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PUBLIC NOTICE It has been noticed that aspirants of JEE(Main) -2013 have committed mistakes while filling particulars in their online registration form. Keeping in view, the hardship of the candidates, the Board has decided to display the particulars of the candidates on the JEE(Main) website in the second week of Jan 2013 so that the candidates can rectify their incorrect particulars except change of examination cities and option for change of mode of examination from Computer Based Examination (online) to Pen & Paper based examination (Offline). Candidates who have forgotten to put signatures, thumb impression, to obtain signature of parent/guardian, mailing address not mentioned on the form and to paste photographs duly attested are also advised to download duplicate copy of Confirmation Page, complete the same in all respect and forward the completed form to the JEE(Main) Unit. It is notified for information of the aspirants of JEE(Main) that they should periodically visit the website of JEE(Main) i.e. for rectification of the particulars. Candidates must write their application no. on the letter/email before sending the request to JEE (Main) unit.

Joint Secretary, JEE (Main)

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