43 minute read
Burke Lake Park
7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, Va. 703-323-6600 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/burkelake

Burke Lake Park is over 800 acres and home to the largest lake in Fairfax County. This lake is around 218 acres and hosts a wild variety of wildlife. Surrounding the lake is an oak-hickory forest which includes streams, meadows and vernal pools. All these unique habitats are a great resource for our nature programs. Park grounds are open dawn till dusk daily.
Child and Parent Programs Little Tadpoles
(3-6 yrs.) Preschoolers and their accompanying parents can come explore the diverse ecosystem of the park’s lakefront. Join naturalists in a 4-week class packed with hands-on crafts, games, and activities designed to teach children about the various plants and animals that inhabit the park.
4--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk T 10am N4F.Q484 1/10 $40/child Burke Lake Pk T 11am N4F.DW4O 2/7 $40/child
Family/All Ages First Sunrise Hike of the Year

(4-Adult) Take a hike with a naturalist in the early morning to view the stunning first sunrise of the year as it crests over the lake. Rejuvenate as you walk along the park trails and signal in the new year. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 7am NAU.HWZE 1/1 $8/ea.
First Sunset Hike of the Year
(4-Adult) Take a hike with a naturalist in the evening to view the stunning first sunset of the year as it sets over the lake. Rejuvenate as you walk along the park trails and signal in the new year. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 5:30pm MMU.QIZZ 1/1 $8/ea.
Campfire Saturdays-Stargazing
(8-Adult) Learn to use clues like buds, bark and fruit to identify and enjoy the winter beauty of some of our park's native trees.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 1pm 97A.88CW 1/21 $8/ea.
Happy Hibernators
(6-Adult) Learn about animals who hibernate and those who don't. Walk in the park and visit the lake to find out how different animals survive until spring.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 3pm RYX.7AKH 1/21 $8/ea.
Campfire Saturdays
(4-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire with the whole family. During the program we will explore the wonders of our natural world. Our programs may include nature walks, interactive activities, animal presentations, or other opportunities to learn about nature. Includes S’mores. Topics vary by date. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute campfire Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 5pm UJU.WKB5 1/28 $10/ea. Burke Lake Pk Sa 5:30pm UJU.LQAR 2/11 $10/ea.
Winter Bird Walk
(4-Adult) Take a hike through the woods with a naturalist to listen and look for the Park’s winter avian residents and migrants. Find out what birds do to survive the winter weather.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 9am 4F9.R3GU 1/29 $8/ea. Burke Lake Pk Sa 9am 4F9.3ORO 2/18 $8/ea.
Children’s Programs Furry Foxes
(3-8 yrs.) These wild members of the dog family are a common sight in our neighborhoods. Learn about their lives through activities and practice yipping like a fox. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 4pm 7YG.HCFN 1/22 $10/child
Speak for the Trees
(4-12 yrs.) Celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday with a reading of The Lorax. Make a Lorax craft and learn how trees help people.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 2pm 1BC.KXNP 2/4 $8/child
Valentine's Cookie Decorating
(2-12 yrs.) Pick up an icing bag and join a naturalist in decorating your very own sugar cookies. Give the decorate cookies as gifts to friends and family members along with a personalized note. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 1pm W6R.NKMA 2/12 $8/child (3-Adult) Enjoy a stroll along the lake shores and learn about the constellations, their stories and other nightsky features. Our astronomical naturalist identifies the stars for you and will have some telescopes for you to use. The program concludes with a campfire. S'mores ingredients provided; hot dogs welcome. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute campfire Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 5:30pm 395.XOOU 1/7 $10/ea. Burke Lake Pk Sa 6:30pm 395.8HML 2/25 $10/ea.
Winter Woods Hike & Craft
(4-Adult) Hike through the winter woods to learn some useful tips for identifying winter trees. Afterwards, appreciate season's beauty with a winter-themed craft.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 2pm XMC.GTK6 1/8 $8/ea.
Foraging for Wild Edibles
(9-Adult) With every season there are different blooms, leaves, roots, seeds and mushrooms that you can identify and eat. Learn how to do this safely and ethically as you join a Naturalist on a walk by the Lake.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 10:30am 8Y3.EUSD 1/14 $10/ea.
Home Made Bird Feeders
(2-Adult) Bring your empty milk jugs and/or two liter soda bottles to make bird feeders. We discuss tips for feeding birds and learn to identify common birds that visit home bird feeders. Dress for the weather and bring binoculars. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk F 4:30pm 420.C72E 2/3 $8/ea.
How to Say “Be Mine” in the Animal World
(3-Adult) Animals communicate in many ways. Learn how to express your affection in chimpanzee, toad, wolf and more on this outside Valentine’s Day walk and talk. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 2pm Q4J.G7J8 2/11 $10/ea.
Hibernator Hike
(4-Adult) The animals may be hibernating in the winter, but that does not mean that there is no sign of them. Join a naturalist as they help you to identify the various signs of animal life in the woods. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 4pm PCP.IRWN 2/25 $8/ea.
Teen/Adult Programs Geology and Hydrology Hike
(12-Adult) Walk with a naturalist to learn how the lake was formed and where the water is going.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 11am F0M.LW55 1/7 $8/ea.
Friday Date Night
(16-Adult) Bring your significant other along and join a naturalist for a new and unique date night activity. Spend quality time with your favorite person and take the opportunity to strengthen your relationship.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk F 6:30pm AP3.9I7V 1/13 $20/ea. Burke Lake Pk F 7pm AP3.LC2V 2/17 $20/ea.
Signs of Life in Winter
(12-Adult) Even though the trees have dropped their leaves and the plants and animals are hibernating, there is still life to be found in our winter woods. Join a naturalist as they point out our winter time residents.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 2pm SR0.7AXC 2/5 $8/ea.
Valentine's Tea and Poetry
(12-Adult) Sip some mint tea with your best friend or significant other as a naturalist helps you pen your own love poems based off of famous love poems. Practice your penmanship while learning some helpful calligraphy tips to give your poems a more personalized feel.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 10am OJ5.B7BO 2/12 $15/ea.
Ellanor C. Lawrence Park and Walney Visitor Center
5040 Walney Rd., Chantilly, Va. 703-631-0013 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl

The Walney Visitor Center features live animals, natural and cultural exhibits and a hands-on area for young visitors highlighting the past farmland and present parkland. Features include: • Dairy historic foundation • Spring house • Icehouse historic foundation • Smokehouse • Gardens • Meadow and pond • Woodland trails • Kid-friendly red wagon sandboxes

Hours and Admission
Open Monday, Wednesday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday 12-5 p.m. (closed Tuesdays). Programs meet at the Walney Visitor Center unless otherwise noted. Grounds open dawn to dusk.
Child and Parent Programs Critter Crawl
(2-6 yrs.) Walk with a naturalist and your child as we investigate the critters who make this park their home. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Th 10am 6A8.8F2H 12/15 $10/child ECLawrncePk Th 10am 6A8.U77M 1/19 $10/child ECLawrncePk Th 10am 6A8.GC49 2/23 $10/child
Nature Tots- Winter
(1-3 yrs.) Bring your toddler to explore nature, through sight, sound, smell and touch. Program includes indoor and outdoor activities. Adults must be able to participate with children. Topics vary with seasons: Jan.-Snow and Ice; Feb.-Wind and Mud.
1--45 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk W 9:45am 9C5.ED3P 1/4 $10/child ECLawrncePk W 11am 9C5.O2UM 1/4 $10/child ECLawrncePk W 9:45am 9C5.2BS3 2/1 $10/child ECLawrncePk W 11am 9C5.NBMP 2/1 $10/child
Children’s Programs Nature Storytelling
(3-6 yrs.) Explore the parks through books. Hear a story, enjoy nature activities, take a short hike, and finish with a craft. Topics will change seasonally. A parent must accompany each registered child in the program.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Th 10am Z48.JCLL 1/5 $10/child ECLawrncePk Th 10am Z48.CKF4 2/9 $10/child
Feeding Day
(4-13 yrs.) Join a naturalist as they demonstrate how we feed our site display animals. Make a birdfeeder to take home and use. Search for worms and insects and assist in serving dinner. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Sa 10am 605.XII2 1/21 $8/child ECLawrncePk Sa 10am 605.X55T 2/18 $8/child
Groundhog Day!
(4-12 yrs.) Learn the story behind Groundhog Day and interesting facts about this animal. Visit the home of the Walney garden groundhog and play some groundhog games. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Th 3pm 93F.IAPV 2/2 $7/child
Nature DIY Valentines
(6-12 yrs.) Nothing says “I love you” more than a homemade card. Use natural materials to create your own card just in time for the holiday. Materials will be provided for cards that kids can make. Stay for a little while, or the whole time.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Sa 3pm RR5.2181 2/11 $9/child
Family/All Ages Family Outdoor Exploration
(All Ages) Get your family into the great outdoors with a personalized naturalist or historian led program. This choose your own exploration can investigate topics like, Stream Life, Pond Life, Animal Habitats, and Survival Skills. Once you register, we will reach out to you to plan your family exploration. Visit ParkTakes online for available times or contact the site directly to make arrangements.
$55 per family for a 1-hour program Winter Bird Walk
(4-Adult) Take a hike through the woods with a naturalist to listen and look for the park’s winter avian residents and migrants. Find out what birds do to survive the winter weather.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Sa 10am 4F9.Y52I 12/10 $7/ea. ECLawrncePk W 10am 4F9.LJV1 12/21 $7/ea.
Home Made Bird Feeders
(2-Adult) Bring your empty milk jugs and/or two liter soda bottles to make bird feeders. We discuss tips for feeding birds and learn to identify common birds that visit home bird feeders. Dress for the weather and bring binoculars. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Su 2pm 420.II1T 1/15 $8/ea.
Squirrels in Winter
(4-Adult) Learn the different ways the park's squirrels and their Sciuridae family relatives, chipmunks and groundhogs, survive the winter. Take a short hike to look for signs of these animals and their winter homes.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Su 2pm E04.L8CS 1/22 $7/ea.
Winter Stream Life
(8-Adult) Explore Walney Creek with a naturalist to meet some of the small creek critters (macroinvertebrates) that call it home. Learn why so many different types of macroinvertebrates are active in winter streams. The naturalist will demonstrate winter collecting and participants can help pick, sort and learn to identify these magnificent critters.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Sa 1pm 9A6.DRRB 2/18 $8/ea.
Campfire Programs Campfire Night Hike - Predators at Night
(4-Adult) Enjoy a night hike to learn about nocturnal hunters. Listen to taped calls of owls and coyotes and possibly catch a glimpse of them in the forest. End the evening with s'mores round the campfire. Children must be accompanied by an adult registered in the program.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Sa 4pm 02D.YLII 12/17 $8/ea. ECLawrncePk Sa 4pm 02D.Z7TZ 1/7 $8/ea. ECLawrncePk F 6pm 02D.QULW 2/17 $8/ea.
Winter Wonder Campfire
(4-Adult) Bundle up and discover animal strategies for surviving winter. Meet some exhibit animals and find out their strategies. Enjoy s'mores.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Sa 6pm CDE.R34B 1/21 $8/ea.
Vernal Pool Ventures Campfire
(4-Adult) Vernal pools are one of our parks most fascinating and elusive ecosystem. Join us after hours as we hike the trails and search for signs of new amphibian life. Learn about the life cycle and early development of local amphibians. Hike the trails at night and end with roasting s'mores over a campfire. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute campfire Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Su 5:30pm 721.6GYO 2/26 $10/ea.
Hidden Oaks Nature Center

7701 Royce Street, Annandale, Va. 22003 703-941-1065 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ hiddenoaks/
Located in Annandale District Park, the newly renovated and expanded Hidden Oaks Nature Center is nestled among woodland trails and creeks with a pond, gardens and a butterfly-themed playground nearby. Center features include: • Nature Playce outdoor exploration center • Self-guided interpretive trail • Live animal displays • Interactive urban woodlands exhibit • By-request programs • Meeting rooms reservable for private functions Visit the Winged Wonders wall to compare your “wingspan” to that of wild animals and take a photo next to the woodland wildlife tree sculpture.
Hours and Admission

The Nature Center is open daily 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (closed on Tuesdays). Grounds open dawn to dusk daily.
Child and Parent Programs Little Acorns-Winter
(2-5 yrs.) Preschoolers and their accompanying adult share nature's wonders in this interactive class.Experiences include finger plays, stories, meeting animals and weather permitting, outdoor exploration. One adult per child only please and no siblings not registered in the program. Topics: Dec. 5- Polar Animals; Dec. 12- Evergreens; Dec. 19-Animals Getting Ready for Winter; Jan. 9-Wily Woodpeckers; Jan. 23- Birds in Winter; Jan. 30- Hibernation; Feb. 6- Groundhogs; Feb. 13- Snowflakes & Feb. 27- Twinkle, Little Star.
1--45 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.UG29 12/5 $10/child HiddenOaks M 10am 392.F5ZV 12/12 $10/child HiddenOaks M 10am 392.82ZD 12/19 $10/child HiddenOaks M 10am 392.O1CE 1/9 $10/child HiddenOaks M 10am 392.4KGG 1/23 $10/child HiddenOaks M 10am 392.BAQE 1/30 $10/child HiddenOaks M 10am 392.BSD2 2/6 $10/child HiddenOaks M 10am 392.CMB5 2/13 $10/child HiddenOaks M 10am 392.Q27V 2/27 $10/child
Children’s Programs Animal Pajama Party
(3-7 yrs.) Put on your pajamas and come to the nature center to hear bedtime stories, meet animals and wish goodnight to the center's live animals. Bring your favorite stuffed animal with you. One adult only per registered child.
1--45 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 6:45pm 6CC.8VKK 12/3 $10/child HiddenOaks Sa 6:45pm 6CC.7RQH 1/14 $10/child HiddenOaks Sa 6:45pm 6CC.TFDH 2/18 $10/child
Kaleidoscope Art Weaving
(7-10 yrs.) Be inspired by the colors in nature to create a unique weaving. After learning several techniques, use a forked tree branch to weave yarn, ribbon, fabric, craft feathers, beads, seeds and more. All materials included. Bring sharp scissors. One adult per registered child must attend to assist child with the project.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 12:30pm QND.RGAR 12/10 $10/child
Drawing Outer Space with Oil Pastels
(7-10 yrs.) Learn fun facts about outer space and how moon craters form with a hands-on activity. Explore using oil pastels to draw your own nebula, planets, and stars on black paper. One adult may attend with registered child. All materials are included.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 1pm FMS.ZWFX 1/14 $15/ea
Dino Puppet Show & Activities
(4-8 yrs.) Dinosaurs once roamed all the Earth, places far and near. How do we know that they were here? Enjoy a puppet show and crafts along with fun fossil facts. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 1pm C97.AYGW 1/21 $10/child HiddenOaks Sa 3pm C97.4YEM 1/21 $10/child
All Ages Kaleidoscope Art Weaving
(16-Adult) Be inspired by the colors in nature to create a unique weaving. After learning several techniques, use a forked tree branch to weave yarn, ribbon, fabric, craft feathers, beads, seeds and more. All materials included. Bring sharp scissors. Suitable for beginners.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 10am JU5.MRSW 12/10 $15/ea.
Wonder of Crows and Jays
(6-Adult) Join Diva Crows and site manager Michael McDonnell who sing the praises of crows, blue jays and other backyard birds. Meet Apollo, an unreleasable crow which is an accomplished author and painter. Get close to other live unreleasable backyard birds who are under the care of trained rehabilitators. Learn natural and cultural facts about crows, and jays and why these birds have undeserved bad reputations.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 1:30pm 03P.L8NY 12/10 $10/ea.
Flying Squirrels - Gliding in Tonight
(4-Adult) Join a naturalist calling in these amazing night gliders and look for flying squirrels at roosting boxes near the nature center. Learn how you can encourage flying squirrels to visit your yard. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 5pm 8E6.CGH6 12/10 $7/ea. HiddenOaks Sa 6:45pm 8E6.VI2J 1/7 $7/ea. HiddenOaks Sa 7pm 8E6.V0K5 2/4 $7/ea.
Tea Rex Tea Party
(4-Adult) How fun would it be to have a dinosaur friend over for tea? May be more complicated than you planned. Join us for a ferociously fun tea party highlighting Cretaceous creatures, a puppet show and a sit down tea. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in this program.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Su 2pm 5RQ.TWOP 12/11 $15/ea.

Snake and Turtle Feeding
(4-Adult) Enjoy a brief presentation and demonstration by our animal caretaker staff. At least one snake, two turtles and a toad will be fed. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 1pm EFC.0X7X 12/31 $7/ea. HiddenOaks W 3pm EFC.26SV 1/25 $7/ea.
Chinese New Year
(4-Adult) Celebrate Chinese New Year with games, stories and crafts. Participate in a Ribbon Dance and a Dragon Parade. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Su 2pm E75.6PAC 1/22 $8/ea.
Astronomy for Family Fun-Stars
(5-Adult) Learn about the natural and cultural science of stars including fun facts about our own star and the most easily viewed stars. Learn how you can further explore stars as a family. Children must be accompanied by an adult registered in the program.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 6:30pm BCD.CA5C 1/28 $7/ea.
Astronomy for Family Fun-Planets
(5-Adult) What is out there rotating around our sun? Learn about the planets, moons and their effect on us and the rest of the solar system. Learn how your family can enjoy investigating the universe together. Children must be accompanied by an adult registered
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 3pm 127.9OF2 2/11 $8/ea.
Owl Walk and Talk
(4-Adult) Enjoy a late afternoon walk to learn why winter is the best time to go owl-ing. Enjoy a story, learn to identify local owl calls, discover why owls are nicknamed flying tigers of the night and enjoy a woodland stroll. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 5pm 7X8.M9BD 2/11 $8/ea.
Campfire Programs All About Owls Campfire
(4-Adult) Barred owls inhabit our stream valley parks. Learn to identify these owls from other native owls while enjoying the campfire. Toast marshmallows over the embers. Canceled in case of inclement weather. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks F 7pm 232.PX0D 1/6 $8/ea.
Flying Squirrel Campfire

(4-Adult) Enjoy an evening around the campfire, toasting marshmallows over the embers and learn about flying squirrels that live in our area. Cancelled in case of inclement weather. Children must attend with an adult and all attendees must register.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 6pm 4F5.2AZG 1/21 $8/ea. HiddenOaks Sa 6pm 4F5.TCVJ 2/25 $8/ea.
All About Bats Campfire

(4-Adult) Several bat species flit in the Virginia sky. Look for them as we head to our campfire where you learn fun bat facts and lore plus enjoy an American Indian story. Toast marshmallows over the embers. Cancelled in case of inclement weather. Minimum age to attend program is 4 yrs. Children must attend with an adult and all attendees must register.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Su 7pm 62D.CERP 2/5 $8/ea.
(16-Adult) Learn fun facts about outer space and how moon craters form with a hands-on activity. Explore oil pastels to draw your own nebula, planets, stars and more on black paper. All materials are included.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 10am MIK.WW3E 1/14 $20/ea.
Drawing Weather and Skies
(16-Adult) The sky can be peaceful or dramatic and it is ever changing. Learn how to creatively add weather data to your nature journal. Discover techniques for drawing and painting skyscapes, clouds, rain and snowflakes. Media discussed will include watercolor, oil pastel, watercolor pencils, ink and gel pens. Many materials will be available to borrow in class.
3--2 hour lessons Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 9:30am 2ZN.19UM 2/4 $60/ea.
Hidden Pond Nature Center

8511 Greeley Boulevard, Springfield, Va. 703-451-9588 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/hiddenpond
Beautiful scenery, extensive woodland trails and abundant wildlife supported by Pohick Creek surround Hidden Pond Nature Center. Features include: • Nature center exhibits • Nature trail • Pond • Tot playground • Picnic shelter
Hours and Admission
The Nature Center is open daily 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (closed on Tuesdays). Group programs are available by request. Grounds open dawn to dusk daily.
Series Programs Homeschool at the Pond
(7-11 yrs.) This program, based on the Pohick Rangers series. is geared to meet some homeschool science requirements. Topics vary. Meets every other week.
5--1 hour 30 minute programs Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond T 1pm 8A7.8U08 1/3 $70/child
Science and Nature Explorers
(5-7 yrs.) Supplement your child’s science education. Students will participate in science experiments and activities exploring the Virginia science standard of learning, as they relate to nature and the outdoors. This program focuses on grades K to 1. Classes for this program meet every other week.
4--1 hour programs Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond W 4:30pm 555.4TDR 1/11 $32/child
Nature Quest
(3-6 yrs.) Be a part of the long-running naturalist program designed for preschool-age explorer. From field to stream and everything in between, children learn about many of our local animal species hands-on and in the field. Program topics vary each week.
4--1 hour programs Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond Th 11:30am 741.ED8Q 1/12 $40/child
Geo Rangers
(6-10 yrs.) This hands-on program will cover the rock types and allow the participants to become familiar with our local geology. Program includes fossils and their formation, uses of rocks and mineral, and activities to help reinforce what is being covered.
4--1 hour 30 minute lessons Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond T 4:30pm 124.D1US 1/24 $54/child
Children’s Programs Santa's Critters & Craft
(2-12 yrs.) Come meet Santa and his merry band of critters. Bring your camera to take a picture with Jolly Saint Nick, his elves and their animal friends.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond Sa 10am 5BF.AP1F 12/10 $12/child
Family/All Ages Family Wreath Making
(All Ages) Make your own seasonal wreath out of vines decorated with greens, cones, dried flowers and ribbons. Register one adult to reserve the supplies for yourself and/or your family. One wreath per registrant. Please register another adult per additional wreath.
1--Kit Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond Su 2pm 980.E48Q 12/4 $25/ea.
Animal Feeding
(3-Adult) It's dinner time at the nature center and worms and insects are on the menu. Help our naturalist care for and feed the nature center's animals.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond W 4:30pm 46D.BCJZ 12/14 $8/ea. HiddenPond W 4:30pm 46D.1X6T 1/18 $8/ea. HiddenPond W 4:30pm 46D.FMTT 2/15 $8/ea.
Campfire Fridays
(3-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire the whole family can enjoy. We will explore the wonders of our natural world. Our programs may include nature walks, interactive activities, animal presentations, or other opportunities to learn about nature and our place in it. Includes S’mores. Topics vary by date. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute campfire Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond F 6pm 546.3Y8Q 1/20 $10/ea. HiddenPond F 6pm 546.U06D 2/17 $10/ea.
Huntley Meadows Park and Visitor Center

3701 Lockheed Blvd., Alexandria, Va. 703-768-2525 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ huntley-meadows
One of Fairfax County Park Authority’s largest parks (1,500 acres), Huntley Meadows offers opportunities for some of the best wildlife watching around!
Features include:
• Wetland boardwalk • Interpretive trail • Observation platforms • Visitor Center • Forests, meadows, streams and ponds • Auditorium • Exhibits • Outdoor classroom

Hours and Admission
Visitor Center open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Tuesday) and weekends, 12 p.m.-5 p.m. All programs require reservations. Private programs also available upon request. For more information visit the website or call the park directly. Park grounds open dawn to dusk.
(7-12 yrs.) Join a Park Naturalist to learn how to survive in nature’s most challenging season. Learn skills humans use to stay safe and warm like preparing a winter survival kit, avoiding getting lost, building a fire in wet conditions and keeping a healthy mindset when faced with a challenge. Any supply fee payable at first class.
4--2 hour programs Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws F 2pm 20E.9QY3 1/20 $72/child (6-12 yrs.) Get wood, build a shelter, find food, and survive the monsters! Learn to take your Minecraft skills out into the real world with this adventurous program.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws W 1pm 1F6.NT0V 1/25 $12/child HuntMdws Th 10am 1F6.7N2G 2/16 $12/child
Family/All Ages Corn Grinding & Clay Pottery
(4-Adult) How did the Powhatan Native Americans use the plants and animals you see every day for their medicine, grocery store, clothing and fun? Immerse yourself in a way of life 400 years ago. Grind corn, make a clay pot, master corn darts and go on a guided tour to see the park from the perspective of a Virginia Indian.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Th 9am 147.L7JO 12/1 $12/ea. HuntMdws Sa 1pm 147.4FST 12/10 $12/ea. HuntMdws Su 10am 147.SGEY 2/12 $12/ea.
Hot Cocoa Wetland Night Hike
(4-Adult) Sip hot cocoa and join a naturalist for a special winter wonder wetland tour after dark. We look for signs and listen for sounds of beavers, owls, deer and other nocturnal animals. We encourage program participants to bring their own mug to help us reduce waste. Children must be accompanied by registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 4:15pm 756.VPYG 12/10 $10/ea. HuntMdws Su 4:30pm 756.N2R2 1/8 $10/ea. HuntMdws Sa 4:45pm 756.L2T5 1/21 $10/ea. HuntMdws Sa 5pm 756.FETQ 2/4 $10/ea.
Sip & Sketch Animals
(5-Adult) Join a park naturalist to sip hot cocoa with marshmallows and learn the basics of drawing in this family friendly program. Then try your hand at drawing some of our taxidermy animals like a fox, owl, beaver, duck or raccoon. This program is great for all skill levels. Drawing materials will be provided.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Su 1pm 579.7OYN 12/11 $12/ea. HuntMdws Su 3pm 579.QDXY 2/12 $12/ea.
Catch a Critter!
(4-Adult) Grab a net and join us for a special day with a park scientist to see, touch, and study wetland creatures up close. Use magnifying lenses to study their unique characteristics. What critters live in the wetland? What can these little animals tell us about their home? This rare opportunity to dip-net in the wetland is possible through the guidance of our park naturalists.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 12pm F81.HWVV 12/13 $10/ea. HuntMdws W 12pm F81.8ZV4 12/21 $10/ea. HuntMdws T 12pm F81.V7Z0 1/3 $10/ea. HuntMdws M 2pm F81.FJZJ 1/16 $10/ea. HuntMdws Su 2pm F81.413V 1/22 $10/ea. HuntMdws Th 2pm F81.3G7G 2/16 $10/ea. HuntMdws F 2:30pm F81.GWEA 2/24 $10/ea.
Wildlife Walk at Huntley Meadows
(4-Adult) Enjoy a naturalist guided walk through the forested trails and wetland boardwalk. Look and listen for seasonally active wildlife like birds, frogs, turtles, dragonflies, muskrats and more. Touch biofacts like turtle shells and snakeskin. Each season brings different wildlife into view, what will you discover? Children must be accompanied by registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 3pm 65A.KLMS 12/13 $9/ea. HuntMdws F 3:30pm 65A.PDTS 1/6 $9/ea. HuntMdws M 12pm 65A.7S4L 1/16 $9/ea. HuntMdws T 1:30pm 65A.MC2Y 2/7 $9/ea.
Geminid Meteor Shower & Cocoa
(5-Adult) Have you ever seen a shooting star? Join park naturalists for a special opportunity to be in the park after dark and delight in the magic of the geminid meteor shower. Peer through the telescope and enjoy an astronomy talk with a park naturalist. Bring a yoga mat or blanket and find a comfortable spot on the boardwalk to gaze at the night sky while you sip hot cocoa. Bundle up and space out with us on this crisp winter evening.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 8pm TBM.27KM 12/13 $12/ea.
Winter Solstice Evening Walk
(5-Adult) Celebrate the first day of winter and shortest day of the year with a Park Naturalist for an outing into the forest and wetland at sunset on this evening walk. We will look and listen for signs of nocturnal wildlife.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 4:15pm 8CF.HKSW 12/20 $9/ea.
Twilight Boardwalk Stroll
(6-Adult) Join a park naturalist for a guided walk along the forested paths to the wetland and experience the park as it transitions from day into night. Watch and listen for beavers, owls and other nocturnal residents.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 4:30pm 343.TE5U 1/7 $10/ea. HuntMdws W 5pm 343.4VVM 2/1 $10/ea. HuntMdws Sa 5:15pm 343.P6CD 2/11 $10/ea. HuntMdws Th 5:15pm 343.G21Z 2/16 $10/ea.

Family Owl Outing
(6-Adult) Discover the secret world of owls. Learn what makes these raptors excellent night predators with a presentation followed by a trail hike to hopefully hear or spot one of Huntley's resident owls. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Su 4:45pm A78.IDAR 1/22 $9/ea. HuntMdws Su 4:45pm A78.QIXA 2/19 $9/ea.
Draw Cute Wetland Animals
(6-Adult) Take a naturalist-guided walk through Huntley Meadows Park, and learn how to draw simple and cute renditions of the wildlife you see. Drawing tools will be provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Th 1pm 907.4IZP 2/2 $12/ea.
Family Woodcock Walk

(6-Adult) Come for an evening walk through the woods to one of the park's large meadows. Listen for the call of the male woodcock and hopefully see his amazing courtship display and flight. Bring a flashlight. Approximately 1.5 mile walk on uneven terrain. Canceled if rain. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Meets at the South Kings Highway entrance to the park.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 5:30pm 3C9.GNX5 2/25 $9/ea.
Teen/Adult Programs Winter Trees and Landscapes Sketch Hike

(12-Adult) Join park naturalist and artist Margaret Wohler on a walk through the park to learn about the techniques of drawing winter trees and landscapes. Drawing supplies included.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 10am FC1.99O1 12/3 $18/ea.
Owl Outing
(Adults) These nocturnal raptors are pair-bonding and looking for nesting sites at this time of year. Prowl the park after dark to listen for and learn about our local owls and possibly see a barred owl. Meet at the Visitor Center and dress for the weather and standing off trail.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 4:15pm 68B.UT6W 12/3 $10/ea.
Wetland at Dusk Walk
(Adults) Join park naturalists for a relaxing stroll through the park's forest and wetland paths. Look and listen for wildlife settling down or waking up during the transition of day to night.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 4:15pm F3C.Y0I8 12/17 $10/ea. HuntMdws Sa 5pm F3C.53D0 1/28 $10/ea.
Lichens Sketch Hike
Wohler, to learn all about lichen, this hybrid organism, identify those greenish patches seen on trees and rocks and learn how to draw the textures defining lichen colonies. Keep a complimentary field sketch book and drawing materials, courtesy of the RunningBrooke Fund.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 10am 830.QF60 3/4 $18/ea.
Lake Accotink Park

7500 Accotink Park Road, Springfield, Va. 703-569-0285 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/accotink
Children’s Programs Homeschool at the Lake Winter
(7-12 yrs.) This program for school children focuses on nature and history. A different topic and hands-on activities are covered each month. January- Hibernation and February- Snow.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkAccontkPk Th 2pm 3B1.LRG1 1/19 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk Th 2pm 3B1.75DV 2/2 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk Th 2pm 3B1.LFYP 2/16 $8/ea.
Make Your Own Pinecone Birdfeeders!
(4-9 yrs.) Help feed your feathered friends this winter by making and taking home your very own pinecone bird feeder. What birds stay around all winter long? Find out what those familiar bird calls are as we discuss common birds you may see visit your feeder.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkAccontkPk Su 1pm 942.TN5T 1/22 $10/child LkAccontkPk Su 1pm 942.MB94 2/26 $10/child
Family/All Ages Winter Bird Walk
(4-Adult) Take a hike through the woods with a naturalist to listen and look for the Park’s winter avian residents and migrants. Find out what birds do to survive the winter weather.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkAccontkPk Th 3pm 4F9.B8F2 1/5 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk Su 10am 4F9.J9U1 1/22 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk F 3pm 4F9.3069 2/3 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk Su 10am 4F9.TLJ3 2/26 $8/ea.
Campfire Fridays
(3-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire the whole family can enjoy. During the program we will explore the wonders of our natural world. Our programs may include nature walks, interactive activities, animal presentations, or other opportunities to learn about nature and our place in it. Includes S’mores. Topics vary. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour campfire Location Day Time Code Date $
LkAccontkPk F 5:30pm 546.13IN 1/20 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk F 5:30pm 546.SRUO 1/27 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk F 6pm 546.K0EK 2/17 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk F 6pm 546.G8IL 2/24 $8/ea.
Owl Walk and Talk
(4-Adult) Enjoy a late afternoon walk to learn why winter is the best time to go owl-ing. Enjoy a story, learn to identify local owl calls, discover why owls are nicknamed flying tigers of the night and enjoy a woodland stroll. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkAccontkPk Su 4pm 7X8.05UK 1/29 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk Sa 4pm 7X8.SD1J 2/25 $8/ea.
Lake Fairfax Park

1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston, Va. 703-471-5415 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/lakefairfax
Lake Fairfax Park is a 476-acre park, boasting fully wooded campsites surrounded by more than five miles of trails. The 18-acre lake is home to many species of waterfowl, fish, and reptiles. The lake is surrounded by a forest. The unique habitats around the lake provide resources for nature programs and is a popular spot to learn about wildlife
Child and Parent Programs Nature Quest
(3-6 yrs.) Be a part of the long-running naturalist program designed for preschool-age explorer. From field to stream and everything in between, children learn about many of our local animal species hands-on and in the field. Program topics vary each week.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.MSVO 12/7 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.G022 12/21 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.YYSD 1/4 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.TA5E 1/18 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.ON24 2/1 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.6W15 2/15 $10/child
Little Tadpoles
(3-6 yrs.) Preschoolers and their accompanying parents can come explore the diverse ecosystem of the park’s lakefront. Join naturalists in a 4-week class packed
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
with hands-on crafts, games, and activities designed to teach children about the various plants and animals that inhabit the park.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.4RAC 12/14 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.T5C3 12/28 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.MNVY 1/11 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.BKS7 1/25 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.VUMW 2/8 $10/child LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.664W 2/22 $10/child
Children’s Programs Groundhogs Day for Kids!
(5-8 yrs.) Celebrate Groundhog Day with science experiments. Learn how Groundhog day came to be and explore lots of fun activities like shadow play games and experiments, groundhog songs, and groundhog cut-outs. Will your groundhog see it’s shadow?
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 10am 5H1.ZOVE 2/4 $12/child
Homeschool Wilderness Skills-Winter
(7-12 yrs.) Join a Park Naturalist to learn how to survive in nature’s most challenging season. Learn skills humans use to stay safe and warm like preparing a winter survival kit, avoiding getting lost, building a fire in wet conditions and keeping a healthy mindset when faced with a challenge. Any supply fee payable at first class.
4--2 hour programs Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk M 10am 20E.3M7O 12/12 $72/child
Family/All Ages Holiday Deer Jingle
(6-Adult) Come learn about our local cousins to Santa's reindeer! Learn the similarities and differences between reindeer and white tailed deer and play deer games.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 10am 9HR.5O79 12/10 $8/ea.
Full Moon Nature Hike & Campfire
(6-Adult) Enjoy nature's tranquil beauty and the night sky under a full moon. Your naturalist guide points out signs of creatures that glide, fly and tiptoe through the woods in the dark. Enjoy a campfire after the hike with s'mores provided. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk F 5pm 193.16E9 1/6 $10/ea. LkFairfaxPk Su 5pm 193.USW4 2/5 $10/ea.
Who Left That Behind? Identifying Scat
(4-Adult) Learn park critters by the signs they leave behind. Tracks and scat are just a few of the clues left by animals in the park. Join a naturalist on a hike to look for and identify different animals. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 10am 18F.J21C 1/8 $8/ea.
Owl Walk and Talk
(4-Adult) Enjoy a late afternoon walk to learn why winter is the best time to go owl-ing. Enjoy a story, learn to identify local owl calls, discover why owls are nicknamed flying tigers of the night and enjoy a woodland stroll. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 4:30pm 7X8.GCAW 1/14 $8/ea. LkFairfaxPk Su 4:30pm 7X8.21RK 2/26 $8/ea.
Birds Around Us
(4-Adult) Beaks, feathers, nests and talons are examined to explore the avian world that surrounds us. Find out about bird life cycles, migration patterns and adaptations that make these creatures fascinating. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 11am 6ED.NC5Y 1/22 $8/ea.
Adventure Scavenger Hunt
(4-Adult) Join us to learn about different aspects of nature and history as we go on the hunt for themed objects around the park and in the historic house. All attendees, including parents, must be registered for the program.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 11am RIQ.3ZMZ 1/29 $8/ea.
Winter Tree Detectives
(8-Adult) Learn to use clues like buds, bark and fruit to identify and enjoy the winter beauty of some of our park's native trees.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 2pm 97A.J8PT 2/4 $8/ea.
Feed the Birds Day
(4-Adult) Come celebrate National Feed the Bird Day! Explore various bird species, bird calls, learn what they eat and do during the winter. Create a feeder to bring home.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 2pm XDG.TYOF 2/5 $12/ea.
Winter Critter Survival Skills
(6-Adult) Come learn about the ways different animals make it through the chilly months. Go on a guided walk with a naturalist to look for burrows, dens, and other winter homes.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 11am HWJ.V1C8 2/11 $8/ea.
Catch a Critter!
(4-Adult) Grab a net and join us for a special day with a park scientist to see, touch, and study wetland creatures up close and personal. Use magnifying lenses to study their unique characteristics. What critters live in the wetland? What can these little animals tell us about their home? This rare opportunity to dip-net in the wetland is possible through the guidance of our park naturalists.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 10am F81.GJMJ 2/12 $10/ea.
How to Say “Be Mine” in the Animal World
(3-Adult) Animals communicate in many ways. Learn how to express your affection in chimpanzee, toad, and wolf on this outdoors Valentine’s Day walk and talk. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 2pm Q4J.F0MP 2/12 $10/ea.
Teen/Adult Programs Tree ID-Bark & Buds
(14-Adult) You may know how to identify tree species in the spring, summer and fall. But how about when the leaves and fruit are gone? Join us as we flex our tree ID muscles this winter and get to know a different side of our local trees.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 2pm BD1.ZJ93 12/17 $8/ea.
Campfire Programs Winter Wonder Campfire
(4-Adult) Bundle up and discover animal strategies for surviving winter. Meet some exhibit animals and find out their strategies. Enjoy s'mores.
1--1 hour 30 min campfire Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 5pm CDE.FK1Y 12/10 $10/ea.
Campfire Night Hike - Predators at Night
(4-Adult) Enjoy a night hike to learn about nocturnal hunters. Listen to taped calls of owls and coyotes and possibly catch a glimpse of them in the forest. End the evening with s'mores round the campfire. Children must be accompanied by an adult registered in the program.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 5pm 02D.BQHI 1/15 $10/ea.

Campfire Saturdays-Stargazing
(3-Adult) Enjoy a stroll along the lake shores and learn about the constellations, their stories and other nightsky features. Our astronomical naturalist identifies the stars for you and will have some telescopes for you to use. The program concludes with a campfire. S'mores ingredients provided; hot dogs welcome. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute campfire Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 5:30pm 395.GLIY 2/25 $10/ea.
Lewinsville House

1659 Chain Bridge Road, McLean, Va.
Child and Parent Programs Nature Quest
(3-6 yrs.) Be a part of the long-running naturalist program designed for preschool-age explorer. From field to stream and everything in between, children learn about many of our local animal species hands-on and in the field. Program topics vary each week.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse W 10am 741.RL7F 1/25 $10/ea.
(8-12 yrs.) Drop your kids off for a holiday gift making workshop. We will print designs and patterns on flour sack towels, create a custom mug, or homemade hand scrub. Kids will have the option to get these wrapped up with a card so they’re ready to give. Stay for a little while, or the whole time.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 10am YKL.HE2P 12/10 $15/ea.
Winter Ephemeral Art
(6-10 yrs.) Enjoy the world of winter by creating winter themed art. Learn how to make frozen colored ice globes, create nature confetti, and design suncatchers.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 10am 42M.4XW8 1/14 $12/child
Treasure Hunt & Hot Cocoa
(5-8 yrs.) Come join us and search for hidden treasures in an old historic house from 1745. Use clues to find the treasures hidden throughout the house. Enjoy a fun game of hide-and-seek. After the games, enjoy a nice warm cup of hot cocoa.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 11:45am 9J3.1CJA 1/14 $9/child
Groundhogs Day for Kids!

(5-8 yrs.) Celebrate Groundhog Day with science experiments. Learn how Groundhog day came to be and explore lots of fun activities like shadow play games and experiments, groundhog songs, and groundhog cut-outs. Will your groundhog see it’s shadow?
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 10am 5H1.V01Z 1/28 $12/ea.
Nature DIY Valentines
(6-12 yrs.) Nothing says “I love you” more than a homemade card. Use natural materials to create your own card just in time for the holiday. Materials will be provided for cards that kids can make. Stay for a little while, or the whole time.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 10am RR5.2U21 2/11 $9/child
Family/All Ages Winter Tree Decorating
(6-Adult) Bring your winter wonder and join a naturalist in creating your own winter tree decorations for you to use at home on your own trees. Let your creativity flow as a naturalist discusses the history of tree decorating. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Su 10am DH0.5GT7 12/11 $8/ea.
Winter Tree Detectives
(8-Adult) Learn to use clues like buds, bark and fruit to identify and enjoy the winter beauty of some of our park's native trees.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 11:30am 97A.1M7O 1/7 $8/ea.
Adventure Scavenger Hunt
(4-Adult) Join us to learn about different aspects of nature and history and go on the hunt for themed objects around the park and in the historic house. All attendees, including parents, must be registered for the program.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 1pm RIQ.D3WW 1/21 $8/ea.
Teen/Adult Programs Essential Oils Gift Workshop
(12-Adult) From lip balms and salves to scented lotions, craft your own custom gifts using essential oils. Homemade crafts make the perfect gift and are just in time for the holidays!
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 1pm 3TD.KFEH 12/10 $15/ea.
Enrich your parks!
Riverbend Park

8700 Potomac Hills St., Great Falls, Va. 703-759-9018 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/riverbend
Fairfax County Park Authority’s only riverfront park has 418 acres of forest, meadows and ponds. Nature highlights include: • Extraordinary river views • Spectacular wildflowers and birds • 10+ miles of trails • Potomac Heritage Trail • Kayak, canoe and jon boat rentals • Fishing • Visitor Center with snack bar, gift shop and exhibits
Visitor Center open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Tuesday) and Saturday & Sunday, 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Enjoy the riverside picnic area with grills or relax on the deck overlooking the Potomac River. The park’s picnic shelter and sun deck are available by reservation.
Family/All Ages To Build a Fire
(4-Adult) Learn the science and art of building a fire and then test your skill with primitive fire bows and modern fire-making techniques. Use your new skills to roast some s'mores at the end. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Riverbend Pk Sa 12pm 9DC.ZGW0 12/3 $10/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 12pm 9DC.6EVU 1/7 $10/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 12pm 9DC.3EQK 2/4 $10/ea.
Klondike Campfire Cookout
(5-Adult) Prepare a winter meal with your family using colonial and indigenous cooking techniques around the centuries old campfire. Bring a flashlight and warm clothes. Food and drink provided. Space is limited.
1--1 hour 30 minute program Location Day Time Code Date $
Riverbend Pk Sa 2:30pm 9EB.9BU7 12/3 $15/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 2:30pm 9EB.OPH4 1/7 $15/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 2:30pm 9EB.JXX7 2/4 $15/ea.
Winter Waterfowl Hike
(8-Adult) Hike with a naturalist to search winter waterfowl along the Upper Potomac River. Bring binoculars and spotting scopes.
1--2 hour program Location Day Time Code Date $
Riverbend Pk Sa 9am 259.YD31 12/17 $10/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 10am 259.LPI9 1/21 $10/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 10am 259.GPTI 2/18 $10/ea.