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Martial Arts and Self-Defense
Martial Arts
For yoga, meditation, Pilates, qigong and tai chi classes, see the alternative exercise listings in the Exercise and Fitness section.
For martial arts classes:
• Testing, conducted on and off site for an additional fee, may be required to advance to the next martial arts level. Testing dates are announced at the start of class. • Uniforms are required for classes at all locations.
Uniforms may be purchased through any source and may be available from the instructor for a separate fee. Since specific uniforms may be mandatory for testing/advancement in certain classes, it is recommended that you check with the instructor before buying. • Separate fees may be charged for tournaments, protective gear and belts, if required for advancement.
Aikido & Self-Defense I
(13-Adult) Japanese concept of circular motion to neutralize an attacker’s power by moving with it. Defense against grabbing, choking and striking attacks are covered. Emphasis is on techniques that are effective without causing serious or permanent injury to the attacker.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 4MG 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$239 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 4pm 78D.YIP2 1/14 4MG SpHillREC Su 3pm 78D.57PG 1/8 4MA SpHillREC Su 4pm 78D.TJVL 1/8 4MA
Aikido & Self-Defense II
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Aikido and Self-Defense I or permission of instructor.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 5pm CF6.BNB3 1/8 4MA
Japanese Swordsmanship
(13-Adult) Students learn the ancient samurai sword arts stances, postures and movements, including Iaijutsu sword-drawing and cutting techniques and paired-student kenjutsu exercises. Equipment is provided for beginning students.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Su 6pm 90A.ELQU 1/15 4MA Wkfld/Moore W 7pm 90A.RRJR 1/18 4MA
Jodo-Japanese Staff
(13-Adult) Class focuses on the Japanese marital art of jodo, uses a 50-inch hardwood staff and is based on the Shindo Muso Ryu martial tradition. Class covers basic jodo techniques as well as a series of interactive drills and kata that comprise the art. All levels welcome and all equipment provided.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Th 7pm 60E.DMR8 1/19 3MA
(13-Adult) Learn the most efficient use of mental and physical energy for defense through judo techniques including throwing, choking, holding and joint locking.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Su 5pm 5F3.G0F7 1/7 4MA
Jujitsu-All Levels
(13-Adult) Self-defense typified by grab escapes, throwing and submission holds.
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Su 3:30pm E32.33SM 1/8 4MB
Jung Su Beginning
Martial art that combines tang soo do, jujitsu and kickboxing. Learn a wide range of skills that cover blocking, striking, kicking, grappling, sparring, weapons defense and traditional armed fighting.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97 4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am 9BA.5H22 1/14 4MA Wkfld/Moore W 6pm 9BA.ZFQW 1/18 4MA
CubRunREC Sa 11am 28A.M8NV 1/14 3MA
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm 11F.WY6N 1/16 4MA
Jung Su Advanced
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Jung Su Beginning or equivalent.
3MB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$144 4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 11am 563.8HX1 1/14 3MB Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 563.H778 1/14 4MB Wkfld/Moore M 7pm 563.P7XP 1/16 4MB Wkfld/Moore W 7pm 563.PEXN 1/18 4MB
Karate I
Designed to help you learn self-defense, gain confidence, and build leadership and independence.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
DMVF 10--45 minute lessons--$106 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
OakMarREC Su 3pm 27A.GSVK 1/8 4MA BlkBltFFX M 5:30pm 4XF.92Y8 1/9 DMVF BlkBltFFX T 5:30pm 4XF.KIES 1/10 DMVF BlkBltFFX W 5:30pm 4XF.X10U 1/11 DMVF BlkBltFFX Th 5:30pm 4XF.UXU8 1/12 DMVF BlkBltFFX F 4:45pm 4XF.DK97 1/13 DMVF ProvREC Su 12pm 4XF.PL3D 1/8 4MA
BlkBltFFX T 8:45pm LYL.EVZ7 1/10 DMVF BlkBltFFX Th 8:45pm LYL.HZV8 1/12 DMVF ProvREC Su 1pm LYL.BWV5 1/8 4MA
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Karate I or equivalent.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 11am 964.DMBV 1/14 4MA (applications) are covered. Sparring is introduced as an option for interested students.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Su 11am 8E5.A6I6 1/15 3MA
Karate III
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Karate II or equivalent.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC W 8pm 210.JT8D 1/18 4MA
Karate for Families
(6-Adult) This class gives family members an opportunity to participate together. Students learn self-defense, gain confidence and build leadership and independence. Each student must register individually.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97 4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk Th 7pm D2F.9TJT 1/12 3MA LeeREC Sa 10am D2F.HQAP 1/14 4MA LeeREC Sa 12:30pm D2F.K3L0 1/14 4MA LeeREC M 7pm D2F.5ULD 1/16 4MA LeeREC T 6:30pm D2F.JIEH 1/17 4MA LeeREC W 7pm D2F.KMNO 1/18 4MA LeeREC F 7pm D2F.FK5Y 1/20 4MA OakMarREC Su 4pm D2F.PK0C 1/8 4MA
Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate
(13-Adult) Class focuses on teaching proper goju ryu technique with applications rather than extensive physical training. Kihon (basics), kata (forms) and bunkai
Shotokan Japanese Karate I
(6-Adult) Learn self-defense through techniques such as blocking, punching, striking and kicking in combination with other related movements.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 10am 31A.TNBK 1/7 4MA SpHillREC W 6pm 31A.DE5L 1/11 4MA
Shotokan Japanese Karate II
(6-Adult) Shotokan Japanese Karate I strongly recommended.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 9am 454.EG3G 1/7 4MA SpHillREC T 7pm 454.9V1A 1/10 4MA SpHillREC W 7pm 454.2FPA 1/11 4MA
Shotokan Japanese Karate III
(6-Adult) Shotokan Japanese Karate II strongly recommended.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 9am 3E5.YUY9 1/7 4MA SpHillREC T 7pm 3E5.TPWZ 1/10 4MA SpHillREC W 7pm 3E5.2QAR 1/11 4MA
Shotokan Japanese Karate-All Levels

(6-Adult) Learn self-defense through techniques such as blocking, punching, striking and kicking in combination with other related movements.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 8am 481.FZG0 1/7 4MA SpHillREC M 7pm 481.6WW9 1/9 4MA
Traditional Karate Uechi-Ryu
Success by complete discipline, physical defense, high personal standards, respect for others, positive attitude, confidence, leadership and control.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97 4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-Adult)
OakMarREC Sa 3pm 9CF.NQNW 1/7 4MA OakMarREC Sa 4pm 9CF.KOPS 1/7 4MA SoRunREC Sa 10:15am 9CF.K4R9 1/14 4MA
CubRunREC Th 7pm 889.5MEM 1/19 3MA MtVernREC M 7:30pm 889.8KHC 1/16 4MB MtVernREC W 7:30pm 889.0LZW 1/18 4MB OakMarREC W 7:30pm 889.R968 1/11 4MB SoRunREC Th 6:05pm 889.UFA8 1/19 4MB Waynewd ES M 7:30pm 889.LPVQ 1/16 4MB Waynewd ES W 7:30pm 889.YRQY 1/18 4MB
Traditional art of Japanese fencing using a bamboo sword-shinai. Supply fee of $35 for classes at Lee District.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-Adult)
SpHillREC T 7pm 3F3.BO64 1/17 4MA
LeeREC F 7pm 48C.0E5O 1/20 4MA
Kendo II
(8-Adult) Prerequisite: Kendo I or equivalent.
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC T 7pm 357.702J 1/17 4MB
Kung Fu
(6-Adult) This traditional northern-style utilizes the empty hand, kicking and weapons training of Chinese Martial Arts. Additional fee for class t-shirt and pants.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC T 7pm 9DF.LV2N 1/10 4MA SpHillREC Th 7pm 9DF.DUBN 1/12 4MA SpHillREC Sa 9am 9DF.356V 1/7 4MA
Programs for your health and wellness
Kung Fu II
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Kung Fu I. This traditional northern-style utilizes the empty hand, kicking and weapons training of Chinese Martial Arts. For beginners to intermediate levels of white to green sash. Additional fee for class t-shirt and pants.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC T 7pm CA6.TJT9 1/10 4MA SpHillREC Th 7pm CA6.7FXS 1/12 4MA SpHillREC Sa 9am CA6.JFBB 1/7 4MA
Kung Fu III
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Kung Fu II. For intermediate and advanced green to black sash students with continued training on long fist and short hand and northern kicks, as well as weapons training in staff, broadsword, straight sword and spear. Sparring and light contact drills offered as preparation for tournament competition.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 8am 9TG.9NXD 1/7 4MA
Indonesian Kung Fu
(13-Adult) Unique combination of Chinese gungfu and Indonesian pentjak silat offers a modern hybrid of the fighting arts. Training includes single- and multiple-attacker exercises, forms, solo drills, weapons, and body conditioning.
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 11am 6B2.WWDZ 1/14 4MB SoRunREC Th 7pm 6B2.3RTO 1/19 4MB LdbyExFrOks W 6pm 6MJ.8W47 1/11 DMVF LdbyExFrOks Th 4:30pm 6MJ.MGBY 1/12 DMVF LdbyExFrOks F 5:15pm 6MJ.KX30 1/13 DMVF SoRunREC Sa 12pm 6MJ.4TMU 1/14 DMVF SoRunREC W 5:30pm 6MJ.O083 1/18 BMVA
CubRunREC Su 11am 31F.X8YX 1/15 3MA CubRunREC W 7pm 31F.T7G6 1/18 3MA SpHillREC M 5:30pm 31F.PN96 1/9 4MA LdbyExFrOks Sa 12:15pm BAZ.SHQT 1/14 DMVF
BlkBltFFX T 7:45pm FM7.4EMT 1/10 DMVF BlkBltFFX Th 7:45pm FM7.EW48 1/12 DMVF Frying Pan Pk Th 6pm 31F.MEC7 1/12 3MA JRheeFlsCh M 7:45pm FM7.48OU 1/9 CMVF JRheeFlsCh Th 7:45pm FM7.PPU2 1/12 CMVF LdbyExFrOks T 8:30pm FM7.S18I 1/10 DMVF LdbyExFrOks W 6:45pm FM7.9UWV 1/11 DMVF LdbyExFrOks F 6:45pm FM7.3LL8 1/13 DMVF
Tae Kwon Do II
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Tae Kwon Do I or equivalent.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97 4MC 20--55 minute lessons--$239 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Su 12pm 2B9.KLKF 1/15 3MA SpHillREC M/W 6:30pm 2B9.C4J3 1/9 4MC
Tae Kwon Do III
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Tae Kwon Do II or equivalent.
4MC 20--55 minute lessons--$239 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC M/W 7:30pm B14.SD8K 1/9 4MC (13-Adult) Learn principles, techniques and self-defense applications of traditional Karate, Kobudo (weapons) and Jujitsu.
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Su 4:30pm E5D.1ZYF 1/15 4MB Wkfld/Moore Th 6:30pm E5D.0KCC 1/19 4MB
Self-Defense for Women
(13-Adult) Learn proper use of strategy and tactics to defend yourself against attack. Course covers physical and psychological training, environmental awareness, verbal strategies, use of weapons and empty-handed defense.
4MF 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$92
CMVA 6--55 minute lessons--$91 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 4pm UBC.NPJH 1/14 CMVA SoRunREC W 5:30pm UBC.TJ56 1/18 CMVA Wkfld/Moore Th 7pm UBC.SOK6 1/19 CMVA SoRunREC T 7pm 158.GVO2 1/17 4MF
Self-Defense for Women II
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Self-Defense for Women I or equivalent.
4MF 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$94 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC T 7pm 077.HYLJ 2/21 4MF
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Kushin Itto-Ryu
(Adults) Kushin Itto-Ryu is a martial arts system that starts with aikijujutsu and then advances to uses of wooden bokken and other types of wooden practice weapons. Students will need to purchase a gi, bokken and hakama (for advanced practice).
3MB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$144 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC T 6:30pm MLJ.OZKX 1/17 3MB
Tae Kwon Do I
Korean martial art that teaches traditional self-defense techniques including kicking, punching, blocking, sparring and forms through individual and partner training. These classes are taught by our private vendor partners.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97 4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
BMVA 6--45 minute lessons--$91
CMVF 8--45 minute lessons--$85
DMVF 10--45 minute lessons--$106 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
BlkBltFFX M 5:30pm 6MJ.GRYC 1/9 DMVF BlkBltFFX T 5:30pm 6MJ.P6U3 1/10 DMVF BlkBltFFX W 5:30pm 6MJ.9OTH 1/11 DMVF BlkBltFFX Th 5:30pm 6MJ.2I2O 1/12 DMVF BlkBltFFX F 4:45pm 6MJ.A1N5 1/13 DMVF JRheeFlsCh T 5:15pm 6MJ.VEBD 1/10 CMVF JRheeFlsCh W 6pm 6MJ.FQKR 1/11 CMVF JRheeFlsCh F 5:15pm 6MJ.QMUW 1/13 CMVF LdbyExFrOks T 4:30pm 6MJ.MKTQ 1/10 DMVF