s e ur t ul Subc
Voug e r s .
Cha v s .
( Urban di cti onary’ sDavi d Attenborough approach to chavs…) Humanoi di n appearance,but pri mi ti veand ani mali sti ci n nature,chavsarefastbecomi ng thebaneofhumani ty .Now all butclassi fi ed asacompletely Vogueersareasubcul ture separatespeci es,chavstookthe whi ch uni tethemsel veswi th leftoftheforkon theroad of thei ri ndi vi duali sm to portray evoluti on when everybodyelse gender,raceand classthrough wentri ght.Today ,chavscan be dance.Havi ng bei ng founded by seen i n almosteveryurban area theAfri canAmeri can gaycom- ofBri tai n.Easi lyi denti fi ed by muni tyand theLati no gaymen ei therthei rbaseballcaps, thi ssubcul turewasabi g move- hooped sportssweaters,excess menti n the60s.Theori gi nal Burberryand i mpossi blycolourVogueerscamefrom across fulNi ketrai ners( male)or Ameri cai n the1960sand they scraped backfri zzyhai r,earwerei ni tallyi nspi red bythe ri ngsyou could trai n adolphi n drag queenswho challenged to j umpthrough,cheaplegfemi ni ni tyand masculi ni ty .The gi ngsand ReebokClassi cs( fedanceand choreographythe male) ,chavshunti n packs. subcul turei sknown fori si n- Unli keotherspeci es,chavshunt fluenced bymodelposesfeaforci garettesand busfarei ntured i n magazi nes,li keVogue. stead offood.Food i salwaysobTherearedi fferenttypesof tai ned atfastfood establi shdancethesubcul turepracti ces mentssuch asMcDonalds,or butallbei ng veryi ntri cate.The conveni encestores( Spar,Late two mostcommon typesof Shop) .I ti squi tecommon for Vogueerdancei sthenew style food to bethrown i nstead o and theclassi c whi ch di ffer eaten,wi th thechavpreferri ng greatlybutboth practi ced i n hi s/herfagsand ci der/Lamballrooms. bri ni( charvercava) .Chavsare
Ne wr oma nt i c s .
TheNew Romanti cswereafashi on movementthatpeaked i n theUni ted Ki ngdom duri ng theearly1980s.I twasoften associ ated wi th new wavemusi c scenethat had becomepopularatthatti me,asthe two often i ntertwi ned.Spandau Ballet, fori nstance,wasNew Romanti c both fashi onwi seand musi cwi se.Adam and the Ants,however,whi lecertai nlyNew Romanti ci n thefashi on sense,werepost punkmusi cally . Thegenesi softhelooktookplacelargely through theni ghtclubBi lly’ si n Dean Street,London,whi ch ran Bowi eand Roxy Musi c ni ghtsi n thelate1970s.Teens& twentysomethi ngsattheti mewerebecomi ng di si llusi oned wi th punkrock, thi nki ng i thad losti t’ sori gi nalappeal and theyhad nothi ng to i denti fywi th. Bowi eand RoxyMusi c qui cklybecame these‘ New Romanti c’i dols.I n 1979,the growi ng populari tyoftheclubforced organi zersSteveStrange( Vi sage)and DJ RustyEgan to relocateto alargervenue i n GreatQueen Streetcalled theBli tz, whi ch wasalso awi nebar. TheBli tzclubqui cklybecameknown for thecolourfuland flamboyantfashi ons ofi tspatrons( who becameknown asthe Bli tzKi ds) ,whi ch greatlycontrasted wi th theri pped/offensi vetshi rtsand j eansassoci ated wi th thepunkmovement oftheti me.Both sexesoften dressed i n countersexualorandrogynousclothi ng and theguysthoughtnothi ng ofweari ng eyeli ner,eyeshadow and li psti ck.