Washington metro area. Twenty-two themed gardens feature a variety of trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, annuals, bulbs and vegetables. Programing for adults and children offers practical lessons on gardening and stewardship of our environmental and cultural resources.

Horticulture Center

A glasshouse, reference library, gift shop and main event room are housed in our main visitor building, the Horticulture Center. Step into the tropics in the glasshouse, where we showcase plants to grow indoors year-round. The library’s large collection of books, magazines, periodicals and more is a great resource for the gardener. Staff horticulturists are also on hand to help with gardening questions. Nature-inspired art exhibits are displayed throughout the building, and our gift shop carries a wide assortment of tools, books, toys and accessories: everything for the gardener in your life. Meeting and event space is available for rent.

Ladybugs and other critters have captivated children for generations. Nurture your knowledge of nature through Park Authority gardening and nature programs.

Grand Opening of Green Spring’s Garden Gate Plant Shop April 11 Saturday

9 a.m.-1 p.m. Celebrate Spring with the opening of the Garden Gate Plant Shop. Choose from the latest selection of plants. Local growers join us to offer shrubs, native plants, wildflowers, ornamental grasses and unusual perennials and annuals. As always, Friends of Green Spring (FROGS) receive 10% off in the Garden Gate Plant Shop. The Green Spring master gardeners are available. Plant shopping, free gardening information.

The Garden Gate Plant Shop

Open: Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday noon-4 p.m., beginning April 11 Visit our plant sales area offering unusual, hard-tofind plants nurtured by Green Spring’s horticultural staff. The shop specializes in plants that do well in our local growing conditions and offers plants featured in Green Spring’s gardens.

Spring Garden Day – The Big Plant Sale Saturday May 16

9 a.m.-3 p.m. More than 40 vendors of rare and unusual plants descend on Green Spring Gardens to fill your spring gardening needs.

Children’s Programs Garden Sprouts

Nature programs for preschoolers with accompanying adult.

May 2 Saturday Garden Sprouts: Little Ladybug

(3-5 yrs.) Come celebrate these cute and very useful

beetles. Learn how they help farmers and how they defend themselves from predators. Join us for songs and games, then carry home some ladybugs to release into your garden. Code: 290 288 3001



Family Fun Nature programs for families. Registration required for visitors age 5-Adult.

April 11 Saturday Children’s Cherry Blossom Celebration

(5-Adult) See Events section of Parktakes for details.

May 2 Saturday Family Fun: Garden Terrarium Workshop (5-Adult) Create an enclosed, mini garden terrarium


May - November 2015 For more information, call 703-324-5390 or go to www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/farmersmarkets

that is fun to view and easy to take care of. Learn about the hydrologic cycle and have fun decorating your mini world with colored sand, stones and a figurine. Program priced per project. Code: 290 282 3701



May 3 Sunday Family Fun: Nature Photo Scavenger Hunt

(5-Adult) Use your camera or smartphone to make your way through this nature photo scavenger hunt.


Decipher the clues to snap photos and selfies around the park as evidence of your find. Show us your photos and claim your prize. Code: 290 202 0401



June 6 Saturday Family Fun: Worm Workshop

(5-Adult) Explore the dark and wonderful world of worms in our indoor compost bin. Learn how to build your own 10-gallon bin with newspaper bedding, food scraps, and live wiggly worms that will recycle your garbage into rich compost. Enjoy a wormy snack, too! Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 290 288 3401 1-2pm $6/program only Code: 290 288 3402 1-2pm $15/program + worm kit

June 7 Sunday Family Fun: Strawberry Tea Party

(5-Adult) Celebrate June’s luscious fruits with a walk through Green Spring Gardens to see how strawberries and other fruits grow. Then join us for a game and a tea party of strawberry tea and sweet treats. Code: 290 284 7301



Adult Programs March 26 Thursday Downton Abbey Lecture

(Adults) How accurate is Downton Abbey in its

depiction of the interconnected lives of aristocrats and their servants one hundred years ago? Hear about the grim realities of life for domestic servants and the true nature of their relationships with their employers. Discuss whether the popular TV show provides real historical insight or rose-tinted historical fiction.

Code: 290 203 0102

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664



Spring 2015

Gardening March 28 Saturday Multiplying Garden Treasures: Cuttings

April 11 Saturday Shoji Lamp Workshop

techniques demonstrated by staff horticulturist Nancy Olney. Learn strategies for successful rooting as you take one plant and transform it into drifts of many. Take the starters home to expand your collection.

and rice paper for a warm accent light anywhere in your home. Learn about the simple Zen aesthetic of Japan’s ancient decorative traditions. Materials supplied, including wiring kit and bulb. Refreshments served, including Japanese teas and sweets.

(Adults) Learn how to take cuttings following simple

Code: 290 289 3801


(Adults) Make an elegant Shoji table lamp with wood


March 29 Sunday Choice Flowering Trees for Spring

Code: 290 203 0301

including magnolia, redbud, dogwood, juneberry, crabapple and ornamental cherry and plum. Join curatorial horticulturist Brenda Skarphol for a tour through the gardens to view these lovely plants that provide structure and shade in the garden. Cultural requirements, design ideas and mature size are discussed.

(Adults) Envision springtime indoors with a lush,


pastel arrangement of cut daffodils, hyacinth, iris, tulips, and roses. Floral designer Rachel Gang teaches you the creative process and shows more experienced arrangers how to take the design to the next level. Register for program and $25 supply fee.


Code: 290 287 4301 Code: 290 287 4302

April 18 Saturday Entry Gardens: Designing for Curb Appeal

attract and feed butterflies and pollinators. Horticulturist Judy Zatsick introduces you to nectar and host plants that are essential to the butterfly life cycle and helps you create a beautiful container garden to attract butterflies from miles around. Register in advance for program and $25 supply fee.


April 26 Sunday Choice Plants for Small Gardens

(Adults) Tour the gardens at Green Spring with cu-

ratorial horticulturist Brenda Skarphol to learn about woody and herbaceous plants for small gardens spaces. Discover how to use these plants in the ground and containers to create vibrant spaces that provide refuge for us as well as pollinators and birds.

Code: 290 281 5101



May 9 Saturday Backyards: Designing Function and Privacy

(Adults) Expand your home living space by creating a beautiful and functional backyard. Garden designer Amy Knotts Neiberline shares design ideas for functional entertainment spaces, children’s play spaces, and backyard storage. Learn great ways to create privacy using plant material and good design. Code: 290 203 3301



May 23 Saturday Monthly Garden Highlights Tour

(Adults) From one month to the next, the gardens change and evolve dramatically. Catch the garden highlights of May with Green Spring master gardener docents who will showcase some of our eye-popping spring plants. Each month brings new plants to admire and design elements to inspire, so come back in June to catch more standouts. Code: 290 203 0501



June 6 Saturday Basic Pruning Techniques for Shrubs

Attract colorful butterflies to your yard with a butterfly container garden. Learn which plants work best at a Green Spring Gardens workshop on June 6. June 13 Saturday How to Prune Azaleas & Rhododendrons

(Adults) Learn how to improve the health and appear-

Garden Talks with Master Gardeners April 10 Friday Garden Talk: Edibles & Ornamentals

(Adults) Think you don’t have enough space for an

edible garden? Master gardeners help you discover the basics of incorporating edibles into the ornamental landscape so you can enjoy the beauty and benefit of having fresh vegetables outside of your door.

(Adults) Rock gardens can add a rugged beauty to any



Workshops March 21 Saturday Workshop: Decorating Birdhouse Gourds



April 24 Friday Garden Talk: Rock Gardens

landscape. Master gardeners show you how to design, plant, and care for a mountaintop garden display to enjoy for many years. Not only do these plants boast great longevity, but they require little maintenance.

(Adults) Turn a gourd into a beautiful, crafted

Code: 290 282 2401

birdhouse for your feathered friends. Green Spring educator Susan Eggerton shows you a stencil, wood burning, and ink dye technique to free your decorative imagination and turn a plain gourd into a work of art. Register in advance for both program and $25 supply fee.

May 8 Friday Garden Talk: Butterfly Gardening

Code: 290 201 5801 Code: 290 201 5802

10-11:30am Supply Fee

$35/person $25/person

May 2 Saturday Teacup Topiaries



(Adults) Butterflies are a joy to watch. Learn what

plants you should grow to encourage these delicate beauties to visit your garden and extend their stay.

Code: 290 286 1101



May 29 Friday Garden Talk: Container Gardening

(Adults) Container gardens provide beautiful accents

(Adults) Create an all-season flowery centerpiece by

Code: 290 203 3601

Spring 2015

$35/person $25/person

Code: 290 202 6601

Code: 290 281 3701


9:30-11am Supply Fee

Code: 290 284 5601

combining our favorite things - flowers and teacups. Complete a beautiful teacup topiary to grace a table or mantle for years to come. It’s a perfect gift for Mother’s Day. All materials supplied, including fine china cup and saucer. Refreshments served.


Code: 290 281 3301 Code: 290 281 3302

ance of your azaleas and rhododendrons with The Pruning School director, Peter Deahl. This outdoor, hands-on pruning class takes place at the White Gardens in Falls Church, Va. Directions will be emailed before the class date. Bring gloves and pruners.

and walk led by Peter Deahl of The Pruning School. Discover when and how to prune early, midseason and late blooming shrubs, as well as evergreens. Bring gloves and pruners.

(Adults) Learn to prune like a pro with this lecture

$35/person $25/person

(Adults) Create a lovely butterfly container garden to

den: plant selection, creating focus, screening views, complementing architecture and hardscaping. Garden designer Amy Knotts Neiberline answers your design questions and shares dos and don’ts for creating a beautiful front yard. 10-11:30am

1-2:30pm Supply Fee

June 6 Saturday Workshop: Butterfly Container Garden

(Adults) Learn the formula for a beautiful entry gar-

Code: 290 288 4201


April 18 Saturday Floral Design: Lush Spring Bulbs

(Adults) Many trees have glorious spring flowers

Code: 290 201 5601




for small areas and patios. With the help of master gardeners, learn how to select and care for containers and plants that add wow to your living space.

Code: 290 289 3501



For more classes, see www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Gardening June 12 Friday Garden Talk: Water-wise Gardening

(Adults) Master gardeners show you how to manage

water in your home garden through plant selection, soil preparation, and smart irrigation practices that will make you a water-wise gardener. Code: 290 288 4701



Families occupied and adapted the Green Spring landscape and buildings from the late 1700s until the mid20th century. Today visitors can enjoy art exhibits, tasting parties, English teas, tours and programs, and shop in the unique museum shop. For information, call 703-941-7987. Programs are by reservation only.

Tasting Parties Enjoy a presentation; then sample different types of food or drink. Learn how to taste with all your senses and expand your culinary knowledge.

March 28 Saturday Pre-Qingming Tasting Party

(Adults) The Chinese festival of Qingming venerates

ancestors and celebrates the newly-unfolding greenery of spring. Tea leaves that are plucked before Qingming are prized for their delicacy and subtle nuances. Sample different types of special-production Pre-Qing Ming teas and assess their singular qualities. 10:30-noon

A traditional English tea follows each program. Programs are by reservation only. Call 703-941-7987, TTY 703-324-3988.

March 22 Sunday Fashion Show: Kyoto Costume Institute Reservations required. 1-3pm. $32/person (13-Adult) Travel to Japan with our slideshow show-

Historic Green Spring

Code: 290 203 0202

Historic House Tea Programs


April 18 Saturday Pu-Ehr Tea Tasting Party

casing the fabulous collection of one of the world’s leading repositories of Western haute couture, the Kyoto Costume Institute. Learn about KCI’s mission to research three centuries of Western fashion and provide cultural exchange through international exhibits.

April 12 and 26, Sundays Jane Austen: Strictly Ballroom Reservations required. 1-3pm. $32/person (13-Adult) In Austen’s fiction, a ball was the ulti-

mate venue for courtship. Under cover of music and the footwork of a dance, young people talked and touched in flirtatious ways not permitted elsewhere. Hear about the protocol, passion and “felicities of rapid motion” that characterized the Austen-era ball.

May 10, Sunday Mother’s Day Garden Tour and Tea Reservations required. 1-3pm. $42/person (13-Adult) Enjoy a delightful docent-led tour of the

gardens. Then raise your teacups in honor of mothers and nurturers everywhere at a traditional English afternoon tea in the Historic House. Take home a special gift box of teatime favors.

May 31 Sunday The Bright Young Things Reservations required. 1-3pm. $32/person (13-Adult) The original party animals, the “Bright

Young Things” of the 1920s, were flamboyant, decadent, outrageous and glamorous. Hear about the members of this privileged social set, their wild behavior, the dark side of their lifestyle and their dubious legacy: the modern cult of celebrity.

June 7 Sunday Fashion and Invention Reservations required. 1-3:30pm. $38/program + tea $15/program only (13-Adult) Artist and collector Caroline Hottenstein

presents a fascinating timeline of tools, inventions and innovations that have influenced changes in fashion and fibers over the centuries. View select pieces of an antique clothing collection that showcase the historical connection between fashion and technology.

April 23, May 21, June 18 Thursdays Garden Tour & Tea Reservations required. 1-3pm. $32/person (13-Adult) Tour some of the glorious demonstration

gardens with a master gardener docent who will inspire you with stories of Green Spring past and present. Afterwards, enjoy a traditional English afternoon tea served in our 1784 historic house.


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(Adults) Pu-Erh tea is one of China’s great treasures

but relatively unknown in the West. A complex maturation process yields a tea unlike any other in the world that shares many attributes with fine wine. Discover the unique characteristics of Pu-Ehr teas as you taste several quality vintage brews. Code: 290 203 0401



June 13 Saturday Balsamic Vinegar Tasting Party

(Adults) Savor a selection of fine balsamic vinegars

with varied accompaniments. Hear about the history of Italy’s famed elixir and how to distinguish genuine balsamico from the imitations. Learn about its provenance, its myriad uses and how to assess its flavors. Code: 290 203 0601



Park Authority

Gift Cards

Perfect for every occasion One size fits all

Available at all Park Authority RECenters, nature centers and golf courses 120

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015


Golf Burke Lake Golf Center

7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station Phone: 703-323-1641 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf/blgc • 18 hole, par 3 course, 2,843 yards with putting green and chipping area. • Challenge your short game with holes from 90-200 yards. • Clubhouse has food service and golf supplies. Pull carts and clubs are available for rent. • 40 station lighted driving range. Private and group lessons, for all ages, provided by Everybody Golf School. For lesson information, call 703-425-4653.

Greendale Golf Course

6700 Telegraph Road, Alexandria Phone: 703-971-3788 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf/greendale • 18 hole regulation, par 70, 6,237 yard course. • The course features Bermuda grass fairways, several water hazards on 148 acres of rolling terrain. • Facilities include a practice putting green, food service and a pro shop stocked with a variety of golf supplies. • Power carts, golf clubs and pull carts are available for rent. • Private golf lessons and outing packages are also available.

Jefferson District Golf Course 7900 Lee Highway, Falls Church Phone: 703-573-0444

www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf/jeffersongc • 9 hole, par 35 executive course, 2,484 yards. • Great walking course for all ages. • Clubhouse offers food service and golf supplies. Pull carts and power carts are available for rent. • Additional features include practice putting green, chipping area, 18 hole miniature golf course lighted basketball and tennis courts.

• Lighted, 78 station driving range with target greens, sand bunker and grass tees. • Covered and heated driving range stations allow for practice in all weather conditions. • Private and groups lessons are offered for all ages by Everybody Golf School. For information call 703-255-5396.

Laurel Hill Golf Club

6600 Little River Turnpike, Alexandria Phone: 703-941-1061 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf/pinecrestgc/ • 9 hole, par 35 executive course, 2,462 yards • Practice facilities include putting green, 10 outdoor practice driving nets, indoor practice area. • The clubhouse offers food service and a pro shop with golf supplies. • Golf clubs, pull and power carts are available for rent. • For information on individual or group lessons call 703-941-1062.

8701 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton Phone: 703-493-8849 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf/lhgc • 18 hole championship, par 71, 7,102-yard course. • In 2011 Laurel Hill was ranked 13th best municipal course in the country • This award-winning course offers 18 memorable and unique golf holes. • Multiple tees ensure playability for all skill levels. • Practice facilities include 30-station driving range with grass tees, short-game area, putting green, chipping area and bunkers. Private and small group lessons and large clinics are offered. • The golf shop offers a wide selection of clothing, clubs and golf accessories. • The clubhouse has full service catering for outings, banquets and meetings.

Oak Marr Golf Complex

3200 Jermantown Road, Oakton Phone: 703-255-5390 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf/oakmarrgc • 9 hole, par 3 1,456 yard golf course. • 25,000 square foot practice area for chipping, putting and sand shots.

gn-up i S e u Leag 2015 April 1st Play spans June-August Begins Open to junior players ages 8-17 years

League membership includes:

Fairfax County Park Authority

Junior Golf League Join and play at any of these sites:

Burke Lake Golf Course 703-323-1641 • Fairfax Station Jefferson District Golf Course 703-573-0444 • Falls Church Oak Marr Golf Complex 703-255-5390 • Oakton Pinecrest Golf Course 703-941-1061 • Annandale Only $200 for the season! Greendale Golf Course 703-971-9388 • Alexandria

• Coaching, practice and play • Fun, competitive matches on a variety of FCPA courses • Team golf shirt • Membership in the Jr. Golf Program

To register, call or visit your favorite course or choose your favorite course at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf Spring 2015

Pinecrest Golf Course

Pleasant Valley Golfer’s Club at Richard Jones Park

4715 Pleasant Valley Rd., Chantilly Phone: 703-222-7900 Upscale, 18-hole daily fee course and driving range • Owned by Fairfax County Park Authority • Independently operated by a private golf management company. • For fees, tee time procedures and operating hours, call 703-631-7904.

Twin Lakes

6201 Union Mill Road, Clifton Phone: 703-631-9099 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golg/twinlakes/ • 36 hole golf facility • The Oaks Course, 18 hole, par 71, 6,715 yards • The Lakes Course, 18 hole, par 72, 6,695 yards • Practice facilities include a large putting green, chipping area and driving range with grass tees available. • These two courses provide different golf experiences at one location. • The Twin Lakes pro shop offers a wide selection of clothing, clubs and golf accessories. • The Lakes Grill Room offers food service with spectacular views from the dining area. • The recently expanded Oaks Room is available for use for golf outings, banquets and meetings. • Private and small group lessons and large group clinics are offered.

GOLFERS, please note:

• Cart rental and greens fees vary by site. Call the course of your choice for information. • Metal golf spikes are prohibited at all Fairfax County Park Authority golf courses. • Senior and junior rates are available only on weekdays during non-prime time.

FCPA Junior Golf Program

Golfers ages 8 to 17 can learn the fundamentals and improve their game through practice and play. Participants enjoy access to clinics and tournaments specifically designed for younger golfers. Members also receive discounted greens fees and driving range usage. An annual membership is $20. Call any one of the FCPA-operated courses to find out how to join the Park Authority’s Junior Golf Program.

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Golf USGA handicap service offered

Handicap services are provided at Greendale, Jefferson, Pinecrest, Twin Lakes and Laurel Hill golf courses. The hands-on system allows you to enter your own scores and get an updated handicap, which you’ll receive twice monthly. The Handicap Index is computed under the USGA Handicap System. By enrolling, you are eligible to participate in Virginia State Golf Association events. Handicap services are available year round for $38. Contact any Park Authority golf course for more information.

Adapted power carts available at golf courses

Adapted power carts may be rented at all Fairfax County Park Authority courses. These carts are reserved for golfers with permanent disabilities. Reservations should be made 24 hours in advance by calling the specific course. For further information, please contact the individual golf course or the Park Authority’s Access Services at 703- 324-8563.

Tee Off with Teetimes.com and SAVE!

The Park Authority’s Golf Subscription Program lets you book tee times at all seven Park Authority courses up to 14 days in advance. To subscribe*, log on to www.teetimesFCPA.com or call 1-888-989-9077. The annual subscription fee is just $26, and once you’ve joined, you can begin scheduling your tee times immediately (limit one per day for up to four golfers.)

Subscription Bonus*

• Two-for-one voucher – two play for the price of one round of golf at your pick of Park Authority courses. • One free range ball token per day with the purchase of any size bucket of balls. • 10 percent pro shop discount year round on nonsale golf apparel. *New, renewing and returning subscribers are eligible for the subscription bonus. Two-for-one round must be played Monday-Thursday after 11 a.m. Holidays are excluded, and cart fee is not included. Offer expires one year from date of purchase. To book your tee time call 1-888-989-9077 or log on to www.teetimesFCPA.com. Non subscribers may book a tee time up to 72 hours in advance. Same-day reservations may be made by calling the course of your choice.

Golf Classes Starting New at Golf SNAG (5-8 yrs.)

Course covers basic golf elements in a modified form for kids to enjoy. SNAG falls between miniature golf and regulation golf and is a fun and innovative way to introduce children to the game. All equipment is provided. Tennis shoes are recommended. Classes are held indoors. 2GE 5--55 minute lessons--$94 Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Sa PinecrestGC Su

512 235 4101 04/11 2GE 512 235 4102 04/12 2GE


2pm 2pm

Begin $

SNAG Targeting (5-8 yrs.)

Prerequisite: SNAG I. Class enables students to further develop their skills through fun games involving target practice and scoring. All equipment is provided. Tennis shoes are recommended. Classes are held indoors. Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Sa PinecrestGC Su

512 235 4901 05/30 2GE 512 235 4902 05/31 2GE

Begin $

Prerequisite: Snag Targeting. Class includes a review of fundamental skills before introducing traditional clubs. All equipment is provided. Tennis shoes are recommended. Classes are held indoors. 2GE 5--55 minute lessons--$94 Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Sa

512 235 5201 05/30 2GE

Begin $

Golf Clinic Parent/Child (7-17 yrs.)

Open to all adults accompanied by a junior golfer 7 years or older. Adult must register. No golf experience required. Adult and junior clubs available. Course covers basic golf fundamentals, equipment, course etiquette and more. 2GF 5--55 minute lessons--$191 Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Sa PinecrestGC Su

512 235 3601 04/11 2GF 512 235 3602 05/31 2GF

11am 1pm

Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Sa PinecrestGC Sa

512 235 3501 04/11 2GB 512 235 3502 05/30 2GB

1pm 1pm

Begin $

Junior Power Golf (7-12 yrs.)

SNAG Transitions (5-8 yrs.)


This program covers grip, posture, ball position, alignment, chipping, putting and full-swing fundamentals. It also covers course orientation, etiquette, rules and basic understanding of equipment. 2GB 5--55 minute lessons--$133

2GE 5--55 minute lessons--$94 2pm 2pm

Junior Beginner Golf Ready (7-12 yrs.)

Begin $

Prerequisite: Junior Beginner Golf or equivalent. Class features a review of golf foundations and introduces fairway clubs, tee-shots, short game and bunker shots. 2GB 5--55 minute lessons--$133 Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Sa

512 235 3901 05/30 2GB


Begin $

Junior Golf League-Scoring (7-12 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Junior Power golf or equivalent. This program prepares students to participate in a junior golf league. Lessons focus on scoring clubs of the short game, as well as woods, iron play and driving. 2GB 5--55 minute lessons--$133 Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Su

512 235 5401 04/12 2GB


Begin $

Beginner Golf Ready (13-Adult)

This program covers the fundamentals of grip, posture, ball position, alignment, chipping, putting and

Groundhog Day Special Play 18 holes at Laurel Hill Golf Club on Groundhog Day, Feb. 2, 2015, and receive a replay coupon for future rounds at Laurel Hill for $34 per round. Laurel Hill Golf Club, 8701 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA

www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf/lhgc Offer applies to regular rates only, not valid with other discounts. Replay coupons valid Mon. - Thur. only. Replay coupon may be used more than once, but they expire on March 19, 2015. Replay coupons are non-transferable and a photo ID is required at check-in.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Golf full swing. It also covers course orientation, etiquette, rules and basic understanding of equipment. 2GB 5--55 minute lessons--$133 Location Day Time


Begin $

PinecrestGC PinecrestGC PinecrestGC PinecrestGC

512 235 3001 512 235 3002 512 235 3003 512 235 3004

04/11 04/12 05/30 05/31

Sa Su Sa Su

9am 10am 9am 10am


Power Golf (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Beginner Golf Ready or equivalent. Class features a review of golf foundations and introduces woods, tee-shots and short game. 2GB 5--55 minute lessons--$133 Code

PinecrestGC Sa PinecrestGC Su PinecrestGC Su

512 235 3101 04/11 2GB 512 235 3102 04/12 2GB 512 235 3103 05/31 2GB

Begin $

Scoring Golf (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Power Golf or equivalent. Lessons focus on scoring clubs of the short game as well as woods, iron play and driving. 2GB 5--55 minute lessons--$133 Location Day Time


PinecrestGC Sa

512 235 3401 04/11 2GB


2GB 5--55 minute lessons--$133 Location Day Time


PinecrestGC W PinecrestGC W PinecrestGC Sa

512 235 3201 04/08 2GB 512 235 3202 05/27 2GB 512 235 3203 05/30 2GB

6pm 7pm 3pm

Begin $

Ladies Power Golf (Adults)

Prerequisite: Ladies Beginner Golf Ready or equivalent. Class features a review of golf foundations and introduces woods, tee shots and short game.

Begin $

Ladies Beginner Golf Ready (Adults)

This basic class is for ladies! This program covers grip,

Location Day Time


PinecrestGC W

512 235 3301 05/27 2GB


Begin $

Tournaments March 7 Saturday Ice Breaker Tournament

March 21 Saturday Second Annual Jefferson Par-3 Challenge

(8-Adult) 9 a.m. Jefferson District Golf Course, 703573-0443. Participants compete in a 9-hole, individual stroke play tournament. Jefferson’s tee boxes will be moved around to turn the entire course into Par-3s. Tee box locations are kept secret until the day of tournament. Advance registration is required by March 18. Cost is $45 per person if signed up before March 16, $50 if on or after the 16th. Rain date is March 28. Fee due at registration and includes lunch and prizes.

April 10 Friday Shot in the Dark Nite Tournament

2GB 5--55 minute lessons--$133

Location Day Time 10am 11am 11am

posture, ball position, alignment, chipping, putting and full-swing fundamentals. Learn course orientation, etiquette, rules and understanding of equipment.

(Adults) 9:30 a.m. Shotgun Start, Greendale Golf Course, 703-971-3788. Kick off the 2015 Golf Season! Players compete in a two-person, best-ball tournament. Prizes awarded for team, closest to the pin and longest drive. Registration begins 30 days prior to event; advance registration required by Sunday, March 2. Cost is $110.00 per team and includes tournament day greens fee and power cart, breakfast, lunch and prizes. Fee due at time of registration.

(12-Adult) 8 p.m., Burke Lake Golf Course, 703-3231641. Teams of two play a 9-hole scramble using glow-in-the-dark balls. Hors d’ouevres served beginning at 7 pm. Fee includes one glow ball and flashlight. Additional glow balls are $5 each. Closest-tothe-pin contests. Registration begins two weeks prior to the event. Limited to the first 18 teams. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place teams. Rain date April 17. Cost: $65 per team. Fee due at time of registration.

April 25 Saturday Junior/Parent Tournament

(7-Adult) 8 a.m. – noon, Burke Lake Golf Course,

703-323-1641. Teams of two players compete in an 18-hole scramble format. Closest-to-the-pin contests. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place teams in two age divisions: Adult/Jr. 7-12; Adult/Jr. 13-17. Registration begins two weeks prior to event. Limited to the first 48 teams. Rain date May 2. Cost: $65 per team. Fee due at registration; includes lunch.


All active duty and veteran military personnel get special pricing privileges for golf at these Fairfax County Park Authority Golf Courses. Mondays only. Now – March 31, 2015

Play 18 holes of golf at these special prices: Burke Lake Golf Course, Fairfax Station $15 (walking) • (703) 323-1641 ★★★

Greendale Golf Course, Alexandria $25 (walk or ride) • (703) 971-6170 ★★★

Laurel Hill Golf Club, Lorton $49 (includes warm-up bag of balls & cart) • (703) 493-9949 ★★★

Twin Lakes Golf Course, Clifton $29 (walking) • (703) 631-9099

Play 9 holes of golf at these special prices: Oak Marr Golf Course, Oakton $10 (includes pull cart) • (703) 255-5390 ★★★

Pinecrest Golf Course, Alexandria $15 (walk or ride) • (703) 941-1061

Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Golf May 11 Monday Senior’s Only Tournament!

(55 yrs. +) 8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start, Greendale Golf

Course, 703-971-3788. Players compete in a one-day, 18-hole individual stroke play tournament. Divisions determined based on sign-up; minimum of 8 players required per division. Prizes awarded for 1st and 2nd place in each division as well as closest to the pin. Registration begins 30 days prior to event; advance registration required by Monday, May 4. Cost is $45.00 per person. Cost includes tournament-day greens fee and power cart, breakfast, lunch and prizes. Fee due at time of registration.

r o i n Ju

F L GOram Prog

Fairfax County Park Authority Become a junior golf program member and start a lifelong sport off on the right track

For Ages 8-17 Membership for 2015 Season is only $20 Register at any of the seven Fairfax County Park Authority Golf Courses

May 16 Saturday Susan G. Komen Rally for the Cure

(8-Adult) 9 a.m. Jefferson District Golf Course, 703573-0444. Participants compete in a 9-hole, individual stroke play tournament. A portion of the tournament fee will benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation Rally for the Cure, a breast cancer awareness initiative. Advance registration is required by May 13. Cost is $60 per person if signed up before May 11; $65 if on or after the 11th. Rain date is May 23. Fee due at time of registration and includes lunch and prizes.

June 20 Saturday Father’s Day Golf Tournament

(7-Adult) 8 a.m. – noon, Burke Lake Golf Course, 703-323-1641. Teams of two players compete in an 18-hole scramble format in three divisions: Father/Jr. 7-12; Father/Jr. 13-17; Father/Adult partner. Closestto-the-pin contests. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in all three divisions. Limited to the first 48 teams. Registration begins two weeks prior to event. Rain date June 20. Cost: $65 per team. Fee due at time of registration; includes lunch.

July 8 Wednesday Junior 18-hole Tournament

(7-17 yrs.) 8 a.m. – noon, Burke Lake Golf Course,

703-323-1641. Junior golfers compete in an 18-hole, individual stroke tournament. Players compete in three age divisions: 10 and younger, 11–13, 14–17. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in all divisions. Closestto-the-pin contests. Registration begins two weeks prior to event. Rain date: July 15. Cost: $20/Jr. program members, $30/non-jr. program members; includes lunch. Fee due at time of registration.

Park Authority

Gift Cards

• •

Discounted non-prime time greens fees at all six FCPA Golf Courses One free range token for any range bucket purchase Free Access to all Junior clinics

• • •

Reduced entry fees for Junior Tournaments Free Rule Book Free VSGA handicap

SPRING/SUMMER JUNIOR CLINICS April 11 May 9 May 5 May 5 May 12 May 12 May 19 May 19 May 26 May 26 June 2 June 2 June 9 June 9 June 13 June 16 June 16 June 23 June 23 June 30 June 30 July 7

Rules & Etiquette Putting Rules & Etiquette Rules & Etiquette Putting Chipping Chipping Putting Short Irons Short Irons Long Irons Long Irons Woods Woods Chipping Rules & Etiquette Sand Play Putting Rules & Etiquette Chipping Chipping Short Irons

Pinecrest GC Pinecrest GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Pinecrest GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr G.C. Burke Lake GC Oak Marr G.C. Burke Lake Oak Marr G.C. Burke Lake GC

July July 11 July 14 July 14 July 21 July 21 July 28 July 28 Aug. 4 Aug. 4 Aug. 8 Aug. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 25 Aug. 25

Putting Irons Long Irons Short Irons Woods Long Irons Putting Woods Chipping Sand Play Woods Short Irons Chipping Long Irons Putting Woods Long Irons

Oak Marr GC Pinecrest GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Pinecrest GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr GC Burke Lake GC Oak Marr G.C. Burke Lake GC Oak Marr G.C.

For further information or to make reservations, call the sponsoring golf course

Perfect for every occasion One size fits all

Available at all Park Authority RECenters, nature centers and golf courses 124

As a member, you receive:

Clinics at Pinecrest: 4-5 p.m. • Clinics at Burke Lake and Oak Marr: 5 - 6 p.m. Advanced registration is required for clinics at Burke Lake Golf Course. Limited space available. Call each course for more information.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015


Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

History include games, penmanship, washing clothes, and making a food item such as butter, ice cream, cheese or applesauce.


Code: 274 286 8701

Colvin Run Mill Historic Site

(8-Adult) Meets at Cabell’s Mill. Bring blankets or chairs and flashlights. Savor s’mores around the campfire while we share some of our favorite stories from Centreville’s past. Finish the evening with a candlelight tour of a mysterious headstone and an ancient miller’s house. Code: 274 284 8201

No reservations required.

Shop in the unhurried atmosphere of this restored c.1900 country store where you will find yellow and white cornmeal, yellow and white grits, and whole wheat flour ground at the mill. Open: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily, closed Tuesdays.

First and third Sundays, June through August, noon – 4pm. (8-Adult) The wood carvers lend their tools and expertise to uncover your hidden artistic talent as you create a creature from a block of wood. Free lessons; nominal fee for wood blank.

Discover the magic behind old-fashioned food-making methods. Try your hand at churning butter or tap the trees for delicious maple syrup at Park Authority historic sites. (16-Adult) This is a rare, hands-on opportunity for people to participate in a 2-day “practicum” and learn to operate a water-powered mill. Sponsored in part by the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills and presented by Colvin Run Mill’s miller, Mason Maddox. $150 per person (includes supply fee).

March 1 Sunday Maple Syrup Boil-Down

June 21 Sunday Father’s Day Celebration

watch as gallons of sap are reduced to ounces of delicious syrup over an open fire. Sample maple syrup on fresh cornbread. $3 per person. No reservations required.

with the Northern Virginia Carvers Nominal charge for wood blanks. Free tours of the mill for all dads accompanied by their children. Hand-crank ice cream and sample your efforts for $1.50 a cup. Tour cost separate.

(All ages) Noon – 2 p.m. Learn about sugaring and

March 22 Saturday Japanese Teas

Pre-paid reservations required by 3/19 (703-759-2771) 1 - 3pm It’s Cherry Blossom Festival time again. Learn more about Japanese tea styles beyond what is used in the tea ceremony in this educational tasting. Shade grown, roasted, twig style, are some examples. Taste Japanese teas and tea treats and take home a special Cherry Blossom Blend. Presented by Certified Tea Specialist Chef Laurie Bell. $30 per person.

March 28 Saturday Easter Egg Hunt at Colvin Run Mill See Events section of Parktakes for details.

May 15 Friday and 16 Saturday Miller Training

Spring 2015

Noon - 4pm

(All ages) Treat Dad to a free wood carving lesson

Ellanor C. Lawrence Park Walney Visitor Center, 5040 Road, Chantilly, VA 20151 703-631-0013 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl The Walney Visitor Center features natural and cultural exhibits and a hands-on area to introduce the public to the past farmland and present parkland. Programs are regularly scheduled. Family-friendly activity backpacks and totes are available at the center. Visit website for visitor center hours.

April 19 Sunday Hands-on- History

Pre-paid reservations required by 5/2. (703-759-2771) 8am - 5pm



(All ages) Take a step back in time to the 1940s. Costumed interpreters lead tours of the Spindle Sears House and help hand-crank homemade ice cream. Play family games provided. Bring your own picnic. Donations accepted to support Historic Centreville Park. The Spindle Sears House is located at 5714 Mt Gilead Road, Centreville Va. Park on the grass across the street. Canceled in the event of rain.

Colvin Run General Store

Northern Virginia Carvers return June 7.

8-9pm $6/person

May 25 Monday Memorial Day 1940s Ice Cream Social

Open: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., closed Tuesdays. Tours are offered on the hour, last tour at 3 p.m. Tour tickets: $7 per adult, $6 per student 16+ with ID, $5 per child and senior. Park entry is free except for some special events.

Grinding demonstrations resume April 7. Call ahead to see if weather and conditions permit. First and third Sundays – noon – 3 p.m. Tour cost applies.


May 1 Friday Stories from Old Centreville

10017 Colvin Run Road, Great Falls, VA 22066 703-759-2771 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/colvinrunmill Colvin Run Mill Historic Site is a Virginia landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places and accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. Featuring Fairfax County’s award-winning operational 19th century water-powered gristmill, the site offers recreational and educational activities for all ages through tours, school programs and special events.

Recurring Programs at Colvin Run Mill


(4-9 yrs.) Drop off your children and let them travel

back in time with a costumed interpreter to explore the lives of 19th century children. Various activities

May 30 Saturday Dairy Farming at Walney: Butter & Cheese

(4-Adult) Walney has a long dairy farming history. Taste hand-churned butter and sample cheeses while learning about the importance of this industry at Walney. Tour the historic dairy and try your hand at milking a pretend cow. Current restoration projects will be highlighted. Children must be accompanied with a registered adult. Code: 274 289 1701



Historic Huntley at Huntley Meadows Park 6918 Harrison Lane, Alexandria, VA 22306 703-768-2525 http://1.usa.gov/M5JR1J The Huntley Manor House, built circa 1820 and connected to the Mason family, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register. Historic Huntley is a three-acre park containing the manor and supporting structures (brick privy and root/ice house), along with a later tenant house and cultural landscape features. This recently restored park is now open to the public. March-November: Grounds – dawn to dusk Buildings – Saturday tours (Call for times and cost) December-February:Closed

April 9 Thursday Homeschoolers at Huntley

(6-9 yrs.) Students see the past laid out before their eyes and discover Huntley, Northern Va, and Chesapeake-region history. Each week students learn about a different aspect of American history by participating in hands-on activities and hikes. Students must have basic reading and writing skills and be comfortable working in a group. 8-1 hour 25 min lessons-$101 Code: 578 286 6701 1:30-3pm

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes




History Fridays Twilight Hilltop Tour

April 12 Sunday A Touch Of Japan for Cherry Blossom

(Adults) Historic Huntley sits high upon a hill over-

(8-Adult) Sully hosts a fun program in conjunction with the celebrations all over the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Sample some teas of Japan, see Japanese fans and colorful Japanese objects, then paint your own fan. Tour of the 1794 house included at 4 p.m. Prepaid reservations by 3/21 for this program.

Code: 578 283 3901 Code: 578 283 3902 Code: 578 283 3903

Code: 381 201 6301

looking Hybla Valley and Huntley Meadows Park. It’s a dramatic setting made all the more stunning by the setting sun. Join us after hours for a special tour and see the house in a different light. Light refreshments served afterward. Dress appropriately for the weather. 7-8:30pm 7:30-9pm 7:30-9pm

5/15 5/29 6/12

$8/person $8/person $8/person



April 18 Saturday Sully’s Garden Walk and Chilled Tea

(5-Adult) In this talk and walk in Sully’s heirloom

Sully Historic Site

garden, horticulturist Andy Johnson discusses how to attract birds and butterflies using native plants.

3650 Historic Sully Way Chantilly, VA 20151 703-437-1794 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/sully

Code: 381 284 3601



April 26 Sunday Behind the Scenes, White Glove Tour

The 1794 home of Richard Bland Lee, northern Virginia’s first congressman and uncle of General Robert E. Lee, combines aspects of Georgian and Federal architecture, and is complemented by original outbuildings, representative slave quarters and gardens. Sully is accredited by the American Association of Museums and included on the National Register of Historic Places, the National Park Service’s Underground Railroad Network to Freedom and Virginia Civil War Trails. Guided tours highlight the early 19th century life of the Lee family, tenant farmers and enslaved African Americans.

(8-Adult) Take a journey through the collections of Sully. Try on white gloves to handle select objects. Visitors get up close and personal to objects used by the families who lived at Sully in the past.

Open daily, except Tuesdays, for guided house tours on the hour beginning at 11a.m. The last tour begins at 4 p.m. Wheelchair access to the first floor of house. Forgotten Road Tours of the original outbuildings and slave quarter offered at 2 p.m. daily except Tuesday. Canceled if inclement weather, call the site to confirm status. Check the FCPA website for holiday closings and hours.

Code: 381 283 5801 Code: 381 283 6401

Cost: $7/adult, $6/student (16+), $5 senior (65+) and child (5-15 yrs.) per tour Save by taking both tours, approximately two hours: $9/adult, $8/student and $7/child. Check out Sully’s new Visitor Center and Squirrel’s Nest Museum Shop! Recently opened with expanded merchandise, ticket sales and the Eddie Wagstaff Conference room, available for rental. Open: Daily 11 a.m.-4 p.m., except Tuesday.

March 10 Tuesday Civil War Lecture: Robert E. Lee 7-8pm

Reservations required (8-Adult) Matthew Penrod, National Park Service Ranger at Arlington House, will take a look at the life of Robert E. Lee before, during and after the Civil War. This Civil War 150th Commemorative Program is sponsored by the Sully Foundation, Ltd. in memory of Thom F. Hanes, one of the original founders. Light refreshments. Donations gratefully accepted. Free.

March 30 – April 3 Monday- Friday, Except Tuesday Spring Break Special 1-4pm

(8-Adult) Tour the 1794 home of Richard Bland Lee, then write a letter with a quill pen, learn to make your letter into an envelope, and read from a McGuffey’s Reader. $7/adult, $6/student, $5/senior and child.


Code: 381 201 6401



April 30 Thursday Home Schoolers Special

(5-11 yrs.) Hands-on learning designed to enrich understanding of Fairfax County circa 1800. Seasonal activities include school room, games, textiles/sewing, slave life, kitchen, herbs, toiletries and medicines. Adult chaperones register with separate code. 10-noon 10-noon

May 12 Tuesday Civil War Lecture: Appomattox 7-8pm

Reservations required (8-Adult) As we end the Civil War sesquicentennial, hear about the war’s last days and the people who played leading roles in its closure. This Civil War 150th Commemorative Program is sponsored by the Sully Foundation, Ltd. in memory of Thom F. Hanes, one of the original founders. Light refreshments. Donations gratefully accepted. Free.

May 23 Saturday Cures from the Quarter, 1, 2, or 3 pm

At the slave quarter, learn how enslaved African Americans maintained their health. Discover the differences and similarities between healthcare methods of slaves and their masters. Learn about the Native American influence on early American healthcare. Reservations suggested. Included in Forgotten Road Tour. Adult/$7, Students/$6, Children and Seniors/$5

June 6 Saturday The Home-Gown Medicine Chest, 1 - 4 pm (5-Adult) Medical care in the 1700s and 1800s was very different from the way it is today. Tour Sully’s garden, 18th century kitchen and house and learn about the preparation of home remedies and their uses. Program replaces regular house tour. Reservations suggested. $8/adult, $7/student, $6/senior and child.

$10/child $5/chaperone

All Aboard the


May 3 Sunday Tea is Served

(6-Adult) A special tea for young ladies and a special woman in their lives. Wear your Sunday best for an elegant, fun afternoon answering tea-tillating questions. Code: 381 203 0701


Celebrate your birthday riding Resources Railroad Engine #62 at Sully Historic Site.


May 16 Saturday Visit with a Carpenter

Choose from two birthday themes:

(5-Adult) Try your hand at using tools of the 18th

century to help make legs for rustic stools at the slave quarter cabin. Ongoing program. Forgotten Road tour included. Code: 381 203 0801


1. Farm – an interactive ride while pretending to be a farmer getting his food to town. 2. Civil War - Experience the Civil War


April 11 Saturday, 10am-4pm April 12 Sunday, 10am-3pm Civil War School of the Soldier

soldier’s life from the recruitment to battle training.

Camps of instruction were common to new recruits who came to the Confederate Army straight from farms, shops and schoolrooms. This event provides an opportunity to learn the skills of a soldier. Pack a knapsack, march and drill with “muskets”, put up a tent, visit the surgeon and learn about camp cooking. House tour included. $7/adults, $5/children.

April 14 Tuesday Civil War Lecture: After the War 7-8pm

Reservations required (8-Adult) This Civil War 150th Commemorative Program is sponsored by the Sully Foundation, Ltd. in memory of Thom F. Hanes, one of the original founders. Light refreshments. Donations gratefully accepted. Free

To book your party or for more information, call 703-437-1794. Sully Historic Site 3650 Historic Way Chantilly, Va.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

History • Ice Skating

Historic Celebrations Have your party at a beautiful historic setting...

Ice Skating Ice skating classes:

• Offered at Mt. Vernon Ice Arena at Mt. Vernon RECenter and Fairfax Ice Arena. • Students should report 15 minutes before class and be ready to go on the ice at class time. • Prior to the first class, students should attend a public session to become accustomed to the ice and to determine proper skate fitting. • Recommended clothing is a sweater or jacket, knit hat, gloves or mittens and warm, comfortable, slacks. • Ice skating classes include free admissions to public skating sessions equal to the number of classes. All group-lesson students are entitled to free rental skates for use during lessons and practice sessions. • Although there are no equipment requirements except as noted in Hockey 1 and up, head protection (hockey or biking helmets), knee and elbow protection are strongly recommended.

Private Lessons

For information about private ice skating lessons, call the Mt. Vernon Ice Arena programming office: 703768-3224.

Eight distinctive properties.

Doing More with Specialists

Unique historic character, intimate settings and lovely grounds at affordable prices.

Spring 2015

Ice dance, figure and freestyle figure skating for all levels. Provides USFSA registration. Contact Lisa Messerschmidt, 703-221-2933.

Fairfax Special Olympics

Special Olympics athletes participate in figure and speed skating or learn to skate in the Basic Skills Program. No prior skating experience needed for Basic Skills Program. Athletes compete in local and state competitions. Contact Debbie Cohn, 703-903-9597. www.novasova.org


Two different instructional progressions are used for lessons, USFSA (Skate with US – Snowplow Sam, Basic, Freestyle, Adult) and ISI (Ice Skating Institute – Tot, Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta). The Park Authority offers the full progression of classes for USFSA and the ISI introductory-level classes for each age group. *Students in one progression may change to the other progression at the appropriate skating level by using the chart below. Consult the course descriptions for more information. ISI

Snowplow Sam 1 (3-6 yrs.)

Tot 1 or 2 (4-6 yrs.)

Snowplow Sam 2 (3-6 yrs.)


Snowplow Sam 3 (3-6 yrs.)


For more details, you also can contact Mt Vernon RECenter ice director Carl Kirtley at 703-768-3224 or by e-mail: carl.kirtley@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Basic 1 (6-13 yrs.)

Pre-Alpha (7-13 yrs.)

Basic 2 (6-13 yrs.)


Basic 3 (6-13 yrs.)


NOVA Adult Hockey League Adult hockey league run by Harrland Hockey. Co-ed. Ages 18 and older. Non-check hockey. AA. A. B Divisions. Contact Ernie Harris, 703-898-3709 www.nvahl.com

Basic 4 (6-13 yrs.)


Basic 5 (6-13 yrs.)


Basic 6 (6-13 yrs.)


Basic 7 (7-13 yrs.)


Basic 8 (6-Adult)


Adult 1 (14-Adult)

Pre-Alpha Adult (14-Adult)

Adult 2 (14-Adult)


Adult 3 (14-Adult)


Adult 4 (14-Adult


Potomac Senior Men’s

Ages 40 and older. Experience level varies. Subs only when needed from existing sub list. Non-check hockey. Thursday night check in. Contact Bill Goodman, 571-276-0669.

Northern Virginia Hockey Club

703-827-0269 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/hprs hprs@fairfaxcounty.gov

Washington Figure Skating Club


Ages 40 and older. Experience level varies. Subs welcome. Non-check hockey. Sunday night check in. Contact Earle Smith, 703-971-2973

Historic Property Rental Services

Adult hockey. Ages 18 and older. Various levels. Non-check hockey. Thursday night hockey. Contact Doug Scott, 703-780-2220.

The Park Authority contracts with specialists in different areas to offer a broad range of programs and times to skate. Service partners who rent the ice at the Mt. Vernon RECenter may be contacted at the numbers listed below.

Mt. Vernon Senior Men

Perfect for celebrations, picnics, parties, wedding receptions, and corporate meetings and retreats.

Fairfax Men’s Hockey

Ice Dogs Youth Hockey. Ages 4-18. Beginner, house and travel programs. Full instructional program for all levels of youth hockey. www.nova-icedogs.com

Nick Lewis Hockey

Adult pickup hockey. Ages 18 and older. Various levels. Non-check hockey. Monday night drop in. Contact Nick Lewis, 202-957-7768

Skating Tots/Preschool Mom or Dad and Me (3-5 yrs.)

For students who have not had organized skating instruction. Students work on falling and getting up properly, standing and marching in place and while moving. The adult attending the class must be able to skate without assistance in order to help the student in the learning process. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time MtVernREC MtVernREC

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Sa Su


Begin $

9:30am 472 240 2501 05/09 2IA 12:30pm 472 240 2502 05/10 2IA


Ice Skating Snowplow Sam 1

This class helps preschool children develop the preliminary coordination and strength necessary for ice skating. Skills include falling and getting up properly, standing, marching and gliding. 2IA 6--30 minute lessons--$113 BIAA 7--30 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time (3-6 yrs.) MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC (4-6 yrs.) FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena


Begin $

Sa Sa Sa Su Su M M

9am 9:30am 10:30am 12pm 12:30pm 4pm 4:30pm

472 244 2501 05/09 472 244 2502 05/09 472 244 2503 05/09 472 244 2504 05/10 472 244 2505 05/10 472 244 2506 05/11 472 244 2507 05/11

M T T T W Th Th Th Sa

4:45pm 6:10pm 10:30am 1:30pm 6:10pm 6:10pm 10:30am 1:30pm 8:55am

411 244 0901 411 244 0902 411 244 0903 411 244 0904 411 244 0905 411 244 0906 411 244 0907 411 244 0908 411 244 0909

03/23 03/24 03/24 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/26 03/26 03/21


Homeschool Snowplow Sam 1 (3-6 yrs.)

This class targets students who are home schooled but is open to any student. This class helps preschool children develop the preliminary coordination and strength necessary for ice skating. Skills include falling and getting up properly, standing, marching and gliding. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 2401 05/15



Begin $ 2IA

Snowplow Sam 2 (3-6 yrs.)

This class delves further into the skills learned in Snowplow Sam 1. Children learn forward swizzles, backward wiggles, a two-foot hop and work on forward gliding. Prerequisite: Snowplow Sam 1/Tot 1 or Tot 2. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 2601 05/09 472 244 2602 05/09 472 244 2603 05/10 472 244 2604 05/11

Sa Sa Su M

9:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 4:30pm

Begin $ 2IA 2IA 2IA 2IA

Homeschool Snowplow Sam 2 (3-6 yrs.)

This class targets students who are home schooled but is open to any student. This class delves further into the skills learned in Snowplow Sam 1. Children learn forward swizzles, backward wiggles, a two-foot hop and work on their forward gliding. Prerequisite: Snowplow Sam 1. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 2301 05/15



Snowplow Sam 3 (3-6 yrs.)

Begin $ 2IA

This class emphasizes the skills learned in Sam 1 and 2 but also teaches children basic ice skating elements


Have fun learning to glide on the ice and developing your skills for more advanced moves in Park Authority skating classes. Sessions are available for all ages and all skill levels. including one-foot glides, preliminary stroking, forward and backward swizzles and a forward snowplow stop. Prerequisite: Snowplow Sam 2/Tot 3 or Tot 4. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time


Begin $


472 244 2701 472 244 2702 472 244 2703 472 244 2704

05/09 05/09 05/10 05/11

Sa Sa Su M

9:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 4:30pm


Snowplow Sam 4 (4-6 yrs.)

This class is designed for students who have completed the Snowplow Sam curriculum but are not yet comfortable enough to begin basics skills classes with older students. Students learn forward stroking, advanced forward one-foot glide, backward two-foot glide, two-foot forward to backward in place and forward alternating 1/2 swizzle pumps. Prerequisite: Snowplow Sam 3. 2IA


Sa Su


Begin $

10:30am 472 241 2801 05/09 2IA 12:30pm 472 241 2802 05/10 2IA

Tot 1 (4-6 yrs.)

For children who have not had organized skating instruction. Students work on standing and falling properly, getting up properly and marching in a standing position. BIAA 7--30 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time FfxIceArena



T T T W Th Th Th Sa

6:10pm 10:30am 1:30pm 6:10pm 6:10pm 10:30am 1:30pm 8:55am

Begin $

4:45pm 411 240 0501 03/23 BIAA

411 240 0502 411 240 0503 411 240 0504 411 240 0505 411 240 0506 411 240 0507 411 240 0508 411 240 0509

03/24 03/24 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/26 03/26 03/21


Beginning Skating-Youth Basic 1

For children who have not had organized skating instruction. Students learn nine basic elements including forward and backward skating, stopping and getting up properly. These elements provide a solid foundation for more advanced skills. 2IA 6--30 minute lessons--$113 BIAA 7--30 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time

FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena

(6-13 yrs.) MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC MtVernREC (7-13 yrs.) FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

Sa Sa Su Su M M W

9am 10am 12pm 1pm 4pm 5pm 6pm

472 244 2801 05/09 472 244 2802 05/09 472 244 2803 05/10 472 244 2804 05/10 472 244 2805 05/11 472 244 2806 05/11 472 244 2807 05/13

M T W Th Sa

5:20pm 6:45pm 6:45pm 6:45pm 9:30am

411 244 0801 411 244 0802 411 244 0803 411 244 0804 411 244 0805

03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/21


Spring 2015

Ice Skating Basic 1 Advanced (6-13 yrs.)

For children with some skating skill but no organized skating instruction, or for those wishing to repeat Basic 1. Students learn nine basic elements including forward and backward skating, stopping, and getting up properly. These elements provide a solid foundation for more advanced skills. Class is adjusted based on the skill level of the participants. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 0701 05/09 2IA 472 244 0702 05/10 2IA

Sa Su

10am 1pm

Begin $

Homeschool Basic 1 (6-13 yrs.)

This class targets students who are home schooled but is open to any student. For those who have not had organized instruction in skating. Students learn nine basic elements including forward and backward skating, stopping and getting up properly. These elements provide a solid foundation on which more advanced skills can be learned. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time MtVernREC



Begin $

10:15am 472 244 2201 05/09 2IA

Basic 2 (6-13 yrs.)

This class concentrates on elements designed to make the skater comfortable gliding on one foot, skating backwards and turning from forward to backward on two feet. Prerequisite: Basic 1/PreAlpha. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 2901 05/09 472 244 2902 05/09 472 244 2903 05/10 472 244 2904 05/10 472 244 2905 05/11 472 244 2906 05/11 472 244 2907 05/13

Sa Sa Su Su M M W

9am 10am 12pm 1pm 4pm 5pm 6:30pm

Begin $ 2IA 2IA 2IA 2IA 2IA 2IA 2IA

Homeschool Basic 2 (6-13 yrs.)

This class targets students who are home schooled but is open to any student. This class concentrates on elements designed to make the skater comfortable gliding on one foot, skating backwards and turning from forward to backward on two feet. Prerequisite: Basic 1/PreAlpha. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time MtVernREC



Begin $

10:45am 472 244 2101 05/15


Basic 3 (6-13 yrs.)

Skaters continue working balancing on one foot, both forward and backward. They learn the correct technique for a preliminary crossover and are taught stroking using proper edges. A two-foot spin is also taught. Prerequisite: Basic 2/Alpha. 2IA

Pre-Alpha (7-13 yrs.)

For those who have not had organized skating instruction. Students work on standing and falling properly, getting up properly and marching in a standing position. BIAA 7--30 minute lessons--$121 Code

Begin $

Location Day Time


FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena

411 240 3101 411 240 3102 411 240 3103 411 240 3104 411 240 3105

03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/21

MtVernREC MtVernREC FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena

472 244 3601 05/10 2IA 472 244 3602 05/11 2IA 411 244 3601 03/24 BIAA 411 244 3602 03/26 BIAA 411 244 3603 03/21 BIAA

M T W Th Sa

5:20pm 6:45pm 6:45pm 6:45pm 9:30am


472 244 3001 05/09 472 244 3002 05/09 472 244 3003 05/10 472 244 3004 05/11

Spring 2015


Adult Introductory Skating (14-Adult)

For adult beginners who feel tentative on the ice, have very limited ice skating experience or have never skated. Students learn skills including falling and recovery, forward skating, dips and swizzles. Smaller class sizes and/or teaching assistants provided for those still getting their skating balance. 6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 241 2001 05/10 472 241 2002 05/11

Su M

12pm 7:30pm

Adult 1 (14-Adult)

12pm 7:30pm 7:20pm 7:20pm 11:15am

Adult 2 (14-Adult)

Beginning Skating-Teens/adults


Su M T Th Sa

Begin $

Skaters continue working on balancing on one foot, both forward and backward. They learn the correct technique for forward crossovers and are taught stroking using proper edges. Additional elements include backward one-foot glides, forward pivot and backward snowplow stops. Prerequisite: Adult 1/PreAlpha. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 3701 05/11



Begin $ 2IA

Begin $ 2IA 2IA

For adults who have not had organized skating instruction or have not been on the ice in years. Students learn 11 basic elements that help them feel

REGISTER via Parktakes Online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Registration processing begins at 5 a.m., February 3. See registration instructions at the back of Parktakes

Glide into the Fun at the Park Authority’s Own Ice Rink! Mt. Vernon Ice Arena

• Year Round Public Skating with special Family, Adults Only and Rock ‘n’ Blades DJ sessions • Skate with U.S.F.A. Basic Skills Classes for All Ages and Levels of Freestyle, Ice Hockey and Recreational Skating • Freestyle Program featuring World and Olympic Class Coaches and Skaters • Host Rink for Sport International Hockey Academy • Adult Hockey League Competitions for All Levels • The Cool Party Place for Birthdays and Group Outings

We Offer Skate Sharpening Services


9am 10am 1pm 5pm

2IA 6--30 minute lessons--$113 BIAA 7--30 minute lessons--$121

Location Day Time

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time Sa Sa Su M

comfortable skating. Skills include forward and backward skating, stopping, getting up properly, one foot glides and swizzles. These elements provide a solid foundation for more advanced skills.

Begin $ 2IA 2IA 2IA 2IA

Get into the skate of things

Check our program offerings in the ice skating listings and register for your class today!

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

2017 Belle View Blvd., Alexandria, VA

703-768-3224 131

Ice Skating Adult 3 (14-Adult)

Skaters work on backward edges, crossovers, inside and outside edges, inside mohawks, two-foot spin and a footwork sequence. Prerequisite: Adult 2/Alpha or Beta 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 3801 05/11



Begin $ 2IA

Pre-Alpha (14-Adult)

For those who have not had organized skating instruction. Students work on gliding, forward and backward swizzles, backward wiggles and one-foot glides. BIAA 7--30 minute lessons--$121 Location Day Time FfxIceArena FfxIceArena FfxIceArena

T Th Sa


Begin $

7:20pm 411 240 3201 03/24 BIAA 7:20pm 411 240 3202 03/26 BIAA 11:15am 411 240 3203 03/21 BIAA

Learn to skate like a pro at Mt. Vernon RECenter ice rink. Start with basic skills then progress to more advanced moves to make spinning on the ice an art form.

Intermediate Skating-Youth Basic 4 (6-13 yrs.)

Students learn to glide on proper outside and inside edges. They incorporate these skills into crossovers and three-turns. Backward elements including circular swizzle pumps, stroking and stops are also taught. Prerequisite: Basic 3/Beta. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 3101 05/09 2IA 472 244 3102 05/10 2IA

Sa Su

11am 1pm

Begin $

Basic 5 (6-13 yrs.)

Class emphasis is on backward skating. Skills such as back outside and inside edges and back crossovers are taught. Other elements include hockey stops, beginner one-foot spins and side toe-hops. Prerequisite: Basic 4/ Gamma. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 3201 05/09 2IA 472 244 3202 05/10 2IA

Sa Su

11am 1pm

Begin $

Advanced Skating-All Ages Basic 8 (6-Adult)

This class gets skaters ready to successfully move into more specialized areas of ice skating including freeskating, dance, pairs and synchronized team. Skills to be mastered include moving forward outside and inside three-turns, one-foot spin, waltz jump, mazurka and a crossover/mohawk step combination. Prerequisite: Basic 7 /Freestyle 1. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 3501 05/09 2IA



This class introduces skaters to back two-foot turns on a circle. Forward inside three-turns, bunny hops, spirals and lunges are also taught. Prerequisite: Basic 5/Delta. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 3301 05/09 2IA



Begin $

Basic 7 (6-13 yrs.)

Students concentrate on transitions forward to backward and vice versa. Elements include inside mohawks, backward outside mohawks, inside pivots and the ballet jump. Prerequisite: Basic 6. 2IA


6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 3401 05/09 2IA






Begin $

10:30am 472 244 4001 05/09 2IA

Freeskate 3 (6-Adult)

Students at this level learn skills including backward inside 3-turns, forward and backward crossover figure 8 patterns, advanced backspins, salchow, half Lutz jump, and combo jumps with waltz, toe and salchow combinations. Prerequisite: Freeskate 2/Freestyle 5. 2IA

Begin $


6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 4201 05/09 2IA



Begin $

Hockey 1 This class focuses on hockey fundamentals including proper balance, preparation for forward striding and hockey stops. Participants need a correctly sized hockey stick, however proper skating techniques are the focus. Prerequisite: Intro to Hockey. 2IA

A mastery of the following elements must be attained before moving on to the next level: advanced forward stroking, forward outside and inside consecutive edges, back outside three-turn, scratch spin, waltz jump, half flip. Prerequisite: Basic 8/Freestyle 2.

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time


(6-Adult) MtVernREC

472 244 4301 05/09 2IA



Begin $

Hockey 2 (6-Adult) This class continues to focus on hockey fundamentals with such elements as forward stride development, hockey stop technique and forward crossovers on a circle and down the ice all with hockey stick in proper position. Prerequisite: Hockey 1. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 4401 05/09 2IA



Begin $

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time



472 244 4801 05/09 2IA



Begin $

Hockey-All Ages Introductory Skating for Hockey (6-Adult

6--30 minute lessons--$113 Sa

Begin $

Freeskate 1 (6-Adult)

Location Day Time

Basic 6 (6-13 yrs.)

movement. No sticks required. Prerequisite: Basic II or Snow Plow II.

Skaters should have some skating ability to learn basic moves needed for balance, one-foot stops and beginning use of edges for forward and backward

Hockey 3 (6-Adult) This class focuses on developing proper backward striding techniques, backward crossovers on a circle and down the ice and backward stops all with hockey stick in proper position. Prerequisite: Hockey 2. 2IA

6--30 minute lessons--$113

Location Day Time MtVernREC

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664



Begin $

10:30am 472 244 4501 05/09 2IA

Spring 2015

Ice Skating

Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Martial Arts

Martial Arts For yoga, meditation, Pilates, qigong and tai chi classes, see the alternative exercise listings in the Exercise and Fitness section.


Learn the most efficient use of mental and physical energy for defense through judo techniques including throwing, choking, holding and joint locking. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


• Testing, conducted on and off site for an additional fee, may be required to advance to the next martial arts level. Testing dates are announced at the start of class. • Uniforms are required for classes at all locations. Uniforms may be purchased through any source and also may be available from the instructor for a separate fee. Since specific uniforms may be mandatory for testing/advancement in certain classes, it is recommended that you check with the instructor before buying. • Separate fees may be charged for tournaments, protective gear and belts, if required for advancement.

(13-Adult) ProvREC

159 245 4101 03/22 2MA

Aikido & Self Defense I

Self-defense typified by grab escapes, throwing and submission holds.

For martial arts classes:

Japanese concept of circular motion to neutralize an attacker’s power by moving with it. Defense against grabbing, choking and striking attacks are covered. Emphasis is on techniques that are effective without causing serious or permanent injury to the attacker. 2MA 9--55 minute lessons--$98 2MC 20--55 minute lessons--$197 2MG 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$197 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) SpHillREC SpHillREC (15-Adult) SoRunREC SpHillREC



Jujitsu I

Self-defense typified by grab escapes, throwing and submission holds. 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time


(16-Adult) CubRunREC CubRunREC

192 245 0701 03/22 2MB 192 245 0702 03/26 2MB

Su Th

3pm 7pm

Begin $

Jujitsu-All Levels

2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time (13-Adult) ProvREC



Begin $

3:30pm 159 245 0901 03/22 2MB

Jung Su Beginning

Begin $

Su 4pm M/W 5pm

175 245 0101 03/22 2MA 175 245 0102 03/23 2MC

Sa 4pm M/W 6pm

167 245 0201 03/21 2MG 175 245 0201 03/23 2MC

Aikido & Self-Defense II

Prerequisite: Aikido and Self-Defense I or permission of instructor. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98

Martial art that combines tang soo do, jujitsu and kickboxing. Learn a wide range of skills that covers blocking, striking, kicking, grappling, sparring, weapons defense and traditional armed fighting. Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore W (6-Adult) CubRunREC Sa



Begin $

(13-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 1001 03/22 2MA

Begin $


Aikido & Self-Defense III

Prerequisite: Aikido and Self-Defense II or permission of instructor.


183 245 0301 03/25 2MA


192 245 7501 03/21 2MA

Prerequisite: Jung Su Beginning or equivalent.

Location Day Time


(13-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 9401 03/22 2MA


Begin $

Japanese Swordsmanship

Students learn the ancient Samurai sword arts stances, postures and movements, including Iaijutsu sword-drawing and cutting techniques and paired-student kenjutsu exercises. Equipment is provided for beginning students. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) ProvREC ProvREC

159 245 2701 03/22 2MA 159 245 2702 03/25 2MA

Su W

7pm 7pm


(6-Adult) CubRunREC

192 245 0601 03/21 2MB


Begin $

Jung Su - All Levels

2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98


Location Day Time Sa

Begin $

This system links traditional eastern training with modern practical combat applications using traditional styles of martial arts such as tang soo do, jujitsu, karate, and kickboxing. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore (6-Adult) CubRunREC (13-Adult) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore

2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 BMVF 10--45 minute lessons--$93 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) ProvREC GWREC MtVernREC BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr (13-Adult) ProvREC ProvREC BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr



Begin $

Th Th Su M T W Th F Sa M T W Th F Sa

6pm 5:30pm 4:30pm 5:15pm 6pm 4:30pm 6:45pm 4:30pm 11:15am 5pm 6:30pm 4:15pm 4:15pm 5pm 10am

159 245 7201 03/26 2MA 449 245 7201 03/26 2MA 472 245 7201 03/22 2MA 520 245 7201 03/23 BMVF 520 245 7202 03/24 BMVF 520 245 7203 03/25 BMVF 520 245 7204 03/26 BMVF 520 245 7205 03/27 BMVF 520 245 7206 03/21 BMVF 521 245 7201 03/23 BMVF 521 245 7202 03/24 BMVF 521 245 7203 03/25 BMVF 521 245 7204 03/26 BMVF 521 245 7205 03/27 BMVF 521 245 7206 03/21 BMVF

Su Th M T Th Sa M W F

5pm 7pm 8:15pm 8:15pm 8:15pm 10:30am 7:15pm 7:15pm 6:30pm

159 245 1301 159 245 1302 520 245 1301 520 245 1302 520 245 1303 520 245 1304 521 245 1301 521 245 1302 521 245 1303

03/22 2MA 03/26 2MA 03/23 BMVF 03/24 BMVF 03/26 BMVF 03/21 BMVF 03/23 BMVF 03/25 BMVF 03/27 BMVF

Karate II

2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time

2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Su

Designed to help you learn self-defense, gain confidence, and build leadership and independence.

Prerequisite: Karate I or equivalent.

2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98

Jung Su Advanced

Location Day Time



Begin $

Karate I

Begin $

Sa W

11am 7pm

183 246 0001 03/21 2MA 183 246 0002 03/25 2MA


6:30pm 192 245 1501 03/25 2MA

Sa W

12pm 8pm

183 245 0501 03/21 2MB 183 245 0502 03/25 2MA

(8-12 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC (13-Adult) ProvREC LeeREC


Begin $

Su Th

5pm 7pm

159 245 1101 03/22 2MA 159 245 1102 03/26 2MA

Su Sa

6pm 11am

159 245 6401 03/22 2MA 456 245 6401 03/21 2MA

Karate III

Prerequisite: Karate II or equivalent. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time (13-Adult) LeeREC



Begin $

8:30pm 456 245 6501 03/25 2MA

Karate for Families

This class gives family members an opportunity to participate together. Students learn self-defense, gain confidence and build leadership and independence. Each student must register individually. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC

456 246 5201 03/21 456 246 5202 03/21 456 246 5203 03/23 456 246 5204 03/24 456 246 5205 03/25 472 246 5201 03/22

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Sa Sa M T W Su

10am 12:15pm 7pm 6pm 7pm 5:30pm

Begin $ 2MA 2MA 2MA 2MA 2MA 2MA

Spring 2015

Martial Arts Karate Combatives

Prerequisite: brown belt or higher in Tang Soo Do. Advanced students of Tang Soo Do learn ground fighting techniques from the closed guard, side control and arm lock submissions. Trainings include instruction in technique as well as partner drills, leading up to optional free sparring. Emphasis is on Brazilian JiuJitsu self-defense techniques, rather than on preparing for tournaments. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) LeeREC

456 245 8001 03/21 2MA



Begin $

Karate for Black Belts

Prerequisite: Student must have already achieved black belt. This class focuses on advanced techniques, higher level forms and sparring strategies. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) LeeREC

456 245 5801 03/23 2MA



Begin $

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate

Class focuses on teaching proper goju ryu technique with applications rather than extensive physical training. Kihon (basics), kata (forms) and bunkai (applications) are covered. Sparring is introduced as an option for interested students. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time (13-Adult) CubRunREC CubRunREC

Su Th

1pm 7:30pm


Begin $

192 246 0201 03/22 2MA 192 246 0202 03/26 2MA

Shorin-Ken Karate Do

Learn hand and foot techniques, self-defense and sparring skills. Students participate in training that teaches discipline, confidence and character. BMBB 8--55 minute lessons--$76 Location Day Time


(9-Adult) Va Run ES

117 245 3101 03/24 BMBB



Begin $

Shotokan Japanese Karate I

Learn self-defense through techniques such as blocking, punching, striking and kicking in combination with other related movements. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time (6-Adult) SpHillREC SpHillREC (13-Adult) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore


Begin $

W Sa

6pm 3pm

175 245 9001 03/25 2MA 175 245 9002 03/21 2MA

Su Th

12:30pm 183 245 2401 03/22 2MA 7pm 183 245 2402 03/26 2MA

Shotokan Japanese Karate II

Shotokan Japanese Karate I strongly recommended. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 6201 03/21 2MA


Spring 2015


Begin $

In martial arts, concentration and skill go hand in hand as you develop your confidence and get a great workout while learning how to defend yourself against an attacker. (13-Adult) SpHillREC



175 245 2501 03/25 2MA

Shotokan Japanese Karate III

Shotokan Japanese Karate II strongly recommended. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time (6-Adult) SpHillREC (13-Adult) SpHillREC SpHillREC


Begin $



175 245 6301 03/21 2MA


7pm 7pm

175 245 2601 03/23 2MA 175 245 2602 03/24 2MA

Shotokan Japanese Karate-All Levels

Learn self-defense through techniques such as blocking, punching, striking and kicking in combination with other related movements. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 2301 03/21 2MA



Begin $

Traditional Karate Uechi-Ryu

Success by complete discipline, physical defense, high personal standards, respect for others, positive attitude, confidence, leadership and control. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) OakMarREC Sa OakMarREC Sa OakMarREC Su

142 245 6001 03/21 2MA 142 245 6002 03/21 2MA 142 245 6003 03/22 2MA

3pm 4pm 3pm

Begin $

OakMarREC ProvREC SoRunREC CubRunREC (13-Adult) OakMarREC MtVernREC MtVernREC

Su Su Sa Su

4pm 1:30pm 10:15am 1pm

142 245 6004 03/22 159 245 6001 03/22 167 245 6001 03/21 192 245 6001 03/22



8pm 7pm 7pm

142 245 1401 03/25 2MB 472 245 1401 03/23 2MA 472 245 1402 03/25 2MA


Traditional art of Japanese fencing using a bamboo sword-shinai. Supply fee of $35 for classes at Lee District. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time


Begin $

(8-Adult) OakMarREC M SpHillREC M (13-Adult) LeeREC F

456 245 4601 03/27 2MA

4:45pm 142 245 7601 03/23 2MA 7pm 175 245 7601 03/23 2MB 7pm

Park Authority

Gift Cards

Available at all Park Authority RECenters, nature centers and golf courses

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Martial Arts and spear. Students should have a year and a half of training or permission of instructor. 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 5501 03/27 2MB



Begin $

Indonesian Kung Fu

Unique combination of Chinese gungfu and Indonesian pentjak silat is a traditional blend with real life modern applications. Training includes single- and multiple-attacker exercises, forms, solo drills, weapons, and body conditioning. 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) SoRunREC LeeREC

167 246 3101 03/26 2MB 456 246 3101 03/21 2MB

Th Sa

7pm 11am

Begin $

Tae Kwon Do I

Korean martial art that teaches traditional self-defense techniques including kicking, punching, blocking, sparring and forms through individual and partner training.

In Kung Fu classes, students of all ages learn to use their arms and legs along with fighting techniques of animals to defend themselves against an attacker. Kung Fu

Kung Fu incorporates the use of arms and legs combined with fighting techniques of animals for efficient and effective self-defense purposes. The use of traditional weapons may be introduced. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons- -$98 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 BMVD 8--55 minute lessons--$93 Location Day Time (6-Adult) SpHillREC Th 6pm SpHillREC Sa 1pm WushuAcad Sa 03/21 BMVD (13-Adult) SpHillREC Th 8pm


175 246 4501 03/26 2MA 175 246 4502 03/21 2MA 10am 480 246 4501

175 245 1701 03/26 2MB

Prerequisite: Kung Fu I or equivalent. Location Day Time


(6-Adult) SpHillREC SpHillREC

175 245 4701 03/21 2MA 175 245 4702 03/26 2MA

Begin $

Kung Fu III

Prerequisite: Kung Fu II or equivalent. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 1901 03/21 2MA




2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 4401 03/21 2MA



Begin $

Prerequisite: Kung Fu IV or equivalent. Kung Fu V is designed for 1st Higher Level Black Sashes and above and continues with advanced empty hand and weapons forms, and further investigates various techniques and self-defense applications. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 7401 03/21 2MA



Begin $

Kung Fu VI

2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98

12pm 7pm

Prerequisite: Kung Fu III or equivalent.

Kung Fu V

Begin $

Kung Fu II

Sa Th

Kung Fu IV

Begin $

Prerequisite: Kung Fu V or equivalent. Kung Fu VI is designed for 2nd Higher Level Black Sashes or above and further investigates various forms, techniques and self-defense applications. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time


(6-Adult) SpHillREC

175 245 9101 03/21 2MA



Kung Fu w/Weapons

Begin $

Prerequisite: Kung Fu II and Green Sash. Class utilizes forms and two-person practice with emphasis on four classic weapons - staff, broadsword, straight sword

2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 BMVC 10--45 minute lessons--$118 BMVF 10--45 minute lessons--$93 BMVH 10--45 minute lessons--$100 BMVK 10--55 minute lessons--$100 Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC Su SpHillREC Su Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore Su LeeREC Sa JRheeFlsCh M JRheeFlsCh T JRheeFlsCh F JRheeFlsCh Sa BlkBltFFX M BlkBltFFX T BlkBltFFX W BlkBltFFX Th BlkBltFFX F BlkBltFFX Sa BlkBltCtr M BlkBltCtr T BlkBltCtr W BlkBltCtr Th BlkBltCtr F BlkBltCtr Sa LdbyExFrOks T LdbyExFrOks W LdbyExFrOks Th LdbyExFrOks Sa SternersTKD M SternersTKD W SternersTKD T SternersTKD Th SternersTKD T SternersTKD Th SternersTKD Sa WldClsMrtArt M WldClsMrtArt T

167 245 3401 03/21 2MA 167 245 3402 03/22 2MA 175 245 3401 03/22 BMVC 183 245 3401 03/21 2MA 183 245 3402 03/22 2MA 456 245 3401 03/21 2MA 507 245 3401 03/23 BMVH 507 245 3402 03/24 BMVH 507 245 3403 03/27 BMVH 507 245 3404 03/21 BMVH 520 245 3401 03/23 BMVF 520 245 3402 03/24 BMVF 520 245 3403 03/25 BMVF 520 245 3404 03/26 BMVF 520 245 3405 03/27 BMVF 520 245 3406 03/21 BMVF 521 245 3401 03/23 BMVF 521 245 3402 03/24 BMVF 521 245 3403 03/25 BMVF 521 245 3404 03/26 BMVF 521 245 3405 03/27 BMVF 521 245 3406 03/21 BMVF 533 245 3401 03/24 BMVH 533 245 3402 03/25 BMVH 533 245 3403 03/26 BMVH 533 245 3404 03/21 BMVH 548 245 3401 03/23 BMVF 548 245 3402 03/25 BMVF 548 245 3403 03/24 BMVF 548 245 3404 03/26 BMVF 548 245 3405 03/24 BMVF 548 245 3406 03/26 BMVF 548 245 3407 03/21 BMVF 552 245 3401 03/23 BMVF 552 245 3402 03/24 BMVF

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

2pm 3pm 12:45pm 4pm 1pm 12:15pm 4:15pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 11am 5:15pm 6pm 4:30pm 6:45pm 4:30pm 11:15am 5pm 6:30pm 4:15pm 4:15pm 5pm 10am 5:15pm 6pm 5:15pm 11:45am 5:10pm 5:10pm 4:40pm 4:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 11:15am 6:45pm 4:30pm

Begin $

Spring 2015

Martial Arts (6-Adult) SpHillREC CubRunREC LdbyExFrOks (13-Adult) BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltFFX BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr BlkBltCtr LdbyExFrOks LdbyExFrOks LdbyExFrOks LdbyExFrOks LdbyExFrOks SternersTKD SternersTKD SternersTKD SternersTKD

M Su Sa

5:30pm 175 245 3201 03/23 2MA 11am 192 245 3201 03/22 2MA 11:45am 533 245 3201 03/21 BMVH

M T Th Sa M T F Sa T W Th F M T Th Sa

7:30pm 8:15pm 8:15pm 10:30am 7:15pm 7:15pm 6:30pm 11:45am 8:15pm 6:45pm 8:15pm 6:45pm 7:15pm 8:02pm 8:05pm 12:40pm

520 245 3701 03/23 BMVF 520 245 3702 03/24 BMVF 520 245 3703 03/26 BMVF 520 245 3704 03/21 BMVF 521 245 3701 03/23 BMVF 521 245 3702 03/24 BMVF 521 245 3703 03/27 BMVF 533 245 3701 03/21 BMVH 533 245 3702 03/24 BMVK 533 245 3703 03/25 BMVK 533 245 3704 03/26 BMVK 533 245 3705 03/27 BMVK 548 245 3701 03/23 BMVF 548 245 3702 03/24 BMVF 548 245 3703 03/26 BMVF 548 245 3704 03/21 BMVF

Tae Kwon Do II


2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time (8-Adult) CubRunREC CubRunREC



Begin $

6:30pm 192 245 4001 03/23 2MA 7:30pm 192 245 4002 03/23 2MA

Tang Soo Do

This beginning class is based on the traditional Korean style which is balanced between the hands, feet and elbows. Students are introduced to warm-ups, basic kata forms and techniques such as defensive blocks and offensive strikes. Class goal is to instill confidence and prepare students for advancement. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 (8-Adult) CubRunREC F OakMarREC Th

2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 2MC 20--55 minute lessons--$197 (6-12 yrs.) SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore (6-Adult) SpHillREC CubRunREC

Self-defense training ideal for all ages. Classes include warm ups, martial arts movements, forms and optional sparring w/weapons. Improve flexibility and agility while developing positive self-esteem and attitude.

Location Day Time

Prerequisite: Tae Kwon Do I or equivalent.

Location Day Time

Stratford Martial Arts


Begin $

6:30pm 192 245 7301 03/27 2MA 6:30pm 142 245 7302 03/26 2MA

start by learning defensive moves before progressing to attacks. This class is well suited for absolute and moderate beginners. 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time (6-Adult) SpHillREC SpHillREC

W Sa


Begin $

6pm 175 245 9901 03/25 2MB 4:30pm 175 245 9902 03/21 2MB

Self-Defense for Women I

Learn proper use of strategy and tactics to defend yourself against attack. Course covers physical and psychological training, environmental awareness, verbal strategies, weapons and empty-handed defense. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 2ME 5--55 minute lessons--$49 2MF 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time


Begin $

(13-Adult) OakMarREC SoRunREC LeeREC LeeREC

142 245 2201 167 245 2201 456 245 2201 456 245 2202

03/25 03/24 03/24 05/12


7pm 7pm 6:30pm 6:30pm


Begin $

Vovinam Martial Arts Su Sa

2pm 6pm

167 245 3501 03/22 2MA 183 245 3501 03/21 2MA

M/W 6:30pm 175 245 8401 03/23 2MC Su 11:55am 192 245 8401 03/22 2MA

Train your body and mind using a variety of defense and combat moves. This Vietnamese martial art balances both hard and soft techniques including kicks, punches, blocks, throws, takedowns and submissions. Classes focus on correct form and sparing. Students

Learn more: www.bit.ly/5VT4MS

Tae Kwon Do III

Prerequisite: Tae Kwon Do II or equivalent. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 2MC 20--55 minute lessons--$197 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) SoRunREC Su 2pm Wkfld/Moore Su 3pm (6-Adult) SpHillREC M/W 7:30pm


Begin $

167 245 3601 03/22 2MA 183 245 3601 03/22 2MA 175 245 8701 03/23 2MC

Mixed Martial Arts I

Fast-paced discipline teaching grappling, kicking, and striking techniques. Hand and foot protection is required and must be approved by instructor. 2MA 10--55 minute lessons--$98 2MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$148 Location Day Time


Begin $

(6-13 yrs.) CubRunREC (6-Adult) SpHillREC SpHillREC

175 245 5301 03/21 2MA 175 245 5302 03/21 2MB


5:30pm 192 246 1601 03/22 2MA

Sa Sa

7am 3pm

REGISTER via Parktakes Online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Registration processing begins at 5 a.m., February 3. See registration instructions at the back of Parktakes Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Martial Arts • Nature and Science

Nature and Science Aerospace Engineers (6-12 yrs.)

This class offered by Engineering for Kids introduces young engineers to aerodynamics, propulsion, structural design and flight basics through a series of activities that explore different types of aircraft. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BXVU 8--55 minute lessons--$135 Location Day Time



159 270 4001 03/22 BXVU



Begin $

Civil & Environmental Engineers (6-12 yrs.) This class offered by Engineering for Kids introduces young engineers to tension, compression, bending, torsion and sheer forces and how they affect bridges. Students design, create, test and refine a balsawood bridge to withstand the greatest force. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BXVU 8--55 minute lessons--$135 Location Day Time



159 270 4101 03/22 BXVU



Begin $

Mechanical Engineers (6-12 yrs.)

This class offered by Engineering for Kids introduces young engineers to fluid mechanics concepts and simple machines while they construct roller coasters, egg-drop vehicles and a CO2 dragster in addition to a variety of machines and mechanical systems. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BXVU 8--55 minute lessons--$135 Location Day Time ProvREC SoRunREC

Sa M


Begin $

12pm 159 270 4301 03/21 BXVU 5:30pm 167 270 4301 03/23 BXVU

Robotic Engineers (6-12 yrs.)

This class offered by Engineering for Kids introduces young engineers to robot building and programming basics. Students build and test a working robot. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BXVU 8--55 minute lessons--$135 Location Day Time



159 270 4401 03/21 BXVU



Begin $

Science for Homeschoolers (6-12 yrs.)

Students explore marsh, meadow and forest to learn about cycle and change patterns, plant parts and characteristics, animal life needs, observation, the five senses and how objects are classified. Students must have basic reading and writing skills and be comfortable working in a group. 2NC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time



340 270 3201 04/08 2NC



Begin $

Wetland Wonders (7-12 yrs.)

Come learn about the wonders of wetlands! You learn why wetlands are important for biodiversity, flood prevention, keeping things clean and more! Dress for the weather. 2NC 8—1 hour 25 min lessons--$101


Location Day Time


HuntMdws T

3402031201 4/8 2NC

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

Spring 2015

Nature and Science Young Explorers

to a warming campfire and make a sweet chocolate treat to eat.

Through activities, crafts, journals and trail walks, students learn about animals and how nature is preparing for the changing season. Students also learn about the park and improve their observation and interaction skills. Students should dress for the weather. 2NI

Code: 274 282 5801 Code: 274 282 5802 Code: 274 282 5803 Code: 274 282 5804 Code: 274 282 5805 Code: 274 282 5806

5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$84

Location Day Time



340 270 2601 03/23



Begin $

(1-3 yrs.) Bring your toddler to explore nature through

sight, sound, smell and touch. Programs include indoor and outdoor activities. Adult must be able to participate with children. Topics vary with the seasons: Snow and Ice in January, Wind and Mud in February, Signs of Spring in March. Code: 274 202 9201 Code: 274 202 9202 Code: 274 202 9203

10:15-11am 10:15-11am 10:15-11am

4/15 5/13 6/17

$4/child $4/child $4/child

(3-6 yrs.) Preschool children with their adult learn

about spring: Bluebells in April, Ladybugs in May, and Turtles in June (June will meet at the Pond). 1-2pm 1-2pm 1-2pm

4/9 5/14 6/11

$5/child $5/child $5/child

Fridays Jr. Naturalist-Spring

investigate the hard work that goes into raising young. Toast marshmallows around the campfire. Please be sure to register an adult with any registered child.

Code: 274 289 1201

Gather ‘round the campfire and listen to the call of the wild at your favorite nature center. last a lifetime. Code: 274 281 9901 Code: 274 281 9902 Code: 274 281 9903

3-4pm 3-4pm 3-4pm

4/12 5/17 6/7

$5/child $5/child $5/child

our native amphibians. See some animals first hand and talk about their habits and habitats. Make s’mores around the campfire. Please be sure to register an adult with any registered child.

Code: 274 289 0401



June 18 Thursday Father’s Day Campfire

Code: 274 289 2401

2-3pm 2-3pm 2-3pm

4/12 5/17 6/7

$5/child $5/child $5/child

Thursdays April 23-May 14 Homeschool Biology Unit: Bird Biology

Ellanor C. Lawrence Park. Students receive handson instruction in wild bird identification, life cycle, scientific study and morphology. Instructors use preserved species, live captive birds and wild birds to illustrate concepts. Students receive observation tools as part of the class and a patch upon completion. All lessons are structured around the Virginia Standards of Learning and National Science Education Content Standards. 2NV-4-2 hour lessons-$95 274 289 8901 4/23

Wagon Rides and Campfires

Spring 2015

(2-Adult) Gather around a campfire to learn about

Code: 274 201 3701 Code: 274 201 3702 Code: 274 201 3703


(5-11 yrs.) Look up,listen carefully and discover the amazing variety of birds that inhabit our park. Kids meet once a month to develop birding skills that will

May 29 Friday Amphibian Campfire

campfire and s’mores. Learn about some of nature’s best fathers, take a hike near a stream and eat s’mores. Moms invited too. Please be sure to register an adult with any registered child.

turtles, snakes, lizards, frogs, and salamanders. Learn new facts, encounter live animals, and discover their park habitats.

Code: 274 289 1301 Code: 274 289 1302 Code: 274 289 1303

Sundays Bird Watching Club


(2-Adult) Begin Father’s Day weekend with a hike,


$5/child $5/child $5/child


(6-15 yrs.) Join RAC and explore the amazing world of

Location Day Time

4/17 5/15 6/19


(2-Adult) Enjoy an evening campfire with mom as we

(5-11 yrs.) Elementary-age children explore spring: Bluebells in April, Ladybugs in May, and Turtles in June (June will meet at the Pond). 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm


May 9 Saturday Mother’s Day Campfire

(8-15 yrs.) All sessions meet at Middlegate House in

Thursdays Kid’s Korner-Spring

Code: 274 283 8801 Code: 274 283 8802 Code: 274 283 8803

Code: 274 288 9801

Sundays Reptile & Amphibian Club

Wednesdays Nature Tots at Walney

$6/person $6/person $6/person $6/person $6/person $6/person

(8-Adult) Meet at Cabell’s Mill and talk moon and stars around a warm campfire. Then head out into the meadow with a naturalist to learn how to identify the early spring constellations. Make s’mores around the campfire.

Ellanor C. Lawrence Park and Walney Visitor Center

Children’s Nature Series

4/10 4/24 5/8 5/22 6/5 6/19

May 2 Saturday The Moon and the Stars Campfire


5040 Walney Road, Chantilly, VA 20151 703-631-0013 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl The Walney Visitor Center features live animals, natural and cultural exhibits and a hands-on area for young visitors highlighting the past farmland and present parkland. The grounds include out-building foundations, dairy/spring house, ice house ruins, a reconstructed smokehouse and gardens. Visitors may spot a wild turkey, a red fox or other native wildlife species in the meadow, at Walney Pond or along more than four miles of wooded trails. Programs are regularly scheduled. Family-friendly activity backpacks and totes are available at the Visitor Center. Visit the website for visitor center hours. Closed Tuesdays. Grounds open dawn to dusk. Programs meet at the Walney Visitor Center unless otherwise noted.

6:30-7:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 7-8pm 7-8pm 7-8pm



Begin $ 2NV



Activities Calendar April 11 or June 6 Saturdays Animal Search with a Naturalist

(12-Adult) Early morning is the one of the most active times in the park. See which creatures, feathered or furred, are out with expert naturalist Jim Dewing. Jim helps you discover a hidden forest filled with animal signs, emerging native plants, even a few invaders. Bring open eyes, questions, binoculars, and field guides if you wish. Code: 274 288 9901 Code: 274 288 9902

8-9am 8-9am

4/11 6/6

$5/person $5/person

April 11 Saturday Build Your Own Bluebird House

(6-Adult) Uncover the mysteries of these spring jewels through a short slide show and walk. Make your own nest box for your back yard. Bring a hammer. Reservations and advanced payment required by 3/15. Register for each kit.

Fridays S’more Wagon Ride & Campfire

Code: 274 288 9101

ride through the Rocky Run stream valley. Discover who Ellanor C. Lawrence was and learn about other aspects of the area’s local and natural history. Return

(8-Adult) Trees make Ellanor C. Lawrence a special place. Join expert naturalist Jim Dewing on a search for the biggest, oldest, most rare and most important

(2-Adult) Meets at Cabell’s Mill. Enjoy a brisk wagon



April 18 Saturday Tree Trek

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Nature and Science trees in our forest. Discover what makes a forest habitat home and how parks care for them. Code: 274 289 0801



April 18 Saturday Earth Day Celebration

(2-Adult) Celebrate Earth Day by learning about the

changing environment at E.C. Lawrence Park, composting and other green practices. End the celebration by recycling household materials into fun new items.

Code: 274 289 0501



June 13 Saturday Pond Life

Hidden Oaks Bingo: Everyone Wins! Free

(All ages) Ask a naturalist for your Hidden Oaks bingo

(2-Adult) Meet a naturalist by Walney Pond. Bring

boots that can get wet and get ready to find out who is living in the water at the ponds edge. Learn about tadpoles, dragonfly nymphs, water scorpions and anything else we catch. All family members must register.

Code: 274 285 6401



June 13 Saturday Powhattan’s People

(2-Adult) The Virginia Indians profoundly affected

April 18 Saturday Hands-on-Nature

(5-11 yrs.) Drop-off your child for an hour of natural

our history. Discover some elements of the Algonquian culture of the Powhatans and Tauxenent such as crafting stone tools, hunting, and farming. Play a game and enjoy a story around the campfire.

adventure. Nature brings variety to each month’s program. Children feed exhibit animals, search for wildlife, explore fur pelts, bones and other nature artifacts, and take home a craft .

Code: 274 202 9301

Code: 274 281 6101

Hidden Oaks Nature Center



Fridays May 15 or June 12 Fishing by the Stream

(5-Adult) Meet at Cabell’s Mill. Join a naturalist a go

fishing along Rocky Run stream. Learn about native fish and receive tips on equipment and techniques. Beginners welcome. Bring your own fully rigged fishing poles; worms provided for bait. Please be sure to register an adult with any registered child. Code: 274 289 2601 Code: 274 289 2602

6-7pm 6-7pm

5/15 6/12

$6/person $6/person

May 23 Saturday Feeding Day!

(2-Adult) Join a naturalist and youth volunteers as we

demonstrate how we feed our site display animals. Make a birdfeeder to take home and use. Search for worms and insects, and assist in serving dinner. Please be sure to register an adult with your child.

Code: 274 287 9401



May 24 Sunday Copperheads and Black Racers

search for, capture, identify and release snakes. Learn the habits and preferred habitats of our native snakes. Be sure to register an adult with any registered child. 10-11am


May 30 Saturday River Monsters

Bull Run stream to discover river monsters. Fish the deep pools for giant catfish and search the banks for Northern Water Snakes. Please register accompanying adults and children. Bring fishing pole and bait. 10-11:30am


June 6 Saturday Bats

bats feeding on insects. Use a bat detector to hear echolocation. Learn about native bats and their habits. 8:30-9:30pm


June 6 Saturday Life in the Leaf Litter


No reservations required. Available during nature center hours. (All ages) Free. Enjoy outdoor self-guided scavenger hunts. Challenge yourself along the 1/2mile Old Oak Trail which loops behind the nature center and discover hidden treasures throughout the park.


No reservations required. Dawn to dusk every day. (Families) Get outside and enjoy unstructured outdoor play in our 1/3-acre woodland space. Make mud pies, dig into woodchip and leaf piles, build ground forts or just watch the clouds float by.

Your Art in the Park

(8-Adult) Join a naturalist for a hike and explore the forest floor. Uncover the diversity of soil organisms and the crucial role that invertebrates play in helping forests to stay healthy. Code: 274 201 3901

No reservations required. Available during nature center hours. $1(Families) Enhance your enjoyment of the ½-mile Old Oak Trail, which loops behind the nature center. Each bag contains activities and learning enhancement ideal for young child and parent adventures along the woodland path.

Nature Playce

(2-Adult) Walk the meadows and forest edges to see

Code: 274 289 2301

7701 Royce Street, Annandale, VA 22003 703-941-1065 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/hiddenoaks Hidden Oaks Nature Center, minutes inside the Beltway, features a pond and an interactive exhibit ideal for children 2 yrs. and older. Located in the 52-acre Annandale District Park, the center is nestled among woodland trails and creeks with gardens and a nearby playground. Inside the nature center, facilities include live animal displays, a climbing “tree” loft/puppet stage, a resource library and the Urban Woodlands interactive exhibit. View the nature center rain garden. Young children accompanied by adults may investigate Nature Playce, an outdoor exploration area, for unstructured play opportunities in the woods. Group programs by reservation. Visit the website for nature center hours. Closed Tuesdays. Grounds open dawn to dusk.

Scavenger Hunt

(8-Adult) Meets at Hemlock Overlook. Explore the

Code: 274 287 0301


Discovery Bag

(8-Adult) Assist a naturalist with a reptile survey. We

Code: 274 289 1801



Available during nature center hours. $20 (All ages) Create your own nature design on paper and we’ll transfer it to a ceramic four-inch square tile for our permanent foyer display. Sponsored by the Friends of Hidden Oaks. Funds used for Nature Playce.

card and join us for weeks of fun. From exhibit exploration to trail walks to program participation, achieve stamps for four-in-a row to win a prize.

Take-home Nature Backpacks $10

(3-10 yrs.) Visit Hidden Oaks or check our website for nature-themed backpacks for ages 3-5 yrs. and 6-10 yrs. Families, schools and organizations may rent the backpack for one week. Enjoy DVDs, CDs, books, specimens, artifacts, puppets and activities. Security deposit and signed agreement required.

Nature Weekly Monday Bird Walk

No reservations required. 7:30-9:30 pm Free (All ages) Discover the Accotink Stream Valley’s resident birds. Bring binoculars. Meet at Eakin Community Park, Prosperity Ave. parking lot. Canceled in rain or severe weather. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

March 23 Monday Little Acorns- Spring

(2-4 yrs.) Preschoolers and their accompanying adult begin sharing nature’s wonders in this interactive class. Experiences include finger plays, stories, activities and an outdoor exploration (weather permitting). Dress for weather. Topics: 3/23 Animal Babies; 3/30 Bounding Bunnies; 4/6 Amphibians; 4/13 American Indians; 4/20 Signs of Spring; 4/27 Colors Everywhere; 5/4 Birds’ Nests and Eggs; 5/11 May 11 Lively Lizards; 5/18 Insects and Spiders. Code: 308 281 6901 Code: 308 281 6902 Code: 308 281 6903 Code: 308 281 6904 Code: 308 281 6905 Code: 308 281 6906 Code: 308 281 6907 Code: 308 281 6908 Code: 308 281 6909 Code: 308 281 6910 Code: 308 281 6911 Code: 308 281 6912 Code: 308 281 6913 Code: 308 281 6914 Code: 308 281 6915 Code: 308 281 6916 Code: 308 281 6917 Code: 308 281 6918

9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am 9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am 9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am 9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am 9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am 9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am 9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am 9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am 9:45-10:30am 11-11:45am

3/23 3/23 3/30 3/30 4/6 4/6 4/13 4/13 4/20 4/20 4/27 4/27 5/4 5/4 5/11 5/11 5/18 5/18

$6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child

April 1 Wednesday Natures’ April Foolers Campfire

(4-Adult) With live animals and stories, join a naturalist in learning how animals use trickery to get a meal or to keep from being a meal. Toast marshmallows. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 308 289 6501



April 3 Friday or 11 Saturday Wood Frogs!

(8-Adult) The wood frogs are breeding in the vernal pools. Help collect and release frogs and record data for our amphibian survey. Wear water-proof boots and bring flash lights. Please be sure to register an adult with your child. Code: 308 288 8701 Code: 308 288 8702

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

7-8pm 3:30-4:30pm

4/3 4/11

$6/person $6/person

Spring 2015

Nature and Science April 4 Saturday Woodland Wildlife Egg Hunt

(3-8 yrs.) Spring babies are everywhere! Meet costumed woodland characters along the 1/2- mile Old Oak Trail and learn how different animals raise their young in the spring. Hunt for eggs around some animals and get a treat from others. Finish with a small egg hunt in Nature Playce. Trail is not stroller friendly. Code: 308 201 6201



April 11 or 18 Saturday Amphibian Campfire

(2-Adult) Gather around a campfire to learn about

our native amphibians. See some animals first hand and talk about their habits and habitats. Make s’mores around the campfire. Please be sure to register an adult with any registered child.

Code: 308 289 0402 7:30-8:30pm Code: 308 289 0401 7:30-8:30pm

4/11 4/18

$6/person $6/person

April 19 Sunday The Very Very Fun Storybook Tea Party

(3-10 yrs.) Enjoy popular stories by author Eric Carle as we act out being hungry caterpillars actually munching through some of the storybook treats and meet not-so-grouchy ladybugs and more. Miss Spider will even join us for tea! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please call one week in advance with any dietary restrictions. Code: 308 286 7501 2-3:30pm $10/child

April 24 Friday Campfire Friday: Reptiles & Amphibians

(3-Adult) Learn about snakes, frogs, and turtles; then go out on an exciting naturalist-led excursion to the pond or swamp to explore their natural habitat. Program concludes with a campfire. S’mores provided. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 308 284 1201



May 1 Friday Campfire Friday: Bugs & Spiders

(4-Adult) Find out what sort of bugs like to come out at night in this program for the whole family. Join our naturalist for outdoor adventure and nature study concluding with a campfire. S’mores provided. Child must be accompanied by a paid, registered adult. Code: 308 283 5101



May 2 Saturday May Day Baskets

(4-8 yrs.) Join the tradition of making a May basket

filled with flowers to hang on a friend’s or neighbor’s front door as a May Day surprise. Learn to identify some wildflowers and make art with flowers. Child must be accompanied by a paid, registered adult.

Code: 308 289 7501



May 5 Tuesday Trillium Trek

(Adults) Travel by van to Linden, Va. for a glorious

display of trilliums and other spring wildflowers. Plan on a moderate hike on a rocky trail and bring a snack. Late lunch at the Apple House. Wear hiking shoes.

Code: 308 289 7301


May 9 Saturday Pink Lady’s Slipper Walk


(3-Adult) Join a naturalist for a leisurely stroll to a natural display of wild orchids at Roundtree Park on

Spring 2015

Curious kids are fascinated by all creatures great and small, and learning about them and where they live is always fun at Hidden Oaks Nature Center. Annandale Road, Falls Church. Your naturalist guide also identifies native wildflowers. Canceled if rain. Code: 308 201 8101



May 9 Saturday Night Hike & S’mores Campfire

(4-Adult) Enjoy a naturalist-led walk through the forest listening for nocturnal animals and looking for evidence of wildlife. End your hike at our campfire and make s’mores over the campfire. Children must be accompanied by an adult. . Code: 308 203 3101



May 10 Sunday Make a Bird Bath for Mom’s Day

(3-13 yrs.) Treat your mother or friend to a homemade and hand-painted bird bath courtesy of you. Treat her to tips about attracting birds to her backyard and how to identify local species. Code: 308 286 8101



May 16 Saturday Sounds of the Night Campfire

(4-Adult) Learn to identify nocturnal animal calls and

enjoy stories of local denizens of the night around a campfire. Make s’mores. Canceled if rain. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 308 285 8501



May 16 Saturday Frog Chorus at Eakin Pond

(4-Adult) Celebrate National Frog Month! Meet at Eakin Park on Prosperity Rd., Fairfax to join a naturalist-led walk to the pond to identify frogs by sound. Bring one flashlight per family. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Canceled if rain. Code: 575 286 4801



May 22 Friday American Indian Stories Campfire

(4-Adult) Enjoy a campfire as your hear traditional American Indian stories focusing on seasonal changes. Toast marshmallows. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 308 286 8801 8-9pm



May 24 Sunday Stream Stomp

(6-10 yrs.) Investigate Bugg Creek for salamanders, crayfish and more in this catch-and-release adventure. Learn about erosion and other environmental issues affecting aquatic wildlife. Canceled in case of weather. Code: 308 285 8701



May 25 Monday Snake and Turtle Feeding

(4-Adult) Enjoy a brief presentation and demonstration by our animal caretaker staff. At least one snake, two turtles and a toad will be fed. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 308 286 7301



May 29 Friday Campfire Bats, Bugs, and Owls Oh My!

(4-Adult) Learn about the critters that only come out at night and their special adaptations that help them thrive while we sleep. Watch for bats, attract some bugs, and call for owls. Child must be accompanied by a paid, registered adult. Code: 308 288 9501



June 5 Friday All About Bats Campfire

(4-Adult) Several bat species flit in the Virginia sky. Look for them as we head to our campfire, where you

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Nature and Science will learn facts and lore plus enjoy an American Indian story of how bats got their wings. Toast marshmallows over the fire. Canceled in case of inclement weather. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.

Animal Feeding at the Nature Center

Code: 308 285 9801

Code: 332 281 8401 Code: 332 281 8402 Code: 332 281 8403


(3-Adult) It’s dinner time at the nature center, and worms and insects are on the menu. Help our naturalist care for and feed the nature center’s animals.


June 12 Friday Fliers of the Night Campfire


Pohick Rangers! Be a part of this season’s exploration of the natural world, hands-on and up close. Plenty of digging, netting, meeting animals and puddle jumping in the Pohick Stream Valley woodlands at Hidden Pond Park. Topics vary each week.


Code: 332 284 0601 Code: 332 284 0602 Code: 332 284 0603 Code: 332 284 0604 Code: 332 284 0605 Code: 332 284 0606 Code: 332 284 0607 Code: 332 284 0608 Code: 332 284 0609 Code: 332 284 0610 Code: 332 284 0611

(2-5 yrs.) Join naturalists in Nature Playce to learn and

act out traditional nursery rhymes with nature themes. Make mud pie patty cakes and enjoy other activities and live animals. Adult must attend with child 1:30-2:30pm


Hidden Pond Nature Center 8511 Greeley Boulevard Springfield, VA 22152 703-451-9588 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/hiddenpond Extensive woodlands, Pohick Creek, trails, beautiful scenery, quiet places and abundant wildlife are all features of this park. Facilities include nature center with exhibits, nature trail, pond, tot playground, picnic shelter and orienteering course. Group programs are available by request. Park is open dawn to dusk. Visit website for nature center hours and our latest podcast. Closed Tuesdays.

Children Nature Series Pohick Rangers (8-12 yrs.)

Be part of another great season with Hidden Pond’s longest-running program, Pohick Rangers. We discuss a wide range of topics including: wetland diversity, forest ecosystems, nocturnal wildlife, cultural history, insects and more. 2NAG 5--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$65 2NEH 1--2 hour 25 minute lesson--$12 Location Day Time HddnPndNC F HddnPndNC M


Begin $

7pm 332 270 4601 04/10 2NEH 4:30pm 332 270 4602 04/20 2NAG

Pohick Ranger Jr. (6-8 yrs.)

Modeled after the older Pohick Rangers program, the junior program focuses on some of the same topics, but with a different approach-matching the age range with more story and craft-related activities to enhance outdoor exploration. Location Day Time HddnPndNC



Begin $

4:30pm 332 270 4701 04/13 2NS

Mondays Nature Quest-Spring

(3-6 yrs.) Be a part of the long-running naturalist

program designed for the preschool-age explorer. From field to stream and everything in between, children learn about our local animal species, hands-


4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm

4/8 4/15 4/22 4/29 5/6 5/13 5/20 5/27 6/3 6/10 6/17

$7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child

Your Home: Naturally- Spring

See the first signs of spring and summer along the trail at your favorite nature center. Nature Quest is the perfect adventure for pre-school explorers. on and in the field. Topics: 4/6 Hop into spring, 4/20 Earth Day, 4/27 Terrific Tadpoles, 5/4 Get Buggy, 5/11 Worms & Wildflowers, 6/1 Feeding Frenzy, 6/8 Stream Safari, 6/15 Animal Movement. Code: 332 289 6001 Code: 332 289 6002 Code: 332 289 6003 Code: 332 289 6004 Code: 332 289 6005 Code: 332 289 6006 Code: 332 289 6007 Code: 332 289 6008

10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am

4/6 4/20 4/27 5/4 5/11 6/1 6/8 6/15

$6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child $6/child

Tuesdays Radical Running Rangers

(8-12 yrs.) Join us on a new adventure in nature. Fast-paced, moving activities show how you can enjoy nature and stay active while being good stewards. Code: 332 203 1701 Code: 332 203 1702 Code: 332 203 1703 Code: 332 203 1704 Code: 332 203 1705

4:30-6pm 4:30-6pm 4:30-6pm 4:30-6pm 4:30-6pm

4/7 4/14 4/21 4/28 5/5

$8/child $8/child $8/child $8/child $8/child

Reptile Rangers

2NS 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$76

$5/person $5/person $5/person

(3-6 yrs.) The youngest nature lovers can now become

June 13 Saturday Welcome Back Mother Goose

Code: 308 289 6401

4/14 5/19 6/16

Wednesdays Pohick Puddle Jumpers

(4-Adult) Join a naturalist at the campfire to learn how animals that fly at night (owls, bats and moths) do so without banging into trees. Learn how to see these elusive creatures. Make s’mores. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 308 282 7801

4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm

(10-14 yrs.) Love Reptiles? So do we. Join us and learn

in this hands on program about reptiles, from care and tank set up, to finding them, this program has it all. Topics: 5/5 Native Reptiles; 5/12 Hunting and Camouflage; 5/19 Pet Clinic; 5/26 Exotic Reptiles Code: 332 203 1901 4:30-5:30pm 5/5 Code: 332 203 1902 4:30-5:30pm 5/12 Code: 332 203 1903 4:30-5:30pm 5/19 Code: 332 203 1904 4:30-5:30pm 5/26

(16-Adult) Make your home and life more Earth-friendly, often by using items you already have. A naturalist shares manageable steps you can take to make your home a healthier, more natural and environmentally friendly sanctuary. Code: 332 203 3201 Code: 332 203 3202 Code: 332 203 3203 Code: 332 203 3204 Code: 332 203 3205

7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm

4/8 4/15 4/22 4/29 5/6

$8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person

Thursdays Eco Adventures

(8-12 yrs.) This program focuses on inspiring children through hands-on experiences in our park. Come along on epic adventures through the wilderness and learn through experience. Dress for the weather. Topics: 4/9 Reptile Wrangle; 4/16 Amphibian Adventure; 4/23 Bugs and Decomposers!; 4/30 Wilderness Survival; 5/7 Water Wonders. Code: 332 203 2001 Code: 332 203 2002 Code: 332 203 2003 Code: 332 203 2004 Code: 332 203 2005

4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm

4/9 4/16 4/23 4/30 5/7

$7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child

Dig into the Past

(8-12 yrs.) Come to Hidden Pond and learn firsthand how archaeology works. Each day dig into the ground, and learn different methods used in archaeology. Topics: 5/14 How to Dig; 5/21 Identifying items; 5/28 Local History Code: 332 203 2101 Code: 332 203 2102 Code: 332 203 2103

$7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

5-6pm 5-6pm 5-6pm

5/14 5/21 5/28

$7/child $7/child $7/child

Fan us on Facebook!

www.facebook.com/ fairfaxcountyparks Spring 2015

Nature and Science Animal Trails

(8-12 yrs.) Track Hidden Pond’s wild creatures. Each day we go out and track what animals we can find. Topics: 6/4 How to Track; 6/11 Masking Smells; 6/18 Mammal Tracking Code: 332 203 2301 Code: 332 203 2302 Code: 332 203 2303

4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm

6/4 6/11 6/18

$7/child $7/child $7/child

Fridays Kyle’s Corner-Spring

(6-12 yrs.) Join naturalist Kyle for a fun perspective on

nature as he delves into a different topic each week with science, outdoor explorations and live animals. Topics:6/5 Reptiles Galore; 6/12 Fishing; 6/19 Plant Uses.

Code: 332 289 2701 Code: 332 289 2702 Code: 332 289 2703

4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm

6/5 6/12 6/19

$7/child $7/child $7/child

Rockhounders- Spring Series

(6-12 yrs.) This popular summer camp is now a spring series. This hands-on approach to geology includes rock/mineral classification, plate tectonics, fossils and collecting. Topics:3/27 Rock Hardness; 4/10 Volcanoes and Earthquakes; 4/17 Rock Experiments; 4/24 Gold Panning and more. Code: 332 201 9901 Code: 332 201 9902 Code: 332 201 9903 Code: 332 201 9904

4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm

3/27 4/10 4/17 4/24

$7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child

Survival Skills

(6-12 yrs.) Survive the wilds of Hidden Pond. Learn

through shelter building, distinguishing edible vs poisonous plants and other ‘dangers’ of the wild. Topics: 5/1 Shelter Building, 5/8 Edible vs Poisonous, 5/15 Tracking, 5/22 Tool Making

Code: 332 203 2801 Code: 332 203 2802 Code: 332 203 2803 Code: 332 203 2804

4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:30-5:30pm

5/1 5/8 5/15 5/22

(3-Adult) Join our naturalist for outdoor adventure and

nature study concluding with a campfire. S’mores provided. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Topics: 3/27 Sounds of Spring, 4/17 The coming of the Frog, 5/1 Predators of Night, 5/8 Nocturnal Stream Study, 5/15 Animals Calling, 5/29 Reptiles & Amphibians, 6/5 Into the Pond, 6/12 Stream Study. 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm

3/27 4/17 5/1 5/8 5/15 5/29 6/5 6/12

$8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person

Saturdays Field Frenzy

(8-12 yrs.) Go into the field with an experienced naturalist to find, handle and create habitats for some of the wild animals found in our park. The animals we catch may be placed on display in the nature center for you to come back and see any time. Topics: 4/11 Aquatics, 5/16 Herpetology, 6/6 Insects. Code: 332 203 1801 Code: 332 203 1802 Code: 332 203 1803

Spring 2015

10-noon 10-noon 10-noon

4/11 5/16 6/6

Activities Calendar

(8-12 yrs.) Learn how to use bows and arrows and

learn about the different tribes found in North America through hands-on activities Program meets three consecutive Saturdays. Topics: Aztec, Sioux, Powhatan. Code: 332 202 6201 Code: 332 202 6202

10-11:30am 10-11:30am

4/11 5/9

$24/child $24/child

Spring Campfire Saturdays at Lake Accotink

(3-Adult) Adventure awaits as you explore woodlands and lakefront spots where wildlife hides and resides, guided by a naturalist. Program ends with a campfire. S’mores provided. Topics include 3/28 Fishing, 4/25 Bug Hunt, 5/16 Animal Calling, 6/6 Reptiles. Code: 850 203 2901 Code: 850 203 2902 Code: 850 203 2903 Code: 850 203 2904

7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm

3/28 4/25 5/16 6/6

$8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person

Spring Campfire Saturdays at Royal Lake

(3-Adult) Adventure awaits as you explore the woodlands and lake front spots where wildlife hides and resides, guided by a naturalist. Program ends with a cozy campfire. Bring something to roast; s’mores provided. Topics include 3/21 Fishing, 4/18 Amphibians, 5/9 Turtle Fishing, 5/23 Animal Calling, 6/13 Reptiles. Code: 584 203 3001 Code: 584 203 3002 Code: 584 203 3003 Code: 584 203 3004 Code: 584 203 3005

7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm

3/21 4/18 5/9 5/23 6/13

$8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person $8/person

March 22 Sunday Animal Egg Mobile Workshop

(3-12 yrs.) Create a spring mobile of your favorite pond animals from plastic eggs. All materials provided. Adult must accompany child (no charge for adult). Code: 332 201 7401



March 26 Thursday Salamander Crawl

(4-Adult) Late march is the most wonderful time of year for our resident salamanders, when they come out in droves to meet up and lay eggs for next year’s population. A naturalist presents live specimens and lead you on safari to find these elusive, colorful, and often overlooked critters. Code: 332 203 2501



April 2 Thursday Peeper Creep

(4-Adult) What’s that sound? The peepers start the chorus to let the world know that spring has sprung. Get to know these tiny, often unseen, yet remarkably loud heralds of spring up close and personal. Program includes a naturalist-led indoor presentation and outdoor quest to find our favorite, pint-sized peeping people pleasers. Code: 332 203 2601



April 9 Thursday Frogwatch

(4-Adult) Frogs help us by keeping the insect population down and we can help them through Frogwatch, a citizen science frog monitoring project. Through this

$7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child

Campfire Fridays

Code: 332 284 0901 Code: 332 284 0902 Code: 332 284 0903 Code: 332 284 0904 Code: 332 284 0905 Code: 332 284 0906 Code: 332 284 0907 Code: 332 284 0908

Native American Archery

$8/child $8/child $8/child

The Fairfax County Park Authority has a variety of park settings perfect for hosting your next birthday party, family reunion, company picnic, or sports banquet. To make your reservation, please see our online availability calendars and download our picnic application at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/picnics For more information, contact the Park Authority’s centralized picnic reservation line at 703-324-8732.

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Nature and Science program, learn how to identify the different species in your neighborhood by sight and sound. We conclude with a nature walk as we listen for and record the species of frogs you hear. Code: 332 203 2701



April 11 Saturday Frogaganza

(4-Adult) Come along for this festival all about frogs and toads! From a play, to frog races, frog goo tossing, and more. Code: 332 203 2201



April 18 Saturday Lake Accotink Wildflower Walk

(4-Adult) Join naturalist Clara Ailes for a leisurely

walk along Accotink Creek in search of bluebells, dwarf ginseng, showy orchids and other spring wildflowers. Participants meet in the close end of the first large parking lot on the left, off of Lake Accotink Access Road, which is off of Highland Avenue. Free for ages 10 and younger.

Code: 850 289 5701



May 4 Monday or June 2 Tuesday Spring Full Moon Hike

(8-Adult) Share the excitement of spring with a wild walk under the full moon. Naturalist guides point out the special happenings of spring-lead nighttime critter scouting, share full moon lore and more. Code: 332 287 6001 Code: 332 287 6002

7-8pm 7-8pm

5/4 6/2

$6/person $6/person

From wildflower walks in your favorite park to the Spring Symphony Stroll at Huntley Meadows Park, there are many ways to celebrate spring and enjoy the sunshine in Fairfax County.

Huntley Meadows Park and Visitor Center

with stories and a scavenger hunt to look at real world examples of nature getting ready for the coming season. Dress for the weather. Accompanying adult does not pay.

3701 Lockheed Blvd. Alexandria, VA 22306 703-768-2525 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/huntley One of Fairfax County Park Authority’s largest parks, Huntley Meadows includes wetlands, forests, meadows, streams and ponds with resident deer, beaver and heron. Facilities include a visitor center, auditorium, exhibits, an outdoor classroom and an interpretive trail with boardwalk and observation platforms. All programs require reservations. Visit the website for nature center hours. Closed Tuesdays. Grounds open dawn to dusk.

Code: 340 282 6101 Code: 340 282 6102 Code: 340 282 6103

Children Nature Series Mondays Storytime in the Forest

outdoor exploration and other activities.

Code: 340 286 5001 Code: 340 286 5002 Code: 340 286 5003 Code: 340 286 5004 Code: 340 286 5005 Code: 340 286 5006 Code: 340 286 5007 Code: 340 286 5008 Code: 340 286 5009 Code: 340 286 5010

10-11am 1:30-2:30pm 10-11am 1:30-2:30pm 10-11am 1:30-2:30pm 10-11am 1:30-2:30pm 10-11am 1:30-2:30pm

Saturdays Wetland Watchers

4/13 4/13 5/4 5/4 5/18 5/18 6/1 6/1 6/15 6/15

$7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child $7/child

$6/child $6/child $6/child

March 28 Saturday 40th Anniversary: Spring Symphony Stroll (8-Adult) Come help celebrate Huntley Meadows

40th anniversary by joining park naturalists for an evening walk to listen for favorite sounds of spring including woodcocks, frogs, owls and more. Dress for the weather and going off trail, bring a flashlight. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Meets at the South King’s Hwy. parking area. 7:30-9:30pm


March 28 Saturday Backyard Birdfeeding

(Adults) Join Park Manager Kevin Munroe as he shares

his tips and tricks for backyard bird feeding - the best feeders, bird baths, native plants, landscaping for wildlife and how to deal with squirrels. Learn what to feed and plant for each season and leave with a list of native plants for every month of the year.

Code: 340 282 1201

Code: 340 201 2101 Code: 340 201 2102

7-8pm 7-8pm

4/10 5/15

$6/person $6/person

April 11 or April 25 Saturdays Naturalist’s Choice ‘Behind the Scenes’

(10-Adult) Come celebrate the park’s 40th anniver-



April 10 or May 15 Friday Family Nature Night

(4-Adult) Discover your natural neighborhood and

(4-7 yrs.) Parent and child take a walk to the wetland


4/18 5/9 6/13

Activity Calendar

Code: 340 203 1101

(3-5 yrs.) Join us for a nature story, followed by a craft,

10-11:30am 10-11:30am 2-3:30pm

activities, games and walks. Dress for the weather, Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please call park for topics.

reconnect your family with nature. Seasonal topics explore many park habitats and diverse wildlife through

sary by taking a tour of some off-the-beaten-path, seldom-seen places with a park naturalist. Dress for going off trail.

Code: 340 203 1401 Code: 340 203 1402

1-4pm 10-noon

4/11 4/25

$8/person $7/person

April 11, May 16 or June 13 Saturdays Park Manager Walk and Talk 4-6pm Free

(Adults) Join Park Manager Kevin Munroe to learn

about the wetland restoration project and go for a walk to look for plants and animals in the park’s 50acre marsh. No reservations needed.

April 18 Saturday Sketch Hike: Spring Ephemerals

(12-Adult) Join park naturalist and artist Margaret Wohler for a hike focusing on spring wildflowers and learn sketching techniques to enhance your observation skills. Code: 340 203 1601



April 18 or May 23 Saturday Evening Walk

(Adults) Join naturalist PJ Dunn to hike the trails after

dark, looking and listening for owls,beavers and other night animals.

Code: 340 288 1801 Code: 340 288 1802

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

7:30-9:30pm 8-10pm

4/18 5/23

$6/person $6/person

Spring 2015

Nature and Science Thursdays Songs of Spring

Wagon Ride - Journey to the Pond

(2-Adult) Nature Center. Frogs, tadpoles and water

critters abound in the pond. Journey to see what’s hopping, splashing and swimming. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.

(7-12 yrs.) Animals often communicate in song. Learn

how to identify the calls and songs of many of the park’s animals through hands-on activities and hikes. Topics: 4/9 Hawk Hymns, 4/23 Owl Orchestra, 4/30 Amphibian Anthems, 5/7 Songbird Symphony, 5/14 Cicada Choruses. Code: 340 203 1305 Code: 340 203 1301 Code: 340 203 1302 Code: 340 203 1303 Code: 340 203 1304

4-5:30pm 4-5:30pm 4-5:30pm 4-5:30pm 4-5:30pm

4/9 4/23 4/30 5/7 5/14

Code: 357 289 8001 Code: 357 289 8002 Code: 357 289 8004 Code: 357 289 8006 Code: 357 289 8003 Code: 357 289 8005

$8/child $8/child $8/child $8/child $8/child

Code: 340 203 1501



April 26 Sunday Birding for Beginners

(12-Adult) Interested in birding? We can get you start-

ed. Learn about the birds in the park and some basic identification skills. Program begins with an indoor discussion. Children ages 12 to 16 must be accompanied by a registered adult. Code: 340 284 2501



(6-Adult) Come for a relaxing stroll through the park at dusk. A naturalist takes you on a tour of the woods and wetlands to watch and listen for beavers, owls and other nocturnal residents. Code: 340 282 7901 7-8:30pm Code: 340 282 7902 7:30-9pm

5/9 6/6

$6/person $6/person

June 13 Saturday Wetland in Bloom

(5-Adult) Take a plant ecology hike to the wetland during peak bloom of buttonbush, swamp rose and lizard’s tail. Search for birds and mammals that use these plants for food, shelter and nesting. Canceled if rain. Code: 340 284 2201



8700 Potomac Hills Street, Great Falls, VA 22066 703-759-9018 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/riverbend Fairfax County Park Authority’s only riverfront park has 418 acres of forest, meadows and ponds. Nature highlights include extraordinary river views, spectacular wildflowers and birds. The 10+ miles of trails include a 2.5 mile portion of the Potomac Heritage Trail linking national and regional parkland. Kayakers and canoeists can enjoy exploring many islands in the Potomac River. Serious anglers and families can bring a boat, rent a jon boat or canoe (in season) or fish from the shady riverbank. Facilities include a visitor center with snack bar, gift shop and exhibits. Enjoy the riverside picnic area with grills or relax on the deck overlooking the Potomac River. The park’s picnic shelter and sun deck are available by reservation (703-324-8732) and the nature center is available by reservation (703-759-9018). Visit the website for nature center hours. Closed Tuesdays. Park gates locked at posted closing time.

Spring 2015

Programs hosted by Riverbend at Hunter House March 26 or April 16 Thursday Go Native! Workshop

(16-Adult) Why go native? We discuss the benefits of planting natives. Learn which plants provide habitat for native birds and butterflies and how to identify and remove invasive plants. Each participant will begin a working plan for their home garden. 6-8pm 6-8pm

3/26 4/16

$8/person $8/person

April 2 Thursday Build Your own Bat House

(4-Adult) Bats help eat mosquitoes, and pollinate plants, but they are having a hard time. Help these important animals thrive by building a bat house to hang in your yard. Everyone must register $8/ person. $15 fee per bat house paid to instructor on the day of the program. Code: 563 281 9601 6-8pm


(8-Adult) Participants receive introductory training in the Leave No Trace outdoor skills and ethics program, which is applicable to all outdoor enthusiasts and all environments. Workshop topics include the underlying concept of minimum impact recreation and the seven principles of Leave No Trace. Code: 357 202 4301 Code: 357 202 4302 Code: 357 202 4303

9-noon 9-noon 9-noon

Code: 357 281 9601


(Adults) Enjoy a presentation by a naturalist on butter-

flies, host plants for their caterpillars and nectar plant suggestions for adults. Learn techniques for attracting these garden jewels and area butterfly gardens you can visit.

April 5 Sunday Build Your Own Bee House

10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am

3/21 3/25 4/22 4/25 5/9 5/30

$5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person

Saturday Wagon Ride to Poohsticks Bridge

(2-Adult) Children must be accompanied by a regis-

tered adult. Journey through the woods to Poohsticks bridge. Listen to Winnie the Pooh’s story and play Poohsticks on the bridge. Code: 357 286 2901 Code: 357 286 2903 Code: 357 286 2904 Code: 357 286 2906 Code: 357 286 2902 Code: 357 286 2905

10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am

3/28 4/8 4/18 5/23 6/3 6/13

$5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person


March 31 Tuesday Butterfly Gardening

March 21 Wagon Ride-Birds, Butterflies & Blossoms

Code: 357 286 3001 Code: 357 286 3004 Code: 357 286 3005 Code: 357 286 3006 Code: 357 286 3002 Code: 357 286 3003

$10/person $10/person $10/person

(3-Adult) Bats help eat mosquitoes and pollinate plants, but they are having a hard time. Help these important animals thrive by building a bat house to hang in your yard. Everyone must register $8/person. $15 fee per bat house paid to instructor on the day of the program.

Code: 357 288 7501

tered adult. Take a wagon ride scavenger hunt through the meadow. Search for birds and butterflies and meet a friendly animal up close.

4/18 5/9 6/6

March 29 Sunday Build Your own Bat House

Wagon Rides (2-Adult) Children must be accompanied by a regis-

Riverbend Park

$5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person $5/person

Saturdays Leave No Trace Awareness Workshop

Code: 563 102 4501 Code: 563 202 4502

May 9 or May 6 Saturday Evening Stroll

4/4 5/2 5/6 5/16 5/20 5/23

Activities Calendar

April 25 Saturday Sketch Hike: Birds

(12-Adult) Join park naturalist and artist Margaret Wohler for a hike focusing on birds, and learn sketching techniques to enhance your observation skills.

10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am 10-11am



(4-Adult) Have fun learning about local pollinators and using some invasive plants to build homes for native pollinators. The bees this house attracts are mason bees, pollinators and solitary bees, which rarely sting. Code: 357 181 9701



April 5 Sunday Build Your Own Birdhouse

(3-Adult) Make your backyard bird friendly. Learn about bird-friendly plants and build your own bird house. Children must be accompanied by registered adult. Everyone must register $8/person. $5 fee per birdhouse paid to instructor on the day of the program. Code: 357 181 9501



REGISTER via Parktakes Online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Registration processing begins at 5 a.m., February 3. See registration instructions at the back of Parktakes

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Nature and Science April 30 Thursday Homeschool: Naturalist

woods. Meet in west parking lot. Wear sturdy hiking shoes. Canceled if rain.

(6-12 yrs.) Bring your home-school student or group

for hands-on fun learning designed to enrich your understanding of Fairfax County’s natural environment. Take a hike with a naturalist, learn about plants that were used for dye, play environmentally fun games and make a nature craft to take home and enhance the habitat in your own yard.

Code: 357 202 3301



May 7 Thursday Homeschool: Wilderness Skills



May 14 Thursday Homeschool: Metamorphosis and More (5-9 yrs.) Wander our watershed and learn the life

cycle of the frog. Follow the incredible journey of the tiny monarch caterpillar through metamorphosis and migration. Peer through magnifiers to examine the cycle of seed to flower to fruit in our botany lab.

Code: 357 281 4501

Look up during the Riverbend Bird Stroll May 2 and your bound to see some beautiful warblers as they migrate north. Mondays Animal Vets



April 23 Thursday Spring Wildflowers of Scotts Run

(13-Adult) Meet at Scotts Run Nature Preserve and

walk the trails in search of spring beauty, dutchman’s breeches and other spring ephemerals in these rich



April 25 Saturday Wildflowers, tinctures, teas and vinegar (Adults) In this wildflower workshop, we take a hike

and learn about healing and edible plants that grow in the park. Then we collect plants to create healing tinctures, teas and vinegars. Each participant brings home a tincture or vinegar. Supply fee of $7 payable to instructor at classtime.

Code: 357 288 4801

(7-12 yrs.) Make fires, build shelters and learn about wild and medicinal plants as we explore how to survive in the wilderness. Hikes, games and art projects add to our adventures. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. Code: 357 270 3401

Code: 357 284 1501



May 2 Saturday Riverbend Bird Stroll – Warblers

(Adults) Visitor Center. Hike with a naturalist during

peak warbler migration. Discover why Riverbend is an important stopover and nesting area that attracts so many species. Beginners welcome. Bring binoculars.

Code: 357 288 8001



June 7 Saturday Women Unplugged

(16-Adult) Unplug and spend the weekend outdoors! Saturday we kayak from Algonkian Park to Riverbend and have an outdoor dinner with a bonfire. Spend a night under the stars in your tent or in our nature center. Sunday, explore birds and edible plants, and learn to shoot a bow and arrow. Bring a bagged lunch and water bottles for Saturday’s trip; all other meals are provided. Meet at Riverbend at 8 a.m. on Saturday. Program ends at 2 p.m. on Sunday. Women only. Code: 357 202 4101



(6-12 yrs.) Meet at the nature center and go behind

the scenes to help care for our exhibit animals. On this special day, take the animal’s vital signs and check their health. Optional Riverbend patch available for $3.15.

Code: 357 283 0102 Code: 357 283 0104 Code: 357 283 0103

4-5pm 4-5pm 4-5pm

4/20 6/1 5/11

$6/child $6/child $6/child

April 4 Saturday Bluebells and Bloodroots

(13-Adult) Visitor Center. Learn to identify Riverbend’s beautiful spring ephemerals, and discover the folklore that has grown up around them, as we walk the banks of the Potomac River. Canceled if rain. Code: 357 288 7701



Celebrate your birthday in the parks!


April 9 Thursday Homeschool: Virginia Eco Systems

(7-10 yrs.) Explore Virginia’s geology and the natural resources of its five regions through interactive games and our Enviroscape model. Learn about the adaptations plants and animals have developed to survive and see how the ground below affects the life above. Code: 357 201 5101



April 23 Thursday Homeschool: Geo Trek

(7-10 yrs.) Journey to the Earth’s core and back, from rocks, quakes, and volcanoes to plate tectonics. Tour the park to see how nature and humans have altered our landscape, and how archeology unearths our past. Code: 357 201 8601



Enjoy nature, farm, history or gardening-themed birthday parties led by trained park staff. Themes include historic reenactments, live animals, nature activities or amusement rides on a wagon or carousel, depending on the site.

Learn more at http://go.usa.gov/KSU or see the Attractions section of Parktakes.


For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Performing Arts

Performing Arts Please note:

• All instructors have different teaching styles. • Wear comfortable clothing. Any clothing requirements will be discussed at the first class. • All music classes are group instruction. • Music books or any other instructional aids are available for purchase at the first class. • Students must have their own guitar, banjo or harmonica for use in class. • Piano students need to have access to a piano for practice out of class. Qualified drama instructors needed to teach children’s drama classes. For details, call Jennifer Braun at 703324-5540 or e-mail instructors@fairfaxcounty.gov for an application. Qualified piano and guitar instructors needed to teach group lessons for children. For details, call Jennifer Braun 703-324-5540 or e-mail instructors@fairfaxcounty.gov for an application.

Explore the world of theatre through fun and laughter as students learn about improvisational techniques and how to handle social issues. Students perform an original sketch based on what they have learned during the session. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BPVB 10--55 minute lessons--$143 Location Day Time


(7-10 yrs.) SoRunREC W Wkfld/Moore T

167 252 3901 03/25 BPVB 183 252 3901 03/24 BPVB

Begin $

Glee Class

For those who love to sing and dance! Each class focuses on singing techniques and dance steps, culminating in a group performance at the end of the session. Each student sings or dances in a group performance that highlights each individual. For beginners who want to try musical theater and people who just love to perform. Location Day Time


(7-14 yrs.) ChurchRd ES Fairhill ES Silvrbrk ES Woodbrn ES

023 253 2601 03/21 036 253 2602 03/24 105 253 2601 03/26 131 253 2602 03/21


Improv in Your World

Students learn improvisational comedy techniques, strategies and games and put on a show at the end of the class. Any supply fee payable at first class. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


(6-13 yrs.) CubRunREC LeeREC

192 252 3501 03/21 2PA 456 252 3501 03/24 2PA

Spring 2015


Begin $

6:30pm 159 252 2101 04/06 BPV7 6:30pm 175 252 2101 04/06 BPV7

Get in touch with your creative comedic side. Warmups and instructional games show you how to keep sharp with quality timing and public speaking. Learn how to bring out the funny side that is in everyone. Location Day Time


(13-Adult) Stenwood ES Th

109 252 1301 03/26 BPDA


Begin $

Learn to play, tune and care for your banjo. Students must furnish their own instrument. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class. BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time


(10-Adult) RollValy ES M Shrvwood ES T

Begin $

100 253 3301 03/23 BPVK 104 253 3301 03/24 BPVK

Drum Set I

Learn rudimentary drum skills, music reading skills and how to use a drum set. Practice equipment available. Supply fee of $20 payable to instructor at first class. BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time (9-Adult) WhiteOak ES M Woodbrn ES Sa


Begin $

5:30pm 128 253 1202 03/23 BPVK 11am 131 253 1202 03/21 BPVK

Begin $

Prerequisite: Drum Set I or equivalent. Practice equipment furnished. Supply fee $20 payable to instructor at first class.

Learn to play, tune and care for your guitar. Students must furnish their own instrument. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time (6-10 yrs.) OakMarREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC Kings Pk ES Shrvwood ES Cntrvlle HS Cntrvlle HS (8-12 yrs.) CubRunREC MtVernREC (10-Adult) OakMarREC CubRunREC RollValy ES RoseHill ES Cntrvlle HS (16-Adult) Wkfld/Moore


Begin $

6:30pm 128 253 5301 03/23 BPVK

For additional listings in


Begin $

T M F Sa T F F

5pm 6pm 4:30pm 9am 4:30pm 4pm 5pm

142 253 0901 03/24 2PA 183 253 0901 03/23 2PA 192 253 0901 03/27 2PA 071 253 0901 03/21 BPVK 104 253 0901 03/24 BPVK 301 253 0901 03/27 BPDA 301 253 0902 03/27 BPDA

M Su

4pm 4pm

192 253 1701 03/23 2PA 472 253 1701 03/22 2PA


7pm 5pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 6pm

142 253 1901 192 253 1901 100 253 1901 101 253 1901 301 253 1901



183 253 1001 03/23 2PA

03/24 2PA 03/23 2PA 03/23 BPVK 03/24 BPVK 03/27 BPDA

Guitar II

Prerequisite: Guitar I or equivalent. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74 BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 (6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore MtVernREC RoseHill ES (10-Adult) OakMarREC CubRunREC Cntrvlle HS


Begin $

M Su T

7pm 183 253 1301 03/23 2PA 5pm 472 253 1301 03/22 2PA 5:30pm 101 253 1301 03/24 BPVK


6pm 142 253 1401 03/24 2PA 5:30pm 192 253 1401 03/27 2PA 7pm 301 253 1401 03/27 BPDA

Bass Electric Guitar

Learn basic music reading and riffs on the electric bass. Students must furnish their own bass guitar. Any supply fees payable to instructor at first class. BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time


(10-Adult) Kings Pk ES

071 253 8701 03/21 BPVK



Begin $

Rock Guitar

BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time (9-Adult) WhiteOak ES M

Guitar I

Location Day Time 7:30pm 7:30pm

Drum Set II

BPVL 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$135

9am 6pm

(7-16 yrs.) ProvREC SpHillREC


Banjo I

Dramatic Kids

Sa T

Location Day Time

Music Classes

Drama Classes

9am 6:30pm 4:30pm 10:30am

BPV7 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$134

BPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$74

Music Instructors Wanted

Sa T Th Sa

In this class offered by Moonlit Wings Productions, actors learn and are directed in different Hollywood acting scenes, improvisation games and enjoy a sampler of musical theatre hits from Broadway and beyond. Get ready for character creation, theatre games, dance routines, and fun surprises from our DC and NYC professional teaching artists.

Improv Comedy

Children’s Drama Instructors Wanted

5pm 5:15pm

Lights, Camera, Action!

Drum Set I (9-Adult) Piano-Beg. I (10-Adult) Drum Set II (9-Adult) Piano-Beg. I (6-12 yrs.) Glee Class (7-14 yrs.) Piano-Beg. I (6-9 yrs.) Guitar I (10-Adult) Piano-Beg. II (6-12 yrs.) Guitar I (6-10 yrs.) Vocal Training I (8-14 yrs.) See Parktakes Online: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

An introduction to rock-and-roll guitar playing. Students learn rock guitar and improvisation basics. Beginners encouraged. Students should supply their own instruments. Those with electric guitars should bring a portable amplifier. BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time


Begin $

(10-Adult) Kings Pk ES RollValy ES RoseHill ES Shrvwood ES

071 253 0501 100 253 0501 101 253 0501 104 253 0501

03/21 BPVK 03/23 BPVK 03/24 BPVK 03/24 BPVK

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Sa M T T

11am 6:30pm 7:30pm 6:30pm


Performing Arts ChurchRd ES Sa Cub Run ES W Fairhill ES Sa Forestdl ES T GreatFls ES M GreenbrE ES T Kings Pk ES Sa LouiseAr ES T MosbyWds ES Sa MosbyWds ES Sa MosbyWds ES M Navy ES W NewFrst ES W Parklawn ES F Sangster ES Th Falls Ch HS Th (10-Adult) GreenbrE ES T (12-Adult) Bush HL ES W Va Run ES Sa Key MS Th Powell ES F Falls Ch HS Th

11am 6:30pm 11am 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 12pm 7pm 10am 12pm 5pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm

023 253 4601 03/21 BPVK 030 253 4601 03/25 BPPA 036 253 4601 03/21 BPVK 040 253 4601 03/24 BPPA 052 253 4601 03/23 BPVK 054 253 4601 03/24 BPPA 071 253 4602 03/21 BPVK 080 253 4601 03/24 BPVK 084 253 4601 03/21 BPPA 084 253 4602 03/21 BPPA 084 253 4603 03/23 BPPA 087 253 4601 03/25 BPPA 088 253 4601 03/25 BPVK 095 253 4601 03/27 BPPA 102 253 4601 03/26 BPVK 305 253 4601 03/26 BPVK


054 253 4801 03/24 BPPA

7:30pm 11:00am 7pm 7:30pm 7:30pm

014 253 4901 03/25 BPPA 117 253 4601 03/21 BPPA 211 253 4601 03/26 BPVK 138 253 4901 03/27 BPVK 305 253 4901 03/26 BPVK


For more than a century, the ukulele has been an icon on Hawaiian music. Learn to strum like an islander and serenade your favorite audience with the lilting sounds of this popular stringed instrument. Piano-Beginning I

Group instruction. Learn fundamentals including reading music and keyboard skills. Students must have access to piano or keyboard for practice. Supply fee $10-$15 payable to instructor at first class. BPPA 8--55 minute lessons--$79 BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time (6-9 yrs.) Brookfld ES Th Forestdl ES T GreenbrE ES T Navy ES W Va Run ES Sa (6-12 yrs.) Brookfld ES Th Bush HL ES W Card Fst ES Th ChurchRd ES Sa Cub Run ES W Cub Run ES W Fairhill ES Sa Forestdl ES T GreatFls ES M GreenbrE ES T Kings Pk ES Sa LittleRn ES T LouiseAr ES T MosbyWds ES Sa MosbyWds ES Sa MosbyWds ES M Navy ES W NewFrst ES W



Begin $

4:30pm 4:30pm 4:30pm 4:30pm 9:00am

011 253 4001 03/26 BPVK 040 253 4001 03/24 BPPA 054 253 4001 03/24 BPPA 087 253 4001 03/25 BPPA 117 253 4001 03/21 BPPA

5:30pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 10am 4:30pm 5:30pm 10am 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 10am 5:30pm 6pm 9am 11am 4pm 5:30pm 5:30pm

011 253 4101 014 253 4101 018 253 4101 023 253 4102 030 253 4101 030 253 4102 036 253 4101 040 253 4101 052 253 4101 054 253 4101 071 253 4102 078 253 4101 080 253 4101 084 253 4101 084 253 4102 084 253 4103 087 253 4101 088 253 4101

03/26 BPVK 03/25 BPPA 03/26 BPVK 03/21 BPVK 03/25 BPPA 03/25 BPPA 03/21 BPVK 03/24 BPPA 03/23 BPVK 03/24 BPPA 03/21 BPVK 03/24 BPVK 03/24 BPVK 03/21 BPPA 03/21 BPPA 03/23 BPPA 03/25 BPPA 03/25 BPVK

Parklawn ES F Parklawn ES F Sangster ES Th SleepHol ES M Powell ES F Va Run ES Sa Key MS Th Falls Ch HS Th (10-Adult) Cub Run ES W Fairhill ES Sa Forestdl ES T LittleRn ES T MosbyWds ES M Navy ES W Parklawn ES F Sangster ES Th Key MS Th

4:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 10:00am 6pm 5:30pm

095 253 4101 095 253 4102 102 253 4101 106 253 4101 138 253 4101 117 253 4101 211 253 4101 305 253 4101

03/27 BPPA 03/27 BPPA 03/26 BPVK 03/23 BPVK 03/27 BPVK 03/21 BPPA 03/26 BPVK 03/26 BPVK

7:30pm 12pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 6pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8pm

030 253 4301 03/25 BPPA 036 253 4301 03/21 BPVK 040 253 4301 03/24 BPPA 078 253 4301 03/24 BPVK 084 253 4301 03/23 BPPA 087 253 4301 03/25 BPPA 095 253 4301 03/27 BPPA 102 253 4301 03/26 BPVK 211 253 4301 03/26 BPVK

Piano-Beginning II

Group instruction for students who have some piano experience. Improve fundamentals including reading music and keyboard skills. Students must have access to piano or keyboard for practice. Supply fee $10-$15 payable to instructor at first class. BPPA 8--55 minute lessons--$79 BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time


Begin $

(6-12 yrs.) Brookfld ES Brookfld ES Bush HL ES Bush HL ES

011 253 4601 011 253 4602 014 253 4601 014 253 4602

03/26 BPVK 03/26 BPVK 03/25 BPPA 03/25 BPPA

Th Th W W

6:30pm 7:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm

Learn music Aloha style. Class covers instrument playing basics including chord progressions, single-note playing and right-hand strumming techniques. Numerous styles are taught. Students must bring their own instrument. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


(10-Adult) SpHillREC

175 253 2201 03/22 2PA



Begin $

Ukulele II

Prerequisite: Ukulele I or equivalent. 2PA 10--55 minute lessons--$104 Location Day Time


(10-Adult) SpHillREC

175 253 3501 03/22 2PA



Begin $

Vocal Training I

Beginning students learn vocal exercises, breath control and projection. Supply fee of $2-$5 payable to instructor at first class. BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time (8-14 yrs.) GreenbrE ES Hayfield ES (16-Adult) GreenbrE ES Hayfield ES


Begin $

W Th

5:30pm 054 251 8002 03/25 BPVK 4:30pm 060 251 8001 03/26 BPVK

W Th

6:30pm 054 253 1501 03/25 BPVK 6:30pm 060 253 1501 03/26 BPVK

Vocal Training II

Students are introduced to basic music theory skills such as reading, singing and writing music. Students continue to build on voice skills learned in level I, and combine both skill sets and apply them to singing. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BPVK 8--55 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time


(13-Adult) GreenbrE ES W

054 251 8301 03/25 BPVK

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

Spring 2015

Pet Place

Pet Place Our dog obedience classes help build a strong relationship between pet and handler by developing understanding and communication. Flexible training methods are employed for home management, problem solving and correction. Please note: • Dogs that display fear or aggression are not permitted in Park Authority classes. • Bring a shot record with proof of DHLA rabies and parvovirus shots to the first class. • All dogs must be legally licensed, vaccinated, wearing a visible dog license and leashed when entering or leaving the class area. • Check with instructor at first class for proper leashes, collars and other equipment. • An adult must stay with child handler if student is younger than 16 or does not have own transportation. Register the handler, not the dog; one handler/one dog per registration.

Dog Training One-on-One

Lake Accotink Park offers individualized dog training lessons taught by an instructor with more than 20 years of experience actively training dogs, training other people how to train dogs, and competing in dog sports. Sessions are customized to your dog’s level of behavioral development and tailored to your schedule. Includes a pre-session phone consultation with the instructor to determine your goals and to set a date and time for your first session. An excellent option for busy people who need more flexibility than weekly lessons can provide.

Off-Leash Dogs Welcome in Special Dog Parks Owners of well-mannered canines can take their pets to fenced, off-leash dog parks for free play, a good run or a friendly romp with other dogs. FCPA has eight established dog parks: • Blake Lane, 10033 Blake Lane, Oakton • Baron Cameron, 11300 Baron Cameron Ave., Reston • South Run, 7550 Reservation Drive, Springfield • Mason District, 6621 Columbia Pike, Annandale. • Chandon, 900 Palmer Drive, Herndon • Rock Hill District Park, 15150 Old Lee Rd., Centreville. • Grist Mill, 4710 Mt. Vernon Memorial Hwy, Alexandria • Westgrove, 6801 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria All Park Authority dog parks are public/private partnerships, developed in cooperation with sponsoring organizations of pet owners. The sponsors are the agency’s liaison between users and local residents, Animal Control and the Police Department. They monitor and clean up the facilities, publicize dog park rules and regulations, and report maintenance needs to the Park Authority. Dog parks are open year round from sunup to sundown. Off-leash dog park users do so at their own risk. Neither Fairfax County nor the Fairfax County Park Authority is liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the off-leash area. For off-leash dog park rules and regulations, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parkrules/dogpark.htm, or call 703-3248594.

Spring 2015

Dog Obedience I (14-Adult)

Pet Ownership NEW! Choosing the Right Dog (Adults)

Discuss advantages, responsibilities and benefits of adopting a pet. Focus on a variety of lifestyle factors affecting your decision to acquire a pet. Taught by a certified dog trainer and behaviorist. Do not bring dogs to class. BDAC 1--3 hour lesson--$36 Location Day Time


FxCoAnmShltr M

586 175 3801 04/20 BDAC


Begin $

NEW! Dog Ownership 101 (Adults)

Great for first time dog owners. This class covers such topics as basic obedience, dog care tips, how to address behavior problems, and other topics. Do not bring dogs to first class. 2DC 5--55 minute lessons--$64 Location Day Time


FxCoAnmShltr Su

586 175 0701 04/12 2DC


Begin $

NEW! Pet Emergencies-What to Do First (Adults)

Be prepared! Learn basic pet first aid, CPR for pets and signs of common emergency conditions. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. No pets at class. BDAA 2--3 hour lessons--$71 Location Day Time


FxCoAnmShltr M

586 175 3701 03/16 BDAA


Begin $

NEW! Dog Training Theory & Techniques (Adults)

Better understand why past training methods may not have worked and learn how to get positive results by applying difference techniques. Taught by a certified dog trainer and behaviorist. Any supply fee payable to instructor. No dogs at class. BDAC 1--3 hour lesson--$36 Location Day Time


FxCoAnmShltr M

586 175 3901 04/06 BDAC


Begin $

Dog Obedience Puppy Kindergarten (14-Adult)

Puppies 10 to 18 weeks learn socialization and discipline fundamentals. Puppy owners learn how to address problems such as housebreaking, chewing and jumping. Puppies should wear a buckle collar and be up-to-date with shots. 2DA 8--55 minute lessons--$102 Location Day Time


Begin $

LakeAccotink W LakeAccotink Sa Wkfld/Moore T Wkfld/Moore Su MtVernREC Sa Frying Pan Pk Th FxCoAnmShltr T FxCoAnmShltr Su

850 275 1001 850 275 1002 183 275 1001 183 275 1002 472 275 1001 282 275 1001 586 275 1001 586 275 1002

03/25 03/21 03/24 03/22 03/21 03/26 03/24 03/22

6pm 9am 6pm 1:30pm 9am 6:30pm 6pm 3:30pm


Includes home management, discipline and problem solving. Methods employed are affection and restraint. Dogs must be at least 6 months old. 2DA 8--55 minute lessons--$102 2DB 10--55 minute lessons--$125 Location Day Time


Begin $

LakeAccotink Sa LakeAccotink W OakMarREC T ProvREC M SoRunREC Sa SpHillREC Sa Wkfld/Moore T Wkfld/Moore W Wkfld/Moore Su MtVernREC Sa Frying Pan Pk W Frying Pan Pk Th FxCoAnmShltr T FxCoAnmShltr Su

850 275 1101 850 275 1102 142 275 1101 159 275 1101 167 275 1101 175 275 1101 183 275 1101 183 275 1102 183 275 1103 472 275 1101 282 275 1101 282 275 1102 586 275 1101 586 275 1102

03/21 03/25 04/07 03/23 03/21 03/21 03/24 03/25 03/22 03/21 03/25 03/26 03/24 03/22

10am 7pm 9:15am 6pm 9am 12pm 7pm 9:30am 2:30pm 10am 7:30pm 7:30pm 7pm 4:30pm


Dog Obedience I Family (9-Adult)

Class is designed for family units of two or more who want to train the dog together. Handlers learn how to train their dogs to sit, lie down, come and stay and walk on a leash. Class also includes home management and problem solving. No more than four family members and one dog per registration. One adult per family must be present at each class. All family members must be age 9 or older. 2DA 8--55 minute lessons--$102 Location Day Time Frying Pan Pk W FxCoAnmShltr Su


Begin $

6:30pm 282 275 0901 03/25 2DA 5:30pm 586 275 0901 03/22 2DA

Dog Obedience II (14-Adult)

Prepares owner for off-lead work with the basic commands. For dogs at least 8 months old who have successfully completed at least one basic course for both dog and owner. Dogs should not display aggression or fear. Prerequisite: Dog Obedience I or equivalent. 2DA 8--55 minute lessons--$102 2DB 10--55 minute lessons--$125 Location Day Time


Begin $

LakeAccotink Sa SoRunREC Sa SpHillREC Sa Wkfld/Moore T Wkfld/Moore W Wkfld/Moore Su Frying Pan Pk T FxCoAnmShltr T

850 275 1201 167 275 1201 175 275 1201 183 275 1201 183 275 1202 183 275 1203 282 275 1201 586 275 1201

03/21 03/21 03/21 03/24 03/25 03/22 03/24 03/24

11am 10am 1pm 8pm 10:30am 3:30pm 6:30pm 8pm


Dog Obedience Combo Class (14-Adult) For owners and pets who have already had at least one session of dog obedience classes and wish to progress or brush up on levels II, III, and IV. 2DA 8--55 minute lessons--$102 Location Day Time OakMarREC T


Begin $

10:15am 142 275 3101 04/07 2DA

Doggie Fun and Games (14-Adult)

Prerequisite: Dog Obedience I or equivalent. Class is designed for owners and dogs to have fun together.

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Pet Place A combination of traditional obedience taught with various nosework games and other activities to engage your busy dog’s attention and enthusiasm. Class is ideal for working breeds that don’t have any work to do. Also a wonderful way to bond with your newly rescued dog. 2DC 5--55 minute lessons--$64 Location Day Time


FxCoAnmShltr Su FxCoAnmShltr Th

586 275 0901 03/22 2DC 586 275 0902 03/26 2DC

2:30pm 7pm

Begin $

Clicker Training (14-Adult)

Learn techniques for reinforcing your dog’s positive behavior through clicker training. Class covers basic obedience, home management, and problem solving. Dogs must be at least 6 months old. 2DA 8--55 minute lessons--$102 Location Day Time


LakeAccotink Sa

850 275 2401 03/21 2DA


Begin $

Rally Obedience (14-Adult)

Prerequisite: Dog Obedience II or equivalent. Join us for one of the newest dog sports. Rally obedience exercises and corresponding signs from the beginner through expert level are taught. The handler-dog team practices a new course each week. 2DA 8--55 minute lessons--$102 Location Day Time LakeAccotink Su Wkfld/Moore M Frying Pan Pk T


Begin $

11am 850 275 3901 03/22 2DA 6:30pm 183 275 3901 03/23 2DA 8pm 282 275 3901 03/24 2DA

Ring Readiness (14-Adult)

This class prepares you to show your dog at AKC and/ or UKC competition dog or rally events. Jumping and retrieving are taught as well as exercises designed to help with competition or rally events. Dogs must have completed the equivalent of Dog Obedience II.

LakeAccotink Su ProvREC M

10am 7pm


Begin $

850 275 2501 03/22 2DA 159 275 2501 03/23 2DA

Prerequisite: Dog Obedience I or equivalent. Learn the up-and-coming dog sport that is rapidly gaining popularity. Handlers guide their dogs with verbal and visual cues to drive, push, or herd balls into a soccer goal. Class covers basic behaviors needed to get started. This sport can easily be practiced at home with some affordable equipment. Bring a mat, a ball close to the height of your dog at the shoulders and a laundry type basket. Information will be emailed to students prior to class. 2DC 5--55 minute lessons--$64 Location Day Time


Frying Pan Pk Th

282 275 4801 03/26 2DC

Treibball II (14-Adult)

Begin $

Prerequisite: Treibball I or equivalent. Dogs should know how to line up on either side of the handler, go around the ball on cue in either direction from six feet away, send to a mat six feet away, push the ball toward the owner from at least 36 feet away. Highly


Location Day Time Frying Pan Pk Th



Begin $

282 275 4901 03/26 2DC

Location Day Time


SoRunREC Th Frying Pan Pk T

167 275 2701 03/26 2DG 282 275 2701 03/24 2DG

7:30pm 6:45pm

Begin $

Competitive Dog Agility III (14-Adult)

Competitive Dog Agility I (14-Adult)

Prerequisite: Dogs Obedience I or equivalent. Dogs must have one primary handler for the entire session. This class focuses on basic skills needed to succeed in agility and to make agility a game your dog will love. A minimum of 75% class attendance and contact/target behavior is required for progression. Attendance at first class is mandatory. No dogs at first class. 2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time


SoRunREC W Frying Pan Pk M

167 275 2601 03/25 2DG 282 275 2601 03/23 2DG

7pm 6:45pm

must have one primary handler for the entire session. Attendance at first class is mandatory, and overall attendance is required for progression. Bring dogs to first class. 2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165

Competitive Dog Agility

Treibball I (14-Adult)


recommended behaviors: sit on cue at a distance, line up behind the ball and orient to handler, move either direction on cue after send to mat, go around multiple balls/baskets. 2DC 5--55 minute lessons--$64

2DA 8--55 minute lessons--$102 Location Day Time

Bond with your dog! Learn to train your dog to obey simple commands to sit, stay, lie down and more in Park Authority Dog Obedience classes.

Begin $

Competitive Dog Agility II (14-Adult)

Prerequisite: Competitive Dog Agility I. Dogs and handlers build on the skills introduced in Level I such as clicker training, building focus, attention and teamwork, targeting, basic handling and obstacle skills. Dogs are exposed to all agility equipment. Dogs

Prerequisite: Competitive Dog Agility II. Class expands proficiency and builds performance confidence on all obstacles. Handlers and dogs must have a good working understanding of clicker and targeting, with strong emphasis on contact obstacles and weave poles. Teams begin to work off leash and improve attention, focus and teamwork. Students are encouraged to repeat this class to perfect obstacle performance. Overall attendance is required for progression. Bring dogs to first class. 2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time


SoRunREC W Frying Pan Pk Th

167 275 2903 03/25 2DG 282 275 2901 03/26 2DG

8:15pm 8pm

Begin $

Competitive Dog Agility IV (14-Adult)

Prerequisite: Competitive Dog Agility III or equivalent. Class focuses on advanced handling skills. Dogs must be able to work off leash and should exhibit appropriate performance and proficiency with all

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Pet Place Dog Agility for Fun of It III (13-Adult)

agility equipment. Focus is on handling skills, contact performance and short sequences. Overall attendance is required for progression. Bring dogs to first class.

Prerequisite: Dog Agility for the Fun of It II/Competitive Dog Agility II. Class is designed for dogs with an excellent command of all equipment and handlers ready to learn skills such as front and rear crosses, serpentines and pinwheels. Full courses are run using all of the equipment. Dogs must be able to handle each apparatus off leash. Bring dogs to first class.

2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time SoRunREC T Frying Pan Pk M


Begin $

6:30pm 167 275 2801 03/24 2DG 8pm 282 275 2801 03/23 2DG

2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165

Competitive Dog Agility V (14-Adult)

Prerequisite: Competitive Dog Agility IV or equivalent with permission of instructor. Class is aimed at dog/ handler teams preparing to compete or currently competing. Hone your handling skills and learn what it takes to compete at agility trials. Strong emphasis on advanced handling sequences involving full courses. Dogs must be able to perform straight up 12 weaves, full-height teeter and be confident and capable of taking commands at a distance. Handlers must be able to control their off-lead dogs at all times. Bring dogs to first class. 2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time


SoRunREC T Frying Pan Pk T

167 275 4401 03/24 2DG 282 275 4401 03/24 2DG

7:45pm 8pm

Begin $

Location Day Time


SoRunREC M Frying Pan Pk Sa Frying Pan Pk W

167 275 3601 03/23 2DG 282 275 3601 03/21 2DG 282 275 3602 03/25 2DG

Dog Agility for the Fun of It (9-13 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Dogs must have completed an introductory obedience class and be 1 year old. Class is an introduction to dog agility for young handlers. Students learn the basics of building teamwork, targeting and basic handling skills using agility equipment. Attendance at first class is mandatory. Bring dogs to first class. Dogs must be completely under control of the child handler. Only plain-buckle collars allowed. Parent must stay at class but are not allowed to participate in the class.

Begin $

Dog Agility for Fun of It IV (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Dog Agility for the Fun of It III/Competitive Dog Agility III. Class is designed for dogs with an excellent command of all equipment and handlers ready to learn advanced skills. Full courses are run using all of the equipment. Dogs must be able to handle each apparatus off leash. Bring dogs to first class.

Treat your canine companion to the gift of fun through dog obedience, agility and competition classes.

2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165

and dog walk) is required. Bring dogs to first class.

Location Day Time



167 275 8001 03/23 2DG

2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165

Non-competitive Dog Agility

9:30am 8:30am 8pm

Location Day Time


SoRunREC Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk

167 275 3401 03/23 282 275 3401 03/21 282 275 3402 03/24 282 275 3403 03/25

M Sa T W

10:30am 9:30am 5pm 7pm

Begin $ 2DG 2DG 2DG 2DG



Begin $

Fan us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/fairfaxcountyparks

2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time SoRunREC



Begin $

5:30pm 167 275 2201 03/25 2DG

Dog Agility for the Fun of It (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Dog Obedience I. Class offers an introduction to the fun sport of dog agility. This class is not competition oriented. Dogs must be at least 1 year old. Dogs and handlers learn teamwork, targeting and handling skills basics. Class utilizes agility equipment. Attendance at first class is required. Bring dogs to first class. 2DG 8--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time


Begin $

SoRunREC Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Pk

167 275 3201 282 275 3201 282 275 3202 282 275 3203

03/23 03/21 03/25 03/25

M Sa W W

11:30am 10:30am 5pm 6pm


Dog Agility for the Fun of It II (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Agility for the Fun of it I or Dog Agility I. More fun with agility sequences and obstacle performance. Dogs must know obedience behaviors sit, lie down, stay and come and be reliable off leash. Confidence in performing contact obstacles (A-frame

Spring 2015

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes



Scouts Scout Activities and Badge Programs

At our historic sites, working farm, nature centers and RECenters, scouts can complete some or all the requirements for badges, depending on the program. For additional details on the following programs, please contact the site directly. See Directions to Parks on pages 10 and 11 for phone numbers. Cost may vary depending on program lengths, handouts and crafts. Early registration discount and out-of-county fees do not apply.

NEW! Programs scheduled by request. Sites listed under badge titles offer flexible scheduling options. Call the site or visit our web page for details http://go.usa. gov/8re. All programs with advertised times require reservations and advanced payment. +Denotes program meets all requirements for badge. * Sully historic house tour included. FCPA is reaching out to expand offerings. Join FCPA naturalists and historians for a program at one of these historic properties near you. See the sites and get directions at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/hprs/ or call 703-324-8750 for more information. • Clark House, 6332 Barcroft Mews Dr., Falls Church 22041 • Dranesville Tavern, 11919 Leesburg Pike, Herndon 20170 • Great Falls Grange & Forestville Schoolhouse, 9818 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls 22066 • Hunter House, 9601 Courthouse Rd, Vienna 22181 • Stone Mansion, 3900 Stoneybrooke Drive, Alexandria, 22306

New program at the animal shelter with real pets.


2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12

2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 Location Day Time



381 274 9501 05/30 2N15



Begin $

This special tea program features activities from the WOW Journey book healthy living section for tea-time snacks. We use tea-making to explore water cycle science and where water goes. Location Day Time


GrnSprGardn Sa

290 274 2801 05/30 2N17


Begin $

Location Day Time



381 274 9701 05/17 2N23

Begin $

BGS-My Family Story Location Day Time



381 274 9801 06/13 2N45


Begin $

BGS-Bugs Naturalist 2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 Location Day Time


ECLawrncePk Su HiddenOaks Su Riverbend Pk Sa

274 274 3801 06/14 2N16 308 274 3801 04/26 2N16 357 274 3801 06/06 2N16

2:30pm 3pm 11am

Daisy Girl Scout (5-7 yrs.)

Begin $


DGS-Flower Garden Journey 2N20 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$10 Location Day Time


GrnSprGardn Sa

290 274 6501 04/25 2N20


Begin $

DGS-Make the World A Better Place 2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Sa HiddenPndNC Th

308 274 3601 04/11 2N15 332 274 3601 04/16 2N15

1:30pm 5pm

Begin $

DGS-Use Resources Wisely 2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 Location Day Time 1pm 4:30pm 4:30pm 1:30pm 5pm 10am 3pm

Code 274 274 3501 282 274 3501 282 274 3502 308 274 3501 332 274 3501 357 274 3501 381 274 3501

Begin $ 04/18 2N15 04/21 2N15 05/19 2N15 06/07 2N15 06/04 2N15 04/02 2N16 04/25 2N15

Location Day Time


Begin $

LkFairfaxPk CubRunREC ECLawrncePk Riverbend Pk Riverbend Pk

835 274 4001 192 274 4001 274 274 4001 357 274 4001 357 274 4002

04/25 2N23 05/29 2N23 05/03 2N23 05/25 2N23 03/30 2N23

Sa F Su M M

1:30pm 4:30pm 1:30pm 2pm 11am

BGS-Home Scientist 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Sa Riverbend Pk Su

308 274 3901 03/21 2NS5 357 274 3901 05/10 2NS5

2pm 11am

Begin $

BGS-Letterboxer 2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Code

GrnSprGardn Sa Riverbend Pk Sa

290 274 4201 03/21 2NS5 357 274 4201 04/04 2N16

Begin $

BGS-Painting Artist

Location Day Time


Begin $

LkFairfaxPk CubRunREC HiddenOaks Riverbend Pk

835 274 4101 192 274 4101 308 274 4101 357 274 4101

04/25 2N23 03/30 2N15 04/12 2N23 04/25 2N23

Sa M Su Sa

11am 2pm 1:30pm 3pm

Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Su

357 274 6901 04/19 2N16


Begin $

JGS-Animal Habitats 2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


LkFairfaxPk Sa FxCoAnmShltr Sa FxCoAnmShltr Sa

835 274 4901 04/25 2N23 586 274 4901 04/18 2NS5 586 274 4902 06/13 2NS5

1:30pm 10am 10am

Begin $

JGS-Camper 2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk M

357 274 4701 03/23 2N16


Begin $

JGS-Detective 2N20 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$10 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


Begin $

CubRunREC ECLawrncePk Riverbend Pk Sully

192 274 4601 274 274 4601 357 274 4601 381 274 4601

04/17 2NS5 04/26 2NS5 05/24 2NS5 04/04 2N20

F Su Su Sa

3pm 2pm 2pm 11am

JGS-Drawing Artist 2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8 Location Day Time


ECLawrncePk M

274 274 4301 05/04 2N23


Begin $

2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 2N22 1--1 hour lesson--$7 Location Day Time HddenPondNC Th Riverbend Pk M Sully Su

2N20 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$10 2N46 1--1 hour lesson--$10 Location Day Time


ECLawrncePk M Sully Su

274 274 3701 05/04 2N20 381 274 3701 06/07 2N46

3pm 3pm

2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8


Location Day Time 10am 2pm

586 273 1601 03/28 2NS5 586 273 1603 06/13 2NS5

Junior Girl Scout (9-11 yrs.)

2N45 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$12 Sa

FxCoAnmShltr Sa FxCoAnmShltr Sa

10am 1pm

Begin $

2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7

2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8 11am


BGS-Wonders of Water

BGS-Celebrating Community


Location Day Time


BGS Journey: Wonders of Water Tea

2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8

Girl Scouts



2N17 1--2 hour lesson--$15


ECLawrncePk Sa Frying Pan Pk T Frying Pan Pk T HiddenOaks Su HiddenPndNC Th Riverbend Pk Th Sully Sa

Brownie Girl Scout (7-9 yrs.)

Begin $


Begin $

4:30pm 332 274 4401 05/21 2N16 4pm 357 274 4401 04/27 2N16 11am 381 274 4401 05/31 2N22

For more classes, see www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Scouts American Heritage Girls

JGS-Gardener 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


GrnSprGardn Sa

290 274 4501 04/25 2NS5


AHG-Creative Crafts

Begin $

Activities for Tenderhearts or extended for Pioneers and Patriots. 2N20 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$10 2NS2 1--3 hour lesson--$21 scout

JGS-Geocacher 2N17 1--2 hour lesson--$15 Location Day Time


GrnSprGardn Sa

290 274 4801 03/21 2N17


Begin $

Location Day Time


Begin $

Hunter House Fri

563 277 4301 04/17 2N29


Begin $

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12

Location Day Time



381 274 6401 05/03 2N25


Begin $



381 274 5001 06/06 2N45

Begin $

JGS-Simple Meals 2N43 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$15 Location Day Time



381 279 0001 05/16 2N43

Begin $

There’s more to being a good scout than outdoor skills. In Creative Crafts, you develop imaginative ways to express yourself. CGS-Special Agent Code

Riverbend Pk F

357 274 5301 06/12 2NS5

CGS-Special Agent


Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Sa

357 274 3301 03/28 2NS5

Begin $

Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk M

357 274 5401 05/25 2NS5


Begin $

2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 2N20 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$10

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


Begin $

FxCoAnmShltr Sa

586 274 5601 04/18 2NS5

CGS-Breathe Journey

Location Day Time


GrnSprGardn Sa Riverbend Pk Sa

290 274 5101 05/30 2N20 357 274 5101 05/16 2N16

10am 1pm

Begin $

Senior & Ambassador Girl Scout (14+)

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Code

Begin $

6:30pm 308 274 3001 04/10 2NS5

CGS-Night Owl 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 Location Day Time


Begin $

ECLawrncePk Sa HiddenOaks Sa Riverbend Pk F

274 274 5501 05/16 2NS5 308 274 5501 06/13 2NS5 357 274 5501 04/03 2N16

Begin $

AHG-Our Feathered Friends

Location Day Time Hunter House M Hunter House M


Begin $

9am 563 273 2201 03/16 2N29 2:00pm 563 273 2202 03/16 2N20

American Heritage Girls- Our Heritage for Tenderhearts. 2N17 1--2 hour lesson--$15 Location Day Time



381 277 8701 04/19 2N17



Begin $

AHG-Pet Care

Activities for Tenderhearts and Explorers. 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


FxCoAnmShltr Sa

586 273 1701 03/28 2NS5


Begin $

Activities for Pioneers/Patriots.

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk F

357 274 5701 04/17 2NS5

Begin $

SGS-Voice for Animals 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


FxCoAnmShltr Sa

586 274 6001 05/16 2NS5


308 277 4201 04/17 2NS5 563 277 4201 04/07 2NS5

2:30pm 4pm

AHG-Pet Care




HiddenOaks F Hunter House T

AHG-Our Heritage

CGS-Trees Naturalist

CGS-Animal Helpers

8pm 7pm 6pm

Begin $

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12

Location Day Time


Location Day Time

2N29 1--3 hour lesson--$18 2N20 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$10

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


Begin $

Activities for Patriots and Pioneers at 9am. Activities for Tenderhearts at 2pm

Cadette Girl Scout (11-14 yrs.)


563 273 1901 05/13 2NS5


Activities for Tenderhearts and Explorers.

2N45 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$12



Hunter House W

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12

Location Day Time 11am

Location Day Time

AHG-Nature and Wildlife

JGS-Playing the Past

Spring 2015


Activities for Tenderhearts and Explorers.

2N25 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$11

HiddenOaks F

Location Day Time

AHG-Gardening & Plant Science

5:30pm 308 274 3101 03/21 2N24



Begin $

2N20 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$10

2N24 1--1 hour 55 minute lesson--$10


563 273 0701 04/06 2N20 563 273 0702 04/06 2NS2

10am 10am

Activities for Tenderhearts and Explorers.

This program completes many of the Junior Get Moving Journey science-related requirements of and includes energize requirements.



Hunter House M Hunter House M


JGS-Get Moving Journey

HiddenOaks Sa

Location Day Time

Begin $

2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time


FxCoAnmShltr Sa

586 273 1801 05/16 2NS5



Begin $

Parktakes for FREE!

Subscribe at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ptsubs.htm

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Scouts AHG-Zoology

Zoology Science Frontier badge activities for Pioneers and Patriots. 2N29 1--3 hour lesson--$18 Location Day Time


Hunter House Fri

563 273 2101 04/17 2N29


Begin $

Special Scout Programs for Girls NEW Sully Fun Patch

Visit the 1794 home of Richard Bland Lee and experience what life was like for the children who lived at Sully through hands-on activities such as storytelling, music, or games. Sully patch is included. 2N47 1--1 hour lesson--$8 Location Day Time


Sully Sully Sully

381 273 2001 03/22 2N47 381 273 2002 04/26 2N47 381 273 2003 05/24 2N47

Su Su Su

3pm 3pm 3pm

Begin $

Ukrainian Easter Eggs

Learn Pysanky, ancient Ukrainian art that uses natural materials to decorate Easter eggs. Learn about the history and symbolism. Then decorate your own egg. Children younger than 12 must be accompanied by an adult. $2 craft fee per person payable to instructor. 2N31 1--2 hour lesson--$12 Location Day Time



192 281 2901 03/31 2N31



Begin $

Brownies and Juniors Nature Night Out

Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts are invited to spend the night in our rustic nature center and learn about nature and the world around you through games, activities and a night hike. During the evening we work on requirements for Brownie Senses and Junior Camping badges. Bring sleeping bags, flashlights and a picnic dinner. Paid adult chaperones must accompany scouts at all times. Light breakfast provided. Females only. 2N36 Girl Scout Sleepover--$25 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk F

357 274 9401 05/01 2N36


Begin $

Evening at the Mansion

Girls come out to Stone Mansion and enjoy an evening of old fashion games, crafts and a campfire with s’mores. Bring a picnic dinner and a flashlight. 2N29 1--3 hour lesson--$18 Location Day Time


StoneMansion F

562 273 3091 06/19 2N29


Begin $

Park Authority

Gift Cards

Girl Scout Campfire

Girl Scout Riverside Camping

Gather ‘round the campfire to learn about owls and their calls, storytelling a sing-a-long and making s’mores. Make a campfire SWAPS. Current and former girl scouts welcome. Scouts younger than age 12 must be accompanied by a registered adult.

Work on your Sky Naturalist and Night Owl badges at a Riverbend campout. Scouts set up their tents and camp under the stars. Pack a dinner to cook over the campfire, enjoy a night hike and s’mores and work on badges and journeys. Adult chaperones must accompany scouts. Bring tents, sleeping bags, dinner and flashlights. Canceled if rain.

2N20 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$10 Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Sa

308 277 5901 06/06 2N20


Begin $

Girl Scout Campfire Safety Learn how to safely build and enjoy a campfire, learn fire safety skills and receive the Smokey Bear Pledge certificate. Enjoy a brief woodland walk and make s’mores. Adult must accompany scouts younger than age 11. 2N44 1 hour-scout $6 includes supplies Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Sa

308 273 1401 04/25 2N44


Begin $

Girl Scout Evening at Colvin Run Mill Brownie and Junior scouts enjoy a camp fire, tour the mill and participate in evening indoor and outdoor activities. Bring flashlights and picnic dinner; wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. Paid adult chaperones must accompany scouts at all times; girls must be picked up by 9 p.m. Females only.

Available at all Park Authority RECenters, nature centers and golf courses 154

Scouts have fun learning life skills and building friendships in Park Authority scout classes.

2N36 Girl Scout Sleepover--$25 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk F Riverbend Pk F

357 277 4601 04/24 2N36 357 277 4602 05/29 2N36

Girl Scout Sleepover at Colvin Run Mill Brownie and Junior scouts tour the mill in the evening, participate in indoor and outdoor activities, followed by an indoor sleepover in the barn. Program led by a Colvin Run Mill historian. Bring sleeping bags, flashlights, and a picnic dinner. Please wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. Paid adult chaperones must accompany scouts at all times. Light breakfast provided. Females only. 2N36 Girl Scout Sleepover--$25 Location Day Time


ColvinRunMill Sa

266 277 3701 05/02 2N36

2N29 1--3 hour lesson--$18 Location Day Time


ColvinRunMill Sa

266 277 9601 05/02 2N29


6pm 6pm

Begin $

Begin $

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $

Fan us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/fairfaxcountyparks Spring 2015

Scouts Girls Weekend Out Scout Craft Hour

This program occurs during the Girls Weekend Out event at Lake Fairfax Park. Please register for camping separately. Location Day Time



835 274 3401 04/25 2N22


Begin $

Girl’s Weekend Out Camping Reservation

Campsite registration is $6 per camper, per night for all adults and scouts staying overnight. Check-in is at noon and check-out is 10 a.m. on the day you leave. Potable water is available on site and camping areas have a fire ring/grill combo and a picnic table. Bathhouse has sinks, hot showers and flushing toilets. Fire wood and ice can be purchased in the park office. Sign up for each night you plan to stay. In order to receive a refund for a reservation, all cancelations must be requested at least two weeks before your arrival date. 2N33 Overnight Reservation--$6 Location Day Time


LkFairfaxPk LkFairfaxPk

835 273 0801 04/24 2N33 835 273 0802 04/25 2N33

F Sa

6pm 6pm

Begin $

Kayaking for Girl Scouts

Work on your Water Badge and learn to kayak on this kayak trip from Algonkian Park to Riverbend. Explore an island and have a picnic lunch. Drop off at Algonkian Park, pickup at Riverbend. Kayaks and all safety equipment provided. 2NAE 1--5 hour 25 minute lesson--$65 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Sa

357 277 8801 06/13 2NAE


Begin $

Sleepover at Dranesville Tavern

Scouts, get set for an evening of indoor and outdoor activities followed by a sleepover in the historic Dranesville Tavern. Program led by a Riverbend Park naturalist. Bring sleeping bags, flashlights, and a picnic dinner. Paid adult chaperones must accompany scouts at all times. Light breakfast provided. Females only. 2N36 Girl Scout Sleepover--$25 Location Day Time


Dransvil Tvrn F

556 274 7801 05/22 2N36


Begin $

GS-Junior & Cadette Open Hearth Cooking Location Day Time



381 279 1101 04/18 2N17


Begin $


ECLawrncePk Sa

274 277 2601 05/23 2N15


Begin $

CSW-Know Your Home and Community 2N44 1--1 hour lesson--$6 Location Day Time



381 279 0201 05/17 2N44



Begin $

2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 Location Day Time Frying Pan Pk T


2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 2N44 1--1 hour lesson--$6 Location Day Time

Begin $

4:30pm 282 277 2501 05/05 2N15

Begin $

4:30pm 282 277 1501 06/02 2N15 3pm 381 277 1501 05/23 2N44

CubRunREC M ECLawrncePk M HiddenOaks Su

192 277 2001 04/27 2NS5 274 277 2001 05/04 2N23 308 277 2001 05/31 2N23

4pm 10am 2pm

Begin $

Webelos-Naturalist 2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 Location Day Time


Begin $

4:30pm 192 277 2101 05/04 2N16 3pm 274 277 2101 04/18 2N15

Webelo-Scientist Activity Badge 2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 Code

Cub Scout Bear (8-9 yrs.)


192 272 9901 04/20 2N16

CSB-Sharing Your World with Wildlife

Cub Scout Academics

2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 Location Day Time


ECLawrncePk Sa

274 277 0601 05/23 2N15


Begin $

2N47 1--1 hour lesson--$8 Location Day Time



381 2750101 05/31 2N47



Begin $

CSB-What Makes America Special Location Day Time



381 277 0901 05/30 2N23


Begin $

Location Day Time



Begin $

381 277 1701 06/07 2N45




Begin $

381 277 1801 05/02 2N23



Begin $

4:30pm 192 277 1901 05/11 2N15 3pm 274 277 1901 06/13 2N15 2pm 282 277 1901 04/18 2N23

2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8 Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Sa

308 273 1301 04/18 2N23




192 277 0001 05/18 2N23



Begin $

CSA-Geology (pin & loop)

Academics Webelos and Cub Scouts (Tiger, Wolf and Bear) Location Day Time



192 277 0101 04/10 2NS5



Begin $

Location Day Time



192 277 0401 04/06 2N16



Begin $

CSA-Science (pin & loop)

Academics Weblos and Cub Scouts (Tiger, Wolf and Bear)

2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8 Sa

Location Day Time

2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7

2N45 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$12


Academics Webelos and Cub Scouts (Tiger, Wolf and Bear)

Academics Weblos and Cub Scouts (Tiger, Wolf and Bear)



CSA-Astronomy (pin & loop)

CSA-Map & Compass (pin & loop)

Webelos (9-10 yrs.)



2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12

2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8 Sa


Begin $

2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8

CSB-Take Care of Your Planet

Webelos-Forester/Naturalist Code


Location Day Time

CubRunREC M ECLawrncePk Sa Frying Pan Pk Sa

CST-1G Go See It

Location Day Time

CubRunREC M ECLawrncePk Sa

CSW-Machine Power Elective

Location Day Time

Cub Scout Tiger (6-7 yrs.)

Spring 2015

Location Day Time

2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5 2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8

Boy Scouts

Frying Pan Pk T Sully Sa

2N23 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$8 2NS5 1--2 hour lesson--$12


Location Day Time

2N17 1--2 hour lesson--$15 Sa


2N15 1--1 hour lesson--$5

2N22 1--1 hour lesson--$7 Sa

Cub Scout Wolf (7-8 yrs.)

Begin $

2N16 1--1 hour 25 minute lesson--$7 Location Day Time



192 277 0201 05/11 2N16



Begin $

Belong to a Homeschool Group?

Turn to parks for field trip and SOL-based programs in nature, science, history, gardening and more. To learn more, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes and search keyword “Homeschool.”

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Scouts Camping Merit Badge 2NS7 1--5 hour lesson--$35 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk W

357 274 1701 04/01 2NS7


Begin $

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time


Begin $

Sully Sully Clark House Clark House Clark House

381 274 9001 381 274 9002 561 274 9001 561 274 9002 561 274 9003

04/11 04/12 04/12 05/03 06/14

Sa Su Su Su Su

10am 10am 8:30am 8:30am 1pm

2NS1 2NS1 2NS1 2NS1 2NS1

Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time


Sully Clark House Clark House Clark House Clark House HistHuntley HistHuntley

381 273 9901 05/09 2NS1 561 273 9901 04/11 2NS1 561 273 9902 04/12 2NS1 561 273 9903 05/03 2NS1 561 273 9904 06/14 2NS1 578 273 9901 03/28 2NS1 578 273 9902 06/14 2NS1

Sa Sa Su Su Su Sa Su

10am 1pm 1pm 1pm 8:30am 10am 10am

Begin $

Citizenship in the World Merit Badge 2NS7 1--5 hour lesson--$35

Earn your Nature Study Merit Badge in Park Authority Scout programs. Boy Scout Merit Badges (11-17 yrs.)

Animal Science Merit Badge

These programs satisfy most of the requirements to earn the merit badge. Homework and what to bring can be found online unless otherwise noted. http:// go.usa.gov/DRf

American Cultures Merit Badge This program satisfies most of the requirements to earn the badge. Pre-work is provided via e-mail by the site scout coordinator. 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time



381 279 0301 06/13 2NS1



Begin $

This program satisfies most of the requirements to earn the American Heritage Badge. Homework and what to bring can be obtained by contacting the Historic site that is hosting the badge. 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Code


381 274 2601 05/23 2NS1

Begin $

American Labor Merit Badge This program satisfies most of the requirements to earn the badge. Pre-work is provided via email by the site scout coordinator. 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time



381 279 1001 06/14 2NS1





Frying Pan Pk M Frying Pan Pk M Frying Pan Pk M

282 274 1101 04/06 2N28 282 274 1102 05/11 2N28 282 274 1103 06/08 2N28

4pm 4pm 4pm

Begin $

Archaeology Merit Badge Location Day Time


HuntMdws Su Riverbend Pk M

340 273 9701 05/31 2NS7 357 273 9701 04/06 2NS7

10am 9am

Begin $

Begin $

Begin $

561 274 9101 561 274 9102 561 274 9103 578 274 9101

04/26 2NS7 05/16 2NS7 06/07 2NS7 04/11 2NS7

Su Sa Su Sa

12:30pm 9am 1pm 10am

Communication Merit Badge

This program satisfies most of the requirements to earn the Communication Merit Badge. Homework and what to bring can be found online. Call host site for questions about this program. Location Day Time


Clark House Su Clark House Su

561 279 0501 03/29 2NS1 561 279 0502 04/19 2NS1

12pm 1pm

Begin $

Environmental Science Merit Badge

This program satisfies most of the requirements to earn the Environmental Science Merit Badge.

Supplies included.

2NS4 1--3 hour lesson --$28 Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Th

308 274 2001 04/02 2NS4


Begin $

2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time



192 274 0101 03/31 2NS1 192 274 0102 04/16 2NS1

T Th


Clark House Clark House Clark House HistHuntley

2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28

2NS7 1--5 hour lesson--$35

Astronomy Merit Badge

Location Day Time 10am

Location Day Time

Art Merit Badge

American Heritage Merit Badge


2N28 1--2 hour lesson--$14

Location Day Time

4pm 4pm

Begin $

Location Day Time


Begin $

CubRunREC HiddenOaks HiddenOaks HiddenOaks HuntMdws Riverbend Pk Riverbend Pk

192 274 0701 308 274 0701 308 274 0702 308 274 0703 340 274 0701 357 274 0701 357 274 0702

03/30 2NS3 03/22 2NS7 04/01 2NS7 05/17 2NS7 04/17 2NS7 04/06 2NS7 04/06 2NS7

M/F Su W Su F M M

10am 1pm 8:30am 12pm 10am 9am 9am

Fish & Wildlife Merit Badge

Bird Study Merit Badge

2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28

2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time


ECLawrncePk Su HuntMdws Sa

274 274 0001 04/19 2NS1 340 274 0001 06/06 2NS1

9am 9am

2NS3 2--2 hour 30 minute lessons--$35 2NS7 1--5 hour lesson--$35

Begin $

Location Day Time


CubRunREC Su HiddenOaks F

192 274 0901 05/03 2NS1 308 274 0901 04/17 2NS1

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

1pm 9am

Begin $

Spring 2015

Scouts Fishing Merit Badge

what to bring can be found online.

All equipment and supplies provided.

2AAT 5--2 hour lessons--$134 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80

2NS8 1--3 hour lesson--$43 Location Day Time


ECLawrncePk Sa

274 274 1301 05/09 2NS8


Begin $

Forestry Merit Badge

CubRunREC ECLawrncePk HiddenOaks HuntMdws

Su Sa Sa Sa

1pm 9am 1pm 10am

Code 192 274 0301 274 274 0301 308 274 0301 340 274 0301

Begin $ 05/31 2NS1 06/06 2NS1 05/30 2NS1 05/30 2NS1

Game Design Merit Badge Location Day Time


HiddenOaks T HiddenOaks M HiddenOaks Sa

308 277 7101 03/31 2NS7 308 277 7102 04/06 2NS7 308 277 7103 06/06 2NS7

Begin $

Genealogy Merit badge 2NS2 1--3 hour lesson--$21 Location Day Time HistHuntley




Begin $

578 274 6201 04/17 2NS2

Geology Merit Badge 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time


CubRunREC Th Riverbend Pk Th Riverbend Pk T

192 274 0201 04/02 2NS1 357 274 0201 04/16 2NS1 357 274 0202 05/12 2NS1

10am 2pm 5pm

Begin $

2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Sa Riverbend Pk Th

308 274 1601 05/09 2NS1 357 274 1601 05/21 2NS1

Begin $

Insect Study Merit Badge 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Su

357 274 0501 05/03 2NS1


Begin $

Kayaking Merit Badge

Scouts must have completed the BSA swim test before class start date and must bring certification to first class. This program satisfies most of the requirements to earn the Kayaking Merit Badge. Check website for meeting dates. Fee includes kayaks, paddles, PFDs, and helmets. Homework and pre-badge assignments available online. 2AAR 1--4 hour lesson--$54 Location Day Time



456 278 9901 03/21 2AAR 456 278 9902 05/16 2AAR

Sa Sa

5pm 5pm

Lifesaving Merit Badge

Begin $

Lifesaving Merit Badge is Eagle-required and furthers scout’s knowledge of rescue skills and water safety. There are first-aid components built in and a basic introduction to CPR. Prerequisite: Scout must be able to pass the BSA Swimmer test. Swim test details and

Spring 2015

142 274 1501 04/17 2AAT 456 274 1501 04/11 2AAY

2N28 1--2 hour lesson--$14 Location Day Time


Frying Pan Pk Sa Frying Pan Pk Sa

282 274 1201 04/18 2N28 282 274 1202 05/16 2N28

10am 10am

Begin $

Nature Study Merit Badge Location Day Time


ECLawrncePk Sa

274 274 0601 05/02 2NS1


Begin $

Oceanography Merit Badge 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time



192 2748401 04/01 2NS1



Begin $

2N10 2--2 hour lessons--$28 2NS2 1--3 hour lesson--$21 Location Day Time


OakMarREC Sa ECLawrncePk Sa HiddenOaks W

142 274 2501 04/11 2N10 274 274 2501 05/09 2N10 308 274 2501 04/01 2NS2

Begin $

Plant Science Merit Badge Location Day Time



340 274 0401 04/25 2NS1



Begin $

Reptile & Amphibian Merit Badge 2NS2 1--3 hour lesson--$21 Location Day Time


Begin $

ECLawrncePk Su 9am HiddenOaks F 9am HiddenOaks Su 12:45pm HiddenPondNC Th 1801 05/14 2NS2 Riverbend Pk F 9am

274 274 1801 308 274 1801 308 274 1802 4:30pm

06/07 2NS2 04/03 2NS2 06/14 2NS2 332 274

357 274 1801 04/10 2NS2

Soil & Water Conservation Merit Badge 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Th Riverbend Pk Su

308 274 0801 04/02 2NS1 357 274 0801 04/26 2NS1

9am 10am

Begin $

Sustainability Merit Badge 2NS7 1--5 hour lesson--$35 Location Day Time


CubRunREC F HiddenOaks M HiddenOaks Sa

192 277 5801 04/17 2NS7 308 277 5801 03/30 2NS7 308 277 5802 05/23 2NS7

10am 1pm 1pm

Swimming Merit Badge

Location Day Time



142 274 1401 03/06 2AAT 142 274 1402 05/29 2AAT 456 274 1401 04/11 2AAY

6pm 6pm 3pm

Begin $

Textile Merit Badge 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time



381 273 9801 04/25 2NS1



Begin $

Weather Merit Badge 2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 CubRunREC M HiddenOaks Su


Begin $

10am 192 274 2101 04/06 2NS1 12:30pm 308 274 2101 05/24 2NS1

Wilderness Survival Merit Badge 2NS7 1--5 hour lesson--$35

Photography Merit Badge

1pm 2:30pm 2pm

2AAT 5--2 hour lessons--$134 2AAY 6--55 minute lessons--$80

Location Day Time

2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28

Indian Lore Merit Badge

1pm 5pm


6pm 4pm

Begin $

2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28

2NS7 1--5 hour lesson--$35 9:30am 1pm 1pm


Mammal Study Merit Badge

2NS1 1--4 hour lesson--$28 Location Day Time

Location Day Time

well as working on first aid, self-rescue and water safety skills. Prerequisite: Scout must be able to pass the BSA Swimmer test. Swim test details and what to bring can be found online.

Begin $

Swimming Merit Badge is Eagle-required and requires the Scout to demonstrate basic swimming skills as

Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk Th

357 274 1901 04/02 2NS7


Begin $

Special Boy Scout Programs Boy Scout Campfire Safety

Learn how to safely build and enjoy a campfire, learn fire safety skills and receive the Smokey Bear Pledge certificate. Enjoy a brief woodland walk and make s’mores. Adult must accompany scouts younger than age 11. 2N44 1 hour-scout $6 includes supplies Location Day Time


HiddenOaks Sa

308 273 1501 05/02 2N44


Begin $

Cub Scout Camping

Scouts set up their tents and camp under the stars. Pack a dinner to cook over the campfire, enjoy a night hike and s’mores. Adult chaperones must accompany scouts at all times. Bring tents, sleeping bags, dinner and flashlights. Canceled if rain. Optional Riverbend patch $3.15/scout. 2N36 Scout Sleepover--$25 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk F

357 274 7701 06/05 2N36


Begin $

Cub Scout Sleepover at Riverbend Park

Bear and Webelo scouts are invited to spend the night in our rustic nature center and learn about nature and the world around you through games, activities and a night hike. Fulfills Naturalist and Sharing Your World with Wildlife achievements. Bring sleeping bags, flashlights, and a picnic dinner. Paid adult chaperones must accompany scouts at all times. Light breakfast provided. 2N36 Scout Sleepover--$25 Location Day Time


Riverbend Pk F

357 277 1601 05/15 2N36

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Begin $


Sports and Leagues

Sports Golf facilities, classes and tournaments are listed in the Golf section.

For fun and fitness . . .

Racquetball Leagues at Audrey Moore RECenter

Wednesday evenings

Two courts available 4 - 6 p.m.; four courts available 6-10 p.m. An informal ladder is maintained. No age or gender restrictions. Competition level ranges from beginner to expert. Saturday mornings, 8 a.m. - 10 a.m., advanced racquetball players gather to challenge opponents at similar skill levels. Play is open to men and women. No ladder. No appointment necessary. Sunday afternoons, 1 - 3 p.m., racquetball players can compete against intermediate and advanced-beginner skill levels. Choose singles, doubles or cutthroat games. No ladder. Court fees are waived for racquetball league members; you pay RECenter admission only.

Racquetball, Wallyball, Handball or Squash? If you want to play, we’ve got the courts!

Court fee is $4 per hour plus general admission for players, which includes use of pool, sauna, locker room, weight room, gym and spa (where available). Wallyball court fee waived for parties of more than six players and 4-and 12-month membership holders. Reservations are suggested: Audrey Moore 703-321-7927 Lee 703-922-9845 South Run 703-866-0566 Oak Marr 703-281-6762 Spring Hill 703-827-5518 Providence 703-698-1280

Lake Fairfax Skate Park Skateboard Fun

The Park Authority offers two great options for skateboarding fun: Lake Fairfax Skate Park in Reston and Wakefield Skate Park in Annandale. • Admission to both skate parks is free. • All participants are strongly encouraged to wear helmets and safety equipment at all times. • Skate park areas may be closed for classes, camps, special events or inclement weather. Please see calendar for specific operating hours. Copies are available at the park of your choice or online: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/skatepark. • If Audrey Moore RECenter at Wakefield Park or Lake Fairfax Park closes for any reason, the respective skate park will also close. Please contact Audrey Moore RECenter for more information on rentals and classes Helmets and safety equipment can be rented at $2 each for helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads or $5 per set of all three items.


Learn what it takes to hit your target with a bow and arrow in Park Authority Archery classes. Options are available for beginners and skilled archers. Archery I

Learn archery basics following the 11 Steps of Success taught in the USA Archery National Training System. Determine your dominate eye, develop your technique through the use of a string bow, and practice International Style Target Shooting using a recurve bow and a compound bow. Supply fee of $10 payable to instructor at first class. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 2SD 5--55 minute lessons--$66 Location Day Time (9-15 yrs.) Burke Lake Pk T/Th SoRunREC M SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC M SoRunREC Su SoRunREC Su (13-Adult) Burke Lake Pk T/Th


Begin $

4pm 4:30pm 12:30pm 1:30pm 5:30pm 2:30pm 3:30pm

819 257 6901 167 257 6901 167 257 6902 167 257 6903 167 257 6904 167 257 6905 167 257 6906

03/24 03/23 03/21 03/21 03/23 03/22 03/22


819 257 6001 03/24 2SA


Archery II

Prerequisite: Archery I or equivalent. Supply fee of $10 payable to instructor at first class. 2SD 5--55 minute lessons--$66

Fan us on Facebook!

Location Day Time



(9-12 yrs.) SoRunREC

167 257 6601 03/21 2SD



Begin $

Baseball I

This class teaches basic skills and game rules. Scrimmages give you experience preparing for league teams. Participants need to bring own glove. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore M

183 255 4901 03/23 2SA


Begin $

Basketball I

Children learn basketball skills and techniques including passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals. Class includes scrimmages to reinforce teamwork. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 2SD 5--55 minute lessons--$66 BSAB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time


Begin $

(6-8 yrs.) LakeAccotink LakeAccotink SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC LeeREC

850 255 5201 850 255 5202 167 255 5201 175 255 5201 175 255 5202 175 255 5203 183 255 5201 183 255 5202 183 255 5203 192 255 5201 456 255 5201

03/21 05/09 03/21 03/24 03/26 03/21 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/26 03/21

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Sa Sa Sa T Th Sa Sa Su M Th Sa

9am 9am 10am 6pm 6pm 11am 9am 2:30pm 4pm 4pm 11:15am


Spring 2015

Sports and Leagues LeeREC Aldrin ES ChurchRd ES Cub Run ES Cub Run ES Fairhill ES Navy ES Oakton ES Woodbrn ES (8-10 yrs.) LakeAccotink LakeAccotink SoRunREC SpHillREC SpHillREC LeeREC Aldrin ES Belle Vw ES ChurchRd ES Cub Run ES Cub Run ES Fairhill ES Fairhill ES Oakton ES Wapls Ml ES Woodbrn ES (11-13 yrs.) LeeREC

Sa Su Su Sa Su Su Su Sa Sa

12:15pm 11am 11am 10am 9am 12pm 10am 10:30am 10am

456 255 5202 001 255 5201 023 255 5201 030 255 5201 030 255 5202 036 255 5201 087 255 5201 092 255 5201 131 255 5201

03/21 2SA 03/22 BSAB 03/22 BSAB 03/21 BSAB 03/22 BSAB 03/22 BSAB 03/22 BSAB 03/21 BSAB 03/21 BSAB

Sa Sa Sa T Sa M Su Su Su Sa Su Su Su Sa Sa Sa

10am 10am 12pm 7pm 12pm 5:30pm 12pm 11:30am 12pm 11am 12pm 11am 1pm 11:30am 11am 11am

850 255 5301 03/21 2SD 850 255 5302 05/09 2SD 167 255 5301 03/21 2SA 175 255 5301 03/24 2SA 175 255 5302 03/21 2SA 456 255 5301 03/23 2SA 001 255 5301 03/22 BSAB 006 255 5301 03/22 BSAB 023 255 5301 03/22 BSAB 030 255 5301 03/21 BSAB 030 255 5302 03/22 BSAB 036 255 5301 03/22 BSAB 036 255 5302 03/22 BSAB 092 255 5301 03/21 BSAB 119 255 5301 03/21 BSAB 131 255 5301 03/21 BSAB


6:30pm 456 255 5401 03/23 2SA

Basketball II

Learn a variety of offensive and defensive strategies in this advanced class.

Location Day Time


(8-12 yrs.) LakeAccotink LakeAccotink SpHillREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Aldrin ES Belle Vw ES ChurchRd ES Cub Run ES Cub Run ES Cub Run ES Cub Run ES Fairhill ES Oakton ES Woodbrn ES

850 255 5501 03/21 2SD 850 255 5502 05/09 2SD 175 255 5501 03/26 2SA 175 255 5502 03/21 2SA 183 255 5501 03/21 2SA 183 255 5502 03/23 2SA 001 255 5501 03/22 BSAB 006 255 5501 03/22 BSAB 023 255 5501 03/22 BSAB 030 255 5501 03/21 BSAB 030 255 5502 03/22 BSAB 030 255 5503 03/22 BSAB 030 255 5504 03/22 BSAB 036 255 5501 03/22 BSAB 092 255 5501 03/21 BSAB 131 255 5501 03/21 BSAB

11am 11am 7pm 8am 11am 5pm 8am 12:30pm 8am 9am 10am 11am 11am 10am 12:30pm 12pm

Begin $

Basketball III

Learn to move without the basketball on offense. Practice different defensive and offensive sets. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 BSAB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time (8-12 yrs.) Navy ES Su (12-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore Th

Spring 2015



BSV2 8--55 minute lessons--$164 Location Day Time


(6-7 yrs.) Woodbrn ES Sa

131 256 2201 03/21 BSV2


Begin $

Intro to Cheerleading I

Skills taught include motions, jumps, chants and fun cheers. Class culminates in a performance on the last day. Wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. BSVA 8--55 minute lessons--$92 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) Fairhill ES Fairview ES Lemon Rd ES Wapls Ml ES EagleVw ES Laurel Hill ES (9-15 yrs.) Fairhill ES Fairview ES Lemon Rd ES Wapls Ml ES EagleVw ES Laurel Hill ES


Begin $

W M F Sa Th T

5pm 5pm 5pm 9:30am 5:30pm 5pm

036 255 9001 03/25 BSVA 037 255 9001 03/23 BSVA 077 255 9001 03/27 BSVA 119 255 9001 03/21 BSVA 139 255 9001 03/26 BSVA 141 255 9001 03/24 BSVA

W M F Sa Th T

6pm 6pm 6pm 10:30am 6:30pm 6pm

036 255 8301 037 255 8301 077 255 8301 119 255 8301 139 255 8301 141 255 8301

03/25 BSVA 03/23 BSVA 03/27 BSVA 03/21 BSVA 03/26 BSVA 03/24 BSVA

Team sports are great ways for little ones to expend some energy and have fun. Classes are available for all skill levels.

Intro to Fencing

Basketball Training For Girls

Location Day Time


Begin $

(8-Adult) OakMarREC Ffx Fencers Ffx Fencers Ffx Fencers

142 246 1101 410 246 1101 410 246 1102 410 246 1103

03/27 03/24 03/25 03/21

Learn fencing basics such as proper footwork, attack and defense actions and basic strategy. BSVI 9--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$151

2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 2SD 5--55 minute lessons--$66 BSAB 10--55 minute lessons--$134

Sa Sa Th Sa Sa M Su Su Su Sa Su Su Su Su Sa Sa

teaches them the rules and basic game fundamentals. Fee includes uniform shirt and basketball.

Begin $

087 255 2801 03/22 BSAB

12pm 183 255 2501 03/21 2SA 5:30pm 183 255 2502 03/26 2SA

Students learn basketball skills and techniques including passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals. Class includes scrimmages to reinforce teamwork. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 2SD 5--55 minute lessons--$66 BSAB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Code

(8-12 yrs.) LakeAccotink SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Aldrin ES Belle Vw ES ChurchRd ES Wapls Ml ES

850 255 5601 05/09 2SD 175 255 5601 03/21 2TB 183 255 5601 03/21 2SA 001 255 5601 03/22 BSAB 006 255 5601 03/22 BSAB 023 255 5601 03/22 BSAB 119 255 5601 03/21 BSAB

12:30pm 10am 1pm 10am 10:30am 10am 12pm

Begin $

Co-ed Basketball League

This U6 league is designed to introduce 5- and 6-yearolds to basketball and to teach them the rules and basic game fundamentals. Fee includes uniform shirt and basketball. BSV2

5:30pm 6pm 6pm 10am

8--55 minute lessons--$164

Location Day Time


(5-6 yrs.) Fairhill ES Su Woodbrn ES Sa

036 256 2001 03/22 BSV2 131 256 2001 03/21 BSV2

Begin $

Prerequisite: Intro to Fencing or equivalent. Class focuses on techniques and include foot work, body work and blade work. BSVI 9--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$151 Location Day Time


(8-Adult) Ffx Fencers Ffx Fencers

410 245 6601 03/23 BSVI 410 245 6602 03/25 BSVI


6pm 7pm

Co-ed Basketball League

This U7 league is for advanced 6- and 7-year-olds. Course introduces participants to basketball and

Begin $

Historical Swordmanship

Explore the sword arts the way they were originally practiced on the battlefields and dueling grounds. The sword styles introduced are the rapier and the two-handed sword. Practice swords used in class are the shinai (made of bamboo) and the foil. An equipment fee of $29 is payable at the first class. BSVC 6--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time

1pm 9am


Fencing I

Location Day Time Sa Sa Sa Su Su Su Sa

F T W Sa

(9-13 yrs.) VaAcadFence VaAcadFence (13-Adult) VaAcadFence VaAcadFence

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Begin $

Su Th

10am 7pm

468 246 3301 04/12 BSVC 468 246 3302 04/16 BSVC

Sa T

11am 8pm

468 246 2701 04/11 BSVC 468 246 2702 04/14 BSVC


Sports and Leagues Olympic Sport Fencing

Known as the physical game of chess, Olympic fencing provides a tremendous physical and mental workout for students of all ages and athletic abilities. This course primarily uses the foil, a light sport weapon, and introduces the sabre (modern equivalent of the cavalry sword) and epee (modern equivalent of the rapier). Equipment fee of $29 is due at the first class. BSVC 6--55 minute lessons--$75 BSVE 6--45 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time


Begin $

(6-8 yrs.) MosbyWds ES Th VaAcadFence Su VaAcadFence W (9-13 yrs.) MosbyWds ES Th VaAcadFence Sa VaAcadFence Su VaAcadFence M VaAcadFence T (13-Adult) VaAcadFence Sa VaAcadFence Su VaAcadFence M VaAcadFence T

5:30pm 2pm 10am 6pm 6pm

084 246 0901 04/16 468 246 0901 04/11 468 246 0902 04/12 468 246 0903 04/13 468 246 0904 04/14


12pm 1pm 7pm 7pm

468 246 2201 04/11 468 246 2202 04/12 468 246 2203 04/13 468 246 2204 04/14


4:30pm 084 246 0801 04/16 BSVE 9:15am 468 246 0801 04/12 BSVE 5:15pm 468 246 0802 04/15 BSVE

Football Development

Learn position basics through passing, kicking, and receiving. This class includes rules, theory and flag games. Tennis shoes required. Classes at Wakefield/ Moore are indoors. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 BSAB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time (8-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Sa Wapls Ml ES Sa (9-14 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore W


Begin $

8am 3pm

183 255 1201 03/21 2SA 119 255 1201 03/21 BSAB


183 255 1301 03/25 2SA

Sports Instructors Wanted

Qualified instructors are needed to teach gymnastics, soccer, tennis and tumbling classes for children. For details, call Jennifer Braun at 703-324-5540 or e-mail instructors@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Gymnastics I

Introduction to gymnastics through floor exercise, balance beam, uneven bars, vaulting and springboard jumping. Low student-to- teacher ratio enhances the learning process. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time (6-12 yrs.) OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SoRunREC SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC



Begin $

Here’s a team sport that originated with North American Indians - Lacrosse. Sign up for Lacrosse class today and learn what it takes to play America’s first sport. CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC LeeREC

Su M T Su Sa Sa Sa M

10am 3pm 3:30pm 9am 10am 11:15am 12:15pm 6pm

192 255 0203 192 255 0204 192 255 0205 192 255 0206 192 255 0207 456 255 0201 456 255 0202 456 255 0203

03/22 03/23 03/24 03/22 03/21 03/21 03/21 03/23


Gymnastics II

2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


Begin $

(6-12 yrs.) SoRunREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC

167 255 0301 183 255 0301 183 255 0302 192 255 0301

03/25 03/23 03/21 03/21

6pm 7:30pm 11am 9am

BXVQ 8--55 minute lessons--$119 Location Day Time


(6-16 yrs.) WhlsmCampus W

583 255 0401 03/25 BXVQ


Gymnastics for Girls

Skill-oriented class includes strength work, conditioning, beam, bars, floor and vault.

Students develop lacrosse fundamentals including passing, catching, shooting and defensive positions. Students must bring their own lacrosse stick, mouthguard and water bottle. BSVA 8--55 minute lessons--$92 Location Day Time (8-12 yrs.) FfxGovt Ctr (10-14 yrs.) FfxGovt Ctr

2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 M M M W Sa M Sa Sa Sa Su

5:30pm 6:30pm 5:30pm 4:30pm 12:30pm 6:30pm 8am 9am 10am 9am

142 255 0201 142 255 0202 167 255 0201 167 255 0202 167 255 0203 183 255 0201 183 255 0202 183 255 0203 183 255 0204 192 255 0202

03/23 03/23 03/23 03/25 03/21 03/23 03/21 03/21 03/21 03/22


Location Day Time (5-7 yrs.) OakMarREC Sa OakMarREC Sa (8-12 yrs.) LeeREC M



Begin $


Gymnastics I strongly recommended.

W M Sa Sa

skills. Emphasis on proper form helps jumpers easily transition to foot movements and tricks. Beaded jump rope is required and can be purchased for $10.

Begin $

11am 12pm

142 255 8901 03/21 2SA 142 255 8902 03/21 2SA


456 255 0901 03/23 2SA

Beginning Jump Rope

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, jumpers learn basic single rope, double dutch and long rope

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664


Begin $


10:30am 416 255 4101 03/21 BSVA


11:30am 416 255 4001 03/21 BSVA

For additional listings in Racquetball (6-12 yrs.) Racquetball I (13-Adult) Racquetball II (13-Adult) Soccer I (6-12 yrs.) Squash Advanced I (16-Adult) Squash Beginning I (13-Adult) See Parktakes Online: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

Spring 2015

Sports and Leagues Intro to Mountain Biking

Learn mountain biking fundamentals, improve your fitness level and learn to safely navigate your way to fun. Maintenance topics are also covered. Helmets required. Bring your own mountain bike and water and dress for the weather. Bikes and helmets are available for rental from Lake Accotink for an additional fee. Class meets rain or shine. 2BN 5--2 hour lessons--$132 Location Day Time (9-14 yrs.) LakeAccotink Sa



Begin $

850 225 1001 05/02 2SN

Ping Pong

In this beginning class students are introduced to ping pong grips, positions and basic strokes. Students practice exercises and games to improve hand-eye coordination. Students may bring their own paddles, or an official supply set including paddles is available for purchase from instructor for $25. BSBA 8--55 minute lessons--$108 Location Day Time (5-7 yrs.) ProvREC (8-12 yrs.) ProvREC ProvREC


Begin $



159 257 6201 03/22 BSBA

Su Su

11am 9am

159 257 6301 03/22 BSBA 159 257 6302 03/22 BSBA

Skateboarding I

Emphasis is on safety and skateboard basics for beginners. Learn proper foot placement - regular, goofy, pushing, riding, tack turns, switch turns and safe ramp approaches. An introduction to an ollie and dropping in. Class includes instruction and supervised huck jam. Required equipment: skateboard, skateboard helmet, knee and elbow pads, wrist guards and water. 2SD 5--55 minute lessons--$66 2SK 5--1 hour 15 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time (6-11 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore (12-16 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore


Begin $

Sa Sa W Th

9am 9am 5pm 5pm

183 257 3301 183 257 3302 183 257 3303 183 257 3304

03/21 05/02 03/25 05/14


Sa Sa M T

10:30am 10:30am 5pm 5pm

183 257 4501 183 257 4502 183 257 4503 183 257 4504

03/21 05/02 03/23 05/12


5--1 hour 15 minute lessons--$96

(6-11 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore Sa

Spring 2015


10--55 minute lessons--$132 5--55 minute lessons--$66 10--55 minute lessons--$134 8--55 minute lessons--$92

Location Day Time (6-8 yrs.) LakeAccotink Sa LakeAccotink Sa SoRunREC Su SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC W Wkfld/Moore Su Wkfld/Moore T Wkfld/Moore Su GWREC Sa Kings Pk ES Sa MosbyWds ES Sa Navy ES Su Wapls Ml ES Sa FfxGovt Ctr Sa (8-12 yrs.) LakeAccotink Sa LakeAccotink Sa Kings Pk ES Sa MosbyWds ES Sa FfxGovt Ctr Sa


Begin $

9am 9am 12pm 11am 4pm 3:30pm 6pm 11am 9am 11am 9am 3pm 10am 11am

850 255 2001 03/21 2SD 850 255 2002 05/09 2SD 167 255 2001 03/22 2SA 167 255 2002 03/21 2SA 167 255 2003 03/25 2SA 183 255 2001 03/22 2SA 183 255 2002 03/24 2SA 183 255 2003 03/22 2SA 449 255 2001 04/11 2SA 071 255 2001 03/21 BSVA 084 255 2001 03/21 BSVA 087 255 2001 03/22 BSAB 119 255 2001 03/21 BSAB 416 255 2002 03/21 BSVA

10am 10am 12pm 10am 12pm

850 255 3501 03/21 2SD 850 255 3502 05/09 2SD 071 255 3501 03/21 BSVA 084 255 3501 03/21 BSVA 416 255 3502 03/21 BSVA

Soccer II

Prerequisite: Soccer I. Bring shin-guards and a soccer ball. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 2SD 5--55 minute lessons--$66 BSVA 8--55 minute lessons--$92 (6-8 yrs.) SoRunREC Sa Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore Su MosbyWds ES Sa FfxGovt Ctr Su (8-12 yrs.) LakeAccotink Sa LakeAccotink Sa Wkfld/Moore Sa MosbyWds ES Sa


Begin $

11am 12pm 12pm 11am 10am

167 255 2101 183 255 2101 183 255 2102 084 255 2101 416 255 2101

03/21 2SA 03/21 2SA 03/22 2SA 03/21 BSVA 03/22 BSVA

11am 11am 2pm 12pm

850 255 3601 03/21 2SD 850 255 3602 05/09 2SD 183 255 3601 03/21 2SA 084 255 3601 03/21 BSVA

Soccer for Girls

Prerequisite: Skateboarding I or six months of skateboarding. Master your riding skills, tack turns and switch turns. Improve your ollie and continue learning to drop in. An introduction to an ollie off of a grind box, a manual and a kick flip. Emphasis is on skate park safety, etiquette and riding within your ability. Class includes instruction and supervised huck jam. Required equipment: skateboard, skateboard helmet, knee and elbow pads, wrist guards and water. Location Day Time

Basic instruction geared for beginning players. Emphasis is on soccer skill development including kicking, dribbling, goal-keeping, etc. Bring shin-guards and a soccer ball.

Location Day Time

Skateboarding II


Soccer I


Begin $

10:30am 183 257 4901 03/21 2SK 10:30am 183 257 4902 05/02 2SK

This class is designed and taught by girls for girls. Beginners learn soccer basics including game rules, ball handling, strategies and tactics. 2SD 5--55 minute lessons--$66 Location Day Time


(6-12 yrs.) LakeAccotink M LakeAccotink M

850 255 2901 03/23 2SD 850 255 2902 05/11 2SD

5am 5am

Player Development Soccer

Begin $

This program, taught by British soccer coaches, encourages players to develop skills and grasp the basic tactics of soccer. Bring shin guards and soccer ball. Class for 10-14 yrs. covers more advanced skills and

tactics. South Run classes held in fieldhouse. Please dress children for outdoor weather. BSVJ 8--1 hour 15 minute lessons--$152 Location Day Time (6-9 yrs.) SoRunREC T SoRunREC Su Wkfld/Moore W LeeREC Sa MosbyWds ES Su (10-14 yrs.) SoRunREC T Wkfld/Moore W


Begin $

5:30pm 10am 5:30pm 12:30pm 12pm

167 255 3701 167 255 3702 183 255 3701 456 255 3701 084 255 3701

03/24 03/22 03/25 03/21 04/12

6:45pm 6:45pm

167 255 3801 03/24 BSVJ 183 255 3801 03/25 BSVJ



Get a head start on the spring T-ball season. Skill development includes base running, hitting off tee, throwing and catching. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


(5-7 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Th

183 257 3101 03/26 2SA


Begin $

Tennis - Beginning I

An introduction to the basics: forehand and backhand drive, serve, footwork, rules, scoring and court etiquette. Emphasis is on correct form. Classes at Greenbriar Park enter from Melville Lane. Students need a tennis racquet and two cans of balls. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 BSBB 8--55 minute lessons--$75 BSVA 8--55 minute lessons--$92 Location Day Time (5-8 yrs.) SoRunREC M SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC Su Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore Su Wkfld/Moore M Wkfld/Moore Th GWREC Sa LeeREC Sa LeeREC Sa LeeREC M LewinsvillPk Sa NottowayPk Sa NottowayPk M Chantily HS Sa Chantily HS Su Falls Ch HS Sa Falls Ch HS Su Oakton HS Sa RobinsonSec Su WSprngHS Sa Greenbriar Prk Sa (9-12 yrs.) SoRunREC Sa SoRunREC Su SoRunREC M Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore W GWREC Sa LeeREC Sa NottowayPk Sa NottowayPk M

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Begin $

5pm 9am 3pm 10am 9am 5pm 5:30pm 9am 9:30am 10:30am 4pm 9am 9am 5:30pm 11am 10am 9am 11am 12pm 12pm 11am 9am

167 257 0101 167 257 0102 167 257 0103 183 257 0101 183 257 0102 183 257 0103 183 257 0104 449 257 0101 456 257 0101 456 257 0102 456 257 0103 700 257 0101 701 257 0101 701 257 0102 302 257 0101 302 257 0102 305 257 0101 305 257 0102 319 257 0101 320 257 0101 328 257 0101 540 257 0101

03/23 2SA 03/21 2SA 03/22 2SA 03/21 2SA 03/22 2SA 03/23 2SA 03/26 2SA 03/21 2SA 03/21 2SA 03/21 2SA 03/23 2SA 04/11 BSVA 03/21 2SA 03/23 2SA 03/21 BSBB 03/22 BSBB 03/21 2SA 03/22 2SA 03/21 BSVA 03/22 BSVA 03/21 BSBB 03/21 BSVA

10am 4pm 6pm 11am 6:30pm 10am 11:30am 10am 6:30pm

167 257 0601 03/21 167 257 0602 03/22 167 257 0603 03/23 183 257 0601 03/21 183 257 0602 03/25 449 257 0601 03/21 456 257 0601 03/21 701 257 0601 03/21 701 257 0602 03/23



Sports and Leagues Chantily HS Sa Chantily HS Su Falls Ch HS Sa Oakton HS Sa RobinsonSec Su WSprngHS Su WSprngHS Sa Greenbriar Prk Sa (10-17 yrs.) LewinsvillPk Sa Chantily HS Su Oakton HS Sa RobinsonSec Su WSprngHS Su (13-18 yrs.) SoRunREC Sa Wkfld/Moore Sa LeeREC Sa Falls Ch HS Sa (Adults) SoRunREC Su Wkfld/Moore M Wkfld/Moore Sa Wkfld/Moore W LeeREC T NottowayPk Sa NottowayPk M Chantily HS Su Falls Ch HS Su WSprngHS Su

12pm 11am 11am 1pm 1pm 9am 12pm 10am

302 257 0601 03/21 BSBB 302 257 0602 03/22 BSBB 305 257 0601 03/21 2SA 319 257 0601 03/21 BSVA 320 257 0601 03/22 BSVA 328 257 0601 03/22 BSBB 328 257 0602 03/21 BSBB 540 257 0601 03/21 BSVA

10am 12pm 2pm 2pm 10am

700 255 4401 04/11 BSVA 302 255 4401 03/22 BSBB 319 255 4401 03/21 BSVA 320 255 4401 03/22 BSVA 328 255 4401 03/22 BSBB

11am 12pm 8:30am 12pm

167 257 1001 183 257 1001 456 257 1001 305 257 1001

03/21 03/21 03/21 03/21


5pm 9am 10am 7:30pm 7pm 11am 7:30pm 9am 9am 11am

167 257 1401 183 257 1401 183 257 1402 183 257 1403 456 257 1401 701 257 1401 701 257 1402 302 257 1401 305 257 1401 328 257 1401

03/22 03/23 03/21 03/25 03/24 03/21 03/23 03/22 03/22 03/22


Tennis - Beginning II

Students should be able to rally with the forehand and know the basic strokes. Stroke production, including ball trajectory over the net and basic game strategy, is refined. Students need a tennis racquet and two cans of balls. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 BSBB 8--55 minute lessons--$75 BSVA 8--55 minute lessons--$92 Location Day Time (5-8 yrs.) LewinsvillPk NottowayPk Chantily HS Falls Ch HS Oakton HS RobinsonSec (9-12 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore NottowayPk Chantily HS Oakton HS RobinsonSec (10-17 yrs.) LewinsvillPk WSprngHS (13-18 yrs.) NottowayPk Falls Ch HS (Adults) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore NottowayPk Chantily HS Falls Ch HS Falls Ch HS



Begin $

Sa T Sa Sa Sa Su

11am 5pm 10am 10am 3pm 3pm

700 257 0201 701 257 0201 302 257 0201 305 257 0201 319 257 0201 320 257 0201

04/11 BSVA 03/24 2SA 03/21 BSBB 03/21 2SA 03/21 BSVA 03/22 BSVA

Sa M T Sa Sa Su

9am 6pm 6pm 9am 4pm 4pm

183 257 0701 183 257 0702 701 257 0701 302 257 0701 319 257 0701 320 257 0701

03/21 2SA 03/23 2SA 03/24 2SA 03/21 BSBB 03/21 BSVA 03/22 BSVA

Sa Su

12pm 1pm

700 256 9801 04/11 BSVA 328 256 9801 03/22 BSBB

T Su

7pm 12pm

701 257 1101 03/24 2SA 305 257 1101 03/22 2SA

Th M T Sa Sa Su

9am 7pm 8pm 8am 1pm 10am

183 257 1501 183 257 1502 701 257 1501 302 257 1501 305 257 1501 305 257 1502

03/26 03/23 03/24 03/21 03/21 03/22


Tennis - Intermediate I

Student should know basic strokes, scoring, rules and court etiquette. Emphasis is on stroke production, shot placement and consistency. Students need a tennis racquet and two cans of balls. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


Begin $

(Adults) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore LeeREC NottowayPk NottowayPk Falls Ch HS Falls Ch HS

183 257 1601 183 257 1602 183 257 1603 456 257 1601 701 257 1601 701 257 1602 305 257 1601 305 257 1602

03/23 03/26 03/22 03/24 03/21 03/25 03/21 03/22

M Th Su T Sa W Sa Su

10am 10am 11am 8pm 12pm 6pm 2pm 1pm


Tennis - Intermediate II

Stroke consistency and control are key factors at this level. Emphasis is on shot variety and pace under pressure. Percentage is stressed and mastery of intermediate skills is required. Students need a tennis racquet and two cans of balls. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


Begin $

(Adults) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore NottowayPk NottowayPk Falls Ch HS

183 257 1701 183 257 1702 701 257 1701 701 257 1702 305 257 1701

03/23 03/26 03/21 03/25 03/22

M Th Sa W Su

11am 7:30pm 1pm 7pm 2pm


Tennis - Advanced

Students should be able to execute all basic strokes and have at least informal competitive playing experience. Stroke reliability and aggressive shots with pace and depth are expected. Students need a tennis racquet and two cans of balls. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


Begin $

(Adults) Wkfld/Moore LeeREC NottowayPk NottowayPk Falls Ch HS

183 257 1801 456 257 1801 701 257 1801 701 257 1802 305 257 1801

03/26 03/23 03/25 03/26 03/21

Th M W Th Sa

11am 7pm 8pm 7pm 3pm


Tennis Tactical Drills/Techniques

Prerequisite: Tennis Beginning II or equivalent. Focus is on improving accuracy and decision making skills for advanced players. Great class for students interested in competitive play. Bring tennis racquet and two cans of tennis balls. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 BSBB 8--55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time (13-18 yrs.) Wkfld/Moore WSprngHS (Adults) Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore


Begin $

T Su

6:30pm 183 257 0001 03/24 2SA 12pm 328 257 0001 03/22 BSBB

Th T

6:30pm 183 256 9701 03/26 2SA 7:30pm 183 256 9702 03/24 2SA

Cardio Tennis

Cardio tennis pushes your fitness to a new level with a high-energy workout. This group activity features

drills to give players of all abilities an ultimate high-energy skill workout. Students need a tennis racquet and two cans of balls. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


(Adults) LeeREC

456 257 2301 03/23 2SA



Begin $

Doubles Tennis

Doubles tennis isn’t two single tennis players on the same side. Come learn why. Class focuses on both offensive and defensive doubles strategy and includes practical education to hone your skills. Students must bring a racquet and one can of tennis balls to the first class. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


(Adults) NottowayPk Th Falls Ch HS Sa

701 257 5601 03/26 2SA 305 257 5601 03/21 2SA

6pm 4pm

Begin $

Prime Time Doubles Tennis

Designed for intermediate-level players age 55+, this course focuses on polishing doubles tennis skills and understanding court manners, communication and protocol. Participants learn on-court movements and winning strategies in the doubles game while refining their strokes and serves. Students need a tennis racquet and two cans of tennis balls. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


(55+) Wkfld/Moore Su

183 257 2201 03/22 2SA


Begin $


Learn basic volleyball skills through drills and games. Class covers scoring, serving, bumping, spiking and team play. 2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 BSAB 10--55 minute lessons--$134 Location Day Time (8-12 yrs.) Va Run ES Sa (12-17 yrs.) Va Run ES Sa (16-Adult) Wkfld/Moore M

Volleyball II Prerequisite:


Begin $


117 256 6201 03/21 BSAB


117 255 6001 03/21 BSAB

6:30pm 183 256 3001 03/23 2SA

Volleyball I or equivalent.

2SA 10--55 minute lessons--$132 Location Day Time


(16-Adult) Wkfld/Moore M

183 256 3101 03/23 2SA


Begin $

Seniors invited for tennis

The Fairfax County Golden Racquets Club invites men and women age 50 and older to play indoor and outdoor doubles year-round on weekdays. Annual membership is $20 plus a share of daytime court fees when playing indoors. For more information, visit www.goldenracquets.org.

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Technology • Xtras

Technology Adventures in Game Design (8-12 yrs.)

Learn the game theory concepts then use them to create fully-functional video games by adding characters, backgrounds and more from a massive library of cool sprites. Students also learn real-world app development and build arcade style video games for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Take your games home and amaze your friends! BXVZ 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$147

SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC LeeREC MtVernREC

Sa Sa Su Sa Su

1pm 10am 9am 9:30am 10am

175 270 5101 183 270 5101 192 270 5102 456 270 5101 472 270 5101

05/09 BXVZ 05/09 BXVZ 03/22 BXVZ 05/09 BXVZ 05/03 BXVZ

This Digital Kidz class powered by the LEGO Mindstorms immerses students in the exciting world of robotics. Whether you’re brand new to programming and robotics or an aspiring engineer, you expand your knowledge while having fun with classmates. BXVZ 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$147


Begin $

Location Day Time


LkFairfaxPk OakMarREC OakMarREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC MtVernREC

835 271 0102 142 271 0101 142 271 0102 175 271 0101 183 271 0101 183 271 0102 192 271 0101 456 271 0101 456 271 0102 472 271 0101

03/22 BXVZ 03/22 BXVZ 05/10 BXVZ 03/21 BXVZ 03/21 BXVZ 05/09 BXVZ 03/22 BXVZ 03/21 BXVZ 05/09 BXVZ 05/03 BXVZ

LkFairfaxPk OakMarREC OakMarREC SoRunREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore MtVernREC MtVernREC

835 270 4801 03/22 BXVZ 142 270 4801 03/22 BXVZ 142 270 4802 05/10 BXVZ 167 270 4801 03/22 BXVZ 175 270 4801 03/21 BXVZ 183 270 4801 03/21 BXVZ 183 270 4802 05/09 BXVZ 472 270 4801 03/22 BXVZ 472 270 4802 05/03 BXVZ

1:30pm 12:30pm 2:15pm 11:15am 11:45am 1:30pm 11am 1pm 11:15am 1:30pm

Adventures in Robotics (8-12 yrs.)

In this class offered by Digital Kidz, students work with 3D building instructions and the most advanced technology ever developed, such as LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, the latest generation of robots. Advanced technology means stronger, smarter, faster robots. Program using software based on the industry-leading graphical programming language used by scientists and engineers worldwide or your smart device. Students command their robots to walk, talk, think and do anything they can imagine. Location Day Time CubRunREC LeeREC LeeREC

Su Sa Sa


Begin $

9am 192 270 4901 05/10 BXVZ 11:15am 456 270 4901 03/21 BXVZ 1pm 456 270 4902 05/09 BXVZ

Digital Kidz 3D Game Design (9-13 yrs.)

Create 3D games including action, adventure, platform and shooter, or invent a new one. Discover 3D game-development concepts like game planning, pathbased movement, collision detection, level design, dialogue, inventory and playability. BXVZ 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$147 Code

LkFairfaxPk CubRunREC MtVernREC

835 271 8201 05/10 BXVZ 192 271 8201 05/10 BXVZ 472 271 8201 03/22 BXVZ

10am 11am 1:30pm

Begin $

Digital Kidz Jr. Robotics (6-8 yrs.)

This program immerses students in the exciting world of robotics using the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT. Whether you’re brand new to programming and robotics or an aspiring engineer, you expand your knowledge while having an awesome time with classmates who share your interests. BXVZ 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time LkFairfaxPk Su OakMarREC Su SoRunREC Su

Spring 2015


11:45am 2:15pm 12:30pm 12:30pm 1pm 1:30pm 11:45am 11:45am 11:45am

Begin $

Junior Minecraft Programming (6-9 yrs.)

Using a custom mod called Computercraft, students learn how to program robots called Turtles inside the world of Minecraft. Then students utilize problem-solving skills by programing their robots to complete various tasks and objectives such as building, mining and crafting items and structures. They are introduced to programming if-then-else statements, for-while loops and implementing their own functions using Lua. Any supply fee payable to C3 instructor. BXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$205 OakMarREC F SpHillREC T SpHillREC Su


Begin $

5:30pm 142 270 7701 03/27 BXVE 5pm 175 270 7701 04/07 BXVE 1:30pm 175 270 7702 04/12 BXVE

Minecraft Modding (9-14 yrs.)

Students learn how to create and program their own items and codes using the popular game, Minecraft. Students are introduced to some Java and learn how to create and implement their own custom blocks, weapons, food and more! Students learn from premade templates and create their own Java packages. Any supply fee payable to C3 instructor at class. BXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$205

Location Day Time Su Su Su

Su Su Su Su Sa Sa Sa Su Su

Location Day Time

BXVZ 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$147

Begin $

1:30pm 835 270 5101 05/10 BXVZ 10:45am 142 270 5101 05/10 BXVZ 12:30pm 167 270 5101 05/10 BXVZ

Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are non-refundable.

Digital Kidz Robotics (8-14 yrs.)

Location Day Time Su Su Su Sa Sa Sa Su Sa Sa Su


Location Day Time


OakMarREC F SpHillREC T SpHillREC Su

142 270 7801 03/27 BXVE 175 270 7801 04/07 BXVE 175 270 7802 04/12 BXVE

6:45pm 6:15pm 2:45pm

Begin $

Ultimate 3D Game Design (11-14 yrs.)

In this Digital Kidz class, students create 3D games including action, adventure, platform and shooter or invent a new one. Design your own characters, backgrounds and sounds or use content from existing libraries. Students discover 3D game-development concepts like game planning, path-based movement, collision detection, level design, dialogue, inventory and playability. BXVZ 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$147 Location Day Time SpHillREC



Begin $

11:15am 175 271 0301 05/09 BXVZ

Instructors Wanted

Qualified bridge instructors needed. Call 703-3245540 for details or e-mail instructors@fairfaxcounty.gov for an application.

Advanced Cooking Skills (7-13 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Basic Cooking skills. In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students explore advanced cooking techniques such as sauce and stock making, roasting, sautéing and more. Students apply techniques to classical and modern cooking and service styles. $35 supply fee payable at first class. BXVP 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$182 Location Day Time WhlsmCampus W


Begin $

4:30pm 583 272 9301 03/25 BXVP

All About Spices (7-12 yrs.)

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students are introduced to the exciting world of spices, herbs and seasonings. Students learn there is more than life than hamburgers, french fries and pizza as they explore sophisticated techniques like roasting and grinding spices and selecting fresh herbs. $35 supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BXVP 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$182 Location Day Time


WhlsmCampus T

583 272 9501 03/24 BXVP


Begin $

Baking 101 (7-12 yrs.)

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, young chefs explore the magic of baking in this hands-on class where they learn baking fundamentals. Learn what equipment is needed, how to read a recipe, the different types of dough and batters, cakes, cookies and frosting. Learn different baking techniques and when to use them and have fun decorating your creations. $35 supply fee payable to instructor at class. BXVP 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$182 Location Day Time


WhlsmCampus W

583 272 9701 03/25 BXVP


Begin $

Baking 201 (7-13 yrs.)

Prerequisite: Baking 101. In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students expand their baking repertoire by creating new American and French recipes as well as learning to decorate desserts using chocolate. $35 supply fee payable at first class. BXVP 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$182 Location Day Time


WhlsmCampus Th

583 272 9201 03/26 BXVP


Begin $

REGISTER via Parktakes Online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Registration processing begins at 5 a.m., February 3. See registration instructions at the back of Parktakes

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes


Xtras Basic Cooking Skills (7-12 yrs.)

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, students learn tricks of the trade that make cooking easier and more efficient. A different topic is covered each week. As your knowledge grows, so will your confidence in the kitchen. $35 supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BXVP 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$182 Location Day Time WhlsmCampus Th


Begin $

4:30pm 583 272 9601 03/26 BXVP

Culinary Boot Camp (7-12 yrs.)

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, you learn cooking fundamentals. Your assignments include hands-on training in knife skills, kitchen terminology, dry-heat cooking methods (roasting, grilling, sautéing, pan-frying and stir-frying) and moist-heat cooking methods (braising, shallow poaching, deep poaching and steaming). $35 supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BXVP 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$182 Location Day Time WhlsmCampus M


Begin $

4:30pm 583 273 0001 03/23 BXVP

Healthy Cooking (7-13 yrs.)

In this class offered by Wholesome Campus, young chefs learn healthy cooking fundamentals in this hands-on class. Students learn how to create healthy dishes, snacks and treats by replacing high-calorie ingredients with more healthful options for a lighter and fresher meal. $35 Supply Fee is required for the first day of class. BXVP 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$182 Location Day Time


WhlsmCampus M

583 272 9401 03/23 BXVP


Begin $

Bridge I (13-Adult)

Designed for beginning players and for students who would like to improve. Stresses bidding and basic defense. This course provides an excellent brush-up for players returning to the game. 2XC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$197 2XJ 5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time OakMarREC T SoRunREC M


Begin $

10:30am 142 271 1001 03/24 2XJ 7pm 167 271 1001 03/23 2XC

Bridge II (13-Adult)

Further develop your defensive bridge skills. Designed for students with knowledge of bridge. Learn to be “offensive” on defense. Sessions include a review of basic Standard American Bidding System. 2XC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$197 2XJ 5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time OakMarREC T OakMarREC T SoRunREC Su


Begin $

1pm 142 271 1102 03/24 2XJ 10:30am 142 271 1101 05/05 2XJ 1pm 167 271 1101 03/22 2XC

Bridge III (13-Adult)

Further develop your defensive bridge skills. Learn how to communicate with your partner with the card


Skill, strategy and concentration are key elements to a winning game plan in Chess. Learn what it takes to put your opponent’s king under direct attack with no possible escape. Checkmate! you play on each trick and to set your opponent. Sessions include a review of the play of the hand and Standard American Bidding System. 2XJ 5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time



142 271 1201 05/05 2XJ


Begin $

Not for the beginner! Must be playing bridge and want to update your skills. Modern standard American opening bids and responses will be emphasized. After demonstration hands, class will “shuffle and deal.” 2XC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$197 Location Day Time



167 271 2302 03/22 2XC 167 271 2301 03/23 2XC

3pm 1:30pm

Learn to play American Mah Jongg. The game is explained from the beginning. Learn the tile names, play procedures and game rules from the Mah Jongg League in New York. We provide handouts and you have opportunities to play as you learn. Supply fee of $8 payable to instructor at first class. 2XJ 5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$98

Brush-Up Bridge (13-Adult)

Su M

Mah Jongg Beginning (13-Adult)

Begin $

Chess (4-14 yrs.)

Class time is evenly split between lesson and play. Lessons range from learning the rules to advanced tournament strategies. Play time is structured to pair each student against an opponent of similar skill. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.

Location Day Time



159 271 0801 03/24 2XJ 159 271 0802 05/07 2XJ

Learn how to use home sources, websites, vital records, census and federal records, and more to research your family history. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. BXBA 4--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$75 Location Day Time



328 271 3201 04/16 BXBA



Begin $


May - November 2015

Location Day Time


Begin $

OakMarREC SpHillREC Wkfld/Moore CubRunREC

142 271 1901 175 271 1901 183 271 1901 192 271 1901

03/25 BXVC 03/23 BXVC 03/21 2XB 03/26 BXVC

6pm 5:30pm 3pm 6pm

10am 10am

Genealogy - Beginning (Adults)

2XB 10--55 minute lessons--$98 BXVC 10--55 minute lessons--$118 W M Sa Th

T Th

Begin $

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

For more information, call 703-324-5390 or go to www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/farmersmarkets

Spring 2015

Xtras Autosomal & Mitochodrial DNA Tests (Adults)

covers research via the Internet and introduces other avenues of research on this highly mobile group.

Both men and women can take these tests. Autosomal DNA testing looks at all your ancestral lines, but is good back only about five generations. Your maternal lineage can be traced through mtDNA testing. Explore how to use the results from these two types of DNA tests used in genealogy. Examples are given from the speakers experience in DNA projects.

BXCC 1--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$45


Poe MS Lee HS

215 271 8901 04/29 BXCC 314 271 8901 04/14 BXCC


7pm 7pm

Exploring the FamilySearch Database (Adults)

BXCC 1--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$45 Location Day Time


Poe MS Lee HS

215 271 7701 03/23 BXCC 314 271 7701 04/27 BXCC


7pm 7pm

Begin $

Genealogy-Courthouse Research (Adults) Courthouses have wonderful resources which enable us to dig into our ancestors’ daily lives. Learn what to look for when doing courthouse research and how to use the books and indexes available, as well as court types and terminology. BXCA 1--1 hour 55 minute lesson--$39 Location Day Time



328 270 5801 04/08 BXCA



Begin $

Genealogy-Finding Your Female Ancestors (Adults)

Our female ancestors lived in the shadow of their male relatives and were often silent, creating few records of their own. They were only mentioned by title or possibly their given name. Identifying female ancestors is challenging but can be done. Learn tips for finding your female ancestors’ hiding spots. BXCA 1--1 hour 55 minute lesson--$39 Location Day Time


Woodson HS W

329 271 6901 04/22 BXCA


Begin $

Genealogy-Library of Congress (Adults)

Learn about what the Library of Congress has to offer researchers and how to use its resources to find information about your ancestors. BXCA 1--1 hour 55 minute lesson--$39 Location Day Time



328 271 2201 05/13 BXCA



Begin $

Genealogy-Map Ancestors Neighborhood (Adults)

Where did your ancestors live, shop, work, worship and recreate? Knowing the answers can help you coordinate ancestral records with maps of the community to learn more about your ancestors daily life.

Spring 2015

215 271 7101 04/15 BXCC 314 271 7101 06/16 BXCC


7pm 7pm

Begin $

Learn about websites that can be useful in your research of your Scottish ancestors. These websites contain databases, indexes, and images of records as well as websites with valuable background and other information useful to your Scottish research. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class.

Begin $

FamilySearch is a free worldwide database that adds many thousands of records weekly and contains an extensive wiki. Learn what is and is not available and how to best use this site.


Poe MS Lee HS

Genealogy-Scottish Research via Internet (Adults)

BXCC 1--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$45 Location Day Time

Location Day Time

BXCC 1--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$45

Social skills are always in style and Etiquette for Kids and ‘Tweens teaches everything from table manners to dressing for success.

Location Day Time


Woodson HS W

329 270 9601 04/08 BXCA

Begin $

Genealogy-Organize Your Research (Adults)

Researching our ancestors produces a lot of information and records. Managing the information and records can be overwhelming. Learn ways to better manage and organize your research, documentation and records. BXCA 1--1 hour 55 minute lesson--$39 Location Day Time


Woodson HS M

329 271 8101 04/20 BXCA


Begin $

Genealogy-Planning a Research Trip (Adults)

Planning your research trip, either local or long distance, is critical to successful research. What should you do before you go? What will you do on the trip? What will you bring with you? All of these are important to know before you go. Facilities covered include libraries, archives, churches, cemeteries, courthouses and more. BXCA 1--1 hour 55 minute lesson--$39 Location Day Time


Lee HS

314 270 9701 05/04 BXCA



Begin $

Genealogy-Research Shortcuts (Adults)

Learn the research techniques and tools that good researchers and professionals use in their work. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class. BXCA 1--1 hour 55 minute lesson--$39 Location Day Time


Lee HS

314 271 0401 05/18 BXCA




Poe MS Lee HS

215 271 6801 03/25 BXCC 314 271 6801 04/28 BXCC


7pm 7pm

Begin $

Y-DNA Tracing Your Male Lines (Adults)

BXCA 1--1 hour 55 minute lesson--$39 7pm

Location Day Time

Begin $

Genealogy-Scots/Irish Research (Adults)

Learn how to trace your Scots-Irish (Ulster-Scots) ancestors. These ancestors are not a mixture of Scots and Irish, but Scots who lived in Ireland. Lecture

Testing the Y-chromosome (Y-DNA), the most powerful DNA test, is a valuable tool in tracing paternal lineages, but only males can take this test. However, there are ways women can benefit from this test. This course covers all recent advances and discusses strategies for testing and analysis. Examples are given from the speakers’ experience. BXCC 1--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$45 Location Day Time


Poe MS Lee HS

215 271 8801 06/17 BXCC 314 271 8801 03/24 BXCC


7pm 7pm

Begin $

Sitter Sessions (9-12 yrs.) Class introduces youngsters to the many challenges of babysitting and provides a great foundation for future babysitters. 2XD 2--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$49 Location Day Time


Begin $

Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore Wkfld/Moore

183 270 0502 183 270 0501 183 270 0504 183 270 0503

04/11 04/15 05/09 05/13

Sa W Sa W

12:30pm 6:30pm 12:30pm 6:30pm


Etiquette for Kids/Tweens (6-13 yrs.) Students learn the power and importance of good manners, the basics of poise, dressing to impress and more. Classes include topics on manners at home and in public, introductions, friendships and table settings. Classes are interactive, and there are opportunities for skills practice. Class includes a snack. Supply fee of $10 payable to instructor at first class. BXVA 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$115 Location Day Time


Begin $

Lane ES Oakton ES SpringHl ES Woodbrn ES

073 270 1401 092 270 1401 107 270 1401 131 270 1401

03/23 BXVA 03/25 BXVA 03/24 BXVA 03/21 BXVA

More classes online, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes

M W T Sa

5pm 5pm 5pm 9am


Register by February 13 and SAVE $8* For FCPA camps, use form in camps section

Spring 2015 Registration Form


Fairfax County in committed to giving all citizens equal access to recreation and leisure opportunities. In keeping with that policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations and inclusion opportunities are provided to individuals with disabilities in all Park Authority programs, classes and camps. ADA accommodations include sign interpreters, assistive listening devices, program modifications and inclusion support. Call 703-324-8563 or TT 703-803-3354 at least ten (10) working days in advance of the date services are needed.


Start Time

Listed Fee


315 0405


Zip Code:

Primary Date of Birth

Subscribe to Parktakes! It’s FREE! o Please mail Parktakes to the street address below. o I want to consider the environment. Please send Parktakes to the e-mail address below.


Start Date

6/23 2 pm $91 142

Requires $10 processing fee per class.

Exp. Date:



Check one. See scholarship information on next page. Signature is required.


Mail: FCPA/Parktakes, PO Box 4606, Fairfax, VA 22038-4606 Phone: 703-222-4664 (live); Fax: 703-631-2004

Pee Wee Paddler 1

Program Name



Primary Member (must be adult):


Work Phone:

– =


Print Subscribers: Your member number is on your mailing label. “Green” E-Subscribers: Your member number is in the e-mail you’ll receive announcing the posting of the latest Parktakes. Non-subscribers: Your member number will be assigned when your registration is processed. Please print clearly Member Number: (q Check if change of address) Street: AREA CODE

Sex M/F

Home Phone: Date of Birth Month/Day/Year 1ST CHOICE Program Code

Participant’s Name (Last, first)


M 142 315 0406

/ /

3 / 15 / 09 / /

Sample, Joey


Total Listed Fee(s): For all 1st choice programs



Early Registration Discount per Class: Deduct $8 for each 10 digit program code submitted (postmarked if mailed) by early registration date. Does not apply to programs without 10-digit codes, re-advertised tours or classes priced $45 or less.


2 SUBTOTAL Line 1 minus line 2

Payment Instructions




q Income-Eligible Senior or Income-Eligible Disabled Adult q Public Assistance Recipient (attach verification)




q Credit Card (Check type) q


SUBTOTAL Line 3 minus line 4

Fairfax County Senior Discount (10 digit coded classes only): Multiply line 3 by Line 3x 0.35 to calculate 35% senior discount. Do NOT round off cents. Write result in line 4. Only 0.35 = residents of Fairfax County and Fairfax City age 65 or older, are eligible. Not included: Day Seniors Trips and Tours, Pilates lessons, FallProof, Gravity lessons or classes priced $45 or less. See Only senior discount section on next page.

Deduct Credits: Deduct any credits received on this line


q Check enclosed $

One household per registration form, please. Additional registration forms may be photocopied or downloaded from the Park Authority web page, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ptregform-prnt.pdf.

q Use Class Refund Credits (if credits don’t cover full cost of registration, use any payment method listed above for balance due)

q Cash (walk-in only)


5 6

Out-of-County Registration Fee: Add $15 per 10-digit coded program for programs priced $46 and up; add $2 for programs priced $45 or less.




Donation to Class Scholarship: Add any amount you wish to donate to this program. Thank You! Donations of $10 or more will receive written confirmation of tax-deductible contribution.



TOTAL (PAY THIS AMOUNT): Total lines 5-8. Pay this amount. Make checks payable to FCPA. A $50 fee will be charged for returned checks



Spring 2015

For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664



REGISTRATION starts February 3




Five Ways To Register Register Yourself By Internet www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes Browse on-line listings, check class enrollment and register. You need a member number (in the upper left corner of your Parktakes mailing label). Internet registration offered daily, 5 a.m.-11 p.m. beginning Feb. 3.

Talk To An Operator 703-222-4664

Extended Hours Feb. 3: 5 a.m.-4 p.m. Normal hours, resume Feb. 4: Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Please have your member number and the program codes.

Fax it 703-631-2004

Processing of faxed registrations begins Feb. 3. Faxed registrations received prior to Feb. 3 are held until that date. Sorry! Due to volume, we cannot confirm fax receipt. Allow 3-5 days for processing.

Mail It

Processing of mailed registrations begins Feb. 3. Mailed registrations received prior to Feb. 3 are held until that date. Send completed forms to FCPA/Parktakes, PO Box 4606, Fairfax, Va., 22038. Allow 3-5 days for processing.

Walk-In Begins Feb. 16

At any FCPA RECenter or FCPA Headquarters (suite 425). See page 10 for directions.


Print Subscribers: Your member number is on your mailing label. E-Subscribers: Your member number is included in the quarterly e-mail you’ll receive announcing the online posting of the latest Parktakes. Non-subscribers: Your member number will be assigned when your registration is processed. Still need help? Call 703-222-4664, 9 a.m.4 p.m. weekdays.


Confirmations are sent by email to customers who register by Internet, fax or mail and provide a valid email address. For fax/mail, allow 2-3 business days for receipt. You may also check your registration status by clicking on ‘My Account’ at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes or by calling 703-222-4664. Refunds are not given because confirmation was not received.


Any exception to regular schedules will be announced by the instructor at the first class.


• Classes held at park facilities, schools, community and senior centers follow the Fairfax County

Spring 2015

public schools closing policies. • Cancelation news is announced by local radio and television and on Fairfax County government’s cable channels 16 and 21. • Customers can call 703-324-8661, the 24-hour emergency closing hotline. • Decisions on cancelations for classes held at vendor locations are made independently. Customers should call the location where the class is being held. • For information on tour cancelation due to weather, call the Tours Hotline, 703-324-8687.


• FCPA will automatically post a full credit to your member account when a class or program is canceled in its entirety. If individual meetings are canceled by the FCPA due to circumstances like inclement weather, a credit will be applied to your member account at the end of the program session for any classes not made up. • FCPA will issue a full refund when a class or program is changed by FCPA, and the change makes it impossible for the customer to continue with the class. When a customer cancels a registration, the following fees apply per registration: Classes • Request received 14 or more days prior to the start date - full refund. • Request received 13 or fewer days prior to the start date - $10 processing fee applied • Request received on class start date - refund minus cost of one class and $10 processing fee. • Request received after start date - prorated refund based on number of classes passed and $10 processing fee. • Requests for refunds must be submitted prior to the end of the session. • Refunds or class credits are not issued for missed individual meetings of a class. Camps/Workshops • Transfers and refund requests must be received 14 days prior to the camp start date. A $25 processing fee per session will be deducted. • Request received 13 or fewer days prior to the start date - no refund. Day Trips and Tours • Request received 14 or more days prior to the trip date - full refund. • Requests received 13 or fewer days prior to the trip date - no refund.


Not the right class? Call 703-222-4664 (M-F, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) before second class meets for transfer options.


$10 PROCESSING FEE APPLIES Fairfax County residents who meet the requirements listed below are eligible to take one coded class per quarter. There is a $10 processing fee for each scholarship class that is refundable only if Fairfax County cancels the program. No scholarships are offered for camps, workshops, Day Trips and Tours, programs offered by private vendors, FallProof, Gravity or Pilates lessons. Supply fees must be paid by student. Registration forms must include: signature, verification, complete registration form, and processing fee. Scholarship requests must be submitted by mail or fax. See the address and fax number on the registration form.

Public Assistance Recipients Parents/Guardians are eligible to register each dependent family member that receives public assistance for one coded class per quarter. A verification letter from the agency providing assistance must be provided and include eligibility dates and the name of the dependent who will receive the scholarship. Acceptable forms of public assistance are: • Medicaid • WIC • Head Start • Free school lunch • FAMIS • SNAP (food stamps) • TANF

Senior Adults and Adults with Disabilities A scholarship of one class per quarter is offered for senior adults and adults with disabilities who certify that their income is below the guidelines listed: • $16,700/one person • $22,500/family of two • $28,300/family of three • $34,100/family of four • $39,900/family of five • $45,700/family of six For each additional person, add $5,800 to determine maximum annual income for eligibility.

SENIOR DISCOUNTS Fairfax County and Fairfax City residents age 65 or older get a 35 percent discount. This applies to CODED classes only. Not included: Day Trips and Tours, Pilates lessons, FallProof, Gravity lessons and programs priced $45 or less. * Early registration discount does not apply to programs without 10-digit codes, “re-advertised” tours or classes priced $45 or less.

PARKTAKES SUBSCRIPTIONS • Call 703-222-4664, or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ptsubs.htm.


Stake Your Claim to Summer Fun!

Lake Fairfax Park, Reston

Buy a season pass before May 25, 2015 and get the

Gold Rush Discount

Passes on Sale April 1 GOLD RUSH DISCOUNT

Single $79, Family of two $142, Each additional person $48

Special Bonus: Four free guest passes with each Family Pass purchased before May 25, 2015.

Buy your passes online at http://go.usa.gov/DOM or contact the park at 703-471-5414

The Water Mine opens May 23


SPRING 2015 May 1-June 15

SAVE 15% on 4 and 12 month



Initiation Fee – or –

Residency Restrictions

Available at all Park Authority RECenters and online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/passesonline.htm


For a free subscription to Parktakes, call 703-222-4664

Spring 2015

Clemy jontri Park Where every child can play!

Each year, more than 200,000 visitors play in this beloved park for people with and without disabilities. Like a child’s favorite toy, the park is now showing signs of how loved it has been over the past eight years through wear and weather.

“In Johnny’s 5 years of life, I have never seen him laugh this hard before! Clemyjontri Park, and especially the Liberty Swing, brings such happiness to him, and we are so grateful for it!” Jeanine Ruppel, Johnny’s mother

Help restore Clemyjontri Park and assure laughter and smiles for generations to come. Make your tax-deductible donation online at www.FairfaxParkFoundation.org or call 703-324-8582. Or mail your donation to: Fairfax County Park Foundation

Clemyjontri Restoration Campaign

12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 404 Fairfax, VA 22035

Your donation today will put a smile on a child’s face tomorrow! Mark your calendar for April 25, 2015 to attend Clemyjontri’s black-tie evening benefit Concert in the Park! The five-star dining and entertainment event is sponsored by Friends of Clemyjontri Park in partnership with the Fairfax County Park Foundation. To register, visit www.friendsofclemy.com.

Parktakes Fairfax County Park Authority 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927 Fairfax, VA 22035-5500

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