Crop Insurance from FCS Financial

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Providing more than a policy. Discover the FCS Financial Focused. Customized. Solutions.™ approach to service. It’s our way of bringing the right resources to you to make your business successful. Managing your business risk not only depends on having a variety of products that offer the best protection but the right person to provide accurate information and follow through. The Crop Insurance Team at FCS Financial is ready with the expertise you need to make sound decisions.

Your FCS Financial Crop Insurance Team Front row: Jonnie Creger, Kathy Bauer, Shelly Hartmann, Linda Hammond. Middle row: Christine Beamon, Lisa Hyde, Kristie Hulet, Kelly Christopherson, Hailey Robertson, Jessica Denker, Maureen Hamill. Back row: Dan Rhoades, David Niederjohn, Corey Neill, Amber Hulet, Jeff Rhode, Shane Albertson, Nick Barron

Photos and story by Mark Parker

people make the difference Considering all those long solo hours farmers spend producing a crop, agriculture may not seem like a “people” business. For Center, Mo., grower John E. Robinson, though, people are an integral part of success. “The people who handle my crop insurance at FCS Financial are important to our operation,” he says. “You have to get the right coverage for your farm and for your financial situation — and getting all the I’s dotted and T’s crossed is essential. All of the people in the Hannibal office do a great job. They key-in everything right there and they’re accurate. That’s important because once you have a mistake it’s almost impossible to get it ironed out. Having people who are on your side and who you can count on to really do a good job is worth a lot.” And when it comes to protecting his investment in his corn, soybean and wheat crops, Robinson is especially pleased with the service he receives from his FCS Financial risk management

specialist, Shane Albertson. “Shane is on top of it all the time,” Robinson says. “He knows the programs, he does a great job of reviewing my coverage and he gives me good advice. I think the world of him and I know other farmers do, too.” Crop insurance on his 2,000 crop acres is a key part of Robinson’s risk management plan. The coverage works well with forward contracting by providing safety net protection in crop loss situations, he says. And, making sure he gets the most from his crop insurance investment means working with professionals who know the industry as well as his specific needs. “I’ve had my crop insurance with FCS Financial for four years now and their people make all the difference,” he says. “I’d highly recommend them to anyone.”

service you can rely on With 2,200 acres of row crops, a cowherd and a custom farming enterprise, Michael Naeger and his father, Adrian, have a lot on their plate. That’s why it’s critical for them to be able to rely on their FCS Financial risk management specialist to help identify a crop insurance strategy that fits the needs of their Ste. Genevieve, Mo., farm. “You can buy crop insurance from a lot of different sources,” Michael observes, “but we need someone we can count on — someone who knows farming as well as insurance. Our agent, Nick Barron, understands agriculture and he understands our operation. Crop insurance can be complicated and it changes all the time. It’s tough for us to keep up with it but Nick knows what he’s doing and he helps us make the choices that are best for us.” The Naegers chose FCS Financial as their ag lender five years ago and moved their crop insurance to FCS Financial four years ago. Timely, knowledgeable service, they say, keeps them there. “If you call them, they’re going to get back to you fast,” Michael says. “If you need something, they’re there. On claims, they follow through. The service is one-on-one — they’ll bring the paperwork to the combine if that’s what you need.” With weather and price volatility, along with high input costs, protecting their investment, labor and future is a critical business component for Naeger Farms, Adrian says, and the people of FCS Financial are his choice for crop insurance. “It’s an essential part of risk management,” he concludes. “With the cost of inputs today we have too much at stake to just roll the dice. The people at FCS Financial give us 110 percent.”

getting risk management right Like all farmers, Chillicothe, Mo., corn and soybean producer Kenny Toedebusch has seen the potential for financial loss rise right along with the potential for gain. That elevated risk, he says, has made crop insurance a must. And, like a lot of farmers, he turns to FCS Financial. “They do a good job of analyzing the coverage that’s available every year and helping us avoid potential problems,” Toedebusch says. “Our agent, Linda Hammond, has caught some things that were important and she’s made sure we have the coverage we need.” He also believes there is an advantage to working with his lender on risk management issues. “There’s a convenience factor but it’s also beneficial to work with your lender because they understand your risk tolerance,” he notes. “One farm might be able to get by with a lower guarantee while another operation may require a higher guarantee. All farms are different so the best coverage for one may not be best for another.” Much of the land Toedebusch and his wife, Tammi, farm is highly productive but it can also be risky, especially as the cost of inputs required to make the most of its potential add up to a sizeable investment. For him, getting the right coverage is a critical part of his business plan. “I want somebody looking at my coverage all the time, not just seasonally,” Toedebusch says. “My FCS Financial agent is on her toes. It’s the only kind of insurance she handles and she keeps up with all the rules. That allows me to focus more on producing corn and soybeans.”

peace of mind Dave Cottrill calls them “what ifs” — those worries of potential crop calamities that keep a farmer awake at night. The Albany, Mo., farmer and his brother, Chuck, hope they never have to collect on the crop insurance coverage they have through FCS Financial but the peace of mind it provides makes farming a whole lot more enjoyable. Much of that peace of mind is due to the FCS Financial professionals with whom they work, says Dave who has been part of FCS Financial for 15 years and a crop insurance customer for 10. “It’s great to have people like our agent, Kristie Hulet, looking out for us. Actually, I feel like all of the FCS Financial people are looking out for us. They’re good, common country people and, thankfully, they know a lot more about crop insurance than I do. I can count on them.” The Cottrills are aggressive farmers, striving for optimum yields with all the tools at their disposal. Crop insurance, however, involves far more than protecting their considerable investment in inputs, according to Dave. “I consider it a way to preserve the farm,” he says. “Between us, Chuck and I have five sons and one or more of them may want to be part of this someday. Crop insurance helps us protect our investment in the operation — it’s not just about the crop, it’s about protecting the land, too.” Another important component of getting the right crop coverage from the best source, Dave explains, involves trust. “The service is excellent but there’s more involved,” he says. “When you’re dealing with so many dollars and your livelihood is on the line, you’d better be dealing with people with integrity and I’ve always felt that about the FCS Financial folks. You feel like they’re committed to your success — they’re part of our operation.”

Focused. Customized. Solutions.™ For Who You Are. For What You Do.

Visit or call 1-800-444-3276 to find an FCS Financial crop insurance team member in your area and learn how we can put our expertise to work for you.

Focused. Customized. Solutions. is a trademark of FCS Financial, ACA. FCS Financial is an equal opportunity provider.

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