1 minute read
June 26 through July 31; excluding July 3 and 10 at 5 p.m.
Monday Movie Nights
Family friendly movies (G to PG) and prepackaged snacks.
June 5 and 19, July 10 and 24 at 3:30 p.m.
Practice STEAM skills while having fun with our provided LEGO bricks! Ages 5 to 12.
June 14 and 28, July 12 and 26 at 3:30 p.m.
Family Game Night
Every other Wednesday afternoon come out to the Southside Library with the whole family and play your fill of our board and card games! We have everything from Pandemic to Apples to Apples to Uno.
Months of June, July, and August
Children’s Area Scavenger Hunt
Self-led, passive scavenger hunt with clues hidden around Southside Children’s Area, completion earns a prize from our prize box. Changes monthly.
June 23 and July 28 at 4 p.m.
Teen Pinterest Club
Have a ball creating the cool crafts you ’ ve seen on Pinterest with your friends! Ages 12 to 17. Spaces and supplies limited, pre-registration required.
June 26; July 31 and Aug. 28 at Noon
Lunch Crime
Acadia Foods
Pick up an evidence file at the Southside library then meet, theorize and probably not solve a very real crime. Food and drink available for purchase.
June 12; July 10 and Aug. 14 at 6 p.m.
Southside Book Club
Southside Library Auditorium
A traditional book club, meeting monthly to discuss an eclectic selection of both fiction and non-fiction. Email kalbauct@forsyth.cc for the booklist.
June 6; July 11 and Aug. 1 at 4:30 p.m.
Acadia Foods
Come solve a new murder mystery game every month. We bring the game, you are the investigators. Food and drink available for purchase. Limited number of players so please sign up in advance by emailing kalbauct@forsyth.cc.
Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.
Black & White Movie Night
Southside Library Auditorium
Showing a classic black and white film every week, following a monthly theme. Free admission and snacks.
June 20; July 20 and Aug. 17 at 11 a.m.
Morning Tea & Poetry
Southside Library Auditorium
Sip tea and enjoy baked sweets while reading, discussing and writing poetry, every meeting will end with a writing exercise. Come any time between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.