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S u b u r b i a 1sti ssue


Edi t or sLet t er i r s ti s s ueofSubur bi aexpl or est hes ubur banni ghtl i f es t y l et r oughmypoi nt Thef

ofv i ew asaphot ogr aphys t udent . Expl or i ngt hes oci al andps y chol ogi cr el at i onsofmyf r i endsandmyl i v e,Ideci dedt oexpr es smy s el fi nt hi sf or m ofpubl i cat i on. I nor dert or ef l ectaboutt hi sf as eofmyl i f eIal way scar r i edmydi gi t alcamer a whenIwentoutt ot hes t r eet s . Ass oonast hes ur r oundi ngpeopl edi dn' tcar eaboutmypr es ence,whet heri f t heywer et oodaz edort heys i mpl ydi dnotcar eIwasf r eet os how t her eader s how par toft hi sgener at i onbehav esaf t erdi nner . Ar eal l ycommonf act ori st heder i v e,gr oupsofpeopl ej us tgr aderar oundi ns ev er al l ocat i onsandf r om t her et heymov eont ot henexts pot ,unawar ewher et hey wi l l s t op, i tr eal l ydoes n' tev enmat t er . Nor mal l yi thasaki ndofr out i ne, butus ual l y t hati s n' tev encons ci ous ,l i kei ft heal coholandot hers ubs t ancesi nf us edbr ai ns becamenumbandf ol l owedeachot her . Ies peci al l ywantt ot hankt omyt eacher ,Mi guelDuar t e,mycous i nandbes t f r i endGi lT ouz etf ort hecol l abor at i onwi t ht hedr awi ngsf eat ur edon“ Not esona Yout hDaz e”aswel l t oal l i nt er v eni ent s .

Thepubl i s her : Fr anci s coPer ei r adaSi l v a 2016

Al lcont enti scopyr i ght ed 02

Subur bi a

Fr om page06t o15

Not esonaYout hDaz e

Fr om page18t o37

Thes er i esofi mages“ I nqui et ude�i saf i c i onalnar r at i v eopent oav oy aget r ought hec onc i ouspar tofa dr eam andbac kagai nt ot hes ur r eal par tofi t s el ft hat av oi dabl yt r ans f or msov ert hepos s i bl ebor der s .


Thi si sas er i esofni ghtt i mei mages ,phot ogr aphedat t heR贸doper ange l oc at edatt hebal k anpeni ns ul a. Thi spr oj ec tex pl or est hebeut t yandmi s t er yofnat ur e i nt hemoment sbef or edus k .


Thedef eni t i onoft heSubur bi anpr ol es Forsomet hi ssubur bi ai swher et heyl ear ntal l t heval uest hatsoci et yi nf usedt hem

t hr oughschool ,i nt hei rheadst heywi l l bebanker s,economi st sandt heyl i vei nabi g ci t ywi t hasupermoder napar t mentandabeaut i f ulf ami l y . Al t hough,t heymi ghtbef or cedt ol i vewi t hamor t gageanddebt ,sot hei rbi gci t y dr eamswi l lcomedownt owher et heywer ebor n,l i vi ngt hesamesubur banl i f est yl e ast hei rpar ent sandt hi scycl ewi l lf l ow wi t ht hegener at i ons. Ofcour sei nal l gener at i onst her ear et heout cast s,t heonest hatcanbemor er eal i st i candunder st andt hatt heywi l lbe,somehow happi eroratl eastmor edownt o hear t hofwhatt hei rf ut ur ewi l lbe. Nor mal l ywhatr asest hi sawar enessort hi ski ndofdespai ri sar t ,musi corl ove.

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“ Li v et heAme

er i canUt upi a”

Not esonaYout hDaz e “ I naderi veoneormor eper sonsdur i ngacer t ai nper i oddr opt hei rr el at i ons,t hei r

wor kandl ei sur eact i vi t i es,andal lt hei rot herusualmot i vesf ormovementandact i on, andl ett hemsel vesbedr awnbyt heat t r act i onsoft het er r ai nandt heencount er st hey f i ndt her e.Chancei sal essi mpor t antf act ori nt hi sact i vi t yt hanonemi ghtt hi nk:f r om ader i vepoi ntofvi ew ci t i eshavepsychogeogr aphi calcont our s,wi t hconst antcur r ent s,f i xedpoi nt sandvor t exest hatst r ongl ydi scour ageent r yi nt oorexi tf r om cer t ai n zones. �

GuyDebor d 1958





















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